HSC2024 Visitor Guide

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Thursday 30 May, Friday 31 May and Saturday 1 June, 9am-3pm Royal Randwick Racecourse, Sydney hscandcareers.com.au VISITOR GUIDE 2024 DOWNLOAD EVENT APP CELE B R ATING16 YEARS 200 9 – 2024 Education Standards Authority



Seminar Room S1

10.00 Studying at UNSW Sydney: information session.

UNSW Sydney


HSC English: Paper 2, Module C - Craft of Writing, Standard and Advanced.

Dianne Berios, English teacher St George Girls High School

11.30 The ATAR and applying through UAC: information for students in years 11 and 12.

Universities Admissions Centre (UAC)

12.15 HSC English: Revisiting the Common Module for the trial examination.

Dianne Berios, English teacher St George Girls High School

1.00 NESA explains: a presentation for HSC STUDENTS

How your HSC results are calculated.

NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA)

1.45 Making a difference in law and business. The University of Notre Dame Australia

Seminar Room N2

A career in the NSW Police Force offers challenge, interest, variety and a chance to make a difference.

NSW Police Force - Recruitment

Advice and study tips for HSC Mathematics examinations.

Mathematical Association of NSW (MANSW)

The ATAR and subject selection: advice for year 10 students.

Universities Admissions Centre (UAC)

Defence Force careers and university pathways.

ADF Careers

NESA explains: a presentation for HSC TEACHERS

Understanding HSC results in a Standards Referenced Framework.

NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA)

Study a TAFE NSW degree and graduate with a qualification that will change your future. With our diverse range of courses, strong industry connections and approaches to learning that suit all needs, we will help you to get the job you want. TAFE NSW

*seminar program subject to change


FRIDAY 31 MAY 2024*

Seminar Room S1

10.00 Study a TAFE NSW degree and graduate with a qualification that will change your future. With our diverse range of courses, strong industry connections and approaches to learning that suit all needs, we will help you to get the job you want. TAFE NSW

10.45 HSC English: Paper 2, Module C - Craft of Writing, Standard and Advanced.

Dianne Berios, English teacher St George Girls High School

11.30 The ATAR and applying through UAC: information for students in years 11 and 12.

Universities Admissions Centre (UAC)

12.15 HSC English: Revisiting the Common Module for the trial examination.

Dianne Berios, English teacher St George Girls High School


NESA explains: a presentation for HSC STUDENTS

How your HSC results are calculated.

NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA)

1.45 Making a career in the creative industries. JMC Academy

Seminar Room N2

A career in the NSW Police Force offers challenge, interest, variety and a chance to make a difference.

NSW Police Force - Recruitment

Advice and study tips for HSC Mathematics examinations.

Mathematical Association of NSW (MANSW)

The ATAR and subject selection: advice for year 10 students.

Universities Admissions Centre (UAC)

Defence Force careers and university pathways.

ADF Careers

NESA explains: a presentation for HSC TEACHERS

Understanding HSC results in a Standards Referenced Framework.

NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA)

Careers in the creative industries. Academy of Interactive Entertainment

*seminar program subject to change



Seminar Room S1

10.00 The ICMS Difference: Bachelor’s degrees with included professional placements - for credit

International College of Management, Sydney


HSC English: Overview Paper 2, Module CCraft of Writing, Standard and Advanced plus HSC English: revisiting the Common Module for the trial examination.

Jane Sherlock, English Teachers’ Association NSW (ETA NSW)

11.30 The ATAR and subject selection: advice for year 10 students.

Universities Admissions Centre (UAC)

12.15 Advice and study tips for HSC Mathematics examinations.

Mathematical Association of NSW (MANSW)

1.00 NESA explains: a presentation for HSC STUDENTS. How your HSC results are calculated.

NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA)

1.45 Become a teacher with the NSW Department of Education.

NSW Department of Education - teach.


Seminar Room N2

The uni years: a Charles Sturt student’s story.

Charles Sturt University

So you want to be a doctor? Q & A on medicine entry.

Universities Admissions Centre (UAC)

The ATAR and applying through UAC: information for students in years 11 and 12.

Universities Admissions Centre (UAC)

Defence Force careers and university pathways.

ADF Careers

A career in the NSW Police Force offers challenge, interest, variety and a chance to make a difference.

