SMCA _pÅ-än³
S y r o M a l a ba r C u l t u r a l A s s o c i a t i o n , K u w a i t
G u a rd i a n s o f a G l o r i o u s Tr a d i t i o n G{]n 2011
r e t s Ea ecial Sp
henb CS-bs\ HmÀ¡p-t¼mÄ
w w w . s m c a k u w a i t . o r g
Bp. Camillo Ballin mccj who will assume the title
“Vicar Apostolic of Northern Arabia" Reorganisation of the Two Vicariates in the Arabian Peninsula With effect from May 31, 2011, the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples has decreed that the Vicariate of Kuwait and the Vicariate of Arabia will undergo a reorganisation of territories and a modification of title. The Vicariate of Kuwait will be called "The Apostolic Vicariate of Northern Arabia" and will include the territories of Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia. Accordingly, the present Vicar Apostolic of Kuwait, His Lordship Bishop Camillo Ballin, MCCJ, will assume the title of "Vicar Apostolic of Northern Arabia". The Vicariate of Arabia will be called "The Apostolic Vicariate of Southern Arabia" and will include the territories of the United Arab Emirates, Oman and Yemen. The Vicariate of Arabia is under the pastoral care of His Lordship Bishop Paul Hinder, OFM Cap. The faithful are urged to keep this significant event in their prayers, at the same time asking the Lord for His blessing on both the Vicariates and all the faithful. May Our Lady of Arabia continue to intercede for each one of us at this special time.
Editorial SMCA Bulletin G{]n þ 2011 e¡w 2, hmeyw 10 Editorial Board Jaison Chemmanur President
Rejoy Kelamparambil General Secretary
Wilson Vadakkedath Treasurer
Francis Pulikkan
Cultural Committee Convener
Sebastian Punnakottil Antony Kanjikara Sangeeth Kanicheril Monichen Joseph Sebastian Purayidathil Jose Mathew Choonattu Anil V Thayil Bijoy Palakunnel SMCA _pÅ-än³
S y r o M a l a ba r C u l t u r a l A s s o c i a t i o n , K u w a i t
G u a rd i a n s o f a G l o r i o u s Tr a d i t i o n G{]n 2011
ter Easecial Sp
henb CS-bs\ HmÀ¡p-t¼mÄ
kaÀ¸Ww \½psS c£m-[n-Im-cnbpw kotdm ae-_mÀ k`-bpsS Xe-h-\p-am-bn-cp¶ AXyp-¶X IÀ±n-\mÄ amÀ hÀ¡n- hn-X-b-¯n ]nXm-hn\v ""Fsâ ssZh-ta, Fsâ ssZh-ta, F´p-sIm!v \o Fs¶ Dt]-£n¨p!'' (Mathew 27:46)
{Iqin InS-¶p-sIm!v {InkvXp tNmZn¨ hm¡p-IÄ. temI ]m]-§-fpsS `mcw apgp-h-\mbn Npa-en-te-än-b-t¸mÄ AXnITn-\-amb B ]m]-§-fpsS `mc-¯m Aev]-t\-c-t¯¡v ]nXm-hn \n¶pw amä-s¸« tXm¶Â, H¸w-Xs¶ {]h-N-\-§-fpsS ]qÀ¯oI-c-Whpw (Psalm 22:1) CsXÃmw Cu hm¡p-I-fn ImWmw. \½psS Pohn-X-¯nsâ Gähpw ZpÀLShpw k¦-S-I-c-hp-amb \nan-j-§-fn \mw ssZh-t¯mSv tNmZn-¡m-dp!v ""ssZh-ta, F´psIm!v Fs¶ \o Dt]-£n¨p, F´p-sIm!v \à Pohn-Xm-hØ X¶n-Ã, \à tPmen, \à BtcmKyw X¶nÃ'' Fs¶ms¡. F¶mÂ, \s½ A\p-\n-anjw {]tem-`n-¸n-¨p-sIm!n-cn-¡p¶ Cu hÀ¯-am\ Ime¯v \mw ]W-¯n\pw ]Z-hn¡pw {]i-kvXn¡pw ]n-dsI ]mbp-t¼mÄ ssZhs¯ XoÀ¯pw Ah-K-Wn-¡p-I-bm-Wv. amdn-s¡m!n-cn-¡p¶ ]pXnb It¼mf kwkv¡m-c-¯n ]p¯³ kmt¦-XnI hnZy-IÄ amdp¶-Xn-\-\p-k-cn-¨pÅ Ce-Ivt{Sm-WnIv DXv]-¶-§Ä hf-sc-b-[nIw Zn\mdp-IÄ Nne-h-gn¨p A\m-h-iy-ambn hm§n-¡q-«p-t¼mÄ \ap¡v aqey¨ypXn kw`-hn-¨p-s¡m!n-cn-¡p-I-bm-Wv. \½psS A\p-Zn\ Pohn-X-¯n XoÀ¯pw kzmÀ°-a-Xn-I-fmbn, £an-¡phm\pw s]mdp-¡p-hm\pw Ign-bmsX Ak-ln-jvW-X-tbmsS \½psS Npäp]m-Sn-ep-apÅ ktlm-Z-c-§-tfmSv s]cp-am-dp-t¼mÄ, ssZhs¯ ]msSa-d¶v Hcp sXän \n¶pw asämcp sXän-te¡v Iq¸p-Ip-¯p-t¼mÄ {Iqin InS¶v {InkvXp \½-tfm-sSms¡ A\p-\n-anjw tNmZn-¨psIm!n-cn-¡p-I-bm-Wv þ aI-t\, aI-tf, \o F´p-sIm!v Fs¶ Dt]£n-¨p-sIm!n-cn-¡p-¶p. \½psS hogv¨-Ifpw sXäp-Ifpw Xncp¯n, Bß hnip--²o-I-cWw \ S¯n, \½psS Pohn-X-§sf Hcp¡n \ap¡v Cu t\m-¼p-Imew [\y-am¡mw. A§s\ Ipcn-inse kl-\-_en hgn \s½ hos!Sp¯ c£Isâ hgn-IÄ ]n³sN¶v AÀ°-]qÀ®-amb Pohn-X-¯n-te-¡mbv \ ap-s¡m-cp-§mw. Xn·-bp-sS-ta hnPbw hcn¨ D°n-X-\mb tbip \·-bpsS \nc-¯neqsS \s½ \bn-¡-s«. GhÀ¡pw ^e-{]-Z-amb t\m¼p-Im-ehpw A\p{K-l-]qÀ®amb DbnÀ¸p Xncp-¶mfpw Biw-kn-¡p-¶p.
{^m³kokv ]pfn-¡³ IĨ-d I½än I¬Æo-\À
w w w . s m c a k u w a i t . o r g
For Private Circulation Among members only
Syro Malabar Cultural Association, Kuwait -
Syro Malabar Cultural Association, Kuwait -
Syro Malabar Cultural Association, Kuwait -
henb CS-bs\ HmÀ¡p-t¼mÄ Ipssh-¯nse kotdm ae-_mÀ kw`mw-K-§sf kw_-Ôn-¨n-S-t¯mfw lrZbw \ndª
HmÀ½IÄ Ah-ti-jn-¸n-¨p-sIm!mWv kotdm ae-_mÀ k`m Xe-h\pw SMCA -bpsS c£m[n-I-mcn-bp-amb AXyp-¶X IÀ±n-\mÄ amÀ hÀ¡n- hn-X-b-¯n Ime-b-h-\n-Ibv¡p-Ånte¡v IS¶p t]mb-Xv.
1998  \½psS kwL-S-\-bpsS c£m-[n-Im-cn-bmb \nanjw apX ]nXr-Xp-Ãy-amb kvt\ lhpw kwc-£-Whpw \nÀtem`w \ÂIn \s½ Ahn-Sp¶v A\p-{K-ln-¨p-sIm!n-cp-¶p. 2005  SMCA bpsS Zi-h-Õ-cm-tLm-jt¯m-S\p-_-Ôn¨v ]nXmhv Ipssh-¯n-se-¯n-bt¸mÄ kwL-S-\-bpsS {Sj-dÀ F¶ \ne-bn-epw, 2 hÀjw ap¼v J¯-dnse kotdm ae_mÀ ssZhm-e-b-¯nsâ IqZm-i-tbm-S-\p-_-Ôn¨v \S¶ KÄ^v aoän Ipssh-¯ns\ {]Xn-\n-[o-I-cn¨ kwLmw-K-sa¶ \ne-bnepw Ct¸mÄ kwL-S-\-bpsS {]kn-Uâ v F¶ \ne-bnepw ]nXm-hp-am-bpÅ HutZym-KnI kvac-W-IÄ \nc-h[n F\n¡v ]¦p-h-bv¡m\m-hpw. F¶n-cp-¶mepw {]hm-kn-I-tfmSv henb ]nXmhv Im«nb {]tXyI ]cn-K-W-\sb shfn-hm-¡p-¶, Zqc-hym-]I ^e-§Ä Df-hm-¡p¶ hfsc {][m-\-s¸« Nne Imcy-§Ä am{Xsa Rm³ Cu A\p-kva-cW¡pdn-¸n tNÀ¡p-¶p-Åq. B Imcy-§-fpsS {]m[m\yw IW-¡n-se-Sp¯v Ahsb F®-an«v tcJ-s¸-Sp-¯p-hm³ Rm³ B{K-ln-¡p-I-bm-Wv. ]nXm-hn\v KÄ^nse {]hm-kn-I-tfmSv D!mbn-cp¶ {]tXyI kvt\l hmÕeyw Cu Imcy-§-fn HXp-§p-¶p-sh¶v AXn-\À°-an-Ã. Fsâ ho£-W-¯n Gähpw {][m\w Ch-bm-sW¶v Rm³ tcJ-s¸-Sp-¯p¶p F¶p am{Xw.
Syro Malabar Cultural Association, Kuwait -
A`nhvy ]nXmhv SMCA bpsS ]¯mw hmÀjnImtLmj¯n ]s¦Sp¯t¸mÄ
1. sXmgp-¯n s]Sm¯ BSp-IÄ: J¯dnse ssZhmeb IqZmibn ]s¦Sp¯ Ipssh¯v {]Xn\n[nkwLw A`nhvy ]nXmhns\m¸w hnip² tbml-¶msâ kphn-ti-j-¯n \à CS-bsâ D]-a-bn sXmgp-¯n s]Sm¯ Xsâ BSp-I-sf-Ip-dn¨v Cutim ]d-bp¶ `mK-ap!v. ]e-t¸mgpw B `mKw A\p-kva-cn-¸n-¨p-sIm!mWv {]hm-kn-I-fmb kotdm ae-_mÀ hnizm-kn-Isf Ipdn¨v B henb CS-b³ kwkm-cn-¨-Xv. `mc-X-¯nsâ hnhn[ `mK-§-fnepw temI-s¯-¼mSpw XmasIm¨nbn A`nhvy IÀ±n\mfns\ kvÀin¨t¸mÄ kn-¡p¶ XsâIpssh¯v a¡Ä CS-_nj¸v b-\n-Ãm¯ BSp-I-sf-t¸mse NnX-dn-¡-s¸-Sp¶ AhØ B a\-Êns\ hÃmsX hnj-an¸n-¨n-cp-¶p.
P\n¨p hfÀ¶3-þmw a®n \n¶pw N-cy-§-fnÂ]s¦Sp¯ \n¶pw ]dn¨p \S-s{]Xn\n[n ¸« hnizmk Pohn-]nXmhns\m¸w X-§Ä A\p-Iqe F¸ntkv Im¸ÂkmlAwkw»nbn Ipssh¯v A`nhvy kml-N-cy-§Ä In«n-bn-sÃ-¦n XIÀ¶-Snbpw F¶v A`n-hµy ]nXm-hn-\dn-bm-am-bn-cp¶p. C§s\ AI-e-§fn A\p-Iqe kml-Ncyw \ÂIn hnizmk Pohn-Xs¯ kwc£n¨v t{]mÕm-ln-¸nSMCA bpsS Nne kÖoh {]hÀ¯IÀ 2010 A`nhvy IÀ±n\mfns\ kvÀin¨t¸mÄ t¡!Xm-sW¶ h¯n-¡m³ Iu¬k-nensâ \nÀt±iw \S-¸m-¡-s¸-Sp-¶-Xn-\mbn hgn-tX-SpI B CSb ZuXy-¯nsâ apJy `mK-am-bn-cp-¶p. kn\-Unsâ NÀ¨m hnj-b-§-fnepw CS-b-te-J-\-§-fnepw k`m-Xe kw`m-j-W-§-fnepw {]hm-kn-I-fpsS AP]m-e\w F¶ hnj-b-¯n\v apJy ]cn-K-W\ \ ÂIp-hm³ A`n-hµy ]nXmhv \nc-´cw {ian¨n-cp¶p F¶-XmWv kXyw. \½-tfm-tcm-cpA`nhvy ]nXmhv SMCA bpsS ]¯mw hmÀjnImtLmj¯n ]s¦Sp¯t¸mÄ ¯cpw A\p-`-hn-¡p¶ ]e AP-]m-e\ kuIbpsS ]¯mw hmÀjnImtLmj¯n ]s¦Sp¯t¸mÄ cy-§Ä¡pw ]n¶n Cu \nc-´-c-amb ] cn-{i-a-§Ä D!v F¶p-Å-XmWv hkvXp-X. Gä hpw Ah-kA`nhvy m\w tdman amÀ ]m-¸bv¡p \ÂIphm J¯dnse ssZhmeb IqZmibn ]s¦Sp¯ Ipssh¯v {]Xn\n[nkwLw ]nXmhns\m¸w \mbn X¿md m¡ nb tcJ-I-fn- apJy-]-cnZmibn ]s¦Sp¯ Ipssh¯v {]Xn\n[nkwLw A`nhvy ]nXmhns\m¸w
Ipssh¯v _nj¸v sIm¨nbn A`nhvy IÀ±n\mfns\ kvÀin¨t¸mÄ ¨nbn A`nhvy IÀ±n\mfns\ kvÀin¨t¸mÄ
Syro Malabar Cultural Association, Kuwait -
K-W\ \ÂIn-bn-cn¡p¶ hnj-b-amWv {]hm-kn-I-fpsS AP -]m-e-\w.
