April Rejoice Essential 2017

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CONTENT WELCOME Page 04 Contributors

Page 64 The Voice Of Truth

Page 08 Do I Need to Pre-poo?

Page 68 Psalm 37: Part 18 Perfect Peace

Page 10 Tron’s Fashion Page 14 Pastor Jennifer Jones Page 22 Healthy Living

Page 70 Testimonies


Page 24 Are You A New Creation In Christ? Page 26 A Dreamer’s Dream Page 30 I Am the Perfect Christian Page 32 Prophetess Kimberly Hargraves Page 52 Psalm 37: Part 17 fear not Page 56 The Dna Of God Learning Your True Identity Page 59 Never Give Up Hope For Your Unbelieving Husband


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Kimberly Hargraves Founder And Chief Editor Colorado Springs, Colorado www.kimberlyhargraves.com

Melody Summers Writer And Interviewer Orangeburg, South Carolina melodysummersrn@gmail.com

Brittany Lowery Writer And Interviewer Charlotte, North Carolina idevenir@yahoo.com

Tron Moses Photographer, Designer, Marketer Bennettsville, South Carolina www.tronmoses.org

Reynaldo Rodriguez Writer Chicago, Illinois reyrod1970@gmail.com

Keiyia Jackson-George Writer And Editor Cane Garden Bay, Tortola Virgin Islands www.rkgconsultinggroup.com www.justmekjg.com


Mae Blooms Writer Fort Lauderdale, FL info@thebetterwifeproject.com www.thebetterwifeproject.com

Amber Brown Writer Poplar Bluff, Missouri UnityofSoulsMinistry@gmail.com

Mia Mason Writer And Editor Salisbury, NC freshstartministries2016@gmail.com

Bobbie Ford Nutritionist Bennettsville, South Carolina fruitfulsouls@gmail.com

Shirley Ann Cooper Writer Kissimmee, Florida praise write@gmail.com

Wylie and Equalla Foster Writer And Interviewer Murrieta, California bencouraged09@yahoo.com









A person really needs to learn what works with their natural hair to keep it from tangling, shedding, and breaking. In my opinion, the hardest day for any person with natural hair is wash day. You have to go through the process of sectioning your hair, detangling, washing, conditioning, and finally deciding how you’re going to style your hair. One thing that I have implemented into my hair routine is to prepoo my hair. A pre-poo is basically when you apply an oil or conditioner to your hair before you shampoo your hair. It’s almost like a treatment for your dry and dirty hair that ensures that the shampoo won’t strip too much

when you wash your hair. This also makes it easier for you to section and finger detangle your hair.

all night, I don’t dampen my hair and only keep it in for 15-30 minutes. During these times, I use a heat cap over the plastic cap.

My favorite oil to use when I pre-poo is coconut oil. Coconut oil moisturizes my hair and gives me enough slip to finger detangle my hair before putting it into sections.

There are other oils that you can use when you pre-poo your hair. The other oils that you can use to pre-poo your hair are:

I usually pre-poo the night before I wash my hair. So I dampen my hair with water before putting the coconut oil in my hair, and keep it in all night with a plastic cap. That also makes my pre-poo a hot oil treatment because I’m using my body heat, and holding it in with the plastic cap. If I’m unable to keep it in

• Extra Virgin Olive oil • Argan oil • Jojoba oil • Sweet Almond oil • Jamaican Black Castor oil • Avocado oil


• Grapeseed oil If I am out of coconut oil, then I opt for the olive oil. When you learn what oils work best with your hair, then that is what you need to use. When using a conditioner, you use the cheap moisturizing conditioners. You can usually pick these up anywhere. Outside of the typical hair store, I’ve found them at the Dollar Store. I’ve only used conditioner once when pre-pooing and didn’t like the outcome. But everyone’s hair is different, so it may work well on your hair. I’ve noticed that during the times that I didn’t pre-poo that my hair was a tangled mess, it was harder for me to detangle my hair, and it took me a lot longer. I also noticed that more of my hair sheds during the shampoo when I don’t pre-poo. Pre-pooing my hair is something that is a must when it comes to my hair routine. The only way to find out if it benefits you is to try it out!












PASTOR JENNIFER JONES Interviewed By Kimberly Hargraves Interviewer: Thank you for giving us your time today. It is amazing to see you encourage everyone around you despite of what you are going through and have been through. I look up to you. Your testimony is powerful especially the weight loss. You are just one big fireball for God. Can you tell us about Diamonds in the Making? Is this the same things as the Empowerment Tour? Pastor: Amen. It’s the same. Diamonds in the Making: Empowerment Tour was birthed because of everything that I went through. I realize that a lot of times we go through different things and as we go through those things we are being made to who God has choose for us to be. Diamonds in the Making is letting everybody know to not quit before you see the diamond; go into full fruition. A lot of times people quit and want to give up because the tests get too hard. The situation gets too hard and the people don’t realize that they will come out better if they just stick with it. Just stand firm on the word. Interviewer: Amen. Amen. Amen. That’s so true. I know you have a book inside of you. Can you tell us about the book? Pastor: I actually, I have several books. Really, I am just kind of right at the moment. I am just in prayer about it to see how God wants me to come and to see exactly what God wants me to talk

about in the book. It’s kind of up in the air at the moment to see exactly what the book will be.,,Diamonds in the Making. I actually have a tour called “Know Your Worth: The Empowerment Tour.” It’s going to be talking about how to maintain your identity in the midst of the challenge in spite of what you may be going through, not giving up in the midst of the challenges, knowing that your worth is everything, knowing your price. Like the bible says, “Your price is far above rubies.” You are a diamond in the process. I really want to speak to the hearts of women to let them know they are worth more than just the test that you went through. You are worth more than what people value you at. People’s value is nothing compared to what God values you at. I am just really trying to pull out what’s on the inside of each and every woman. Interviewer: Is this going to be wherever someone wants to book you? Say like Colorado or Michigan? Are you willing to travel? Pastor: Oh yes. Definitely. My desire, my aim, and my vision that God has giving me is to travel all over the world, not just in the United States. I am going to launch the “Know Your Worth: The Empowerment Tour” on May 13, here in my local city which is Roanoke, Virginia. I am going to launch that. It’s actually going to be a mother, daughter, sister-girl empowerment luncheon. Then it’s going to go

from there. People can book me. Churches can book me. With the tour, I just want to go into different cities, not just churches, holding it in arenas. Holding it in hotels. Not necessarily having to do it at a church, but having people to connect to in that city. Interviewer: Amen. That’s going to be powerful. If I am in the area, then I will definitely come and support. I see a workbook coming out of that, some kind of workbook for this tour. The Diamond in the Making Empowerment. I wanted to tell you the other day when you were talking about your weight loss program, I can see you on TV talking about this. I love to see God elevating and blessing His people. That’s so exciting. Pastor: Wow. Definitely. That’s very exciting. That’s so funny. I had that thought last week: the workbook. So today, I am going to sit down and work on some different things. The Know Your Worth and the Diamonds in the Making Empowerment Tour will actually hit every single faucet of life. It will hit it from a fitness, the business, ministry, and personal lives aspects. It’s actually going to hit everything into one so I just won’t reach one particular person but I want to go across the board and reach every woman. This tour will be for every woman. There are so many times when we want to do better. We want to be better. But a lot of times we don’t have that push,drive, and





example to be better. Interviewer: Wow. That’s powerful. I am trying not to prophesy but it’s all over me. Lol. I see round table discussion with the workbook. I also see you are going to get some type of recognition through a mayor or a city will recognize you. It’s some type of award or some type of achievement for your work. I encourage you to continue and to step out into whatever God is telling you to do. I am excited. I can’t wait to see it all come into fruition. Pastor: Me too. That’s exciting, even what you are saying. Very exciting. I am just looking forward to it. Interviewer: I even see your weight loss…I see you getting a trophy for that- some kind of award. I see a trophy for your weight loss. Like someone is going to give you a trophy or you will win a trophy. Pastor: I am actually doing a body builder’s contest in August. Interviewer: Oh wow. Well God, I pray she wins. Jesus. Pastor: Yes. To God be the Glory. What really happened with the weight loss is that when I was going through all the stress that I was going through with the divorce, I had gained like 20 pounds in six weeks. I couldn’t figure it out and I was like what is going on? I was so uncomfortable. I felt so bloated and full. This was the beginning stages of last May and last June. I couldn’t figure out why I was gaining so much weight. I started working out one day. I heard the Lord say, “Stress Weight.” I said, “What is that?” I had never heard of it. I googled it. When I googled it, it’s really an actual thing. When you are going through stress, you either gain weight or you lose weight. I had an adverse reaction where I gained weight and I have not even heard about it. I actually did not realize that I was under

stress. I thought that I was handling the situation, the divorce, the separation from the church, having to walk away from ministry, and different things like that. I thought that I was handling that. I didn’t even realize that I was stressed out. My body was actually telling me that you are under stress. When I found that out, I really just released all that stress. I relinquished it all. I gave everything to God. He says casts all your cares upon me because I care for thee. I cast all that upon him and I was afraid. I said, “God, I need you to help me.” I used to do body building and workout. I used to manage gyms back in 98, 99, and 2000. I knew how to get it off. God really started giving me a vision. He was giving me the strength and the endurance. I was actually using what I have been through as a fuel and to make myself better. I had to take me back: from being in a sixteen year marriage and from giving myself to that marriage really fully and entirely. I mean, I gave away a part of myself in marriage. God had shown me that now I have to begin to take myself back. I heard a message from Myles Monroe. I call him my dad. He preached a message on divorce and separation. He said, “You have to take yourself back. You have to regain your own identity. Once you are separated or divorce, you have to take yourself back and become whole again. You have to become a whole one.” As I continued to listen to that, God began to speak. It just gave me strength, endurance, stamina, energy to go forth. I wasn’t only doing it for myself but I was doing it because I desire to help other people coming out of the things that I was in and to excel and to exceed. Interviewer: You answered one of my questions. I was going to ask you, “How did you heal after you went through what you went

through?” Pastor: Yep. That is a partial way. Like, I say all the time, I felt like I was in a pinball machine only because at first, I had no feeling. I was feeling numb for the first two and half months. I literally felt like it was a movie playing and it was not real. I felt like every day when I woke up that it was going to be gone. I was kind of like I was in disbelief but I wasn’t because it had really happened. But God had given me such a grace and such a peace to go through it. Maybe after two and half months, after everything started happening, that’s when all the emotions started hitting. I cried all the time. All through the day. When I was in prayer, I would cry. Certain things that I would think about, I would cry. As I was crying, God was healing me. I had started going to the church I go to now, which is Church Elevation, and after I went to the church… Well, I went to two churches before and I knew that I wasn’t supposed to be there because I didn’t feel any type of release when I went to church. I walked into Church Elevation. The moment I walked on the campus, healing instantly took place. It was just like a release. Interviewer: Hallelujah. Pastor: Yeah. It was really through worship, praise, and prayer. As I got all of his stuff out of the house, September through December, I was going through a lot of emotional stuff. God was healing me as I was going through it. Like if I had depression, God healed me through it instead of me compiling it. I always tell people, the one thing that helped me was me walking in forgiveness. I forgave him from the moment that I realized what he did and all the things that were being processed. I told him at that moment that I forgave him. I told him,


