December 2016 Rejoice Essential Magazine

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Page 04 Peripheral Nervous System Page 06 Contributors Page 08 School Of The Prophets Class Page 12 This Won’t Last Page 22 The Christ in CHRISTmas Page 26 Jeremiah Page 28 Apostle Ken And Prophetess Sabina Cox Page 48 We Rise By Lifting Others Page 52 Psalm 37: Part 10 - He Got You Page 56 My Favorite Prophet: Hosea

Page 64 Psalm 37: Part 11 - Give it up Page 67

4 Keys To Exposing The Enemy

Page 68 5 ways to break ungodly soul ties Page 70 Healthy Living Page 71 You Are Made To Prosper


Page 72 5 Benefits Of Righteousness Page 74 Amos Page 77 Sinner’s Prayer Page 78 Testimonies

Page 60 Great Things Never Came From Comfort Zones


38 44

THE PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM conducts impulses from the dendrites to the terminal branches. Myelin Sheath: The fatty membranes that cover the axon, allowing for faster electrical conduction. Nodes of Ranvier: Gaps in the myelin sheath. The electrical impulses jump from one node to the next on an axon. Electrical Potential: A separation of charge, which gives the ability to send electricity. Ions: Charged atoms, which give the neuron its potential. Nervous System: The system of cells, tissues, and organs that regulates the body’s responses to internal and external stimuli. Impulse: The electrochemical signal transmitted down a neuron. Neuron: The basic functional unit of the nervous system, consisting of a cell body, and it’s processes: the dendrites, axon, and terminal branches. Neurotransmitter: Biological molecules released from the terminal branches in response to a propagating action potential. Axon: The major process that

Resting Potential: The potential of an inactive neuron. Action Potential: The propagated impulse of an excited neuron. Threshold Potential: The potential at which an action potential can be initiated. Afferent Neuron: Brings sensory information to the CNS. Efferent Neuron: Brings motor information from the CNS. Dorsal Root: contains sensory neurons. Dorsal Root Ganglia: Bundle of sensory neuron cell bodies outside the spinal cord. Ventral Root: contains motor

neurons. Mixed Nerves: Nerves that contain both sensory and motor neurons. Reflex Arc: A simple neural circuit that includes an afferent sensory neuron, an interneuron, and an efferent motor neuron that does not rely on any input from the brain. Somatic Nervous System: Voluntary motor system Autonomic System: Involuntary nervous system Parasympathetic Nervous System: The part of the Autonomic system that inhibits function Sympathetic Nervous System: The part of the Autonomic system that inhibits function Sympathetic Ganglion: sympathetic synapses between spinal neurons and efferent neurons



Kimberly Hargraves is the Chief Editor and Founder of REJOICE ESSENTIAL MAGAZINE. She is the Author of several books which are featured inside. She has a Bachelor degree in Biology and a minor in Chemistry. She has an Associate Degree in Respiratory Care. She also has a background in Nutrition. She also has an anointing for healing and deliverance. Signs and wonders Follow her as God uses her to Minister.

CONTRIBUTORS Tron Moses is an anointed intercessor who is talented in so many areas. He is a Successful businessman who is gifted in photography. He is graced with wisdom beyond his earthly years. God has favored him to write several life changing books. God has truly used him to do great exploits for the kingdom of heaven. Special thanks to Tron for Designing the cover.


Keiyia Jackson-George is a wife of one. A mother of three. A Business owner. A natural lady. BUT a Woman of God. She resides in the Virgin Island. She blogs at Encouraging woman all around the world. You can read some of her awesome articles here and on her blog site.

Shirley Ann Cooper is Senior Pastor at Regeneration Church Street Ministry, an online family of believers leading the lost to Christ. Using her online page for outreach to a dying world, she ministers to those who are turned away from the church, or are feeling rejected by believers who are based on religious form, rather than scriptural truth. She finds herself bringing that same love to the streets of Florida, bringing tactics that will introduce Jesus to those who do not know His name or His unconditional love. Umbrella ushers, Free hugs, The penny fund, Human auctions, are but a few ideas that her Ministry has used to bring light to a dark world. Pastor Shirley has worked on many projects with local Pastors and ministers dealing with street ministry. She has been married for 31 years, and has six children, which include two son in-laws. She is a grandmother as well, with two baby grandsons, and another grand baby on the way, all of which are involved in ministry and Believers of Jesus Christ. You can reach Pastor Shirley Cooper through: Email: praise Or Facebook:

Evangelist Reynaldo Rodriguez is a powerful man of God. He is compassionate and a proliferic writer who touches the world with his writings. He served as a pastor for two and half years. God uses him mightily to bring healing to the broken hearted.


Melody Summers

Malisa Heinig

Chalon Eberhart

School Of The Prophet Admin

School Of The Prophet Student

School Of The Prophet Student

Marie Nathan

Brittany Lowery

Keiyia Jackson-George

School Of The Prophet Student

School Of The Prophet Admin

School Of The Prophet Admin

Tron Moses School Of The Prophet Admin

To find out more about the school of the prophets go to


Our Mission at Grace Be Unto You Outreach Church is to serve with the heart of Jesus Christ. (Luke 4:18,19) (719) 596-9076 3195 Airport Road Colorado Springs, Colorado 80910





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THIS WONT LAST By Reynaldo Rodriguez

I have heard the same songs and read the same Bible verses as before, but it is as if I’m really hearing for the first time. There is underlying joy and peace in the midst of the same circumstances that used to bring defeat and discouragement. Already the deceiver has tried to plant thoughts in my mind and tell me that this won’t last, it is just another gimmick that won’t work. The difference is that now I know those are lies from Satan and not the truth. Whenever feelings of defeat and despair menace your soul with attacks is time to go back to the basics. What a difference the freedom the Holy Spirit for us in Christ makes! One of the big challenges for

military commanders is to keep their troops battle ready when they are not involved in real life combat. When soldiers are in an active battle situation, they know how important mental and physical conditioning is; but when they are in a safe place in a time of peace, it is easy to become focused on things that have little to do with being a soldier. The difference between military warfare and spiritual warfare is that we are always in the battle, whether we realize it or not. The difference is that in spiritual warfare the enemy cannot be seen. Our struggle is not against people of flesh and bones but against spirits from the realm of Satan. People may well become involved in the struggle as the

instruments Satan uses against us, but the real battle is spiritual. This means that we always need to be spiritually battle ready. There is no such thing as a safe place, if by that we mean a place where the enemy is not a present threat. The only sanctuary we have is our position in Christ. We are not helpless victims in this war, but we are told to be always on guard, because we never know or where the enemy will launch on of his deceptive attacks. Too often well—meaning believers fall into one of two traps. They either try to stay out of the way by ignoring it, or they try to get involved at a level for which they are not prepared. For both,


the place to begin is to recognize the real nature of the battle and then get the basic training needed to be ready when the commander calls us to more direct involvement, “Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man.” (Luke 21: 36). “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” (Ephesians 6: 18) Warfare can be looked at from two different perspective—offensive and defensive. The Scriptures speak of both in this spiritual battle. We are told, on the one hand, to be prepared to defend ourselves against the attacks of the enemy, “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.” (1 Peter 5: 8 – 9), but we are also called to pray, “your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6: 10). If God’s kingdom is to come, Satan’s kingdom must come down, “If Satan drives out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then can his kingdom stand?” (Matthew 12: 26),

“And giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light. For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves,” (Colossians 1: 12 – 13), “The fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and its kingdom was plunged into darkness. People gnawed their tongues in agony”. (Revelations 16: 10). This involve spiritual warfare. We are also commanded to be a part of that invasion of Satan’s kingdom. Jesus sends His disciples “into all the world”, “He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” (Mark 16: 15)—the world over where Satan rules—and He sends them in order to bring people into Christ kingdom of hope, faith, and love: “to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.” (Acts 26: 18). The word Me represents under that context Jesus. Even today this Great Commission continues to tell us to go and make disciples, “Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.

