October Rejoice Essential 2017

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CONTENT Page 10 The Devil’s Candy; The Truth About Halloween Page 13 Spinach And Ricotti Cheese Stuffed Mancotti Page 20 6 Things God Reminded Me About During Hurricane Irma Page 24 Testimonies Page 26 Tron’s Fashion Page 30 This Place

Page 50 Prophet Isaac Watson Page 57 Suddenly Page 58 When Time Stands Still Page 59 Who Cares? Page 61 Are You Birthing Out something Great?


Page 63 The Natural Alternative Page 65 Love Letters From the King

Page 32 Learning to Suffer Successfully Page 34 King To Servant; Servant To King Page 44 Her Stroll With A King Page 46 New Creation In Christ Page 48 Be Prepared To Fight



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Kimberly Moses Founder And Editor Colorado Springs, Colorado www.kimberlyhargraves.com

Tron Moses Photographer, Designer, Marketer Bennettsville, South Carolina www.tronmoses.org

Quiana Robinson Writer And Interviewer Brandywine, Maryland quianarobinson09@gmail.com

Reynaldo Rodriguez Writer Chicago, Illinois reyrod1970@gmail.com


Mae Blooms Writer Fort Lauderdale, FL info@thebetterwifeproject.com www.thebetterwifeproject.com

Amber Brown Writer Poplar Bluff, Missouri UnityofSoulsMinistry@gmail.com

Melinda Roberts Writer Baton Rouge, Louisiana robertsmel2015@gmail.com

Keiyia Jackson-George Writer And Chief Editor Cane Garden Bay, Tortola Virgin Islands www.rkgconsultinggroup.com www.justmekjg.com




Taylur Holland Writer Dallas, Texas thescribesheart@gmail.com

Bobbie Ford Nutritionist Bennettsville, South Carolina fruitfulsouls@gmail.com

Shirley Ann Cooper Writer Kissimmee, Florida praise write@gmail.com

Wylie and Equalla Foster Writer And Interviewer Murrieta, California bencouraged09@yahoo.com










Be very careful, then, how you live, not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. (Ephesians 5:15-16) All Hallows’ Eve is where it all started....... Then, “Halloween” as we know it today was soon birthed! A day of witches, twitches, broomsticks, boiling kettles and more gadgets that with the right spell can turn little children into food before they become witty children turned witch slayers. Is this what Halloween really means? Is it really the story that

everyone believes? As much as everyone speculates that Halloween rose up as the devil’s holiday, the truth is far greater than the candy, the goblins, the witches, the black cats and the spider webby homes that cook little kids. Let’s pick up our paper, grab a pencil, preferably with an eraser to erase all the wrong information already embedded into our heads, and jot down the real truth behind the scariest holiday this country has ever experienced. All Hallows’ Eve falls on the 31st of October each year, and is the day before All Hallows’ Day, also known as All Saints’ Day in, yes, believe it or not, the Christian calendar. Back

in the day the Church traditionally held a vigil on All Hallows’ Eve when worshippers would prepare themselves with prayers and fasting prior to the feast day itself. The name derives from the Old English ‘hallowed’ meaning holy or sanctified and is now usually contracted to the more familiar word “Hallowe’en.” As we dig deeper, we can find a grave filled with information that will rattle the minds of everyone who wants to learn about yesterday and today’s truth about Halloween. Ready, set, go! Through my research I discovered something pretty far out. It is my under-


standing that on a more Catholic view, In the early 7th century Pope Boniface IV consecrated the Pantheon in Rome, formerly a temple to all the gods, as a church dedicated to Saint Mary and the Martyrs, and ordered that that date, May 13th, should be celebrated every year. Soon, It became All Saints’ Day, a day to honour all the saints, and later, at the behest, “the command” of Pope Urban IV (1264), a day specially to honour those saints who didn’t have a festival day of their own. Wrapping things up a little I learned that In the 8th century, on November 1st, Pope Gregory III dedicated a chapel to all the saints in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Gregory IV then made the festival universal throughout the Church, and November 1st has subsequently become All Saints’ Day for the western Church. The Orthodox Church celebrates All Saints’ Day on the first Sunday after Passover, a date much closer to the original date of May 13th. Looking through yet another scope I have found that Halloween traditions have evolved from an ancient Celtic festival called Samhain which was Christianised by the early Church. Pronounced sow-in, Samhain is a Gaelic word meaning ‘end of the summer’. The festival is believed to have been a celebration of the end of the harvest, and a time of preparation for the coming winter. The early church missionaries chose to hold a festival at this time of year in order to absorb existing native Pagan practices

into Christianity, thereby making the transition of conversion a process less shaky. Now get this. There was actually a letter that Pope Gregory the 1st sent to Bishop Mellitus in the 6th century, in which he suggested that existing places of non-Christian worship be adopted and consecrated to serve a Christian purpose. When we look into the Encyclopaedia Britannica, we can clearly see that it states that this date may have been chosen “in an effort to supplant the Pagan holiday with a more Christian observance”. Hence, the Oxford Dictionary of World Religions also claims that Halloween “absorbed and adopted the Celtic new year festival, the eve and day of Samhain”. And yet, there are supporters of the view that Halloween, as the eve of All Saints’ Day, originated entirely independently of Samhain and some question the existence of a specific pan-Celtic religious festival which took place on October 31st, or November 1st. However, Halloween,” as explained in the Encyclopedia of American Folklore, “is integrally related to the prospect of contact with spiritual forces, many of which threaten or frighten.” Likewise, many celebrations like Halloween have pagan origins and are deeply rooted in ancestor worship, but even today, people around the world use these days to make contact with “supposed” spirits of the dead. Which of course is another story filled with holes. Either way, what we can be sure

of is that the modern celebration of Halloween is a complicated mix of “evolved” and “evolving” traditions and influences. Halloween was never meant to serve the land of the dead, nor was it placed to capture wicked spells and love or hate potions. It manifested from point A to point B through the dark hearts of men. While one group made it a blessed day, others corrupted the vision. When we look at today’s symbols all around that reveal itself to be dark and wicked, filled with sorcery and death notes, we can find that they were once used for the believer as well, either as a weapon against the enemy or a celebration towards Christian festivities. The world changes from left to right. People love change and accept it freely with open arms. Christians all across the states celebrate Halloween, with or without the goblins, the witches, the devils with “cute” little horns and “sweet” smiles with candy stains. So many serve the enemy without even knowing it by dipping into the devil’s candy, showing off costumes and makeup that cater to the dead. The problem isn’t Halloween, but rather the people who know the Lord and yet quickly join in on what is now called fun and games. The problem is that believers have twisted their own minds trying to fit into a changed tradition. Whether the day was changed for evil or not, it still marks one day that the world serves the father of lies. A




day where children are harmed, both physically, mentally and more importantly, spiritually. When we look further into the history of Halloween, we take great notice that as days go by, innocence is destroyed. The fangs, the horns, the sultry wear, the poisoned candy, the dead streets are all part of the enemy in big ways. We can ramble on about how Halloween used to be, or what it is now, or we can choose to celebrate every day in the Lord. What the devil meant for ugly, God made beautiful. I celebrate every day in Gods presence. I try to filter out what needs to be and what doesn’t belong. I have taught my children that we can enjoy the day that people celebrate Halloween with our own celebration. We call it, “hallelujah” day, and we celebrate with games, candy, food, pictures, and most importantly, Jesus Christ. We go to churches and go from car to car, in opened trunks doing “trunk or treat,” But yet again, we do it with God. There are no charms, no occult talk, etc. “Christians ‘don’t realize it, but they’re celebrating our holiday with us. . . . We like it.”—The newspaper USA Today, quoting a professed witch We should really take note that celebrations like Halloween are in conflict with Bible teachings. The Bible is clear when it warns us, “There must never be anyone among you who practices divination, who is soothsayer, augur or sorcerer, who uses charms,

consults ghosts or spirits, or calls up the dead.” (Deuteronomy 18:10, 11) All in all the point is this..... No matter how traditions came about, we are Christians. Disciples who follow Christ. While many believers still dance with the devil, make it our plan to sharpen those who are around us living the same. Teaching is a command from God and a way to strengthen the Kingdom with truth. Yes, Halloween was once used for the greater good, but has changed to appease the world we live in. We must always remember that we are not of this world. My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth (John 17:15,16,17).


