September Rejoice Essential 2017

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CONTENT Page 04 Contributors Page 08 My Daddy Formed Me Page 09 Healthy Living Page 14 Righteous Practice Makes Perfect: Flee Carnality

Page 54 Saints & Sinners A Reminder Of Who We Are Page 56 You Can Lose and Still Be Used Page 58 Hair Porosity 101 Page 62 Conquering The Mind

Page 16 Trust walk: Day 26

Page 66 Love Letters From the King

Page 18 Trust walk: Day 28

Page 69 Suddenly

Page 20 The Power Of Writing

Page 70 Trust walk: Day 38

Page 24 Testimonies

Page 72 Trust walk: Day 44


Page 26 Tron’s Fashiom Page 30 Tron Moses Page 41 Stay Close to the Fire Page 42 Psalmist Raine Page 50 I Will Give You A New Heart Page 52 Are You an Indian Giver Wife?



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Kimberly Hargraves Founder And Editor Colorado Springs, Colorado

Tron Moses Photographer, Designer, Marketer Bennettsville, South Carolina

Quiana Robinson Writer And Interviewer Brandywine, Maryland

Reynaldo Rodriguez Writer Chicago, Illinois


Mae Blooms Writer Fort Lauderdale, FL

Amber Brown Writer Poplar Bluff, Missouri

Mia Mason Writer And Editor Salisbury, NC

Keiyia Jackson-George Writer And Chief Editor Cane Garden Bay, Tortola Virgin Islands

Melinda Roberts Writer Baton Rouge, Louisiana




Taylur Holland Writer Dallas, Texas

Bobbie Ford Nutritionist Bennettsville, South Carolina

Shirley Ann Cooper Writer Kissimmee, Florida praise

Wylie and Equalla Foster Writer And Interviewer Murrieta, California





MY DADDY FORMED ME By Shirley Cooper

There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about the Father who lifted me up out of the mud years ago. Not a moment in time do I want to turn from Him. His love proved worthy. He was my Daddy long before I set eyes on the parents that held me here on this earth. He loved me even when I wrestled with Him, pulled away, and ignored His call. I know that before my earthly daddy twirled me around, hugged and kissed me, He had already made me smile. His loving arms embraced me while placing each hair on my head. While touching my face adding color, His mouth joined mine as He breathed life into my soul. Holding me tightly He promised to bring me back home to Him on His perfect timing and He promised to never let me go, even if it was my hands

that tried to move away. He whispered strength into my ears for weaker times, and placed peace in my heart for unsteady moments and restless nights. As He spoke to me, His roar was like that of a gentle lion, and He glowed like the fireflies in a faraway Paradise. Maybe, the truth is that I cannot remember exactly that day that He gently set me down, into my mother’s womb, or before that. But the book He wrote tells His love story. It teaches everything He needed His children to know. As His daughter, He crowned me with jewels I didn’t even earn yet, in hopes that I would be the Princess I promised to be. You see, my Daddy isn’t even from this world, and yet He created it with love. He made every tree, every flower, every plant,

and anything else in it that has life. He did that for me. My Father can never be matched. He knew that I would one day conform to this world and possibly forget Him altogether. So He came from Heaven to earth to make sure that I would remember Him, His love and His mercy. So many times I have found myself hurting Him, pushing Him away, and trusting other things. There was a time when I literally turned from Him completely. My heart was cold. I hated being His daughter until He saved me again. He held me close through my pain, calmed the storm around me, and whispered, “I will never leave you.” At first I didn’t believe Him. Then I read the book that He wrote for me, and there it was: No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you. (Joshua 1:5) My Daddy’s promise has never gone void. He IS with me, even until the end of time. He sweeps me up every waking moment, reminding me that He IS always at my side! Today, I trust my Father with every breath that He gives me. I will walk like a warrior in battle. I will shout victory before it comes. I will speak in triumph and win as if loss doesn’t exist. I will not fear anyone, anything, in the spiritual, the mental, the physical, and the emotional. I am the daughter of a Father who has overcome every obstacle in my life. He has branded me with victory long before I opened my eyes. My Daddy IS God! I love you Lord. I will forever remember the hands that molded me into who I am today. It was YOU who loved ME, even when I couldn’t love myself. I give you all glory!!!










Serves 4 Prep Time: 25 minutes

Ingredients: 4 tilapia fillets (6 ounces each) 4 tablespoons butter Tony Chachere’s Cajun Seasoning 4 potatoes, peeled and diced 1 onion, diced 1 pound bag of frozen vegetable medley (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots) 2 packs of onion soup mix ¼ cup of hidden valley ranch powder ¼ cup of extra virgin olive oil 1 tsp. Garlic powder

Directions: Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Place tilapia in a baking pan. Season each side with Cajun seasoning. Top each fish with 1 tablespoon of butter. Bake uncovered for 25 minutes or until fillets are flaky. Line a baking pan with heavy duty foil and set aside. In a large mixing bowl, combine diced potatoes, diced onions, and vegetable medley. Drizzle with ¼ cup of extra virgin olive oil. Pour in the onion soup mix, ranch powder, and garlic powder. Mix together. Spread the vegetables on the baking pan evenly or as thinly as possible. Bake uncovered for 45 minutes or until vegetables are a slight light brown color. Make sure the potatoes are fork tender before taking out the oven. Serve bake tilapia and roasted vegetables with a small salad or your favorite rice dish. If you enjoyed this recipe, please let us know. Send us photos and let us know how yours came out.






“All we have to do is accept God…whether we sin or not does not determine if we go to Heaven.” The previous statement was included in a post by at commenter at the bottom of a YouTube video featuring a celebrity who has embraced a lesbian lifestyle. The statement caused me to think deeply about the erroneous doctrine “once saved…always saved” as well as carnality within the Body of Christ. Of course, God will never cast us away once we have received Him through accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. However, we should never loosely accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior with the

intention of presuming upon God’s grace, deeming it is okay to continue to live a lifestyle of willful sin. The commenter was a professing Christian who bashed “religious thinking” yet considered the act of sin acceptable as long as one had accepted God, insinuating that carnality (living according to the flesh) and spirituality (living according to the Spirit) weighs the same in God’s eyes. Over the course of the last few years, the Church seems to have undergone an enormous change, often compromising to appeal to the masses, incorporating that which is common in the world into church services. There have

even, more recently, been disputes among leaders about the “dress code” of the Church. As the line between what is acceptable in Christianity and what isn’t has become quite blurred, I do think that it is important to examine carnality and spirituality. God was very clear about how we should carry ourselves with regards to “lifestyle” throughout His Word. Even the “come as you are” ideology has become questionable, as I always determined that was meant for those who were outside of Christ who had yet to begin their transformation. However, for those who are in Christ, the question becomes “What is your motive for wearing attire that may come across


as even slightly provocative?” God looks deeper than man can begin to see and weighs our hearts’ motives: “The heart is hopelessly dark and deceitful, a puzzle that no one can figure out. But I, God, search the heart and examine the mind. I get to the heart of the human. I get to the root of things. I treat them as they really are, not as they pretend to be.” -Jeremiah 17:9-10 (The Message (MSG) As a result of the commenter’s post, I was forced to not only examine myself, but to consider the attitude of indifference that has become the norm for some in the Body of Christ. As bornagain believers, we are required to live according to a higher standard, a standard of holiness, a life that is pleasing to God. God admonishes us to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, one that is holy and acceptable to Him (Rom. 12:1). Obviously, what is acceptable to God, because of the blood of Jesus, is contrary to that which is acceptable to man (1 Sam. 16:7). Even though we may fall short along the way (Rom. 3:23), God is not a stringent, overbearing, or irrational God. He requires all of us to boldly come to Him in repentance, desiring that not one perishes, but continues to perfect holiness (Heb. 4:16). We are admonished to practice holiness (the way we live) because we respect God enough to make it a lifestyle (2 Cor. 7:1 (EXB)). We must train our spirit and soul to be conscious of even

what we may consider “miniscule” or “small” sin, as we often like to distinguish between “big and small sin”. “A little error will spread through the whole community” as far as God is concerned (Gal. 5:9 (EXB)). Additionally, we, as individuals, are encouraged to care for our brothers and sisters to such a degree that if we find them in “a fault”, we who have developed spiritual maturity, those who are able to identify with the nature of sin and be understanding enough to lovingly coax our brothers and sisters out of sin, should restore them (Gal. 6:1). As Christians, it is of paramount importance that we walk circumspectly, lay aside every weight, every sin that so easily besets us (Heb. 12:1). This is not an overnight process but must be intentionally executed and practiced until mastery; this is not a suggestion but God’s mandate. We must never give up, get comfortable sinning against God, or become complacent with just staying lukewarm and passive. We must be consistently mindful that our choices on earth have eternal weight and consequences and echoes in Heaven. I responded to the commenter’s post by predominantly stating that “no unclean thing can dwell in God’s presence” (Rev. 21:27). It is irrational to live a rambunctious lifestyle, ignoring and heinously neglecting God’s heart or dishonoring Him all our lives on earth, but expect to dwell in the presence of a Holy God for

an eternity. Continual mind renewal is important (Rom. 12:2). The carnal mind is enmity against God and cannot and will not submit to God’s Word (Rom 8:7). This is every believer’s individual responsibility. Of course, with all things that pertain to God and the pursuit thereof, this is an individual choice that will yield profound consequences. Essentially, if our quality of life is compromised and we choose carnality, we forfeit the right to operate in spirituality. We can’t have both, and it is dangerous to straddle the fence. When we fail to do things God’s way, we leave a door open for the enemy that will only eventually lead us into more sin and farther away from God’s plan, purpose, and intent for our lives. The first couple of offenses in Revelation 21:8 seem bleak in comparison to the latter, but they are bundled together nonetheless: “But cowards, those who refuse to believe [without faith], who do evil [vile; detestable] things, who kill, who sin sexually, who do evil magic [sorcery], who worship idols, and who tell lies – all these will have a place [their part] in the lack of burning sulfur. This is the second death.” Let us not be named among any of the previously listed offenders, but purpose to flee carnality and fully embrace God’s spirituality at all cost!




TRUST WALK: DAY 26 By Keiyia J. George

Day 26: I trust You, Lord. I’m going through the fire, untouched. Isaiah 43:2 If God showed you that a fire would break out, but you would be ok, would you trust Him? What if he told you it was coming, but you’d go through it untouched, would you believe him? Well this happen to a young lady. As she stood in her bathroom, brushing her teeth, she recalled an article her mom shared with her. The article asked a simple question: when going through a tragedy, what do you call out? Do you call on the name of Jesus or use some profanity? Do you tremble in fear or are you fearless with the Word?