“I don’t hold any grudges. I am not mad or angry at you.” I understood that if I walked in forgiveness, God would heal me. I understood that if I walked in forgiveness, it would keep me from having anger, thoughts of wanting to get back, have vengeance, or get revenge. When people come to me and ask, “How’d you do it?” I tell them that I walked in forgiveness and the grace of God. Interviewer: Wow. I am amazed because you are doing so much. For instance, for me, it’s been three years post divorced. It finally took me last year to finally do something for me. You talked about Myles Monroe and taking yourself back and that’s something I didn’t do. I would just go through the motions daily. So last year, I finally got up and said, “I am going to cook like I have a husband, keep my house clean, do something to my hair, and invest in me.” It took me two years to finally to do something. It’s amazing, that you come back really quick. The hand of the Lord is upon your life, definitely. For divorced people in ministry, it’s looked at as a bad thing. What advice would you give someone who is divorced and want to walk in their purpose and destiny? Pastor: I would tell someone that your destiny is not connected to people. Interviewer: Amen. Pastor: Your destiny is not connected to people. People cannot determine your destiny. You and God determine your destiny. In order for you to walk in purpose and to fulfil purpose you have to walk in love. In order for you to walk in love, you have to walk in forgiveness. That was one of the reasons why I didn’t walk away. I told myself, “I am going to walk away from my ministry, from everything that I know. I will walk away from helping found a ministry; I’ve been

here for nine years. The church was growing, helping to groom people.” I had 15 leaders that were underneath me. I had to walk away from all that! I was like, “I am about to lose everything that I worked for.” One of my Bishops told me, “You don’t even understand that God already knew that everything that you would go through and the purpose that God has placed in you will still come to pass. Your future is greater than your past. I am not just saying this to say it but you don’t even understand the setup of what God has set you up for. Everything that you just went through will make your ministry more powerful and you will be able to reach more people. “ I don’t look at it as I lost. I really didn’t lose. I really gained even though I went through a detrimental situation. I actually gained because now I have a testimony that I am able to help somebody

else come up out of it. Through it all, I gained compassion. I would just tell them, “Listen, God is not through with you yet. God is going to use everything that enemy meant for evil and turn it around for your good.” The enemy thought that he was going to destroy me. He thought that he was going to destroy the ministry in me but he only made it stronger. That’s only because I trusted God and I did not lean on my own understanding. I really leaned in on God. It was really allowing God to speak to me. That’s when what I was going through, all this, that God connected me with you all. All the prophets that he connected me with, God knew that I didn’t have that connection with someone locally. He connected me with you all, with each and every one of you all speaking into my life, giving me hope. I say definitely connect with someone. A real




prophet that speaks to you when you can’t hear God with everything that is going on around you. So they can speak life into you. Interviewer: Amen. That’s good advice. Every time you speak, I keep seeing a gala. Have you ever thought about modeling dresses or evening gowns? Pastor: Yes. Interviewer: I see it so strong for you. I see you modeling some gala dresses or formal dresses. I can see this red dress on you. It’s beautiful, long, flowing in the wind, with a train on the back. Pastor: Yes. Gala dresses or former dresses. Wow that’s amazing. Everything that you are saying makes sense because the mother, daughter, sister-girl empowerment that I am going to do is actually envision a modeling on May 13. I didn’t set it in stone yet but that came to my thoughts this morning. Interviewer: Wow. Praise God. I know it’s going to be beautiful. It’s going to be awesome. How did you lose eight dress sizes in eight months? Pastor: It was all in my heart and mind that I wanted to make a change. I didn’t want to make a change for somebody else. I wanted to make a change for me. I wanted to feel better for me. My actual program is called No More Spanks. The Lord just gave me that. I said that can be the name of the program. No More Spanks. I really made it up in my heart and mind that I was going to stick with this for me. I ate healthy and really worked out. I work out normally six days a week. I had a plan. I believe in the scripture, “Write the vision and make it plain.” When you are motion, you can still see the vision. When God gave me this vision, I knew that it was going to fit into the Diamonds in the

Making. I knew that it was going to fit into the tour that I was going to do. What helped me is that I knew that as I was going through my journey that other people were watching. I wanted to be encouraging and inspiring to other people. I didn’t look at it as encouraging and inspiring other people. I was showing people that when you put your heart and mind to something and move, then it works. If you stick with it and do it, it will work. It was really just something that I made up in my mind and ran with it. Interviewer: You said you work out six times a day? Pastor: No, six times a week, twice a day. I do my cardio in the morning. I do my workout at night time. I also train other women. I am pretty busy now. I do weight lifting. It’s a myth with most women that they don’t believe we should lift weights because it can make you big and

bulky. It can. But there is a way to do it. Yes, I lift weights. I will be 40 this year and I want to be fit and fab at 40. Interviewer: Wow. You look amazing. I couldn’t even tell. Pastor: Thank you. This year, it’s a goal even for me. It’s for me to feel better, to look better at 40. I am not just talking about physically but also spiritually as well. Interviewer: I lift weights too. I have my bar with ten pounds on each side. I am not bulky lol. Pastor: Exactly. You are toning. It’s all about what you like and what you desire. It’s just a goal for me to be healthy. I believe that if your marriage is not centered around God, then you can lose yourself. It was just a lot around the marriage, like jealousy, that prevented me from working out, so it stopped


I am, an empowerer: to empower them to know their worth and to understand that there is nothing wrong with taking care of yourself. This temple is the temple of the Holy Ghost. When I was preaching back at my women’s conference last June, I realized the weight that I had gained in those six weeks made me feel so uncomfortable. I was out of breath. I was like, “There is no way that I can do the work of God and the things that he has called me to, travel all over this world, with this type of weight on me. I got to be healthy and when he says go, I have to be ready to move.” The program is $125 at the moment for 4 weeks. It consists of everything you need in order to get yourself kicked into gear and to be informed to a better body and a better life.

me. I lost myself in it. Now I am finding myself again and finding my happy place. I am happy being happy. Interviewer: That’s true. Amen. I am happy for you. Can you tell us more about your weight loss program and how can people join? Pastor: With the weight loss program, people can go on my website: http://www.jennifernoeljones.com. They can see the No More Spanks challenge. When they click on the link, it will give them certain information. On April 3, I will make it available where it can be online. I have so many interested people from all over the world that want to join in on this No More Spanks challenge. Interviewer: Hallelujah. That’s God! Pastor: Yeah. It’s a four-week program that will kick them into gear on getting their metabolism right, getting their mind right, and giving

them the information they need to succeed. It consists of your workout program, an example meal plan, at the moment, because I am not a nutritionist, so I give them an example. Eventually, I will have a nutritionist that will provide and do the meal plans. The site will give them the workout videos online. It will give them the supplements that they need to take. This one will be a home work out program. It will give them everything they need. They just follow along. It comes with accountability where I hold them accountable. We will talk via a group during the week so I can make sure that they are eating right, drinking their water, working out, and seeing the results. They will be involved in two webinars per week where I will do Q &A’s and they can ask me. I will see their before pictures they will have to send me, and weekly pictures so I can see their progress. It’s really just an empowerment. That’s what

Interviewer: Amen. You said you aren’t a nutritionist but I see you post a lot of recipes on social media. What is a great recipe for someone who is trying to lose or maintain weight? I see you post recipes with fish or avocados? Pastor: You want a breakfast or dinner? Interviewer: Dinner. Dinner sounds good. Pastor: If you want to do a dinner, I do salmon. I take three to four ounces of salmon. You can season it will lemon juice and different types of seasonings like salt and pepper. I also put a little bit of honey and Cajun seasoning, Tony Chachere. Interviewer: I love that. Umm. Pastor: I actually pan sear it with a little bit of olive oil or a pan spray. Then sauté some asparagus. Next, take a ¼ of an avocado that has been peeled and taken out the shell and cut it up. I mix with it a little bit of red bell pepper, onions, toma-




toes, lime juice, salt and pepper. I just mix it together. Interviewer: That sounds so delicious. Pastor: It’s phenomenal. I have that on the side, along with my sauté asparagus, and a small sweet potato. All I use in my sweet potato is cinnamon with walnuts. Interviewer: Wow. Sounds so delicious. I will have to try that. I love fish but I never tried the avocado. Pastor: Yes, avocado is a phenomenal source of fat. They are good for you. You can actually take smashed avocado and put it on top of your fish. It’s phenomenal. It’s like a topping for your fish. It’s great. Of course, drink water, water, water, which is very important for your diet. I tell people that you need to drink at least half of your body weight in water a day. Your aim should be a gallon per day. If you are working out, burning calories, your body will crave water. You definitely want to kick sodas and juice and cut down on your sugars. Interviewer: I love that about you. I remember you did a periscope encouraging people to drink more water. I think the title was, “Are you drinking enough water?” Pastor: Water is super important. The way I do my water is that I have a bubble keg. It’s one gallon. I pour a gallon of water in that keg and add lemon to it. I drink that water all day long. I make sure that at the end of the day, my keg is done. That’s how I make sure that I end up getting my water. I carry that with me everywhere I go. I always have water in my car. I keep water at the salon. It’s just so important. Water will keep you from over eating. Interviewer: That’s good. Can you tell the readers how Pass the Scope

came about? Pastor: I was actually doing a scope one day. I really don’t remember the title of the scope. After I had finished talking about teaching and preaching, we were on there talking about whatever. We were talking about Batman and Robin. Prophet Charles and Prophet Bryant were on there laughing. I was like, “We should just do pass the scope.” That’s all that came out. Now, I didn’t think that was the Lord. I just thought it was something that I said. Everyone said, “I am down. Let’s do it.” So, we ended up doing it on marriage that night because Prophet Bryant suggested it. I was like this is great stuff because I am just coming up out of it. We ended up doing a Pass the Scope that night. I started off the scope and explained to everyone what we were doing. It just went from there and the people loved it.

What I love about it is that we don’t get together and discuss beforehand. No, we just allow the Holy Spirit to flow. The Holy Spirit just flows through each and every one of us and people just got blessed. It is just amazing. It just escalated from there. People asked, “When are we going to do it again.” We ended up making a day, Tuesday nights at 7pm was the original time. We changed it a couple of times and stuck with it. People are looking for us to be on the scope every Tuesday night. They ask. “What’s the scope going to be about? Is everyone going to be on the scope?” And different things like that. We had a couple of transitions in the scope but the majority most of us are still there. We just continue to flow together. It’s something that God has grown. I had a dream about pass the scope. In the dream, I was standing and watching this lady on stage give


my testimony. She was brown skin with short hair. She was on a big stage in front of a large crowd. She said, “I didn’t even plan it. Now look at what God has done. I never thought that God would have us here.” When I looked, I said, “She is giving my testimony.” God was showing me that He is about to take this thing abroad. It’s amazing. I continue praying and seeking the Lord on the topic. We have a lot of topics that the people have given us. We just really allow God to give us the topic and God get His glory. We had over 150 people give their lives to Christ in sixteen weeks. Interviewer: Amen. Hallelujah. That’s God. Beautiful. Pastor: A lot of times you don’t see that in an actual church. Interviewer: You don’t. Pastor: Yes, we are seeing it. We are touching the world. We have people come from Russia, Iceland, Africa, Jamaica, and Canada. People are tuning in from Dubai and all over the world and they are getting the Word. Our following has grown tremendously. Depending on the day, we are having probably 3,000 people flow through those scopes total. That’s totaling all of us together. It’s been amazing. It’s been great. I am just looking forward to what God is doing. Interviewer: That’s great. I am just glad that I am a part of it. Pastor: Yes, I am so glad that God connected us. Interviewer: Has something supernatural ever happen when you were ministering to one of your clients when you did their hair? Pastor: One lady, when I was in my salon, the power of God was in there. I was ministering and talking. She was 80. An older lady. Her

hands were crippled. They were curled tight where she couldn’t open them. I asked, “What’s wrong with your hands?” She said, “I have arthritis.” I said, “We are going to pray and God is going to open up your hands.” She said, “I believe it.” Her daughter and a couple of people who were in the salon came. I got down beside her and prayed for her. I laid my hands on top of her hands and within seconds her hands started to open. She said her hands had not been opened in months. She could move her fingers and do things with her hands that she could not do before. During that time as I was praying for her, her daughter had high blood pressure. I spoke healing over her daughter. When they came back the next time around, two weeks later, the mom’s hands were still open and the daughter told me that when she went to the doctor that her high blood pressure was gone. They took her off the medicine. I said, “To God be the Glory.” It wasn’t as if I laid hands on her. I just spoke and God just healed her. It was just amazing. I had ministered to tons of people and lots of people have gotten saved in the salon. It just amazing. The lady that worked there with me, she has even gotten saved and lives have changed for the better. Interviewer: Hallelujah. That’s what I am talking about God. Amen. You know you are going to operate in healing in a higher dimension, right? Pastor: Yes. Yes. Interviewer: God said he is going to send you a lot more people to speak over. Pastor: To God be the Glory. Interviewer: That’s powerful. My God. I am about to start shouting.

