July Rejoice Essential 2018

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CONTENT Page 08 Independence Day At Calvary Page 16 We Are Privileged Sons and Daughters of the Most High God Page 20 Testimonies Page 28 8 Mistakes Moms Make That Sabotage Their Own Self Care {Part 1}


Page 31 May He Sing Over You Page 32 Prophet Sebastian Roulhac Page 58 Amos Page 59 Jeremiah Page 61 Deborah Page 62 Moses Page 64 Moses



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Kimberly Moses Founder And Editor Effingham, South Carolina www.kimberlyhargraves.com

Tron Moses Photographer, Designer, Marketer Effingham, South Carolina www.tronmoses.org

Taylur Holland Writer Dallas, Texas thescribesheart@gmail.com

Reynaldo Rodriguez Writer Chicago, Illinois reyrod1970@gmail.com

Mae Blooms Writer Fort Lauderdale, FL info@thebetterwifeproject.com www.thebetterwifeproject.com www.whynotbloom.com www.fedupmommyselfcare.org

Melinda Roberts Writer Baton Rouge, Louisiana robertsmel2015@gmail.com

Shirley Ann Cooper Writer Kissimmee, Florida praise write@gmail.com From Heaven ablog

Amber Brown Writer Poplar Bluff, Missouri risetothemission@gmail.com

Keiyia Jackson-George Writer And Chief Editor Cane Garden Bay, Tortola Virgin Islands www.rkgconsultinggroup.com www.justmekjg.com




This book will inspire and promote positivity in our young children, through poetic entries and vibrant characters.— A’dora Willis





For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. (Galatians 5:1)

alcoholic beverages hanging out in every refrigerator just waiting for the perfect time to be guzzled down.

Fireworks, family reunions, concerts, barbecues, picnics, parades, baseball games and so much more can be stamped on the calendar as America celebrates the most rowdy day in the month of July, of every year.

It’s the 4th of July or July Fourth, also known as Independence Day, is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.

Almost every family in the U.S. will spend this day gorging on hotdogs and hamburgers and bags of chips alongside their favorite drink. Alcohol or non-

This day in 1776, signifies that the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Continental Congress. Hence, the Continental Con-

gress declared that the thirteen American colonies regarded themselves as a new nation, the United States of America, and were no longer part of the British Empire. How incredible that must have felt for our country to have experienced such absolute win? A win that spelled out freedom in a loud voice that echoed from sea to shining sea. Yes, what a moment! But as we take it back a few notches we come to yet another


incredible win that spelled “freedom” with a loud wail that gave the entire world a free pass to Salvation. While America officially celebrates its freedom on Independence Day as a nation. Christ’s Life, Death, Resurrection, and Return is celebrated today by believers all over the globe. Jesus Christ gave His own life to bring us a freedom that can never be found on this earth. Jesus Gives Freedom from Sin (John 8:32) When we view the gospel connection, we find that Jesus first spoke these words to Jewish leaders who claimed to believe him, but did not continue believing what Jesus had said & walking in obedience to him. The surrounding verses clarify that Christ is talking about freedom from the guilt and enslaving power of sinful patterns of behavior. The truth is that without Jesus, we are unable to escape from the power of sin over our lives. But through faith in him and following his teaching, we can have true freedom. We’ll then slowly begin to understand that this practical freedom from sin is one aspect of the Good News. However, unlike the freedom won here in America, the freedom won at Calvary I emphasize, only Jesus’ power can set us free from these habits. In comparison to both “Independ-

ence Day’s,” one took the lives of many, and the other took the life of One. The Cross sets our perfect example of how we should set our feet into motion and eliminate the issues that cause us to fall further away from the true freedom that awaits us. A Holy Paradise, a place where the Son shines brightly, a place where there is no more pain, no sorrow, no bondage. A place of freedom that is found nowhere else in the world, on this earth, in this globe. As believers our faith teaches us that we can celebrate now that freedom, believing that it will extend to the ends of the world. And as we imagine the unimaginable, we can smell popcorn, hotdogs, hamburgers, drinks, games, children running everywhere, skipping, flipping, rolling in the greenest pastures, playing with every kind of animal, while the Mighty Son shines down on our faces and every color firework goes crazy in the Heavenly skies as God’s children celebrate their spiritual promise in the most amazing day ever experienced by anyone.......ETERNAL LIFE! We as believers cannot cave into the yolk of slavery, bondage, or anything that holds us captive from winning the freedom promised through Christ’s life, death and resurrection. This month while American families all over the United

States celebrate Independence Day, also known as The Fourth of July, we as believers ought to celebrate our Savior and how He gave all to give us our spiritual freedom at the foot if the Cross. We need to keep in mind that what we at times refuse to put down, He gladly died for. There were no bargaining chips, no negotiations, no small talk, or trades. There was a loving God who came to us as a simple man, doing extraordinary things, giving everything He had, to make sure that His plan of Salvation unfolds daily in every breath we are given. Not because He wanted anything in return. But because He refused to give up on the children He created. A creation that He calls the greatest creation on earth. (Genesis 1:25-26)

As believers our faith teaches us that we can celebrate now that freedom , believing that it will extend to the ends of the world.





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But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light. — 1 Peter 2:9 NLT On Saturday, May 19, 2018, people across the globe were poised to view the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, a

royal union. In the weeks following, even up until this point, there have been countless articles plastered all over news media sites, social media, and the Internet about everything from Meghan’s childhood to the attire she wears every time she is in the public’s eye. People from all arenas of life are smitten by the idea of royalty, being deemed a king, queen, prince, or princess. The idea of wearing a crown and be-

ing considered a cut above what is deemed average is favorable, admirable, and desirable by man. The only problem is everyone cannot relocate and obtain a royal title. Consequently, where does that leave the masses? Most people are unable to recognize their own value unless they receive accolades and acknowledgments from man. It is only when we see ourselves through the eyes of God that we begin


to understand that as men and women who have received Jesus as Lord, we are, in fact, royal…a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation. A KING WHO LAID DOWN HIS LIFE FOR HIS SUBJECTS He who knew no sin became sin so that we could become the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:21). Whereas the king or queen of any kingdom desires to be worshipped and deems commoners of the kingdom of lesser value, Jesus became God in the flesh, came to the earth in the likeness of men, dwelled among us, and tasted death, as an innocent man, for our sins, annihilating the power of the sin nature in the process. According to John 3:16, Jesus came to the earth to give His life for the world. We are honored to be sons and daughters, heirs of God who are considered joint heirs with our Lord and Savior and elder brother, Jesus Christ (Romans 8:16-18). We are quite privileged to be seated with Christ in the spirit realm, far above the kingdom of darkness (Ephesians 2:6). We are privileged to have a king of such humble disposition that He would give His life so that we, who would otherwise be considered worthless, would have an opportunity to not only live but have life more abundantly, to the fullest measure (John 10:10). A PLACE OF PRIVILEGE: AS

