March Rejoice Essential Magazine 2019

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Table of Contents 06



Prophetess Carolyn Boler


Break Free to Come Forth


Anstrice Mcmillian Epps


Masturbation: Single Scoop with a Dip of Marriage


Dr. Maudia Washington


I Love Fashion


Pastor Joy Martin


Joyce Hope


Elder Alexander Young


LaShana Lloyd


Melissa Portis


The Depth Of A Mother’s Title


DeWanda Ann Samuel


Jennifer Jackson


Angela Richardson


Yolanda Samuel


Zolisha Ware


Elder Bridget Jefferson


Alex Harding


Stuffed Shells


Coretta Kelsey





Kimberly Moses Founder And Editor Effingham, SC

Tron Moses Photographer, Marketer, Designer Effingham, SC

Keiyia Jackson-George Writer And Chief Editor Cane Garden Bay, Tortola Virgin Islands

Taylur Holland Writer Dallas, Texas

Shirley Ann Cooper Writer Kissimmee, Florida




Thank you, man of God, Tron Moses for doing this and thank you Prophetess Kimberly Moses for sharing your heart to the Father, with the world. The CD is such a blessing; it immediately took my children and me into the presence of God and shifted the atmosphere in my home last night. I felt His supernatural strength come on me. I did not want to go to sleep. I just wanted to stay up in His presence. We rested in His presence. To you be all the Glory Father.-Rhasheeda I listened to the prayer CD three times already since I purchased it yesterday. I will play it in my room at night while we sleep.-Kentia





When we share our testimonies, our faith increases! We start to believe God for the impossible! We can see the power and the hand of God in any situation. God can turn any test into a testimony! We know if God did it before, he can do it again. Our Testimonies glorify God!

Hello Prophetess. I have a quick update. My husband finally heard from his lawyer, and we haven’t heard from him since last year. They submitted the paperwork for him to get this ankle monitor off his leg. He sent him the email, and it will be off next week. It cost $70 a week. Also, the lawyer told him two of his charges got dropped. So that only leaves four more charges. Two of the charges he plans to get dismissed. The other two are different, because they are from the accident, and they have no evidence. This was a spiritual battle. But we have been fasting three times a week since May and praying. We have been on the morning prayer line

every week. You prophesied they would be dropped. With those two charges being dropped, that will reduce the amount of money that has to be paid a week!! All Glory to God and your ministry. –Anonymous Just got my tax miracle. I was originally told that I owed 3,000 in taxes: 2240 for federal and 798 for the state. I’ve been trusting God ever since you told your story because I owe every year. However, I just got told after revising a few things from my tax preparer that I am getting money back on the federal side, and I only owe $179 to the State for taxes. Hallelujah!! –Anonymous


I can’t stop crying. It was me with herpes that you called out. I have been praying for years for God to heal me. Oh, Jesus. I had this even before I got married. God is so good. Thank you for letting him use you!! I was having a breakout before the prayer call, but now it’s gone in Jesus name!! Thank you, Jesus !! Hallelujah. Praise God!! –Anonymous Hello, again Prophetess. God did it. We got our miracle! My husband was released yesterday and didn’t have to transfer to another prison or anything. We are so thankful for your prayers and ministry. God has done a lot in this situation. He is completing it all. We trust him for eliminating everything left he must face. Thank you for standing with us. Your ministry, in this short amount of time, has changed my life for the best. Love and thank you. Praise Report. Today I was on the noon prayer line. You spoke about sowing into your ministry. I have been saying for the last two weeks that I was going to sow into your ministry. So today during the call I sowed a seed. That was at 12:34 pm. At 1:47 pm, I received an unexpected text message that someone I know wired money for me to Walmart and it’s ready to be picked up. It was 5x as much as I sowed. Unexpected blessings. Amen. -Maudia Good morning everyone. Prophetess Kimberly Moses. Thank you for your prayers of healing last night. After over twelve and a half years of not being able to sleep on my left side, the Holy Spirit directed me to sleep on my left side. He told me to give my testimony to the class when I woke up. I did it without hesitation, and I’m so excited to report I woke up pain-free!!! Hallelujah!! Glory to

your name God!!! I had surgery under my left arm in 2006 where the doctor butchered me. I ended up with my left arm being noticeably shorter than my right arm. The Holy Spirit had me stretch out my arms together, and I’m so happy to report they are the same length. I’m crying tears of joy right now and so grateful for the day you and I became Facebook friends. Watching your teachings has blessed me tremendously, and I was overwhelmed with joy when I was finally able to join your class because I knew my life was finally going to change for the better. I thank God for your life and for you being obedient to His call. May you never experience a sad day in your life. God bless you mightily. —Felecia You have been praying for unexpected blessings. Just got told I’m being promoted to Lead Analyst. I also followed your directions today during the prayer call and praised and worshipped most of the afternoon. God is so worthy!! #JesusIsLord –Zolisha The 12 pm prayer call blessed me today. You mentioned that God was cultivating us and that is exactly what He told me yesterday that He is doing that in my life. When I laid my hands on my belly and repeated after you about the chains breaking off, I felt a release then my belly was on fire. When you said place your hands on your head, my hands got hot. This call was a blessing, and it has brought change to my life. There is something that God placed on my heart to do last week, and now I have the courage to do it after this call. Thank you for your obedience. God bless you!!









There is a newness being unearthed. A birthing that is coming forth. Those arising will trigger and steer an entire generation. The sound that will anchor and announce this generation Will be that of chains falling to the ground, Chains that will be gasping for air as they are severed from their source. No more Will they bind the people of God. No more will they blanket and muzzle the mouths of His warriors. No more will these chains cause authority to stumble And crash to the ground. The length of these chains have been

strengthened by Past, But no more will Past have the last laugh, For God will use even it to propel His children into their destiny. There is a new day dawning, A breaking free of men and women who have been hushed for too long. Their chains are being broken, Their mouths are being opened, The fire of God is consuming all doubts and fears. The sound, the sound that will signal the arrival of this people Will be that of chains falling to the ground.





MASTURBATION Single Scoop with a Dip of Marriage T.N.Vincent

I didn’t grow up in church and my views about sex were developed by three basic things: 1.) Rated R Movies 2.) Harlequin books 3.) What my older brother told me. He said, “Don’t do it. Its bad for you. Keep your legs closed no matter what the guy tells you.”

I was engaged to my high-school sweetheart in my senior year in high school, but I wasn’t ready for marriage. After a lengthy engagement, we were finally married. (I used being away at college as an excuse not to rush into the marriage.) My husband introduced me to pornography and sex toys during our marriage. He talked about being a “swinger”. Let me clarify the term “swinger” for those are not familiar with the term. It’s when married Although I didn’t grow up in church, my parents did instill in me that sex was reserved couples interact with another married couple for marriage, so I believed that sex outside of and have sex with each others’ partners. They also rotate and switch up women with women marriage was wrong. and men with men. Basically, anything goes


that the couples agree upon. It’s a marriage partner sexual swap meet. I never could agree to that, even though I wasn’t saved. That was where I drew the line. But, unfortunately, I did agree to have threesomes. My female friend would masturbate while she watched my husband and I making love. My husband would masturbate while my female friend and I caused each other to climax.

but it was something different about every couple that just drew me in like a vacuum. One man, in particular, I remember to this very day, he shared how he overcame pornography, masturbation and fornication. I was shocked and amazed to hear him speak so freely and openly. They were all so loving. I said in my heart, “Wow, I want that kind of freedom.” They had Jesus, and I found out that I could be happy and satisfied without This was a normal way of life for me until I met masturbating or having my partner give me a Christian at work. Let’s call her “Nicole”. She oral sex or fornicating. But I was also thinking, kept talking to me about the bible. No mat“Well, that’s easy for you buddy. You’re marter how many times I told her I didn’t want ried. I’m about to be single.” It was as if the to hear about her Jesus and no matter how Holy Spirit had read my mind and answered many times I told her I didn’t want to read me through this man. Suddenly, he said, “Oh, her bible, she kept coming back. By this time, by the way, I was delivered from this before I my marriage was rocky because I was finding got married.” I said, “Say what?!” I didn’t even condoms in my husband’s clothes when I did realize I had said it out loud. They prayed the laundry. For some reason, I was fine if he over me and my marriage three hours later. brought a woman to my attention for a three- Although I was comfortable around these some, but when I found out he was sleeping couples, I was still ashamed of my bi-sexual with a woman without me, I was furious and I lifestyle and masturbation while married. felt betrayed. Crazy, right?! I didn’t feel comfortable sleeping with him anymore and I be- The seed of freedom was planted that night in gan to masturbate and sleep with my female my heart. The seed of purity, self-respect, and friend. Great! Now I’m bi-sexual. Really?! One day, I was feeling like what I was doing was wrong, but I couldn’t stop and I went to “Nicole”, my Christian co-worker, and confided in her. She knew I would never go to a biblestudy or church with her, so she asked me to go to the beach with her. She said my friend has a boat and we can go out on the lake and relax. As we pulled up into the driveway of this huge 6,000 sq foot home, I said, “What are we doing here? Whose house is this?” I saw a boat and trailer on the side near the back of the property. She said, “Oh, they have the boat I was telling you about.” She told me to come on inside so she could see what they had going on that night (but she knew they were having a married couples’ bible study at her friend’s house). This was the first time I saw men and women reading the Bible together and everyone was happy. They were genuinely happily married,