And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28: 18 – 20). And we can do that by crossing the ocean, or the boundaries of this global village we all call earth via social media and the internet, or just by crossing the streets to reach out to our closer neighbors. It can be accomplished through our witness at work or at school. It can accomplish through intercession. It can be accomplished through stewardship of our resources. In any case, you know that Satan does not want this to happen, and he will do everything he can to prevent our fruitful participation in such activity. Everything else that do not describe that actual context should find safe harbor into Paul’s words, “What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ” (Philippians 3: 8). It saddens the heart of the Holy Spirit, how some of us deliberately had ignored the words of the apostle, “For, as I have often told you before and now tell you again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ.” (Philippians 3: 18)


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Join The Team! Don’t miss out on this movement! Do you want your ministry to be featured inside our next issue? Do you have an awesome book that will impact lives? Has God done the miraculous in your life? Well don’t sit there! Testify! Let’s Us advertise your Business and promote your products! Get up! It’s time for you to be in the spotlight! Contact Us:



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Join Prophetess Kimberly Hargraves on World Harvest Radio. Sundays @ 9:30 pm EST. You can access shortwave streaming audio on ANGEL1




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For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6) CHRISTmas time is always a special time for most everyone. Especially for followers of Jesus Christ. CHRISTmas is celebrated all across the globe in many ways. I do remember celebrating CHRISTmas in Puerto Rico with my family even though I was quite young, under five years old that is. CHRISTmas Eve was a biggy for our family, heating up the oven at 6am CHRISTmas eve, cooking up a big ole’ fat Turkey, an incredible, mouth watering, Beef

Rib Roast, and a Pork Shoulder Roast, soups, rice, potatoes, Filipino foods, Puerto Rican cuisines, mad desserts, fruits, veggies, and so much more, and that tradition has been carried down to my children. Today, we can never leave a normal holiday dinner simple. We just had to amplify it ten fold. Opening one gift and then playing and eating all night almost until CHRISTmas Day. Then, on CHRISTmas day it was on again. The party continues. My parents would enjoy their wine, and rum and coke (coca cola), a drink mix too crazy to forget. In glasses made of crystal and gold. My mom would pull out her once a year China

wear and beautiful decor. Of course not allowing us to touch a thing, and I say that with a smile. She wanted everything to be perfect, because after all, company was on their way. My parents never had a dull CHRISTmas and neither have we, my children, grand children, hubby and I. Every Time I remember those days, I cannot help but think that CHRISTmas was an amazing time for me. Aside from the many gifts that were placed under our tree, it was a day that people old, young, believers, nonbelievers, churched, and unchurched, loved with an effort you just don’t see everyday. When we look deeper into CHRISTmas we find that the


typical story we hear could be exaggerated some, or just rearranged a little. “It’s about 2000 years ago, the evening of December 25. When Mary rides into Bethlehem on a donkey, urgently needing to deliver her baby. Although it’s an emergency, all the innkeepers turn them away. So they deliver baby Jesus in a stable. Then angels sing to the shepherds. Afterwards, they all join three kings with camels in worshipping the quiet, newborn.” However, scripture doesn’t tell it like this at all. The events surrounding Jesus’ birth don’t read like that at all. Clever though and truly enticing if you ask me. Or if you go back to the Bible. To say that Mary rode in on a donkey is believable but the fact that it was never mentioned how she rode in, makes it an almost made up ride. Was Jesus really born in a stable? Or was He born in a barn or a cave, or just some ditch along the way? The facts lay in between the pages of God’s manual, but the lie is nowhere to be found in scripture. The CHRISTmas story is remembered everywhere before Halloween ever hits the stores. Around Thanksgiving CHRISTmas trees are placed beautifully in many windows, whether the homeowners are believers, or not. The CHRISTmas spirit is the only spirit that can move someone quickly from hate to love in seconds, filling them with welp, The CHRISTmas Spirit. Which if

you ask me, is the Holy Spirit at work. It is known that some Historians believe that Jesus’ birth was in September, and being that September is my birthday I find it hard to argue that find. However, some may not agree. No matter, the truth is hidden between the pages of God’s handy work in that great love story of His. Regardless to what we believe or not. We do celebrate CHRISTmas every December 25th. We do begin cooking at 6am CHRISTmas Eve and we almost always celebrate this time of year with a joy deep in our hearts that no one can tame. We suddenly get excited, we are driven to do things that we normally would not do. Some of us hate CHRISTmas, while most of us love it. Majority rules. Those in favor of this wonderful time of year have already packed up their gifts, drew up their menus, made their naughty and nice list, grabbed their new bibles for CHRISTmas day church, sent out their cards, and planned out their CHRISTmas morning events. The unconditional, uncontrolled love that people lack all year round, suits itself up for that one day where Reindeer fly, a fat man gives, coal is dispensed, Poinsettias are used as decor, snow is prayed for, and candy canes are eaten generously. It’s a day where Jesus is remembered by so many that live without Him outside of December 25th. A day that

grumpy old men become loving souls, and miserable people find peace. So as I write all this down, I cannot help but relish in the fact that it doesn’t matter what date Jesus was born. As long as we know that He came for a purpose, lived with us, and loved us enough to take His own life in place of ours so that we could be forgiven. While some of us are planted in searching deeper for this date, most of us are in search of His amazing love. A love that if shared all over the world, would eventually bring unity to a divided world. All those CHRISTmas Eve’s and Days spent with my family cannot be shoved under the rug because of a date that we’re not sure of. The memories clearly show and teach that someone special was born and we are to raise and praise His holy name forever more. Before I wrap this up let me place a pretty bow on top with this final note. The scriptures say that all Kings should fall down before Him, and all nations serve Him. That is a biblical command. Jesus’s birthday may not be correctly recorded, but God’s commands are. Which is good enough for me. Praises to Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. May all kings fall down before him, all nations serve him! (Psalms 72:11)




Are you tired of stubborn strongholds in your life? A demonic stronghold will keep you bound and prevent you from receiving God’s promises. Make a decision today to no longer allow the enemy to keep you bound by various strongholds. Kimberly Hargraves shows you how to pray effectively over the twenty-five most common problem areas the enemy attacks in “Prayers That Demolish Demonic Strongholds: A Book of Declarations.”


Is your life falling apart and you don’t know what else to do? Are you tired of being in bondage? Kimberly Hargraves shares the revelation the Lord gave her about yokes and ways to pray away the enemy. This is a topical book that covers various topics you may be dealing with in life. This book includes anointed declarations to destroy the yoke of the enemy.



My favorite prophet in the bible is Jeremiah. He was chosen and appointed as a prophet to the nations before he was formed in the womb (Jeremiah 1:5). Jeremiah has also been given the nickname of “The weeping Prophet� because he experience such sorrow and grief throughout his ministry that he cried out to God and wished that he could weep everyday for the slain of his own people. Jeremiah had so much empathy for other people; he felt their pain. He cared

so much for the people and did not want them to perish so he begged them to hear him when he speaks and preached to them, but unfortunately, the people would not listen to him and for that, he faced a lot of turmoil. Despite going through such turmoil, Jeremiah remained faithful to God; he faced all of it with no support and no consolation since God called him not to marry and have any children as we see in Jeremiah 16:2. He was alone through it all, but God was always there with him,

speaking to him and giving him directions and words to speak. Jeremiah, did not understand why God called him to do so much and go through so much pain, even after how loyal he was to God. He had tried so hard to get the people to understand their problem of trust and faith in God. Similarly to Jeremiah, I have faced many discouraging moments and have felt alone in life. My father rejected me at birth and my mom decid-


ed to keep me and give me up for adoption. I was very prophetic as a child, and also dreamt a lot of dreams, suffered with health problems at a very young age and had many trying times; but as a child, my parents didn’t understand the prophetic and thus rejected me and ridiculed me for being the way that I was. They expected me to be who they wanted me to be and for that, I struggled a lot growing up with identity.

though I was older than I was. I would cry in prayer and yell at God wondering why he is allowing me to go through the rejection and why my parent were not treating me with an abundance of love. I also got to a moment and wondered if God really existed, I doubted him a lot more when I got sick about 6 years ago with a pituitary tumor, but I digress.

