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osti, njkljiv poma enje. sti in o uč obno evate pešn spos a za us niku prisp i lične odišč im a raz be nas im naša izh temu uč e s posebn je . laž izmed na tudi zvezka k rok lič Vsak za ot bodo osobnosti ga iv raz ivi ne ad so i grad svoje sp zato pom delov j učnih gr ali i učnim Z naku za razvo gojenim ju in razvij tva ila sreds mi. S pr e pri učen av ba potre ovali tež ag prem















o. o. tt, d. a us Kle ljan žba Rok 1000 Ljub Zalo 9 b, 46 00 Stegne : 01/513 99 .si Telefon 13 46 rokus-klett 01/5 Faks: : rokus@ si E-pošta okus-klett. w.r ww

Moderna učbenika za angleščino, napisana za slovenske dijake! vsebine iz sveta najstnikov • slovenske teme in kultura • priprava na maturo

znanje nas dela velike

Spoštovani profesorji in profesorice angleščine! Prejšnje leto smo vas razveselili z novico o učbeniškem kompletu Way up Intermediate, ki je pisan za slovenski trg in prilagojen slovenskemu učnemu načrtu ter slovenski maturi. Letos smo temu dodali še komplet Way up Upper-intermediate. Ker so dijaki zdaj že precej zrelejši in zahtevnejši, smo vsebinam iz njihovega sveta dodali tudi take, s katerimi se bodo srečevali na svoji nadaljnji študijski in/ali poklicni poti, pa tudi take, ki sprožajo aktualna družbena in kulturna vprašanja. Tako se bodo med drugim učili, kako napisati ustrezno prijavo za delo in izpeljati uspešen intervju, se učinkovito pogajati, prepričevati in primerno izražati kritiko, dotaknili pa se bodo tudi odnosov med spoloma ter vedno bolj aktualnih migracij ter medrasnih zakonov. Seveda nismo pozabili na umetnost, kulturno izročilo, tehnologijo, znanost … Učbenika Way up Intermediate in Upper-intermediate skupaj pokrivata vse teme, predvidene v predmetnem izpitnem katalogu in učnem načrtu za angleščino. Ena od prednosti učbeniškega kompleta Way up Intermediate so lokalne vsebine in te smo vključili tudi v komplet Upper-intermediate. Dijaki bodo brali, poslušali in debatirali o mednarodno uveljavljenem izumitelju Petru Florjančiču, belokranjski folklorni skupini, uspešnem poslovnežu Igorju Akrapoviču, ljubljanski Hiši eksperimentov, primerjali Prešerna z njegovim škotskim sodobnikom Robertom Burnsom ... Novost v Way up Upper-intermediate so med drugim naloge za pouk književnosti. Vsak modul se namreč sklene s tremi stranmi, namenjenimi literarnim besedilom. Z nalogami in aktivnostmi, vezanimi na besedila, bo priprava na književnost na maturi lažja in manj stresna. Ob izidu učbeniškega kompleta Way up Intermediate smo od številnih profesorjev angleščine prejeli spodbudne povratne informacije, ki so nas prepričale, da smo na pravi poti. Verjamem, da bo tako tudi s kompletom Upper-intermediate. Nikar ne pozabite na spletno stran www.wayup.si, kjer boste našli veliko dodatnih gradiv, lahko pa nam tudi pišete in poveste, kako ste z učbeniškimi kompleti zadovoljni. Veseli bomo vašega mnenja. Pa srečno!

Petra Bizjak, urednica za angleščino Založba Rokus Klett, d .o. o.



zgib hrbe

zgib hrbe



ent and give s the statem write groups, discus the board into two and B In your two Divide g. your views. the right headin reasons for sion under your discus the statement notes from

Collie planet 13 A small ple future and its peo t, past and res – presen

We agree with

ons • Passive structu object questi • Subject and eeing and disagr • Agreeing


13A Caring



for the plan

rules: . A General becomes es • The object (the agent or doer) becom t object. • The subjec . to link the new e • Use ary to includ always necess • It is not the verb: es the transforming B Rules for Simple of the verb becom t . • The Presen + of BE es Present Simple verb becom uous of the . Contin t of BE + • The Presen Continuous the Present



to passive.

Air pollution sed 1 Active: been increa cancer. cancer has risk of skin Passive: The pollution. layer. in the ozone by air created a hole d Air pollution ozone layer was create 2 Active: hole in the Passive: A ion. achieving were by air pollut ly, simple steps Until recent 3 Active: s. being result were good results recently, good Passive: Until ed by simple steps. everyone achiev will touch ntal issues Environme 4 Active: t. be touched on the plane planet will one on the Passive: Every tal issues. by environmen verbs: for transforming . General rule verb. tense of the + Identify the tense with BE Use the same

greenhouse libraries the moon recycling layer the ozone air pollution the hole in sports films ing waste global warm rubbish and ion traffic water pollut Party the Green the arts


iku gim benIk v 1. in 2. letn šol

most present the survey ticked in 1A the items you today? Do a quick class B Which of us ideas. problems for share your dangerous classmates many of your to see how with the If you agree If you your views. room. show the of and up corner . 2 A Stand ent, go to one opposite corner following statem statement, go to the the disagree with t should


anjkljivo in pom bnosti šno učenje. pevate ča za uspe niku pris mu učbe posebnimi s a otroke bodo lažje . ivi obnosti mi grad svoje spos n razvijali




or cloth grocery

. What with others n to the video interesting down two your reactio B Compare g in it? Write most strikin students. did you find from other you heard reactions that Comb the text on page 141. video the text of 7 A Read the mean huge, to find: ssions that ,

bags to avoid

or expre , three words 1 At least rsal scale: on a unive the that mean , or expressions , five words 2 At least huge: , opposite of , the opposite that mean or expressions words , 3 Two te negative that indica of light: , or expressions words six act: , 4 At least way humans , views of the , te , that indica or expressions of themselves: three words humans think 5 At least of the way , negative views ,

e, but admirabl the on is not only yourself a green life re. Pat towards Living a ever befo le steps easier than take these simp . you e existence be bought back if more awar bags can and healthier, grocery . Lights ic bags or cloth n plast Cotto before hed off discarding teeth, be switc to avoid s should brush your off. iance you d As appl a room. ld be turne after you leave that taps shou looked r ted and be plan remembe glass and trees can Your plastic, ural” Outdoor air. cled. “Nat clean the ld be recy icals to help hases shou ed by chem Your paper purc food not treat go shopping. nic” or “orga bought when you the windowsill. be s. So n on should be grow r than bath the can s rathe own herb be taken t how well be should ld worry abou Showers poos shou able t need to don’ sham natural that you recharge egrade, iances, not suds biod your small appl they are n all Whe . ld be used. In be used should gers shou d to batteries phone char be aske ld ile mob shou in use, school d. Your r. unplugge cled pape recy purchase

. Identif . other tenses ine the object examples with ce, and underl verbs. 4 A Here are t in each senten rming circle the subjec general rule for transfo skin ete the the risk of Then compl has increased

? in the photos ms are shown cted nmental proble that are conne 1 A What enviror, tick  the expressions you understand With a partne ms. Make sure nmental proble . with enviro or ask others a dictionary gases them: use


diate Interme

from active

• Buy cotton


t tenses the presen l warming. causes of globa m worse. e debate the proble 1 Some peopl gases are making the t. 2 Greenhouse protecting the plane ing. is global warm 3 Recycling understand don’t really 4 People y the tense,

B Transform

t that small plane alone on a about. 1 We are it ne we care let’s live on and everyo we’ve got: planet is all , 2 This tiny and our home peacefully. each other take care of 3 We must the earth. 4 Your own:

for a a student wrote other with the text that partner, read GREEN LIFE. Help each sive 5 A With a d LIVING A punchy, persua , as poster entitle Re-write it in a more . use bullet points any difficulties active voice. You can the style, using le. bags. examp plastic in the discarding

Verb the world. everyone in Subject ). affects (by climate change Climate change is affected good results. ne in the world Passive Everyo are achieving steps. steps ed by simple Active Simple are being achiev results Passive Good



nih ščino strokov za angle h letnikih in vse



Collie Joanne

We disagree

ete the and compl the examples e structures. a partner. Study into passiv 3 A Work with transforming active for basic rules Object



za anglešč k ino v 3. in 4. letn iku

the statement

. Try to find your own poster a poster groups, make gs for illustration. Have about B In small ’ questions or drawin dramatic photos class. Answer your friends the exhibition in . your poster , a famous Carl Sagan by ed narrat on Sagan’s Watch a video . With a partner, decide 6 A your own. write and author or omer astron one of these ge. Choose has everything main messa


into passiv

t. these active environmen up the local ers cleaned all over town. 1 Local teenagplaced recycling bins for d a problem 2 Teens have in traffic has create se ion. 3 The increa . ving the situat many towns gradually impro bags. were s 4 Our effort throwing away plastic to use plastic bags. are not 5 Shoppers encouraged students l of fish. 6 The schoo fill the oceans. if we run out h will 7 Rubbis y populations isn’t going to feed hungr ms 8 We won’t to the proble a blind eye ng Turni 9 solve them.

B Transform

aph to Write a paragr time. video again. second Watch the se was this B your respon oom and describe what aphs around the classr Post your paragr others. with discuss them present, past,


– e. structures climate chang pollution. by affected by was created g a blind eye Everyone is ozone layer A hole in the won’t be solved by turnin ms The proble to them. 73

e G 20 Passiv



70, ook, pages


plane s. ction of the human being The prote priority as be our first

2B Different backg 84 rounds

C The resul ts residents of a research surve show that backgrou not matter y amongst UK nd national identis, the majority are what their ethnic in favour ity. When has recen of one asked whet tly her anyone to attend come to the coun who cour try British way ses about Britis should be required h people surveof life, seventy-eightcitizenship and the yed answ per cent of ered yes. all the

1 Read the short texts (A–H). With a partner F if they are factual accounts = suppose mark them: A if they are anecdot d to es = personal memori be true es A B







2 A What differenc es are there between anecdotes? Choose factual account s and the features which are typical of F or A.

Way up Intermediate

a b c d e f g

They are often informal in style. The language is often complex. The language is formal. Emotion is often expressed. They use the fi rst pronou They are not emotion n. al. They often tell the reader where the information comes from. h The sentenc es are often short.

Potrjeno za angleščino v 1. in 2. letniku v splošnih, klasičnih in strokovnih gimnazijah ter za vse letnike srednjih strokovnih šol.


D One in five childre immigrant paren n in the United States today has an t. What do we children are know about becoming Americ how immigrant Some surpri an, and how sing from the Childr answers to this questi do we know it? on an in-depth en of Immigrants Longit have emerged resear udinal of 5,262 teenag ch project that is follow Study (CILS), ing the fortun nationalities ers and their parents es representing , primarily based 77 and in Miami in San Diego, and Fort Laude rdale, Florida California, .

B With a partner, write compare with others. answers to these questions, then 1 Can a reader trust a • Yes, we can trust factual account? List reasons. them. Reasons: • No, we can’t trust them completely. 2 What can you do to check if factual Reasons: really true? accounts are 3 Are anecdot es more true? List reasons reliable, that is, are they always . • Yes, they are as reliable as factual • No, they are not accounts. Reason s: very reliable, a reader has to be careful. Reason s:

E My parents arrived here from Pakistan in 1962 with nothing but their suitcase. They worked hard in a local factory and they never claimed unemployment benefits or any other kind of social support. Later, they built up their business, sent money to their own successful relatives back home, and brought up three children. I think that’s quite an achievement.

A ten year stu udy reveals

n of o nt S

facts about immi

Is Brita Most p in multicultura a Britisehople support l? identity CILS CI

sS, Text



l email

ant chil

In an informal letter, address at the top, you often have your own but this is not necessary in an informal email. 2 For informa l letters write the date beforeand emails, you you begin. 3 The greeting in an email is sometim ‘Dear …. ,’ but es it can also be ‘Hello’, or ‘Hi’. 4 In emails, senders often use more informa l language than in letters. 5 The sender often uses shortened words in both letters and emails. 6 The ending in an email is always the same as an informal letter. in


US S in an increasinglly y global economy.

4 Some texts in exercise 1 hint at problems that children face in immigrant the US and Britain. With a partner, problems from list the texts. Try to think of other possible two problems.

B Write an email to Athina to say what you thought of the video. Tell her: • Did you like the • What did you video? Why or why not? particularly like in it? • Do you think it’s a good idea for her to fight for citizenship? • Do you want to wish her luck with her campai Good luck with gn? your campaign. I hope you win!

5 A Before you watch a video, choose the right of these phrases interpretation . Use a dictiona ry if you wish. 1 A

B Marwan Field, 17, of Iraqi and Welsh two uncles who recently claimed descent, has were tortured, he says, in one asylum. Both case have a portrait of Saddam Hussein for failing to on display in his home.

G Although I was born in England, my background is very multicultural. My dad was Egyptian and my mum half Scots, half French. We left the UK when I was twelve and went to live in Canada. But when I fly in to Heathrow through the dark clouds and see all the chocolates in the shops, I know I’m back home.

nal days

1 With a part count up ner, answer the your scor questio ns and es.




G Recognising factual

or anecdotal texts I am the child of an One in five children illegal immigrant. (anecdotal) in the United States an immigrant today has parent. (factual ) Workbook, page 11



Can y o the C u name ount For an extra r po on wh ich the int, give the y? celeb na da rated.






Prepare your argu a lot of value on ments. List reas nationa l rituals. ons for or aga

holiday y is

inst plac


the cou

ntr y wh

. .

Writing an informa

LS data data vvivi ivi v dly un under dersc s ore the sco ra idi idi

country wary of new arrivals = is frightened of them / welcom es them. 2 The threat of arrest for possible that immigr immigrants looms large = it’s are protected from ants will be arrested / immigr ants being arrested. 3 The girls have no permanent status = they can as long as they stay like / they can’t stay 4 They campai gned for the legalisa for a long time. tion of immigr = they tried to ants get immigrants sent away / they wanted immigr ants to have the 5 The country right to stay. ’s legal framew ork hasn’t the new reality = the laws are approp caught up with the present / the laws are not approp riate for life in the present. riate for life in


teenagers because

6 A What are the differences between writing letter and writing an informal an informal email? that are true and Tick  the stateme re-write the stateme nts nts that are false. 1

IMMIGRANT CHILDRE N IN THE US PREFER TO SP PEAK ENG GLISSH Die dataa viividdly undde rsscoree thhe



ants stay

like other Greek

Get the hang of it!



A The Austra lian Australians Census for 2006 reveal were s born in a countr born either overseas that 44 per cent of or to at least y other than catching up to Europeans Australia, and Asians one parent are to be a domin ant source of quickly immigration .

4C Natio

3 Athina feels just

4 The country ’s laws are not appropriate because 5 Athina wants to be a Greek citizen she because she feels

A ten-yyeaar stu ---about imm udyy reveals factss hildrren in the US igrrant ch


Way up Upper-intermediate


2 Greece doesn’t let immigr

3 Read the factual accounts again. Match each one a headline. with

F I have lived born in Burmin the United State a new life. a. My family cames for 8 years. I was We were chas over here and our lives to have ed by and a great were in danger. the government My family family adop separated ted me.

V postopku potrjevanja za angleščino v 3. in 4. letniku v splošnih, klasičnih in strokovnih gimnazijah.

B Watch a video about Athina Bortigao immigrants living , the daughter of in Greece. Don’t worry if there are expressions you some don’t understand. Complete the sentenc 1 The program es. me is about a teenage r

H The CILS data vividly underscores the rapidity with which English triumphs and foreign languages atrophy among children of immigrants in the US, rebutting concerns about the perpetuation of foreign-language enclaves in immigrant communities. Rather than posing a threat to the dominance of English, what is being eliminated rapidly is the ability of these children to maintain fluency in the language of their immigrant parents, a significant loss of scarce and valuable bilingual resources for individuals and for the US in an increasingly global economy.



ich cel


… a day … citizen over two hun s prison attacked a pri dred years ago wh ers. son and en freed the … the day wh and too en k posses the first flee t of sion of the ter ships arrive … the ritory day it for Bri d bec no lon tain. ger und ame an ind epende er Por tug uese rule nt countr … the y, day it . was uni 1867, alth ted into langua ough it stil l has kepone country ges. in t two offi cial … the day wh of lands en an explore queen. far away in r the nam took posses sio e of its king and n … its pat featuri ron saint by ng a lot having of gre parade en. s … the day it cla Britain and est imed indepe ablish ndence ed from its … the own rep day wh ublic. in 194 en its 9 after republ ic a Long March was founde … the d . day it bec centuri es of bei ame a republ ng an empire ic after many … the . Qu has kep een’s birthd holida t her mothe ay (the presen r’s bir y). t Qu thday as a nat een ional



B Have an info rmal deb tell the ate. Eac clas h group group then s one of the takes it argumen continu in turn ts a Add to another es in either of it has prepared argumen thes . Another forward. t that sup e ways. b Stat ports the e an argu one just ment that put You can oppose use som s the one argumen e of thes just put ts: e express forward. ions to similar link ly equ similar ally also


2 A You are partner, sending the quiz write que to a frien nationa stion 11 d in Eng l day, – those that to add to the a question abo land. With a ut Slov quiz others enia’s in the clas . Compare • Did your s wrote. you do Discuss question with anythin nationa these que g special l day? stions. • Wh last year at



7 8 9 10 11

B With the account quiz, you sen d of Slov enian nati your English • wha friend onal day. t Tell him an email • wha people general /her: t you you ly do

are an


Are nat


ps, disc

2 Memories

when we (learn) French ux. My mum (live) in Bordea there, and every (teach) English (come) over (work).

I1 2 3 4

weekend my dad 5 where he from London,

y a French nurser (find) going to (pick 7 le, and soon (forget) really enjoyab 8 ge. But I (speak) it up) the langua 9 e we English, becaus 10 I I mes, though, at home. Someti (be) at home and I 11 with (remember) that g away in French (start) chattin (go) 12 13 summers, we (stay) with my my mum. In the we 14 my to Scotland where Isle of Skye. Here the on at their cottage happy grandparents (spend) many I 15 day I brothers and in the hills. One fishing, or hiking days swimming, (go) down to the


l debate.



The que


nt for


by the


be deb

ated is:

a countr your view • How y? s on thes importa e questio • Is it nt is it ns. imp to • Is patr ortant to hav have a nationa student. 3: Write cle • Is it iotism out of e rituals in the l day? a commenpassed on to better not date? life of a you. you see country t to instead utrepeate dly after web aboed it, ? teach you focus too mu happen at mo the site arti likethat ch citizens ng events st twothat on Step cles. One comments patr es express events of the wor people to .they express 4: Pass think of iotism, but 3 These sentenc sen you so rthat ld? Step 5:e them article necessary changes. tence, or themselv Re-writ Read the to es as in the past. Make all the other the next stud only once. river. to the onenew article and along ent. the happened Step picnics add a for that go 6: Pas to is there. new com r, we s used ment 1 In the summecom ther,arti wecle back to . men summe last the ts. writer. If you don One day Loo ’t agree take kit at the two would with we and them a cake , say why r would bake . 2 My mothe with us. . 29 That day, de. a jug of lemona also make us 3 She would . also She about. the verbs into dragonflies flitting these verbs. Put we used to see tense forms of to. 4 In those days, 2 Write the past ry if you need . day, Use a dictiona Suddenly, that the right box. 16 bring one, but he would 1 tell r would catch 17 grow 5 My little brothe 2 cost break gently. it 18 always hold 3 run . r 19 shake My little brothe 4 begin 20 get friend, a fairy. say it was his 5 buy 21 put make jokes and 6 He would 6 sing . 22 fly He 7 think I 23 fight it flew away and when cry bite 8 mes he would 24 set 7 But someti 9 speak cool. 25 forget would lose my 10 ring , . 26 take After that, though 11 drink 27 cut but I would always 12 sell him with a sweet, 28 blow 8 I used to pacify 13 wake What a pest! 29 seek think to myself: 14 hide . I 15 sink

3 2


(just remember we 17 fishermen dock when the 18 catch, and we younger return) with their for dinner. My salmon from them (buy) a very large and he fisherman too keen a his was brother Jed of the dock with (sit) at the end 19 (catch) very 20 but he 21 line every day, he certainly never 22 much at all, and We that! as big fish She (catch) such a other that day. home to our grandm she (take) the salmon got there, but (read) when we iately 23 book and immed (put aside) her meal. 24 e a wonderful (start) to prepar aise 25 -style mayonn (make) a French (have) We 26 27 and we all fish, the (be) happy to go with 28 Those (grow up) a marvellous feast. 29 three of us years and the d. and Scotlan loving both France

stion to

likewis e another

however to link opposin g in contras in fact on the actually t on the con other hand trary at the sam all the same still yet rather any e time neverth way as a mat though Keep the eless debate nonethe ter of fact Listene going as less rs: take long

as pos notes abo particul arly con ut the argu sible! vincing. ments that you 4 A Wri find te a sho rt artic newspa per or blog le (100–15 0 words) against for the imp , outlining you ortance r own view your class express of nationa ions in 3B. l rituals. s either for or Use the linking B Work in a grou p of 3 or 4 and Step 1: Pass you follow Step 2: the step r s below. Read the article to ano ther Step arti

to celebra • wha rself did t you te, to didn’t like liked best abo celebrate, ut it very mu ch or at – or what you all.

