March Rejoice Essential 2017

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CONTENT WELCOME Page 04 Contributors Page 08 Healthy Living Page 10 The Truth Will Set You Free Page 12 Jonah Page 14 Prophetess Shalonda McClendon Page 21 We Have The Mind Of Christ Page 24 The Prophet Samuel: True Intimacy with The Lord Page 28 You Are Love More Than You Will Ever Know Page 30 The Love That Heals Our Past, Present, And Future Page 33 Pregnant and Natural Page 36 Tron’s Fashion Page 38 Prophet Fred Louis Page 46 Prophetess Naomi Louis

Page 58 Psalm 37: Part 14 More Than a Conqueror Page 60 Psalm 37: Part 15 Renewed Page 62 Psalm 37: Part 16 Cornerstone Page 64 A word for the body of Christ Page 69 Joel The Prophet Page 72 11 reasons why we suffer


Page 74 Six Signs of a religious spirit Page 77 Testimonies Page 80 Nathan The Prophet Page 82 Ezekiel: The Prophet Page 84 Amos: The Prophet Page 86 God Controls All Aspects of The Universe Page 88 Isaiah The Prophet Page 90 Elijah The Prophet



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Kimberly Hargraves Founder And Chief Editor Colorado Springs, Colorado

Melody Summers Writer And Interviewer Orangeburg, South Carolina

Tron Moses Photographer, Designer, Marketer Bennettsville, South Carolina

Reynaldo Rodriguez Writer Chicago, Illinois

Brittany Lowery Writer And Interviewer Charlotte, North Carolina

Keiyia Jackson-George Writer And Editor Cane Garden Bay, Tortola Virgin Islands


Misha Wesley Writer Memphis, TN

Amber Brown Writer Poplar Bluff, Missouri

Mia Mason Writer And Editor Salisbury, NC

Bobbie Ford Nutritionist Bennettsville, South Carolina Way to go Team Rejoice Essential! Our Contributors have put together articles that are inspirational and very insightful dealing with various issues in life. Each page inside is a blessing. If you like the work we are doing here and would like to contribute financially, you can donate at paypal account at

Shirley Ann Cooper Writer Kissimmee, Florida praise





Keshia Hammonds

Tanya Campbell

Quiana Robinson

Sherian Blue

Eureka Henderson

Tasha N’cho

Elijah Albritton





Photography b

by Tron Moses





THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE By Reynaldo Rodriguez going to be met by God who promises to meet all our needs “according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4: 19). The most critical needs are the being needs and they are the ones most wonderfully met in Christ.

Nobody is more insecure or sick than controllers. They wrongly believe they can establish themselves by trying to control and manipulate other people or circumstances in life. In other words, they are trying to play God. The fruit of the Spirit is not spouse control or staff control or environmental control; it is self control, “ gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” (Galatians 5: 23) On the other hand, extreme efforts at self discipline without the grace of God often lead to legalism or perfectionism and result in self destruction. The world would have us to think we are masters of our fates and

the captains of our soul, but we really aren’t. The human soul was not designed to function as a master. “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” (Matthew 6: 24), being deceived into thinking we are serving ourselves. Every temptation is an attempt by the devil to get us to live our lives independently of God. Satan tempts us just as he did Jesus by appealing to our most basic and legitimate needs. The question is: Are these needs going to be met by the world, the flesh and the devil, or are they

Imagine for a moment a typical college man. Let’s call him Robert. Robert is into the college social scene. He sees himself as a skin-wrapped package of salivary glands, tastes buds and sex drives. So how does Robert occupy his time with this self— perception? By eating and by chasing girls. He eats anything and everything in sight regardless of its nutritional value. He chases just about anything in a skirt, but he has a special gleam in his eye for luscious—looking Susie, the cheerleader. Robert was chasing sweet little Susie around the campus one day when the track coach finally caught up with Robert and asked, “Why don’t you come out and run for the track team?” “Naw,” Robert answered, watching for Susie out of the corner of his eye. “I’m too busy.” But the coach wasn’t about to take “naw” for an answer. He finally convinced Robert at least to give a track a try. So Robert started working out with the track team and discovered that he really could run. He changed his eating and sleeping habits and his skills improved further. He started winning some races and posting some excellent times for his


event. Finally Robert was invited to the big race at the state tournament. He arrived at the track early to stretch and warm up. Then, only a few minutes before his event, guess who showed up: sweet little Susie, looking more beautiful and desirable than ever. She pranced up to Robert in a scanty outfit that accentuated her finer physical features. In her hands was a sumptuous slice of apple pie with several scoops of ice cream piled on the top of it. “I’ve missed you, Robert,” she sang sweetly. “If you come with me now, you can have all this and me too.” “No way, Susie,” Robert responded. “Why not? Susie pouted. “Because I’m a runner.” What is different about Robert? What happened to his drives and glands? He is still the same guy who would pack away three burgers, two bags of fries and a quart of Pepsi without batting an eye. He is still the same guy who was just itching to get close to beautiful Susie. His understanding of himself has changed, though. He no longer sees himself primarily as a bundle of physical urges, but as a disciplined runner. He came to the tournament to run a race. That was his purpose, and Susie’s suggestion was at cross— purposes with why he was there and how he perceived himself. Let’s take the illustration one step further. Let’s say the runner is Eric Liddle, who was the subject of the movie Chariots of Fire. He was committed to Christ, but he was also very fast and he represented his native Scotland in the Olympics. When the race schedule was posted for his event. Liddle discovered his race was to be held on Sunday. Eric Liddle was committed to God and he couldn’t compromise

what he believed. So he withdrew from a race he might have won. Why didn’t Eric Liddle run? Because he was first and foremost a child of God and he believed that competing on Sunday would compromise who he was. His belief about himself and his purpose in life determined what he did. Many Christians in this western hemisphere of the global village called earth are not living free and productive spiritual lives because they don’t understand who they are and why they are here. Regarding this same example Jesus said once, Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28: 19 – 20) Peter presents another view of God’s justice, “ But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare. Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives” (2 Peter 3: 10 – 11). Prophet Micah provides from the past the same echo in his inspire words, “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6: 8) Jesus, ““Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to. Once the owner of the house gets up and closes the door, you

will stand outside knocking and pleading, ‘Sir, open the door for us.’ “But he will answer, ‘I don’t know you or where you come from.” (Luke 13: 24 – 25). “ Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.” (Matthew 7: 13 – 15). Jesus said to His disciples, “I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep. “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me— just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep.” (John 10: 9 – 15). Christians believers, who they are is rooted in their identity and position in Christ. If they don’t see themselves the way God sees them, to that degree they suffer from a false identity and poor sense of worth. They don’t fully understand the gospel and the dramatic change that occurred in them the moment they trusted in Christ.




THE PROPHET JONAH By Keshia Hammonds

When we think of Jonah I believe that we, whether consciously or subconsciously, think of “The Big Fish” or “The Whale”. And while Jonah’s disobedience caused him unnecessary hardship, ultimately landing him “in the belly of the fish” (Jonah 1:17) God was able to use it to thrust Jonah into his assignment. Although none of us have found ourselves in the belly of the fish, we have found ourselves in the wilderness (difficult situation) because of our disobedience. Jonah, although given a specific

assignment, did what most, if not all, of us have done at one time or another, RUN! Whether it was fear, pride, feelings of inadequacy or simply because we didn’t want to, we have disobeyed a direct order from the Father. God told Jonah to “Arise go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry out against it; for their wickedness has come up before Me”. (Jonah 1:2) Instead of obeying quickly, Jonah ran. Because of his disobedience, Jonah put others’ in harms way. His disobedience caused opposition for not only himself but for the captain and crew of

the ship that he was on. (“But the Lord sent out a great wind on the sea, and there was a mighty tempest on the sea, so that the ship was about to be broken up”. (Jonah 1:4) However, it is my opinion that Jonah was his biggest opposition. It is also my opinion that Jonah’s problem was that he was trying to save face. He was to announce judgment to Nineveh because of their sins. However, God in his mercy “relented from the disaster that He had said He would bring upon them, and He did not do it”. (Jonah 3:10)


Now, we would think that Jonah would have been happy because the Lord extended Mercy, but he was the opposite. [I cannot imagine the embarrassment of putting himself out there and announcing judgment only to see the opposite of what he prophesied]. If you have ever interceded for anyone before, you know there is great satisfaction when we defeat the enemy. Instead of looking at it from this perspective, Jonah seemingly chastises God for relenting. “So he prayed to the Lord, and said, “Ah, Lord, was not this what I said when I was still in my country? Therefore I fled previously to Tar’shish: for I know that You are a gracious and merciful God, slow to anger and abundant in loving-kindness, One who relents from doing harm”. (Jonah 4:2) If we are being honest here, I can say that I can relate to Jonah because I have not always obeyed, nor am I always quick to obey a command from the Father. Sometimes I have stayed asleep when He asked me to intercede! Sometimes I have eaten when He clearly told me to fast! Sometimes, I have had to have the last word when He clearly told me “a soft answer turns away wrath”. (Proverbs 15:1) As with Jonah, whatever my reasons were, it all boiled down to the fact that I was

disobedient. And, yes, just like Jonah, I have found myself in difficult places because of that disobedience. However, I cried out to the Father, and he was merciful. Although a little different in context, I would like to share an example of me trying to save face (like Jonah). This was about 10 years ago. I was in my classroom and I clearly heard the Holy Spirit say, “Lay hands on AJ”. (I chose to use initials). Now, I could not deny that I heard the Holy Spirit, CLEARLY! Because I did not want to come across as weird, I chose not to. (I chose not to despite the fact that she was in the coat closet crying and shaking). The next day, while taking attendance, I called out her name and the students asked me if I heard what happened. They proceeded to tell me that after school, she tried to kill herself. My heart literally sank! I cried for the entire school day. I strongly believe that the Lord was merciful to her, as He knew that would have literally destroyed me. In closing, I would like to offer bullet points that we can take from Jonah’s life: God is merciful (Jonah 2:2) God is the God of a second chance (Jonah 3:1) We cannot flee God’s presence (Jonah 1:4; Jonah 1:17)

We must die to self daily (Jonah 4:10&11) Our disobedience affects other people (Jonah 1:4&5) Jonah is my chosen Prophet, because he illustrates the importance of dying to self. He reminds me that God does not need my opinion; He just needs my obedience. More importantly, Jonah reminds me that when we are not so loving and kind, our Father is. And, it is with this loving kindness, that He has drawn me. (To God Be The Glory)!




PROPHETESS SHALONDA MCCLENDON Interviewed By Keiyia JOYet George Shalonda Y. WilliamsMcClendon brings with her the love of people and seeing them live a better more fulfilling life to her newly organized Love Walk Outreach. Her experiences of homelessness, brokenness and hopelessness has led her to establishing a place of resources, love and compassion for young women everywhere. Shalonda has been a Certified Life Coach & Public Speaker for the past 4 years and a published author for the past 7 years. She uses her training and life’s experiences to help bring others over a hump that they may be too weary to climb. Through internet radio broadcasting, interviews, live seminars and authorship, Shalonda has touched thousands with her messages of hope, inspiration and motivation. And she does not plan to stop now. Tired of living a life of emotional ups and downs, Shalonda “Coach Treasure” Williams-McClendon, has spent the last 15+ years finding the value in herself. The majority of that time was spent seeking that value through the validation of a mate. Some of it was done by praying that someone would notice her great potential and purpose and then point it out to her in a moment of prophecy. “Deep down, I always knew

that I was supposed to do and be very different than those around me. Different, but not better than them. I knew there was something and I spent my whole life trying to get others to see it and then tell me what it was. I felt that if they confirmed it, then that meant it was true.” It wasn’t enough. No matter how many people told her that she was gifted or special, she needed one more person. At every event or in every relationship, she needed it to be reaffirmed. It was this very behavior that led to Shalonda devaluing herself, just to hear that she was valuable. “I didn’t know that I didn’t love myself. Honestly, I never really thought about loving myself. I did always think about finding ‘true’ love with someone else. It wasn’t until after my fourth pregnancy that I just knew that I needed things to change in my life.” It was in 2007 that Coach Treasure decided that enough was enough. “It was time for me to get some understanding, so I prayed and this time, I actually listened.” It was time for this woman of purpose to begin to walk in her purpose. It was time to step out of the confusion that clogged

her mind. “I lived a very unstable life. So, all my thoughts and my entire life was unstable. I needed complete clarity, so, I sought freedom.” Today, using her life experience along with certified training, she lives to help others find clarity and freedom. “The first step to freedom is to know yourself well enough to know that you need to break the chains that have you bound up.” Through Self Worth Coaching, Books, Audios, Videos, Radio Hosting, Seminars & Workshops, you will be transformed from the inside out working with this Treasure. Interviewer: I was thinking about our interview in the early hours of the morning, and I wasn’t comfortable with the topic of Trash to Treasure. Define the word trash that you suggested. Prophetess: In the book I wrote on the same the same topic, there is a poem in the beginning on the same topic. It’s basically about how people in general can smell others trash, but don’t always smell our own. We deodorize and cover it up our own for so long that it begins to have a stench. The point of it is that we all have those things that have fouled up our life that isn’t always discussed. The poem





reads as: My Trash Stinks “This trash stinks” is not an uncommon saying “My trash stinks” is less common to hear of course Who do you know that will venture to strut around announcing such

Tis more truth I tell you... Your trash has been stinking for a long while too When are you going to deal with it instead of trying to deodorize the space it’s in You can not keep hiding your sins away

Being wide open and truthful about such

The shame that is there marinating in its own juices

Being transparent and vulnerable concerning such

The guilt that was thrown in there because of what you did The fornication, adultery, lying, compromising, the pretending It is all there waiting to be taken out Still stinking to everyone who is introduced to it

Being naked and unmasked when it comes to such... honest confessions. The facts are this... Discussing someone else’s trash is easy breezy

Are you willing to admit it now... “My trash stinks”

Who they are sexing Who they are backstabbing Who they are cheating on How many baby daddies they got

No more denying it... My crying eyes tell the story

How they are homeless and you’re not... The circumstances that led to them being without

The stench is so strong that I have not had a peaceful sleep in months The morning sickness from the pregnancy that I tried to hide is taking a toll The weight loss from the same has got people suspicious

Who molested her Who his supplier is

Is she on drugs? Is she anorexic? What’s the story?

How many times they have been to jail and

The dark rooms are closing in on me but I would not dare turn on the light

How much she had to put up for the bail

It will then show the truth that my soul is speaking

The circumstances that caused them to lose all they had... including their kids Yup... it is easy breezy

He is not the one after all I am not as happy as the story I tell... not anymore ago

Things went sour months

The bills are piling up and the landlord is tired “My trash stinks” Tis the real truth of the matter... Interviewer: So you are basically saying you had some trash that you were trying to cover up, deodorize, and scoot under the carpet. What happened with that? How did it come ‘out’? Prophetess: It wasn’t a secret, but it wasn’t something I broadcasted. I was preaching for an online venue and gave my testimony regarding the life I was living, the person I was with, the relationship ending, and how I became homeless when the relationship ended. I received an email after the message where I was encouraged to share my testimony in a separate setting and name it Trash to Treasure because I was some ‘mess’ with the adultery and fornication I was involved with, although I was still a minister. During all of that, I ‘paused’ my ministry so that I could do all I was involved in. I did not want to be wrong in ministry. I stopped my ministry to allow me to be in my mess and my relationship because I did not want to let it go. I put my ministry on the backburner because I didn’t want to play with God, but at the same time I was in and loving it. Things turned sour, I became pregnant for the fifth time, and then was homeless. Putting God on the back burner caused everything to blow up in my face. Interviewer: So you were in a relationship with a married man and got pregnant by him. Is this when you decided to put ministry ‘on the back burner’? Prophetess: I was in a relationship before this. It ended


and I came home to Savannah and felt like I needed to get into another relationship. This was my normal trend: get into another relationship so I wouldn’t feel the pain of ended relationship. In the beginning he told me everything. I knew he was married but separated for two years. I knew as a Christian woman that regardless if you are separated or not, you are still married. The relationship was something I didn’t expect. It was one of the greatest bonds I have had in a relationship. Instead of turning away from it, I rationalized as we were supposed to be together. I spent time waiting for his divorce to happen and knowing that he was still married, I knew I couldn’t be in sin and do ministry. Interviewer: Was he in ministry as well? Prophetess: No, he was not. Interviewer: What was your ministry? Prophetess: I have a women’s ministry. I have What’s the name of it? I have been doing it for the last seven years. Women’s ministry, brokenness, teaching, and ministering. That was the bulk of what I did. I’ve been an author since 2007. Interviewer: Do you ever think God allowed this to happen so that you can reach more women? Prophetess: I do believe that’s what everything that has happened in my life has been. That relationship. The relationship before. The homelessness. The promiscuity throughout my life. Interviewer: Do you had to

go through all of this to do your ministry? Prophetess: I think there are things I had to go through for ministry sake and there are things God allowed me to go through so that I can help other women. I went through the adulterous relationships and there has been more than one. I chose some of them and I think God allowed it to happen. I can use it for and my stories for ministry. Interviewer: As it relates to those things that you think you needed to go through for ministry, do you think there was another way you could have learned all of this in order to help the next woman? Prophetess: I think we can learn from other people’s experiences. For example, I learn a lot from my mom’s experiences. My father, my step-father, everyone was an alcoholic. I don’t have to be in an alcoholic relationship myself to experience what my mom went through because I saw firsthand. I decided I wasn’t going to go through it myself. I do believe somethings can’t be relatable if you haven’t gone through that situation themselves. For instance, a woman who is trying to rationalize a relationship she shouldn’t be in. I can help her see the deception because I had to talk myself through it. I had to coach myself through it. I had to go before God about it. In this generation, in this day and time, just telling someone what you know based on book knowledge or what I think I know or saw, they aren’t receiving it because they feel like you can’t relate. So learning from others experiences and not my own is great, but would that effective in ministry?

