61 minute read

Apostle Darrel Brooks

Rejoice Essential Magazine December 2020




Interviewer: Thank you so old man had said. the first time. I heard the much for accepting the devil say, “Kill yourself!” invite. Interviewer: (Laughs) Interviewer: Jesus! Apostle Darrell Brooks: Apostle Darrell Brooks: Wonderful. I’m honored. After the man spoke that, Apostle Darrell Brooks: a light bulb went off in my I was around 13 or 14. I Interviewer: Tell me about life. Years later, I knew that heard the devil again, “Kill your salvation journey and I was different. Even as a yourself!” I said, “Okay. the transition from prophet child, people would call or That’s what I will do.” My to apostle. sit down and explain their grandmother had an open life’s problems. They would foyer from the stairwell in a Apostle Darrell Brooks: I tell me what they were go- two-story house. You could got called to preach at nine ing through and God would hang stuff over it or put years old. As a child, I reject- always give me an answer. I Christmas trees or anything ed it because I didn’t under- didn’t know that it was God else in that corner. I went stand it. We had a church using me at the time. I didn’t up to the stairwell, took my service years ago and I sang. understand but there would belt off, tied one end, and I was breaking through shy- be a wisdom that would put the other end around ness because I didn’t like to come forth and I knew it my neck. Then I jumped sing in front of people. I was wasn’t mine. Years later over and while I was hangstarting to walk in freedom after not having anyone tell ing there, I heard the voice when it comes to singing me what the gift was, my of the Lord for the first time. in front of people. After I grandmother told me that I He said, “I have a work for finished, this old man ap- couldn’t spend a night at a you to do.” I didn’t feel any proached me and scared me. relative’s house. Suddenly, pain. The Lord showed me He had an oxygen tank on all of the problems from a cartoonish vision since I his back and he said, “Listen, everyone else that I have was a scary child and He you sang nice little boy, but counseled over the years wanted me to understand. God called you to preach crashed down upon me. I saw buildings, things to and you will preach this gos- It was as if their problems come, and different stages pel.” I ran to my grandfather, became my problems and I of my life. These images cried, and told him what the heard the enemy’s voice for were flashing before me.

Rejoice Essential Magazine December 2020

Rejoice Essential Magazine December 2020

To me, it felt like it was in slow motion even though it wasn’t. Then He stopped the visions and asked, “Do you want to live?” I said, “Yes, Lord, I want to live!” Immediately, the pain finally hit me. At the moment, the pain hit me, my brother and cousin snatched me up. That’s why I love the Scripture, Isaiah 66:8, which says, “As Zion travailed, she brought forth!” I was delivered. My grandmother came and said, “Boy, what’s wrong with you?” I said, “I’m sorry.” I couldn’t give a reasonable explanation then, but I was able to years later. I tell people that I committed suicide and lived to tell about it. God kept me.

Interviewer: Wow!

Apostle Darrell Brooks: Years later, I was in a Baptist church and hungry for more of God. During this time, I was around 16 or 17 years old and I gave the Lord my heart. I got saved and filled with the Holy Spirit. It was such a beautiful experience and the Lord began to tell me that I was a prophet. I didn’t understand it and other prophets were coming around me saying, “The Lord told me to watch over you.” I went to a conference with the Apostle Dr. Idell Cheever. She was my mother in the gospel. God rest her soul. She was from Savannah, Georgia and her ministry was Pentecostal Miracle Deliverance Center in Savannah. She was a pioneer and one of the first female preachers with a television show when it was unheard of in society. We went to a tent meeting called Nations Conference in Ashland, Virginia, and thousands of preachers came from all over the world. Prophets kept coming up to me and said, “Do you know who you are? Do you know who God called you to be?” God favored me and people took care of me.

Someone was leaving and let me have their cabin. So I started asking God, “Am I a prophet?” I said to one of the prophets, “I don’t have any money, but can you bless me with ice cream?” One lady said, “Yes. I will get it” She went to go get it, but when she came back, she said, “They don’t have ice cream. All they have is Sprite.” I said, “Well Sprite is my favorite soda.” It was the prophet’s last couple of dollars. She told me that she had to bless me because if you give a prophet even a drink or a glass of water in the name of the prophet, then you shall receive a prophet’s reward. She told me that she had no more money, but as soon as she blessed me, someone came up to her and gave her a “ One day we were in a

revival and the Lord started speaking to me. I saw words and people’s faces who were going to get delivered. Then He instructed me to sing what I saw the following Sunday.

Holy Ghost handshake and put fifty dollars in her hand. So from a fifty-cent soda, she reaped fifty dollars.

Interviewer: Powerful!

Apostle Darrell Brooks: After that, I knew that I was a prophet, but I wasn’t walking as one. I didn’t go the normal route, such as sitting in the church and taking classes. Apostle Dr. Idell Cheever put me with Prophetess Geraldine Eddy, who was my first teacher in the gospel. I was her armorbearer and went on the road traveling. God gave me hands-on training. We used to go to a mission located at Oak Street in Waycross, Georgia and there was the first time I saw a demon get cast out. People were getting healed and delivered. Across the street was the

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crack alley. Down the street was the prostitute’s house. Around the corner was the liquor store. Next door is where they sold drugs. In the middle of it all, God had us doing deliverance. Prophetess Eddy had me going outside. She said, “You are a new face and a cute little boy with curly hair. You have an awesome singing gift. When people approach you and ask why you are outside, invite them to church. Then start singing. Afterward, I will do the deliverance.” So that was our system. I would stand outside, witness, and sing. People would come into the church and the Prophetess would do prayer and deliverance. This was my mission field. I started flowing in the gifts and walking as a prophet. I wasn’t ordained yet by man. I would tell young prophets to stay in hiding until God reveals you. Don’t be so in a rush to come out. I always loved to sing and God used that.

One day we were in a revival and the Lord started speaking to me. I saw words and people’s faces who were going to get delivered. Then He instructed me to sing what I saw the following Sunday. Well, Sunday came and I sang a simple melody, “You are not alone.” Every one of those people that I sang to started crying and I ministered to them. This experience was the first time the Lord allowed me to flow prophetically through song. I was already sharing dreams and counseling people at the age of nine, but now I was coming into an understanding of the gift.