HE IS, SO ARE WE God, after sending Jesus to this earth to be the propitiation for our sins, intended for us to experience heaven on earth. He wanted us to be born into His kingdom, take on His nature and thrive and have dominion, just as He does (Genesis 1:6). He wants us to walk in healing, be delivered, and maintain our victory in every area of our lives. Being able to be as God is, requires us to renew our mind, allowing the blood of Jesus to clear our consciousness of sins (Romans 12:2, Hebrews 10:2). Once we have gained the mind of Christ, the atmosphere, realm of our lives will begin to mirror God’s condition. The residue of the sin nature and a life of corruption, caused by living by the dictates of the flesh, will diminish progressively, as we begin to understand who we are, despite what we perceive naturally. To be sons and daughters of privilege mandates that we walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). We must re-learn and become retrained to fully embrace what God sent Jesus to die for us to inherit. Otherwise, we will be sons and daughters of God who are living beneath our privileges. That is essentially dishonorable before the Father, as He made all the necessary provisions to ensure that we reign in the earth, as He simultaneously reigns in Heaven (1 John 4:17). THE PRIVILEGE OF THE BLESSING IS NOT DEFINED

BY WEALTH AND THE ACCUMULATION OF POSSESSIONS A man’s value is not contingent upon what he possesses (Luke 12:15). Although we are sons of daughters of privilege, many of us have been deceived by the world to believe that the blessing of God’s kingdom is evident by great wealth and unlimited possessions. This faulty concept has caused many what is really considered invaluable in the kingdom of God, that which is intangible, such as one’s level of integrity, development of the fruit of the Spirit, and God’s grace and anointing upon one’s life. Oftentimes, God permits us to have comforts of this earth as residue of the blessing. Even then we must be careful and mindful of the deceitfulness of riches (Mark 4:19). Riches are fleeing and are often coupled with pride; therefore, some are subject to serving mammon above God (Matthew 6:24). We become wealthiest in the kingdom of God when we make it a priority to allow Jesus to sit on the throne of our hearts and our goal and objective ultimately becomes seeking God’s face and not simply what he can provide with His hands. The blessing, as it pertains to God’s standards, is maintained after salvation by fasting, praying, studying the Word of God, and living a daily life of worship, surrender, and obedience to Him. THE DAILY BENEFITS OF




THE PRIVILEGED Because our perspective of success has been defined by the world (1 John 2:16), we sometimes fail to see the blessings built into each day that we are granted life. Often, because we may not have unlimited resources, we may miss the reality that God provides for us each day, just as He did for the children of Israel when they were in the wilderness. Even when we deem an issue pressing and do not see provision in the timeframe that we have determined, when the provision does come, it is always on time. Abraham describes Yah, our God, as Jehovah-Jireh, the God who sees and provides. Developing a true reliance upon and trust in God is essential for us to understand the weight that has been placed upon our lives to be divinely protected and directed and provided for daily. David exclaims in the Word that God loads us with daily benefits, and we can confirm such by God’s constant goodness, love, and kindness toward us (Psalm 68:19).

es the God kind of results in our lives, as we stand in faith upon it and confess it over our circumstances (Hebrews 4:12). The Word of God ensures our welfare as kingdom citizens. In addition to having the Word of God as our security, we have ministering angels as agents, for our divine protection. Angels were created and appointed by God to worship Him, to be messengers for Him, and to serve those who are heirs of salvation, the privileged of the Most High God (Hebrews 1:14).


We have 24-hour protection and assistance with fulfilling our destinies in the earth. When Jesus left the earth, He did not leave us comfortless, but made room for God’s Holy Spirit, the Ruach Hakodesh, who leads and guides us into all truth (John 16:13). The Spirit of the Living God is here with us to help us become what God has destined and ordained us to be before the foundation of the world. We are continuously endued with power from on high, transformed from the inside out, and aided in all our efforts to see the manifestation of God’s glory in every area of our lives, as we become fully vested as royalty in God.

As our God is concerned about our daily provision, He also ensures our daily protection as well. The promises of Psalm 91 are available to all those who are members of the kingdom of God, the Bride of Christ. The Word of God, our standard, is living and powerful and produc-

As citizens of God’s kingdom, we are privileged and blessed beyond measure to have obtained far beyond any honor or recognition that can be bestowed upon us by man. For this reason, it is so important to strive daily to understand and walk in the fullness of the inheritance

that Jesus died to ensure that we possess. Such an inheritance even far exceeds the restrictions of this life but expands into eternity. As we progress forward, having been crowned with glory and honor, let us pray fervently and unceasingly for those who have not yet come into the knowledge of the truth, that they too may know the fullness of the rights and privileges afforded them through the shed blood of Yeshua Hamashiach, Jesus the Messiah. Let us strive to not let one drop of Jesus’ precious blood be in vain, but to humbly embrace the finished work of Jesus at Calvary. For without His sacrifice, where would we be?

We become wealthiest in the kingdom of God when we make it a priority to allow Jesus to sit on the throne of our hearts and our goal and objective ultimately becomes seeking God’s face and not simply what he can provide with His hands.





TESTIMONIES: LET’S GIVE THE DEVIL A BLACK EYE! When we share our testimonies, our faith increases! We start to believe God for the Impossible! We can see the power and the hand of God in any situation. God can turn any test into a testimony! We know if God did it before, he can do it again. Our Testimonies glorify God!