Really, the thought process started with thinking about her place of employment and her desire to be released from it. As her thoughts drifted to the article, for what she thought felt like a few minutes, she was taken away. She was walking in her job’s office building, a few steps from her office. As she continued to walk, a fire broke out to her left. In a daze, she kept walking. The fire followed her as she rounded the corner. As she reached for her door to enter her office, the fire was upon her. She halted… hand on the door. Her mind quickly ran on the article: what will you do now? She quietly quote every word she could come up with. Words of victory not defeat. Words that could combat

any fear. As the fire got closer, she continued to call on the Word, speaking life into her situation. She closed her eyes for a brief moment in anticipation of being engulfed by the flames. She opened her eyes… just in time to see the flames wrap around her. She watched as her hand remained on the door, yet not even the heat of the fire bothered her. She was in an oval shaped ‘bubble’ or something, but the airspace around her was untouched. As quickly as she was in the vision, she was out. Hand still on the toothbrush, she shook her head and continued brushing her teeth. Two days after the vision (although she hadn’t yet realized she’d had


an open vision), she finally discussed the vision with her husband because it would not leave her thoughts. As they tried to understand the vision, her husband (in all of his prophetic wisdom) proclaimed that he cannot imagine the fire meant a firing on the job. That was impossible! A few days later, the young lady received a request for an impromptu meeting, and sure enough, she was fired from her job. She didn’t feel sadness, pain, nor betrayal. Instead, she felt a joy like no other. She felt free from bondage. She felt a release like no other. She felt relief! Light! Unshackled! As she drove home, she tried everything in her might to do what she felt was ‘normal’ and cry, but the tears wouldn’t come. How can one cry when they only felt joy and excitement? Walking through the door to her home, she shared the news with her husband. She smiled. “God, showed me this and I feel great,” she told him. Together, they sat down amazed. He was confused. “Why is she so happy?” he wondered. “She just got fired from her job.” She nor her husband knew she was prophetic and had visions at that time. As they pieced together the events along with the vision, they came to a great realization: she’d gone through the fire untouched! When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. Isaiah 43:2 You may be going through a hardship at this time, but when you come out on the other side, you will come out untouched. Not one hair on your body will be singed. Your clothes will not smell of what you

have been through. You will come out untouched. You don’t have to allow the weight of the burden to hold you down. Sometimes, because we are disobedient, we have to go through things we don’t want to have to endure. But know that God has promised that you will not be burned, neither shall the flame touch you. You will go through the ordeal and it will not overcome you. Allow the process to finish. Allow the cycle to go. Don’t try to stop it. As you go through your storm, remember words like: · You are the head and not the tail - Deuteronomy 28:13 · No weapon formed against you shall prosper - Isaiah 54:17 · God hasn’t given you a spirit of fear - 2 Timothy 1:7 · You are a mountain mover Mark 11:23 Trust that the fire will come (John 16:33), but you will go through it untouched. Untouched, Keiyia JOYet George Trust Walk: Walking in His Steps coming soon!




TRUST WALK: DAY 28 By Keiyia J. George

Day 28: I trust You, Lord. I receive my daily bread. Exodus 16 Today is a new day. Have you asked for your daily supplies? If not, how do you expect to survive today? Oh, today is payday! Today you have money in the bank. Today your pantry is filled. Today your gas tank isn’t empty. Today you have all that you need. How do you think this came about? What if you didn’t have all that you needed? Daily, you wondered if this was the day you’d eat or have something to drink.

Weekly you wondered where you would bathe. Monthly you were concerned about your living quarters not being available. Your car is on its last leg. Your gas gauge is below ‘E’. Your company just downsized. Your spouse just left you. You have some need that is not being met. What if... What if you were in full time ministry and you had to depend on God daily to meet your needs, could you? Would you? Exodus 16 relates the story of God meeting a daily need for His people. The Israelites had been

in the desert for 2.5 months. As usual, they complained. It seems that’s all they ever did: murmur and complain. Once again, their gentle Savior heard their complaints and told Moses He’d send food down for them. In the evening they had meat. Each morning bread was provided. Daily they were to gather only what they needed. The only exception was on the sixth day of the week they were to gather a double portion to have for the Sabbath. Most families took what they needed. Those that needed an


abundance, left nothing over. Those that needed a small amount, saw no lack. As you would expect, some families took extra thinking they’d save it for ‘just in case’. When they woke the next morning, the saved portion was no good. It was filled with worms. The only time it wasn’t ‘sour’ is when they saved for the Sabbath. But once again, there were some families who went out on the Sabbath to collect and found none. Afterwards, they realized God was faithful and rested each Sabbath. God provided for them for 40 years. Forty years these people lacked nothing. But you know the crazy part about this? They wondered around the desert for 40 years! They kept doubting that God could do what He said He’d do. He’d promised them the land. All they had to do was trust and obey. These people continuously walked by sight and not by faith. Because of their unbelief, God waited for the generation to die out before He allowed His people into the land He promised. Are you out wondering around in the desert because of your disobedience and doubt? You may have been taught what’s known as The Lord’s Prayer. This prayer is found in Matthew chapter six. But turn your attention to just this part: Give us this day our daily bread. Matthew 6:11 KJV If you recite this Prayer, you’ve asked God to provide for you daily. Was this request made

blindly? Did you not realize you were asking for daily ‘manna’? If not, well now you know. It’s time to trust that He will provide for you each day. Jesus reminds us that we should ask for our daily provision. Daily, He said, He will provide for you. Don’t save up thinking you won’t have for tomorrow. Tomorrow will work itself out. Today is today and today He will provide for you. When tomorrow is today, then He will provide for you again. Can you trust Him? Here’s an exercise for you. What do you have need of? Make your need known. Line up your request with the word of God. Seek Him out and ensure His will and your will match. With all of your Heart, trust Him to provide. Never wavering, never doubting. Kick out the ‘what ifs’. For once in your life, REALLY trust God to meet a need. He’s provided in the past for others. He’s doing it today. Why wouldn’t he do it for you? Will you trust Him for your daily bread? Fed daily, Keiyia JOYet George Trust Walk: Walking in His Steps coming soon!




THE POWER OF WRITING By Kimberly Hargraves

The last couple of weeks have been very fulfilling and productive for me. I received a shipment of my newest book, “School Of The Prophets: A Curriculum For Success.” I have been busy shipping them out daily to people who pre-ordered it. As I opened the book, I was enthusiastic. The layout of the elegant font, the amazing cover design, and awesome reviews had me in awe. It’s very rewarding to see it all come together. I had to give the Lord thanks for allowing me to write many books. It takes discipline. I found myself on many occasions pushing past the pain and frustration of the distractions and just getting the work done.

I discovered seven benefits of writing. The first is that writing is a great encouragement, not only to the writer but also to the reader. I get liberated by reading the books that I wrote. When I feel emotional, I pick up, “Overcoming Emotions with Prayers.” When I feel like my faith is lacking, I read, “Walk by Faith: A Daily Devotional.” When I want to read a prophetic empowering word, I read, “Empowering The New Me: 50 Tips To Becoming A Godly Woman.” I wrote books on various subjects to fit my needs. I read my books and prayed the prayers in them countless times. Each time, I gained a greater understanding of how power-

ful the art of writing is. People’s lives are changed because of the writer’s obedience to write words that are edifying. You may not have written a book or may not even have the desire to. However, you can start where you are. You can write words of affirmation on your social media networks. Secondly, writing leaves a legacy. When we are dead and gone, what will we leave behind? Some people leave an inheritance for their family and many memories for them to hold on to. There are many generals of the faith who have passed on, but they left the revelation they carried in books for the next generation.


They made a choice to be persistent to the call and labored to get the writing done. You can tell a lot about a person just by reading their books. I want to leave behind a legacy of books, organizations, and businesses for my family and those connected to me. Thirdly, writing is a form of impartation. The reader will gain valuable insight in a short amount of time that could’ve taken the author years to acquire. When God first told me I was a prophet, I was clueless. I had to do my research. I studied the bible, and I got books on the subject. I learned so much. Everyone around me thought I was crazy, and I felt so misunderstood. As I read books from people who have gone through what I was experiencing, my life was forever impacted. When the Lord told me that I had a healing and deliverance ministry, I had to find more things out about it. The knowledge that I gained from reading books was immense. Fourthly, writing helps me to reflect on written memories. I have been through many devastating things such as divorce, jail, shame, humiliation, slander, persecution, loss, etc. I wrote down how I felt at those moments. It resulted in the most anointed devotions and teachings that I have put forth. I went back recently and read my old journals. The love letters that I wrote to the Lord are simple beautiful. I have learned to write down my prophecies, dreams, and visions. Writing my memories down helps me to remind God of his promises. It also allows me to encourage myself during the trying times. Fifthly,



learning and awareness. When the Lord places the burden on my heart to write about a particular subject that I need insight on, I research. As I compile the research and format it all together, I am like an artist painting on an empty canvas. The words become sentences. The sentences become paragraphs. The paragraphs become chapters. Which results in a manuscript. In the process of writing, I am learning furthermore becoming a master on that subject matter. I never thought in a million years that I will have deep revelation on the prophetic and prayer. Writing has contributed to that. Writing helps it all stick together for me. Next, writing increases my production for the day. I often determine how productive my day was by the amount I write. I try to write a chapter a day in one of my books. When I do that, I feel a sense of accomplishment. If I am not able to write my one chapter, then I schedule mini goals or deadlines to make up the writing that I missed. When I write daily, I have something to look back on. I am amazed at how fast the Lord allows me to write. I can sit down and write for hours. I write more than books. I write articles for my magazine, “Rejoice Essential.” I write up interviews, questions, curriculums, programs, and the list goes on. Every day, I am writing something. Lastly, writing eliminate stress. I have told people numerous times, that when I feel emotional, I write. When I first entered the valley season, I wrote my first book, “Overcoming Difficult Life Experiences With Scriptures And Prayers.” This book started off as a blog and eventually I compiled it into a book. I wrote about all the painful experiences I had gone through in life and made it into some-

thing inspiring. I was ashamed to come forth and tell my testimony so I made up characters in the stories. The whole book is very creative and writing it helped me heal from the emotional baggage I was carrying. I pray that you are inspired to write. Writing is bigger than you. It’s a daunting task at times but it’s very fulfilling. If you need a reminder, go to my website and look at all my books. You can achieve anything you put your mind on. My books started off just as ideas on a list. You can use my life as a testimony to keep pressing. So, in summary the benefits of writing are encouragement, leaving a legacy, impartation, written memories, increased learning, production, and eliminating stress.








TESTIMONIES: LET’S GIVE THE DEVIL A BLACK EYE! When we share our testimonies, our faith increases! We start to believe God for the Impossible! We can see the power and the hand of God in any situation. God can turn any test into a testimony! We know if God did it before, he can do it again. Our Testimonies glorify God!

