July Rejoice Essential Magazine 2020

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08 In Me


Elder Joseph Samuels

10 Michelle Loatman


Allena R. DouglasBrathwaite


Emelia Adjei


Melissa Jacksonl

20 Recipe 22 Prophetess Tréasa Brown 27 Tijuana Killian 32 Recipe 34 Prophetess Stephanie Ham 40 The Walls Closing




Kimberly Moses

Tron Moses

Founder And Editor

Photographer, Marketer, Designer

Effingham, SC

Effingham, SC



Taylur Holland Writer Dallas, Texas www.thescribesheart.com

Keiyia Jackson-George

Shirley Ann Cooper

Writer And Chief Editor


Cane Garden Bay, Tortola Virgin Islands www.rkgconsultinggroup.com

Kissimmee, Florida














IN ME By Taylur Holland

For I have fulfilled your needs. I am King— El Shaddai— mighty in all My stature. I bring peace and salvation— eternal gifts from the heavenlies. Before time, I was. I will give you strength

I have prepared your place

and wise counsel.

before you.

In Me, you shall find strength and life. I will direct and guide you. I will give you wisdom and insight. In Me, there is no imperfection,

After time, I will be. Alpha, Beginning, End, Omega. Last, First.

In the presence of your enemies,

Former things have been already.

I have made your way straight.

I dictate even Time’s way

I am your Comforter—

and the journey he must cross.

Jehovah Rohi— in all My great delight.

To God be the glory Forever! Amen.

for I am in control

You shall no longer thirst

and already know the way

or hunger,

I have designated for you.

but find your rest in Me,



MICHELLE LOATMAN INTERVIEWED BY KIMBERLY MOSES Interviewer: Tell me about yourself, your ministry, and your passion? Michelle Loatman: I am a single mother of three children: two boys, 19 and 20, and a 7-year-old girl. I enjoy going to the movies, bowling, parasailing, going on random weekend getaways, cooking, baking, reading, writing, and relaxing. I currently work in the education field as a Professional Development Specialist on a Campaign for Grade-Level Reading grant. I also currently serve on the fundraising committee at the Delaware Association for the Education of Young Children. I serve in the capacity as a Financial Freedom Coach at Primerica and volunteer at my daughter’s school and local shelters and the food bank. Previously, I worked in various capacities in the early childhood education sector, as an Administrator, Curriculum Coordinator, School-Age Site Coordinator, teacher, and an early childhood nutritionist.

I have degrees in early childhood and human services and several certifications in early childhood and childhood nutrition. I have specialized training in the early care and education field. My passion is women, children, and youth ministry. I have always had a passion for serving the homeless and disadvantaged people in my community. As someone who has experienced homelessness, abuse, neglect, rejection, and abandonment, I desire to reach out to others to share the mercy, grace, and love of God and be an example of how God can turn a mess into a message. It is my passion to teach and preach the word of God with boldness and to educate women and youth in taking hold of God’s promises and learning how to fight the demons they battle in their life. I want to help others get to financial freedom and have stewardship over the things God has given us to manage. I want to teach women how to heal and be delivered in

their minds and their emotions. I want to encourage and empower women and youth to be all that God has created them to be by teaching parenting God’s way and showing them how to be set free from repeated cycles of trauma. Interviewer: Why did you get involved in write a chapter and what do you expect the outcome to be? Michelle Loatman: God gave me the title of the book He wanted me to write two years ago. Majority of the time, I allowed fear and distractions to keep me from getting started. I had never written a book before and I was not sure how much of my testimony to share and how the setup of the book should go. I prayed and waited for the blueprint of how God wanted me to write. Last year I came across Prophetess Kim’s post on Facebook. As she would post encouraging words and the books she was writing, something said, “Buy the book.” Every time I would





buy her books and read them, I would be inspired. Each book spoke to my spirit differently. Then I bought and read her husband Tron’s book titled Who Touched Me. The minute I saw Kim’s “Write a Chapter,” I knew that was God pushing me to start. Unfortunately, I was looking in the natural at my bank account and getting frustrated. I had no idea how I was going to pay for this journey, but the Holy Spirit just kept saying, “Trust me.” Prophetess opened the class for a payment plan. I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I was to join “Write a Chapter” so she could help midwife this baby out of me. The minute I signed up, the Lord kept speaking to me about other babies in my womb. Through Prophetess Kim’s prayer calls, her Overcoming Emotions book

Unfortunately, I was looking in the natural at my bank account and getting frustrated. I had no idea how I was going to pay for this journey, but the Holy Spirit just kept saying, “Trust me.”

and Facebook group, she encouraged and helped me in the birthing of my spiritual babies. I truly believe God has connected me with Prophetess Kim for such a time as this. Prophetess set an example of a true woman of God setting others free by her testimony, which is what we are called to do as well.

stroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto the death.” (Rev. 12:11, NKJ)

John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (KJV)

Interviewer: What chapter are you writing about and why? Michelle Loatman: I am writing about the many different ways there are to die. The reason I chose to take that part is that God showed me how I was dead spiritually but physically alive. My life was wasting away. I was a dead woman walking around in a deteriorating shell. My mind, spirit, and soul were dead. I was just operating. Most people limit their view of death to the carnal, physical death and fail to see the spiritual death they are walking in. There are many people whose home is filled with an atmosphere of spiritual death. Their relationships are the foundation of spiritual death. I wanted to bring awareness so that people could be set free. Hosea 4:6 - My people are de-

Romans 10:17 - So then faith [cometh] by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Interviewer: What advice would you give to someone who wants to write a book but doesn’t know how? Michelle Loatman: It is imperative that you seek God in prayer for the direction of how He wants the book done. When God gives us an assignment, it is important to die to self and seek Him for the strategic blueprint. I believe it is important to have prayer warriors, intercessors, and women of prayer bearing the fruit of God’s will in their life. They can relate to you spiritually and help you birth your promise. I truly believe if you fail to pray and lean on God and don’t have a spiritual midwife to assist you, you will fail. If we could do it on our own, we wouldn’t need God. Therefore it would become worldly ambition and not God’s plan. Doing it God’s way will save you time, money, pain, and wasted years of stagnancy. You can’t afford to keep wasting time.


As someone who has experienced homelessness, abuse, neglect, rejection, and abandonment, I desire to reach out to others to share the mercy, grace, and love of God and be an example of how God can turn a mess into a message. Interviewer: A lot of people are afraid of death. Should a believer in Christ be afraid also? Michelle Loatman: No. There is no fear in Christ. If we have the mindset of Christ, we won’t be afraid. The Bible declares, We are confident, yes, well pleased rather be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord. (2 Cor. 5:8) For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. (2 Tim. 1:7, KJV) There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment. The one who

fears is not made perfect in love. (1 John 1:4) Most people who talk about suicide don’t really want to stop living. They just want to stop hurting. Most people who say they are afraid to die are really afraid of being punished. But if you are walking in the word and will of God, what is there to be afraid of. Interviewer: Is Hell real? There is teaching rising up in the body of Christ that there is no hell. Michelle Loatman: Of course, there is a hell. If the Bible talks about hell and the enemy being cast down to hell with 1/3 of the fallen angels, then it is true. The word of God is true and anything contrary is a lie. He can’t lie. The teachings that are rising up nowadays, are directly correlating to Scripture about the doctrine of devils, seducing spirits, and false teachings. God gives specific direction throughout the Bible to be sober-minded and alert, for the devil is roaming around looking to devour and lead astray the body of Christ. The Bible also gives specific instructions in the book of Revelations about the false prophets being cast into the lake of fire. If these things weren’t true, would God have said them? No! The Bible talks explicitly about the depths of hell in both the Old and New Testament.

Proverbs 9:18: “But he knoweth not that the dead are there; and that her guests are in the depths of hell.” The word for “hell” here is number 7585 in the Hebrew section of Strong’s Concordance. The definition is “hades or the world of the dead.” Acts 2:31: “he seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption.” “Hell” is number 86 in the Greek section of Strong’s Concordance, which means “unseen, i.e., Hades or the place (state) of departed souls.” Since this verse refers to Christ in hell, obviously hell does not mean hellfire here. The Companion Bible has an interesting observation: Acts 2:27 quotes Psalm 16:10. In Psalm 16:10 (and in the rest of the Old Testament), “hell” is translated from the word that means the grave. Therefore, the word “hell” in Acts 2:27 and 31 must also mean the grave (Strong’s Concordance). 2 Peter 2:4: “For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment…” Used only in this verse, “hell” is number 5020, which means “Tartaros (the deepest abyss of Hades); to incarcerate in eternal torment.”




This word is never used in reference to humans, only for demons, and it does not mention fire. Matthew 5:22: “…whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.” This is number 1067, geenna, “valley of (the son of) Hinnom; ge-henna (or Ge-Hinnom), a valley of Jerusalem, used (fig.) as a name for the place (or state) of everlasting punishment.” Garbage was burned in this valley, and it was used as a symbol for hell fire. And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever. (Rev 20:10, KJV) Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; (1 Timothy 4:1, KJV) Interviewer: What was going through your mind when you had a near-death or death experience? Michelle Loatman: Honestly, I was afraid. I wasn’t sure if I died that I was going to heaven and that I was going to be punished. I thought I deserved to die, truthfully. I thought about everything I had been through, everything I had done, and my life literally began flashing before me. I started ques-

tioning if I was a good mom, how my kids would live without me, and how they would be taken care of. I started to think about how much time I had wasted working so much overtime, working two and three jobs, trying to pay the bills and missing out on the lives of my children. I didn’t know my purpose and so I wasn’t sure what might happen if I closed my eyes here on earth, and opened them in heaven at judgment. Interviewer: How did you develop your faith not to quit believing for your healing? Michelle Loatman: This took me into a relationship with God I never had. I had been saved since a month before my 16th birthday, but I didn’t really understand what that meant. I went through the motions of going to church every once in a while. I knew about God and I knew maybe two or three scriptures, but I wasn’t in God’s word, applying it or living a Godly lifestyle. I barely ever prayed or believed Him for anything. I just figured my lot in life was what had happened to me up until this point and this is the way life would always be. But after this occurred, I took two months off from work to spend time with my family and rest, and I didn’t care who didn’t like it. I took time for me, and I learned how to start having daily devotions and prayer with

When God gives us an assignment, it is important to die to self and seek Him for the strategic blueprint. I believe it is important to have prayer warriors, intercessors, and women of prayer bearing the fruit of God’s will in their life. God. I even said to one of my Pastors at the time, “I know God did this to me to get my attention to rest.” I was so ignorant of His word and will for my life. I literally thought He was punishing me to get my attention. Until she said, “No baby, God didn’t do this to you. The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy. God came that you may have a good life and prosper in health. He loves you and I love you too.” Her words encouraged me to look deeper into the word of God for His purpose to know who He really is, and not lean to my own understanding. Interviewer: Did you have any indications that danger or death was near?





