Rejoice Essential Magazine November 2018

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28 06 Testimonies 08 Are You Called To Be A Kingdom Handler of Mammon 11 Wisdom Is The Principle Thing 14 Kingdom Relationship: Qualities of a Godly Man

18 Let No Man Deceive You 21 The Dark Place 23 “The Dark Place” interview with Javien Williams 25 Trust Walk 28 Prophetess Tonya Hall 39 Will You Invite Me In?

40 Healthy Living



Kimberly Moses Founder And Editor Effingham, SC

Tron Moses Photographer, Marketer, Designer Effingham, SC

Shirley Ann Cooper Writer Kissimmee, Florida

Taylur Holland Writer Dallas, Texas

Keiyia Jackson-George Writer And Chief Editor Cane Garden Bay, Tortola Virgin Islands Melinda Roberts Writer Baton Rouge, Louisiana









When we share our testimonies, our faith increases! We start to believe God for the impossible! We can see the power and the hand of God in any situation. God can turn any test into a testimony! We know if God did it before, he can do it again. Our Testimonies glorify God!

Hello Prophetess Kimberly, my name is Angela and I was on the prayer call this am, and I asked for prayer of my left leg being longer than right leg. You told me to sit down, so I sat on the couch with legs resting on the couch. When everyone began to pray, I saw my right leg moving downward. I had already had a podiatrist appt today because I was having issues with my legs and making my hips hurt. Well, I went to my appt today

and the podiatrist came into the room and examined me, he said that it is hardly even noticeable with the length now, the difference of the length has been 1.1 cm but today after prayer this am it is 1/16 of a difference. I told him that I had gotten on the prayer line today and I was healed with the prayer. Also, he said my x-rays of my feet looked good, didn’t find any arthritis of any kind. He said that he didn’t see where I

needed an insert in my shoes. I don’t have any pictures of my feet before prayer, but here are some pictures I took will sitting in the examining room. I give God the glory for the healing, because I have had these problems since 2011. Thank you Lord for the healing. Lord you are worthy of the praise. Praise God I am healed!! During the worship at my conference, “Empowering


The New Me” God gave me a miracle mantle! He spoke to me, “I’m placing a miracle Mantle upon you. There’s someone here whose leg is shorter than the other and I want you to grow it out!” Immediately, I felt a Mantle being placed on my shoulders in the spirit. My shoulders began to get heavy. When worship was over, I spoke exactly what God gave me to say. A lady came forth. We commanded her leg to grow and it shot out as it grew evenly with the other leg. The crowd was in awe of God and praises erupted. I had another lady testified of what she witnessed to silence the spectators. Blessings Prophetess, I’m home from attending the “Empowering The New Me Conference.” Thank you for all the information. I’m empowered! – Stacy Sis, when you prayed for me, it was hot! I felt a weight being placed on me. I’m like thanks a lot sis. We already know to whom much is given much is required. Then I dreamed this morning a prophet said, “Ask God what is the cup about you concerning the King.” I’m like I don’t know. When Jesus saw His cup, he started sweating blood. – Melody I arrived home safely from after I attended the “Empowering The New Me Conference.” Thank you Prophetess for pouring out into us. Keep representing the holy remnant of God. I enjoyed you and the conference. I’m excited that we’re Empowered. The conference

was life changing for me. I got my voice back. Nobody knows it but I wasn’t able to sing like that since before I had surgery on my neck. I wasn’t even aware of what was happening. I just love to worship. Before the conference when I would sing, it felt like something was squeezing my neck and I would start to cough. I felt like I was choking. I couldn’t even understand what everyone else heard. The enemy has always fought me about my voice and church folk over the years have hated me for my voice. God gave it to me and I can’t even explain why He favored me so. I don’t sing to be seen or heard, I just love to worship and love on my Father. -Lavonda Thank you Prophetess Kimberly for pouring into us! From the beginning to the end was powerful! I woke up pondering on the prophetic intensive training, the workshops and the miracle service. I was truly blessed and received impartation! I’m so grateful for every speaker. I have been elevated in my mind, soul and spirit! There was no other place for me to be but the “Empowering The New Me Conference” on yesterday. -Nikeya “Empowering The New Me Conference” was powerful. – Tasha “Empowering The New Me Conference” was powerful and I enjoyed it. – Melody The healings that I witnessed yesterday at “Empowering The New Me Conference” are uncommon in the local church today! – Nikeya Greetings Prophetess

Kimberly, I have been tuning into your morning and afternoon prayer calls since Day 9. I can truly say that it has been a blessing. Since calling in, my husband and I have started back going to church together. He listens to sermons on YouTube specifically TD Jakes - and occasionally reads the bible with me for understanding. Just the other morning, he communicated to me that he wants to learn about the life of the major/minor prophets in the Bible. I must say, I was surprised to hear this coming from him. Hi Prophetess! I give God praise and thanks. I also wanted to encourage you and thank you. During the “Tongues of Fire” prayer call this morning, I received healing from past hurts, and God replaced it with compassion, and I was able to begin to intercede for the ones that hurt me!- Waiters I dreamed that my hands were dripping with oil - big drops of oil. Something truly happened at your conference. I can also speak for the ladies that were with me: dreams and visions. The overall anointing has been charged. We knew we had to be there. We got what we came for and then some. More is coming. Hallelujah!! Praise God!!- Bridget






In this era, there are copious amounts of teachings available through various churches and ministries about it being God’s will for followers of Christ to be wealthy. There are also plenty of Christ followers who are ‘standing in faith’ and waiting for financial wealth to overtake them. As a Christ follower, who is also a business steward, I am fully cognizant, and I’m sure many of you are, at all times of the following scripture: “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” Matthew 6:24 What there isn’t a lot of is teaching on HOW the Christ follower can walk into their season of wealth without making an idol out of ‘mammon’ which, in many cases, can be the reason that wealth remains out of reach.

was completely interrupted in that moment). I had no choice but to be still and listen. (Those who know what it’s like to be aware of the pronounced presence of Holy Spirit understand.) Then it became crystal clear: Christ followers who are called into the marketplace have to have the heart of Christ for the people that they come into contact with, which means that their heart must be a fully converted/transformed heart. The mission that we are on has to be clear to us, internally. The mission is to touch lives for LOVE (God). We don’t have to be and shouldn’t be foolish about the way in which we go about doing this. We don’t have to be loud and obnoxious about our faith. To the contrary, the Word of God instructs us to be ‘wise as a serpent, and harmless as a dove (Matthew 10:16).’

In this article, I will refer to ‘money’ as ‘mammon’ primarily due to the fact that money is first and foremost a form of spiritual energy. That’s another topic for another day.

When I’m serving clients, they are to receive the best possible customer service from me and the highest level of ethical work and conduct, not only because it’s good for business, but because those people matter to LOVE. (God.)