Hi Prophetess thank you sooo much this session was an extreme blessing and I’m grateful that I came on. Can you send me more information about partnering with your ministry as well as VIP? Kimberly Hargraves Ministries has been such a true blessing in my life. My family’s life has changed and is changing due to the great teachings. Yes, she is a real person, that lives a life of Holiness. I’ve had the pleasure of speaking with Prophetess Kimberly. She also practices what she preaches. Don’t forget to like and follow her Facebook page.

(Raquel) Hey Prophetess, it’s Jerika. My nephew returned to football, just as you prophesied he would on July 14th’s Prophetic Miracle Call. He attended practice today. To God be the Glory! I waited until baseball season was over on Sunday, and then on Monday, I showed him the YouTube video of the prophecy. He said he believed it was God! This morning he went to practice. (Jerika) Good morning Prophetess! I wanted to let you know that after you prayed for my healing on the

prophetic miracle call Friday that the cough and ache that was starting in my chest on Thursday (you mentioned you felt the enemy was trying to attack me with pneumonia) are completely gone as of today. Also, my fever broke Saturday after having it for over a week. The fever was around 102.8 and came down to about 99.7 Wednesday, Thursday then it shot back up to 100.8 on Friday it has been normal since Saturday. Thank you so much for what you are doing for the body of Christ. You are truly a blessing. (Tonya) Tonight’s prophetic miracle call was


awesome. My migraine is still gone. Praise God for His healing power. (Metrice) Hi Prophetess! I’m so excited! Everything you prophesy always comes to pass. Months ago you prophesied that you saw a car for me. The car I had was a 2011 with only about 35K miles so I didn’t really need another car. But…As I reviewed my bills and desired a decrease in my car payment, something told me to contact the dealership. Today, I just brought a 2017, 0 miles, $0 down and the entire process has been effortless. They’ve been reducing interest rate points and giving extra service plans. You prophesied it! (Latrice) I wanted to testify to the glory of God. You prophesied to me some months ago and these are the notes I took: Women and children around me (small scale), Single mothers ex: people’s home, nursery, mic/speaking/singer, refining/polishing, glory & favor of God, something like hotline counseling, supporters around me. Prophetess, I have been working for a Christian based women and children’s shelter for a week now. It is through a rescue mission in my city. We get to be the hands and feet of Jesus. There’s a nursery. There are children and babies I get to hold and play with. I love this job, the people and my co-workers. Looking forward to what the Lord has in Store. Thank you. I thank God for you, I had to walk away from my family to answer God’s calling. It hurt so very badly. Still does at

times, but I thank God for you. The Lord led me to one of your vlogs on FB back in December 2016. I will forever be grateful for this. I was homeless at the time and ready to give up. You prophesied into my life and God’s words began to manifest! Thank you so much for answering God’s calling and being obedient unto Him! It is my prayer that one day we may get to meet face to face. I truly believe that you are a member in my God given family-The Kingdom. I praise God for you! Be encouraged! I watched the video and you said if you have back pain bend over. I touched my toes and I instantly felt the pressure go away in that moment. Lord if you did it once I know you can do it again and I suffer from migraines and I have a prolapsed uterus and was told it would be hard for me and my husband to have kids. I will trust the report of the Lord and be healed in Jesus name to conceive. Thank you for taking the time to encourage us while preparing a meal for your mother. You prayed the healing for me a couple of months ago for pain on my left, it’s gone. Thank you, Jesus! Thank you so much! God is truly using you to touch the lives and hearts of others. I was lead to you 2 nights ago and it seems I keep coming back to you and every time I hear God speaking to me. I am truly thankful for him using you in my life and I know it’s not by accident that I

have come across your YouTube channel. May God continue to use you to reach many. Thank you again for your prayers woman of God. Guess who’s moving! Just like you confirmed what I heard God say! My address will be changing very soon. Believing the prophet so I receive the reward. Hello! Ms. Kimberly Hargraves I thank God for your ministries, last night I was on your periscope and while on your periscope I received healing in my back. I received joy, clarity, the fire of God, peace, and so much more. I wish I could sow a seed, but the least I could do is come and share what the Lord used you to do in my life. God bless you. Hello, I attended your online conference called, “Help! I am single and need help preparing for Boaz.” Before you ended I prayed to God like Gideon. I said, “If I’m getting married this year, then Prophetess has to mention my favorite scripture. As you were ending, you stated quoting Numbers 23:19. Look at God! Love You!












TRON MOSES Interviewed By Mia Mason Interviewer: The first time that I saw your work was when I saw the finished result of your first photo shoot with Prophetess Kimberly Hargraves. I really love the quality of your work. How did you get into photography? Did you go to photography school? Tron Moses: Back in the MySpace days, it actually came through rejection. I used to take the pictures of MySpace friends, edit them, and change the background. I knew a few of them, but most of them I didn’t know. I would take the picture in their profile, change the background, and basically make their pictures look realistic. A lot of them had a background and didn’t look realistic. I would give it to them and they would like it. One day I took this girl’s picture, and she was a model. She had a bunch of professional pictures, so when I took one of her pictures she jumped on me. She asked me where I got her pictures because they weren’t even online, although they were on MySpace. It was then that I decided that I wasn’t going to take anyone else’s pictures and that I was going to

get my own camera. I was determined to do my own thing. If she had approved of the picture, I probably would have never gotten into photography. I never went to photography school. I was watching a lot of YouTube and hanging out at Barnes and Nobles reading books, as well as buying expensive books. Interviewer: Is there anything special that you do when you’re heading out for a photoshoot to prepare yourself? Tron Moses: Not really. I just try to make sure all of my lenses are clean, and that my gear is clean, focused and functioning. I’m a ‘scrobist’ because I like to use lights outside. Some people thinks that its crazy to use lights in the daytime. But I don’t like sunny shots. I like to turn thebackground down a little bit and light the subject, which makes them stand out and pop. I’m a ‘scrobist’ in photography. Interviewer: A lot of people recognize you from YouTube. What inspired you to start your YouTube channel?

Tron Moses: The YouTube channel was started way before anyone knew. It was actually started to be a photography channel, and there are a few photography videos on there. But then I stopped doing photography. I got sick in 2012, and I was in the hospital all that year. I didn’t start doing photography again until last year. I brought a new camera because I didn’t want to use the old one. I like quality and pictures that look crispy clear. So last year I bought a new camera and new lenses and started back. Interviewer: How do you handle your photography business vs. what you do when you are helping people in ministry? Tron Moses: The photography business and helping people in ministry intertwine. They come in handy because I’m able to minister and encourage people during the photoshoot. I don’t have to beat people on the head with the Word, because I know you can push people away doing that. I’ve learned that there’s no certain pattern or way you can flow when it comes to minis-





try. I might minister a certain way to one person, but you can’t minister to the next person the same way. When people see the way that you’re living or how you walk… they bring up God! So, when they open the door, I come in. I may knock, but I don’t bust in. A lot of people are discouraged and will bring up Jesus to get the encouragement from you. Sometimes we get real personal. Interviewer: Were you raised in a church? How did you come to know Christ? Tron Moses: I was not. I was in

church when I was young, but I was kicked out of the church. You would have to read my book to find out why. My mother has been in church all of her life, but the only time we were really in church was when we visited the Carolinas. It was then that we had to go every Sunday. In New York, it wasn’t mandatory growing up. In 1994, I originally came to the Lord. I walked with the Lord for four months, but then I backslid. He called me back again in 2004. One day I came home hungover. I woke up that morning and asked the Lord to put it in my heart to come to

Him. Two weeks later my sister called me at our brother’s house and she told me, “Tron, God said get ready.” I didn’t want to hear that and rushed off the phone with her. Then two weeks later the show Girlfriends played a part in me giving my life back to God. I didn’t even like that show. I hated that show, and felt like it was a bootleg version of The Golden Girls. I was watching something on satellite one day and was enjoying the show. I just felt led to go down the satellite guide while a commercial was on, and I stopped at Girlfriends, the show that I didn’t like. When I stopped there, Donnie McClurkin was on there and he was singing ‘We Fall Down’. He was at that part where he says, “but you can get back up again”. It seemed like he was singing that part forever, but while he was singing it I felt the Lord talking to me. Now from 1994 to 2004, I never felt like the Lord was saying anything to me, but when I watched that episode, I felt like the Lord was speaking to me. I actually gave my life to the Lord sitting at home watching tv. I probably stayed home two months reading and studying the Word, praying, and spending time with God before I even looked for a church. My sister was already saved and going to a church. I wanted to go to her church, but I owed someone in there $100. She took it upon herself to go to the person telling them, “My brother got saved and he wants to come


here, but he feels bad because he owes you $100.” Now if the person would have said something negative, everything could have turned a different way. But they said, “Tell your brother to come.” After that I paid them and everyone else that I owed. God is good. Interviewer: I do want to congratulate you on your engagement to Prophetess Kimberly. How soon did you know that she was the one that God had for you? Tron Moses: Thank you. One morning when I woke up in 2015, I heard the Lord speak to me. The Lord gave me the word “I’M GIVING YOU A WIFE WITH THE SAME PASSION AS YOU”. After He gave me that word, I started dating someone. The entire time I was dating her, I was wrestling with the fact that this is not my wife. I kept hearing in my spirit what the Lord told me that morning and I knew this woman I was seeing wasn’t her. Then one day the Lord had Prophetess Ethel Buchanan text me. She said, “Man of God I don’t know your business,” I don’t even know what this mean but she said, “I keep hearing the LORD say...” YOU KNOW WHAT I SPOKE” .” After I read that text I knew what I had to do. I cut it off. In the end of 2015, I was talking to this evangelist at my church. A prophetess walked up to me and said, “Tron, the Lord has showed me your wife... she’s

on her way.” She described her skin, her height, her hair, that she was driving a SUV. She basically described Kimberly to me. During the whole time, she was giving me the description I had thoughts running in my head. I thought, “No, because I like dark-skinned, thick, and tall women.” Everything she told me, I was against. When she walked away, I felt that she had missed God. Once in a while on my YouTube channel, I would view the new subscribers to see if there’s someone that I know. It’s ever so often, I see famous people who have subscribed to the channel. One day I saw her and it was like she was highlighted. At this time, I didn’t know Kimberly was short or anything about her, but as I saw her in the list, I claimed her as my wife. I wasn’t even thinking about what the Prophetess had told me before in her description of my wife. In order to start a conversation, I wrote on her channel and mentioned my book and told her I had one of her samples. When I went back, she had deleted my comment. I felt that maybe she had thought that I was trying to promote my product. Some weeks went by and I continued to watch a couple of her videos on YouTube. I looked her up on Facebook and followed. But then I forgot about her. Time goes by, and now she knows who I am. As she deletes people on Facebook, she looks through her list and adds