2. {]hm-kn-IÄ k`m kwhn-[m-\-t¯mSv tNc-Ww.
{]hm-kn-IÄ¡v AP-]me\ kuIcyw Hcp-¡p-¶-Xp-t]mse Xs¶ {][m\ hnj-b-ambn ]nXmhv Icp-Xn-bn-cp¶ Hcp Imcy-amWv {] hm-kn-IÄ¡v k`m Imcy-§-fn-epÅ `mK-`m-Kn-Xzhpw. Hcp Ime¯v km¼-¯nI t{kmX-Êmbn am{Xw Icp-X-s¸-«n-cp¶ {]hmk temI¯n Aßmb kwL-S-\-IÄ D!m¡n A`n-{]m-b-§Ä kzcq-z ]n¨v Ahsb k`m kwhn-[m-\-¯nsâ `mK-am-¡-W-sa¶v A`n-hµy ]nXmhv B{K-ln-¨n-cp-¶p. KÄ^nse SMCA -Isf k`bpsS HutZym-KnI kwL-S-\-I-fmbn AwKo-I-cn-¡p-hm \pw \½psS A`n-{]m-b-§sf {]hm-kn-IÄ¡pÅ kn\-U I½oj³ aptJ\ kzoI-cn¨v ]cn-K-Wn-¡p-hm-\p-apÅ kwhn-[m-\-§Ä C¡-gnª hÀjw apX Bcw-`n¨p. Aßm-bÀ¡m-bpÅ kotdm ae-_mÀ kn\-U I½o-jsâ Øm]\w Cu cwK¯v Hcp henb Nph-Sp-h-bv¸m-bn-cp-¶p. Hcp BtKmf Aßmb kt½-f\w hnfn¨p tNÀ¯Xpw AXn \½psS {]Xn-\n-[n-IÄ ]s¦A`nhvy ]nXmhv SMCA bpsS ]¯mw hmÀjnImtLmj¯ Sp¯Xpw ChnsS A\p-kva-cn-¡mw. A`nhvy ]nXmhv SMCA bpsS ]¯mw hmÀjnImtLmj¯n ]s¦Sp¯t¸mÄ
k`-bpsS \b-cq-]o-I-cW kwhn-[m-\-amb taPÀ BÀ¡n F¸n-kvt¡m¸Â J¯dnse ssZhmeb IqZmibn ]s¦Sp¯ Ipssh¯v Akw-»n-bpsS aq¶mw kt½-f\w tNcp-hm³ Xocp-am-\n-¨-t¸mÄ {]hmJ¯dnse ssZhmeb IqZmibn ]s¦Sp¯ Ipssh¯v {]Xn\n[nkwLw A`nhvy ]nXmhns\m¸w kn-IÄ¡v AXn ]¦m-fn-¯ -ap!m-I-W-sa-¶v aPÀ BÀ¨v _nj¸v \nÀ t±-in-¨p. AXn-\mbn k`-bpsS `c-W-L-S-\-bn t`X-KXn hcp-¯n-b-Xn\p tijw \½psS {]mXn-\n[yw IqSn DÄs¸-Sp-¯n-bmWv B alm kt½-f\w Ipssh¯v _nj¸v sIm¨nbn A`nhvy IÀ±n\mfns\ k Ipssh¯v \S-¶Xv F¶Xv {]tXyIw {]kvXm-h y-am-Wv. _nj¸v sIm¨nbn A`nhvy IÀ±n\mfns\ kvÀin¨t¸mÄ
3-þmw F¸ntkvIm¸Â Awkw»nbn ]s¦Sp¯ Ipssh¯ 3-þmw F¸ntkvIm¸Â Awkw»nbn ]s¦Sp¯ Ipssh¯v {]Xn\n[n A`nhvy ]nXmhns\m¸w
3. {]hm-kn-I-fpsS hnizmk ]cn-io-e\w:
IqZm-i-I-fpsS ]cn-IÀ½-¯n HXp-§p-¶-Xà AP-]m-e-\ kuIcy-§Ä F¶v hyà-ambn a\-Ên-em-¡n-bn-cp¶p B CS-b-t{i-jvT³. km[y-am-Ip¶ SMCA bpsS Nne kÖoh {]hÀ¯IÀ 2010 A`nhvy I kwhn-[m-\-§-fn-eqsS ]pXp-X-e-ap-d-tSMCA bbpwbpsS apXnÀ¶-scbpw {]hÀ¯IÀ hnizmk ]cnioe-A`nhvy \-¯nsâIÀ±n\mfns\ hgn-I-fn \S¯Ww F¶v Nne h kÖoh 2010 kvÀin¨t¸mÄ Ahn-Sp¶v B{K-ln-¨n-cp-¶p. temI-¯nsâ hnhn[ `mK-§-fn kotdm ae-_mÀ hnizmk ]cn-io-e\ ]²Xn Ip«nIÄ¡mbn \S-¸n-em¡n XpS-§n-bXv C¡m-e-¯m-Wv. AXp-aqew k`-bpsS ]pXp Xe-ap-dsb hnizm-k-¯n Bg-s¸Sp¯n hfÀ¯m³ Ignbpw F¶ t_m[yw ]nXm-hn\v D!m-bn-cp-¶p. Xsâ k`m-k-´m-\-§Ä Pohn-¡p¶ e¯o³ cq]-Xm-[n-Im-cn-I-tfm-Sv aq¶v Bh-iy-§Ä At±lw IrXy-ambn tNmZn-¨p-sImt! Ccp-¶p. BZy-t¯Xv IqZmi ] cn-IÀ½-§Ä Xs¶. sXm«-Sp¯ Øm\-amWv Ip«n-I-fpsS aXA`nhvy ]nXmhv SMCA bpsS ]¯mw hmÀjnImtLmj¯n ]s¦Sp¯t¸mÄ t_m[-\-¯n\v. aq¶m-a-Xmbn hnhml Hcp¡ [ym\-hpw. sI«phmÀjnImtLmj¯n ]s¦Sp¯t¸mÄ dp-¸pÅ IpSpw-_-§-sfbpw hnizmk Ønc-X-bpÅ k`mw-K§-sf-bpw hfÀ¯n-sb-Sp-¡p-hm³ Cu aq¶p Imcy-§fpw Hcp J¯dnse ssZhmeb IqZmibn ]s¦Sp¯ Ipssh¯v {]Xn\n[nkwLw A`nhvy ]nXmhns\m¸w t]mse {]m[m-\ y-aÀln¡p¶-XmWv F¶v B henb CS-b³ s¦Sp¯ Ipssh¯v {]Xn\n[nkwLw A`nhvy ]nXmhns\m¸w HmÀ½n-¸n-¨n-cp-¶p.
Ipssh¯v _nj¸v sIm¨nbn A`nhvy IÀ±n\mfns\ kvÀin¨t¸mÄ kotdm ae-_mÀ k` hfÀ¨-bpsS ]mX-bn ]cn-ip² It¯mhvy IÀ±n\mfns\ kvÀin¨t¸mÄ en¡m k`-bnse hyàn-k-`-IÄs¡Ãmw amXr-I-bmbn apt¶dp-t¼mÄ hnX-b-¯n ]nXm-hnsâ kuayhpw ZrV-hp-amb 3-þmw F¸ntkvIm¸Â Awkw»nbn ]s¦Sp¯ Ipssh¯v {]Xn\n[n A`nhvy ]nXmhns\m¸w ho£-Whpw t\Xr-Xzhpw F{X-tbsd hne-s¸-«-Xm-bn-cp¶p ]s¦Sp¯ Ipssh¯v {]Xn\n[n A`nhvy ]nXmhns\m¸w F¶v Ncn{Xw HmÀ½-s¸-Sp-¯n-s¡m!n-cn-¡pw. SMCA bpw A Xnse AwK-§-fmb \mtam-tcm-cp-¯cpw Cu Ime-L-«-¯n SMCA bpsS Nne kÖoh {]hÀ¯IÀ 2010 A`nhvy IÀ±n\mfns\ AXn-\pÅkvÀin¨t¸mÄ D]-I-c-W-§-fmbn F¶-Xn A`n-am-\n-¡mw. À 2010 A`nhvy IÀ±n\mfns\ kvÀin¨t¸mÄ
A`n-h-µy-]n-Xm-hn\v SMCA IpSpw-_mwK-§-fpsS {]Wm-aw....
Syro Malabar Cultural Association, Kuwait -
SYRO-MALABAR BISHOPS MADE THEIR AD LIMINA VISIT The ad limina visit of the Bishops of the Syro-Malabar Church was from 28 March to April 7th 2011. This document will explain and educate you on the importance of this visit. Ad limina apostolorum, the term more properly used (Latin, meaning «to the threshold of the Apostles») was originally, in the Middle Ages, a reference to a pilgrimage to the tombs of the Apostles Peter and Paul in Rome. The previous ad limina of the Syro-Malabar Bishops were held from 1 to 12 May 2003. During the final years of the Pontificate of John Paul II and the initial years of the Pontificate of Benedict XVI, no ad limina visits were held. Even though it was not obligatory, all the eparchial bishops of the Syro-Malabar Church made their ad limina visit this year from 28 March to 7 April. The Major Archbishop His Beatitude Varkey Cardinal Vithaythail did not take part the ad limina due to his poor health condition. He delegated Mar George Valiamattam to make the address of the Major Archbishop to the Holy Father in the presence of the other bishops. The Curia Bishop Mar Bosco Puthur was the co-ordinator of the various programmes of the ad limina. There was a general audience of the Bishops with the Holy Father which on 7 April. Every Bishop had an individual audience with the Holy Father on other days. Besides, there were planned visits to the various dicasteries of the Holy See. For the visits to the Secretariat of State, the Oriental Congregation and the Congregation for the Evangelization of the Peoples, all the Bishops were present. For other congregations and Pontifical Council various delegations of Bishops were designated. One of the important programmes of the visit is a Seminar on Evangelization and the Syro-Malabar Church, organized by the Liturgical Research Centre, the Marthoma Yogam of Rome and the Pontifical Oriental Institute, Rome in which some of the Cardinal Prefects of the Congregations took part. There was a concelebrated Holy Qurbana in St. Peter’s Basilica on 2 April, at 16.00 hrs. for which all the priests, Religious brothers and sisters and the lay faithful in Rome were invited. On 3 April the Bishops made a pilgrimage to Orthona where the relics of St. Thomas are kept. There the Bishops offered a concelebrated Holy Qurbana at 15.00 hrs. During the visit to the Holy Father, the quinquennial report of the Syro-Malabar Major Archiepiscopal Church and a personal letter of the Major Archbishop was presented to the Holy Father. In all interventions, they were trying to stress the need for an immediate solution to the long-standing issues regarding evangelization and pastoral care of the Syro-Malabar Migrants through a definitive intervention of the Holy Father. During the visist, the Bishops reiterated the following requests: 1.
To restore all India jurisdiction to the Syro-Malabar Church.
To give permission to erect Syro-Malabar Eparchies in the Metropolitan cities like Delhi, Chennai, and Bangalore, and an Eparchy/Exarchy for the rest of India excluding the present proper territory of the Church and the Syro-Malabar eparchies outside it and the proposed eparchies in Delhi, Chennai and Bangalore.
To erect a Syro-Malabar Exarchate for the Gulf Countries. (EXARCH is a bishop appointed over a group of the faithful not yet organized enough to be constituted an eparchy/diocese, thus the equivalent of a Vicar Apostolic).
4. To give permission to erect at least two Syro-Malabar Metropolitan Provinces outside the present territorium proprium of the Syro-Malabar Church. 5.
To take appropriate action regarding the pastoral care of Syro-Malabar migrants in places like Europe, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, and New Zealand.