I was sitting and listening to Holy Spirit one evening, and it became crystal clear to me that Holy Spirit was trying to get me to understand something (I felt like my thought process

Wealth for the Christ follower is supposed to be a BY-PRODUCT of having a fully transformed HEART and identity. The wealth isn’t the point. The wealth is the by-

product. The fact that so many Christ followers ask for wealth, more than they may ask for souls in prayer, is telling, isn’t it? I mean that rhetorically but seriously. You and I are ‘there’ in the marketplace on assignment, for Christ’s sake. Literally. I talk business and know my business well outwardly, and in my industry, we deal with large amounts of money on a regular basis. Inwardly, however, I am also a prayer warrior. There is nothing anyone could do that could persuade me to defraud my clients or the speakers and consultants that we work with. Tithing and giving is a discipline that Holy Spirit has long since birthed in me. I was prepared to walk into this industry while being prepared and trained for years to tithe. When on assignment with a client, I am doing my work as unto the Lord. The Lord is my ultimate provider. Colossians 3:23-24 says: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the LORD, not for human masters, since YOU KNOW that you WILL receive an INHERITANCE from the LORD as a REWARD. It is the LORD CHRIST you are serving. (emphasis are mine)” A FULL awakening to the reality of and the presence of God is required for this!




Awareness of our identity in Christ, our purpose(s) in Christ, and a revelation of LOVE’s presence is required for this. When we are fully awake in Christ, we won’t violate LOVE’s (GOD’S) purpose in the work or life of another human being, whether they are our client or not. When we have a heart that has been transformed in and by Christ the living Word, we will then be anointed to HANDLE mammon versus being overwhelmed, overtaken, and deceived by mammon. Proper handling of mammon from the Kingdom perspective entails tithing and giving on the increase, not stealing from people, not lying about fees, and the like. These things should not even be a temptation to the fully transformed heart. They aren’t a temptation to the fully transformed heart. The fully transformed heart is so in love with its maker that it is satisfied with whatever morsel its creator gives or allows because it knows that every provision is a gift from above, given from LOVE (God.) A lot of people who are crying out for ‘wealth’ have not yet awakened to the fact that when the living Word of God says that ‘the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the just,’ it really means that. The justified are justified by the blood of Jesus

and made new by putting on the righteousness of God yes, but more importantly, they are saturated in the Love of God. When you are drunk from being loved on by God, your heart doesn’t have desires like abnormal greed, or the desire to defraud the client, or not tithe, etc.

Candace G. Carson is the Founder and CEO of The Intelligentsia Agency, Inc. (, an invitation-only professional speaker and consultant agency in Tysons Corner, Virginia. She is a daughter of God, an intercessor, and more.

Wealth for the Christ follower is supposed to be a BYPRODUCT of having a fully transformed HEART and identity.



to repent and extended His mercy. It wasn’t until public exposure or humiliation they were humbled. In the humbling process they remembered that God was the beginning of knowledge. Dear Heavenly Father, Today’s scripture for meditation: Proverbs 1:7 says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” When we become aware of who God truly is, we don’t want to grieve His Holy Spirit. We will gain a level of reverence for Him that we didn’t have before. We come to the full realization that He is the ultimate source of everything. It all starts with Him. He is the creator of the universe and mankind. There is noth-

ing new under the sun. When you have the fear of the Lord, then you won’t make devastating mistakes that will cost you your life or anointing. Foolish people feel like no one can tell them anything. They are hard to deal with. They reject counsel and oftentimes they fall hard on their faces. I have seen leaders fall straight on their faces. They started off pure but along the way, they became tainted with sin and they stopped fearing God. God warned them plenty of times

Lord allow me to always look to you and not take my eyes off your son Jesus. Sometimes distractions happen in life that will cause me to lose focus, but I want to be mindful that when I reverence you and respect you, that is the first step to wisdom. Lord, guard my heart from pride, greed, lust, carnality and anything else that will lead me astray. Give me wisdom so I can make better choices in life. Thank you for answering this prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen.










During my early twenties, I remember sitting down and jotting on paper what I wanted in a husband someday. I expressed all of the physical details, such as his body type, height, hair color, and eye color, and then wrote down some specifics about what he liked to do. It appears that I was going through the motion of seeking out what I call my “superficial desires.” My list consisted of a man with a bank account as big as Mount Everest, a luxury car, a business owner (millionaire type, of course) and he is physically fit and very handsome. At least that is what I thought was best for me but experiences taught me different. It’s funny to look back at that list now that I have matured and experienced some of life’s lessons regarding relationships - healthy and unhealthy. I was quite convinced that what a man looked like, what he drove, and what he had in his bank account was more important than what his relationship was like with the Lord. As I reflect back to the time of writing the list, nowhere on that list did I have an interest in his character qualities, because I hadn’t yet realized what is truly important to look for in a man. How many unsaved and saved singles do? But, 24 years later, God has grown my faith, challenged me in certain beliefs I’ve held about relationships and marriage, and shown me what is truly valuable.

My favorite story in the Old Testament is that of Ruth. As a matter of fact, I was lead by the Holy Spirit to review the book of Ruth before sitting down to write this article. Regardless of the urging of her mother-inlaw, Naomi, to stay in Moab, return to her parents’ household, and re-marry, Ruth displays such a beautiful portrayal of loyalty when she clings to Naomi (Ruth 1:14) and says, “For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people and your God my God” (Ruth 1:16). Ruth displayed a committed act of faith to journey to Judah with her motherin-law Naomi. She was also a dedicated hard worker in the fields, and her own beautiful character brought about a harvest of blessing upon Ruth as God drew a man named Boaz to notice her, pursue her, and marry her. So, who was this man named Boaz, and why do I encourage young women today to wait for a present-day Boaz? Here are some key characteristics of a man who is marriage-material. HE IS WORTHY Boaz was described as a worthy man who believed in the Lord (Ruth:2:1-4). A present-day Boaz will: • Have a good reputation because he’s demonstrated himself to be a man of

character and merit by his actions. • Have a firm relationship with the Lord, which is of great importance for a woman of worth (3:11). Hence, you will be equally yoked in your relationship, with each person growing in their faith, serving the Lord, and evidencing the fruit of Holy Spirit as well as walking in kingdom couple blessings. HE IS A PROTECTOR Boaz encouraged Ruth to glean in his own field so that she would be safe among the other women. He also charged the young men of his field not to touch her (Ruth 2:9). A present-day Boaz will: • Protect your purity, as well as, his purity by respecting boundaries. He knows that sex is a sacred act to be enjoyed only in marriage, and he appreciates your high standards. • Guard your heart by making known his intentions to pursue you when the time is right. You will know where he stands. He won’t lead you on by just “hanging out” with you for an extended period of time, enjoying the benefits of your company without accepting appropriate responsibility toward




you. There is no “platonic friendship” with you in his vocabulary. HE IS A PROVIDER Boaz was more than generous to meet Ruth’s needs. He gave her plenty of water to drink (Ruth 2:9), provided meals for her (Ruth 2:14), and gave her an abundance of barley to share with Naomi (Ruth 3:15). A present-day Boaz will: • Work hard. He is a mature, responsible man with right priorities. Being a provider is not about making lots of money. In fact, it is about a man meeting the basic needs of his wife and children. • Properly understand a man’s Biblical role as the leader of the household. Under his leadership and banner of protection, you will feel safe and secure as his wife. This is because he has your best interests in mind, serves you sacrificially, and loves you as Christ loved the church. HE IS OBSERVANT

important to have the “ignite.” • Cherish your inner beauty. It is good for a man to marry a woman with the kind of loveliness that cannot fade. He appreciates these qualities in you and will encourage you verbally when he notices you acting with integrity, kindness, and love. • Study you. He will find out what makes you tick and seek to understand you more fully over time. He will notice what you enjoy and do little things from time-to-time just to make you smile. HE IS COMPASSIONATE Boaz had care and concern for others. He practiced compassion by loving his neighbor as himself. As the owner of a field, Boaz showed generosity and compassion on the less fortunate by following Levitical law (Leviticus 19:9-10). A present-day Boaz will: • Look for opportunities to bless others.

