Rejoice Essential Magazine February 2020

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Table of Contents 30


Pastor Nancy Dozier




30 Romatic Ideas For Married Couples


How to Worship When Your Joy Is Gone


A Breach at the Gate


The Christians Viewpoint On The impeachment


Impossible Whopper


The Prodigal Father





Kimberly Moses Founder And Editor Effingham, SC

Tron Moses Photographer, Designer Effingham, SC

Keiyia Jackson-George Writer And Chief Editor Cane Garden Bay, Tortola Virgin Islands

Marcus Johnson Writer Clermont, FL

Shirley Ann Cooper Writer Kissimmee, Florida

Taylur Holland Writer Dallas, Texas

Mae Bloom Writer Plantation, FL

Stephanie Ham Writer Florence, SC

Thank you, man of God, Tron Moses for doing this and thank you Prophetess Kimberly Moses for sharing your heart to the Father, with the world. The CD is such a blessing; it immediately took my children and me into the presence of God and shifted the atmosphere in my home last night. I felt His supernatural strength come on me. I did not want to go to sleep. I just wanted to stay up in His presence. We rested in His presence. To you be all the Glory Father.-Rhasheeda I listened to the prayer CD three times already since I purchased it yesterday. I will play it in my room at night while we sleep.-Kentia




How to Worship When Your Joy Is Gone Can you recall a time or a season when joy feels far from you? The word of God tells us to count it all joy no matter what comes, but let’s be real, that is easier said than done. With all that is happening in the world, many of God’s children have lost their joy and will to press on. Surely, this is not God’s will, so what should the sons and daughters of God do when they find that joy has left their lives and all that remains is broken and seemingly dead? I could tell you put on worship music. I could advise you to lift your voice and praise God just for who He is, but for this article, I’ll

refrain from starting with the cliché answer and I’ll just give you the truth. The truth is sometimes joy leaves the building. The truth is that sometimes quoting a scripture only causes more pain. Nope, I’m not being Debbie Downer here. I’m being realistic. Many things in life we go through are just hard. Please don’t misunderstand what I am saying here. There are times when you need to do those things, but when your heart is sick, and your joy is gone, you need to take a different approach. If you’ve lost your joy or if your soul is in anguish and it hurts to hope, try these things first. Cry Out Loud to God


This is your privilege as a child of the Most High God. He is the only one you can come and release to fully and you won’t be judged. Many of us have been taught religion, but God is all about relationship. We tend to be quicker at reaching out to people than we are at reaching out to God and this shouldn’t be. Our relationship with God is the closest relationship we should have. After all, He knew us before we were formed in our mother’s womb. He knows everything about us and has instructed us to cast our burdens on Him because He cares for us. That’s the word of God! There is nothing we can say to God that he doesn’t already know, so why not say it, get it out and get relief for your soul. When we get truthful - I mean ugly truthful with God - you will find rest for your soul.

God, get their release and then go into the sanctuary to worship. That way the power of God won’t be held back. Nevertheless, wherever you are can be a ‘burden dump’ room because God hears and desires you to cast it all on Him. OK, so I know I said I wouldn’t give you the same old cliché Christian answer, but now that you accepted that it’s okay to feel joyless and now that you have done your ugly cry before the Lord, it’s time to arise and go worship!

Don’t be Ashamed of Your Feelings You are human and feel emotions. You should never feel ashamed to feel like you’ve lost your joy. It happens, but just know that you don’t have to stay in a joyless state. I love the Book of Psalms because David was transparent about his feelings. He praised God and cried out in the same breath. That’s how life is sometimes. You don’t need to be fearful or ashamed. God knows the fragility of our flesh and thankfully we have Jesus interceding on our behalf. The word of God tells us that our feelings are deceitful and can’t be trusted; it never said to pretend like we don’t feel them. Knowing this, we give ourselves the grace to be human, but also stand on God’s word knowing that the feelings will pass and there is no condemnation for the in-between time. Now You Worship I strongly believe that many worship services are powerless because people are burdened down. Churches are full of hurting people who are singing but can’t get past what they must face when they go back home. They’re ashamed to admit it yet burdened with reality. Maybe there should be a ‘burden dump’ room for people to come and just cry out to

What Else Are You Going to Do? Staying defeated is not an option, so get back on the battlefield! Your overwhelming victory is already won. You simply need to walk it out. If you don’t feel relief and more joyful, keep crying out and releasing to the Father until you do! A counselor might rush you, but God won’t. Remember those who worship the Lord must worship Him in spirit and truth. So beloved, it’s okay to be joyless. Life happens to us all. What’s not okay is allowing the enemy to keep you joyless. When you worship, the presence of the Lord is there with you, and in His presence, there is fullness of joy! Continue fighting the good fight of faith. May God bless your joy to not only be full but to run over, so that everyone you encounter will see what the joy of the Lord looks like.








A BREACH AT THE GATE Taylur Holland Is their demise And that it’s cheaper just to compromise And stay comfortable, Gloating in sin, Bulletproof-ready against anything That doesn’t feel wonderful To their skin.

Bent on being filled again With their own desires, Desires that are never satisfied – Or never tire – Blurred lines. Trouble at the gates. Breach has been made, As folks rumble to be aligned With what many say is right, But Truth came, And they called Him a lie.

Works of darkness stay glorified By hearts that don’t want to lose the vice. I surmise That they believe the cost of giving it up

Of asking for more of you, Your attention, and focus. They feed you with distraction And hope you don’t notice Until right before the moment You’re to be found broken.

By then, it’s too late. There’s been a breach, A breach at the gate. You didn’t safeguard. You didn’t safeguard


Your heart


From the scent of the flashing lights,

Do we see process

From the taste of compromise.

As demise – and

Vanity feeds on you from the inside

Think it too complex

And traps you between blurred lines, Parallel and never crossing,

To be stretched into Appointed Time? Don’t want to pay any cost,


Just want the end result

As you get lost in the to and fro

Quick, fast, and in a hurry,

Of the tossing.

And getting Him in the process

What was the point of the gift

Is deemed unnecessary.