I’m not sure. Interviewer: I’d like to give you hypothetical situation. I am a believer. Whether I am seasoned or not is irrelevant. I know my purpose and know that God has me dealing with prostitutes. What do you tell those people whose ministry is with prostitutes? Do you tell them that you must have gone through prostitution to be effective? Prophetess: No. What I would tell them is that they have to relate the thing in their life that is the closest to another’s situation. Don’t get me wrong. I know people can minister effectively with Holy Ghost. My full belief is that even if you have never been through something, I fully believe you can minister with the help of the Holy Ghost but that doesn’t mean people will accept it. I tell people, when I get ready to preach, I tell Him, God you do it. You speak through me. Especially when I am prophesying. I haven’t been through everything I have prophesied. I know that God knows and He will use people. But when I coach people, one thing I am often asked is “How do you know this is going to work? Have you ever dealt with this?” Especially those who are frustrated. Many I coach feel if you have not lived through it, you can’t tell them. Here’s an example. I have never been a drug addicted or alcoholic, but I’ve been addicted to sex. I may not understand your particular drug, but I know addiction. I would tell them the commonalities between the two drugs and share with them how I made it through it. I can be effective at relating to you without actually have done what you have done. Any believer can effectively




minister with the Holy Ghost, but when you are dealing with a generation that is struggling with if there is even a God, you tend to have to prove it with an experience. They will just shut you out otherwise and wait for someone that has been through their struggle. Interviewer: Do you think encounter any backlash as it relates to your ministry or witnessed any souls being lost because you were in fully and then place god on the ‘back burner’ during the period of time you were in the relationship with the married man? Prophetess: No. But I think it’s because those I ministered to didn’t know all that I went through at the time. When I came back and renewed my relationship with God, I began telling my story. It did get to a point when I stopped praying because I didn’t feel worthy to talk to God. I felt shame but when I came back, it was me exposing myself so others wouldn’t have to go through the same thing. Interviewer: You’ve gone from the trash and now you are the treasure. Define your treasure. Prophetess: I never defined my treasure myself. Someone defined it for me, and I began to understand it and walk in it. Treasure is the hidden value. It may not have been hidden from others but it was hidden from me. I got into some of these relationships because I didn’t realize that I was so valued and treasured. I settled for anything because I didn’t understand the value that was in me. I’ve had many tell me how I never know how valued I was and what great purpose they saw in me. Treasure would not only be

the gifts and talents, but also the purpose and all God placed in me that I didn’t realize. I didn’t fully come to the understanding of it for a long time. Interviewer: How did you discover this? Prophetess: I came to the understanding through someone else. A few people throughout my life have always called me Treasure. I had a friend that actually named me that and told me why. I had a poem he gave me, but it was about how treasure is often buried underneath the dirt and don’t realize they have the capacity to shine. They don’t realize they have such high value. It helped me understand that because of all the stuff that was on top of me, doesn’t mean I don’t shine in the eyes of other people. Even after all of this, I feel back into some old habits because the full knowledge was there yet. Interviewer: So how does it feel now to know you are a treasure? Prophetess: It’s very humbling. If I wasn’t a believer, I’d probably have a big head because I see how much rely and depend on me. I found a balance between knowing I am valuable, but I know I am valuable only because of God. So it’s very humbling. How do you maintain your humbleness? I don’t really know. I just know that I am. I am past the point to where I don’t want to overuse God’s grace. Not to say that I don’t think his grace is sufficient, but as Paul said’ “Should we continue to sin as grace will abound?” No we shouldn’t and I’m at that point. I know his grace is sufficient but I am at that point where I don’t want to overdo it. My prayer every day

is that He create in me a clean heart and renew in me a right spirit. So I maintain it by allowing or asking God to check me. Interviewer: Can we talk a little about your relationship with your husband? Prophetess: Yes. Interviewer: I love to see you two interact with one another. You and your husband are like night and day. He’s a comedian almost and your words are like a rare gem. Now that you know that you are a treasure, how has this affected your relationship with your husband? And what are you doing differently now to make sure you don’t fall back into your old habits, other than completely relying on God? Sometimes relying on God is awesome but it takes a constant renewing of the mind. Prophetess: Reliance on God is really everything. Every decision I have made concerning him, I go back to what God says. It’s really interesting because our birthdays are a day apart, so we are similar in certain areas. That’s really frustrating because some of those areas are places where God really dealt with and pruned me years ago. So it’s almost like I’m watching some of the things I have already lived out. Needless to say, I also hold up the fact that every flaw we have I also think of the advantage I have in this relationship as opposed to the other. For instance, his pleading to have people to pray him you see in social media. He’s a ‘I wanna please God type of person.” He does that because he always feels something is wrong. He’s saying “I’m not everything I need to be. I’m not to the point I need to be.”



He has never really settled in the knowledge that he is a treasure himself. I have to make sure all my frustrations and thoughts regarding what I feel he can do and be do not overshadow that he will come in the knowledge like I did. I remind myself to continue to pray, of course, and continue to love on him like I am doing, while magnifying that he is such a great father, a great husband, and has a great heart of love. So, yes. I intentionally do this as I wait for God to finish His work in him and us. I talk myself into remembering, flaws are going to be in both of us, but we should magnify the things that are great and believe and confess God over the things that need work. Interviewer: When you say intentionally, do you mean you keep repeating what it takes for you to do this? Prophetess: Yes, and it doesn’t mean I don’t have moments when things repeat. I don’t want to repeat anything though. But there are times when I want to go off, I want to scream. I have a few times but I’ve gone to God in prayer saying, “Lord, I’ve apologized to him and I apologize to you, Lord. Please help me maintain this.” I then began to talk to myself. Reminding myself who I am. That I am a treasure and worth more. I talk to myself about what I’m worth. I have to continually remind myself of my worth. When you mention prostitution, I laughed because that’s what my next project will be about. I didn’t prostitute for money, but I prostituted for love and affection. I would get the attention and sex and it made me feel valuable. But now

that I know I am a treasure and worth way more, what do I find value in? Well, my husband finds my gifting valuable. He finds my purpose valuable. He finds my giving and my love valuable. Who I am as a person with other people valuable. He finds my love for his children valuable. He’s a provider, a supporter. When I need to go to a preaching engagement or other ministry appointment, I just have to text him and his responses are always positive and encouraging. This support is a whole different level of relationship than before. Before the value was on if I got enough attention and if the sex was good. Now the value is completely different. I’m not just ‘booty-call’ anymore. Interviewer: Wow! This has been wonderful discussion with you. You have truly gone from ‘trash’ and into the treasure that God has always planned for you. Your story will definitely touch many peoples’ lives. Thank you for being transparent and I look forward to reading your book ‘From Trash to Treasure’.


WE HAVE THE MIND OF CHRIST By Reynaldo Rodriguez

We stand in truth reveal: we have the mind of Christ. In Christ, we are able to know God personally because we have received the mind of Christ in our inner selves at salvation. It is written, “for Who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.” (1 Corinthians 2:16). In Romans 12:2, it is stated, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” This truth has profound implications for Christian

education producing as a result transformed lives by the power of the Gospel of Christ and His Holy Spirit. Knowledge to the western world has become nothing more than the collection of data. “That kind of knowledge makes us arrogant, but love edifies” (1 Corinthians 8:1). Paul says, “The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.” (1 Timothy 1:5). “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” (John 13:34), The truth (Christ and His Word) should set us free and enable us to conform to the image of God. “By

this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:35). “And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.” (Romans 5:5). James has some insightful words regarding this same topic: “Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains. You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming is near. Don’t grumble against one another, brothers and sisters, or you will




be judged. The Judge is standing at the door! Brothers and sisters, as an example of patience in the face of suffering, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. As you know, we count as blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job’s perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy.” (James 5:7-12) Returning to the dynamics of the past that brought us to these days or our lives, as a result of their disobedience Adam and Eve were not only darkened in their understanding. They also became fearful and anxious. The first emotion expressed by fallen humankind was fear. “He answered, “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so, I hid.” (Genesis 3:10). God represents security and peace, notice in verse 10 the beginning of the effects of spiritual death and separation from God which are fear and anxiety. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7). The absence of God’s peace inside of Adam’s heart is what produced his words. When we think about the presence of God, what do we say? What do we think? What are our emotions? David once said, “The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod

and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.” (Psalm 23). Fear of anything other than God is mutually exclusive to faith in God. Why is the fear of God the beginning of wisdom and how does it expel all other fears? “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” (Proverbs 9:10). I am aware that we are living in an age of anxiety. People around the world are paralyzed by fear of anything and everything about God. For the church in the West to come alive, it needs to resolve its identity crisis, to stand on truth, to renew its vision, and recover the fear of the Lord. Another emotional by product of sin is shame and guilt. Before Adam and Eve disobeyed God they were naked and unashamed. “Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.” (Genesis 2:25). God created them as sexual beings. Their sex organs and sexual activity were holy. When they sinned, however, they were ashamed to be naked and they had to cover up. “Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so, they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.” (Genesis 3:7). Many people mask their inner self for fear that others may find out what is really going inside. When dominated by guilt and shame, self-disclosure is not likely to happen. Humankind also became depressed and angry after the

fall. Cain brought his offering to God and, for some reason, God was displeased with it. “but on Cain and his offering he did not look with favor. So, Cain was very angry, and his face was downcast. Then the LORD said to Cain, “Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.” (Genesis 4:5-7). Why was Cain angry and depressed? Because he didn’t do what was right. In other words, God is saying that you don’t feel your way into good behavior; you behave your way into good feelings. Jesus said, “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.” (John 13:15-17).


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Introduction and Background Prophets are assigned to many arduous tasks, one of them being to release the word of the Lord. In order to acquire a word from the Lord you must have an intimate relationship with Him.

Therefore, in order to have true intimacy with the Lord you must become one with Him. It is within this, “oneness” that an exchange takes place. His heart becomes your heart and His word becomes your word.

word, and worshiping Him are examples of ways that we can cultivate an intimate relationship with God. The prophet who embodies a true intimate relationship with the Lord is the prophet Samuel.

A few synonyms for the word intimacy are: closeness, togetherness, and attachment.

Taking walks with the Lord, fellowshipping with Him through prayer, reading His

We can observe the foundation of the Lord’s and Samuel’s relationship in 1 Samuel


3:19, which states, “Thus Samuel grew and the LORD was with him and let none of his words fall to the ground” (KJV). The scripture states, “the Lord was with Samuel” which means the Lord actually dwelled with him. The scripture goes on to say, that the Lord did not allow any of Samuel’s words to fall to the ground. I truly believe the reason the Lord kept Samuel’s words from failing was because it was His word that was in the prophet Samuel’s mouth and the Lord is careful to watch over His word to perform it (Jeremiah 1:12 KJV). It was through the intimate relationship in which God dwelled with Samuel that an exchange occurred and Samuel began to carry the word of the Lord in His mouth. The word also states, in 1 Samuel 3:21 (KJV), “And the LORD appeared again in Shiloh: for the LORD revealed himself to Samuel in Shiloh by the word of the LORD. That is powerful. The Lord, our God, actually revealed Himself to Samuel though His word and since He is no respecter of persons He is faithful to do the same for us. I imagine that during this process, Samuel was learning about the Lord’s character and unbeknownst to him, acquiring the Lord’s personality traits as his own, we see an example of this in 1 Samuel 15:10-11, when Samuel is grieved by the very same thing that is grieving the Lord, “Then

came the word of the LORD unto Samuel, saying, It repenteth me that I have set up Saul to be king: for he is turned back from following me, and hath not performed my commandments.

Israel: now therefore hearken thou unto the voice of the words of the LORD” (1 Samuel 15:1 KJV).

And it grieved Samuel; and he cried unto the LORD all night.” This intimate relationship with God would serve Samuel well throughout His life.

While serving as a judge over Israel, Samuel did have some opposition to overcome. The Israelites had a wicked desire to have a king rule over them so that they could be like other nations. Samuel felt rejected by this request. I imagine that I would have as well. After years of living in consecration, seeking the Lord, and leading the people towards a time of peace, just to hear them say, “we want a king” would hurt my feelings too, “but the thing displeased Samuel, when they said, Give us a king to judge us. And Samuel prayed unto the LORD” (1 Samuel 8:6).

Samuel’s Assignments The prophet Samuel had many assignments while on the earth: he was a Judge of Israel, “And his return was to Ramah; for there was his house; and there he judged Israel; and there he built an altar unto the LORD” (1 Samuel 7:17 KJV), he was a prophet, “And all Israel from Dan even to Beersheba knew that Samuel was established to be a prophet of the LORD” (1 Samuel 3:20 KJV), he was an intercessor, “And Samuel said, Gather all Israel to Mizpah, and I will pray for you unto the LORD” (1 Samuel 7: 5 KJV), he was a high priest and frequently offered sacrifices to the Lord, “And he said, Peaceably: I am come to sacrifice unto the LORD: sanctify yourselves, and come with me to the sacrifice. And he sanctified Jesse and his sons, and called them to the sacrifice” (1 Samuel 16: 5 KJV). Samuel also anointed kings, “Samuel also said unto Saul, The LORD sent me to anoint thee to be king over his people, over


However, the Lord is such a good friend, he never allows us to stay down for long. He lets Samuel know that it’s not him that the people are rejecting but it is the Lord that they no longer want to govern them, “And the LORD said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them” (1 Samuel 8:7). Favorite Prophet Samuel is my favorite prophet because he truly had a heart for God’s people. He genuinely wanted to see them prosper and do well. This is why




it grieved him when they asked for a king. He could see the destruction that a king was capable of and he wanted better for the Israelites (1 Samuel 8:10-17 KJV). He had prophetic accuracy. Everything Samuel said came to pass (1 Samuel 9:6 KJV). Samuel was honest, full of integrity, and humble, he didn’t use his gift for evil by taking advantage of the people of God when they were vulnerable. He also did not turn a blind eye to their sins (1 Samuel 12: 3-4). He was obedient to God, he never did what he thought was best; instead he always did what the Lord instructed. There was an instance in which he assumed that Eliab, David’s brother was to be the next king, but the Lord spoke to Samuel and corrected him. Despite what Samuel thought was best initially; he obeyed God and anointed David (1 Samuel 6-13 KJV). He provided wisdom and direction to God’s people. He prayed for those who hurt him, instead of pronouncing judgment on them (1 Samuel 12:23 KJV). He turned the people’s hearts back to God, encouraging them to rid themselves of the detestable gods of the Philistines (1 Samuel 7:3-4). He had a strong teaching grace on his life and instructed God’s anointed on the importance of obedience (1 Samuel 15:22-23 KJV). He helped to deliverer God’s

people from the hand of the enemy through intercession and sacrificial offerings (1 Samuel 7:8-11 KJV). He really partnered with God by releasing His will in the earth through the declaration of the word of the Lord (1 Samuel 15:26 KJV). Commonality I see a lot of myself in Samuel concerning his relationship with God. He spent a lot of time with the Lord in consecration, which means He was often separated from others. I have been going through a long season where it’s just been the Lord and I for the most part. This is how I built a strong relationship with Him. Being alone was uncomfortable at first but along the way I came to realize that the Lord’s company is the best company a person can have. Through this process of being alone with God, I also have had the Lord reveal himself to me through His word. The more I read the word the closer I draw to Him. The more I learn about Him, the more I want to be like Him. Samuel reverenced and honored the Lord and this is something I do as well. Everyday I try to make sure that I am pleasing to God in both word and deed. Samuel had pure intentions for God’s people. He didn’t use his spiritual gifts to manipulate them; he used his gifts to cover, uplift, and edify God’s people. I share those intentions as well. Samuel was also an intercessor and he had

a seer anointing. I find myself praying for people often and the Lord also deals with me through visions (1 Samuel 9:18-19). Conclusion It is clear that Samuel had a heart for the things of the Lord and since he grew up in the temple, it is as if he came to know the Lord as, “Abba” Father. He had an encounter with the Father’s love and fellowship. As believers we know that love is what makes the spiritual gifts effective (1 Corinthians 13:2 KJV). Samuel had prophetic accuracy and there was not one word that he spoke that did not come pass, none of his words fell to the ground. This was only possible through the intimate relationship he had with the Lord. Above all else, I desire to have this kind of intimacy with God. To fellowship with Him so much so that we become in-sync. I move when He moves, I go where He goes and I say only what He says. Amen.