Ruth caught Boaz’s eye (2:5), but he also noticed her inward character, good deeds (2:1112), and kindness (3:10).

• Serve wholeheartedly

A present-day Boaz will:

• Be kind and loving to the “littlest and least,” not looking down on others in

• Find you attractive! It’s

• Give generously, as God prompts him to do so.

self-righteousness. • Utilize his spiritual gifts to edify the body of believers and honor God. HE IS A MAN OF INTEGRITY Tradition in those time was that a closer relative would have “first dibs” in redeeming Ruth and Boaz knew it, but he took the proper steps to win her hand in marriage. He was not a “messy” man (Ruth 3:12-13 and Ruth 4:1-6). In fact, he was eager to properly address and resolve this matter pertaining to Ruth (Ruth 3:18). Boaz also had witnesses to confirm that he acted with integrity (Ruth 4:9). A present-day Boaz: • Does not manipulate, cheat, or lie. He has nothing to hide. • Does what is right, even when it’s hard. • Respects the authorities in his life. • Heeds the wise counsel of a more seasoned Christian man, such as a pastor or mentor, who will come alongside him, ask tough questions, hold him accountable, and encourage him in Christ-likeness. So that’s a present-day Boaz. You see, Boaz had wealth but


he also had moral character. I would like to ask this question to my single female readers. What do you think? Do you think that you can hold out for God’s best? Is Boaz the kind of man you want to marry, or would you pick different character qualities? I believe that there are some readers who can relate to thinking that “the one” was “the Boaz” to pursue with you kingdom purpose. He wined and dined you, told you everything you wanted to hear, only to unmask his real character. I’m still waiting for the Lord to bring “the one” into my life. After many, many years from me sitting down to write that list and my experiences with unhealthy relationships, my eyes are now opened to what is truly valuable. Yes, this kind of man is rare, but he does exist. As God grows me in Biblical womanhood, I see very clearly what I want in a future husband. It’s not primarily about his bank account or what he looks like or what he drives, but what character traits he is displaying…a present-day Boaz, a godly man bearing fruits of the spirit so that we can become that kingdom couple pursuing kingdom purpose TOGETHER. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: McKaleigh Cole is a mother, minister, and professional psychotherapist. She relies

heavily on her faith in God and shares her love of God with people at every opportunity. Her interests are teaching God’s Word to others, spending time with family, becoming culturally aware, traveling, and writing. She is the founder of McKaleigh Cole Ministries, Elite Counseling and Consulting Firm, and (G.E.M.S) an all-girls mentorship program which mentors young girls from ages 7-18 in etiquette, Christian values, and becoming women of substance and quality so that they may live out their God-given purpose(s) here on earth.

Available for speaking engagements, conferences, and workshops. Please see details as followed: Contact Information: McKaleigh Cole Ministries PO Box 1223 Grayson Georgia 30017 Email: mckaleigh.cole@gmail. com Instagram: msakademics Website: website Phone: 678-361-9551





When I consider the level of deceit that is prevalent in this hour of perilous times, I am instantly reminded of the exchange between Jesus and Satan in Luke 4: 1-12. Satan, attempting to both discredit Jesus for being who He stated He was and possibly persuade Him to take his own life, cleverly used Scripture. Just as it was in Jesus’ day, many are using Scripture erroneously to justify ungodly behavior and deviant lifestyles, deceiving and leading many astray.

Let no one in any way deceive or entrap you, for that day will not come unless the apostasy comes first [that is, the great rebellion, the abandonment of the faith by professed Christians], and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction [the Antichrist, the one who is destined to

be destroyed], who opposes and exalts himself [so proudly and so insolently] above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he [actually enters and] takes his seat in the temple of God, publicly proclaiming that he himself is God. —2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 (AMP)

Recently, I learned of a new show entitled, God Friended Me in which a man, in his pursuit to identify the source of the friendship request, is led down a positive path of increased “faith”. While this may sound like a wonderful form of entertainment and as if the world is catering to the values of Christianity, morality and a relationship with the one true God, there is a very valuable piece of this puzzle missing. When a friend spoke to me about how


much she liked the show and suggested that I should watch because, after all, God’s objective is to ensure that we all be led back to Him, I declined. Any measure or attempt to establish a relationship with God that does not include coming through Jesus Christ is erroneous and deceptive. The misdirected notion that “there are many ways to God” is false. The Word of God, the Bible makes it abundantly clear that there is only one way to the Father, and that is through accepting His Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Following alternative roads to God, outside of the solidly established way that God deems appropriate, will lead many to be subject to the lies of familiar and deceitful spirits. The Bible tells us to try the spirits to see if they be of God, but this should apply after one has come to the Father through Christ with the help of Holy Spirit (1 John 4:1-3). If we, in the Body, can potentially be deceived, how much more will those who are seeking God, minus Jesus, be deceived? The subtlety of today’s deception is disturbing, because many in Christ will fall prey and continue to promote lukewarm, watered down television shows, other ideologies, and even people who seem Godoriented and ordained but are, in fact, deceptive. Anyone can develop and cultivate “faith” in anything

whether it is a person, a tree, or a concept, but there is only one Lord, one faith, one baptism and one God and Father of all, according to the Word of God (Ephesians 4:5-6). There are many false doctrines that lead to false faith, so we must not get entangled and assume that all “faith” is created equal. Some have faith in Satan and serve him, but we are to have faith in God and submit to the God-kind of faith to ensure the God-kind of result in our lives (Mark 11:22-24). We do not get to choose the method, but the world has been deviating from God’s established Word, truths, precepts, examples, and instruction for many years. Therefore, I am puzzled as to why anyone would think that the world will offer programs that cater to the true gospel and the desires of God’s heart. The statement, “God is love” has been taken greatly out of context as of late. Of course, God is love, as stated in 1 John 4:7-10, but God also judges sin (Romans 2:5-6). The LGBTQ community has embraced the “God is love” and “you should not judge” concepts and has hidden behind them, using them as shields against those who in Christ who have been given the mandate to judge… but righteously (John 7:24). The love of God that we are to demonstrate to others encompasses a boldness and compassion to tell them the truth, to snatch their souls from hell (Jude 21-23).

As believers, we demonstrate our love for God by keeping His commandments (John 14:15). It is essential for those who have chosen deviant lifestyles to understand that God is not only love but light, and there is no darkness in Him at all (1 John 1:5). The validity of this scripture should lead many to repentance, as we all must come to a point where we too hate the darkness, the blatant, willful sin that has the propensity to, otherwise, consume our lives. It is God’s pleasure, upon our acceptance of Jesus, to translate us out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of His dear Son, into His glorious light (Colossians 1:13). True to form, however, Satan has blinded the minds of those who have opted not to believe the Word of God, in the existence of the one true God, or even in the repercussions of choosing to live a deviant lifestyle (2 Corinthians 4:4, Romans 6:23). In a day where the very scriptures that have been used to sustain our lives are now being used against us and twisted to lead countless souls astray, we need to be preparing for things that are coming upon this earth. Instead of being distracted by the enemy and focusing on what we can gain from the world, seeking the possessions thereof, we should begin to tame and strengthen our bodies and purpose to get closer to God. We must




