
42 minute read
Dr. Yvonne Capehart
Interviewer: My name is Kimberly Moses. I am the founder of Rejoice Essential Magazine, and we have been doing this magazine for about five years. I don’t know if you still sell MaryKay, but that was the first time that I heard of you. There was someone on your team that I met in Mississippi, and I purchased some makeup from her. I was going to join the team, but I didn’t have the funds at the time because I was really in a low place. Do you still sell MaryKay?
Dr. Yvonne Capehart: I still do, and I am still a director.
Interviewer: Okay, great. If someone wanted to sign up, how would they sign up with your team?
Dr. Yvonne Capehart: Most people inbox me on Facebook, or they can email me. Right now, MaryKay still has it where it is amazing for new people to join. It is only $30 now to join. They did that for the pandemic. They made it easy so that people could sign up and still make money during the pandemic. I thought that was wonderful!
Interviewer: Yes, that is amazing!! Wow!! Okay!! I noticed that you are a true entrepreneur. I am an entrepreneur as well. I know that you have a lot of businesses. How is that with the ministry and being in entrepreneurship?
Dr. Yvonne Capehart: Oh!! It is amazing! You just have to learn to balance it. I have a T-Shirt Company as well. I call them Prayer Tees. I started that out of the blue. God woke me up from a dream one morning at 3:00 am. In the dream, I saw this man and hand designing. When I woke up, God said, “I want you to design Prayer Tees, and I want you to pray over them.” I feel the Lord as I am talking about them now. He said, “I want you to pray over them, and as you pray over them and people wear them, their lives will be healed.” I was like, “God, I don’t know how to do that. I preach. I could do that, and I can lay hands on them.” He said, “No, you can do it,” and I went and sat down at my computer. I was led by God on what to do and how to do it. I started doing it, and the first shirt that I designed said, “He healed me.” I put that shirt out, and I was like, “Okay, this is where they are going to start laughing at me and say, ‘What is Dr. Capehart doing?’” I put that shirt out and, oh my goodness, the people from around the world started getting “He healed me” shirts, and people started sending me pictures of them wearing the shirts as they were going into surgery. They would send me messages saying, “Woman of God, I am wearing this shirt, and I believe today that I am healed.” It just blew my mind!!
It really blew my mind. I didn’t tell anybody. I didn’t tell my secretary what I was going to do. I didn’t even tell
my husband because I didn’t want to be embarrassed about failing. I was like, “Okay, so if I fail, no one will even know that I started it.” I did everything that God told me to do.
Then this big 18-wheeler shows up at my house to deliver all this equipment that I ordered, and I couldn’t get it off the truck. I had to call my husband to come home. I told him, “I need to tell you something. I am going to do some Prayer Tees,” and he said, “Oh my goodness! You don’t have time to do Prayer Tees!” He was really upset. He was like, “You are too busy. You are already doing MaryKay.” I wasn’t doing MaryKay at the time, but I was thinking about MaryKay. He said, “You are already busy, and you are traveling every week.” I told him, “Honey, God told me to do it,” He helped me set up the equipment, but he said that he wouldn’t have anything to do with it. Long story short, when he saw the results and saw what the people were saying - I will never forget the day when he walked into the office. He said, “Do you need any help doing this?” I said, “Oh, not the mister that said that he wasn’t going to help.” My husband learned how to work this business. While I am on the road, my husband runs my T-shirt business. He is also a Pastor. We Pastor together. We laid hands on those shirts, and we just command that the power of God and the peace of God rest on the people that wear them. We understand that there is so much grief going on right now. Even now! I had no idea of the level that God was going to send us. I am just amazed at God. That is all that I can say. So I just learned balance in doing it. Every time I do a session, someone would say, “Woman of God, I just don’t know how you do it?”