The one thing I knew is that I was God’s child and that helped me face a lot of difficulties. I had hard time with life not only because my parents ridiculed me, but also because I too, did not understand what I was going though and I desired to know more, but could not since my parents would not allow me to do anything. Instead, I grew up in a very restricted home environment and all I had was God, I cried a lot as a child, yet I still had hope that things would get better someday.

As a child, I also had a strange caring for people, as a little girl, if I saw someone crying, I’d want to comfort them; I remember meeting a boy at school who was complaining about how it was his birthday and no one said happy birthday or gave him any gifts, I went and got a card and inserted 5 dollars in the card and said happy birthday to him-yes we became friends throughout high school. LOL but it’s just to explain how I always wanted people to be in good posture and be happy; I didn’t want to see people suffer or have lack.

I cried many tears, tears that a child really should not shed, hence, I always

God knew what he was doing in my life. I always wanted to see people do

better and of course they never listened to me. Up until recently, I realized, people never listen to me when I tell them something but after the fact that’s when they say oh! Marie, you were right, I should’ve listen to you. I know God is preparing me for grater works. I realized even when people don’t listen to me I am planting seeds and one day they will realize the truth and also someday, when I speak people will listen to what I have to say. Despite moments of rejection and discouragement I can feel God’s power rising within me and I know just like Jeremiah, if I stay faithful to God He will stay faithful to me. He will direct my path and bring me to a higher place in him.




Apostle Ken Cox


5305 Old Well St. Durham, NC 27704

Ministry Summary:

Email: Contact no. : (919) 695-3375 Office :(919) 464-4387 direct cell Career Objective: Seeking the opportunity, to minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ World Wide, as a full Time Prophet of God. Seeking to work with all ministries who are believers of The Gospel of Jesus. Looking to go where ever God has need of me in this

Highly efficient in Prophetic Deliverance Ministry, with an Apostolic Mantle for leading and developing 5 Fold Ministry Leaders. The key emphasis is on the Prophet and the Apostle Gifting according to Ephesians 4:11-15. The goal is to ensure that Gods purposes are accomplished through this ministry and efficiency and effectiveness for each of the foundation gifts of Ephesians 2:20. Qualifications:

National Prophetic Mantle with Proven track record of accuracy and integrity concerning business dealings with God’s leaders of this Generation. ( See References) • Former Prophetic Instructor and Prophetic course creator for Gods Generals International Ministry Training Center. • Prophetic Instructor and Founder, Where Eagles Fly School of the Prophet. www.

Apostle Ken Cox And Prophetess Sabina Cox • Presiding Prelate, Chief Apostle of Where Eagles Fly International Fellowship with 15 ministries under this direct leadership. • Creator of The Prophets To The Nations, Secure Prophetic Training Line. • Creator of Where Eagles Fly Prophetic Video Gallery • Creator of The Prophets Prayer Line , Americas Prophetic Teleconference. 857-232-0155 Code 667425 Skills Summary: Possess good communicative abilities and convincing skills, Problem solving at different levels of Apostolic and Prophetic development • Taught and established the online presentation and execution of The Prophets Prayer Line. • Created individual and School of The Prophet documentation to include Prophetic Boot Camps across America. • Works with Apostolic Leaders to help them create Covenant agreements for Apostles and Prophets within their fellowships • National Prophetic Teacher for Prophetic Schools, Prophetic Boot Camps

• Good knowledge regarding management and administrative responsibilities for Apostles and Prophets. Technical and Professional Skills: • Proficiency in MS-Office & Internet Operations • Expert in preparation of management and project reports

• The Prophets Prayer Line, 857-232-0155 code 667425 • Birthed out 9 Apostles within the last 4 years • Concentrated over 30 Prophets with the last 2 years

Work Experience:

• Established National School of Prophet, Durham, NC Extra Curricular Activities:

Current Employer: Full Time Ministry

• Family Man, Married to Prophetess Sabina Cox

Designation: Chief Apostle of Where Eagles Fly Fellowship Known as “A Prophet to The nations”

• Father of 3 Children, Grandfather of 4

Ministry responsibilities:

Willing to come anywhere there is a need for God to have a mouth piece. Amos 3:7 Has traveled across America As a Prophet sent by God to establish his Word and Will for certain areas.

• Daily and overall management of administrative departmental functions of Where Eagles Fly International Prophetic Fellowship of Apostles and Prophets. • Oversees the Resources of Revelation In The Word Ministries and Where Eagles Fly Fellowship • Planning, preparation, execution and distribution of inter-departmental memorandums that pertain to The Fellowship along with Prophetic advisory board. • Planning for on-site meetings, travel arrangements, corporate Ministry agendas, etc. Achievements:

Mobility and Flexibility:

Declaration: I hereby declare that the abovementioned information is correct and true as per my knowledge. Apostle Ken Cox Ministry and Personal References For Apostle Ken Cox Apostle Centry Prince, Charleston,SC… 843-437-8245 / 843-531-2394 Apostle Willie Raines, Wilmington, NC …910-612-8301











The Power of Intercession was written to show the believer that you can have faith for your loved ones, co-workers, neighbors, leaders, strangers, and God will honor your faith. When you have a prayer life God will summons you to pray for others. Every believer is called to intercede on behalf of others.


We overcome by the blood of the lamb and by the word of our testimony. I show you all the ups and downs in my life, I share my jouney with you as if we’re sitting across from one another. From selling crack, to giving my life to the Lord, and then walking away from Him. I show you how I hit rock bottom and finally made my way back to the father, I was the prodigal son, and this is my story.













Get your prayer package today. Great Christmas gift! For a donation of $140 you get all 10 books, Anointing oil, an anointed prayer cloth. Get your package today at Go to the store on the website.


I wrote this book because there are not enough mentors in the body of Christ. Everybody is too busy with their own lives. Paul said it best, all seek their own and not the things which are Jesus Christ’s (Phil 2:21). It is very important that we take up time with new converts, to encourage them, strengthen them, and push them. If we impart that in them, eventually they’ll impart it in others.

The reason the enemy is fighting the saints is because he hates increase. That's why he fights to keep us out of our word, because the more we know, the bigger threat we become to him.



Congratulations Malisa!


Congratulations Melody!



As we learn to practice forgiveness and reconciliation based on our renewed relationship with the Lord, the ministry team report that this become evident even in the way we conduct business meetings and carry on day to day operations without focusing on pastors and leaders as emotional targets where we shoot our frustrations and internal disaffections with the world we live in. How you make others feel about themselves says a lot about you. Prayer is a powerful medium of grace God had granted us for our spiritual homeostatic peace and release. Satan’s plan for the church is to divide, discourage and destroy. History testifies to the fact that

he has all too often been very successful with that strategy. The reason for this has to be that, on the one hand, we have been ignorant of his tactics, “in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes.” (2 Corinthians 2: 11) and, on the other hand, we have not been fit for battle. Satan loves to be ignored. That allows him to go about his deceptive work of keeping the church from marching “like a mighty army,” as it is evident God intended it to do. We are in a battle, whether we want to be or not. The only question is whether we will fight well, poorly, or not at all. Our Heavenly Commander in Chief, Jesus Christ has provided

the best armor and weapons, yet they will bring victory only when we use them. Don’t give the enemy the satisfaction of neutralizing you in this battle. A healthy spiritual decision from our part rest in our ability to request help from the Lord: “Lend me Your hope” Another healthy attitude we should embrace if growing and maturing in our relationship with Christ is highly desirable from our part (free will) is to find inspiration in Jesus to answer the question: Who are you? Scriptural revealed truth already answered that question for the rest of us: “See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and


the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ. For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority.” (Colossians 2: 8 – 10) Then again answering the question: Who are you? “Our hope for growth, meaning, and fulfillment as a Christian is based on understanding who you are—specifically your identity in Christ as a child of God.” For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. Is not what the flesh, world, or Satan says about you and me, but rather about what God Himself says about us. The apostle Paul once said: “I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready. You are still worldly. For since there is jealousy and quarreling among you, are you not worldly? Are you not acting like mere humans?” (1 Corinthians 3: 2 – 3). Apparently, because of unresolved conflicts in their lives, carnal Christians are not able to receive the solid food of God’s Word. We live in a country glutted with biblical material, Christians books, radio and television, but many Christians are not moving on spiritual maturity. Some are no more loving now than they were 20 years ago. We read in 1 Timothy, “The goal of this command is love, which

comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.” (1: 5). In my time as a pastor I have notice a singular repeating pattern in Christians, one common denominator for struggling Christians. They do not know who they are in Christ, nor do they understand what it means to be a child of God. Why not? If, “The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.” (Romans 8: 16). Why weren’t they sensing it? As a pastor, I believe that Christ is the answer and His truth would set people free. Well then again we have to ask ourselves what is truth? Slowly I began to understand how to help people resolve their personal and spiritual conflicts through genuine repentance by submitting to God and resisting the devil, “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” (James 4: 7) “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 6: 12). Through hours of counseling with Christians who persist to live as defeated disciples, I began to understand the battle for their minds and how they could be transformed by renewing their minds. We have to believe what God said about us in order for His renewing power take action

transforming our thoughts with His thoughts: “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12: 2). I am saddened by how we have separated the ministries of discipleship and counseling in our churches. Christian discipleship too often has become an impersonal program, although good theological material is being used. Christian counseling has been intensely personal, but often lacks good theology. I believe discipleship and counseling are biblically the same. If you were a good discipler you would be a good counselor and vice versa. Discipleship counseling is the process where two or more people meet together in the presence of Christ, learn how the truth of God’s Word can set them free and thus are able to conform to the image of God as they walk by faith in the power of the Holy Spirit.




Are you tired of being controlled by your emotions? Read these fulfilling faith building prayers. Inside contains over 200 anointed scripture-based prayers to overcome your emotions. Be empowered as you learn strategies to stay in faith. Learn how to pray like a prayer intercessor. Experience a mighty move of God in your life.


This book contains fulfilling faith building prayers. Inside this book are three Revelatory keys that God gave me to accelerate prayers. There is also a prayer of Activation inside to open spiritual eyes. These prayers are invigorating as they bring hope to every dead area you may have in your life. This book contains over fifty anointed scripture-based prayers that bring life to your environment. Over time you will begin to see a change in yourself and your surroundings.


PSALM 37: PART 10 - HE GOT YOU By Keiyia JOYet George

“Oh....ok...umm...well can you give me you card number so we can do a payment today?” the caller asked. “Sure! I can give you the number to my debit card, but ma’am, it won’t work,” she told her. The caller paused, “O...k... When will you be able to make a payment?” “Ma’am, when God gives me the money to pay, I will surely pay, but until he releases it to me, I can’t say when,” she replied.

I’m going to share a powerful testimony that was shared via Periscope from someone dear to me. I will dramatize it cause that’s just how I am. Ring, ring. The phone rings. She looks at the caller ID and before she rolls her eyes, she catches herself and instead decides to answer. “Well! Good morning,” she joyfully exclaimed. Shocked, the person on the other ends clears their throat and begins to introduce herself and explain the purpose of the call.

“Hello!”, she replied with glee, “how are you?” “Ahem...I’m well,” the caller replies, still surprised. “Are you aware that you owe [$200] for your [phone] bill?” the caller asked. “I sure am!” She replied. “Umm...well ma’am,” the caller hesitated, “when do you think you will be able pay?” “Well, ma’am,” she began still full of glee, “when God gives me the money to pay it, I will surely send it on.”

“’am are you a pastor?” the caller asked? “Has your occupation changed?” “Yes it has. I’m in ministry full time now!” she excitedly exclaimed. “Oh! So you’re a pastor?” the caller asked. “I am not,” she replied. “So what would you consider your occupation?” the caller inquired further. “Well, we minister to the people and make ourselves available 24 hours as God leads us,” she replied. “So, ma’am, would you


consider yourself a minister?” the caller asked. “Well, yes I do,” she answered. “Well, ok. I must say, I have really enjoyed making this call to you today. It really touched me. I’m going to transfer you to another recording so we can try to get you a two month extension. Just tell the answer the prompt to indicate that you are in ministry full time and this should ensure your extension goes through,” the caller coached. Before they’d ended the call, the caller coached her further on how to reply (honestly of course) and delightfully thanked her for taking the call and passed her on to the recording for an extension. Last week, the start of this article popped up and I kept wondering, how would this apply to the next block of scripture God gave. I’ve just read them and now want to kick myself. Lol. The LORD knows the days of the upright, And their inheritance shall be forever. They shall not be ashamed in the evil time, And in the days of famine they shall be satisfied. But the wicked shall perish; And the enemies of the LORD, Like the splendor of the meadows, shall vanish. Into smoke they shall vanish away. Psalms‬ ‭37:18-20‬

‭NKJV‬‬ Wow! When she shared the testimony, I was blown away. The first thing the enemy (which could easily be self ) did was attack her mood. She wanted to not answer but instead decided that the joy of the Lord is her strength. Then he said to them, “Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet, and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared; for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not sorrow, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.” Nehemiah‬ ‭8:10‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ And I do wholeheartedly believe that this encounter was orchestrated by God. I could feel in my spirit that the caller needed to be encouraged and I am so thankful that the lady was obedient. When we feel like nothing is going right for us, know that the Lord remembers us! Just like an escape was made for this lady, He will make an escape for you. We will not be put to shame. No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it. I Corinthians‬ ‭10:13‬ ‭NKJV

She was tempted not to answer. Was even tempted to not be joyful. But in her obedience, He made an escape for her. He remembered her. She remembered His promise that if she did what He told her to do, He would take care of the rest. And as He has done before, I’m sure He can easily wipe this debt clean! In the days of famine, we who are righteous, shall be satisfied! Always, joyfully, Keiyia JOYet George Had God given you an assignment that seems unbearable? Take it to Him and ask Him for guidance. He promised to never leave or forsake us and if He has given you a job, He will surely give you the resources to complete it. What assignments have you been given that lead to a tremendous testimony?


Would you like the blessing of the Lord on your job? These anointed declarations come straight from heaven. Whatever problems you may be facing on your job, this book covers various issues. Put your faith with these prayers and embrace change.


Do you want a more intimate relationship with God? “In Right Standing: A Daily Devotional” it a perfect complement to your bible study time. Prophetess Kimberly Hargraves asks life changing questions to help strengthen, confirm, and establish you on your Christian journey. You will gain a deeper insight on righteousness as you read each lesson and prayer. “In Right Standing: A Daily Devotional” will provoke you to stand for righteousness.



In the Old Testament, there are 17 books of prophesy that are divided into two groups. The first group consists of five major prophets and the second group consists of 12 minor prophets. However, The Chief Prophet in the Bible is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to whom I will be eternally grateful for His act of obedience by way of death on the cross for the redemption of my sins! There is a minor prophet whose life parallels the life of Jesus so closely, that I consider him to be my favorite prophet. His name is Hosea. Often times, those who

were called by God to be prophets, had the extremely difficult task of having to live out the messages that they were sent to preach. Hosea was one such prophet. Hosea’s name means “salvation” or “deliverance.” God’s mandate for Hosea was to go to the people of Israel and declare to them His love and faithfulness. At this point and time, Israel was in a backslidden state. They had turned their backs on God, disregarded His goodness towards them, and treated Him like a man who forsakes his wife for a harlot (Hosea 2:5 – For their mother hath played the harlot: she that conceived them hath done shamefully: for she said, I

will go after my lovers, that give me my bread and my water, my wool and my flax, mine oil and my drink. KJV) Hosea’s mandate was difficult, because as did Jesus, he had to lay down his will in order to express God’s love for His people, Israel. God required Hosea to marry a prostitute named Gomer. Gomer’s name means “completion,” the filling up of the measure of idolatry, or ripeness of consummate wickedness. (Hosea 1:2 - The beginning of the word of the LORD by Hosea. And the LORD said to Hosea, Go, take unto thee a wife of whoredoms and children of