3 A Prep In grou

Continuous Past Simple, Past in the right tense: some verbs are e. Be careful, 1 Use the verb to + short infinitiv or would/used negative!

in we’d like addition to

add that e token reason/ … You can argumen use som t argumen e of thes ts: e express ions

cele to celebra on that brations hav te e usually day? • Are been org the cele anised With chil brations pop ular with dren? adults?


Keep the first

add ought consonant(s),

Change the vowel

e Remove the final

from e to o

4 9

The present and


Keep the first

From Present to Past

past are the same

add ook consonant(s),

5 6

Keep the first



ant, add old the first conson

Keep the first

add ew consonant(s),

Change the vowel

to a

add oke consonant(s),



Kompleti Way up zgib

zgib hrbet


zgib hrbet

Joanne Collie

24,90 EUR



Vsak izmed nas ima različne sposobnos zato so različna tudi ti in pomanjkljivosti, naša izhodišča za uspešno Z nakupom delovnega zvezka k temu učbeniku učenje. sredstva za razvoj prispevate učnih potrebami. S prilagojen gradiv za otroke s posebnimi imi učnimi gradivi premagovali težave bodo lažje pri učenju in razvijali svoje sposobnos ti.

Učbenik Oba učbenika Way up sestavlja 20 lekcij, ki so urejene v štiri module. Vsak od njih vsebuje tri kratke lekcije z enotama A in B ter dve daljši lekciji z enotami A, B, C in D.



Joanne Collie

za angleščino v 1. in 2. in vseh letnikih strokov letniku gimnazij nih šol

ISBN 978-961-271-021-7

Založba Rokus Klett, d. o. o. Stegne 9 b, 1000 Ljubljana Telefon: 01/513 46 00 Faks: 01/513 46 99 E-pošta: rokus@rokus-kl ett.si www.rokus-klett.si

789612 7102 17

WU 1 UC 2010 naslovnica.ind

d 1

diate Upper-interme

Enoti A in B sta namenjeni usvajanju nove snovi, enota C (Culture) je namenjena medkulturnim temam, enota D (Skills enhancement) pa razvijanju jezikovnih in izpitnih spretnosti z nalogami maturitetnega tipa.

1/17/11 11:32 AM

za angleščino

Posamezen modul učbenika Way up Intermediate sklenejo tri strani vaj za utrjevanje jezikovnih spretnosti in besedišča, v učbeniku Way up Upper-intermadiate pa so te strani posvečene pouku književnosti. Na koncu učbenika so še štiri projektne naloge, po ena za vsak modul.



Knjižica s slovnico in slovarčkom Kot prilogo k učbeniku smo pripravili tudi knjižico velikosti A5 s slovnično razlago in primeri rabe ter z dvojezičnim slovarčkom, zasnovanim po lekcijah.

Grammar and Vocabulary Booklet

Komplet CD-jev k učbeniku K učbeniku spada tudi komplet avdio CD-jev za učitelje. Pri snemanju so sodelovali tako rojeni govorci angleščine kot slovenski govorci, saj nekatere naloge prikazujejo komunikacijske situacije, v katerih nastopajo slovenski govorci in tujci.

Joan n

e Co



delo vni z za an glešč


ino v

3. in

delovni zvezek

za angleščino v 1. in 2. letniku gimnazij in vseh letnikih strokovnih šol


ISBN 978-961-271-022-4


Avdio CD-ji k

789612 710224

Založba Rokus Klett, d. o. o. Stegne 9 b, 1000 Ljubljana Telefon: 01/513 46 00 Faks: 01/513 46 99 E-pošta: rokus@rokus-klett.si www.rokus-klett.si

1/17/11 11:33 AM

Avdio CD-ji k

Joanne Collie WU 1 DZ naslovnica.indd 1


Upper-interm Intermediate

Joanne Collie



K UČBENIKU za angleščino v 3. in 4. letniku gimnazij

Intermediate U i K UČBENIK AVDIO CD-j gimnazij v 1. in 2. letniku za angleščino strokovnih šol in vseh letnikih




16,90 EUR



Joanne Collie


in pomanjkljivosti, Vsak izmed nas ima različne sposobnosti za uspešno učenje. zato so različna tudi naša izhodišča prispevate sredstva za Z nakupom tega delovnega zvezka potrebami. S razvoj učnih gradiv za otroke s posebnimi lažje premagovali težave prilagojenimi učnimi gradivi bodo pri učenju in razvijali svoje sposobnosti.

Grammar and Vocabulary Booklet

Delovni zvezek

Delovni zvezek Delovni zvezek dopolnjuje in nadgrajuje učbenik. Sestavljen je iz 20 lekcij, razdeljenih na štiri module. Vsaka lekcija ponuja vaje za utrjevanje slovnice, širjenje in utrjevanje besedišča ter razvijanje branja, poslušanja in pisanja. Posamezni modul se konča s tremi stranmi, namenjenimi samostojnemu razvijanju jezikovnih spretnosti (Skills enhancement), in s stranjo za samorefleksijo in samoocenjevanje (Blogs and logs). Štiri strani na koncu delovnega zvezka Intermediate so namenjene razvijanju učnih spretnosti (Study skills), v Upper-intermediate pa pisnih spretnosti (Writing and editing skills).

Učbenik v 3. in 4. letniku gimnazij


4. let




Joanne Collie

Upper-intermediate priročnik za Učite lJe za angleščino v 1. in 2. letniku gimnazij



Joanne Collie



Intermediate delovni zvezek gimnazij v 1. in 2. letniku za angleščino


e učitelj ij gimnaz nik za priroč v 1. in 2. letniku



ino šol za anglešč ikih strokovnih letn in vseh

Učbenik v 1. in 2. letniku


za angleščino

ie Joanne Coll

teachers   students 

Priročnik za učitelje Poleg navodil za delo z učbenikom in delovnim zvezkom vsebuje priročnik za učitelje tudi rešitve nalog iz učbenika in delovnega zvezka, transkripcijo avdio- in videoposnetkov, variacije izvedbe različnih aktivnosti, ideje za motivacijo, naslove spletnih strani v povezavi z obravnavanimi temami itd. Priročnik vam bo v pomoč pri zasnovi zanimivih in pestrih učnih ur.

contact us 

pridržane. Vse pravice © 2004 - 2010 Klett, d.o.o., Založba Rokus Ljubljana 1000 Stegne 9 b,

Spletno gradivo za učitelje in dijake Da bi učiteljem čim bolj olajšali poučevanje po učbeniških kompletih Way up, so na spletni strani www.wayup.si na voljo številna brezplačna gradiva, kot so priročnik za učitelje, videoposnetki k učbeniku, video- in avdioposnetki k delovnemu zvezku, letni učni načrt, predlog dnevnih učnih priprav, kvizi za utrjevanje slovnice in besedišča ter testi. Spletno stran nameravamo nadgraditi z nalogami in aktivnostmi za pripravo na književnost na maturi, ki jih bomo posodabljali glede na izbrane maturitetne naslove. Elektronski učbenik na spletu Elektronska različica omogoča nov način uporabe učbenika v razredu. Prinaša številna orodja in aktivne povezave do avdioin videoposnetkov. Elektronski učbenik Way up Intermediate bo na voljo na spletnem portalu www.irokus.si že februarja 2011. Za njegovo uporabo v razredu potrebujete računalnik s spletno povezavo in projektor. Interaktivna tabla je seveda dobrodošla, vendar ni nujna.

Komplet Way up Intermediate za 1. in 2. letnik gimnazije ter vse letnike srednjih strokovnih šol je že na voljo, komplet Way up Upper-intermediate za 3. in 4. letnik gimnazije pa bo izšel že spomladi 2011.

že ja uar r b e f 011 2

Didaktične prednosti kompletov Way up 6B When

does the per

formance start?

The Medie val Days in Kamnik

B Match one descriptio n of how a each choic verb is e in 3A.


Frridday eve veni ning ni ng

Ch 5 pm hilildr p dren dr en n’s treeas asur u e hu ur hunt nt – F Fin ind d Ve V ro roni nica ni ca’s ca ’s ttre reas asur ure! ur Satu Sa e!

tuurddayy m mor o ni or ning ng

1 Read Matic ’s emai

l. Find five

Way up postavlja v središče učnega procesa dijake, njihovo doživljanje sveta, razmišljanje, izkušnje, težave in dileme, s katerimi se srečujejo. Dijake spodbuja, da o tem spregovorijo, primerjajo svoje izkušnje z drugimi in tako razvijajo svoje sporazumevalne zmožnosti ter strpnost do drugačnosti.

From: To: Subject:

mistakes in

Gran Gr Gran 10 aam nd para m paaraade tthr h ou hr ough g the Cen gh in arm mou e tre – See ur, med dieva vaal ar th he kn arch skkir k ig c ers, ladie ch irts ight ts, w ts htss ht wiith h biz ies in col izar a rree hea o ourf eadg rful dgea dg ull llon u ear sw ong on ng swin ingi ging ng by thei theiir eeaars th Brow Br B ow wse the rs.. 1 –122 11 h sta talllll s di d s sp pla a ying yi nd  n nd g tra d woo r di oode d tion deen sw d o al war worrds ares d , boows es and craa pottter po w and ery, y, traadi f s. Her ft d arrow diti t on ti eree yyoou’ ows onal s al for th u lll emb mbro thee ch roid cure cu chililildr ure idered pilillows, fo ress fo dren dr forr aan en n, de deco nyt y hi c raate hing , an ng tha ted nd heerb hatt ai rbal ails drres d l alis al esseed lil ke y i is ou. ts sel s elllil ng aggee-old You’ Yo ke sshi u ll lau h el hi e dd-be ugh as yo -oold beear d arer e s pl y u wa playyin w tch tcch tw ng th thee ol wo me o d gaame c men n allle led Com Co d ‘M mee an Marja arrja 122 nooon nd j nc d see nca’ e tthe aa’’. he old-s ld d-s - ty tyle l pri le p ems, po em rint ms, pri nttin ingg pr rint pres n ed by th nt esss an a d bu he ca b y soo cast s lee maste terr on ven nian ni o old-ffasshionme Slloove n oned ed pap S tuurrdday aftf Sa aper err. er. e no er n on Maalili Gra Ma 2 pm rad, p d, aabo bovee the bo h old Lamb La Lam d wn centr mbeerrge gerr fr from om Bleed – tow om re. The Kn night excitti ex htss of Gaš tingg sword ašpe peer ghtin ngg an and d re re dan Trgg Svob Tr 3 30 3: ancce Svvob 30 ces! ces! o od s! de – yo you u wo w n’’t wa daancces d w nt too mi e of th thee Lo miss ss thee Ren Lonc n a Da D nce Gr enai aiss ssan an Grou ncee oup p fr from om m Škoofj Th T fjaa L he cl Looka clim im ka.. maxx of th 4 3300 4: he af a te tern rnoo rn pllayyin p oon’ oo n’s n’ ingg mu s perf pe musi rfor rf orma or sic ic on tthe man ma nces nc ces es:: Ga heir ori Gallllen rigi enbe g na gi nall me berg r Vag rg medi diev agan e al an n a mus ti, ti mu , ussic ical al iins nstr ns trrum trum umen e ts en ts..


matic@pla net.si <<EllieSm ith>>e.j.sm Medieval ith@aol.c days om

Hi Ell ie, I’m so glad you the beg said you inning could of Jun be abl come at e. Gre e to go at! Tha to Kam I’ve sen t means nik for t you we’ll the Med a you’ll ieval see, the programme by days! - market snail re’ll mail. be lot stalls As s to do kinds , whe re you of stu and see ff, mus can see modern ic, dan & buy costum cin all es - really g, a par throug h the , lots! ade in centre press There’ and I’m of tow ll be n a new sure I’l specia printi l Sloven l be abl ian poe to mis e to buy ng s the m for a Knight Bled on s of Gaš you! We won Saturd ’t wan per Lam ay some swo t berger rd ght morning: the from I can y’re per tell you s and tradit formin ional , they’r aftern g dancin oon e cool! g, and Loka are , the Lonca Then, Dance in the Group but bef putting on from Ško som ore tha fja t, a gro e Renaissan old med ce dan iev up are ces, last yea al instrumen playin g music ts. We r, and give you on really I promis lov e you a little Can’t will too ed it snapsh wait for . ot of xxxx you to our his It’ll get her tory. Matic e.

2 Re-read the


e. Find

these in it: Three adjec tives made up a hyphen (-) that mean of two words joine d with 1 ancient: : 2 no long er fashionab le (two): and Two past parti 3 made beau ciples used as adjec tives that mean 4 made beau tiful with needlewo : rk: tiful in any way: Four word s/expressi ons from 5 people Medieval who carry days that mean protection : against weap ons: 6 protectio n 7 weapons that knights wore: for long-dist ance combat: and 8 a weap on for close combat:

1 7


Slovenske teme in kultura Ker je učbenik pisan za pouk v slovenskih šolah, smo v gradivo vključili tudi teme in osebe iz slovenskega vsakdana, kulture in zgodovine. Tako se bodo dijaki v učbeniku Way up Intermediate srečali s srednjeveškimi dnevi v Kamniku, brali o wellnessu v Sloveniji, poslušali pogovor o soteskanju v Sloveniji, brali o modni oblikovalki Davorki Požgan itd. V učbeniku Way up Upper-intermediate pa se med drugim pojavijo slovenski izumitelj svetovnega slovesa Peter Florjančič, folklorna skupina Dragatuš iz Bele krajine, ljubljanska Hiša eksperimentov ter uspešen slovenski podjetnik Igor Akrapovič. Razvijanje jezikovnih spretnosti V gradivu je močno poudarjeno sistematično in postopno razvijanje jezikovnih spretnosti. Izbrane aktivnosti dijake spodbujajo, da razmišljajo in se pogovarjajo o težavah, s katerimi se srečujejo, kadar berejo, pišejo in govorijo v angleščini, ter da sledijo svojemu napredku. Aktualni videoposnetki zagotavljajo avtentičen jezik in ponujajo odlično izhodišče za debato. Izpitne spretnosti in učenje učenja Poleg jezikovnih spretnosti učbenik in delovni zvezek postopoma razvijata tudi izpitne spretnosti, vendar naloge niso namenjene le pripravi na maturo, temveč dijake spodbujajo, da razmišljajo o strategijah reševanja izpitnih tipov nalog, jih ozaveščajo in izboljšujejo.











Making arran


4 A

Listen to Matic ’s

phone call

to Ellie. Write 1 What start short answ s at 10 on ers. 2 When is Ellie havin Saturday morning? g her breakfast that morning 3 What is ? Ollie at the mark going to buy et stalls ? 4 What is Matic get for Ellie going to 5 What will ? 6 Who will they have for lunch? come back first?

e.j.smith@ao l.com Gwendolyn@ greencottage. co.uk Visit to Sloven ia

Hi Gwen, I’m so excit ed. Dad has said we (1) de it’s certa nitely go in, / are de to Slove nia! We nitely going (2) are on Thurs ying / day, 5th should  June from y out (3) is / Birmingham is going . The ight to be at Matic can’t 12 noon meet us - our frien at the airpo there, so d (4) rt when we get hotel. We’re we’ll get / we get a taxi (5) havin to spend Frida g to spend our y evening / going to the Medie and Satur val Days day at Kamni - that’s they have k for a kind of every year. festival isn’t start The progr amme (6) ing at 10 starts / (7) will on Satur day morni have to / won’t ng, so we hotel by have to about 8:30 leave the or 9, I (8) will guess. There be / market stall will have to be all kinds s, and Matic of be / are says we able to (9) will buy some souvenirs, great handi so I’m (10) craft for somet going to hing nice look / looki for Mum’s especially ng birthday. interested I’m (11) is in the group performing that / performs on Satur day after Renaissanc noon, but e dances more excit of cours ed about e Ollie the sword dancing is … small ghting boys, you and re like! While that’s going know what they’ re (12) I’ll on, I think have / I have a brows handicraft e round stalls. the Bye for now, tell you all I get home! about it when xxx

B Listen again with a partn Partner A: er. take notes as you listen Partner B: , then do ques take notes as tions

you listen, 1 and 3. 1 Write then do ques a sentence tions 2 and that uses the 4. a timetable Present Simp d event. 2 Write le for a sentence that uses going 3 Write a sentence that uses will to for an intention. happening for some in the future. thing 4 Write a sentence that uses the for a fixed Present Con arrangem tinuous ent.

C With a partn er, choose telephone one option dialogue. and prepa re

a A Phone a friend to make the cinem a on Saturday arrangements for goin to eat after g to afternoon wards. , and goin g out B Phone a friend to make arran a bus to go gements for skiing at a catch mountain whole day. resort. Plan ing the G 2 Pres ent


Aktualne vsebine Pri izboru tem v učbenikih Way up smo se naslonili na učni načrt za angleščino v gimnazijah in na predmetni izpitni katalog, obenem pa smo poskušali upoštevati interese najstnikov v srednjih šolah. Way up Intermediate vsebuje teme, ki dijake neposredno zadevajo, pa tudi take, ki so povezane s širšim družbeno-kulturnim okoljem (npr. družina, komunikacija s starši, šola, prijatelji, svet zabave, žepnina, zdravje, moda, šport, vprašanje okolja, mediji …). V učbeniku Way up Upperintermediate se nabor tem še razširi (npr. umetnost, kulturno izročilo, znanost in tehnologija, podjetništvo, odnosi med spoloma, aktualna družbena vprašanja …), pojavljajo pa se tudi teme in vprašanja, s katerimi se bodo dijaki srečevali po končani srednji šoli (npr. študij na univerzi, delovne izkušnje, delovno okolje, intervju za službo, pisanje življenjepisa …).

) with

Get the hang of it!