I take my granddaughter to school every morning, and I pick her up in the afternoon. I get up and start my day. When it is time for me to take her, I have stuff set up ready to roll. When I come back, I work on my projects a little bit. I spend about an hour or so in the first part of my morning doing my MaryKay if I am going to do a word of encouragement for my team or something like that. I keep everything organized. Every day at 3:30 pm, I am at her school to pick her up. During the 30 minutes that I am sitting in the line waiting on her, I am returning phone calls from people who have called me throughout the day. Because it is at that time that I can’t work on a project in my office. So at that time, I am returning phone calls for that 30 minutes. You just have to balance it out, and it works. (Laugh)
Interviewer: How can we get those T-shirts?
Dr. Yvonne Capehart: I have a website for it, www. skblings.com, but I will send you more information.
Interviewer: Okay, that is good. Some of my team helped me research. I see a particular shirt that says “Finish the Race” and one that says “Overflow.” They are really nice.
Dr. Yvonne Capehart: Thank you!
Interviewer: I used to be an exotic dancer. My husband shared your testimony with me. He said that you went into the strip club one day and pulled a stripper out, and she got saved. Can you tell us about that?

Dr. Yvonne Capehart: I did! Oh, I would love to tell you about that. In my 25 years, I think this story is probably one of my most life-changing ones. Okay, let me give you the backstory before I get to the other part. This is who I am. MaryKay is what I do, but this story is who I am.
I was preaching a revival at my church on a Friday night. I was going forth, and the Lord was just using me. In the middle of my sermon, it was like the door just swung open. This girl came walking in. She sat down, and I looked at her.
The Lord said, “Stop right now and give her a word.” I called her up. She didn’t know what receiving a word and what prophecy was. She didn’t know anything. I called her up and gave her a prophetic word. When she was ten years old, she was abused. She called for help, and help didn’t come. The Lord told me to tell her that help was here for her now, and I said to her, “I see you dancing. I don’t know what kind of dancing you are doing.” I didn’t know at all because God didn’t show me everything. He only showed me her dancing. I saw her dancing, and (I feel the power of God ) He told me to tell this girl that she was free. I laid my hands on her belly, and I said, “Sweetheart, tonight God said He has set you free, and He has healed you.” I don’t usually tell everybody that I have prayed for this because I have prayed for too many people, but the Lord told me to tell her, “Sweetheart, if you ever need me, call me.” I didn’t really mean it when I said it. I don’t think that I did because I prayed for too many people, and I am too busy. But I gave this girl the church number. I didn’t even give her my cell number. I gave her the church number, and I said, “If you ever need me, call me.”
A week later, the following Wednesday from that week, she called during a Bible Study. My secretary answered the phone and came running in the church. She said there was a young lady on the phone who wanted to speak with you. I told her, “Sweetheart, you know I am not going to the phone during service. Take a message.” But she said, “I think that you really need to go to the phone,” and I said, “I am not,” with an attitude, “I am not going to the phone during service.” Immediately the power of God spoke to me. He said, “What good are you sitting here receiving the word, but you can’t demonstrate the word? Go to the phone!!” I jumped up, and I ran to the phone. She was on the other end of the phone screaming and crying. She said, “Come and get me!” I said, “Calm down, sweetheart. Where are you?” She said that she was at Sammy’s. She said, “I am the young lady that was at your church the other night, and you told me if I needed you, to call. I need you.”