If you were only going to lend it

These lines have gotten blurry.

To the world Then turn around and beg them for their

No separation.


No sanctification. Vision so skewed

Blurred lines

We’ll lose

Got you twisted

If we’re depending on you

Then selling out with the excuse

To see us through.

That it’s not your fault that you’re gifted,

It’s obvious to see

But where is your witness?

What you refuse to believe.

Where does its strength lie?

There’s been a breach –

Where is its depth, its substance, its power,

A breach at the gates.

Its life?

You’re told you’re okay,

I surmise

There’s no need to change. So go ahead,

That you kissed it goodnight When you refused the process To reach the promise Allotted to you by the Divine Before the beginning of time.

Look the other way.

















I am reminded of the trial that took place with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Jesus goes before the High Priest, the Elders, to be delivered in council by Pilates accused of blasphemy as the King of the Jews. According to the Logos Bible Software, the three Synoptic Gospels relate Jesus’ trial in greater detail than does Mark. Matthew records the dream of Pilate’s wife (27:19) and Pilate’s handwashing (27:24); Luke adds the interrogation before Antipas (23:6–12); and John includes a theological discussion between Jesus and

Pilate (18:33–38). Mark narrates the trial with a greater economy, focusing first on Jesus’ silence before Pilate and second on Pilate’s unsuccessful attempt to placate the crowd by offering amnesty to Jesus. Let’s examine Mark’s story of how Jesus was accused of treason. And as soon as it was morning, the chief priests held a consultation with the elders and scribes and the whole council. And they


bound Jesus and led him away and delivered him over to Pilate. 2 And Pilate asked him, “Are you the King of the Jews?” And he answered him, “You have said so.” 3 And the chief priests accused him of many things. 4 And Pilate again asked him, “Have you no answer to make? See how many charges they bring against you.” 5 But Jesus made no further answer, so that Pilate was amazed. {Mark 15: 1-5 KJV}. Jesus was not like the Pharisees nor the Sadducees and Pilate know it. He found no sin or fault against Jesus. But the people asked him to crucify Jesus.

I came across this article from PolitiFact where one of the House Representor, Rep. Barry Loudermilk, compared Jesus Christ and President Donald Trump during the House Articles of Impeachment hearing. “Before you take this historic vote today, one week before Christmas, I want you to keep this in mind,” the Georgia Republican said Dec. 18. “When Jesus was falsely accused of treason, Pontius Pilate gave Jesus the opportunity to face his accusers. During that sham trial, Pontius Pilate afforded more rights to Jesus than the Democrats have afforded this president in this process.”

Loudermilk was criticizing how the whistle6 Now at the feast he used to release for blower was never called to testify as part of them one prisoner for whom they asked. 7 the impeachment process and that the whisAnd among the rebels in prison, who had tleblower’s identity has been kept secret. committed murder in the insurrection, there What the Republicans failed to release is that was a man called Barabbas. 8 And the crowd Jesus Christ committed no sin. Instead, He came up and began to ask Pilate to do as was falsely accused by a mob of religious he usually did for them. 9 And he answered leaders that wanted Him dead. The love them, saying, “Do you want me to release for Jesus Christ has for us could never compare you the King of the Jews?” 10 For he perceived to President Donald Trump. Not in a million that it was out of envy that the chief priests years. Trump would never die on the cross. He had delivered him up. 11 But the chief priests who had no fault was accused and charged stirred up the crowd to have him release for for a conspiracy all because He was called the them Barabbas instead. 12 And Pilate again King of the Jews and many other things such said to them, “Then what shall I do with the as a prophet, the Messiah, and our Savior. man you call the King of the Jews?” 13 And The Bible says, “For God so loved the world, they cried out again, “Crucify him.” 14 And that he gave his only Son, that whoever Pilate said to them, “Why? What evil has he believes in him should not perish but have done?” But they shouted all the more, “Crucify eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son him.” 15 So Pilate, wishing to satisfy the crowd, into the world to condemn the world, but in released for them Barabbas, and having order that the world might be saved through scourged Jesus, he delivered. {Mark 15: 6-15 him. for the sins of the people. (John 3:16-17 KJV}. KJV) Pilate never understood why they shouted crucify Him when he saw no fault in Jesus. He gave the people what they wanted even when his wife told him about her dream she had, indicating that it was wrong to have Jesus Christ killed. Pilate, being the Roman leader, thought to put an end to all this madness about Jesus, the King of the Jews just to please the people.

14Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; 15And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. 16For verily he took not on him the nature of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham. 17Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like




unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation. 18For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succour them that are tempted. (Hebrew 2:14-18 KJV) Nevertheless, because the flock said crucify Jesus and set Barabbas free, Jesus took the place of death for us all even when He committed no crime or sin. But He was wounded for our transgression, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed ( Isaiah 53:5 KJV). Trump never came close to doing the things that Jesus Christ did for us. He was guilty of his crimes and this is why the Senate is addressing the issue. Let’s talk about it, shall we? Our 47th President, Donald Trump, is under investigation for treason. The House of Representatives impeached Trump on the charges of obstruction of congress and abuse of power. There are allegations that President Donald Trump sought to seek help from the President of Ukraine for the 2020 election. This wasn’t the first time he did this. In 2016, he was accused of doing the same thing with The Russian Presidential campaign attempting to dismiss Robert Mueller. Unfortunately, he was able to get away with it as his investigation drags on. His staff members were brought to trial and fired. Nevertheless, even though there is proof, he still denies any wrongdoing and blames it on fake news. It is not as easy as we think to over throw the President out of office. As of now, we wait patiently for the Republicans’ verdict on Donald Trump. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sets things in motion to send Articles to Senate for voting on Donald Trump’s Impeachment. There is an engrossment ceremony for signing. Here you have seven managers, lawmakers, a high judge, and prosecutors that will try the case. Senate majority