3 A Circle the right verb forms to comp Ellie sends her lete the emai visit to Kamn cousin Gwen to desc l ribe her upco that ik. ming

From: To:

used (A–D

A You use the Present Continuous that are alrea for future arran dy fixed. gements B You use the Present Simple for thing C You use going to s that already decid for intentions and thing are timetabled. ed. s you’ve D You use will for thing s happening not necessarily at a fixed time. in the future,

Simple for


The programm tabled even ts e starts at 3 Present 10. The flight Cont is at noon They’re picki inuous for fixed arran . geme ng us up at 11, 12 Cont 9, then we’re nts rast with will driving to We’re goin Kamnik. g to buy lots and going to of stuff, then  MORE PRACT he’ll get tired ICE: Work . book , pages 32,



11B Income and


ary school in year of second the income ts in their second survey about 1 Two studen cting an email ies. Slovenia are condu different EU countr of students in through and expenditure received. Read answers they’ve These are three . out? the answers quickly going y on

mone the teens spend none of them 1 Do any of Sanna Paul Tom t money? the teens get pocke none of them 2 Do any of Sanna Paul ase? Tom a special purch saving up for none of them 3 Is anybody Sanna Paul Tom e phone? ody have a mobil none of them 4 Does everyb Paul Sanna Tom ime job? them have a part-t none of them 5 Do any of Sanna Paul s? Tom clothe their them pay for none of them 6 Do some of Paul Sanna they wanted? Tom to buy something them get help none of them 7 Did any of Sanna Paul items? Tom t second-hand of the teens bough none of them 8 Have any Sanna Paul Tom income notes about the rs again. Make ring them 2 Read the answe the three students, compa of and expenditure to yourself. me

This is not like

This is like me

Tom Paul Sanna re

ts. Compa two other studen 3 A Now join sentences. complete these …

your grids, and

has in our group 1 Everybody our group … 2 Nobody in … 3 Some of us r group of three. B Join anothe . Note the replies


Ask them questio

have …? in your group Does anybody …? Do some of you your group …? in Does everybody C Report to the

In our group,

SE, 17 TOM WOOLHOU sit my A levels mation: I’ll the General infor are the exams at to this year: those school. You have with dary end of secon go to university. I live to ly some extra take them and they suppthe wages I get my parents, I’ve used up when y mone evenings time job. rds. I do two euros, from my partjob at Halfo . In time is about £220 the rate got a partmonthly wage Income: I’ve course of Sundays. My moment, though of ask for a bit a week and back wages, I do t 255€ at the to pay him that’s abou used up my a lot. If I’ve keeps a tab and I have me the money fluctuates just gives my dad, he mum ask I my If cash. h, but ” of the mont at the end and have a good time. rally gene I e, sable incom extra cash and says: “Go got the dispo bit of ed re: Now I’ve want. If I need a little tmas, I want Expenditu I the things as a present. At Chris rds it and my save up for it t 230€) towa I’ll ask for to get them 3, so I paid £200 (abou ance. n allow tatio y . a PlayS bit of famil extra £100 get a little go off and buy my dad paid the 18, we still I’ll r and unde more, I’ll Because I’m mum will give me that that costs my anything else Generally, But if I want on a night own clothes. my wages on it. go into town we of so for p, pay grou spend some (23€). I ble friendship t £20 a go I’m in a socia . It’s generally abou a out quite often I bought off is my d one that that. second-han my dad does pay for £25 iPod. It’s a s I’ve got an (about 93€). One thing calls. That’ s to ited unlim mate for £80 e contract, that’s got for it because he want . monthly phon t 29€) I think he pays in contact with them keep a month. (abougoing to be able to I’m that know

class. Complete

these beginnings.


y … some of ody … nobod

us …

PAUL SAUTEUIL, 18 Here are my Hi there, Nejc & Ema. (and my answers to your questions is OK. photo!) Hope my English I live with my General information: I go to our local sisters, two mum and I’m studying lycée, Lycée Vauban and the bac - the for my baccalauréat last exam in lycée. me a weekly in the UK and he sends Income: My dad works varies I get it in euros, so it nt but allowance in pounds but I’d like to be more independe . € 60 to between 50€ cash because I work alongside at least I get a bit of extra workshop once a week, which joinery my friend in his dad’s 20€ every And my dad sends me week. a € 10 about me the gets mark in my tests … especially time I get a really good English tests. wearing into clothes and I hate Expenditure: I’m not my sisters. or posh: I leave that to time. anything that’s formal to time from and jeans My mum buys me tee-shirts the more because I really fancy But I buy my own trainers, I don’t have my hair pretty long so expensive kind. I wear I’m saving the family computer but next to pay any barber. I use need a laptop for university up for a laptop: I really It costs 9€ go once or twice a week. year. I love films and I for 7€, and then I go out matinees Saturday but I can go to for coffee spend about 20 to 25€ phone with my friends. I usually mobile my for dad also pays him and and a meal. Oh, and my anything special, I ask need I If month. a € 20 - it’s he usually sends the money.

SANNA PITKÄNEN, 17 Hi, I’m Sanna. OK, General information: I’m at the upper here’s my information. and next year secondary school in Turku ion examination. I’ll take the matriculat big event here, and Matriculation day is a the matriculation wear to able be I’ll I hope st May. white cap on the 1 of hard. But first I have to work for students to get part-time Income: It’s very hard our I’ve got two jobs! I take on work here, but I’m lucky, a walk (it’s usually a run!) neighbour’s dog out for for that, working, and I get 5 euros Saturdays while she’s Friday hours on Wednesday and and I have a job for two She’s 3 my neighbour’s little girl. week. evenings baby-sitting €a a problem, and I get 15 and adorable, so it’s not month, an allowance of 50€ a My parents do give me don’t get Several of my friends which is loads for us here. pocket money at all. I don’t really spend much money. to Expenditure: I don’t I go a free lunch at school. go out much, and I get or the my friends at the pool meet and gym school the I buy my books and materials sauna, and that’s free. € to only about … maybe 10 for schoolwork but that’s and I buy buys me school clothes, our 15€ a month. My mum for … like, a new top clothes for special occasionsfor that. Last year I saved up € 40 paid I disco last month, so I was my mum matched that phone 200€ for my laptop, and prepaid a have I computer. able to get a top class mum paid for that. and mobile, my for card

B Circle the


senten right form in each

here / any students e / some of you 1 Is there anyon a bank account? who doesn’t have / all money. saving any / some for Christmas. y 2 You’re not some / all of mone 3 I get any / ed a mend recom 4 ody / Nobody y Anybody / Someb anybody / somebody / nobod nt but kind. savings accou about the best gave me any advice / any / every advice about like some 5 Would you nts? e said they savings accou / somebody / anyon dy anybo 6 I think card. mes / do use a credit any time / someti it always, just 7 I don’t use to put each time. any time I want me / all time / . 8 I use it someti mobile phone article. money on my names in my / some / every any the end at put money left 9 I won’t some / any / all 10 I never have

ce a second senten ces. Then write no, and example senten some, any, every, 4 A Read the statements about to illustrate the e (+) their compounds.

eone in affirmativ omebody/som 1 We use some/s off the class sentences. ne forgot to turn Example: Someo last night. computer

sentences. My example: in negative (-) ybody/anyone y left from my 2 We use any/an ’t got any mone Examples: I haven pocket money. a credit card. anybody using I haven’t seen ons. My example: in most questi g ybody/anyone problems openin 3 We use any/an anyone have any Example: Did a bank account? , the answer ‘yes’ My example: where we expect ons, use those also questi We eone. 4 In some omebody/som we can use some/s with ody to help you for offers. you like someb Would les: Examp nd? that form? for the weeke some money Do you need eryone/ My example: and everybody/ev y/no one/nothing verb. 5 After nobod use a singular a savings everything we our class has got mobile phone. in y Nobod Example: ody’s got a account, but everyb

of the week. / anybody. do. Ask all / some 11 None of us ing is always moan 12 dy / Everybody All of us / Anybo skint. they’rehan g of it! Get the

e and expenditure Describing incom ts group of studen ewer asking a Listen to an intervi your answers to 4B. 5 A . Check about their finances e, your own incom statements about ent, use a B Write three In each statem ts. unds. accoun compo expenditure, bank ever, no, or their of some, any, different form to read ts. Take turns of two other studen ask a question about C Join a group turn, The others, in your statements. your statement.

work. jobs? some part-time about part-time A: I’d like to get anybody for advice B: Have you asked any kind of job? C: Would you take

interesting the class any Afterwards: tell group work. learned in your

thing that you


and their compo

ery/no job? have a part time in your group h money. Did anybody nobody had enoug y? In our group, get pocket mone Does everybody

G 31 some/any/ev



ook, page 61


My example:

Projektno delo V sklopu vsakega učbenika so tudi štirje projekti, po en na vsak modul, ki omogočajo individualizacijo pouka, vključevanje posebnih znanj in razvijanje podjetnosti, samoiniciativnosti in ustvarjalnosti v avtentičnih situacijah. Sistematičnost in preglednost Posamezni moduli so jasno ločeni z barvami, ki omogočajo, da se dijaki v učbeniku laže znajdejo. Enote so poimenovane s črkami od A do D. Vsaka enota zavzema dve sosednji strani, kar olajša pregled nad celotno vsebino. Pouk književnosti Učbenik Way up Upper-intermediate vsebuje tudi štiri sklope, namenjene pouku književnosti. Ob koncu posameznega modula se dijaki tako seznanijo z izbranimi besedili ob zanimivih, motivacijskih in tu in tam hudomušnih aktivnostih.


Pri nastanku gradiva so sodelovali: Joanne Collie, avtorica Joanne je Kanadčanka, ki se je po končanem študiju preselila v Pariz in tam tudi doktorirala na sloviti Sorboni. Vrsto let je predavala na univerzah v Kanadi in Veliki Britaniji, vodila izobraževalna srečanja za učitelje, pa tudi poučevala angleščino in francoščino v številnih državah Evrope, Amerike in Azije. Do nedavnega je predavala na univerzi v Warwicku. Izkušnje, ki jih je pridobila kot priljubljena in cenjena predavateljica in učiteljica, je strnila v številnih knjigah (vključno z učbeniki), ki so izšle pri založbah Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Loescher, Klett & Balmer in drugih. V prostem času si rada privošči daljši sprehod, bere, posluša klasično in ljudsko glasbo, pa tudi pogleda kakšen dober film. Eden njenih najljubših je Radijski šov (A Prairie Home Companion) z Meryl Streep.

Preverjeno! »Učbenik Way up je zelo sodobno zasnovan. Je sistematičen, tematsko in didaktično raznolik in tako dijakom kot tudi učitelju omogoča veliko mero fleksibilnosti in ustvarjalnosti. Ena izmed zelo pomembnih prednosti učbenika je, da ponuja zelo širok nabor dejavnosti, ki izrazito merijo na srednješolce, na življenje in kulturo mladih ter na način dojemanja sveta, ki je mladim blizu. Zelo pozitivna lastnost učbenika Way up je tudi tematska raznolikost, saj pokriva res veliko število tematskih področij, ki pa so za dijake smiselna, na začetku povezana z njihovim osebnim in vsakdanjim življenjem, nato pa tudi s širšim družbeno-kulturnim okoljem.«

Petra Bizjak, urednica Petra je izkušena urednica zelo priljubljenih kompletov Messages in dodatnih gradiv za angleščino v osnovni šoli, pa tudi izdaje Čist simpl Angleščina – maturitetne teme, ki jo najbrž že dobro poznate. Po izobrazbi je profesorica angleščine. Izkušnje pri poučevanju si je nabirala na jezikovnih šolah, že več let pa poučuje na Višji strokovni šoli Hera. Prosti čas namenja predvsem svoji družini. Rada ima gledališče, ples, kaligrafijo in jezike. Že deset let sodeluje z RTV pri pripravi oddaje Slovenski magazin kot voditeljica in prevajalka.

Blanka Klobučar, profesorica angleščine na Gimnaziji Vič, Ljubljana

Jasna Karnar, oblikovalka Jasna je izkušena oblikovalka učbenikov, številnih revij in drugih izobraževalnih izdaj za otroke in mladino. Obožuje svojega mačka, kljub temu da včasih pokaže krempeljce.

»Teme so resnično sveže in zelo blizu najstnikom: družina, komunikacija s starši, šola, prijatelji in svet zabave, pa tudi vprašanje varstva okolja, svet medijev in podobno. Obravnavane so na način, ki je mladim blizu. Generacijo 'digitalnih domorodcev' (kot jih v svojih člankih imenuje Američan M. Prensky) zaznamuje tudi skorajda prirojena raba prenosnih telefonov, elektronskih medijev itd., in to se izraža tudi v obravnavanem učbeniku pri naboru tem, besedil in nalog: pošiljanje sporočil SMS, blogi, ob tem pa vsem prepoznavni obrazi, ki vladajo sodobnim medijem (Beckham s soprogo, Harry Potter in drugi) ... Da je gradivo namenjeno mladim, dokazuje tudi slikovna oprema – na večini slik najdemo vrstnike mladih uporabnikov učbenika, kar je močan motivacijski dejavnik.«

Profesorice in profesorji angleščine na slovenskih gimnazijah Slovenski dijaki Profesorji in dijaki British International School of Ljubljana

12C A bad press for


1 A In small groups, answer these questions and discuss them, giving reasons for your views.

1 What is the image in the media of teenagers Slovenia? Positive in or negative, and in what ways? 2 Do most teenagers have a lot of fears and worries? If so, what are they? 3 What is your attitude to the police? Positive negative? Explain your or views. 4 Do you ever have the feeling that adults are scared of you when you are gathered in groups? In what situations? 5 Do you feel that drinking is a problem in the teenagers you know? 6 Have you or any of your friends ever carried a knife when you went out at night? Why?

dr. Veronika Rot Gabrovec, Oddelek za anglistiko, Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani

B In your group, write a summary of your discussions in 1A. Use these beginnings.

1 The media image of teenagers is . The media portray teens as . 2 We do/don’t . A main worry/some main worries . 3 Most of us think that 4 We do/don’t think the police are . that adults are because . 5 Drinking is/isn’t a problem because 6 We agree/don’t . agree that .

Module 3 Proj ect A voluntee r project Step 1

. Run t 18A rself. Your ate in Uni in priv aking to time you allocated. earsing e e lic spe 4 Reh on pub f. Be sur than the tim others Step e. and the tips by yoursel ger al styl Re-read your talk NOT be lon re a mirror, r person find you through on should rehearse befo utes). it and tati like to at all. Try (3–5 minyour presen te tation people ful e, al) Some nd this use l presen ions, or wri tion ora possibl fi up (op at all a room, a short the suggest 1 don’t If it’s Step st your gro in to give ing in r group. be alone er groups. going from among ears you are to can y, oth You 5 Reh a topic tation Step the stor s, r group e from ! ry of Choose r presen when you as possibl litie summa lm’s qua the tips Afterwards, ch Give yound a time own. ember y. ics: f as mu d (brief of the fi etc.). fi ed top try to yoursel r talk. Rem n carefull lm I like ssment effects, arate mary, liste Suggest k or a fi asse give youthe group: or sep special ng it, boo ief sum poor up to 1 A ons for liki formances, n’t like (br talk? ers of Stand the film’s did per reas ut the memb ent of es, etc.). really g abo lming, Other speaker: e.g. fi or a film I g it, assessm anc best thins it clear? with other ions for ry/ tell the at was the ikin book r performtwo suggest ing? Wa eye contact 2 A ons for disl ng, poo laborato es Wh or ch rest e the • lmi ke viti (on fi nt, reas too mu s it inte r ma s, e.g. needs” environme rricular acti h not • Wa the speake group? qualitie this school tly, wit – its extra-cu hat • Did ers of the n confiden school ea 3 “W roving the the clubs and memb talk give ion? (choos le s, imp etit ). model admirab s the facilitie s, etc. r role • Wa itation or rep sports to student – or a poo obscure but her hes offered role model eone more disliking his/ r s. offe ng/ som clas y ting great or liki the A the sen to icon 4 6 Pre , why ons for tation Step popular way: reas ments, etc. rs today). presen ork) e your (homew achieve for teenage in som your Make tions ality, about r reac person ad examples y note ting you rt diar 7 Wri good/b topic: discuss Step te a sho s? own e and nervou rds, wri 5 My Compar you will ning you too Afterwa tions. y plan lary smates. Were e clas the vocabu ressions. liminar own reac you feel? to 2 Pre aking? er or thre exp did Step re spe ience? ember of two brainstormwords and How each oths. befo up rem help ath er, aud gro of n, ute Did you a deep bre with the best? Join a ics. Togeth Make lists this. The g it in min k … ed . top • take eye contact manag r talk ram for , plannin of my boo your ke t for you a net diag talk feel you • ma need your the plo n ld use tation? did you re for : describe What d preparatio You cou a structu r presen ute te t min t to you • goo d delivery to crea mple: Firs etc. e reac ork) • goo the audienc For exa minute: … (homew did notes How Second say. making talk. ng to your are goi tences. ning and plan you y, Plan 3 sen uall what you Step plete individ es about n com ak in public, not of you m te dow spe the Each ke specific wri n you d to ’t use 1 Ma re is no nee vous whe , but don now y ner The You tences are ver t to say. If you te down sen . of wha are better ble, talk can wri give the remind you all cards not so visi you . Sm you are es to when rt not of card ause they nervous. If ke sho pieces m, bec you are r classroo 2 Ma do that on of paper, bly if es you can e piec ble visi lities in on a than largy won’t trem oint faci bullet points erP the as Pow be put and ess to can have acc rt notes sho these oint slide. PowerP

oject le 4 Pr Modu ion entat al pres An or


In groups of 4 or 5 think Caitlin’s or of Casey’s projec a volunteer project Step 5 Writing (similar to classmates assignment could do eitherts, Unit 13B) that you Choose a writin and your cleaning up in your comm a polluted unity (for options given. g assignment from waterway; creating a playgr example one of the ound for childre cleaning up a park four Either: Your developing area; group can n …) world (for choose one member of example helpin or in a country of the a poor area assignment: the group to read or will each then meet to speak Englishg to teach children in fresh water to discuss it, contribute to it and for a dry region ; helping to you will improve it, to present provide …). and make to the class. a fair copy Or: Each Step 2 Resear member of the group ching assignment. can choose Ask Find out as a different draft and give another member of much as you writing the group you constr and condit can about to read your copy and presen uctive ions what t it to the class. comments. Then make What are the are in the chosen comm the climate specific proble a fair unity Options: could help ms that a group or country. with? 1 Write a of teenagers What trainin description g or equipm of your projec newspaper. How many ent would t for your school be needed? people could 2 Write a be part of letter to a local the project? company outlini and asking Step 3 Prelim them inary plannin fares, buy clothin for sponsorship funds ng your project g to g Decide on help and 3 you pay equipment, Write a diary a goal etc. as though title (e.g. Creatin for the project and you time of your write it down g a more project work. were writing during Helping to as one 4 Write a the build a new child-friendly playgr letter to your ound for … school in …). Make a plan family while describing / for you are away what you are out each step the first work you would doing. in need to do: time you would sequence. For each write Step 6 Presen step, plan the need. tation length of The groups presen Step 4 Specifi work up around t their assignment c planning to the class. Put the class. Make your and talk to own them about Read what other groups your you will need individual list of clothin it. Discuss the project. have done your (e.g. boots g and equipm experience for rainy climat for muddy of doing ent conditions; raingear lanterns, torche es; shovels, hammers, nails, etc.; s, tents, campi campstove, into a place without accom ng equipment if you are going modation, etc.).


15 All about fashion

• Verbs + infinitives or -ing forms subject) • Subjects: -ing forms (gerunds), it (dummy • Infinitive of purpose • Buying clothes

15A What influences your choice of clothing? it comes to fashion? 1 What kind of a personality are you when four personality profiles Read the article. Decide which of the others. is closest to your own, and discuss with the 2 A Read the profiles again. Complete


Verbs + infinitive (7x)

Verbs + -ing form (9x)

Verbs + either (without a change of meaning) (4x)




infinitive or an -ing B Some verbs can be followed by an Study the example. Then form, but with a change of meaning. the sentence that choose the right ending (a–h) to complete shows the meaning for each sentence.

department. She stopped to look at the jeans in the fashion stopped was to Meaning: She stopped, and the reason she look at the jeans. b You’ve stopped watching other people. now you Meaning: You used to watch other people, but no longer do.


clothes. 1 a You never forget to match your something Meaning: You always remember to do . that you for the first time. 1 b I can’t forget seeing a fashion show . first time I Meaning: I will always remember the at the dry-cleaner’s. 2 a Remember to get your clothes you haven’t something do to forget Meaning: Don’t . done yet but you television. on interviewed being 2 b I remember . I Meaning: I won’t forget the interview not make the team. did you that you inform to regret I 3 a . you Meaning: I am informing you now that to organise 3 b He doesn’t regret working so hard the show. . he Meaning: He has no regrets about what 4 a She went on to become a top model. . Meaning: She did something, then she dark. 4 b He went on working long after . which he Meaning: He continued the activity a gave in the past b do all the time past c had started previously d did in the do e did something else later on f should g went to a show h were not chosen 96

Which fashion profile is closest to your own? 1 The Confident Fashionista

You like making a striking first impression. You hate wearing the same thing day after day. Your friends expect you to set the trends. You enjoy surprising them with killer ensembles. You’re the kind of person who doesn’t mind creating a stir wherever you go. Although you’re prepared 80 to turn up in an ultra-trendy, right-off-the-runway combo, you adapt styles to suit your personal style. AND you love shopping, or as our American cousins say, you love to shop!