I ran back into church and got my purse. I went to get one of the men to go with me because I knew Sammy’s was a strip club, but when I went to get one of the men, the Holy Ghost stopped me and said, “Don’t take a man. Take a woman. You are going to a strip club. You

don’t want to put them in a compromising position.” I said, “Oh, okay.” I am just running, and my husband is up teaching. He is looking at me, but he didn’t stop teaching. I ran got one of my armor-bearers, and I pulled her outside. I said, “Come go with me,” and she said, “Where are we going?” I said, “We are going to Sammy’s. We have to go and get someone.” Her words to me were, “Dr. Capehart, please don’t do this. Everybody in town knows your car, and I don’t think that is a good look for your car to be seen at Sammy’s.” I grabbed that girl by her collar, and I said, “I cannot believe that you are worried more about my reputation than about rescuing this girl.” I told her, “Get in the car!” I said it just like that. She got in the car and because she said that, when I got to Sammy’s, I drove my car and parked it right in front of that strip club where the sign was blinking “Welcome to Sammy’s.” I ran in alone. I didn’t take her with me. I left her in the car and I went in. I found that young lady, and I dragged her out of the club. The bouncer guy came to me and wanted to know what I was doing there. I told him if he didn’t move out of my way because I was not leaving without this girl. I got her in my car, and I put her in the back seat. I let my armour bearer drive my car and sat in the backseat with her. She was just crying. Before I got her in the car, I will never forget she turned to the bouncer and she said these words: “She came for me!” That never left my spirit. She said, “She came for me,” and God said to me, “She had more faith in your anointing in coming to get her than you because you were worried about Bible study.” I got her in the car and I took her back to the church. I could smell alcohol on her and she told me this story. She said, “You laid hands on me that night that I came to your church, and I came back to my job.” She said that she was on the dance floor dancing during her routine. She heard a voice speak to her. It said, “You are better than this.” She said when she heard the voice, it scared her. She didn’t know what it was. She said it got louder, but she kept dancing. “You are better than this!” The third time that she heard the voice, she ran off the dance floor. She ran to the bar and told the bartender to give her a shot. He kept giving her something to drink, and she said that after a couple of shots, he handed her the phone and said, “Call someone. You don’t belong here. Who can you call?” She said, “I remembered you.” I am like, “All the people that “ I was preaching
you know, you remembered me?” and she said, “But you said if I ever needed you to call you. I needed you, and you came for me.”
The second part of this story that I rarely tell is the young lady started coming to my church. I never did tell her not to go back to the club. I have never told her not to. I never told her anything. I never told her not to do anything. I just started letting her see the glory of God on the inside of me. I never said anything about her dressing. I never said anything to her about anything. I even had a meeting with my church concerning her, and I told them that I would rebuke anyone that said anything negative
to her. She was there for us to love. Period! The second part of this story is I was teaching again one night at my church, and the door burst open again. It was this big Hispanic guy. He started running down the aisle towards me. I braced myself because I knew that he was about to knock me unconscious. He was running toward me, and right before he got to me, he fell to his knees crying. I am like, “What in the world is going on?” It was her boyfriend, the guy she was living with. He said that I had put something on her that she no longer wanted to dance

and make money. He came into that church to jump on me, but the power of God hit him right before he got to me. The Holy Ghost hit him, and he began to speak in tongues.
Interviewer: Jesus!
Dr. Yvonne Capehart: I saw the power of God move. Because of this girl, I started a group home for young women. She wanted to get her life together, and she was living with him. God spoke to me and said, “Find her somewhere to stay.” I was like, “She can’t come to my house, and I don’t want her to stay with anybody else because I don’t want anybody to mistreat her. What do I do?” God said, “Get on the phone and call your covenant partners. Put this girl somewhere,” and that is what I did. I got a house and put her in the house. I bought everything new. I wouldn’t let people give me anything old. He said, “Nothing old. Show her what love is, and show her how it is to be treated nicely.” We bought everything new. Young women started showing up and saying, “I heard that you had a group home?” I said, “I do not have a group home, but I have a house with one girl in it. (Laughs) That is how we got started, and that is what I know that I am called to do. I am just called to young women to show them, love them and let them see God in me. I rarely quote Scriptures to people. I learned to become the walking word rather than quoting John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son.” I let people see the love of God in me because I became that walking word. That is what I believe is the mantle on my life is. It is a story that I love to tell.
Interviewer: Amen! That is so powerful! I can feel the heart of God. I can feel His presence coming off of you. It makes me want to weep. It’s so beautiful to feel the love of the Lord. I know you are a soul-winner. I know the Scripture says, “He who wins souls is wise.” Can you give us a strategy for those who want to win souls, but maybe we are scared and don’t have the revelation.