Here is a testimony from my broadcast today “911 I’m saved but angry” The Holy Spirit was all over this woman and she told me that she couldn’t stop crying. I got a word of knowledge about her having migraines and her having pain in her jaw and neck. She had this issue for years. She said that all the pain is gone. It doesn’t matter how long you dealt with something, God’s power can set you free.—Prophetess K You prophesied to me and said the check I was waiting for was coming. One day I was on your

prayer call and you said someone on here is having child support issues but God said if you would just worship Him, the money would come. I want to say that I just received a check in the mail. —Kentia I had a conversation with a woman of God the other day and it was very encouraging. She said she sowed her last ten dollars in her account to my ministry because God told her to after I prayed for her. Then the following week she got blessed with $300. This is why I always sow

and give unto others because I know the power of seedtime and harvest and sowing and reaping. Don’t stop sowing into the kingdom of God because you will reap a harvest. Prophetess K. Good morning beautiful woman of God. I just wanted to say thank you for praying for me. Last month you prayed for me in ministry and my singing voice. I don’t know if you recall, but you left me a recorded message. Everything you prayed for is coming to pass. You told me to keep you posted on how my voice is doing. I’m sending you a clip from


Sunday. Your prayers are working woman of God. I love you. Tonya. This young lady hemoglobin was always low. She thought she had a disorder called beta thalassemia minor in her blood. She was scared that she was going to die. We prayed and God healed her. The doctors tested and retested her blood work and were completely stumped. Don’t accept the diagnosis of the doctor. Believe the report of the Lord. Keep praying for your healing. Alexis. A young mother sent me a praise report yesterday about her baby. The doctor diagnosed her with a degenerative eye condition. After we prayed she took her baby to the doctor a few weeks later and one of her eyes improved. The doctor told her to keep on doing what she has been doing because it’s working. Don’t stop praying about your situation because God will improve your condition. -Taniqua Hello woman of God. I was on your periscope last night and I just want to let you know it was very refreshing to my soul. I woke up this morning with the Lord on my heart. I woke up praying. God was the first thing on my mind. I prayed all the way to work. It felt so good. I just felt the Lord so strong this morning. I don’t know what it was about last night’s periscope but it really did something. I thank God for you. Please keep them coming. I love you. – Sylvia. Blessing sister. I have a testimony. Glory, glory, glory. I received

my examination results. It’s normal! I can’t thank God enough. I’m telling you that I appreciate everything and all the prayers and intercession that went up on my behalf. I’m walking in divine health. Words can’t express how grateful I am towards you!!Anonymous Hello Prophetess Kimberly Moses. I want to share my testimony from last night. As I was driving in to work last night, I was listening to your broadcast on Facebook LIVE. You said someone had a bulging disc in their back. Well I’m not sure if I had a bulging disc but I had excruciating pain and agony in my back for almost a month! The pain was bad! I couldn’t sit or lay down properly for the past few weeks. Anyways you prayed and prophesied last night and I came into agreement with you. I decreed and declared and by the time I got to work last night, the pain was gone! Completely. I’m still a little stiff but there’s no pain. I didn’t have to take any medication to help alleviate the pain. – anonymous. Thank you Prophetess Kimberly for the prayer call this past Wednesday. I was blessed and healed. You had a word of knowledge that someone’s right arm was being healed. After I finally acknowledge that it was me, God in turn healed my right knee, my right ear, my right wrist, and some discomfort in my chest area. Thank you for your ministry. You also prophesied to me which brought great

encouragement. Bless you and your ministry.---Jean [During] yesterday’s prayer call, God gave me a word of knowledge. I stepped out in faith and called it out. I got no response, butI knew what God was showing me. I called out the impressions that I was feeling on my body. Again, no one spoke up. When I opened up the line to take prayer requests, the lady came forward that I received the word of knowledge for. She [was] healed of various ailments and received prophecy. Don’t worry about looking false or missing it when you know how God speaks to you or flows through you. Remember the Holy Spirit is never wrong.----Prophetess K God is good. My husband and I were out, and a lady recognized me from social media. She was heavy because her son was missing. I immediately went into prayer and we exchanged information. The lady knew it was God that allowed us to cross paths. The next day, I received [a] text. Her son came back home. Never stop praying. God will bring home the prodigals. ---Stacey








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QUESTION: How can I be the best mom I can be? ANSWER: You must take care of yourself! WHY? Because it is super frustrating trying to pour from an empty cup. When you care for yourself, you are purposefully filling your cup, so that your family gets the best version of you! Over the last decade of being a mom, I have observed moms, including myself, completely neglect their own self-care. So, here’s Eight Mistakes Moms Make That Sabotage Their Own Self Care. 1. COMPARING YOURSELF TO OTHER MOMS We’ve all done it at one point or another, but the seriousness of comparing is often majorly downplayed. The Bible even says that to compare yourself to another is unwise. When you look at another mom and think, “Wow, she’s got it all together! She works out, her kids are well behaved, her house is spotless, etc.,” that devalues the greatness God has placed in you. Comparing yourself to another mom mentally holds you captive from being the best you can be because you are preoccupied with keeping up with another mom – which by the way isn’t perfect either. Save yourself much heartache and stay clear of comparison. I’ll let you in on a secret: we’re all a hot mess, some just hide if better than others. Lol 2. NEGLECTING TO SCHEDULE SELF CARE I know scheduling self-care may sound unnecessary, but as a mom of three creative, high energy daughters, it is totally necessary for me to do. If you see that you are always on the go and super busy, then putting you on your agenda may be the only way to accomplish taking care of yourself in this season of motherhood. 3. BEING TOO CONTROLLING If you’re a control freak kind of momma, then you are sabotaging your own self-care in a major way. You can’t control everything, beloved, and children undoubtedly come with high level of surprise and uncertainty. If you find yourself always needing things to go “perfectly”, you’re setting yourself up for failure, disappointment and ultimately bitterness. You can’t plan for everything and trying to will only stress you out and drain you mentally! Practice going with the flow and pursuing peace in the center of whatever is happening. 4. NOT SHOPPING FOR YOURSELF I’m so guilty of this! Come on ladies we’ve all been there! You’re in Target with a cart full of stuff and just before checking out your eye catches the one item you picked up for yourself. Naturally, you pick it up, look at the price tag and then politely hand it to the cashier because your mommy brain tells you that the money could go towards something more important. Well!! You are IMPORTANT! As a matter of fact, God says that you are the apple of His eye and, He does not want you to neglect yourself. You are valuable and yes, you matter! So, the next time you’re faced with the decision to put back things, DON’T! You deserve it, momma! If you loved this article stay tuned next months for Part 2 of 8 Mistakes Moms Make That Sabotage Their Own Self Care






May He sing over you, A sweet song of love and life. May He be the song that is There waiting for you when you wake up. May His melody consume you Before the day’s checklist of thoughts attempt to dismantle you. May His song war on your behalf And give you peace. May His song fill you with His thoughts, His wisdom, and His instructions. May you be filled with joy at the knowledge and understanding of His compassions. May you know peace As He drapes His new mercies over you. May you know that He is the Lord, your Shepherd, and your King — And that it is you, in whom He is well pleased. May He sing a sweet song over you, A song of life and love eternal.