2 Chic and Understated

You don’t want to be a trendchaser: you prefer to keep things simple and almost classic. You really dislike going out in something that’s too dressy or attentiongrabbing. You only go shopping when you really need to get an outfit for a special occasion. You never forget to match your clothes and your accessories for that co-ordinated look. You really hate to look untidy.

3 Cool and Casual

You don’t like to make a fuss about clothes. Fashion? Yes, it’s OK to be trendy, but you refuse to be defined by it. You prefer choosing clothes that look effortlessly hip. You’ve stopped watching what other people are wearing, you make your own choices, you’ve decided to go for your own casual look and to wear it with confidence. And luckily for you, that’s a pretty cool look!

4 The Sports Star

You’re not into dressy clothes, in fact you don’t like thinking about clothes at all. You just love hanging out in your tracksuit and sports logo tee-shirt. You spend your afternoons working out with your team and so when you’ve finished practising and leave the field, you can’t help retaining that comfy, sporty look! You just keep on being yourself all the time.

words or 3 A Read through the texts again. Find these

3 Half the class are As, half are Bs. A: Read the continuation of the article: three results survey, on page 140.

C With your AB partner, write a paragraph with sentences comparing at least 6 your results in 1A with your notes in 4B. Don’t forget the link words you revised in unit 12B.

of the B: Read the continuation of the article: three other results of the survey, on page 142. Write short notes about your 3 questions in the grid.

Teens are less likely to carry knives in Slovenia than in cities in Britain. On the other hand, teens drink just in our groups as in Britain. as much Slovenian teenagers have a more positive media image than British teenagers.


1 What is the media image of teenagers

2 Read the introduction to an article about a survey of teens in British cities. In your own of these words or phrases: words, explain the meanings

1 They’ve been branded. 2 yob 3 intimidating no-go areas 4 youths hanging around in

in Britain – is it deserved?

5 Work with your AB partner. Find these words or expressions in the two texts.

2 Do the teenagers surveyed have fears and worries? If so, what are they?


3 What is the attitude

of these British teenagers

1 Two expressions (text A) with the same adjective, meaning ‘a terrible reputation’: a and a 2 Two expressions , one in each text, that mean other people think that there is no difference in the way all teens act: and 3 Set expressions that mean: a two parts exactly equal (text A): b take a knife out (text B): c do things together as a whole group (text B): 4 Expressions with get: a be attacked for your money (text B): b be attacked with a knife (text A): c going from bad to worse (text A): 5 Two pairs of expressions with opposite meanings (text B): a feel there is danger: b feel there is no danger: c make you stop worrying: d makes you worry:

to the police?

By Matt Roper And Nick Webster 27/07/2007

B 4 Do these teens think

10 TOWNS… 10 TEENS… 10 PM… REVEALINGC Listen MIRROR answers in note form. again and writeSURVEY expressions.

5 What is their attitude

adults are scared of them,

and why?

to alcohol?

to the 1 What has been the reaction of listeners start with 1 Three three-word expressions that War on Want report? THEY’VE been branded “occupying armies”done – in response to the same verb, and mean: 6 Have any of these teens 2 What have supermarkets yobs who turn Britain’s carried a knife? town centres into Want report? • impress the War on intimidating no-go areas when the sales manager attribute things does • fuss fivedarkness falls. 3 To what But yesterday the government of the clothing • choose admitted the low cost that he sells? mean: negative stereotypes make think that not buying cheap 2 Three three-word expressions that do supermarkets lives harder. 4 Why teens’ What is the reality? clothes is not a good idea? • grab everyone’s attention news the Until now, no one has about the topic of • give others a model to follow you think What do 5 asked youths 4 A Work with a hanging partner who read the around in gangs at night • move away from a place programme? same text as you. what they think. Compare wear, you and clothes the all complete your notes. So we visited 10 towns across 3 Three words that mean Britain at 10 pm in each. your complete ‘look’: on Wednesday night these sentences. Underline the subject Lookinateach 5 Aand B Form AB pairs and asked 10 teens •c tell each other the the questions their parents that we do provide main things you found to stress out about your questions, - and society 1 It’s important - need •e using your notes to answered. help you. A: fill in the grid for affordable clothing. •o questions 4, 5 and 6 from what your partner tells you. 2 Bulk-buying makes clothing cheaper. B: fill in the grid for quite disturbing to hear all this. that It’s 1 in 3 texts the in expressions questions 1, 2 and B There are six informal 3 from what your partner tells you. 4 Living may be less expensive in Bangladesh. them and add them describe trendy, striking clothes. Find is a job that 5 Making cheap clothes in Bangladesh squares to find in the squares below. Then use the coloured is still underpaid. of the texts. a word that gives you the overall theme helps workers 6 Buying Fair Trade clothes actually 1 in poor countries. 2 in these statements. 3 B Circle the right word or expression 4 of a sentence. 1 An -ing form can / can’t be the subject 5 / a gerund. 2 In those cases it is called an infinitive 6 a subject / 3 An entire gerundial phrase can also be a verb. 4 A In groups, talk about these questions. is more 4 Infinitives can also be subjects, but this In a • Where do you usually buy your clothes? unusual / likely. fashion boutique? department store, a supermarket, or is used There / It word the nitive, infi an of 5 Instead Online? By At a market? At a second-hand shop? as a subject. disadvantages catalogue? What are the advantages and / does not has it – subject’ ‘dummy a is word This 6 of each type of shopping? have a meaning of its own. clothes are made? • Do you ever look to see where the conditions about How important is it for you to know 1, 2 and 3 with in the clothing industry? C Replace the infinitive subject in sentences in sentences 4, 5 a dummy subject, and the infinitive subject about and 6 with a gerundial phrase. You are going to listen to a news programme B is produced in conditions under which cheap clothing 1 To say that workers need jobs is fair. the statements first, Bangladesh for the UK markets. Read 2 To look for Fair Trade labels is unnecessary. each blank slot. Then fairly is ridiculous. and guess which numbers (a–h) go into 3 To claim that workers are treated is a listen and check your guesses. 4 To try to change international arrangements e 3 pence waste of time. a 80 b 48 c £8 to £11 d 12 to 16 political act. 5 To choose clothes shouldn’t be a f £22 g £3 h £7 of how they 6 However, to buy clothes regardless 1 What workers get paid: are produced isn’t cool. , per month per hour 2 Number of hours worked: , per week per day G 24 -ing forms vs. infinitives 3 Payments for overtime per month: Your friends expect you to set the trends. work per week, 4 Number of hours that should be ensembles. You enjoy surprising them with killer according to the Ethical Trade Initiative: phrases 25 Dummy subjects, gerunds and gerundial 5 What it costs to live in Bangladesh: a month as subjects It’s less expensive to live in Bangladesh. 6 The minimum wage in Bangladesh: a month Living is less expensive in Bangladesh. that is underpaid. Making clothes in Bangladesh is a job page 81   MORE PRACTICE: Workbook, 97

6 Finally, with others,

• •

discuss these questions:

How representative of British teens generally think this kind of do you survey is? What factors should we take into account when consider the reliability of the findings? Make we a

list. Are you interested in reading the rest of the answers that teenagers in cities gave to the survey? Go online to http://www.mirror.co.uk/n ews/top-stories/2007/07/ survey-shows-beckham-a 27/teennd-jordan-are-role-mode yobs-115875-19528070 ls-for/


Zasnova učbenika

Na začetku vsake lekcije so navedene slovnične strukture, ki se pojavijo v posamezni lekciji. Nabor dejavnosti v učbeniku je širok in usmerjen na življenje All abou sveta, ki jim je blizu. in kulturo mladih ter na način15dojemanja t fashion • Verbs + infinitive s or -ing • Subjec Dejavnosti so kratke in raznolike, tematsko formna ts: -ing fovezane s rms (ger • Infinitive unds), it of purpos kar (dummy težav, področje. Da bi bilo pri reševanju najmanj • Buying nalog e subject) clothes so na začetku zahtevnejših nalog navedeni primeri na barvni 15A Wha t influen podlagi. your ces choice o

f clothin


1 What kind of a personali Read the ty are yo article. De u when it cid is closest comes to to your ow e which of the fo ur person fashion? n, and di ality profi scuss wi les th others 2 A Re . ad the pr ofiles ag ain. Com plete the lis t. Verbs

+ infinitiv e (7x)


Verbs + -in g form (9x)


Verbs + (without a either of meaningchange ) (4x) like

B Some verbs ca n be follo form, bu wed by an t wi infini choose th th a change of m eaning. St tive or an -ing e right en udy the ex ding (a–h shows th ) to com ample. Th e meaning plete the en for each sentence sentence a She sto that . pp

ed to look at the jeans Meaning: She stopp in the fash ed, and th look at th e reason sh ion department. b You’ve e jeans. e stopped was to stopped wa tching othe Meaning: r people. You used to watch othe no longer do. r people, bu t now you 1 a You never fo rget to m Meaning atch your : You alw ays remem clothes. that you ber to do . 1 b I ca somethi n’t forget ng seeing a Meaning fashion sh : I will al 2 a Rem w ay s remem ow for the first tim ember to be r e. the first get yo Meaning time I : Don’t fo ur clothes at the . dry-clea rget to do done ner’s somethi 2 b I re yet but you ng you ha . . member ven’t being in Meaning terviewed : I won’t on tele 3 a I re forget th gret to in e intervie vision. wI Meaning form you that yo : I am in u di d not mak . 3 b He forming doesn’t e the team you . the show regret working so now that you . hard to or . Meaning ganise : H e has no 4 a She regrets ab went on out wha to beco Meaning t he : She did me a top model. . 4 b He somethi went on ng, then w or she ki ng Meaning . : He cont long after dark. inued th a gave in e activity th which he c had star e past b do all th te . e did som d previously d e time did in th ething el e se g went to past later on a show f should do h were no t chosen

Nabor besedil v učbeniku je pester in raznolik, besedila96pa avtentična in aktualna. Vzeta so iz različnih virov, od elektronskih medijev, časopisov, revij do televizijskih in radijskih programov. Obravnavajo teme, ki so dijakom blizu, s katerimi se lahko poistovetijo oz. do katerih se lahko opredeljujejo.

Fotografije, ilustracije in drugi slikovni elementi so izbrani in zasnovani tako, da kar najbolj odsevajo svet najstnikov, kar je močan motivacijski dejavnik. Slikovno gradivo je raznoliko in namenjeno za iztočnico za različne dejavnosti.

Which is closefashion profi le t to you 14 sEntrepreneurs r own? • Reported speech extended • Reporting1verbs The Co nfi • Passive report Fashstructures ionista dent • Negotiating You like

B With a partner, re-read the text. Label the statements T or F (False). Correct the false ones. 3 A Re(True) ad throug e texts ag started his business at age 18. 1h thAkrapovič ain. Find 1 Thre thesstarted e thre e words to 2 e-w The really when ordcompany or prosper expressio expressio the same ns. German firmns liked verba, an thattheir startsystem. d mean: • impres with enter into s 3 The founder’s personality doesn’t • fuss the development of his company. • choose 4 Making a part that works is more important 2 Thre e three- than making it elegant. • grab ev word expressio nsis a world player in the field of er 5 The company • give ot yone’s attention that mean: hers a mmotorcycle parts.

mak impressio ing a striking first n. You ha the sam te wear e thing ing da day. Yo ur friends y after ex to set th e trends. pect you You enjoy surprising them ense th killer mblesa goodwientrepreneur? 1 What makes Choose qualities from this of person . You’re the kin odel to fo • move d are going to start their own list that would people who whhelp o do esn’t m creating 3 Thre away from a plac llow a sti e words business go ofind it. Use a dictionary if you need to. r wheraev go. Alth and make er you that mea e ough yo your com n all the u’re prep to tu pl rn clothes yo ete ‘look outspoken anxious confident up in an philosophical ar •c ’: ultra-tren ed u wear, right-offdy,daring the- resolute creative determined you adap runway combo •e ,intrepid t styles being a perfectionist faint-hearted to suit yo personal •o ur style. AN prudent clever rash diffident sh D you lovcautious opping, e or co r America optimistic usins sa as oucritical thoughtful B There y, you lov n are six in e to shop formal ex ! desc

14A A successful perfectionist

ribe trend pressions y, strikin 22 A Read the text quickly. Decide which qualities you listed in in th in the te g clothes e square Chic an . Find them xts in 1 that s below. d activity Igor Akrapovič. a word th Un Then use ders1tadescribe at the colour and add them gi te ve s d You don’t you the ov ed square want to er 1 all theme s to find chaser: be a tre of the te ndyou xts. 2 things sim prefer to keep -

ple and classic. almost 3 Yo going ou u really dislike 4 t in som ething th too dres at’s sy or at 5 tentiongrabbing . You on 6 ly go shopping when yo need to u get an ou really special tfit for a 4 A In gr occa oups, taSome Igor Akrapovič’s wonder how a sion. forgWhile You neve name has come to constitute one of lk aboumight et to mat t ese qu in a tiny rbrands in aftermarket accessories, mostchfashionable • the your clo andthe Where do companythsituated estions. your ac thes cessories you usualike Slovenia co-oman himself remains low-key. He recalls the origins of the country could rdinated fo departm lly buy yo loo Yo r that ent store, global ur clothe hate firm: u reallwith my passion for motorcycles, which but to look“It allk.started a supermrenown, At a mar achieve s? In a y untidy. arket, ket? At

C Lis 1 W W 2 Wh the 3 To w the l 4 Why cloth 5 Wha t progra 5 A Look at

th 1 It’s im po affordab 2 Bulk -buy 3 It’s qu ite 4 Living m 5 Makin a g ch is still un de 6 Buyi ng Fair in poor cou

B Circle the right 1 An -in g fo 2 In thos rm ca e 3 An en cases it tire gerund was my involvement in motorcycle racing from the agecaof visited or cannot a sewho fashion bo a verb. co has talogue? anyone -hand utiq Wha ar bendimpressed 4 Infini After the conclusion of my nine-year racing career, I of had ? Othe e the adva shopby nline? By ue? each typehelpt but tives can 3 Co18. nt ol and als ages anand, of shoppinatural quite a lot of experience about tuning bikes, so I denation’s beauty • un D d C You dogained usual o you ev disadvan asual ng? n’t like to er lodoing tages 5 Inste / likely. cided to m open racthere, by the about clo ake aafutuning shop where I started preparingH to sebusiness ow impo if ok ad e w ss of an infin thes. Fa he re the clot Slortan sh it’s OK to t ion?developing ing bikes and exhausts for them.” level of professionalism. is as it in he Ye a fo s are mad s, subject. the clothi be trend r you to refuse to y, e? progressive 6Central ng ow ab induhas, venia been one most This word be define but you stry?in fact, kn ouof t cothe iti prefer ch d by it. is a ‘dum onmarket oosinAkrapovič’s s For new European countries in the move nd to the economyha and u company, the turning pointB came in ve a meani g clothes Yo look effo You are that ng of it rtl go essly when in 1994, the German arm of Kawasaki responded to the accession to the EU. “After we’d split with the former Yugoslag to liste hip. You’v condition stopped n e to s watchin un a nedifficult der whvia, ws prograat the beginning,” Akrapovič explains. to test one of their systems. “AfterBatesting, quite g people firm’s invitation ich it was ngladesit are wear what other mme abou C Replac eap cloth h for the “Butchnow, ing, that your ow was e in t th clear our system was better than the factory one,” he 20 years later, being part of EU, with no borders g yo e is produc UK marke um infinitive and gues n choic a du ed in es, you’v ake ts. Read s wh decided explains. “This between business is much easier.” mmy subject, an s e was a huge breakthrough and the beginning the statdoing to go fo listen an of ich num bers (a the countries, ements fi and 6 wi d th r your casual d check rst, th a geru lookco-operation n your gues –h) go into each all major teams.” and to we owwith ndial ph confide blank slo Reading house publication, the overall ses.through Akrapovič’s a 80 b ar it with nce. An 1 t. Then 48 c £8 To say th d luckily you, that As one at worke would is of a company that is thoroughly tuned in 2and turned topicture for expect, Igor Akrapovič infuses his forganisation £22 g ’s a pret £11 d rs n To ty cool £3 12 lo to 16village. ok for look! with his personal values. “I am a perfectionist by he h £7 on to the global illustrated articles on range e 3 peThe 3 its 1 nature,” nce To claim Fair Trade What wor cars, that wor kers get of systems for high performance motorcycles and4 exotic 4 The S states, “and this reflects in the company’s philosophy.” ke To pa rs pe id tr r : y to chan hour orts Sta published in English and Slovene, are flip, hip and entertainYou’re no pHe ge intern 2 Nrespected r Akrapovič has become one of the most waste of t into dr believes umber of essy clo in fact yo hours wing. , per month 5 To ch time. thin u don’t es,the world of motorcycle exhaust technologies companies pe or r ke lik da oo about clo d: e thinking y se clothe thes at 6 the s shou 3 our “because of our constant investment in R&D, and concern So, what the future for Akrapovič? “We are in process How Paym all love ha ever, to per wis en nging ou . You just eek 4 Num ts for overtim t inthe for ofemaking tracksu are prinodthe buy clothes yourquality of our products.” per monsome organisational and structural changes it and sp ber of ho uced isn orts log th tee-shirt ur : ’t s company,” Akrapovič reveals. “My father is 84, and still quite cool. th accordinfacet o at should . You spCreativity g to the end your in engineering and manufacturing5 is another afternoo besays. wor“Though Ethiactive,” k per wee he works in a completely different ns cal Tradhe t it costs central the Akrapovič approach. Is the work W ofha Akrapovič your team working k, out wito ebusiness, G 24all-inthe time. I In to iti th at liv area of he’s developing new things an iv e g forms e: d so wh in Ba you’ve fi en form, or just a technical exercise? His reply is approprivs desh nished an art Yourhave a monthhopengIlawill 6 The m be: as active as he is, at that age. I still a lot of. infinitives practising friend leave th inmeasate: “I think efi imum w and both aspects must be considered in equal You enjo s expect you to se age inwork project ideas in my mind!” retaining eld, you can’t y surpris Bangand help that comure. Technical perfection is something we constantly strive for: la de ing them t sh a look! Yo fy, spor : 25 Dumm tyhand in hand with top design.” The sleek curves of an month u just ke it goes wit ep y subjec yourself all the tim on being ts, gerund as subjec e.Akrapovič exhaust underscore that statement. s an ts It’s less ex pensive to Living is less expe live in Bang ns Making clothes in ive in Bangl Banglade   sh is MORE PR ACTICE: Workboo k, page 81

Dijaki na različne načine utrjujejo in širijo znanje slovnice, ki jo večinoma usvajajo z izbranimi primeri iz besedil, dopolnjujejo slovnična pravila in tabele ter podajajo svoje primere. Rabo slovničnih struktur utrjujejo v situacijah, ki se navezujejo na tematsko področje.