Notice here the analogy that the Holy Spirit represents as the “New Tree of the Fruit of Life”. By God, we were made alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions. (Grace). The sentence is described in past tense, as something that took place already. How did this happen? What was the heavenly dynamics that move the Almighty’s heart to show this kind of anti-destructive undeterred love? “But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8) The book of Genesis 3:8 – 4:9 describe the effects of the fall in humanity.

Spirit: Spiritual Death Emotions: Dominant Negative Emotions Will: Too Many Choices Mind: Lost Knowledge of God Rejection: Therefore, a need to belong! Guilt and shame: Therefore, a need of self-worth! Weakness and helplessness: Therefore, a need of strength and self-control! All sinful behavior is a wrong attempt at meeting basic needs. The essence of sin is man living independently of God, who has said that He will meet all of our needs as we live our life in Christ.

What effect did the fall produce in Adam’s mind? He and Eve lost their true perception of reality and the idea of knowing was no longer relational. We read in Genesis 3:7-8 that they tried to hide from God: “Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves. Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden.” Doesn’t that reveal a faulty understanding of who God is? How can you hide from an


omniscient/omnipresent/omnipowerful God? (He knows everything: our past, present, and future. He is everywhere. His power and dominion knows no end). Their distorted perception of reality reflects Paul’s description of the futile thinking of those who don’t know God. “They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts.” (Ephesians 4:18) In essence, when Adam and Eve sinned they lost a true knowledge of God. In God’s original design, knowledge was relational. The Hebrew concept of knowledge implied an intimate personal relationship. For instance, “Adam knew Eve his wife and she conceived” (Genesis 4:1). Yet we don’t generally equate a knowledge of someone with personal intimacy. When they sinned and were banished from the garden, Adam and Eve lost their relationship with God and the knowledge of God, which was intrinsic and central to that relationship.

from the Father, full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14). That was an incredibly significant statement in a world heavily influenced by ancient Greek philosophy. To the Greek philosopher, logos represented the highest forms of philosophical knowledge. To say that the Word became flesh meant that the logos was incarnated, that ultimate knowledge became personal and relational. Jesus embodied the truth because He is the truth. You couldn’t separate His words from who He is. The Hebrew dabar, translated as “word,” also conveyed the ultimate wisdom of God. The Gospel of John brings these two cultures and dominant concepts together in Christ. God was announcing to the world through John that the true knowledge of God, which can only be discovered in an intimate relationship with God, is now available to the world through God who came in the flesh Jesus Christ.

In our unregenerate state, we may have known something about God, but we didn’t know God because we had no relationship with Him. “The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.” (1 Corinthians 2:14)

In Christ, we are able to know God personally because we have received the mind of Christ in our inner selves at salvation. It is written, “for Who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.” (1 Corinthians 2:16). In Romans 12:2, it is stated, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

The spiritual necessity of being in a relationship with God to know God comes into sharp focus in John’s announcement: “ The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came

“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.” (Philippians 4:4-9). This truth has profound implications for Christian education. Knowledge to the western world has become nothing more than the collection of data. “That kind of knowledge makes us arrogant, but love edifies”. (1 Corinthians 8:1). Paul says, “The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.” (1 Timothy 1:5). “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” (John 13:34). The truth (Christ and His Word) should set us free and enable us to conform to the image of God. “By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:35). “And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.” (Romans 5:5).




THE LOVE THAT HEALS OUR PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE Amber M. Brown “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. For I am persuaded , that neither death, not life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature , shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8: 35-39). “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is selfseeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails” ( I Corinthians 13: 4-8). Love is in the eye of the beholder. When you look at others do you look with your own eyes or the eyes of Jesus? No matter which direction you take; if you walk in love you walk with everything you need. This is the Jesus kind of love! The love without limits. The kind of love that would die for you even though

you may not die for it. The love of God is shown to us each and every day. The very breath that you take is a sign of his love;for without it we could not truly appreciate the good from the bad or understand what true mercy and grace is. The miles from the tears; The courage among the fear; The hope even in the midst of the darkness that we face each day, the love of Jesus Christ is the first love you need.

tribulation worketh patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope: and hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly” (Romans 5: 2-6)

When I didn’t have a father, he was my father. When I need a friend that I can trust; he is my friend. When I need guidance; he is my guidance counselor. Why? Because he loves me and he loves you too! With that love, he carries you. You soar on the breath of his word as he carries you on his shoulders day by day, hour by hour, and minute by minute. Your love is his love and his love is the world therfore God needs you to love his creation. No matter race, religion, or gender he loves All of us! We are all precious to him. He loves us all as one because we are equal in his eyes. We all serve a purpose in this beautiful world. He died so that we may have life and have life more abundantly, Amen!

Jesus died for the ungodly which means that no matter what you have done, God chooses to love you despite of. So those who feel as if you are not worthy, you ARE worthy in the eyes of God. Those of you who feel as if you cannot be loved because those in your life have never shown true love to you, God loves you and is with you at this very moment wrapping his loving arms around you. The lost will forever be lost in their own eyes, but in the eyes of God they are always found! God knows where you are, what you think, what you will do tomorrow, and most importantly he knows your heart. After all, he did die so that your heart and soul may have eternal life with him in heaven. Proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ with love and a pure heart.

“By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that

Paul was chained in prison because he chose to preach the gospel, but he stood firm on the promises of God. He shared the gospel because he loves the people. When you love the


people you want to bring salvation to their lives. You want to allow God’s love to show in your life and the lives of others. Preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ is going to bring upon doubt, anger, and/or jealousy among some, but it will also reach the hearts of those that have ears to hear and eyes that are open and receptive.

“For this reason, I endure all things for the sake of those who are chosen, so that they also may obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus and with it eternal glory” (2 Timothy 2:10). Reflect on your actions and your words. Remember, love as Jesus loves. Salvation is the number one formation and without salvation there is no

weapon of defense. With salvation you then have Jesus, and with Jesus there comes power! With his power comes change, and with change comes love. With love comes mercy, and with mercy comes restoration! This world and the so called”love” of the world is ever changing, but God’s love never changes. We all mat-




ter no matter what we have done in the past, what we are currently during, or what we will do in the future. It says in the Word of God, “And such were some of you: be ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of Our God” (1 Corinthians 6:11). Despite our pasts and who we used to be or currently are, he chooses to love us, have mercy on us, and forgives us if we give our lives to him and ask for forgiveness. “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). If you don’t know love and want to know what love is like, start reading the Word of God. Jesus will speak to you through the Holy spirit as you read. Every page you turn is a new beginning, a new journey, and a new relationship like you have never had before. Jesus will lift your spirits and open your heart to more understanding than you have ever imagined. ‘Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the father, but by me” (John 14:6). Learn to love so that others can see Jesus Christ in you. When Jesus shines through you; his love lights up the world. Be a light to those in darkness! “You are a light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your father in heaven” (Matthew 51:14-16). This is a way to give others a sense of hope and freedom

seeing God’s light in you shine for others. Knowing that his love is still burning within us, for us, and through us in Jesus Name. The hands that lead and the steps that follow the voice of tomorrow is near. Beauty and love is carried in the calmness of the waves. It flows like the ocean waters through our veins; watch our cup overflow with the goodness thereof. He is our foundation to mold us, to repair us, and fix us in abundance. When we think of him we think of ourselves, and where we should be, finding out where we are supposed to be through him. He is our compass that leads us out of the darkest of storms, He is our anchor that bears deep into the barrier floors. Hope is a caption; a glimpse of what is to come. We look in the mirror and see his face; a splitting image of whom we embrace. Found deep in our souls is his voice that we hold dear with no everlasting fear. Just like a child holding on to the hand of the mother, so tightly the grip is unbreakable without any need of holding on to another. He is unfolding this paper called purpose; guiding us along the way so that we may never get lost and go astray. He hears your voice when you call his name because you are his child, his blood, his vision of imagination, and he is our suture, our healer for the past, present, and future! God is always faithful brothers and sisters. No matter what we may endure, God will always love you and will always be faithful to his promises. May the Peace and Joy of the Lord cover you all the days of your lives. Be blessed and be a blessing to others in Jesus Name, Amen! “If we died with him, we will

also live with him; if we endure, we will also reign with him. If we disown him, he will also disown us, if we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself ” (2 Timothy 2:11-13).


PREGNANT AND NATURAL By Keiyia JOYet George is, and the longer it takes to deal with, specifically detangling. It can take me anywhere from 1-4 hours to do from start to twist (my typical last step). At times, this will last over days as I ran out gas during the conditioning step and just left it in there with every intention to wash it out, at some point. Being pregnant, wash days are far and in long as two months! I guess that’s why during my last pregnancy, I was shocked to be BCL. I hadn’t really seen my hair much, and it looks that way again. But I have to remember all of the hats I wear, and I must represent each role well with properly maintained hair.

I am currently five months pregnant. I maintain a home, a business, a husband, and our three children. I volunteer and minister as well...and I’m natural. Pregnant...with all of this... and natural. I found myself recently washing my hair for almost five weeks. What I mean is, for five weeks, I’ve told myself to wash my hair and it never got done (emoticon: see-no-evil monkey).

Before you think I’m nasty and living with a birds nest or loc’ed, my hair was once butt crack length (would we naturals call this BCL?). I cut some inches and was maybe bra strap length (BSL) or slightly shorter but I am almost back to BCL. When I’m not drained, I can maintain my natural hair about every 1-2 weeks with a little pep talk. The longer I take not to clean my hair, the drier it

So because I am a low maintenance kinda girl, I don’t like to put much thought into anything I wear nor any style of hair. I mean, going to the salon is even a chore for me (you try finding a good natural stylist, at the right price, who won’t have you there eight hours, with my schedule!). So braids, wigs, weaves, or any pinups just won’t work for me. Plus, I do like to change it up a bit, so a set style where I have to use my imagination (or a YouTuber’s) isn’t for me. Maybe I’m just lazy when it comes to my hair? I wasn’t always...not until child number two and then life got crazy! (That’s another story.)




So, as I prepared to start thinking about what to write for this article, I was faced with two dilemmas: my hair is always super dry and I NEED TO WASH MY HAIR! So I’ve decided to take you on my ‘natural and pregnant journey’. I’ve seriously (this time I’m serious...maybe) decided to do something about this super dry frop I have (yes, I said frop). I recently (last year) decided to stop faking the funk and start using heavier oils in my hair. Gone are the days of jojoba and coconut oil (which I loved as a relaxed years ago). Now I’m an extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) and extra virgin avocado oil (would we call this EVAO?) kinda girl. I’ve also incorporated rosemary and peppermint essential oils because after baby number three, my hair line looked worse than Lebron James’s. it was completely gone. It’s back now, but even my hubby asked if my hairline was receding back then! These oils worked better than the lighter ones because I have mostly high porosity hair, or hair who’s follicles are typically lifted for no apparent reason (hence why it’s always tangled). These oil lasted longer (although not much longer) and allowed me to have moisturizer hair for longer periods of time. If you read in my last natural hair care article in the January 2017 issue, I’ve been studying (again but will follow through this time...most likely) moisture retention. And while that article was about maintaining moisture during the cold winter months, it’s something I learned about when I first did my big chop (BC) back in 2010.

Having high porosity hair AND at least three hair types on this lovely head of mine (maybe we’ll talk about hair typing one day), means I’ve got to seriously figure out what works and in which part of my hair. For instance, I’ve recently moved away from products with coconut as much as possible. I’ve been a Hello Hydration fan for ever. Before this line, I used the moisturizing line (pink bottle) from Herbal Essence and not did my relaxed hair love it. It loves the Hello Hydration conditioner as well (I’m sulfate free when it comes to shampoo), but the coconut oil.... So I’ve sought out new things. After using Castile shampoos (lavender followed by peppermint), I’ve walked away for these for moisturizing shampoos. Used some for the first time in awhile today! So, today I used Shea Moisture Jamaican Black Castor Oil (JBCO) Shampoo. Why? For one it has JBCO which does wonders for your scalp and mine has been flaky and itchy all pregnancy. Second, it has in apple cider vinegar (ACV - we naturals have a heck of a lot of acronyms don’t we) which is great for girls with high porosity hair because it not only resets the pH balance, but also closes the follicle down during washing. It also clarifies the scalp and hair. It’s packed with peppermint as well, which I love. The rest of the ingredients are assets with no coconut oil. I gently finger detangled and twisted my hair in three twists: two on the side and one in the back (for no special reason. I normally do four.). I followed that up with an hour long grocery bag and towel deep conditioning masque using Shea Moisture’s Mongongo &

Hemp Seed Oils High Porosity Moisture Seal Masque. I’ve had this awhile now but haven’t found the perfect combination to work with it, until hopefully now!! I washed that out with warm then cold water, and moved to my last step. I took my EVAO (which I’ve poured in A LOT of peppermint oil and normally use on my body to tighten and tone skin, or bring stimulation to this growing belly in hopes of combating stretch marks) and rubbed that along my hairline and into one section and followed that up with Shea Moisture’s Jamaican Black Castor Oil Reparative Leave-In Conditioner. After doing each section, I left them loosened to determine how I wanted my hair to dry. I haven’t found the perfect method to let it air dry loose, so I twisted my hair in eight twists and violá! Minus the time it took me to deep condition (one hour), I am ecstatic to report it took no more than 1.5 hours! And detangling was a breeze! (I typically finger detangle with a light combing if needed.) What I did notice is the right side of my hair, which I always referred to the feminine side because it’s always been the most manageable and healthy side, was way softer than any other part. My fingers just glided through it. This could be because I used the shampoo along the entire length of the left side, the masculine, thicker, typically shorter, less manageable side. The back was it’s normal unruly, ‘don’t do anything with me’ normal self, but it detangled better than expected throughout the process. Overall, my whole head of hair was softer and well moisturized (and very pepper-


mint-y!). I feel that each section has a different need and hope to figure this out over time, and pray that my post pregnancy hair doesn’t change much (if people, men, only knew what a woman’s body goes through to produce life). It’s taken me all this time to really take my hair seriously. Makes you wonder how it got this length in the first place...or maybe it doesn’t require much and I’m over thinking this? It is my goal to condition and moisturize my hair every three days, or Tues/Wed and Saturday. This will help me maintain my moisture during this pregnancy that’s zapping every bit of water I have (plus, you know...lifted follicles and moisture loss). I really need a support team on this! Will you help me? If so, go to and locate the message called ‘Pregnant and Natural’. I’ll make sure it’s pinned on the side. I’ll post this article there and we can swap tips and trades on the natural journey while pregnant. I’d love the feedback. But until then, Keiyia JOYet George








PROPHET FRED LOUIS Photography by Roman Vail Interviewed by Brittany Lowery

Brittany: I read your bio, and one thing that stuck out to me was that you are the firstborn Spiritfilled Christian in your family. Can you talk about that? Was it something that was difficult for you, or did your family support you from the beginning? Prophet Fred: Well, my family though I was crazy. It was very difficult because it’s not the norm. It was very abnormal because I didn’t have the normal process of a Christian. This is where the difficulty was. I basically forsook everything in my life. I was a business student. I had a 4.0 GPA at Everest College. I was dead set not only on doing business, but I also wanted to be a rapper (believe it or not). I had huge dreams and things I wanted to do, and I completely left everything. As a young man, I could have been making money doing everything I wanted to do, but I completely left everything. My family thought I was absolutely nuts. They thought I was lazy, they thought I just wanted to do nothing in life. They didn’t understand.

Brittany: How did you know you were called to be a prophet? Prophet Fred: I didn’t know I was called to be a prophet. When I answered my calling, I wasn’t stuck on being called a “prophet”. I was just serving. There were little things that happened that showed me this was really the gift that I had. My first opportunity to really preach in front of a lot of people was in Haiti actually. When I went there, I remember I was preaching in this remote city. At the end of the service, there was a vision that I had. The Holy Spirit revealed to me that there was a young girl to my left who just recently that weekend wanted to commit suicide. I called it out and for the first three or four minutes, I didn’t hear anything. Nobody came to the front. I had my eyes closed and I was like “Okay, I think I’m going to do the benediction”. All of a sudden I heard a bunch of people cheering; I heard a bunch of gasps. When I lifted up my eyes, there was the young girl on her knees with her mother with her hands lifted up.

