Remix portfolio 临界工作室介绍 landscape & urban design 景观规划与城市设计

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reMIX is a young office based in Beijing, born from the experience that the three founding partners (Chen Chen, Federico Ruberto and Nicola Saladino) have developed during years of academic research and collaborations with various international firms, working on multiple design scales. Our expertise ranges from architecture to landscape and urban design. We move on multiple grounds, analyzing and re-describing their performative logics. The understanding of the territory and its constitutive and constantly evolving metabolic networks and systems of power relations allows us to re-define natural/ artificial and local/global dichotomies, envisioning future social assemblages. In order to achieve a systematic control on the energetic functionality and the spatial quality of the built environment we aim for the local integration of architecture and landscape into a synthetic and modern urban hybrid. reMIX and its architecture and landscape design projects have been recognized by a number of important international design awards, including ASLA Honour Award (2011,2013), IFLA Design Award Third Place (2011), XI Krakow Architecutre Triennial Prize, and Qianhai Island Masterplan International Competition Third Place (2014). reMIX has been featured widely by the press around the world, including Landscape Architecture Frontiers, ASLA LAM, Community Design, Urban Flux, Complexity and Sustainability, Frama, Future Magazine, Vision, GSD Platform, Homestyle, and a series of web-magazine including Dezeen, Designboom, Phaidon and Gooood. Various design projects of reMIX have been invited to be exhibited worldwide, including the 14th Venice Architectural Biennale, Rotterdam Architecture Biennale 2012, Festival des Architectures Vives 2013, Manchester Center for Chinese Contemporary Art 2014, and Tallinn Architecture Biennale 2011.


reMIX 临界工作室,是一家年轻的事务所,一间致力于打破专业和尺度界限的空间工作室。三位创始人分别来自不同的学术研究背景并在多个国际性事务所在多 尺度多类型的设计实践中积累了丰富的经验。我们涉足建筑设计,景观设计以及城市规划设计,并尤以其中的交叉性、综合性的设计为专长。我们将城市理解为 一个复杂的动态系统,跨领域、跨尺度、系统性的工作方式是我们多方面考虑城市设计问题的前提。生态的可持续发展的原则是我们贯穿始终的设计理念。 我们致力于打破专业界限,将建筑及其环境景观视作相辅相成,互为完善的总体整合设计,打造连贯、协调、可持续的现代城市建成环境。 reMIX临界工作室的建筑及景观设计作品曾获得多个国际权威奖项,包括美国景观建筑学会优胜奖(ASLA Honour Award, 2011,2013),国际景观建筑联盟设计大 赛第三名(IFLA, 2011),第十一届Krakow建筑三年展设计大奖(XI Krakow Architecutre Triennial Prize),深圳前海景观岛国际规划及设计竞赛三等奖(Qianhai Island Masterplan International Competition, 2014)。其设计实践一直获得国际媒体的广泛关注,包括景观设计学(Landscape Architecture Frontiers),美 国景观学会会刊(ASLA Landscape Architecture Magazine),社区设计(Community Design),城市空间设计(Urban Flux),复杂性与可持续发展(Complexity and Sustainability),FRAME,未来(Future Magazine),青年视觉(Vision),哈佛设计学院作品选 (GSD Platform),私家(Homestyle),以及dezeen, designboom, phaidon web-magazine, 谷德(gooood) 等多个在线设计杂志。reMIX的作品在世界范围内展出,包括第十四届威尼斯建筑双年展(the 14th Venice Architectural Biennale),鹿特丹国际建筑双年展(Rotterdam Architecture Biennale, 2012),北京国际设计周(Beijing Design Week, 2013,2014), 蒙彼利埃法国建筑展(Festival des Architectures Vives, 2013),曼彻斯特中国当代艺术中心(Center for Chinese Contemporary Art, 2014),塔林建筑双年展 (Tallinn Architecture Biennale, 2011)。



Chen Chen graduated in Architecture at Tsinghua University; she obtained a Master degree in Landscape Urbanism from the Architectural Association in London and completed with distinction a Master in Landscape Architecture at Harvard GSD, receiving the Jacob Weidenman Award, the highest design award of the year. She won several International prizes in architecture and landscape design, including the Grand Prix at Paris International Competition for Sustainable Design (2008) and the ASLA (American Society of Landscape Architects) Honour Award (2011 and 2013). Her work has been exhibited worldwide including Rottermdam Architecture Biennale, France Festival des architectures vives and Venice Biennale. Before establishing reMIXstudio, she has collaborated with design offices in China and the US and has been teaching urban design workshops worldwide (MIT, AA, Veritas, etc.). Federico Ruberto graduated in Architecture and received his Master degree in Urban and Landscape Design from the Italian Polytechnic of Milan in 2008. Since 2013 he is a PhD candidate in Media and Communication at the European Graduate School. In 2009 he won the Grand Prix of the International Competition at the XI Krakow Architecture Triennial with a project on the urban infrastructural system that has been published by several international magazines. He has collaborated with numerous architectural offices in Italy and worked as Project Architect at Plasma Studio and Groundlab in London and Beijing. Nowadays he is involved in the Landscape Urbanism course at Tsinghua University and Beijing LCD (Laboratory for Computational Design) and has been invited to several international workshops including the Architectural Association Visiting School in Beijing 2012 and São Paulo 2013. Nicola Saladino graduated in Architecture at the Polytechnic University of Barcelona and in 2009 he obtained his Master degree with distinction from the Landscape Urbanism program at the Architectural Association in London. He has carried out several workshops in the Architectural Association and has been invited to numerous international universities such as MIT, Veritas (Costa Rica), Hong Kong University and Tsinghua University, where he is currently involved in the Landscape Urbanism course. He is also a tutor at Beijing LCD (Laboratory for Computational Design). As a designer he worked in several offices in Barcelona, London and Beijing on urban design and architecture, including Plasma Studio and Groundlab.