SPINACH AND RICOTTI CHEESE STUFFED MANCOTTI By Kimberly Hargraves Serves: 6 Prep Time: 25 minutes Bake time: 30 minutes

Ingredients: 32 oz. container of Ricotta Cheese 1 (8 ounce) package of mancotti 24 oz. jar of spaghetti sauce 1 (10 ounce) package frozen chopped spinach, thawed and squeezed dry 1 tsp. Garlic powder 1 egg 1/2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese, divided 1/4 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes

Directions: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place tilapia in a baking pan. Season each side with Cajun seasoning. Top each fish with 1 tablespoon of butter. Bake uncovered for 25 minutes or until fillets are flaky. Boil and salt a large pot of water. Carefully place all the manicotti pasta and boil about 8 minutes or until you see the texture change. In a large mixing bowl, combine the ricotta cheese, spinach, crushed red pepper flakes, garlic powder, and egg. Stir until mixture is creamy and blended together well. Set aside until pasta is finished boiling. Once the manicotti is finished boiling, drain, and rinse with cold water. In a large baking dish, cover the bottom with spaghetti sauce. Stuff the mixture in cooked manicotti shells and place each one in the baking dish in a single layer. Cover the manicotti with the remaining sauce. Sprinkle with mozzarella cheese. Cover the pan with foil. Bake for 30 minutes. Serve with a side salad and garlic bread. If you enjoyed this recipe, please let us know. Send us photos and let us know how yours came out.

















on friends, provided water to those in need and hunkered down with family members. Even after the storm neighbors were sharing generators and helping each other get rid of debris. 2.SOME STORMS COME TO GIVE YOU A NEW PERSPECTIVE

Here is South Florida, our lives are just starting to get back to normal after Hurricane Irma. In case you haven’t heard - this hurricane put everyone on the east coast and the neighboring islands on edge: it caused major damage, flooding and left millions without electricity. Our family was one of the many families affected and left without power for 8 days. Yes, you heard that correctly – 8 whole days!It was intense and uncomfortable, but God was speaking to my heart and encouraging me all the way. So here are 6 things God reminded me about during the storm…

1.GOD’S LOVE SHINES THROUGH EVERY STORM When the storm was announced, people went into preparation and survival mode. Many rushed to the stores to get water and canned goods causing a shortage of pretty much everything that you would need during a hurricane. There were many who drove hours looking for water only to come up empty-handed, but what I found so refreshing was how neighbors took care of each other. The love of God was shining through so many situations as people gave bread to their neighbors, called to check

I must confess, this storm was tough! We lost power on Sunday, around 4 pm, when the storm winds began to pick up. I have three young children and they were pretty unhappy, to say the least, but they aren’t accustomed to the heat for such an extended time and neither am I. Yet in the most frustrating moments when I didn’t know how much longer I could take it, I went away by myself to a quiet corner of the house and God encouraged me like only He can. He gave me ideas of what I could do with my daughters to keep their minds off the heat. One day we painted, another day we colored, another day we made necklaces and bracelets, another day we rode around and chatted with each other enjoying the fresh air. I was reminded that sometimes, God doesn’t calm the storm, but instead He will change your per-


spective in the middle the storm and show you how to make the best of it. 3.YOU CAN’T DO TOO MUCH WITHOUT POWER Seriously! Being without power for over a week got me to thinking about Acts 1:8 when it says, that we receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon us. My mind then went to the many lost souls who are also going through this storm with no physical power and no spiritual power. My heart was grieved and heavy for them. I could not imagine how I could have weathered this storm if I did not know God for myself. I needed Him to cry out to in the midnight hour, I needed Him to restore my weary soul, I needed Him to talk to, and I needed Him to give me now wisdom on what to do, what to buy, and how to portion things out. I’m glad I could cry out Abba Father and He heard me and answered. Thinking about the ones who don’t have a mind to call out to God made me value the power of the Holy Spirit dwelling within even more and put a burden on me to pray more deeply for those who are lost because Jesus came to save them too! 4.GOD WILL GIVE YOU A FRIEND CLOSER THAN FAMILY Yes, He will! I was so blessed to have a friend that had electricity invite us over for the day. We had a blast and at the end of the day, we didn’t want to leave! I am

thankful for her because when my own family didn’t invite me over, God sent a friend to bless us. 5.NO MATTER HOW BAD THE STORM IS SOME PEOPLE WILL STILL CHOOSE TO DO EVIL Unfortunately, not everyone was trying to help each other. There were many businesses looted and vandalized. Before our power went out, one of the news reporters caught a guy breaking into a store on live TV. I wondered what would make a person risk their lives during the rain and high winds. Regrettably, despite the storms that come many will seek an opportunity to do evil. 6. IT IS POSSIBLE TO HAVE PEACE DURING THE STORM. Two days before the county instructed everyone to stay inside, I did laundry at the laundromat. I did not want to be stuck in a hot house with dirty laundry. Anyway, I got there around 8:30 am and there were not enough washers to accommodate everyone. Thankfully, I found three and made it work. While I was there, people got into many confrontations. I didn’t say a word, but I was polite and helpful to everyone that crossed my path. When I finished four hours later, the laundry attendant said to me “You are so peaceful in this chaos”. I thought to myself, “Lord, nobody but You!” That just reminded me that no matter if you are standing for your mar-

riage or preparing for a storm God can give you peace even in chaos. I thank and praise God for this experience. I cried, I laughed, I prayed, I complained, I felt guilty for complaining and it was overall a tough experience, but one that I will not soon forget. The storm reminded me of these precious truths and God is truly on time. Whether you are standing for your marriage, enduring a sickness, going through financial distress or anything else that is making your life uncomfortable, just remember God will bring light to your situation and your testimony will be for His glory! I pray for those who are grieving from the loss of loved ones and damaged property around the world. My family and I are out of the storm, but there are still millions of people without power, and the basic necessities needed to live daily, so let us continue to pray and stand in the gap for our sisters and brothers who are still enduring the storms of life. May we also be mindful and prayerful for those who don’t know Christ as their personal Savior and those who are suffering daily in extreme conditions. May God continually bless you with power, Mae www.thebetterwifeproject.com








TESTIMONIES: LET’S GIVE THE DEVIL A BLACK EYE! When we share our testimonies, our faith increases! We start to believe God for the Impossible! We can see the power and the hand of God in any situation. God can turn any test into a testimony! We know if God did it before, he can do it again. Our Testimonies glorify God!

Hi Prophetess thank you sooo much this session was an extreme blessing and I’m grateful that I came on. Can you send me more information about partnering with your ministry as well as VIP? Kimberly Hargraves Ministries has been such a true blessing in my life. My family’s life has changed and is changing due to the great teachings. Yes, she is a real person, that lives a life of Holiness. I’ve had the pleasure of speaking with Prophetess Kimberly. She also practices what she preaches. Don’t forget to like and follow her Facebook page.

