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More Than Honey A campaign to save the bees

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More Than Honey Renee Chung



Contents Abstract




Competitor Positioning


Campaign Brief






Concept Development




Brand Guidelines


Print Media


Digital Media


Environmental Media








The campaign #MoreThanHoney has been developed to increase awareness about the decline of bees and their vital importance in sustaining our global population. Without bees and their pollination, the earth’s ecosystem simply wouldn’t function to the degree it does. There is a gap in knowledge about this issue among all Australians and the severity of the implications if bees did go extinct. The #MoreThanHoney campaign therefore addresses this by being an awareness campaign, using a provocative tagline to generate interest and encourage further exploration.

The proposed sponsor of the campaign, Bee Aware, aims also to educate people about the risks of some harmful pesticides, threats from predators and steps that can be taken by everyone to assist in the preservation of bees. The #MoreThanHoney campaign encourages further exploration on www.beeaware.org.au where this information is available (Bee Aware, 2018).7

Abstract 7

65% of crops grown in Australia depend on bees for pollination. (Australian Honeybee Industry Council, 2010)¹


1/3 of all food worldwide is pollination dependant. Things like almonds and apples rely 100% on pollination. (Australian Honeybee Industry Council, 2010)²

A European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) scientific report determined that three widely used pesticides — nicotine-based clothianidin, imidacloprid and thiametoxam — pose “high acute risks” for bees. (“Save the Bees“, 2018)3

Between $235 billion and $577 billion of world food output at market prices depended on pollinators. Pesticides, loss of habitats to farms and cities, disease and climate change were among threats to about 20,000 species of bees as well as other pollinators like birds, butterflies, beetles and bats that fertilize flowers. (Doyle, A. 2015)4

Australian honey bee colonies play a significant role in crop production, worth about $5 billion a year. (Sydey Morning Herald, 2015)5

Our diets would suffer tremendously if bees were to go extinct. The amount of food produced would severely decrease, making it extremely difficult to sustain our current global population. (Palmer, B. 2015)6

Background 9

Niche Group Audience

Overseas Group

Australian Group

General Public Audience


Well Known

Conservation Focused

Bee Focused

Less Well Known

As can be seen in the competitor positioning maps, there are gaps in the market when it comes to bee and conservation awareness. The main areas to focus on in our campaign are therefore in these gaps. The #MoreThanHoney campaign will address the Australian general public audience and make itself well known as a bee focused campaign, aiming to increase the awareness of BeeAware and the information it gives about bees at the same time.

Competitor Positioning 11




To Whom from Who:

Raising awareness of bees’ essentiality to the Australian population and increasing conservation through facts and shock factor.

To educate Australians about how our world relies on bees as pollinators and how we and many other agricultural animals we rely on, wouldn’t survive without them.

Campaign to be rolled out in time for the Australian Spring, 2018.

The Australian Public particularly those concerned with environmental issues from Bee Aware. (BeeAware.org.au)

Proposed Media Touchpoints: A video animation posted to Vimeo or Youtube to be shared also to the #MoreThanHoney social media pages to share the message that if bees vanish, we vanish. If budget allows, a TV spot or sponsored channel showing during the news etc. will send the message to people not on social media.

Posters to be put up at Farmer’s markets, grocery markets, Bunnings, greeneries and public gardens to make people think about bees in places where their buying actions could affect bees and hives. Partnering with local honey businesses can also provide a way to interact and ensure best practises are being used by these beekeepers.

A stall at famer’s markets where they sell honey and activists educate people on some of the consequences of honeybee decline especially for farmers and rural areas. This is an effective way to spread a word of mouth message among those who are passionate and care about the issue to pass on the message.

Facebook and Instagram posts that link to BeeAware through the #MoreThanHoney campaign and encourage traffic and readership to BeeAware’s bee information. Also promotes the message in an affordable and effective way while getting a wide reach and the possibility of sharing and interaction.

Campaign Brief 12

Target Audience Demographics Australian population Typically over 25 City and rural living

Psychographics People who care about future thinking. sustainability. People who fit into the Active Egalitarian or Progressive Cosmopolitan political personas. Environmentally conscious Care about innovation and fixing issues.

Future Focused Fiona

Concerned Chris

30 years old Environmental Scientist Cares about the future and the environment. Engaged Knows and wants to do something about bee decline Active egalitarian.

43 years old Dairy Farmer Cares about his farm working the healthiest way. Married with two teenage children Progressive Cosmopolitan

“There are consequences if we don’t work towards global sustainability including bees.”

“Bee decline is certainly an issue and very close to me personally and professionally.”

Against Campaign Demographics People who create or are involved in the process of creating and marketing fake honey whether overseas or to make a profit. City or suburban living

Psychographics People who are living an extreme vegan lifestyle People who are more image conscious and narcissistic. People who are oblivious or don’t care.

Resistant Ryan

Wants her Job Winnie

27 years old Real Estate Analyst Cares about recycling and plastic waste for the ocean. De facto partnership Lavish mod-con

59 years old Honey factory worker Cares about plastic bag use. Divorced with three adult children Prudent traditionalist

“I’m vegan and don’t eat honey. Bees have no say in you taking their honey for yourself.”

“Bees? They don’t do a good enough job, so we’re helping fix that in this company. Good money“

Strategy 13

Bees vanish, we vanish. Concept 14

The concept of Bees Vanish, We Vanish, is to shock audiences into taking more action and learning a bit more about bees and their vital importance to our lives. The concept is to show bees habitats by using hexagons and yellow to communicate honey and beeswax - things most commonly associated with bees. This campaign however, asks audiences to learn about the other side of bees and that is pollination. All the campaign material links back to the Bee Aware website where information about pollination, keeping bees safe and what to avoid to avoid harming bees unintentionally. By using the shock factor in the campaign through the tagline and making people think about how bees are #MoreThanHoney, the campaign will encourage them to follow the link and satisfy their curiosity as to how bees are more than honey, and why humans will vanish if bees go extinct.