陈忱毕业于清华大学建筑系,2010年获得伦敦建筑联盟学院景观城市学专业硕士学位,2013年以优秀毕业生获得哈佛设计学院景观建筑专业硕士学位,并获得当 年最高毕业生设计奖。 陈忱以其建筑设计和景观城市设计获得过多个国际奖项:美国景观建筑学会优胜奖(2011,2013),国际景观建筑联盟设计大赛第三名(2011),法国国际可持续建 筑设计竞赛一等奖(2008)。多个作品应邀参加威尼斯建筑双年展,鹿特丹建筑国际双年展及法国建筑年度设计展。 独立实践前,陈忱曾在中美多个事务所工作,并应邀主持多个城市设计研习班的教学(MIT 2012,AA 北京 2012,Veritas 2011,etc)。 费德里科2008年于米兰理工大学获得城市与景观设计方向的建筑硕士学位,目前他同时在欧洲研究生学院进行媒体新技术与空间认知方面的博士研究(2013年 起)。 2009年,他以对城市基础设施系统的思考与设计赢得第十一届Krakow建筑三年展,并被多个国际建筑学刊物发表。 他曾在意大利和中国多个建筑事务所工作,其中包括担任Plasma Studio和Groundlab的多个获得国际奖项方案的主持建筑师。目前他在北京清华大学城市景观 学专业、北京参数化设计研究中心(LCD)参与设计课教学,并应邀主持多个研习班的教学(AA北京2012,巴西圣保罗2013)。 尼古拉毕业于巴塞罗那理工学校建筑系,曾在该校教授设计课并负责多部重要的学术刊物的编辑工作。2009年他于伦敦建筑联盟学院景观城市学专业毕业并获得 优秀研究生毕业设计荣誉。 自毕业以来,尼古拉在包括建筑联盟学院、Veritas大学(San Jose,哥斯达黎加)、麻省理工学院、香港大学和清华大学在内的多个学校教授设计课。他目前在 北京清华大学参与城市景观学专业担任教学助理,并在北京参数化设计研究中心(LCD)担任辅导老师。 专注于独立实践前,他曾在巴塞罗那、伦敦、北京,包括Plasma Studio和Groundlab在内的多个建筑事务所进行建筑与城市设计实践。




Design | 设计实践 -

Interior Design | 室内设计 Architecture | 建筑设计 Landscape Design | 景观设计 Urban Design | 城市设计

Academia | 教学活动 - Landscape Urbanism at Tsinghua | 景观城市学设计课-清华大学 - Parametric Design at Beijing LCD | 参数化建构及城市设计 - 北京LCD - International Workshops | 设计研习工作坊 - AA,MIT, Veritas







- small - medium - large

DALIAN CIRCUS Year Type Size Location

年份: 类型: 规模: 地点:


in collaboration with Dalian UD Institute | 合作团队

2012 structure - envelope | 膜结构几何优化设计 5,000 sqm | 5000 平米 Dalian, Liaoning, China | 中国, 辽宁,大连

The design of Dalian Pavilion is the result of a collaboration between reMIX studio and Dalian UD Institute. Our main tasks included the geometric definition of the external and internal membrane, the optimization of the roof structure, the design of the access points and the adjacent topography. The institute decided the location of the pavilion within the park and the general interior layout. We were given a simple 3d model of the maximum envelope and were asked to propose an integral solution for the skin and the envelope structure. Through a process of phylogenesis, we studied different geometrical systems: initial basic patterns were expanded three-dimensionally and tested in their spatial and structural performance. The physical possibilities of our intervention relied in the combination of an optimized and yet expressive structural scheme and the implicit material properties of the membrane. 大连森林动物园表演场为reMIX事务所与大连都市发展设计院的合作项目。 我们在该项目中的主要任务包括:室内外膜结构的几何设计,顶面结构优化,场地入口设计,建筑周边地形设计。设计院已初步确定了表演场在公园中的 选址,室内空间布局和大致空间形态,我们需要在此基础上提供一个包括具体建筑形体和表皮膜结构的完整设计方案。 我们坚信以功能为导向的参数设计与存在主观意图的手动性设计这两种方式结合起来具有充分的必要性:我们通过编程,利用计算机的精确推导和运算速 度对大量设计的可能性进行比较,同时设计师将在关键环节做出主观选择和决策,同时获得最大程度优化的几何结构以及个人主观性的空间体验。 通过phylogenesis分析法我们研究了多种不同的几何体系:由基础模块扩展到三维模型,并测试其结构性能。和膜结构厂商的密切配合使我们的设计逻辑 能够基于对几何优化,动态结构和膜结构自身材料特性的理解。以形体效果,结构性能,成本与施工难度评价多个设计方案,我们挑选了两种原型:第一 种是平面表皮,第二种是双曲面结构。最终我们选择了后者,因为其允许我们通过应力阈的控制能够利用皮膜固有的弹性,并通过不同组件受压和受压产 生与结构的多重关系。


Dalian Circus


DESIGN - medium

Dalian Circus


DESIGN - medium

Dalian Circus

GYT GALLERY Year Type Size Location

年份: 类型: 规模: 地点:


2012 (under construction) | [目前在建] mixed use | 商业,办公,画廊综合体 20,000 sqm | 20000 平米 Beijing, China | 中国,北京