PROPHET SEBASTIAN ROULHAC Interviewed by Kimberly Moses Sebastian Roulhac: I am so glad that you called me and giving me the opportunity to be a part of your magazine. I am really humbled. Interviewer: I thank God that you are able to see the vision and wanting to be a part of it. How did it get started for you, the calling on your life? How did it all begin? Sebastian Roulhac: I always knew that I had the call of God on my life, [since] the age of six. I just knew that I was called to preach. One day, I was at a shut in at my church, the church that I grew up in, Free Spirit Community Church. Some were listening to music and some were praying. The presence of God came on me so heavy and I just began to weep. I just knew from that moment on that I was called to do something significant for God. Interviewer: That is beautiful and this all happened at the age of six? Sebastian Roulhac: Yeah. Interviewer: So, how did you start pastoring? How did you

get your church? How was that transition? Sebastian Roulhac: I had a pivotal moment at certain ages of my life. At twenty-five, I had a dream. I was in Orlando at the time, maybe for about eight years. Well in the dream was the pastor of the church that I grew up in from Panama City, Florida. I was on stage preaching. There were thousands of people. They were getting slained in the spirit and they were getting healed. I saw people getting out of wheel chairs. My pastor, my god dad, pointed at me and said, “These things you will do and they will be greater.” I woke up out of the dream. At that particular time, I was going to church but I really wasn’t pursuing the call of God on my life. I was still partying, drinking, and chasing women. To be honest, at the age of 13 I knew the call of God was on my life. However I wanted to be an NBA basketball player, an entrepreneur, and write books. I never wanted to preach. Never. I knew I was called to it but I never wanted to. Interviewer: Wow. That’s awesome. You said that you had a dream. Did you have any other

dreams where God confirmed things to you about your ministry and calling? Sebastian Roulhac: Oh yeah. Yes. I would say from the age of 25 to the age of 30, I wrestled. I would say that I had a Jacob year. I was somewhat successful. I had my dream car. I was doing pretty well, then I had another dream. I had an impression that I needed to move back home. In the dream, God spoke to me and said, “I am sending you back home to fulfil the call that I have on your life.” I said, “No God. I do not want to go back to Panama City.” Two weeks after I had that dream, I lost everything: car, money, everything! My mother called and told me to come back home and get myself together. She said I could transition back to Orlando and start working there. I said okay and went back home. I saw my god dad, the pastor of the church that I grew up in, but I went to another church. I kid you not, I had my first open vision in the church. I saw the plan of God somewhat reel before my eyes. In the vision, I was in a prayer room on my knees praying. It was either an





angelic being behind me or it was Jesus Himself with His arms stretch out like a priest would do a blessing. It was over me. For whatever reason, I could see outside of the room. I could see the people asking, ‘Where is the pastor?” As they got close to the room, they would fall out. Then the vision closed right before my eyes. I was like oh my goodness, that did not just happen. I immediately got up out of church and left because it scared me. I never had an open vision before. I had plenty of dreams but never had an open vision. I went to my god dad and explained it to him. I told him that I really believe that God is calling me to preach and to be a pastor. He said, “Just sit down for a little while and maybe God will reconfirm it to you or reaffirm it to someone else. At that time, my relationship with God was growing stronger and my hunger for His presence started to increase. I started seeking Him. Again, He deals with me sometimes in dreams. I had a dream that Jesus Himself came in my room. His radiance was so bright. Oh my God, I am about to go up in tongues. Interviewer: Go ahead.

I kid you not, I had my first open vision in the church.





I am about to do it too. Have your way Lord! Sebastian Roulhac: It was so bright and His presence just overtook me. He came in the room. He came on the side where I was laying on because I was trying to look at him but His radiance was so pure. His presence was so peaceful. The only thing that He did was touch my hip. I still feel the impression of where He touched me. Interviewer: Wow! Sebastian Roulhac: He didn’t say anything. I was trying to look at him but I couldn’t because of the light. It was the purest light that I have ever seen in my life. I kid you not, for three days, the regular light hurt my eyes because of the encounter that I had with Him. I am not the one to remember scripture. I am not saying that I am slow or anything. But in that dream, trance, or vision, whatever you want to call it, he said, “He that believeth on me as the scriptures have said out of him shall flow rivers of living water. Interviewer: Was it your first time that you heard that scrip-

It was so bright and His presence just overtook me.

ture? Sebastian Roulhac: Yes. John 7:38. So I got out of my seat and said, “Who is going to be the pastor?” He said, “You are, The Flow Church” Interviewer: Oh wow. That’s the name of your church! Sebastian Roulhac: That’s how The Flow Church came about from that encounter that I had. I knew right then that God had me where He wanted me. I said that I would fulfil the call on my life and no longer wrestle with God. I talked to one of my prophetic friends afterwards and told him that I had a face to face encounter with Jesus. I told him that He came into my room and touched my hip and asked what it meant? He said, “Let me go pray about it?” The revelation that we got was that when God touched my hip, he was realigning my steps and the call that He has for me. I was like wow. Interviewer: Wow! That’s powerful. It also means that God is with you. He walks with you and that He orders your steps. It kind of reminds me of some visions that I had with Jesus. You are right about the light being the purest that you have ever seen. It’s so amazing. Sebastian Roulhac: Right. The colors that I have seen in the spiritual world doesn’t compare to the natural color. HD times one thousand.

Interviewer: Right. The colors are deeper and richer compared to the colors we see every day. What would you tell someone that is running from the call? Sebastian Roulhac: I would say yield to the call. Don’t be so quick to jump into it because while you are yielding, He is still teaching you about you. He is still teaching you about the call, about His anointing, His mercy, about His grace. Yield to it. Don’t be so arrogant and be like, “I got this call on my life…” Even when you got a call on your life, there is still a process that you have to go through. My God, I feel the anointing. Interviewer: Yes, me too. Amen. I believe that God was trying to get your attention because He started taking stuff. You said that within two weeks, you lost everything. That happens to a lot of people and they end up saying, “Okay God. I am listening. What now?” It’s a way of Him redirecting us. Sebastian Roulhac: Right. Interviewer: What is the significance of dreams? Sebastian Roulhac: That is one of God’s greatest communicators to human beings. We can be so busy throughout the day where we don’t spend enough time where God wants to communicate with us. While we are at rest that is the time where God can communicate His will, His plan, and His desires to us.