(Raquel) Hey Prophetess, it’s Jerika. My nephew returned to football, just as you prophesied he would on July 14th’s Prophetic Miracle Call. He attended practice today. To God be the Glory! I waited until baseball season was over on Sunday, and then on Monday, I showed him the YouTube video of the prophecy. He said he believed it was God! This morning he went to practice. (Jerika) Good morning Prophetess! I wanted to let you know that after you prayed for my healing on the

prophetic miracle call Friday that the cough and ache that was starting in my chest on Thursday (you mentioned you felt the enemy was trying to attack me with pneumonia) are completely gone as of today. Also, my fever broke Saturday after having it for over a week. The fever was around 102.8 and came down to about 99.7 Wednesday, Thursday then it shot back up to 100.8 on Friday it has been normal since Saturday. Thank you so much for what you are doing for the body of Christ. You are truly a blessing. (Tonya) Tonight’s prophetic miracle call was


awesome. My migraine is still gone. Praise God for His healing power. (Metrice) Hi Prophetess! I’m so excited! Everything you prophesy always comes to pass. Months ago you prophesied that you saw a car for me. The car I had was a 2011 with only about 35K miles so I didn’t really need another car. But…As I reviewed my bills and desired a decrease in my car payment, something told me to contact the dealership. Today, I just brought a 2017, 0 miles, $0 down and the entire process has been effortless. They’ve been reducing interest rate points and giving extra service plans. You prophesied it! (Latrice) I wanted to testify to the glory of God. You prophesied to me some months ago and these are the notes I took: Women and children around me (small scale), Single mothers ex: people’s home, nursery, mic/speaking/singer, refining/polishing, glory & favor of God, something like hotline counseling, supporters around me. Prophetess, I have been working for a Christian based women and children’s shelter for a week now. It is through a rescue mission in my city. We get to be the hands and feet of Jesus. There’s a nursery. There are children and babies I get to hold and play with. I love this job, the people and my co-workers. Looking forward to what the Lord has in Store. Thank you. I thank God for you, I had to walk away from my family to answer God’s calling. It hurt so very badly. Still does at

times, but I thank God for you. The Lord led me to one of your vlogs on FB back in December 2016. I will forever be grateful for this. I was homeless at the time and ready to give up. You prophesied into my life and God’s words began to manifest! Thank you so much for answering God’s calling and being obedient unto Him! It is my prayer that one day we may get to meet face to face. I truly believe that you are a member in my God given family-The Kingdom. I praise God for you! Be encouraged! I watched the video and you said if you have back pain bend over. I touched my toes and I instantly felt the pressure go away in that moment. Lord if you did it once I know you can do it again and I suffer from migraines and I have a prolapsed uterus and was told it would be hard for me and my husband to have kids. I will trust the report of the Lord and be healed in Jesus name to conceive. Thank you for taking the time to encourage us while preparing a meal for your mother. You prayed the healing for me a couple of months ago for pain on my left, it’s gone. Thank you, Jesus! Thank you so much! God is truly using you to touch the lives and hearts of others. I was lead to you 2 nights ago and it seems I keep coming back to you and every time I hear God speaking to me. I am truly thankful for him using you in my life and I know it’s not by accident that I

have come across your YouTube channel. May God continue to use you to reach many. Thank you again for your prayers woman of God. Guess who’s moving! Just like you confirmed what I heard God say! My address will be changing very soon. Believing the prophet so I receive the reward. Hello! Ms. Kimberly Hargraves I thank God for your ministries, last night I was on your periscope and while on your periscope I received healing in my back. I received joy, clarity, the fire of God, peace, and so much more. I wish I could sow a seed, but the least I could do is come and share what the Lord used you to do in my life. God bless you. Hello, I attended your online conference called, “Help! I am single and need help preparing for Boaz.” Before you ended I prayed to God like Gideon. I said, “If I’m getting married this year, then Prophetess has to mention my favorite scripture. As you were ending, you stated quoting Numbers 23:19. Look at God! Love You!













THIS PLACE By Taylur Holland

Intimate places, Quiet spaces, Filled with Your holy presence. Me and You, Breaking and healing, Openness and revelation -A downpour of mercy and restoration. Here we are, Me and You Boldly in secret. Free, And freeing. Liberating in Your presence, Only wanting You. Empty. Fill me with You. God, this place, This place, So sweet. Oh, this place is filled With the aroma of You.

I don’t want to leave this place. God. You. You are just Beautiful And Majestic. Glorious and Mighty. You, King, fit for all, And so worth serving. Holy One, I love You. Precious One, I adore You. Thank You for this place, This sweet place In which I get to know You As Father, As Keeper, As My Lord and My Savior -He Who loves and shepherds me,

He -- the Valiant One -Who fights for me, continually. You love me, and I love You. Thank You for this place.





And after you suffer for a short time [or a little], God, who gives all grace, will make everything right [restore you]. He will make you strong and support you and keep you from falling. He called you to share in his glory in Christ, a glory that will continue forever [into his eternal glory in Christ]. -1 Peter 5:10 (EXB) Our human nature and carnal mind expect that if we are born into the earth and live a difficult life, even in Christ, our latter end will be great...great as in “we have arrived”, wealth, riches, happiness, the acquisition of things and the pleasures and comforts that this life has to

offer. After all, we have suffered and are entitled to something, right? This, however, is contrary to God’s idea of success. God’s idea of “good success”, in some cases, is the sacrifice of suffering “for the greater good”. Riches and wealth are fleeing and can be deceitful (Mark 4:19). That which God grants and considers great is intangible...strength, grace, patience, anointing, humility, etc. When I asked God about restoration (back to who I used to be) after great grief and alterations after my mother’s death and a string of broken relationships, I internally heard, “in the millen-

nium...” which immediately let me know...”not in this lifetime... but in the next dispensation”. As understanding quickened within me, I concurred and asked Yeshua for at least one more “rose” (those things that are from Him given to comfort me with His closeness). I asked for grace and strength to endure and get through all that is before me...until Yeshua cracks the sky. I understand my plight, my lot in life, and if it accomplishes Abba’s objectives in the earth, draws men unto Him, so be it. I am willing to endure discomfort for the cause of Christ. I’ll get my reward later. Suffering for the cause of Christ is not just the Tribulation; the Body of Christ is not called to wrath. The Tribulation is still God’s grace being extended to those who are left behind. As long as they do not accept the mark of the beast, their natural death is only temporary. Suffering as a believer for the cause of Christ, in my case, seems to include a state of perplexity, even while I have joy internally. Suffering equates becoming weary with the evil, anti-God ways of this world and having no


pleasure in staying here. I often wonder if this is because the Rapture is so imminent, or if it is just weariness due to continuous trial. At any rate, Yeshua uses our sufferings to bring others into the knowledge of the truth. Our “suffering offerings” become “saved souls”, lives surrendered to God, supernatural healings, bondages broken, yokes destroyed, etc. Our natural goal is comfort and ease, while God’s spiritual goal is “souls”. Even as I have accepted my role as a co-laborer with God, I purpose not to be unhappy in this role, but be more like the disciples of old - take joy in the privilege of suffering for Christ. It’s not a popular stance but a peculiar and necessary one. I think we do our ourselves an injustice when we expect to have similar experiences to those who have chosen the world - the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life (1 John 2:16). Shouldn’t there be a difference? Although we seem to suffer needlessly, we must remember that God has promised us security and sustainment, as we are in Him. He has chosen us for a time such as this, and have fully equipped us for all that transpires (Ephesians 1:4). We can rely on, depend on, and trust in God fully assured that all that He permits is for a much greater purpose, and the product is a greater end, as the following scriptures admonishes us: 2 Timothy 2:3-5 (EXB): Share in

the troubles we have [or Join me in suffering] like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. 4 A soldier wants to please the enlisting [or commanding] officer, so no one serving in the army wastes time with [gets involved/entangled with] everyday matters [civilian affairs]. 5 Also an athlete who takes part in a contest must obey all [play by] the rules in order to win [be crowned; with the victor’s wreath]. Psalm 30:5b (EXB): Crying may last for a night, but joy comes in the morning. 2 Timothy 2:12 (EXB): If we accept suffering [endure; persevere], we will also rule [reign] with him. If we say we don’t know [deny; disown; renounce] him, he will say he doesn’t know [deny; disown; renounce] us. Job 23:10 (EXB): But God knows the way that I take, and when he has tested me, I will come out like gold. Romans 8:18 (EXB): [For I consider that] The sufferings we have now are nothing compared to the great glory that will be shown [revealed] to us. When Jesus said that He came that we may have life and have it more abundantly, that did not necessarily mean that it was all intended for the Dispensation of Grace (the Church Age). These are hard matters, but it is even more difficult, in my opinion, to live in a deceptive realm of faulty expectation to which we

were never entitled. Although suffering never feels good, it is a fruit of the Spirit, and we can do it with the confidence of knowing that it is never in vain (Galatians 5:22). Jesus willingly suffered to have us restored back to God. Let us look only to [keep our eyes on] Jesus, the One who began [Pioneer/Founder of; or Leader/Prince of] our faith and who makes it perfect [completes it]. He suffered death on [endured] the cross, accepting the shame as if it were nothing [disregarding/despising the shame] because of the joy that God put before [lay ahead for] him. And now he is sitting at the right side [hand] of God’s throne (Hebrews 12:2 EXB). What an ever greater privilege it is to suffer for righteousness’ sake. Now, gird up your loins, purpose to endure, stand in faith for continued grace and an unyielding assurance that He who began a good work will complete it until the day of Christ (Philippians 1:6). Rejoice in a surrendered life to God, and trust Him to orchestrate every experience thereof. We can trust God through it all (Proverbs 3:5-6)! Amen…so be it!