I was shocked and amazed to hear him speak so freely and openly.




real love was planted in my heart that night. Those seeds didn’t grow, but they didn’t die either. They were dormant in my heart. Since I wasn’t in an environment that could nurture the seeds of the Word of God that was sown into me, it was slowly being choked out of my heart and entangled with weeds of doubt and self-sabotage. I was changing, but my husband couldn’t understand why I didn’t want to do the pornography anymore. He didn’t understand why I didn’t want to do the threesomes anymore, and he wasn’t changing at all. Rather he became worst and started drinking, smoking, staying out all night and then came home verbally and physically abusive. Eventually, we separated and I moved back into my parents home about four hours away to raise our son. As I returned home, I realized that my attraction to women was gone, but the attraction to myself had increased. I had battled with low self-esteem for years but now, I was starting to feel beautiful. I remembered how my female partner used to touch my breasts and kiss my nipples and I felt

loved. I began to “love on myself” by making me feel good through images of her and fantasies of other men I had seen at work. I realized I had been naïve and foolish. I thought love was a feeling, but love is a choice. What I thought was love for myself was a layaway plan to Lucifer’s lair. This was actually a set-up by the enemy to get me to open up a demonic door that appeared to be the door of freedom, but it was the door of illusions. Several years later, my son was growing up and I knew we would have to have this talk about sex, purity, and marriage. We were very active in the ministry at this time. My son and I were saved and volunteering in various capacities in our church. During his puberty stage of discovering his manhood, obviously, he had questions. Sadly, my first thought was to talk to my dad and my brothers. My brother did speak with him and I found out that masturbation was a challenge. I thought, “Wow, I understand that because I still have the same challenge.” The Holy Spirit was tugging at my heart that this was not right, I just didn’t have a scripture to back up this voice I


was hearing. I do now.

what they were dreaming.

Catch this revelation: The spiritual voice (thought) and written word must agree.

We must understand that there are two basic realms with many dimensions. These two realms are known as the Spiritual and Natural Realm. Since we are made in Gods image as a “Speaking Spirit” first, everything that we do is rooted in the spiritual realm. When we imagine (use a part of our soul that is connected to our spirit), then we are now allowing the spirit realm access to our natural bodies. Jesus was tested in three major areas: the lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh and pride of life. Masturbation is a fruit of lust, not love. Once you have sex with someone, once you have masturbated with the image of someone, you have literally created a bond with the Spirit of Lust, Spirit of Perversion, and a Familiar Spirit. Think about this. Just like in a dreamstate, the person is not actually there, but sometimes the dreams come to pass. When you masturbate, the familiar spirit from the satanic kingdom begins to go and search out someone who has the same lustful wicked

No one in the church was really discussing masturbation, only fornication and adultery. Basically, don’t do either of them, but there weren’t any real-life practical steps on how to do this when the thoughts were coming into my mind. I finally said maybe I can have my son talk to the youth Pastor to help my son in this area. I was highly disappointed with the youth Pastor’s response. He told me, “Oh, it’s ok. That’s normal. Everybody does it. Jesus gave us those feelings and hormones to be enjoyed. It’s normal for us to masturbate. You just can’t have sex outside of marriage.” I began to have visions of red sirens going off and ambulances rushing. I knew he was not speaking by the Holy Spirit. I was thinking to myself, you will never talk to my son. Everyone I spoke to in the leadership roles at church felt like it was ok to do because you weren’t actually having sex and it was better to masturbate because you would be safe from diseases and the judgment of God. Nobody had any scriptures to back up their own ideologies. Nobody had any scriptures to back up this “self-pleasing gratification”, but I went home and began to pray. The Holy Spirit showed me in the Word of God how very wrong this is and it can also keep people from entering into the Kingdom of God. “So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, LOVE, and peace along with those who call on the Lord from a PURE HEART. (2 Timothy 2:22.) These youthful passions “wage war against the soul”(1 Peter 2:11) and they are rooted in a sinful heart (Romans 7;7). When you have a dream, your body is responding from your soul. The body doesn’t know the difference between something that is real, fake or a part of the imagination. The body simply responds to that which is perceived to be real. That is why a person can wake up in a sweat, praying in the Spirit, or with an endowed penis depending on

“ I knew we

would have to have this talk about sex, purity, and marriage.




desire and they will either call you out of the blue, or you will meet someone who is just as perverted and doesn’t bear the fruit of holiness. Because your body is not responding to the real person, your body is responding to the demons, devils and evil spirit that you have invoked in your soul through your spirit to your body. Let me make it plain: when you masturbate, you are making love to a demon. This is why the bible says fleshly passions “wage war against your soul”. Masturbation is an open door to warfare. You are literally sleeping with the enemy. Now, this next statement is for the born-again believers: “Do you not know that your body is a temple (house) of the Holy Ghost who is in you, whom you have from God? You do not belong to yourself.” (1 Corinthians 6:19) See, you are married to God when you are single and a born-again believer. When I was younger, I used to ask my dad if I could borrow his car because he was the owner. I had access, but I couldn’t do everything because it wasn’t my own. Likewise, our bodies belong to God. Did you say, “Hey Daddy God, I’m feeling horny right now. Do you mind if I masturbate real quick? Holy Spirit is it ok if I just climax? You know I’ve been single for a while. You understand my husband made me mad. I just need some”? Hear me well on this: any type of sex that is not consensual is rape. Since the Holy Spirit is not in agreement with you masturbating, (following after youthful passions) and you are ignoring His voice crying no don’t follow after lust, then that’s rape. If you proceed to make the body that you have given to God a tool that a demon can use, then you are a spiritual rapist. No means No. When you silence the voice of the Holy Spirit through the invoking of demons through masturbation, you are putting handcuffs of your soul. No self-love here, baby. This is self-bondage. The good news is there is real freedom, just like those couples talked about at the married couples bible studies. There are several strategies to free you from masturbation. You have to admit that you are struggling and that you

enjoy how it makes you feel. You must begin to meditate on purity scriptures by creating new images and replacing old pictures of perversion in your mind. How does a man live holy? By following the instructions of the Lord. It is imperative to spend daily time with the Holy Spirit. You must renounce, rebuke, and repent the spirits of masturbation and perversion, and familiar spirits. Command every spirit that has attached itself to your loins, heart and mind to come out and never to return. You must stay filled up with the Word of God. Deliverance may be in order. From this point forward you must …” pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace” (2 Tim 2:22). Righteousness is the right way of doing things; Gods way of thinking and doing things. So, ask yourself, “What did God create my body for and my mind for?” “As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance.” (1 Peter 1:14) You have been equipped with knowledge, so let your body perish no more. Like my mama used to say, when you know better, you do better. Contact T.N.Vincent at

When you masturbate, you are making love to a demon.









PASTOR JOY MARTIN I was told that this was my job description, just like a regular job. However, at that time, I did not fully understand the depths of this revelatory verse nor how I was supposed to make this my job description. Over the years, the Lord began to unfold His plans to me for my destiny.

Interviewer: Tell me about yourself, your ministry, and your passion? Answer: My name is Pastor Joy Martin. Pastor is my newest office. I am a mother of two amazing fellas, a prophet to the nations, best selling author, television show host, servant of Jesus Christ and a church planter. Over twenty years ago the Holy Spirit gave me this scripture in Luke 4:18-19 The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me [a]to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are [b]oppressed; 19 To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”

What the Lord revealed to me was that this scripture would be the very foundation of my ministry. Bethel Ministry Center is a P.H.D. Ministry ( Prophetic, Healing, & Deliverance Ministry). All three are in operation at Bethel Ministry Center, affectionately known as BMC to many. There are many testimonies from all over the world about how the Lord has performed that very scripture in their lives through our ministry. I’m just a vessel that said yes to God at the end of the day. Bethel Ministry Center has two campuses. Our Online Campus launched in 2018 and the Philadelphia Campus began in 2019! Our church has adopted a school where we conduct our local services to serve the community in a greater capacity. Bethel Ministry Center is more than a ministry. We are a movement! I’m very passionate about knowing Christ and making Him known. I’m incredibly excited about seeing people liberated from all forms of bondage and limitations and to see people’s lives totally transformed in the


kingdom of God and to ultimately walk into their destiny. I love to be a part of the massive transformation for His Glory!!

the individual that lives a secret life that is full of despair and abuse. The victim in me could not see the victory God had for me. I would have lost everything if I had ignored God.

Interviewer: Why did you get involved in write a chapter and what do you expect the outI want people to have a true conversion and come to be? experience a true encounter with the Living God. Regardless of how horrific things may Answer: I desired the opportunity to partner appear, there is hope in Jesus. Jesus Christ is with other amazing men and woman of God the chain breaker!! Jesus Christ can set you who wanted to share powerful testimonies free if you really desire to be free!! from despair to victory. There is an old saying; “What goes on at home, stays at home.” How- Interviewer: What advice would you give ever, when we adopt this mindset, people can to someone who wants to write a book but never get set free because we keep things doesn’t know how? bottled up inside. Literally, we are killing ourselves slowly when we live like this. Answer: Share your truth. People tend to showcase their success and hide the sorrows that preceded them. People need to see that God desires to make a message out of a messy situation. I want to be a part of anything that brings glory to God and hope to those who need Him.