Interviewer: Amen. Yes. I know that you serve Prophet Jonathan Ferguson. What is the significance of serving another man’s vision or ministry even though you have your own? Sebastian Roulhac: Ah man, it’s very humbling. I think the heart of Sebastian, not just prophets and pastors but my heart, is to serve. I found out that through serving you can receive your double portion. I believe what’s on my mentor or my apostle, it flows from the head down. I can give you a story. When we traveled to Wisconsin and I am good asleep… It’s 2 a.m. He called me and said, “I need XYZ, can you go get it for me?” The old person

Interviewer: Right. That’s really good. In this season, the Lord has me talking about character. It seems like your character is trusted when you are out of your comfort zone. A situation will arise to see what’s really in you. That’s good that you passed the test.

a teaching moment. As a matter of fact, a few weeks ago, I was teaching about how Samuel served up under Eli. Thinking outside of the text, you never hear about Samuel complaining or murmuring against Eli’s sons when they were being promiscuous inside of the temple. I believe that Samuel saw what not to do while serving. At the same time when Samuel went to sleep and when God called him, he was already in the presence of God. The bible said that he slept by the ark. We want to be in position to be called. Maybe one of the ways is to be in His presence. Samuel was at rest and God came to Him.

Sebastian Roulhac: The thing is

Interviewer: That’s good.

wanted to rise up and say, “Look, it’s two o’clock in the morning. Go get it yourself.” Also, I knew the testing potentially and he wanted to see the kind of character that I had in the midnight hour. Can God trust us when we are called upon in the midnight hour, to serve, or do the ministry call that is at hand?




Sebastian Roulhac: At the same time, Samuel learned what not to do. He saw negative character flaws and he was still young. When he grew up, he was like, “If I want to excel in the things of God, I can’t do what Eli’s sons did.” My God, I feel the anointing. I just believe that God is raising up Samuels that have the character and that can walk in the glory and the things of God in His temple. Interviewer: Amen. I receive that for my own life. Hallelujah! Thank you, Jesus! Prophet, what was one of the biggest obstacles that you faced in ministry and how did you overcome it? Sebastian Roulhac: I would say

just getting started. First having the faith and having people buy into the vision that God has giving you being so young. Again, I go back to Samuel. He got the vision from God but then he had to release it to his father. In the church that I grew up in, my spiritual father wasn’t receiving. He told me to sit down and to learn but I knew that God said, “No son, this is not what I called you too. I am telling you to go.” With me getting the backing of heaven, I am just now seeing the results of the church plant. I have already seen results in my personal ministry but as far as The Flow Church, as the church plant, I am just now seeing the growth. People are now buying into the vision of what God is

doing in this city. Interviewer: What was the process of getting a church building? Sebastian Roulhac: I love my wife. I would do small bible studies at work. People would just come around me. I never told anyone that I am a pastor. I would just open up the bible and people would come ask me questions. It lead me to speak into their lives. They were like, “There is no way that you could’ve known that.” I was like, “I don’t even know how I know that but I am telling you.” It went from there. People asked me to have bible studies outside of work so it could be more detailed. I said, “Okay God, I think I see what


you are doing.” I told my wife, “I think God is pushing me to start a church with the ideas that I have been writing about, that I have been showing you.” Immediately she said, “Hey if you are serious about it then we can go to the Bay County Library where you can hold it and rent the venue for free.”

said something that broke my spirit and I stormed off in tears to the bathroom and the Holy Spirit said, “Son, I have someone better.” God unveiled His plans for my life. He brought along my wife who supports me and loves me. She has the grace and the anointing to love me how I need to be loved.

Interviewer: That’s smart.

Interviewer: Amen that’s beautiful.

Sebastian Roulhac: I looked into it and ‘lo and behold’ the venue was free. In our first bible study we had about 23 to 25 people. Interviewer: That’s so awesome. How did you know that your wife was the one? Sebastian Roulhac: I met my wife through social media. We also had mutual friends. So when my wife and I met, people instantly knew that she was the one. They said that we might as well set a date. One day my brother Roderick Robinson and I went out to eat. I had been contemplating going back to Orlando even though I had so many dreams. Then my brother said something that leaped in my spirit. He said, “Sebastian, Kareta could be the missing piece that you need that will start or push forward the ministry that God has giving you.” I said, “Huh? Stop the car. I am trying to talk to you about Orlando and you are talking about she is the missing piece.” I marinated on that for days. At that time, I was dating someone else but it wasn’t working. We got into a disagreement. She

Sebastian Roulhac: I would also say that I met my wife through social media and through the heartache and pain from the previous relationship. I thank God for the process to bring the one who He had for me. Interviewer: Amen. You guys are such a beautiful couple. I love how you guys color coordinate with your outfits. Sebastian Roulhac: I appreciate it. Interviewer: How do you balance everything such as ministry, travel, and family? Sebastian Roulhac: Don’t sleep, lol. I also work overnight. Above anything else there is always family first. My first ministry is home and if I can’t minister at home or prophesy to my wife and do those things that will edify her and live a godly life before her, then I can’t do ministry. I am not saying that I am perfect. God knows that it’s family first and ministry second. We make time. On certain weekends we go

[out]. It doesn’t matter who calls, we circle a block of time for each other. We get our month and then I am able to go with prophet if he calls me. Since my wife and I already have had quality time, it frees me up to do what I am called to do. At the end of the day, I love my wife. She makes sure that it’s about our family and about our marriage first above anything else. Interviewer: Amen. I just want to thank your wife for allowing you to do this interview and sharing you with the world. It’s awesome being married to the right person. It’s very important. Sebastian Roulhac: Effective communication can go a long way in a marriage and learning how to communicate to an individual. Not everybody communicates on the same frequency. For instance, some people like to communicate by sending text messages. The point is to communicate in a way to get my point across, so effective communication goes a long way in marriage. One more thing, I have a conference called, “Releasing the Sound.” It’s going to be September 14-15 in Panama City, Florida. It was given by God. Last year the Lord told me to do a conference. I was planning on doing some marketing and letting the community know that we are here so we can move forward and become a full moving operating church. The Lord said no. I don’t want you to launch this year but




to have a conference. I asked, “What kind of conference?” He said, “Name it ‘Releasing the Sound’” I said, “What is releasing the sound because I don’t know.” Long story short, it’s a conference where different people from all backgrounds and nationalities can come together and release the sound that God has giving them. It comes from the scriptures. If you look at the people who marched around the wall of Jericho and released a sound. God took me to Acts 1. Jesus told them to go back to Jerusalem and wait for the promise that the Father wants to release, so they did what Jesus said. They all went back to the upper room and they met constantly praying. God said, “Son there it is. That’s

releasing the sound. Releasing the sound will start a revival in this area.” I kid you not, I didn’t have the money or the resource to put on this conference for this vision. I am riding down the street and the Holy Spirit said, “Turn over here at this business.” I almost did a U-Turn in the middle of the street. My wife was like. “What in the world are you doing?” I said, “The Holy Spirit said turn over here at this business.” I go in and talk to a lady. Then she asked, “Sebastian, is that you?” I said. “Yes ma’am, I just wanted to drop my flyer off.” She said, “Go in the back. I want to write you a check.” I was thinking it would be a one hundred dollar check.