someone else. So, she sent me a friend request and I sent her a message thanking her for the friend request. She told me that she was subscribed to my channel. I was very short with her. I saw her picture pop up one day on my newsfeed and I noticed how beautiful she was. I messaged asking her to let me know the next time she was in the Carolinas. I told her, “I think you would look beautiful on my camera. Let’s take pictures.” I gave her my number to call me whenever she came down, and surprisingly she texted me giving me her number. Our conversations started after that. Interviewer: How does being engaged to a prophet feel? Does it cause you to want more from God? Tron Moses: That’s a tough one because I really don’t have anything else to compare it to. I can say that she is the same person she is on YouTube and Periscope. She is a praying woman who loves the Lord. I can honestly say that. If you love the Lord, of course you want someone who loves the Lord and on the same page. You want someone who will make you stronger. I don’t feel like this is something we have to make work. I feel like it will fit like it was lined up perfectly. I claimed a woman, forgot about her, and she came back. Reading one of her books caused me to want more. Being around someone that has a real love and desire for the Lord and that knows Him. That causes you to




and once that happened, I heard the Lord like I never heard Him before. My advice to a new believer is to live in prayer. You don’t have to use fancy words or prayers. Don’t look at someone else and desire to pray like them. Talk to God like you talk to Him. Be real with God. Don’t have a prayer life all about you. You should intercede for others too. My sister played a large part in me being saved. The Lord told her to intercede for Tron, so she interceded for me. Interviewer: What advice would you give a person on looking for and choosing a mentor? Tron Moses: [Look for] someone that you would say is already where you want to be. I would get up under that person and get close to them. want more. Iron sharpens iron. It’s like being around someone who is dried up and has no desire for God and carnal. Someone is going to pull someone. She is definitely a blessing!! Interviewer: I see that you are also an author of three books. One is on intercessory prayer, one is on mentorship, and the other is on your life. I’ve noticed that you are republishing your book Who Touched Me, which is your biography. Can you share some insight from it to the people who haven’t read it before? Tron Moses: It is like the Prodigal Son story in the bible. It

goes from 1978 to 2004, when I gave my life to the Lord. I share my hardships, me selling weed, selling cocaine, and planning a murder that I didn’t follow through with. I share all of my ups and downs. Interviewer: What advice would you give a new believer on prayer? Tron Moses: Be consistent with it and pray all of the time. Live in prayer. Before I had a prayer life, I can’t say that I heard the Lord consistently. My entire prayer life then was ‘God bless me and keep me.’ He used someone to push me into prayer,

Interviewer: Do you think God is calling you to do more? Tron Moses: Yes!!! There are a lot of things that Kimberly and I desire to do for the Lord, and we believe that He will bring it to pass. God is definitely calling me to do more… a lot more!! Its good having someone like this on my team. Once I tell her something, I have to live up to it. She’s going to push me and keep me lifted. I have two choices: I either keep it to myself or tell her and allow her to hold me accountable. I would rather she hold me accountable.














Stay close to the fire. Don’t be moved. Don’t be swayed. Don’t be shaken, But stay close, Never forgetting what I have done -How I have consumed your enemies before thee, And contended on your behalf. I fight for you. I fight with you. What I have spoken over your life shall and is coming to pass, For your life is aligned with My Word, And your life will not make a liar out of Me. What I have purposed is true, And who and what I use to posture you Is just on an assignment I assigned them to. Trust Me. This is only for a time. See Me through it all Because the day will dawn when I will remove my protection from them, And you will consume them as bread -That which came to destroy

you and make a mockery out of Me Will be the very thing that nourishes you For the journey ahead, For your next place. Worry not, And weary not, For I am your Strength Giver. Envy not, And covet not the road of a transgressor -Neither the road of your brother or sister, For I am the Writer of the stories, And your pages don’t fit their books. Stay close to the fire. Stay close to Me. Stay close, Keep warm, and know I am the Fire that Devours all of your sorrow. I am the Fire that lifts your head, The Fire that stirs in you hope for tomorrow. I am He. Your Keeper, And your Redeemer. Remember Me, And stay close. Hold fast to Me -- even in the

midst of your pain Because I am there too. I am everywhere. Before. Behind. Beneath. Above.... Surrounding you on every side. I am the Orchestrator, The Writer of your life’s books. Your boundaries and set times, I have fashioned and designed. I move mountains and they know it not. So what will be your response As I trust you with this adversity? Will you enable Me to help you, Or will you shut Me out with the feelings that I gave you? Trust Me as I trust you To overcome this adversity And succeed. I am building you, Stretching you, Increasing your capacity and ability In Me. I am the Light that shines forth from you Penetrating the barriers of darkness found in the deepest of deeps. Stay close to the fire As My Word provides a lamp unto your feet And lights your path To come and find Me. Stay close to the fire. Yes, stay close to Me. © 2017, The Scribe’s Heart Publishing



PSALMIST RAINE Interviewed By Quiana Robinson Quiana: Psalmist Raine, I am so excited to be interviewing you for Rejoice Essential magazine on behalf of Prophetess Kimberly Hargraves. I want to start off by asking you what is your background and/or testimony? Psalmist Raine: Well honestly, I am just a little girl from Chicago (laughs) who has always loved to sing. My parents actually said I started singing at six months, singing the “All in the Family” theme song. But honestly, I started really singing around the age of three. I sang in church. I was raised in the Church of God in Christ (C.O.G.I.C.) denomination, so I was always singing. Both sides of my family are extremely talented in the area of music, so it kind of came naturally to me. At the age of four I started doing radio and ever since then, I always sang. I sang leads, in choirs and in teams. Eventually, as I got older, I progressed and had a lot of people who God placed in my life who helped train and cultivate the gift inside of me. What the Lord is allowing me to do now is just a product of me pursuing my

passion to sing. I’ve always loved God. I’ve always loved church so much. I don’t really know anything else outside of it, besides of course what you try to do as a teenager (laughs). At the end of the day, I really love God, and it started with me just singing and building a passion for God and His presence. All of this just started off with me being a little girl in Chicago. Quiana: Wow! That is so wonderful! Many times when you have a call on your life and the ability to sing (Psalmist Raine you have a beautiful voice), there will sometimes be opportunities to go and pursue secular music. Can you let our readers know if there was ever a time that specific opportunity was presented to you? And if so, what was it that made you pursue using your voice for the kingdom? Was it your love for God as you previously stated? Psalmist Raine: There actually was not an experience where somebody came up to me and said, “We want you to sing this song for us.” The way that it kind of crossed my path was, “Hey,

what type of person are you?” Throughout the different stages of my life, I learned different styles of music. I learned NeoSoul, and old school R&B; I grew up on that stuff. Trying to find my niche, I found myself trying to infuse [both sounds]. I wanted to have a Neo-Soul sound, but I still wanted to do Christian music. I felt like I could only sing passionately about God. I didn’t feel like I could sing passionately about love or passionately about anything else. [If I tried another genre], it would strictly just be vocal technique or simply just me telling a story but I could never really see myself singing R&B or neo-soul. I was always taught to sing from my heart and sing with passion because what comes from my heart will reach the heart of another. That’s always how I balance out music. If I can’t feel it then I’m not going to sing it. That’s what turned me away from doing R&B and other genres of music. I felt like I couldn’t really relate to it. I liked listening to it, but to be able to execute and sing it, I would have to be in a totally different mindset. I would have





coming straight from Heaven and from the heart of God. I was just wondering, when you do have the opportunity to write? What does your songwriting process look like?

to be living a totally different lifestyle to be able to execute that genre of music. Because I felt like I couldn’t, I never really pursued it. However, it would try to creep in with me trying to do Christian music in different styles. I would be with different producers that would try to produce a certain sound or a few different record labels that would try to produce a certain “look” for me that, to me, did not represent God all the way. All of this was a result of me trying to explore different sounds with Christian music. Outside of that, I never had the opportunity to sing R&B. I have not pursued it solely because I felt like I have to sing something that I can sing from my heart and can sing with pas-

sion. Fortunately R&B is not it. I can do God all day, but when it comes down to love and all those other things (I know about it because I am married and I have children), I just don’t see myself doing that. Quiana: I am so glad about it Psalmist Raine because your music takes us into a greater level of glory and up into the inner courts and Holies of Holies in Heaven. I’ve had so many miraculous things happen just by letting your music play; signs, wonders, and manifestations of God’s presence. I am so glad that you decided to use your gift for God’s glory because it is such a blessing to so many people. I know a lot of your songs are

Psalmist Raine: It’s very unique. For the most part I will find myself washing dishes at home and just singing simple worship songs. I’ve always been the one to create songs as worship; I just look at it like my prayer and worship time to God. After a while, I will find a little pattern or hook, and then I’m like, “Let me go record this.” I go write it down. That has developed a lot of the songs that I’ve written like “We Send Up Praise”. That’s how it started, with me being in the kitchen washing dishes and just singing to God. After a while it kind of stuck with me. My memory is not that good, so if I remember something, it’s like I need to go write this down. I literally remember stopping right in the middle of washing dishes, drying my hands, and trying to write down words or record it on my phone. As I was doing that, the next parts would come up. That’s just how it flowed. I would automatically hear the song in my head. I would hear the beat, and how it progressed. Overall, the concept would already be in my head. I would just write it down and record it so I can remember. That’s how my songwriting process works. It starts with me just worshiping. A lot of times my songs were birthed from me washing


dishes. Quiana: Amazing! I’m in awe because I was expecting to hear you say, “I sit down and I wait for the songs to come to me.” But wow! It’s just like you are living under an open heaven. It’s just amazing. I have the ReFresh album which I listened to everyday since it was released. From my car, to the train, to work, I constantly played that album. When I got the notification on my Spotify account that “To Abba” was released, I was extremely excited. I had no idea what I was in for. I told everyone be cautious when you listen to “To Abba” because it will usher you into such a deep place with the Lord. You may not want to drive and listen to it (laughs). There have been plenty of times I just wanted to pull over and stay

in this place of worship. It is such a powerful album. What was the inspiration behind “To Abba”? Psalmist Raine: “To Abba” was originally supposed to be a soaking and intercession album. I had received a prophetic word that for the next ten years I should be putting out something every year. I was already feeling the pull to do another album, but I didn’t really have a theme or concept surrounding it. I was like, “Well maybe I will just do another themed album that will refresh God’s people and help them in their personal time with God.” So it was supposed to be songs of intercession. We went in [the studio] on my birthday. This is my birthday present to God, if I could give Him one. I decided to spend my day where I celebrate my birth by

just spending some time in the studio worshipping and singing. I had my whole band come. We blocked out the studio time and started off with “The Lord’s Prayer”, but this was still my gift to God overall. It was supposed to be songs of intercession/soaking and it ends up being “Father here is my heart to you”. Throughout the time when we were in the studio, I remember telling the guy, “All you have to do is press record. We aren’t doing any cuts or anything. Just press record. When we are done, I will let you know, and you’ll just press stop.” He couldn’t really comprehend that and I’m like, “Oh no. We just record, and whatever is recorded is what we are going to work with.” So we started with “The Lord’s Prayer”, and everything else was literally like what I do when I’m washing dishes: just singing to God. As scriptures would come [to my spirit] I would go look them up. There are a lot of musical interludes in there. That’s because I would go look for those scriptures that would pop up in my spirit. Then I would go sing those scriptures because I do understand the prophetic gift that is on my life. I understood that what we were doing was going to be shared with the world. Why not take this time to release what the Lord is saying at that time. My expectation is when I worship, God will respond, and that He will speak to us. He is going to tell us, “This is my heart