God showed me how I was dead spiritually but physically alive. My life was wasting away. I was a dead woman walking around in a deteriorating shell.

Michelle Loatman: When I look back, I was not fully aware at the time because I was so busy with work and my toxic relationship and trauma with my marriage. I was just existing, not really living. I was running myself down trying to keep everything and everyone else going, but I was dead spiritually. I was an empty vessel and wasn’t looking to the one who could fill the voids of my heart. I didn’t know then, but I was operating in worldly ambition and trying to keep everybody else afloat, while I was drowning. Once I realized how serious the diagnosis was, I was afraid to close my eyes to go to sleep. I remember it being very late the first night they admitted me into the hospital. It began thunder storming and my bed was by the window. The first two or three nights, there was a lady in the bed

next to me who was dealing with drug addiction. For the rest of my stay, I was dealing with an elderly lady who had Alzheimer’s or dementia. I remember the night her caregiver unstrapped her from the bed. While I was asleep, she came over and ripped out all of my heart monitors. I remember thinking, am I already in hell. This can’t be real. Interviewer: A lot of people are living recklessly. What would you tell those people who are living on the edge? Michelle Loatman: Don’t play with grace. God’s grace and mercy is nothing to take lightly. If you continue to take Him for granted, He will be further and further away from you. You don’t want to get to a point where you are so far away from your Father, that you can’t find your way back. Your flesh will cost you your life. Your walk with God will cost you everything. If you choose to live by the lust of your flesh, and not in the word, will and purpose of God for your life, you may go down a path that you can’t recover from. You never know when enough is enough or when too late will be too late. Sometimes it only takes that one time. I know someone who used to be very close to me struggle with addiction all of their adult life. I would get so angry and frustrated with them because they

wouldn’t sacrifice getting the help and kicking the habit. But years later, once their life began to hit rock bottom and they started putting the work in to get help, they explained to me that their life was a day to day survival. They said if they could go back to the day they started using, they would start all over again. They told me how it started from just a little pill-popping here and there. The next thing they knew, they were at a party and someone asked them to try heroin. The said the very first time was the best feeling they had ever felt, but they never felt high like that again. They had to keep going back and back to get more until it destroyed them and their life, and everything and everyone had left them. They poured out their heart when they shared their testimony with me and said they had been dealing with absent father issues, a stepdad who was an alcoholic, and a mother who was dying of cancer. They were left to care for their mother and the pain of hearing her cry out in pain was too much to bear. So they began to self-medicate. No one ever told them how Jesus could comfort that pain. They knew how to get rid of that pain based on what they had seen others in their natural environment do. It only takes one time to get in that car with your so-called friends, one time


to take that sip, one time to smoke, one time to lay down with the wrong soul, before sin is crouching at the door waiting for death to consume you. Interviewer: What lessons did you learn from your near-death experience? Michelle Loatman: Stop living life with worldly ambition, self-medicating while chasing worldly achievements and start living for God. Seek God’s purpose and plan for your life. Stop creating the plan you want and submit to His will. Go deeper and higher in the things of God so you can hear from Him and discern

with Godly wisdom the paths you should be taking. Seek him to comfort you and fill the voids in your life. We often get life wrong by repeating the same toxic behaviors that we experienced and become the people who hurt us in the process. We end up repeating the same toxic cycles and become an active participant in the devil’s plan to pass down generational curses, over and over again. Interviewer: How does someone deal with grief? Michelle Loatman: People have many different ways of dealing with grief. If you do it the world’s way, you allow

If you continue to take Him for granted, He will be further and further away from you. You don’t want to get to a point where you are so far away from your Father, that you can’t find your way back.




the devil’s thoughts to play out in your mind. You cry, sleep too much, and allow the devil to depress and oppress you. Some people self-medicate through overworking, overachieving, fornicating, masturbating, overeating, overspending, drugs, alcohol, etc. However, God’s way of dealing with grief is to cast all of your cares on Him. The word of God says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30, KJV) Consistent prayer and meditation on God’s word to renew your thinking are imperative to living a successful Christian life. As you draw closer to God, He will draw closer to you. I think it is important to have people with a heart after God’s heart who can pray for and with you and intercede on your behalf. The last thing you want to do is isolate yourself. The enemy would love to get you by yourself and start whispering lies into your ear and take you down one of his paths of darkness. Eat God’s word multiple times a day to strengthen and encourage you. Be alert not to give the devil a loophole he can try and crawl



Interviewer: What is heaven like?

-A city designed and built by God (Hebrews 11:10).

Michelle Loatman: Other than what I know from Scripture, I honestly don’t know.

-A better country (Hebrews 11:16).

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am” (John 14:1-3). His throne is there, the angels are there, and the Lord Jesus Christ is in heaven. Philippians 3:20 says very plainly that “our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ.” That’s why Jesus told the thief on the Cross, “Today you will be with me in paradise” (Luke 23:43). What is heaven like? Here are seven biblical facts about heaven. It is … -God’s dwelling place (Psalms 33:13). -Where Christ is today (Acts 1:11). -Where Christians go when they die (Philippians 1:2123). -The Father’s house (John

-Paradise (Luke 23:43). (https://www.biblestudytools.com/bible-study/topical-studies/what-is-heavenlike-11636670.html) Interviewer: What were some of the challenges that you faced during the write a chapter project and how did you overcome? Michelle Loatman: Some of the challenges I faced were fear, my own thoughts, the devil’s lies, fear of success, unsure of how much to share, fear of what people might think, fear of failure and the process of change, and stepping out of my comfort zone. I would get really amped up and write for a day or two. Then I would have a day of being unsure, distracted, feeling tired, and

I was afraid. I wasn’t sure if I died that I was going to heaven and that I was going to be punished. I thought I deserved to die, truthfully.


sluggish. I noticed everybody needed something and wanted their emergency to be my emergency. In the beginning, I felt writer’s block and stumbled over myself. I had to get into a posture of praise and worship. I had to step up my game for spending time in God’s word. I had to change the way I was thinking and what I was declaring out of my mouth. I had to plead the blood of Jesus over my thoughts, go through deliverance, lay prostrate before God and stay connected to the noonday prayer calls as much as my work schedule allowed. It was important to listen to the testimonies and teachings in the private Overcoming Emotions group as well. This is not a journey you can do by yourself or from your own strength. You need to cast your cares on God and ask Him to help you carry your cross when the weight gets too heavy, not drag it along. You have to seek God for how He wants the plan written. And you have to trust Him for the provision. This is a faith walk like never before for me! Interviewer: What do you know about the afterlife? Michelle Loatman: If you are a Christian, you will be in paradise with God and the other saints who passed before us. Before the throne room of judgment, we will give an account before God

for what we have done with the time, gifts, and resources He has given us while we were here. We will have to give an account for every idle word spoken and if we failed to do what he required. For those people who have not accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, who had not lived according to His word and will for their life, who did not love God and people and who don’t trust and believe in Him, they will be judged and cast down to hell for eternity, to suffer torment. Matthew 25:46 And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.” Revelation 21:8 ESV But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”

Stop living life with worldly ambition, self-medicating while chasing worldly achievements and start living for God. Seek God’s purpose and plan for your life. Stop creating the plan you want and submit to His will. Go deeper and higher in the things of God so you can hear from Him and discern with Godly wisdom the paths you should be taking. Seek him to comfort you and fill the voids in your life.





Veggie omelettes are a healthier alternative to traditional ones filled with meat. Since eggs are considered a protein, meat isn’t needed. If you are concerned about your caloric intake, try an omelet made with egg-whites. If you miss meat, try sauteed mushrooms for a hearty texture. I love omelettes stuffed

with mushrooms, tomatoes, onions, peppers, spinach, and a blend of cheeses such as feta, provolone, cheddar, swiss, or pepper jack. Growing up, my mother used to make omelettes stuffed with ham and cheese. If we had no ham, then we substituted with turkey meat. It wasn’t until

I reached adulthood that I became more healthconscious and desired less meat. I love cooking omelettes on my electric griddle top because it cooks perfectly. The griddle has a non-stick surface, so the omelettes are easier to fold and flip. My husband loves my omelettes that he doesn’t mind a healthier


veggie version because it’s very flavorful. Do you like veggie omelettes? What do you like on yours? Try this recipe by Betty Crocker today. Prep: 15 MIN Total: 15 MIN Servings: 1 INGREDIENTS 1 teaspoon olive or canola oil 2 tablespoons chopped red bell pepper 1 tablespoon chopped onion 1/4 cup sliced mushrooms 1 cup loosely packed fresh baby spinach leaves, rinsed 1/2 cup fat-free egg product or 2 eggs, beaten 1 tablespoon water Dash salt Dash pepper 1 tablespoon shredded reduced-fat Cheddar cheese

STEPS 1. In 8-inch nonstick skillet, heat oil over medium-high heat. Add bell pepper, onion and mushrooms to oil. Cook 2 minutes, stirring frequently, until onion is tender. Stir in spinach; continue cooking and stirring just until spinach wilts. Remove vegetables from pan to small bowl. 2. In medium bowl, beat egg product, water, salt and pepper with fork or whisk until well mixed. Reheat same skillet over medium-high heat. Quickly pour egg mixture into pan. While sliding pan back and forth rapidly over heat, quickly stir with spatula

to spread eggs continuously over bottom of pan as they thicken. Let stand over heat a few seconds to lightly brown bottom of omelet. Do not overcook; omelet will continue to cook after folding. 3. Place cooked vegetable mixture over half of omelet; top with cheese. With spatula, fold other half of omelet over vegetables. Gently slide out of pan onto plate. Serve immediately.