KING TO SERVANT; SERVANT TO KING By Amber M. Brown ant back to King. It is written that Jesus is not only the Son of God, but he is the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords, (1 Timothy 6:15). Jesus,

Jesus Christ walked in the Truth of God and he showed this truth by not only living by his word but by his actions. If Jesus were to speak the things of God, but not show them, then where would the manifestation be? Where would deliverance be? Most importantly, where would our witness be? God couldn’t stand to see us falling the way we were, so he sent his son, Jesus (which is God in the flesh), and showed his love and his truth by

living and dying as a servant so that the manifestations of our lives would be shown to come to pass. God (a king) became man and humbled himself to be a servant (Jesus) so that the people in this world could have a chance for salvation, a chance of forgiveness, and a choice to accept eternal life. Jesus went from King to servant and then after the death of Jesus Christ, his blood being the holy blood offering, he then went from serv-

“Who being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death even death on a cross! Therefore, God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the father” (Phillipians 2:6-9 NIV). I often ask God for guidance in serving no matter what I am going through and no matter what I am being used for. Some will truly serve the remainder of their days, but others will gain spotlight and completely forget about the importance of their


mission. We never want to lead someone the wrong way because of pride. We never want to gain kingship but never operate in servanthood! When this occurs, we lose our sight of what is important, and that is the True Love of God! I believe people get caught up in fame, riches, and approval and forget all about the serving. God may elevate you to be a king/queen because he has made all of us capable of our own castle of riches (heavenly riches), but we must not stop serving his people. How can we share him and proclaim the true gospel of Jesus Christ if we make it about us after being trusted to do so? We can never understand a king’s position without first being there. We can never understand a servant’s position without first being there. What happens when the testimony of Jesus Christ is forgotten and the intention becomes self? Well, the answer to that question is making itself known throughout the world which is one of the reasons why we are in the trouble that we are in. It is written, “If we died with him, we will also live with him; if we endure, we will also reign with him. If we disown him, he will also disown us; if we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself ” (2 Timothy 2:11-13). There are many False Teachers out there that speak one thing but do the other. God makes them a king, but then they lose the servant heart. We must pray daily that we do not become

false teachers. They preach truth, but don’t live for the truth and by this I mean, “For the right reasons.” Do research on who you choose to listen to. Don’t ever just go off what he or she speaks, but go back and read the word for yourself. I say this because if we are thoughtful of who we allow to speak into our spirit, as God raises us up, we will never forget our ‘servantship’. Jesus, spoke truth because he was the truth. If you live in truth and live for Jesus, because you have his spirit inside of you, you will always speak in truth which will then cause your actions to follow his word. Be a king or queen in the Kingdom of God, but always be a servant on earth. Servanthood should be our number one ministry. Jesus chose that as his ministry because that is what was going to touch the hearts of the people. As the seed was planted, the watering could then come, and God would be able to move. If there is no seed planted, there can be no harvest! Ask for discernment and remember that not every door is a God door. Not every speaker is a chosen speaker of the Lord. Not every word spoken by man is the truth, but the actions of man will always show his character. If we know right, we must do right. If we know truth, we must speak truth. If we want eternal life, we must first accept Jesus Christ for the person that he is. We must acknowledge him, we must know that he died on the cross and rose three days later, and and we must know that he is the

intercessor of our lives and we get to the father through him. God was and is the King of our lives and loves us enough to go from King to Servant so that we may have an example to live by. If we remain faithful and serve, he will make us a king and a queen. We are already heirs to the throne, but in order to receive this blessing we must first learn to serve him and then serve others. Always keep in mind that Jesus was born into a sinful world but chose to be the exception. Will you choose to be the exception and to walk each day in servanthood or will you choose earthly position and hold it higher than the riches that are waiting for you in the heavenly places? “Not to us, Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness. Why do the nations say, “Where is their God?” Our God is in heaven, he does whatever pleases him. But their idols are silver and gold, made by human hands. They have mouths, but cannot speak, eyes, but cannot see. They have ears, but cannot hear, noses, but cannot smell. They have hands, but cannot feel, feet, but cannot walk, nor can they utter a sound with their throats. Those who make them will be like them, and so will all who trust in them” (Psalm 115: 1-11). Be blessed and be a blessing to others, Amber


















HER STROLL WITH A KING By Shirley Cooper Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me. (Psalm 51:10) There are so many people today that make decisions on impulse. Some go through extreme measures. I was twelve years old when I lost my virginity, and sadly, I didn’t even know his name. Being promiscuous was kind of a fad growing up, and everything was in style. Today is by far the worst generation of all time. The young kids today throw themselves at the opposite sex, same sex, animals and so on. Yes, there is more. However, I would like to refrain from discussing the deeper part of my point, well, at least the x rated part, while trying to get an in depth feeling of what is truly happening. During my youth I learned that if you give a little, you get a little. But while learning this quick trick, I never realized that I was doing just that, “settling for little.” I didn’t chase my dreams or try to better myself. I simply wanted the moment. The one second, the fly by, the stagnant, ankle deep, stand still water. My future had no hold on me. I wanted happiness right there. Some people blame their personal past sexual molestation on their new found way into a promiscuous life, while some just blame their parents for keeping them sheltered. Yes, I have heard it all. However, without judging, I have dealt with molestation

on a personal level as I discovered that my oldest daughter had been molested. Still she made the choice to wait until marriage. I on the other hand did not deal with my own molestation very well. I simply kept quiet, told no one, and moved on. No, I didn’t wait for marriage at all. I just tried to erase the thought and enjoyed a carefree life with friends who desired the same. For the most part, everyone is different. We choose to do what we feel is right at the moment and deal with the consequences later. Teen pregnancy is popular this day and age. Sexually transmitted diseases are endless, leaving results that truly become emotionally unbearable. I thank God that I was spared the sting of illness over a sexual life. Pregnancy on the other hand did not slip through life’s strainer. I got pregnant with my first child during my teenie bop years so to speak. But soon after that, the father of my baby asked for my hand in marriage. Together, we chose to make a lifetime commitment, and through major trials, we managed to keep that vow for over 34 years. We joined in Holy matrimony on September 24, 1984, a few months before our precious baby was born. How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word. (Psalm 119:9) Through my ministry path, I

have truly discovered how much God calls us to stand strong in purity. But my hard work in investigating God’s very reason did not come until I had my baby girl, my youngest, Mercy, who is a young teen today. At the age of four, she had made a decision that I thought would be temporary. But today at thirteen years old she still holds true to that promise. The promise to wait. While many wait on financial breakthrough, healing, strength, peace, employment, and so on, my young God’s girl is waiting for the one person who will make a forever commitment with her. She does not pray daily for an unknown Prince who has to search for the size of her feet through a glass slipper to capture her heart, but rather a knight who is also praying for his true love, asking God to keep her safe, pure and holy just for him. For this is the will of God, your sanctification; that is, that you abstain from sexual immorality; (1 Thessalonians 4:3) There isn’t a day that goes by that my daughter doesn’t think about holding her true love up to God through diligent prayer, constantly strolling with a King who is planning her future through every sacrifice made. Mercy is like no other little girl that I have ever experienced. Each one of my children waited until marriage, but Mercy’s wait has given so many a different outlook on what it means to truly wait. The conversations that she and I have