Consistency. Consistency. Consistency. Consistency is the key to your breakthrough!! Writing a book can seem like a daunting task. However, if you break it down into smaller chunks and write daily, it will be easier to manage. Also, with many recording apps available at our fingertips, it makes the draftI think in many cases, transparency is benefiing process much easier. For example, if you cial. I believe that if people can see that God is have a Gmail account, then you have access significant in your life, they can find Him to be to their Google App, KEEP. Keep or Keep Notes significant in their lives also. The Word tells us is a very simple app to use. You can talk into that God is not a respecter of persons. There- the Keep App, it will transcribe it, and then it fore, what God did through me and the other will automatically integrate with your email co-authors of this life-changing book…God account that is linked to your Keep App. can surely do for someone else. If you are called to write a book, I encourage I am expecting souls to be saved and lives you to get started now!! Somebody will be to be changed. This book is not the ordinary blessed and their life will be transformed bebook. This is a life changing book! This book cause you made a decision to share your story can also be used as an evangelistic tool. or your expertise. Don’t go to the grave and Purchase a copy of this book for yourself and you have books in your belly that you never also bless someone today by giving a book birthed out!! away! Write a Book and Change a Life!! Interviewer: What chapter are you writing Contact Pastor Joy Martin at about and why? Answer: Overcoming the victimization of domestic violence. I was so wounded and broken from that single incident that it changed my very nature. So imagine what happens for









Answer: I got involved in Write a Chapter because I wanted to help make a positive change in somebody’s life. This project not only will bring about a life-changing experience, but also cause many people to want to have an amazing experience with God and get into a relationship and covenant with our Lord Jesus Christ. I expect a successful impact to be made and that the project flourishes throughout the nation and starts an epidemic of discipleship.

Interviewer: What chapter are you writing about and why?

Interviewer: Tell me about yourself, your ministry, and your passion? Answer: I am originally from Chicago, IL. I have served in the military for 12 years and 3 combat tours. I am a recent college graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management. I am a co-author for a book called Magnificent Men. I have been in ministry for four years and was just recently elevated as an ordained Elder. My passion in ministry is to see lives transformed for the better and to also help build homes and shelters and get the homeless people off the streets. I also have a passion for relationships (singles dating, courting, and married). I currently in the process of publishing my first book. Interviewer: Why did you get involved in Write a Chapter and what do you expect the outcome to be?

Answer: The chapter I’m writing about is rape. The reason is that for years I was walking around as if I was still wounded when in fact I had been healed. My scar is the living proof to show that I am still here after what tried to destroy me. I want people to know that they don’t have to let what happened in the past determine their future. “I was wounded by what happened, and now have a scar because I’m healed.” Interviewer: What advice would you give to someone who wants to write a book but doesn’t know how? Answer: I would tell them to think about what is it they want the story to accomplish and how will it benefit the audience and what impact they are trying to influence on the audience. Contact at Alexander Young at


MELISSA PORTIS emotions that were lying dormant for years. Also, it helped to know that readers will be able to relate to similar situations that may have transpired in their lives. Interviewer: What chapter are you writing about and why?

Interviewer: Tell me about yourself, your ministry, and your passion? Answer: My name is Melissa Portis and I have one daughter. I’m also a prophetic intercessor from Chicago, Illinois. I am results-driven and I lead by example. I have a heart for people and a passion to pray and intercede for others. Family values are very important to me. I give honor to God and to my loving and caring parents who raised me to be the woman I am today. I have a desire to go further in God like never before. My ministry is being developed and cultivated. Write a Chapter was my confirmation to push forward and to step out. I also enjoy traveling and have a passion for writing/journaling and cooking. Interviewer: Why did you get involved in Write a Chapter and what do you expect the outcome to be? Answer: I became involved with Write a Chapter because I instantly knew this project would be life-changing. So many lives will be transformed because we made a decision to step out of our comfort zones and tell our testimonies. For me, Write a Chapter became therapeutic. I was able to release so many

Answer:The chapter that I’m writing about is “Fornication”. I chose this topic because this was an area in my life that the enemy fought me on for so many years. Before I decided to write, I fasted for three days. I wanted the Lord to flow through me with no resistance. To be honest, I was a bit reluctant because I am a very private person and the enemy played on that. With all that, I pressed through! I decided to be open with the world in hopes they would see my transparency. Also, being able to relate and see that they are not alone because God desires to set them free. Interviewer: What advice would you give to someone who wants to write a book but doesn’t know how? Answer: The advice I would give someone who wants to write a book and doesn’t know how would be to pray first and then contact a mentor who has the fruit of being a successful author. Honestly, I would advise them to reach out to Prophetess Kimberly Moses. She’s an author of over 18 books, has a successful online magazine, a thriving prophetic ministry, and so much more. She wants to see you succeed, therefore you are pushed to finish. I would have never taken this leap of faith if it wasn’t for her. Even with her busy schedule, she was always available for questions. In addition, she provides great resources and tools for you to succeed. Contact Melissa Portis at









Interviewer: Tell me about yourself, your ministry, your passion? Answer: Well, my name is DeWanda Samuel and I love my Savior Jesus Christ with all my heart, soul and strength. I want to first give Him praise and honor. I am a mother of four grown children and I have a beautiful granddaughter that I love dearly. I am a licensed

Cosmetologist. My vocation is Computer Engineering. For the last 12 years, I have worked as a Civil Servant at the United States Patent and Trademark office as a Computer Engineer/Patent Examiner, reviewing and approving patents. I have been commissioned by God to pray and that resulted in a prayer ministry. The name of the prayer ministry is Worship & Warfare Prayer Chambers and God gave me, as a foundation, Isaiah 58:12: “Your people will rebuild the ancient ruin and will raise up the age old foundations; you will be called repairer of the broken walls, restorer of streets with dwellings.” One of my passions is prayer. The Holy Spirit taught me in the infant stage of my new founded faith on how to pray. Prayer is much needed in the body of Christ. I’ve been in many so called prayer groups and connected to apostolic ministries that didn’t take prayer serious. It was just an afterthought to ministry, but prayer is the heart of any ministry and is needed in this next great move of God. Also, I have a passion for individuals who feel they are forgotten, the underdog, and those who have been mishandled and dropped by others and damaged. I have a heart to encourage and build them up.


Interviewer: Why did you get involved in Write a Chapter and what do you expect the outcome to be? Answer: I believe our destiny requires us to make wise decisions. Writing books is part of my destiny. God spoke to me and many prophets have prophesied that I will write books. So I believe I was led by the Holy Spirit to the Write a Chapter class because it lined up with my destiny. I decided to sign up and do the work to be challenged and stretched as a first time author. God will show or tell your destiny but it’s up to you to be sensitive to the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit and make the decisions to walk through the open doors that leads you to your God ordained destiny. Interviewer: What chapter are you writing about and why? Answer:The chapter I wrote about was molestation. I wrote about molestation because I experienced it as a young child. At the age of eight my life changed. I was molested by my older brother. What he did to me caused me much emotional, psychological, and physical harm which caused me to lose my identity. I wasn’t a child anymore. I was exposed to a world of sex in a perverted manner. I carried the burden of molestation for years and it distorted my life. However, I released the burden to Jesus Christ my Savior and He has made me free and I am free indeed. I pray that those who were molested and read this chapter, and all other chapters, will be healed, delivered and set free. Interviewer: What advice would you give to someone who wants to write a book but doesn’t know how? Answer: If the desire to write is in their heart and if a person desires to write a book, they can look within their own life for the material. Things that they have overcome and the knowledge and wisdom they obtained from it will give them good material for their book.

Most importantly, they should pray and ask God for direction on how to write the book, especially if God is leading them to write a book. Then listen to the Holy Spirit because He is going to lead you and give what to write. Also, they must make wise decisions concerning this new writing assignment. They must be diligent in their new writing assignment because it will be a blessing to others. Birth out that Best Seller. Puuuuuuuush and give Glory to Jesus. Contact DeWanda Ann Samuel at dewanda.

I was exposed to a world of sex in a perverted manner.









Interviewer: Tell me about yourself, your ministry, and your passion? Answer: My name is Jennifer Jackson. I was born in Tallahassee, Florida and raised in Panama City, Florida. I am a soldier in the United States Army with over 22 years of military service. I joined the military straight out of high school and it has been one of the best decision that I have made. God has truly blessed me to see and visit different countries and meet new people along the way. I’ve been involved in ministry from since the time I was a little girl singing in the Starlight Light Choir at my local church back home in Panama City. Throughout my time in the

military, I have been able to be a part of some awesome ministries at each location. I am currently a Minister in Training (MIT) at my local church in El Paso, Texas. I am a praise dancer and a teacher in the children’s ministry. In each place that God plants my feet, I always gravitate towards the Youth Ministry. Youth Ministry is where I got my passion for the Lord growing up. I love working with the little ones and to see them get excited about Jesus is just simply amazing. My true passion in life is to help others see beyond what’s in front of them, especially children. I know what it’s to like to wonder if something is the only thing you can obtain in life. I truly love working with children, especially the age group of three to six years old. They are the ones whose lives you can truly start to impact in a positive manner. I have my Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education and once I am out of the military, my vision is to open up my own childcare center, as well as a dance studio to cultivate those aspiring to praise dance. I have a 20-year-old son named Johnathan who has followed me throughout my military career as well. Interviewer: Why did you get involved in Write a Chapter and what do you expect the outcome to be?