It was just small occurrences like that. I would be around somebody and I would start praying, and all of a sudden I would feel the sensation of the Holy Spirit. I’d just start prophesying something and it was exactly either what was going on in their life, or exactly the way the Holy Spirit had me say it, it happened. It wasn’t until I moved to New York that God really started opening my eyes to show me that this was really my calling and God has confirmed it. Brittany: That’s powerful! So would you say your experience in Haiti is one of your most memorable moments that you’ve experienced while ministering? Prophet Fred: Well no, I think it was special because it was one of the first times I really prophesied like that (in front of a lot of people). Just recently I was in Boston preaching and there was a young girl I was praying for at the altar. She moved from Florida to come to Boston because her father was doing voodoo on her. He had the whole setup in his room and everything. When I was praying for her, all of a sudden the Spirit





of God started to show me exact details (her father, this is what was in the room, this is why she came over here). That’s how God uses me. I believe certain prophets see more than they hear, certain prophets hear more than they see. I’m more of a seer, so if I see something it’s usually spot on (exactly what’s going on). Brittany: How can someone operate effectively in the prophetic? Prophet Fred: The best example I think is Samuel (1 Samuel 3). He heard a voice calling him and he didn’t know who it is was coming from. He went to go look to see if it was Eli three times. What I tell people first and foremost, it’s not how to hear the voice of God; it’s how to recognize the voice of God. That’s the most important thing. We all hear the voice of God more than we possibly could ever imagine. It’s recognizing. Samuel didn’t recognize that it was God’s voice. Step two is you need a prophetic Eli. You need someone who’s more seasoned than you, stronger than you, who has a deeper prayer life, and is deeper in the prophetic. They’ll help you recognize “listen, that’s not my voice that you just heard, that’s God’s voice”. Third of all, Eli told Samuel how to respond to God. He gave him protocol on how to approach God. So, learning how to recognize God’s voice is number one. It’s not how to hear God’s voice. It’s not like a 7-step way of building a desk or building something

that you’re trying to put together. I think that’s what’s wrong with the prophetic today. We dim down the prophetic to 7 steps of this, or 3 steps of that. I don’t have anything against activation and all of that, but I think that it’s a little bit more authentic or organic than that. You can’t recognize that voice of God if you don’t have someone teaching you spiritually how to recognize it. So I think those are probably the two most important steps (recognizing the voice of God and having someone like a prophetic Eli to help you recognize it).

Prophet Fred: Pride. I think that’s the biggest prophetic no-no. There’s a very interesting scripture in 2 Corinthians 12. Paul had probably the most amazing prophetic experience that anyone in the Bible has had. He was caught up literally to the third heaven. I don’t think it gets anymore prophetic than that. When he came back from that vision or trance, the Bible says because of the abundance of revelation lest he be puffed up (this was like an old English word of saying full of pride), he got a thorn in the flesh.

Brittany: We see a lot that goes on in the prophetic. What’s one prophetic no-no?

That shows me that the greater the revelation you have, the greater temptation of being full of pride. You’re seeing things


that nobody else sees and it elevates you in society and in Christian circles. I think if you really look at it and do a case study, you’ll see that at least in American Christianity, prophets don’t seem to have very long ministry career. They come and they go pretty quick. It’s pride. The Bible says that pride comes before the fall. The best thing to do if you’re called to the prophetic is not to get caught up with people calling you a prophet. It’s not really important. In the situation of Elijah (1 Kings 17), after he told the widow of Zarephath “give me a piece of your cake and then go feed yourself and your child”, he prophesied to her and told her during the famine she wouldn’t have to worry about any food or anything. Then her son died and she called on the prophet. The prophet went there and raised him from the dead. If you read the last verse, the woman said “by this I know that you’re a man of God”. In the Old Testament, man of God really means prophet of God. So, by this I know that you’re a prophet. What does this mean? You don’t have to force people to call you a prophet. You don’t have to be caught up in being called a master prophet, a major prophet, or eagle-eyed prophet. Everybody is so caught up in titles. If you’re really prophetic, people will force the title on you. They will find a way to honor you as a prophet. I think it’s all about pride.

The number one thing that I see personally when I do a scope of the prophetic is that people are full of pride. Even the Samaritan woman in John 4, the Bible says that when Jesus told the woman “you’re right you didn’t have one husband, you’ve had five husbands…and the man that you’re with right now is not your husband”. She forced the title on Him: “you must be a prophet”. We see the opposite today. We see people who have no significant fruit that can separate them, and they’re forcing people to call them a prophet. You don’t have to do that. I don’t care if you call me Pastor, Bishop, Brother. I don’t care. I pray that as God gives me an opportunity to minister to you, pray for you, and flow in my gift, you’ll have no other choice but to but to recognize “whatever he is, he’s not just a normal minister. Pride causes you to talk down to people, exalt yourself, and be caught up in your reputation. That’s why Satan got kicked out of the third heaven. I tell people all the time to think about that. As powerful as angels are, the spirit of pride overpowered him. That’s a strong spirit. We talk about voodoo, witchcraft, and Jezebel. Those things have nothing against pride. Pride has so much power. It’s probably one of the strongest spirits. It has so much power that it caused Satan to be kicked out of the very presence of God. Brittany: So you’re getting ready

to start a church. What advice would you give to someone who is believing God to plant to a church? Prophet Fred: Wait [laughs]. I think that everything that I’ve gone through since I accepted Christ in 2005 up until now has prepared me for this moment. I thought I was ready at one point. I had opportunities to take over a church and there were always certain things that blocked me from getting those opportunities. It confused me, it hurt me, and I was disappointed. I felt like God had forgotten about me and my ministry. It’s when you look back that you get the greatest vision; it’s when you really reflect back. I think that the more I reflected back, I realized I wasn’t ready. I thought I was ready. It didn’t have anything to do with my ideas or my plans. I’m not exaggerating, but 90%-95% of my conversations with my wife are about ministry, the things of God, the kingdom of God. That’s all we talk about, and it’s mainly about the church, my wife’s album, and visions and plans that we have. I think God was just looking to mature me and cause me to be selfless as possible, because I think that traveling and preaching is a piece of cake compared to leading a church. There’s no comparison. Just the preaching element, you can take one message and go all over the world with that one message and speak it a couple of times and you’ll be okay.




You can’t do that with a church. You have to prepare fresh meat every week. Every week you have to come with a fresh title, fresh material, and fresh revelation. People forget your last sermon and look to you for the next sermon. I had the opportunity and privilege of being under a very powerful pastor (Pastor Mark D. Boykin). He has a church of about 3,000 in Boca Raton, Florida called “Church of All Nations”. I watched his life on a weekly basis. I see how he is as a father, husband, and man of God. I’ve never seen him get caught in any scandal controversy. I’ve never seen him do anything that would

show me that he was compromising his integrity. As a young man, that had a profound influence on me. People don’t really recognize the greatness of your legacy and ministry by your gift; it’s really by your character. When they usually say “who is the greatest preacher?” it’s usually not the one who’s the greatest preacher, it’s the one that wasn’t caught in a scandal. It’s the person that wasn’t caught with a woman or laundering money or caught doing any scandalous sin. Character, integrity, honesty… can you really hold those things over a course of time? I think if you can do that in a church, and also be able to be

consistent and dedicated and consecrated with your gift, you’ll have a good church. So I’d tell them to wait. Don’t be in a rush, don’t be in competition, and don’t go before God. Moses told God straight up “God, I will not go if You don’t go with me”. That takes a lot of maturity. When you see everybody doing things, when you see people having a platform, and you’re willing to wait…those who wait on the Lord shall mount up wings like eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. I believe waiting is the greatest advice. Not that I believe I’m in a position to be someone who’s giving advice to all pastors, because I still have a lot to experience to actually do it myself. Up until this moment, the biggest thing I would tell someone is to wait. Allow God to form and shape you and groom you like the potter does with the clay. Brittany: Can you tell us about a supernatural encounter you had with God? Prophet Fred: Oh yeah, sure. Wow! I don’t know where to begin. Well, my first greatest encounter was the way I was baptized in the Holy Ghost. For about 6 month, I was really seeking after God. I mean I would be begging God to baptize me in the Holy Ghost. I would take bathroom breaks at work to go pray and beg God to baptize me. It just never happened. I remember I was in a service in this chapel at our church in Florida. I was at the altar praying


for people and I turned around and I had a vision of the throne of God, literally. I saw nothing (I believe it was the inception of my prophetic calling) but just pristine white. The white that I saw, I could not explain. It was just whiter than white. I saw what seemed as if was the throne of God. I can’t explain the feeling that I had. I absolutely felt a sense of awe. I felt like a river of water was just rushing through my body. Out of nowhere, I just started releasing tongues like it was nobody’s business. It was that vision I had that was absolutely amazing and that’s where it began with me. It changed my life and is one of the greatest experiences that I’ve ever had. Brittany: Wow! That’s beautiful. So, your teachings are full of revelation. How can someone increase the amount of revelation that they receive from the Holy Spirit? Prophet Fred: Well, I think it all begins with your relationship with the Holy Spirit. There are a lot of people who know the Bible. I can think of some people who can challenge me a lot in the Word of God. I believe it’s your relationship with the Holy Spirit, your time and your communion, and your fellowship with the Holy Spirit that will give you an edge in your revelation. Let me give you an example, because I agree. The easy answer would be spending time in the Word. I think that’s a very good

answer, but I would challenge that because I don’t see Jesus spending too much time reading the law. Now, of course He was 100% God and 100% man. If you really look at Jesus, a lot of the things He was saying were very new. There was no precedence for what He was saying. We knew that He was God but 100% man as well. It all started for Jesus when the Holy Spirit came upon Him after He was baptized in the Jordan River. Then he went into the wilderness. I believe (this is just me, this is just Fred’s theology) everything that He taught and preached, He received it during His 40 days of being tested in the wilderness. Uninterrupted time with God… look at Moses who was a type and shadow of Jesus. Moses didn’t read any books to get the law. The Bible says that the finger of God wrote the law from him. I was sharing with a young teacher before, there’s nothing worse than giving a Word out of due season. That’s what the Bible says in Proverbs. There’s nothing worse than giving a winter word in summer or a summer word in the fall. Revelation is the right word at the right time. It doesn’t come from how much you read; it comes from how much you hear, how much you see. When you have a relationship with the Holy Ghost, you’ll be ready to preach at any time. If you look at the ministry of Peter, if you look at the ministry of

Paul, you never see them preparing for a sermon. They never knew when they were going to preach. They never got invited to preach. All of their sermons that they got were impromptu and right on the spot. Why? Because they were so filled with the Holy Ghost and I’ll give you a little secret. A lot of my greatest teachings are the teachings that I’ve prepared the least. My greatest teachings, sermons and revelations have been when I haven’t prepared. It’s just been the Holy Ghost downloading to me things that there’s no way I could have thought about it. I think it’s you relationship with the Holy Ghost, it’s your time, uninterrupted communion with the Holy Ghost, and uninterrupted time in prayer. Once you have a relationship with the Holy Ghost, you’ll know when He’s speaking to you and that’s revelation. It’s better than having all of the keys of homiletics and hermeneutics, the context or the text of the pretext, and all of that. Those things are great, but God can use you just giving a parable of wheat and pears and it will profoundly confuse the Pharisees and Sadducees who’s been studying their whole life. It’s your relationship with the Holy Ghost that separates you and revelation. Brittany: What is God saying to the body of Christ for 2017? Prophet Fred: Well, I don’t get caught up in that too much; I’m going to be very honest with




you. God is very complex, so God could be saying something to people in America that’s totally different from what He’s saying to people in Africa. The Bible says in Revelation that He had seven different messages for seven different churches. Sorry for being so direct, I think it’s foolish to say things like “God is saying to the body of Christ, get ready, get ready”. Are you serious? I think God is a little more complex than that. What I can tell you is what God has been speaking to me personally as I’ve been encountering people. I know that I know in the Holy Ghost, if there’s one thing that we are struggling with right now in the body of Christ, it’s mixture. We have a lot of compromise in the body of Christ right now. There’s a lot of giants who have left their seats open. There’s a lot of Moses’ who have either died or lost their influence for one reason or another (good or bad) and there’s a lot of open seats right now. I believe that with this whole desire to be new school, modern and relevant, we can lose the goods. You have people who have a little progress and a little success, and my goodness, the way that they talk about themselves; you’d think that they’d have like the largest ministry in the world. They have everything now. They have the media, they have the branding, they talk about themselves, they’re boasting, they want to mentor everybody, they want to raise everybody up, and they

want to be respected so much. You have people who have a thousand times more fruit than them that are not focused or exalting themselves or promoting themselves. I can think of so many that if I were to name their names, you’d have no idea who they are. Our generation is so focused on hype. I think we need to be more focused on fruit than hype. We need to be more focused on power than branding. You have the branding now. You have the flyers, the Facebook branding, you have the social media, and you can’t cast out a cockroach out of a section 8 building in the hood. It’s a problem. I think we need authenticity, we need real power.

Everybody wants to be called an apostle, everybody wants to be called a prophet, and everybody wants to be called this and that. Let me tell you something, you live a holy life, you consecrate yourself, you have character, and you love God and you do that over a course of time, you stay humble and don’t compromise… I believe these are the people that God is looking for. So, the mixture is a problem in the body of Christ right now, it’s a huge problem. I believe God is always saying one thing, consistently that I see through the Bible, it’s repent. It says in Revelation 3 that the prerequisite to revival is repentance. Come back to your first love. He gave Jezebel time


to repent and she didn’t. That’s why judgment came. We have to have a heart of repentance. I believe that God is always saying that. We have to be more focused on being uncompromising and walking straight. Character isn’t who you are in public; it’s who you are in private when nobody is around. Repentance is the biggest thing. Who was the greatest prophet in the Old Testament period? John the Baptist, he preached one message and that was repentance. People say repentance is turning away from the direction that you’re going, that’s just someone who doesn’t really understand the Bible. If you look up the word repentance, it’s the Greek word metanoia, a change of mind. It’s a mental paradigm shift, it’s how you think. You know somebody has repented by knowing the questions that they answer. Where is their heart? What is their mentality? What is their perspective? How do they view holiness? What is right and what is wrong? Nowadays, we don’t know the difference. If you mute the TV on a lot of great ministries, I’m sure they love God, but if you mute the TV, you would not know if you’re watching the MTV awards or watching service. There should be a difference in the body of Christ. Something about us should be different, and I think that comes with repentance. Brittany: Do you have any events or any projects you are working on this year that you would like

the reader to know about? Prophet Fred: Yes, of course. First and foremost my wife and I are planting a church here in Brooklyn, NY. The name is going to be “The Voice NYC” and it’s from the book of John when John the Baptist said “I’m the voice of one crying out in the wilderness, and so prepare ye the way of the Lord”. Our model is where the impossible becomes possible. We’re looking to do that sometime in the middle of this year. We have a starting date in mind. It will be coming no later than the summer time. I’ll be preaching in April in Florida with a good friend of mine. I have a book coming out that I’m working on. It’s going to be on the Holy Spirit but I’m not going to release the name yet. I believe it’s going

to spread like fire throughout the body of Christ. It’s going to be a different perspective, a lot of revelation that’s going really to bring the body of Christ a lot closer in communion with the Holy Spirit. So, right now my main focus is the church, this book, and this preaching engagement.