The Lord connected me with Apostle Benjamin Williams, a Baptist Pastor out of Hilton Head, South Carolina. He is deceased. He was my first spiritual father and an awesome man of God. He taught me how to be a pastor and have a pastor’s heart. I was licensed as a young minister at the age of 18. I started pastoring when I was twenty-one. The Lord told me to move to South Carolina and submit my gift to this pastor. I tell people when they go to a church, have a meeting with the leader and tell them what God told you and what God showed you before you submit your gifts. We have a lot of people that said God told me to come to this church but as soon as they get licensed or start doing stuff, they leave and leave the church empty-handed. You should never leave without filling the void. God’s house shouldn’t be left empty. What was so funny was that this was the same church that I got called to preach at when I was nine. The old deacon was the one who approached me and prophesied to me. Apostle Benjamin Williams and I had a meeting and I told him what the Lord told me so we could have a clear understanding. We never had one disagreement. I played the drums and joined the choir. I served as his armorbearer and did whatever he needed. I served for twentyone years and did the Baptisms even when I started pastoring my own church. Apostle Benjamin Williams told me, “When you leave here, people will want to leave as well and follow you. If they leave to follow you, they were only here until they heard your voice. They aren’t my people but God’s people. If they leave to follow you, then you are the voice that God wanted them to follow.”

Interviewer: Amen. He was very humble.

Apostle Darrell Brooks: He truly has grace and wisdom. I would shut my church down to go serve at his church when he needed me. One day he got sick and I shut my ministry down for almost six months and took over his church until he got back on his feet. Some people were like, “You need to be our pastor.” I told them, “No. The Lord is just giv-

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ing Apostle rest. He will be back. We don’t speak division or separation.” Sure enough, the Lord raised him back up. I could be all over the world preaching a revival when Apostle needed me, and I would come home. We have to learn how to serve as sons and daughters in the gospel. Shortly after I had to shut my church down for a moment, I linked up with another pastor or friend. He said that if I help him build up his ministry, then he would help me build mines.

I didn’t seek God about this situation and I was at a vulnerable place. I ended up submitting my gifts and licenses without consulting God. I helped him build an awesome ministry, with a gym, multicultural, and a multimillion-dollar building. I became the prophet of the house and I end up taking over the new location for the church in Thomson, Georgia. We saw signs, wonders, and miracles. This pastor did not want to ordain anyone. One day in the service, he was preaching. He looked up and saw something fall out of the sky in the spirit. He ran over to one of the nurses and took the sheet that she was carrying, then threw it on me. When he did that, I felt the power of God like never before and it knocked me completely out. I could hear him prophesy. He said, “Prophet! Come forth prophet this day in your place!”

After that, the spirit of travail came upon me for about two hours and the Lord showed me the visions that He showed me as a child. The only thing everyone could do was sit around me and pray. It was like a woman giving birth. It was very painful. I started to flow in another place deliverance wise. Then I met Mother Estella Boyd. She was one of my mothers and one of the greatest mothers in the land. She laid hands on me and said, “Brooks, you are about to go through something. It’s an anointing that God placed in your life.” This was when I got the call for the apostolic.

After the crusade, Mother Stacks and I were putting Mother Boyd’s luggage up in the room. The Holy Spirit and Mother Boyd had a strong relationship. You could really feel the presence of God resting on her. After we finished putting up the luggage, Mother Boyd looked at me and said, “God said that you are His last day apostle and He is going to use you. You are going to go through for this anointing. You have to pay a price for it.” She spoke these words in the midst of many “ I got called to preach at

nine years old. As a child, I rejected it because I didn’t understand it. We had a church service years ago and I sang. I was breaking through shyness because I didn’t like to sing in front of people.

people. I learned that everyone is not truly for you in ministry and sometimes you have to walk along. That same pastor that I was submitting my gifts to after we left, he said, “What Mother Boyd spoke to you was true, but she meant after me. You will become an apostle after me.” I thought to myself, “Nobody heard that in that conversation.” The Lord told me to just listen and watch because I was submitted underneath his ministry.

I had to wait for God to release me. I couldn’t release myself because there were souls attached to me. Many people joined that ministry because I joined. I got sick unto death and stopped going to the church because of some issues

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that were going on. He shut down the church that I was pastoring underneath his covering. He stopped me from going. Some mornings we would go to the headquarter church then I would take a delegation with me to the church that I was pastoring in Thomson. He would start canceling the services sometimes without me knowing. I didn’t understand his reason because there were babes in Christ at that church. The church ended up dying and fell apart. I was in mourning and had much grief for the babes and souls. Everyone told me that I should leave but I consider myself a man of God and I was still submitted to that ministry. I knew the outcome wasn’t going to be right, so I waited on God to release me. It was a lesson that I had to learn and it cut my soul sore.

I stopped going to the ministry and in the midst, I got sick. I was in the ICU. I had hives everywhere and didn’t know why. I went into a paralytic state. If I moved my

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“Years before this incident, my mother was sick unto death and I had to pray for her. She had cancer throughout her entire body.

My brother and sister were away and I was the only child that was there. The doctor called me into the hospital in Savannah, Georgia and said that my mother was going to die.

right arm, I couldn’t move anything else for the rest of the day. It took all my energy. I was so weak. I was anemic. I lost blood and weight. Seven or eight specialists from around the country had to come in. They did not know why I was dying. They ran every test known to man. All the tests came back negative. While I was in the hospital, I heard some rumors that some church folks were saying that I was in the hospital dying of AIDS. My mother was there and some saints were praying for me. I also went through a bitter divorce. I told some people that I was ready to die.