Answer: During my last deployment back in 2017, while I was in Afghanistan, I was outside running and during the cool down the Lord gave me a title to a book. I was busy reasoning within myself saying “no not me.” He even gave me a poem. However, all throughout last year, the title of the book was ringing loud in my ear. Me being me, I tried to play it off until the end of last year a word released to me and it was “write the book.” I finally made up my mind and I began to write and I was starting to get frustrated. I put my tablet down. Afterward, I got a Periscope notification that Prophetess Kimberly was on and I started to listen. She talked about her different events for December and then she spoke about her new book and having people register to be a part of it. When I heard that, I tried to not listen. However, the Holy Spirit stopped me. After that, I decided to step out on faith and I am so grateful that I did. My expectation for this book and the chapters that each person has written is that we inspire the lives of those who will read the book. Empowering the readers who may feel like there is no hope for them and remind them that haven’t been forgotten by God. To deliver that person who feels like they are so deep in sin that they aren’t worthy of God’s love when in fact they are. God wants His people to be delivered and set free and this book is an open invitation for people to receive deliverance and salvation and come into the fold of Jesus Christ. Interviewer: What chapter are you writing about and why? Answer: Honestly I could relate to all of the topics, but depression is the one God told me to step out and write about and I am blessed that I did. I have suffered from depression most of my life growing up as a child. Not too many people know that other than the people I felt safe and protected sharing with. I knew they wouldn’t judge me because I am always seen as that strong person for other people. Honestly, that’s one of the reasons I was able to cope, function throughout my

life. While functioning and coping throughout my life, God just one day said, “Enough was enough. It’s time to put the enemy in his place. Too much time is being wasted wallowing in self-doubt. Get up and be who I called you to be.” So the smile people see on my face is the redemptive power of God’s grace and mercy. The love of Jesus keeping me. The Holy Spirit being my GPS and keeping me from dangers seen and unseen. I have the bestblessed life because I am a King’s Kid. Interviewer: What advice would you give to someone who wants to write a book but doesn’t know how? Answer: First I would say don’t allow fear to stop you! Regardless of where you see yourself at the time God dropped a book into your spirit, just know He has a plan for you. Research book coaches and their background and their success with helping other writers desiring to put their story on paper. I actually started following a couple book coaches through Periscope and their knowledge and wisdom empowered me to write now. Be inspired to write daily. Journaling, I have learned, is the best way to get started. I didn’t realize how much I was writing until I looked at the journals I have around me. Most of all I would tell anyone to be inspired by the Holy Spirit! Ask “What am I to write about today? What can I write about to encourage and inspire those around me?” Always remember that we have something on the inside of us to help others who may be dealing with the same issue and your testimony is the breakthrough they need to trust and believe. Contact Jennifer Jackson at









Interviewer: Tell me about yourself, your ministry, and your passion? I am a 52-year-old wife, mother, and grandmother who loves God with all my heart, mind and soul. I have served in the children’s ministry teaching Sunday School for three years, ages six to nine years old, with a unique technique of teaching with a reward system. I noticed that with this type of teaching, all the children would get in on the discussions and would listen attentively because they knew they were going to be rewarded for listening. I graduated from Southeastern Technical Institute with a degree in Practical Nursing in 1997, but before going to nursing school, I was a C.N.A. for eight years. I worked as an L.P.N. for 14 years in a local nursing home in the Vidalia, GA area. In 2009 I married Richard Richardson and moved to the Alma, GA area and lived there for a total of nine years before moving

to Baxley, GA where I reside with my husband. In 2011 I left my nursing job due to injury. I never did renew my nursing license. I have been working in the ministry for several years. My passion is to help people with different situations and problems whether it be physical, spiritually or materially. I want to be able to feed the hungry and to make sure that no child goes to bed hungry on any given day of the week. I experienced going to bed hungry when I was a child. I remember times when we didn’t have any food in the refrigerator. As I grew up and the Lord blessed me to be able to work and buy food of my own, I try to do as much as I can to help anyone that I know in need of food. I have been shopping for food to give to different people to make sure that they eat on a regular basis. There is nothing fun about going to bed hungry, especially for a child. I know that God said in His word that He would supply my every need such as His riches in Christ Jesus. So as He supplies my needs, I can help supply other peoples’ needs as well. Interviewer: Why did you get involved in Write a Chapter and what do you expect the outcome to be? I wanted to do Write a Chapter because I know that there are books in me. I know that


I have to write the one about my life story so that it can be a blessing to someone and let them know that they are not in whatever they are going through alone. When you can’t reach people in person and talk to them face to face, picking up a book and reading about the same things that they are going through and how God moved on the author’s behalf will let them know that God is no respecter of person. What He has done for one, He will do for the other one. It will make their faith level rise to read about all the testimonies of how God brought me over every obstacle that I faced in my life. I expect the outcome to be life-changing for me. A lot of things I had really blocked out of my mind and didn’t want to deal with them. Keeping them hid seemed like the way to deal with it, but now I realize that if I can get it out in the open I can truly be healed of the situations. I have nothing to be ashamed of. It was in my past, and God has delivered me from it. I pray that everyone who reads this book will get totally delivered from their wounds that are deep within their souls so that they can start walking in the freedom that God wants them to walk in. I know with this book that it will be a bestseller and it will be used for years to come to teach out of. It will speak to so many people of all ages and they will get free. It will eradicate that old stigma that “this is who I am” but in reality, it isn’t who we really are. We are on the journey to find who the real me is (the way that Jesus sees us) not the way we see ourselves. I know that I will be sending a copy to certain people who I know need to read this book so they can be set free in their mind, heart, and soul so they can walk around in the newness of life in Christ Jesus. Interviewer: What chapter are you writing about and why? I am writing about anger because I know this emotion too well. I have been dealing with this spirit every since I was a child. I have never been validated by my Dad and as I grew up in life I was on a collision course with disaster.

I had some good times in my life, don’t get me wrong, but if I didn’t have my faith in God, I seriously don’t know where I would have ended up. Different things were happening to me that was adding fuel to the fire, and I never dealt with any of it. I would just push it out of my mind or totally forget it and keep moving on until something else happened. I used to live by the motto “Don’t get mad get even.” That didn’t make anything better. I learned that two wrongs didn’t make a right. If you are in that type of relationship, then it is better to walk away so you can keep your sanity. It’s not even worth losing your mind over or having a nervous breakdown for. Because in the long run, you are only hurting yourself. Writing this chapter has helped me come to terms with a lot of emotions that needed to be dealt with. God knows what you need, and when you need it, to get all that poison out of you so you can move forward in the things that He has for you.

“ I can help supply other peoples’ needs as well.




I know without a doubt that it is God doing all of this. It is like a cleansing taking off the old and putting on the new, like leaving the old man and putting on the new man. In Ephesians 4:22-24 (ESV), it says “to put off your old self,[a] which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.” God has removed the heart of stone and given me a heart of flesh. In Ezekiel 36:26 (NLT), it reads “And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart.” I can operate from a pure heart and have clean hands in Christ Jesus and this transformation is much needed in my life. Interviewer: What advice would you give to someone who wants to write a book but doesn’t know how? First get an outline. Go by the outline and write daily whether you feel like it or not. Go into a quiet place and pray and ask God to help you and He will start downloading the information in you. Save the document in multiple places. I write the old school way. I write in a tablet and then later on type what I have written. I proofread it and make sure words are spelled correctly and I have my husband to proofread it for me. I give him a rough draft and asked him to read it and give me suggestions on what I need to change on it. He was a big help to me. I have never liked to wait until the last minute to do anything. I am always going ahead to get something done, but I know that other people have jobs and children and can’t go non-stop like I can. Every chance you get, write something. Even if it’s only a paragraph. The paragraphs will soon add up into a book. Also, try to take part of a day off and do some writing. As soon as I finished Write a Chapter, I started working on something else and I want to keep on going and be able to write the books that God wants me to release this year and the years

to come. Also, you can check on YouTube and find a lot of good videos on how to write a book. Pray that God will connect you with the right people to help push you to the next level in your book writing. He will connect you with publishing companies and publishers that will help you get your books out in the public sector. He will also get the funding to you to be able to do it also. If God told you to do it, then He will make sure that you have all you need to get it done. Contact Angela Richardson at

You can check on YouTube and find a lot of good videos on how to write a book.