leader Mitch McConnell will read the Articles out loud and the Chief of Justice John Roberts will be sworn in to serve as a juror. Tensions between the United States and Iran escalated dramatically when President Donald Trump ordered the killing of top Iranian commander Qassem Soleimani in Iraq. So the congress voted to limited what Donald Trump is able to do while he is still in office. According to the NY Times, Mr. Trump boasted that he had taken out an American enemy. But the struggle between two nations is not really over. Iran may find other ways to take revenge. Iraqi leaders may expel American forces, accomplishing in death what General Suleimani tried and failed to do in life. And in the confusion, a Ukrainian civilian passenger jet was destroyed by an Iranian missile, killing 176 people. The episode briefly gave Mr. Trump’s allies something to cheer, distracting from the coming Senate impeachment trial. Still he faces questions even among Republicans about the shifting justifications for the strike that he and his national security team have offered. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo initially cited the need to forestall an “imminent” attack and the president has amplified that to say four American embassies were targeted. I strongly believe that President Donald Trump may not be impeached just like Bill Clinton. If, by any chance, he does become impeached May God Help Us All. ( rights/copyright/copyright-notice.html)



Have you heard the news?/ Burger King (BK) has a plant-based burger and they are calling it the Impossible Whopper. I don’t visit BK too often, but when I do - the whopper is my go-to meal. I love the flame-grilled taste and overall, it is a great combination of flavors. Not the healthiest but still yummy. So, when I heard about the Impossible Burger, I had to try it. IS THE IMPOSSIBLE POSSIBLE? Burger King and Impossible Foods sure seems to think so. They have teamed up to make the Impossible Whopper, which is their way of bringing a “healthier option” to the fast-

food industry. With many people in search of healthier options for on-the-go, I see how this could be a great way to get new customers as well as introduce something new to loyal customers. WHAT’S IN THE IMPOSSIBLE WHOPPER? According to the BK website, the Impossible Burger is made with a flame-grilled, plantbased burger topped with tomatoes, lettuce, mayonnaise, ketchup, pickles, and sliced white onions on a sesame seed bun. 100% Whopper®, 0% Beef. But what are the actual ingredients? Inquiring minds want to know, so I took a stroll through the Impossible Foods




website to locate the exact ingredients in the whopper patties, but it isn’t easily accessible to find. I did find that some of the ingredients include soy protein, potato protein, coconut oil, sunflower oil, and heme. That is not a full list as the website states they provide, so I guess we will just have to use our imaginations on this one.

WHAT DO I THINK OF THE IMPOSSIBLE BURGER? I had to try the burger twice to make sure I was giving you a good inside scoop on how this burger tastes. The first time I purchased the Impossible Whopper, I was very disappointed. The whopper patty wasn’t hot, and it had a bland taste. I went with the anticipation and the expectation that I would love this whopper, but I wasn’t completely won over. I wanted to like this burger, so I went back again and this time the patty was hot and tasted a little better, but it had a strange smell. I have had many plant-based burgers before, and I have even made my own and they have never smelled so gross. I would love to know why they smell like that. MY FINAL THOUGHTS It is with great disappointment that I say - I don’t like the Impossible Whopper. I wish it tasted better, but with the bland taste and weird smell, it is a no go for me. The one thing I take away from this experience is the enthusiasm to make my version of the Impossible Whopper. Be sure to subscribe here, so you won’t miss that post! I am excited to see how my burger will taste.


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In the Book of Luke, we read Jesus’ Parable of the prodigal son (or daughter), but how about a “prodigal father?” Some men come to Christ late in life, and sometimes, their children are grown. At some point, the prodigal father stumbles upon scripture that provides principles on how to raise children as well as the concept that the father is to be the spiritual head of the household (ex: Eph 6:4, Isaiah 54:13, 1 Peter 3:7). As the father who comes to Christ digs deeper into the Word of God, he may come to realize that he missed it and the guilt can be strong, particularly if their children are not leading the lives they would want for them, or, when they realize that they had been absent - giving a sense of “it is too late now. I messed up.” For a man at this

stage of his life, this revelation can cause the man to walk with a broken spirit. However, what does God have to say that can help the prodigal father, the father that comes home later in life? In Psalm 51:17, we find that God desires a broken spirit as this is when man realizes that he needs the kind of help that only He can provide, requiring both strength and courage. Fathers may have to admit that they did not carry out their God commanded responsibilities to be the spiritual head of the house. The father should ask forgiveness from his family and pray that through his example of reconciliation, his adult children will be pointed to Christ. A dad can sit with each child and explain how


he now sees things, that he should have done things differently in regard to their upbringing. He should let them know that he has confessed this to the Lord and then ask them to forgive him, even if they don’t understand what this means right now. The prodigal father makes the decision that he is determined to move forward as an example of what a good father can be and should be. Then he needs to spend time in prayer with his spouse for their children, their grandchildren, and the next generation if necessary. According to James 5:16, prayer is highly effective when it is offered by the one who has confessed his sins. What else does God have to say to the prodigal father? In Hebrews 9:14, we see that the blood of Christ has cleansed our conscience from our [past] acts that were leading us to death. Scripture doesn’t place a timeline or limitations on how far back this goes. God doesn’t give us a cut-off point that your past can be forgiven. That is good news. Further, we read in Rev. 2:17, where John the Apostle shares a vision where Jesus is going to give a white stone to believers who have been cleansed by the blood of Christ. Why did Jesus promise a white stone in Rev. 2:17? In the ancient days of Rome and Greece, black and white stones were used when voting. In the case of Roman trials, judges would cast a black stone for guilty or a white stone for not guilty. In Greece, citizens would cast a black stone against an issue or a white stone in support of an issue. In both examples, a white stone is used when in support of something. In Jesus’ case, His white stone is cast for you, meaning that He has reviewed all of the evidence and He has judged in your favor. When Christ promised a white stone to the believers who overcame, He was not only announcing freedom and forgiveness from a past sinful life, but He was also casting His vote for you. A white stone in Rev. 2:17 de-

clares that Christ has found us not guilty and He is putting His full support behind us. Christ is voting for us! Including the Prodigal Father, men like me. Men like me, who came to the Truth a little later in life, have been forgiven, washed in the blood of Christ, we are forgiven – period! The devil may try to hassle you and torment you with past memories that God Himself doesn’t remember. His blood was applied to your life. He has found you blameless and free from shame. While the prodigal father may feel remorse and sorrow for having come home late, he does have an opportunity to live the example for the life that remains in his lungs. If it doesn’t feel at the moment like anyone else is for you, remember that Christ Himself has cast His vote for you. If Jesus has cast His vote for you, you can throw off all despair and rejoice, because the one vote that really matters has been cast in your favor!

