Remax Eralia Times Online (july 2013) ing

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Annual Varia"on in Andalucía By Leonardo Cromstedt Broker (Owner) Tel. (+34) 952 83 12 00

TRANSACTIONS April 2012 April 2013

SALES PRICE 1st Quarter 2012 1st Quarter 2013

19,1 % -6,7 % How is the Market? In the graph above we can see that in Marbella in the first quarter of 2013 (January, February and March) the number of transac.ons increased by 13.2% over the same period of 2012.

Mandatory Energy Efficiency Cer"ficate from June 1st Real Decreto 235/2013 (5 Abril 2013)

It entered into force the new law requiring Notaries to incorporate in the Deed of sale the Energy Performance Cer.ficate for each property. This Law requires homeowners that are for sale or rent to obtain and display the that has its home in all adver.sing media, real estate portals, websites, storefronts, printed informa.on, etc..

For FREE DOWNLOAD of the updated Housing Report (40 pages)

Shortly inspectors from Andalucia Goverment will begin with Inspec.ons and sanc.ons. Apply now for more informa.on.

Did You Know...? Foreigners will have the Residence Permit in Spain if they buy homes of more than 500,000 euros. So figure in the preliminary dra law of entrepreneurs. It aims at reducing the important 'stock' of homes that exists in Spain.

RE/MAX Eralia Office Nº 1 in Andalucía 2012

The 5 Tips for Selling Your Home in Less than 6 Months 1. - Prepare your home appropriately, like a Show Flat. 2. - Set the correct price of your home. The price is never the same, increase or decrease depending on supply and demand. Review it every month if the price is right and adjust it if there is not enough customer visits. 3. - Design a very complete Marke"ng Plan to get the greater diffusion local, na.onal and interna.onal. 4. - Show customers your home each .me like the first .me. 5. - Develop nego"a"on skills to know how to get the best price at the .me you receive an offer on your home. Or if you prefer, you can hire the services of a good real estate agent to help you selling your home. Make sure he is properly trained and has a real commitment to do everything possible to achieve the wider exposure of your home. The main is to get the highest number of client your home. Sta.s.cs confirm that it is necessary to receive an average of 37 visits of buying customers to a home to be sold.

Los Patios de Santa María Golf, local 13—14 29604·MARBELLA (Málaga) Spain Telf. (+34) 952 831200 e-mail.

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