YOLANDA SAMUELS my thoughts and feelings. I have continued writing. I have journals dating back to the early 2000’s. I would also write any prophetic words and dreams I’ve had inside my journals. I love reading and once I started writing in Write a Chapter, I realized I should have started writing more. I expect the outcome will be more books. I do have a testimony and I know it will bring glory to the Kingdom of God. Interviewer: What chapter are you writing about and why?

Interviewer: Tell me about yourself, your ministry, and your passion? Answer: I am a paraprofessional at an elementary school. I also have a tutoring business where I tutor elementary aged children in all subjects. I love the word of God and have been teaching Bible Study and teaching the women at my local church once-a-month. I am passionate about learning and teaching others. I love sharing the gospel and encouraging and praying for others. I also enjoy serving in the church in any capacity. Growing up, my mom made sure my sister and I served as young children. That has stuck with me to this day. Interviewer: Why did you get involved in Write a Chapter and what do you expect the outcome to be? Answer: As a young girl, my mother purchased my first journal. I would write down

Answer: I am writing about adultery. This sin is not hard to get involved in. It happens in a subtle way. The enemy will send someone who has an open door in their marriage to someone who also has an open door. This is why it is so easy to get into but hard to get out of. I am a witness to how this sin cost me EVERYTHING. My peace, joy and identity. I just knew I would never get caught up in it. I was wrong. The enemy can present someone to you who says all the right things. They appear to be the victim in their marriage. The deception is you only hear one side of the story. I desire to expose the trap of this sin and let others know there is complete freedom in Christ Jesus. Interviewer: What advice would you give to someone who wants to write a book but doesn’t know how? Answer: Begin where you are. Just take the time to write. Writing on a daily basis is the key. Step out on faith! Invest in a class that may give you pointers. Most importantly, pray and ask God to give you the words and the anointing to write. Contact Yolanda Samuels at msjay012001@








ZOLISHA WARE was raised in the church. Two years after saying I do, I gave my life to Christ, and it changed our entire relationship. Not only did I have to learn how to be a Christian wife but also what it meant to be a Christian. It wasn’t long while saved I was faced with if I would stay with my husband. I had a supernatural experience of hearing the audible voice that told me not to cry or worry but to be steadfast, and He would give him to me. Now many argued with me when I say that to them because they would say it’s the man who finds the wife. Many forget about 1 Cor 7:14 that says a wife can sanctify a husband. See my husband had already chosen me and it was the enemy who was trying to take what was already given. Well, I didn’t have it. He was not taking anything without a fight.

Interviewer: Tell me about yourself, your ministry, and your passion? Answer: I’m a wife, a mother, a teacher, a business professional, a praise team leader, a dance team leader, and a women’s outreach founder. I’ve been married for 17 years, but we’ve been together for 26 years. My husband and I were not married when I gave my life to Christ the first time. I found Christ, ran, and then two years later was married and rededicated my life to Christ. It all happened in a matter of three years. Many don’t know that if it weren’t for the Lord, I would have never married my husband because of trust issues and religious beliefs I had been raised to believe. Now, on the other hand, my husband

I had to tarry eight long years before my husband became saved. Within those eight years, I encountered my first breakthrough because God supernaturally healed me from ovarian cancer. The second was my God sent me back to school to gain an education. Thirdly, my God opened the door for me to be hired by Fortune 500 Company. And lastly, I was promoted to the Minister of Music of the church I attend. God did so much for me though that fight that there is not even enough room for me to tell you about it in this interview. All I can say is I don’t look like what I’ve been through. Currently, in Ministry, I’m the founder and a president of Safe Haven Women’s Outreach. This organization’s blueprint was given to me straight from heaven. In May of 2015, God gave me a dream that lasted three nights. This dream was amazing. For three nights I would


wake up, but when I went to bed again, the dream would start where it ended the night before. Within that dream, God put me on display before the devil and showed him how I had overcome sexual immorality, hatred, perversion, greed, anger, financial droughts, and rejection. Then at the end of the dream, God told me I was ready. When I woke up, I was so shaken. After a couple of days, God downloaded a blueprint for my outreach. My goal is to teach women how to be women again by reminding them nothing great is accomplished without the Lord. It also takes Him to overcome the cares of this world. My passion is to accomplish all that God has for me which, right now, is to be about souls for the Kingdom of God. I’m attending several schools right now that all center on the teachings of Jesus Christ. I’m studying God’s word while sharpening the gifts God has placed in me. I’m such a driven person. The calling on my life drives me. Another one of my passions is teaching. I love teaching and sharing my knowledge with my peers. I also absolutely love music. Music renews me while I worship God for all that he has done for me.

many people today don’t know what perversion is because the world has rewritten things of God and called sin acceptable. We are living in a dangerous time. People have to be awakened to the fact that we all have to give an account for our lives. I was faced with that very thing when I gave my life to Christ. I had to decide if I would stay living this devilish lifestyle or if I would allow God to clean me up. Well, I decided to give my life. God did a great purge when he delivered me from perversion. I also want those bound to know that God can set them free; just like he did for me. The chapter is also a visual reminder of what God did for me. Many people have a misconception about what God can do because they spend so much time in life severing themselves to fake gods. When they gain a relationship with the only true living God, they are passive and don’t understand the power of God or how to allow the word to work for them.

Interviewer: Why did you get involved in Write a Chapter and what do you expect the outcome to be?

Answer: The first thing I would advise them to do is pray. I would also advise finding a mentor who has had great success in writing. I would also research to find out what type of book they want to write and ask God to give them the blueprint for their book. Then I would start writing. Many of us have the gift however that gift has been lying dormant. Therefore it needs to be awakened so that the person will be able to write more freely.

Answer: I got involved with Write a Chapter because it’s a great tool to win souls for the Kingdom. I also got involved so I could learn more about the publishing industry. I’ve also had a desire to write all my life. I’ve always journeyed. Therefore, Write a Chapter was the next step to get me out of my comfort zone. Amazingly Write a Chapter not only increased my writing but also made me view God’s word more thoroughly to ensure that everything is in the proper context. Interviewer: What chapter are you writing about and why? Answer: My chapter is about perversion. I decided to write about perversion because that’s one of my biggest testimony. Plus,

Interviewer: What advice would you give to someone who wants to write a book but doesn’t know how?

Contact Zolisha Ware at infozlware@gmail. com




BRIDGET JEFFERSON My story needs to be told. Somebody needs to hear this. Interviewer: What chapter are you writing about and why?

Interviewer: Tell me about yourself, your ministry, and your passion? I’m really a very quiet person, shy in nature, very observant, but a people person. I love helping people. I work at a hospital in a position where I meet and greet people every day. A smile goes a long way and I can always tell when someone is having a hard day or just don’t feel well. In my position, I can’t just start praying for people, but I always do. They may not know it, but I am. Interviewer: Why did you get involved in Write a Chapter and what do you expect the outcome to be? I got involved in Write a Chapter because God had already ready placed it in my spirit that one day I would write a book. This was an awesome opportunity for me to learn. I expect a great outcome, such as great testimonies.

My chapter is on divorce. To be honest, I did not want to write on this subject. I wanted to write about the depression I was in and was delivered from, but when Prophetess Kimberly said that the subject had been taken, divorce hit my spirit. I said, “My God! I don’t want to relive this,” but God said to me, “Oh you’re going to write about this.” I didn’t realize what I had been through, and I know there are many women who went through the same thing. This story, as well as the others, will bless someone. Interviewer: What advice would you give to someone who wants to write a book but doesn’t know how? I would say to anyone thinking about writing a book, “Just do it!” Let God counsel you and know that the devil doesn’t want you to prosper. He doesn’t want you to heal, nor does he want your testimony to go forth. The devil tried to tell me things like, “People are going to say that you were stupid. They’re going to laugh at you,” but I quickly rebuked that devil. I wouldn’t let him stop me. Don’t you let him stop you either. Go forth with your book. Let God guide you and Praise him all the way through. Contact Bridget Jefferson at


ALEX HARDING because I was confident in my writing capabilities and as I’ve stated I enjoy reading. Now I had a chance to give an outlet of my experiences for correction while building the Kingdom of God. I know that one good book can change your whole life. For me, it was As a Man Think, Think and Grow Rich, Jump, and many others. After a while I noticed everything and all the answers I was looking for was in God’s word in the Bible. Interviewer: What chapter are you writing about and why? I wrote on the topic of pride because it’s something I went through and I’m sure others went or are currently going through. What I’m trying to do is shed some light on it and speak on it to try to overcome it so we can push past it. Interviewer: Tell me about yourself, your ministry, and your passion? My name is Alex Harding I’m from a small town in southwest Louisiana named Jeanerette. I really enjoy reading but I’ve been writing for a long time. I have a high passion for music. I have been writing since I was about eight years old, as strange as that may seem. Interviewer: Why did you get involved in Write a Chapter and what do you expect the outcome to be? I got involved with the write a chapter project

Interviewer: What advice would you give to someone who wants to write a book but doesn’t know how? Do your research. Figure out what you are trying to do and where you are trying to go with your message. Don’t be afraid to try something new. You never know what may come forth. And most importantly, make the right connections that count to bring your vision to reality. Contact Alex Harding at alexharding337@




STUFF SHELLS INGREDIENTS 1 (16 ounce) package jumbo pasta shells 4 cups large curd cottage cheese 12 ounces mozzarella cheese, shredded 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese 2 eggs, lightly beaten 1 pinch garlic powder 1 teaspoon dried oregano 1 teaspoon dried parsley 1 (26 ounce) jar spaghetti sauce 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese DIRECTIONS Prep: 25 m Cook: 25 m Ready In 50 m 1. Cook shells according to package directions. Place in cold water to stop cooking. Drain. 2. Mix together cottage cheese, mozzarella cheese, 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese, eggs, and garlic powder. Rub the dried herbs in the palms of your hands to pulverize them, and stir into the cheese mixture. Stuff mixture into the shells. 3. Spread 1/3 of spaghetti sauce in the bottom of a 15 x 10 inch pan. Place shells open side up, and close together in pan. Spread remaining sauce over top, and sprinkle with remaining 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese. 4. Bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for 25 to 35 minutes, or until bubbly. Let stand 10 minutes before serving. Nutrition Facts Per Serving: 557 calories; 18.2 g fat; 59.6 g carbohydrates; 37 g protein; 98 mg cholesterol; 1197 mg sodium.