at night do not even come close to the private, quiet conversations that she has with her King. I have heard her in her quiet time calling out to God asking Him to keep her mind, her heart and soul just for Him. Her vow of purity is the most powerful ministry that I have seen in one little girl and I know that God is carrying her to greater heights. While she strolls down this journey alone with Christ, her King, she carries in her soul the one man who will marry her with true love that is deeper than the oceans. While some adults look at my daughter wondering if her vow is true, some teenagers actually analyze her life trying to figure out if it’s all worth it. I teach my daughter as best as I can and allow God to raise up the woman that she needs to be. I am constantly showing her that people will hate the path she’s chosen. Some will envy, and some will rebuke, and many will learn. But all in all, she has made a Godly decision. Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity. (1 Timothy 4:12) God has reminded her on a daily basis that she belongs to Him, and that no man can reach her without first searching Him. He teaches her that there is nothing in this world more beautiful than a woman who waits and a man who closes his eyes in prayer hoping to one day meet the woman that will change his life forever. Mercy refuses to sin against her own body by waiting patiently for the husband God has promised. The dark silhouette figure that stands in her dreams, bringing joy to her heart, a smile to her face, and a whisper to her soul that sustains her until the one day The King that she strolls with daily brings them together ‘until

death do them part’. Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body. (1 Corinthians 6:18) Waiting isn’t easy. But it is worth it. Through my own personal teen years, I chose my own path only later to find out that God closely watched over me. But Mercy from birth stayed under God’s umbrella. At three pounds she rolled over in her incubator against medical law, wiggling around as if she had already known what to do, and what she wanted. Her stroll with God sustained her for thirteen years. She accepted Jesus Christ, was re-baptized, and opened her

arms to hug a desperate world through the Savior she refused to let go of. But it was her choices that led her to each sacrifice, standing in obedience no matter where her feet stood. Today, rather than conforming to this world, giving herself away to just anyone, she chooses to wait for The One, who will bring the one and only true love right to her side. A love that has sacrificed all to deserve her. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires. (Romans 13:14)

Until then, her heart is lost in God.




NEW CREATION IN CHRIST By Reynaldo Rodriguez

Parallel to the concept of being a new creation in Christ is the teaching that the believer has put on the “New Self which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.” (Colossians 3: 10), or more literally the new man. The new man at times refers both to the new individual “self ” in Christ as well as the new humankind, the new creation united in Christ, with Christ as its head. The new man who is created is the new personality that each believer becomes when

he is reborn as a member of the new creation whose source of life is Christ. What does it mean to be a new man? Does it mean that every aspect of the believer is new in reality? We still look the same physically, and we still have many of the same thoughts, feelings and experiences. Picture, for instance, the ornamental orange tree that has just had a tiny new stern grafted into it. Because so much appears to be the same, it is sometimes taught that our “new-

ness” refers only to our position in Christ. The newness is only what we have seen in relation to our position of righteousness and holiness in justification and positional sanctification. There is no real change in us until we are finally transformed in glorification. That, however, would be like teaching justification without regeneration (we are forgiven, but there is no new life). If we are still ornamental orange trees, how can we be expected to bear navel oranges? We have to believe that our new identity is in the life of


Christ and commit ourselves to grow accordingly. If you are a new creation in Christ, have you ever wondered why you still think and feel at times the same way you did before? Because everything you learned before you knew Christ is still programed into your memory. There is no mental delete button. That is why Paul says, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12: 2) His good, pleasing and perfect will was to transfer us to His eternal kingdom, “For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves,” (Colossians 1: 13). Your new self is infused with the divine nature of Jesus Christ, your new spiritual Commander in Chief. As a child of God, you are no longer under the authority of Satan and dominated by sin and death. The old man is dead. Despite the fact that all believers at times still lived according to the old self, like Paul, they are new persons—new in relationship to God and new in themselves. The change that takes place in us when we come to Christ involves two dimensions. First, we have a new master. As mortals we have no choice but to live under spiritual power—either our heavenly Father or the god of this world. At salvation, the believer in Christ experiences a change in the power that dominates life. Second, there is an actual change in the nature of believers that the propensities of their lives, or the deepest desires of their hearts, are now oriented toward God rather than toward self and sin. This becomes

evident when believers choose to sin. They are being convicted by the Holy Spirit which in turn is part of the believers sanctification process. What they are doing is no longer consistent with who they really are in Christ. There are countless of hundreds of thousands of Christian who are questioning their salvation because of their struggle with sin. The fact that it even bothers them is the best argument for their salvation. It is the nature of a natural person to sin. On the other hand, there is countless number of people who profess to be Christians, but seem to have little or no remorse for sin. I would have to question their salvation. If we are children of God, we are not going to live comfortably with sin. Why do you need the nature of Christ within you? So you can be like Christ, not just act like Him. God has not given us the power to act like Him. He has made us partakers of His divine nature so that we can actually be like Him. You don’t become a Christian by acting like one. You are not a performance basis with God. He doesn’t say, “Here are my standards, now you measure up” He knows you can’t solve the problem of an old sinful self by simply improving your behavior. He must change your nature, (Grace), give you an entirely new self—the life of Christ in you—which is the grace you need to measure up to His standards. That was the point of Christ message in the sermon on the Mount: “For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5: 20). The scribes and Pharisees were the religious perfectionists of their day. They had external behavior down to a sci-

ence, but their hearts were like the insides of a tomb: reeking of death. Jesus is interested only in creating new persons from the inside out by infusing in them a brand new nature and creating in them a new self. Only after He changes who you are and makes you a partaker of His divine nature will you be able to change your behavior.




BE PREPARED TO FIGHT By Reynaldo Rodriguez


It is dangerous to be in a war zone if you are not prepared to meet the enemy. During the Second World War, it is reported that army troops were mopping up pockets of enemy resistance that still existed after the main lines of battle had moved on. These same units would drive until they met such resistance, and did whatever was needed to overcome it, and then move on. Because they never knew how far they would go before meeting the enemy, they had to be constantly on the alert for signs of enemy troops. At one point in that process, their convoys of vehicles stopped. A soldier was fairly far back in the long line of vehicles, so it was not possible to know what was happening at the front of the line. While they were stopped, a driver a few vehicles ahead went to sleep, and when he woke up to a start, he discovered that the convoy had moved on without him. In his haste to catch up, he missed a turn and led the rest of the unit into enemy held territory. The problem was that they were not prepared to meet the enemy. The chaplain and another soldier traveling with the medics attached to the Service Company’s had all kinds of supplies and equipment to support the combat troops, but they were not armed for battle. As a result, they had to turn around and beat a hasty retreat. That was not only embarrassing, it was dangerous. Many Christians approach the spiritual enemy like this, however, and they wonder why such bad things happen to them. It is bad enough to meet the enemy when you are prepared. It is quite another thing to meet the enemy when you are not prepared. The problem is complicated when one is talking about spiritual warfare because the enemy is not visible

to the eyes. One normally doesn’t have any problem identifying an enemy soldier or tank, although camouflage can be a bit tricky even with a physical enemy. With a spiritual enemy, however, the need for self—control and alertness increases significantly. The apostle Paul wrote once to the Corinthians, “For the love of Christ controls us, having concluded this, that one died for all, therefore all died; and He died for all, so that they who live might no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf. Therefore from now on we recognize no one according to the flesh; even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him in this way no longer.” (2 Corinthians 5: 14 – 16). It is so easy to see only the human, physical side of life that we tend to forget that “while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.” (2 Corinthians 4: 18). One of Satan’s strategies is to get us to think and live within the limits of the time—space world. He had obviously been very successful with that strategy in the Western world. Our culture conditions us to think this way. Our public education is built on the premise that this is an evolved world, with no eternal perspectives, and religious matters therefore can be left out of the educational program without losing anything in the process. That kind of thinking makes it easy to believe that we should ignore the devil instead of resisting him. The so called Enlightenment thinking is not really enlightenment at all. It is largely responsible for eliminating God and eternal truth from their cen-

tral place. Paul warned, “See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ.” (Colossians 2: 8). There can be no doubt, however, that Paul’s command is still valid, even in this “enlightened” age. We need to be self—controlled and alert when it comes to all things spiritual, and that includes our spiritual enemy the devil. IT’S A WORLD WAR Another observation about this passage from Peter is that this battle is not limited to a few places in the world. Peter says, “But resists him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same experiences of suffering are being accomplished by your brethren who are in the world.” (1 Peter 5: 9). Satan and demons are active not only in preliterate, tribal, societies, but also in the sophisticated, enlightened Western world. Satan’s tactics may change slightly in the West, but he is still committed to destroy the work of God any place and any time he finds an opportunity. Jesus said, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” (John 10: 10), and he does not limit that activity to any geographic location. So, while we do not see life dominated by Satan and his host of demons, neither do we assume that we can just ignore them. The biblical warnings about Satan and demons are all addressed to believers, and our basic attitude is to be one self— control and alert. To put it another way, we need to have spiritual discernment. We need spiritual eyesight to perceive when we are dealing with this crafty enemy.