PROPHETESS NAOMI LOUIS Photography by Roman Vail Interviewed by Brittany Lowery Brittany: How did you know you were called as a Prophetess? Prophetess Naomi: I did not understand growing up what it was because I came from a family where both sides were born again Christians, but they didn’t believe in the manifestation of the Holy Ghost. From birth, my mom always told me how her and my father had dreams about calling me Naomi. She always told me that I couldn’t live my life as my peers. It always stuck to me and God always spoke to me in my dreams from a very young age. Everything I’d see would come to pass in a matter of days or in a week or so. When I realized that at a very young age, I’d always tell my mom “this is what I dreamt of ” so when it comes to pass, people wouldn’t say that I was making it up just to get glory. I didn’t know that’s one of the ways that God speaks to His prophets (in visions and dreams). They became clearer over the years and I’d encounter different and several men and women of God no matter where I sat in the church. They’d always

call me out in front of everybody. It was always consistent that there was an evident and apparent call on my life. When I look at the ways that God uses me, one can only come to say that it’s supernatural, because I couldn’t be able to do it in my own strength. The book of Zechariah says “Not by might nor by force, but by the Spirit of the living God”. I started getting mature and I was introduced to the things of the Spirit. It wasn’t that I didn’t believe in speaking in tongues, I believed in miracles, but I was exposed more to the abusive which would cause one to refute it in your mind. I didn’t deny it, but to me I didn’t think it was possible. When God sent my husband, (I was always thinking of ways to dump him), God used him and he started teaching me. The problem is that there’s not enough teaching in the body of Christ. When he introduced and was teaching me the word, I couldn’t help but to understand. My whole perspective and my Christian walk has changed, and I’ve been drawing nearer to God. I’m definitely not where

I was. Now I understand who the Holy Spirit is. He’s not just a mere force, but He’s God. He’s a person. So, now I’m embracing the manifestation. I’d be used and not even know I was used with the Holy Ghost (words of wisdom and discernment). It was like tying the pieces to the puzzle together. So, that’s how I know from a very young age that I was called to the prophetic, not knowing that’s what it was. Certainly over the years, God has put everything together for me. Brittany: How do you balance ministry and family? Prophetess Naomi: That’s a very interesting question. Well, the number one thing is my first relationship is with God, and second is my family, then the ministry. There are a lot of reasons why I believe a lot of marriages in the body of Christ don’t make it, because we’re out of order. Every time you’re outside the will of God, or you’re not in synch or in tune with His ordinances and principles, you’ll fail, you’ll fall. When you’re outside of His will, His grace can’t carry you through. You run the danger





of falling because you’re outside of His will. His will is God Himself. He’s the number one priority which is Him in three persons (God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit). Then, it’s family. That’s why He said if you can’t rule your house, it’s impossible for you to rule the church. Then it’s ministry. Is it because you put ministry to the side? No, it’s because that’s the order. When you take it back to the Garden of Eden, there was no ministry. It says that Adam used to hear God walking in the cool of the day. So, there was no ministry, no pulpit, no pews, no choir, and no musicians. It was his relationship with God and then the first ministry that God instituted was marriage. It was between Adam and Eve. That was the first biblical institution. If I can’t fulfill my role as a wife, it’s as committing a crime, I’m illegal to minister or preach the gospel because my house is not in order. When God spoke to Hezekiah, He said to him “get your house in order.” God doesn’t break His principles. That’s why we have a lot of failures in the body of Christ, because we’re not doing what God Himself did. That’s why it’s important that your house is structured, because if you can’t manage something as intricate as a husband and a wife, and your child, how can you impact and influence others who are lost? It doesn’t make sense, it doesn’t go together. You have to be able to master and get an understanding of the unity, function, and

structure of the house. Then you can do ministry. So, to answer that question it’s simple. It’s first God, it’s my husband and my son, and then it’s ministry. We try our best to never be in violation. Another misconception is we get caught up with the ministry and forget God. We’re after the ministry but we neglect or abandon the God of the ministry. It’s God first because the Holy Ghost is who’s going to empower you for the ministry. That’s why Jesus told the disciples “you need to wait to get endowed with power from on high”. He says “you have to tarry in Jerusalem and wait for the promise.” The key here is Jesus

said to the disciples “I do only what I hear and I see My Father do in heaven.” Jesus wasn’t caught up and consumed with doing the work of the ministry as opposed to doing the will of His Father, because He was obedient unto death. So, the number one thing is what is your status with the Holy Spirit? Because He’s the God of this earth, He’s the helper and our comforter. He’ll guide us in Spirit and in all truth. We need to get it together. As Kathryn Kuhlman would say “He’s all I have, please don’t grieve the Holy Spirit.” Once you can get into that mindset and mind frame that you need the communion of the


Holy Ghost, you’ve mastered ministry. It’s not about ministry because the Holy Ghost doesn’t need us; He doesn’t need me, you, or nobody. Elijah thought he was the only prophet and God said “I have 7,000 other prophets”. God always has people available. He’ll use a donkey as He did in the book of Numbers. His will, will always be done. So, what is your relationship with the Holy Spirit, with the Triune of God? Where do you stand? That’s why the Bible says the last day there will be a lot of surprises. He’ll say “depart from me you worker of iniquity”. So, that means a lot of people doing ministry will hear that phrase. I’m not caught up in ministry I’m caught up in what the Holy Ghost, what the Triune is saying about me. Jesus said the Holy Ghost will declare to you what is said in heaven from the Father and the Son. The danger is we run on thin ice because we can get caught up in the work, doing ministry, building a ministry, and we’re not even empowered. If you’re not empowered, you’re not even qualified. Apostle Paul said “I didn’t come to you in persuasive words or speech of men, but I came to you in the demonstration and power of the Holy Ghost.” So, the number one thing is your right standing. Are you empowered to do the work of God? Once you do that, your ministry will be fruitful and it will touch and impact lives. Brittany: You’re an anointed worship leader. Do you have any

advice for upcoming worship leaders? Prophetess Naomi: The number one thing, (because I see a lot of people getting misconstrued) when it comes to praise and worship, it’s either you have it or you don’t. You can’t clone someone to do praise and worship, it’s not in the Bible. The Bible talks about the different gifts (manifestations of the Holy Spirit). We can get caught up with “I want to do praise and worship.” Are you called to do praise and worship? Certain things can’t be taught. It has to be taught from the Holy Ghost; there’s no way around it. What I’d say to praise and worship leaders is, you have to preserve the anointing. What the saints don’t understand and realize is that Lucifer who is now Satan, he was an anointed cherub. He knows about the anointing. The problem is that we’re taking gifting over the anointing because the Bible says “it’s the anointing that breaks the yoke”. David took his clothes off and he danced in front of everybody. It’s not getting caught up with being behind the microphone, you’re a worshiper from home, you’re a worshiper in your car (your lifestyle). I won’t get a lot of likes with this one, but you have a lot of gifted praise and worship leaders in the body of Christ who are listening to secular music. This is why we have a lot of people coming in the church and leaving the church with their illness, with their sickness, they’re

bound, oppressed, possessed because there’s no move of God. God is holy. So, Satan now who was Lucifer in heaven, he was responsible for the music. He was the choir director. When you look at the description of this angel, he was the only angel on the bible that had dual offices. Not only was he a cherub (cherubs protected the glory), he was also an archangel. When you look in the book of Jude, Michael who’s another archangel was the only one who could withstand him because they had the same offices. What we don’t understand is that in order for you to master music or your gifting, you have to go to the secular world and that’s the problem and the compromise. I don’t need to listen to what the world has to say, the world has to listen to what I have to say because the difference between me and the world is the anointing. We want to put the anointing to the side. Listen, I believe in looking good. I love to look good but at the end of the day, me looking good isn’t going to shift the atmosphere. My riffing isn’t going to shift the atmosphere. We get caught up in those things and we forget the essence of what we’re doing and God is holy. When you’re leading people into worship, your life has to be a sacrifice. Where is the fellowship with light and darkness? God said “let there be light” and there was light. Darkness couldn’t comprehend the light. That means I don’t need to go to the world to understand




the things of the light. Jesus said “I am the light.” Everything that we need to do it doesn’t need to come from the world. The world should be looking up to us. The reason why the world can’t look up to us is because we look like the world. We’re always going to them for advice when they should be coming to us. A lot of praise and worship leaders fall into scandalous acts, fornication, and adultery. It’s always a perversion. There’s a perverse spirit because they’re perverting the word of God. God is holy. You can’t serve Baal and God at the same time. No matter how much you want to debate, if the song isn’t glorifying the Lord Jesus Christ, it’s in turn glorifying and worshipping the devil. People want to cover it up with “oh, it’s love.” Listen, Jesus is love. I don’t need to listen to a secular artist to know love. Jesus loves us so much that He left His glory and He died on the cross (that’s love). Secular music doesn’t do anything for me. After I listen to it, I’m going to go back to my same problem. When I have an encounter with Jesus Christ, and when I have an encounter with the Holy Spirit, things happen and there’s a change. The yokes and chains break. The danger now that we have in the church is that we want to be so modern. There’s nothing wrong with being modern, we need it because we live in a generation where technology has advanced so much that you can’t reach the masses without it.

However, it shouldn’t be preeminent. It’s not about how I sound; it’s not only about harmonizing. I’d rather have no harmony but have the anointing. The advice I’d give to praise and worship leaders is that you need to stop wanting to be like the world. You need to be on your face, you need to fast because Satan attacks the anointing because he was anointed. He’s still anointed; he just uses it in a demonic way. The anointing is the power, it’s the Holy Ghost. It says that the Holy Spirit came upon Mary and overshadowed her. So, the power is what’s going to set you apart. That’s why Satan always attacks musicians. You’ll find musicians doing gigs and they think it’s normal because they want to get and couple of bucks here and a couple of bucks there. They don’t see the danger and the world is deceived. Satan is the prince of the power of the air, his job is to deceive the mind and unfortunately it has entered the church. You’ll be surprised to hear people who are in the forefront that are speaking ways that you’d be like “are you serious? Is this truly the word of God?” I’d encourage any young man or woman, don’t look for the hype. Don’t look to fit in, and you have to do everything that everyone else is doing, because God raises up kings and He puts them down (Psalm 75:7). When you’re in right standing, your gift will make favor for you. It’ll make room for you and you’ll find favor. The favor of God will only come for the people of God,

so you can think you have favor and you’re misconstrued. God is the one who elevates, so don’t try to pimp the church. Don’t put a cost on what you’re doing because it was given to you freely. You must give it back for free. So, don’t get caught up in that. Your reward is your health; your reward is your longevity, your life, your children. There are so many blessings in disguise. Everyone isn’t going to get a fulltime position in the church, so does that mean you’re not going to serve your talent and your gifts for the body of Christ? No, that’s not what it should be. We shouldn’t be looking at the superficial things, but we need to go deeper. We need to commune with the Holy Ghost. If anything else, give me the anointing that when you open your mouth, the elders and the angels will bow and all the redeemed will worship “holy holy holy are you Lord God almighty”. Brittany: Can you tell us how you and your husband met? Prophetess Naomi: He was the invited guest at my mother’s church to preach during the youth revival. He can’t preach in Creole (I also translate) and I was his interpreter. So, he came in 2010 and people said that we look good together etc. I was like “nah, I’m not feeling him, I don’t like him”. My mother’s pastor was trying to hook us up and nothing happened. However, when he left I said “you know what? Maybe there is something


there”. I started looking (I stalked his picture on Facebook) and there was this one picture, his ordination picture where he was being ordained back in Florida as a pastor. That picture stuck to me. I kept looking at it and I was like “you know what? Maybe everyone is right”. He came back again the following year and he preached again. Guess who was his interpreter? I was his interpreter and we became friends. From being friends, I had to drop him off at the airport and he told me “you know what? It’s so hard to say goodbye”. We as women try to act hardcore [laughs] and I was like “yeah, me too.” We hugged each other and he got to Florida. It was a long distance relationship and from that night when he reached there until now, the rest is history. We were inseparable and became official in 2011. We were engaged for 7 ½ months and got married in December 2012. Brittany: Wow! Prophetess Naomi: Yeah, so we were doing kingdom work. I was just being obedient being his translator and he was just being obedient with the assignment on his life, which was to preach. I believe that first year nothing popped off because he was so souled (was this supposed to be “sold” or “souled?”) out for preaching, he was the associate director at his Bible school. He was consumed with that. A lot of women don’t understand, it

says “seek ye first the kingdom of God and all His righteousness and everything shall be added.” We stumbled upon our blessing doing God’s work. That means you don’t have to try hard to get what you want. If you have to manipulate the situation or the equation then it was never meant to be for you. He said that He’d add it. All you have to do is be faithful, and all you have to do is seek Him. That’s the key. The number one thing is your relationship with Christ. He said “ask and it shall be given to you”. He didn’t say pray about it. So, when you ask it’s because you have a relationship. I don’t have to pray to my mother to give me what she has because what she

has is legally mine, my inheritance. I’m her daughter; I’m her seed, so I don’t have to beg her. It’s the same way with Christ. When you have a relationship with Christ, all you have to do is ask and He’ll give it to you. You have to pray, fast and do all of that stuff because you’re not in right standing. My advice would be to any young woman, stop all this stuff that you guys are doing. It’s like you’re working in boot camp overtime because you need a man. The reason why you don’t have a man is because it’s not your time to have one. You’re not ready. Esther found favor, and Gabriel told Mary the mother of Jesus “you’re highly favored among women”. Ruth found favor in the sight of Boaz. When




you follow biblical principles, you’ll be blessed. It says in Psalm 37:4 “delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” We have not because we ask not. When you look at all these passages because scripture interprets scripture, it boils down to one thing and that’s having a relationship with the Holy Spirit. Once you do this, everything will fall into place. God is a God of order. Brittany: Well, you answered one of my questions [laughs] I was going to ask you to give some advice to women who desire marriage, but you’ve answered. Prophetess Naomi: It’s seeking your relationship with Christ because He said “I will supply your every need”. A lot of the time we mix up wanting and needing something. When you need something, it’s like a lifethreatening emergency like “I can’t go without it.” You can live without a man. Some people are eunuchs, they don’t have spouses. The essential is what I was telling a young lady a couple of weeks ago; she said “I’m doing everything”, but [she] still had associations and ties with the world. I said “the reason why He can’t give you a man is because He can’t trust you”. With a lot of you it’s a trust factor, because God is omniscient. He knows everything. He knows the minute He gives you that man, you’re going to be like bump Him. Everything that comes before God is idolatry. Some people

think it’s only when you bow down to false deities. That’s not what it is. It’s anything that takes the place of God. Some of you women are tripping. They only pray “Father in the name of Jesus, I want a man, I need a husband, I can’t do this”. It’s so much to be grateful and thankful for but the first thing you pray is I need a man. You sound like a broken record. Guess what? You’re going to be fasting for a whole lot of years. Find something to do in the church, get involved. What are you doing for Christ? Because we always want from Him and we give nothing in return. He loves us so much that He gave His only begotten Son. He was the only thing He had,

and He sent Him on the earth. You want a man so bad, but yet you can’t even clean the pews, you can’t clean the bathroom. You don’t even honor your own mother and father; you don’t know what’s going on with the elderly in the church. You’re not evangelizing, you’re doing nothing and you have a sense of entitlement that God is entitled to give you a man. Man, the devil is a liar. Let God be true and everyman a liar. He doesn’t owe you anything, being married is a privilege. It’s not a prerequisite to enter the kingdom of God. As a matter of fact, He calls us His bride. The church, we’re His bride. Some women walk around so desperate. I know women who cry because they want a man so bad. They can’t


focus, they can’t think, because every man they see they say “oh, that’s my husband.” No, the Holy Spirit didn’t tell you that’s your husband. We get caught up and fixated because we allow our emotions to get in the way. We let our preferences and desires dictate what we hear. So, we become a body of believers with selective hearing. When our mind speaks to us, we interpret it as the Holy Ghost because [we] want it so bad. When you get married you wonder why you go through the stuff that you’re going through, because you never waited on the Lord. You never delighted in the Lord, you never trusted in the Lord. We can trust God for financial breakthroughs, but when it comes to a man, we say like “bump that, I got this, I’m in control.” Do we really trust in the Lord? The Bible says that He even takes care of the ravens. He provided manna for the Israelites for forty years (fresh, no leftovers everyday for forty years). So, my advice to any young woman is to stop tripping. All a lot of you aren’t even prepared. You can’t cook or clean. You don’t even know what it means to wake up. When I look up what a Proverbs 31 woman is, it’s like night and day from what I hear things talked about in the church. Your job is to keep the house together. It talks about the Proverbs 31 woman waking up early in the morning; you’re in bed 1 o’clock, 2 o’clock in the afternoon. You’re not ready for

a man of God. A very crucial key that I want to explain to the ladies in the body of Christ is if God says yes, if He’s silent it’s a no. We get that twisted when we don’t hear the voice of God. Every time God wanted His will to be done, He made it known in the Bible. When it was time to deliver Israel out of Egypt, He came down and spoke to Moses. He said “I’ve heard the prayers and the supplications of My people.” Every time God wants His will to be done, He’ll make it known. He’ll not only speak it to you but He’ll confirm it through other people. A lot of times the problem that we have is that we don’t want to listen. We don’t want to listen to our parents. If your mother and your father say “no” you better listen because God will use people. A lot of times people get caught up so much in the spiritual as well that we neglect listening. Esther became queen of Israel because she listened to Mordecai. The problem is we’re not reading the Bible. She obeyed and listened to Mordecai, who was her older cousin. She became queen because she followed his instructions. If she didn’t listen, she wouldn’t have been queen. Sometimes your friend may not be able to explain the spiritualness about it, but God can use anybody to speak to you. We get stuck on “I’m 25, I have to get married.” Where in the Bible does it say that you have to be 25 to get married? I’ve never

read a passage in the bible that says by 30 you have to be married. Listen, there’s so much more. Travel, get a career. It’s much more than just having legal sex. Marriage is much more than just having a beautiful and gorgeous baby shower. You need to be prepared. Can you support a family, and no, not only the man. I’m not saying for you to go and get a deadbeat man, that’s not what I’m saying. What I’m saying is what do you have to offer to bring to the table as well? You sound very shallow when you always talk about “the man has to do this, or the man has to do that.” A Proverbs 31 woman is a woman that will work to make sure her family is taken care of. She’s a business woman, she’s an entrepreneur. If we really read the Bible, I’m telling you, a lot of the things that we fall into would be avoidable. My advice to any woman is to find your God-given purpose because the number one purpose of your being on the earth is not you being married. Your number one purpose is to live the life that God has ordained for you before the foundations of the world. Brittany: Can share with us an encounter that you’ve had with God that’s memorable to you? Prophetess Naomi: Oh yeah, I will never forget this. When I was baptized back in 2004, it was on a Good Friday and it was during a very difficult time for me to get baptized. My spiritual father baptized me in Haiti. I was




very sick and went to Haiti. The night that he wasn’t there (he was there because he married my friend) he went to the church because it was a prayer and fasting service going on. He had missionaries who came from the Dominican Republic and they went to sleep in the church to pray and prepare for the last day. In the middle of the night (there were a lot of mosquitoes biting me) I got up and I saw this white light at the door. I thought I was in a dream and I wasn’t dreaming; that’s the whole point of my story. I saw a figure standing at the door and it was a light radiating, white as white can be. It was an angel, I didn’t know it at the time (I was very young). The angel had the shape of a human body but it didn’t have flesh or blood. It’s like there was just a form. The hair of the angel came from the top of its head to the sole of its feet. I don’t know if it was a woman or a man, but we’re going to use “he”. When I looked on his side, he had a sword. The angel never spoke or said anything to me. Inside the angel [was] something radiant like a crystal ball that you shake up. I thought I was being pranked. My side of the bed was towards the window and I laid on the bed, put my head down and rubbed my eyes because I thought I was in a deep sleep. I realized I was up and I was going to call my friend but something was like “no, don’t call her”. I then went up to the window and

looked to see if somebody was shining a light. When I looked out, it was dark as dark can be. So, I gave up trying to figure out what it was and then 5 o’clock when the sun was coming up, it disappeared. I asked my friend “did you see what I saw?” she said “what did you see?” I said “every time I was trying to wake you up but I didn’t feel like it.” I was explaining to her what I saw and she got filled with the Holy Ghost. She started speaking in tongues. Everybody that I’d explain that testimony to, they would speak in tongues, they were filled with the Holy Ghost. That’s when I explained to my spiritual father, he told me that I had a divine angelic visitation. From that encounter, I came back to the United States and I didn’t know that I had a gifting in praise and worship. I came back empowered. I believe it was God telling me “you’re not alone; because you have that warrior angel by your side.” That’s why I operate in deliverance when I do praise and worship, and deliverance when I preach. With my physical eyes, I saw an angel at a very young age. I’ve always said that if I was an artist, I’d try to draw what I saw because the figure has never left my mind. Brittany: Do you have any events or any projects you are working on this year that you would like the reader to know about? Prophetess Naomi: I have an album coming out; it’s called “A New Beginning”. It’s a Haitian-