concerning you as you pour out your heart to me.” That is literally what He did when we recorded “To Abba”. Originally, it started out being songs of intercession, but it did not make it to that point. That’s why it’s called “To Abba”. On this day of my birth I, wanted to just spend this time worshipping God. Whatever came out of it is was what we were going to release. But [I knew] this album was not going to be where we stand in the gap for the earth. This album was going to be where we simply share with God our love and express it to Him. That’s how “To Abba” was birthed. Quiana: Wow! I still believe that To Abba did accomplish its original intercessory purpose. My favorite song from the album is “Lord of All/All Glory”. When I listen to that song, I’m caught up in His presence. Then the Lord will begin to strengthen my spiritual sight and begin to show me things in the spirit realm. He will begin to answer the questions that I have laid before Him in my previous prayer time. So the album is extremely powerful. I love it! I have let the album play for a few hours in my room, and later when I come, back I feel the presence of God. I also see the tangible manifestations of His Glory. I see gold dust and also rainbow colored dust on all of my furniture. It reminded me of the Book of Ezekiel when it describes the glory of God as being the colors of the rainbow. My entire household has also experienced mass deliverance

and rededicated their lives to Christ. All of this is a result of just letting your albums play. The earth even responds to worship. I let the album [“To Abba”] play outside of my house from my car and I began to worship (I didn’t care who saw me). It was scheduled to rain but suddenly the trees began to blow, the rain-clouds moved, and the sun stayed out for the entire day. I just wanted to share with you the power behind that album because it truly takes you to another level in God. We know that there are levels to prayer and worship. What are some keys to ascending to the higher realms through worship and prayer? Psalmist Raine: One of the keys I would like to share is something

I tell to people all of the time. The Bible says that God is looking for those…one translation says that He is earnestly searching for those who will worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. In order to get that place where we worship God from a place of the realm of the spirit, we have to be willing to come from among ourselves. This requires a level of vulnerability that a lot of people are not willing to really have. I know that the depth of worship was birthed in me when I realized God was my safe place. Then I realized that if I was angry, I could be angry, and He would soothe me. I recognized that if I didn’t understand, I could go in [worship] feeling like I’m confused, crazy, and He would bring me clarity. I under-


stood that I could walk around like “God I am little disruptive in my spirit and I need some peace”, and He would release that peace. When I recognized that God was my safe place and how vulnerable I could be, that allowed me to ascend to different levels of glory because I trusted Him enough to take me there. A lot of people don’t experience the depths of worship, and even the depths into the supernatural, because they think it’s crazy. It goes beyond their logic, and they can’t understand it. You have to be willing to be vulnerable and let Holy Spirit take you to that place in God. You have to be willing for God to get into the disgusting places of your life and be very transparent with Him. Be honest with God (as if He doesn’t know). You have to be very honest with Him about where you are, where you desire to be, how you feel and your understanding, or the lack thereof, about certain things and allow Him to show you. Because we are so stuck in, “I know this. This makes sense to me. I’m going to stick with this. This covers me,” a lot of times we use things that are very temporal to hide ourselves which causes us to mask what’s really going on. This keeps us from going to those depths in God in those places of worship. You have to be vulnerable enough with God to let Him take you to glories and realms even if it doesn’t make sense. So that’s a level of trust, a level of faith that we all must have. Even when we engage

God, we have to make up in our minds to do it. It can’t be by happenstance. We have to be very intentional about being vulnerable, very intentional about “Ok God here I am, take me higher.” Even when I am afraid in these heights that you’re taking me... even if I don’t understand, I trust you in it. If we do that, we will experience tremendous depths, growth, and heights in the Spirit. Quiana: Wow! So something as simple as being vulnerable can really change the way that we experience the Lord in our worship and personal prayer time. We just have to be open with Him. This is life-changing advice. I know you share a lot of these tips in the Re-Fresh Institute. For our readers who are not really familiar with the background of the Re-Fresh Institute, can you tell us what the inspiration behind it is? And what are some of its goals? Psalmist Raine: The Re-fresh Institute was birthed to help inspire and empower others in the area of music. Music has been my safe place. It has been my place of empowerment. It has been the place that sparked creativity. So I know there are a lot of children in the city of Chicago (I live in Chicago) that don’t know how to direct their energy, they could be very much so creative, but they don’t know what to do with it. Because we try to put them in a box and tell them to go to school, do arithmetic, writing, etc., we stick them to a schedule. I’m finding out more and

more that the generation that is behind us (my children and the children coming up behind them) are very much so creative. We just have to give them the space to unlock that creativity. That creativity is a God-gene; it’s a God DNA. The Re-Fresh Institute is designed to create a space to allow them to be empowered because a lot of them find their value and self-worth in their passion. It gives them their space to use their passion beyond music, in painting, in creative writing, in vocal coaching and training. It’s about helping them find their passion and inspire them to do better, to be better and to grow. To be who they are, with no restraints. To be comfortable with who they are. I recognize that this is something that is not only needed for kids, but it is something that is needed for everyone. Even the elderly need to know that they could still be inspired. The empowerment for the elderly is that a lot of them will find healing through the avenues of art and music. The Re-Fresh Institute was birthed to be able to serve every one of all ages in the capacity of art. Even challenging creativity. Going beyond just the canvas, going beyond just the microphone, going behind the instruments, and to really build lives. That they may find refreshing in pursuing their passion. Quiana: So not only are you a wonderful singer, psalmist, and prophetic, but you are also in-




volved in the community and do a lot of community engagement and service. That is so beautiful to see. That you are really embodying what it means to “minister” and that is to serve. That is really inspiring. With doing all of these things how is it that you balance having a successful marriage and also being active in ministry? Psalmist Raine: Consistently praying. I’m going to be very honest with you, I don’t feel like it’s an area that I have mastered. I don’t feel like it’s an area I’ve got a grip on yet. I’m still learning. A lot of it just comes with the fact of recognizing what God is doing in my life right now. A lot of times you’re still in that mode where you can’t believe it’s you.

I’m like, “No, life isn’t like this now.” [It seem like the reply is,] “Well, yes it is.” I tell it, “No it’s not” (laughs). I’m still trying to learn. [I’m] just serving completely in ministry and having the responsibility of being the prophetess of our church. That’s weighty. My prophetic gift just doesn’t turn off when I leave the church. It’s for my children, it’s for those who I serve, it’s all around, and it’s beyond music. A lot of that keeps me praying all the time. I need Holy Spirit to help balance me, and I know the only way I can do that is remain open and connected to Him. [I do this] through prayer. So Holy Spirit will tell me, “Turn off the computer and go see about your children.” I’m like, “Okay, Lord here I go.” Then He says,

“They’re alright, now go check on your husband.” I say “Okay, here I go.” So I really have to live a presence spaced life in order to maintain that balance. Quiana: Wow thank you for being transparent because we often hear a lot of ministers say they turn the gift off when they get home. It’s amazing how you described using your prophetic gifting to become a better wife and mother, and that you are able to stay present and mindful because of your constant communion with the Holy Spirit. Outside of receiving songs from Heaven, how else has the Lord used you prophetically? Psalmist Raine: Simply through encouraging others. I am doing a lot of mentoring right now, and that mentoring starts off in the area of worship leading. We are called to go therefore and make disciples of men. That discipleship deals with the “whole man,” so I could simply be talking to someone about worship leading and God will reveal [things]. Sometimes some of the things they will do in worship leading may be a result of the wound that is in their heart. So God may want to heal some things in their heart or from certain past hurts and wounds. Through mentorship I am able to really hone in on that, as well as teaching that worship is not just music, but it’s your entire life being obedient to God. Using those areas of mentorship, teaching, and cultivating gifts beyond music is how the Lord has used


me in those areas. Quiana: Wow! When you say that, I am reminded of the song “The Great Shepherd” which we know was spontaneous, but could you describe the emotions that the Lord was allowing you to feel while you were singing that song? In the prophetic you carry the emotions and burdens of God. I know that song in particular has touched me in such a special way, especially during a season when I couldn’t trace God, and I was in a hurt place. Psalmist Raine: Well I felt so much love. The way that it happened was, we had a guest come up, and she simply prayed. I instantly heard God’s response to us. When I began singing, I started to feel His love for His people, His love for their burdens, His love for their hurts and how God really wanted them to know that they were not forgotten, that He has them on His heart and His mind. Even when it feels like He’s not, He’s still tending to those that are gently His, who are His children, His sheep of His pasture. I really felt like so much love. That’s why you may hear us repeating some things over and over again because with every round, I felt like another wave imparting that love, imparting that encouragement, imparting that healing into the body of Christ. It was such an amazing moment because that was such a true song of the Lord. It shows the pattern of prophetic worship: we sing, we lift up our request, we sing

our love to the Father, and He responds in return. Quiana: This has been such a powerful interview. I know I will definitely be attending Prophet Marcus Rivers’ event where you will be singing on the 18th of August because I am from Maryland. I can see that you are taking the world by storm. I also see you going to the nations and people being slain in the spirit, and the glory just falling over the people. So how can we keep up with your schedule so we can catch the next wave of Glory? Psalmist Raine: On social media you can connect me with me at “Psalmist Raine and the ReFresh Team.” You can also follow me on instagram and twitter @ pslamistraine. Please join our mailing list through our website so you can find out about our different events at Currently, my team and I are starting our rehearsal for ReFresh Worship Live Vol. II, which will be recorded in Atlanta, Georgia on Sept 29th. This one is for the nations, so it’s going to be a night of intercession and prophetic worship for every country in the earth. It is my whole heart to see the entire world turn back to God, so we are going to Re-Fresh the nations with the word of God, intercession and however else the Lord decides to move during that night. We are going to take the same pattern that we had for “To Abba” and “Re-Fresh Worship

Live”. We are going to cover the whole earth in prayer and release the prophetic through prophetic songs that help to edify and encourage God’s people all over the world. That is what we are preparing for right now. In between that I have a lot of different dates. I’ll be in Miami, Florida; Dallas, Texas (three times in the next month); Maryland; North Carolina; and in Racine, Wisconsin. I’ll also be heading over to London (I am very excited about that) and I will also be back here in Chicago with Apostle Eckhardt and Prophetess Sophia Ruffin. After that we will be preparing for the recording, so there is a lot that is going on. You can find out more about these events through our website. Quiana: Thank you Psalmist Raine. This has not only been an interview but an opportunity for me to learn as a worshipper, intercessor, and a seer. I know our readers are really going to appreciate this because it is life changing. It has been awesome speaking with you. I look forward to attending some of your events in the future! I will be keeping you and the team in prayer. Psalmist Raine: Yes! I look forward to seeing you there and thank you!