Lol. Pastor: I know it. It’s so amazing to see the power. We did the scope on demonstration of power and authority and it’s time for us to demonstrate. Interviewer: Yes, well what are your hobbies? Pastor: Well, I like to go fishing. I haven’t been in a long time. Traveling is my hobby. I have to create a life and career where I can travel. I love warm weather. I enjoy working out. I enjoy spending time with my girls, going to the movies, and doing whatever. I am a fun person. I enjoy laying out and reading a book. I enjoy laying out in the sun relaxing. As long as I am at peace and comfortable then I am good. Interviewer: Well, that sounds fun. I thank you for your time. You are such a blessing. Pastor: Thank you so much as well.







Eternal life is not something that onset the day we physically die, is something that onset the day we believe. “And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.” (1 John 5: 11 – 12). If we don’t have spiritual (eternal) life before we die physically, we can only anticipate an eternity separated from God. The difference between the first and last Adam spells the difference between life and death for us. Perhaps that life giving difference is best presented in 1 Corinthians 15: 22, “For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.” Being spiritual alive is most often portrayed in the New Testament with the prepositional phrases

“in Christ” and “in Him.” Everything we will discuss about is based on the fact that believers are alive in Christ. Being spiritually alive in Christ is the overwhelming subject of the New Testament. For example in the six chapters of the book of Ephesians alone we find 40 references to being “in Christ” and having Christ in you. Why does this single fact should matter to us? Because remember, we are not what the flesh, the world, nor the devil say we are, but rather we are what God Almighty say we are, “And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3: 17). Is the life you are living reflecting God’s approval like these scriptures say?

People cannot consistently behave in ways that are inconsistent with the way they perceive themselves. For every biblical passage that teaches that Christ is in you, 10 teach that you are “in Christ”. It is also the primary basis for Paul’s theology. “For this reason I have sent to you Timothy, my son whom I love, who is faithful in the Lord. He will remind you of my way of life in Christ Jesus, which agrees with what I teach everywhere in every church”. (1 Corinthians 4: 17, emphasis added). We weren’t borne in Christ. We were borne dead in our trespasses and sins, “As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins,” (Ephesians 2: 1). What is God’s plan for transforming us


from being in Adam to being in Christ? Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.” (John 3: 3). Physical birth gains only physical life for us. Spiritual life, the eternal life Christ promises to those who come to Him, is gained only through spiritual birth, “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on them.” (John 3: 36). What does it mean to be spiritually alive in Christ? The moment you were born again your soul came into union with God in the same way Adam was in union with God before the Fall. You became spiritually alive and your name was written in the Lamb’s book of life, “Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.” (Revelations 21: 27). Dear believer in Christ, you are alive in Christ right now. You will never be more spiritual alive than you are right now. The only thing that will change when you die physically is that you will exchange your mortal body for a new resurrected one. Your spiritual life in Christ, which began when you personally trusted in Him, will merely continue on. Salvation is not a future addition; it is a present transformation. That transformation occurs at spiritual birth, not physical death. In Christ, new life means new identity. Being a Christian is not just a matter of getting something; it is a matter of being someone. A Christian is not simply a person who is forgiven and goes to heaven. A Christian, in terms of his or her deepest identity, is a saint, a spiritually born child

of God, a divine masterpiece, a child of light, a citizen of heaven. Being born again transformed you into someone who didn’t exist before. What you receive as a Christian isn’t the point; it is who you are, that is the point. It is not what you do as a Christian that determines who you are; it is who you are “in Christ” that determines what you do. THAT IS THE SPIRITUAL POINT: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 5: 17), “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” (Ephesians 2: 10), “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.” (1 Peter 2: 9 – 10), “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.” (1 John 3: 1 – 2), “For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.” (1 Corinthians 13: 12). But the voice of truth tells me a different story, and the voice of truth says, “Do not be afraid!” and the voice of truth says, “This is for My glory” out of

all the voices calling out to me I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth. Understanding your identity in Christ is essential for living the Christian life. People cannot consistently behave in ways that are inconsistent with the way they perceive themselves. You don’t change yourself by your perception. You change your perception of yourself by believing the truth. If you perceive yourself wrongly, you will live wrongly because what you are believing is not true. If you think you are a no good bum, you will probably live like a no good bum. If however, you see yourself as a child of God who is spiritually alive in Christ, you will begin to live accordingly. Next to knowledge of God, knowledge of who you are is by far the most important truth you can possess. The major strategy of Satan is to distort the character of God and the truth of who we are “in Christ”. However, he can’t change God and He can’t do anything to change our identity and position in Christ. If, however, he can get us to believe a lie, we will live as thought our identity in Christ isn’t true.





The moment that God spoke life into you, he had a dream. A vision for your life. Deep within our souls we hold His passion and His gifts. God has given us a very specific calling that He placed over our lives individually, to be a unique factor in the making of this world. Some may have the gift of calming a child while others may be called to preach the Word of God. Some may even be called to ministry by planting seeds in the lives of others for future purposes while doing cosmetology or teaching. We each

have a special part of God in us, and through us He works powerfully, but only if and when you allow Him to. “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace” (1 Peter 4:10). “To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good” (1 Corinthians 12:7). “Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit” (1 Corinthians 4:7). “For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable” (Romans

11:29). No matter where you are at on your walk with God, He has a plan for you and a plan to prosper you and to give you life more abundantly. It is important to remember that we will not all walk the same way, talk the same way, look the same way, nor act the same way but what does remain the same is the spirit that lives inside of us. A Spirit of passion that speaks life into this world, that brings light to even the darkest of places, that speaks healings and


strength to the sick and the broken, that helps make a difference in this world one person at a time. When you look within your hearts, what is your passion? What does your soul burn for? Does it burn for God or does it burn for your own wants and your own needs? “Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Thessalonians 5:23). “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12). “But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do” (Galatians 5:16-17). An important factor to remember is that even though God loves us, His dream for us is to grow, evolve, and form ourselves into new creatures for His glory. His glory, not our glory, Amen! He does not want us to stay the same, which is why He takes the things that are in us that continue to hurt us and hold us back, and He fills us with His goodness. The moment that we are saved and accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, the Spirit of God enters us. After that, the Holy Spirit then starts to help us by convicting us which gives us a feeling of, “I am doing wrong in the eyes of God and should stop” and the Holy Spirit also starts guiding us on the path that God originally had set forth in our lives. It is never God’s fault that we get lost and get sidetracked or go off course, but it is always by our own thoughts and actions that we are distracted and

need help finding our way back to the road of righteousness. “But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever he hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come” (John 16:13). “Which things we also speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, combining spiritual thoughts with spiritual words” (1 Corinthians 2:13). “For all who are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God” (Romans 8:14). “And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left” (Isiah 30:21). “But the helper, The Holy Spirit, whom the father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you” (John 14:26). Being non-believers before accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we didn’t understand much about the Bible or what it tried to tell us. Most of us could admit that it just collected dust in our shelves majority of the time, but we soon learned that the day we chose to pick that bible up and start reading was a day that started putting our dreams into action. Some are still skeptical and others just laugh at the fact that God may have created mankind, placed each star in its exact place, and knew exactly what the earth needed in order to work with the sun and the moon. As we go through life and experience things, there will always be a time in your life that you ask yourself, “Was that God?,” If you ask yourself this question you are already saying you believe in him, you just don’t want to live for him. Another question you may ask yourself, “Is there a God that really watches over me, created me, and loves me just the same?” When asking yourself this

question, you are already thinking about it which means that you need to start praying and asking God to reveal these things to you as you read the Bible. He will listen and He will answer you in due time. Life comes easy to some, but the journey is hard for most. The things of this world and the plots and plans of the enemy will hurt you, will break you down, will feel like your dreams are unreachable, and will make you feel as though your courage has been tossed into the sea never to return, but with God you are found and all that the enemy took from you can be restored! I am living proof that even though you may not have had the best life in the beginning, you can get more than double victory during your middle and last stages of life, when you form a relationship with Jesus Christ as you allow Him to move in your past, present, and future. He is here to change you, to mold you, to prepare you for the future, with His vision in mind. The Dream of the first Dreamer (God) is that we all help one another, that we develop ourselves and raise up other people to do the same so that we may live for Jesus Christ and proclaim the Victory, and we spread the gospel and the good news all over the World. God saw this place as a preparation zone. To prepare us for Heaven. We are here to do great and mighty things in the name of Jesus Christ, and to help make a difference in this world. But first the difference must be made in ourselves. It is then after we change ourselves, then we can help others! “You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy” (Psalm 30:11). “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will




have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). “You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world” (1 John 4:4). “Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses” (1 Timothy 6:12). God delivered me from many things and healed my heart, soul, and mind. My life as a child was full of misery, fear, anguish, abuse, and many sleepless nights but when I bowed down to God, put my trust in Him, and asked Him to save me, HE DID! This did not happen overnight, it took time, it took healing, it took me giving up things throughout the years, growing as a Christian, and learning His Word that I now am who I am today. Without the childhood that I had, I would not have the testimony that I have today though. Because of my pain, God was able to fill me with so much love and compassion for others. In a way, that will speak to many all over this world, which is how the Holy Spirit will use me just as He will use you. I walk in so much joy and love today because I am a living testimony of what God can and will do for you if you just give your life over to Him. You may be hurting now, but tomorrow is a new day and can be a new beginning for you. “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of The Holy Ghost” (Titus 3:5). “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: (it is) the gift of God” (Ephesians 2:8-9). ‘That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be

saved” (Romans 10:9).” No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day” (John 6:44). “But the salvation of the righteous (is) of the Lord: (he is) their strength in the time of trouble” (Psalms 37:39). Who is the active voice in your life? Is it God, is it the enemy, or is it you? In order to walk in total victory and live the dream that God intended for us to live, we need to give our lives over to God and allow Him to change us, prepare us, and use us in this world as He originally planned. Always be mindful of who you listen to, who you choose to confide in, and the footsteps you follow, for it might be the very ones that cause you to stumble and fall. From Death to Resurrection, I owe it to God. The original Dreamer. The dream may be shaken in some right now, but they will never be broken in the gates of forgiveness. Hidden deep within our hearts lies passion and destiny just waiting for us to step into. Passion that will manifest after the trials and tribulations of our actions and life’s most valuable lessons. From the suffering and the tears we bring forth smiles and get rid of those fears. Created to carry out the dream, the Dreamer’s Dream, the first and the last, the maker and the taker of life! The strength of our tomorrow. The thoughts, actions, and words of our redeemer will be the very thing in which provides you with favor. The vision of yesterday will soon develop the mission for tomorrow. The fall of our past is what is now allowing us to walk in victory. In our falling we rose, and now that we have risen, it is now time to carry out his vision. We are on a mission and now this is your season! Your time to Rise Up and be all that God has intended you to be. With His love, you will do great

things, your light will shine and beam among many, for the dreamer in you is ready to be unleashed and made new. The dream that is forever reachable as long as you keep your heart teachable. You’re a diamond among the hundreds, so stand up and be the dream of the original dreamer, for in abundance new life will appear. Then you will know Jesus is near! “Guard, through the Holy Spirit who dwells in us, the treasure which has been entrusted to you” (2 Timothy 1:14). “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness” (Galatians 5:22). “As for you, the anointing which you received from him abides in you, and you have no need for anyone to teach you; but as His anointing teaches you about all good things, and it true and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you abide in him” (1 John 2:27).