But she wrote me a check for $2500. The budget for the conference to pay for all the musicians and the hotels cost exactly $2500. She said the Lord told her months ago to write me a check for $2500. God just keeps proving Himself. If you just step out in faith and trust God, then He will fund everything that He places in your spirit. Interviewer: I thank God for the interview. There were a lot of nuggets giving. Sebastian Roulhac: Thank you for the interview. To find out more about Prophet Sebastian Roulhac visit www. theflowchurchpc.com


IF WE ARE THE BODY By Reynaldo Rodriguez It’s crowded in worship today As she slips in trying to fade into the faces The girl’s teasing laughter is carrying farther than they know Farther than they know But if we are the body Why aren’t His arms reaching? Why aren’t His hands healing? Why aren’t His words teaching? And if we are the body Why aren’t His feet going? Why is His love not showing them there is a way? There is a way A traveler is far away from home He sheds his coat and quietly sinks into the back row The weight of their judgmental glances Tells him that his chances are better out on the road But if we are the body Why aren’t His arms reaching? Why aren’t His hands healing? Why aren’t His words teaching? And if we are the body Why aren’t His feet going? Why is His love not showing them there is a way? There is a way Jesus payed much too high a price For us to pick and choose who should come And we are the body of Christ if we are the body Why aren’t His arms reaching? Why aren’t His hands healing? Why aren’t His words teaching? And if we are the body Why aren’t His feet going? Why is His love not showing them there is a way? There is a way Jesus is the way






































AMOS By Tammy Renee Crenshaw

The book of Amos is a prophetic book of the Hebrew Bible largely dating to the 8th century BCE. Amos was a shepherd who lived in the region of Tekoa, not many miles from the city of Jerusalem. He made his living by raising sheep and taking care of sycamore trees. Amos is my favorite prophet because God shared things with Amos. He kept nothing from him. Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets (Amos 3:7). And God is sharing things with me as well. Not just me, but to all of His prophet’s. There was no one in Amos’s fam-

ily who was a prophet and there are no others in my family either. Then answered Amos, and said to Amaziah, I was no prophet, neither was I a prophet’s son; but I was an herdman, and a gatherer of sycomore fruit (Amos 7:14). I was just like Amos. One night was at work. I heard God say prophet three times. It was just a normal work night, just like it was for Amos. Amos had a heart for God’s people. Amos did not mind speaking the word of God just like me. I don’t mind speaking the word of God. As I read the book of Amos, I see so much of me in Amos. I see a person striving and pressing in. I relate to Amos in so many ways. He was calling Israel to repentance in so

many ways. He was telling the city of Israel to be delivered and telling them what thus said the Lord But, behold, I will raise up against you a nation, O house of Israel, saith the LORD the God of hosts; and they shall afflict you from the entering in of Hemath unto the river of the wilderness (Amos 6:14). He wanted Israel to turn from self-righteous sins and idolatry. I find myself doing the same thing in my city. God raised the prophet Amos as an act of His great mercy to a people who repeatedly shunned and disobeyed Him, and that’s what He does in my life: raising me up to be a prophetess. There is so much going on around me in my city, so much selfrighteous sins and idolatry. They follow after the things in the world disobeying God and doing things their way just like Israel. But me, I say, Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand. Amos opposition was to announce God’s coming judgment to the Northern kingdom, which was referring to God intervening to punish and judge the wicked city. They would eventually be exiled by the Assyrians. I would say Amos’s opposition and assignment was to help Israel restore their relationship with God and to cry out for hope for Israel. This all Amos hoped for: Seek good, and not evil, that ye may live: and so the LORD, the God of hosts, shall be with you, as ye have spoken (Amos 5:14).


JEREMIAH By Shavonda Tucker

For my research paper I decided my favorite Prophet in the bible would be Jeremiah “The Weeping Prophet”. Born between 645 and 650 B.C. to the Levitical Priest Hilkiah from the village of Anathoth. God ordained Jeremiah as a prophet before birth and as he grew he was being groomed as a young man so that he may be able to speak the gospel to all of Isreal and nations. Jeremiah was in the prophetic ministry for 40 or more years through multiple kings: Josiah, Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin, and Zedekiah. This weeping prophet was an author of the books Jeremiah and Lamentations of the bible which

included the prophets: Zephaniah, Habakkuk, Nahum, Daniel, and Ezekial. They call Jeremiah “The Weeping Prophet” because of all the persecution and difficult times he had doing God’s work and with his own personal life of interceding. His name is Hebrew and means “May Jehovah exalt, Exalted of the Lord”. I believe I have that in common with Jeremiah to exalt the Lord. When I begin to praise and worship God with my whole heart, there’s a power and presence from God that you can’t help but to receive and glorify God. There has been times where God has revealed demons and devils, terror and

other things trying to take over God’s people and I needed to pray for them, their families, countries, and sometimes myself. I would often say I wish I could show people what God has placed in my eyesight and spirit but I’ve learned it’s better to keep God’s secrets and reveal what he wants me to speak verbally through prayer, comforting, and edification when he allows me to. Some examples of how Jeremiah prayed and went to God in secret: Jeremiah 9:116; 9:23-26 as he speaks what thus sayeth the Lord to people exhorting,edifying,and comforting. Jeremiah 12:1-4 when he is




