Joint Ventures REMTECH© for reapair of Plasser

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REMTECHNOLOGY Bulgaria, Varna 9000 Industrial Zone Str. Studentska 1 TU/UK104

Модернизация, комплексен ремонт и поддръжка на индустриална техника. Инфраструктурно строителство и мениджмънт. Комплексно строителство на железопътна инфраструктура, поддръжка на специализирана механизация и по движен състав.

Fax: +359(52)319990

phone: +359 (52)319980 +359 (52)319990

REMTECHSTROJ technologies




offers –

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accompanying drawings and documentation of junctions and details, needed for repair of heavy railway mechanization Plasser The company is interested in construction of public – private partnerships, joint ventures, joint divisions, depots and branches for:

repair of tamping units and manufacture of their parts;

repair of stabilizing units and manufacture of their parts;

for implementation of current, planned, average or capital repair of heavy railway mechanization Plasser&Theurer and Matisa.

To national railway companies, multinational and huge companies occupied in mechanized repair of rail road with own mechanization of the companies Plasser, Matisa, Gesmar etc.

The company offers technologies ready for introduction: 1. Technology for capital repair of tamping units Plasser & Theurer, models: 07-16; 07-32; 08-16; 08-32; 2. Technology for capital repair of switch tamping units 07-275 and 08-275; 3. Technology for capital repair of tamping units Plasser & Theurer, model 09-32, 09-16; 09-32 Supercat 4. Technology for capital repair of stabilizing units for DGS62N – Plasser; 5. Technology for capital repair of tamping units B41 – Matisa; 6. Technology for capital repair of tamping units B45 – Matisa,

Any concrete technology includes full documentation and a sequence of actions for implementation of defectation of the separate junctions and parts of tamping unit on which capital or partial repair is being implemented. According to the accompanying documentation and drawings, methods have been given for assessment of the residual motor – resource of each separate junction, its fitness for repeated exploitation or the need of change or possible repair.


REMTECHNOLOGY Bulgaria, Varna 9000 Industrial Zone Str. Studentska 1 TU/UK104

Модернизация, комплексен ремонт и поддръжка на индустриална техника. Инфраструктурно строителство и мениджмънт. Комплексно строителство на железопътна инфраструктура, поддръжка на специализирана механизация и по движен състав.

Fax: +359(52)319990

phone: +359 (52)319980 +359 (52)319990

The accompanying documentation is enclosed, like drawings, technological documents and specification of the used materials and processing needed for manufacture of each separate junction or detail of the tamping units. It is stated with concrete examples, schemes are given and the way and the possibilities for make of the parts of universal metal – processing machines by repair – manufacture division with low and average technical qualification of the technical staff are described. Each concrete drawing has designated dimensions and limits, corresponding to the manufactured new items by the manufacturer of the machines Plasser & Theurer. For each concrete detail as lamella bolts, steel bushes etc., there has been a full manufacture chart given for the manufacture of the detailed with included drawing, specification of the material, accompanying processing: type, mode, type of mechanic processing and control of the limit dimensions fields. Reporting the moment exploitation status of expensive junctions and details after implementation of defectation in documentation, one gives right for choice of concrete decision towards the technological and financial possibilities of the repair division implementing the repair.

Opportunities: –

change of detail or junction with a new one offered by Plasser & Theurer;

change of detail or junction with a new one or recycling under technology Remtech©. The details and junctions offered by Remtechstroy Group, are with prognosticated and priorly put in motor – resource according to the concrete high – technological technology used by the company, as well as know – how and patent. In this way, the motor – resource of part or of a junction can exceed the motor – resource in several times the analogical part offered by Plasser & Theurer for analogical competitive price with the use of latest achievement of repair technologies;

own make of part or junction according to the enclosed documentation, moreover, specification has been given of the material and technological equipment used, and technological equipment for the make of the details of universal metal – cutting machines;

opportunities and ways of recycling and repair of expensive worn out and details and junctions unfit


REMTECHNOLOGY Bulgaria, Varna 9000 Industrial Zone Str. Studentska 1 TU/UK104

Модернизация, комплексен ремонт и поддръжка на индустриална техника. Инфраструктурно строителство и мениджмънт. Комплексно строителство на железопътна инфраструктура, поддръжка на специализирана механизация и по движен състав.

Fax: +359(52)319990

phone: +359 (52)319980 +359 (52)319990

for exploitation. The documentation covers in full capacity the repair of 80 % of the volume of the parts and the junctions of one tamping unit. For instance: technology and equipment for repair of worn out bearing beds of male and closing cylinders, technology of the repair and chroming of interior piston space of male and female closing cylinder; technology for recovery of vibration eccentric bearings; technology for recovery of closing cylinder etc.; The full technology of repair and assembling of the unit has been reviewed in details and in full, including sequence of operations, needed equipment, know – how for control of limits and clearances in junctions; intermediate control measurements; incoming control of consumables, bearings etc., materials of external suppliers like FAG, SKF etc. The given technology gives possibility of repair manufacture depots and factories with average qualified staff and without expensive equipment to do by itself in full capacity and with quality the repair of units. According to its technological




companies will manufacture or recycle up to 95 % of all junctions or parts on the units themselves of Plasser. Serious attention in the documentation is paid to: –

the possibilities and the equipment for pre – exploitation development of units, full scheme of control points for control of normal temperature

mode of operation of bearing junctions; values and limits of temperatures for prognostics of abnormal work of junctions and parts in consequence of errors or non – observance of the technology of repair or assembling; –

technology and know – how for prior development of repaired units with or without presence of stand. A scheme is added with fixed mode and duration of initial exploitation of the units in the tamping