Years before this incident, my mother was sick unto death and I had to pray for her. She had cancer throughout her entire body. My brother and sister were away and I was the only child that was there. The doctor called me into the hospital in Savannah, Georgia and said that my mother was going to die. He said that he could prolong my mother’s life six months to two years with treatment. They ended up doing surgery to get the cancer. My mother has a cut from the center of her chest to her back. When the doctor told me that my mother was going to die, I said, “Thank you.” He said, “What?” I said, “Thank you. I know what to pray for now. I am going to go pray now with my family.” The doctor was amazed because most people would break down over that news. I went to the waiting room to join my family (aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.) and the doctor followed me. We all held hands and prayed. The next night, I went to do a three-night revival. My cousin, who is an evangelist, called me and said, “Darrell, what are you doing? We need you here. Your mother is dying.” I said, “Cuz. That’s exactly why I don’t need to be there right now. You guys are there and can pray for her. If I stay there now, I will stay there as her son and not as her prophet. My faith will fail because all I will see is my mother in that situation. I have to do what God is calling me to do.”

At the time, my mother was in a coma after they brought her out of surgery. I preached that three-day revival like I lost my mind. Deliverance happened. I cast out devils and people got healed. When I finished, I went into prayer. I said, “God, I did what you told me to do even though I was hurt and crying. I did what you told me to do in the midst of my mother dying. Now God, I need you to heal my mother.” Mother Boyd’s daughter called me from Chicago. She said, “Brooks, God said He is going to heal your momma in ten days.” She gave me some instructions like getting a prayer cloth and anointing oil. Well, ten days later, my mother miraculously came out of the coma. My twin sister came to town when I was doing a revival. She had just had my niece. They don’t allow babies to come in the ICU, but the head nurse said that this might be the only time she sees her granddaughter. My twin sister took my niece to see my mother. My

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sister said, “Momma. Here is your granddaughter.” Then my mother opened her eyes and came out of the coma. (Laughs)

Interviewer: Wow!

Apostle Darrell Brooks: So she met her granddaughter, so when I got back from revival and stuff, she was already out of ICU and everything. A couple of weeks after that, they released her. So she was at my Uncle’s house and finally, I called Mother Rushing while my aunts, uncles, and my mom were in the house. I had this oil and handkerchief to lay over her heart where the mass was. I called and put her on speakerphone and I said, “Mother, we are ready for you to pray over my mother. Momma is here and my family is here. You know I already anointed my mother from the crown of her head to the soles of her feet. She is ready to be prayed for.” She said, “Okay, but God said that I wasn’t going to pray, but you were going to pray for your momma.” I said, “What!” She said, “No, God said that you are going to pray for your momma,” and she hung up the phone. Before she hung up the phone, she said, “Pray.” I said that I don’t have that kind of faith. She said, “You had better find it!!” Then she hung up the phone. (Laughs) Interviewer: Jesus!

Apostle Darrell Brooks: So I looked at my Uncle Marion Brooks standing there. He is a pastor in Savannah. I looked at him and said, “Uncle, I need your room,” and He said, “Go ahead.” I went into his room and I stretched out on the floor and I cried out to God. I said, “God, I need you to touch me now, and I prayed until I felt His presence. I prayed and cried out to God until He sent the anointing and when I jumped up off of that floor, I literally kicked his room door open. When I came out, I came out not as their son or family members, but I came out as a Prophet of God. I kicked that door open and I just immediately said, “Lift your hands in the presence of a mighty God.” And my mother lifted her hand and the power of God hit her and everyone in the house. We all were stretched out like a bomb had hit the room. (Laughs)

Interviewer: Amen!! Jesus!!

Apostle Darrell Brooks: Amen. We were under the Spirit of the Lord and we canceled cancer and rebuked it at the root and commanded it to go!! I mean when I tell you that ten days after the day we prayed, my mother had to go back to the hospital for a checkup because they were going to decide how to treat the cancer. I was in Hilton Head Island working and my aunt called me on the phone. As soon as I saw her number, I jumped off the ladder. I said, “Tell me what God did!! Tell me what God did!! She said, “Darrell, Darrell, the mass is still there, but every cancer cell is dead!!”

Interviewer: Amen! Thank You, Jesus!!

Apostle Darrel Brooks: I jumped up and I left my tools because I was doing air conditioner construction. I left my tools and everything and I told my boss, “I got to go. I need to go to Savannah.” This Hispanic guy was down there and he was working with me. He didn’t understand English and I didn’t understand Spanish, but he was praising God with me because I was like, “My momma, momma.. healed...healed! He said, “Momma? Oh yes, yes, I understand!! Healed! Healed!” and we just shouted and praised God together. I left and went to my mother’s.

You know, that same mother is now years later with me in the hospital when I am dying. I told her, “I want to die because I am too tired, and if this is my time,

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I am ready to go.” They did spinal taps on me to pull the marrow even from the bone to find out what was going on. They did all kinds of tests, and I was going through tests after tests. They were taking blood every day and I was just drifting away knowing that I was dying. Finally, they did surgery and they wanted to go in to see what was wrong to see if they could find out anything. Before they took me into surgery, they did a full CAT Scan in my brain and everything. I was sitting there and could hardly eat or hold food down. So I told my mother before they take me into surgery, I told her that “I am ready to die, you know. I am ready to go. After that, I was like, “Take me,” and she was like, “We will pray for you. God bless you. We are going to pray for you.” They said, “You are not going anywhere.” They anointed my body and everything with blessed oil. They brought me out of the full CAT Scan and after that, “I was like okay, God.”

I went into surgery, but before I went in, I asked them where the surgeon was. They said he was scrubbing up. I said, “You will not cut my body until I get a chance to pray with him.” I am on the operating table. I am actually in the operating room and the surgical team is there already. The assistants and the respiratory therapist and everybody is in there. They proceeded to give me the medicine and the shots and I was still wide awake.

I said, “You will not take me out until I get a chance to pray for all of you.” So they had to go and get him. He came out after he had finished scrubbing up and I said, “Put your hands in my hand,” and I am on the operating table. He put his hands in my hands and I prayed for him and everybody else that was in the operating room and I told him, “God let his hand be Your hands and let his eyes be Your eyes. Use him and give him insight to the body that You created. God let Your grace and mercy and the angels cover this room. Use all of them and let no mishaps or anything happen to me while they are doing this procedure. I pray that You lead and guide them.” I prayed for everyone and then I said, “Ok now you can take me under.” (Laughs) So they had already anointed me and the meds that I took made me go to sleep. I came through it fine.