Dr. Yvonne Capehart: Absolutely! I certainly will because in all honesty, what the church calls soulwinning most of the time is not soul-winning. They’re just recycling saints from another church. I see a lot of churches that have been experiencing church growth, but they’re not experiencing soul growth. What they’re doing is getting members from other churches who are frustrated at other churches. Now your church is growing, and people think you have an anointing to win souls. You have the gift to recycle souls. Soul-winning causes you to have wisdom. I learned a lot from my own journey. I was bound by demons. I was in all kinds of relationships. I was bound in a lot of areas in my life. I had a fighting demon as well. If a preacher had embarrassed me, he would have been on the floor. Then I would have been doing prison ministry.
Interviewer: My gosh!
Dr. Yvonne Capehart: I don’t believe in embarrassing people. I can’t find anywhere in Scripture where Jesus embarrassed

people into salvation. He loved them into salvation. The strategy that I use is I let people see that they can trust me with their pain.
Interviewer: Yeah.
Dr.Yvonne Capehart: They can trust me with their issues. What I needed when I was broken and bound, had all those crazy relationships, the demons talking to my mind, and all of that was someone that I could trust. I had already had my heart shattered by people that I thought I could trust, but they left me shattered. I told God, “Make me a vessel that people can trust with anything.” I have people come to me that are in adulterous affairs. They tell me, and they want me to pray them out. The reason they can trust me with it is because they know that I am going to cover them in it. I’ve never exposed anyone about anything they’ve asked me to pray for. Never.
Interviewer: Jesus!
Dr.Yvonne Capehart: It just will never happen. That’s why in most of my conferences when I’m doing healing and deliverance, we turn cameras off. I make people put their cellphones up. We give a disclosure. If you video a person who is at this altar for healing and deliverance, we’re going to deal with you because the object is to bring them healing and no longer to bring them hurt by what they had to come up for. We have to have wisdom. Now we’re in this social media age, and I’m no an advocate of us sticking a camera in people’s faces when people are really crying out to God. In my most vulnerable moment of crying out to God to be delivered from the demons I was carrying, I don’t want that exposed to the world. I wanted it exposed to God. And so, the secret I would say, if there is a secret, to people that God has allowed me to minister and to bring healing to is that I don’t just walk in the anointing; I walk in wisdom.
Interviewer: Amen! That’s so good! As you are telling your testimony, I see a lot of similarities in my own story. I want to ask you about your journey to salvation. For me, I committed adultery years ago and it opened up a portal to hell in my life. I heard the devil tormenting me every day. For five years I had anxiety. Finally, the Lord set me free when I truly repented. That’s my salvation testimony! Can you share yours with our readers?
Dr. Yvonne Capehart: Yes, this is what I do. I tell people the enemy wants to keep you in bondage by what you did and how low you went. He wants to keep you bound by shame, pain, and guilt. Guilt will destroy you more than sin. We don’t preach that! Because long after you are no longer in the relationship, the guilt is what keeps you in bondage. The shame is what keeps you from becoming who God has created you to be. I do a lot of teaching on this. I also have my Heal for Real conference and my mentorship program. I mentor people in business, yes, but I also mentor people in walking out their heal-
ing. The first thing we do is get them out the situation. Okay. We do that by accountability. I become their accountability coach. You would not believe the people that have called me saying, “You know, um, Doc, I’m on my way to his house. We are going to meet up, and I cannot stop myself from meeting up with him. My body is craving him!” So what I do then is pray for them because they cannot pray for themselves. I’ll give you another example. God told me to go pray in my hometown for the night and get a hotel room. I’m like, “Why do I have to spend money to go pray when I could go in my guest bedroom to pray?” He said, “GO!” He told me which hotel to go to. I got up, and I went to that hotel. I was standing in the line waiting to get my room, and there was a young lady in front of me getting a room. I didn’t see her face. All I saw was