American album. My gifting is mostly praise and in my language we call it louanj. I’m kind of unique with that; I have a raspy voice (I’m not able to hit the high notes). This year is actually the eighth year, which biblically is a year of new beginnings. I’m working on doing my single release so we can actually release the album. God is expanding my preaching. I didn’t know that I had a gift in preaching but people would always stop me in the streets “are you a preacher? There’s something about your voice. You have a preacher’s voice.” So, God has been opening the opportunity for me to preach. I’m going to be preaching in Boston to youth and young adults and I’ll be leading praise and worship that Sunday morning with the same congregation. I’m working tirelessly; I’m excited about the project. Mostly the genre on the album is what we call kompa. Kompa to me is one of the most beautiful genres of music that you could ever hear. It’s our culture music, and it’s anointed. I’m excited and thrilled about it. I’m happy about the completion, the tireless nights, and the perseverance. It’s 8 years, it’s not easy but at the end of the day, I thank God that He was able to keep me in His grace and mercy. To be honest with you, I don’t call it an album. I feel like it can have a connotation where you’re a performer. I’m not a performer; I’m a minister of music. What I’m releasing is a movement. It’s a supernatu-


ral move of God through music. Music is what grabs the attention of so many people, but what sets you apart from the millions of people that have albums, people that can sing way better than me (I’m not even close), is the anointing. This generation needs a supernatural move of God. So, “A New Beginning” the idea was sparked from 2 Corinthians 5:17 “old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” A lot of us in the body of Christ are weary and tired. God gave me a new beginning, and a lot of times we go through so much, we feel like there’s no hope for a brighter tomorrow. God wants to give you a new beginning from where you’re

at. No matter what level or class of society that you fall into, no matter what bracket you’re in, Jesus died to give you a new beginning. He conquered the grave; He robbed the grave so He could give us life. He gives life and life more abundantly. That’s why this movement is powerful, because we’re bringing hope to the generations, to the world, to the ends of the earth so that people can know that with Christ, everything is new. He wants to give it to you whether you were molested, raped, a drug dealer, whether you’re a homosexual, a crack addict, a prostitute. No matter who you are, no matter what you’ve done, Jesus is willing to give you a new

beginning. In Isaiah 43:19 it says “Behold, I will do something new, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert. Jesus is in the business of always doing something new in your life. He doesn’t recycle because He’s the creator.









people (by the world’s standards). You ever notice that there’s always someone who’s just out to make their lives miserable? Always turning up there faces when the speak of them? Never a good thing to say? “They think...” starts the conversation when they mention them? Yeah. You know these people. Never a good thing out of their mouths. Yet, you sit listening. Taking it in. Never bothering to correct them or stop them with rebuke. Never getting up mid-sentence and walking away. Are you any better? (Food for thought.) Now, give them the glorious honor of calling them a person who follows Christ. Not only are they good but they are righteous. They love God. They gently led people to God. Their sheer acts of kindness are demonstrative of the love of God on their life. Before God, they were nice. With God they are nice AND anointed.

There are people who don’t like people of God for no real reason. But that’s known:

against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians‬ ‭6:12‬ ‭KJV‬‬

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world,

For the sake of making a point, let’s not look at people of God. Let’s look at people who have not committed their soul to Christ but are just good, sound

You can’t seem to resist them...and yet others can’t seem to take their mouths of if them. You’re in a meeting. They give a grand solution to an ongoing issue and it’s immediately shot down. You’re not the leader there, but you even pass a sideways glance, knowing the solution was a great idea. The mouth of the


righteous speaketh wisdom, and his tongue talketh of judgment. The law of his God is in his heart; none of his steps shall slide. The wicked watcheth the righteous, and seeketh to slay him. The Lord will not leave him in his hand, nor condemn him when he is judged. Psalms‬ ‭37:30-33‬ ‭KJV‬‬ My very good friend Prophetess Kimberly of Rejoice Essential Magazine (@ seerprophetessk on Periscope) shared a jaw dropping testimony. A friend of hers was not on the job for some time due to illness. She is a believer and faced strife in the workplace. While out on medical leave, she was promoted! Promoted and not even on the job! And there was one (there’s always at least one, folks) gunning for this woman of God. But this one was removed from the equation and no longer worked for the company. Tell me we don’t serve a good God. This bite sized piece says the Lord will not leave us in the hands of the wicked. Just like this woman was promoted through slander, backbiting, or whatever evil plots were against her, so shall you prevail. Whenever I feel alone, I recall the words given to Moses and Joshua: I will never leave you nor forsake you. I remind Him of this. Lord, you said you’d never leave me or forsake me. I feel alone. Make your presence known to me. And he never fails. Just yesterday I received such an edifying prophetic word. It was confirmation of things I already knew, but it reminded me there is a purpose for this season I’m in and God was gracious

enough to send me a reminder to encourage me. After all, He did promise to never leave nor forsake me, and He keeps His promises! I’m well kept! Love you, Keiyia JOYet George

Plead your case in the Courts of Heaven. #series




PSALM 37: PART 15 RENEWED By Keiyia JOYet George in great regret and repentance. Thankfully, He doesn’t require that much of us, otherwise I’d never make it. And I’m thankful that with just a few words and a sincere heart, He’s wiped my slate clean and given me a fresh start. But how does one remain here? As mentioned before, a constant renewing of the mind. For some that’s daily. For others, hourly. For many, seconds. You see, we are always combating our old selves and wicked plots of the demonic kingdom. Depart from evil, and do good; and dwell for evermore. For the Lord loveth judgment, and forsaketh not his saints; they are preserved for ever: but the seed of the wicked shall be cut off. The righteous shall inherit the land, and dwell therein for ever. Psalms 37:27-29 KJV

In our walk with God, too often it’s to easy to fall back into sin. Daily we have to renew our minds and stay far from sin. Sometimes that means a change in our environment and people we associate with. This change can cause some to resist the gift of eternal life for a life of ‘right now’.

Honestly, I’ve spent many years in and out of the door of salvation. Many people believe you cannot lose your salvation, but I beg to differ. As I write, I’m feeling a tad melancholy. I often feel this way as I discover the love God has for me, sometimes spending time

The Word says it rains on the just and the unjust. The unjust have their evil doers plotting for them too. They get far. The get their ‘just reward’ here on earth. But we just people can have both: here and later! If only...we could depart from evil. Permanently! Honestly, it’s not that hard. Again, the requirements God has placed before us is quite easy. See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil; In that I command thee this day to love the Lord thy


God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his judgments, that thou mayest live and multiply: and the Lord thy God shall bless thee in the land whither thou goest to possess it. But if thine heart turn away, so that thou wilt not hear, but shalt be drawn away, and worship other gods, and serve them; I denounce unto you this day, that ye shall surely perish, and that ye shall not prolong your days upon the land, whither thou passest over Jordan to go to possess it. I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: That thou mayest love the Lord thy God, and that thou mayest obey his voice, and that thou mayest cleave unto him: for he is thy life, and the length of thy days: that thou mayest dwell in the land which the Lord sware unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them. Deuteronomy 30:15-20 KJV In this passage, we are clearly asked to choose life over death. But what’s even more amazing is if you don’t know what to choose, we are given a hint: choose life! Choosing life is just a choice. Choosing life means changing your mind. Renewing it. Departing from evil. Doing what is righteous and good. It’s a choice. I’m walking north. I change my mind. I decide to walk south. But if you have been walking north for many years, continuing the path south will take some strong mental decisions not to turn back, for south is a path you aren’t familiar with. But there’s

someone who’s love you’ve decided to embrace coaching you on. Do you trust your coach? If so, listen to their words and continue on. They won’t steer you wrong. Choose life. Change your direction. Listen to your Father through the Holy Spirit. If you stray, don’t delay. Get up, brush the dirt off and continue on. Your reward will be great. One last thing. Depending on where you are in life and what path you have taken, you may have to make a turn one degree at a time. It’s ok. It’s the sincere decision that’s needed. Holy Spirit will do the rest. Trust your life to God and make the change. A month from now, a year later, ten years down the road you will wonder when it happened, but will love the results. Choose life! Always, Keiyia JOYet George

He’s wiped my slate clean and given me a fresh start.

Choosing life means changing your mind. Renewing it.

Changing our minds isn’t always easy. I’ve always been one to be able to make a decision and kinda stock with it. But this walk can seem difficult as trials come and make us want to turn back. Don’t turn back. Keep going. If you need encouraging, feel free to leave a comment. We are not in this alone. God has given us earthly and spiritual assistance to help. We aren’t in this alone.

If you fall, get up and start again.




PSALM 37: PART 16 CORNERSTONE By Keiyia JOYet George Luke 20. I literally opened my bible and sought out red text, and this was the first I saw. I wanted to read recorded words of Jesus. In my quiet time with Holy Spirit, whom I normally love to spend all my time with, I felt the desire for the Son. This passage is about the priests and the scribes once again trying to entrap Jesus with His words. They began by asking Him under whose authority does He teach. The same church people are still asking this today, huh? When they finally hear the truth, they began to wonder who gave you permission to teach it..

I am deeply humbled today. Jesus, so meek and humbled, was betrayed by so many. So many fail to see that he truly fulfills the law and the prophets. And yet, they continue to deny him, never really getting a chance to know him. The more I seek him, the more I find him. The more I find

him, the more I love him. I am in awe of my Christ. To walk in His anointing...can I even withstand that? It’s such an awesome, great, and terrifying thought! I can’t even imagine it! The mere thought makes me feel overwhelmed. It is too much! Is that even possible? Lol. I randomly began reading

But Jesus challenged them by asking who they thought baptized John the Baptist. Knowing Jesus had a good (or Godly) comeback for everything, they opted not to answer. Shrugging (well that’s what I picture Him doing), He decided not to tell them an answer either. Instead, he gave them a story about a man who left his vineyard in the hands of others. Every time the owner sent someone to check on his property, the caretakers would beat them and send them away. So the owner, hoping they’d show respect, sent his son, whom they killed in hopes of gaining the property. But Jesus indicated that the owner would instead destroy the caretakers and assign new ones. This blew the priests mind and they re-


buked this statement. I’m sure they knew the reference of the vineyard mentioned in Isaiah 5: 1-7.

something great. Reject Christ and watch will you find that nothing or no one will be able to put you back together again.

The next part is what got me excited: And he beheld them, and said, What is this then that is written, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner? Whosoever shall fall upon that stone shall be broken; but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder. Luke 20:17-18 KJV

As you looked, a Stone was cut out without human hands, which smote the image on its feet of iron and [baked] clay [of the potter] and broke them to pieces. [I Pet. 2:3-8.] Then the iron, the [baked] clay [of the potter], the bronze, the silver, and the gold were broken and crushed together and became like the chaff of the summer threshing floors, and the wind carried them away so that not a trace of them could be found. And the Stone that smote the image became a great mountain or rock and filled the whole earth. Daniel 2:34-35 AMPC

Now, one may ask what’s the big deal? Well, I recently discovered, when I read, I ‘see’ as well. Like most of my ‘gifts’, this is something I’ve always done, just never noticed it. As I read this piece, I saw people receiving Christ. I saw a moving floor. Kinda like the ones you see in airports. As they surrendered, they fell headfirst into Jesus. Person after person. All men (I’m sure that means something great!). Not fighting. Willingly going. After being broken, being pieced back together again, they were shining. I mean really shining! They were something new! A new creature! Fresh bread from the oven! A new pot from the potters wheel! I mean something excitedly fresh and new. And then I saw those who rejected Christ. I saw a huge rock with finely ground ‘people’ spilling out the sides of the base that held them. They were like dust when the air caught them. They blew away. Into nothing. Just spread to the corners of the earth in a gentle breeze. Some may not get this and that’s ok. But I’m excited!!!!! Surrender and become

So when something excites me, I always check the next piece of Psalm 37. In this case it is: Wait on the Lord, and keep his way, and he shall exalt thee to inherit the land: when the wicked are cut off, thou shalt see it. Psalms 37:34 KJV Hot diggity dog! Do you see it? Jesus was telling these ‘church people’ God was coming for his vineyard. He’d sent His Son, whom they rejected. They didn’t wait on the Lord. Instead, they took the property he left and claimed it for their own. They never produced fruit and He’d had enough. He sent many to them to ‘check on things’ and they cast them aside. He sent His Son and the killed Him. He will come and cut them off! He will return and scatter them. They will be ground into fine dust and scattered in the wind. I feel led to encourage someone. Surrender to God and let Him fight your battles. Let Him recreate you into something marvelous. Let Him deal with

your evil doers. He is about to scatter them in the wind! Wow and as always, Keiyia JOYet George

To be more like Him. #cornerstone #crushed #series

You will renewed! Jump into Christ! #cornerstone #crushed #series

Your enemies don’t stand a chance! #cornerstone #crushed #series




A WORD FOR THE BODY OF CHRIST By Misha Wesley Right now is the perfect hour. A kairos hour in which God is laying out his Kronos timing. Timing is a key the lord uses to lay out what he prescribed and what he decides to ordain. I want to first break down two definitions of timing or time keeping; Kronos time and Kairos time. Kronos time: is a keeping record of time, for example, I used Kronos time records on my previous job to clock in and out of work as well as for breaks. It can also be a chronological record as what needs to happen in order; day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, even until the millisecond. God keeps time and he records a record called Kronos to keep track of all that we do until the very millisecond. Now kairos is similar to Kronos, however, kairos is: God’s perfect timing, the timing of his perfect will of when something takes place or what he ordained to take place. The lord showed me a dream in which I was running on a time conveyor belt and this belt was moving. I began running on this belt from like the 1700’s and it just kept moving forward until I reached the year I was in but it kept moving. So in my prayer time with him, the lord reminded me of this dream to illustrate what he is doing for his people and through his people. This is a time (not a season,

because seasons don’t last long and what God is doing will be permanently in place) in which God is going after those who are NOT looking for him, those who don’t believe in him or his power or his might, they will begin to believe! Those who doubted him will dought no longer, those who are asleep he will cause to awake!! In a vision I saw angels being dispatched from heaven as I spoke in tongues, they were flying down in droves unto the ends of the earth. I was taken up above the earth in what looked like space but I began to pluck up demonic roots planted by Satan. As I pulled them up, in the spirit, they looked like weeds withering and dying, then I felt really hot and God said “fire”. So I began to call fire down from heaven to burn up the roots and plans of hell. As I spoke what was commanded of me, I saw the roots being burnt up and the weeds being lit on fire and turnt to ashes! This is to say what God is doing and has been doing and releasing in this KAIROS TIME. God is unifying and calling forth his 5Fold to demonstrate his power and authority in the earth. He is downloading into his 5Fold the strategy to minister to the homosexuals, to minister to the drug dealers, to minister to the prostitute’s, to minister to the rebellious hearts, he is setting his Apostles to once again GET

IN THE TRENCHES! The Lord has spoken to the Apostles for them to quit building physical buildings and begin now to erect and build in the spirit. People need to be built and erected. People need deliverance and to be set free from bondage. People need help! So the Lord has dispatched his angels to swoop down and assist the body of Christ. I saw every 5 fold gift being set into action and being purified to take their diverse position amongst the people. This is the kairos timing in which what has been spoken in the spirit will begin to manifest rapidly in the natural. Those prophetic words spoken to you and over your life will begin to manifest, wealth transfers are manifesting into the natural realm. I saw the hand of the Lord taking those words spoken in the spirit (the words he has heard spoken by his prophets and pure prophetic vessels) and I saw him grabbing them from the unseen realm and painting them on what looked like a blank white canvas. As his hand painted on them, the pictures came to life with vast colors with beatification!! Many in this hour will taste and see that the Lord is good!! This is literal tasting of the lord and SEEING of the lord! I began to jump with Joy as he showed me what his plans were. I became so excited that


the enemy cannot stop this plan! Even though I knew God’s plans were to already happen, the lord commanded me to speak and bind up any and every spirit of delay, hinderances, or spirits of sabotage. I called forth as he commanded and gave me utterance, payment advances to his people, payday advances, wealth advances, healing advances! Those things you’ve been waiting on, those paychecks that has been held up, those RE-

SOURCES You’ve been praying for a release for many months or even years is being released and I saw a flood of resources rush in ! How good is the LORD ??!! ALL OF HIS POWER MIGHT, GRACE AND FAVOR!! We serve a God where heaven is his throne and the earth is his footstool! Our God is greater!! He is HIGHER THAN ANY OTHER God and he is worthy of all the praise! His word is yes

and Amen!








