Rejoice Essential Magazine December 2020
Interviewer: Thank you so much for accepting the invite.
old man had said.
Apostle Darrell Brooks: Wonderful. I’m honored.
Apostle Darrell Brooks: After the man spoke that, a light bulb went off in my life. Years later, I knew that I was different. Even as a child, people would call or sit down and explain their life’s problems. They would tell me what they were going through and God would always give me an answer. I didn’t know that it was God using me at the time. I didn’t understand but there would be a wisdom that would come forth and I knew it wasn’t mine. Years later after not having anyone tell me what the gift was, my grandmother told me that I couldn’t spend a night at a relative’s house. Suddenly, all of the problems from everyone else that I have counseled over the years crashed down upon me. It was as if their problems became my problems and I heard the enemy’s voice for
Interviewer: Tell me about your salvation journey and the transition from prophet to apostle. Apostle Darrell Brooks: I got called to preach at nine years old. As a child, I rejected it because I didn’t understand it. We had a church service years ago and I sang. I was breaking through shyness because I didn’t like to sing in front of people. I was starting to walk in freedom when it comes to singing in front of people. After I finished, this old man approached me and scared me. He had an oxygen tank on his back and he said, “Listen, you sang nice little boy, but God called you to preach and you will preach this gospel.” I ran to my grandfather, cried, and told him what the
Interviewer: (Laughs)
the first time. I heard the devil say, “Kill yourself!” Interviewer: Jesus! Apostle Darrell Brooks: I was around 13 or 14. I heard the devil again, “Kill yourself!” I said, “Okay. That’s what I will do.” My grandmother had an open foyer from the stairwell in a two-story house. You could hang stuff over it or put Christmas trees or anything else in that corner. I went up to the stairwell, took my belt off, tied one end, and put the other end around my neck. Then I jumped over and while I was hanging there, I heard the voice of the Lord for the first time. He said, “I have a work for you to do.” I didn’t feel any pain. The Lord showed me a cartoonish vision since I was a scary child and He wanted me to understand. I saw buildings, things to come, and different stages of my life. These images were flashing before me.