This mixed-use building will stand at the side of an important motorway that gives access to South-East Beijing, in a sub-urban undifferentiated context. Due to the local presence of several art galleries, the neighborhood is trying to brand itself as a center for cultural production and our project is meant to become its new entrance gate. The 20.000 sqm block will host a commercial ground floor, two floors of offices and art studios, and galleries in the last floor. Our intervention tries to soberly resolve the client’s will to create an iconic building with an extremely low budget and tight construction schedule. We based the design on the simplest structural system of a box, articulating the facade and the interior spaces through processes of stratification and excavation. From the exterior, the mass of the building gradually loses its monumental integrity and the Euclidean volume gradually evolves into a permeable envelope, with big perforations on the facades and the roof, in which the internal programmatic organization plays a substantial compositional role. The rhythm of the external concrete blades loses its objective integrity becoming part of the street-scape, echoing and playing with the dynamism of the highway. Whilst establishing subtle links with the adjacent urban fabric and connecting with the existing system of pedestrian networks, the building produces a multiplicity of internal spaces. The programs and floors are arranged and “eroded” with different rates of porosity, creating interesting and unexpected combinations of solidvoid masses and allowing moments of spatial looseness in an otherwise rigid and constricted 10 x 10m structural grid. The use of glazed surfaces and the dynamic sequence of courtyards (with various degrees of permeability to the outside) creates and ambiguous atmosphere where there is no clear separation or obvious distinction between open and close, interior and exterior, leading to multiple ways of moving, looking, inhabiting the space... 观音堂文化艺术中心位于北京市东南地区,设计应北京市朝阳区王四营村的文化发展委员会的委托。在过去的10年里,观音堂地区经历了翻天覆地的变 化:由农业用地转变为城乡结合地区,并吸引了来自各方投资者的关注。地段紧靠一条城市快速路,车辆往来频繁。这是一个典型的郊区,街区特征很不 鲜明,其中唯一标示性的元素则是被诸多建筑群所簇拥的一片高尔夫球场。观音堂地区本来就分布着许多画廊,文化氛围良好,将发展为该区域的文化产 业中心。而观音堂文化艺术中心则将成为该中心对外展示的重要门户:总建筑面积为2万平方米,地面层为商业层(主要是艺术品的零售店);第二、三 层设有办公室和艺术事务所,第四层则为画廊。 客户要求完成一座标志性的且低造价的建筑,我们因而努力避免一切不必要的、做作的设计动作。面对紧张的资金和有限的工期,我们决定从一个方盒子 开始,通过增加层次与挖空的方式,形成生动丰富的建筑形态和室内空间。从外表看建筑的形体逐渐淡化其巨大的尺度和绝对的完整性,通过立面和顶面 上的体形减法得到的灰空间将其欧几里得式形体渐渐演变成一个通透的体量,这些灰空间和内部的功能布局息息相关。表皮混凝土板的节奏韵律则是对高 架路上高速车流的回应。在与邻接的城市肌理和现有的步行网络系统建立微妙连接的同时,建筑内部的空间也产生了多样性。功能与楼层被布局和“侵 蚀”成不同程度的通透空间,造成了一种独特的、另人惊喜不到的实虚交变的效果,使僵硬呆板的空间得到一种前所未有的释放,这一切又完全是在一个 10x10m柱网这一最简单经济的结构体系中实现的。 玻璃表面的使用和错动的天井利用空间不同的通透性营造出一种暧昧的气氛,开放与封闭、室内及室外的界限开始变得模糊,。人们可以随意地在空间其 中行走、驻足观赏,享受空间所带来的丰富体验。


GYT Gallery


DESIGN - medium

GYT Gallery


DESIGN - medium

GYT Gallery

GUILIN HOTEL Year Type Size Location

年份: 类型: 规模: 地点:


2013 hotel refurbishment | 设计型精品酒店, 建筑改造 10,000 sqm | 10000 平米 Guilin, Guangxin, China | 中国,广西,桂林

This renovation project aims to transform a large empty building, originally planned to host several restaurants, into a boutique hotel with 100 bedrooms and several public services. The new program imposed important modifications to the facade, the creation of a swimming pool that occupies a large part of the courtyard and the addition of new volumes on the higher levels. These punctual interventions unfortunately increased the original volumetric fragmentation of the structure. The construction of a layer of blades that partially wraps the old façade and bends into a fluid continuous roof creates a coherent envelope and a totally new identity for the building. The blades also provide shading, while allowing natural ventilation for the rooms and the higher terraces, responding to the characteristics of the tropical climate of Guilin. Furthermore, the interstitial space between the façade and the new skin gave the opportunity to create a series of public and private terraces with good views towards the amazing landscape of the region. 这是一个建筑改造项目。原有空置多年的混凝土结构通过全新的设计,将成为一个百间客房规模的酒店商业综合体。 为满足新的使用功能,原建筑立面及内部结构都须局部调整:首层庭院空间的泳池及分布在不同高度的加建体量使得原本就凌乱的建筑体量更为庞杂。我 们的策略是建造轻质结构百叶系统形成一层半透的表皮以整合复杂的体量元素,新旧建筑成为一个统一完整的整体,赋予原有建筑崭新的形象。 这个百叶层同时具备调节气候的功能。它在提供遮阳的同时允许建筑的自然通风,适应桂林亚热带气候的强烈日照。同时,旧有立面与新表皮之间的半围 合空间,形成半公共半私密的氛围,提供丰富而多样的半室外活动区域。


Guilin Hotel


DESIGN - medium

Guilin Hotel


DESIGN - medium

Guilin Hotel


DESIGN - medium

Guilin Hotel


DESIGN - medium

Guilin Hotel



- small - medium - large

GUANZHUANG Year: Type: Size: Location:

年份: 类型: 规模: 地点:


2013 masterplan for a business centre| 商务区城市设计 buildings 230,000 sqm, landscape 70,000 sqm | 建筑面积230000平米,景观面积70000平米 Beijing, China | 中国,北京

This project is located in an area on the East 4th ring of Beijing that is still relatively under-developed but is becoming more and more attractive for commercial and office activities due to its proximity to the CBD. This conceptual masterplan provides the general massing guidelines and spatial organization for a future business centre. The design consists of ten 80m towers and three lower buildings on top of a linear podium that comprehends parking, small shops and semi-private courtyards mainly for the employees, while the garden and the terraces would offer open-air public space for the whole neighborhood. Given the elevated density of potential users, we also considered the possibility of creating special levels in the towers that could host public activities and located them at different heights in order to provide an interesting variety of views. While the architecture of the towers is quite simple and uniform to provide a sense of calm unity that retreats from the iconic rush of many adjacent buildings, most of the spatial articulation happens on the ground level. The parking that runs like a spine across the whole site is split on two semi-levels to minimize excavation and create platforms at different elevations that work as an artificial topography to better organize the access flows and create more diverse conditions for the public space. A series of ramps, with a mix of soft and hard pavements, connects the buildings with the landscape, establishing a continuous circulation system that can easily adapt to a multiplicity of activities. 该项目坐落于北京东南四环。地段临近中央商务区。方案为这片未来的商务新区提出了场地景观的策略和建筑体量的概念性规划。 十座高八十米的塔楼和另外三座稍低矮的建筑之下的线性裙房空间容纳了如停车,商铺和半私密庭院等空间。不同形态的广场和平台则为周边社区提供了 开放的公共空间。由于项目的空间密度很高,我们有意识的塔楼不同的楼层中提供了一系列视野开阔的公共活动层。 方案有意保持建筑体形的简单以抗拒周边业已形成的地标建筑争奇斗艳的场景。但是裙房和地景的部分却被处理得丰富多样。借用半地下的停车空间的构 建形成的一系列人工地形不仅帮助将土方量控制在最低,提供多个处在不同高度的活动平台,同时更好的梳理场地中的不同流线。一系列坡道,丰富的植 被和铺地,将建筑和景观通过连续的步道系统紧密的连结为一个整体。




DESIGN - large



DESIGN - large


HUACHI SCHOOL Year: Type: Size: Location:

年份: 类型: 规模: 地点:


2013 high school campus | 中学校园设计 70,000 sqm | 70000 平米 Huachi, Qingyang, Gansu | 中国,甘肃,庆阳,华池