After this had happened, I remembered I had told my mom that I had wanted to die. At midnight I was in so much pain and my mom was praying for me in Savannah, Georgis. I am in Buford Memorial Medical Center and my mother was praying for me. While she was praying, I sat up on the side of the bed because I had heard a voice. I said, “What is my mother praying?” It took all the strength that I had. I sat up on the side of the bed and all of a sudden, I could see an open vision.

The Lord showed me her praying in Savannah at her kitchen table. She said these words: “Lord, he is tired and he wants to go. Take him. He is ready to go. Take him. I gave him to You when he was a little boy and He is Your son.” She stopped, and she said, “Wait a minute, God. He is Your son. He is Your responsibility. I gave him to You when he was a “ Immediately, the

pain finally hit me.

At the moment, the pain hit me, my brother and cousin snatched me up. That’s why I love the Scripture, Isaiah 66:8, which says, “As Zion travailed, she brought forth!”

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little child. It is up to You to heal and deliver him.” I sat up on that bed and I looked and I said, “Oh my God. Is this actually happening,” and even to this day, it does something to me because my mother will tell you exactly what she said. After the vision left, I prayed and said, “Ok, God, if I am to die, I refuse to die like this!!”

Interviewer: I know that is right!!

Apostle Darrell Brooks: The next day, anybody that walked into my room, I was prophesying to them. I don’t care who it was. Can you imagine me?d I am covered with machines, dying, and I am prophesying to you? Everybody that walked in my room, I would say to them, “Let me tell you what God said! Let me tell you what God did!” But the more I prophesied the better I began to feel. The more I prophesied, the hives left my body. The paralysis began to leave my body. My blood began to build back

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up and my weight began to come back on the more that I ministered and prophesied to people. My head nurse came in one day crying and I ministered to her so much so that the power of God hit her in the room and she was ‘slayed’ out for a little while. Then she got up, saved and filled with the Holy Ghost. Even to this day, she is still preaching the gospel.

Interviewer: Amen! Look at God! Jesus!

Apostle Darrell Brooks: There were plenty of healings and miracles. People were getting delivered and set free. Suddenly, they shifted me down from ICU to PCU, so now I told God to get rid of all these specialists because they don’t “ Listen, Mr. Brooks, we

do not know what is wrong with you, but if you can get your pressure down, if you can get your blood pressure right, and get rid of this fever, we will let you go home.

know anything. So they pulled me out. When they finally went in to do the biopsy, they came back and said, “We found a collapsed lung, fluid at the base of your other lung, and enlarged lymph nodes in your stomach, but none of this has anything to do with why you’re dying!” They said that they would be treating the rest of that later because it can be fixed. I said, “Ok,” The more I prayed and prophesied, God began to heal my body. Finally, all of the specialists left and it cut me down to one doctor who said to me, “Listen, Mr. Brooks, we do not know what is wrong with you, but if you can get your pressure down, if you can get your blood pressure right, and get rid of this fever, we will let you go home.” That was the last thing that was holding me up. My blood pressure was off and I still had a fever over 100 degrees. He said, “If you can get your temperature right and your blood pressure down, we will let you go.” I said, “Thank you. Now I know what to pray for.” By the weekend, I was on my way home.

After getting out of the hospital, I started going blind. My pastor told me, “You crazy because God has healed you from all this other stuff. You might as well get you some eye drops and ask God to touch your eye,” and that is what I did. I bought those eye drops and prayed for my eyes. My eyesight was restored.

I went back to the hospital, Woman of God, for a checkup, and the doctor said this to me. He said, “Come here. I just want to show you this. We still don’t know why you were dying and all the other symptoms just went away, but when we went in there to do the biopsy, this is what we found. I am going to show you the x-rays that we did today and I am going to show you your x-ray from then.” He said, “Now all the stuff that I circled on this other x-ray is what was wrong with you. That is the fluid of the lung, that is the collapsed lung, and that is the enlarged lymph nodes in your stomach. Now, what do you see on your x-ray today?” I said, “I don’t see anything.” He said, “And neither do I, and neither can we explain it.” God had healed everything, even what they found. God had given me a clean bill of health.

Now, Woman of God, I want to backtrack just one bit. While I was in that hospital, this is when God gave me the release. That is why I want to share it. I told the pastor that we are going to go back to the church and

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since I have gone through this, I am going to go back in the church and finish the process. They had shut down the church that I had pastored, but I would go back and submit my gift once again and work with the church. Before I got on the phone to call them, they called me. The Lord said don’t say anything because I was going to say something. The Lord said, “Listen. Don’t say anything. Just hold your peace.” Apostle Kirven got on it and said, “Brooks, I love you. Thank God. We have been praying for you. Mother Boyd and the saints, we were all praying for you. Praying that God will heal and deliver you, and everybody was lifting you up in prayer.”

Another pastor, whose name I will not mention, got on and said, “Saints were praying for you man and we are doing good.” That is the same Pastor that told me, “She meant after me and not you. It will be after me that God will call you to be an Apostle.” He said this to me while I was on the bed in the hospital in the ICU. He asked me, “But you know why you are in this condition?” and I said, “No. Do tell me.” He said, “It is because you had left us and that is why you are in this state right now.” I said, “Really!” and as soon as he said that, the voice of the Lord said to me, “Now I release you.” I said, “Okay, thank you God.” He didn’t know that I was just telling my family when I got out of this, we are going to go back to help him finish building his ministry. I was just about to say it and the Lord said, hold your peace and listen.