• Revision and extension of past tenses • Past habits: used to/would + infinitive • Recognising factual or anecdotal texts • Talking about present and past routines

2A Childhood

British celebrities share some of their favourite childhood memories 1 ALEX KINGSTON, ACTRESS ches, My mum would pack us sandwi our pinpoint a street on a map of and my neighbourhood and send me would friend on our expedition. We with a whizz around roads and lanes when we great sense of achievement tion. destina the at arrived

1 A Underline the Past Simple verbs. Circle the Past Continuous verbs.

1 My parents were living in Rome when I had my first birthday. 2 When I was growing up, though, we lived in Split. 3 At first, when I was learning English, I found speaking very difficult. 4 I remember my mother’s smile when I came home from nursery: that’s my first memory. 5 My happiest memory? I was learning to cycle, and my grandad helped me up when I fell down. 6 No, nothing sad happened to me during childhood.

2 GEORGE MICHAEL, SINGER One of my most vivid childho od memories: a goat bit my hand at Golders Green Children’s Zoo. 3 EMILY MAITLIS, NEWSREADER hallway. I grew up in a house with a long a child I have an abiding memory. As ring the returning from school, I would the I appreciate your point, butbell, ... then as I was staring through I would see my What if we tried/did/etc.? window on the door,the hall to open it. running up Thank you, but I would stillmother ... that first hello hug would always And She Can we talk about this? put a huge smile on my face. so delighted to welcome I like that idea. That sounds always goodlooked to me. It was as simple as that. home.now? Should we go on to the next me point,

B The statements in 1A are answers. Write the six questions.

C Read the text again and extract the phrases which show that:

C Past Simple or Past Continuous? Write PS or PC.

a 1 Akrapovič doesn’t behave like an arrogant celebrity. 1 This verb tense describes a complete, finished b 2 He likes all his work to beaction of aorhigh state.standard without c any flaws. 2 This verb tense describes an action or state that d was continuous nished in the past. 3 He thinks engineering excellence hasortounfi match artistic e excellence. D Prepare to answer the questions for yourself. Jot down f 4 The company has to research and develop its products a few notes. Use your dictionary or ask others if you needg Perhaps we could deal with ... first? continuously. help with some words or expressions. h Would you clarify ... for me? 4 CHRIS TARRANT, TV PRESE NTER 5 It puts out light, trendy and lively brochures. i Could you be more specific?One of my earliest memories is my first6 He is confident that his creativity diminish E Join a partner.will Ask not and answer the questions. ever day’s fishing. My granda j Let’s move on, shall we? d took me. with age. I was just four. I caught a fish, dropped 2 Here are two sets of childhood memories. Section A is k I’m not sure I understand your grandapoint. d’s rod and fell in the river. All in l I’d like to make an alternative from a newspaper article, B is from an internet blog. all, itsuggestion. was pretty typical of most of my 3 Study the statements (A–E).Read Then report theand statements (1–7). them quickly write the answers. fishing m Let’s take a closer look at this problem. days since. 1 Who remembers events that happened once only? n We hope you can see our point. Shifting tenses for reported speech. 2 Who remembers activities they did often in o I’d like to run through what we’ve agreed. A Verbs already in the Past Perfect tense don’t shift when childhood? p I’m sorry, we can’t seem to 5agree. SOPHIE ELLIS-BEXTOR, SINGER 3 Whose interests changed as he grew older? reported. my little August 10, 1987, was the day excited B Some modal verbs don’t shift in reported speech, for brother was born and I was so B Which of the expressions in activity 5A illustrate these is my to be a big sister. Jack’s father example might, could, would, or should. Must can shift to I was tips on negotiating? step-dad and when Jack arrived had to. happy with my dad, who was really 1 Use ‘softening’ expressions: would like, perhaps, coin to C In reported speech, the verb doesn’t shift if it indicates an for me and made me a special er being What if, Let’s, etc. ongoing action or state. mark the occasion. I rememb I finally wasn’t an 2 Use ‘softening’ modal verbs like should, would, not just that D The usual shifts are always used if you’re writing a formal proud that my only child any more, but also might, can/could. report. things parents had moved on to better 3 Use questions to make suggestions. E Sometimes the shifts don’t occur in informal verbal since their divorce. reports, or in lists of actions. 1 Akrapovič: “After the conclusion of my nine-year racing career, I had 12 gained quite a lot of experience about tuning bikes.” 2 The interviewer: “As one would expect, Igor Akrapovič infuses his organization with his personal values.” 3 The interviewer: “Some might wonder how a company situated in a tiny country like Slovenia could achieve global renown.” 4 Akrapovič: “I think both aspects must be considered in equal measure.” 5 The interviewer: “Slovenian business people are always very professional.” 6 The author in a formal report: “Akrapovič is a leading firm in motorcycle parts, and has established a respected company throughout the world.” 7 The interviewer on the phone: “Akrapovič is a prominent entrepreneur, his company has become a fashionable brand, and he himself is a charming man.”

C With a partner, you are on a team negotiating with the school authorities to have a shorter end to the school day on Fridays.

his teenage years. out ll. She remembers the days in the countryside in Cornwa the 3 Rochanne used to live years old at the time. Beside Sooke. “I was around 8 ys. in the forest with her dog I still do quite a bit nowada riding and swimming, which r, togethe walks, I often went horse walk a er us having of my grandma. I rememb one is memory earliest My the time.” have been 2 years old at must I died. she not long before hy and especially physical in school used to be geograp s, 4 Alex’s favourite subjects Live’ on Saturday morning the TV programme ‘Going education: “I used to watch match.” football am 10.30 the but only until I left for whether Alex uniforms, I ask to be forced to wear school 5 Wondering what it’s like both in primary and in he was in school. He did, jumper he used to wear one when and ties. We also had a dark blue trousers, shirts secondary school. “We wore d to leave it at home.” preferre I so mine didn’t t well for autumn and winter. But

3 A Read the five statements about how to use used to and would.

1 2 3 4 5

We use used to and would to talk about habits and repeated actions. We use used to and would to talk about temporary, continuous, or repeated states. We use used to to describe permanent past states (not would). We sometimes use the Past Simple instead of would or used to, for variety. Used to describes action in the past, not the present. The question form is Did you use to …? The negative is: didn’t use to.

4 A On a slip of paper, write a blog about an early memory. Don’t put your name on it. Some of these questions can help you.

• • • • • • • • • •

B Tick  the correct sentences. Put a cross  for the incorrect sentences. Write the numbers of the statements in 3A that give a reason for your choice.

1 My mum used to pack us sandwiches. Statement number: 2 When I looked through the window, I saw my mother running up the hall. 3 Now that I’m grown up, I use to go fishing every summer. 4 August 10th was the day my brother used to be born. 5 When he was younger, Daniel would often build miniature aeroplanes. 6 When she was a child, Rochanne would live in Cornwall. 7 She used to go horse riding and swimming. 8 Alex’s favourite subjects at school were geography and physical education. 9 Did Alex used to like wearing his school uniform?

How old were you when it happened? Where were you living? Is your memory about something that used to happen often? Was it a happy situation or event? What were your feelings about it then? Do you feel differently about it now? Did something funny happen? Who were you with? How did it end? Why do you think you still remember it?

B In groups, put your slips of paper into a box. Each of you then picks out one slip. Read the blog and write an answer. In it, say:

• • •

What did you find interesting in the memory? Is it like a memory of your own, or very different? Would you like to know more about it?

C Read your answer to the group. Can they guess whose blog you read?

G 5, 7 Past Simple, Past Continuous

My parents were living in Rome when I was born. 6 used to/would

My mum would pack us sandwiches. What did she use to do in summer? She used to go swimming. 


Workbook, pages 8–10

10 We used to wear dark blue trousers, shirts and ties.


G 24 Reported speech – no tense shifts with

Past Perfect “After I’d been racing for nine years, I had gained a lot of experience.” He told the reporter that after he’d been racing for nine years, he had gained a lot of experience. Modal verbs ‘The company should strive for perfection.” He insisted that the company should strive for perfection. “Creative design must accompany technical expertise.” He maintained that creative design had to accompany technical expertise.

Negotiating 4 A Negotiations are often needed to get things done in business. With a partner, read expressions (a–p) and put them into the categories (1–4). Some expressions can be used in more than one category.

Putting your points across: Dealing with opposing views: Moving the discussion forward: Concluding:

she was about 2 years old. memory dates from when 1 Sarah’s rst childhood ’ back garden.” ath the r trees in my parents “I remember crawling underne es. Daniel later ended build miniature aeroplan to used Daniel , 2 When he was younger to gain his interest during started which music, to time up dedicating most of his

1 List reasons for and against the suggestion. 2 Write a short dialogue of negotiation, paying attention to the tips in 5B. 3 Write the dialogue again, this time going against all the tips in 5B. 4 Join another pair. Exchange your ‘bad’ dialogues. Rewrite the other pair’s ‘bad’ dialogue. Then compare with the original dialogues you wrote.

Work with it!

1 2 3 4



2 Memories

Ongoing actions or states “Slovenia is an excellent country for entrepreneurs.” She claimed that Slovenia is an excellent country for entrepreneurs.


Workbook, pages xx


Naloge na modri podlagi, poimenovane Get the hang of it! v Way up Intermediate in Work with it! v Way up Upper-intermediate, so namenjene usvajanju in utrjevanje jezika v vsakdanjih situacijah. Tako se dijaki med drugim naučijo veščin pogovora, kako napisati neformalno in formalno elektronsko sporočilo, svetovati, kako kaj vljudno sprejeti ali odkloniti, izraziti strinjanje in nestrinjanje, se opravičiti, napisati življenjepis, se pogajati, prepričevati, vljudno prositi za kaj, izražati kritiko in še in še. V Way up Upper-intermediate pa so razdelki v celotnem drugem modulu namenjeni pisanju esejev.

Ob koncu vsake enote so v rumenem okvirju navedene slovnične strukture s primeri rabe. Referenca na delovni zvezek dijaka napoti na stran, kjer lahko utrdi pridobljeno znanje, številke ob navedbi slovničnih struktur pa dijake usmerijo na slovnično razlago v priloženi knjižici.

Zasnova učbenika

12D Skills enh ancement Part I Reading 1 A You are going to practise both reading skills and writing skills in this activity. Read this list of particular prob lems that a stude nt could experienc when trying to e write short answ ers showing reading comprehension. Tick apply to you. Then  any that you think might add any problems have had, or migh you yourself t have.


Walk into y across pos too little clo ing lying aro purchase su

1 “I spend too much time writing out the answers for the first questions, then I run out of time.”

7D Skills enhancement 2

Clearly the p

after are a fa Part II Reading “I understand the parents. Yet w text, but can’t the right word fi s for the answers.” nd pressure that In the previous enhancement exer

Part I Speaking 1 With a partner, read the advertisement. Imagine that you are going for interview. Help each other to make notes about what you might wish to focus on in the interview.

• e nthusiasm: why are you interested in going to the summer school? Look back at the text you worked with in Unit 4C, activity 2 and list the benefits that a student could gain from such a training session. • contribution: what are the special qualities that you could contribute to the team? Look back at the list of qualities needed for an astronaut (Unit 4C, activity 5).

3 Option 1: Work in pairs.

Vsak modul se začne z uvodno stranjo, ki dijake seznani s prihajajočimi temami in besediščem. Namen te strani je, da dijake spodbudi k razmišljanju o vsebinah, preden se lotijo aktivnosti. Poleg slikovnega gradiva, ki ponazarja vsebine modula, dijaki rešijo tudi nalogo ali dve in tako dobijo kratek pregled tem, o katerih se bodo učili.

First interview

s are being orga nised for two vacant posts on the Slovenia n Space Train ing Summer Sch ool for Young Astronauts held in conjunct ion with the European Space Agency Programme. Candidates shou ld prepare by visiting the ESA website. They will be sele cted for their enthusiasm, and the contribution they can make to team work during train ing.

Sledita enoti A in B, predstavljeni na prejšnjih straneh, v dveh daljših lekcijah vsakega modula pa sta dodani še enoti C in D.

Step 1: Take turns to be: (A) a member 3 of the interviewing panel and (B) yourself as“Iaalways like to write complete sente candidate wishing to be selected for the Summer nces, but that’s not the right thing for short School. Role-play the interview. answers, it seem s.” Step 2: When you’ve both worked through the My problem: interview, taking turns, compare your impressions with your partner. • What did you find most difficult? • Did you have a good supply of vocabulary to carry you through without stopping or too much hesitation? • Were you as a candidate able to use a variety B Join a small group and comp are the problems of tenses in your answers? you ticked or adde d. Write one sente • What could you do to improve your nce of advice for each one. performance? Ask others for advice.

In Taublieb’s ex 4 A First, read the texts quickly. D selve who the particular words orthe expression they, teens, Answer this question, using a herself as unat el. When a What is this mod text about? role model their figure out what B Compare and discuss your at ing that model, t 5 A Together, Wha read tever the beginning the rea lar role The mod asked to complete. purpos el, p don’t like wh that shows they you understand th 2 Now work on hard for pare Before youally begin to write the n c your own to do the exercise. Read teen the questions fi Option 2: Work in groups of five. s. in your partner theager clues te “I the wan rst. Then read the text. Write your sure answers from TVatand in note form the answers. Underline leas Step 1: First, prepare for the interview together. Make. to example. draw the line Number 1try is an 1 Wha sure you have a good supply of questions (see t three thing s do with a mode of activity 2) to ask the candidate. dre pictures their child parents dislike about 1 The new have timespaceships ren put up in their I try to compr Step 2: Choose roles. One of you is the candidate. Three rooms? they are mucnewer h.” versions o 2 What panel. are members of the interviewing are theOne Clues to be underlined: 19 two ismain influenc es on the “My the recorder, whose taskit isbeha to take and kids would viounotes, seem r of teena 2 Their mission be to gt gers? know I can’t win record the decision. Role-play the interview. eve 3 Wha At the end of the interview, the tcandidate in the role mod t comprom 3 The and maincan’ problem with i els attracts teena withdraws while the panel makes a decision: gers? space not storing it It is is possible for bu the 4 Can pare will that candidate be accepted for the nts Summer 4 Thepare newnts spacecraft being change the way may fear. teenagers beha “I School? ve? fuelled by logical security as w 5 Wha Step 3: Panel: discuss the interview, and make a s t two thing 5 Thepare sailnts, material can mo can reduce the the actu al in influence decision. Give reasons. that the media have upon “Kids today have Recorder: take down notes of the discussion and young people? 6 The small mirrors on an the cool , act cool now 6 Who the reasons given. Report to the is candidate. in the best posit and Ph.D., author teenathe Step 4: General discussion, amongst or to theion to reassure gersgroup, of the that they 7 The spacecraft gains its “s don’ teen s need to hear class if you’ve presented trend your role-play to the t have to follow s if they don’ fro t wish be cool and act class. Discuss the strong points of the interview to? cool , bu 8 Scientists will be able to ble in whic – was the panel kind but effective in asking tooranalyse h it must be physical well-bein questions? Did the candidate answer well, to g.”

the point, with sufficient variety of vocabulary and verb tenses?82 Was he/she convincing? What advice could you give to improve the performance of the candidate – or members of the panel?

2 Prepare for the interview. Think of one or two more questions that the interviewer might ask a candidate.

M o d u le 4

dress, an (Unit 2D) you worked withact, finding “Chi ldren cho expressions from the context. This expanded: you willAmy try toBeth find the Taum text by picking up type cluesof from the mod elsc

• W hy do you want to go to the Summer School? • How long have you been interested in space? • What will you do later with the skills you gain at the Summer School? • If you were selected, what skills would you like to develop?

B With your partner, use your sentences.

6 With others, compare and disc experience of doing the task.

• Did you find it easy or di • Which questions did you • Did you find it helpful to question about the text? • Did you find underlining

1 Module 4 is all about personal, nation relationships al and intern . Cross out ational the seem to fit into this overal three topics which do not l category. interracial

marriages immigratio n issues job applications family lifesty les

hosting a TV programm e gender inequ alities in educa extreme sport tion s married and unmarried couples translation and interp reting 2 Circle the odd one


out in

these expres 1 nuclear sions. family divorce rates governmen siblin t policy extended family g rivalry 2 gendered marg culturally determ inalised disadvanta ged ined artistic 3 globalisatio n incom e tax internationa travel and l relations cultural bridg tourism 4 asylum es seeker immigrant pop music multicultur anti-racist alism campaign 5 disapprove of fall for do anything lose your heart for to be love-struck

Mo dul e 4 Which ten words or expressions. Use the clues to find the the – the one that doesn’t fit one is the ‘odd-one-out’ ions’? overall theme of ‘Communicat Clues

You do this when … in a gallery 1 you hang your photographs 2 you produce a movie to write and correct a text 3 you use a computer a text already written 4 you revise and correct of something for a newspaper 5 you write an account pictures to sell something 6 you produce a text or a scene brighter make to lamps 7 you use strong for filming 8 you surf the web movements with your 9 you do rhythmic quick feet in time to music to people ideas present and up 10 you stand e

1 2












a l







n g


n g


7C Teenage hea lth in our world

n g

i n g n g




i i

n g


n g i

d s

1 A Answer the quiz

n g

for yourself. 2

n g i

n g



WH AT I S YOU R F ITN ES S LE V E L? 12C Gap years in different countries 1 A Read the descriptions of short or gap year projects in different countries. Find the project(s) in which students ...

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Enota C je namenjena spoznavanju s širšim družbenokulturnim okoljem in razvija medkulturno kompetenco in strpnost do različnih kultur. V Way up Intermediate se teme večinoma dotikajo vprašanj, ki so aktualna v obdobju najstništva, od šolskega vsakdana, zdravja in športa do zlorabe drog in alkohola, uporništva in uporabe različnih medijev. Dijaki primerjajo razmere v drugih državah z razmerami v Sloveniji. V Way up Upper-intermediate pa so teme zastavljene širše, a še vedno v povezavi s tematiko lekcije. Tako na primer obravnavajo literarna dela, urjenje astronavtov, muzeje znanosti, preživljanje tako imenovanega gap year, mlade podjetnike, razlike med spoloma, poroke med pripadniki različnih ras in narodnosti, itd.

live with the people of the region live with other volunteers in specially built accommodation do some of their work high up in trees have to be trained before starting will probably be eating outdoors help with plants and animals do some teaching learn to communicate with partners

A Conservation in South Africa and Botswana Even before you arrive at our Conservation project in Southern Africa, you will see some stunning wilderness on your journey to base camp. You will fly into Polokwane, in the northern region of South Africa, and then drive across the Botswana border. Your final destination is Legodimo – our large nature reserve. You will stay at the well-facilitated conservation lodge we have set up. It has large dorm rooms, hot water showers that are open to the stars, a big outside communal area, and a fire circle with a braai pit (similar to a BBQ). All of this is set against beautiful scenery and the impressive wildlife of the Limpopo River. Volunteering on this project is hard work, a lot of fun and extremely interesting. You will be involved in wrapping trees to prevent damage from elephants, removing alien plants, and collecting scientific data about the birds and elephants living on the reserve. Our conservation leader, Gerrit, will accompany volunteers at all times. He has a great deal of experience with the tasks and activities volunteers are involved in as well as extensive knowledge about the region’s geography. Having lived in the area his whole life, he has a good understanding of the animals you will encounter. Gerrit will pass on his expertise and enthusiasm to volunteers, who can learn a lot from his experience of living in the bush.