The ad limina visit of the Bishops of the Syro-Malabar Church was concluded with the hope that there will be some concrete steps taken by the Holy See to address these issues. Let us pray for the Holy Father, Bishops and for the Church so that this visit may become a turning point in the history of the Catholic Church. (Taken from the document published by the curia)
Syro Malabar Cultural Association, Kuwait -
Cu t\m¼p-Im-e¯v
amt½m-Zo-ksb hoÊ pw Isʯmw Taken from Message of His Holiness Benedict Xvi for Lent 2011
Malayalam Translation: POC, KOCHI
"Úm-\-kv\m\w hgn \n§Ä Ah-t\m-sSm¸w kwkvI-cn-¡-s¸«p. AXn \n§Ä Ah-t\m-Sp-IqsS DbnÀ¸n¡s¸-Sp-Ibpw sNbvXn-cn-¡p¶p" (sImtfm 2:12).
amt½m-Zo-km-bpsS Znhkw. A¶p \½Ä {InkvXp-hnsâ ac-W-¯nepw D°m-\-¯nepw ]¦p-Im-cm-bn. A¶v AhnSs¯ injy-Xz-¯n-epÅ kt´m-j-{]-Zhpw BËm-Z-I-chp-amb kml-kn-I-bXv\w \½Ä XpS§n. amt½m-Zok an¡-hmdpw ssii-h-¯n-emWv kzoI-cn-¡p-¶-Xv. AXv F§s\ ssZh-¯nsâ Zm\-am-bn-cn-¡p-¶p-sh-¶Xv B hkvXpX hyà-am-¡p-¶p!-v: Bcpw kz´w ]cn-{i-a-¯neqsS \nXy-Po-h³ k¼m-Zn-¡p-¶n-Ã. ]m]s¯ CÃmbva sN¿p-¶Xpw AtX ka-bw, \½psS Pohn-X-¯n tbip{In-kvXp-hnsâ a\Êv (^nen 2:5) A\p-`-hn-¨-dn-bm³ A\ph-Zn-¡p-¶Xp-amb ssZh-Im-cpWyw a\p-jyÀ¡v kuP-\yZm-\-ambn \evI-s¸-Sp-¶p. {InkvXp-hnsâ ac-W-¯nepw D°m-\-¯n-epapÅ `mK-`m-KnXzw hgn kw`-hn-¡p¶ cq ]m-´-co-I-c-W-¯nsâ AÀ°w hnPm-Xn-b-cpsS A¸-kv tXm-e³, ^nen-¸n-bm-¡mÀ¡pÅ teJ-\-¯nÂhyà-am¡p-¶p-!v. ""AXv Ah-s\bpw Ahsâ D°m-\-¯nsâ iàn-sbbpw Rm³ Adn-bp-¶-Xn\pw Ahsâ kl-\-
¯n ]¦p-tN-cp-¶-Xn\pw Ahsâ ac-W-t¯mSp XmZmßy-s¸-Sp-¶-Xn\pw th!-n-bm-Wv. A§s\ acn-¨-h-cn \n¶pÅ DbnÀ¸v {]m]n-¡m-sa¶p Rm³ {]Xo-£n-¡p ¶p ''. (^nen 3:10-þ11) F¶n-§s\ At±lw ]d-bp-¶p. AXpsIm!v amt½m-Zok `qX-Im-e¯p-\n-¶pÅ Hc-\p-jvTm-\a-Ã. ]ns¶tbm {InkvXp-hp-am-bpÅ I!p-ap-«-em-Wv. AXv ssZhn-I-Po-h³ \evIns¡m!pw BßmÀ°-amb am\km-´-c-¯n-te¡v hnfn-¨p-sIm!pw amt½m-Zok kzoI-cn¨-hsâ apgp-h³ AkvXn-Xz-s¯bpw cq]-h-XvI-cn-¡p-¶p. Ir]m-h-c-¯m Bcw-`n-¡p-Ibpw ]n´m-§-s¸--Sp-Ibpw sNbvXp-sIm!v AXv amt½m-Zok kzoI-cn-¨-hs\ {InkvXp-hnsâ ]Iz-X-bn-se-¯n-t¨-cm³ A\p-h-Zn-¡p¶p. amt½m-Zo-kbpw t\m¼p-Im-ehpw X½n {]tXy-I-amb Hcp _Ô-ap!-v. Imc-Ww, Cu c£m-I-c-Ir] A\p-`hn-¨-dn-bm³ A\p-Iq-eamb Ime-am-W-Xv. t\m¼p-Ime enäÀPn-bpsS amt½m-Zo-km-]-c-amb khn-tijXIÄ
Syro Malabar Cultural Association, Kuwait -
(B-cm-[-\-{Iaw, \¼À 109) IqSp-X-embn D]-tbm-Kn-¡m³ 2-þmw h¯n-¡m³ Iu¬kn-ense ]nXm-¡³ -- amÀ k`bpsS kIe AP-]m-e-I-scbpw Blzm\w sNbvXn-«p!v. bYmÀ°-¯n k` F¶pw CuÌÀ PmK-c-Ws¯ amt½m-Zo-k-bpsS BtLm-j-hp-ambn _Ôn-¸n-¨n-cp-¶p. Cu IqZmi al-¯mb Hcp cl-kys¯ km£m-XvIcn-¡p-¶p. B cl-ky-¯n a\p-jy³ ]m]-¯n\p acn¡p-Ibpw D°n-X-\mb {InkvXp-hnsâ \h-Po-hn-X-¯n ]¦p-tN-cp-Ibpw tbip-hns\ arX-cn \n¶v DbnÀ¸n¨ AtX ]cn-ip-²m-ßm-hns\ kzoI-cn-¡p-Ibpw sN¿p¶p (tdmam 8:11). Cu kuP\y Zm\s¯ \½n Hmtcm-cp¯-cn-epw- F-t¸mgpw ]p\-cp-Öz-en-¸n-¡-Ww. t\m¼pImew kv\m\mÀ-°nXz¯n-tâ-Xp-t]m-epÅ Hcp hgn \ ap¡p \evIp-¶p. kv\m\mÀ°n-Xz-Im-e-am-I-s«, BZn-a-k`-bnse Bfp-IÄ¡v, C¶s¯ kv\m\mÀ°n-IÄs¡¶-t]mse Xs¶, hnizm-k-¯n-sâbpw ss{IkvX-h-Po-hnX-¯n-sâbpw ]Icwhbv¡m-\m-hm¯ hnZym-e-b-am-Wv. bYmÀ°-¯nÂ, X§-fpsS apgp-h³ AkvXn-Xz-s¯bpw cq]-s¸-Sp-¯p¶ Hcp IÀ½-ambn AhÀ X§-fpsS amt½m-Zok Pohn-¡p-¶p. amt½m-Zo-khgn {InkvXp-hnsâ ac-W-¯nepw D°m-\-¯nepw \mw apgp-Ip-¶p. `uXn-I-hkvXp-¡-fpsS `mc-¯n \n¶v Hmtcm Znhkhpw \½psS lrZ-b-§sf kzX-{´-am-¡m³ \mw t{]cn-¸n-¡-s¸-Sp-¶p. \s½ Zcn-{Z-cm-¡p-Ibpw sZh t¯mSpw a\p-jy-tcm-Sp-apÅ Xpd-hn \n¶pw kwe-`yX-bn \n¶pw \s½ XS-bp-Ibpw sN¿p¶ temI-hpam-bpÅ kzmÀ°-Xm-]-c-amb _Ô-¯n \n¶pw \mw kzX-{´-cm-Im³ t{]cn-¸n-¡-s¸-Sp-¶p.
{]mb-Ýn-¯-¯nsâ IqZm-i-bn-eqsS ssZh-h-c-{]-kmZw \ho-I-cn-¡m\pw ZrV-\n-Ý-b-t¯msS {InkvXp-hn-te¡p k©-cn-¡m\pw A\p-Iq-ea - mb Ime-amWv t\m¼p-Imew. \½psS c£-I-\p-am-bpÅ hyàn-]-c-amb I!p-ap-«Â hgnbpw D]-hmkw, [À½-Zm-\w, {]mÀ°\ F¶nh hgnbpw CuÌ-dn-te-¡pÅ am\-km-´-c-¯nsâ bm{X \½psS amt½m-Zo-ksb ho!pw Is!-¯m³ \s½ \ bn-¡p-I-bm-Wv. B \nan-j-¯n ssZhw \½psSta hÀjn¨ hc-{]-km-Z-¯nsâ kzoI-c-Ws¯ \ap¡v Cu t\m¼p-Im-e¯v \ho-I-cn-¡mw. A§s\ AXv \½psS kI-e-{]-hr-¯n-I-sfbpw {]Im-in-¸n-¡p-Ibpw \bn-¡pIbpw sN¿-s«. B IqZmi kqNn-¸n-¡p-Ibpw km£mXvI-cn-¡p-Ibpw sN¿p-¶-sXt´m AXv Hmtcm Znh-khpw A\p-`-hn-¨-dn-bm³ \mw hnfn-¡-s¸-«n-cn-¡p-¶p. ]qÀhm[nIw DZm-c-X-tbmsS BßmÀ°-ambn {InkvXphns\ A\p-K-an-¨p-sIm!v A{]-Imcw sN¿-Ww. ssZh-h-N-\ s¯ hnizm-k-¯nepw amwk-¯nepw P\n-¸n¨ I\y-Ima-dn-b-¯n\v \½psS Cu bm{X-bn \s½-¯s¶ `cta-ev]n-¡mw. AhÄ sNbvX-Xp-t]mse Ah-fpsS ]p{X\mb tbip-hnsâ ac-W-¯nepw D°m-\-¯nepw apgp-IpIbpw \nXy-Po-h³ Ah-Im-i-am-¡p-Ibpw sN¿mw.
Npcp-¡-¯nÂ, Ipcn-insâ clky-s¯-¸än [ym\n-¡m³ \mw £Wn-¡-s¸-Sp¶ t\m¼pIm-e-bm{X sIm!v Dt±-in-¡p-¶Xv ""AhnSs¯ ac-W-¯nsâ amXrI'' (^nen. 3:10) \½n ]p\-cp-Xv]m-Zn-¸n-¡m-\m-Wv. \½psS Pohn-X-¯n Bg-¯n-epÅ am\km-´cw krjvSn-¡-m\m-W-Xv. Zam-kv¡kn-te-¡pÅ hgn-bnÂh¨v hnip² ]utem-kn\v kw`-hn-¨-Xp- t]m-se, ]cn-ip-²m-ßm-hnsâ {]hÀ¯\w hgn, \mw ]cn-hÀ¯n-X-cm-bn¯o-cm-\m-WXv. \½psS AkvXn Xzs¯ ssZthjvS-{]-Imcw ZrV-\n-Ý-b-t¯msS \bn-¡p-¶-Xn\p th!n-bm-WXv. aäp-Å-h-cp-sS-ta B[n-]Xyw ]peÀ¯m-\pÅ hmk-\sb IogS-¡n-s¡m!pw \s½ {InkvXphnsâ kvt\l-¯n-te¡p Xpd-¶p-sIm!pw \½psS Alw`mh-¯n \n¶v \s½ kzX-{´-cm-¡m-\p-am-WXv. \½psS Pohn-Xs¯ BßmÀ °-ambn ]cn-tim-[n¨v \½psS ZpÀ_-e-X-Isf Xncn-¨-dn-bm\pw
Syro Malabar Cultural Association, Kuwait -
henb BgvN-bn-te¡v IS-¡p-t¼mÄ GsXmcp
{InkvXym-\n¡pw hnti-jn¨v It¯m-en¡m k`mw-K-amb HcmÄ¡v B!p-h-«-¯nse Gähpw {] [m-\-s¸« Znh-k-§-fmWv Hmim\ RmbÀ apX DbÀ¸ph-sc-bpÅ Hcm-gv¨. `àn-tbmSpw XojvW-X-tbmSpw IqSn Cu Znh-k-§-fn-eqsS IS¶p t]mIp-hm³ DX-Ip¶ Nne ]mc-¼-cy-§Ä Xe-ap-d-bmbn ssIamdn \ap¡v e`n¨n-«p!v. Ahbpw k`-bpsS \nÀt±-i-§fpw \n§sf H¶v HmÀ½-s¸-Sp-¯p-hm³ Dt±-in-¨p-Å-XmWv Cu Ipdn-¸v. Ipssh-änse \mev CS-h-I-Ifnepw \½psS Bcm-[-\-{I-a-a-\p-k-cn¨v hnip²hmc IÀ½-§Ä A\p-jvSn-¡-s¸-Sp¶p!v. Ah-bn ]s¦-Sp¯v A\p-{Klw {]m]n-¡p-hm³ \ap¡v {ian-¡mw.
G{]n 17 Hmim\RmbÀ Hen-hne NnÃ-tb´n Cutimsb \K-c-¯n-te¡v kzoI-cn¨ Pdp-ktew \nhm-kn-I-tfmSpw amem-J-am-tcmSpw tNÀ¶v Hmim-\-]m-Sn-s¡m!v \½psS \mYs\ \ap¡pw kzoI-cn-¡mw. Ipcp-t¯m-e-Ifpw Hmim\ KoXhpw \½psS Bcm[\m Pohn-X-¯n Krlm-Xp-c-Xz-ap-WÀ¯p-¶p. sh©cn¨ Ipcp-t¯m-e-IÄ hml-\-¯nepw ho«n-ep-sams¡ {] Xn-jvTn-¡p-Ibpw ASp¯ Hcp hÀj-t¯bv¡v ssZh-a-l-Xz-¯nsâ AS-bm-f-ambn Ah \t½m-sSm¸w D!m-hpIbpw sN¿pw. ]gb Hme-IÄ I¯n¨p If-bp-I-b-ÃmsX Nhäp sIm«-bn \nt£-]n-¡p-¶Xv \½psS amXm]n-Xm-¡Ä hne-¡n-bn-cp-¶Xv HmÀ¡p-I. Hmim\ Rmb-dmgvN "sImgp-¡«' F¶ a[pc ]e-lmcw ]¦p-h-bv¡p¶ ]Xnhv tIc-f-¯nsâ Nne `mK-§-fn \ne-hn-ep!v
G{]n 20 henb _p[³ henb _p[-\m-gvN-ap-X DbnÀ¸p RmbÀ hsc sNmtÃ! {Xnk-Ôym-P]w {]tXyIw {i²n-¡p-I. ""aninlm \s½-{]Xn ac-W-t¯mfw Iogv hg-§n..'' F¶p XpS-§p¶ hnip²hmc {Xnk-Ôym-P]w {]mÀ°\m ]pkvX-I-§fn \n¶pw e`y-am-Wv.
G{]n 21 s]k-lm-hymgw kotdm ae-_mÀ k`-bpsS ]mc-¼-cy-§-fn Gähpw hyXn-c-àhpw AÀ°h¯p-amb H¶mWv s]klm Zn\m-Nc-Ww. ssZhm-eb Xncp-¡À½-§-fnepw hnip-²-IpÀºm-\-bpsS ]c-kym-cm-[-\-bnepw ]s¦-Sp-¡p-¶-Xn-t\m-sSm¸w IpSpw-_-§-fn A\p-jvSn-¡-s¸-Sp¶ Hcp hne-s¸« ]mc-¼-cy-amWv s]klm A¸w apdn-bv¡Â. kao-]-Ime¯v acWw kw`hn¨ `h-\-§-fn A¸hpw ]mepw D!m-¡m-dn-Ãm-bn-cp-¶p. AhÀ¡v _Ôp-¡fpw kplr-¯p¡fpw kvt\lw ]Ip¯p \ÂIp¶ A]qÀÆ A\p-`-h-ambpw Cu Znhkw Icp-X-s¸-Sp-¶p. s]klm A¸hpw ]mepw D!m-t¡! hn[w Cu _pÅ-än\n tNÀ¯n-«p!v. IpSpw_ enäÀPn-bn \n¶pw FSp¯ {]mÀ°-\bpw \n§Ä¡mbn Cu _pÅ-än-\n tNÀ¡p-¶p. Gcn-bm-I-fn IpSpw-_-bq-Wn-äp-IÄ kwbp-à-ambn Cu ip{iqj \S-¯p-¶Xv \½psS ]c-kv]c kvt\l-¯nsâ AS-bm-f-am-b-Xn-\m Ign-hXpw Bfp-IÄ AXn ]s¦-Sp-¡Wsa¶v HmÀ½n-¸n-¡p-¶p.