pray for grace and strength to endure hardness as good soldiers (2 Timothy 2:3-5). We must pray for the spirit of discernment, or we stand the risk of being deceived; choosing to believe a lie rather than the truth. Such a place is extremely dangerous because our purposeful rejection of the truth results in a God-induced delusion (2 Thessalonians 2:11). We must even be mindful of the deceitfulness of ecumenical services, where Chrislam, the merging together of those who are Christians and those who practice Islam in one worship service, as they are becoming more and more prevalent. Jesus is Lord, not just a prophet and diminishing the fullness of His Lordship and authority negates God’s will, rending Him inoperative (Acts 2:36). I have no desire or intention to attend any supposedly holy gathering where the Spirit of God is not permitted or welcomed. We must be sober and vigilant (1 Peter 5:8). It is amazing to see the full manifestation of what Jesus expounded upon in Matthew 24 regarding what will transpire as the time of His return approaches. His first admonishment, as he begins to tell the disciples about what to expect, is “Don’t let anyone mislead you.” The possibility of being deceived by man is not only perpetuated in the world but in our churches as well. The

antics of religion and tradition that dominate the operations of most of our churches nullify the power of God, as therein resides a form of godliness (Mark 7:23, 2 Timothy 3:5). The unfortunate truth is that our church leaders, who should be guiding and protecting “the sheep”, are misleading, abusing, and deceiving the precious people of the Most High, propagating watered down messages or messages that do not reflect the times in which we are living, nor the truth about what is coming, as recorded in books of the Bible, such as Daniel and Revelation. Deception prompted toward Christianity abounds in the political arena, as we have a President who did not believe in the need for repentance, as well as in world religion, as Pope Francis has publicly stated that Jesus failed on the Cross. Additionally, the Pope is recorded as having stated that it is not necessary for one to believe in God in order to be a good person. Even Barack Obama, the former President of the United States, recently stated that America should not wait for a Savior and that we do not need a Messiah. With such influential figures being dismissive and propelling the denial, rejection, and insignificance of Jesus, it is quite apparent that the masses will be deceived, misguided and led astray. The enemy has declared war against God, the Lord Jesus

Christ, and His people; consequently, the Word of God admonishes us not be ignorant concerning Satan’s devices (2 Corinthians 2:11). We must gird up our loins, build ourselves up on our most holy faith (1 Peter 1:13, Jude 1:20). “Faith” is not considered a plural term. I reiterate, there is only one faith. When all is said and done, the supposed discovery of God without Jesus is false and should be avoided at all cost. Yes, even the very elect can and will be deceived (Matthew 24:24). Let us not take such admonishment lightly but strive to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12). There is no such thing as a half-truth; that which is not true is a lie. I concur with a comment made by an individual on YouTube, “Have unbreakable faith in Jesus Christ. Do not be deceived by anyone or anything.” Let us draw closer and closer to God, through Jesus Christ, more and more, as the day approaches. May we not be led astray or deceived but persevere and stand firm in God until the end in Jesus’ name! Amen…so be it…and it is so!


“THE DARK PLACE” Shirley Cooper

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. (John 1:5) I remember my life growing up. It was a great life. A life where I never needed for anything. My daddy was a Master Chief in the United States Navy. While he worked hard sacrificing so much, he did it because he loved his family because he knew that we would not have a normal life without the sacrifices and the hard work that came with it. He made sure that we got everything that we needed

and wanted. His desire was to make us happy. We had a big house, with perfect rooms, and so much more. We had a car, a pool, and even a dog. We never needed for anything. We had it all. However, living in that “great” neighborhood wasn’t where I found my security. The clean streets, beautifully painted houses, brightly lit stores, high maintenance playgrounds...all did not amount to the comfort of my heart. It was in the dark streets that I found peace, love, and an

incredible amount of faithful friends willing to die for me. I look back at all the times where I felt the happiest and find my back against a wall filled with graffiti. Where the ground held empty beer cans, chewed up bubblegum, cigarettes smoked to the filter and no matter what time of the night it flowed from their homes just to be a part of it. Corner stores were never too far from reach, and concerts were free for those who knew people in the right places.




There were bonfire parties, apartment get-togethers, and 4 hour subway train ride vacations. Yes, these streets didn’t have everything some desired, but it had everything some loved. A place where happy times were planted. Seeds that grew deeply through each milestone that brings us back to day one. I always wondered why some children who had it all were so miserable, while those who had nothing smile as if it were their last day. I wondered this until I watched a 15-year-old boy carry his PS4 gaming equipment from his hotel room all the way to the hotel’s hallway, passing by ten other doors, climbing the steps, and finally reaching his destination. His two brothers were walking right behind him with a cooler carrying more pieces and a folding chair that they could share as they took turns playing. They had their snacks in hand, drinks, and a t.v. What some call the ghetto, these kids called home. A home that wasn’t equipped with the best of things: flimsy railing, paint chipping off the walls, broken pipes, major leaks, broken hallway tiles, beat up vending machines that held old candy, and limited washing machines that barely washed clothes. The boy’s name is Javien Williams. His brother’s names are Jaziah Vargas and Aleksei Williams. I’m certain that their mother, Milly Williams, taught them how to live productively. By hearing her words alone I saw much truth. “I’d rather give my kids anything and everything I can to keep them home than in the

streets selling or using drugs to get what they want,” Milly Williams said. Her urgency to make sure that her children lived properly learn how to appreciate their surroundings showed whenever they played their game out in that hallway with a weak, metal-based, ceiling covered in cracks, holes and busted pipes. The 90-degree weather, stormy and rainy days, heavy winds, and all the street noises didn’t stop these boys from doing what they loved. Javien knew all his struggles, yet he embraced his day, wearing a smile every step of the way. Where is “our” dark place? How can we see God through the dark places we encounter? Why do some smile through trials, while others frown through victory?

God encourages us in His word that we are to be like the children - with innocent minds, courageous in faith, and with a grateful heart. And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 18:3) Watching Javien and his little brothers carry all their gaming equipment, I saw a boy who refused to allow things he didn’t have to shadow over him, but with his amazing smile, he will teach others to overcome their dark place. That’s the Jesus the world needs to encounter. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. (Romans 12:12)

God is more than able. His grace is sufficient for us . But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. (2 Corinthians 12:9) That’s exactly what we need to grasp: while we cannot see the future, our present is there. We may not have everything, but God gave all. He gave everything so that we could inherit the eternal life He’s promised. God’s will is not to watch us drown but help us prosper and to help us to think the way that a child in what some see as a desolate, dark place thinks and lives. He desires us to finish the race with complete victory. A victory so great that we become the light in a dark world.

Where is “our” dark place? How can we see God through the dark places we encounter?



Interviewer: How would you describe your mother who is a single mom? Javien: A loving, caring, honest, strongest mom I ever knew. Interviewer: Have you moved around a lot? Javien: Yes Interviewer: If you could move anywhere in the world, where would that be? Javien: California. Or Puerto Rico. Because it’s beautiful and I have a lot of family there. Interviewer: What do you want to be when you grow up?

Interviewer: Hello Javien. My name is Shirley Cooper, and I’m a writer for a global Christian Magazine. I was wondering if I could interview you for the up and coming 2018 November issue?

Thank you for inviting me here today for this interview for the magazine.

Javien: (smiles humbly) Hello.

Javien: (giggles) Okay.

Interviewer: Okay. Don’t be nervous. Just answer the questions as best as you can.