The prodigal father makes the decision that he is determined to move forward as an example of what a good father can be and should be.




If you’re willing, God can take your mistakes and use them for His glory Love the author’s honesty and willingness to share his story and struggles. The book encourages the reader to never give up, to put his/her pride aside, and allow God to change their heart, life and destiny forever. — Cyndi Bryan


From a fellow Desert Storm Vet What an amazing book! Has a former Desert Storm veteran with C Co 3–502nd inf, 101st Air Assault, this book hits home. I highly recommend this read for all. Marcus hits a homerun with his book.— tvallejos




PASTOR NANCY DOZIER Interviewed by Anstrice Mcmillian Epps Interviewer: One day, I was on periscope and Real Talk Kim shared your broadcast. I was having a bad night. When I got on your broadcast, you had gold dust on your hands and you prayed. You had an amazing conference called Pray Like A Boss. I can see the love of God through you. How did you encounter God? Pastor Nancy Dozier: I’m so grateful to share and to offer the opportunity to share what God is doing. Thank you guys for having me. Even when I was just a child, I was really tender-hearted towards the things of God. I was aware of God’s presence. My parents are in ministry. My mom would go out to preach and do crusades. I would get so upset because they would try to leave me at home. I was like, “I have to go because Jesus will heal people and I have to see it.” I would have a fit, so they ended up taking me. I would be in my PJ’s and have one of my dolls with me and a thing of juice. I would sleep through the entire meeting until the miracles started happening. Then I would sit right up. Looking back, I know that God was drawing me. I was mesmerized by the move of God and the Holy Spirit. I would line up all my dolls and lay hands on them and preach to them. Of course, they all fell. I would sing unto the Lord. There were times when I was by myself and I would be crying unto the Lord. My mom was trying to explain it to me because I would be so overwhelmed experiencing the presence of God. It would sometimes scare me and my mom would walk me through it. She would

help me to understand the spirit of God, the move of God, and the Glory of God. Even as a child, I was open to the things of God. At eight years old, I received the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. It was a game-changer. Through my journey, I had very specific encounters that really marked me. One time in college, I skipped finals. I don’t recommend that (laughs). I skipped finals to drive to Canada with my best friend to attend a Heidi Baker meeting. She was in Toronto Blessings and they were in revival. They are still in revival to this day. I had an encounter there that forever marked me. The way that God dealt with me while I was there under Heidi’s teachings were just crazy! I can’t say that there has been one particular encounter because there have been so many through the years that God has really used to draw my heart towards Him. Interviewer: Lol! Amen. That’s one thing about God: you can’t box Him in. There will always be different encounters, but they will always line up with His Word. God is good. Pastor Nancy Dozier: It’s so funny that you spoke about the gold dust that manifested that night on periscope. The initial encounter that brought that on was that Heidi Baker meeting in Toronto. I was lifted out of my seat. There were about seven to eight thousand people in that auditorium, and we were sitting in the back of that main auditorium. The overflow had probably about four to five thousand people in it. Heidi got up and began to speak. She might have said three





words, and you heard this wind that felt like a tornado had hit. I felt myself being lifted out of my seat and I was thrust forward a couple of yards. I landed flat on my face and for the next maybe five hours, I did not move. The power of God was so heavy, and I went into a vision. Part of that vision I haven’t shared much of it publicly, but part of what I have shared is I began to look up in the vision and I saw where the heavens had opened. It was like a clear blue sky, but when I looked up, all of a sudden, even though it was sunny, I saw what looked like rain began to fall. It was pouring but suddenly as I looked, I began to see this glimmer on the droplets, which made me curious. So I stretched my hand out in the vision so the droplets could hit it to see what was happening. When I did that, I saw that it was actually the particles of gold. The vision carried on and God spoke some things to me about the Glory. That’s when God began to deal with me about His Glory, and being a carrier of His Glory. When I came out of the vision, my physical body was just shaking. It took me about an hour and a half to come to myself. I was just shaking. My best friend had fallen out on the floor next to me. She sat up. She’s crying and I’m crying. She said to me, “Nancy, your face is really shiny. Like, super shiny,” and I said to her, “Oh, I’ve just been crying. I don’t know what is happening.” I go to get up and my hair all the way down my clothes were covered with gold. Plates of it were falling off my body, clothes, and skin. That was the initial experience that I had with the manifestation of gold dust. It continues. It’s been years now but there are times now when the Glory of God begins to move. It will normally start in my hands. That’s become a sign to me that there’s a healing anointing, so it’s interesting that you brought that up. Interviewer: I was like, “Wow, God!” Around the time of the prayer you prayed, I was having a lot of dreams and visions. I felt the glory of God upon me before as a coat. It was heavy and it pinned me down. Then it would lift up.

The initial encounter that brought that on was that Heidi Baker meeting in Toronto.

I’m amazed that God would pour His glory upon me. It intrigued me and you have an awesome testimony.

