June 7, 2013
The life , the activities & perspectives of the world’s leading Urban Lit Author
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Very recent meeting with Hero Tuskegee Airman Val Archer & educator Clarence Callaway
FIRST TIME EVER that me, my son and my dad have been together (except for when he was born).
The plate is full, but (as they say) “To whom much is given” No “settling!” By Relentless Aaron
I RECALL THE DAYS WHEN I WAS HUNGRY; unsure of where my next dollar was coming from, bills looming overhead, the phone not ringing like I wanted it to. You end up looking at junk mail for opportunities, and maybe you really go left and binge on TV, on food or something worse. Not that TV & food is worse, but it certainly CAN be if its not consumed in moderation. So
many people are now confronted with these same realities, but perhaps with no history or experience to draw from in dealing with this new world they’ve titled as “recession.” I’d love to address every situation individually, to help you out of your “stupor.” But there simply isn’t enough time in the day, nor is there the proper financing to support the time & effort needed to
address individuals. And besides, everyone’s situation is different. WHAT I CAN DO, however, is to dish some advice as to how to move forward. And the first thing I know is that we tend to settle-in; that is, we get comfortable (some of us) in that place we call mediocrity. And some of the entrepreneurs among us will make adjustments in the pricing of our products and