1 Do you have stomac h ache, back ache, or he adache at le ast once a week? Ye s No

Care & Community Work in Sri Lanka 2 Do you have

dif f icult y sleepin g at le ast once

week? Based in several asmall towns along the southwest coast of Sri Lanka, south of Ye Colombo, care work in Sri Lanka is s No a multifaceted experience offering an enormous variety of choice. However, the work has one basic requirement: 3 Doallyou usually wake up feeling tired or ‘low’? a love of working with children. Yefellow s You will work with your volunteers in No orphanages and day care centres helping children learn the alphabet or 4 Do you organizing activities likesmoke? arts and crafts. In the afternoons, volunteers assist in numerous areas with the children – from Ye s No helping with homework to organizing sports games to reading with5a child individually. Do you drink alcoho l at ast once You will live with a local host family, whichleallows you atoweek? be Ye s fully immersed in the Sri Lankan way of life. No 6 Do you re ally love going to school? Ye s No 7 Do you of ten feel bullied or unhappy at school? Ye s No c

8 Do you of ten e at junk food with high sugar and fat conten t?

Ye s in Peru Wildlife Conservation


For a chance to truly get away from it all this summer, join us 9 Do you e xercise briskly for two weeks in the Peruvian rainforest,for located in the at ledeep ast half an hour a day? heart of the Amazon. This project offers a unique opportunity Ye s to experience the rainforest environmentNo and participate in important conservation activities. Upon arrival at our jungle base at the Taricaya Lodge, you will be given aYOUR full orientation SCORE and receive an introduction to the project from one of our conservation staff. You will spend the two weeks working on the same schedule as our regular and more experienced volunteers. Projects currently include wildlife observations from our viewing platform high in the jungle canopy, night observation walks along the extensive network of trails, work on our animal release program, and managing a pilot farm we’ve created. All volunteers live together at the lodge in shared rooms or small bungalows. Your weekend trip will either be a camping trip down river or a visit to Puerto Maldonado where you can relax in more luxurious surroundings and have a fun night out.

Diving & Marine Conserv If you’re interested in marin beach, this project is perfec conservation project in Tha staff members in Krabi, just project is based. You will co course to qualify you to div in shallow water, you’ll learn and equalize pressure. You the buddy system and usin B Count up your observing and analyzing re score (g level. Compare you play a part inwith conservin other that most of you coast of South West Thailan could do OnceEat youa have more your balandiving ced d Cut out rewarded by smo descending in king of tropical fish, turtles, sea 2 help an beach clean up A with Liste to a news repo reforestation American andwork. European tee After your two weeks you w In which of the nine categ recognized qualification, a • a lower score foryou fitness the knowledge that hav • a better score the preservation ofthan a wonde Euro

about the same

score as

B What are the things that mo do to be fitter?

B Read through the texts the lists. 3 Match these word s or expre 1 Four adjectives desc ssi with the right desc stunning ription (a–g) 1 Write it. You can listen again, an 2 you find the mean ings. 2 Four words/express

1 aches and dorm rooms 1 pain s 2 counterpa 2 rts 3 co-o3rdin Two atedadjectives mean 4 locations an adverb (3) mean 5 peer relat shared 1 ionships 6 related to 2 7 fatigue 4 Five activities that s 8 ranked inparticiples noun p the middle+ rang 1 wrapping treese a brought toge ther b put into 2 c places d the same kind of peo e the ordinary3 little hurts that pe 5 A word or expressio f getting on with people our a in the midstage of, b a mass of branch area: c specialist knowl d an important ar a lot of rain: e an area where al f information and starts: g a line of rocks o level: h all plants and an an area:

Enota D, poimenovana Skills enhancement, je namenjena postopnemu razvijanju jezikovnih spretnosti in tehnik reševanja nalog. Dijaki razmišljajo o strategijah, ki jih uporabljajo pri reševanju, izmenjujejo izkušnje in nasvete, ozaveščajo tehnike reševanja in gradijo na pridob-ljenem znanju. S tem spremljajo in vrednotijo lasten napredek in prevzemajo soodgovornost za svoje znanje.

Model Behavio

’s Teens and the

r: 3 A Join a partn er or a small grou p and compare Discuss what you your answers. found easy or diffi cult in the texts answering the questions. or in

Role Models The

By Tamar Weis

y Choose

6 Join a smal l group. Talk abou t the first steps you start to write you take when an essay. your teenager B Go through the 1 Do you start ’s room and text together, and you are likely by making a plan sters of teen idols tell word each to s ? What kind of you com other found difficult. • A vertical plan e what wearing too muc a plan? With your grou ? For example: othing. You may h makeup and other p, to help fi nd ways of unde spot an item of rstanding the overa each your child’s cloth ound and you A Introduction: of sentences with ll meaning wonder, “How why should celeb difficult words did I ever let my uch a thing?” rity culture in them. kid be harmful at all? B First sectio personalities that n: reasons for consi Part II Writing dering it teens today mod ar cry from the el themselves to be harmful ones C Second sectio with the television that were popular with their n: reasons for think and media expo ing that 4 A Look back t teenfor sure and peer at your notes for it could also be posit rcises reading skills s are faced with, it’s no won Unit 12B, exerc D ive th Conc use them lusion nd ise 4. You will In they the 19 century, fast sailing ships called clippers to write an essay : my own conclusion look der that g the meaning of they words or the way (180–200 word about the topic … do. s) on this topic criss-crossed the globe, promoting trade exploraCeleand s timemod the exercise will be brity : culture is harm oose els for themselve ful for teenage to dawn for • A net plan? For meaning of whole chunks of s very early,”tion. A new era of sailing may be about students. ublie Do you agree or b, a clini exam says ple: cal Dr. disagree with the psychologist in missions exploring the outer reaches of space. Buffalo, future statement? Supp scontext. opinion. changes as child “The are developing a revolutionary ort your ren grow and deve NY. Scientists ‘clipper’ lop. xper spacecraft easy to manoeuvre and equipped with solar y teenacross Don’tienc stope,if man you come s choose mod B Put the word ey see as havi am raise els for s or expression sails that data them bitio - can capture vast quantities of scientific ng particular ns you don’t understand. s into the right don't char n column. acteristics , are lacking. For andthat ship it back to Earth. students ucation example, a teen short answer. encourage stude Useful if you agree INFLUENCE nts who perceives ttractive may value ed The technology for these new-style clippers to stay at schoo OF CELEB Useful if you disag choose a supe with thecould l RITY statem ree rmo del as a ready parent feels there stud role in time to support missions to the moons of ent CULTURE with the statement is something wron be ug en dr tits wor an r child has chos g with Jupiter n k ha don't the and Saturn. Flash memories will soon be able en, the parent rd campaig needs tototrystore the teenwith answer a partner. is tryin to the huge quantities of data that are required g to then address that compensate for by choo in order s- to map a planetary body in high resolution. issue direc teena.” full high-res map of Jupiter’s moon Europa, or gs ofing sentences that you are tly with the But ason may be for a child 2 Do you jot Titan, the largest of Saturn’s moons, would take sevchoosing a parti se isnts to complete them in a way pare down other word may be faced with an uphill eralcu-decades to download from a traditional orbiter, s that could be he useful in writing hattext. they see. “Tele battle if about this subje visio n and media mak even 3 Do you write completions, discuss with ct? nts,” says Ilona e it re-using immense antennas in the receiving ground a first draft? terman, mother station 4 Discuss what extcerta which help youLach to find nt of three on Earth. (to) damage in standard you find most (to) of s in my family, difficult about show some impr For interplanetary missions, (to) the possibility stpeer one pres clue for each number. writing an essay and pres ovement dam object to obje sure work agai . aging nst me sometimdownloading data is obviously a unob major design driver.ctionable an aid e at some poin es. jectio I bene nable on t when I vehemen ficial hurtful a detri 7 Write your Scientists in several countries have working tly disagree ess (to) been or behatheir ment (to) e acquired name draft.. work to the detri viour,” shebecause says. “Yet at the this challenge and have developed preliminary con-ment of (to) help romise so that (to) do a disservice same of . with helpful my kids don’ to (to) impa close to a planetary 8 Next class: ir (to) improve (to) 9th century, fast sailing ships t stand out cepts too for a clipper which could fly prom Work with a partn ote disadvantage orbiter, upload its data and then (to) return to Earth, awhere er. Read each other Tell usefu each to explore assis l other: unhelpful t (to) enhance ’s drafts. go with what’s terabytes of data would be downloaded more rapidly. trendy,” Lachterm . battl • What is the an says. “I ery e. I just try to around the Solar Systhing you like best fifrom gure out what A fleet of data clippers cruising 5 The gathering three important about your ise partner’s draft? on andinformation I can I try to stick to aspe of cts of an essay thos ut . e decisionstem could then provide support1 for an entire series are: • Is it clear? Do .” CONTENT (wha exploratory missions to the outer planets. eg developed the ideas follow media to have t in Japan is you say: is it interestin less effect on each other in a logical way? enouthat teens than Recent advances in technologysay If a young pers mean spaceg? Do you gh abou t it to let the read . on has emo • Is there a clear er understand points?) tiona well craft propelled by solar sails no longer belong to the introduction? as open your ove easily because lines itofiscommun l/psycho• Is there a conc ication with GUA nfl. uence is mini realms of science fiction, but 2areLAN being incorporated lusion? GE (the way you mal,” Taublieb • Is the langu say it: is it easy read? Is says. age reasonably into the roadmaps for future space missions. The and the gram clear mar to e impo sail reflect accurate? Are there reasonably corre sentences that ssible standard a richisvarie ct? Do you use some currently testyou can help your of ‘look great, Japanese Space Agency, for example, ty of appr d.at any expense, partner to impr be essay, reme scientistsopriate vocabulary? For a form ’” says Bettie B. ove? r: do not use shor al speed “Tas Youngs,ing a solar-powered mission, and Japanesembe te from 9 Note your partn Berries for Teen tened words – : do not, NOT deployment of their er’s comments. s” series. “Tod recently celebrated the successfulwrite don’t, cannot, . each othe om Then, for home ay’s rewrite a ‘fair draft NOT can’t, is not, NOT r that it’s OK to work isn’t solar sail. This will be the world’s first solar-powered , , etc., ’ of and, your look great, especially: do not essay. Write it use the the stan newdard technology but clearly. When you dunn carefully and know, NOT s for it, and the o!!!) and thinsail craft employing both photon propulsion have finished, proofread time tae done, are .not Pay attention to 3 ORGANIinterplanetary it carefully. at the expense SATION/LAYO grammar: are the of mental film solar power generation during its ” UT (the structure subjects and verbs right for each other essay: is the deve of the cruise. ? Are the verb lopment of your tenses correct? clues to complete the Can you check ideas clear? Do ideas follo The new spacecraft has a flexible membrane sail, spelling? w one anot your her in a logical they the manner or do jump 32.5 micrometres thick, about half thickness a from oneofthing to another?) 10 Hand in your human hair, which is covered with thin-film solar panessay and relax ! cuss your answers, and your els that will create a hybrid of electricity and pressure. Solar photons, or particles of light, will bounce off thousands of tiny reflective surfaces to give a spacecraft the thrust it needs to complete manoeuvres such ifficult? as rotating and hovering. The force is tiny but continuu find most difficult? ous, and over time can produce a considerable veloco answer the first (gist) 83 ity. Solar sails thus have the potential to play a crucial g the clues useful? role in the exploration of outer space, allowing scientists to access massive data transfers and extend their knowledge of conditions in our solar system.

8 a

1 The tiger approached the goat, and pointed out that the goat was dying. 2 Mrs P fired the gun, so were happy to go along with the deception. 3 The villagers were excited, but tried not to show any feelings. 4 Miss Mebbin looked carefully, but pretended she had shot the tiger. 5 The tiger was frightened to death, but first it lay down. 6 Mrs Packletide was annoyed, and the tiger fell down dead. 7 The villagers wanted their money, while the goat died of gunshot wounds. 8 Loona Bimberton was very upset, and carried the news to the village. ld tiger6 wou Read the five sentences describing Miss Mebbin. With a that the partner, find the expressions in the text which give the reader worried r from were the tige Are you sympathetic towards her? Why or gers this information. t villa ld to keep be sho 4 The be killed could ng they cou why not? the first Munro). a re he ythi through writer H. H. befo ever kly ause 1 She wasn’t committed to her job. b die gers did r bec d quic of the a tige 2 Rea villa name 2 She was very prudent – indeed stingy or even miserly area shoot 5 The leaving the (the pen uded was to n – with money. incl itio a ting answer. aration ide’s amb 3 She could communicate with the people in India, so b hun gers’ prep Packlet platformde t villa hun tree had probably spent some time in that country. a The to 1 Mrs wanted to jealous insi g r ts 6 din l tiger 4 She was observant. she sible tige a buil ing their goa for the e a riva ted nd a pos a mak an animal 5 She did not have a high position in society. b keep kletide wai she fou e Pac b kill lucky that the tim 7 Mrs in fear was e to pass a 2 She out 7 At the end of Part II, Mrs Packletide is famous and seems a gam with ching a lot herself b with ot was to have triumphed over her rival. What happens next? a sear g in danger out to sho With a partner, discuss which of these endings seems right to set b bein r that she s beenyour guess. you. Then listen and had confirm tige ciou which n game3 The old and fero k nts, A Mrs Packletide has a change of heart and a antecede to abando animals. and wea that she has lied. ectable ies of age admits b old domesticstimulated of resp just forgets about the infirmit smaBller Loona animal hadBimberton dren easing etite to the of an ; chil rupees rivalry, and gets onle with her life. gers vous by the incr I) app l jung thousand the villa Mebbin (Part fine its finds driven to a way of profiting from the loca ing should ing the instinct ofC Louisa and con s ofsituation. Tiger” kirtthe that she ended killing spect of earn mercial attempt etide’s ntion the outs t of his per kinds of desc com The prorting and Packl and inte suddenly and more day on kely even satchea and sure r the him t had spo unli “Mrs plea safe and kill nigh keep wild the lest in the India unds, lessness to letide’s less of lust to posted leave iety was were tiger back ting-gro Mrs Pack that the she would one fraction ive for her d the fresh hun elaborate care great anx the mem It was tiger. Not hea mot fact that with for 102 to one to ing the it, ed a the felt with The away shoot or that she had found The compell rod was miles appoint e through about rters. roam Nim were left present qua re the datebabies hom r singing lest eleven on her, me than she inhabitants. steps of goats befo r ber. thei carried of nothing foot with his of old age wholeso million of ards the ntly been ying thei s hushed le herd-rob isfied est of talked s carr per tow field erab A plat uld die beast deviation on had rece aviator, and a heavy harv thing. he sho shoot. Mother work in the p of the ven cloudless. iently of in and sudden na Bimbert an Algerian day’s ful slee moonlit and and conven paid sahib’s that sort h she tiger-sk , after the the rest her that Loo plane by procured ully counter d the luncLoona jungle ht curtail duly arrived comfortable e and lly min aero essf in letid t a an ona her arly perly mig succ in in of t nigh a pers they cted in Mrs Pack a particul reasonnged could ostensib g most The grea constru crouched else; only tographs already arra zon Street, d with ht be been occupyinalso already pho eon t, gifte f tiger mig the correct Cur had had rug e ther goa in g Press in A had at letid form tree, and bin. house a tiger-sk ially dea tethered b-nail pack n. She she was goin Mrs Pack at her with placed ion, Miss Mebeven a part was versatio that give ld that a thum of the night, as would on’s honour,all of the con w broach y. In a wor Mrs compan t, such r on a still ted rifle and the coming blea Bimbert ground and d the tiger-clanext birthda and by love were sistent ected to hea rately sigh n awaited accu oma the fore d in her min on on her by hunger and motives ably exp With an sportsw bert e. swayed s the ements designe Loona Bim ofdistanc chiefly n; her mov berton. e had ence card to give ed to be of pati na Bim Packletid g a tiger pos exceptio is sup e was an dislike of Loo us. Mrs of shootin that a quarry. pitio Packletid erned by proved pro opportunity happened gov rendezit so ured largely umstances ees for the and favo tion, Circ or exer of being the sand rup st a thou -much risk ld boa fered over ge cou without uring villa neighbo

le 3 Re Modu es n motiv Hidde



s again and add words/expressions to

cribing beauty: ions from the recording (1–8 3 ) ). One desc ription is missing. nd use4the conte xtaccommodation: to help sions describing

3 4 ning used by different people, and ning the opposite: 3

students engage in (present phrase objects): 4 5 age categ an aver ory ople on meaning: eopl e can get fully surrounded by: g asso ciated with hes and leaves that fully cover an

ledge and ability: rea of tropical trees which receives

ll wildlife is protected: d advice given before a course

of 10 people do enough exercise, out of 10 think but they do. If present habi ts continue, by 2020 one in will not fit in a people standard office chai r. % of coronary heart disease deat inactivity, com hs are related pared with % related to smo to king.

5 A The NHS is worried abou t the inactivity and has recom of British teena mended these gers, 10 fun ways for get fit. Match the teenagers to photos and the activities.

karate football climbing paintball basketball hockey mountain bikin g


the fitness of

gers could

2 A In small groups, compare and discuss your responses to the texts. Which project would appeal to you? Give reasons. B In your group, put the reasons given for or against gap years abroad in the appropriate category and add as many of your own as you can.

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

seeing the world 8 experience other cultures emotionally and financially draining can damage the environment rather than the opposite something distinctive to put on your CV loss of friends and social networks while away helping less advantaged people 9 really does nothing to help developing countries learning new skills help you find your own future path in life some people treat it as tourism rather than work volunteers don’t want to come back caters to participants rather than the people supposedly being helped • outdated and colonial For

1 Why did Mrs Packletide choose that particular costume for the ball? 2 Why would Clovis have been happy to go dressed in a rabbit skin? 3 Why did Miss Mebbin mention the cottage and why did she give it that name? 4 Why did Mrs Packletide really give up big-game hunting? 3 Find theorword 9 Choose one of the writing options, A B. in the underline text d expr A Write Miss Mebbin’s diary on theessio day she which mea dowentry nwards. ns the ns. Read same as They spell moves into ‘Les Fauves’to(150–200 Include: the colo describe words). the the Mrswith word whic ured squares her feelings about the whole episode tiger; Packthe 1 The letide. h is used her justification for the way she blackmailed Mrs reas in the on she exce not wan

“Mrs Pac kletide’s


“I supp er” (Pa ose we rt II) are in She som but she was not actu e danger?” said Miss ally nerv had a mor service than she bid dread ous about the Mebbin. rpt had been of perform Packletide into buying thereall cottage; wild beas ted atopart “No y – to her plans 2 her ing an paid for. Shenew y was supp It coul nsense,” said wanhome. honour atom mor t, entertain her friends in her dn’t sprin Mrs osedly efforts. ted a tiger skin her enemy. e g up here Packletide; – but “If it’s “it’s a very B Discuss the relationship between Mrs Packletidethat was 3 Mrs an old even A thou obtained Packletid old tiger sand rupe tiger I thin if it wanted and Miss Mebbin. Use kill 220–250 words. Make sure by e . has k to.” her you a tiger es is a a very own Loui lot of mon ought to get you write about the4 relationship strong She mad .on the basis of the tude towasa Mebbin adop reason it chea ey.” e her 5 A evidence in the short story Discuss their feelings for wan per. ted a plan at goatitself. or deno rds money ting to wasand a luck in gene protective elde mination 6 Mot tiedwhat happened about what happened in India ral, many a hers quie to a post y time. rouble . Her energeticirrespective r-sister attito draw shortly after Mrs Packletide’s teneInclude the sleep return. cow hote of natio from dissi d their your the inter tiger ing nality voic own comments,7butThe relate them tiger to the to it. tively undl, and francs pating itself vention had . question. es so they actio in tips and cent saved wouldn’t or love ns of mos headlong er circumsta imes clun in some wake nces Mos 8 Mrs , but not herst humans are as to the from less sym which wou g to her insti motivate Pack . d by hun waited letide bent short by market depr pathetic hand ld have driven ncclose to for the ger eciation them 9 The s. the platf As soon the appearan of tiger Her speculati tiger has tiger. orm as ce 10 On she the earthas it caught sigh on the scen remnants were ons her platf many weak e of the nesses t of the orm cut she was of all avail, seemingly hunting , Mrs Packletid due to its old less from tethered goatanimal itself 11 The . short rest able cover age. e waited it lay flat . tiger than for a desire to for the befo history. they found the purp take adva on animal “I belie re commen had the ntage ose cing the ve it’s right char 1 dustani, ill,” said grand of snatching acteristi attack. Louisa a 2 in amb for the bene cs and Meb fit ush in 3 a neighbouof the villa bin, loudly “Hu ring tree. ge headman in Hin4 tiger comsh!” said Mrs , who Pack menced was 5 ambling letide, and at “No that mom towards 6 ment; w, now!” urge his “if ent the d 7 (The bait he doesn’t touc Miss Mebbin victim. was an with som h 8 extra.) the goat we The needn’t e excite 9 tawny rifle flashed pay for out with beas it.” 10 stillness t sprang to a one side loud report, 11 had swarof death. In a and the moment and then rolle great ily carr med on to the d over a crow ied the in the 4 With glad new scene, and d of excited of tom their shou natives a partn -toms er, discu took up s to the villa triumph this first ge, whe ting speedss what the chor excerpt. re a Mrs Packand rejoicing you think 1 Do found us of triumph. thumping letide; of the you agre Street character And their seemed already that a ready echo e with that is s in in the immeasu luncheon It was heart of 2 Mat in the colo the descripti -party on of Mrs ured squa that the Louisa Meb rably nearer. ch the in Curz bin who res? Why Packletid other word words with on wound, goat was in death-th drew atten while no Mrs Pack s if you can.the personal or why not? e found roes from tion to the ity trait trace on fact s, and The villa letide: a mor hit, and the tiger. Evidof the rifle’s add gers: the beas ently the deadly worktal bullethelpful caused t of prey wrong could by had succ be animal determin snobbish nile deca the sudden had umb repo poor unforgiv ed discoveryy. Mrs Packletid rt of the rifle ed to heart-fai been proud hard-wor ing lure, , accelerat e was tiger, and ; but, at any resource eager for king ed mon rate, she pardonably ful the villa 5 a Read annoyed by segladly vindictiv ey rich connived gers, anxious was the poss Part II at the e esso of the And Miss at the short story fiction for their thou r of a dead Mrs Pack Mebbin was that she sand rupe . es, pictured letide face the a paid companihad shot the beas Snapshot fame reached cameras with on. Therefore t. a light from the to the did heart, Novoe pages and her Vremya. illustrated Monday of the Texas look at As for an illus Loona suppleme Weekly thanks trated Bimbert nt of for paper repressed the gift of for week on, she refu the a sed there are emotions. tiger-claw broos, and her lette to The limi ch r lunc was a mod of ts beyo dangerou nd whic heon-party el of s. h repressed she emotion declined; s become

Ob koncu prvega modula tako berejo in primerjajo Shakespearov Sonet 116 in pesem Caroline Ann Duffy Valentine. V drugem modulu se srečajo s kratko zgodbo The Captive in odlomkom iz sodobnega romana The Player of Games. Tretji modul sklene zabavna kratka zgodba Mrs. Packletide‘s Tiger, zadnji modul pa se konča s še eno kratko zgodbo z začetka prejšnjega stoletja The Gift of the Magi.