Javien: A mechanic. Interviewer: How do you feel about school? Javien: (laughs) I don’t like it! Interviewer: So, do you get grounded or punished for do-




ing bad things? Javien: (eyes wide open) Yes! Interviewer: What was the worst thing you’ve ever done? What was your punishment? Javien: Blamed for stealing. I got grounded for a month and I couldn’t go to my cousin’s house.

is loving, caring, soft, annoying and a pain in my butt (laughs again) and my little sister, Zylina, is adorable, annoying and loving.

scription of the perfect dad.

Interviewer: Who’s your favorite superhero?

Interviewer: You’re given a million dollars. What do you do with it?

Javien: (thinking) The Flash!

Javien:One that cares. Very loving. Someone that will take care of my mom.

Interviewer: Why?

Javien: Give half to charity and give the rest to my mom.

Interviewer: What’s your favorite subject?

Javien: His speed and the way he handles crime.

Interviewer: Share with us a good deed you did recently?

Javien: Science and P.E.

Interviewer: If you could change anything in your life, what would it be?

Javien: I helped a disabled kid get to his classroom.

Interviewer: Do you and your siblings fight? What was your last argument about and how did you handle that? Javien: (laughing) It was when one of my brothers left the PS4 outside and I just walked away. Interviewer: How do you feel when you see your mother is unable to pay bills at times when the family is struggling to make ends meet? Javien: (fiddling with his socks while very attentive) Upset and worried. I try to figure out a way to help her. Interviewer: Can you tell me more about your siblings as individuals? Javien: (giggles starts off with sarcasm) The truth? ( laughs again) Well, Aleksei is annoying, loving, caring, a bully… that’s all I have for him. Jaziah

Javien: My past!

Interviewer: Give me one person that you truly look up to.

Interviewer: Why?

Javien: My mom.

Javien: To clean my record.

I’d love to thank you, Javien, for sharing your heart and life with us. My prayer for you is that behind that smile you find a peace that surpasses all understanding. I pray as well that you continue to be a light in your dark place as so many are blessed through you and your family.

Interviewer: Can you share a little memory that you had growing up? Note: Before sharing his memory, Javien expressed his comfort through this interview. “I was nervous at first but this is pretty easy. I like this.” The interviewer laughed and replied, “That’s good.” Interviewer: So can you share that little memory with us? Javien: When my little sister was born. Interviewer: Give me your de-

Thank you again, Javien.


TRUST TALK Keiyia JOYet George

Day 86: I trust you, Lord. Doing as assigned. Genesis 6, 7, 8 and 9; John 17 Get ready to have your mind blown! Are you ready? You sure? Did you know that God did NOT promise a set lifespan on this earth? GASP!!!! Mind blowing, huh? But nope, there are no guarantees to a minimum length of life for mankind. Depending on your ‘church’ circles, you may have been taught that each person was promised 70 years. Where does this come from? The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away. Psalm 90:10

This is where it comes from. Now what people do not tout is that this scripture says 70 OR 80. The 80 apparently is based on good health. After reading this, do you really believe that God is wishy-washy and he can’t decide which promise He wants give? NO! Where in the scripture is God ever unsure? Is it God speaking in this writing? Did the author contribute these words to ‘thus saith the Lord?’ No and no. The chapter is contributed to Moses and you can dig a little more into when and why he wrote this, but God did not say it. Then there are those that say that they are living their promise of 120 years. Say what! Yep, 120 years. Read where this comes from here: And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.

Genesis 6:3 There you go. This clearly says that that man will live for 120 days, for sure! But read one chapter prior. At the end of Genesis 5, Moses was 500 years old and it states he had three sons. In Genesis 6, God tells Noah He has decided to kill all the people. And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth. Genesis 6:13 In ten verses before, God said man had 120 years. In verse 13, He shares with Moses that He’s done with the Earth and its inhabitants. Shocker? No, but keep reading. One hundred years after Moses had his first son, the rain began. He was 600 years old. And Noah was six hundred years old when the flood of waters was upon the earth. Genesis 7:6 Keep reading. Noah lived another 350 years AFTER the floods, but you can easily argue that it didn’t apply to him because Moses was already over 120 years, so he was grandfathered to live as long as he lived.




And Noah lived after the flood three hundred and fifty years. And all the days of Noah were nine hundred and fifty years: and he died. Genesis 9:28-29 After the flood, others lived longer than the 120 years God supposedly set as the lifespan. And these are the days of the years of Abraham’s life which he lived, an hundred threescore and fifteen years. Genesis 25:7 And the days of Isaac were an hundred and fourscore years. Genesis 35:28 And Jacob lived in the land of Egypt seventeen years: so the whole age of Jacob was an hundred forty and seven years. Genesis 47:28 And Moses was an hundred and twenty years old when he died: his eye was not dim, nor his natural force abated. Deuteronomy 34:7 Because God cannot lie (or He’d be just like the father of lies – Satan) and His word NEVER contradicts itself (not reading it holistically causes the contradiction), He did not give you a determinant lifespan outside of what it is set for each person individually. Your life span shall cover the time needed to complete your assignment OR be shortened based on your wicked decision. Jesus sets the perfect exam-

ple for this. After telling the twelve that He was going away, He then went to the Father to tell Him that He (Jesus) had completed the assignment His Father gave Him. He starts the chapter by telling His Father that it was now time for Him to go. These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee: John 17:1 He was given a task and it has been completed. I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do. And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was. John 17:4-5 If you continue reading, He does a rundown of what He was supposed to have done, what was completed, and the outcome of Him doing it. After he finished talking to God, He was taken into custody to be prepared for His last and final assignment: to be the ultimate and final sacrifice for all (finish the book of John to read about this). According to records, Jesus died well before He was 120 years old, 80 years old, and even 70 years old. If a perfect man cannot outlive His assignment what does that say? (Also see Acts 13:36 – David

died after he served the will of God.) What it does say is you have been given something to do. Find yourself doing it! Stop with the excuses and get to it. Doing otherwise is disobedience and disobedience is compared to witchcraft. You can become a practicing witch/ warlord or a child of God. Which do you choose? For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10 Like Jesus, you must be about your Father’s business. He has created you will a specific goal in mind. Trust Him enough to know that His desires for you are perfect and He will give you EVERYTHING you need to accomplish your task. Recall, He knows your every need and will provide for them over and abundantly. Give Him you. Go where He sends you. TRUST HIM! You won’t regret it. Fulfilling my destiny, Keiyia JOYet George Trust Walk: Walking in His Steps coming soon!



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PROPHETESS TONYA HALL Interviewed by Kimberly Moses

Interviewer: It’s so good to have you online. Tron and I appreciate your ministry. I was able to see you LIVE at the boot camp hosted by Apostle Jonathan Ferguson and his wife when it was facilitated at your church. I said, “Wow God! This woman of God is so powerful in you.” There was a crowd of people and you called someone out by a word of knowledge. That atmosphere was amazing. Prophetess Tonya Hall: Wow. You were here? I would’ve loved to personally meet you. Interviewer: Yes, I would’ve loved to have met you too. I was rejoicing with you when God healed your knee. God is so good. Prophetess Tonya Hall: Yes. I tell you what. I’ve been walking in that healing ever since. Interviewer: Tron told me to tell you hi! He has your DVDs. Lol! Prophetess Tonya Hall: He is a great support to the ministry.