“What would Jesus do?” was a phrase that started in the U.S. in the 1990’s and often abbreviated to W.W.J.D. It was the highlight of someone’s response when wanting to close an argument, stop it before it started, or just a reminder for a believer wanting to remember their moral biblical stance. Sadly, it’s still used by many today for the same old reason. So, what would Jesus do if someone like your mean neighbor lived next door to Him and on a daily basis decided to set a rat trap in his front yard so that Jesus’ little dog doesn’t sniff around anymore? How about if Jesus found out that He was so hated that everyone bullied Him every day, just like you get bullied? Or what if Jesus had to deal

with a certain leader at church that constantly trashed His name, like you’re family has to deal with every Sunday? What would Jesus do? The sad part about all this is that unlike us, Jesus would forgive. We are so easily offended that whatever happens, we stoop low and get unCHRISTian with a quickness. There is no lie around that one. In the church we hear that we are not Christian enough and out of church we hear that we are not Christian at all. So which one is it? If you ask me, I would say neither. Why? Because God has taught the believer that no one, not one, is perfect. He has taught us that we have all fallen short of God’s glory. For all have

sinned and fall short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23) In short? We are not perfect! The truth is we are so far from perfect that scolding anyone for their behavior should never be. However, God also teaches us to help one another stay on track. How so? Through sharpening: As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17) But no matter what we read, study or memorize, the flesh [CAN] at times step in. I have stepped into the flesh so many times that I cannot even count on one hand how many times I have stepped into the flesh. LOL Whether it be on Facebook or in the quietness of our local


Library, the flesh can certainly invite himself whenever he wants. How about a walk down aisle number 5 in the grocery store, where the sweets are piled high, but your focus is on the sour puss who decided she wanted to bump into you with her cart trying to get to the gum. Like really? Must I remind you lady that I have two hands that could easily roll up and punch you! Oh but have you ever driven your car on a beautiful, sunny day with the windows down, and all you want to do is enjoy the scenery around you until some ___________ (and I’ll leave that blank) decides to bum rush you to the next mile marker just to stop at the same red light that awaits you? Trust me when I say jumping into the flesh for me is like changing socks, and upsettingly enough, it can get uglier than wrinkled satin sheets. But no matter how many times I step into the flesh, The God I serve is Jesus Christ, who is my Savior and is the One who can take me to Heaven or send me to hell! I answer to Him alone. Now don’t get me twisted, because as believers, we must always understand that while we don’t get to Heaven on works alone. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.(Ephesians 2:8) We are still God’s children and trying to behave is better than not trying. I have to die to self every single day because without God I can never walk straight. What truly keeps me going is that I know that when I fail, God continues to work in me, loving me even when I don’t deserve it. Yes, there are times when I can walk away from confrontation, and times when I can’t. Sometimes going through a difficult decision on whether to stay or walk

away, hush or speak, and someone asking, “what would Jesus do?”, all I wanna do is respond with a worldly reaction and cuss someone out and walk away like a boss. While at times I hear the unchurched say during an argument, “and you call yourself a Christian!” Then I hear the churched say, “you’re a Christian!” I wanna reply , “go______!” (And again, you fill in the blank). Does this reaction take away my salvation? Of course not. Does it slow it down? Maybe. But only God knows how to handle us. Only God knows how to reach us. We are not unreachable. We are choice makers, people who want to make their own choices. In the end, we either make the right one or we fail miserably. I thank God that we are not judged by the clothes we wear, or the attitude we carry. We are not saved through our works. We aren’t puppets with strings. We are children of the most high and no matter how we choose to live.......He still loves us! But we need to always keep in mind that while we are given the right by God to make our own decisions, we are also given the many chances that could one day send us to Heaven or hell. Maybe we’re not as forgiving, or loving, or tender hearted as Jesus, or maybe we’re not the good shepherd that our Savior is. But we are Christians and while still far from perfect........we have been saved by perfect blood! #GodsChild #SavedByGrace





PROPHETESS KIMBERLY HARGRAVES Interviewed By The People Gary Jean Baptiste: Currently, you are unmarried or single. When you do get married, how will you balance supporting your husband’s vision and currently the ministry you deal with now? Or is my your expectation, that my your husband will follow you into that ministry and support it? Are you planning to support him and balance the ministry? Or are you expecting him to come abroad what you are currently doing right now? Prophetess: God knows that my biggest desire of my heart is to remarry. However, this is a lifelong decision that will not only affect me, but my children as well. I have to make sure that I am very cautious to stay in God’s will and to marry the right person. This means that I have to marry the person that is in alignment with my destiny. I can’t settle and marry for looks when the man has no relationship with God. I can’t settle and marry for money and be miserable for the rest of my life. I can’t marry for sex or loneliness. I have to marry for purpose. I just have to wait on God to cause the right man to find me. One of the roles of

a wife is to be a helpmate, this means no matter how much the Lord uses me, I have to help my husband’s vision and be his rib. I always joke with the Holy Spirit and say, “Lord, no matter how powerfully you decide to use me. I will always make my husband feel like he is the King of this castle.” Lol! To answer your question, I would never marry someone who doesn’t support me in courtship or before marriage. I would never marry someone who I don’t support his vision in courtship. Courtship is important because this is the deciding factor to determine if is this is the person that I want to spend the rest of my life with. If a man can’t flow with me and understand the call of God on my life, then he is not the one. My expectation is for my husband and I to be in divine alignment with each other’s destinies. I pray that as I help him with his vision that he would return the favor and do everything he can to push my vision as well. I would love for my husband to come abroard and help with

the ministry. I desire to do team ministry with my spouse, where we both piggy back off each other. I will make up for his weakness with my strengths. He will make up for my weakness with his strengths. For example, I might be stronger in the prophetic than him and he might be a stronger evangelismt than me. We can use our gifts together to advance the kingdom and not compete with each other but to build up one another. I consider myself a very submissive individual. and I know how to make that man feel like a King so with God as the head of the marriage, that man wouldn’t mind giving me the world. This is a Selah moment. Felecia Jackson: When did you first receive your calling, and how soon after that did you start walking in your calling? Prophetess: I started walking in my calling immediately. I couldn’t run anymore because I was in the wilderness and it was impossible for me to escape. So, I yielded because I had no other choice. After everything that I





had endured, I gladly to submitted to the call as a prophet. I had a made up mind to not serve the devil because he was the reason why my life was in shambles in that season. I knew that I had to serve God because the devil tried to kill me so many times. Andrea Gonzalez: I watch a lot of your videos on YouTube and you have mentioned that you were going through a pain and you were asking God to take it away. What was causing the pain? And how did you overcome it? And when did you begin to really know the voice of God? Prophetess: This is a good question. The YouTube videos were a method to bring healing to me. I was always in a lot of pain emotionally over the last few years because of the storms that I went through. I was on my way to medical school to become a doctor and one day I went through a bad divorce. I lost everything. I went from a four-bedroom house to a one bedroom apartment. I went from having A-1 credit to having bad credit. I went from having stability to facing homelessness multiple times. I went from abundance to struggle and lack. I lost all my hopes, dreams, and aspirations. I endured rejection, insecurity, jealousy, anger, strife, un-forgiveness, and bitterness. There were many days and nights were I just cried because I when I looked around, I was in shocked because I couldn’t

believe that I lost everything. I was at rock bottom and the pain of everything I went through was unbearable at times. I was on probation for two years. I suffered tremendously because I was away from my family and everything that I was familiar with. During all the pain, initially the devil would threaten to kill me. He would speak to me saying that I was sick and I was going to die. He was planting seeds inside me of suicide. It wasn’t until I got arrested that I reconnected with God. I remember picking up a book that changed my life. It was called, “Doing His Time.” It was a book about God’s grace and mercy. I felt like a failure because I made one bad decision until I read that book. It was at the moment where I felt the hope and the love of God in the inside. This was the turning point in my life. I started to seek God with everything within me. I surrendered everything. I gave God the unforgiveness, bitterness, resentment, anger, pride, etc. Then the voice of God started to speak to me as never before. The breaking or sanctification process for me was very painful and it seemed like a long process. It’s been three years and going. God showed me how to worship, fast, meditate, and live uprightly before him by me spending a lot of time with him. He also showed me things out of his word and gave me instructions on what was required of me. I overcame the

pain and choose not to focus on the adversity by just focusing on God and the work that He called me to do. Abiding in His presence brought me healing in my emotions. Now, I refuse to allow anything to steal my peace and joy. The peace of God is a valuable gift that I wouldn’t trade for the world. I’ve always heard the voice of God, even when I was Buddhist and in the world. I just didn’t know it. I heard His voice way before I was called as a prophet. I heard a lot of voices and even my sister would hear a voice in my childhood home calling my name. I knew the voice was God because there was no eerie presence attached to that voice. I heard the devil speak to me the day when I got in a bad car accident. When the devil spoke to me, I felt death that day. Though the years when the devil spoke to me, it caused fear. However, when God spoke to me, it was different. It was something about the future. It was dealing with my next move in life. When God spoke to me, it was always an instruction, telling me to bless someone and doing a good deed outside of my comfort zone. Lol. Overtime, just being prophetic, I learned the voice of God through relationship. I learned his voice by spending lots of time with him. I have a set time daily where I don’t pray. This is the time where the Lord speaks to me. This is a special time where he pours into me and I just receive. This came through





going through the wilderness, submitting to the call, building a relationship with him. Keiyia Jackson-George: With so much going on in your ministry, how do you have time to do all of that, feed the homeless, and publish a monthly magazine. This isn’t your run of the mill small newsletter. It’s a 80+ page masterpiece. Prophetess: I love this question. Honestly, having balance was something I struggled with over the years. I was so broken that the only thing that kept me going in life was Jesus and doing the work of the Lord. I neglected my family for a long time because of the inner pain that I carried. Recently, the Lord answered my prayers. I started to cook for my family again without feeling an overwhelming depression. I started doing more things with the kids without feeling a sense of withdrawal. I started to fellowship with other saints and just began to have clean fun. So, I am now able to balance everything by giving everything a piece of the pie or some of my time daily. I make sure that I spend time with God through the day by constant prayer in the spirit and worship so I will not neglect our time. I make sure that I spend time with my children after school or on the weekends. During my worship time with the Lord is where I gain stamina to get a bulk of work done pertaining to the