4 In the UK, as in the US, obes ity (being too fat) (not doing enou and inactivity gh physical exerc ise) are the main health. Here are threats to some statistics from the UK Natio Service (the NHS nal Health ). With a partner, guess the num bers. • Only out

ost American teena

B Look again at the six sentences in activity 8A. With a partner, discuss the motives that drive the characters in this final part.

V učbeniku Way up Upper-intermediate se vsak modul konča s tremi stranmi, namenjenimi pouku književnosti, ki smo jih poimenovali Read this!. Tu dijaki z zanimivimi in zabavnimi aktivnostmi obravnavajo izbrane pesmi, kratke zgodbe in odlomke romanov modernih avtorjev pa tudi starejša dela.


s Europeans:


r view

and you

eone re som er, your n whe oth share situatio they had groups, felt n in a t small 1 In ever bee ons, but you though e you acti re you ous, or 1 Hav ified their n whe jeal s? situatio they were just motive n in a others? because hidden ever bee badly better than onding ugh e you aved e resp Hav wer 2 e beh – thro way of badly someon to prove theyis the best aving k wanted you thin people beh at do ple? other i 3 Wh n you see y, for exam by Sak t story ous whe rt jeal sho or a the righ pride part of Choose


enagreturn ers. home with a universally will wealth experience and gorie s inof1Adiving do Americans haveto: made a useful contribution sve than Euro peans: erful ns: marine ecosystem. opea

ces experien

Listen again and complete the sentences.

1 Mrs Packletide went to the ball dressed as . 2 She refused Clovis’ suggestion that everyone should . go dressed in the skins of animals 3 When Miss Mebbin hinted that she knew the real story behind the tiger’s death, Mrs Packletide’s face . 4 When Mrs Packletide appealed to her not to tell the true story, Miss Mebbin mentioned . 5 Miss Mebbin’s cottage, called ‘Les Fauves’ (‘Wild Animals’) is the wonder and admiration of . 6 Mrs Packletide says she’s given up big-game hunting . because

B In this summary of Part II, the endings of the sentences, after the comma, have all got mixed up. With a partner, find the right ending for each sentence.

s! ad thi


vation in Thailand ne life and want to try living on the ect for you! All volunteers on our ailand will be met by one of our t 20km from Ao Nang where the omplete a four-day Open Water ve. In the initial stages when you’re n how to breathe, clear your mask, u will also become familiar with ng underwater sign language. By eeftodamage and fish populations, go page 139) to fi nd your fitness nginthis precious ecosystem off the rs the class. Wha t are the things ond. to be fitter? g qualifications, your efforts are diet Exerunderwater nto a stunning cise more world Cut urchins and corals. also downYou on will alcoh ol p and take part in some mangrove

ort comparing




Priloga k učbeniku ponuja: • dvojezično razlago slovnice s primeri rabe in poudarkom na razlikah med angleščino in slovenščino, • seznam nepravilnih glagolov, • seznam fonetičnih simbolov, • dvojezični slovarček izrazov iz učbenika z izgovarjavo.

orienteering dancing skateboarding

B Join a partner. A: read the instr uction card on page 139. B: read the instr uction card on page 140. 6 A Divide into five groups. Watch a dance exercise You are going to video. hear instructions for five moves. Each group will write the instructio ns for one move you start, look . Before at the notes below : these are the for each move. key words Decide who will be responsible the instruction for completing with each one.

Move 1: Move 2: Move 3: Move 4: Move 5:

point turn start go up jump

B Do you feel like

turn swing take put click push bring tap flick push jump step mov e

ki si 17B – oseba, (n) EǘWO EOǘQG bottle blond barva lase , oddaja 16A – 17A – prenos s peroksidom O VWUDǰNǟ U EUǚɏGNǗɏVW (n) IȐWEǚɏ UHǰWǟ U broadcast (n) or (n) N¨PǟUǟ ǘSǟ football striker alec iti camera operatlec 16B – ustvar strelec, napad GȘHQǟUHǰW – kader 17A – snema zgrabiti Uǟ ȉǘW 17A generate (v) 16B – prijeti, (n) N¨Pǟ 17B – oskrbeti camera shot ; namig grasp (v) JUǗɏVS ju 16B – nasvet NHǰWǟ Iǚɏ U 17A – priti soočen (v) ob KǰQW for – 16B

NUǘV (n) cater hint (phr v) NȒP ǟ of ǰQ ²ǟ IHǰV ǘY come across in the face ant 17B – prevar do izraza z, iz oči v oči 16B – pasivnost, NǘQ ǗɏWǰVW ovati se z/s ǰ QǢɏȉǟ con artist (n) 17A – posvet inertia (n) NǟQ VȒOW – tekmovalec 16A – consult (v) neaktivnost VWǟQW 17B (n) NǟQ WH 17C – nasprotovati (n) GȘǢ QǟOǰ]ǟP contestant journalism NDȐQWǟ U titi koga 17A – counter (v) novinarstvo v) OHǰ ǘI 16B – odpus (n) NȒUǟQW ǟ IHǟ] 19 CONDITIONAL

HGǰWǟ U (phr CLAUSES current affairs ki lay sdb off / OHWǟ] WXɏ ²Lɏ šara editor (n) 17C – stara ni dogod the to aktual ɏ VWȒI letters (n) GHGWUL bralcev Form 16B – pisma dead-tree stuff 17B – goreč 16B – pav Gǰ YDȐW SLɏNǘN – 17A – režiser devout (adj) peacock (n) QVDǰO 16B GDǰ UHNWǟ U 17B – prav, if clause sile (adj) SULɏ KH DǰW director (n) mainprehen clause zero conditional (adv) GDȐQU alen berljivost Present Simple downright ǰOǟWǰ 16B – Present Simple oprijem (n) ULɏGǟ E 16B – krog bralcev 17A – naravnost first conditional readability S GUHVǰč UXɏP Present Simple g room (n) ship (n) ULɏGǟȉǰ HQG 16A – priporočiti will + verb dressin reader second conditional , zavreči mend (v) UHNǟ P Past Simple garderoba 17B – pustiti would/could + verbrecom (n) Uǰ KǢ VO/ 16A – vaja i third conditional dump (v) GȒPS 17B – retentati, ukanit rehearsal 16A – vaditi nerad, Past Perfect would + have + past se (v) Uǰ KǢɏV dupe (v) GMXɏS U 17A – zagotoviti QWOǰ 16B – rehear participle ǰQ ȉǚɏ enec (adv) Uǰ OȒNWǟ ensure (v) 17B – udelež reluctantly HQWUǟQW čiti, ek The part beginning 17B – uresni entrant (n) s težavo with if can come fi MXɏ 16B – prihod HNVǟVDǰ] rst or second in the sentence. (n) UHYǟQ G 16B – raztresen Pogojnirevenu odvisnike lahko exercise (v) If it comes first, a stoji na začetku ali na koncu VN¨Wǟ comma must be used – spoznanje (adj) edzačetku, povedi. Če uveljaviti stoji na ǟQǟU 17C scatter before the main clause. W 16B – ločen moramo If it comes second, ener (n) DǰǟȐS 17D – oprema, vejico vski te (adj) VHSUǟ16Auporabiti pred glavnim eye-op slengo – separa stavkom. no comma is used. Wǰ] Če pa stoji na koncu, vejica Iǟ VǰOǟ VO¨čǰ ni potrebna. facilities (n) slangy (adj) VPXɏ² 16B – gladek ruktura 17A – Instead of if you can naprava, infrast ᚐ ǚɏ P¨QǰGȘǟ U smooth (adj) 16A – fotografija also use unless (= er (n) if not), provided that ..., on slov VWǰO Namesto veznika floor manag nja still (n) 16B – podna condition that ... if lahko uporabljamo tudi unless (n) VȒEWDǰWO 16B (= if not), provided vodja snema ǟ 17C – žanr – otipljiv subtitlethat ǰO ... W¨NWD , on condition Use se spozna that genre (n) ȘǗɏQU 17B – pohlepen tactile (adj) Yǰ 16B...– ki JULɏGǰ (adj) WHN V¨ greedy (adj) JȒOǟEO 17B – lahkoveren tech-savvy – sedež, ažurirati 19a Zero conditional gullible (adj) (n) KHG NZǚɏWǟ] 17A na tehnologijo W 16B – posodobiti, s ȒS GHǰ dnevnik headquarter update (v) 16A – spletni / J n, ZHEOǘ koriste niti Zero conditional is centrala DǰO 16A – weblog (n) used for general statements ǰ 17B – namig (adj) ZǢɏ˥ Z (something that is Ta pogojnik uporabljamo imply (v) ǰP SOD Ȑ] 17A – uvesti worthwhile always true) or for za splošne 17B – ǰP Sǟ events and actions that always ǟȐSUǰǟW (nekaj, kar je vednoki se izplača trditve impose (v) happen under certain res) ali za dogodke e (adj) ǰQǟ SU in dejanja, conditions. In this ki se vedno zgodijo inappropriat type of conditional pod določenimi pogoji. iti when eren can be used instead of zapust 17B – žaljiv neprim V tem tipu pogojnihUnit 17 if. GǟQ 17C – stavkov lahko namesto ǰQ VȒOWǰč na hitro if ǰč WX 17C – glede uporabimo when. abandon (v) ǟ E¨Q insulting (adj) v) GȘǘW GDȐQ 17C – to (adv) ǟ NǚɏG If I don’t have any homework, jot down (phr according ti iti I play video games. h When you heat ice, ) 17C – šokira diti, nastav zapisati Če nimam domače na, po beseda it melts. off (idiom naloge, igram W 17A – prilago 17C – kljub socks igrice. ava Ϟ GȘȒV one's Ko led segrevaš, se stopi. knock 17A – osvetlj adjust (v) W ǚɏO ǘG] 17A – ODǰWǰč 19b First conditional odds Ϟ JHQV S ǗɏWǰVW lighting (n) against all (n) PHǰNȒ m make-up artist vsem težava – postarati 17A vati, First conditional is masker age (v) HǰGȘ used for a particular 17B – domne ǟ VMXɏP event (v) or activity that will e Prvi pogojnik uporabljamo assum or can probably happen za določen dogodek in the future under ali dejanje, predpostaviti


trying the move

s? Have fun!



Grammar and Vocabulary Booklet

3 Your English friend tells you s/he is wondering whether to volunteer for a year abroad before going on to university. Write a letter or long email to either encourage your friend to go, or dissuade him/her from going. Give reasons for your advice.

and Grammar y Vocabular Booklet


or coral just below or above sea

certain conditions.

If he comes late from the party, he will be grounded. If you work out regularly, you can feel much better. Unless they hurry, they won’t catch the bus.

nimals dependent on each other in WU upper intermediate gkb naslovnica.indd 1

30.12.10 14:04

ki se bo ali pa se lahko zgodi v prihodnosti pod določenimi pogoji. 56

Če bo prišel pozno z zabave, nekaj časa ne bo smel ven. Če se boš redno rekreiral, se boš bolje počutil. Če ne bodo pohiteli, NB



ne bodo ujeli avtobusa.

V slovenščini v obeh delih povedi uporabljamo prihodnjik.

Zasnova delovnega zvezka 5 Keeping in touch 1 Look at the pictures and use these verbs or verb phrases to fill the gaps.

not allowed have to don’t have to ought should allowed mustn’t

had to mustn’t


Hi Jem believe how My new school is so depressing! You wouldn’t came with me to see the unwelcoming it is. The first day, my mum 1 inside the school school, but she wasn’t even 2 go and sign in at grounds! Even as a visitor, she I opened the gate and Skip the front desk, how ridiculous is that!

Delovni zvezek dopolnjuje in nadgrajuje učbenik. Po zgradbi mu sledi, saj je sestavljen iz 20 lekcij, ki so razdeljene v štiri module.

then I saw that you bounced in with me, frisky as usual, but to the 3 let dogs into the grounds either. The path You 4 front entrance is just bristling with signs! 5 run or shout in the halls, stay on the path, you Stop remove your muddy boots, what next? you 6 s are 7 breathing when you approach? Student on games ball about to smoke, I can understand that, but what into the classroom? their precious grass, or taking your snacks 8 be able to grab a little bite Surely students r? Inside the class when they’re working hard on their compute 9 to come and visit and you’d is no better. You 10 Mead, where you soon see how lucky you are to be at Queen’s lead such a regimented life! lol

Vaje v delovnem zvezku so namenjene utrjevanju slovničnih struktur in besedišča iz učbenika, besedotvorju in razvijanju spretnosti branja, poslušanja in pisanja. Tako kot v učbeniku je tudi nabor vaj v delovnem zvezku pester in raznolik. Vaje temeljijo na aktualnih temah in vsakdanjih situacijah iz življenja najstnikov ter upoštevajo njihove interese.


2 Write short answers to the questions. Don’t repeat information unnecessarily. Begin your answers with Yes, or No, ...

1 Are you allowed to run in the halls of your school? 2 Can students smoke inside your school building? 3 Can visitors bring dogs into your school?

Posamezni modul se konča s sklopom Skills enhancement, tj. s tremi stranmi vaj izpitnega tipa, ter stranjo Blogs and logs, katere namen je, da dijaki razmišljajo o svojem napredku, ga spremljajo in ocenjujejo ter tako prevzemajo soodgovornost za svoje znanje.

4 Must visitors report to the front desk when they go to your school? 5 Can you eat snacks when you’re working at a computer in school? 6 Must students wear the right shoes in the gym? 7 Ought you to thank teachers at the end of the year?

9 Do you need to text your parents when you are late getting back home?

8 Should you use your mobile phone in classrooms?

10 Did you have to do homework last year?


Module 3 Skills enhancement Part I Reading


1 Match all statements 1–9 with paragraphs A–G. More than one statement may refer to the same paragraph. Write your answers in the space on the right. Example


The survey interviewed people all over the world.

2 The media encourage people to be jealous of richer, more famous people and to want to outshine their neighbours. 3 The cause of ‘affluenza’ is an economic system, based on private ownership of production, that makes people think only of themselves. 4 UK citizens have much higher levels of anxiety and mental troubles than people in Europe, the Far East or Africa. 5 James recommends that people live within their means and be satisfied, even if they can’t have everything they desire. 6 People whose main desires are for money and fame risk suffering greater stress and mental illness. 7 Knowing yourself well and setting yourself goals you can achieve are ways of ensuring better mental health. 8 The survey results are surprising because they show great disparities between different countries. 9 There are grounds for optimism in the fact that countries are not all imitating each other as much as is often stated.


A WHY IS THERE SO MUCH STRESS IN TODAY’S SOCIETY? Why is the UK rate so much higher – twice the average of mainland Western European countries and nearly six times that of Shanghai or Nigeria? The big question is: Can we do anything about it? Distinguished psychologist and bestselling author Oliver James thinks we can and, having identified the source of this emotional turmoil, he has dubbed it ‘The Affluenza Virus’. B T he Affluenza Virus is the placing of too high a value on money, possessions, appearances (physical and social) and fame. During his research into the ‘affliction’, Oliver James found that those obsessed with these values are at a greater risk of suffering the most common forms of emotional distress – depression, anxiety, personality disorders or a tendency towards substance abuse. C O kay, so far. Some television programmes lead you to believe that everyone is obsessed with celebrity, is envious of those who have what they believe should be theirs and has a desperate need to keep up with the Jones. So, can it be possible to be successful and still stay sane? in depth at D S tudies were carried out in New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, least thirty citizens per nation. The majority of people concerned China, Russia, Denmark and America, interviewing were middle and upper-middle class professionals and while most were infected with the virus, there were significant exceptions. Alongside personal interviews, Oliver James looked at scientific studies devoted to particular countries to provide a wider view. His findings from country to country are startlingly different and provide clues to how society can be improved. E Above all, James demonstrates that English speaking nations (Britain, the USA, Australia, New Zealand and Canada) are twice as prone to emotional distress compared with mainland Western European ones. Over a fifth of Australians are now emotionally distressed, having been widely exposed to the Affluenza Virus by Selfish Capitalism. To his surprise and pleasure, Oliver finds that the much-vaunted globalization of the world has by no means infected all of it, and that there are strong grounds for hope. F O liver explains the cornerstone of Chinese emotional well-being: “If you fail, if you really have given it your best shot, you are not culpable”. You must accept it and move on and take responsibility for yourself. It’s interesting to read his account of a depressed young Chinese woman called Tai. He suggests: “Form as truthful and accurate an assessment as possible of yourself and your society, rather than living in a rose-tinted bubble of positive illusions.” He encourages positive volition, and “to believe in your capacity to achieve goals, however modest they may be, so long as they are realistic”.