G{]n 22 ]oUm-\p-`h shÅn D]-hmk Zn\-amWv F¶v {]tXyIw HmÀ½n-¸n-¡-s«. Xncp IÀ½-§-tfm-sSm¸w ]m]-¸-cn-lmc IÀ½-§Ä A\pjvSn-¡p¶ ]mc-¼-cyhpw \ap¡v D!v. Aºm-knb C-S-h-I-bn t\À¨¡ªn hnX-cWw sNbvXp-sIm!v \½psS kwL-S-\mw-K-§Ä Hcp henb Znh-ks¯ A\p-kva-cn-¡p-¶p. 6000  A[nIw Bfp-IÄ¡v \½psS IpSpw_ bqWn-äp-IÄ \ÂIp¶ Cu kvt\l-hn-cp¶v \½psS {]hÀ¯-\-§sf IpSp-X AÀ°-h-¯m-¡p-¶p. C´y³ sk³{S kvIqfn kotdm-a-e-_mÀ Xncp-¡À½-§Ä¡p tijw Bbn-cn¡pw t\À¨-¡ªn hnX-c-Ww.
G{]n 23 hen-b-i\n Úm\kv\m\hrX \ho-I-c-W-hpw, ]p¯³ Xobpw ]p¯³ shÅhpw henb i\n-bm-gvN-bpsS IÀ½-§-fm-
Syro Malabar Cultural Association, Kuwait -
bmWv \½psS Bcm-[\m {Ia-¯n-ep-Å-Xv. Ipssh-¯nse kmÂanb Hgn-¨pÅ ssZhm-e-b-§-fn Cu Znhkw cmhnse \½psS Bcm-[\m {Ia-¯n ip{iq-j-IÄ D!v.
G{]n 23 DbnÀ¸p RmbÀ Bcm-[\m{Ia hÕ-c-¯nse Gähpw {][m-\-s¸« Xncp-\mÄ. 50 Znh-ks¯ t\m¼nsâ kam-]-\w. DbnÀ¸p RmbÀ XpS§n 50 Znh-k-§-fn-tebv¡v {]tXyI {Xnk-Ôym-P]amWv sNmtÃ!Xv. ""kzÀtÃmI cmÚn B\-µn-¨m-epw..... ltÃ-eq-¿...'' F¶ P]w {]mÀ°\m ]pkvX-I-§-fn e`y-am-Wv. Cu Ipdn¸v Ah-km-\n-¸n-¡p-t¼mÄ Gähpw {][m-\-Imcyw HmÀ½n-¸n-¡-s«. ""B!n Hcn-¡-se-¦nepw Ip¼-km-cn¡pIbpw s]k-lm-¡m-e¯v hnip² IpÀºm\ kzoI-cn-¡p-Ibpw thWw''. F¶v Xncp-k-`-bpsS Iev]-\-IÄ A\pim-kn-¡p¶p!v. FÃm-hÀ¡pw `àn-\nÀ`-c-amb hni-²-hmcw Biw-kn-¡p-¶tXmsSm¸w DbnÀ¸p Xncp-¶m-fnsâ awK-f-§Ä t\cp-Ibpw sN¿p-¶p.
: 16th April Saturday 7.30 pm (in the Church)
Our Lady Of Arabia church, Ahmadi
: 17th April Sunday 7.30 am
St. Therese Church, Salmiya
St. Daniel Comboni, Abbasiya
: 17th April Sunday 8.00 pm (integrated)
17th April Sunday 8.30 pm
Maundy Thursday Services Holy Family Cathedral
: 21st April Thursday 8.00 pm (HFH/Court)
Our Lady Of Arabia church, Ahmadi
21st April Thursday 3.30 pm
St. Daniel Comboni, Abbasiya
21st April Thursday 5.30 pm (integrated)
Holy Family Cathedral
22nd April Friday 7.30 pm (HFH/Court)
Our Lady Of Arabia church, Ahmadi
22nd April Friday 11.30 am
St. Therese Church, Salmiya
: 22nd April Friday 6.30 am
St. Daniel Comboni, Abbasiya
Good Friday Services
22nd April Friday 10.30 am (Central)
Holy Saturday Services (baptismal renewal) Holy Family Cathedral
23rd April Saturday 6.30 am (in the church)
Our Lady Of Arabia church, Ahmadi
: 23rd April Saturday 6.30 am
St. Daniel Comboni, Abbasiya
23rd April Saturday 6.30 am (Basement)
Holy Family Cathedral
24th April Sunday 10.30 am (in the church)
Our Lady Of Arabia church, Ahmadi
: 24th April Sunday 4.00 am
St. Therese Church, Salmiya
23rd April Saturday 12 Midnight
St. Daniel Comboni, Abbasiya
23rd April Saturday 8.30 am (integrated)
St. Daniel Comboni, Abbasiya
24th April Sunday 7.30 pm (Basement)
Easter Services
Syro Malabar Cultural Association, Kuwait -
Tany Elizabeth Nalpathamkalam
President – Baladeepthi
The Dreams of Tomorrow
We are in the world that is fast growing. Today’s children are tomorrow’s adults and to rule the world. Children are the strong pillars of tomorrow and to become strong they require a strong foundation. Abdul Kalam once said, “Children Should Dream”. In today’s fast moving world there are many things to achieve as well as many rewards to receive. Today’s young generation should dream high and strive hard to make their dreams come true. When we feel that there are great deeds to do and more things to achieve, we put in a lot of effort to reach success. ‘Aim at the moon, even if you loose you’ll land among the stars’. Yes, this is possible only when we inculcate in ourselves self confidence which will help us to think of tomorrow. And when we have the ability to think, our minds will never turn out to be idol. Aiming high does not only mean that we should always think about ourselves and our goals but it also enables us to work for the society and to fight the inequalities in it. There are many social evils prevailing in this world especially in the underdeveloped and developing world. We often come across ‘Child Labor’ which is prevalent in many parts of India where children are made to bore mines, clean roads etc. These social evils cannot be fully eradicated by us but there are small things which we can do. Mainly we can spread awareness through our activities, drawings, essays, speeches etc. When we come across such issues, it also helps us to identify how lucky we are to enjoy our childhood when there are millions who are unable to laugh and enjoy the childhood whole heartedly. Today we can fight these issues through small means but tomorrow when we grow up and acquire different positions in society, how can we tackle these. To solve these in an appropriate manner we require a long vision, leadership qualities and a mind that can dream and ponder upon new ideas. Human being should attain these qualities in the childhood itself. Baladeepthi is truly for all the children to help them to inculcate leadership qualities, self confidence, social awareness, etc. Being a common platform of the younger generation of Syro Malabar Community in Kuwait, it has to undertake more and more activities so as to provide diverse opportunities to our children and to instill social commitments, understanding, compassion to the poor, marginalized, sick and the less fortunate. Let us think and work together. All our dreams can be achieved tomorrow when we can do a bit of it today by taking part various social activities which will help us to become true Christians, useful citizens, beneficial to our family as well as the society, to be an instrument and agent of life and peace. Let us remember the words of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI «Do not let yourselves be discouraged, and do not give up on your dreams! Instead, cultivate all the more your heart>s great desire for fellowship, justice and peace. The future is in the hands of those who know how to seek and find sound reasons for life and hope».
Syro Malabar Cultural Association, Kuwait -
2 kp{]-[m\ Imcy-§Ä hnÂk¬ hS-t¡-S¯v {Sj-dÀ
IpSpw_ klmb \n[n-
\½psS IpSpw_ klmb \n[n-sb-¡p-dn¨v (FBS) Hcp Ipdn-s¸-gp-Xphm³ Fs¶ t{]cn-¸n-¨Xv Cu hÀjs¯
BI-kvan-I-amb Nne thÀ]m-Sp-IÄ BWv. Cu {]hÀ¯\ hÀj-¯n¯s¶ \½psS aq¶v AwK-§Ä CXphsc ssZh-k-¶n-[n-bn-te¡v hnfn-¡-s¸-«p. \½psS \nb-am-hen A\p-im-kn¡pw hn[w IpSpw-_-k-lmb ]²Xn A\p-k-cn¨v 2 -e£w cq]w hoXw \½Ä B IpSpw-_-§Ä¡v \ÂIp-Ibpw sNbvXp.
\me©p hÀj-§Ä¡p ap¼v SMCAbpsS AwKXzw \ne-\nÀ¯p-¶-Xn\v FBS Contribution A\n-hm-cyam-¡nb Ah-k-c-¯n \½psS Nne AwK-§-sf-¦nepw FXnÀ¸v {]I-Sn-¸n-¨n-cp-¶p. CsXmcp C³jpd³kv ]²-Xn-bm-sW¶v Icp-Xn-bm-h-Ww, R§Ä¡v CXnsâ Bh-iy-anà F¶v A¯-c-¡m-cn ] ecpw hmZn-¨-Xv. F¶m Ignª Nne kw`-h-§Ä CXnsâ A\n-hm-cy-Xsb Du«n Dd-¸n-¡p-¶-Xn\v sXfn-hmbn F¶v ]d-bm-sX-h-¿. Cu A\n-hm-cyX a\-Ênem¡n-s¡m!v IpSw-_-k-lmb \n[n-bn-eqsS \½Ä \ÂIp¶ XpI 2 e£w cq]-bn \n¶v hÀ²n-¸n-¡Ww F¶ Bhiyw ]e-tIm-Wn \n¶pw DbÀ¶p XpS-§n. A¯-c-samcp Bhiyw XoÀ¯pw XÅn-¡-f-bm-hp¶ H¶-Ã. F¶n-cp-¶mepw Hcp AXym-lnXw aqew kw`-hn-¡p¶ km¼-¯nI t¢i-§Ä¡v kzIp-Spw_w kkvt\lw \¡p¶ Cu ]n³Xp-W- Hc-f-hp-hsc-h-sc-sb-¦nepw- Bizm-k-am-Ip-¶p!v F¶p-Å-XmWv hkvXp-X. Cu ASp¯ Ime¯v am\-´-hmSn ]nXmhv amÀ tPmkv s]mcp-t¶Sw \½psS Cu ]n³Xp-Wsb hfsc henb Hcp tkh-\-sa¶v hnti-jn-¸n-¨Xv kt´m-j-t¯msS ChnsS A\p-kva-cn-¡-s«. hfsc ASp-¯-Sp-¯p!mb thÀ]m-Sp-IÄ aqew \½p-sS FBS ^!nsâ \ne-hnse AhØ Bizm-k-I-c-aà F¶v IqSn ]d-tb!Xp!v. Hcp AXym-ln-X-ap!m-bm-ep-S³ B IpSpw-_s¯ klm-bn-¡p-hm-\mbn FBS ^!v kÖ-am-bn-cn-¡Ww F¶mWv \½psS \nb-am-hen A\p-im-kn-¡p-¶-Xv. Gcn-b-I-fn \n¶pw FBS hnlnXw AUzm³kv sNbvXmWv C¡-gnª ASn-b-´nc kml-N-cy-¯n CS-s]-Sp-hm³ \ap¡v km[n-¨Xv F¶p-ÅXpw CXn-t\mSv tNÀ¯v ]d-tb!-Xm-Wv. SMCA -bpsS ]pXnb {]hÀ¯\ hÀj-¯n-te¡v IS-¡p-t¼mÄ C¯cw kml-N-cy-§sf t\cn-Sp-¶-Xn\v kzbw kÖ-am-¡p-hm-\pÅ \nÀt±-i-§Ä kaÀ¸n-¡-W-sa¶pw Bh-iy-sa-¦n Hcp \nb-am-hen t`Z-KXn C¡m-cy¯n D!m-h-W-sa¶pw DbÀ¶n-«pÅ A`n-{]m-b-§fpw \n§-fp-ambn Rm³ ]¦p-h-bv¡p-¶p. ]c-kv]c kvt\l¯n-sâbpw kl-I-c-W-¯n-sâbpw {]Xo-I-amb \½psS IpSpw_ klmb ]²Xn aäp kwL-S-\-IÄ¡pw amXrI-bm-Ip-¶-Xn \½p¡v A`n-am-\n-¡mw.
A©m-aXv `h\ \nÀ½mW ]²Xn \½psS 5þmaXv `h\ \nÀ½mW ]²Xn XriqÀ AXn-cq-]-X-bn \S-¸n-em-¡p¶ hnhcw CXn-\Iw Ghcpw Adn-ªn-«p!m-Ip-atÃm 3 e£w cq] hoXw Nne-hp-h-cp¶ 50 `h-\-§Ä Cu ]²-Xn-bn-eqsS \nÀ½n-¡m-\m-hpsa-¶mWv \½Ä {]Xo-£n-¡p-¶-Xv. tIcfw apgp-h³ AXoh XmXv]-cy-t¯msS ho£n-¡p¶ Cu ]²XnbpsS hnPbw \n§-tfm-tcm-cp-¯-cp-sSbpw k·-\-Êm-Wv. I½-än-bw-K-§Ä \n§sf kao-]n-¡p-t¼mÄ ]c-am-h[n klI-cWw \ÂIWw F¶v A`yÀ°n-¡p¶p.