whoredoms: for the land hath committed great whoredom, departing from the LORD. KJV) In Hosea’s quest to be obedient to his mandate, he faced heart-rendering opposition. Once Hosea and Gomer were married, she repeatedly turned her back on him and continued a lifestyle of whoredom and harlotry. Each time she broke covenant with Hosea, he would go out to search for and rescue Gomer from her sinful lifestyle, take her back home with him, and love and care for her, just as if she had never been unfaithful. Gomer’s brokenness caused her to repeat the cycle of being unfaithful to Hosea. After Gomer left Hosea, God spoke to Hosea and told him to take his wife back (redeem). In humble obedience to God’s command, like Jesus, Hosea did just that. (Hosea 3:1-5 - Then said the LORD unto me, Go yet, love a woman beloved of her friend, yet an adulteress, according to the love of the LORD toward the children of Israel, who look to other gods, and love flagons of wine. 2 So I bought her to me for fifteen pieces of silver, and for an homer of barley, and an half homer of barley: 3 And I said unto her, Thou shalt abide for me many days; thou shalt not play the harlot, and thou shalt not be for another man: so will I also be for thee. 4 For the children of Israel shall abide many days without a king, and

without a prince, and without a sacrifice, and without an image, and without an ephod, and without teraphim: 5 Afterward shall the children of Israel return, and seek the LORD their God, and David their king; and shall fear the LORD and his goodness in the latter days. KJV) I will never forget the day that I accepted the Gift of Eternal Life through Jesus Christ! The love that flooded my heart, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, and the overwhelming joy I felt, was evidence of the relationship I entered into with Abba Father, through Jesus, His only begotten Son! I enjoyed days, months, and years of bliss, as I fellowshipped with The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! Then one day, because of the brokenness in my soul, I too, like Gomer, played the harlot. Even after experiencing the unconditional love, faithfulness and goodness of God, I went my own way, searching for what I already had in Jesus. But thanks be to God, Jesus is married to the backslider! Thanks be to God, that He will leave the 99 to go after the one lost sheep! Thanks be to God that He does not stay angry forever, that He delights to show mercy, that He has compassion on us, that He treads our sins underfoot, and hurls all our iniquities into the depths of the sea! Thanks be to the LIVING God who is faithful and just to

forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness when we confess them! To that end, not only can I relate to Hosea (Jesus) because I once was Gomer, his beloved, who repeatedly broke his heart, but I now stand in Hosea’s shoes having to allow the unconditional love of God to flow from my heart as I lead and fellowship with those God has entrusted to my care. It is not easy to withstand being lied on, mistreated, being despitefully used, or sabotaged. It’s not easy to have to humble yourself, hold your peace, and refrain from vindicating yourself. It’s not easy to have to give of yourself whole-heartedly, only to have someone spit in your face. It is however, possible to do when you reflect upon God’s unconditional love and forgiveness in one’s own life! Through the life of Hosea, God shows us that He never, ever gives up on us! His grace, love, and mercy will never stop reaching out to us, and in Him, we can always have a fresh start! Because Hosea’s life so closely parallels the life of Jesus, Hosea is my favorite prophet!




Are you feeling overwhelmed in life by different stressful events? Are you facing trials and tribulations? You tried to fix the problem but have been unsuccessful. Does this sound like you? Try a new approach, let go, and let God take control of your life. Things will start to improve. Read inspiring stories how God impacted people’s life and see how he changed the situation around. Read the messages of hope on the content of these pages. This book is designed to help you overcome life’s difficulties by using God’s words and anointed prayers. Your faith will increase when you read how God turned around an impossible situation. This book was created to encourage you to develop a deeper and closer relationship with God with its stories, messages, and prayers.


Wouldn’t you like to have everything that God has promised you? No more lack, but to be prosperous in every area of your life. Get ready for the blessings to overtake you as you read this daily devotional: Obedience Is Key.



By Reynaldo Rodriguez It saddens the heart of the Holy Spirit, how some of us deliberately had ignored the words of the apostle, “For, as I have often told you before and now tell you again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ.” (Philippians 3: 18). Thus, the battle is not way over there somewhere, it is all around us. We do not first enter the battle when we become involved in some active ministry. The battle may intensify

when we do, but Satan knows that he can prevent ministry involvement if he can keep us from basic training. God sends as laborers only those who have been through boot camp-those who are battle ready.

sionaries is one of the chief reasons for the high rate of fallout among first term missionaries. When this happen, we have to recognize that there is a spirit at work other than the Spirit of Christ.

If we are not prepared, we will probably not want to go; and if we go out of a sense of obligation rather than through the clear working of the Spirit of God within us, we will probably become part of the problem rather than part of the answer. Incompatibility among mis-

Two Spirit Lead believers are not going to find themselves incompatible. Yes, there may be personality differences, but this is part of God’s plan. We need each other. When such things cause us to be ineffective in our ministries, it can only mean that someone is not do-


ing things God’s way. In a God created world universe, we do things God’s ways and we let the consequences to Him, in a God created universe world we do things on our own independently from Him we have to face the consequences of our own actions. Then again, when such things cause us to be ineffective in our ministries, it can only mean that someone’s personality is not under the Spirit’s control therefore someone is not doing things God’s way. The result is that Satan is the one who smiles with approval. As the truth begins to replace the deception of the enemy, and as the truth is acted among the individuals who confess they know God through a personal relationship with His Son Jesus Christ, the result is a report that renders fruitfully interpersonal conflicts and team internal conflicts beginning to be resolved: “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” They answered him, “We are Abraham’s descendants and have never been slaves of anyone. How can you say that we shall be set free?” Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. So if the Son sets you

free, you will be free indeed.” (John 8: 32 – 36). “Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you. “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” (Matthew 5: 42 – 48) . As we learn to practice forgiveness and reconciliation based on our renewed relationship with the Lord, the ministry team report that this become evident even in the way we conduct business meetings and carry on day to day operations without focusing on pastors and leaders as emotional targets where we shoot our frustrations and internal disaffections with the world we live in. How you make others feel about themselves says a lot about you.

Prayer is a powerful medium of grace God had granted us for our spiritual homeostatic peace and release. Satan’s plan for the church is to divide, discourage and destroy. History testifies to the fact that he has all too often been very successful with that strategy. The reason for this has to be that, on the one hand, we have been ignorant of his tactics, “in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes.” (2 Corinthians 2: 11) and, on the other hand, we have not been fit for battle. Satan loves to be ignored. That allows him to go about his deceptive work of keeping the church from marching “like a mighty army,” as it is evident God intended it to do. We are in a battle, whether we want to be or not. The only question is whether we will fight well, poorly, or not at all. Our Heavenly Commander in Chief, Jesus Christ has provided the best or armor and weapons, yet they will bring victory only when we use them. Don’t give the enemy the satisfaction of neutralizing you in this battle.




Prophetic Boot camp! The Next class starts February 2nd. Register today.


It's time to experience God's best. Take a stand to change your life for the best. Deliverance is for you. Freedom is for you. Every single page of this book will show you how God can set the captives free. Kimberly Hargraves shares her amazing testimony how God delivered her from various strongholds in life. Her story will inspire you to embrace your pathway to a better you.


PSALM 37: PART 11 - GIVE IT UP By Keiyia JOYet George had not posted yet as I was in the air when I clicked submit but the words from the morning hadn’t left me. As I picked up my book on the supernatural Kingdom, the posting and the paraphrased words of the morning haunted my thoughts and I was unable to concentrate on my reading. “Hmmm”, I wondered. “Why are these words still lingering. Is there more for me to do...?” I read on, stopping every few minutes to ponder my assignment with the words. And it hit me!!!

Wow. I tell you! God is something pretty amazing. Our lesson for this part in the Psalm 37 series was a doozy! If I tell you how I have watched these two scriptures for the longest wondering how I would apply them, except to lending and paying back as unto a bank. And this morning, I heard these words (or something close cause I shamefully didn’t write it down immediately): There are too many independent women wanting to get married but not willing to lose their independence. But how can a woman follow my stature if she is to be so independent. It won’t work! Later this morning, I recalled these words and pre-

pared to post them to Facebook because that was my first thought on where to share it. But honestly I wasn’t comfortable with it because so many women, including myself, have done so much to gain their independence only to be told that they must let it go in marriage. So instead, I posted this: To my independent, single women: if you have desires to be married, know that marriage is not two independent people, but two people who are willing to let go of 50% of themselves to form 100% with their spouse. You will need him and he will need you. Independence in marriage is an oxymoron. Learn this now or stay single. While traveling, the post

“I think my next reading has to do with borrowing and repaying. Does this independent word have something to do with that?” I pondered. And it does! The wicked borrows and does not repay, But the righteous shows mercy and gives. For those blessed by Him shall inherit the earth, But those cursed by Him shall be cut off. Psalms 37:21-22 NKJV The wicked can be defined as those that do not keep the Word of God. In marriage, it’s a husband who does not cover his wife and a wife who does not submit to her husband. It can be a husband who does not love his wife as Jesus loved the church and wife who does not respect her husband.