I WILL GIVE YOU A NEW HEART By Reynaldo Rodriguez

The natural person is like an ornamental orange tree, who may look good but cannot bear any fruit that isn’t bitter. The fruit will only drop to the ground and bring forth more natural stock that will only appear to look good for a season. Let me present another observation from the tree illustration . How would you define the nature of the tree? Would it have two nature’s? It depends upon whether you are talking about the whole tree, which does have two natures (root stock and navel), or if you are just talking about the part of the tree that grows above the graft (the new creation), which has just one nature (navel). This is somewhat of a semantic problem. When Paul talks about the new “I,” is he talking about who he was before Christ in combina-

tion with who he now is in Christ, or is he referring only to the new creation in Christ? Spiritual growth in the Christian life requires a relationship with God who is the fountain of spiritual life, a relationship that brings a new seed or root of life. As in nature, unless there is some seed or root of life within an organism, no growth can take place. So also unless there is a root of life within the believer (some core of spiritual life), growth is impossible. There is nothing to grow. That is why Paul’s theology is all based on our position in Christ, “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing

with thankfulness.” (Colossians 2: 6 – 7, emphasis added). To build up believers (progressive sanctification), they must first be firmly rooted in Christ (positional sanctification). To grow and bear fruit, Christians, their marriages and their ministries must all be organically centered in Christ. According to Scripture, the center of the person is the heart. It is the wellspring of life: “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” (Proverbs 4: 23). In our natural state, “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure” (Jeremiah 17: 9). It is deceitful because it has been conditioned from the time of birth by the deceitfulness of a fallen world, rather than by the truth of God’s Word. One of the greatest


prophecies concerning our salvation is found in Ezekiel 36: 26: “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” The new covenant by which every Christian lives says, ““This is the covenant I will make with them after that time, says the Lord. I will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them on their minds.” (Hebrews 10: 26). In other words, “All the ornamental oranges that will choose to put their trust in God and believe His Word shall be navel oranges.” The moment you were grafted into the vine, you were sanctified, or set apart, as a child of God. “You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you.” (John 15: 3), and you shall continue to be sanctified as He prunes you so that you may grow and bear fruit. The same thought is captured in Paul’s testimony: “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” (Galatians 2: 20). Paul says I died, but I live. , oObviously as a new and different person, “Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.” (Colossians 3: 1 – 3). In other words, my old ornamental tree has been cut off, I no longer live as an ornamental orange., I now live as a new navel orange. Parallel to the concept of being a new creation in Christ is the teaching that the believer has put on the “New Self”, “and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its

Creator.” (Colossians 3: 10), or more literally the new man. The new man at times refers both to the new individual “self” in Christ as well as the new humankind, the new creation united in Christ, with Christ as its head. The new man who is created is the new personality that each believer becomes when he is reborn as a member of the new creation whose source of life is Christ. What does it mean to be a new man? Does it mean that every aspect of the believer is new in reality? We still look the same physically, and we still have many of the same thoughts, feelings and experiences. Picture, for instance, the ornamental orange tree that has just had a tiny new stern grafted into it. Because so much appears to be the same, it is sometimes taught that our “newness” refers only to our position in Christ. The newness is only what we have seen in relation to our position of righteousness and holiness in justification and positional sanctification. There is no real change in us until we are finally transformed in glorification. That, however, would be like teaching justification without regeneration (we are forgiven, but there is no new life). If we are still ornamental orange trees, how can we be expected to bear navel oranges? We have to believe that our new identity is in the life of Christ and commit ourselves to grow accordingly.




ARE YOU AN INDIAN GIVER WIFE? By Mae Blooms things they were receiving as a gift, prompting the “Indians” to want all their stuff back, hence the term Indian giver. HOW THIS TRANSPIRES IN MARRIAGE?

One night in my quiet time, God asked me a question - “Are You an Indian Giver Wife? At first, I was a bit shocked because I had never heard it said that way before. I can remember, as a child, giving a friend “my” toy and by the end of the playdate I wanted that toy back (I was kind of a bossy preschooler) and my mother told me not to be an “Indian giver”! I’m sure you all can recall your first “Indian giver” experience too, right? I was around four or five years old, but I knew that giving something away and then taking it back was not good. As a matter of fact, I have used the term many times over the years.

Since this was my first-time hearing God say this to me, I figured I should look more into it and see where God’s heart is about the matter. WHAT IS AN INDIAN GIVER? The term “Indian giver” has a history that goes way back to when the English explorers “discovered” America. Upon their arrival, they were greeted by the Native Americans and somewhere along the way, the natives started to give their European visitors gifts. Here’s where the confusion came in because the Native Americans expected to trade or get a fair exchange for what they were giving out. Unfortunately, the visitors from across the pond presumed all the

As I did a little research, I found that at the core of any “Indian giver” is unmet expectations. Think back to a time you have done something for your husband with the subconscious expectation that you would get equal or greater in return? Even if you been married for a day, I know you can relate to what I am saying. In marriage and relationships, people tend to be inclined to give out what they would like in return. The tricky part about it is we are all different, so we end up not meeting the expectation of one another because we all expect different things! Likewise, the natives had different expectations of the European explorers and in marriage, wives tend to expect an equal or fair trade for affection, household chores, romance and more. HOW CAN A WIFE BE AN INDIAN GIVER? As a Christian wife, you have been given the ultimate gift of salvation! Imagine if God would say, “Hey, I need that back!” The thought of it is unfathomable. How could God give you something and then take it back because you fell short of His expectations or decide to cut you off


because of what you didn’t do? The day you took your vows, you did not only make those vows to your husband, but you also made a covenant with God. Therefore, you should not expect a fair trade or an even exchange from your husband. Now, I know many may disagree and say otherwise, but I must share how God gave me the revelation. I am not saying wives should be doormats or slaves and expect nothing in return. What I am saying is when your marriage is going through a tough season or your husband isn’t doing what you expect, don’t allow the enemy to use your expectations to destroy your marriage. Think about it, have you ever had a “headache” at the end of the night because your husband did not meet your expectations when helping with the kids or housework? Have you ever felt unloving toward your husband because you aren’t getting the affection you feel you need? Have you ever held back because you felt like you were not getting anything in return? I mean, if he isn’t going to meet me half way then why bother. THE HEART OF GOD ON THE MATTER God has given us a lot, as a matter of fact He has given us way more than we deserve. Likewise, wives must demonstrate Christ like character in their marriages; freely you have received from God and freely you should give to your husband (Matthew 10:8b) without expecting “fair exchange” in return. Let’s take a look at a few ways wives might fall into the “Indian giver” trap. • Grace- It is one of the pillars of the Christian wife walk. Ephesians 2:8 says, “For by grace

you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God.” Look at how God started His relationship with us – He gave us a GIFT of grace and He never asks for his gift back! When’s the last time, your husband needed to you to extend him a little of that grace? Were you freely gracious with your man or did you dismiss the thought because he hasn’t shown you any grace these past few months? I know you don’t want to encourage unhealthy habits or make him comfortable in places he needs to grow up, but you focus on doing your part by being gracious with him and taking your concerns to the Father in prayer. • Unconditional RespectThis is a big one with husbands and with God. Every woman since the Garden of Eden has had what I like to call a “respect complexity” to some degree or another (Thanks to Eve!). As a Christian wife, you must work diligently to bring that complexity under subjection to God’s word. Husbands need unconditional respect from their wives, whether you feel they deserve it or not. This can be particularly challenging if you are a wife in an unequally yoked marriage or going through a difficult season in your marriage where you feel unloved by your husband. But take heart, God cares and if you will bring all your cares to Him in prayer, He will work it all together for your good, in His timing. Meanwhile, that does not exempt you from giving your husband unconditional respect. • Forgiveness- Let’s say you made a mistake and your husband has been unforgiving about it, bringing it up time after time.

Recently, he made a financial decision without you that has caused the family great loss. You know he feels horrible about it, but you feel harsh words bubbling up inside. At that moment you must choose forgiveness along with being gentle and quiet. Even though your family may now be in a dilemma, God is bigger. Give your opinion in love, wrapped up in grace and look to God to work it out. You may have never verbally expressed that you want what you’ve given out in your marriage back, but maybe your attitude has grown cold and you are unwilling to give anymore. Maybe you just aren’t feeling like you need to do certain things because your husband is not doing what you expect in return. I have found that God is our strong foundation, and we must glean daily from Him to avoid getting an “Indian giver” attitude. It is important for Christian wives to stay far away from the mindset that says “I will if He will” because that is not how God intended marriage to emulate His relationship with the church. Let us deny our flesh of wanting a fair exchange in return for the things we do in our marriages. Instead, let’s practice freely giving grace, respect, forgiveness and whatever else our husbands may need, at any given time. I believe God’s grace is more than sufficient to help His daughters avoid becoming an “Indian giver” wife. Grace and Peace be unto you, Mae Blooms- The Better Wife Project www.thebetterwifeproject. com





Being a saint who is alive and free in Christ does not mean spiritual maturity, but it does provide the basis for hope and future growth. Despite God’s provision for us in Christ, our position in Christ is settled, but our daily performance is often marked by personal failure and disobedience that disappoints us and disrupts the harmony of our relationship with God. We groan with the apostle Paul: “For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it. So I find this law at work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me. For in my inner being I delight in God’s law; but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law

of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me. What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself in my mind am a slave to God’s law, but in my sinful nature a slave to the law of sin.” (Romans 7: 19 – 25) In our attempts to understand the failure that often disturb our sense of sainthood, we struggle with such biblical terms as flesh, nature, and old man (self). What do these terms really mean? Are they distinct in themselves or interchangeable elements of the same problem? Defining these terms becomes even more difficult when the editorial teams of some modern Bibles translate “flesh” (sarx), as old nature or sinful nature. Admittedly,

this is a difficult theological area. Bible scholars have wrestled with the questions for centuries and I don’t in any way pretend to have the final answers. I believe a clear biblical grasp of these terms will further assist you in understanding who you are and pave the way for greater spiritual maturity. The bible says we were dead in our “trespasses and sins” (Ephesians 2: 1) and “were by nature children of wrath” (Ephesians 2: 3, emphasis added). In other words, we were born physically alive but spiritual dead. We had neither the presence of God in our lives nor the knowledge of His ways. Consequently, we all learned to live our lives independently of God. This learned independence is one of the chief characteristics of the flesh. “For the flesh desires what