Interviewer: Tell me about yourself, your ministry, and your passion? Tréasa Brown: I’m a Woman of God who hungers and thirsts after the righteousness of God and I know that I’ve been called to the Prophetic Ministry and to the Office of a Prophet. I have been told by God that I’m called to the nations and I’m excited to see the outcome of what the Lord is going to manifest in my life. I haven’t even scratched the surfaces of this office, but I understand that the Lord has a time and a season for everything. My passion is prayer! I am a praying woman and I love to be in the presence of God! I have many journals that contain what the Lord has spoken to me in my private time with Him, dreams I have had, encounters that I’ve experienced in prayer, and a few prophetic songs that the Lord has dropped in my spirit in my time of worship with Him. I love to encourage others and I seem to gravitate

towards those that are of a broken heart. I love to travel, and the Lord has also called me forth as an author and I’m currently working on a book called Single Mothers and Living for Christ that the Lord is birthing out of me. I also know that I have a healing and deliverance ministry that needs to be birthed out and I understand that I can do nothing without the help of the Lord! Thank God for His anointing! Interviewer: Why did you get involved in Write a Chapter and what do you expect the outcome to be? Tréasa Brown: I got involved with Write a Chapter because looking back, the Lord spoke to me very prophetically on August 9th, 2018, and I believe He said to me: A book needs to be birthed out of you (Single Mothers and Living for Christ). You are going to get in touch with a book writer one day and write a book. Be not afraid, daughter, to write the book when I give you

release to do so. You were destined to be a writer, an author. What I have locked up in your womb is priceless. My words are in there. Don’t be afraid, daughter, to step out on my word. Trust and believe I have spoken this to you. Many need to know your testimony and what I have brought you from. I have delivered you out of MANY things, and MANY need to know this. There was much more that the Lord told me, however, this writing project, I Almost Died, gave me the opportunity to start somewhere and be CHALLENGED as the author that the Lord was calling me to be. It is a platform for my voice to be heard and to give my testimony. I remember telling the Lord in time past that if He would give me a platform, I would testify. The very thought of writing a book scared me. I couldn’t believe it! But after your proposal, I chose to step out! You, Prophetess Kimberly Moses, are the author that the Lord was talk-





My passion is prayer! I am a praying woman and I love to be in the presence of God! I have many journals that contain what the Lord has spoken to me in my private time with Him, dreams I have had, encounters that I’ve experienced in prayer, and a few prophetic songs that the Lord has dropped in my spirit in my time of worship with Him. ing about. You are my divine connection! The outcome that I expect is to become who the Lord is calling me to be as an author and to step out of my comfort zone. I expect to produce books and for the scribal anointing to be enhanced in me! Interviewer: What chapter are you writing about and why? Tréasa Brown: I’m writing a chapter on two different potential deaths that could’ve

taken place in my life. I chose them because people need to realize just how merciful the Lord is. People need to understand the value of living and what their purpose in life is through Christ Jesus! They need to know how it’s important for us to not go day to day without fulfilling purpose, but to be intentional with what we are doing in our everyday lives. Both of these events, I hope, will express one’s importance and their worth! Don’t take the LIFE God gave you for granted! Interviewer: What advice would you give to someone who wants to write a book but doesn’t know how? Tréasa Brown: Step out and trust God! We all have to start somewhere, just like Peter walked out to Jesus on the water. The wind was boisterous, but he pursued to walk to Jesus! Get out of the boat. Get out of your comfort zone and let God be the Author and Finisher of your faith! Interviewer: A lot of people are afraid of death. Should a believer in Christ be afraid also? Tréasa Brown: No, a believer should not be afraid of death. There is comfort for the Believer in scripture and hope for those that have died in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 4:14 declares, For if we believe that Jesus

died and rose again, even so them also which SLEEP IN JESUS will God bring with them. Also, see verses 1518. As a believer reads those scriptures, they should take comfort in it as the scripture says! Interviewer: Is Hell real? There is teaching rising up in the body of Christ that there is no hell. Tréasa Brown: Yes! Hell is real! There are Scriptures to prove it in the Word of God. For example, we know that the rich man named Lazarus lifted up his eyes in hell. Luke 16:23 declares, And in hell he lift up his eyes, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. Also, Isaiah 5:14, speaks of hell enlarging herself. I have not had any visions or encounters when it comes to hell, but God’s word is enough! Interviewer: What was going through your mind when you had a near-death or death experience? Tréasa Brown: What went through my mind when I had a near-death experience entailed so many things in a matter of moments. With my “Near Death in the Kitchen” experience, I was thinking, “My children or family members are going to find me dead in my kitchen. Maybe in the morning?” I was trying to figure out ways to help myself while I was choking. I was thinking, if I swallow this


pork-chop steak, it might go down the wrong pipe and I will die. Do I cough it out or swallow? Death was on my mind during my struggle for my life over the sink that day. It was scary! I was surprised that I was choking like a baby. Death is no respecter of person. Interviewer: How did you develop your faith not to quit believing for your healing? Tréasa Brown: I’m not sure how to answer this one, but there have been many other incidences where the Lord has demonstrated His healing power to me. I went through a tough time where in my body. I could’ve had HPV pre-cancerous cells. I had to undergo procedures and I was put on a regimen every year that monitored my progress for years. Every test came back normal and I thank God! Many would like to focus on the procedure, but don’t realize that procedures can fail at any time. With Jesus involved, you will make it out alright! I have also experienced instantaneous healing power when I was hurt from a specific relationship. It was like medicine to my heart! I couldn’t believe it at the time because I had never experienced anything like that before. I didn’t want to move off of my couch because as my healing was taking place, I thought the healing that the Lord was giving me was go-

ing to lift off of me and that I would begin to feel that pain all over again. But that healing was for real! That’s just how good it was! So as I went through these things, it built up my faith to believe, without a doubt, that God is a healer! Interviewer: Did you have any indications that danger or death was near? Tréasa Brown: I had no indications at all. My incident was sudden! Interviewer: A lot of people are living recklessly. What would you tell those people who are living on the edge? Tréasa Brown: Stop living on the edge and get serious about God! Give Him your life! Life is not worth playing over when you think about eternity. Live your life striving to please Christ and stop running from who God is calling you to be in Him. Embrace it! Surrender, answer to the call, and give Him your Yes! Interviewer: What lessons did you learn from your near-death experience? Tréasa Brown: I learned when God is tugging on your heart, don’t harden your heart. Don’t ignore what message He is trying to relay to you. Hear Him with a sincere heart. I learned that life is precious, and you can be taken out of here in a matter of moments. Even

Be not afraid, daughter, to write the book when I give you release to do so. You were destined to be a writer, an author. What I have locked up in your womb is priceless. My words are in there. Don’t be afraid, daughter, to step out on my word. Trust and believe I have spoken this to you. Many need to know your testimony and what I have brought you from. I have delivered you out of MANY things, and MANY need to know this.




while revisiting these events, I realized my worth in Christ Jesus and that I’m valuable to God. I have a purpose. I have the destiny to fulfill for the Kingdom of God. Otherwise, the devil wouldn’t have tried to kill me! I’m still here and I must remain in the Lord’s will! He is the Author and Finisher of my faith! Interviewer: How does someone deal with grief? Tréasa Brown: I would say, cry out before the Lord as much as you need to. Sometimes, healing is a process and the Lord has to take you through it. Some things don’t come overnight, but it has to be processed! Let the Lord fill those voided places. Tell Him how you feel and with much prayer, you will get through your time of grief. Be patient. Your restoration will draw nigh! Interviewer: What is heaven like? Tréasa Brown: I have never seen a vision or dreamed about what heaven is like yet. All I can relate to is the scriptures in Revelation 21. Maybe one day, the Lord will show me. However, I pray that I will make it to my final destination to behold it! Interviewer: What were some of the challenges that you faced during the write a chapter project and how did you overcome? Tréasa Brown: Some of the

challenges that I faced were fear and being overwhelmed by all the work that needed to be done. Sometimes when we have to come out of our comfort zone, we freeze up, and we hesitate. I was being challenged and pushed and I grew from this experience. This is something that needed to be done in order to get where the Lord is trying to take me. So stepping out of the comfort zone is necessary! I overcame by stepping out and trusting God. Interviewer: What do you know about the afterlife? Tréasa Brown: I personally don’t know much about the afterlife. I only know what I have heard through other’s experiences. For example, people have spoken on things being more real in the afterlife than when you are here on earth. I’ve heard there is no time like here on earth, but they have a knowing that its eternity. However, one thing I’m standing on is that eternity is real! Heaven and hell are real! We will all give an account one day and find out where we’ll spend eternity. I want to be ready to meet God!

I have also experienced instantaneous healing power when I was hurt from a specific relationship. It was like medicine to my heart! I couldn’t believe it at the time because I had never experienced anything like that before.






I went to God. He gave me the green light. I expect the outcome to be MIRACULOUS. There will be reports of healings and deliverance while reading this book. People will never be the same. I see jaws dropping, and scratching and shaking of heads asking how. This book is truly an evangelism tool that will reach the lost in desolate places. Interviewer: Tell me about yourself, your ministry, and your passion? Tijuana Killian: My name is Tijuana Killian. I was born in Chicago, Illinois. I presently reside in St. Louis, MO, with my husband, Gregory and our family. My ministry is to the lost: the ministry of reconciliation. I once was lost, but now I’m found. Witnessing to multitudes is my passion. Seeing victory in the lives of everyone I come

into contact with. Interviewer: Why did you get involved in Write a Chapter and what do you expect the outcome to be? Tijuana Killian: I got involved with Write a Chapter because I have a testimony to tell. I once was sick, but now I’m healed. When I heard about the book, I thought, “Wow! What an interesting title.” I felt led to be a part of it. I then started questioning myself. “Do you qualify for this book? Did you almost die?” I started my research by reflecting on my medical history, asking family members questions and obtaining medical records. Finally, days before our first meeting, I went to God. I needed to know for sure co-authoring this book was a step on my journey. He gave me the green light. I expect the outcome to be MIRACULOUS. There will be reports of healings and deliverance while reading this book. People will never be the same. I see jaws dropping, and scratching and shaking of heads asking how. This book is truly an evangelism tool that will reach the lost in desolate places. Interviewer: What chapter are you writing about and why? Tijuana Killian: My chapter is called Lupus/Stroke. I chose this chapter because that’s how I almost died.