Pastor Nancy Dozier: In Scripture, there are several words for glory! Shekinah, which is an internal glory. Then there is the Kavod, which is the weighty glory. So, to your point, the Glory of God does feel like a coat. Suddenly, you are aware that His presence has come upon you. No different than when we talk about the infilling of the Spirit versus the indwelling of the Spirit. His Spirit in me. Christ in me. The hope of glory. The Spirit of the Lord manifests in the form as a dove. It can be weighty. Interviewer: With these encounters, if God imparts something in us, there is an assignment, mandate, or something that He wants to do. How did God reveal your purpose to you? Pastor Nancy Dozier: I can’t really say that it’s been a, “Nancy, this is your purpose…” kind of deal. Some have heard God tell them that this was their purpose. I totally respect their experiences. For me, it’s been the encounters, seasons, and experiences that have been the sum total of the puzzle piece to my purpose. Oftentimes we can be moving into our purpose and not even know it. I think that was





my personal experience. There were times when I was operating in what I now know to be my purpose, but I didn’t know it at the moment. I had to play catch up with heaven to get a clue as to what God was doing in me. To better answer your question, it wasn’t one particular moment. God has allowed me to get different puzzle pieces through experiences, seasons and encounters placed together to be a bigger tapestry that has revealed my purpose. I have come to know who I am called to be, what my assignment is, and what my purpose is in Christ. Interviewer: Amen. I do agree with that. God got jokes because He won’t reveal it at once. He’ll say, “Take this little piece. Here is the next step.” Pastor Nancy Dozier: Exactly. Interviewer: God knows us. I feel like prophetic people are analytical in a sense. If God were to give us the whole kaboom, then some of us would say, “God, I’m not doing that!” With everything being said about God giving you pieces to the puzzle, what are you passionate about? Pastor Nancy Dozier: That’s a loaded question. In terms of public ministry, I love watching people encountering the Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit is my best friend. We have conversations. For me, it’s more than just reading a book, having quiet time, and checking off my list that I’ve spent time with God. It is my experience. It is my life. I live to be in the presence of the Lord. Watching people encounter the Lord is my favorite thing. I love to see people come into the knowledge of who He is; how real He is. He is concerned with every element and aspect of their life. He is strategic. Even before they were aware of Him, He has been working, orchestrating, formulating, and placing things in their lives in a certain order to cause them to know Him. I love being able to minister prophetically, preach, and to train people. That has been a journey for me because I haven’t always loved doing that. It

took me dying to myself. I am really an intercessor. I love when I’m off in a room somewhere by myself going off in tongues. Public ministry has been something that I had to really embrace and not allow myself to talk myself out of what the Lord has called me to do. I love watching people come into the knowledge of Christ. I love watching them become aware of who they are, become rooted and grounded in the things of the Lord, and watching them flourish. My main thing as a minister of the gospel is not even so much of what happens in the moment. If there was a way for me to measure the effectiveness of ministry or the effectiveness of a prophetic word, [it would be] the effectiveness of me laying hands on people or pouring or imparting into someone. I can do this by measuring the fruit that remains. After we shouted, fell out, prophesied, laid hands, had church, where’s the fruit? As for me, as a minister, that’s what I love being able to identify. I

flat on “ I landed my face and

for the next maybe five hours, I did not move. The power of God was so heavy, and I went into a vision.





“SpiritTheis Holy my best

friend. We have conversations. For me, it’s more than just reading a book, having quiet time, and checking off my list that I’ve spent time with God.

love being able to see the fruit that remains. Interviewer: Amen. The fruit must be in the pudding. Once there is impartation or the glory comes, the fruit is the evidence. We must be fruit inspectors. You shared a little bit about what you are passionate about in ministry. That’s awesome because many times in the body of Christ, we can become competitive, which isn’t what God wants. We should show the love of God, see other people prosper, and win in the things of God. There is so much going on in the body of Christ right now. With all the things, it could be challeng-

ing to focus on Jesus. What words of wisdom would you share with the body of Christ? Pastor Nancy Dozier: Absolutely. You are right. There is a lot going on right now in the body of Christ. The Bible says to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, and coming up, that was always instilled in me. Don’t worry about what everybody else is doing. Don’t get caught up in, “This one did this or this one did that” because, once again, the Scripture says it is a fool that puts his hand to the plow and then turns around and looks back. You can’t afford in this day and age to take your hand off of your assignment, goals, and calling to get caught up in what’s happening with what this preacher, prophet, or person did. Yes, we pray and cover one another, but we can’t, for one moment, become distracted because there is still a world that needs to be won for Jesus. There are souls that need to be brought into the Kingdom. The Bible says, “He who wins souls is wise,” and that for me is one of the biggest things. If there is any wisdom that I can share, it is that we have to win souls at any cost. We have to go and find people that are hurting, dying, and in desperate need. Our culture has really fostered this comfortable Christianity, where as long as I’m good and saved. We no longer cry out for the lost. We no longer tarry over those that are going to hell. People are lost and they need Jesus. They need the love of God. They need to be healed. They need to be restored, and that to me, is just one of those fundamental beliefs. If I can share any wisdom, I would say let’s win the lost. The other thing I would say is really monumental and extremely important: we [need to] activate the people of God. As apostolic prophetic leaders, we need to activate the people of God to become self-feeders. What I mean by that is so many people in the church, in the Kingdom, are extremely dependent on their Pastor to give them a word. They are extremely dependent on the head intercessor to pray them through or the church mother to carry them through in the Spirit. So, we

build up these believers who have no backbone and they can’t endure attacks. They can’t make it through a little wind and a little rain. Self-feeders can dig into the Word of God, discover what the promise of God is, able to stand in the day of adversity, walk in the full stature of who Christ Jesus is, and to be true disciples of Jesus. The third thing I would say is demonstrate!! Demonstrate, demonstrate, demonstrate. I really believe that it is illegal in the realm of the Spirit to preach the Gos-

pel without demonstration. The Bible says that Jesus of Nazareth went about doing good and healing all those who were oppressed of the devil. As He went, signs and wonders followed him. For any of us that consider ourselves as those that have been sent out, in any type of apostolic function, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you are called out to be in an office of an apostle, but you’re in an apostolic function as a child of God because Jesus told every last one of us to go ye into all the world. As we are going, if signs and wonders are not following us, and not demonstrating



the Kingdom of God, then we are operating illegally in the realm of the Spirit. We must restore demonstration into the Kingdom of God and to the Body. The world needs to see the power of God. Honestly, there is such little demonstration that the world is aware of that. They all are running to the paranormal and all these different things because people want to see power. There are all these different counterfeits that are out there, and God is really waiting on us. All of creation is groaning and moaning, according to Romans chapter 8, for the manifestations of the Sons of God. The Sons of God have to demonstrate not only because the world needs to see it, but our sons and daughters in the Lord need to see the power of God and not just be told stories