the back of her, and I wasn’t really paying her any attention. When the lady gave her the room key, she said, “Have a great night,” and when the young lady turned around, it was one of my spiritual daughters. She had just gotten a hotel room to be with a guy. She looked at me, and she turned white as snow. She didn’t know what to do. I did not rebuke her. I did not correct her. I just simply said, “Oh, I’m going to be up above you praying,” and she ran out of the hotel. She called one of my other spiritual daughters and said, “Of all the nights for her to have her prayer meetings.” She later came to me and said, you saved my life. I never exposed her publicly. I never, I never till this day, she can never say, “Dr. Capehart ever told anybody.” I shared the story, but I never told them who she was. When you’re bringing people out of relationships like that, you have to cover them, you have to have accountability, and you have to be honest. I’ve gone through with individuals where we had to get their phone numbers changed, and we had to do certain things. Some of them

were in situations where they were being stalked by people they were in relationships with. We just had to cover them while they were going through their recovery. And so, we have things that we say, “Can you cover me until I recover?” I think that’s why people fall again and stay in situa-
tions because there aren’t enough coverers. We have cover uppers. I mean that they are going to cover for you because you will cover for them and help them do what is wrong. But we don’t have true midwives that say, “I’m going to cover you. I’m going to keep the devil away from you no matter what it cost and no matter what it takes. I understand you’re hurting. I understand whatever, but I got you!” I make a commitment to not only young women, but I had to make it to men. I got you! The thing I really like about God is that He gave me strength. I tell people, you can’t have a healing and deliverance ministry with a gossipping spirit. Those two do not work together. If you like attention and all of that, it doesn’t work together. Some people have a slip of the tongue and might say something that could cost people their lives. I had to counsel people in situations where people could’ve gotten hurt if somethings ever came out. The steps to walking through it are that you must trust the person with your heart, your issues, and your secrets. Then the person has to have wisdom as to how to handle the secrets. This is why I’m not an advocate for people in adulterous affairs who all of a sudden want to get delivered, healed, and free. Then they decide, “Well, I’m going to go tell his wife so I can repent to his wife.” No, we don’t do that. No, you repent to God because you don’t know what mindset she’s going to be in. What if she turns around, kills you, and kills him. We don’t want that. This is why in teaching it, I tell people you have to find someone first that has the wisdom and the foundation for dealing with this. Only then will they know how to move forward in their healing. One of the things that I tell people is not to go to the other person’s mate. It is to go to God. It’s to end the relationship, but it’s not to go to the person’s mate because of the severity of what you can cause to happen as a result of it.
Interviewer: Amen!
Dr. Yvonne Capehart: That’s a loaded question!
Interviewer: Yes, it was. That’s so good. I love the wisdom. A lot of people don’t know how to minister to those broken people with pain. I loved what you said about wanting to be trusted with people’s pain. That’s so key because a lot of people walk around hurting. They feel like they have no one to go to. After you got saved and accepted Jesus into your heart, how was that
transition to ministry? Can you tell us about that journey?
Dr. Yvonne Capehart: My transition of getting delivered was one that I had to fight for. I had to fight for my deliverance. It was not easy getting delivered. I’ll share this story with you on how I got fully delivered and how God called me into minstry. Well, one night, I was having these emotional, just crazy, battles in my mind. I was married, but I was still stuck in my demonic phase. One morning I was sitting on the floor in my bathroom. God told me to lay my hand on my belly and call out the name of every man I had ever been with. Call him out of my spirit. What people don’t realize is sex is not just a physical act but also a spiritual connection. When you sleep with someone, your spirit is connecting with their spirit. Even after the relationship is severed, you carry their spirit on the inside.
Interviewer: Jesus!