magazine, books, and other future endeavors. I dedicate one day per week to feed the homeless because that’s something I am passionate about. It doesn’t feel like work and I know that God is pleased with that because Jesus had compassion on the poor. The scripture says, “Those who give to the poor lend unto God.” I know that as long as I care for the poor and have a burden for this, God will always take care of me. Melody Summers: Can you tell me what was your first heavenly encounter like? Prophetess: I have had so many supernatural encounters with God and it’s so surreal. They came out of nowhere and I desire to have so much more of them. I shared most of my first visions on my website where it says prophecy. One day, as I was preparing to do an early morning prayer call I was seeking God. I had just launched the prayer line just a few weeks prior. It was about 3AM am in the morning and I was worshipping. All of a sudden, my room changed. I was no longer looking at four white walls but looking at what appeared as the galaxy. I seen saw all kinds of stars that were different hues and it appeared that I was outside of earth. I heard the external voice of God. He told me to stretch forth my hand. As I did, a golden scroll appeared. I grabbed ahold of this scroll. The Lord told me to place this

scroll inside of my stomach. So, I took the scroll and put it to my stomach and it disappeared and went through me. I could feel everything. As soon the scroll disappeared in my stomach, the trance was over, the galaxy disappeared, and I was back in my room. I felt this impression in my abdomen. It was very painful and I could feel so much pressure from my belly button to my upper chest. No matter how many times, I rebuked the pain, it wouldn’t budge. I had no idea what was occurring at that time. However, the Lord lead me to the scriptures and showed me that Ezekiel and Zechariah had encounters with a golden scroll. They both were prophets. Mia Mason: When were you sure that it was God that was speaking to you after deciding surrendering your life to God? Prophetess: I was sure that it was God speaking to me because of everything I heard lined up with the word. Also when God spoke to me and I didn’t follow his instructions, he placed such a burden on me of conviction that I had no other choice but to surrender and obey. For instance, I was praying about marriage restoration when God spoke to me and told me that I was a prophet. At that time, I didn’t know what a prophet was. I thought a prophet was an obese Caucasian man with a beard. Being a prophet was the last thing on my mind. I wasn’t even interested in





that. God had to refocus on my mind from my will, my wants, and my agenda to Hhis. God had to tell me two more times that I was a prophet and then that’s when the prophetic exploded in my life. I was never the same. The normal days as I knew it were over. I could no longer go to church and enjoy service without having to give a word. All I kept hearing in my head was, “Tell my people this or that.” At first I was so stubborn that I wouldn’t move and say nothing. God had to put so much pressure on my chest that it felt like I was about to be crushed. I was scared that people would mock me and think that I was crazy because I could hear God. God had to break that off me. He would only let up the pressure when I spoke what he said. This was the beginning of me knowing on a consistent basis that it was God speaking to me. I was dealing with a divine force way stronger than me. I was isolated and in the wilderness and I couldn’t run if I wanted too. I had no where to go since I couldn’t leave the state of Colorado at that time because of probation so I just yielded to God. Over time, I had to practice God’s presence and tune my ears to hear him at any moment. For instance, I fasted so much one time and worshipped so long that I was seeking so much in the spirit and hearing as never before. Everything from God was always confirmed through his word or through another prophet.

Kendria Edmonds: What do you do when you get discouraged? Prophetess: When I get discouraged, I give God praise. I go into worship and thank God because after going through so many trials, I recognize that there is a blessing on the way. Now in my walk with God, the Holy Spirit will not let me get discouraged for long. He will speak to me and tell me to get up and do what he has called me to do. He will tell me the end result and send his fire to confirm his word. Since I have a mandate from God, he will not allow me stay in my feeling for long. Initially when I became discouraged after everything that I have been through, it used to take me weeks to overcome discouragement. N, now it takes days or hours. Whenever you worship, you will find a breakthrough. You will usher in God’s presence. In his presence is the fullness of God. God told me that worship brings in the harvest and that’s so true. I may cry sometimes through the storms but in the midst of it all I am still giving God praise and staying in worship. Joseph Sintema: What are your hobbies and interests? Like the things you enjoy doing in your free time. Prophetess: Well to be honest, I am just a simple person. I like to stay home, LOL! My weakness is video games. One of my favorite games is The Sims. I can play that game for hours. I used to be

so addicted and play that game all night up until it was time for me to go to work the next day. Now, I am more balanced and try not to play games as often. I do enjoy playing board games like Mmonopoly with my family and friends. I also enjoy playing Uuno or Sspades with them as well. My kids love when I play the Wwii game with them. I enjoy cooking for my family. I’ve joined several food groups on social media and I just like food photography. One of my favorite things to do is to solve logic puzzles and to go window shopping. I enjoy traveling and seeing new places and meeting new people. In my free time, I write books or study the word of God. Jerika Mobley: Do believe your first marriage was ordained by God? If so, why did it end? I always thought when God ordains a thing, it lasts. Prophetess: I thought divorce would never happened to me. No one ever gets married to divorce. I tried everything to save my marriage. I tried counseling, books, fasting, prayer, etc. but it just didn’t work. I thought my first marriage was ordained by God. We both married young and I was no wife. I was just a babe in Christ. I didn’t pray or read the word. All I was concerned with was advancing my medical career. The marriage ended because of infidelity from both parties. Whenever someone gets married, there needs to be





purpose involved. Men need to be ready to lead their families. Women need to be submissive and respect their husbands. There has to be vision and both parties have to work towards that vision. If not, then the marriage will not work. I rushed to get married because I didn’t want to burn, if you know what I mean. That was a mistake. Both people need to date forever and remain friends forever. We had stopped dating and we weren’t friends. We didn’t have good communication. We were going in two separate directions. He divorced me eventually. When God ordains a marriage, it can last if two people spend a life time working at becoming one flesh and honoring their marital vows. I am happy that as a result of marriage, I was blessed with two beautiful kids. Reynaldo Rodriquez: Can you describe the inspirational moment that made you understand Rejoice Essential was a project born in the heart of God? Prophetess: One day, I was worshipping the Lord and I seen saw a magazine in the spirit. I just brushed it off because I was thinking, “How could I possibility do a magazine and I don’t have any training?” So, a week went by an another prophet came to me. Then he began to prophesy about a magazine and other things that God wanted to do in my life. At that moment, I knew that God was confirming the vision of the magazine that

I seen saw a week prior. So, I stepped out in faith and learned everything about the magazine business. God sent the people and the resources for the magazine every month. God constantly sent words and visions concerning the magazine. JoAnn Getecha: Were you ever directly mentored by another prophet and what was the importance of this in your journey? Prophetess: Yes. I was mentored by another prophet for almost two years. I was also mentored by a former pastor and his wife for a year before that prophet. I thank God for these experiences. I learned from their strengths and weaknesses. I learned what to do in ministry and what not to do in ministry. No one is perfect but I thank God for the experience. Even though they no longer mentor me, I still love and honor them very much. They know that they can call on me and I will give them the shirt off my back. I will still serve them with the gifts that God has placed on my life if they needed me too. When wanting mentorship, you have to be careful that they are sent by God and that they are in alignment with your destiny. You don’t want to be mentored by anyone who doesn’t understand you or only concerned with themselves and their ministries. You need mentorship from someone that genuinely cares about your soul, destiny, and other situations that can affect

your destiny. I believe mentorship should be mutual. Both parties need to be supporting of one another and value that relationship. If not, then it will not work. I am actually looking for twelve hungry women that I can pour myself into and push them into purpose as I raise them up in ministry. I understand the purpose of mentorship and I am still believing God to connect me with the right mentor. Corey Williams: The measure that you mete meet is great. You take out a lot of time for people, and you’re very active in the ministry. As far as an earthly reward goes, what are you looking for your diligence to bring you here on this earth? You know, some people workout to see results in their bodies. Some people practice to see results in their performance. Some people work hard to receive a raise, or a promotion on their jobs. So, what are you looking for your work, here on earth, to bring you, here on earth? Prophetess: I like this question. There were times in my walk where I lost focus on why I was doing the work of the Lord. Sometimes, I got discouraged and even weary. But at the end of the day, God told me the work was for His glory. I always keep that in the back of my mind. I am not doing ministry for money because I realize that it won’t make me rich. I don’t depend on seeds or donations of the people but on God. I am not doing ministry to be famous but I want





Jesus to be made even more famous. I am not doing ministry for a platform. In fact, I hate public speaking and I am such an introvert. God pushed me out of my comfort zone, for real. God had to take me through a daunting process to get every ill motive out of my heart. He had to ensure that my heart’s motives were pure in His sight. I do ministry not for the earthly rewards or riches but I do it to please God. I am a bond servant to Christ. I am anointed. I am called. I am chosen. My life doesn’t belong to me. I can’t run. I can’t hide. God gave me no other choice so I yielded to Him and I do what He tells me to do. I just obey Him. I try my best to stay in the vine or the right frequency with Him. This is the reason, why I am able to get ideas for new books and projects like every other day. God knows that if he gives me an idea, then I will not rest until I accomplish it. To better answer your question, I asked God for happiness which includes family and opportunities for my books. I never asked God for fame, wealth, or to be a prophet. Since, I didn’t ask for certain things, God just gave it to me. It’s like King Solomon. He only asked God for wisdom but God gave him wealth and many other things that he didn’t ask for. Quiana Robinson: How do you manage to balance being a mother and the work of the ministry, specifically the prophetic, which is very demanding? Do you have

any tips? (I’m not a mom yet, but one day I want to have kids). Prophetess: My day consists of waking up early in the morning and packing the kids lunch. I have trained them to make their own grits, oatmeal, toast, bagel, or cereal for breakfast. I make them clean up behind themselves, like make their beds and wash their dishes. This results in me doing less house hold chores and me doing more ministry. I have to set odd times in the day where it is quiet so I can hear God to get new revelation. There were many times where I felt like I was getting overwhelmed by everything which includes ministry and motherhood. I noticed that I didn’t really spend that much time with God either when I started to feel this way. I had to step back from everything and rest in God. I had to put worship music on and worship as I do the work for the Lord. I had to spend early morning or late nights in prayer to make sure that my attitude was not bad. Once I did these things, I had peace and God’s presence abiding with me and I was able to conquer the day’s task. So, my advice is spending time with the Lord to keep that anointing that hHe has placed on your life so you can balance it all. We can pray in the spirit throughout our days to spend time with God. We can meditate on the word of God throughout our days to spend time with God. I try to do a little bit at a time or just be consistent in eve-

rything. When I am consistent, I am able to conquer big tasks that are before me. Whatever God has placed before you, He will anoint you for it. Kevin B. Brewer: How do you help women who have been strongly influenced by the feminist movement, become wives and fulfill this the scripture when looking for their Boaz? Prophetess: I help many women who have the wrong concept of womanhen hood or preparing for marriage. The Lord gave me a book, “Empowering The New Me: 50 Tips To Becoming A Godly Women” to impact lives of women from all walks of life. This books talks about everything from integrity, modesty, submissiveness, along with my testimony. God had to do a work in me because I was so independent. I am strong and went through many hardships. Because of this, I don’t really depend on people but sometimes do a lot of things by myself. God had to humble me and I had to ask for help when I needed it going through the storms. I had to ask for help financially, food, and for other issues when they had arisedarisen. Many women who read this book gave me feedback and told me how it blessed their lives. I don’t want women to make the same mistakes that I made. I was once controlling, dominating, disrespectful, nagging, loud, etc. I thank God for taking me through the wilderness. It made me opposite of everything that I used to be. I





am conformed into the image of Jesus Christ. I also have launched another special training to help single women. It’s called “Help! I am single and I need help preparing for Boaz.” My book, “Empowering The New Me: 50 Tips To Becoming A Godly Women” is a resource that I will use in this webinar. We will talk about real life issues which includes workshop that will cause women to reflect on their inner selves. This online conference will be prophetic so they can hear what God is speaking concerning their situation. The deliverance anointing will manifest so women can get healing that the meds and the therapists can’t provide. When God delivers these women, their lives will never be the same. At one instant, God will touch them and years of baggage will break off their lives. When women take this conference, they will get revelation and impartation for wisdom to make better decisions in life and be ready for marriage. I am very passionate about women’s ministry because I see so much of myself in these broken women and they just need help. Rachel Brinson: Have you ever been hesitant or afraid to step out in your ministry? Prophetess: I have been hesitant in the beginning when God first called me. I had encountered a lot of opposition to distract and discourage me. That is an indication that anyone is in the will