The enemy tried to kill me at an early age. Sixteen was the year I received the lupus diagnosis. I want people to know that you don’t have to die from lupus. Sometimes fear comes when lupus is mentioned. According to “Fight Like A Girl,” Lupus is often called “The Silent Killer.” It can be difficult to diagnose because it mimics so many other illnesses. Interviewer: What advice would you give to someone who wants to write a book but doesn’t know how? Tijuana Killian: The advice I would give someone is to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you. He knows His vehicles. He also knows what He wants to share through you. Secondly, I wanted to connect with Prophetess Kimberly Moses. She will help you get your ideas on paper. There is much wisdom and experience in her being as an author of over 20 books. She has a scribal anointing and is graced as a scribal prophet. Interviewer: A lot of people are afraid of death. Should a believer in Christ be afraid also? Tijuana Killian: No, but this fear happens to some believers. I was one of them. I didn’t have a fear of going to hell. I’m going to heaven because I have placed my faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ. I had a fear of


the transition. To be out of the body is to be in the presence of the Lord, but I’ve never been out of my body. I had a fear of leaving love ones, husband, children, etc. behind. I presently choose to trust God. Studying the Scriptures on heaven, hope, eternal life, and God’s love and meditating on them will help build the believer’s faith in this area. Interviewer: Is Hell real? There is teaching rising up in the body of Christ that there is no hell.

I’ve had multiple near-death experiences at different ages and seasons of my life. I was not saved at the moment of the initial lupus diagnosis at age 16. I was afraid and confused. As the years progressed, I got saved, and there were times I would have near-death experiences with the disease and it didn’t disturb me at all.

Tijuana Killian: Hell is real. There are real people in this real place right now. They are doing exactly what the Bible said they would be doing: getting thrown into the burning furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. That’s in the book of Matthew.

the symptoms, the swelling, the pain, the diagnoses, the many doctors, and hospital stays and choose to believe God’s Word concerning me. The enemy wants you to focus on all those things and not God’s Word. Where your focus is, is where your victory is.

Interviewer: What was going through your mind when you had a near-death or death experience?

Interviewer: How did you develop your faith not to quit believing for your healing?

Tijuana Killian: Well, I would say it depends on the moment. I’ve had multiple near-death experiences at different ages and seasons of my life. I was not saved at the moment of the initial lupus diagnosis at age 16. I was afraid and confused. As the years progressed, I got saved, and there were times I would have neardeath experiences with the disease and it didn’t disturb me at all. I would have joy and peace, singing songs to the Lord, and encouraging and praying for others while admitted in the hospital.

Tijuana Killian: I developed my faith not to quit believing for my healing in many ways. During the years that I was admitted in the hospital, I would have my bible, notebooks full of healing Scriptures, and prayer books on my bed. I never turned the T.V. on. I had nothing against T.V., per se. I was desperate. I worshiped, praised God, prayed, and meditated on and confessed Scripture the whole time I was there. Right in that hospital, I was convinced I was healed. There was nothing staff or anyone else could tell me. I was sold! I developed my faith also by doing those same things at home and staying connected to my local church and Prophetess Moses Ministries. I surrounded myself with friends and loved ones who will stand with me and believe God with me to the end.

There were times when the hospital staff would come to my room, practically begging me to need something because I never pressed the buzzer. After being mentioned on the floor, the staff would come to my room just to meet me. I was a rare case, I guess. Then there were times when I was right in the middle. I had to wrestle with the lies,

Interviewer: Did you have any indications that danger or death was near?




Tijuana Killian: Initially, I would say no. The diagnosis came suddenly. We didn’t know where it came from. My family got information from the doctor to help us better understand. We believed what the doctors said and went on with our lives. I didn’t realize I had a spiritual enemy that was trying to kill me. On other occasions, inflammation was the most common indication. Inflammation is a localized physical condition in which part of the body becomes reddened, swollen, hot, and often painful, especially as a reaction to injury or infection. (https://www.lexico. com/en/definition/inflammation) Seek medical attention if you are experiencing any of these symptoms. Interviewer: A lot of people are living recklessly. What would you tell those people who are living on the edge? Tijuana Killian: Stop! One moment of pleasure can turn into years of devastation. Get to know Jesus. He’s standing at the door and knocking right now, will you let Him in. Jesus understands every weakness of ours because He was tempted in every way that we are, but He did not sin! So whenever we are in need, we should come bravely before the throne of our merciful God. There we will be treated with undeserved kindness, and we will find help. (Hebrews 4:15-16)

Interviewer: What lessons did you learn from your near-death experience? Tijuana Killian: I learned that we’re not going anywhere until it’s our time. Sadly I lost my 18- year-old friend to lupus. We were the same age and got diagnosed the same year. I was not better than her. God chose to leave me here on the earth for His plan and purpose for my life. God also talked to me concerning my diet. There were foods He wanted me to stop eating and some He wanted me to eat more of. If anyone is going through any medical condition, I recommend they seek God concerning their diet. He’ll instruct you. Lastly, I learned the truth: “I am healed.” The enemy wants you to focus on your current situation, the diagnosis, and the symptoms. Choose to focus on God’s wonderful promises concerning your situation. “The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of our God stands forever.” (Isaiah 40:8) Interviewer: How does someone deal with grief? Tijuana Killian: A Chaplain once told me that grieving is a process. Sometimes you’ll be happy. Sometimes you’ll be angry. Accept them both. Don’t beat yourself up about any emotions you’re having. She told me this while I was admitted in the hospital. I lost my grandmother days prior. Up until

I developed my faith not to quit believing for my healing in many ways. During the years that I was admitted in the hospital, I would have my bible, notebooks full of healing Scriptures, and prayer books on my bed. I never turned the T.V. on. I had nothing against T.V., per se. I was desperate. that day in the hospital, I handled her death gracefully. Then I lost it. I couldn’t stop crying. I was grieving and didn’t know it. That’s when the Chaplain came. Those words have changed my life forever. I see things differently now. You see, while in the hospital, I was saved and filled with the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues and falling apart. I pondered, “Why are you tripping. You know she’s in heaven. You know she’s in no more pain.” I was confused about my present an-


ger. All of our emotions are a part of the grieving process. Accept them all. Interviewer: What is heaven like? Tijuana Killian: Jesse Duplantis recalls on his trip to heaven, looking for shadows. Until the Angel of the Lord reassured him that there are no shadows in heaven. God is light in whom there’s no darkness, states the Angel. Oh heaven, a place many will attain; the believer’s final resting place. Our hope. No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for them that love Him. (1 Corinthians 2:9). Jesus went to prepare this place for us and He’s coming back to take us with Him. (John 14:3) Oh heaven, where there will be no more tears or sorrow. A family reunion. We’ll be rejoicing with one another. Changed in the twinkling of an eye, never to die again. (1 Corinthians 15:2). Interviewer: What were some of the challenges that you faced during the write a chapter project and how did you overcome? Tijuana Killian: The first challenge was thinking I wasn’t qualified for this assignment. Once I pushed through and decided to join, I struggled with insecurity. I had thoughts that said, “You’ve never writ-

ten a book. You can’t expound on this chapter. You haven’t done much in life. You have nothing to say in a bio.” I thought it was hard. I pushed through the lies and began to write. I was excited about completing my chapters and meeting deadlines. Then once again, I was hospitalized for five days before I could complete everything. I wondered, “How did I end up back in this place?” I took it one day at a time. When God gave me the green light to be a co-author of this book and tell my testimony, He knew these events would happen. God had to bring those lying thoughts to light. He revealed to me what I really thought of myself and how I was about to overcome that image. I thought the hospital was a stumbling block, but it was a resting place. Interviewer: What do you know about the afterlife? Tijuana Killian: It’s inevitable! And just as it is appointed and destined for all men to die once and after this [comes certain] judgment. (Hebrews 9:27) I stand in expectation concerning the afterlife. I see myself entering the promised land. This is my exodus. I am coming out! (Joshua 1: 1-24)

The diagnosis came suddenly. We didn’t know where it came from. My family got information from the doctor to help us better understand. We believed what the doctors said and went on with our lives. I didn’t realize I had a spiritual enemy that was trying to kill me. On other occasions, inflammation was the most common indication.





Pasta is a delicious, filling meal. It’s one of those comfort foods that the whole family enjoys. Many cultures enjoy it. The Asians’ version is ramen, which is considered an affordable staple food worldwide. The Italians specialize in making a wide variety of sauces, herbs, and spices that compliment the dish well. As a youth, we ate a lot of ramen noodles because my family was

poor. The packs cost around ten to fifteen cents and for a family of six on a small income, this meal was a god sent. I was heavy set as a kid because we ate spaghetti or rigatoni weekly. The pasta, sauce, and the herbs were cheap. We substituted ground beef for ground turkey, which was a costeffective move and our

taste buds adjusted. We learned to make spaghetti on a budget of five dollars or less. Instead of getting expensive store brand garlic bread, we learned to make our own to eat this meal. We took some white sandwich bread and spread some margarine on it. Then we sprinkled some garlic powder on top and baked it in the oven until it was toasted to perfection.