But there is one thing I want you to know: The head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God. 1 Corinthians 11:3 NLT And further, submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. For wives, this means submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For a husband is the head of his wife as Christ is the head of the church. He is the Savior of his body, the church. As the church submits to Christ, so you wives should submit to your husbands in everything. For husbands, this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her to make her holy and clean, washed by the cleansing of God’s word. He did this to present her to himself as a glorious church without a spot or wrinkle or any other blemish. Instead, she will be holy and without fault. In the same way, husbands ought to love their wives as they love their own bodies. For a man who loves his wife actually shows love for himself. No one hates his own body but feeds and cares for it, just as Christ cares for the church. And we are members of his body. As the Scriptures say, “A man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.” This is a great mystery, but it is an illustration of the way Christ and the church are one. So again I say, each man must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.

Ephesians 5: 21-33 NLT Some of us women have a hard time with this word... submit. But having been married for 12 years now, I must say, it’s become pretty easy, especially when your husband is covered by the Most High. You can trust that his guidance is God-led and that Holy Spirit is his adviser. But as it indicates in I Peter 3, even if he is not under the covering of Jesus, we women can do plenty to help our husbands come to Christ by submitting and taking our rightful role as intercessors for the family! Wives, in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, when they see the purity and reverence of your lives. I Peter 3:1-2 NIV But how does this apply to the portion we are covering today? Often times when we are in a relationship, we take and take and take, never giving back. If you recall, I’d mentioned that 100% of the relationship requires 50% of each person. When we come with too little, it’s like you are borrowing from the relationship and depleting from the account. Come with too much and there’s no way he can be the provider. Either way, you are outside the will of God. But instead, if we can learn to understand our Godly roles as a wife, we will con-

tinue to be righteous offering mercy and giving to the relationship rather than taking (and trying to control it). By following the statutes of the Word for wives, we can guarantee our rightful place next to Christ and receive our inheritance. Those who seek to remain as they desire, not following the instructions given, will only cause their relationship to fail. Hence, a curse will fall on their marriage. Curse simply means destined to fail. So which would you rather have: your independence or the blessings for the righteousness. With love, Keiyia JOYet George Somehow, I have learned so much about myself, who I am in Christ, and how to be a Godly wife and woman of God with the help and guidance of Holy Spirit. I definitely don’t claim to have all the answers, but with Holy Spirit as my chief counsel, I’m sure we can help you be a giver and not only a taker. You may contact me directly via email or below in the comment section. Marriage isn’t always easy, but with Christ, things always work out.




4 Keys To Exposing The Enemy (2 Corinthians 2:11 Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.) 1) Know who He is. • Satan= Resister. Job 1:6 says, “Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them.” • Devil= Slander/deceiver. Revelation 12:9 says, “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” • Serpent= deceiver. 2 Corinthians 11:3 says, “But I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ.” • Tempter. Matthew 4:3 And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.

he is a liar and the father of lies. 2) Know How He operates. • Kill, steal, destroy. John 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. • Keep people spiritual blind. 2 Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. • Sickness. Luke 13:16 And ought not this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan hath bound, lo, these eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the sabbath day? • Attacks our emotions. cripple our effectiveness with confusion, discouragement, despair. 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed;

came too [Your heart was] proud because of your beauty. You ·ruined [corrupted] your wisdom because of your ·greatness [splendor]. I threw you down to the ground. Your example taught a lesson to [or I made a spectacle of you before] other kings. • Sheep’s clothing. Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 4) Know His Weaknesses. •

We have authority over Him.

o Luke 10:19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. o James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. o 1 John 3:8 He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.

3) Know His Disguises. • Liar. John 8:44 You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for

• Angel Of Light. 2 Corinthians 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. •

Beautiful. Ezekiel 28:17 You be-

• Already Defeated. Colossians 2:15 And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.



5 ways to break ungodly soul ties Soul ties Keep you oppressed by the enemy,. It is an ungodly connection with someone in your soul. It causes confusion, tormented, rebellion, disobedience, being lead by flesh not the spirit. Ungodly soul ties are the reason why people can’t move on. It is also why some people feel stuck in life and, can’t receive what God has for them. They are unable to do what He wants to do in their life. 1) Repent 2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

2) Get rid of objects Leviticus 26:30 ‘I then will destroy your high places, and cut down your incense altars, and heap your remains on the remains of your idols, for My soul shall abhor you. Numbers 33:52 then you shall drive out all the inhabitants of the land from before you, and destroy all their figured stones, and destroy all their molten images and demolish all their high places; 3) Cut the person off 2 Corinthians 6:14 Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? 1 Corinthians 15:33 Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners. 4) Fast

Isaiah 58:6 “Is not this the fast that I choose: to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the straps of the yoke, to let the oppressed[a] go free, and to break every yoke? • Mark 9:29 And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting. 5) Pray, renounce any vows Proverbs 21:23 Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble. Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits. Proverbs 12:18 There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. Proverbs 16:24 Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.


Take the challenge today? Are you ready? Can you handle it? Are you brave enough? Let’s go! It’s time to go higher in God! 30 challenges and 30 faith declarations!



God wants His children to be healthy. Our bodies don’t belong to us. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. God wants to satisfy us with long life. Make sure you eat right and get plenty of exercise! Don’t die before your time by eating yourself into an early grave!

Turkey, Mozzarella, and Kale Pesto Panini TOTAL TIME: 0:20 PREP: 0:15 LEVEL: EASY YIELD: 4

1/2 lb. sliced turkey breast 1 large tomato, sliced 6 oz. mozzarella, sliced

DIRECTIONS INGREDIENTS 1 bunch kale, leaves stripped and blanched 1 c. fresh basil leaves 1/2 c. extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for brushing bread 1/4 c. shredded Parmesan 1/4 c. walnuts 1 clove garlic 1 tsp. kosher salt 1 loaf ciabatta or focaccia

Make pesto: In the In the bowl of a food processor, combine kale, basil, and olive oil and pulse until combined. Add Parmesan, walnuts, garlic, and salt and blend until combined.

Brush bread with oil. Cook in a panini press or in a skillet over medium heat with a heavy pan on top to press it down until golden and cheese is melty.

Slather pesto on ciabatta and top with turkey, tomatoes, and mozzarella.

Turkey, Mozzarella, and Kale Pesto Panini.

You Are Made To Prosper (Prosperity: the state of being prosperous.) (Synonyms: success, profitability, affluence, wealth, opulence, luxury, the good life, milk and honey, (good) fortune, ease, plenty, comfort, security, wellbeing) The Benefits of Prosperity 1) 3 John 2 (KJV) Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. 2) Psalm 128:2 (KJV) For thou shalt eat the labour of thine hands: happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well with thee. 3) 2 Corinthians 9:8 (KJV) And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work: 4) Psalm 1:3 (KJV) And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

ni-recipe/. Accessed November 30, 2016.



Hebrews 1:8 But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom. Ephesians 5:1 Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; 1 John 2:1 My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: Righteousness: morally right; free from guilt of sin; justifiable 5 Benefits of righteousness

1) Favor Psalm 5:12 (KJV) For thou, Lord, wilt bless the righteous; with favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield. 2) Deliverance Psalm 34:17 (KJV) The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles. 3) Provision Psalm 37:25 King James Version (KJV) I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. Psalm 37:29 King James Version (KJV) The righteous shall inherit the land, and

dwell therein for ever. 4) Success (Psalm 92:12 (KJV) The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. 5) Answers To Prayers 1 Peter 3:12 King James Version (KJV) For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.