NSW Police Force - Recruitment

AIT - First step to creative career. Academy of Interactive Technology

*seminar program subject to change



G14 G13 G12 G11 G10 G9 G8 G7 G6 G5 G4 G3 G2 G25 G26 G24 G23 Coffee Cart G1 G40 G38 G39 G37 G41 G36 G35 G30 G44 G31 G21 G45 G29 G28 G27 EXIT ENTRY G32 Escalators to Level 1 Event Office G17 G16 G15 G18 G19 G20 G43 G33 G42 G34 G22 STAGE STAGE ENTRY / EXIT ENTRY TO SOUTH ROOM ENTRY / EXIT S6 S5 S1 S2 S3 S4 S10 S11 S9 N2 N3 N6 N5 N9 N11 N10 SEMINAR ROOM S1 300 pax N7 SEMINAR ROOM N2 200 pax OUTDOOR SEATING AREA ENTRY E X IT ENTRY/EXIT TO LEVEL 1 EXHIBITORS AND SEMINAR ROOMS ENTRY TO NORTH ROOM EXIT EXIT N4 S7 FOOD COURT S8 N8 S22 S21 S20 S19 S15 S16 S17 S18 S14 S13 N20 N21 N22 N23 N19 N18 N17 N16 N12 N13 N14 N15 S12 N1 GROUND LEVEL – EXHIBITORS LEVEL
FOOD * Floorplan and Exhibitor List subject to change
Education Migration N16 Academy of Interactive Entertainment G22 Academy of Interactive Technology (AIT) G18 Academy of Music and Performing Arts (AMPA) G39 ADF Careers G25 AIBI Higher Education S8 Apprentice Employment Network NSW & ACT N14 Apprenticeships Are Us Limited S18 Australian Catholic University G34 Australian College of Physical Education (ACPE) S12
Federal Police G28
Film, Television and Radio School S17
Institute of Music G42
Institute of Quantity Surveyors N9
National University G10
Aviation College G14 Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School S10
America & AIFS Gap Year S14
College Australia N18
Living Villages N6
Gateway - The Benevolent Society N5
Studios S15 Charles Sturt University G29
General of Canada - International Experience Canada N15
Institute of Higher Education N7 Department of Education Victoria G8 EIC Education N20 Excelsia College G40 FDC Construction & Fitout N17 EXHIBITOR STAND NO. Financial Advice Association of Australia N21 iae GLOBAL Sydney N4 IB Property Group N8 IENA - American Summers - Camp Jobs S19 Iglu Pty Ltd S2 International College of Management, Sydney G30 James Cook University G17 JMC Academy G24 LCI Melbourne S6 Le Cordon Bleu Australia S20 Master Builders Association of NSW S11 Mathematical Association of NSW (MANSW) G3 MedEntry UCAT Prep N3 MEGT Australia N19 MIT Sydney G20 Montessori Academy S22 National Art School N10 National Fashion College S7 National Institute of Dramatic Art (NIDA) G16 NSW Ambulance G23 NSW Department of Education - Teach NSW G5 NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) G1 NSW Police Force - Recruitment G26 Office of the Student Identifiers Registrar S16 Oxford Creative Academy S9 Reserve Bank of Australia G7 Schoolies.com N2 Screenwise - Film and Television School for Actors G13 SEDA Group G15 EXHIBITOR STAND NO. Southern Cross University G41 St Mark's College, Adelaide N13 Superyacht Australia S21 SW Education N23 Sydney Actors School and Sydney Film School S1 Sydney Design School N1 Sydney Flight College S13 Sydney Institute of Business and Technology (SIBT) N11 TAFE NSW G31 Temple University, Japan Campus N12 The Association of Independent Schools of New South Wales N22 The Hotel School Australia G12 The University of Melbourne G44 The University of Notre Dame Australia G32 The University of Queensland G4 The Women's College within The University of Sydney G6 Torrens University Australia Ltd G33 Transit Systems G19 Trinity College, University of Melbourne S5 Universities Admissions Centre (UAC) G45 University of Canberra G9 University of New England G36 University of Newcastle G11 University of Tasmania G21 University of Wollongong G43 UNSW Sydney G27 Western Sydney University G35 William Angliss Institute G37

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