of God because of the intense demonic attacks. I used to want approval and acceptance of men but God put me in a place of being overlooked to get that out of me. I used to be afraid of what people thought of me but going through many trials and tribulations, I stop caring. God had to break all forms of fear out of me and put me in a place out of my comfort zone. I had to meditate on scriptures, pray, and fast because I thought I could never stand up in front of a crowd and preach. When I get up and speak, the anointing comes on me in a powerful way. It is all God speaking and moving and none of me. If God sends you, then he will back you up. Symona Haynes: You have written many books and constantly doing different things in ministry. I know you are a mother, where do you find the time do achieve all you do and have done? Prophetess: I have to make daily goals on what I want to accomplish that day. For instance, one of my goals is to write one chapter a day in my next book. This way, I can stay consistent and get the book finished in a quick time. I also pray each morning that my day would be productive and that God would accelerate my writing. I specifically ask the Lord to bless me to finish each assigned task. I am the type of person where I can’t rest until I finish the assignment. I will dream about it or constantly think about it. I also make quick

meals for the children so I don’t have to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. Brittany Lowery: What do you enjoy most about being a mother? Prophetess: The most thing that I enjoy about being a mother is looking at two little beautiful faces often, seeing them as a gift from God, and doing fun things with them. We bond with our shows we watch on YouTube and cooking pizzas for dinner. Just simple things, like teaching them the word and prayer is what they enjoy. They are full of energy and they help push me to keep striving to build and to achieve more in life. I am blessed to have both a girl and a boy. I know people who have all boys and want a little girl. I know couples who have all girls and want a little boy. I get joy to see them grow into amazing people. I love their personalities and enjoy doing fun things with them. Amber Brown: Being a single mom and doing all that you do in ministry as well. When times get tough and you feel overwhelmed, what do you do to relax your mind, body, and soul? Prophetess: I channel negative energy into exercise, prayer, hot bubble baths, and aroma therapy. I love to burn candles and to play worship music. I often journal or write down how I feel. Sometimes, I get chocolate lol. I call it chocolate therapy.





Gary Jean Baptiste: After you accepted your calling into your office, were there times that you struggled with lust, fear, or anxiety? Even now, are there times when it tries to creep up and you have to deal with it accordingly? Not that you are struggling or anything. Even now, are you facing certain temptation as it deals with that? What do you do to remedy that? Prophetess: Absolutely. I wasn’t always saved. God had to take me through a process that purged and sanctified me. My mind set now is that I am so on fire for God and so busy doing the work of God, that I don’t have time to sin. I refuse to allow my flesh to dominate my life. I refuse to allow the tempter, the devil, to mess up and destroy my destiny. When I feel the spirit of lust, I cast that spirit back to hell immediately and I get into the presence of God. That spirit flees because the word of God says, “Submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee.” I made a decision to God years ago that I will live holy as He is Holy and that I will practice abstinence. My husband will be a blessed man because I know I will give God honor waiting on marriage to become one flesh with someone. The demon of fear tormented me for five long years. Years ago, I had backslid and it opened a demonic portal. Fear destroyed my life because the anxiety was so severe that I isolated myself and wanted to die. God delivered me from fear and

I am now doing everything that the devil told me I couldn’t. I am now going out to eat, speaking in public, driving in the car with people, going to the dentist or doctor’s appointments, meeting new people, and going to new places. When I feel fear trying to creep on me, I bind that up immediately and take authority over it. It backs down to the name of Jesus and I maintain my peace. The best thing to keep your deliverance is to put on the mind of Christ and renew your mind daily. When I started thinking like the bible then my life changed. Kendria Edmonds: How did you know what your purpose was? Prophetess: I knew my purpose when God revealed it to me one day in prayer. Everything that I was passionate about such as teaching, training others, writing, and helping people were indicators of what I was called to do. I believe that God placed a desire in my heart for these things to make me want to give up my fleshy desires, my own agenda, all in exchange for His. I encourage everyone to seek God for their purpose and to walk in purpose once it’s revealed. Joseph Sintema: what is your educational background? Prophetess: My educational background consists of numerous fields. I was very indecisive before I totally yielded to God. I have tons of certificates and awards and even public achieve-

ments of various programs. I have a certificate in phlebotomy and I worked as a phlebotomist for two years. I have a certificate in chiropractor assistance. I could never find a job in that field. I have training as a nurses’ aide and worked home health for two years. I have an Associate’s Degree in Respiratory Care. I worked as a Registered Respiratory Therapist for about eight years until God called me into full time ministry. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Biology with a minor in Chemistry. I got this degree because I wanted to be a doctor and this was a good degree for premed students. I have one more class to take to get my Master’s degree in Public Health Nutrition. I wanted to get this degree to become Primary Practitioner or Medical Doctor who worked a lot with the community that emphasized total health, especially for the impoverished population. My goal, and it still is, is to empower people to eat healthy, exercise, and to be healthy so they can live longer and better lives. Even though I gave up Med school for God, I consider myself the Lord’s doctor. Just like Luke. He was Jesus’ disciple but he was yet a doctor. I believe that is why God blessed me with a healing ministry because I have such a strong desire to see people get healed. Jerika Mobley: Are you currently in a courtship? If not, would you ever consider remarrying your ex-husband? Prophetess: Yes, I am in a court-





ship and recently got engaged. It was not expected. After being hurt and giving up on love for a season, I gave it all to God. I decided to allow God to heal me everywhere I hurt and focus on doing his work. Just as Ruth was working and Boaz found her, the same thing happened to me. I wasn’t thinking about dating and I actually preferred my alone time with God. I had gotten so use to fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit that when I started developing a relationship with this man, I felt off balance. I often prayed that I would not neglect the Holy Spirit and made the extra time to spend with Him. Everything just fell into place. I guess I showed God that He was the most important person in my life. So God sent me someone. My fiancé is everything that I need. He understands that I have to spend a lot of time with God. He supports me in ministry. I don’t feel like he is intimidated by the anointing on my life. He washes me with the word. He prays for me and encourages me. He tells me that I am beautiful every day. He isn’t lustful at all but a true man of God. He also has his own relationship with God which is very important. He has his own assignment which is important. We are best friends. We aren’t rushing anything but just enjoying each other’s friendship. That’s where I feel like a lot of people mess up. They stop being friends with their spouse and miscommunication sets in which leads to division, lack of

intimacy, infidelity, mistrust, and eventually divorce. It’s important in courtship to have a goal of marriage. If not, then it’s a waste of time. As far as my ex, I pray for him often because that’s my children’s father and I wish him the best. We just didn’t work, there was no purpose in the marriage, we were unequally yoked, and I accept that. I pray that he finds happiness and the right woman for him. I am happy to have my friend and enjoying the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. JoAnn Getecha: Does the prophetic or any of the other five-fold ministries run in your family? Prophetess: There are a lot of gifted people in my family, meaning they can see keenly in the spirit. However, they aren’t walking in one of the five-fold offices. I was raised a Buddhist and once was superstitious. So my mother years ago before she converted to Christianity was very superstitious. She used to have many encounters with the dead. She used to see ghosts even as a small child. She knew people were going to die before it happened. Even after they died, their spirits used to come visit her. These encounters used to scare me as a child. My sister and her daughter, which is my niece, can see in the spirit and talk with spirits that aren’t seen with the natural eye. This sounds weird and it can open up a door to the demonic realm if this gift isn’t

used to glory God. Before I knew I was a prophet, I used to see demons a lot but I thought it was normal. Now I know better. I closed all demonic portals in my life so the devil can’t trespass because I can feel him coming a mile away. My prayer is for all of my family to become saved and to use their gifts for God. Kevin B. Brewer: How does a man find a wife (not a woman) to be a Husband to/for? Prophetess: A man has to be led by God to find his wife. I believe God can highlight someone to a man. A man searching for a wife needs to make sure that he is in a posture to hear from God so he can hear God say that’s the one or receive an unction from the Holy Spirit that this woman is his rib or helpmate. Brittany Lowery: Everyone Needs balance. What do you do for fun? Prophetess: Yes, I agree. Everyone does need balance. I love to watch a good movie and eat popcorn. I love to try new recipes and I love to look at food. I am just a greedy little person inside. Lol. I don’t have to eat food but I love to watch videos or shows about cooking. I love makeup. I like to explore and play with different colors and shades for my lips and eyes. I love to try new things with my kids and people I love the most. Lastly, I love to shop. If I don’t have the money,





I love to window shop or just browse different stores online. Felecia Jackson: When you first heard God speak to you, what did He say, and how did you respond? Prophetess: The first time I heard God speak to me was at a revival. I was jumping up and down and His presence slain me to the ground. He spoke to me and told me that I was going to get married, have a house, and kids. I couldn’t believe it at the time because I was only twenty-one and I wasn’t even thinking about marriage. About nine months later that word came to pass. Before that, I wasn’t sure if it was God or me that I was hearing.





PSALM 37: PART 17 FEAR NOT By Keiyia JOYet George

be the star she wanted to be. My dream was similar to that. A huge production was being put on. Everyone auditioned and got their parts. It’s now rehearsal time and my leading lady...a lovely girl who may have just been me...hmmmm....was doing a scene where she needed to be more realistic as she rehearsed a scene. Fade in...she’s leaning out the windowsill. A hurricane is coming and she needed to show real fear. The kind you only feel when you’ve been through a category 5 or 6 hurricane. And she tried. Over and over. Several times. But each time, she was told it wasn’t ‘real’ enough. I recalled standing over the scene thinking, I don’t now this fear. In reality, I’ve never experienced that level of a hurricane. Of course, it’s the wee hours of the morning and I’m up, writing, receiving, and praying (not in that order cause writing is last). I was actually sleeping, or, better yet, on my way back to sleep, when a phone rang out. Someone needed help. As I silently prayed, many visions popped in my head. As I inquired to God what I should do, I found myself lingering on two things: the dream I was in before my bathroom wake up call and the next piece of this bite size. You see, all month I’ve been waiting on a word from God about it. It’s not one that I could easily write on so it had to come from Him. I’ve contemplated writing without Him but never made it further than contemplating. Most times these scriptures are tied to a lesson, an example, a metaphor...something and I

had nothing. So as I recalled where I left off in the dream and how I felt, I remembered a small part of this bite size: (paraphrased) they will look for you but won’t find you. Before bed, my daughter and I were watching a movie about a young girl who grew up very wealthy in a small town in New Mexico. She’d been acting and singing all her life but she wanted to make it big in New York. Fast forward...she’d finally made it to the stage but it was her dog the casting crew wanted, not her. So she decided to live through her dog until she made it. We didn’t finish it, but we’d seen it before so I knew she’d take the led and

I laugh now because I find myself always in a dream or vision pondering things consciously, as if I’m not in the dream or vision. It’s super cool but I find it makes me lose track of what I’m supposed to get out of the dream or vision. But any who... I woke up, ran to the bathroom and all I’m thinking about was ‘Why was I ‘standing’ over this dream trying to figure out why I couldn’t dream that type of fear into my dream character’. I began to doze back off when the phone rings. At this hour, someone needs something that will call one of us to get out of bed. It wasn’t so bad, but bad enough that I did not go back to sleep. Instead, I rebuked am immediate foul smell and began the receiving part of my night.