My husband always tells me that I make the best spaghetti. He said that one day he was going to marry someone who could make him some spaghetti. In our home, we have the wars of the meat: ground turkey vs. ground beef. Often I make two pots of pasta, one for me and another for my husband. I don’t always make my pasta with ground turkey. I actually prefer veggie Italian sausage crumbles. I season the meal like regular spaghetti and it’s delicious. Have you tried crumbles in your pasta? What is your favorite pasta dish? How often do you eat it? Try this Spaghetti with Tomatoes and Garlic-Basil Oil by Betty Crocker Recipes. Let us know how you like it. Prep: 10 MIN Total:25 MIN Servings: 2 INGREDIENTS 8 oz uncooked spaghetti 1/4 cup olive oil

4 cloves garlic, thinly sliced 1/2 cup packed fresh basil leaves 1 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes 1 can (28 oz) Muir Glen™ organic diced tomatoes, undrained Salt to taste 1/2 cup freshly grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, if desired STEPS 1. In 4-quart Dutch oven, cook spaghetti as directed on package. 2. Meanwhile, in 1-quart saucepan, heat oil,

garlic, basil and pepper flakes over low heat 10 minutes to infuse flavor into the oil. Strain oil; keep oil warm. Discard garlic, basil and pepper flakes. 3. Drain cooked spaghetti. Return spaghetti to Dutch oven; place over medium heat. Add tomatoes; toss until thoroughly heated. Season to taste with salt. 4. Divide spaghetti into 2 individual pasta bowls. Drizzle each serving with warm oil; sprinkle with cheese.





Interviewer: Tell me about yourself, your ministry, and your passion? Stephanie Ham: I am the oldest sibling. My mother, Mrs. Deloris Whack-Richards, had four children: three girls “self” Stephanie Ham, Muneer Richards, Monika Harrison, and one son Glenford Richards. I grow up living with both parents: my mom, and step-father Chester Glenford Richards in East New York. We lived in a place called The Pink Houses projects. I traveled back in forth to my great grandma’s house on Linwood Street. She was very well loved and respected by the community. Grandma’s house was known as the bounder rooster place. My great grandma was a Godfearing woman. She would walk around the house, calling on the name of Jesus. Two blocks away were my uncles and aunts that lived on Sheppard Ave. Grandma Lizzy had 13 children. I grow up around nothing but family and friends. We were all pretty close. After the passing of my great grandma,

we relocated to Fort Green Projects. The family then all scattered abroad in the United States. I have three sons: Kay-Shawn Whack, Obadiah Whack, and Yahdiah Hamm. I also have four grandchildren, Kelsey Bowman Whack, Jarineeks Whack, Innocence Pratt, and Osami Hamm. I endured some hard times and moved from ST. Marks and Saratoga Ave in the area of Crown Heights, Brooklyn. I lived there for a while with my Mom, Deloris. She helped me until I found a place of my own in Staten Island, NY. In Fort Green Projects, that’s where it all begins. I met this wonderful man who showed me so much respect and love. When Leo Ham and I first met, I didn’t know that he was good friends with my baby brother ‘ Striker.’ I just knew that we knew a lot of the same people. On the hallway of the 6th floor is where we would hang out with some friends and just chat. During this time, I was an undergrad attending Nyack college studying

psychology, Old and New Testament, singing, etc. I remember inviting him to New Creation Christian Church and he would tell me maybe someday I’ll join you. One day, I was sitting inside Dunking Donuts with my friend Freddie. The kids started yelling, “There’s Leo. He’s coming down the steps from the J train.” On that day, I had on this beautiful pink dress that caught his attention. Every time we came in contact with each other, he would open up doors for me and carry my bags when I went shopping. We would have picnics in the park, laugh and enjoy each other company. He was just the man I needed. He respected who I was and what I stood for in Christ. Leo later proposed to me at the movie theater on Court Street. On November 8, 2013, we went down to the court house and got married. What can I say about the ministry? Well, I started at a little church in McColl, South Carolina, under the leadership of Apostle Michael Woodham and Sharon





Every time we came in contact with each other, he would open up doors for me and carry my bags when I went shopping. We would have picnics in the park, laugh and enjoy each other company. He was just the man I needed. He respected who I was and what I stood for in Christ. Woodham. When you’re living with someone up under their house rules, you have no choice but to abide by them and go to church. I was sitting in the back of the church, holding my Bible up, so it covered my face. It amazed me when the Pastor preached. I truly did not understand the power of the Holy Ghost that was upon his life. His eyes got wide and he climbed over the chairs. He gave an altar call and asked, “Who wanted to be saved?” I went up to the front of the church and I gave my life to God. That was one of the best things that ever happened to me. I didn’t know my YES came

with a price. God took me through a process. He began to purge, prune, and purify me every time the Spirit of the Lord fell upon me. I never knew how to shout, so I would get a tambourine in my hand. Sometimes when I got finished beating the tambourine, it needed to go to the repair shop to be fixed. It got to the point that the children did not want me to use their tambourine. They would hide it. I really need to donate some tambourines to that church. On the journey to find Jesus, I became a member of several churches. After St. Michael Hope Ministry, I joined Word Of Life, and I attended their Bible College for a couple of years. When I heard the voice of God, it was time to move on to my next assignment. It was at old Missionary Baptist Church coming down Highway 38 South. Here I did my initial sermon under Pastor Darrell Windham. He was one of the pastors at Word of Life and there was an opening for a Pastor’s job, so he took it. After doing my initial sermon, Pastor Windham called me into his office. God spoke to him to let him know my work there was completed. Our Heavenly Father sent me into a church called Solid Rock Holiness in a little town named Bennettsville, South Carolina, under the leadership of Apostle Irvin

Dease and first lady Mary Dease. I encountered the Holy Spirit at this church on a totally different level then I could ever imagine. Apostle Dease was preparing us for the supernatural move of God. I saw people spit up blood, demonic spirits crying out, smelling foul spirits, and sensing demons flying over my head. The things I witnessed reminded me of a Stephen King movie. Anybody that knows me knows that I hate scary movies with a passion. On Monday night, the woman was gathered together for prayer. We were calling on the name of Jesus. Suddenly we smelled a scent that was out of this world. We all look at each other, trying to figure out who had on a strong smelling perfume. It was none of us. It was the scent of Jesus who came down from heaven to join us in prayer. My passion is to see people saved, set free, and delivered from the enemy’s hands. The very thing that I feared the most is where I find myself ministering from a place of brokenness, a place where people have mental illness, and low self-esteem. Who would have thought in a million years I would’ve been working in a psych ward praying and interceding for those in need. My eyes have seen what it is like dealing with people of different cultures. Mental disor-


ders are real and it takes the power of the Holy Spirit to set them free. Interviewer: Why did you get involved in write a chapter and what do you expect the outcome to be? Stephanie Ham: God been dealing with me since 2005 to write a book. I just never knew how to get started. This project became a passion for me to see it come to pass. Interviewer: What do you expect the outcome to be? Stephanie Ham: I expect

He gave an altar call and asked, “Who wanted to be saved?” I went up to the front of the church and I gave my life to God. That was one of the best things that ever happened to me. I didn’t know my YES came with a price. God took me through a process. He began to purge, prune, and purify me every time the Spirit of the Lord fell upon me.

many souls to be saved, set free, and delivered. I pray that people have a closer relationship with God. Interviewer: What chapter are you writing about and why? Stephanie Ham: I am writing a chapter about hell. The funny thing is that our Heavenly Father allowed me to experience what it would be like if I was there. God also made sure that I studied the Book of Revelation to gain knowledge of Heaven and Hell. Interviewer: What advice would you give to someone who wants to write a book but doesn’t know how? Stephanie Ham: Pray that God sends people in your circle that can help you achieve your goals and you can trust. Interviewer: A lot of people are afraid of death. Should a believer in Christ be afraid also? Stephanie Ham: No! Not if your striving to do the will of God and Your Obedient to His word. Interviewer: Is Hell real? There are teaching rising up in the body of Christ that there is no hell. Stephanie Ham: Yes and Yes! Psalms 55:15-19 says, “Let death seize upon them And let them go down quick into hell: For wickedness

is in their dwellings, and among them. 16 As for me, I will call upon God; And the LORD shall save me. 17 Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: And he shall hear my voice. 18 He hath delivered my soul in peace from the battle that was against me: For there were many with me. 19 God shall hear, and afflict them.” Cross reference: Revelation 21: 7-8 says, “He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and hall liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” John hears a word from the Lord, describing what would happen to those who are full of fear, unbelief, and sin. He made it real clear what would happen if we don’t obey God. Interviewer: What was going through your mind when you had a near death or death experience? Stephanie Ham: My God! What was going through my mind when I Almost Died without warning signs? I thought that if I passed away surely I would’ve not made it to heaven because




I had a lot of bitterness and unforgiveness in my heart. God saved my life, so I can not only get it right. I have the opportunity to do something the rich man did not get a chance to do, which is to warn the people not to come down to Hell. Interviewer: How did you develop your faith not to quit believing for your healing? Stephanie Ham: I learn that there is a lesson that God wants us to experience through the trials. Interviewer: Did you have any indications that danger or death was near?

someone deal with grief? Stephanie Ham: In the medical field, we know that there are several stages of grief. 1] Denial 2] isolation 3] Anger 4] Bargaining; 5] Depression; 6] Acceptance. What we don’t quite understand is that people deal with grief in many different ways. There is no right or wrong way unless you try to commit suicide because you feel you just can’t cope with death. Interviewer: What is heaven like?

Stephanie Ham: We need to trust God even when you don’t understand the what, when, and why.

Stephanie Ham: Revelation 22:1-5 says, “And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him: 4And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads. And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever.”

Interviewer: How does

Interviewer: What were

Stephanie Ham: No, not when I develop PE. I only had warning signs when the cop hit my car on Cheraw Bridge. Interviewer: A lot of people are living recklessly. What would you tell those people who are living on the edge? Stephanie Ham: Stop what you’re doing. God is watching you and the devil is building up a case to take you straight to hell. Interviewer: What lessons did you learn from your near-death experience?