Again I submitted everything. I served faithfully and I didn’t walk away when I could have but I stayed. But now God said, “I release You,” and immediately after he said, “God says, ‘You are released.’” I said, “Ok, Lord. God bless you.” I didn’t go back and it was the best thing that I ever did. I then went back and picked up my first love, which is this ministry, Disciples of Christ.” God has blessed us ever since then and that is when I got the call of the Apostleship through Mother Boyd and came back through. Mother Boyd had passed away and went on to be with the Lord. I started working with her daughter, Mother Rushing, and the other saints started helping us build our ministry. God started blessing the Disciples of Christ with churches and fellowship churches, which has gotten up to about sixteen or more churches under the covering of Disciples of Christ. We have churches that are overseas that deal with us also. There is a pastor in India that has been with us for about sixteen years. There is another pastor in Nairobi, Kenya that has been with us for twelve years. God has been blessing and increasing even though we went through some church splits and a divorce. However, God has been faithful. We are now on an upward move.

I was doing the breaking day breakthrough and the Lord spoke to me one day. He said, “I want you to give me a sacrifice.” I said, “Ok what do you want.” He said, “I want you to do early morning prayer.” This is when the prayer line was going good. It was in 2010 when He told me this. I said, “Ok, God.” I got a prayer line number. One of the assistant pastors hooked me up with a conference call. I said, “Ok I’ll do it. I’ll do a couple of days.” The Lord said, “No, I want you to do five days a week at 5:30 am.” I was like, “What! Ok, God.” He said, “If you do this, I’m asking you to make this sacrifice for me. If you do this, I will restore you and bless you. You will see signs, wonders and miracles.” My ministry has been known for miracles throughout the ministry for years: great faith and miracles from my mother from cancer, even my life,

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and different ones. God had raised up folk from the dead. I saw more miracles on the prayer line when people didn’t even see my face, just heard my voice, then I saw in my ministry of doing revivals, church, and healing. I’m talking about sometimes we got people in different countries calling on the line with the same conditions and God will heal them all simultaneously. I’m talking about crazy miracles and it was called The Breaking a Day Breakthrough. He said, “If you do this, you will see, sign, wonders, miracles, and my people will be blessed. It would go forth like crazy.” I’m talking about people with cancer and different miracles. You name it. They were getting up. People were getting up out of wheelchairs in their house—all types of miracles. My mind was just blown by how God would do it. For years we were doing the prayer line. When he shifted, he would say, “Ok now do it in the evening.” It had to be a new shift. I took on a new job and I couldn’t pray in the morning. I asked him can I shift it to the evening: The Evening Breaking the Day Breakthrough, like 6:30 or 7’o clock in the evening.

Facebook did the one where you can actually see your face. I started getting on that a little bit, but I still did

“I got the call of the Apostleship through Mother Boyd and came back through. Mother Boyd had passed away and went on to be with the Lord.

the call. I did The Breaking a Day Breakthrough in the morning. Sometimes in the evenings, I would have done both. Then a six years ago, to make a long story short quickly, I got married to a beautiful dutchess. My wife is awesome in ministry, and God has blessed us, but I went through a real hurt during this time.

After I had a divorce, years later, I was like, “I’m done. I’ll just go sit back with one of my spiritual fathers and chill. I’m going to let the pastors raise these churches to be independent.” I released all my Pastors and some said they would never leave anyway, but I released all the churches that were under me and I said, “You know what. I’m tired. I’m not going to turn my back on you God, but I don’t want to preach anymore because the church just tried to kill me and destroy me. I’m done! I’m just going to do me.” And there was a season, daughter, where I just didn’t care. I was like, “I’m just going to go out and be the biggest sinner I’ll ever be since the church wants to kill me, I don’t care who sees me. They are going to kill me anyway. They say I’m dying and doing wrong, so let me go and help them.” Then, the Lord spoke to me. He said to me, “Okay, Brooks, I’m going to let you do you, but understand this, you’re still going to do me.” I said, “What do you mean?” He said, “You can be the busiest sinner you want to, but because I chose you for this, I’m still going to send my people to you.”

Even when I was backslidden doing what I wanted to do, now this was an apostle now, I was like, “I don’t care. I’m leaving. I don’t care what anybody says. I have pastored churches and everything. I don’t care what they’re going to think. They are killing me anyway; let them go ahead and just kill me”. The Lord said to me, “What sense does it make for you to die and go to hell when I’m still going to use you to send my people to heaven?” But it’s your choice. It’s your choice now.” So, I tried it. He was still sending people to me in the streets. He was sending people to me in the bar,

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in the club, and the cave. The people would say, “The Lord told me you have what I need,” and I would take them to go pray from them. After that, I would go back to doing what I was doing. I would tell the Lord, “Oh no. I’m still going to do me, Lord.” He said, “Go ahead. Remember I said in my word, ‘I have vessels of honor and dishonor set aside for my use’, but I tell you there ain’t no need in me fighting with you. God began to pull at me.

When I met my wife, I knew her whole family. I used to do revivals for her grandfather and stuff. Her mother is a pastor and everything, so when we met, we started talking. I knew people were going to kill me and dog me. I took her to meet my mom, my aunts, my uncles, and stuff. I said, “This is who I’m dating. This is who I’m going to be with. This is who I’m going to marry. I’m not going to be out here crazy, so when you hear people lying on me and talking or when you see me, you’re going to

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see her.” That’s how I did it. I kept my circle tight. I kept those people close to me, but people were still lying and trying to start rumors about me. I told her, “You know what? I’m trying to get out of preaching.” She said, “Whoa, whoa! You’re trying to get out of what?” I said, “I’m not going to leave God. I’m still going to serve God, but I don’t want to pastor and I don’t want to preach.” She said, “Oh no. We can’t be together.” I said, “What do you mean we can’t be together?” She said, “All my life all, I’ve ever known is that I had a crush on you. Even though you’ve been married.” It was respectful. They never did or said anything out of the way. It was never approached. She said, “All the young ladies in our church loved you. Little Apostle Brooks, Apostle Brooks, but we can’t be together if you don’t preach. I fell in love with the anointing on your life. You reminded me of my grandfather. I told the Lord that I need someone to preach and teach like my grandfather.” When she told me that, I said, “Okay, Lord, I guess I better get back to preaching.” My wife told me that it was the prophet of God and the man of God that we all fell in love with.