Dr. Yvonne Capehart: I didn’t know what I was doing. I just said, “Okay, God.” I started denouncing, and I commanded in the name of Jesus. It was like a root or something just pulled out of me. I could just feel something just leaving me. Since that day, it broke! God told me that their spirits were still inside of me. Every man I slept with would have shown back up in my life because the root was not pulled out. You will still be connected to them even though you may say, “I don’t like him no more,” or “I don’t want him no more.” This is why a woman who hasn’t seen a man in ten years will wind up sleeping with him. It’s because that connection was still there. The enemy knows it even if you don’t know it. When God set me totally free, I felt it. It left my body! It left my spirit! I can hear their name, and it doesn’t bother me, move me, or anything. Nothing at all! One of my exes showed up at a church service I was doing. This is the testimony he told people: “Watch me get with the preacher lady,” because he saw my picture on a flyer. He called out of work. He came to the service and brought his homies

with him. After I finished, he was going to run his line on me. Before that service was over, he was at the altar crying out to God. True story! I didn’t even recognize him. My mom and sister came up and said, “Do you know who he is,” and I said, “I don’t know who he is.” When they told me who he was, I was like, “Oh my goodness!” This young man told me, “I was watching you and everything. I came in here to do all this dirt. When you stood up and began to talk,” he said, “I realized you are totally changed. I want what you have.” I realized that was a test for me to see if I was totally delivered.
Interviewer: Jesus!
Dr. Yvonne Capehart: You never know what you are totally delivered from until you have to be faced with it again.
Interviewer: That’s so true!
Dr. Yvonne Capehart: I knew that day I was totally free! I ended up in ministry because of a very traumatic event in my life. I didn’t know who to tell. I didn’t know who to talk to, and I couldn’t share with anybody. By this time, I lost all trust with church people. I no longer trusted anyone. As a result, I became suicidal. I went to the Gulf of Mexico to attempt to kill myself. I’m sitting there, and right before I got ready to exit my car to jump into the water, I just started crying. I said, “God, if you’re really real, I need for you to speak to me tonight. I cannot live with this pain any longer.” He did not speak to me per se. He did not give me a Scripture or anything like that. My car filled up with music. That’s as best as I can describe it. I began to hear a song that I never heard. It was a new song. That’s where my songwriting came from. I recorded the song I heard that night. God continued to give me more songs for healing. That’s how my recording started. That night, he told me, he was going to heal me. I started my car back up because I had kissed my sons goodbye. I didn’t kiss my husband because I was angry with him for not recognizing that something had happened to me. He was just like all happy, and he couldn’t figure it out. I went back home, and I started singing. I wanted to live and not die. God started giving me these songs, and he told me to record them. As I recorded songs, people started getting healed, and people started inviting me to sing the songs.
I have even had an opportunity to sing one of the songs “ Well, one night, I was
for Bishop TD Jakes. It’s a long story, but the short version is God told me, “The song I let you write, you’re going to sing that before TD Jakes.” Less than 30 days later, I was at a service. It was the first time I was speaking after my attempted to kill myself. TD Jakes was the speaker that night. I was the guest psalmist. No one knew who I was. They didn’t know my name. They didn’t even know how I met the white pastor who was bringing TD Jakes to speak. How I ended up here is an-

other story that I am writing about now. But that is how I got started. I’m on that platform. People started calling for the young lady in the black suit. That’s how it got started. They started inviting me. I wasn’t trying to be a preacher. I was trying to live!
Interviewer: (Laughs) I know that’s right!
Interviewer: Amen, I love that! That’s so powerful! Oh my God! It’s so encouraging to hear! I was also suicidal. When you talk about the water, I wanted to drive my car into a lake, so I understand. Wow! I feel like you’re ministering to me.
Dr. Yvonne Capehart: When you said that I would be featured in April, I don’t think you know how prophetic that is.
Interviewer: Really?! (Laughs)
Dr. Yvonne Capehart: I wanted to stop you when you said that because I said to myself, “She doesn’t know what she just said.” My book is going to be released in April and my birthday is in April.
Interviewer: Oh! When is your birthday?
Dr. Yvonne Capehart: My birthday is April 17.
Interviewer: Okay, that is one day after my father’s birthday. Okay, that is awesome.