Yes, we pray “ and cover one

another, but we can’t, for one moment, become distracted because there is still a world that needs to be won for Jesus.

from times past. Oh yes, back in the day, we used to have church and we would shut-in all night and all of that. They haven’t seen that. They need to see it. It’s not enough for us just to retell what our experiences are. They’ve got to see demonstration. The church needs to see the power of God again in full effect. What I mean when I talk about demonstration is Matthew 10:8: heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, and cast out devils. That’s the Kingdom of God. Interviewer: Amen. I completely agree with you. We do tend to look back at the work that was done then when Jesus said greater works shall we do. We do tend to look back because there is no demonstration. You are absolutely correct. He’s calling us to do that. We are in the last days where He is pouring out His spirit upon all flesh, so we should be able to demonstrate the Kingdom of God because we have the Holy Spirit. Pastor Nancy Dozier: Yes, we do! Interviewer: That is awesome, that’s correct, and that was some great wisdom. We can look at our leaders to pray for us, but God desires that relationship with us individually. Pastor Nancy Dozier: Absolutely. On a personal level. Absolutely. Interviewer: I know you are a pastor at a church and you do the Facebook Live. You recently had another Prophetess there, Sophia Ruffin. Tell us about what you do inside the church as well as outside of the church? Pastor Nancy Dozier: My husband, Pastor Eric, and I are so honored to share and serve at our local body. I think a prophet that is not covered and that is not submitted is a straight-up danger to the body of Christ because you just don’t know what you’re going to get. It is one of our biggest honors to serve within our local ministry. We are at Harvest Life, which is in Jonesboro, Georgia. We serve under our Apostle Rob and Apostle Melissa Jones. We’ve

been there for as long as we’ve been married. My husband has been in that ministry since he was 16 years old, grew up there and gave his life to the Lord there. He’s been a son in the house serving the vision. Because of that, I believe that God has graced us to also be trusted to be able to step out of the house in the form of itinerary, which is what I mostly do. Within the house, we serve in any capacity that they need us to. We oversee all of the worship and arts. We’re raising up the next tier of leaders. That is one of our next biggest assignments within our local ministry. What I do outside of our local house is I am an itinerant, just bringing prophetic ministry and deliverance teaching. I really have this passion for unlocking the supernatural realm. That’s kind of where I live, provoking people to pray. When I say provoking, sometimes people are

like that’s a violent word but I mean it with all of my heart. I feel that people have to be provoked back to the altar because the altars are bare. The altars are just empty. But yet we’re wanting things from God and a move of God. We’re singing all these songs and making all these declarations, but yet we have not sown in prayer. That’s part of my personal mandate, moving in the prophetic and releasing signs and wonders. I really do feel that I’m a revivalist at my core. That’s how God moves with me and how He deals with me. I’m just a Holy Ghost preacher. Interviewer: Amen! If we can steward that, then the Holy Spirit will talk to us like Abraham all day long. He longs to commune with us that way because He is all that.



Pastor Nancy Dozier: He is and you know what is so amazing in my life? A couple of years [ago], God opened up another area of focus for me. You know that I am a church kid. I grew up in a high Holy Ghost intensive environment, and I think we all kind of had an understanding about the move of God, the gifts of the spirit, and the prophetic. For me, in the last couple of years, God has really placed a burden on my heart for the marketplace. So, I have really been going after that because I am convinced that my Holy Ghost ought to be able to work just as well in a pulpit as it does in a boardroom. Interviewer: Amen. Pastor Nancy Dozier: My prophetic should work and operate just as well, you know, at the women’s prayer breakfast as it does in a boardroom meeting or in a room full of CEO’s and bosses. So I have made that part of my mission: to really go after the marketplace and impact the CEO’s, bosses, and entrepreneurs to release the gift of God even in those environments. I don’t believe that you can say that you are a prophet or anointed, when your anointing only works on a Sunday morning. Interviewer: Amen. Jesus went all out into the world. He did not stay with the synagogues and that is what He wants us to do. Pastor Nancy Dozier: Yes, ma’am. Interviewer: Are there any events that you have coming up? Books? Products? I know you just released your book, which congratulations are in order. Pastor Nancy Dozier: Yes. Interviewer: God has shown me how important our mouths are. Like we can either bless or curse and He has been spanking me a little bit. And I know that He has been spanking others because it is so much power in what we say, and sometimes we don’t realize the

I feel that “people have to

be provoked back to the altar because the altars are bare. The altars are just empty.

authority that we have. So, this book has significant importance because we do need to realize that we are kings and queens and that is what He has destined us for. Also tell us a little bit about your book?

Pastor Nancy Dozier: Thank you so much. I am so excited guys about my book. It is called Decree A Thing: Creating Your World with Your Words and it deals with the fact that we are most like God when we decree and declare the word. What do I mean by saying, “that we are the most like God?” We function according to our design, which is the image and the likeness of God. When you read the book of Genesis, it says that “We are created in the image and the likeness of God,” and that is our design. We function the most like God when we are declaring and decreeing because when you read it, that is what He spoke, and it existed. He declared and it came to pass. I really feel like this is a book that is going to help people understand that there is a miracle in their mouth. It is going to teach people how to engage that faith by using legal decrees, and it will redeem their reality. You don’t have to continue living in the space that you are

in. You don’t have to continue living in oppression. You don’t have to continue perpetuating the curse of poverty or divorce or anxiety in your bloodline. You have the ability by the power of God to decree it to reverse those things, to cancel those things, and even in how the angels of the Lord respond to the Word of God. I heard so many years ago that one of the saddest things is that there are all these believers whose angels are in the unemployment line because we won’t open our mouths.