is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.” (Galatians 5: 17 – 18). They are in opposition because the Holy Spirit, like Jesus, will not operate independently of our heavenly Father, but the flesh does. The flesh may be defined as existence apart from God—a life dominated by sin or a drive opposed to God. The flesh is a self-reliant rather than God dependent; it is self-centered rather than Christ centered. Such is the state of fallen humankind: sinful by nature and spiritually dead (separated from God). In addition, the heart which is the center of our being is deceitful, “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? “I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.” (Jeremiah 17: 9 – 10). Paul says, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3: 23). Fallen all have humankind who live their lives “in the flesh,” and those who are in the flesh cannot please God” (Romans 8: 8). Humankind were depraved. Every aspect of their beings was corrupted and they could do nothing to save themselves. Positionally, several things changed at salvation. First, God transferred us from the domain of darkness “to the kingdom of His beloved Son” (Colossians 1: 13). Second, sin’s dominion through the flesh has been broken. As a believer, you are no longer in the flesh, you are in Christ. Paul explains, “You, however, are not in the realm of the flesh but are in the realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have

the Spirit of Christ, they do not belong to Christ.” (Romans 8: 9). Paul also equates the idea of being “in the flesh” with being “in Adam.” “For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.” (1 Corinthians 15: 22, emphasis added). Christians are no longer in the flesh, but because the characteristics of the flesh remains in believers, they have a choice. They can walk (or live) according to the flesh, or they can live and walk according to the Spirit. Concerning our nature, Paul says, “For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light” (Ephesians 5: 8). Are we both light and darkness? Paul also said, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 5: 17). Are we partly new creature and partly old creature? Does the Christian has two natures? Perhaps an illustration will help answer that question: In Arizona, city parks and boulevards are decorated with ornamental orange trees that are much hardier stock than the tress that produce the sweet oranges we eat. Because they can survive colder temperatures, they are used for root stock. The ornamental orange is allowed to grow to a certain height then it is cut off, and new life (such as a naval orange) is grafted into it. Everything that grows above the graft retains the physical characteristics of the ornamental orange. Only one tree remains when it is fully grown. The physical growth of the tree is still dependent upon the roots that go deep into the soil for water and nutrition. What grows above the graft takes on the nature of what was grafted into it. People don’t look at a grove of navel oranges and say, “That grove is nothing more than a bunch

of root stock!” They would call them navel orange trees because they would identify the trees by their fruit. That is how we should be known. Jesus said, “So then, you will know them by their fruits” (Matthew 7: 20). Paul says, “Therefore from now on we recognize no man according to the flesh” (2 Corinthians 5: 16). In other words, we are not supposed to recognize Christians for who they were in Adam, but for who they now are in Christ. That is why the Bible doesn’t identify believers as sinners but instead identifies them as saints.





Have you ever lost at something and just felt like a complete failure? You interviewed at several places but always got a NO. Maybe you were playing in a game with the bases loaded, game winning run, and all eyes on you, but you end up striking out. Maybe you were interested in someone who wasn’t interested in you and turned you down after you got up the courage to ask him or her out? Life has many possibilities that cause us to feel as though we have failed or even lost our chance at the one thing “we thought” would push us into our destiny. Failure causes us to doubt our

ability, question our identity, and even overthink our purpose. So much in fact that we start confusing our thoughts with the thoughts and opinions of others. This is when the enemy likes to come in and attack. When failure comes we tend to ask ourselves, “How did I get here” or “What did I do wrong?” The answer my friend is not based upon the current situation, but simply answers, “How is God going to use this to my advantage later?” “For a righteous man may fall seven times, and rise again, but the wicked shall fall by calamity” (Proverbs 24:16). NKJV

Jesus shed his blood on the cross, he bled to his death, and then he gave us his life! To others, “society”, it looks like you have lost, but in the eyes of God he is still using you for his glory just as He used Jesus. If Jesus would have never followed through with carrying that cross and being nailed to it, he would have never been used by God. Jesus was born into this earth for a purpose and one purpose only, and that was to die on the cross so that he could rise three days later. If it wasn’t for Jesus carrying the cross and dying for us, we would have to carry our own cross and walk the road to Hell because none of us would make it to Heaven.


“Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends” (John 15:13). NKJV How many times do you think God has wanted to use you but because you felt as though you were unable to do it, you answered, “NO?” If you really take a moment and think of all the things you could be doing, could’ve done, or will do in the future, do thoughts about yourself keep you from doing the will of God? Jesus knew what he was here for and because he knew how important he was, no matter what came his way, no matter what challenges he faced, he chose NOT TO GIVE UP even when it seemed like all hope was lost. “And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away” (Revelation 21:4). NKJV We have a choice and in that choice, we can choose to either give up, or we can choose to stand up tall like Jesus did and continue the path that was created just for you! We all fear failure, but really, we should rejoice in the fact that we are given second chances. In the moments that second chances are given, you must grab ahold of the one thing that keeps your foundation strong even in the midst of the strongest of storms, and that is Jesus!

“Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God; For I shall yet praise him, the help of my countenance and my God” (Psalm 43:5). NKJV You may feel like you’ve lost this battle or maybe you are still hurting from a previous battle that you haven’t seemed to get past. I ask you, what if you really won the battle and God just had a different plan for you? So many times, we feel as if we know what we want and how things should play out, but in all reality, we have no idea what God has in store for us, and quite frankly, most of us do not even get the opportunity to experience it because we don’t push ourselves hard enough when things get tough to even receive the blessings that God has waiting on us. “And he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me” (2 Corinthians 12:9). NKJV We tend to “throw in the towel” way too soon. I can see God shaking his head at us sometimes because of our inability to challenge ourselves to overcome even in a bad situation. He provides the resources to get us through, even our darkest of times, but we are too caught up in our own feelings and emotions that we push God away. It may have looked like Jesus lost

the fight because of his death, but the aftermath of what God’s plan brought forth was worth every beating, every tear shed, and all the pain suffered. So, I submit myself to you on today and ask you to push through and allow God to use you even though you may feel like you have failed him or even yourself in some way, shape, or form. Call upon the name of the Lord and he will hear you. “I sought the Lord, and he heard me; and delivered me from all my fears. They looked to him and were radiant; and their faces were not ashamed” (Psalm 34:45). NKJV Continue on your journey my friend. God doesn’t give up on his children. He has bigger and better plans for you. He chooses to allow you to go through challenging times for purpose. We do not always understand it, but I can tell you this, God is always with you! Always remember, we cannot fully understand success until we have experienced failure. It may feel as though you have lost, but you are always being used for the purposes of God. Never count yourself out, just count yourself ABLE! “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31). NKJV




HAIR POROSITY 101 By Mia Mason not take hair color • Takes a long time for your hair to get fully wet, and you notice water beads sitting on your hair • Hair takes hours to dry • Thick products (butters) make your hair feel greasy • Protein sensitive (doesn’t like it) Tips:

Hair porosity is how well your hair can absorb and hold moisture. It is important to know the porosity of your hair in order to find the best products to use in your hair regimen. Porosity is usually determined by your genetics, but heat and chemical damage can also cause a change in your level. There are three porosity levels: • Low • Normal/Medium • High Normal porosity means that your hair is working out fine. You don’t really have a problem with choosing products because

your hair can absorb moisture and hold it in. The levels that we will focus on are low porosity and high porosity. Low Porosity If you have low porosity hair, all of your hair cuticles are extremely sealed and closed shut. It is hard for moisture to come in. Here are some signs that you have low porosity hair: • Products sit on your hair causing product buildup • Hair does

• When deep conditioning your hair, you can use some heat (ex. Hooded dryer, conditioning cap, etc.). You need to open up your hair cuticles. • Wash your hair with hot water • Heat your deep conditioning • Use lighter products (lotions, milks, thin oils, etc) • Use an ACV rinse for the product buildup • Apply products to damp hair


High Porosity If you have high porosity, then your hair cuticles are wide open and the moisture can come in. But as easy as the moisture goes in… the moisture comes right back out. It is also known as highly damaged or processed hair. Here are some signs that you have high porosity hair: • Hair tangles very easily • Hair dries quick • Hair is always frizzy • Thin products (lotions and milks) don’t work • Loves protein Tips: • Keep your hair soaking wet and apply product • Layer the products (leave-in conditioner, cream,

butter) • Air dry • Rinse your hair with cold water • Use heavier products (butters, creams, heavy oils, etc.) Hair Porosity Tests The only way to find out what your porosity level is to do tests. The most common test to find out the porosity level is known as the cup test. You take a glass of room temp water and place a strand of your freshly washed hair in the water. After 2-4 minutes, check to see the position of the hair strand. If your hair is floating, then you have low porosity hair. If it sinks to the bottom, you have high porosity hair. Your hair needs to be freshly washed so there will be no hair products weighing

the hair strand down. It is best to use room temp water because hot water opens your hair cuticles, and cold water will close your hair cuticles. Another way to test your hair is to do the strand test. Hold a strand of your hair and rub it up and down. If the hair strand feels smooth, then you more than likely have low porosity hair. If you feel ridges or bumps, then you more than likely have high porosity. The last way that you can test your porosity is to do the spray hair. If you spray your hair and you see hair beads, then you more than likely have low porosity hair. If your hair soaks in the water, then you more than likely have high porosity hair.








CONQUERING THE MIND By Kimberly Hargraves

Today’s Scripture for meditation: Ruth 1:18 says, “When she saw that she was stedfastly minded to go with her, then she left speaking unto her.” The Book of Ruth tells an amazing story of restoration. Naomi experience significant loss when her sons and husband passed away. Ruth was determined never to leave her side even though Orpah left. Ruth had a made-up mind about what she wanted to do and nothing could change that. Have you ever had a made-up mind and nothing no one said could change it? This is how we need to be in our walk with Jesus Christ. We need to have a made-up mind to fol-

low him no matter what we encounter. It seems that life got harder for me when I accepted the call on my life. The enemy attacked my finances and destroyed my family at the time. Despite all the tribulations, I made up my mind to serve God with all of my heart. There were times when the enemy tempted me to get easy and fast money but my mind was full of the word of God. I casted those evil thoughts down and placed it back on the promises of God. There is power in a mind that is made up. Remember, as your mind stays on Jesus Christ, you will not be shaken.

