Remax Eralia Times Online (september 2013) eng

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Annual Varia)on in Andalucía By Leonardo Cromstedt Broker (Owner) Tel. (+34) 952 83 12 00

TRANSACTIONS June 2012 June 2013

SALES PRICE 2nd Quarter 2012 2nd Quarter 2013

-12,6 % -7,4 % Energy Efficiency Cer)ficate

How is the Market? The Interna onal Market when buying a home in Spain con nues to increase each year. In the first quarter of 2013, we have to men on that 1 in every 12 homes sold in Spain was sold to a foreigner. This represents an important impulse to all Spanish coasts, highligh ng the Costa del Sol Malaga was the second province in Spain where more proper es sold to foreigners (a0er Alicante). By na onality (see chart above), we note that UK buyers are leading the way (16.3%), followed by French (9.5%), Russians (9.4%), German (7.4%) , Belgians (6.9%) and other countries, with the Scandinavians. (Data from Marbella Market Report) For FREE DOWNLOAD of the updated Housing Report (40 pages)

Did You Know...? The second edi on of Starlite Marbella Fes val has been an absolute success ... Over 60,000 people have visited the Fes val held from July 23 to August 24 to see some of the most important concerts in Spain (Brian Adams, Jamie Cullum, Julio Churches, UB40, Noa and many more ..)

RE/MAX Eralia Office Nº 1 in Andalucía 2012

With energy efficiency is to iden fy weaknesses in your home, shop or building, once they acted on them, get the maximum use of the energy consumed, whether conven onal or renewable, op mizing and increasing the overall performance of facili es and equipment, leading to considerable savings in energy bills the homeowner and invoices of the neighboring communi es. WHY YOU NEED TO REGISTER? The Energy Performance Cer ficate acts as a thermometer indica ng how much energy your home wastes, which translates into money lost. An efficient housing will be much more aJrac ve when it is sold or rented an inefficient housing. NowThe Royal Decree, whose term started on June 1, incorporates a compulsory energy cer)fica)on for buildings also prior to the applica)on of the rule, if the owner wants to sell it or rent it.

Los Patios de Santa María Golf, local 13—14 29604·MARBELLA (Málaga) Spain Telf. (+34) 952 831200 e-mail.

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