Dr. Yvonne Capehart: Wow!! And so God told me to release the book in the month of my birthday. The book is The ER Experience. It is going to be a powerful tool of healing, but what the book is for is to teach people how to handle the heart of the hurting.
Interviewer: Wow!
Dr. Yvonne Capehart : It is the basis of the book. I have just seen so many people come into church hurting, and then the church turns around causes more hurt because they do not know how to handle them. Jesus shows us great wisdom on how He dealt with the woman at the well. He shows us great wisdom on how He dealt with the woman that was caught in adultery. He addressed her accusers before He addressed her actions. That is what we need because the Bible says that the devil is the accuser of the brethren. We should be attacking and going after more of what is attacking an individual than we are trying to tear them down. This book will probably be one of my greatest books that I have written because it has taken me some time to get this one together. I believe that it is going to be my most profound book.
Interviewer: I can’t wait to promote it. This will be book number nine - your ninth book?
Dr. Yvonne Capehart: This will be book number nine. It is The ER Experience: A Safe Place to Heal.
Interviewer: Amen, where can we get your books?
Dr. Yvonne Capehart: You
can get them on my website. Most of them are sold through my website, and all of them are listed on Amazon. I also sell them through my social media pages. I have a store on my Facebook business page.
Interviewer: Are your CDs on Amazon too, or can we go to your website?
Dr. Yvonne Capehart: Yes, they are on Amazon, I believe, but I know they are on my website.
Interviewer: Okay, and I see a CD.
Dr. Yvonne Capehart: Yes, I think I only have the second CD because we sold out sometime last year on the first CD. I didn’t make another shipment with it because the particular company that I went through went out of business, and so I don’t have any more of the first CDs, but I do have some of the second CD, Destiny is Calling You.
Interviewer: Okay, I definitely have to get some of your products. That is amazing. Do you take clients because you have your music and publishing company?
Dr. Yvonne Capehart: I am now. It took me a while to get to that point of taking clients because when I took people in to do that with that system, I wanted to make sure that I knew what I was doing. When people sign up with my mentorship program, there are different areas that they can sign up for. Some can sign up if they just want me as a mentor. Some say they want ‘a next level’. This means they want me to help them with their book and help them get their business going because I also help businesses with their brand. That is another area that God had me to do. I would not have known how to design anything but God pushed me into designing flyers. If you look on my website and my page, all of that is done by me. I designed all of my flyers, and I design all of my book covers. I did all of them, I think, except three of them. I designed the last book covers because I always see all of these things in my head. God will show me its vision, and I am always trying to explain to somebody how to do it, so He taught me how to do it. What I wanted to be able to do is walk people through how to brand exactly what it is that God has given them for their business or ministry. I do that as well. It is not like I take a set number or thousands because I can’t take thousands. Once I finish with one session, I start with another group. The first session will still have access to me, but we just rotate it out once they get to teach.
Interviewer: Okay, is that through Sisters Keepers? That website? What about the brand “Build Her Now?” Can you tell us about that brand?
Dr. Yvonne Capehart: Oh my “Build Her Now” is absolutely phenomenal. That happened when I was asked to speak for a brief moment at the MaryKay Convention. I am telling you that I was terrified and scared even though I have been preaching and teaching to 1,000’s of people for years. I was terrified because it was outside of my area. Here is business, and this is a new area. I was the new kid in this, but they asked me to do it, and God gave me the word and message “To Build Her.” I did that, and it took off. Next He told me to do an empowerment group and women would come in there and build up each other and push them. Over the years, my ministry has purchased 12 cars for single women and built houses for single women. He told me that He wanted me to get back to that. “Build Her” is when a woman has a business or an idea, we help them by pushing their agenda. I started that thing, and I put one girl
in there. I said, “We are going to try and see if anybody is going to join.” Within a short period of time, we have 13,400 in there. We have women from around the world who have joined it. We create a safe place for women to share and to do. Just to share something that we did, one of our pastor’s house burned down the day after Christmas, and the Lord spoke to me and said, “I want you to go and talk to the people.” But I said that I didn’t want to do it and I don’t like doing it. Eventually, I said, “Okay, I am going to go out here and see if the people can get me a $1,000 for her.” Well, in the matter of just a few moments, our group and many other people helped, and we were able to present that lady with $20,000.