Dear Heavenly Father, I exalt you. Lord, I come before you and repent of my sins. Allow my thoughts to please you. I decree and declare that I will have a made-up mind. I prophesy that since my mind is stayed on you, my faith will never be shaken. Thank you, for answering this prayer. In Jesus’ name. Amen. “Conquering The Mind: A Daily Devotional” coming soon









LOVE LETTERS FROM THE KING “The Making of a Virtuous Woman”” By Quiana Robinson


This is a season in which I am putting my Rubies on display. Those who have allowed me to refine them through the process are stepping into a season of elevation and promotion. This has been a season in which many of my daughters have been mandated to bear fruit. Many have been crying out to me for a husband that they can trust. Before I could answer your prayers, I had to make you trustworthy. I need you to become a good thing before I can release one of my sons to search, find, and pursue you. This is the hour for my daughters to become all that I have called them to be, so that they can walk into the fullness of the blessing. I am transitioning my daughters into a place where they will understand that I am the all sufficient one. I am El Shaddai, and I am able make sure that you will sustain. You don’t have to rely on a man to take care of you; I do a fine job at that. Try me and see. It is not my desire to have my precious ones give themselves away to someone who has not paid the price. Inside of my daughters are witty ideas and inventions, skills, and gifts. I will birth them out of you in this season and teach you how to prosper and attain wealth. I want to urge my daughters to not fall into the traps of the enemy. His agenda in this hour is to overwhelm and exhaust my bride. Stay vigilant my dear ones. Seek me while it is still early, so that you can receive fresh bread from me. The words that I put in your mouth have

the potential to touch the lives of many. If you find me waking you up in the middle of the night, there is something I am longing to share with you. Gird yourself with strength in this hour, the warfare is only molding you. I have already given you the victory. Do not allow your lamp to go out in this night season; keep your post. Continue to stand in the gap and travail daughters of Zion. I have called you blessed to be a blessing. Stand with those who are battle weary, and bless those who have suffered loss in this season. I have changed your garments. You will walk in authority. You will walk in righteousness. You will walk in holiness. I will raise you up to teach my younger daughters how to properly adorn themselves as well. I will put wisdom in your mouth. I will prepare you to be a vessel of kindness, and you will change an entire generation. Your diligence and your refusal to be idle in this time will help to snatch many of my daughter’s out of the grips of the evil one. Have I not called you to be the salt of the earth and a light to the nations. I know exactly where you are. Some feel like you are not yet at the destination that I am speaking of or that I may not be able to use you, but think again. I am calling you out of your dry places. To my daughters who feel as though they don’t look the part, do not put

your value in external beauty or charm. It is your character, integrity, and your faith walk that will win souls for me. I am after your heart, not the length of your hair, or eyelashes, or figure. Men look at the outward appearance but I am examining your heart. I am changing the standard of beauty and renewing your mind. It is what I have put on the inside of you that makes you attractive. It is what I cultivated and processed you for that will cause your husband and children to rise up and call you blessed. I love you my daughters. You are beautifully and wonderfully made, and through me you will do valient things. Love, Abba Scripture References Proverbs 31:10-31New King James Version (NKJV) The Virtuous Wife 10 Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies. 11 The heart of her husband safely trusts her; So he will have no lack of gain. 12 She does him good and not evil All the days of her life. 13 She seeks wool and flax, And willingly works with her hands. 14 She is like the merchant ships, She brings her food from afar.




15 She also rises while it is yet night, And provides food for her household, And a portion for her maidservants. 16 She considers a field and buys it; From her profits she plants a vineyard. 17 She girds herself with strength, And strengthens her arms. 18 She perceives that her merchandise is good, And her lamp does not go out by night. 19 She stretches out her hands to the distaff, And her hand holds the spindle. 20 She extends her hand to the poor, Yes, she reaches out her hands to the needy. 21 She is not afraid of snow for her household, For all her household is clothed with scarlet. 22 She makes tapestry for herself; Her clothing is fine linen and purple. 23 Her husband is known in the gates, When he sits among the elders of the land. 24 She makes linen garments and sells them, And supplies sashes for the merchants. 25 Strength and honor are her clothing; She shall rejoice in time to come. 26 She opens her mouth with wisdom, And on her tongue is

the law of kindness. 27 She watches over the ways of her household, And does not eat the bread of idleness. 28 Her children rise up and call her blessed; Her husband also, and he praises her: 29 “Many daughters have done well, But you excel them all.” 30 Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised. 31 Give her of the fruit of her hands, And let her own works praise her in the gates. Prayer Lord Jesus, thank you for calling me and annointing me in this hour. I will say “yes” to the process. I thank you for giving me strength from Zion. I thank you for helping me see myself the way you see me and for loving me unconditionally. I thank you for releasing the good plans that you have for me. And ushering me into a season of breakthrough and manifestation. Amen.


SUDDENLY By Melissa Patterson

Suddenly I see the path clear Suddenly I find myself here Suddenly I see an old childhood friend Suddenly I’m being ushered in Suddenly it’s beginning to make sense Suddenly I understand why the warfare was so intense Suddenly I am free from captivity Suddenly I’m birthing out destiny Suddenly I hear God speak Welcome to your new suddenly Suddenly with joy I’m overwhelmend Suddenly I’m hearing new prophetic sounds Suddenly I’m in perfect peace Suddenly God’s Glory is being released




TRUST WALK: DAY 38 By Keiyia J. George

Day 38: I trust You, Lord. Waiting for it. Habakkuk 2:3 Dedicated to Lisa and Juanita. There is nothing like waiting. Waiting can seem like the end of world. You want it now. Waiting is out of the question. “When!” you cry out, “WHEN!!!” Well your answer is soon. Bet you didn’t expect that, huh? How soon? Shrug. When God says so. So wait... When you receive a prophetic word over your life, you may have been told that the word of God will not return void. So shall my word be that goeth

forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. Isaiah 55:11 KJV What this means is if the word comes, it will happen. It won’t return to Him undone. He has released it. It has no choice but to happen. Back up on verse in Isaiah. For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread

to the eater: Isaiah 55:19 KJV Why did you need to go back a verse? Because verse 11 started with the word ‘so’. This is a transition word in this case. A point is trying to be made. What was the point? Well backing up revealed a comparison to His word. Just like the rain that falls to the earth doesn’t just return back to the clouds before its purpose is served, so shall the same be true regarding the word of God. When he sends it, it will not return back to Him before its purpose has been served. In other words, if God says it, it shall happen!


The book of Habakkuk is short and sweet-just three chapters. Chapter one is filled with Habakkuk questioning God. God does not get angry at the questions. He answers him each time. When Habakkuk challenges God in the latter part of chapter one, He answered Habakkuk in chapter two. In chapter three, you can pretty much see Habakkuk (say that three times fast...) giving in and saying, “Ok, Lord. I trust you.” With all his complaining and questioning, in the end he could only trust. So back to the question of when. When will it happen? For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. Habakkuk 2:3 KJV See that right there? It will happen when it’s supposed to happen. Don’t rush it. Don’t worry about it. Rest and know it will happen. When it happens, the timing will be perfect. You recall a few days ago you read a testimony about a vision of a fire that came about one week later? Sometimes when the vision, or word, is given, it takes no time at all to come about. Others, if you pay attention, happens in small bits before the full word is manifested. Sometimes, though, there is nothing to prepare you for when it happens. It seems to happen out of nowhere.

But no matter what, watch, pray, and wait. When you try to force the timing, it will surely blow up in your face. Even Habakkuk cried out asking “how long, Lord!” Finally, realizing his timing and God’s timing are not the same, he relinquishes the control he tried to have and said: Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. The Lord God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds’ feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places. To the chief singer on my stringed instruments. Habakkuk 3:18-19 KJV Rest in knowing that it will happen. If, IF, it’s from God, it will happen. Go to God with it if you aren’t sure. As you grow in Him, you will be able to discern if the word is from Him or not. But if it is from Him, trust that it will happen. Waiting peacefully, Keiyia JOYet George Trust Walk: Walking in His Steps coming soon!




TRUST WALK: DAY 44 By Keiyia J. George

Day 44: I trust You, Lord. I’m not weak! Nehemiah 13:8, 11, 19, 21, 25

a finger upon anyone. But you do NOT have to allow certain things to continue to go own.

In today’s society, people of God are often seen as weak or skinny backed (opposite of broad backed). If you, as a believer of Christ, have Holy Spirit, there’s no way you should ever be seen as weak. Yet you are. Many think they can treat you any kind of way because as a Christian, you apparently won’t do anything about it. While not every situation requires a fight, you most certainly need to discern when to ‘put up your ducks.’ Understanding that your fight isn’t a physical fight but rather a spiritual one, there is no reason to lift

Jesus is the typical example used. And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers’ money, and overthrew the tables; John 2:15. KJV But today we will see what Nehemiah did. The book is rarely short - just 13 chapters - so you should definitely go back to previous chapters to understand what’s the backstory, but in essence, he rebuilt the walls of

Jerusalem. When he returned in this chapter, he found the people had decided to do their own thing. Nehemiah declared “Not on my watch!” First Nehemiah threw out everything Tobiah had placed in one of the store rooms given to Tobiah by a priest to live in (verse 8). He had the room put back to its original use. If you go back to chapter two, Tobiah was one of the officials who opposed Nehemiah rebuilding Jerusalem. He had no business living there. He didn’t even want it to be there. Then, finding that the Levites, the tribe who were to be taken care of as priest in the temple,


not at their posts but in their fields working (verse 11), he call them together and “put them in their place” according to the KJV of the scripture. Typically when you put people ‘in their places’ you’ve told them off. This would be a way better example to show there was no display of weakness, but this time the words are literal. He probably gave them some words in the process, but he sent them back to their posts in the temple. After looking around, he noticed that all types of atrocities took place on the Sabbath (verse 19). People were buying and going selling all kinds of things. What did Nehemiah do? He closed the gates. If you were in, you were in. If you were out, oh well. Those gates would not reopen until after the Sabbath passed. The people who sold things in the Sabbath were unable to come in. The sellers began to sleep outside the gate and wall (verse 21)! Nehemiah then told them that if he found them doing that again he would “lay hands on them!” BOL!!! Again, it would be so much fun if he meant he was going to beat them up, but he most likely meant he would have them thrown in prison or thrown out of the vicinity of the walls. During those days, people didn’t marry praise the ‘family’. Some areas and people were banned, like the Moabites who were descendants of Lot and his daughter (just nasty!). Sure enough, Nehemiah found out the people

were marrying into these ‘forbidden’ families. Nehemiah gave them some strong words and physically ‘laid hands on them’ (verse 25). Then he reminded them that these type of relationships is what destroyed Solomon, who was well-favored by God to sin. Mind you, Nehemiah had been gone back to Babylon for some time. These people were doing their own thing and upon his return, he straightened them all out. He wasn’t scared about it either. Again, the battle is not a physical battle, but are you going to leave things in a mess just because you found it like that? Oh! So you aren’t the leader. Well, are you not going to go to the leader and express your concerns about what you are seeing going on? Yes! You can do that. Everyone has role to play in the Kingdom. If you don’t do your part, it will leave a gaping hole in the entire thing. Who wants to have someone else’s load thrown on them? Especially when the load is added because someone who is housed with the authority of God and the power of Holy Spirit is too weak to make some tough choices or actions. If God put you in this position, then he will give you all you need to do it. Open your mouth and get the house cleaned! Believers of Christ aren’t weak. You are strong and mighty. There is nothing too hard to do be-

cause you have the guidance of Holy Spirit as your GPS. Step out and step into the will of God. If He has told you to open your mouth, then open it wide and release all He has told you to release. Mighty, Keiyia JOYet George Trust Walk: Walking in His Steps coming soon!




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