On Monday night, the woman was gathered together for prayer. We were calling on the name of Jesus. Suddenly we smelled a scent that was out of this world. We all look at each other, trying to figure out who had on a strong smelling perfume. It was none of us. It was the scent of Jesus who came down from heaven to join us in prayer. some of the challenges that you faced during the write a chapter project and how did you overcome? Stephanie Ham: I am still learning because we have the tendency to write like we speak. If our grammar is off, so will our English be as well. Interviewer: What do you know about the afterlife? Stephanie Ham: The afterlife is a life that some people believe begins when you die. For example, a life in heaven


as another person or animal. (https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english/afterlife) I know that if we choose to make the right choice, our afterlife will be all worth dying for one day. Matthew 25:46 says, “And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.” Revelation 1:1-17 THE Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John: Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw. Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand. 4 John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven Spirits which are before his throne; 5 And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, 6 And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his

Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. 7 Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen. 8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. 9 I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ. 10 I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet, 11 Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea. 12 And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks; 13 And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. 14 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of

fire; 15 And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. 16 And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength. 17 And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me. Jn 11:25–26 says, “Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: 26 And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?” And my last reference is Luke 23:43, “And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise.”

I had a lot of bitterness and unforgiveness in my heart. God saved my life, so I can not only get it right.





You are not alone. I am here with you. (Hebrews 13:5) Nine words that make up the very vital scripture above and take me to greater heights whenever I feel like I’m falling.

But knowing that this scripture exists, doesn’t mean that we know how to apply it to our everyday struggles. I think we fail miserably in that department. And of course, I say that with the utmost respect for anyone going through the fire.

I remember when I was just a little girl. Chubby, but still young. The memories flood in whenever I remember anything at all from my younger self. But I guess that’s the


beauty of memories .... to flood us with plenty of “what used to be.” El Yunque National Forest, located in Puerto Rico, has a very diverse ecosystem, hosting hundreds of unique plant and animal species, including the island’s famous coquí frog, which I recall was extremely tiny in size. Going to visit this beautiful tropical rainforest sounds amazing, right? Well, yes, for an adult who wants to explore or get away from a busy life. But for a chubby little girl like me, that was where fear set in. “C’mon, get in the car!” Probably the five scariest words I would ever hear. Sounds ridiculous? But it wasn’t when it put a fear so deep within me that it became a backpack throughout my entire life. Even today, I think about the trip to Puerto Rico and can’t get the memory of El Yunque off my mind, and that’s not a good thing. Sitting in the back of the car was scary enough, but going up that steep mountain....then coming down wasn’t exactly my cup of tea. I recall peeking out and seeing the high top where we would finally be.

We couldn’t get there fast enough. If that experience didn’t put the stamp of weirdness on my file, then the bat that got caught in my hair might take the trophy home. That’s correct. You heard right. A bat! Not the wooden baseball friend either, but the one with wings. Big old pointy tipped wings! I shout this atrocity with a complete body covered in goosebumps! That big old bat slash rodent flew directly and purposely into my hair as if...... As if the fear that was already resting comfortably within me from that steep, mountain travel up into this forest wasn’t heavy enough, more was added to what I felt was an unfair balancing act. I got to give a huge hand to the man who stood next to me grabbing my ice cream while trying desperately, I’m sure, to enjoy his own paradise experience. Because had it not been for his quick thinking, this flying vulture of the Pterodactyl family would have built a nest using my head. Oh, the fear!! The fear just added on, growing inside me like a root! But I do recall the comfort in that

Knowing that this scripture exists, doesn’t mean that we know how to apply it to our everyday struggles. I think we fail miserably in that department. And of course, I say that with the utmost respect for anyone going through the fire. man’s voice when he realized that I was not only scared, but I was embarrassed. As I tried to hold my composure, I couldn’t help the fact that I was just a child. An already insecure, scared, chubby child, and then to carry more baggage just became too great for someone so young. I actually began to build up my own wall within myself that would somehow shelter the real me harboring my deepest and darkest secrets that I refused to share with anyone but God. Fear was definitely a part of my life at one point. I mean, it literally took over me. Through this time that my family saw as fun, I would see it differently. The sweat




I think about the trip to Puerto Rico and can’t get the memory of El Yunque off my mind, and that’s not a good thing. Sitting in the back of the car was scary enough, but going up that steep mountain....then coming down wasn’t exactly my cup of tea.

For so many years, I went through my own therapy trying to heal myself from this emotional scar that I carried around since I was a little girl. I would close up my world and not allow a single soul to understand anything I was dealing with. I was one big ball of secrets. I always felt that if I were to give myself away, I would become vulnerable and easy to attack. Which in today’s world, would definitely be the story.

poured from my forehead every mile that we drove up and down that mountain. A forest of beauty turned into a woodsy nightmare for me.

That’s right. You all heard it first. My greatest fear. A fear so large that it literally took over my life. You got to wonder how something so small could get so big? Then ask yourself, how? How did I allow fear to grow so big in my life that it would literally take over?

Ah, I’d love to say, “Those were the good ole days,” but they really weren’t and saying that would just be a total lie. There were many other vacations that our parents took us through that didn’t stick like glue. Some I can hardly remember because it didn’t leave that thumbprint that El Yunque National Forest left on my soul, truly embedding a fear like no other.

From bullying to being bullied, the chain reaction would have to start somewhere, so it was better that I kept everything hushed and to myself...until now.

I believe it started small and as I watered it, it grew and grew and grew until it took up residence in my head, moving in entirely until I was strong enough to start the eviction process, in which God was definitely without a doubt, desperately needed.

I needed the one Hope that would save me from myself. The very hands that showed me how to suffer and die on a wooden cross and live again would be the very hands that would untie these shackles that slowly attached itself to me every day, causing fear to be so uprooted into me that only God could remove it. I built the walls that were closing in! No one was to be blamed for that but me. I was the culprit. The one and only fear dispenser in my life. A dealer. And just like any drug dealer, I preyed on the weaknesses of my flesh in order to attack the spirit. I was a danger to myself and I didn’t even realize it. Fear is something that can be stopped. But it can be very damaging through the course of time causing disaster and, at times, fatal wounds. Along with fear, you’ll find a few tag-alongs like worry, self-hatred, insecurities, and a few more dark spots: a bitter pill that is far too hard to swallow. For years, I had grown to inflict pain on my own through my own hands and thoughts. I brought more to the foot of fear than to my faith: a faith that could have saved me at any time. It


was there waiting the entire time to deliver me from evil: an evil that caused my whole existence to almost buckle. Had I gone further away from my faith in the Only One that could truly save me, I would have netted a fate that would have landed me in deeper, muddy waters. Life wouldn’t have brought me the joy that God promised me if I just kept my trust in Him alone. Eventually, I did just that. I trusted God and allowed Him to intervene and take over where I just didn’t know how. He became the

No one was to be blamed for that but me. I was the culprit. The one and only fear dispenser in my life. A dealer. And just like any drug dealer, I preyed on the weaknesses of my flesh in order to attack the spirit. I was a danger to myself and I didn’t even realize it.

rock in my world and I became less fear-filled. The more of God that I poured into my life, the more fear He drained out of my mind. The one very important lesson that I learned through years of cradling fear like a baby was that it could totally take control of your life if you refuse to look at it head on. There comes a time when you just have to let go and let God...... Let God handle what scares you most. Know that He is your strength and that life without His guidance is just a crash waiting to happen!

Today, allow God to walk you through your darkest moments so you can finally heal. Allow Him to bust down those walls that are trying to permanently take up residence around your life, making you a prisoner of your own mind.






Interviewer: Tell me about yourself, your ministry, and your passion? Elder Joseph Samuels: I was ordained as an Elder in October 2009 and have been operating in that office since that time. The Lord has called me to the office of an Apostle, in which I am to be ordained this summer of 2020. Father has gifted me in His Word to teach His Revelatory Word for this season and has also given me the gift to play music and to sing to Him through worship. The Father has blessed me with a Loving and God Fearing wife, Yolanda Samuels, and two daughters, which I also have four grandchildren. My passion in life is to stay usable by God in order to manifest His Glory in the earth, to walk in His Kingdom Principles and to Glorify His ways through my obedience to His Word. Interviewer: Why did you get involved in write a chapter and what do you expect the outcome to be? Elder Joseph Samuels: My involvement in Write A Chapter basically came from the promptings of my wife, Yolanda. She told me that with all of the things that I have experienced that almost took my life, it would be a blessing to tell my story. When we talk about expectation, as I afore-tated, I operate from a Kingdom Mindset. Therefore the

things that I do must advance the Kingdom of God and with that being said, it is my desire and always will be to be a blessing to the People of God. Interviewer: What chapter are you writing about and why? Elder Joseph Samuels: The two chapters that I wrote about are: “What Does The Bible Say About Death” and “Birth,” “Drowning,” “357 Magnum,” and “Accident” (which are a combination of one chapter). I wrote about these chapters because they are my true life experiences and through them, I desire to help others from falling into the pitfalls that I did throughout my life. Interviewer: What advice would you give to someone who wants to write a book but doesn’t know how? Elder Joseph Samuels: Heed the promptings of the Holy Spirit, pray concerning the desire to write, and seek the guidance of God’s Wisdom. Then contact your publishing company (Laughs out loud). Interviewer: A lot of people are afraid of death. Should a believer in Christ be afraid also? Elder Joseph Samuels: We as believers should NEVER be afraid of death, for we had already died and our lives are now hidden in

Christ in God. We, as believers, no longer operate under the Law of sin and death, but now operate and walk in the Law of Spirit and Life. Physical death has no power over us. We just transition into who we already are. Interviewer: Is Hell real? There are teaching rising up in the body of Christ that there is no hell. Elder Joseph Samuels: Hell is definitely real and it is enlarging itself daily for those that don’t believe in it. Interviewer: What was going through your mind when you had a near death or death experience? Elder Joseph Samuels: Each time that death came creeping at my door, I cried out unto the Lord internally. When I almost drowned, I asked the Father not to let me died like this and He heard my cry. The other experiences were so unexpected that I really did not have time to think, but I called on the Lord and He heard my cry. Interviewer: How did you develop your faith not to quit believing for your healing? Elder Joseph Samuels: I was always faithful in my belief in God. It’s just that at certain points in our lives that our actions do not match our beliefs. But as for operating in faith to believe for basi-




cally everything in my life, I have always been full of faith.

unreckless life of Christ in our daily walk before men and women.

Interviewer: Did you have any indications that danger or death was near?

Interviewer: What lessons did you learn from your near-death experience?