Eventually I landed back on this dream and began to see a hurricane... that didn’t exist. I guess by this time it’s a vision cause I’m wide awake but not really here. But as I look out, I again tried to come up with a fear that most would feel as a hurricane came. And I couldn’t. So I wondered... .I have seen the wicked in great power, and spreading himself like a green bay tree. Yet he passed away, and, lo, he was not: yea, I sought him, but he could not be found. Psalms 37:35-36 KJV Sometimes fear wants to overtake us. Sometimes it wants to be the lead in our lives. But with practice,yes practice, we can remove the fear and not even be able to find it. Have you ever felt gripped with such strong anxiety over something that you forget to pray? I have! During these times, I find the fear became a ‘great power’ but in its desire to lead, it spread itself thin and ‘passed away’. Like I was looking for fear in my dream/vision, lately I find that I look out during a situation and I cannot find the fear I ‘should’ have during a crisis. Even tonight, I didn’t find fear, I found traces of mostly anger that someone was irresponsible and we had to be called. I smelled a foul smell almost immediately, as I mentioned before. But a quiet ‘the blood of Jesus’ expelled that. And then I saw the root cause of the call and felt anger but no fear. And as my mind lingered in anger mode, then the fear came. What if...? What if...? What if...? I’m almost laughing now cause I didn’t catch it right away. And it’s only after the reason of the call was confirmed and resolved that I realized the fear crept in, even though I knew the root cause almost immediately. In my state of ‘how can people be so...’ fear crept in. I opened the door wide. I was headed straight to the ‘sin not’ of the verse ‘anger but sin not’ (Ephesians 4:26). But you know, receiving confirmation of God’s insights to you through

Holy Spirit is enough to learn to dispel and repel fear permanently Fear is not a Fruit of the Spirit. It’s not of God. When it comes, we need to cast it out of our broadway play. We need to be able to look out the window as I did in my vision, expecting to find fear in the hurricane, and find only peace. Peace is our portion. Peace in any storm.

Don’t let fear lead your cast. #faith #series

We may be going through much today, but know that fear is not of God. Where there is fear, there is no faith. Can two walk together, except they be agreed? Amos 3:3 No they cannot and fear and faith are on two ends of the spectrum. Whatever you are going though, choose faith. It’s your broadway showcase. Let faith be the lead and cast fear out. Always, Keiyia JOYet George

Fear is not of God. #faith #series









Jesus said to His disciples, “I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. The man runs away because he

is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep. “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me— just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep.” (John 10: 9 – 15). Christian believers’ identities, who they are, is rooted in their identity and position in Christ. If they don’t see themselves the way God sees them, to that degree, they suffer from a false identity and poor sense of worth. They don’t fully understand the gospel and the dramatic change

that occurred in them the moment they trusted in Christ. The redemptive plan of God began to unfold when Christ, the last Adam, appeared. The first thing we notice about the life of Christ was His complete dependence on God the Father. He said, “By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me.” (John 5: 30); “Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will


live because of me.” (John 6: 57); “Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I have come here from God. I have not come on my own; God sent me.” (John 8: 42); “Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work.” (John 14: 10). The ultimate test came after a 40 day fast. The Holy Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness and Satan tempted Him, “The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.” (Mathew 4: 3). Satan wanted Jesus to use His divine attributes independently of the Father to save Himself. “Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4: 4). Near the end of His earthly ministry, Jesus prayed, “Now they know that everything you have given me comes from you.” (John 17: 7). What Jesus modeled was a life totally dependent on God the Father. Jesus came to give us life. Like the first Adam, Jesus was born both physically and spiritually alive. This was made evident by the facts that Jesus was conceived by the Spirit of God and was borne of a virgin. Unlike the first Adam, Jesus was tempted in every way, but never sinned. He never lost His spiritual life because of any sin He commit-

ted. He kept His spiritual life all the way to the cross. There He bled and died, taking the sins of the world upon Himself. He committed His spirit into the Father’s hands as His physical life ended, “Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit. When he had said this, he breathed his last.”(Luke 23: 46). Living, He loved me, dying, He saved me, buried, He carried my sins far away, rising, He justified freely forever. One day He’s coming, Oh glorious day, oh glorious day. What Adam and Eve lost in the Fall was spiritual life, and Jesus came to give us life. Jesus said, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10: 10). John declared, “In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.” (John 1: 4). Notice that light does not produce life. Jesus said, “I am the bread of life.” (John 6: 48) and “Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die;” (John 11: 25). In other words, those who believe in Jesus will continue to live spiritually even when they die physically. “Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14: 4). The ultimate value is not our physical life, which is temporal, but our spiritual life, which is

eternal. Many Christians are living under half a gospel. They have heard that Jesus is the Messiah who came to die for their sins, and if they prayed to receive Christ, they will go to heaven when they die and their sins will be forgiven. Two things are wrong with that statement. First, it is only half the gospel. If you came across a dead man and you had the power to save him, what would you do? Give him life? If that is all you did, then he would only die again. To save the dead person, you would have to do two things. First, you would have to cure the disease that cause him to die. The Bible says, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6: 23). So Jesus went to the cross and died for our sins. Is curing the disease that caused us to die the whole gospel? No! Finish the verse: “but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6: 23). Paul mention, “If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. For this very reason, Christ died and returned to life so that he might be the Lord of both the dead and the living. You, then, why do you judge your brother or sister? Or why do you treat them with contempt? For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat.” (Romans 14: 8 – 10). Thank God for Good Friday, but




what Christians celebrate every spring is the Resurrection on Easter Sunday. For some unknown reason, we have left the Resurrection out of the gospel presentation. Consequently, we end up with forgiving sinners instead of redeemed saints. A second problem with the previous gospel presentation is this: it gives people the impression that eternal life is something they get when they die. That is not true. What is the definition of eternal life? The last verses in Peter inspire statements provide for us the clue. “But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare. Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives” (2 Peter 3: 10 – 11). Eternal life is not something that onset the day we physically die, is something that onset the day we believe. “And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.” (1 John 5: 11 – 12). If we don’t have spiritual (eternal) life before we die physically, we can only anticipate an eternity separated from God.



Are you a wife in an unequally yoked marriage? Then you have more than likely heard a lot of negativity in your ear that comes with being in an unequally yoked marriage. I want to encourage you that God has not forgotten you neither has he abandoned you. There is hope for your marriage, so don’t ever stop petitioning God on your husband’s behalf. I don’t know your story, but I do know God and I know He works ALL things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. You can be certain that your marriage

is not beyond God’s power to transform it! You may have just gotten married or you might have been married for decades, but somewhere along the journey, you lost hope. Wherever you are today, I encourage you to seek God and press into His word because that’s where you find all you need. It’s easy to get caught up in what your husband isn’t and what he is not doing, but I challenge you to change your perspective on things. Philippians 4:8 encourages us to think on those things which are is true,

noble, right, pure, lovely and admirable; if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, then let’s think about such things! This is not always easy to do especially when you are fighting what seems like hell’s army for your husband’s salvation, but please do not feel defeated or get weary along the way. Simply cry out to the Father who knows all things and then get back to work! There is something about a wife that just won’t give up on her husband that pleases God and He will surely reward you in His way and in His perfect timing.




If you are reading this, I do not believe you found this article by chance. I believe this is your divine appointment. I encourage you to forget what lies behind you and press forward in becoming a better wife to your husband despite what you currently see and feel. Let us move forward with the expectation that God will do great things in your marriage- exceedingly, abundantly, immeasurably, and more than you could ever ask think or imagine! Let’s PrayFather God, we come before You humbly as we know how asking You for Your help and Your wisdom in our marriages. We cannot be the wives You desire us to be unless You help us all the way. This is the start of something extraordinary and we thank You for using us to bless our husbands in Jesus name. Amen! Praise and glory to God’s best for your marriages!









THE VOICE OF TRUTH By Reynaldo Rodriguez

But the voice of truth tells me a different story, and the voice of truth says, “Do not be afraid!” The voice of truth says, “This is for My glory.” Out of all the voices calling out to me, I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth. Understanding your identity in Christ is essential for living the Christian life. People cannot consistently behave in ways that are inconsistent with the way they perceive themselves. You don’t change yourself by your perception. You change your perception of yourself by believing the truth. If you perceive yourself wrongly, you will live wrongly because what you

are believing is not true. If you think you are a no good bum, you will probably live like a no good bum. If, however, you see yourself as a child of God who is spiritually alive in Christ, you will begin to live accordingly. Next to knowledge of God, knowledge of who you are is by far the most important truth you can possess. Eternal life is not something that onset the day we physically die, it is something that onset the day we believe. The major strategy of Satan is to distort the character of God and the truth of who we are “in Christ”. However, he can’t change God and he can’t do anything to change our identity and position in Christ.

If, however, he can get us to believe a lie, we will live as though our identity in Christ isn’t true. Have you noticed that one of the most frequently used words of identity for Christians in the New Testament is “saint”? A saint is literally a holy person. Yet, Paul and the other writers of the Epistles used the word generously to describe common, ordinary, everyday Christians like you and me. For example, Paul’s salutation in 1 Corinthians 1: 2 – 3 reads: “To the church of God in Corinth, to those sanctified in Christ Jesus and called to be his holy people, together with all those everywhere who call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ—their Lord and ours:


Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” Imagine yourself living in the same time this letter was written and you are a member of any of the churches in Asia Minor. Notice that Paul didn’t say we are saints by hard work. He clearly states we are saints by calling. The tendency of the church is to believe that saints are people who have earned their lofty title by living a magnificent life or by achieving a certain level of maturity. In the Bible, believers are described as “saints,” which means holy ones, “To all in Rome who are loved by God and called to be his holy people: Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.” (Romans 1: 7). “To the church of God in Corinth, to those sanctified in Christ Jesus and called to be his holy people, together with all those everywhere who call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ—their Lord and ours: Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Corinthians 1: 2 – 3), “Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and Timothy our brother, To the church of God in Corinth, together with all his holy people throughout Achaia: Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Corinthians 1: 1 – 2), “Paul

and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus, To all God’s holy people in Christ Jesus at Philippi, together with the overseers and deacons: Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” (Philippi 1: 1 – 2). Being a saint does not necessarily reflect any present measure of growth in character, but it does identify those who are rightly related to God. In the King James Version of the Bible, believers are called “saints,” “holy ones” or “righteous ones” more than 240 times. In contrast, unbelievers are called “sinners” more than 330 times. Clearly, the term “saint” is used in Scripture to refer to the believer, and the term “sinner” is used in reference to the unbeliever. Although the New Testament provides plenty of evidence that the believer sins, it never clearly identifies the believer as a sinner. Paul’s reference to himself in which he declares, “Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst.” (1 Timothy 1: 15). Despite the use of the present tense by the apostle, several things make it much preferable to consider his description of himself as the foremost of sinners as a reference to his pre-conversion to the gospel. Taking this as a truthful statement, he indeed was the chief of all sinners. Nobody opposed the work of God more zealous than he did, in spite of the fact that he could boast, “As to zeal, a persecutor of the

church; as to the righteousness which is in the Law, found blameless” (Philippians 3: 6). For several reasons, I believe this refers to what Paul was before he came to Christ. First, the reference to himself as a sinner is in support of the first half verse in 1 Timothy: “Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1: 15). The reference to “the ungodly and sinners” a few verses earlier (v. 9), “We also know that the law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers,” This, along with the other New Testament uses of the term “sinners” for those who are outside salvation, shows that the sinners whom Christ came to save were outside of salvation rather than believers who can still choose to sin. Second, Paul reference to himself as a sinner is immediately followed by the statement, “And yet… I found [past tense] mercy” (v. 16). This clearly points to the past occasion of his conversion: “But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life.” Paul continued to be amazed at the mercy of God toward him who was the “worst” sinner. A similar present




evaluation of himself based upon the past is perceived when the apostle said, “For I am [present] the least of the apostles and do not even deserve to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God.” (1 Corinthians 15: 9).

double-minded.” This scripture is one of 10 verbal commands urging anyone who reads this general epistle to make a decisive break with the old life. This is best understood as calling the reader to repentance and therefore salvation.