The town of Huachi is located in the middle of a valley surrounded by steep mountains and the presence of a river along the East edge of the site creates a powerful natural context. Our design challenges the traditional volumetric fragmentation of a Chinese high-school campus to propose two large buildings that solve the whole program, achieving a scale that relates directly to the surrounding landscape. A system of linear volumes articulates both the interior and the exterior circulation; the buildings bend to create various courtyards with different degrees of intimacy and the architecture interweaves sectionally with the landscape. The volumes also shift at different levels and, together with a overhanging roof that echoes the local traditional architecture, they produce terraces and porches for the numerous outdoor activities. The school building is located in the South-East end of the site, in proximity to the main entrance, while the dorms are near the North-East corner. The two buildings are connected by a semi-underground volume that runs parallel to the East edge of the site, around 10m higher than the adjacent riverbed. The gym and the canteen are positioned along this corridor and are facing directly the river. A monumental overhanging roof produces a sort of cut in the topography, creating a protected terrace that overlooks the whole valley. A series of perforations allow a large quantity of light to penetrate the deep volumes and an exterior staircase connects directly to the sport-fields level. The different height requirements are reflected by the different levels of the upper deck, generating a fluid topography of ramps and grades over the playground. 该项目是我们与JAL事务所协作完成的竞赛项目。 华池县位于一片山谷中,学校地段东面傍水,群山环绕,自然环境独特。我们试图打破传统中学校园设计的范式,通过将功能整合在两座的建筑中,解决 传统校园空间结构支离破碎的问题。建筑的尺度也能更好的和环境中的山体相匹配。 线性的建筑体量帮助有效的组织室内外流线;建筑错落和折变,体量在不同的高度上交叉错落,使之与景观在平面和剖面上都交织在一起,形成了不同亲 密度的景观庭院,创造出一系列多样而有趣的空间关系。建筑的屋檐出挑深远,不仅是对当地传统建筑特点的回应,而且形成了一系列灰空间;屋檐形成 的阴影也很好的解决华池夏日烈日暴晒,将为各种学生活动的展开提供舒适而多样的户外空间。 教学楼布置在的东南角,靠近主入口,而宿舍则在东北角附近。两座建筑之间通过一个半地下的建筑体量相互连接,该连结空间与场地东侧边缘相平行, 与其东面的水面落差约10m。体育馆以及食堂均面朝水面,其体量沿着连廊的形态走势延展开来。悬挑的屋顶及其覆盖的一个可以俯瞰整个峡谷风貌的室 外平台,犹如在山体中雕刻而成,很好的借用了原有的地形。天光以及下沉花园使充分的自然采光穿透楼梯间和构筑物到达体育场馆深处。不同的台地, 平台设计回应室内外空间不同的高差需求,创造出坡道,台阶等一系列连续流畅的人工地形,并在操场周围随地形抬升形成了一片看台。


Huachi School


DESIGN - large

Huachi School


DESIGN - large

Huachi School

FLU)(TUATION Year: Type: Size: Location:

年份: 类型: 规模: 地点:

起伏 •连接

2014 landscape design | 景观设计 13,828 sqm | 13,828 平米 Qianhai, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China | 中国,广东,深圳,前海

The integrated ecological infrastructure of this project emerges from three layers: the diversification of open spaces / activities, the complex multiplicity of connections, the pockets / landforms / platforms / wetlands biodiversity. The site is wired by a continuous circulation circuit, linking in succession several nodes and generating, through punctual links, a spatial system of interdependent intensities: all the activities are located along the “Loop” – a seamless pedestrian and biking network. The island is situated in the central intersection, connected with the mainland through three bridges. It’s the nodal attractor of the masterplan, the active-pulsating heart of the project through the articulation of the levels and the diversification of the programs, which are activated and deactivated by the tidal oscillations. The topography is organized into three main levels: uplands, freshwater wetlands and tidal terraces. Given the existing grade, the southern channel is shallower than the northern one. Different platforms of tidal dynamics are planned to strategically embrace the topography and the circulation, designed to provide unique spatial experiences throughout the various environmental conditions of the landscape. A diversity of plant communities are selected according to the humidity and salinity of different terraces. They range from mangrove, saltwater and (cleansing) freshwater wetlands to upland species. “起伏•连接”创造了这样一个多层整合景观基础设施系统:多样性的开放空间和活动场所,多路径连续一体的慢行网络,与地形紧密结合的生物多样 性。他们将城市排洪、雨水管理与市民的游园、戏水、晨练等休闲活动在空间中结合成一个有机的整体,共同提升城市的生态环境和市民的空间质量。 方案以“慢行圈”空间系统为结构,用连续的步行和骑行网络将所有的开放空间和功能场所串联起来,并将地段与其周边的慢行网络无缝的连接起来。 不同长度(7分钟,10分钟和30分钟)慢跑圈的路径(坡度及所经过的活动场所)被精心的设计和布局,以提供使用者不同时间对不同休闲功能的多种需 求。前海石景观岛处于这个慢行网络的核心区域,位于多个慢行圈的中央交叉点,也因此是休闲活动最为集中和多样的区域。它与两侧的滨河景观带通过 三处步道和一处浮桥联系起来。在多种不同水位的情形下,景观岛的边界呈现不同的形态,为使用者带来丰富的景观体验。 延续总体规划中的“三台阶”形式,方案利用一系列的台地连接城市与水面标高,并根据他们与海平面的高差关系分为高地,淡水湿地和海水湿地。满足 防潮防洪排涝的同时通过高低起伏的地形变化营造丰富的空间体验。方案的地形和流线设计充分考虑了对海潮水位一日中时间性、季节性变化的包容,并 利用自然的动态性在不同天气、时节、潮汐状况下为使用者提供多样而独特的景观空间体验和与自然互动的机会。




DESIGN - large



DESIGN - large



DESIGN - large



DESIGN - large


ZHUHAI TOWER Year: Type: Size: Location:

年份: 类型: 规模: 地点:


2014 skyscraper competition| 超高层设计竞赛 156,500 sqm | 156,500平米 Hengqin, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China| 中国,广东,珠海,横琴岛