CORETTA KELSEY prophets tell me many times that God wanted me to begin writing and I thought nothing of it. As I grew in the Lord, I began to think about how wonderful He has been in my life and that I needed to share it with others so that they too could have hope and encouragement. When I met Prophetess Kimberly and she began to announce that she was going to do a class on Write a Chapter, I knew this would help me to learn what I had to do to get started. I expect to be able to write and get many stories about my trials and tribulations out that will be used to glorify our Father.

Interviewer: Tell me about yourself, your ministry, and your passion. Answer: My name is Coretta and I am from a small town in Arkansas but live in Tennessee. I work in the healthcare field and I do believe that God placed me here for that. I love helping others and that also goes along with my ministry that God has called me to. I want people to be saved, set free and delivered by any means necessary! I have a heart for people no matter where they are in life or where they have come from. I know God wants us all to be saved! I am very active in my church. My passion is doing what pleases God and that includes caring for others. I want him to be satisfied with me and to know that He can trust me. I love God and appreciate Him so much. Interviewer: Why did you get involved in Write a Chapter and what do you expect the outcome to be? Answer:I got involved with Write a Chapter because over the years I have had a few

Interviewer: What chapter are you writing about and why? Answer:I am writing about alcoholism because it impacted my life so profoundly at such an early age. My mother was addicted to alcohol as well as others in our family. Interviewer: What advice would you give to someone who wants to write a book but doesn’t know how? Answer:I would advise others to pray and seek God on what to write about. He will give you memories as you begin to write. There are people who will certainly be blessed by you sharing your stories. Last but not least, contact Prophetess Kimberly Moses at Rejoice Essential Publishing Company to receive the legal instructions of getting your book edited and published. Contact Coretta Kelsey at lovingJesus1st@


CAROLYN BOLER With humble beginnings in Rock Hill, Third Ward, and Griertown, I witnessed families who were was affected by and were overburdened with much idolatry. People worshipped government assistance, commonlaw marriage, divorce, domestic and verbal abuse, and church fighting amongst the saints. I didn’t live in the best of areas. I lived in a place where hospitals were filled with battered women every first of the month and income tax return season. It was my goal not to let this happen to me. A family friend invited my mother to Word of Faith, a spirit-filled church that embraces all of the gifts of the Spirit and the fruit of the Spirit. I began to see God’s hand on my life early at eight years old. For about a year, I would have dreams and visions of crowds of people’s faces who were hurting and weeping and my heart, in turn, cried saying, “Lord! Send me!” Isaiah 40 came to my spirit, “Whom shall I send and who will go?” I said yes. Over twenty-five years later, I still say YES! Interviewer: Tell me about yourself, your ministry, and your passion? I’m the second of six siblings and a native of Charlotte and the South Carolina areas. I grew up with God-fearing parents, Adam Boler and Lucinda Key Boler, and great grandparents, Laury and Mary Key, who weren’t perfect but did their best teaching and living from what they knew and were taught. I grew up around the church, was a leader in my school in the Honor Society and on the A & B Honor Roll, volunteered in my community for Hurricane Hugo, and never met a stranger. I am a well-rounded, people person who looks for the best in people despite their situation and past.

God allowed me to follow my sister, Sonya, to Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I studied Business Administration and have I have a Master of Divinity. I am currently working on my Doctorate Degree in Leadership. I have completed my internships at Higher Dimensions Church, under Bishop Carlton Pearson, Sanctuary Church, and Back to The Bible with Bishop TD Jakes. I have also worked with homeless and Mexico Missions. After September 11, 2001, I moved to Arlington, Texas. I am a Captain and employed with American Airlines. I also have Carolyn Boler Ministries International. My passion is to reach others with God’s unconditional love, to do better, be better, and live better in




Jesus! Interviewer: Why did you get involved in Write a Chapter and what do you expect the outcome to be? Answer: I first saw Tron Moses’ YouTube page. One day I was replaying his ministry videos and Prophetess Kimberly Moses video started playing. Before committing to change the video, my spirit leaped as I watched the prayer calls. I was so blessed and encouraged by what Team Moses was doing that I sought her out on Periscope. After reviewing her Facebook page, and saw the Write a Chapter event and signed up in faith. I had a desire and had received prophetic words about writing books, so I allowed this to be my launching board. Praise God! Interviewer: What chapter are you writing about and why? Answer: I’m writing on Idolatry to bring awareness that Idolatry is the fine line that every Christian and human being has dealt with knowingly or unknowingly via New Age, yoga, psychology, and the like. Our First Commandment given to Moses on Mount Sanai is, “Serve no other gods or any graven images before our God Jehovah, Yahweh, Adonai! He is a Jealous God”, so to put our careers, spouses, finances, pastors, churches, and families before God is viewed as witchcraft! Interviewer: What advice would you give to someone who wants to write a book but doesn’t know how? Answer: I would suggest to definitely write your story because somebody needs to read it and be healed and set free. Write, write, and write some more! Find an author, I strongly recommend Prophetess Kimberly Moses, who has workshops or who can mentor you. Get professional pictures taken. Finally, don’t be ashamed but use tack and wisdom.

Contact Carolyn Boler at carolynboler@gmail. com

Idolatry is the fine line that every Christian and human being has dealt with knowingly or unknowingly via New Age, yoga, psychology, and the like.


ANSTRICE MCMILLIAN EPPS Interviewer: Tell me about yourself, your ministry, and your passion? Answer: Well…..My name is Anstrice Mcmillian Epps. I’m a wife and mother of two. I was in banking for about 13 years before God called me out of that into His purpose. In 2017, God called me to start a blog and write a book. The book is called When Pain is Profound, which will be out shortly this year. The blog started the ministry. I didn’t even know there was a passion in me to write, but God kept speaking to me in my prayer time for weeks until I stepped out and launched ShewritesforGod. After starting the blog, God started to reveal who I was in Him. My identity in Christ was revealed each and every day that I would go into the secret place with Him. It wasn’t until 2017 that God told me I was His Prophetess. I’ve always had a passion for all things in beauty. Hair, makeup, etc. I started a YouTube channel to express my creativity in that passion. It’s called “ShewritesforGod” as well. Stepping out and starting the channel to combine faith and beauty was scary for a while and still is at times. I sat on the idea of starting the YouTube channel about beauty for years. In November of 2018, with the nudge from God, I stepped out and launched the channel. Interviewer: Why did you get involved in Write a Chapter and what do you expect the outcome to be? Answer: This completely brought me out of my comfort zone more. I know God led me to Write a Chapter where there was someone who wanted to push other people forward. Throughout the body of Christ, there is so

“I didn’t even

know there was a passion in me to write

much competing and tearing down of one another. It’s refreshing to see a prophetess want to see others succeed and push them into their God-given purpose. The outcome that I expect is a move of God in the hearts of people who need to know that they’re not alone, that there are people that have experienced and are currently going through what they are going through, and that we all can overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony. My prayer is that people will read this book and what God is calling them to do they will do without fear. I pray that what God is saying to them will be confirmed by reading this book and that they will receive exhortation in knowing that they can overcome what they may currently be feeling. Interviewer: What chapter are you writing about and why? Answer: I’m writing on fear. This is one spirit that seems so insignificant until it comes to




stop our progression. When fear takes a hold of us, we don’t move forward or backward. We remain “stuck” because fear is just that. It keeps us stuck if we allow it to overtake us. Fear has cost me so much time loss. The biggest one is fear of what others think and what they will say. I thank God that He is still delivering me from fear by causing me to step out of my comfort zone more and more. I believe that most of us would do what God is calling us to do and walk with Him if we didn’t have fear in our lives. People need to know that we may feel fear sometimes, but it doesn’t have to take rule over our lives. We actuality have rule over it. Interviewer: What advice would you give to someone who wants to write a book but doesn’t know how? Answer: Write the book. Yes. You’re going to have resistance and opposition. If we didn’t, then we’d need to keep seeking God to make

sure it’s from Him truly. It’s to be expected when chains and bondage will be broken off of people’s lives because of what you’re going to write about. Step out and do it. Obedience is better than sacrifice. Pray and ask God for direction. If God gave you the idea, He wants for you to seek Him out for the plan. Do your research. You’ll be surprised at what God will pull out of you when you pursue the idea He gave to you. Pray for divine connections. I know because of prayer and fasting, God led me to Write a Chapter. God led me to Prophetess Kimberly Moses. God led me to someone who was going to help push out the baby He gave me. I thank God for divine connections. We cannot do what God is calling us to on our own. He knows who He has placed in our lives and He will lead us at the right time. With that being said, do your part and start writing, God will do the rest.