PROPHET ISAAC WATSON Interviewed By Amber Brown Interviewer: Thank you so much for allowing me to interview you today. How has your day been so far? Prophet Watson: Your welcome, it is my pleasure. I have had a busy day. I should be out barbequing on a day like this (laughing out loud). Interviewer: Yes, I believe we all should (laughing out loud)! Such a beautiful day that the Lord has made. Let me start off by asking how you got started in ministry? Prophet Watson: I grew up in the church, and my love in the ministry progressed over time. I have always been active in church, from children’s church, singing in the children’s choir to youth ministry. I have also done Christian rap, but around the time of sixteen or seventeen is when God began to awaken my spiritual gifts, which is when I began to start getting more involved in prophetic ministry and prayer/ intercessory ministry. That was a part of my teenage years. From there as I began to build a strong relationship with God, it just began to expand. I began to learn more about myself and who God has called me to be. Interviewer: Absolutely! Now, when God began to stretch you and you started learning

more about yourself, is that when you knew you were called to be a prophet? Prophet Watson: Yes, around the age of seventeen is when God began to speak to me about that calling to be a prophet and what I was called to do. I remember others speaking it into my life, that I was called to be a prophet, but I would kind of brush it off and not take it serious until I chose to seek God for myself and asked him. One of the things that the Lord began to share with me regarding the prophetic calling was that He was calling me like He had called Jeremiah. To pluck up, pull down, tear down, and destroy the buildings as Jeremiah did. He told me that this would be some of the ear marks of my ministry. Interviewer: Wow! That is powerful. That gives me goosebumps… Prophet Watson: Amen! It has been a journey, and it still is a journey. I am learning that life is not so much about the destination as it is in the journey. I am still growing in the journey. Interviewer: Amen! And you have a family to help you grow and that grows with you. During this journey God has provided you and blessed you with a wife. Do you have children?

Prophet Watson: No, we do not have children yet. But I am married and we are approaching our third year of marriage in September of this year. Interviewer: Praise the Lord. Marriage is such a blessing. How did you know that your wife was the one? There are a lot of people out there that can tell you the exact moment they knew that their husband or wife was the one. What was that moment for you? Prophet Watson: Good Question! We definitely have a story. When I first met my wife, someone, a mutual friend, was trying to hook us up. Neither one of us was wanting it at the time. When we first met each other, ironically, we weren’t interested. It was just one of those things. Three weeks after we met, someone that I knew invited her out to our church. That night I was on my way out of town on a ministry trip out of the country the next day. When I came into the sanctuary, in the corner of my eye, I saw this young lady worshipping. There was something about her that caught my eye, so I looked over at her and I’m like, “This is the same girl that I just met.” I walked over to her after worship service and greeted her. We ended up connecting on a greater scale and decided to exchange numbers. After having conversation that night we felt that God










highlighted us to one another. She said even though she also wasn’t interested in me when we first met, after that night God brought us closer together. It was just one of those things. We started with friendship and over time, I had a conversation with her discussing a relationship that would possibly lead to marriage and she agreed. We have had various people walk us through our journey together and help hold us accountable to them and to one another. We met in 2014, I proposed in April 2015, and we were married by that September. It has been one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. Interviewer: That is such a blessing. Congratulations! God knows exactly what we need and when we need it. I am encouraged just hearing your story. Is your wife in ministry as well? Prophet Watson: My wife is very prophetic and she also sings. She is a true worshipper. Interviewer: Amen! That is very important in your relationship with God, and it helps bring others into the presence of God as well. Now, what would you say the difference is between a pastor and an apostle? Prophet Watson: Okay, that is a good question. When it comes to ministry, I think that there is a big misunderstanding regarding the apostolic and the apostolic ministry. One of the things that I am learning is that there are a lot of people who believe they are apostles when they really are pastors. Then there are a lot of people that call themselves pastors and are really apostles. I think some of the major distinguishes between the two is pastors are by definition, shepherds. A shepherd’s primary responsibility is to tend to the needs of the sheep

(the people). In my opinion pastors are more focused on gathering and protecting the sheep, whereas apostles, like pastors, care about gathering and protecting and feeding the sheep, but have a unique grace to turn sheep into shepherds. They are the ones who are more focused on mobilizing for the sake of sending out. Everything about an apostle’s ministry is about raising up, equipping, and identifying what people’s life assignments are. Whether it be education, government, or politics. Apostles raise up people to send out into the world to influence others. Interviewer: Good answer. That is from the heart. and that is so true. Because people should be sent out into the world, do you think the saints should be trained and equipped to evangelize? Prophet Watson: I think the saints should be equipped

to evangelize. Paul made it clear when he told Timothy to do the work of an evangelist. I don’t believe it was just a submission or calling just for Timothy, I think it was something that we can look to as an example of what we are called to do. Even Jesus commanded his disciples to go preach the gospel to the world to make disciples of all the nations. That is apostolic, but it is also evangelistic. We are talking about preaching to gentile nations, people who have never heard the gospel, people who are lost and in sin, and it is an evangelistic mandate. I also believe that sometimes we are so caught up in “having church” that we are not being the church. A part of any church is having the gates open, which are open for all people to continually come into the kingdom of God. The doorway of the church is the evangelistic outreach to ministry. Interviewer: Amen! I hope




there comes a time when people turn from traditional things and start opening themselves up to the things of God in whatever way, shape, or form that He comes. A lot of people do not get all that God has for them because they do not make themselves available to receive all that He has for them. Prophet Watson: Amen! Interviewer: Prophet Watson, I have one last question for you, and I just want you to know that I appreciate your time on today in speaking with me. Now, how would you restore hope in someone who sees their situation as hopeless? A lot of people lose their hope. They think that their situation is one that no one else has gone through and that they have hit rock bottom. What would you say to them to restore their hope? Prophet Watson: It has been an honor to speak with you on today so thank you for the opportunity. Regarding your question, I believe as believers and kingdom citizens, one of the things we must understand about the kingdom is that the currency of the kingdom is relational. When people are going through situations and when they are losing hope in people and hope in God, one of the things they should be assured of is the fact that people do care. People care about them and what they are going through, and that there is a heart connection with people. Hopelessness in many instances can bring isolation to individuals, so I would say that one thing that is effective in restoring hope is demonstrating the love of God. Demonstrate your compassion. Interviewer: Amen! Prophet Watson: We could

get real deep and talk about casting out the spirit of hopelessness and such, but at the end of the day, we are dealing with people whose situations are extremely real to them. They need to know that there are people that are there that will help support them, love them, and counsel them through whatever it is that they may be going through. The greatest weapon of war, I believe, is the Love of God. I believe that it is God’s love that restores men. Look at it this way, John 3 says that God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son and whoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. People are perishing. People who are experiencing these

things [that are] causing them to get to a place of hopelessness. The way that God decided to respond to a hopeless world and hopeless people is to demonstrate love through the sending of his son. I believe that as we become more perfected and loved, God will begin to give us the wisdom, creativity, and insight needed to bring hope to hopeless situations. Interviewer: Yes, Amen! That is such an inspiration. Love really is the key Prophet. Thank you so much again for your time. God Bless you and I am going to be praying for you and your family and over your marriage. This has really blessed me.