The 300m height Zhongtie Tower is located in Shizimen CBD. This future waterfront landmark is part of Hengqin island Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province, facing directly Hongkong and Macao. The tower is placed at the northwest corner of the site. A four storey podium encloses the site, taking advantage of the higher commercial value on the east side of the site, brought by the pedestrian flow from the subway and Rongzhu Rd. The ground floor is made permeable through breaking down the massing into intimate street-like scale to allow various fluxes from the city to intersect each other, converging to the very core of the building. A series of ramps in the podium brings people to balconies and terraces on various levels to end on the rooftop public plaza. Continuous circulation extends the surrounding streets into the interior spaces, activating pockets of program at different times of the day. The building volume and skin, flirting with the modern aesthetics of modernity are prevalently a response to two different inputs: the environmental particularities of the location and the revision of the skyscraper typology. The tower is formed as an aerodynamic response to the prevalent winds and the curtain wall is designed to accommodate panels of different transparencies in accordance to the solar exposure: important conditions for a site located in such a sub-tropical climate. A system of passive ventilation that responds to seasonal variations in temperature is integrated as a volumetric filter on three sides of the tower. An operation that allowed the formation along the vertical axe of the hanging volumes which are mainly containing meeting rooms, intimate stanzas with a view over the landscape This particular move helped in emphasizing the tower vertical silhouette diminishing its portentous and massive visual impact given by the impressive amount of required amount of sqm. The podium on its side tries to accommodate environmental strategies such as a green roof and a rainwater collection system.

中铁大厦将坐落于未来高楼林立的十字门中央商务区西区。地段位于广东省珠海市横琴岛,市区南部,珠江口西侧,毗邻港澳。 方案将塔楼布置于地段西北,北、东、南方向则被四层高的裙楼环绕,构成场地的空间围合感,并最大的利用了地段东侧人流带来的商业价值。首层空间 打破庞大的建筑体量,形成街巷般亲和的空间尺度,并利于汇聚和梳理来自各个方向的穿过场地及进入建筑不同部分的人流。一系列连续半室外公共空间 将人们引入裙房中位不同高度的公共平台,并最终到达裙房屋面公共平台层。连续动线的设计将城市街道空间向建筑内部延伸,并以此激活更多的商业界 面。设计在体量上突出整体造型在竖直方向的动感,幕墙表皮在材料上塑造通透轻盈的视觉效果。此外,体形的推敲和朝向尊重可持续性的设计理念,充 分考虑当地气候炎热和日照充足的风、热环境。试图打造一个适应于亚热带季风气候的绿色新地标。 根据对不同高度、不同朝向所拥有的不同景观价值、日照条件等的综合评价,方案生成了现在的建筑体量,并采用纵向功能布局的策略,形成以商业为主 体,高度功能混合的裙房[F1-F4],和以办公[F1-F44]与酒店公寓[F45-F61]为主体的塔楼空间。标准层的结构布置兼顾经济、灵活分隔需求的同时,允许 立面微妙的形体转折。部分角部空间的断开实现不同季节的通风需求,成为可开合“可呼吸的建筑”。






Vehicle Entrance

荣 粤 道









8.4 地库出入口 Parking


Office Entrance






地库出入口 Parking


















Office Lobby






+0.00 +0.00



Office Entrance

Ca 辆 r L 升降 i ft 机


汇 通 三 路




汇 通 五 路












Apartment Lobby













Retail Entrance








Retail Entrance





9.0 84.0







地铁出入口 [B1]

Subway Entrance











Main Entrance


TAICHUNG PARK Year: Type: Size: Location:

年份: 类型: 规模: 地点:


in collaboration with Groundlab | 合作团队

2011 urban park | 城市公园设计 80 ha | 80 公顷 Taichung, Taiwan | 台湾,台中市

Taichung Gateway Park is the central element of the new project for Taichung Gateway City, as the park meanders from North to South along the entire future development. The whole design is centered on the water management. Local climate, seasonal precipitations, natural disasters mitigation, maintenance and energy generation are some of the issues addressed by the new water system in order to create a framework for the overall masterplan. The project aims to recreate indigenous ecosystems, combining natural performances with innovative technologies to provide the city with a strong and vigorous infrastructural landscape that allows the inhabitants to enjoy vibrant recreational programs in a great spatial diversity. 台中中央公园因自北向南贯穿整个台中中央城区而成为其核心元素。 公园设计的出发点源自一套雨水管理系统。这一策略性的概念整合了对当地气候特征、降水特征以及自然灾害的考虑,同时兼顾新能源问题。这套系统成 为整个公园和城市规划的框架性基础。 对台湾当地生态系统的考虑和使用是公园生态设计的出发点,借用自然本身的力量再结合新的环保技术,我们提出了一种全新类型的“基础设施型景观 带”,为当地市民提供休闲活动的场所,享受多种空间和环境设计所带来的全新体验。


Taichung Park


DESIGN - large

Taichung Park


DESIGN - large

Taichung Park

JIANSHI Year: Type: Size: Location:

年份: 类型: 规模: 地点:


in collaboration with Design and Research Institute of Hunan University | 合作团队

2012 masterplan | 城市总体规划 20 sqkm | 20 平方公里 Jianshi, Hubei, China | 中国,湖北,坚石

The city is planned to expand from 50.000 to 200.000 inhabitants in the next 10 years, practically occupying the totality of the available flat land that is currently used for agricultural production. As a result of such expansion the economy of the city is also meant to evolve from primary to secondary and tertiary industry, generating an important and potentially violent rupture with its traditional identity. Thus we elaborate a scheme that is in-formed by the materiality of the site, constituting an energetic material assemblage that can build-up a dialogue between the topography, the soil and the hydrology of the site on the one hand and the functionality and quality of the urban space on the other. We propose a system of synergies in which the urban fabric is spatially and symbiotically articulated over the natural environment, actively enhancing its potentials. Within an integrated system of green corridors, the productive landscape then becomes an important element of the public space. Analyzing the quality and productivity of the landscape, we are able to create a sequence of spatial transformations that preserves the most valuable natural elements and allows a smoother transition from the rural to the new urban economy. 这个项目是我所与湖南大学设计研究院合作设计。坚石市是湖北省山区的一座小型城市,当时设计院已经在该城市总体规划和设计上投入了几个月的时 间。我们在该项目中负责分析和评估现有方案的潜力以及薄弱环节,并提出改进的可能性。坚石市人口在未来的10年内将由现在的5万增长到20万,若维 持现有的城市密度,城市化会将现有平坦区域上的耕地全部吞噬。经济发展的目标是实现第一产业到第二或第三产业的转移,随之而来,坚石将不可避免 的面临与其传统特征的割裂。 设计院规划方案精心设计了基础设施和城市结构,考虑了当地的特殊地形,而且也避免了诸如单一功能区划的典型问题。但是,这个方案缺乏允许城市分 期发展的策略,并未能充分利用当地自然环境所带来的优势和潜力。因此,我们提出了一个改良方案,因地制宜,使城市的空间形态,功能结构与当地的 地形,土壤和水文系统更好的协调。我们提出了一个综合的系统,其中,城市的肌理从空间和象征性的角度都能与其自然环境相得益彰,也能更好的利用 各种天然资源和条件。城市景观廊道系统中的农业景观将成为与城市空间密切结合的公共空间。通过对地形、光照、坡度等不同因素的分析,我们评价了 不同区域土壤的生产力,一方面确定了生态价值较高的自然保护区域,一方面实现农业向新城市产业的平稳过渡。