The startup of an organization, led my God, in works to minister to women who need guidance to Jesus. D.O.Z. has been created by Anstrice Mcmillilan Epps. Your donation will be towards the start a new organization geared towards healing, encouraging, supporting and restoring women to and in Christ. Help us get started with start-up fees, website launch, filing fees with Secretary of State, future events, tee shirts, and support of women. Any donations that you give is a seed in the ground that the Father recognizes and honors. We appreciate your donations as honoring God and pray blessing of multiplication for you with the seed that you sow. Come and encounter a D.O.Z. with your help in meeting our goals! Go to D.O.Z Daughter of Zion on to place your donation.

Listen to the podcast on Itunes Podcast, Google Podcast, or Soundcloud. Messages available on Youtube by searching for ShewritesforGod.



is exactly what God did. My passion to spread the word of God continued to grow. My passion is to encourage people not to give up and I enjoy speaking life into God’s children. I graduated from Southern Illinois University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Administration of Justice with a minor in Sociology. I attended Robert Morris University where I graduated with a Master of Business Administration. I have a Doctor of Business Administration in International Business and graduated from Michigan State University School of Law with a Juris Doctor in Business Law. I am currently pursuing a Master of Laws degree in Real Estate Litigation.

Interviewer: Tell me about yourself, your ministry, and your passion? Answer:I am Dr. Maudia Washington, MBA, JD, DBA, LLM. I am a devoted Christian from Chicago, Illinois. I grew up in the Church of God In Christ (COGIC) and have always loved and worshipped God. My first profound introductory into the body of Christ was a leap of faith happened when I was a preteen and I read about Joseph. My thought was, “God, if you can allow Joseph to have dreams and interpret them, and go from the prison to the palace you can favor me as well.” That

I am an Attorney, licensed to practice in Illinois state courts. I am also licensed to practice in all three Illinois Federal District Courts: The United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, The United States District Court for the Central District of Illinois and The United States District Court for the Southern District of Illinois. In addition, I am also licensed in the United States Tax Court. I am the owner of Washington Law Offices. Washington Law Offices two offices are located in Chicago, Illinois and Elgin, Illinois. My practice focuses on complex civil litigation,




business law, employment discrimination, contract disputes, real estate litigation, copyrights infringement, and other civil matters. I was a speaker at the 111th Church of God In Christ Holy Convocation Conference in St. Louis, Missouri (October 2018). I am the author of The 36.5 Day Challenge, a daily devotional for accomplishing your goals and dreams. I am also the author of Trophy Wife, Powerless Life. I am a co-author with Kimberly Moses of It Cost Me Everything. In this book, I wrote a chapter on “Ungodly Soul Ties”. Interviewer: Why did you get involved in write a chapter and what do you expect the outcome to be? Answer:Around November 2018, I began to follow Prophetess Kimberly Moses and started attending her 6:00 AM and noon prayer line calls. In December 2018, Prophetess Moses began to promote Write a Chapter. I felt a strong urge to get involved with Write a Chapter. It was divine timing. It was meant to happen. At that time God began to instruct me on other projects and God put it on my heart to complete a novel that I was working on since 2009. He also revealed to me to write a devotional and two other articles. From November 2018 to January 2019, I completed the chapter “Ungodly Soul Ties” for It Cost Me Everything, wrote The 36.5 Day Challenge, and completed Trophy Wife, Powerless Life. Meeting Prophetess Kimberly Moses has been a true blessing in my life, and I am very grateful. I expect my chapter to impact and change individuals’ lives. We have all been involved in a soul tie. Soul ties can be universal not just in a relationship. Breaking a soul tie can be very difficult but my chapter provides my testimony and how I broke my soul tie. An unhealthy soul tie can impact your health, happiness, and life overall.

“ My passion

is to encourage people not to give up and I enjoy speaking life into God’s children.

Interviewer: What chapter are you writing about and why? Answer:My chapter is entitled “Ungodly Soul Ties”. Many people are involved in relationships that are unhealthy for them. These relationships do not have to be a ‘dating relationship’ but could be with anyone who exerts control over you. For example, parents over their children, teachers over their students, or pastors over their flock. Many people do not know that they are involved in a soul tie. This chapter helps them to become unbound and to break the ungodly yoke. God does not want us to be bound. God wants us to seek His face in everything. My chapter teaches you how to recognize your soul tie, repent to God and break it. Breaking soul ties are not easy. It is best not to start one. The results of a soul tie can be devasting, costly and


sometimes life threating. I wrote this chapter because I was involved in a soul tie. It was very difficult to break mostly because I did not recognize that I had formed a soul tie. My family members identified it for me. I was not myself. I am a strong person, but I was completely different when I was involved with my soul tie. My soul tie had control over me, my business and my family life suffered. Interviewer: What advice would you give to someone who wants to write a book but doesn’t know how? Answer: First, pray to God about it and He will give you the vision, guidance, and instructions. Writing can be hard but just remember that your book will be on Earth after you are gone and it can impact someone else’s life. Second, write on a daily basis. Set a time every day to write and do not miss a day. Devote that time to your book. Somedays you can write several pages and sometimes you can only write a couple of paragraphs. Do something. Third, remember why you started writing the book on days that you do not feel like writing or are facing writer’s block. Fourth, pray before you start your writing session and ask God to give you what to write. This is exactly what I did for my book The 36.5 Challenge. God told me on November 24, 2018, to start writing a devotional. I had a back and forth conversation with God and He told me the layout for the devotional and the material to write about. Just remember, with God, all things, and I mean ALL THINGS, are possible. Website: Facebook: @faithjourneywalk Twitter: @FaithJourney9 Istagram: @FaithJourney9 Email:

“ Breaking a

soul tie can be very difficult but my chapter provides my testimony and how I broke my soul tie. An unhealthy soul tie can impact your health, happiness, and life overall.





Try these looks for a chilly day. Try it and let us know how much you love this look. Email us at




JOYCE HOPE me to come out of the years of procrastination of writing. I’ve been journaling for years and the desire to write a book has been in my heart for many years. When I heard about this project, I felt led by the Lord to participate as an avenue to launch me into my destiny of writing. I pray that whatever you need from God at this moment in your life, that this book will be a tool of evangelism, encouragement and most of all deliverance for all who read it. Interviewer: What chapter are you writing about and why?

Interviewer: Tell me about yourself, your ministry and your passion? I was born in Accomac, Virginia, the second of an unexpected set of twins. I was raised by a single mother. My mother moved her three daughters to New York with hope for a better life. I was raised in Brooklyn, New York. I received my education in the pubic school system. I began to further my Christian education by attending Bethel Bible Institute and I am currently enrolled in Dominion Global Bible Institute and Seminary. I am a mother of two. I am an ordained Elder under the Pentecostal House of Prayer of Deliverance Inc., where Bishop McKinley Green is the Chief Prelate. I love spending time with my family. I love to read and write. My passion is prayer. I’ve learned that nothing can compare to time spent in the presence of God. Interviewer: Why did you get involved with write a chapter and what do you expect the outcome to be? I got involved with this writing project because I felt it would be a challenge to stretch

I wrote the chapter about disobedience. This was NOT my original topic to write about but after speaking with Prophetess Kimberly and the promptings of the Holy Spirit, she encouraged me to pursue this topic. As I began to write, God revealed to me why I had to write about disobedience. In spite of all I’ve been through due to my disobedience in the past, I still had some areas in my life that I had not totally surrendered to God. Partial obedience is still disobedience. Writing this chapter has caused the eyes of my understanding to be enlighten in reference to obeying God in every area of my life. Interviewer: What advice would you give to someone who wants to write a book but doesn’t know how? My advice that I would give to someone who desires to write is to first take it to God in prayer and be led of the Holy Spirit. Everyone has a story to tell and there is someone that needs to hear your story. Contact information: Facebook@ Joyce Hope Periscope@Joyce Hope2


LASHANA LLOYD Interviewer: Tell me about yourself, your ministry, and your passion? Answer: I am a Christian author, blogger, writer, speaker, and life coach for women. I am also the Founder and Owner of Faith Led Life and Faith Led Life Coaching, LLC. I encourage and inspire women to walk confidently in their purpose for God by not being held back by visible or invisible barriers that would try to stop them from moving forward. My vision is to prepare the hearts of women to receive the glory of Jesus so that they can be led to a relationship with God through the Holy Spirit. My mission is to prepare women by nourishing their souls with words spoken or written that will lead them to, or back to, God with a passion driven purpose to inspire and encourage women to walk purposely in their calling, and equip them to receive God’s glory. I am the author of two previous books: a book collaboration titled You Have No Idea the Hell I’ve Been Through: 22 Women Who Pushed from Pain to Purpose and What’s Blocking Your Confidence? Effective Tools to Conquer Your Fears.