JOEL THE PROPHET By Kimberly Hargraves

God raises up prophets in times of devastation. The name Joel means “The Lord is God.” He could’ve been a priest and could’ve been Zephaniah’s contemporary. The book of Joel begins with natural disaster which was a locust plague. God uses natural disasters to get people to repent or as an act of judgment. He was the son of Pethuel. He lived and prophesied in Judah and Jerusalem. The purpose of his prophecies was to get the people to repent. If the people didn’t repent then the day of the Lord would come, which was further judgement. Joel’s prophecies were balance because he gave a

message of hope for those who will return in faith to God. His prophecies include future salvation and future blessings. Joel 1:2 shows the significance of the disaster. “Has anything like this ever happened before?” The people have never seen such a locust disaster so bad. The locust was a result of disobedience as spoken of in Deuteronomy 28. Joel 1:4 shows 4 types of locust. They were chewing, swarming, crawling, consuming locusts. Joel 1:5 shows for the drunkard or dead in spirit to awake and weep because the locust destroyed the crops. Joel 1:6 compares these locusts to a nation that destroys the land

because there were so many of them. Joel 1:7 says, “Grape wines were destroyed, fig trees were left a stump, all the tree bark was gone.” Joel 1:9 says, “Devastation was so bad that the priest couldn’t offer up anything to the Lord because the locust destroyed the grain and the grape vines.” Joel 1:10 says, “The land is mourning because the grain, grapes, and olives have been destroyed.” Joel 1:11 tells how the farmers needs to be ashamed and cry because all their crops (wheat and barley) have been destroyed. Joel 1:12 shows how the pomegranate, palm, apple trees have been destroyed so instead



of the harvest bringing joy, the harvest would turn to sadness. Joel 1:13 tells the priest to lament and to put on sack cloths which symbolizes mourning and repenting. Joel 1:14 tells them to fast and cry out to God. True prophets always talk about fasting and consecration. Joel warns the people that they need to repent or the day of the Lord will come in verse 15. Food was cut off before their very eyes and there was no more joy in the land in verse 16. Joel 1:17 shows that they plant seeds in the ground but it is not producing, the barns are empty, and the store rooms are in shambles because all the grains has dried up. Joel 1:18 shows how the animals were groaning and having hunger pains. The animals were confused and distraught because they had no grass to eat. The animals were even being punished. Joel 1:19 shows how Joel intercedes. Prophets are called to intercede. Fire has destroyed the pastures and burned down all the trees. Joel 1:20 shows how Prophet Joel interceded for the animals. The animals were also crying out because all the water dried up. Day of the Lord in the book of Joel was the locust invasion. The Day of The Lord could mean many things. It’s symbolic when God comes down in a domestic way to bring wrath and judgment on the wicked and salvation to righteous. 13 of the 16 prophets in the OT talk about the day of the Lord. These prophets include Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Hosea, Amos, Micah, Obadiah etc. were some of the prophets that talk about the day of the Lord. The Day of the Lord can mean the coming of Jesus Christ, deliverance and restoration for the righteous,

future judgment, future hope, prosperity, and blessing. Joel 2:1 speaks about blowing trumpets which is a ram’s horn or shofar. People blew trumpets to warn to signal danger. The day of the Lord means further judgment and people will tremble with fear. Joel 2:2 speaks of this day being a dark and gloomy day or a very desolate time. Joel 2:11 speaks about how the Lord gives voice before His army or gives orders. God army’s is great. Those who obey (execute) his orders (word) is very strong. The day of the Lord is very great, overwhelming, and nothing can stop it. Joel 2:12 speaks a call to repentance which means give God all your heart. Fasting, weeping, and mourning consists of repentance that the prophet spoke of. Joel 2:13 speaks of rending your hearts or let your heart be broken not just tearing your garments. Tearing one’s garment which is an outward act was a custom to express one’s grief. True repentance is not just a show of grief. Outward acts can be done without true repentance. God wants a change of heart and sorrow over sin. God is so slow to anger and reluctant to punish sometimes because He wants all to come repentance. God can change His mind. Amos chapter 7 which was a vision of locust and fire is an example how God relented after Amos prayed. Joel 2:14 speaks about, “Who Knows.” This is symbolic of meaning at the last minute that God is willing to without judgment and bless the people if they truly repent. Joel 2:15-16 shows how Joel tells the people from every age group to call a fast. Joel 2:25 shows how God will restore the

land and the people from the locust invasion mention in chapter one. Joel 2:18-32 shows how God feels sorry for the land and promises them restoration and prosperity. Apostle Peter talks about Joel 2:28 which was talking about the spirit of prophecy in Acts 2:17-21. Joel 3:1 shows that God was going to judge the nations after he had restored His people to the land. This prophecy is the same prophecy in Matthew 25:31-46 which is about the son of man judging the nations. Joel 3:2 mentions, ‘The Valley of Jehoshaphat” which means the Lord judges. God was going to bring the nations into this valley which is symbolic for the location of the great battle in the end times. Joel 3:3 shows how wicked the nations were. They had casted lots (bets) on His people, sold boys for prostitution, and sold girls for wine. Joel 3:14 talks about the valley of decision. This could mean the Valley of Jehoshaphat or the option before the people to continue toward certain judgement or to turn to God in repentance. Joel 3:16 shows that whatever calamity that is present, God is a shelter for His people. Joel 3:17 shows that strangers one day will worship the Lord in Jerusalem. Joel 3:18 shows prosperity and how God wants to bless His people. It says the mountains shall drip with new wine and the hills shall flow with milk.


For Dates And Times For These Upcoming Events And Prophetic Training, please visit for more details.




11 REASONS WHY WE SUFFER By Kimberly Hargraves • Before we can get into the reasons why we suffer, we have to understand the before, during, and after process of affliction (pain or suffering). • Before affliction you were on the way to hell. Suffering will help you get on the path of righteous. Psalm 119:67 says, “Before I was afflicted I went astray: but now have I kept thy word.” • During affliction, you started thinking about how and why you are in your current situation. Psalm 119:59 says, “I thought on my ways, and turned my feet unto thy testimonies.” • During affliction, you

wanted to start obeying God. Psalm 119:71 says, “It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes.” • After affliction, you are sold out to Christ. You think twice before sinning and you have learnt your lesson. Psalm 119:101-102 says, “I have refrained my feet from every evil way, that I might keep thy word. I have not departed from thy judgments: for thou hast taught me.” • After affliction, you are thanking God for all the suffering. Psalm 119:65 says, “Thou hast dealt well with thy servant, O Lord, according unto thy

word.” • After affliction, you really see how valuable suffering truly is. However, it may be hard to see the value while you are going through the process. Psalm 119:72 says, “The law of thy mouth is better unto me than thousands of gold and silver.’ 1) Bad choices. a. Galatians 6:7-8 says, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life




2) God’s discipline.

a. Romans 8:28-29 says, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.”

a. Hebrews 12:6 says, “For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.” 3) Following Jesus Christ. a. 2 Timothy 3:12 says, “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.” 4) Testing of faith. a. 1 Peter 1:6-7 Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations: That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ: 5) Developing Christ like

6) To produce endurance and patience. a. Romans 5:3-4 says, “And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience (endurance); And patience, experience; and experience, hope:” b. James 1:3-4 says, “Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.” 7) God’s will. a. 1 Peter 4:19 says, Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator.” 8) Testimony, or witness. a. 1 Peter 4:16 says, “Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf.” 9) To manifest the power of God. a. 2 Corinthians 12:9 says, “And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore

will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” b. 2 Corinthians 12:10 says, “Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.” 10) To develop sympathy to comfort others. a. 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 says, “Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God. For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation (comfort) also aboundeth by Christ.” 11) Obedience. a. Hebrews 5:8 says, “Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered;”




Religion causes one to miss out on true intimacy with the creator. Religion makes a person fell like their whole relationship is based on works. For instance, they may feel like God won’t love them unless they pray to Him ten times a day. 1) Judgmental • Judgmental people forget their past or forget where God has brought them from. These people are too busy looking on the outward appearances of others. Contrarily, God looks at the heart. • These people will look at visitors or sinners who come to the church weird because of their tattoos, bad smell (homeless people), piercings, or secular clothing. Judgmental people fail to win over sinners to the body of Christ due to the lack of love of God. They make visitors feel unwelcomed. Some people look down on other denominations and it causes division in the body of Christ. This is why they have so many organizations, tribes, etc. but the judgmental people take it to the extreme. They condemn anyone who isn’t a part of their ministries or organizations, etc. • We must always be ready to minister the gospel to people from all walks of life. • These people don’t believe that women should wear makeup, jewelry, or pants. • Matthew 7:1-5 says, “Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam

that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.”

choice does not depend on ·what people want [human desire; or human will] or ·try to do [effort; exertion], but on God’s ·mercy [kindness].”

• Luke 6:37 says, “Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:” or the expanded bible says, “Don’t judge others, and you will not be judged. Don’t ·accuse others of being guilty [condemn others], and you will not be ·accused of being guilty [condemned]. ·Forgive [Pardon; Release], and you will be ·forgiven [pardoned; released].”

• God is more concerned about cleansing the inward man

2) You try to earn God’s love and salvation • Religious people feel like they have to do more things to make God love them more. They think the more they pray, fast, and do charitable acts then God will love them more than someone who doesn’t do these things. • Ephesians 2:8-9 says, “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast or the expanded bible says, “I mean that [or For; Because] you have been saved by grace through ·believing [faith]. You did not save yourselves; it was a gift from God. It was not the result of ·your own efforts [works], so ·you cannot [no one can] ·brag about it [boast].” • Romans 9:16 says, “So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy or the expanded bible says, “So God’s

3) Conforming outward holiness w/o inward transformation

• Psalm 51:6-7 says, “Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom. Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.” Or the expanded bible says, “You ·want me to be completely truthful [L desire truth/faithfulness in my inward parts], so teach me wisdom [L and secretly you make me know wisdom]. ·Take away my sin [L Remove my sin with hyssop; Ex. 12:22; C a plant used in purification rituals; Lev. 14:4, 6, 49–51; Num. 19:18], and I will be clean. Wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.” • Psalm 51:9 says, “Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities.” Or ·Turn [L Hide] your face from my sins and ·wipe [blot] out all my guilt. • Luke 11:39 says, “And the Lord said unto him, Now do ye Pharisees make clean the outside of the cup and the platter; but your inward part is full of ravening and wickedness.” 4) Repetitious prayer • Matthew 6:6-8 says, “But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. But when ye




pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.” 5) Traditions • Religious people feel like they have to follow traditions of men or religious regulations to be in right standing with God. However, we are the righteousness of God through Jesus Christ. • Matthew 15:3 says, “But he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?” or expanded bible, “Jesus answered, “And why do you ·refuse to obey [break; violate] God’s command ·so that you can follow your own teachings [L for the sake of your traditions]?” • Matthew 15:6 says, “And honour not his father or his mother, he shall be free. Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition.” Or expanded bible, “You teach that person ·not to [that he need not] honor his father or his mother. You ·rejected [invalidated; canceled; nullified] ·what God said [L the word of God] for the sake of your own ·rules [tradition].” 6) Public recognition • Matthew 6:1-2 says, “Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven. (Be careful! When you do good things, don’t do them [or Be careful not to do/parade your righteous deeds] in front of people to be ·seen [noticed]

by them. If you do that, you will ·have no [lose the] reward from your Father in heaven.) • Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.” ([L So] When you give to the poor, don’t be like the hypocrites. They blow trumpets [C either figuratively (“blow their own horn”) or literally, since trumpets sometimes announced public events] in the synagogues and on the streets so that people will see them and ·honor [admire] them. I tell you the truth, those hypocrites already have their full reward [C praise from people, rather than reward from God].) • Matthew 6:16 says, “Moreover when ye fast, be not, as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.” Matthew 6:16 says, “When you fast [C giving up eating for spiritual purposes], don’t put on a ·sad [gloomy; somber] face like the hypocrites. They make their faces ·look sad [disheveled; disfigured; unattractive] to show people they are fasting. I tell you the truth, those hypocrites already have their full reward [v. 2].” • Matthew 23:5 says, “But all their works they do for to be seen of men: they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments,” or expanded bible, “They do good things so that other people will see them. They enlarge ·the little boxes holding Scriptures that they wear [L their phylacteries; C leather cases worn on the left arm and forehead to liter-

ally fulfill Deut. 6:8; 11:18], and they ·make their special prayer clothes very long [L lengthen their tassels; C Jewish males were to wear tassels on the four corners of their garment; Num. 15:38; Deut. 22:12].”


TESTIMONIES: LET’S GIVE THE DEVIL A BLACK EYE! When we share our testimonies, our faith increases! We start to believe God for the Impossible! We can see the power and the hand of God in any situation. God can turn any test into a testimony! We know if God did it before, he can do it again. Our Testimonies glorify God!

Hi Prophetess, you prophesied to me a couple of weeks ago that I would be recompensed from my job. Well after having knee replacement surgery, I am unable to work and have been waiting on approval from Long term disability. Well today I was approved. Glory to God. Thank you for your obedience in hearing God’s voice! Many blessings and huge hugs. God did it! He used my sister and touched her heart to help me move into an apartment. Thank you for your prayers. I move in next Saturday.

cel the surgery and I was healed. Holy Spirit also confirmed that if I had surgery I would be in danger! Thank you for being obedient! Hallelujah! God bless you!!

Hello Prophetess! I just wanted to tell you thank you so much for your prayers. The Holy Spirit woke me up 2 days before my surgery and told me to can-

Good morning Beautiful woman of God. I just want to thank you for your continued love and support during my time of transition. I sincerely appreci-

Praise report! God gave me a Miracle today! I am getting a home. God made a way where there was no way. Someone is buying me a home for my son and I. I’ll pay them low house notes. It’s a miracle. I just wanted to give praise on your word that you sent. There is so much word out there but yours came to pass.

ate your prayers and your words of encouragement. The Lord has blessed me with a new place after being homeless for five months. God is so awesome. The best is yet to come! Woman of God, I called the prayer line this morning and asked for prayer for my friend. She had a baby and never got a chance to see the newborn because she was in a coma. Well, the very hour we prayed over Neeka, who was asleep since Wednesday. She woke up and now is talking. Now she can see her baby girl. Thank you for all the prayer warriors!! You prophesied to me about there being healing in my hands.