I was still doing conferences that were connected, but I started doing full-time ministry. However, I was refusing to do a lot of things. I never left God. I just didn’t want to deal with church folk. I went to a revival and the Lord restored me completely.

The Lord woke me up one day and told me to do a conference called R.I.F.T. When I first heard Him tell me rift, I thought He was teaching me a new musical sound. He told me to look it up.

When I did, it means an unmendable tear. He then told me that He was calling me to repair the rift. I said, “How can I mend something that is unrepairable?” He said, “I have opened up an opportunity for you to mend what is on the earth and bind. Whatever you loose shall be loose and whatever you bind shall be bound.” I asked, “How?” He said, “Through R-reconciliation, I-impartation, F-forgiveness, T-transformation. People are having revivals but they have no reconciliation. They still hate one another. They are still dividing and jealous of one another.” Then I asked, “Why me?” He said, “It is because you have been ripped, torn, abandoned, left alone, talked about, and have done the same thing to others.” “ When I met my wife, I

knew her whole family. I used to do revivals for her grandfather and stuff. Her mother is a pastor and everything, so when we met, we started talking. I knew people were going to kill me and dog me.

God doesn’t only tell you what happens to you, but He tells you what you did. The Lord told me that reconciliation doesn’t only reconcile you to a person but to Him. This is why the enemy doesn’t want the body of Christ to have true reconciliation. We forgive, but we don’t forget. That’s not reconciliation. Reconciliation restores the total man. He told me that before I was to do the R.I.F.T. conference, He wanted me to go on a journey. He made me call all the people that I pastored, covered, left, and walked away from. I even had to call the people who hurt and lied on me. I had to go to them to forgive them and ask for forgiveness. I did this for about two years. When I called them, I said, “If I have

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done anything wrong, I ask for your forgiveness. If you know so and so, please have them to call me.” This was the process of reconciliation.

One of the last people that I reached out to was a bishop that I ordained. We had a falling out. One day, I was in revival in Walterboro and I was at the height of preaching. When this bishop walked through the door, I stopped preaching, dropped the mic, and ran up to meet him. I embraced him and said, “Listen, if I did anything wrong to hurt or offend you, I ask for your forgiveness. If you have done me wrong, I forgive you.” Immediately, he started crying on my shoulder and asked for my forgiveness because he had done me wrong. I hugged him and told him that I loved him. Then I said, “Let’s have church.” I ran back into the pulpit, picked up the mic, and pick up back from where I was preaching.

The Scripture says that if you have an ought with your brother, go to them so you can gain them. You must lay your gift on the altar. Why are we still preaching over mess and you know you can’t stand the people that you are preaching to? Why are we still prophesying to people that we don’t like or love? Let’s make it right and go back so God can perfect the gift. That way, God can bring you into the purpose and destiny that God has called for your life. After I reached out to everyone for forgiveness, I had the R.I.F.T. conference. Many came, but many didn’t. God told me that once I did it, I was released from all vows.

As a pastor, we make vows and commitments. For those who came to the conference, God restored our relationships and healed. Some bishops that I ordained and covered said, “Well, God bless you. It’s your thing. I’m good. I forgive you but I am not coming.” I said, “No. It’s God’s thing. It’s just a time for us to heal from the past.” God said that He released me from all vows and it was like starting a new life, a rebirthing, but the church still needed to do that. We are going to plan another R.I.F.T. conference, hopefully, in God’s grace, in the years to come because the church needs it. We still need to reconcile and until the church totally reconciles with each other, how are we going to get the harvest because that is the thing. We are pulling people from each other, and we are pulling church from churches and bringing them into us. But we are not bringing them back into God, and so we talk about getting a harvest to bring into mess. I am so glad that we went through this pandemic to shut the church so that we can see who we really are, so God can separate the wheat from the tares. Only then can we can really get this harvest, which is before us now. I don’t know of anything else to share.

Interviewer: Amen. That is good. What inspired the midnight prayer?

Apostle Darrell Brooks: My ministry Disciples of Christ started in Savannah, Georgia, when I finally got licensed to preach and everything and had gotten married. The Lord told me, ”What you do to the least of these, you have done unto me.” Disciples of Christ started as a homeless ministry in the streets of Savannah, Georgia. And guess what time? At midnight. He told me to go out because He said, “My people need you. I am doing this because it is not about being seen, but I want you to go at midnight and find a place,” because at midnight, they are either trying to find a place to sleep or they are trying to find a place to eat. He said, “I want you to go to them and take care of them. When you go, do not pray, do not preach. When you go to them, all I want you to do is say, ‘God loves you

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and I do too.’ Give them the food and walk away. If they reach out to you, still don’t say anything. Give them what they don’t have.” I said, “What?” He said, ”A listening ear: sit and listen. Now, after you listen, if they ask you to pray, then you pray.” And that is what I started doing. I started going out. If I left a church without food, I would go and prepare the food from my house and go and give them sheets and blankets. I would go and meet them and find the place where they were. Sometimes they were somewhere trying to find their last meal or trying to find a place to lay their heads. I would go and minister to them and feed them with the love of God.

I remember the first person that I fed by the name of Robert Mitchell. He was the first person I walked up to and he said, “No, wait a minute.” He was laying on a bench and he brushed himself off. He was in downtown Savannah, Georgia. He brushed himself off and said, “My momma taught me that whenever you meet a real man, to show him some respect.” So he stood up and showed me some respect and shook my hand. That thing humbled me even more. I was like “Oh, my God!” We sat and I gave him the food and I said, “God loves you and I do too.” I started walking away and he said, “Rev., can I talk to you?” So I sat down and listened and he told me his life story. He asked, “Could you pray with me?” and I prayed with him. He became my homeless deacon because every time I was out there, I would see him pushing his buggy and he would help me serve the food to people.