Interviewer: How did you get called into ministry? Prophetess Tonya Hall: I can’t really say how because that would probably be something that God can only answer. I can tell you this, ever since I was a little girl, unknown to me, there was an ability or gift inside of me that was being cultivated to serve or meet the needs of people. My mother would often tell me that I would be playing in the yard and I was the only girl in the middle of two brothers. She would hear all these names out in the yard. She was thinking maybe it was some kids coming to play. I would have all of my dolls and toys that I had named and I was teaching them. I was teaching them, “ABCs” or something that I had learned. Even when I grew up around 9 or 10, I didn’t like leaving my kindergarten that was down the street. When my mother would allow me, I would walk down the street and help my kindergarten teacher. She

would always be serving soup and sandwiches but she was teaching something. I think that gift of serving or giving to people was something that made me feel fulfilled. I was the tutor in the neighborhood. I would like to serve food for everybody. When my mother would leave to go to work, she would always say like most parents don’t have any kids or anybody in the house. This was in summer so when she left, I would let up the garage because that wasn’t technically in the house. I would pull out all this stuff that I had gotten from my teachers. I would ring a bell for school and the kids came. I would serve sandwiches and soup. Interviewer: That’s awesome. Prophetess Tonya Hall: Yep. I think the call started to get cultivated in me or maybe it came like Scripture says in Jeremiah, “Before I knew you and formed you, I called you and ordained you to be a prophet to the nations.” I wouldn’t necessarily say it was a prophetic calling, but I believe I





was called to serve. I believe that I was born into this earth to serve. That service can come from being educative, to being a pastor, a prophet, a sister, a mother, and a mentor. It just started before I was born.

replenish.” Serving is in our origin—nature—as God’s children. It’s in the innate part of us to serve, to give. It’s important because that’s fulfilling purpose. That’s expressing God’s love.

Interviewer: That’s so awesome. So, both of your parents are pastors. How did it feel to be a pastor’s kid?

Interviewer: How did you know when God was calling you into the prophetic ministry?

Prophetess Tonya Hall: It had pros and cons. When I didn’t understand the labor, when I didn’t understand the burden and the responsibility, I seemed to embrace it easily. When I began to develop and mature, I came to understand that this task is so much greater than being a pastor’s daughter or what people think or assume that it comes with; it was more than the privilege often associated with this status. The purpose is so much more intensified and the process is so much greater. Even though I am honored, I am very humbled.

Prophetess Tonya Hall: I knew and understood what He was doing as I progressed and matured as a believer and spent time in prayer. I believe God was calling me into prophetic ministry as a child. I would see things but I didn’t understand. For instance, my mother had a favorite aunt that had passed away. We didn’t know that she had passed away. I was in my mother’s room and she was getting dressed by putting on makeup and doing her clothes. The phone rang and before she answered it, I said to my mother, “Aunt Trudell is dead!” Then my mother said, “Don’t say that. Don’t say that.”

Interviewer: You talked about serving as a youth. What is the importance of serving? Prophetess Tonya Hall: It is making sure we touch lives. Jesus fulfilled the Scriptures when He came and served. He is the greatest servant. He is the greatest example. It goes back to Genesis. In Genesis 1 verses 26 to 28, He created us and He blessed us. He said, “Be fruitful and multiply and

We didn’t even know that she had been sick. My mother answered the phone and that is what happened. Then she asked me why I said that and I told her, “I don’t know but I saw it before it happened.” I couldn’t explain it then because we weren’t strong in prophetic ministry. We were just beginning. We were serving in ministry, but my parents weren’t pastors. I got saved

under H. A. Echols and was very powerful in prayer. As I know it now, I was very powerful in prophetic ministry. I began to see things. I began to have different dreams. Whenever this would start to happen to me, it would awaken in me. It wasn’t until I was exposed to different prophets that I would always be more connected to that ministry. I started reading and started spending time in my room in prayer. As a teenager, I would do 3-day fasts on nothing, not even water. I don’t even know why I did that. I wanted to hear from God. I wanted a demonstration of God. I wanted the manifestation of God. As I began to grow and mature, I understood what prophetic means. Some people think that I prophesy in front of these great crowds. Prophetic means the mind of God. You can’t get that standing in crowds. It’s not birthed like that. It’s demonstrated. It means that you steal away and have a chamber. God wants to develop you in that chamber, in that secret place, or quiet place. He begins to train your ear to obey His voice when He speaks. As I began to do that, then God began to trust me with His secrets and mysteries. He began to trust me with people and access. Interviewer: That’s awesome. Would you say that fasting and prayer is a way to develop someone’s prophetic gift?


Interviewer: Obedience is very important. What was a supernatural encounter that you had that blew your mind?

Tune into the Victory 360 radio broadcast every MondayFriday at 11:45 am. It’s a Mid-day boost to give your day a LIFT and your life a SHIFT!! #victory360radio Prophetess Tonya Hall: Definitely! It’s a way to cultivate it and to develop it. But I will tell you this, and more importantly, there are Seers and psychics that have gifts. The way God pruned and purged this gift will always give God glory and it always brings me into humility. I believe that God was calling me a long time ago but it took me awhile to obey fully because I was afraid. Interviewer: OK. How did you get over that fear? Prophetess Tonya Hall: I got over that fear with identity— identity that God called me— and understanding who God is and who I am in Him. The gift doesn’t belong to me. I got over that also by searching the

Scriptures and being connected to powerful prophetic and integral ministries that were very courageous. If you think about it, David was prophetic. He was a warrior but what was awesome about him was that he was also a worshipper. He was powerful but he was also poetic. Most of these things we never saw; we saw demonstration but didn’t see in Scripture. We just read about David in the Psalms. If you read the Psalms, you would see the most powerful prophetic ministry. If you read about Samuel, his mother left him at the church, so to say. Those things were cultivated in the dark. They were cultivated in quiet. They were cultivated in demonstration. The strongest cultivation is obedience.

Prophetess Tonya Hall: Yes. I was in a service and my parents weren’t launched into their own church yet. They had started to do Bible studies. We were still submitted under our own covering. I was 17 or 18 years old. We were at a revival in my church. I can’t even remember who was doing the revival at that time. This was the first time that this happened, that I fell out underneath the power of God. I saw a vision of the church. I saw what the church looked like. I was so out in the Spirit that when I came out of it, I was already home. My parents took me home when the service ended. When I came out of the trance vision, my parents began to ask me, “What happened?” I told them that I saw the picture of the church. I described it and said what it was. The church that we have at Way Cross, that is the same exact church. This was way before it ever happened. Interviewer: Wow! That’s powerful. Prophetess, there are a lot of false prophets and false ministries in the body of Christ. How can we tell true characteristics of prophets versus false prophets? Prophetess Tonya Hall: It will line up with the will and the word of God. The agenda and








the demonstration will give the glory back to God. Even though God uses this person in an exhaustive manner, you’ll see power and humility. There will be obedience and a strong call of prayer. There will be a secret place. Interviewer: Where did you get your passion for prayer? Prophetess Tonya Hall: My passion for prayer was ignited in my home because I would hear my parents every morning at 5 o’clock in our living room. My room was closest and I would hear them praying. I would hear them praying separately and I would

hear them praying together. Oftentimes, when they were in a smaller home, it was a half bathroom. I was in the backyard, I would hear my father. He was on his knees. I didn’t understand what he was doing or why he was doing it but he would be praying. Since my parents got saved and came to the Lord, what I saw that was most consistent than anything was prayer. Then it was nurtured in my church. We would have all night shut-ins. I would sometimes be the only young person; sometimes among two or three other young people with the mothers of Zion. We would be there praying.