Yesterday, I prayed for three people. One person’s hand was numb, swollen and in pain. I got my oil and rubbed it on my hands and commanded the pain to go and called healing forth. The pain went away. Another person had a runny eye, so I prayed and it stopped. My friend had a spasm in her back and came over with a cane. I cursed the spasm and the pain and called forth healing and she was healed! She screamed in shock and hugged me and a few others. I said, “That’s Jesus!!” I thank God for touching His people. The prophecy was fulfilled. Praise Report! I was on the Miracle Prayer Call on Friday December 23, 2016. You prayed for healing (headache, back pain, autoimmune disease). I was healed. I didn’t tell you, but you curse cancer. My mother has had cancer twice and headaches due to tumor on her brain being removed. She is doing well and she says she is better. I know that she is 100 percent healed. I had a spirit of heaviness and I now have an abundance of joy. I am so excited about life again. Praise the Lord! I really needed to give this praise report. Wow, wow, wow. My life has shifted. Can’t wait to see what’s ahead. All praise to God. In Jesus name. I thank God for you, and the anointing on your life. Happy New Year! Thank you for your prayers. I was anxious and worried that God would not open a door leading to employment in my field and he did. God released 4supernatural favor and abundant blessings. Thank you for praying for my mom a couple of weeks ago (sending recording). She has no brain damage from the 5 strokes the doctors claim she had. She’s

home and doing fine; taking it easy; eating healthy; taking meds to strengthen her heart. The periscope video blessed me this morning. I felt the Anointing during most of your scope. Thank you so much. I’d never felt the fire of God upon me until I came across your ministry a few months ago and had you to pray over me. This is so exciting and I’m almost done with my book!!! During the 2nd miracle call I attended a couple of months ago. God told you I was writing and to keep writing and to release it. My daughter Ruby has been healed of Issues of blood. God blessed Nickie. She was worried about the possibility of being homeless and not having income. I told her my testimony about what God has done for me and gave her a word that the Holy Spirit told me to tell her. Everything came to pass and God blessed someone to pay most of her bills for the month! God always takes care of His children. I am a living witness! Praise Report! Well I have fasted, prayed and stayed in my word like never before. The anxiety, frustration, confusion, self-doubt, imagination of what it could have been, etc. is dissolving away. I am learning to let things go and watch God work it out on my behalf. And in doing this, I can sleep better at night because I am not worried about the “why” questions. I can wake up in the morning and give God thanks for new mercies instead of looking at my phone for a text message. I can get through my work day without thinking of how to fix something that doesn’t want to be fixed. And the best part about it is I have more intimate time with Jesus. He is truly (yes I know you heard it over and over again) a heart fixer

and a mind regulator. I know my God wants the Best for me and the Best I will receive!! Woman of God!!! This is on point. God told me to put our intercessors on a daily prayer challenge and the power of God has been so high in every service. I even work with a lot of Indians who worship 4other idols and the Lord told me to walk through and decree and declare every morning before anyone came in and the enemy is mad!! No weapon formed against us shall prosper!! Everything you said is exactly what I’ve been praying for and what other prophets have spoken. Thank you for your obedience. I did feel an intense fire in my hip. Not the first time I felt God’s heat, but the first time in my bones like that! When I received my prayer shawl, my chest warmed up and I held it to my chest. My hands are so warm. I just wanted to let you know that your prophesy of 48 hours has come to pass. You prophesied that I would get a phone call about the car. For the first time in 2 years, I was able to eat food (every bit of it) without pain, a headache or having to rush to the bathroom halfway through my meal. I’ve been fighting back tears all day because my Father heard my cries and he answered my prayers. I declared over my life a week ago that I would not live out the rest of the year or the rest of this month taking medication and living through my daily pain. Woman of God, you are the truth and I thank God for us crossing paths.




NATHAN THE PROPHET By Tanya Campbell The Prophet that I’m inspired by Is Nathan (meaning God has given). Prophet Nathan served King David, and King Solomon (as a court prophet). He was an advisor, gave counsel and direction to Israelite monarchy, and kings. He was wise and passionate about the integrity and accountability of leaders. The Prophet Nathan showed tenacity, and character when he initially agreed that King David should build the temple, but, later, told him that God didn’t want him to build the temple. I know that many times leaders can be intimidating, and there can be consequences when we don’t agree with their decisions. Prophet Nathan had to speak what God told him to. Additionally, it can be frustrating to say one thing, and have to go back and change a decision. Prophets and the people of God must reject pride. In another situation, it was Prophet Nathan who spoke a parable to King David; that revealed his heart, he committed adultery and got the wife of his loyal, noble army man and friend pregnant. David tried to cover his sin, by sending Uriah


to the frontline in battle. David knew that he’d be killed. Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. Who can know it? David had wives, concubines and the best of everything, and in his selfishness took a poor man’s one little ewe; that he loved (2 Samuel 12:1-9). David was upset by the parable, and said the person (who committed this crime) should die. It’s funny how we judge another’s situation more harshly than our own. God used Nathan to reveal David’s heart, and he rebuked him. David was broken by the sin he committed. The situation could’ve had a different outcome. David could’ve been hard-hearted and ordered Nathan to death. Thank God for Nathan’s obedience, and David’s repentance. God’s counsel is meant to correct. Proverbs 21:2 Every way of a man is right in his own sight, but the Lord weighs the hearts. Nathan was involved in the personal affairs of King David. He revealed the plot of David’s son to become king, instead of Solomon. I’m glad that God reveals our enemies to us, and evil agendas. When we sin, we’re aware of it, and don’t want anybody “judging”. The pride of life, is when we don’t take correction, and repent. God’s wisdom is infinite, and he knows all things. We know how it can be when someone says

something about our child, relationship or the small things that don’t seem to matter. God wants us to have the best life. Love corrects, and God is love. I believe that leaders should be an example to others, and should be held to a greater accountability. David’s repentance compels me to pray for our leaders. God is faithful and just to forgive. The enemy wars against those in leadership roles, and we must cover them. Like Nathan, I want to be courageous, integral and obedient to God’s leading. The court prophets had a reputation of prophesying what the king (leader) wanted to hear. The shielded the king from the “real” prophets. I’m glad that Nathan didn’t allow King David’s position, their friendship or fear to sway him. Nathan loved justice, righteousness and truth and these character traits compelled Nathan to expose sin and deception. The prophetic gift must be rooted in love. Nathan exposed the sin, and restored David (God forgave David when he repented). If that balance isn’t there, we would see a lot of broken soldiers. God is concerned about every area of our lives. If Nathan hadn’t spoken what thus saith the Lord, there would’ve been a different outcome. David may have spent time building the temple, but it wasn’t in God’s will for him, or he wouldn’t have written the Psalms (had he not repented).

His, wicked, son could’ve been king, and Israel would suffer. God’s word is meant to comfort, console, guide, protect and direct us.





A lot of people today don’t really know God. They think they can walk around doing what they want to do and they think that God doesn’t see them. They feel as if they can get away with anything. They can sit in a church every Sunday, get on Facebook and pretend that they love God, at the same time live a life of sin which is shameful to God. Yes God is love, yes God is compassion, yes god is kindness, but he is also a jealous God and he is a God of war, believe it or not God can be provoked to anger. That is why my favorite prophet is

Ezekiel. When god is ready to do something on Earth he will send a man. Just like God will send someone to prophesy your breakthrough, he will send someone to prophesy your judgement. God sent Ezekiel to prophesy judgement against the people of Israel (His people). Ezekiel 5:5 This is Jerusalem, which I have set in the center of the nation with countries all around her. Yet in her wickedness she has

rebelled against my laws and decrees more than the nations and countries around her, she has rejected my laws and has not followed my decrees. Now in days people will say well I can sin, reject the word of the lord, be rebellious and do what I want and because I put on Facebook that I love Jesus nothing will happen to me... but surly I say unto you that is not so. Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever.


The same God that was in the Old Testament is the same God in the New Testament. When you choose to live in sin out of the presence of God; you are now living in the land of nod. Genesis 4:8 Then Cain went away from the presence of the lord and settled in the land of Nod East of Eden. Cain was in the Land of Nod, because of sin. if gods people refuse to turn away form sin and humble ourselves God will send judgement. It’s in the Bible. Ezekiel called out the sin of the people and God judges every sin. I believe that God will raise up prophets for this generation to bring his judgement and they are not going to be afraid because they will carry the true heart of God and God is going to back up every word that comes out of their mouth. Their words are going to cut going in and cut coming out. People are going to hate them because they are no longer going to be able to hide in sin. Ezekiel was a watchman Ezekiel 3:12 Son of man, I have made you a watchmen for the people of Israel; so hear the words I speak and give them warning for me Ezekiel was a seer

Ezekiel 1:1 In my thirtieth year, in the fourth month on the fifth day, while I was among the exiles by the kebab river, the heavens were open I saw visions of God. Ezekiel bore the sins of the people. Ezekiel 4:4 Then lie on your left side and put the sin of the people of Israel upon yourself. To conclude Ezekiel is my favorite prophet, because I believe God will use me in similar ways. To speak his word and not be afraid, because I know that heaven is going to back me up. I have a heart to see people turn away from sin and turn back to Jesus.. so that he may heal your land. You should take the time out and study and read Ezekiel. It show apart of God that most people overlook.. God has feelings and he is very real and he is not to be toyed with. We should listen to him, Get to know him and obey him. He loves us. In our walk we should never come to a place where we provoke God to anger, because it will be destructive to you. If you are in sin repent turn away and humble yourself and let God heal you. Don’t stay trapped in the land of Nod out of god presences. Repent!!




AMOS: THE PROPHET By Eureka Henderson

Amos was a very important Prophet in the bible. It’s easy to overlook him because you don’t hear as much about him as you hear about the Major Prophets. Honestly, you don’t even hear preachers preaching sermons referencing Amos as much as you do many of the other prophets. This is baffling to me because Amos was sent by God to deliver a powerful message to the children of Israel. Amos prophesied judgment to Israel because of their sin. As I was reading the book of Amos I couldn’t help but think about the spiritual condition of the United States. We are a country that has the words “In God We Trust” written on our money.

Yet, our actions depict and entirely different story. It seems as if we’ve gone from “In God We Trust” to “In Man We Trust”. The bible tells us in Psalm 118:8 it is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. This means that no matter what’s going on your reliance should be upon The Lord, not your boss, not your spouse, not your pastor and surely not your President. Much like the children of Israel we have lost our first love and are putting our trust into things and people. We have abandoned our God to chase after pagan idols. We have sinned. And because of our sins the Lord is sending judgment. If He would not spare the children of Israel

from judgment – why do you not think he would not judge the United States? Amos is my favorite prophet because he was obedient. Amos was a hardworking man. He wasn’t raised in a Temple or by a Prophet. Even though it was inconvenient for him, he surrendered and did as The Lord instructed. Amos was met with a lot of backlash and rejection because of his message. The priest tried to kick him out of town. They told him to go somewhere else with your message of doom, gloom and judgment – we don’t want you here. Regardless of what they said, Amos stood his ground and delivered the word anyway!


I can relate to Amos because I was minding my own business when the Lord called me. Being a Prophet – even being a part of a ministry was the furthest thing from my mind. I was content with working my 9 to 5 and taking care of my family. I’m not the daughter of Prophet, wasn’t familiar with the fivefold ministry gifts – so this new found fame of being called a Prophet did not appeal to me, yet the Lord called me to be one. And like Amos I too surrendered and I try my best to walk in obedience not matter how difficult the task may be. I’ve been rejected by pastors and ministers because of my message and refusal to accept sin, especially in the house of the Lord. But, just as Amos didn’t allow it to stop him, I don’t let that stop me.





Science expresses the universe in five terms: Time, Space, Matter, Power, and Motion. Genesis 1:1,2 states that In the beginning (Time) God created (Power) the heaven (Space) and the earth (Matter) and the Spirit of God moved (Motion) upon the face of the waters. The first thing God tells man is that He controls all aspects of the universe. So, the next time that someone tries to debunk that truth with theirs, slap them with yours! God created the universe! The same breath that was used to create us, created everything that breathes, and moves. So much of this may rely on our faith, but

when it’s time to prove the truth, it’s always explainable. God created the science that this world relies on and sadly, some cannot see that. I have learned a lot from my son, Kirk Jr. Whom I have watched shut down doors even in the most difficult situation with the most clever people. His wisdom is from God. 23 years old and he has taught me so much. I give God all glory! We are not here for just anything. We are here because a great Creator breathed life into us, guiding us and teaching us in the way we should walk. We are destined to do great things. Our lives are gifts from The Father,

and whether we are here for a year, 20 years or longer, that life, Is a gift and every breath that we take should never be taken for granted. Who made the moon, the sun, the ocean, the sky, the birds, the trees, the flowers, etc? Who? Some believe in a higher power, while some believe in in other gods, etc. To know science, is to know how great The God of the Bible is. To discover new things, is to truly believe in the hands that hold all things. We are not a pile of junk thrown onto a pile of dirt and asked to walk until we cannot walk any longer. We are created through


love for a purpose by hands that created the universe. The next time someone asks you to prove that God doesn’t exist, the virgin birth never happened, the Savior never came, the Holy Spirit never filled, this entire creation was just a big ole bang, just stop, and have them look around at the sky, the ocean, the birds, the trees, space, and every heart that beats, then ask them to prove that He doesn’t! As believers we must prepare to honor God at all times. We cannot do that with a simple, “because the bible says so.” Unbelievers use many things to debunk the truth that God exists, and therefore as Christians we need to defend our faith with learning more about other faiths, science, and gods that clearly others worship. We need to break down the system for those who are working in the mission field. Going in blind, will only deter others from God. Today, study God’s word, learn it well, then go to the library and learn more about other faiths, other gods, and so on. Ask God to guide you, walking you to information needed to defend your faith. Jesus came and will come again. No matter what others believe, that is a truth no one can crush. But how can we stand in the midst of the enemy and not know more about what makes him tick? Example: If we wanna to learn more about medicine, we need to educate ourselves with Phar-

macy classes. To learn about certain drugs proving their ability to work, the need for further studies into different medications is required. We need this same system in order to bring others to Christ. God teaches us to (study) not just read His word, but study it. Soaking in all that we can so that our position as ambassadors for Christ is not in vain. We do not have to have a piece of paper that tells others that we are teachers of the Law, we do not need to drown ourselves in money to prove that our mission is greater than others. We just simply need to study the word, get to know the religions around us, and look at science, compare things and soak in all that we have learned. God, our Father, our Creator, our Savior does not want us to be stumped when the enemy confronts. He calls us to learn as much as we can so that we are properly equipped and ready for teaching, ready for battle, ready for Kingdom business. All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)






The book of Isaiah is a strong, revelatory, message of judgement and hope. The book was written about 700 years before Jesus Christ’s birth and is divided into two parts. The words of judgement are from chapters 1-39 and the words of comfort about salvation through Jesus are from chapters 40-66. He is known as the greatest old testament prophet and his assignment was to call Israel back to God and tell about the coming Messiah. Isaiah is quoted at least fifty times in the new testament. Isaiah had a vision and revelation of Gods glory and was ready to be sent out to the nation (Isaiah 6:1-7). From the beginning, when he was called, God told him that the people would not listen to him but he still had to give the message (Isaiah 6:813). Isaiah is my favorite prophet for several reasons. Throughout the book, I love the way he brings the message of Christ and salvation, giving the people of Israel hope, even during the message of judgement and repentance (Isaiah 11:1-10). I also like the way he gives practical instruction on how to live godly and encouraging words such as no matter what life looks like God is in control ( Isaiah 8:11-14). He gives us comfort that if we live for God He will strengthen us to get through life’s circumstances (Isaiah 40:31). He also reminds us that God can free us from strongholds and restore us to himself.

I relate to Isaiah in many ways. I’m a natural encourager and comforter to those I encounter whether it be someone I know or a stranger. I have a heart to see Gods people loved with the love He has giving me and a desire to inspire them to fulfill the plans God has for them. I love to speak the truth of God’s word, with wisdom or speak a word of correction to bring those in my sphere of influence into the knowledge of Christ and the hope of salvation that they have in Him. I can always find comforting or encouraging words in the book of Isaiah. Isaiah 40:31 has gotten me through some of the most difficult times in my life. I’m inspired and encouraged by Isaiah 61:1 during times that I feel incompetent, like God can’t really use me because of my flaws or that I’m not really anointed to do great things for God. I hope to dig deeper in the book of Isaiah, to gain more understanding and to experience deeper revelation, allowing me to bless those who cross my path with the living word of God.




THE PROPHET ELIJAH By Elijah Albritton

My favorite prophet of old would have to be Elijah and not just because name name is Elijah but because he was one of the first prophets I studied as a child and carry similar attributes even though Elisha had the double portion of Elijah spirit 2Kings 2:9 Ive grown to realize that the higher the level that you reach the high level of devils God equips you to beat. This prophet Elijah had moments that he had to risk his very life and prophecy just what the Spirit of the Lord said to him to tell King Ahaziahs men that the king wasn’t getting out of his sick bed and he shall surely die because he chose to seek the strange god baalzebub (2 Kings 1: 4)

Sometimes the package a prophet has to deliver isn’t favorable to the receiver but never the less its Gods Word and Gods will that Must be done, the persecution and warfare that we endure sometimes seems unbearable Romans 8:28 but we know that all things work together for good to them who are the called according to his purpose. Just like Elijah we learn to lean and depend on God like never before remembering that we are men and women of God! just as the King Ahaziah sent out the 50 soldiers and 1 captain 3 times Elijah said to God (IF I BE A MAN OF GOD) let fire from heaven come down and

consume him and his fifty and God did just that but spared the last captain and 50 soldiers that came to arrest him because the captain came in a spirit of humility and pleaded for His life and the life of his soldiers 2Kings 1:13-14 God will vindicate you! You see Elijah was powerful in the Lord but yet was still afraid to the point that the Angel of the Lord had to tell him not to be afraid in 2 Kings 1:5. Many times we see that God tells his people Fear Not! Fear is False illusion appearing real… the enemy want to distract us with natural situations and circumstances to divert our focus from what God is doing in the Supernatural on our behalf and the behalf of the


people You are sent to minister to. There was a time that Elijah wanted to die 1Kings 19:4, but God sent an Angel to provide for him and baked him a cake and some water to drink in the middle of distress, God continued to show up and meet his needs time and time again, even from that wicked queen Jezebel that was trying to destroy all of Gods prophets during her reign I find that no matter what we face in this life that God will see us through to the very end no matter how bad it looks, no matter how much it hurts, no matter how long it takes we are more than conquerers through Christ which strengthens us is what I get from studying Elijah lifestyle Romans 8:37 see Romans 8:3139.








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