I was out there one night feeding the people, and I had some young preachers with me. I tried to feed this young homeless guy, they called him preacher, but he was asleep. I was trying to feed him, but he would not wake up, so I said, “Okay, I got to go get some stuff and I will be back.” I left the food with him. I went to feed some more people

“They are killing me anyway; let them go ahead and just kill me”. The Lord said to me, “What sense does it make for you to die and go to hell when I’m still going to use you to send my people to heaven?”

around the corner and went back to check on them, all of them were asleep and he was awake. When he turned over his face shined like glory and it knocked me to my knees.

Interviewer: Wow!!

Apostle Darrell Brooks: It was the Lord and He turned (speaking in tongues)… Holy Ghost! He turned over and I couldn’t look into His face and He said, “I come and I go! I come and I go!

They have me here for but a short time but have you here for always. I come and I go!

I come and I go! If you take care of them, they will take care of you. If you look out for them, they will look out for you. I come and I go! I come and I go! You, they will have forever. You are to them like a Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.,” and I smirked. He rebuked me and said, “Do not laugh!! Because just like they sought to take his life, they will seek to take your life too. But I am with you. I am with you. I come and I go! I come and I go!” Suddenly, the light went away and I was able to look and the preacher was himself now. He was like, “Oh, oh, I am hungry. I am hungry,” and I looked at Vernon Ferguson, one

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of the elders that was with me. I asked, “Did you see that?” And he looked at me and said, “Yes!!” We were tripping at the same time and said, “Oh, my God!!” It was the Lord that showed up and now that preacher was himself again. But the Spirit of the Lord had rested on him, and when it lifted, he was just another homeless man who wanted some food. He was like, “Thank you. Thank you for this food,” and I walked away baffled. The next morning we shared it with the saints on the prayer line and they were like, “Darrell, you saw the Lord.” All the preachers on the prayer line that was on there for prayer that morning said to me, “You saw the Lord.”

There was another time when we went back out, and I had some young evangelists with me. I showed them ministry. I told them, “This is real ministry. You guys wanted to go.” The Lord blessed us so much that it was crazy. Suddenly, we were feeding the homeless and saw a light on a garbage dump. I went down by the garbage dump and it looked like a bag was hanging out. They were like, “Wait a minute. What is this? Is there someone in the dumpster?” The closer we got, we saw it was a tie. I saw a tie hanging out of the dumpster and I said, “What?? I opened the dumpster and there was a full cardboard box, but there was no trash in there. The box was full of silk ties and dress ties and the Lord said, “It yours,” I said, “What?” So I got it out of the dumpster. I blessed the young men with me and then I started giving them away to people. I kept some for myself too. I blessed them with brand new ties with tags on them. So I said, “What in the world?” It just blew our minds and so the Lord said, “Now I want you to change your clothing and upgrade your clothes.” I had to get new clothes because the Lord had blessed me with all those ties. He said for me to go and buy some more clothes. It was just so crazy how God would do me!

I would give stuff away. Robert mentioned he didn’t have a coat. I had just bought a coat. It had started snowing in Savannah and I gave him my new coat that I loved. When I went around the corner, God gave me a better coat than the one I had. It was for like $20 or $30 on sale and it started snowing right after that. I blessed the homeless. I would take the clothes off of my back and give it to them.

But when those young men were with me the night we saw the bag and got the ties when we were getting ready to go to another place, we started feeding some more homeless people and I said, “Y’all watch this!” There was a preacher asleep on the bench and everybody else was awake. So I told them, “Y’all better watch this. Watch this.” This time it was not at night because we went out there a little bit earlier this time. I had left a program during the day and I had food in the trunk of the truck and the city was closed down but it wasn’t necessarily midnight. It was turning into midnight. I lifted up the back of the truck and he came to the back of the truck and stopped. Now these people are awake and they are eating their food, but he is the last one. This time these young evangelists were able to see it with me.

I said, “Listen, watch this,” and he stops and speaks. His face changed again and I am like, “Oh, my God!” He said the same thing, “I come and I go. I come and I go.” He said that He was going to be here for a short time but they will have you. He said, “The building that you will have will be built for them. They will help build it.” He shared other prophecies with me and then all of a sudden, the

preacher just walked away. He didn’t get any food, but he walked away this time. Weeks later, I asked everyone where the preacher was and they said, “Who?” I said, “Preacher. The one that y’all call preacher down here.” They said, “We don’t know anybody named preacher!” (Laughs) It blew my mind! So that was the third time that the Lord visited me. The first time at the age of 10 or 14 when I was tried to commit suicide. Then years later, when I started the ministry Disciples of Christ, the homeless ministry in downtown streets of Savannah, Georgia, He showed up twice. There was another occasion in a vision that I had. It was like, “Wow!” One of the prerequisites of being an apostle is you have to have seen the Lord. It was just some amazing times and that brings us up to where we are in ministry.

So a couple of years ago, I was doing the Breaking of Day Breakthrough through the prayer line I started in like 2010. I would pray for the people who would call the prayer line. Every Thursday, I would pray for the people and call their name out before the Lord. It had got up to 1,000 or more and I would call several thousand names out. Every Thursday morning He would say, “I want you to call my people’s name out before the Lord.” I said, “If you ever wonder if someone is praying for you at least once a week, we are going to call out all of your names before the Lord and lift you up before God in the morning.” Every Thursday, I would call the names of the people I had on my list and we had got up to several thousands of names. The others would be on the line calling them and praying for them too. Well, when I finally shifted over to the Midnight Oil… I wasn’t trying to do Midnight Oil (laughs) at all but God asked me again, “Will you make a sacrifice?” I said, “Ok.” He said, “I want you to do Midnight Oil,” so I said, “Alright, cool. I will do just one night a week and that will work.” I just did one night to see. Boom!! Folk got delivered. They were people hungry and crying. I couldn’t sleep so I started ministering. Then God said. “Do it again. Do it another night.” Then He asked for another night. Then I said, “Oh, Lord! No. Oh, no, God!” (Laughs) But He said, “Yes. Do it,’ and I was doing it seven nights a week: midnight preaching at midnight. God had me doing it. I did it for like a year or two: Midnight Oil. It was just on Facebook and then my wife asked me, “Honey, do you think that God would ever allow you to quit?”