asking God why did he choose him for this ministry. Jeremiah 17:14-18 he wanted forgiveness, deliverance and to know God hasn’t forsaken him because he had been a faithful servant. Even though Jeremiah endured pain physically, emotionally, and spiritually from false accusations, being rejected, and being imprisoned he kept his faith and when he got weary or upset he prayed to God and asked questions. This is why I love Jeremiah “The Weeping Prophet” so much not just because he was a high priest honored before the Lord, but he was a faithful obedient servant that did God’s will no matter the circumstances. I strive to become a great servant to the Lord and more: I love to sing, write, praise and worship just to please God because I know he has a great destination for my life. The journey won’t always be easy but it will be worth the rewards of loving a beautiful God. This God I’m speaking of can’t be compared to idols and Jeremiah inspires me to not only be compassionate and intercede on behalf of God’s people but to be a loyal servant to God myself. With all the work Jeremiah dedicated to doing God’s wills there were life threats towards him and people plotted to destroy him but through it all God’s words still came to pass. For him to be all powerful man that once sat upon kings it is disturbing and sad that he was taken and assassinated in the old form of

being stoned. It was said that possibly he died in the year 570 B.C.E in Egypt and was killed by some Jews that was afraid of Babylonians. Baruch known as Jeremiah’s scribe and disciple was said to have written how and where Jeremiah died but the only things to go by is the bible and Jewish tradition. One thing I want in my life is to be a faithful and fearless servant for the Lord and Jeremiah was a great example of how to sacrifice freely.

With all the work Jeremiah dedicated to doing God’s wills there were life threats towards him and people plotted to destroy him but through it all God’s words still came to pass. For him to be all powerful


DEBORAH By April Adams

children of Israel came to her for judgement. According to my bibles commentary Deborah was a prophetess; she had prophetic gifts, which enabled her to hear messages from God and to communicate His will to the people. According to biblegateway. com Deborah is one of several females in Scripture distinguished as being endowed with the prophetic gift, which means the ability to discern the mind and purpose of God and declare it to others. Deborah is my favorite because she was not afraid to be used by God and she was used not only to prophesy but to also judge the children of Israel. She had patience for the people of God, she was also bold. Deborah’s close relationship with God gave her great influence among her people. I guess Deborah and I relate in some ways because the people of Israel came to her to get judged, and people come to me because I listen.

I was asked to write a paper about my favorite prophet after I was given the assignment I thought about it for some time, only one prophet came in my mind. So several days went by and still I hadn’t written my paper, I looked up all the prophets in the bible read about each of them and the same prophet came back to me. The prophet/ prophetess was named Deborah. Deborah, I read about her; I saw movies about her, I even googled her online to see where did she

come from. There is no mention of her parents or how she came into existence. There was nothing on her background or how she came about. However Deborah’s name means “bee” and bees are busy insects than collect. She was busy doing the work of God. Deborah according to the bible in Judges 4&5 was also a judge she was the only female judge in the old testament. She was married to a man by the name of Lapidoth. She didn’t have children of her own, however the

The oppositions Deborah face was when she went to into battle with Barak, because he said in verse 8 If thou wilt go with me, then I will go: but if thou wilt not go with me, then I will not go. So she did what she was supposed to do, and she went with Barak and the battle was won. God used Deborah a woman to that through Him anything is possible.





By Cheryl Riley

When tasked with a writing assignment to discuss my favorite prophet, it did not take long to identify him. His name is Moses – the critically acclaimed prophet depicted in one of the most popular movies of all time, The Ten Commandments, and, even more impressive, has seen the face of God and lived to tell about it. The account of Moses’ life begins in Exodus 2. Moses was born to a Hebrew family from the tribe of Levi. There was strife in the land and the current king, Pharaoh, ordered the midwives to kill all of the Hebrew boys, yet the girls were spared. This was to prevent the Hebrews from multiplying – a concern of the king. When Moses’ mother could no longer hide him, she made a basket, put Moses in the basket, and placed it in the river. He was discovered by the king’s daughter who was bathing in the same river at the time. She adopted him as her son, named him Mo-

ses, which means, “I drew him out of the water,” and he lived as an Egyptian. Moses had his first encounter with God at the Burning Bush. God appeared to Moses as a blazing fire in a bush, which burned but did not consume the bush. At this place is where God gave Moses his assignment. In Exodus 3:10, God said, “Now go, for I am sending you to Pharaoh. You will lead my people, the Israelites, out of Egypt.” At the time, the Israelites were slaves to the Egyptians. Under Egyptian rule, the Israelites received very harsh working conditions and treatment. The Lord heard their cries, and, using Moses and his brother Aaron, began the difficult task of freeing His people. Nothing is too hard for God. However the difficult task rested on the shoulders of Moses and Aaron, who had to deal with the king directly.

Pharaoh was a very stubborn king and that’s putting it mildly. He continuously denied Moses’ request to let all of the Israelites leave the land to give sacrifices to God in the wilderness. With each stubborn refusal, the Lord sent plagues to help persuade the king to honor the request, as well as to show the Egyptians that He was the true God. It took ten crippling plagues before Pharaoh would let them go. Starting in Exodus 7, the plagues included (in order): blood, frogs, gnats, flies, livestock, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, and death of firstborn. As much as I detest insects, if I was Pharaoh, I would have conceded after the plague of gnats and Exodus would have been a much shorter book. Moses is my favorite prophet for the reason that I see so much of myself in him. I really feel a connection with him and know that I have either said or thought the same when faced with any ministry-related assignments. At a former church, I recall taking a ministry-in-training class. Whenever I had to do anything in front of the class, especially the sermon, I was sick most of the week leading up to class, as well as the morning of class. The sickness was due to fear. I did not quit and completed the course. However, I also did not think I was going to make it out of there alive either. In Exodus 3:11, after Moses was told his assignment, Moses said to God, “But who am I to appear before Pharaoh? How can you expect me to lead the Israelites out of