Jian Shi


DESIGN - large

Jian Shi


DESIGN - large

Jian Shi



DREDGING IDENTITIES Year: Type: Size: Location: Format: Publications: Exhibitions:

年份: 类型: 规模: 地点: 形式: 发表: 展览:


2010 urban masterplan | 城市总体规划 300 sqkm | 300 平方公里 Lingang, Shanghai, China | 中国,上海,临港 Research with the MA Landscape Urbanism program | AA 景观城市主义设计研究 Urban Flux, Vol. 17, 2011 | 《城市空间设计》期刊 2011年第17期 2011 Tallinn Architecture Biennale, Estonia | 2011年爱沙尼亚塔林建筑双年展

Lingang was planned as part of the 1966 plan for the regional expansion of Shanghai, on an area of reclaimed land on the head of the Yangtze River Delta, with the goal of housing up to 800,000 inhabitants by 2020. The original masterplan, organized in a very rigid geometrical layout, does not take into account two important elements of the site: the existence of a consolidated pattern of linear villages along agricultural canals and the presence of the sea, with its ecology based on tidal dynamics. The creation of big mono-functional blocks and a low-density urban fabric produce high costs of urbanization and force the full implementation of the infrastructure at first, making the project functionally and economically inefficient. Furthermore, the newly reclaimed area lacks any topographic differentiation that could help its drainage and the water system dangerously relies only on underground piping, causing potential problems of stormwater flooding during the wet season. By reconsidering all the economic and ecological variables of the original masterplan, this project aims to create a more dynamic system based on a new coastline that reconciles the natural ecologies with the new urban activities and the creation of multifunctional clusters that can more efficiently adjust to the future changes in the growth of the city. On the one hand a higher density meets the goals of the original masterplan while allowing the preservation of the existing linear villages, on the other hand, the solution to the insufficient draining capacity of the terrain gives the opportunity to create a new network of canals and water bodies that structures the urban fabric, becoming a crucial element of the public space. The new design maximizes the coastline, generating a higher land value that can partially compensate the costs of the dredging and earthwork needed, making the project economically sound. 临港是中国“十一五”规划中“1966”大上海发展战略的一部分,位于长江三角洲入海口的农垦区; 2020年将有80万居民定居这座城市。 在最初的规划方案中,乡村的原始风貌被完全忽视 ------ 当地建筑和自然风貌消失殆尽,原先依运河而建的线性村庄的独特肌理彻底丧失,取而代之的是 单一功能的巨大分区和高度几何化的千篇一律的空间格局。 单一区划和过低的密度严重增加了单位面积的城市化成本。机械刻板的几何化设计缺乏灵活性,城市在全部建成之前丝毫无法运转,基础设施则被迫要在 开发起初全部建成。不仅如此,在环境方面,围海造田会极大影响到当地的水网系统,盐沼地的生态环境被破坏,排水受阻,也增加了潮汛期爆发洪水的 可能。 该项目反思原有总规的薄弱之处,试图提出一个更加灵活开放的城市物质空间系统:提出一个全新的海岸线设计,同时改善滨海生态系统的状况,并提供 更多亲水的城市空间;提出一个多中心城市的策略,使整个城市能够面临未来变化而自我调整,灵活多变。 此外,方案中提出的高密度的城市建设将有利于高效利用土地,以此来保留更多原有村庄;同时,在解决城市排水问题时也为建设新的城市水系带来了契 机,这个网络化的运河系统将造就全新城市肌理,成为建构城市公共空间的重要因素。新的方案不仅最大程度地利用了自然海岸线,创造了多种亲水的城 市界面和功能空间,其带来的地价提升更可补偿建设排水系统等土方工程的经济投入,使整个方案更具经济可行性。


Dredging Identities



Dredging Identities



Dredging Identities

DELTA CITY Year: Type: Size: Location: Format: Publications: Exhibitions:

年份: 类型: 规模: 地点: 形式: 发表: 展览:


2011 urban design | 城市设计 5 sqkm | 5 平方公里 Willets Points, Queens, New York, USA | 美国,纽约,国王区 Research at Harvard Graduate School of Design, Boston, USA | 美国哈佛设计学院设计研究 GSD Platform 4, Actar, 2012 | 《哈佛设计学院作品选 4》 2012 Rotterdam Architecture Biennale, Netherlands | 2012年荷兰鹿特丹双年展