Interviewer: Yes. Pastor Nancy Dozier: You know because if angels hasten at the word of the Lord, if I’m not opening my mouth to release the Word of the Lord, my angels are just sitting there, standing there folding their hands because I haven’t given them direction. I haven’t given them assignments and so this book really walks people through. It’s very practical. There’s a practical guide that will not only teach you about legal decrees, but we also walk you through how to



formulate specific decrees. How to decree and how to position yourself with the spiritual discipline to be able to engage this realm because what I wanted to be really sure of and clear about is that this is not a new-age, selfhelp type deal. I didn’t want people to think, “Name it and claim it,” type of deal. Let me just put a couple of pictures on a board and envision it. This is not what this is at all. This is really pursuing God and aligning ourselves with the word of God so that His Word becomes an incorruptible seed that produces a harvest. Interviewer: Amen! Pastor Nancy Dozier: And so that’s what the book is about. There are some decrees in there that are based on specific themes. So whether it’s healing or the mind of Christ, there are so many different ones that you can just click and apply and share with your friends and family. So, it’s a great book. It’s a must-have, a quick read, and it’s available directly on my website. If you want a signed copy go to If you prefer an e-book format it’s available on Amazon kindle. In terms of upcoming events, there are a few things that we have up our sleeve. This fall, we are going to be doing another Pray like a Boss, which I’m so excited about because it’s going to be really intimate. It’s going to be very different from the first one. We’re going to be releasing all the details about that very soon. I just ask that if people get a chance, follow us on social media on all platforms, it’s Nancy Joy Dozier, so you can keep up with the different things that are going to be happening. Next year we’re going to be doing our big conference, which is going to be Aim a Miracle, and that’s when we just go all out. All out! I mean we’ve seen people leap out of wheelchairs. We had a lady who had metal in her leg. The metal melted to where they can’t find it on the scans anymore. This year we just had I’m a Miracle in the month of May. There’s a lady that came with stage four cancer. As of about

a month and a half ago, they cannot find cancer in her body anymore. It’s just one of those environments where God is just moving. If you want to experience the fire of God, if you want to experience the power of God, you want to make sure you’re joining us in the month of April. So, keep up with me online to be able to get all the details. Interviewer: Amen, amen. I would like to say Pray like a Boss was awesome. That was my first time ever going to any of your events and that just blew my mind. That atmosphere

You have the “ ability by the

power of God to decree it to reverse those things, to cancel those things, and even in how the angels of the Lord respond to the Word of God.





“ I grew up in

women’s Bible study group. Interviewer: Yeah.

a high Holy Ghost intensive environment, and I think we all kind of had an understanding about the move of God, the gifts of the spirit, and the prophetic.

and feeling the presence of God! Also, getting the knowledge! The people you had to speak into our lives! Not only on a spiritual matter, but even our health, our well being, and our finances. I look forward to going to I Am a Miracle. I just know Holy Ghost is all in your conferences. Pastor Nancy Dozier: Amen! Well, we just thank you so much because when we prepare an event, it’s with a lot of fear and trembling. We want God to be glorified. Pray like a Boss is really almost like an outreach event for us because our purpose is to target that woman who is an entrepreneur. She is a boss. She may not necessarily feel like she can go to the

Pastor Nancy Dozier: Or that she’ll fit into that type of mold, but yet she loves God or wants to love God or wants to be more connected spiritually, and so that is our outreach to that demographic. We have people from the government. We have high ranking officials. All kinds of people will come to that type of setting that may not come to a Sunday morning. It’s our opportunity to, like I said, if my prophetic works on a Sunday, it ought to be able to work outside of the church building. It ought to be able to function just as accurately. So that is what Pray like a Boss is all about: empowering women. Of course, we add in layers about business and health and all kinds of things, and so yes, it’s a great event. Interviewer: Amen, yes, and I know it’s going to be greater this year at I Am a Miracle. Pastor Nancy Dozier: Amen! Interviewer: I just pray God keeps breathing on that, and if anyone wanted to get in contact with you, what’s the best way to do that? Pastor Nancy Dozier: Yes. So the easiest way, you can go to my website and send us a message directly from there, right under the contact tab. My website is www.nancyjoydozier. com. The easiest way to get in touch with us, read some blogs, get a hold of some of our materials and resources. Super easy. You can message us through there and we’ll be more than happy to pray with you or support and connect with you in any way. Interviewer: Ok. We thank you so much for doing this interview.






Ratatouille is a classic end-of-summer French stew that’s fun to say (rat-tuh-TOO-ee) and fun to make. It’s packed with fresh produce: tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini and yellow squash, and bell pepper. I recently made this as a side dish with yellow rice and Salmon. It was delicious. Try this recipe and let me know what you think. INGREDIENTS 2 pounds ripe red tomatoes (6 medium or 4 large) 1 medium eggplant (1 pound), diced into ½-inch cubes 1 large red, orange, or yellow bell pepper (about 8 ounces), cut into ¾-inch squares 1 medium-to-large zucchini (about 8 ounces), diced into ½-inch cubes 1 large yellow squash (about 8 ounces), diced into ½-inch cubes 5 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil, divided

¾ teaspoon fine sea salt, divided, more to taste 1 medium yellow onion, chopped 4 cloves garlic, pressed or minced ¼ cup chopped fresh basil ¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes, more or less to taste ¼ teaspoon dried oregano Freshly ground black pepper, to taste INSTRUCTIONS 1. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit with one rack in the middle of the oven and one in the upper third of the oven. Line two large, rimmed baking sheets with parchment paper for easy clean-up, if desired. 2. To prepare your tomatoes, remove any woody cores with a paring knife. Then, grate them on the large holes of a box grater into a bowl (this is easiest if you


hold the tomato at a diagonal), and chop any remaining tomato skin. Or, blitz the tomatoes in a food processor until they are broken into a frothy pulp. Set aside. 3. On one baking sheet, toss the diced eggplant with 2 tablespoons of the olive oil until lightly coated. Arrange the eggplant in a single layer across the pan, sprinkle with ¼ teaspoon of the salt, and set aside.

continue to bake until the peppers are caramelized, about 5 to 10 more minutes. Then, transfer the contents of the pan into the simmering sauce. Continue simmering for 5 more minutes to give the flavors time to meld. 10. Remove the pot from the heat. Stir in 1 teaspoon olive oil, the fresh basil and red pepper flakes. Crumble the dried oregano between your fingers as you drop it into the pot. Season to taste with additional salt (I usually add ¼ teaspoon more) and black pepper.