There would be people that mentored me that had their hands on me. They would always talk about prayer. My bishop would call us unto the altar every Friday night. Prayer was the foundation of the ministry. It was birthed in me and it began to perpetuate when I connected to Prophetess Bynum. They would do 3-day fasting, 10-day fasting, and 21-day fasting. I was there when she was on the threshing floor. I would be in the hotel suites or hotel rooms where prayer would be the most essential thing. It started to be processed in me and then it was birthed in me. I wouldn’t get away from it. I had a record player. You had to constantly put the needle on the record. I remember being in my room putting the needle on the right song on the record I had. I would learn to talk to God. I sought books on prayer. I followed people that are versed in prayer. I can’t survive without it. It is life for me. Interviewer: Yes, I see you do the early morning Periscopes. Also, I saw you teaching about prayer at this church recently. It really was a blessing. What more can you tell us about prayer? Prophetess Tonya Hall: My


weakest moments were when I hadn’t shut away to pray. As skilled and as gifted as Moses was, having been trained in the house of Pharaoh, we saw the demonstration of the miraculous in his life when he had that moment where he turned aside to seek God. That changed his life forever. A lot of people think it was the burning bush. Those bushes would be common in the desert to be burning like that. It was the voice in that bush. It was his turning aside to seek for God. I found God in prayer. It’s not the platforms that keep me alive. It’s the fuel that’s in my prayer closet. The platforms can’t secure you if you don’t have fuel from your prayer closet. Prayer is where I get the oil from. Interviewer: My God! I feel the anointing. A lot of ministries struggle to have prayer teams or prayer events. Why is this such a struggle? Why doesn’t the church want to pray as a whole? Prophetess Tonya Hall: Because of the discipline and the lack of the manifestation. Prayer really authenticates your true discipleship. It’s being a disciple. It’s a labor. It’s an exercise. It’s your spiritual gym. It’s time to develop that muscle. I did this demonstration where a guy that was a little boy in my church grew up. He is very muscular now. I showed an older guy about twenty years old and a little

boy. They all have the same muscles. The difference is that one has matured and developed and cultivated. Interviewer: That’s good. How can someone grow in their prayer life? What can they do to get that muscle cultivated? Prophetess Tonya Hall: They need to do it every day. It needs to be a daily habit. Interviewer: How do you pray effectively in certain situations? Is it good to pray scriptures or pray in the Heavenly language? Prophetess Tonya Hall: I believe this more than anything that the majority of my prayer time must be done in worship. You need to be prepared when you come to pray. You need to have scriptures. For example, if I am going to be praying about sickness, I need to pray the will of God. Before I get on Periscope or before I go in, I will have already studied. I already got those scriptures. I already got that arsenal. If you lack a focus for prayer, then you can pray amiss. When you come into prayer, there is revelation already in your spirit where you and God have a meeting time. Have you ever been on the phone with somebody and nobody was saying anything? Interviewer: Yes. Prophetess Tonya Hall: Then you are like, “You know what,

we are just wasting time.” I think sometimes when I went in prayer, I wasted time because when I came out, I wasn’t prepared. I didn’t have the focus. The communication exchange is worship. It’s supplication. It’s declaration. It’s warfare. Then it’s one of the most critical places with listening. Interviewer: What exactly is supplication? Prophetess Tonya Hall: Supplication is where I am petitioning God. I am making my requests known to Him; the hidden requests of my heart. It’s my cry to Him. It’s me pouring out my heart. By my heart, I mean, not what I think He wants to hear or what I think I need to say. Sometimes what’s pouring out of my heart is not all good. It’s the challenges of my heart and the struggles of my spirit. It’s the brokenness of my soul. It’s the deepest part of my intimacy. It’s my most naked place. If I can’t get naked with God, then I can’t get whole with God. That means He sees every blemish and every scar. It’s like you and your husband. You’re not afraid to be naked with him. He knows every part of you. You learn that. My richest place in prayer is my most vulnerable; my most naked. God, I really struggle in this area and He sees that. Tron, your husband sees your struggles and your blemishes.




Yet some way, he loves them. There’s beauty in your brokenness. He knows every dimple you have and He still loves you. It’s like I can walk around completely naked with God and I feel no shame. Interviewer: You are really ministering to me. When did you notice that God was giving you the word of knowledge and healing? Prophetess Tonya Hall: I notice that when I’m praying and the Holy Spirit will be having conversation with me, thus sharing the mind of God. I am getting the wisdom of God. So, while ministering, I’ll begin to say what I saw. The more you yield to the Spirit, then the more He will feed your spirit and the more faith that’s alive in the people. For example, I don’t know you personally but I see that something like allergies and sinus issues sometimes bother you. Interviewer: Yes, that’s true. I got bad post nasal drip. I need healing. Prophetess Tonya Hall: I see the healing power of God. I am getting the mind of God about that. That’s word of knowledge. There are also times where you can get very cold. Interviewer: Yes, I’m very coldnatured. I’m freezing right now. Prophetess Tonya Hall: I speak

even to your blood and the anemia.

attention! Just like walking on water.

Interviewer: Amen. I feel the fire of God. Thank you, Jesus.

Interviewer: That’s right. It got His attention. That’s so powerful. What is the value of mentorship?

Prophetess Tonya Hall: What happened was that He trained my ear, where I used to see and hear stuff but was like, “I can’t say it.” My faith in God has increased by hearing more, being saturated more, and separating more. I have to protect my gate that when God is speaking that I am not trying to distinguish if it’s Him or me, the devil, intuition, etc. I know that this is God talking to me because I seek Him. He has promised to reward those that diligently seek after me; not those that come one time. That’s what happens to us in prayer; the diligence of your seeking, God rewards. He reveals mysteries. Interviewer: Would you consider stepping out in faith as taking a risk? Prophetess Tonya Hall: Stepping out in faith is not taking a risk. Stepping out in faith is taking a step. It’s mobilizing. It’s manifestation. It’s demonstration. What makes faith complete is that I respond to it. Otherwise, I would be a forgetful hearer. When you respond to revelation, you bring in demonstration and manifestation. What happened to the woman with the issue of blood? Her faith made her whole. Her faith caused that manifestation. It got Jesus’

Prophetess Tonya Hall: The value of RIGHT mentorship is everything because it helps to shape a person. It’s coaching a person. I say this a lot because I’ve had to ask people if I should mentor them. I realized they didn’t want a mentor, they wanted someone to have a relationship with or to put hands on. When I say hands on, I mean purpose-driven. I am not mentoring your person but I am mentoring your purpose. You have to be able to separate the person from that. We see an example in the Bible with Elijah and Elisha, where the prophet tossed the mantle and kept on going. He never gave him his person. He gave him his purpose. Elisha had to chase him. He had to get a revelation to get his mantle because his master said, “If you see me when I am taking up, you will receive it.” Elijah helped his spiritual insight. I am coaching and directing spiritual insight. I am not trying to tell you who to marry. I’m looking at your spiritual insight and I’m coaching that. I think it’s important. I was mentored by my parents, mentored by prophetess Bynum, and those things shaped my life.