Willets Point in Flushing, Queens, New York is a heavily urbanized estuary whose ecological conditions have been subject to a serious degradation over the past century. It is also a relatively low and flat site, thus vulnerable to 100-years flooding. This project takes the current pressure for urban redevelopment as an opportunity to propose an innovative infrastructural framework for the site, exploring new urban typologies that are driven by ecological and environmental dynamics. The concept of “living with flooding” is explored as an alternative model of inhabiting this problematic, fragile and complex ecological context. A strategy of vertical zoning is developed through a series of elevational relationships, intentionally allowing some areas (mostly parking, and open spaces) to be occasionally flooded during storm events, in order to prioritize the protection of the zones with denser urban development or strategic programmatic importance. The water system is also the key driver for the creation of a new network of open spaces, pedestrian paths and built volumes, triggering the emergence of new housing typologies, with innovative streetscapes and building–landscape relationships. Various modules and distributions of storm water wetlands create urban blocks of different sizes and a branching water network provides continuous pedestrian paths through all the open spaces. Punctual earthwork provides the site with a new micro-topography that collects and distribute storm water, while creating unique spatial conditions. These new features not only reactivate the estuary ecologies but also contribute to strengthen the local identity of the site, increasing its land value. In this way, the project generates a synergy between economy and ecology, so often conflicting with each other in the global context of environmental degradation and speculative urbanization. 位于纽约国王区的Willets Point是一个高密度的城市街区,这个处于河口地带的生态环境从上世纪以来不断地受到工业污染等严重损害。同时,这里地势 低洼平坦,一直面临被洪水淹没的威胁。 该项目以旧城改造为契机,试图对该地段提出一种创新的基础设施系统,试图从生态和环境保护的观念出发提出新的建筑和景观设计。 “与洪水同住”这一设计概念是对这个问题众多、具有复杂而脆弱的地段现状的积极回应。我们通过一系列的标高关系开展了纵向分区的策略,有意识的 允许一些区域(主要是停车场,公共绿地等)暂时被洪水淹没,以此实现对于高密度城市化发展或战略性功能重要地区的绝对保护。 水系统也对公共空间网络、步行网络和建筑形态的重塑起到主导的影响,通过对建筑类型和街道的设计,建筑与景观之间在平面和剖面上都产生了有趣丰 富的关系。此外,湿地的模数与分布帮助组织不同建筑组群,水系统的支流能提供贯穿所有公共空间的连续步道系统。对地形的调整本着最小化土方移动 的原则,巧妙的利用局部微地形组织地表径流,形成独特有趣的空间体验。 方案中的各系统不仅帮助激活三角洲地区的生态,还增调了地方特色、提高土地价值。它试图调解城市发展和生态保护这一对看似互相对立的方面 ,将经 济因素和生态因素一同纳入到城市规划的考虑中来,探索了一种共生、整合以及双赢的城市发展模式。


Delta City



Delta City



Delta City

SANRIKU Year: Type: Size: Location: Format:

年份: 类型: 规模: 地点: 形式:


2012 urban masterplan | 城市规划 20 ha | 20公顷 Shizugawa (Minami Sanriku), Miyagi, Japan | 日本,宫城县,志津川市 Research as part of the Harvard for Japan group | 美国哈佛大学日本后海啸重建小组

In response to the disaster, the Harvard for Japan group was soon created as a multi-disciplinary team of researchers and designers that offered support to the affected regions during the reconstruction process. With Harvard for Japan, we joined a one-month workshop with the local government and city planning consultants on the new masterplan of Shizugawa, a city of 18.000 inhabitants that had been almost annihilated by the tsunami. When we started our project, the local authorities had already taken most of the strategic decisions and we were asked to operate within a set framework of functional zones, dividing our work in four main themes: residential, commercial, industrial and park. reMIX worked on the new residential neighborhoods, which were planned to move from the costal plane to the adjacent hills. The initial masterplan defined three major zones for such relocation, with a scheme that implied a deep modification of the original topography (i.e. flattening all the hilltops in order to build on flat grounds) and would require long and very expensive earthworks. From the analysis of the current conditions, we were able to identify some areas, within the planned residential zones, where the slopes are low enough to allow construction with minor interventions in the topography. This led to the creation of a parametric model of terraces and buildings that optimizes the earthworks and creates a flexible infrastructure for the urbanization of the hills. Different prototypes of soil-retention and building typologies are then associated to various slope conditions. Parameters such as minimum and maximum plot sizes, setback, building dimensions, solar orientation etc. informed such analysis. 2011年3月11日在日本的Tohoku爆发该国了历史上最强烈地震与海啸,造成2.4万多人死亡,摧毁了10万多户家庭。来自不同领域的研究员与设计师共同成 立了Harvard for Japan组织,对受灾地区的重建事业提供支持。2012年夏,reMIX也成为Harvard for Japan一员, 参入到当地政府与城市规划机构组 织的,为期一个月的志津川市重建工作坊。这个被海啸几乎完全摧毁的城市总人口为1.8万人。 项目的初始阶段,当地规划部门已经完成了大部分战略性政策,我们基本在已有的总规框架中工作并提出改进方案。工作划分成四个主要板块:住宅、 商业区、工业区和公园。reMIX负责住宅部分的设计:根据规划,原先位于海岸低地的住宅计划迁往临近的山丘高地。已有的总体规划划定了三个住宅新 区,但规划的位置决定该工程将涉及大量土方移动(例如,将山顶夷为平地,以便创造足够可供建设的大片平地),这个方案需要的时间长,成本也高。 通过对地形现状的分析,我们在规划中的住宅区里确定出一些坡度较缓的地区,尽量减少对地形进行的改变。我们编写了坡地转台地及建筑的程序,利用 参数化模型,优化土方工程,并提出一个更加顺应地势、更高效的路网基础设施。我们提出不同的挡土墙和建筑类型的设计,以适应局部不同的坡度。在 设计过程中我们所控制的主要参数包括:最小和最大的宅基地面积,建筑退红线距离,建筑尺度,建筑朝向等。 对应不同坡度设计不同建筑类型的策略不仅帮助降低城市化的成本,还可以创造出一个多功能、多样化的城市空间,避免一次性建设的大规模开发项目往 往带来的千篇一律。这个基于台地的城市系统,因不需要完全将山顶铲平,将允许重建工作更快,更灵活并且分阶段的进行。











VERTICAL TERRITORIES Year: Type: Size: Location: Format: Publications: Awards:

年份: 类型: 规模: 地点: 形式: 发表: 获奖:


2010 landscape regeneration masterplan | 生态系统修复与景观设计 6000 sqm | 6000 平米 South Weymouth Naval Air Station, Massachusetts, USA| 美国,波士顿,SW废弃军用机场 Research at Harvard Graduate School of Design, Boston, USA | 美国哈佛设计学院设计研究 GSD Platform 4, Actar, 2012 | 《哈佛设计学院作品选 4》 2011 American Society of Landscape Architecture (ASLA) Honor Award | 2011 美国景观协会 (ASLA) 优胜奖 2011 The International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) Third Prize | 2011 国际景观联盟 ( IFLA ) 第三名