Interviewer: Amen. (clapping)
Dr. Yvonne Capehart: I was like, “God, You are awesome!” Of course she just [cried]. I believe that is the new phase of the church: we must bless people; we must be givers. How many times are we going to stand up and say, “The Lord told me to tell y’all to sow a $1,000,” but when have we stood in front of somebody and said, “The Lord told me to sow $1,000 to you,” especially if it is some single mom? That is what we did with the cars. God would lay it on my heart who to give the cars to, and I would just have people write a onepage message as to why they need the car. Then I had a Board of Ladies that would help me select, and we gave them the car with no strings attached. I gave them the keys. I put the insurance on the car for a year and presented it to them. The only thing that I asked them to do was to use the car to better their lives. Get to work or get to school, but they could not stay at home.
Interviewer: Amen! Wow, that is so powerful to hear. It is your heart to give and to pour. That is amazing.
Dr. Yvonne Capehart: To me, that is the real heart of ministry. My greatest joy is when I look up and see a young woman that I had a hand in helping her up. That is my joy!!
Interviewer: Do you meet now in the pandemic? How can we request your services or connect with you?
Dr. Yvonne Capehart: We are still virtual, but we are not necessarily virtual because of the pandemic. We are virtual now because in September, our church was hit by a hurricane. They are rebuilding it and getting it back together. We haven’t gone back in yet. Everything that I am doing right now is virtual. Even my speaking at conferences is virtual. The only conference that wasn’t virtual was the one I preached about a month
ago for New Birth. I did go to Atlanta to preach there, but the rest of them are virtual right now. People can follow me on all social media sites, and we post where I am going to be and what I am doing.
Interviewer: Amen. That is powerful. Do you have any last words of encouragement for our readers?
Dr. Yvonne Capehart: One of the things that I am really pushing right now is for people to be their authentic self. Be who God has created you to be, and do what God has called you to do because that is where you are going to find your greatest peace. Your greatest peace lies within the place of your purpose, and if you can find your place of your purpose, you will find your place of peace. I know that it is true for me because I am not always liked for doing my purpose. I am not always viewed as the most popular creature or whatever. I know that everybody can’t go into strip clubs. I know that everybody can’t go on certain platforms I go on. I know that. I get that, but I say to people that we need to do what we are created to do. Then the whole world will be reached for God.
Interviewer: I appreciate
your transparency. I was blessed, and I just bless God.
Dr. Yvonne Capehart: I am so humbled and excited that you ask me, and thank you so much for this time and listening to me rattle on about what I do (laughs) and what God has called me to do. I am telling you that it is so needed that we have more spiritual mothers. I call myself a midwife. I know that I am definitely a midwife to many, and thank you so much for this opportunity, sweetheart. It is always a joy.
Interviewer: I could feel that anointing on you: a birthing anointing. I can feel it. (Laugh)
Dr. Yvonne Capehart: Oh yeah, I am telling you that I am excited for my latter years because my latter years are going to be my greater years. God has given me an opportunity to travel the world, and I have sat on platforms with anybody you name. I have sat on platforms with them and preached on their platforms and in their conferences with them. Every time I always leave, saying, “How in the world did I get here? How in the world did God bless me like this?” I know now that I have to give back to the ones coming behind me, and I don’t want them to fall into certain pitfalls that the enemy tried to plant for me. I want to show them those ditches and bumps in the road and things like that. I am doing more mentoring now than ever before because I know that it is needed.
Interviewer: Thank you, Dr. Capehart. God bless You. Goodbye.
Dr. Yvonne Capehart: Goodbye. Love you too.



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