Interviewer: Should a mentor pick you or should you pick your mentee? Prophetess Tonya Hall: As to some people to whom God will assign you, you won’t go to all of them, but they will come to you. Jesus selected His disciples for the work but if you noticed, He mentored Peter, James, and John. I believe there are different degrees. I don’t think every person you mentor should be in your inner circle. You have to be able to distinguish what some can handle and what some can’t. Having some people in your inner circle will be damaging for them and for you. Interviewer: Yes. That happened to me. I let someone in my inner circle and it didn’t go well. Prophetess Tonya Hall: It’s hard to sever that because it was always about the person and never about their purpose. I had to learn this. Everybody can’t come to your house. Everybody can’t be seen sitting with you. Sometimes you take a person who is in first grade and you treat them like they are in fourth grade

and after you realize they are in first grade, you can’t bring them back down. Then you have to break them to make them better. You should never mentor anyone who is not willing to be broken because they didn’t come into your life to stay the same. I want to leave you better. For you to be better, I might have to help break you. Interviewer: That’s good. I know you’ve seen a lot of things in the church. There are people who are in positions they shouldn’t be in the first place. How do you know if someone is ready to be in a certain leadership position in the church? Prophetess Tonya Hall: I believe people should be developed in certain stages.

For instance, I don’t believe in putting a good person in leadership when we haven’t given them any development. We gave them no training. We gave them no tutelage. It’s like needing a license to drive a car legally and that requires that you go through the training. How do I know if a person should be put in that role? They have the gift for it, the passion for it, the development and the discipleship for it. Unfortunately today, you have great people with great gifts but they don’t have the discipline. Interviewer (cuts in): Yep. That’s true. Prophetess Tonya Hall: Also, they don’t have the submission. I don’t select people because they have a great gift. If they




don’t have any great followership, then I don’t think they should ever be in leadership. How well you follow is how I determine if you can lead. Interviewer: I like that. If someone is out of order in the church, what is the best way to sit them down if they are out of order? Prophetess Tonya Hall: If I didn’t set a standard or a system in place that made it easy for you to develop and follow, then I shouldn’t correct that. My method of correction shouldn’t be openly in front of the church. I am supposed to restore a brother. I believe that the person needs to be pulled aside and it depends on the impact. I think what the church often does—and it’s something that I dislike—is berating people and then leaving them. I am responsible as a pastor to make sure that I am protecting the body but I can’t guard the body from a brother. The Bible says “if a brother be overtaken by fault, you which are spiritual restore that person.” So, I would have to go through the means to get them restored. Sitting down may be the route but to restore them? I can’t determine that route without knowing certain situations. Restore them may patch up something that’s broken and put them in rehab and put them in physical therapy. But the goal is restoration. Why am I going to tear up the whole

church because I have a brother in a struggle? Where is the love of Christ? Love is longsuffering. Love is patience. Love is kind. This is something that I preach at my church. The Bible says, “know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another and that you keep my commandments.” So, I measure that. Of course, there are certain disciplines. I believe in systems. Systems will help keep people in place. When you go into a job, they give you a handbook, they say these are the consequences of the handbook. Sometimes we tell the people the cause without dealing with the consequence. When my children were growing up, I had to enforce the system. These are the rules and these are the consequences. I enforce the consequences, but I keep loving the people. Interviewer: How do you balance business and ministry? I know you put together a lot of conferences. Prophetess Tonya Hall: I have to remember this that you can’t be so far in the prophetic that you don’t take care of business. You have powerful people that have zero integrity. The platform is the greatest when the business is at its highest. Bishop Jakes said this in a mentorship class and I will never forget: “Do the business before you even create it.” No man ever built a house until you first count up the cost. My personal life is also

business. My home is just not my family but it’s my heart. I used to never take a break and if I did, I took work with me. Now I unplug and take a break to steal away. Creativity can’t take place in a stress environment. Creativity takes place in a relaxed environment. God will download things into my mind. The reason why people never have a fresh wind is that they never took a break. I was out of balance, and being out of balance can affect your home and your heart. Interviewer: Do you have any upcoming events? Prophetess Tonya Hall: We are having Back-to-Church Sunday at my church. It’s going to be a great outreach. There will be around 30 apartment complexes in our region in the heart of the ghetto. We will be reaching out and inviting people to be part of that. Then we’ll have prayer every Monday through Friday at 6:15am. I am working on a book on servanthood. We have corporate prayer at 6:15 pm on Wednesday, and then 7:30pm same day, we have Bible studies at my church. Interviewer: Thanks for granting us this awesome interview. We appreciate you. Prophetess Tonya Hall: I am glad to be doing this. Thank you.



There is a weight That crushes the head of every enemy. When I am invited in, The weight of My glory, the weight of My mighty presence Disrupts and dismantles the stance of the enemy. I will shake him out of place. I will remove his protection, displace him, and nullify his plan. But will you invite Me in? Will you praise Me with your whole heart? Will you worship Me? Will you cry out to Me? When Earth’s chorus joins the chorus of Heaven, What is it that I cannot do? What is it that I cannot accomplish? What is it that I cannot perform? When Earth moves, Heaven will respond, And your enemies will be scattered. They will tremble at the sound of my arrival -Triumphant and glorious. Peace. But will you invite Me in?






BAKED TILAPIA WITH ROASTED VEGETABLES By Kimberly Moses Serves 4 Prep Time: 25 minutes INGREDIENTS: 4 tilapia fillets (6 ounces each) 4 tablespoons butter Tony Chachere’s Cajun Seasoning 4 potatoes, peeled and diced 1 onion, diced 1 pound bag of frozen vegetable medley (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots) 2 packs of onion soup mix ¼ cup of hidden valley ranch powder ¼ cup of extra virgin olive oil 1 tsp. Garlic powder

DIRECTIONS: Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Place tilapia in a baking pan. Season each side with Cajun seasoning. Top each fish with 1 tablespoon of butter. Bake uncovered for 25 minutes or until fillets are flaky. Line a baking pan with heavy duty foil and set aside. In a large mixing bowl, combine diced potatoes, diced onions, and vegetable medley. Drizzle with ¼ cup of extra virgin olive oil. Pour in the onion soup mix, ranch powder, and garlic powder. Mix together. Spread the vegetables on the baking pan evenly or as thinly as possible. Bake uncovered for 45 minutes or until vegetables are a slight light brown color. Make sure the potatoes are fork tender before taking out the oven. Serve bake tilapia and roasted vegetables with a small salad or your favorite rice dish.

If you enjoyed this recipe, please let us know. Send us photos and let us know how yours came out.












“This is a Great Book” This book is captivating and relatable in many ways. It takes you through a journey called life. You will smile. Laugh, and shed a tear but in the midst of it all, you know that God was there all of the time. It’s a book of Hope!— Charity Beard “Life Changing” I was blessed by this book because I see who Tron Moses is today and where God brought him from. His transparency helps to set the captives free. God truly uses this man to be a blessing to the body of Christ. This book encouraged me not to be ashamed of my past. This book is a must read for all. I feel like every rebellious juvenile needs a copy of this book.— Kimberly Hargraves









“Very informative” I really enjoyed reading “Enhancing The Prophetic In You”, it’s engaging, and very informative, gives a fresh perspective of the Prophetic for beginners and seasoned saints. — Felecia Jackson “I recommend this read to novice and advance prophetic practitioners alike” Enhancing the Prophetic is very well written, and solid teaching on the prophetic ministry. The book and teaching is backed accurately by scripture. Subjects such as prophetic prophetic, and the Dos and Don’ts of the Prophetic Ministry are covered within this book. I recommend this read to novice and advance prophetic practitioners alike.— Apostle DAE

























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