Because of his past action, Paul considered himself unworthy of what by God’s grace and mercy he presently was, an apostle who was in no respect “inferior to the most eminent apostles” “I have made a fool of myself, but you drove me to it. I ought to have been commended by you, for I am not in the least inferior to the “super-apostles,” even though I am nothing. (2 Corinthians 12: 11). Third, although declaring that he is the worst sinner, the apostle at the same time declared that Christ had strengthened him for the ministry, having considered him “faithful,” or trustworthy, for the ministry to which he was called, “I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me trustworthy, appointing me to his service.” (1 Timothy 1: 12).

The second use of sinner, found in James 5: 19 – 20, appears to have a similar reference to unbelievers, “My brothers and sisters, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring that person back, remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins.” Because this is most likely spiritual death, it suggests that the person was not a believer. In both of these uses of “sinner,” James is using the term as it was used among the Jews for those who disregarded the law of God and flouted standards of morality. As believers, we are not trying to become saints; we are saints who are becoming like Christ. Salvation and sanctification is not a place nor destiny, it is a progressive journey into eternity.

The term “sinner,” therefore, did not describe him as a believer but rather was used in remembrance of what he was before Christ transformed him. The only other places in Scriptures that could be referring to Christians as sinners are two references found in James, “Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you





PSALM 37: PART 18 PERFECT PEACE By Keiyia JOYet George

aging quickly. It could be my lightheartedness that I’ve found due to having children. But I believe it’s also the peace I have in my heart. When I found this peace, that’s when people really took notice. I received so many ‘you look good...’ compliments, that even now, I still blush. I always give glory to God because without Him, I’m sure I’d wear my age and more.

I just celebrated a birthday. It’s also exam time for my children, so we delayed any ‘real’ festivities until the weekend (‘cept the private ones families like ours never pass up). And that’s ok. But here’s the funny part: I don’t realize my age until I tell someone. Lol. No really. It never dawns on me that I’m ‘getting up there’ until I actually say the number. And looking at me, I’m told, you’d never guess it. My very best friend called me and she and her family sang the

birthday song for me. When it was my part, I sang my age. When we were finished, she was shocked to learn that I’m older than her. Lol. I mean really! Sarcastically I told her when I met her she was like 12 but in reality, when I met her, I was two years older than she, but my travels and experiences often made me forget how young I was. And here this young whipper snapper talking ‘bout she thought she was older than I. Lol. How is it I stay so young? Well, it could be my wonderful genes that help me not look as if I’m

So where does this peace come from? Oh, my dears! It comes straight from the Almighty. Although it’s always readily available, we don’t often readily receive it. We don’t do what we are supposed to do to keep it! Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Isaiah 26:3 (KJV) It’s that simple. Keep your mind on Him. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8 KJV When I was learning to medi-


ate, and I don’t mean Buddhist stuff or whatever people do, I first practiced clearing my mind. Before I found peace, it was hard to sleep because my mind was always on. Planning, solving, doing. Just always on. Once I heard God tell me I had too many distractions, I began to practice thinking about nothing, which really seemed farfetched. But it was achievable...kinda.... Thankfully I was reminded that the Word tells us exactly what to think on and so that’s what I thought on. Again, it wasn’t an overnight something. I purposefully practiced thinking on ‘...these things.’ And what I noticed is more often than not, I became aware of my thought life and was able to better arrest the negative thoughts that crept up. I was able to seek Holy Spirit’s counsel for guidance. But most importantly, I was able to hear and receive instructions clearer. The almost last bite size piece of Psalm 37 is: Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace. But the transgressors shall be destroyed together: the end of the wicked shall be cut off. Psalms 37:37-38 KJV So many people translate the word perfect to mean ‘do no wrong’. I don’t. I translate it to being Christlike, whom we have died with and was resurrected with and made righteous in. That righteousness makes

us perfect but only in Him. I won’t go further into this right now, but to all those who say ‘no one is perfect’, well check your sources. So watch a truly righteous person. Look at those who really live upright. Not the fake ones who speak one thing but do another. Not the ones who slander and gossip. Not the ministers on the pulpit who are teaching false doctrine. Not the neighbor who can’t smile good morning to you. None of them, for when you look at them, do you really see peace? Look around. Who’s really at true peace most of the times (cause the demonic kingdom tries to be sneaky sometimes and hits you in unexpected ways). Those who’s face and actions reveal a true EXHALE. Those who mere presence speaks volumes in calming the atmosphere. Those who carry a noticeable presence of the Spirit with them. Those are the perfect ones. They’ve learn to trust God and found perfect peace in all situations... even when the imps throw a curve ball at them. And then there is the opposite. The grumpy ones who are never positive. The ones who straddle the fence: on today, off tomorrow. Those who bring discord into the atmosphere. There is no peace there. There is no noticeable presence of the Spirit there. These will be cut away. I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. Every

branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. John 15:1-2 KJV Those who transgress will be cut off. Without a concern or second look. Their prosperity (which is way more than money) will be taken away. They will see their own demise. They will be destroyed. So I want you to do one thing: when you see evildoers around you (people who harbor discord rather than peace, people who lie, steal, and cheat to get ahead, people who are greedy and prideful, etc.), pay them no mind except in prayer. Instead, surround yourself with people who have found that peace in Christ. Watch them. Understand how they maintain their peace. Learn what you can and with Holy Spirit’s guidance, learn to walk in peace. Let’s all do our part to keep peace in the atmosphere because with this peace comes the best gifts from God. Peace, Keiyia JOYet George




TESTIMONIES: LET’S GIVE THE DEVIL A BLACK EYE! When we share our testimonies, our faith increases! We start to believe God for the Impossible! We can see the power and the hand of God in any situation. God can turn any test into a testimony! We know if God did it before, he can do it again. Our Testimonies glorify God!

I woke up this morning so free from God touching me on your prayerline. Thank you so much Prophetess for praying for me. The Lord was so strong upon me. I was so thankful to God for what He did for me, the Holy Spirit told me to sow a seed. I put my seed in the ground today. Bless you Prophetess. Good morning Prophetess, Praise Report. You prayed for my mother’s health in January. She had major surgery. I see her improving. Her memory has returned. Thank you for your prayers. I know it was God. Praise the Lord! My sister in law Raychelle asked you to pray for her mar-

riage. They were supposed to divorce last month but my brother called off the divorce!! My name is Sharon and I’ve been on your prayer call a few times; more like 3 times and the prophecies haven’t come to pass yet but I’m still believing God. I want to testify that just today I sowed into your ministry. I’d been wanting to sow for a long time but I’m unemployed and is in the process of moving south. Anyway, over the weekend I was at a conference and didn’t really have much to sow but all of a sudden I remembered your ministry and I said to the Lord that if he gives me seed I’ll sow into your ministry. So, my mom sends me some money and out

of that today I sowed $25 into your ministry. I named it my breakthrough seed. A couple hours later my best friend asks me to check my email and when I did, I realized that she had just deposited $300 into my bank account!! This is the fastest return I’ve experienced through a Ministry! You are definitely good ground to sow into and I just wanted you to know that and to encourage you to keep doing what it is that God has called you to do. I mean this is amazing! I was in desperate need of money and I sowed and unexpectedly received a harvest. That was quick! God, bless you, I appreciate you and I pray that increase will come to you now in Jesus name! Definitely good ground!


Hi Prophetess Kimberly! I wanted to share my testimony of the goodness of the Lord! You prayed for me on the prayer line for my speeding ticket that I couldn’t pay and seven days later the Lord provided the money to pay my speeding ticket. Praise God! May God continue to bless you and this ministry! Lakiesha. Good evening Prophetess Kimberly. I hope your having superb time with the Lord on the mountain. I am emailing to let you know that I have received a job within the time frame that you set, 3-7 day mark. I received a call today and was offered a temporary Administrative Assistant position at a real estate agency. The is no end date however, they are looking to hire someone full time I was told. I am just so grateful, that the word you spoke came to past in my life. Glory to the most high God. Thank you so much for prophesying. Hi Prophetess, you prophesied to me a couple of weeks ago that I would be recompensed from my job. Well after having knee replacement surgery, I am unable to work and have been waiting on approval from Long term disability. Well today I was approved. Glory to God. Thank you for your obedience in hearing God’s voice! Many blessings and huge hugs. God did it! He used my sister and touched her heart to help me move into an apartment. Thank you for your prayers. I move in next Saturday. Hello Prophetess! I just wanted to tell you thank you so much for your prayers. The Holy Spirit woke me up 2 days before my surgery and told me to cancel the surgery and I was healed. Holy Spirit also confirmed that if I had surgery I would be in danger! Thank you for being obedi-

ent! Hallelujah! God bless you!! Praise report! God gave me a Miracle today! I am getting a home. God made a way where there was no way. Someone is buying me a home for my son and I. I’ll pay them low house notes. It’s a miracle. I just wanted to give praise on your word that you sent. There is so much word out there but yours came to pass. Good morning Beautiful woman of God. I just want to thank you for your continued love and support during my time of transition. I sincerely appreciate your prayers and your words of encouragement. The Lord has blessed me with a new place after being homeless for five months. God is so awesome. The best is yet to come! Woman of God, I called the prayer line this morning and asked for prayer for my friend. She had a baby and never got a chance to see the newborn because she was in a coma. Well, the very hour we prayed over Neeka, who was asleep since Wednesday. She woke up and now is talking. Now she can see her baby girl. Thank you for all the prayer warriors!! You prophesied to me about there being healing in my hands. Yesterday, I prayed for three people. One person’s hand was numb, swollen and in pain. I got my oil and rubbed it on my hands and commanded the pain to go and called healing forth. The pain went away. Another person had a runny eye, so I prayed and it stopped. My friend had a spasm in her back and came over with a cane. I cursed the spasm and the pain and called forth healing and she was healed! She screamed in shock and hugged me and a few others. I said, “That’s Jesus!!” I thank

God for touching His people. The prophecy was fulfilled. Praise Report! I was on the Miracle Prayer Call on Friday December 23, 2016. You prayed for healing (headache, back pain, autoimmune disease). I was healed. I didn’t tell you, but you curse cancer. My mother has had cancer twice and headaches due to tumor on her brain being removed. She is doing well and she says she is better. I know that she is 100 percent healed. I had a spirit of heaviness and I now have an abundance of joy. I am so excited about life again. Praise the Lord! I really needed to give this praise report. Wow, wow, wow. My life has shifted. Can’t wait to see what’s ahead. All praise to God. In Jesus name. I thank God for you, and the anointing on your life. Happy New Year! Thank you for your prayers. I was anxious and worried that God would not open a door leading to employment in my field and he did. God released 4 supernatural favor and abundant blessings. Thank you for praying for my mom a couple of weeks ago (sending recording). She has no brain damage from the 5 strokes the doctors claim she had. She’s home and doing fine; taking it easy; eating healthy; taking meds to strengthen her heart. The periscope video blessed me this morning. I felt the Anointing during most of your scope. Thank you so much. I’d never felt the fire of God upon me until I came across your ministry a few months ago and had you to pray over me. This is so exciting and I’m almost done with my book!!! During the 2nd miracle call I attended a couple of months ago. God told you I was writing and to keep writing and to release it.


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