GhÀ¡pw DbnÀ¸p-Xn-cp-¶m-fm-iw-k-IÄ 15
Christmas New Year Fest
Christmas New Year Fest
Syro Malabar Cultural Association, Kuwait -
Abbasiya Area Activities ^manen ]nIv\nIv Aºm-knb Gcn-bm-bpsS Ncn-{X-¯n BZy-ambn \S-¯nb ^manen ]nIv\nIv 2011 s^{_p-hcn 17 hymgmgvN anj-d^v KmÀU-\n sh¨v \S-¶p. 800tesd t]À ]s¦-Sp¯ ]nIv\nIv cmhnse 10.30 \v XpS§n sshIo«v 6 \p kam-]n-¨p. Gcn-b-bnse hnhn[ IpSpw-_-§Ä X½n-epÅ _Ôw IpSp-X Du«n-bp-d-¸n-¡m³ Cu ]nIv\nIv klm-b-I-c-am-bn.
]p¡qSv aÕcw 2010 se {InkvXp-a-kn\p Gcn-bm-bnse AwK-§Ä¡mbn ]p¡qSv aÕcw \S-¯p-I-bp!m-bn. anI¨ \ne-hmcw ]peÀ¯nb aÕ-c-¯n skâ v sk_m-Ìy³ IpSpw-_-bq-Wn-änse {io. {^m³kokv amXyp ap!¡mSv H¶mw Øm\ hpw skâ v tPm-k^v IpSpw-_-bq-Wn-änse {io. Pbvk¬ tkhyÀ ap!¹m-¡Â c!mw Øm\hpw skâ v tPmÀÖv IpSpw-_-bq-Wn-änse {io. amXyp tPmk^v Np¡-\m-\n-bn aq¶mw Øm\hpw t\Sn.
henb t\m¼m-N-cWw henb t\m¼n\v apt¶m-Sn-bmbn amÀ¨v 4\p sshIn«v 6 aWn¡v kotdm ae-_mÀ IpÀ_m-\bv¡v ap³]v kIe acn-¨-hÀ¡pw-th!n henb H-¸okv \S-¯p-Ibp!m-bn. henb t\m¼nse FÃm i\n-bm-gvN-I-fnepw Aºm-knb
Syro Malabar Cultural Association, Kuwait -
Gcn-b-bnse 12 IpSpw_ bqWn-äp-I-fnepw "Ipcn-insâ hgn' \S-¯n-h-cp-¶p. hn. Um\n-tb It¼mWn CS-h-I-bpsS B`nap-Jy-¯n 2011 G{]n 22 ZpxJ-sh-Ån-bmgvN cmhnse 10.30\p Aºm-knb sk³{S kvIqfn h¨v kotdm ae-_mÀ {Ia¯n-epÅ ip{iq-j-IÄ¡v tijw Iªn-hn-X-cWw \S-¯p¶-Xn-\pÅ CS-h-I-bpsS £Ww SMCA A-ºm-knb Gcnb kzoI-cn¨v Gsä-Sp-¯n-cn-¡p-I-bm-Wv. {]kvXpX ]cn-]m-Sn-bpsS hnPb-¯n-\mbn IpSpw-_-bq-Wn-ä-IÄ hgn {]hÀ¯-\-§Ä apt¶m«p t]mIp-¶p. Bdm-bn-c-¯n-e-[nIw t]À¡v Iªn-hn-X-cWw \S-¯m -\pÅ km[-\-§Ä CXn-\Iw Xs¶ AwK-§Ä kvt]m¬kÀ sNbvXp Ign-ªp.
sa¼Àjn¸v Cu {]hÀ¯-\-hÀjw 2011 amÀ¨v amkw hsc Aºm-knb Gcn-b-bn 200 Hmfw t]À ]pXnb sa¼Àjn¸v FSp-¡pItbm \nÀPo-h-amb sa¼Àjn¸v ]pXp-¡p-Itbm sNbvXn-«p!v
cà-Zm\ {]Nm-c-Ww. SMCA
Aºm-knb Gcn-b-bpsS t\Xr-Xz-¯n cà-Zm\ {]Nm-c-W-¯n\v XpS¡w Ipdn-¨p. ASp¯ ]Sn-bmbn càZm\w sN¿m³ X¿m-dpÅ AwK-§-fpsS ]«nI X¿m-dm-¡nh-cp-¶p.
_me-Zo]vXn hnizm-k-]-cn-io-e\ ¢mÊp-IÄ SMCA Aºm-knb Gcn-b-bpsS t\Xr-Xz-¯n 2010 HIvtSm-_À 15 \p XpS¡w Ipdn¨ 2010þ11 hÀjs¯ hnizm-k-]-cn-io-e\ ¢mkpIÄ Aºm-knbbn FÃm shÅn-bm-gv¨-I-fnepw \S-¶p- h-cp-¶p. 1 apX 8 hsc ¢mÊp-I-fn-embn 350 tesd Ip«n-I-fmWv ChnsS ]Tn-¡p-¶-Xv. slUvamÌÀ {io. amXyp aä-¯n-ensâ t\Xr-Xz-¯n 13 A[ym-]-I-cmWv ¢mÊp-IÄ \bn-¡p-¶-Xv. kotdm ae-_mÀ kn\ Uv AwKo-I-cn¨ "c£-bpsS ]mX-bnÂ' F¶ hnizm-k-]-cn-io-e\ ]mTm-hen BWv Ip«n-Isf ]Tn-¸n-¡p-¶-Xv. CXn-t\m¸w ae-bmf `mjm ]T-\hpw FÃm ¢mÊn-epw \S¯n hcp-¶p!v. CubnsS \m«n \n¶pw Ipssh-än kµÀi-¯n\p h¶ _lp-am-\-s¸« sshZn-Icmb ^m. tPmÀÖv Imcw-then (hn.-kn. Unssh³ dn{Soäv B{i-aw, ^co-Z-_m-Zv), ^m. tP¡_v Im«Sn (U-b-d-IvSÀ, CHASS N§-\m-ticn), ^m. sk_m-Ìy³ IqS-¸m«v (s{]m-hn³jymÄ, H.-kn.-Un. ae-_mÀ s{]mhn³kv) F¶n-hÀ hnizm-k-]-cn-io-e\ ¢mkp-IÄ kµÀin¡p-Ibpw anI¨ A`n-{]mbw tcJ-s]-Sp-¯p-Ibpw sNbvXp. k½À Ah[n XpS-§p-¶-Xn\v ap³]v Cu hcp¶ sabv amk¯n hmÀjnI ]co-£-tbmsS Cu hÀjs¯ ¢mkp-IÄ kam]n-¡pw.
_me-Zo]vXn NnÂ{U³kv s^äv Aºm-knb Gcn-b-bnse _me-Zo]vXn AwK-§Ä¡mbn hnhn[ Ifn-Ifpw Iem-]-cn-]m-Sn-Ifpw kn\na {]ZÀi-\hpw DÄs]-Sp¯ns¡m!v BZy-ambn \S-¯nb "NnÂ{U³kv s^äv' 2011 s^{_p-hcn 26\p D¨-I-gnªp 2 aWn aX 8 aWn-hsc Aºm-knb bpssWäUv C´y³ kvIqfn h¨v \S-¶p. _me-Zo]vXn Aºmknb Gcnb I½-än-bpsS t\XrXz-¯n \S¶ {]kvXpX ]cn]m-Sn-bn ]s¦-Sp¯ 500 e[nIw Ip«n-IÄ¡v ad-¡m\m-hm¯ A\p-`-h-ambn NnÂ{U³kv s^äv amdn.
Syro Malabar Cultural Association, Kuwait -
City-Farwaniya Area Activities {InkvXp-akv \yqbnÀ BtLmjw knän lÀÆm-\nb Gcnb hnizmk ]cn-io-e\ ¢mÊnse Ip«n-IÄ¡mbn {InkvXp-akv \yqbnÀ BtLmjw \S-¯n. Ifn-I-fnepw ]m«nepw Iem-]-cn-]m-Sn-I-fnepw FÃm-hcpw Xs¶ hfsc DÕm-l-t¯msS ]¦p-sIm!p-. ]cn-]m-Sn-I-fpsS Ah-km\w cpNn-I-c-amb kvt\l-hn-cp¶p BkzZn-¨v Ip«n-IÄ hoSp-I-fn-te¡v aS-§n-.
_me-Zo]vXn ]nIv-\nIv knän ^ÀÆm-\nb Gcnbbnse _me-Zo]vXn Ip«n-IÄ¡mbn s^{_p-hcn 26 \p Ipsshäv arK-im-e-bn kµÀi\w \S-¯n. D¨-tbmsS Bcw-`n¨ ]nIv\nIv sshIp-t\cw 5 aWn-tbmSv IqSn Ah-km-\n-¨p. Ipsshäv kzmX{´y Zn\hpw hntam-N\ Zn\hpw BtLm-jn-¡p-¶-Xn-s\m¸w ]c-kv]cw ImWp-hm\pw kulr-Z-§Ä ]pXp-¡p-hm\pw ck-I-c-amb Ifn-I-fnepw ImbnI hnt\m-Z-§-fnepw GÀs¸-Sm\pw ssIh¶ B Ah-kcw FÃm Ip«n-Ifpw hfsc \¶mbn hn\n-tbm-Kn-¨p.
Ipcn-insâ hgn
Syro Malabar Cultural Association, Kuwait -
City-Farwaniya Area Activities knän ^ÀÆm-\nb GcnbbpsS IpSpw_ bqWn-«p-I-fnepw FÃm hÀjhpw \S-¯m-dp-ÅXv t]mse Cu hÀjhpw Ipcn-insâ hgn Bcw-`n-¨p. t\m¼v Ime-¯nse BZy shÅn-bmgv¨ Bcw-`n-¨v ]c-am-h[n hoSpI-fn Ipcn-insâ hgn \S-¯m³ Ign-bp¶ hn[amWv ]mcn-]m-SnIÄ X¿mdm-¡n-bn-cn-¡p-¶Xv. Ign-bp-¶{X ]¦m-fn¯w sIm!v Ipcn-insâ hgn-bn ]s¦-Sp¯p [\y-cm-Ip-hm³ FÃm AwK-§fpw ]c-am-h[n ]cn-{ian-¡-p¶p.
hmÀUp {]mÀ°-\-Ifpw hnizmk ]cn-io-e\ ¢mÊp-Ifpw FÃm amkhpw \S-¯p¶ hmÀUp {]mÀ°-\-IÄ FÃm bqWn-äp-I-fnepw km[m-cWt]mse \S¶p hcp¶p. X§-fpsS km¶n-[yhpw ]¦m-fn-¯hpwsIm!v {]mÀ°-\m-tbm-K-§Ä Ign-bp-¶{X `àn-km-{µ-am-¡phm³ FÃm-hcpw hf-sc-b-[nIw DÕm-ln-¡p-¶p!v. AXp-t]m-se Xs¶ hnizmk ]cn-io-e\ ¢mÊp-Ifn Ip«n-IÄ FÃm-hcpw Xs¶ hfsc Xmev]-cy-t¯msS ]s¦-Sp-¡p-Ibpw H¸w Xs¶ Zn\w {]Xn IpSp-X ] pXnb Ip«n-IÄ ¢mÊp-I-fn ]s¦-Sp-¡m-\mbn F¯n-tN-cp-Ibpw sNbvXp-sIm!n-cn-¡p-¶p.
Syro Malabar Cultural Association, Kuwait -
Fahaheel Area Activities ]pXnb IpSpw-_-bq-Wnäpw hnizmk ]cn-io-e\ ¢mÊpw ^mllo Gcn-b-bn hfÀ¨-bpsS ]Sn-IÄ tcJ-s¸-Sp-¯n-s¡m!v ]pXnb Hcp IpSpw-_-bq-Wnäpw A©m-as¯ hnizmk ]cn-io-e\ ¢mÊpw \nehnÂh¶p. A_p Jeo^ `mK¯v \ne-hn-epÅ skâ v tXmak,v skâ v t]mÄ F¶o bqWn-äp-IÄ ]p\-{I-ao-I-cn-¨p-sIm!v ]pXn-b-Xmbn cq]w \ÂInb skâ v tacokv IpSpw-_-bq-Wnäv Gcn-bbnse F«m-as¯ IpSpw-_-bq-Wn-äm-Wv. skâ v sk_m-Ìy³, skâ v tPmÀÖv F¶o IpSpw-_-bq-Wn-äp-I-fnse Ip«n-IÄ¡m-bmWv ]pXnb hnizmk ]cn-io-e\ ¢mÊv Bcw-`n-¨-Xv. s^{_p-hcn 25-þmw XobXn Cu ]pXnb kwcw`w \ne-hn h¶p.