Answer: A few years ago, the Father told me, “I did not allow you to go through everything you went through so that I could watch you suffer. I allowed you to go through so that you could help someone else.” It was something that stuck with me, and I have no intention of ever forgetting that. I wanted to get involved with writing this chapter, and giving my testimony, Interviewer: Why did you get involved in so that I can help somebody else or help write a chapter and what do you expect the others. I want others who have or are outcome to be?




going through this to know that there is a way of escape prepared for you, and God is that way of escape. I want the enemy to be exposed so that he, his demonic schemes, and forces will be destroyed. Interviewer: What chapter are you writing about and why? Answer: The chapter that I’m writing about is witchcraft. Witchcraft is something that is either misunderstood, ignored, or goes without being detected for long or short periods of time. Hosea 4:6 sums it up best where God said, “My people are destroyed for lack of

knowledge.” There’s a saying that goes, “You don’t know what you don’t know,” but saying “I didn’t know” will not stop people who have wrong motives from trying to manipulate, control, curse you, and try to stop you from moving in your God given destiny and purpose. If anything, you will become an easier target for them to wreck havoc in your life. Being attacked by witchcraft has more consequences than most will ever realize so I chose to write about witchcraft so that I can make people more aware of this. When witchcraft was taking place in my life, I unknowingly disarmed my discernment and surrendered my free will, and as a result of that, it almost cost me my destiny. I do not want anybody to go through what I experienced with witchcraft so if me giving my testimony about how the Father healed and delivered me from the hands of the enemy and his agents will help others, I happily write this as a way to do so. Interviewer: What advice would you give to someone who wants to write a book but doesn’t know how? Answer: Whatever you do, do not give up. Do not lose hope, and do not become


is important to write everything down.

discouraged. Just begin to write, and write some more. Get everything written down - whether it is through pen and paper, typing, or audio. It doesn’t matter if it is one word, one sentence, or one paragraph, write it down! In 2015, I was writing everyday in my journal for months and on one of my social media pages for years before the Father told me that He was calling me to authorship. When He told me that I was going to become a Christian author for women, part of me was shocked and part of me wasn’t. Part of me was shocked because I had no idea that being an author and a writer was not only part of the assignment that God had given to me but also shocked at knowing that that is how He wanted to use me. On the other hand, it did not come as a surprise to me because writing is how I express myself best. Some people prefer to verbally express their thoughts and actions; I prefer to write so that I do not forget about it and I can go back to so that I can be reminded about the things I wrote. That’s why I feel it

The next thing I would do is pray. Pray that God will lead you to the right person (a book coach) and publishing company. For me, I was blessed to receive both from the same person. Before I started working on my chapter in You Have No Idea the Hell I’ve Been Through: 22 Women Who Pushed from Pain to Purpose, I had already had the chapters for What’s Blocking Your Confidence? Effective Tools to Conquer Your Fears written. The Father had given me the chapters from What’s Blocking Your Confidence? Effective Tools to Conquer Your Fears, and He was ready for this book to come out of me. The problem I had was the person I presented these chapters to felt that I would not be able to elaborate on each chapter long enough to turn these chapters into a book, but I knew that wasn’t true because the Father had already told me that this is what He wanted me to write about. When this was said to me, I just began to pray that He would reveal to me who it was that He wanted me to connect with so that I could get this book released. Shortly after that, like a day or a couple of days later, I saw a flyer announcing that Prophetess Kimberly Moses was hosting a “Write a Book Webinar” so I knew that the Father answered my prayers. It was awesome! The Holy Spirit moved mightily on the webinar. What the other person was not able to do, God moved through someone else to help me complete my manuscript in three and a half months so it pays to pray and seek God for guidance so that He can open the doors and connect you to the right people. Contact LaShana Lloyd at





Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: “Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.” (Proverbs 31:25-30)

never gave up on them. Through their tiny boo-boos, to their big heartbreaks. Mommy was always there.

I know that MY kids will see a mother who

Through my own children, I had discovered

While life brings many disappointments, it brings much joy as well. It’s how we handle every situation that makes the outcome beautiful.

But does a mother end her title with her own Let’s take a stroll, or should I say “stroller,” down children? Does she give everything to her memory lane. children alone? Does she cater to the hearts of the children she gave birth to? Or does she What do YOU see? love other children beyond measure?


that being a mother ran deeper than the ocean of hundreds of children that crossed my path already. As I analyzed each child, I found that every child who crossed my path was there for a reason. Whether they learned from me or I learned from them, they were there. Life’s journey is long and winding. With many twists and turns, it brought a meaningful message: the depth of a mother’s title is neverending. God had always brought me to the surface of the ocean in order to teach me how to conquer those big waves. While facing my own children’s difficulties, I was tossed into a different mix. I was called to incorporate every heart I faced, whether it was abuse, relationship hurt, or kid problems. My motherly instincts helped in the process. Baking cookies was really not my forte, but God would instill in me a much deeper, muchneeded recipe with instructions that called for more than an oven or stove. That’s the mother title He cooked up in my heart and soul. But would I handle the job I was called to as God needed me to right? Or would I destroy the mission? With so many hits and misses, I quickly assumed that the mission was definitely impossible. I got angry. I fought. I cried. I hated. I just literally threw in the towel long before I started. The white flag flew probably more than the dust that hovered over 100 rooms. I was more than overwhelmed at times just trying to believe that my job as a mother would far expand greater than who laid under my roof. Then, it dawned on me. I wasn’t just a mother to the children from my womb, but to every

child that came to my feet. The mission went from impossible to capable. While the roads were still bumpy, I came to the understanding that when dealing with my own flesh and blood, the roads were bumpy and that if I wanted things to go smoother, then I would have to rely on the mission maker. The One who Created children. Soon I learned that the mission went from capable to possible. I was a mother. That title was mine no matter where the road led. No matter how many came to my door. I was a mother...and… I’ve dealt with many children from all walks. Some dealing with drug addiction, others dealing with the monster of alcoholism. I’ve had young girls who have been sexually abused and tossed away like garbage. Funny kids, grumpy kids, children with terrible hygiene, and children with ripped up hand me downs. Every shoe told a different story and every smile hid many imperfections. I realized soon that these children didn’t need therapy...they needed a mother! They cried out for “mommy medicine,” love that only a mother could give. This wasn’t a test or a dream. This was a reality. There were real children out there dealing with real issues and the ugliness of what this world had to offer them. Here, I thought that I was placed in their lives to help fix their mess. But God taught me that they were placed in mine to help me understand the mission I was called to and to help mother them through their difficult time. I wasn’t there to fix their issues, but rather love them the way Christ loved us. I’ve watched a few take their own lives and watched as some came close to God and slowly drift away. I’ve watched as two or three




of them came to Salvation, while others still linger in the dark place that will eventually take their last breath. I’ve discovered beauty in the making and discovered the ugly grip of the enemy in these children’s lives. I’ve cried and laughed with them. And while they didn’t come from my womb, they came from the Creator who molded my own children - the Creator who brought life to an entire Universe. My mission soon became my ministry. I once thought that I was just a mother to four children, but quickly found out that I was given the honor of holding a title that very few could hold. A mission most found impossible became a mission possible. I am a mother to many! Today, look at your own life. Whether you’re a mother or not, pray for direction. If your life is surrounded by many children and they’re clinging to you, the answer may just surprise you as it did me. You may be called to mother many children. Give God praise for your purpose. You could be saving many. As a mother, life isn’t always easy to comprehend, but it’s a pretty beautiful when we discover that so many people depend on us. Be diligent in prayer when being used. Believe that God can do anything. Be still and know that if He takes us to it.....He’ll bring us through it! Because while we are mothers, He is God.

I got angry. I fought. I cried. I hated. I just literally threw in the towel long before I started. The white flag flew probably more than the dust that hovered over 100 rooms.


Quick Beef Ragu Spaghetti with Zucchini and Italian Seasoning Use my unique code to save $40 off your first box. Promo Code: KIMBMOSE Spaghetti with tomato sauce is always a recipe for success. Is there anyone who’d turn down a plate of noodles piled high and dusted with cheese? Surely not, although adding some extra meat and veg certainly makes it all the more crave-able. And that’s exactly what we’re doing in this version: taking a tried-and-true Italian American classic and filling it out with hearty ground beef and bites of tender zucchini.








“Very informative” I really enjoyed reading “Enhancing The Prophetic In You”, it’s engaging, very informative, and gives a fresh perspective of the Prophetic for beginners and seasoned saints. — Felecia Jackson “I recommend this read to novice and advance prophetic practitioners alike” Enhancing the Prophetic is very well written and solid teaching on the prophetic ministry. The book and teaching is backed accurately by scripture. Subjects such as prophetic protocols, and the Dos and Don’ts of the Prophetic Ministry are covered within this book. I recommend this read to novice and advance prophetic practitioners alike.— Apostle DAE









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