Elder Joseph Samuels: As I stated in the chapter pertaining to my drowning, I knew that as I began to sink further down into the water that death for my disobedience was my plight. There was no way that I had the strength to swim back up to the top. But I cried out to the Lord and He delivered me. In the section “357 Magnum”, I felt within myself that danger awaited me, but it was too late to be afraid. I had to face the hand that was dealt to me. Yet again, God’s purpose and His Grace and Mercy followed me.

Elder Joseph Samuels: Simply put, “Obedience Is Better Than Sacrifice.”

Interviewer: A lot of people are living recklessly. What would you tell those people who are living on the edge? Elder Joseph Samuels: I would tell them to consider the value of their lives and the great potential that they have within. I know that this is not the message that many desire to hear, but we have to continue to minister this truth to everyone. Sure numerous images are out there to gravitate to, we must present an image of love, kindness, longsuffering, gentleness, and most importantly, we must present the

Interviewer: How does someone deal with grief? Elder Joseph Samuels: I believe that it depends on upbringing, culture, and the overall individual, for everyone deals with grief differently. It’s a process and everyone has their own process. We must allow the process to run its course. As a Grief Counselor, I afford the individual to take time to reflect on that which now is absent, but at the same time speak to that which is present. As I aforestated, it is a process that every individual operates differently. Interviewer: What is heaven like? Elder Joseph Samuels: When we fully get the revelation of Heaven from a Kingdom perspective, we come to know that our religious sight concerning this matter has been faulty. I really do not want to come against anyone’s belief system, but I will say this, when the Bible talks about Gold, we know that this means Deity. Stones – Witness, White Robes – Righteous-

ness, etc., Therefore, when we speak of Heaven, there MUST be Kingdom Minded Revelation to expound on this matter. I leave you with this, when Jesus taught His disciples to pray, He stated, “…thy Kingdom come on Earth as it is in Heaven.” So there must be True Kingdom Revelation on this subject, not the religious falsehood that we have been taught. Remember this, “We all shall see Him as He is.” Interviewer: What were some of the challenges that you faced during the write a chapter project and how did you overcome? Elder Joseph Samuels: When I set out to write a chapter, I came down with flu like symptoms that had me bedridden for a few days, and after that, my grandfather transitioned, which took a major told on my mindset. It was something after another, but the Grace of God made a way to complete the task and mission. Interviewer: What do you know about the afterlife? Elder Joseph Samuels: All I know, as the Apostle Paul stated, “..to be absent from the body, is to be present with the Lord”.






Interviewer: Tell me about yourself, your ministry, and your passion? Allena R. Douglas Brathwaite: I am a 56 year old wonderfully blessed woman of God. I have seen and been through many things. I am not perfect but I love and serve an awesome God. I try to live my life by His word. I try to let my light shine in this dark world. My life is a reminder that God is real and that He is in the miracle working business. I minister to others by being a witness of His grace and mercy. I witness about His love. My passion is outreach ministry. I love letting people see compassion and no condemnation through my work. I love people in general and to meet them where they are. I believe that you can draw more people to Christ with love and kindness. Interviewer: Why did you get involved in write a chapter and what do you expect the outcome to be?

Allena R. Douglas Brathwaite: Prophetess Kimberly is a true Woman of God. Her books have ministered to me many times on my journey to seek God. I know that she is a true Prophet of God. She is transparent with her life and her journey. I have blessed so many other people with her books and they told me there has been deliverance, salvation, and elevation through her ministry. I’ve always wanted to tell my story. I am honored to share my story with Prophetess Moses and so many other anointed men and women of God. I hope that we will help others and bring them to Christ. Interviewer: What chapter are you writing about and why? Allena R. Douglas Brathwaite: I wrote about teen age pregnancy, domestic violence, and a brain aneurysm. These are all the things that could have killed me. God was yet so merciful, ‘’He kept me.’’ I want to

let teenage mothers know they can make it. People will put you down, but God will lift you up. Often, people don’t know how these young ladies conceived their children and what they are going through. There is also the spirit of generational curses, her mama did, her aunty did it, now this baby is going to do it.’’ ‘’The devil is a liar.’’ I listened to things such as a teenage mother will never be any good. ‘’All she will do is have babies.’’ ‘’She will never get married.’’ Guess what? ‘’The church should be the house of refuge. ‘’ I heard this from the church people. I was told I couldn’t sing in the choir any more. We have to be careful of the words we speak. Proverbs 18:21 says, “Life and death are in the power of the tongue, and they that love it shall eat thereof.” I want to show these young women life after teenage pregnancy or how not to become a teenage mother. Domestic Violence- God





saved my children and me. I thank Him for grace and mercy. The scars will always be there. I will always be a strong advocate to fight against domestic violence and rape. God is a deliverer. His grace and mercy is everlasting. I went to San Antonio, Texas, to become a Certified Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner. I am no longer doing exams due to medical issues but I am able to assist the soldiers with mental health aspect of this terrible ordeal. Interviewer: What advice would you give to someone who wants to write a book but doesn’t know how? Allena R. Douglas Brathwaite: Ask Prophetess Kimberly Moses!!!!!!!! She is a publisher and writer that will water you and propel you to your next level. Interviewer: A lot of people are afraid of death. Should a believer in Christ be afraid also? Allena R. Douglas Brathwaite: I am not afraid of death because of my near death experience. I read about God’s promises of the afterlife. I saw the other side. I experienced a peace that can’t be explained. Interviewer: Is Hell real? There are teaching rising up in the body of Christ saying there is no hell. Allena R. Douglas Brathwaite: I believe there is a hell because the Bible says

there is one. Interviewer: What was going through your mind when you had a near death or death experience? Allena R. Douglas Brathwaite: I remember how beautiful things were. I didn’t want to come back. Interviewer: How did you develop your faith not to quit believing for your healing? Allena R. Douglas Brathwaite: I wouldn’t quit because I was told I was a miracle. I read the likelihood of surviving the type of aneurysm I had was slim to none. After becoming a member of survival groups, etc., I developed survivor’s guilt because I didn’t think I deserved God’s mercy. All the other people were so severely disfigured and had to go through so much. I didn’t have to go through speech, occupational therapy, or physical therapy. I had to go through some intense soul searching and asking God to forgive me for not initially recognizing the miracle of life that He had provided me. God showed me that I had to live for Him and Him only. I was going to be a mouthpiece for God. I had to surrender to Him. My friends became few. My lifestyle changed. The words that were spoken over me began to manifest. I experienced many challenges through this walk, but it has only molded me and is

making me for who God has and is making me. Interviewer: Did you have any indications that danger or death was near? Allena R. Douglas Brathwaite: With the aneurysm, I was working so much. I had headaches in a different region of my head. I didn’t really pay that attention because I was working so much. I usually took Tylenol and kept it moving. I had been a migraine sufferer since I was 12 years old. Interviewer: A lot of people are living recklessly. What would you tell those people who are living on the edge? Allena R. Douglas Brathwaite: I was one of those people. I was working hard and playing hard. God will slow you down to get your attention. Interviewer: What lessons did you learn from your near-death experience? Allena R. Douglas Brathwaite: I learned the true meaning of grace and mercy. I am a living witness. I am a better advocate for my patients. I really can testify that life is a gift. Interviewer: How does someone deal with grief? Allena R. Douglas Brathwaite: Some people cry and yell. Some people sulk. There are five stages of grief. (1.Denial& Isolation 2. Anger 3. Bargaining 4. Depression and 5. Acceptance). It





doesn’t mean that there is an order that you must go through them. I am a dreamer. In 2002, I was awakened to these dreams of a funeral in my home church in Ruston, LA. They were troubling, but I would go back to sleep. I asked God to reveal the meaning. I continued to dream this dream for a few more nights, but there was an urgency that I needed to go to LA. I finally went in to talk to my boss who was a woman of God. She asked me had I prayed. I said, “Yes Ma’am.” She asked me, ‘’What has the Holy Ghost said?” I said. ‘’I don’t know?” She told me, ‘’If it’s bothering you and you are blocking out hearing God, maybe you should make a trip.” I made a trip to LA. As soon as I made it to Dallas, TX, I received a call saying my grandmother was critically ill and in the hospital. I told my mother, ‘’Nana is 90 yrs. old and don’t want any heroic measures.’’ She said, “Ok.” I made it home and visited with my mom. The next day I visited my college age son and nephew who were living there. I took them to lunch to minister to them and shop. We went to the nursing home to visit old patients and take gifts. We went 2 miles across the street to the hospital to see my mother and grandmother. My mother was lying on the floor. Initially it was not troubling because my mother makes pallets everywhere she goes. My grandmother was making unintelligible

noises. I calmed my grandmother down and later go to my mother to wake her up. I shake her and she is stiff, and semi warm. I yell, but the Holy Ghost said, ‘’You are a nurse.’’ I start CPR. The code team came in. They took her to ICU where 5 minutes later she expired at 2:00 pm. I go home devastated. 2 am in the morning my grandmother expires. We had their funerals on June 15, 2002. It took me 12 years to get over that. I lived for everyone else except me. I didn’t have a pastor at that time. I messed up relationships with people back home because they didn’t know why I never went back to visit. I couldn’t, because I listened to the whispers of the enemy. ‘’If I wouldn’t have stayed at lunch so long, maybe I could have saved Mom.” “If I wouldn’t have went to visit the patients at the nursing home and took them gifts, they would have been alive.” It took Colonel Lue Reeves to tell me go back home, and make things right. God knows all. He was in control not you. Don’t let your good, be evil spoken of.’’

many rooms. If it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you. I will come back and take you to be with me that you also be where I am’’

Interviewer: What is heaven like?

Interviewer: What do you know about the afterlife?

Allena R. Douglas Brathwaite: I believe that heaven is real because Jesus said it. In John 14: 1-3, He tells us don’t let your heart be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me. In my Father’s House (heaven) there are

Allena R. Douglas Brathwaite: That we have the promise of living in the Kingdom with God.