SUDDENLY By Melissa Patterson

Suddenly I see the path clear Suddenly I find myself here Suddenly I see an old childhood friend Suddenly I’m being ushered in Suddenly it’s beginning to make sense Suddenly I understand why the warfare was so intense Suddenly I am free from captivity Suddenly I’m birthing out destiny Suddenly I hear God speak Welcome to your new suddenly Suddenly with joy I’m overwhelmend Suddenly I’m hearing new prophetic sounds Suddenly I’m in perfect peace Suddenly God’s Glory is being released




WHEN TIME STANDS STILL By Kimberly Moses You may be wondering, “How can time stand still?” Timestanding still is an expression of stagnancy, extended trials, or a lack of physical results. A lot of people are growing weary while waiting on the promises of God. They fall into three various traps. Trap number one is becoming jealous of those around them that God seems to be blessing. Trap number two, they begin doubting God and all the wonderful promises. Trap number three, they stop praying as much as they used to pray. They tend to think that nothing has happened yet so why keep trying. We have to wise and not fall into these three traps. I am guilty of falling into these traps. I am thankful that God is merciful. As I repented, the Lord extended his favor and grace upon my life. Time waits for no one however we all have to wait for God’s timing and not ours. I learned a long time ago that God’s timing is best. I realize his sovereignty and He is truly a great father. If God would’ve answered some of my prayers, then I would have destroyed myself. Worrying never solved anything. I can recall a time that I was so anxious in my spirit and I lacked patience. I was tired of being lonely. I was tired of being away from all of my family. I felt like I was missing out but I failed to recognize that God had me where he wanted me. I had to go through the wilderness. If

I would have left my wilderness season early, then my destiny would have been forfeited. I can honestly thank God for the closed doors and opportunities. I wasn’t ready to walk on certain platforms and to be connected to certain people. I had to be processed. My character needed to be developed. It may seem as if time is standing still but the fact of the matter is that God is going to connect you to where you need to be and place you where you need to be fitted. This is why it seems as if nothing is happening around you and you will be stuck in the desert place forever. We have to be honest with ourselves and say, “It’s just not my season. Yet, my season is coming!” We have to learn how to make the best of our time. When I was in the wilderness, I got a lot accomplished. What God did in my life 3 years, is amazing. I wrote 13 books, started a Christian Magazine and a publishing company. I’ve been on television and international radio. I even trained people to do what I do and be better at it. When I put my agenda aside and picked up God’s agenda, time seem to be right on. The seconds, minutes, and hours all seem to line up. It happened right on time because my spirit was synced with the Holy Spirit. I embraced his will and plan for my life.

Recently, a pastor approached me. He is using my new book, “School Of The Prophets: A Curriculum For Success,” at his church. He will do an 8-week training. I am truly thankful because I can see now why I had to study all those hours when the time seem to be standing still. God has a plan. Ask God what you should be doing when the time seems to be standing still.


WHO CARES? By Kimberly Moses




No matter how many good works you do unto the Lord there will always be critics. You could feed the homeless, pay off someone’s debt, buy toys for other people’s children for Christmas, and the list goes on and on. I made a video last year of me with my church family giving out turkey for the Holidays. Then someone commented that I was selfish and there all thousands of hungry people in Africa. They even went so far to post a picture of this poor kid that was naked and just skin and bones. I just rebuked it and keep serving the homeless every Wednesday. Recently, people tried to criticize me because of my new book, “School Of The Prophets: A Curriculum For Success.” They said it wasn’t doctrinal. I didn’t even respond. They never read the book perhaps if they read it then they will see everything is supported by scripture. I didn’t respond because I learned a long time ago to choose and pick my battles. I saw firsthand how God avenges me. I am just a willing vessel living whole heartily unto God and obeying His every command. My point here is who cares what people say or think about you. You just obey God and do what he tells you. Let’s look at the ministry of Jesus for a moment. He was in the will of God. He was of course God in the flesh yet the religious folks persecuted him and did all type of evil towards him. However, he was unstoppable. He did many miracles, and he conquered all.

He left that same power and that same anointing for us. The religious folks will persecute you too. Who cares what the haters say! When we have this mindset, we will be unstoppable as well. Remember, if God is for you, who can be against you. I can recall a time when one of my leaders was jealous of me. Every time I would write another book he would say something negative about it. I knew that the Lord gave me 21 books to write, and he didn’t understand my purpose. To sum up the story, I had to get from underneath his ministry and God placed me where I needed to be. My pastor supports me and always pushed me forward. Get around people who can see the vision and help you with your vision. Don’t allow haters to kill your vision. We have to be wise and not share everything with everyone. People who sit around all day hating on others really have no life. These are the kind of people who will use someone else’s name, tear them down just to build themselves up. Stay away from people like that. If they do it to them, they can do it to you. They need deliverance and they are very insecure. Whenever you are focused on purpose and destiny, you don’t have time to be comparing yourself. You truly will be so busy doing what God has called you to do. Remember, to die to self. You may be asking how can I die to self? Fasting, praying, meditation on the word and abiding in God’s presence

have helped me tremendously to not care about the things in this world. I realize that there are people waiting for the word of the Lord coming out of our mouths. There are people waiting for us because they need what we carry. If we listen to the haters, then we will end up discourage and stop making progress. Keep up the good work and move forward! Support this ministry and get my books. Don’t forget to write me a review of how it blessed you. See you on the next blog.






Sometimes we don’t understand why we have to go through the trials in life. It seems like when it rains; it pours. The storm goes from bad to worst. This is exactly what happened to me in 2014. That year was the worst year of my life. I was on my way to medical school to become a doctor and I made one bad mistake that cost me to lose everything. At the time, I couldn’t see anything good becoming of my life. However, God had a plan. I noticed as the trials intensify so did the power of God working through my life. I was like the children of Israel when they were in the wilderness. Their clothes and shoes never wore out neither did mines. I couldn’t buy clothes for me or my children for years yet our clothes remained intact. God feed them manna from heaven daily and the Lord always made sure that I had food in my house. When Abraham needed a sacrifice, God provided a ram in the bush. When I was at my last and wanted to sow a seed, God made sure I had it. The list goes on and on. We can’t focus on only the bad things in the storm. We have to change our mindset and see the great things that God is doing in the midst of the valley season. I would have never discovered that I could write books quickly if I haven’t been through adversity. I wrote 13 books in three years! I would have never stepped out and created a magazine if I didn’t go through a wilderness season. Rejoice Essential Magazine is two years old! I wouldn’t be in the publishing industry if I didn’t hit rock

bottom. I officially published, “Who Touched Me: My Journey To Jesus,” by Tron Moses and several upcoming books from other authors. God was birthing something great inside of me through all the pain. Many people don’t know that I cried for days because of the struggles of life but I still had to do what I was called to do. You know that god is birthing something great in your life when the devil is attacking you on every side. Let’s talk about some indicators of greatness. You are destined for greatness when you obeyed God and failed at it the first time. The key to success is to get up, try again, and never quit. Here’s a transparent moment. I got so discouraged about writing books because I didn’t get the response that I desired. I wanted to get a huge contract from a publisher to write books for a living. It didn’t happen that way yet but I serve a Big God and He can do the impossible. Think big and watch God! Another indicator of greatness is when people can see it when you aren’t able to. For instance, some people may be jealous of you and you don’t even have anything. They can see where you are going not where you are. Just embrace greatness and never lower your anointing to accommodate someone’s insecurity. I had leaders jealous of me for no apparent reason. I made a choice to be my all in God and get under the right leadership. Don’t allow that Saul spirit to hinder your growth in God.

The next indicator of greatness is when you get a word from God but the opposite is happening. The devil is resisting you. Don’t allow discouragement, weariness, distractions, etc. to stop your beliefs in the word of the Lord. Remember, nothing worth having is easy. When you paid the price for something, you will value it more. Sometimes God gives things in seed form which means it’s just an idea for a business, book, product, etc. It’s up to you to step out in faith and run with it. That means do everything possible to make it happen. God will do the rest. He will send the people and the resources. It’s okay to build from the ground up. God is with you. You will conquer all. You will make it. You are birthing something great in the realm of the spirit that is going to manifest in the natural if you don’t quit. You are destined for greatness.