4. On the other baking sheet, toss the bell pepper, zucchini and yellow squash with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and ¼ teaspoon salt. Arrange the vegetables in a single layer. Place the eggplant pan on the middle 11. Serve in bowls, perhaps with a little drizzle rack and the other vegetables on the top of olive oil, additional chopped basil, or rack. Set the timer for 15 minutes. black pepper on top (all optional). Like all stews, this ratatouille’s flavor improves as 5. Meanwhile, warm 2 tablespoons of the it cools. It’s even better reheated the next olive oil in a large Dutch oven or soup pot day. Ratatouille keeps well in the refrigover medium heat. Add the onion and ¼ erator, covered, for 4 days, or for several teaspoon salt. Cook, stirring occasionally, months in the freezer. until the onion is tender and caramelizing on the edges, about 8 to 10 minutes. HTTPS://COOKIEANDKATE.COM/BEST-RATATOUILLE-RECIPE/ 6. Add the garlic, stir, and cook until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Add the tomatoes, and use a wooden spoon or sturdy silicone spatula to stir any browned bits stuck to the bottom of the pan into the mixture. Reduce the heat to medium-low, or as necessary to maintain a gentle simmer. 7. Once 15 minutes are up, remove both pans from the oven, stir, and redistribute the contents of each evenly across the pans. This time, place the eggplant on the top rack and other vegetables on the middle rack. 8. Bake until the eggplant is nice and golden on the edges, about 10 more minutes (the eggplant will be done sooner than the rest). Remove the eggplant from the oven, and carefully stir the eggplant into the simmering tomato sauce. 9. Let the squash and bell pepper pan




Nude colors look good for an outfit. Try pairing this look with a pair of lashes, red lipstick or red lip gloss, and shimmery makeup.



1. Cook dinner together. 2. Have a romantic movie marathon. 3. Exchange heartfelt gifts. 4. Make heart-shaped food. 5. Play hooky. 6. Write love letters to each other. 7. Recreate one of your favorite dates. 8. Give each other a massage. 9. Take a class together. 10. Send your partner on a treasure hunt. 11. Take a bath together. 12. Make beautiful music. 13. Spa Date Night 14. DIY Backyard Dinner Date 15. Romantic Carriage Ride

16. Indoor Romantic Picnic 17. Romantic Ice Cream Tasting Date 18. Romantic Stroll and Sunset 19. Romantic Breakfast in Bed 20. Drive-In Date 21. Bookstore Date 22. Chocolate Tasting Date Night 23. Romantic Bike Ride 24. Chinese Take-out Date Night 25. Ice-Skating Date 26. Stargazing Romantic Date Night 27. S’mores Date Night 28. Romantic Indoor Camping Date Night 29. Card Games for Two 30. Pizza Night







Written from the heart This book gives her personal experiences and Gods word as the foundation of what she shares. You can feel her heart as you read about her personal experiences. She helps you believe that her victories will be your victories also — Pastor Kevin Brewer




ThisThis is anis excellent an excellent dailydaily devotion. devotion. It blessed It blessed me me tremendously tremendously to get to get in the in the Word Word andand to stay to stay in in Word. I absolutely Declarations. the the Word. I absolutely lovelove the the Declarations. —Mesha —Mesha





“The Making of A Prophet: Women Walking In Prophetic Destiny” is a must read! When I started reading the first declaration, I could feel the fire of God, so I knew this book was anointed. Some of the declarations in this book are declarations that I either already speak or have spoken over myself, and there are other declarations in this book I felt were for me. I also appreciate Prophetess Kim’s testimonies in this book. The transparency she displays is encouraging because just like so many others (including myself ), Prophetess Kim did not see herself as being worthy enough to used by God, especially as a prophet. When God called Prophetess Kim to the office of a prophet, she felt that she was in a terrible state in her life, but being in that state was how she was able to trust and rely on God. When Prophetess Kim finally surrendered to God, He was able to use her more for His glory. “The Making of A Prophet: Women Walking In Prophetic Destiny” is truly a blessing for me because it gives me the encouragement and boldness that I need to move in the prophetic without focusing on the distractions or objections from others who disagree with women operating in their God-given assignment. People will try to put limits on you, but when it comes to God, there are no limitations; Prophetess Kim makes that clear in this book. She challenges and breaks the barriers some people try to use against women operating in church, ministry, five-fold offices, etc. “The Making of A Prophet: Women Walking In Prophetic Destiny” will inspire you to move forward in your assignment with the confidence in knowing that God has you, He is with you, and you have what it takes to carry out His purpose for your life, with or without the approval of others. Thank you, Prophetess Kim, for allowing God to use you to bring this much-needed book forward, blessings to you always! —LaShana Lloyd *** This book is very necessary! Women are misunderstood not only throughout the world as far as equality, but they are also misunderstood when it comes to God’s purpose in their lives. God mandated everyone, male or female, with a purpose. I’m so glad that this book described Biblical women that God uses continually throughout the Word of God as well as powerful testimonies from the writer, Prophetess Kimberly Moses. Being a student of the School of Prophets, Prophetess Kimberly imparts to her students, and we began to flow in dreams, visions, Word of knowledge, Word of Wisdom and increase of discerning of spirits. Her Love for people and God shows and is all in the fruit God does through Prophetess Kimberly. This book will bless you! — Anstrice Mcmillian Epps *** I enjoy reading books by Prophetess Kimberly Moses. She’s an amazing teacher of the Prophetic Ministry and an asset to the Body of Christ. This book will enlighten your understanding of the Women Prophets in Biblical times and help you to understand what women Prophets of today are dealing with. It will bring clarity of your own identity as a Prophet of God. I used to feel left out and different from the rest, until I found people that were just like myself. Her books are filled with wisdom; the knowledge you obtain from her books will stick with you. I had the pleasure of taking her course “School of the Prophets,” which was life-changing for me. I encourage anyone looking to fulfill the prophetic call on your life to take her course. You will never be the same. — Felecia Jackson







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