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“I left a church

without food, I would go and prepare the food from my house and go and give them sheets and blankets. I would go and meet them and find the place where they were.

We are only six years in as newlyweds. Six years in still and I said, “Honey, I don’t know. I can’t because there are too many souls on the line. I don’t care if it is only just two people. They are souls that need the help.” And so she said, “Well, okay,” because it was her sacrifice as well. You got a young husband. Y’all want to cuddle and whatever and just lay down and just be up under each other. My wife is spoiled. She likes to go to sleep on me. She lays her head on my arm and goes to sleep. That is what she does. So, after a while, she would just lay out with me. She would come and lay on the couch or wherever I was. She would lay out there and rest while I would do Midnight Oil.

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“We are only six years in as newlyweds. Six years in still and I said, “Honey, I don’t know. I can’t because there are too many souls on the line. I don’t care if it is only just two people.

And that was her sacrifice as well as mine and God said, fine and my grandson said to me during a revival when he saw God. He went to a revival with me in Florida. The Lord touched him on the shoulder and he thought it was my hand. And he said, “Papa, God made a believer out of me. I know it was the Lord and you told me just to walk by faith. When I turned around, I thought you still had your hand on my shoulder, and I looked and you were on the other side of the building. I felt His presence and He was touching me and letting me know that He was with me.” So I was like, “Wow!!” He said, “Papa, more people need your message” and I said, “Ok.” He said, “Have you ever thought about going on Periscope or putting the ministry on YouTube since you got the videos set up? I said, “No.” He said, “Papa, you need to.” And he showed me how to do it and I was like okay. And my 11-year-old grandson talked me into taking it to Facebook and all these other platforms. I did and God started blessing the Midnight Oil more. He allowed me to take some days of rest and now, instead of seven days, I do it five days a week, Monday through Friday. Every Thursday, the Lord told me to pick up that prayer again, where I call their name out before the Lord. I have a full packet where we pray an open prayer. It’s one I wrote in 2012.

After that prayer, I begin to call people’s names on the line and those who called in and sent me their email requests. I begin to call their names and do the prayers until we get to the last name, then after that, I pray for my church, my church family, and then my family. And that is every Thursday. We call the names out and we put on the screen on the podcast that those who are watching live can send their names, and we will call their names out as well. We will continue for the remainder of 2020. Then we will start a new list and keep it going.

Interviewer: How can we connect with your ministry? Apostle Darrell Brooks: ApostleBrooks@gmail.com or Facebook @DarrellBrooks and @DBrooksMinistries. Right now, we are working on a book of poetry. We will be doing two feature songs with someone that we are working in the studio. I am writing music for that project.

Interviewer: What advice would you give to pastors who want to commit suicide?

Apostle Darrell Brooks: Before I answer, I want to say that the greatest miracle is a changed heart; otherwise, whatever is in your heart is still there. [Without a changed heart], if we pray for healing, sickness has an opportunity to come back. In this season, God is turning the hearts of men back towards him. We have a gathering conference on December 5th in Savannah, Georgia. When I felt like giving up and hurt by people that I made sacrifices for, my spiritual father, Pastor Williams, told me that I can’t hold people accountable for what’s not in them. You are expecting love from people who may not have the capacity to love you back. You are expecting them to be like you, but God made you who you are. God made you to be the exam-

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ple. Sometimes the person who is the example has to be willing to be hurt rather than to be loved. When they stand before God, they can’t say that they never knew what love was because you showed it to them. They can’t say when they stand before God that they didn’t know what forgiveness was because you forgave them. I stopped crying when He told me that. I teach people the same thing that He taught me. What He told me made sense to me and my mind was illuminated. God opened up my mind. I began to see people differently. Why do they hate the way they hate? I began to search and realized that they had trauma and understood why they couldn’t be a father or mother because they didn’t have one in their lives. Then another father figure told me, “Darrel, if you are still here after you went through everything that you have gone through then you are the strongest of your kind because everyone can’t go through what you have gone through.” I started preaching this message afterward. Many people feel like they are weak. No, you are strong. The devil is

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attacking you because you have purpose attached to your name. The enemy is fighting you because God has already planned your destiny. When Peter was about to give up, Jesus told him that He had prayed for him because Satan wanted to sift him like wheat. If you don’t let your faith fail, then one day you will be strong enough to strengthen your brother. Just hold on. People will ridicule you for His namesake. Don’t take it personally. We must realize that some people are fighting our call and purpose. If you ever get in your position, then you will become a force to be reckoned with. Souls will be saved. The devil is fighting you because of the souls attached to your bloodline or ministry.

When you get in purpose, the devil attacks because of the souls that are attached to your spiritual umbilical cord. He doesn’t want you to reach the lives that you have been ordained to touch. The enemy wants you to think the attacks are about you (lies and rumors). The weapon of our warfare is not carnal but mighty through God for the pulling down of strongholds. We wrestle not against flesh and blood. It’s about who you are called to become. If the enemy can get us sidetracked then you will walk away from your purpose. We will give up and feel like God has abandoned us. When I felt like God had abandoned me, He spoke to me in my times of silence. I was asking, “God where are you? Do you see me?” Then He spoke, “When you don’t see me, feel me, or hear me, it doesn’t mean that I am not there. It simply means that I am working it out. I am working things out in your life and I am working some things out of you. It’s not about your flesh, feelings, or emotions. It’s not about you. It’s about my purpose in you and what I am doing in your life. I need you to trust me in these moments. I speak twice in your storms. I speak in the beginning and I speak in the end. The middle is where you trust me. There will be a word of release or prophecy and in the end, there will be fulfillment. In between the devil will always try to get you to quit on what I have already spoken. If I said it before then I will not change my mind. I know what I am doing. My thoughts toward you are good and not evil to bring you to an expected end.”

Interviewer: Wow. Thank you so much for your time.

Apostle Darrell Brooks: Amen. I bless God for the opportunity.

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