REMTECHNOLOGY Bulgaria, Varna 9000 Industrial Zone Str. Studentska 1 TU/UK104

Модернизация, комплексен ремонт и поддръжка на индустриална техника. Инфраструктурно строителство и мениджмънт. Комплексно строителство на железопътна инфраструктура, поддръжка на специализирана механизация и по движен състав.

Fax: +359(52)319990

phone: +359 (52)319980 +359 (52)319990

machines themselves upon repair of the rail road without temperature load of the units. This prevents exploitation of the units in emergency or overload operation mode which considerably increases between the repair period of exploitation of the units; –

opportunity and description of the offered ready microprocessor control system offered by Remtechstroy Group for control and on – line monitoring of the temperature operation mode of the bearing junctions, especially at work of the machines at: - high temperatures at emergency or urging repair of rail road; - Servicing of the units with fuel, lubricants and greases non – regulated or decreased by quality The system gives opportunity: - for reporting and control in real time of the temperature operation mode up to 20 control points by unit; - emergency alarming of GSM operator or reporting of a control server, operation of the units upon exceeding of the allowed temperatures in the control points for alarming of forthcoming failure or emergency mode of exploitation of the units themselves; - reads the moment situation of the tamping machine with GPS; - reads the moment status of the tamping machine /stay or work/; - reporting of duration of exploitation with real tamping in km, transportation in km etc.

full documentation and specification for use of brand and optimal price fuel, lubricants and greases, by companies, stating of the brands of oils and greases checked in experience of exploitation, giving most favourable, optimal and unproblematic mode of exploitation of the units in heavy and average temperature conditions and continuous windows of work;

Full documentation for control measurements and prognostics of the moment exploitation status of basic and especially expensive junctions and details at units in exploitation, technological chart for lubrication and change of oils and greases;

Accompanying technologies, the documentation and know – how, Remtechstroy Group offers:


REMTECHNOLOGY Bulgaria, Varna 9000 Industrial Zone Str. Studentska 1 TU/UK104

Модернизация, комплексен ремонт и поддръжка на индустриална техника. Инфраструктурно строителство и мениджмънт. Комплексно строителство на железопътна инфраструктура, поддръжка на специализирана механизация и по движен състав.

Fax: +359(52)319990

phone: +359 (52)319980 +359 (52)319990

training of qualified staff for basic and current repair of tamping units;

training, control and quality maintenance and repair of heavy mechanization Plasser;

training, control and monitoring of manufacture divisions for manufacture of new parts and junctions from Plasser units;

makes analysis and assessment for technological possibilities of existing manufacture divisions, the available technological equipment and availability of qualified staff for manufacture and repair of parts, junctions, tamping units and heavy rail road mechanization;

construction of manufacture divisions and depots under key for specialized maintenance and repair of tamping units; for mechanization to national and key railway companies. Their furnishing with technical and manufacture equipment, the training of technical staff, finding or recruiting of such. Expert consultation and assessment of work. Control and monitoring for the normal and quality maintenance of especially expensive and responsible heavy railway mechanization Plasser and Matisa;

development of technologies, industrial and instrumental equipment, documentation, drawings, specifications etc., for current, average and capital repair of junctions, units and mechanization Plasser, Matisa, Gesmar etc.;

offers qualified center and machines park for training of machinists for work with railway mechanization Plasser and Matisa.

The offered technologies for repair of tamping units use company know – how and company patents of Remtechstroy Group, which are based on long professional and practical experience on repair of heavy quarry, mine – output, mine processing specialized equipment, repair of non – standart equipment, repair of ship equipment and facilities. Purchase of the technologies and use of the know – how offered by Remtechstroy Group, will give opportunity to Your manufacture – repair division to occupy front places before those of your competitors with unattainable quality of the repairs and given guarantee periods, take the advantage! Remtechstroy Gruop offers and makes capital repair of tamping and stabilizing units Plasser and Matisa with given complex guarantee period of 2 calendar years at putting in of parts and junctions of unique manufacture of the company.


REMTECHNOLOGY Bulgaria, Varna 9000 Industrial Zone Str. Studentska 1 TU/UK104

Модернизация, комплексен ремонт и поддръжка на индустриална техника. Инфраструктурно строителство и мениджмънт. Комплексно строителство на железопътна инфраструктура, поддръжка на специализирана механизация и по движен състав.

Fax: +359(52)319990

phone: +359 (52)319980 +359 (52)319990

On all manufactured parts and junctions for heavy mechanization offered by the company, a 12 to 18 months period is given of complex guarantee for hidden defects, and at fitting of details and junctions of company servicing center, the guarantee in the volume of work on the repair is of 1,5 – 2 calendar years.

REMTECHSTROY Group Yours faithfully, Manager

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