Inauguration of Viswasapariseelana class in St. Sebastian & St. George Unit.
t\m¼v BN-cWw ^mlm-lo Gcn-b-bn IpSpw-_-bq-Wn-äp-IÄ tI{µn-I-cn¨v `àn \nÀ`-c-amb t\m¼m-N-cWw \S¶p hcp-¶p. FÃm shÅn-bm-gvN-I-fnepw AwK-§-fpsS `h-\-§-fn Ipcn-insâ hgn {]mÀ°-\-IÄ kwL-Sn-¸n-¨p. Al½Zn tZhm-e-b-¯nse t\m¼p-Ime [ym\-¯nepw aäp Bcm-[\m IÀ½-§-fnepw SMCA AwK-§Ä ]s¦-Sp-¡p¶p. ]Xn-hp-t]mse s]klm hymgmgvN sshIp-t¶cw IpSpw-_-bq-Wn-äp-IÄ kwbp-à-ambn A¸w apdn-b-¡Â ip{iqj \S-¯p-¶-Xm-Wv. awK^v HmUn-täm-dn-b-¯n h¨v \S-¡p¶ ip{iq-j-bnepw {]mÀ°-\-bnepw FÃmhcpw ]s¦-Sp-t¡!Xm-Wv
HmÀ½ BN-cn¨p \½p-sS CS-bn \n¶pw BI-kvan-I-ambn thÀ]n-cnª sa_n³ F½m-\p-th (S/o. Emamanual George, St. Paul unit) PÌn³ tPmÀÖv (S/o.George Mathew, St. Mathew unit) kntPm tPmkv (S/o. Jose Mathew, St. Paul unit) F¶n-h-cpsS HmÀ½ BN-cn-¨p-sIm!v Ah-cpsS Bßm-¡Ä¡mbn P\p-hcn 24-þmw XobXn Al-½Zn ssZhme-b-¯n hn. _en AÀ¸n-¡p-I-bp!m-bn. _lp. amXyp aT-¯n-¡p-t¶-e-¨³ ImÀ½n-I-\m-bn-cp-¶p. hn. _ enbnepw H¸n-knepw ]s¦-Sp¯p {]mÀ°n¨ FÃm AwK-§-sfbpw CXn\v Ah-k-c-sam-cp¡n¯¶ CS-hI hnImcn B³{Uqkv A¨-s\bpw \µn-tbmsS kvacn-¡p-¶p.
Syro Malabar Cultural Association, Kuwait -
Fahaheel Area Activities »Uv sUmtW-j³ Iym¼v Ipssh-äv »Uv _m¦v skmssk-än-bp-ambn tNÀ¶v Gcn-b-bn \S-¯nb »Uv sUmtW-j³ Iym¼n \qtdmfw AwK-§Ä cà-Zm\w \nÀÆ-ln-¨p. SMCA {]kn-Uâ v {io. sPbvk¬ sN½-®qÀ Iym¼nsâ DZvLmS\w \nÀÆ-ln-¨p. P\-d sk{I«n {io. dntPmbv tIfw-]-d-¼n BZy cà-Zm\w \S¯n. tI{µ tkmjy shÂs^-bÀ I½-än-bpsS AI-a-gnª ]n³Xp-Wbv¡v \µn AÀ¸n-¡p-¶p.
aäv Gcnb {]hÀ¯-\-§Ä Cu {]hÀ¯\ hÀj-¯n 60 AwK-§Ä Gcn-b-bn ]pXp-Xmbn tNcp-I-bp!mbn
c!c e£w cq]-bpsS D]hn {]hÀ¯-\-§Ä Cu {]hÀ¯\ hÀj-¯n Gcn-b-bn \S-¸n-em¡n s^{_p-hcn 25\v \S¶ Al-½Zn ]mcnjv s^änsâ hnP-b-¯n-\m-bn SMCA AwK-§Ä AI-a-gnª ]n³XpW \ÂIp-I-bp!mbn.
Syro Malabar Cultural Association, Kuwait -
Salmiya Area Activities B
dp-amkw ]n¶n-Sp¶ Cu {]hÀ¯\ hÀj-¯-n kmÂanb Gcn-bm-bpsS {]hÀ¯\§fn-eqsS IS¶p t]mIp-t¼mÄ a\-Ên \ndªp \n¡p¶ kt´mj-I-chpw AtXm-sSm¸w ZpxJ-I-c-hp-amb HmÀ½-I-fn-te¡v Hcp Xncn-ªp-t\m«w.
IpSpw-_-kw-Kaw s^{_p-hcn 27-þmw XobXn C´y³ I½yp-Wnän kvIqÄ AUn-täm-dn-b-¯n h¨v kmÂanb Gcn-bm-bn kPoh-am-bn-«pÅ 12 IpSpw-_-bq-Wn-äp-I-fpsS B`n-ap-Jy-¯n IpSpw_ kwKaw 2011 kwL-Sn-¸n-¡p-Ibp!mbn. Ipcn-in-sâbpw ap¯p-¡p-S-Ifp-sSbpw sN!ta-f-¯nsâbpw AI-¼-Sn-tbm-Sp-IqSn FÃm IpSpw-_bq-Wn-än-sâbpw a²y-Ø-cpsS cq]hpw hln-¨p-sIm!pÅ hnizmk {]tLm-jWbm{X ]pXpa-bmÀ¶-Xm-bncp-¶p. ^mZÀ tP¡_v Im«Sn-bp-sSbpw ^mZÀ tPmbn- ac-§m-«n-¡mebp-sSbpw t\Xr-Xzhpw kl-I-c-Whpw Cu Ah-k-c-¯n {]tXyIw FSp¯p ]d-tb!n-cn-¡p-¶p.
12 bqWn-äp-IÄ ]s¦-Sp-¯ ss__nÄ IznÊn skâ v tPmÀÖv ^manen bqWnäv H¶mwØm\hpw tdmfnwKv t{Sm^nbpw skâ v tXmakv ^manen bqWnäv c!mw Øm\hpw skâ v PqUv ^manen bqWnäv aq¶mw Øm\hpw Ic-Ø-am-¡n. XpSÀ¶p \S¶ Iem-]-cn-]m-Sn-Ifn FÃm ^manen bqWn-än-sebpw AwK§Ä kPo-h-ambn ]s¦-Sp-¯p. IpSpw-_-kw-K-a-¯nsâ hnP-b-¯n-\mbn {]hÀ¯n¨ FÃm-h-scbpw \µntbmsS kvacn-¡p-¶p. 24
Syro Malabar Cultural Association, Kuwait -
\½psS Gcn-bm-bnse kPo-hmw-K-am-bn-cp¶ tPmtb tPmÀÖv awK-e-nbpsS hntbm-K-¯n ZpxJn-¡p¶ IpSp-_-t¯m-sSm¸w tNcp-Ibpw ]tc-Xsâ Bßm-hnsâ \nXy-im-´n-¡mbn {]mÀ°n-¡p-Ibpw sN¿p¶p. Ipcn-insâ hgn IpSpw-_-bq-Wn-äSn-Øm-\-¯n \membn Xncn¨v FÃm hymgmgvN-bpw \S¶psIm!n-cn-¡p¶p. t\m¼p-Im-e-¯n-eqsS IS-¶p-t]m-Ip¶ Hmtcm-cp-¯-scbpw Cuiz-c³ A\p-{K-ln-¡s« F¶p {]mÀ°n¡p-¶p. 25
In loving memory of our beloved family members, may the Lord bless their soul to Rest In Peace
Biju Thomas Unnippally Sacred Heart Church, Pulpally, Mananthavady Diocese SMCA Regn No: 1931 St. Theresa Kudumba Unit, Abbasiya.
Died on 22nd January, 2011
Joyan George Mangaly St. George Church , Chully, Kalady P O, Ernakulam - Angamaly Archdiocese
SMCA Regn No: 239, St. Peter Kudumba Unit, Salmiya Area
Died on 24th March 2011
Syro Malabar Cultural Association, Kuwait -
Ic-bp¶ ]pcp-j³ \me©v hÀj-§Ä¡p-ap¼v Hcp D¨bv¡v, R§Ä¡v c!v hncp-¶p-Im-cp!m-bn-cp-¶p.
Fsâ Gähpw ASp¯ Iq«p-Im-csâ A½mbnb-¨-\pw, A½m-bn-b½bpw. A¸-¨³ GXm!v 30 hÀj-ambn Ipssh-än tPmen -sN-¿p¶p. A½¨n aq¶p amks¯ hnkn-änwKv hnk-bn-se-¯n-b-Xm-Wv. DuWv Ignªv Ipiew ]d-ªn-cn-¡p-¶-Xn-\n-S-bn A¸-¨³ Xa-mibmbn ]dªp. ""A½-¨n¡v F´m kpJa-tÃ.. Rm³ ChnsS Häbv¡v IjvS-s¸-Sp-I-btÃ!?.'' CXv tI«Xpw hÀj§-fmbn a\-Ên AS-¡n-bn-cp¶ s\m¼-chpw k¦-Shpw tZjy-hp-saÃmw Adn-bmsX ]pd-¯p-h-cn-I-bm-bn-cp-¶p, A½-¨n-¡v.. ""a¡Ä¡dnbm-tam.. Cu A¸-¨³ IÃymWw Ignªv BZyw \m«n-te¡v hcp-¶Xv 4 hÀjw Ign-ªn«mWv. ]ns¶¸ns¶ 2 hÀj-¯n-sem-cn-¡Â hcp-¶p!v. a¡Ä c!mbn. Ah-cpsS ]Tn¯w, kz´-amsbmcp hoSv, FÃmw B{K-ln-¨-Xp-t]mse \S-¶p. AXym-hiyw Pohn-¡m-\pÅ hI-bmbn. C\n \m«n Ønc-ambn \n¡p-hm³ F{Xtbm {]mhiyw ]d-ªp. Ct¸mÄ hen-sbmcp ho«n Rm³ Hä-¡m-Wv. aI-fpsS IÃymWw Ign-ªp. aI-³ Ct¸mÄ Ipssh-änÂ. \m«n Rm³ ]Ånbpw [ym\-tI-{µ-hp-ambn F{X-I!m Ign-bp-¶p. IÃymWw Ign-ªn«v 28 hÀj-ambn. BZy-am-bn-«mWv R§Ä H¶n¨v C{Xbpw Znhkw Ign-bp¶Xv...'' CXv ]dªv A½¨n Ic-bp-hm³ XpS-§n. kµÀ`-¯n\v emLhw hcs« F¶p IcpXn Rm³ ]dªp. ""icnbm A¸¨m AXymhiyw km¼m-Zy-saÃmw Bbn-tÃ. C\n A½¨n ]d-bp-¶-X-\p-k-cn-¡p.''
`n¯n-bn-te¡v Xncnªp \n¶n-cp¶ A¸¨s\ Rm³ ]nSn¨v t\sc \nÀ¯n. R§Ä sR«n-t¸mbn henb sIm¼³ aoi-bpÅ kn\n-a-bnse hnó apJ-apÅ A¸-¨sâ I®n \n¶pw I®p-\oÀ [mc-bmbn HgpIp¶p. ""k¼m-Zn¨p Iq«phm-\pÅ B{KlwsIm!Ãm, \n§Ä¡v Adn-bm-a-tÃm.. F\n¡v Znh-khpw c!p t\cw jpK-dn\pÅ C³kp-en³ CSp-¡-Ww. ]ns¶ {]jÀ, sImf-kvt{SmÄ A§ns\ FÃmhn[ Akp-Jhpw D!v. Hmtcm Znh-khpw XÅn \o¡p-I-bm-Wv. F\n¡p Häbv¡p Pohn¨p aSp-¯p. ]t£, C\n-sbmcp Imem-h-Ø-am-äw... PohnX kml-N-cyw amdp-t¼mÄ Hcp t]Sn. Ct¸m-gm-sW-¦n- Ahn-sSbpw Chn-sS-bp-am-bn-s«-¦nepw Pohn¨n-cn-¡m-tÃm. kXy-¯n Pohn-¨n-cn-¡m\pÅ sImXn-Im-c-W-amWv Xncn¨v t]mIm³ aSn¡p-¶-Xv. AÃmsX k¼m-Zn-¡m \pÅ B{K-l-aÃ.'' A¸-¨³ s]m«n-¡-c-bp-I-bm-bn-cp-¶p. Rm³ kzbw \nb-{´n-¡p-hm³ t\m¡n ]t£, Adn-bmsX tX§n-t¸m-bn. ]pcp-j-\tà Icbm-s\m-¡p-tam. a\pj\tà Ic-bm-Xn-cn-¡ms\m-¡ptam?
sFPp tPmk^v ]qt¯m-t«Â 27
Syro Malabar Cultural Association, Kuwait -
hnX-b-¯n ]nXmhv
C\n acn-¡m¯ HmÀ½-IÄ tP¡_v ss]\m-S¯v
SMCA -bpsS {]hÀ¯-\-§-fp-ambn _Ô-s¸«v \nc-h[n XhW A`n-hµy hnX-b-¯n ]nXm-hp-ambn tNÀ¶v {]hÀ¯n-¡phm³ Ah-kcw e`n¨ Hcp hyàn-bmWv Rm³. Cu CS-b-t{i-jvS³ \s½ thÀ]n-cnªv t]mIpt¼mÄ HmÀ½-bpsS Xmfp-I-fn \nd-bp¶ Nne Nn{X§Ä ChnsS ]IÀ¯p-¶-Xv DNn-Xam-bn-cn¡pw F¶v Icp-Xp-¶p. SMCA -bpsS
aq¶m-aXv {]hÀ¯-\hÀj-¯n A¶s¯ {]kn-Uâ v {io. tPmÀÖv Nmt¡m-bpsS t\Xr-Xz-¯n 1998 Pqsse amkw Hcp {]Xn-\n[n kwL-¯n AwK-ambmWv Rm³ BZy-ambn A`n-hµy ]nXm-hnsâ ]¡se¯p-¶-Xv. A¶v hnXb-¯n ]nXmhv A¸-kvtXm-enIv AUvan-\n-k-tä-ä-dmbn kotdm ae-_mÀ k`-bn Npa-X-etb-än«v Hcp hÀjw Ign-ªtX D!m-bn-cp-¶p-Åp. _m_p ta\-mt¨cn, tXmakv am½q-«nÂ, tPmÀÖv sNdn-bm³, Fw.-sI. Ipcym-t¡mkv, t{Kkv tXmakv, enÃn tP¡_v, X¦½ tPmÀÖv F¶n-h-cm-bn-cp¶p B {]Xn-\n[n kwL¯nse aäw-K-§Ä.