Everywhere you look these days, people seem to be turning to different products in hopes of healthier and longer hair. Some women have relaxers, while others choose to keep their hair natural. My grandmother kept a perm in my hair growing up, and my hair never grew past my shoulders. After having children, I noticed a big change in my hair. It started shedding and breaking off. I began getting my hair cut so short that I couldn’t

even curl it with a curling iron. After a year of keeping my hair cut off, I finally decided to let it grow back out. I began to get my hair braided to keep my hands out of it. But as usual, my hair never grew past my shoulders. I got up one morning to comb my hair before work, and all of my hair in the middle of my head came out in the comb. At the age of 23 that is a woman’s worst nightmare. Instead of going to

work that morning, I went to my son’s barber and had him shave all of my hair off into a low fade. My father had a fit, but I loved it! It was less for me to do in the morning. Since I didn’t know what to do with natural hair, I would go to the barber every 2 weeks with my son and get shaped up. It was then that I noticed how dry and brittle my hair was when it grew out. I then began to ask my natural friends what the best products were to use on natural hair. I began to purchase to suggested products and noticed that they didn’t the same thing for my hair. So, I went to YouTube to find out things that could work. I was shocked to find out that I could use simple things that were in the cabinet in the kitchen to moisturize my hair. It’s been 13 years since I first did the big chop on my hair. I have gone between loose natural hair and dreadlocks during that time. Water has become my hair’s best friend. I only use natural oils in my hair and I mix up my own hair products. Store brought hair products don’t work well in my hair and cause my hair to break off. My favorite oils to use are olive oil and coconut




oil. I use castor oil for thinning edges. Due to YouTube, I learned all about essential oils and use many of those for their benefits. I’ve noticed how much cheaper using natural products is, and love how much room I have on my dresser due to that. Here are some of my natural recipes: No Itch Scalp Spritz ¾ c. distilled water ¼ tsp. rosemary essential oil ½ tsp tea tree oil 1 tbsp. coconut oil, melted Put into an 8-oz. spray bottle. Shake before each use. Daily Growth Spritz (Moisturizing) 2 oz. jojoba oil 1 oz. tea tree oil 1 oz. vitamin E oil 20 drops spearmint essential oil 10 drops rosemary essential oil 15 drops sweet orange essential oil Pour oils into 8-oz. spray bottle. Add distilled water to fill it up. Shake before each use. Setting Lotion/Leave-In Conditioner 6 oz. aloe vera gel (juice for conditioner) 2 oz. jojoba oil 5 drops essential oil of choice

Pour ingredients into an 8-oz. shampoo bottle. Shake to mix them together. Black Soap Shampoo Crumbled black soap Distilled water 1 tbsp. olive oil 2 tbsp. vegetable glycerin 2 tsp. coconut oil, melted 2 tsp. jojoba oil 2 tsp. tea tree oil 1 tsp. vitamin E oil 1 tsp. peppermint essential oil 1 tsp. rosemary essential oil To figure out how much water to use, put distilled water into bottle that you will be using. I use a 16-oz. applicator bottle (purchase at a beauty supply store). Pour the water into a container with lid and crumble the black soap into it (more soap, thicker the shampoo). Put the lid on container ad let sit until soap is dissolved (1-2 days, heating the water first will speed the process). Place oils into bottle and add mixture leaving enough room to shake mixture. Shake well before each use. Hair Butter 1 oz. cocoa butter 3 oz. shea butter 2 oz. tea tree oil 2 oz. castor oil 2 oz. jojoba oil 1 oz. olive oil 1 oz. vitamin E oil 3 oz. honey 5 drops rosemary essential oil 10-15 drops lavender

essential oil Combine everything but the essential oils over a double boiler and melt for 15 minutes. Let cool on counter for 20 mins (Add the essential oils after 15 minutes). Stir with spatula. Let sit in freezer for 5 minutes. Starting at lowest speed, whip with hand held mixer for 25 minutes. After each 5 minutes, go up to the next speed. Put into a container with lid.


LOVE LETTERS FROM THE KING “The Making of a Virtuous Woman”” By Quiana Robinson

This is a season in which I am putting my Rubies on display. Those who have allowed me to refine them through the process are stepping into a season of elevation and promotion. This has been a season in which many of my daughters have been mandated to bear fruit. Many have been crying out to me for a husband that they can trust. Before I

could answer your prayers, I had to make you trustworthy. I need you to become a good thing before I can release one my sons to search, find, and pursue you. This is the hour for my daughters to become all that I have called them to be, so that they can walk into the fullness of the blessing. I am transitioning my daughters into a place where they will

understand that I am the all sufficient one. I am El Shaddai and I am able make sure that you will sustain. You don’t have to rely on a man to take care of you; I do a fine job at that. Try me and see. It is not my desire to have my precious ones give themselves away to someone who has not paid




the price. Inside of my daughters are witty ideas and inventions, skills, and gifts. I will birth them out of you in this season and teach you how to prosper and attain wealth. I want to urge my daughters to not fall into the traps of the enemy. His agenda in this hour is to overwhelm and exhaust my bride. Stay vigilant my dear ones. Seek me while it is still early, so that you can receive fresh bread from me. The words that I put in your mouth have the potential to touch the lives of many. If you find me waking you up in the middle of the night, there is something I am longing to share with you. Gird yourself with strength in this hour, the warfare is only molding you. I have already given you the victory. Do not allow your lamp to go out in this night season, keep your post. Continue to stand in the gap and travail daughters of Zion. I have called you blessed to be a blessing. Stand with those who are battle weary. Bless those who have suffered loss in this season. I have changed your garments. You will walk in authority. You will walk in righteousness. You will walk in holiness. I will raise you up to teach my younger daughters how to properly adorn themselves as well. I will put wisdom in your mouth, I will prepare you to be a vessel of kindness, and you will change an entire generation. Your diligence and your refusal to be idle in this time will help to snatch many of my daughters out of the grips of the evil one. Have I not

called you to be the salt of the earth and a light to the nations. I know exactly where you are. Some feel like you are not yet at the destination that I am speaking of or that I may not be able to use you, but think again. I am calling you out of your dry places. To my daughters who feel as though they don’t look the part, do not put your value in external beauty or charm. It is your character, integrity, and your faith walk that will win souls for me. I am after your heart, not the length of your hair, or eyelashes, or figure. Men look at the outward appearance, but I am examining your heart. I am changing the standard of beauty and renewing your mind. It is what I have put on the inside of you that makes you attractive. It is what I cultivated and processed you for that will cause your husband and children to rise up and called you blessed. I love you my daughters and you are beautifully and wonderfully made. And through me you will do valient things. ​​Love, ​​Abba Scripture References Proverbs 31:10-31 New King James Version (NKJV) The Virtuous Wife 10 Who[a] can find a virtuous[b] wife?For her worth is far above rubies.

11 The heart of her husband safely trusts her; So he will have no lack of gain. 12 She does him good and not evil All the days of her life. 13 She seeks wool and flax, And willingly works with her hands. 14 She is like the merchant ships, She brings her food from afar. 15 She also rises while it is yet night, And provides food for her household, And a portion for her maidservants. 16 She considers a field and buys it; From her profits she plants a vineyard. 17 She girds herself with strength, And strengthens her arms. 18 She perceives that her merchandise is good, And her lamp does not go out by night. 19 She stretches out her hands to the distaff, And her hand holds the spindle. 20 She extends her hand to the poor, Yes, she reaches out her hands to the needy. 21 She is not afraid of snow for her household,For all her household is clothed with scarlet. 22 She makes tapestry for herself; Her clothing is fine linen and purple.


23 Her husband is known in the gates, When he sits among the elders of the land.

that you have for me. And ushering me into a season of breakthrough and manifestation.

24 She makes linen garments and sells them,And supplies sashes for the merchants.


25 Strength and honor are her clothing; She shall rejoice in time to come. 26 She opens her mouth with wisdom, And on her tongue is the law of kindness. 27 She watches over the ways of her household, And does not eat the bread of idleness. 28 Her children rise up and call her blessed; Her husband also, and he praises her: 29 “Many daughters have done well, But you excel them all.” 30 Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised. 31 Give her of the fruit of her hands, And let her own works praise her in the gates. Prayer Lord Jesus, thank you for calling me and annointing me in this hour. I will say “yes” to the process. I thank you for giving me strength from Zion. I thank you for helping me see myself the way you see me and for loving me unconditionally. I thank you for releasing the good plans




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