Egypt?” He lacked confidence in his ability to do what God wanted him to do, and I feel the same lack within myself as I slowly become more aware of my assignment. Moses continued doubting even up to Exodus 4:10 when he said to God, “Oh Lord, I’m just not a good speaker. I never have been, and I’m not now, even after you have spoken to me. I’m clumsy with words.” In the next verse, I think the Lord’s response was hilarious when He asked Moses, “Who makes mouths?” I have a feeling, one day, the Lord will ask me the same question as I continue to doubt my ability to speak for Him. The good news is I have Moses’ history as a reference to help me overcome the anxiety. He was pitiful and had no self-confidence. However, with his staff and the anointing God gave him, he was a mighty prophet. So, maybe that is what I need - a staff and an anointing. I also like Moses and can relate to him because, as a man of justice, he was innately a defender and rescuer before he was officially called by God to lead the people out of Egypt. I believe that is my assignment as well and, like Moses, I have defended others in, sometimes, precarious situations. In Exodus 2:11&12, Moses saw an Egyptian beating one of the Hebrew slaves. After looking around to make sure no one was watching, Moses killed the Egyptian. In the same chapter, in verses 16&17, Moses was sitting at a well and helped seven

young ladies draw water for their father’s flocks. Normally, other shepherds would come and chase the girls away preventing them from doing so however; Moses came to their aid, rescued the girls from the shepherds, and helped them draw water for their flocks. When Moses became a father in Exodus 2:22, he named is son Gershom, for he said, “I have been a stranger in a foreign land.” Although I only live approximately 60 miles from my hometown, for me, I am in a foreign land. My family is approximately 80 miles from me. I was not familiar with this area prior to moving here. For the first three years after moving here, I did not know anyone. I still live here, and it has been and still is a place of testing and spiritual growth. Moses faced much opposition before and during his assignment from the Israelites and Pharaoh. In Exodus 2:13&14, while attempting to keep two Hebrew men from fighting, one of the men responded, “Who do you think you are? Who appointed you to be our prince and judge?” As mentioned above, he faced opposition from Pharaoh, who did not want to release the Israelites to go into the wilderness to give sacrifices to God. Ironically, he also received opposition from the same people he was assigned to help, the Israelites. The Israelites were not strong

in their faith, disobedient at times, and, whenever faced with a challenge or conditions that were not ideal, they complained to Moses. In Exodus 16:1-4, they left Elim and traveled to the Sin Desert. There, they complained that it would have been better if they were in Egypt because at least they would have had food to eat. Instead, they were in the desert to starve to death. In Exodus 17:1&2a, the Israelites traveled from the Sin Desert and eventually arrived at Rephidim. However, there was no water to drink. Again, they complained and demanded of Moses to give them water. Moses, in his irritation, told them to be quiet, but that did not stop them. They continued to complain. I could write endlessly on how much the Israelites complained. What I found interesting is although the Israelites knew Moses was sent by God - they knew he had seen the face God and they had seen the hand of God fight for them several times - they always complained. I do not think much has changed among God’s people. Moses was called by God to be a deliverer and rescuer by leading God’s people out of Egypt. He faced opposition from his own people and the Egyptian king. Through it all, Moses remained faithful to God’s commands and, through it all, we must be committed to do the same.





By Kentia Middleton

I was asked to write a paper on my favorite prophet. This was a very hard decision because I honor and love all of the prophets in the bible because they played a critical role in the body. Since I have to choose one, I choose Moses. Moses is described as the meekest man on Earth. He didn’t think highly of himself but stayed humble and low. Moses was born a slave but was raised in royalty. He was found on the Nile River by Pharaoh’s sister. Moses would have been killed as an infant because Pharaoh ordered that all male Hebrew children be put to death, but God had other plans. “But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to

bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.” (Genesis 50:20) Moses did not learn of his true identity until he was grown. He found out that he was a Hebrew slave and the people they enslaved were truly his people. One day he witnessed a Hebrew man being beat. He got angry and killed the Egyptian. Moses life was then sought after by Pharaoh for committing murder. (Exodus 2-11-15) Moses fled from Egypt into the wilderness. He then met his wife and tended to his father-in-law’s sheep in Midiam. This is where Moses encountered God as a burning bush up on the mountain. God called Moses and told

him that he has to go back to Egypt and tell pharaoh to let His people go. God said He heard the cry of His people and He is sending Moses to deliver them. Moses did not understand why God had chosen him and how he would be capable of convincing Pharaoh to let the slaves go. He told God he wasn’t a good speaker. God ensured Moses that He is with him and He would give him his brother Aaron to help. He also promised Moses that they will not leave Egypt empty handed but they will leave with wealth and that He is leading them into a land that is flowing with milk and honey. This part of Moses’s journey I can relate to. I was kicked out of my family’s house at about 18 years old. My father didn’t


want me here because of the guy I was dating but now married to. I had already embarrassed the family and had a baby at 15 years old. So, after being pushed out into the wilderness, I had to find a way to survive. I was in the wilderness for about 13 years until I had an encounter with God. He called me and told me I have to deliver my family from the hands of the enemy. I didn’t understand why I was chosen for this task because I am not great with speaking and stumble over my words. I am not a people’s person and would be considered a loner. He ensured me that He is with me. God gave me purpose and my true identity. He also told me about the promises that I am entitled to if I remain obedient. Moses hearkened unto the word of God and went back to Egypt. He went to the leaders first as God instructed him to and then they went to Pharaoh to tell him to “let my people go”. Of course, Pharaoh didn’t listen because God hardened his heart. I believe God wanted to increase His people’s faith and show His powers and wonders. The first time Moses went to Pharaoh, he increased the labor of the Hebrews and made them work even harder. The people were mad at Moses and Moses didn’t understand why God was allowing His people to suffer more. This reminds me of my walk. It is like when you have done as God has commanded, the enemy gets mad and makes your life

ten times harder. Many obstacles come and try to get you off course or make you want to quit but those that endure until the end shall see the promise. There were about ten plagues that hit the land of Egypt. They include turning water into blood, frogs, lice, flies, livestock death, boils, hail of fire, locust, darkness, and death of first born. The Lord protected His people in this process. After all of this, Pharaoh finally let the people go but followed them last minute to the Red Sea. God showed His power again and parted the Red Sea with the staff so the people could go through. Pharaoh and his army were swallowed by the water. In the wilderness, the Lord continued to provide for the people even though they murmured and worshipped other gods. God gave Moses the ten commandments, the law of God. The people still worshipped false idols and the Lord destroyed them. A three days journey turned into forty years. Moses wasn’t able to enter the promise land because he disobeyed God by not speaking to the rock but he struck it twice. (Numbers 20:7-12) The Lord will provide a way out. You must keep the faith and trust God. Be still and know I am God. (Psalm 46:10) We must remain obedient to see the hand of God. His promises will come to pass as long as we remain faithful and make this walk all for the glory of God and not about ourselves.

God said He heard the cry of His people and He is sending Moses to deliver them. Moses did not understand why God had chosen him and how he would be capable of convincing Pharaoh to let the slaves go. He told God he wasn’t a good speaker. God ensured Moses that He is with him and He would give him his brother Aaron to help.














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