Interviewer: What were some of the challenges that you faced during the write a chapter project and how did you overcome? Allena R. Douglas Brathwaite: I experienced my computer dumping all my work. I went out and bought a new laptop. I experienced pneumonia, was out sick for a week, while working long hours. I had a difficult time getting someone to do my hair, makeup and headshots. Prophetess Kim continued to encourage us in the private group and helped us tremendously. Also there was encouragement from others writers who are doing this project. I appreciate the feedback from other writers and the prayers. Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that all things work for the good of those who love him, which have been called according to his purpose.”






Interviewer: Tell me about yourself, your ministry, and your passion? Emelia Adjei: I am a woman who strives to live right, in love with God, and to advance the kingdom. I am an author of two books titled – “Accelerate to Glory” & “Life in the Diaspora.” Also, I am a philanthropist interested in helping to make a difference in people’s lives and a better world. Lastly, I am the founder of the non-profit organization called “Empower The Children” that supports orphans and less privileged kids in Africa.

Emelia Adjei: I am writing on being “Terrorized by Fibroids.” I was under that affliction for ten years. Interviewer: What advice would you give to someone who wants to write a book but does not know how? Emelia Adjei: Connect with a mentor or coach who can guide you through the process. It will make it easier and faster. One can start by collaborating with other writers on a book by writing a chapter to get in the flow of writing then build on it for an entire book.

Interviewer: Why did you get involved in write a chapter and what do you expect the outcome to be?

Interviewer: Many people are afraid of death. Should a believer in Christ be afraid also?

Emelia Adjei: The title of the book resonated with my testimony of a near death experience. It was time to share since I have not talked about it publicly or even to close family and friends. When it happened, I knew the right time would come to talk about it and give God the Glory.

Emelia Adjei: As a Christian, if we are living right and according to the Word of God, then we should look forward to meeting the maker God and not frightened of death.

Interviewer: What chapter are you writing about and why?

Interviewer: Is Hell real? There are teaching rising up in the body of Christ saying there is no hell. Emelia Adjei: Yes and it confirmed in many verses in the Bible, such as In Matthew 5:29 - If your right

It was time to share since I have not talked about it publicly or even to close family and friends. When it happened, I knew the right time would come to talk about it and give God the Glory. eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. There’s no negotiation, either heaven or hell and each one is accountable for that choice. Interviewer: What was going through your mind when you had a near death or death experience? Emelia Adjei: I realized spiritual attacks manifesting to the physical realm is





real. The devil is vicious. He comes to kill and destroy. There is a name called Jesus with greater power than him. Interviewer: How did you develop your faith not to quit believing for your healing? Emelia Adjei: I got to a point and realized that either I took the high right road or other mediums. I’ve come too far to give up on God. Interviewer: Did you have any indications that danger or death was near? Emelia Adjei: Yes, I felt it until God revived me back to life. Interviewer: Many people are living recklessly. What would you tell those people who are living on the edge? Emelia Adjei: Change their ways before it late since many don’t have the opportunity to make it right with God. Life might seem and feel good because you living in sin and reckless, devil will not bother because you are part of his camp. Interviewer: What lessons did you learn from your near-death experience? Emelia Adjei: We have to be in the presence of God and put on the full armor of prayer, and decree Psalms 91. Interviewer: How does someone deal with grief?

Emelia Adjei: Grief is a process and painful, but staying grounded in God and His Word will bring peace and strength to carry on each day. Interviewer: What is heaven like? Emelia Adjei: Heaven is indescribable in its beauty. There are streets of gold and bright lights. Interviewer: What were some of the challenges that you faced during the write a chapter project and how did you overcome? Emelia Adjei: I needed an extra ten hours in the evening after work to write. After sitting in front of the computer all day at work, I did not feel like it in the evening when I got home. Interviewer: What do you know about the afterlife? Emelia Adjei: The afterlife is real. We are here on this earth temporarily. How we live will determine where we will spend eternity.

Connect with a mentor or coach who can guide you through the process. It will make it easier and faster. One can start by collaborating with other writers on a book by writing a chapter to get in the flow of writing then build on it for an entire book.






Interviewer: Tell me about yourself, your ministry, and your passion? Melissa Jackson: At the tender age of 9, after reading the book of Revelation in one night, I remember making a conscious decision to give my life to Christ Jesus. From that night on, I knew that life would not be the same. I was raised to always read the Bible and pray every day to grow stronger in the Lord. My mother wanted me to stay rooted in the Word of God so that when trouble came, I knew exactly where to turn. I stay hungry and available with a humble heart to hear from God. Reading the Word of God, through the Spirit of God, and receiving downloads from heaven to teach and preach to those assigned to me is one of the things I enjoy. I had several roles in the ministry, such as Children Church Assistant, Church Program Coordinator, Drama Team Member, Choir Member, and Praise and Worship Team Member/Leader. But my true passion is spreading the good news all over the world to the souls of man through speech and vocal

abilities. Interviewer: Why did you get involved in write a chapter and what do you expect the outcome to be? Melissa Jackson: Honestly, I didn’t want to get involved with writing a chapter project because I don’t like talking about my personal experiences, but for some reason, I kept getting an urge to do it. Of course, I tried to brush it off, but something inside of me kept saying, “Your testimony is not for you, but for the uplifting of the saints. Through your testimonies, people can build their faith up”. I kept fighting the nudge, but I kept hearing it at the 6 o’clock prayer and the noon day prayer calls. I told myself that I better pray on this because it is calling my name. I texted my mentor and asked for extra prayers and here we are. The outcome I want from these two chapters are (a) for people to know that no matter what it looks like, God can do it and do it well and (b) I want them to stay encouraged during the down times because it always gets better in the latter years.

My mother wanted me to stay rooted in the Word of God so that when trouble came, I knew exactly where to turn. I stay hungry and available with a humble heart to hear from God.

Interviewer: What chapter are you writing about and why? Melissa Jackson: I wrote declarations to cancel death. I chose this chapter because I made a conscious decision, right before I said yes to this project, that death has no power over me or my surroundings. When I saw that chapter was going to be a part of the book, I knew for sure God wanted me to be a part of this project. Interviewer: What advice


Of course, I tried to brush it off, but something inside of me kept saying, “Your testimony is not for you, but for the uplifting of the saints. Through your testimonies, people can build their faith up”.

would you give to someone who wants to write a book but doesn’t know how? Melissa Jackson: First, pray about it and hear from God. And ask Him to lead you in the right direction on what to write and how to get it done in a timely manner. I would also advise writers to write as much as possible and don’t worry about how it sounds. Everything will come together during your proofreading phases. Interviewer: A lot of people are afraid of death. Should a believer in Christ be afraid also? Melissa Jackson: No. When you have done all

your work on earth and God acknowledges that you have been a good and faithful servant, you should have a knowing that everything is going to be alright. Interviewer: Is Hell real? There are teaching rising up in the body of Christ saying there is no hell. Melissa Jackson: Oh yes, Hell is real. I didn’t experience it personally, but I had family members that had an experience there. It’s like having all the bad feelings from earth traveling with you to hell. Except for this time, you can see things more clearly. If you have a lifetime of deceitfulness, lying, stealing, sickness, depression, abuse, lust, jealousy, etc., and you didn’t overcome it, then they were right there tormenting you forever. Then you feel sorrowful because in hell you know that all that stuff was not worth hell. Interviewer: What was going through your mind when you had a near death or death experience? Melissa Jackson: All I could think of was that I wasn’t ready to go and how disappointed I was in myself. I felt like I didn’t complete all of my work on earth. I felt like the servant that buried the one talent and kept it safe for the Master’s return. I started seeing all the missed opportunities

I had to show the power of Christ in my life. I said, “Lord, please give me another chance to do what you called me to do with confidence and finish well.” Thank God, He heard my prayer because I am alive today to tell my story. Interviewer: How did you develop your faith not to quit believing for your healing? Melissa Jackson: I had a lifetime of seeing people come back from sickness and even death. I saw how God healed them over and over, and I know if He did for them, then He would do it for me. Interviewer: Did you have any indications that danger or death was near? Melissa Jackson: Yes. My nephew and my middle sister felt it all around me. I also saw a black shadow following me for several months. Now that I have overcome, I know now that Jesus has the power over death. Interviewer: A lot of people are living recklessly. What would you tell those people who are living on the edge? Melissa Jackson: Stop!!!! Think through the process and the consequences before you react. Then ask yourself, is it worth it! Interviewer: What lessons did you learn from your





near-death experience?

Melissa Jackson: The main thing is to get an understanding of the situation that is giving you grief and discuss it with God. And if you need more help, don’t be ashamed to ask for professional help.

through the nights. I was getting upset because I usually turn my work in early. From all of this, my brain was all over the place. I just couldn’t find the time nor the inspiration to write. I got some encouraging words from my mentor, which got me back on track. I finally told myself I needed to make another schedule that I had to stick by no matter what. I stuck by the schedule and was able to turn the manuscript in by the deadline.

Interviewer: What is heaven like?

Interviewer: What do you know about the afterlife?

Melissa Jackson: I only saw a snippet of heaven when a Saint of God has passed. When a saint makes it into heaven, all the past generations gather around, greet you, and fill you in the heavenly side. It is a peaceful and joyful place to be from what I felt from the visions.

Melissa Jackson: I know there is an afterlife and it all depends on the decisions you make on the earth, which will dictate where you will spend eternity. A close relative died as a teenager and felt the love of Christ all around her. When she was asked if she wanted to return, she said yes because she knew her mother wouldn’t take it well. She has a great understanding of why people chose to die and go to heaven because the love of God is so consuming.

Melissa Jackson: I learned not to neglect self-care for me. Interviewer: How does someone deal with grief?

Interviewer: What were some of the challenges that you faced during the write a chapter project and how did you overcome? Melissa Jackson: At the beginning, I was writing smoothly because I wrote out a schedule to write for a minimum of one hour per day. This schedule lasted for about eight days and then random stuff started popping up out of nowhere. My work volume and stress levels on the job increased. The house was getting unorganized and I couldn’t sleep

If you have a lifetime of deceitfulness, lying, stealing, sickness, depression, abuse, lust, jealousy, etc., and you didn’t overcome it, then they were right there tormenting you forever. Then you feel sorrowful because in hell you know that all that stuff was not worth hell.






















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