Part II Use of Language

Part III Listening

2 Write the correct form of the words in the spaces on the right. There is an example at the beginning: Gap 1.


Blue Hair, Nose Rings, and What Really Matters They were engaged in 1 conversation, laughing often, and clearly enjoying each other’s company. They staged a mock fight with their chopsticks for a 2 egg roll. A mother and her teenage son were feasting on the mid-week Chinese buffet special at Mandarin Garden. I 3 that they had come directly from the son’s soccer game, since he was still wearing his grass-stained uniform and cleats, like many other soccer kids 4 the restaurant. They garnered their fair share of rubbernecked and 5 stares because of the teenager’s hair. It was blue. A soft, sky-blue. And there wasn’t much of it. His head was shaved, with the 6 of a four-inch strip of blue hair that began at his forehead and ended at the nape of his neck. The buffet was 7 that evening, but that didn’t seem to bother this mother and her blue-haired boy. They were having a good time together. I 8 another family – father, mother, and son – in the produce aisle of my local supermarket. The son pushed the shopping cart and they walked closely together. They were joking about 9 to California to escape the high cost of New England’s imported winter fruits and vegetables. There was an ease and comfort in the rhythm and tone of their discussion. And there was something rather 10 that distinguished the young adult son – he had more facial body piercings than any person I had ever seen. I will admit to 11 by them at the Granny Smith apples to tally up the number of piercings. Eyebrows, cheeks, nose, bottom and upper lips, ears ... and maybe even a 12 tongue. Ten facial piercings, 18 if you count the ears ... and 19 if I was right about the tongue. Times may change, but life’s passages do not. My teen and college years were spent in the ‘60’s. I wore my hair long in high school. Blue hair, piercings, and tattoos were not in style when I was a teenager. Back then, nothing said 13 like your hair. My mom and dad teased me about my hair from time to time. But we too went to restaurants together and shopped in public as a threesome, no matter how I looked. Those two sons and I had parents who never let how we looked 14 how much they loved us or wished to be with us ... anytime, anywhere. Our parents knew what really mattered. So did we.

1 Who do teenagers turn to first when they have problems?

2 What is the peer helper programme designed to help with?


3 What is the main reason for organising it?

4 DOT 4 What second purpose does the peer helper programme serve?


5 What are three problems that can face teenagers? 7 MEDIOCRITY 6 Could peer trainers give wrong answers since they are inexperienced?


Part IV Writing a formal letter 4 After hearing the programme about peer helper programmes, your online pal Jamie forwards you this advertisement from his local paper. He wants you to go with him to the training sessions when you are staying with him in England. Your parents give their permission. Write to Dr Mullens at the address given in the advertisement.

Summer Holiday


TRAINING COURSE FOR TEENAGE HEL PERS A training course for teenage helpers is being organised by Lincoln Borough Education Council during the summe r holidays. The aim is to train young people to lead the peer helper program mes that are currently being organis ed in schools across the county. If you are betwee n the ages of 16 and 19 and are interested in helping others, get in touch now! Make sure you let us know all about yoursel f, your hobbies, your interests, and why you would like to become a peer helper.

7 When would a teenage trainer seek an adult’s help?


Send your details to the

11 LINGER 8 How many young people are prepared to help in the programme?


organiser, Dr A.J. Mulle

The Borough Health

ns, at:

and Education Counci l 3 Nottingham Road Norwich LE75 8GH

13 REBEL 9 What two conditions are there for a successful peer helper programme?


10 What is it recommended that listeners should do?

G H ighlighting the confusion of ‘wants’ with ‘needs’, Oliver also explores his own disappointments and urges the enjoyment of what you have and an acceptance that you can’t have everything.


www.srednja.net/gradiva/dijaki/anglescina You will hear a short account of a peer helper programme for teenagers. As you listen to the recording, answer the following questions. Listen to the recording twice. Now read through questions 1–7. Answer in note form!



NOTE: Pay attention to the organisation of your thoughts, the choice of vocabulary, the structures you use. You will be awarded more points for an appropriate response to the task which demonstrates the use of suitable vocabulary and structures.

3 Find the right endings (a–j) for the sentence beginnings (1–10).

a b c d e f g h i j

never use their own details for their online name. arrange to meet people they’ve met online. text my parents to keep in touch. can go out. had better not tune them out. still stay up worrying. can’t hear. aware of the dangers of communicating online. arrange to call at a specific time. allowed on the computer.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I must finish my homework before I My parents set limits for the time I’m My brother is 18 so he doesn’t have to He ought to, though, because they Students should Many teenagers are not Teenagers mustn’t Parents talk about online dangers, and teenagers Texting is less embarrassing because other people Texting is convenient because you don’t have to

5 Some readers replied to Sarah’s blog. Write in the verb or modal verb, using the right tense.

1 Alexa said: I liked the blog because it (talk) about committing yourself to your school/school work, and outside stuff as well. I (have) to think about that this year because I (be) so busy with all my commitments.

2 Hailey said: I really (like) this one because everything you (say) here was true. Most adults say they were teenagers once ... but they really don’t know how things (change), and how much we (obligation with ‘do’ ) now.

3 Molly said: Yes, teens (obligation with ‘take on’ ) major obligations, and it’s too much pressure for people so young. You (do) a good job pointing them all out. Of course we (obligation with ‘work’ ) hard at school, but maybe we (lack of obligation with ‘do’ ) so much outside school. After all, we’re only human.

4 Mr Minotti said: You are right when you say that recently teens (have) many (maybe too many) obligations imposed on them. This (possibility with ‘be’ ) difficult for many of us to manage. But here’s the trick: you (advice with ‘learn’ ) how to manage and maybe limit your obligations effectively, then you will become a much happier, more successful person when you become an independent adult. Sometimes we (obligation with ‘prioritize’ ) what is important in our lives. We (possibility with ‘discover’ ) that there (negative possibility with ‘be’ ) room for all of the obligations that we (undertake). We (possible obligation with ‘say’ ) “no” to certain things or certain people. It is difficult for sure, but you (advice with ‘try’ ) because doing so (possibility with ‘help’ ) you stay happy in life.

4 This is a blog posted by Sarah, a teenager. Read it and underline the right verb choice.

Teens have many obligations. One major obligation 1is / has been school. Teens 2had to / have to balance school with anything else they have committed themselves to. School itself 3 comes/doesn’t come with its own responsibilities. First of all you 4don’t need to / have to get up early to go to school. Many teens 5don’t need to / decide to stay up later during the night, but then in the morning they 6are / have to be really tired and 7 musn’t / don’t even want to go to school in the first place. When you are in school you 8don’t need to / have to make sure you get to your classes on time, which sometimes 9mustn’t / can be hard if your classes are far away from your locker. In school you 10can have / don’t have a lot of work to do, but outside of school you also 11need to / mustn’t commit yourself to extra work like homework, projects , and studying. The commitments from school 12are not / can at times, be stressful. When a big test is coming up, many students don’t bother studying until the day before. But if you do this, sometimes you will get a lot of homework in all of your other classes that you either don’t study or you don’t get all your homework done.

Ena pomembnih kompetenc, omenjenih v učnem načrtu za angleščino, je kompetenca učenja učenja, zato delovni zvezek v sklopu Study skills dijakom ponuja nasvete za uporabo referenčnih gradiv in učenje slovnice ter besedišča, ozavešča pa jih tudi o različnih učnih slogih (vizualnem, avditivnem, kinestetičnem) in o učinkovitem upravljanju časa (time management skills).


1 What did you like best about the module? Can you say why?

I Learning styles 1 A Many experts feel that different people learn in different ways, and that knowing what your own learning style is can help you to study more efficiently. Read the statements and write numbers about yourself.

Keep a record for yourself to chart your own progress. This is just for you, so you can say frankly what you think about your own strengths and weaknesses! Good luck as you continue to work through the course.

1 = This is not like me at all. 2 = I’m sometimes like this. 3 = This is exactly like me.

1 In the spaces, write:  C - if you feel you can do these things confidently  W - if you feel it would be useful to do more work with these things

1 I can follow instructions that I hear better than those I read. 2 I need to read words in a new language before I can remember them. 3 I remember the words of songs much better than words on a page. 4 I find playing a role really helps me to learn useful language. 5 I understand if the teacher explains, but not when I just read rules. 6 I like information to be presented on a PowerPoint rather than just hearing it. 7 I like drawing graphs and maps, and that helps me to understand ideas. 8 If I see a diagram, it helps me to imagine problems. 9 I need to repeat words and phrases out loud before I can really remember them.

 I can ...

2 Was there a topic you found particularly interesting?


1 ... ask/write indirect questions subject and object questions

2 ... compare/contrast, using comparatives and superlatives

3 ... describe with adjectives in the right order 4 ... use active

and passive


and since

5 ... talk about the past/present with for

 

6 ... create emphasis with emphatic pronouns 3 Was there anything you didn’t particularly like? Can you say why not?

7 ... use infinitives

and -ing forms


8 ... remember and use vocabulary for: • income and expenditure • celebrity • ecological issues • narrating stories • fashion and design

4 Were some parts quite easy? Say which ones.

B Some ways in which learning styles are categorised are the following: A Visual learners (learn things more easily if they can see them) B Auditory learners (learn things more easily if they can listen to them) C Tactile/kinaesthetic learners (learn things more easily if they can touch them or work with them) Now look at the numbers you chose in 1A. Complete the profile for yourself.

9 ... describe money matters ... describe people ... agree or disagree ... use numbers easily ... buy and talk about clothes

 •

If in 1A I’ve written 3 ... 1 For sentences 1, 3, or 5: … that means I’m likely to be a . 2 For sentences 2, 6, or 8: … that means I’m likely to be a . 3 For sentences 4, 7, or 9: … that means I’m likely to be a . • If in 1A I’ve written the number 2 more often than other numbers: 4 This could mean … [tick the one(s) you think apply to you]:   I use more than one learning style. I respond differently to different situations. I haven’t worked out yet how to learn in an effective way.

2 I think I’m getting better at . 3 The skill where I need most work is 5 Were some parts quite hard? Say which ones.

. My strategies for improving this skill:


2 Taking into account your profile as a learner, tick the choice(s) which seems most effective for your personal learning style. Write a short reason for your choice. [for example: Because I’m a visual learner ..., because my learning style is mainly visual but sometimes also tactile...]

1 You have a complicated task to do: you’ve never done it before. 1  You ask a parent or teacher to tell you clearly what to do. 2  You read a set of instructions. 3  You go for it and are confident you can learn by doing it. Reason: 2 You have a role in a play, and need to learn your part for tomorrow. 1  You read the play with your part colour-coded. 2  You get a recording of the play and listen to it. 3  You ask a friend to rehearse the play with you. Reason:

II Time Management ANNA: I never finish my work. There’s just never enough time!

CALEB: I can’t judge how much time I should allow for each task, so I spend too much time at the beginning, and don’t get through it all.

4 You have to remember the way to the station in a new city you’re visiting. 1  You ask the hotel receptionist to tell you exactly how to go. 2  You find a map and memorise the route on it. 3  You walk along the route several times to make sure you remember. Reason:

3 Choose one of the options below:

A Write a short note about your learning profile, and the steps you think you could take to make your learning more efficient.

Monday 8:00–9:00 9:00–10:00 10:00–11:00 11:00–12:00 12:00–13:00 13:00–14:00 14:00–15:00 15:00–16:00 16:00–17:00 17:00–18:00 18:00–19:00 19:00–20:00

B Write an email to one of your classmates to describe your learning profile and ask what steps you could talk to make your learning more efficient.

20:00–21:00 21:00–22:00 22:00–23:00 23:00–24:00



DAWN: I start, get tired, leave the work, then go back and have to start all over again.

1 Notice the time you take to finish a piece of work. Record it in a notebook and consult it the next time you have to do this task. 2 Decide which are your strongest and which your weakest subjects. Decide whether to give more time to the weakest, but don’t spend all your time on this one. 3 Make a grid for your time out of school hours. Divide the grid into half-hour slots. Put in the time you need for homework/study, sports, socialising with friends, watching TV or videos, and so on. Do this for one week. Then re-arrange the slots and try to get the right schedule so that all your work gets done.

3 Your coach tells you that something in your game needs to be corrected. 1  You keep on practising as much as you can. 2  You ask her/him to describe exactly how you can improve. 3  You read a manual with diagrams showing you how to do it. Reason:

5 You’re writing an essay and you have a block: you just can’t think how to go on. 1  You look up the notes you took in class and re-read them. 2  You draw a mind map and try to brainstorm possible ways to continue. 3  You phone a friend and talk over your problem with them. Reason:

4 Prioritise! Divide the tasks you have to do into three lists: 1 Very important, very urgent  Do these first! BRIAN: I do easy things first, then I run out of time.

4 A Which of the students could benefit from these tips about managing their time? Write A, B, C or D for each tip. Some tips could be useful for more than one student.


Write your reactions to the work you’ve done in Module 3. If you like, you can post your reactions to the author and the publishers by going online to: www.wayup.si and clicking the ‘Contact us’ button.

Study skills II Logs


I Blogs


Blogs and logs



2 Important, but not very urgent  Do later, don’t forget! 3 Not important  Don’t do until everything else is done! 5 Start with your first priority task. Don’t start another one until the first is finished. 6 Include breaks in your study schedule after every hour. You can’t keep concentrating nonstop. A short planned break means you go back to your work with a fresh mind. B Reflect upon your own time management.

A Are any of the four students like you? B Do you already do what the tips recommend? C Which of the tips could be useful for you? D Have you got other tips you could give the students? Write them down.

E Compare your ideas next time you are in class - or email one of your friends to discuss these ideas.





Gradivo za učitelje Joanne Collie



učiteljeij čnik za letniku gimnaz


in 2. ino v 1. šol za anglešč ikih strokovnih letn in vseh

Joanne Collie




Spletna stran Spletna stran www.wayup.si je na voljo profesorjem in dijakom. Profesorji lahko na njej dostopajo do elektronske oblike priročnika, videoposnetkov za delo z učbenikom, video- in avdioposnetkov za delo z delovnim zvezkom, letnega učnega načrta, dnevnih učnih priprav, kvizov in testov. Dijakom pa je omogočen dostop do avdio- in videoposnetkov za delo z delovnim zvezkom in do kvizov za utrjevanje znanja. Spletno stran bomo v prihodnje dopolnili z nalogami in aktivnostmi za pripravo na književnost na maturi, ki jih bomo posodabljali glede na izbrane maturitetne naslove. Tako dijaki kot profesorji lahko po spletni strani www.wayup.si pišejo avtorici učbenikov ali založbi.

Avdio CD-ji k


Avdio CD-ji k


K UČBENIKU za angleščino v 3. in 4. letniku gimnazij

Komplet CD-jev k učbeniku Pri pripravi avdioposnetkov k učbeniku so sodelovali tako rojeni govorci angleščine kot slovenski govorci, saj nekatere naloge prikazujejo komunikacijske situacije, v katerih nastopajo slovenski govorci in tujci.

Elektronski učbenik na spletu Elektronski učbeniki je na videz enak kot klasično tiskano gradivo, le da ima dodano orodjarno in povezave do avdio- in videoposnetkov. Orodjarna omogoča listanje po gradivu, pisanje in risanje po straneh, označevanje, dodajanje besedila, opomb in spletnih povezav, pripenjanje dokumentov, povečevanje delov strani ali usmerjanje pozornosti učencev s senčenjem. Elektronski učbenik Way up Intermediate bo na voljo na spletnem portalu www.irokus.si že februarja 2011. Za njegovo uporabo v razredu potrebujete računalnik s spletno povezavo in projektor. Interaktivna tabla je seveda dobrodošla, vendar ni nujna.

priročnik za Učitel

Je za angleščino v 1. in 2. letniku gimnazij


Priročnik Pri pripravi učbeniških kompletov Way up smo imeli v mislih tudi učitelje in njihovo vsakdanje delo v razredu. Da bi čim bolj olajšali priprave in poučevanje po naših učbenikih, vsak komplet vsebuje priročnik, ki je dostopen v elektronski obliki na spletni strani www.wayup.si.


Joanne Collie Intermediate

V priročniku najdete: • navodila in nasvete za delo z učbenikom in delovnim zvezkom, • rešitve nalog iz učbenika in delovnega zvezka, • transkripcijo avdio- in videoposnetkov iz učbenika in delovnega zvezka, • dodatne zamisli za delo v razredu, • motivacijske dejavnosti, • naslove spletnih strani v povezavi z obravnavanimi temami.



Joanne Collie

Intermediate delovni zvezek gimnazij v 1. in 2. letniku za angleščino






Učbenik v 1. in 2. letniku


za angleščino

U i K UČBENIK AVDIO CD-j gimnazij v 1. in 2. letniku za angleščino strokovnih šol in vseh letnikih

Joanne Collie

teachers   students   contact us 

pridržane. Vse pravice © 2004 - 2010 Klett, d.o.o., Založba Rokus Ljubljana 1000 Stegne 9 b,

Gradivo za Way up Intermediate je že na voljo, za Way up Upper-intermediate pa bo na voljo poleti 2011.

že ja uar febr 011 2

znanje nas dela velike

Založba Rokus Klett, d.o.o. Stegne 9 b, 1000 Ljubljana Telefon: 01 513 46 00 Telefaks: 01 513 46 99 Brezplačni telefon: 080 19 90 www.rokus-klett.si www.devetletka.net www.knjigarna.com

Svetovalka za angleški jezik Nika Robek GSM: 031/688 730 E-pošta: nika.robek@rokus-klett.si Podpora kupcem Slađana Pepic´ , tel.: 01 513 46 46 sladzana.pepic@rokus-klett.si

Naročila in informacije Telefon: 01 513 46 46, 01 513 46 47 Brezplačni telefon za naročila: 080 19 22 Telefaks: 01 513 46 79 E-pošta: narocila@rokus-klett.si

Prodaja vodja prodaje Matic Karlovšek, tel.: 01 513 46 71 matic.karlovsek@rokus-klett.si

Skladišče vodja skladišča Tomaž Vagaja, tel.: 01 513 46 91 tomaz.vagaja@rokus-klett.si

Uredništvo Telefon: 01 513 46 94 Telefaks: 01 513 46 99



Telefon: 01 513 46 53 Telefaks: 01 513 46 79

Priporočamo Čist simpl Angleščina – maturitetne teme Besedila, naloge in nasveti za pripravo na maturo

Izdaja je namenjena samostojni pripravi na maturo. V 35 poglavjih prinaša teme, ki so se najpogosteje pojavljale na maturi iz angleščine od leta 2001. Poglavja vsebujejo: – aktualne članke, – vprašanja za razumevanje, – iztočnice za diskusijo, – govorne in pisne aktivnosti, – dejstva in podatke z izbranih področij, – naslove knjig, filmov, člankov, pesmi in spletnih strani, ki obravnavajo izbrano tematiko, – slovarček težjih izrazov.

Samo 12,90 EUR

Na koncu priročnika so še nasveti za pisanje eseja in pisma ter za pripravo na ustni izpit. S pomočjo priročnika dijaki poglobijo svoje poznavanje najpogostejših maturitetnih tem, razširijo besedni zaklad in se pripravijo na pisni in ustni del mature. Format A4, 156 strani.

Šolski slovar – Angleščina

Angleško-slovenski in slovensko-angleški Obsežen in sodoben Šolski slovar – Angleščina je namenjen uporabi v osnovni in srednji šoli. Vsebuje najaktualnejše besedišče s prevodi in primeri rabe v stavkih, razlage slovničnih in kulturnih posebnostih ter številne dodatke, uporabne v šoli in doma. V slovarju so tudi pregled slovnice, vzorci pisem, tabele glagolov in druge preglednice.

Samo 32,50 EUR

– – – – – – – – –

75.000 besed fraz in primerov, najaktualnejše besedišče, gesla v modri barvi za boljšo preglednost, razlage kulturnih posebnost, slovnične razlage, ilustrirane barvne strani, kratek pregled slovnice, tabele nepravilnih glagolov, števnikov, ulomkov in mer, vzorci pisem (v ločenem zvežčiču).

Format 12,5 x 20 cm, trda vezava, 1150 strani.

Založba Rokus Klett, d.o.o.

Založba Rokus Klett

Z nakupom delovnih zvezkov Založbe Rokus Klett

Stegne 9 b, 1000 Ljubljana

je članica Evropskega združenja

prispevate sredstva za razvoj učnih gradiv za otroke

telefon: 01 513 46 00

šolskih založnikov (EEPG).

s posebnimi potrebami. S prilagojenimi učnimi gradivi

telefaks: 01 513 46 99

bodo lažje premagovali težave pri učenju in razvijali

e-pošta: rokus@rokus-klett.si

svoje sposobnosti.


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