South Weymouth Naval Air Station is an abandoned military base with a long history of aviation-related activities. The site is characterised by consistent winds and still presents the high water table that used to make it a vast marshland. It is also home to a number of rare and endangered bird species that inhabit grassland and wetland ecosystems, which have been in decline in Massachusetts over the past 100 years. The region suffers from regular flooding events while ironically it has constant problems of drinking-water shortage due to recent contamination and improper management. This project works on several levels at once to take advantage of the local natural resources of the site and regenerate its deteriorated hydrology and related ecosystems. Through the concept of “vertical territories” our design focuses on different layers of energy production, habitat preservation, water management and public recreation. The existing ground conditions inform the size, organisation and location of the stormwater wetlands and infiltration ponds. The structure of the new park is formed by an elastic network of “flow lines” parallel to the streams that are stretched and divided as needed to negotiate requirements such as pedestrian accessibility, different degrees of protection and optimal habitat sizes. The circulation system promotes public activities and connects the surrounding towns, improving the local connectivity. “纵向领域”提出了对位于波士顿南边废弃的South Weymouth海军机场(以下简称SW机场)重新开发利用的空间策略。该地段处于一个高空风力强劲 而稳定的地区,并且地下水位很高,机场在建设前是一片广袤的沼泽。这里的大片草场和湿地还是多种濒危动物的栖息地。SW机场所处的区域常年饱受旱 涝灾害的双重威胁,水资源管理失效和水系统的污染造成附近居民饮用水短缺。 该方案提出“纵向领域分层”的空间策略,突破一般的城市规划设计仅只关注地面设计的观念,同时考虑地下、地表、低空和高空各层空间,利用不同高 度的空间解决不同需求:高空捕捉风能,地面改善公共开放空间和野生动物保护,并同地下含水层共同完成雨水收集管理。在地面,我们拆除大量不可渗 透铺地,提出了一个湿地系统。试图将洪水与水资源短缺问题综合解决。提出一个功能性景观系统作为雨水收集净化系统,将洪水季节过剩的雨水降低流 速并收集起来经过湿地的净化导向地下含水层,作为旱季用水的储备。 不同的湿地细胞因在雨水处理的不同环节中具有不同的功能需求(如沉淀,清洁和为水流减速)而具有不同的底部土壤渗透性、地形平滑度。其与地段中 现存的被污染土壤区域和含水层的位置关系也是影响其形态、性质的决定性因素。这些湿地还将成为公共开放空间,最大程度的提供公众可达性以及对多 种城市室外活动的容纳能力,因而成为新的社区公共空间。湿地公园内部的路径是经过对当地街道状况的仔细研究后提出的,充分的与邻里街道相衔接, 激活三个城镇的交通联接。 空间的分层使有限的空间具备了更高密度的利用价值和更多种功能性,将原本看似无关的空间利用独特的组合与共存,创造出新的空间体验,却无须使原 有空旷广阔的土地过分拥挤。这一公共空间将首次打破三个相邻城镇之间存在了70年之久的隔阂,将这一几乎被遗忘的边缘空间重新转化为市民集聚和活 动的中心。 42

Vertical Territories



Vertical Territories





Vertical Territories

OVERLAPPED CITY Year: Type: Size: Location: Format: Awards:

年份: 类型: 规模: 地点: 形式: 获奖:


2012 regional masterplan | 城市新能源规划及城市设计 400 sqkm | 400 平方公里 West Houston, Texas, USA | 美国,德克萨斯州,西休斯顿 Research at Harvard Graduate School of Design, Boston, USA | 美国哈佛设计学院设计研究 2013 American Society of Landscape Architecture (ASLA) Honor Award | 2011 美国景观协会 (ASLA) 优胜奖

Energy production in the post-fossil era will be dominated by renewables. Even though renewable energy has a low power density that requires dramatically larger areas to meet our cities demand, it is more compatible with urban conditions and more flexible with spatial application than fossil-fuel-based systems. Furthermore, renewable energy production can take place at various scales and its distributed production pattern can take advantage of the micro-grid, a more efficient and resilient distribution mode. Traditional cities, which are solely energy consumers, are facing both the challenge and the opportunity of accommodating energy production within their footprints. This challenge will be even bigger with the ambition of managing urban growth in more compact models of development. Historically, political, religious and geographic agents have defined our cities. In the new era, the logic of energy production and distribution will start having a significant impact on the spatial organization of the urban growth. This project explores the morphology of resilient post-fossil cities across three scales: redefining urban boundaries and urban clusters, energy infrastructure framework and a new set of urban codes. Our proposal tries to generate spatial synergies between energy and other urban parameters in the three scales. Parametric tools help recognize the different energy potentials associated with various massing strategies. A series of dynamic relationships links the traditional parameters of density and height with the energy productivity of each block, as a way to motivate developers to maximize their local energy production. The design of urban typologies is articulated following the concept of “overlapped city”: maximizing active surfaces and overlapping multiple programs in compact urban areas. 后化石能源时代的能源生产将会为可再生资源所主导。 与化石能源相比,可再生能源的生产需要占据更大的面积才能产生等量的能量。但同时,可再生资源的生产可以利用城市内不同规模的场地,而且其分散 式的传输模式能够利用更高效、更灵活的微电网而有效节能。传统城市几乎都是能源的消费者,在新能源时代,从城市内部解决部分供能问题成为可能, 这既是挑战,也是机遇。若以紧凑且高密度的模式组织城市扩张,这种挑战将会更加艰巨。历史上,传统城市多由政治、宗教以及地理因素所定义。在新 能源时代,能源的生产与配置将会深刻地影响到城市空间布局极其扩张蔓延的模式。 该课题研究在三个尺度层次上张开,探索后化石时代城市的形态:重新定义城市边界与城市组群[宏观]、能源基础设施的规划框架[中观]和一套新的城市空 间规划导则[微观]。我们试图从设计前期就将能源规划的逻辑加入到传统城市规划的考虑中来。 参数化的分析与设计方法允许我们把城市建筑形态和不同能源的生产潜能联系起来。我们建立了这样一种激励机制:每块用地的开发者需要在用地内进行 能源生产为自身提供一定比例的功能,由此在传统城市设计中诸如限高、容积率等参数与新能源的生产率间建立了一种复杂而动态的联系。建筑形态的设 计体现了“重叠城市”的概念,即最大化功能性表面,使同一紧凑地段可兼顾城市活动和能源生产的多重功能。 为实现一定清洁能源比例的目标,开发商可以选择最大化能源生产或减低街区能耗。同时为避免僵化的能源目标规划,形成灵活互动的能源市场经济,我 们允许街区间存在互补的差异化,区块之间可交易能源,以实现城市总体能源目标。这一套基于能源逻辑的城市导则将可能催生出新的空间关系与体验, 展开一种与以往不同的城市化模式。我们还假设了城市发展的不同场景,并对其相应的城市形态进行测试、分析和评估。 50

Overlapped City



Overlapped City



Overlapped City



Overlapped City



Overlapped City

Zhaofujie 49, Dongcheng, Beijing 100009 - 北京东城区赵府街49号

t: +86 10 84083174



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