Two Chances to connect this month! Day time. December 10th . Saturday. 5 am PST 6 am MST 7 am CST 8 am EST Night time. December 23rd. Friday 9 pm PST 10 MST 11 pm CST 12 am EST (December 24th)




Here are the notes from “The Making Of A Prophet” Series. Chapters 1-6 are covered below.

His name means burden bearer. He was a Judean sheep breeder. He could also be considered to be a business man. Amos chapter one started off having the same vision similar to Zechariah (Zechariah 14:5) about an earth quake. He was from Tekoa, which is 5 miles south east of Bethlehem. Amos was a tender of sycamore fruit. This was a various tedious or time consuming task. He was under the reign of Uzziah of Judah and Jeroboam ll King of Israel. His prophetic activities are very short from 755-754 B.C. The first Jeroboam set false altars and prevented the Israelites from traveling to Jerusalem to worship. Under King Jeroboam ll, the people became very prosperous. The rich became richer and the poor became poorer. The people ended up being sold into slavery. Amos assignment was to call the leaders into

repentance and reformation. Amos warned the people that if they didn’t repent of their injustice against the poor and weak, it would destroy the nation. Within 2 or 3 years after Amos prophesied in Bethel, King Jeroboam II died. Israel declined and within 30 years, they were conquered by the Assyrians. Amos faced a hostile audience. He called the people to repent of their paganism. The people were suspicious of Him because He was a Judean. Although Amos was a simple shepherd, God gave him knowledge of lands and nations beyond the Judean pastures where he tended his sheep because God placed prophetic messages on his lips of these cities and he knew of future tragedies. He had his own prophetic flow. He always said, “For 3 transgression…and for four.” Amos preached against

nations because of their sins. God said he would not turn away punishment. In chapter two, Israel violated God’s covenant relationship. Their sins included greed. Instead of doing indentured service or limited time to pay off debts, slavery was done and the rich wouldn’t let the slaves go free (Leviticus 25:39-43, Deuteronomy 15:12). Other sins involve denying those without power or influence their justice that was due to them. The Father and the son were having sex with the same girl who could have been a concubine or temple prostitute. This was common for the worship of pagan Gods. Israel gave the Nazarites wine to drink which was a sin. The Nazarites were not allowed to drink wine because they made a vow to God to live a certain lifestyle. Another sin was forbidding the prophets from


prophesying (Amos 2:12, 7:13, 7:16). It seemed like the Pagan nations (Ashdod, Amos 2:9) were more righteous than Israel.

(Amos 3:7) God tells his secrets to his prophets

(Amos 1:2) Prophecy correlated with Joel (Joel 3:16). The Lord will roar then there will be judgment on the nations.

(Amos 3:11-12) Prophesied judgment against Israel. That’s exactly what the Assyrian did in 722 B.C.

(Amos 1:3) People of Aram beat the people of Gilead with thresholding boards with iron teeth or nails. It was used to separate cereal from straws. (Amos 1:6) People of Philistia sold all the people in one community as slaves to Edom. (Amos 1:9) People of Phoenicia committed the same sin as the people of Philistia. (Amos 1:11) People of Edom committed treachery (Amos 1:13) People of Ammon Killed pregnant women of Gilead to enlarge their territory. (Amos 2:1) People of Moab desecrated a tomb which was a very serious offense. They burned the bones of King Edom into lime. (Amos 2:4) People of Judah rejected the law of the Torah and didn’t keep the Lord’s commandments. Amos Chapter 3 is when the prophet prophesied against Israel. (Amos 3:3-6) Rhetorical questions. The answer is No for each question asked.

(Amos 3:7-8) Two more questions.

(Amos 3:14) Judgment and destiny altars. Horns symbolizes strength.

And Locust). (Amos 4:10). Calamity number 4 (Plague And Warfare). “After The Manner Of Egypt”. Reminding Israel of the ten plagues which includes diseases . “Stench of your camps” which means lack of sanitation and corpse of men and animals weren’t burned quickly enough.

(Amos 3:15) 4 houses symbolizes oppression. The rich oppressing the poor was coming to an end.

(Amos 4:11). Calamity number 5 (Destruction Of Israelites cities). “Sodom And Gomorrah” used as a scale to measure subsequent disasters.

(Amos 4:1) Cows of Bashan means fat Samarian women. They were oppressing the poor.

(Amos 4:12) Since Israel didn’t repent after the 5 calamities they will have to meet God themselves

(Amos 4:3) Destruction of Samaria. Broken walls which means strongholds would be destroyed.

(Amos 4:13) Reminder of God’s sovereignty. He created the winds and the mountains.

(Amos 4:4-5) The Israelites Had it backwards when it came to worship. They loved feasting that went with the festival but didn’t not accept God’s call for justice. Since Israel didn’t heed correction, five calamities came upon them to drive them to repentance.

Lamentations (Amos 5:1-3) means weeping, passionate expression of grief or sorrow, or call to repentance.

(Amos 4:6). Calamity number 1 (Famine). Cleanness of teeth and lack of bread which means exhaustion of all food supplies. (Amos 4:7-8). Calamity number 2 (Drought). Lack of rain with “still three months to the harvest”. (Amos 4:9). Calamity number 3 (Crop Disease

Amos prophesied against Israel in chapter 4. Amos 5:2 talks about virgin of Israel which means young maiden. Amos 5:3 means troops would diminished. Amos 5:4-9 shows an invitation to seek God so they could avoid judgment. Amos 5:6 mentions the house of Joseph which means the whole nation. Amos 5:7 mentions “wormwood” which is a plant with a bitter taste. It is a metaphor for sorrow of bitterness. Amos 5:8 shows people who were worshipping the stars but God was the




one who created the stars they worshipped. “Pleiades and Orion” or “Constellations”. (Amos 5:11). Shows injustice. They were treading down the poor and take taxes from them. God said the rich who have done injustice will not enjoy their luxuries like wine or their houses. (Amos 5:12). Manifold transgression means many habitual sins. They hurt people who did right and took their money. They kept the poor people from getting justice. (Amos 5:17-19). Prophesied the day of the Lord as a dreadful day when people looked forward to restoration and redemption but instead it will be a mournful event (day of darkness) were they would be wailing in the streets and vineyards. (Amos 5:19). Gives images of bear and serpent to evoke terror. The judgment would be inescapable and when they tried to escape they would end up in worse danger. (Amos 5:21-23). God wasn’t accepting Israel’s sacrifice or hearing their words. God promised that if Israel would honor Him with their lives, then he would accept their sacrifices. (Amos 5:24). God calls for justice and righteousness. (Amos 5:26). Shows the pagan God “Chiun” a star

god identified with Saturn that these people were worshipping. (Amos 5:27). God would send the Israelites into exile because they insist on serving these foreign gods. Amos announced the day of the Lord. He preached against idolatry. (Amos 6:1-2). “woe” to Israel for being complacent in sin and thinking that they were better than what they were. They got the same judgment as the other nations which was being captured by the Assyrians. (Amos 6:3). “woe” to being prideful thinking they were too strong for any destruction to fall upon them. (Amos 6:4-6). Describes their extravagant living that the rich got by their injustice towards the poor. They had beds of ivory, laying on couches all day, eating fat lambs, singing songs on their instruments all day, drinking bowlful of wine, and had the best perfumes. They weren’t concerned about Israel being ruined. (Amos 6:7). Their fancy life would be over because they will be taking as some slaves into exile. (Amos 6:8). God made a promise. There is no greater name than His. He sworn by Himself to destroy the prideful Israel or “Pride of Jacob”. He said he would let the enemy take or deliver up the city. (Amos 6:9-10) In the af-

termath of the initial judgment, God will cause so much fear in the people for further judgment that the remaining survivors would not want to mention God when they go to bury their dead. They would be afraid of further disaster that would come upon them from mentioning His name. (Amos 6:11). God command’s judgment (Amos 6:12). Shows two impossible situations. 1) Horses don’t run on rocks. 2) People don’t plow rocks with oxen. He prophesied these two impossible things to get the people’s attention so they can see their perversion of justice. They turned justice into poison (gall). Gall is a bitter poisonous herb. They turned righteousness into bitterness (wormwood). (Amos 6:13). The Israel boasted in the pride of their military saying they took these cities (Le Debar and Kainaim) in their own strength but didn’t give God credit. The sin of their pride was their downfall. (Amos 6:14). God decreed judgment saying, “I will raise up a nation against you and oppress you.” They would get a taste of their own medicine.