tIÄ¡p-hm³ k·-\Êpw, hni-Zo-I-cn-¡p-hm³ XmXv]cyhpw, kuay-amb CS-s]-S-epw.... ]nXm-hnsâ s] cp-amä coXn-sbbpw kw`m-j-W-s¯-bpw C§s\ hne-bn-cp-¯mw. SMCA F¶ kwL-S-\-bpsS cq]o-Ic-W-¯n-te¡v \bn¨ kml-N-cy-§fpw \½psS {] hÀ¯\ e£y-§fpw kmIqXw tI« ]nXm-hnsâ A`n-{]mb {]I-S-\-§Ä \½psS {]hÀ¯-\-§sf cq]-s¸-Sp-¯p-¶-Xn\v ASn-Øm-\-an«p F¶v Xs¶ ]
d-bmw. SMCA¡v Hcp c£m-[n-Im-cn-bmbn Bsc-sb¦nepw \nb-an-¡-W-sa-¶pÅ hnjbw NÀ¨-bn h¶bp-S³ Ahn-Sp¶v ]d-ªp. ""Rm³ AXv GsäSp-¯m ]ns¶ Bscbpw At\z-jn-¡!tÃm''. A¶p-ap-X C¶p hsc B c£m-IÀXz¯nsâ Dujvaf-X-bpw kwc£-Whpw SMCA ¡v A\p-`-hn-¡p-hm³ km[n-¨n-«p!v {]hm-kn-I-fmb kotdm ae-_mÀ hnizm-kn-I-fpsS AP ]m-e\ Bh-iy-§Ä hnhn[ thZn-I-fnepw k`m[nIm-cnI-fpsS ]¡epw F¯n-¡p-hm-\pÅ ZuXyw 2004 hsc \nÀÆ-ln-¨n-cp-¶Xv AXmXv Øes¯ kotdm ae-_mÀ Aßmb kwL-S\-IÄ t\cn«mWv. Cu ZuXy-¯n hogv¨ hcp-¯-cpXv F¶v ]nXmhv \nc-´cw HmÀ½n¸n-¨p-sIm!n-cp-¶p. C¡m-cy-¯n ]nXm-hnsâ AXnbmb {i²sb kqNn-¸n-¡p¶ 2 kw`-h-§Ä a\-Ên ambmsX InS-¡p-¶p. 1999 G{]n A`n-hµy ]nXm-hns\ kµÀin¨v Ipssh¯nse kml-N-cy-§-sf-¡p-dn¨v kwkm-cn-¨-t¸mÄ tdmanse ]uckvXy Xncp-kw-L-¯n\v Hcp \nth-Z\w kaÀ¸n-¡p-¶Xv Bh-iy-amWv F¶v ]nXmhv Adn-bn-¨p. ""Hcp Imcyw {]tXyIw {i²n-¡Ww'' ]nXmhv ]dªp ""\nth-Z\w Ab-¡p-t¼mÄ hnemkw Fgp-Xp-¶Xv Cämen-b³ `mj-bn-em-I-Ww.'' XpSÀ¶v Fsâ I¿n-en-cp¶ Ub-dn-bn kz´w Ibv¸S-bn Cäm-en-b³ `mj-bn ]nXmhv B A{UÊv FgpXn X¶p. B hnemkw icnsb¶v Dd-¸n-¡p-hm³ At±lw ImWn¨ DÕm-lw a\Ên ambmsX \n¡p-¶p.
Syro Malabar Cultural Association, Kuwait -
2001 sabv amk-¯n ]nXm-hp-ambn Hcp kw`m-j-W¯n\v kabw tNmZn-¨p. Xnc¡v aqew AXn\v km[n-¡msX h¶ ]nXm hv Idp-Ipän ]Ån-bnse BZy IpÀºm\ kzoI-c-W ¯n\v ImWmw F¶p ]d-ª-t¸mÄ B Xnc-¡n-\n-S-bn \½psS Imcy§Ä ap§n-t¸m-Iptam F¶m-bncp¶p Fsâ `bw. F¶m hn. IpÀºm-\bv¡v tijw ]Ån-taS-bn F¯nb ]nXmhv, Im¯v \n¶ sshZn-I-scbpw I \ym-kv{Xn-I-sfbpw Hs¡ hnj-a-¯nem-¡ns¡m!v Hcp aWn-¡qtdmfw \½psS Imcy-§Ä tIÄ¡p-hm \pw D]-tZ-i-§Ä Xcm\pw \o¡n h¨p. hnIm-cn-b-¨³ CS¡nsS h¶v Im¸n-Ip-Sn-¡p-hm³ £Wn¡pw F¶m CXv Ku\n-¡msX ]nXmhv \t½msSm¯v Nne-h-gn¨ \nan-j-§Ä HmÀ¡p-t¼mÄ Fsâ a\-Ên hcp-¶Xv Hcp ssZh hN-\-am-Wv. ""F\n¡v \n§-f-dn-bm¯ Hcp `£-W-ap!v'' XpSÀ¶pÅ 2 hÀj-§Ä SMCA bpsS Ncn-{X-¯n Hcp Idp¯ A²ym-b-am-Wv. ]e-hn[ Imc-W-§-fm Xsâ a¡Ä `n¶n¨v \n¡p-¶-Xn B ]nXm-hnsâ a\Êv hfsc thZ-\n-¨p. C¡m-e¯v Ahn-Sps¯ kµÀin¨ FÃmhÀ¡pw B thZ\ t\cn-«-dn-bm-\m-bn. 2002  SMCA bnse A`n-{]mb hyXym-k-§Ä ]cn-l-cn-¡p-¶-Xn-\mbv Ipsshän \n¶pw t]mb {]Xn-\n-[n-I-fpsS kt½-f-\-¯nÂsh¨v B hm¡p-Ifpw Ah-bnse thZ-\bpw Xncn-¨-dn-ª-h\mWv Rm³. 2004 Bbt¸m-tg¡pw k`-bnepw kwL-S-\-bnepw henb amä-§Ä D!mbn {]hm-kn-I-fpsS Ah-Im-i-§fpw AP]m-e\ kuI-cyhpw kw_Ôn¨pÅ CS-s]-S-ep-IÄ C\nta kwL-S-\-I-fà kn\Uv t\cn«v ssIImcyw sN¿pw F¶ AhØ h¶p. {]hm-kn-Im-cy-§Ä¡m-bpÅ kn\ U I½o-jsâ AwKo-Im-c-apÅ Bßmb Iq«m-bva-Ifn Hcp {][m\ I®n-bmbn Ipssh-änse SMCA amdn. 2005 Unkw-_À amk-¯n J¯-dnse tZhm-e-b-¯nsâ Xd-¡n-Ãn-S ka-b¯pw XpSÀ¶v Ipssh-änse SMCA bpsS Zi-h-Õ-cm-tLm-j-§-fnepw ]s¦-Sp-¯p-sIm!v kotdm ae-_mÀ k`-bpsS henb CS-b³ ]pXnb ImeL-«-¯nsâapJw shfn-s¸-Sp-¯n. Cu c!v thfI-fnepw ]nXm-hnsâ hm¡p-IÄ tIÄ¡p-hm³ F\n¡v `mKyw e`n-¨p. Ipssh-änse kzoI-cW kt½-f-\-¯n AhnSp¶v ]dª hm¡p-IÄ he-cp-sSbpw s\än- Np-fp-¡n¨p. F¦nepw Hcp CS-bsâ Dd-¸pÅ hm¡p-I-fm-bn-cp¶p Ah F¶v At\-IÀ Xncn-¨-dn-ªp. A¶v ]nXmhv ]
d-ªp. ""kz´w Bcm-[\ {Ia-¯n hn. IqZm-i-IÄ kzoI-cn-¡m-\pÅ kml-Ncyw e`n-¡m¯ Ah-k-c-¯n am{Xsa \n§Ä aäv do¯p-I-sf-tbm, kwhn-[m-\-§sftbm B{i-bn-¡m-hp. A§s\ Hc-h-kcw Chn-Sps¯ Hcp {]hmkn¡pw D!m-hmsX t\m¡p-hm³ IantÃm ]nXmhv {]tXyIw {i²n¡pw F¶v F\n¡pd-¸p!v.'' 2007-þ A`n-hµy IantÃm ]nXmhv tIcfw kµÀin-¨t¸mÄ At±-lt¯m-sSm¸w SMCA bpsS {]kn-Uâ v F¶ \ne-bn hnX-b-¯n ]nXm-hp-ambn Gsdt\cw Nne-hgn-¡p-hm³ km[n-¨p. e£y-t_m-[hpw amÀ¤ Zo]-I-hpamb Imcy-§Ä kuay-ambpw ià-ambpw Ahn-Sp¶v ] dªpXcp-t¼mÄ XS-Ê-§Ä CÃm-Xm-Ip-¶Xpw {]hÀ¯\-§Ä IqSp-X ^e-Zm-b-I-am-Ip-¶Xpw t\cn-«-dn-ªXv Cu Ime-L-«-¯n-em-Wv. 2009 sabvamkw J¯-dnse tZhm-eb IqZmi tbm-S-\p-_Ôn¨v Ipssh-äns\ {]Xn-\n-[oI-cn¨ kwL-¯nse Hcmfmbn hnX-b-¯n ]nXm-hp-ambv kwh-Zn-¡p-hm³ km[n¨p. B ico-c-¯n\v {]mb-¯nsâ XfÀ¨-IÄ D!m-bn-cn¶p F¦nepw a\-Ênepw hm¡nepw henb Hcp NphSph¨Xnsâ Bß-hn-izm-khpw Icp-¯p-ap!m-bn-cp-¶p. A¶v B IÀ½-§-fn ]s¦-Sp¯ FÃm-h-cnepw ambm¯ {] Xn-_nw_-ambn B Znhkw \ne\n¡pw. Gähpw HSphn ssZh-k-¶n-[n-bn-tebv¡v hnfn-¡-s¸« A`n-h-µy]n-Xmhv A´n-tam-]-Nmcw AÀ¸n-¡p-hm\pw kwkv¡mc IÀ½§fn SMCA sb {]Xn-\n-[o-I-cn-¡p-hm\pw ssZhw Fs¶ A\p-{K-ln-¨p. 15 hÀj-§-fn B CS-b³ {]mÀ°n¨pw {]hÀ¯n¨pw t\Snb \·-IÄ Imem-Im-e-§-fn-te¡v hgn-sX-fn¨v \n¡-s«.
Syro Malabar Cultural Association, Kuwait -
ZnhyImcpWy t{]jnX³
amÀ tXmakv Ipcymfticn [\y]Zhnbn Beph: N§\mticn AXncq]XbpsS {]Ya sa{Xm\pw ZnhyImcpWy Bcm[\m k\ymkn\o kaql¯nsâ Øm]I\pw ZnhyImcpWyt{]jnX \pw kmaqly ]cnjvIÀ¯mhpamb ssZhZmk³ amÀ tXmakv Ipcymfticn [\y]ZhnbnÂ. amÀ IpcymfticnbpsS PohnX \·bpw khntijKpW§fpw AwKoIcn¨ _\UnÎv ]Xn\mdma³ amÀ]m¸bmWv ssZhZmks\ [\y] Zhnbnte¡pbÀ¯ns¡mWvSpÅ Iev]\ ]pds¸Sphn¨Xv. amÀ Ipcymfticn hotcmNnXamb ]pWywsImWvSp ss{IkvXh km£yw \ ÂInb hyànbmsW¶ hkvXpX AwKoIcn¨v AXv HutZymKnIambn {]Jym ]n¡m³ \maIcW \S]SnIÄ¡mbpÅ h¯n¡m³ Imcymeb¯nsâ Xeh³ IÀZn\mÄ B©tem Aamt¯msb amÀ]m¸ NpaXes¸Sp¯nbncp¶p. amÀ ]m¸ IÀZn\mÄ B©tem Aamt¯mbpambn \S¯nb {]tXyI IqSn¡mgvNbnemWp amÀ Ipcymfticnsb [\y]Zhnbnte¡v DbÀ¯p¶ Imcyw Adnbn¨Xv. [\ysâ a[yØXbn Hcp AZv`pXw ØncoIcn¨m hmgv¯s¸«hcpsS KW¯nte¡v DbÀ¯s¸Spw. XpSÀ¶v Hcp AZv`pXw IqSn ØncoIcn¨m hnip² ]Zhnbnte¡pw DbÀ¯s¸Spw.
Syro Malabar Cultural Association, Kuwait -
henb ]nXm-hn\v {]Wmaw......
Syro Malabar Cultural Association, Kuwait -
A¸w apdn-¡Â (A¯m-g-¯n-\p-tijw IpSpw-_mw-K-§Ä {]mÀ°-\m-apd-nbn kt½-fn-¡p-¶p. Xncp-lr-Z-b-cq-]-¯n\p ap¼n \ne-hn-f¡p I¯n¨ncn-¡p-¶p. Ipcn-i¸w, s]klm ]mÂ, A¸w apdn-¡p-¶-Xn-\pÅ I¯n apX-em-bh X¿mdm-¡nbn-cn-¡-Ww. ss__nÄ kap-¶X-amb ]oT¯n {]Xn-jvTn-¨n-cn-¡-Ww. IpSpw_ \mY³ {]mÀ°\ Bcw`n-¡-p¶p).
