Interviewer: My name is Kimberly Moses. I am the founder of Rejoice Essential Magazine, and we have been doing this magazine for about five years. I don’t know if you still sell MaryKay, but that was the first time that I heard of you. There was someone on your team that I met in Mississippi, and I purchased some makeup from her. I was going to join the team, but I didn’t have the funds at the time because I was really in a low place. Do you still sell MaryKay? Dr. Yvonne Capehart: I still do, and I am still a director. Interviewer: Okay, great. If someone wanted to sign up, how would they sign up with your team? Dr. Yvonne Capehart: Most people inbox me on Facebook, or they can email me. Right now, MaryKay still has it where it is amazing for new people to join. It is only $30 now to join. They did that for the pandemic. They
made it easy so that people could sign up and still make money during the pandemic. I thought that was wonderful! Interviewer: Yes, that is amazing!! Wow!! Okay!! I noticed that you are a true entrepreneur. I am an entrepreneur as well. I know that you have a lot of businesses. How is that with the ministry and being in entrepreneurship? Dr. Yvonne Capehart: Oh!! It is amazing! You just have to learn to balance it. I have a T-Shirt Company as well. I call them Prayer Tees. I started that out of the blue. God woke me up from a dream one morning at 3:00 am. In the dream, I saw this man and hand designing. When I woke up, God said, “I want you to design Prayer Tees, and I want you to pray over them.” I feel the Lord as I am talking about them now. He said, “I want you to pray over them, and as you pray over them and people wear them, their lives will
be healed.” I was like, “God, I don’t know how to do that. I preach. I could do that, and I can lay hands on them.” He said, “No, you can do it,” and I went and sat down at my computer. I was led by God on what to do and how to do it. I started doing it, and the first shirt that I designed said, “He healed me.” I put that shirt out, and I was like, “Okay, this is where they are going to start laughing at me and say, ‘What is Dr. Capehart doing?’” I put that shirt out and, oh my goodness, the people from around the world started getting “He healed me” shirts, and people started sending me pictures of them wearing the shirts as they were going into surgery. They would send me messages saying, “Woman of God, I am wearing this shirt, and I believe today that I am healed.” It just blew my mind!! It really blew my mind. I didn’t tell anybody. I didn’t tell my secretary what I was going to do. I didn’t even tell