Jesus was crucified on the cross just for you! He suffered so much for your healing, sorrows,and sins. He went around doing every good work, healing people and casting out demons. He took thirty nine lashes. He wore a crown of thorns and his beard was plucked out! He was spat on, falsely accused, and beaten. Will you let him in your heart today? Take a few seconds and pray this short prayer. Your life will never be the same. Lord, I believe that you died on the cross for my sins. Romans 10:9 says, “Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. “I make you Lord and Savior of my life. Lord, I desire to have a relationship with you. Lord, I confess any sins of ___________. I repent Lord. Wash me in your blood in Jesus name Amen. Congratulations! If you read the above prayer, welcome to the body of Christ. The angels in heaven are rejoicing. Get connected to a local bible based church and get with someone who will hold you accountable. Your next step is to get baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost. Acts 2:38 King James Version (KJV): Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.



TESTIMONIES: LET’S GIVE THE DEVIL A BLACK EYE! When we share our testimonies, our faith increases! We start to believe God for the Impossible! We can see the power and the hand of God in any situation. God can turn any test into a testimony! We know if God did it before, he can do it again. Our testimonies glorify God!

My daughter Ruby has been healed of Issues of blood God blessed Nickie. She was worried about the possibility of being homeless and not having income. I told her my testimony about what God has done for me and gave her a word that the Holy Spirit told me to tell her. Everything came to pass and God blessed someone to pay most of her bills for the month! God always takes care of His children. I am a living witness! Praise Report! Well I have fasted, prayed and stayed in my word like never before. The anxiety, frustration, confusion, self-doubt, imagination of what it could have been, etc. is dissolving away. I am learning to let things go and watch God work it out on my behalf. And in doing this, I can sleep better at night because I am not worried about the “why” questions. I can wake up in the morning and

give God thanks for new mercies instead of looking at my phone for a text message. I can get through my work day without thinking of how to fix something that doesn’t want to be fixed. And the best part about it is I have more intimate time with Jesus. He is truly (yes I know you heard it over and over again) a heart fixer and a mind regulator. I know my God wants the Best for me and the Best I will receive!! Woman of God!!! This is on point. God told me to put our intercessors on a daily prayer challenge and the power of God has been so high in every service. I even work with a lot of Indians who worship other idols and the Lord told me to walk through and decree and declare every morning before anyone came in and the enemy is mad!! No weapon formed against us shall prosper!! Everything you said is exactly what I’ve been praying for and what other prophets have spoken. Thank you for your obedience.

I did feel an intense fire in my hip. Not the first time I felt God’s heat, but the first time in my bones like that! When I received my prayer shawl, my chest warmed up and I held it to my chest. My hands are so warm. I just wanted to let you know that your prophesy of 48 hours has come to pass. You prophesied that I would get a phone call about the car. For the first time in 2 years, I was able to eat food (every bit of it) without pain, a headache or having to rush to the bathroom halfway through my meal. I’ve been fighting back tears all day because my Father heard my cries and he answered my prayers. I declared over my life a week ago that I would not live out the rest of the year or the rest of this month taking medication and living through


my daily pain. Woman of God, you are the truth and I thank God for us crossing paths. This joy that I have right now, the world didn’t give it and I won’t allow the enemy to steal it from me. I am grateful and forever humble. I witnessed a miracle today and I’ve been talking about it ever since. Praise report!! My Fiance text me out of the blue so the line of communication is open. Thanks for your prayers. I am in church at a church and one of the prophetess just said there’s an umbrella of rain. God is getting ready to release the open heavens. You just said this to me only but a few hours ago!! God, I trust you!! Today Brittany received the results from her blood work and it was normal. No more thyroid problems. God is so faithful. Today, I saw her really praise God. I knew she was healed and now I have it documented. Glory to God. Praise Report!! God is so good. As I was driving, 3 deers came running across the road in front of my car. For some reason, I was driving slower than usual. I had enough time to break and not slam into them. God protected me. Glory!! I started to get a little discouraged but I encouraged myself in the Lord. I prayed with your prayer CD in the car and when I got home I got some of the oil you sent me and got on my knees to pray and I just kept praying for a quick turnaround. Throughout the night, I kept checking for good news. God heard me. I logged into my student account and the stops were still there. I decided to try and register for classes anyway and when I went to click the button to register for my classes, the computer let me. Normally, it would block me out!! But I was able to register! I give God praise! Because I would not have been able to graduate if I didn’t register today. Praise report Prophetess. I just got a job offer and I accepted. I felt the peace of the Lord in this job. Thank you. I believe this is the place I will be in for this season just as the Lord used you to tell me. Hi, Prophetess, one night on the midnight miracle call. You got a word of knowl-

edge of right ovarian cyst. You prayed that the cyst would leave in Jesus name, my right lower abdominal area got really hot. The prayer wasn’t for me directly but I thanked the Lord for healing because if the anointing is present you need to tap into agreement with being healed! And you did a periscope broadcast a couple days later you got another word of a Left fibroid which I did have. You prayed for me, then you went and prayed for another person then the Holy Spirit directed you back to me and that’s when I felt fire on my left lower abdomen. This is going to sound crazy but I could feel something being moved in that area during the same thing I felt heat. Praise God. God is using you mightily Prophetess. He has given you an true healing anointing. Love you much and your love for God and His people. God bless you and your ministry. I got blessed with $2,000 toward my down payment today. I got a little ways to go. My gray house. And my in-laws told me that they are putting $400 toward My house note every month and I only have to pay the other $450. You said God told you $450 and that’s what I gotta pay. I just want to thank God for you and your prayers. I was blessed with an awesome job that I know came from God because I didn’t apply for it! All praise to Jesus for how he moved in my behalf. 17 months of rejections and denials OVER! Hey Prophetess, just wanted to let you know the service was anointed yesterday and people were touched and came up to me after service saying it touched them Praise God!!! And I wore my heels with no problems with my ankles. Praise God!!! Thanks for your prayers God bless you!!! Blessings, I pray all is well. You prophesied that I was going to have Angelic encounter. It was confirmed Sunday. All I could do was cry. I closed on my house today. God provided every single penny. I didn’t have to come out of my pocket with a dime. Good evening prophetess Kimberly Hargraves. I send you a letter about the situation concerning the insurance company the

last time I spoke with attorney she said we had 45 cases in front of us. After you prayed God supernaturally step in and the attorney called me Monday and said we are going to trial on Monday. I thank God there is power in prayer. It’s been going on for two years. I know I have the victory. I will keep you posted. Thank you. I can feel strength rising within me when I listen to your CD, “Prayers That Bombard Heaven.” Hello Woman of God. I just ordered two of your books. I am so excited. I can’t wait to read them. You prayed for me about a week ago. My God instantly the headache left when you told me stand. I also inbox you about a month ago asking for prayers regarding me traveling to my island. I know God is going to open doors. Thank you so much. I pray God continue to bless you in every area of your life. Peace I thank God for healing in my shoulders. I was on this periscope or Facebook LIVE. I can’t remember which. I’ve had pain in my shoulders for the longest time. Through the power of God it’s gone! I declare and decree that my healing shall be permanent in Jesus Name. Thank you for allowing God to use you for His Glory. It shall be well with you. I have never felt so clean as I do today still 5 minutes to 6 pm. Thank you Prophetess Kim for the message today. It was amazing to hear my Father’s words as you prophesied over me. It was the most amazing beautiful love way down in my heart. I felt as if I was cradled in his arms. Hallelujah! The Lord has really been dealing with me Prophetess. Thank you for being obedient. In service today, the worship leader was exalting. Then she spoke about healing, “the Lord wants to heal your heart.” Immediately I knew. I just want to give him praise AGAIN! I felt that burning again. Oh God is awesome. He’s healing me. He’s really doing it! Wow! He’s showing he’s not a figment of my imagination! Whew! I am so out done!!


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