S-cp-¶-Xn\v R§sf klm-bn-t¡-W-sa. kI-e¯n-sâbpw \mYm, Ft¶¡pw kaq : Bt½³ hnÚm]\w : ssZh¯nsâ A\-´-amb Zm\-§Ä H¶mbn HmÀ¯v k¦oÀ¯-I-s\m-sSm¸w \ap¡pw ssZhs¯ kvXpXn-¡mw.
k¦oÀ¯\w : 135
t\Xm : ]nXm-hn-sâbpw ]p{Xsâbpw ]cn-ip-²m-ßm-hn- t\Xm : sâbpw \ma-¯n kaq : Bt½³ kaq : t\Xm : AXyp-¶-X-§-fn ssZh-¯n\p kvXpXn. t\Xm : kaq : Bt½³ kaq : t\Xm : `qan-bn ap\p-jyÀ¡v kam[m-\hpw {]Xym- t\Xm : ibpw Ft¸mgpw Ft¶¡pw kaq : Bt½³ kaq : t\Xm : kzÀ¤-Ø-\mb R§-fpsS ]nXmth... t\Xm : (k-aq-lhpw tNÀ¶v)
\ap¡v {]mÀ°n-¡mw t\Xm :]oUm-k-l-\-¯nsâ Xte cm{Xn-bn injy·mcpsS ]mZ-§Ä IgpIn hn\-b-¯nsâ amXrI R§Ä¡v \evIp-Ibpw R§tfm-sSm¯p kZm hkn-¡p-¶-Xn-\mbn hn. IpÀºm\ Øm]n-¡p-Ibpw sNbvX IÀ¯mth, A§-bpsS A\-´-amb kvt\lhpw Imcp-Wyhpw A\p-kva-cn-¡p-¶-Xn-\mbn R§Ä \S-¯p¶ Cu ]mh\ ip{iq-j-bn kw {]o-X-\m-I-W-sa. A§-bpsS ImeSnIÄ ]n´p-
\Ã-h-\mb IÀ¯m-hns\ kvXpXn-¡p-hn³ F´p-sIms!¶m Ahn-Sps¯ ImcpWyw A\´am-Ip-¶p. \Ã-h-\m-b.... AXyp-¶-X-\mb ssZhs¯ kvXpXn-¡p-hn³ F´p-sIms!¶mÂ.... AÛpX {]hÀ¯-I-\mb ssZhs¯ kvXpXn- ¡p-hn-³ F´p-sIms!¶mÂ.... Xsâ A\´amb Úm\-¯m BImiw krjvSn¨-hs\ kvXpXn-¡p-hn³
kaq : F´p-sIms!¶mÂ.... t\Xm : Pe-¯n\p apI-fn-embn `qansb Dd-¸n-¨-hs\ kvXpXn-¡p-hn³ kaq : F´p-sIms!¶mÂ.... t\Xm : BImi aWvUe-¯n tKmf-§Ä \nÀ½n-¨- hs\ kvXpXn-¡p-hn³ kaq : F´p-sIms!¶mÂ.... t\Xm : ]I-ens\ `cn-¡p-hm³ th!n kqcys\ krjvSn-¨-hs\ kvXpXn-¡p-hn³
Syro Malabar Cultural Association, Kuwait -
kaq : F´p-sIms!¶mÂ.... t\Xm : cm{Xsb `cn-¡p-hm³ th.#n N{µ Xmc-§sf krjvSn-¨-hs\ kvXpXn-¡p-hn³ kaq : F´p-sIms!¶mÂ.... t\Xm : \½psS k¦-SI - m-e§ - f - n \s½ HmÀ¯-hs\ kvXpXn-¡p-hn³ kaq : F´p-sIms!¶mÂ.... t\Xm : \½psS i{Xp-¡-fn \ns¶Ãmw \s½ c£n-¨-hs\ kvXpXn-¡p-hn³ kaq : F´p-sIms!¶mÂ.... t\Xm : temI-¯n-epÅ Pohn-IÄs¡Ãmw Blmcw \ÂIp-¶-hs\ kvXpXn-¡p-hn³ kaq : F´p-sIms!¶mÂ.... t\Xm : kzÀ¤-Ø-\mb ssZhs¯ IrX-Ú-Xm-]pÀÆw kvXpXn-¡p-hn³ kaq : F´p-sIms!¶mÂ.... t\Xm : ]nXm-hn\pw ]p{X\pw ]cn-ip-²m-ßm-hn\pw kvXpXn kap : BZn-ap-X Ft¶¡pw Bt½³
]g-b-\n-ba hmb\ hnÚm-]\w : ]g-b-\n-b-a-Imew apX ssZh-¯nsâ sXc-sª-Sp-¡-s¸« P\w s]klm BN-cn-¨n-cp-¶p. B Znhkw IpSpw-_mwK-§Ä Hcp-an¨p s]klm A¸w `£n¡p-Ibpw IÀ¯mhv Ah-tcmSp sNbvXn«pÅ A\p-{K-l-§Ä¡p IrX-ÚX AÀ¸n-¡p-Ibpw sNbvXn-cp-¶p. CuPn]vXn ^d-thm-bpsS ASn-a-¯-¯n \n¶v C{km-tb P\s¯ ssZhw hntam-Nn-¸n-¨Xp kw_-Ôn¨v ]pd-¸mSnsâ ]pkvX-I-¯n {]Xn-]m-Zn-¨n-«pÅ `mKw {ihn-¡mw. {]Xn-\n[n :
ktlm-Z-c-tc, ]pd-¸m-Snsâ ]pkvX-I- ¯n \n¶pÅ hmb\ (]p-d. 12:14-þ25)
kap : ssZh-amb IÀ¯m-hn\v kvXpXn
£a-mbm-N\ {]mÀ°\ (Ip-Spw-_-\m-Y³ {]mÀ°n-¡p-¶p FÃm-hcpw Gäp-sNm-Ãp-¶p).
R§-fpsS c£-I-\mb IÀ¯m-th,/Kpcphpw \mY-\p-ambn-cp-¶n«pw / kvt\l-¯n-sâbpw tkh-\-¯n-sâbpw / amXrI ImWn-¡p-hm³ / A§p kz´w injy-·m-cpsS / ]mZ-§Ä Igp-In-b-tÃm / ]c-kv]-c-kvt\-l-¯n-sâbpw tkh-\-¯n-sâbpw Imcy-¯n / R§Ä sNbvXpt]m-bn-«pÅ / FÃm sXäp-I-sf-¡p-dn¨pw / R§Ä a\-
kvX-]n-¡p-Ibpw / Ah-s¡Ãmw am¸-t]-£n-¡p-Ibpw sN¿p-¶p / taen / A§-bpsS Znhy-am-Xr-I-bvs¡m¯ hn[w / PohnXw \bn-¨p-sIm-Åm-sa¶p / R§Ä hmK-Zm\w sN¿p-¶p. / R§-fpsS Cu {]XnÚ kzoI-cn¨p / Zbm -]pÀÆw R§sf A\p-{K-ln-¡-W-sa./ Bt½³ Bsc-¦nepw hg-¡ntem ]nW-¡-¯ntem BsW-¦n ] c-kv]cw £a tNmZn¨v Cu kµÀ`-¯n cay-s¸-tS!Xm-Wv.
t\Xm : hn. a¯mbn Fgp-Xnb \½psS IÀ¯m-ho- tim-an-in-lm-bpsS kphn-tijw (a-¯m. 25:26----30). kap : \½psS IÀ¯m-hmb anin-lmbv¡p kvXpXn.
\ap¡p {]mÀ°n¡mw t\Xm
: temI-¯nsâ ]m]-§Ä \o¡p¶ ssZh¯nsâ IpªmSmb anin-lm-tb, hncp¶pw _en-bp-ambn hnip² IpÀ_m\ Øm ]n-¡p-I-bpw, B kzÀ¤ob hncp-¶n ]¦m-fn-I-fm-Ip-hm³ R§sf £Wn-¡pIbpw sNbvX-Xn\p R§Ä \µn-]-d-bp-¶p. s]klm cl-ky-¯nsâ A\p-kva-cWw sIm!m-Sp¶ Cu ka-b¯p R§Ä A\p`-hn-¡p-hm³t]m-Ip¶ Cu s]klm A¸s¯bpw ]men-s\bpw BioÀÆ-Zn-¡-W-ta. (s]-klm A¸w ssIbn-se-Sp-¯p-sIm!v), At\Iw [m\y-a-Wn-IÄ tNÀ¶v Cu A¸w D!m-bn-cn-¡p-¶-Xp-t]mse R§-sf-Ãmhcpw A§-bn H¶mbn`hn-¡-s«. CXn \n¶pw ]¦p-]-äp¶ R§-sf-Ãm-hcpw PohXm-´y-¯n kzÀ¤o-b-hn-cp-¶n ]¦p-Im-cmIp-hm³ CS-h-cp-¯-W-ta. kI-e-¯n-sâbpw \mYm, Ft¶-¡pw.
kap : Bt½³
Syro Malabar Cultural Association, Kuwait -
IpSpw-_-\m-Y³ A¸w apdn¨v ]men³ ap¡n {]mb-a-\p-k-cn¨p IpSpw-_mw-K-§Ä¡p sImSp-¡p ¶p. Hmcp-¯cpw Ccp-ssI-Ifpw \o«n hm§n `àn-]qÀÆw `£n-¡p-¶p. A¸w sImSp-¡p-t¼mÄ, ""aninlm \ns¶ A\p-{K-ln-¡s«'' F¶p ]d-bp-¶p. A¸w kzoI-cn-¡p-¶-hÀ ""c£-I-\mb anin-lmbv¡p kvXpXn'' F¶p ]d-bp-¶p. FÃm-hcpw kvt\l-]qÀÆw `£n-¡p-¶p. XÕ-abw Ah-k-tcm-Nn-Xamb Hcp Km\w Be-]n-¡p-¶p.
s]klm A¸hpw ]mepw ]mN-I-hn[n 1. s]k-lm-¸m ]©-km-c-bnÂ: hdp¯ Acn-s¸mSn (t\À½-bmbn Acn-¨-Xv) 1 Intem ]©-kmc
750 {Kmw
Ge-¡mb t\À½-bmbn s]mSn-¨Xv
10 {Kmw
tX§ 4 F®w \mep tX§ Npc!n ]ngnªv H¶mw-]m amän-h-bv¡p-I. c!mw ]mepw aq¶mw ]mepw DÄs¸sS 4 enäÀ ]m thWw. Cu 4 enäÀ tX§m-¸m ]©-km-cbpw s]mSnbpw tNÀ¯v Xnf-¸n-¡p-¶p. Ft¸mgpw Cf-¡n-s¡m!ncn-¡-Ww. AsÃ-¦n I«bp!mIpw. Xnf-¸n-¨p-I-gn-bpt¼mÄ, Ge-¡m-b-s¸mSn IeÀ¯nb H¶mw-]m Hgn-¨v, Ipcn-tim-e-¡-jvW-§Ä C«v Cf¡n Cd-¡p-¶p. ¥mkn Hgn-¡m³ ]änb ]mI-¯nt\ Ipd-¡m-hp. Bhn t]mbn«v aqSn-sh-bv¡p-I.
iÀ¡-c-bn hdp¯ Acn-s¸mSn (t\À½-bmbn Acn-¨-Xv)
1 Intem
1 Intem
Poc-Ihpw Np¡pw t\À½-bmbn s]mSn-¨Xv
10 {Kmw
3 F®w
]¨-cnbpw Dgp-¶p-]-cn¸pw IpXnÀ¯v _m¡n tNcphIfpw tbmPn-¸n¨v CÍ-en¡v B«p-¶-Xp-t]mse B«n-sb-Sp-¡pItbm s]mSn¨-h-sbÃmw IqSn \¶mbn Ipg-bv¡p-Itbm sN¿p-I. B«n-sb-Sp¯ tNcph s]m´p-¶-Xn-\mbn Aca-Wn-¡qÀ kabw hbv¡p-I. AXn-\p-tijw h«-b¸w ]pgp-§p-¶-Xp-t]mse Bhn-bn ]pgp-§n-sb-Sp-¡p-I.
I¯¸w ]¨cn Xcn-bmbn s]mSn¨Xv 1 Intem Nph-¶pÅn 250 {Kmw tX§ 3 apdn shfn-s¨® 300 {Kmw D¸v ]mI-¯n\v DÅnbpw tX§bpw Acnªp shfn-s¨-®-bn-en«p Npas¡ hdp-¡p-I. s]mSnbpw Bh-iy-¯n\v D¸pw ]¨-sh-Å-¯n-en«p IpdpsI Ie-¡p-I. hdp¯ DÅnbpw tX§bpw B s]mSn-bn-en«v Cf-¡p-I. an¨w h¶n-«pÅ shfn-s¨® Aev]-sa-Sp¯v ASp-¸¯p h¨n-cn-¡p¶ Dcpfn-bntem No\-¨-«n-bntem Hgn¨p ]c-¯p-I. t\cs¯ X¿m-dm-¡n-h-¨-cn-¡p¶ amhv Hcp Xhn tImcn Hgn¨v ] c¯n NpSp-I. AXn-\mbn Xo¡-\ C« Hcp ]c¶ N«n apI-fn aqSn-h-bv¡p-I. icn-bmbn samcn-bp-t¼mÄ Cd¡p-I. Ipcn-time ]Xn¨ A¸-amWp Imc-W-h-·mÀ apdn¨p ]men ap¡n AwK-§Ä¡p sImSp-¡p-¶-Xv.
First Death Anniversary
tX§ Npc!n ]ngnªv H¶mw-]m amän-h-bv¡p-I. A Xnsâ c!mw ]mepw aq¶mw ]mepw DÄs¸sS 4 enäÀ ]m thWw. B ]mepw ]m\n-bm-¡nb iÀ¡-cbpw Acn-s¸m-Snbpw Iq«n Xnf-¸n-¡p-¶p. Ft¸mgpw Cf-¡ns¡m!n-cn-¡-Ww. Xnf-¨p-I-gn-bp-t¼mÄ, Poc-I-s¸m-Snbpw Np¡pw IeÀ¯nb Xe-¸m Hgn-¨v, Ipcn-tim-e-¡-jvW§Ä C«v Cf¡n Cd-¡p¶p. ¥mkn Hgn-¡m³ ]änb ]mI-¯nt\ Ipdp-¡m-hq. Bhn t]mbn«v aqSn-h-bv¡p-I.
2. C!dn-b¸w ]pg-p§nb A¸w ]¨cn Dgp¶v Nph-¶pÅn tX§
1 Intem 100 {Kmw 250 {Kmw 2 F®w
SMCA Housing Project 4 Key Handing over ceremony...