References (Left to Right, Top to Bottom) 2018, http://dryicons.com/free-graphics/preview/geometric-pattern/ http://www.123rf.com/stock-photo/honeycomb_tiles.html http://randpophelvetica.tumblr.com/post/90546468603/a-new-poster-redesign-in-swiss-helvetica-style https://logodesignclub.tumblr.com/post/152600672181/brilliant-bee-logo-25-outstanding-logo-designs http://www.lostateminor.com/2013/10/06/futuristic-honey-bottle-design-by-tamara-miha jlovic/ https://society6.com/product/watercolour-honeycomb_print?isrc=src.search-hue.1-srt.popular#1=45 http://society6.com/product/Honeycomb--Abyss_Print http://infographicjournal.com/10-fascinating-honey-bee-facts-you-didnt-know/ https://www.spoonflower.com/fabric/6274638-the-honeycomb-conjecture-by-strange_ phenomena?utm_source=Pinterest&utm_campaign=strange_phenomena&utm_term=Designs http://www.comparestoreprices.co.uk/ladies-fashion/matthew-williamson-honeycomb-silk-kimonodress.asp https://graphicriver.net/item/blue-toned-background/5893283?ref=gvector http://weandthecolor.com/graphic-art-of-geometric-shapes-by-ngrafik/17997 http://design.tutsplus.com/tutorials/create-a-sweet-honeycomb-pattern-in-adobe-illustrator-cms-20656 http://www.blingcheese.com/image/code/7/queen+bee.htm http://www.etsy.com/listing/152087235/free-shipping-retro-wall-art-geometric


Concept Development 17

Refinement 18

Honey Yellow Hex: f1c319 C: 6 M: 22 Y: 100 K: 0

Wax Gold Hex: d3a12e C: 18 M: 26 Y: 97 K: 1

Light Yellow Hex: f6e6b1 C: 3 M: 6 Y: 35 K: 0

Dark Umber Hex: 231f20 C: 0 M: 0 Y: 0 K: 100

White Hex: ffffff C: 0 M: 0 Y: 0 K: 0

OpineHeavy Regular Headings Bahnschrift Regular body text 9pt

Bahnschrift Regular body text 12pt

Bahnschrift Regular body text 18pt

Bahnschrift Regular body text 30pt #MoreThanHoney

Brand Guidelines 19

Print Media Poster series Information pamphlets to be handed out at farmer’s markets.


Digital Media Social media to promote sponsor’s website and #MoreThanHoney campaign through Facebook and Instagram posts. These posts all link back to the BeeAware website for more information. Animation to communicate the vanishing of bees through another digital means and get more attention online than still images.

To view go to https://vimeo.com/272357352 21

Environmental Media Farmers Market/shopping centre stalls selling honey with beekeeper information and awareness activists with branded tshirts.


The big issue this campaign #MoreThanHoney hopes to raise awareness of, are the risks to bees and how it will affect humans if they vanish. The awareness and knowledge is to be given through the BeeAware website where our campaign will direct audiences for information. The change in behaviour desired by this campaign is for farmers to check the pesticides they use on their plants and crops, for people to think bee friendly when designing gardens or planting and to be conscious of the honey and beeswax products they are buying. Remember to Bee Aware, bees are #MoreThanHoney.




Image References

1. Australian Honeybee Industry Council. (2010). Pollination Aware Fact Sheet [PDF]. Retrieved from https://honeybee.org.au/pdf/ PollinationAwareFactSheet.pdf

Pixabay. Earth [Image]. Retrieved from https://cdn.pixabay.com/ photo/2016/04/01/22/32/world-1301744_1280.png

2. Australian Honeybee Industry Council. (2010). Pollination Aware Fact Sheet [PDF]. Retrieved from https://honeybee.org.au/pdf/ PollinationAwareFactSheet.pdf 3. Palmer, B. (2015). Would a World Without Bees Be a World Without Us? [Blog]. Retrieved from https://www.nrdc.org/onearth/would-world-without-beesbe-world-without-us 4. Doyle, A. (2016). Vital to food output, bees and other pollinators at risk. Retrieved from https://www.reuters.com/article/us-environmentpollination/vital-to-food-output-bees-and-other-pollinators-at-riskidUSKCN0VZ0U6 5. Phillips, N. (2015). Australian scientists may have solved the mystery of bee colony collapse. The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved from https:// www.smh.com.au/technology/australian-scientists-may-have-solved-themystery-of-bee-colony-collapse-20150209-13a6ss.html 6. Save the Bees. (2018). Retrieved from https://www.greenpeace.org/usa/ sustainable-agriculture/save-the-bees/ 7. Bee Aware. (2018). Retrieved from http://beeaware.org.au/


Pngimg. Bowl of Rice [Image]. Retrieved from https://cdn.pixabay.com/ photo/2016/04/01/22/32/world-1301744_1280.png Forbes. World Wildlife Fund [Image]. Retrieved from https://images.forbes. com/media/lists/companies/world-wildlife-fund_416x416.jpg Bee Aware. Bee Aware Logo [Image]. Retrieved from https://beeaware.org.au/ wp-content/themes/bee_aware/images/logo.png Victorian Apiarists’ Association. VAA Inc Logo [Image]. Retrieved from https:// www.vicbeekeepers.com.au/resources/Pictures/vaa%20images/VictorianApiarists-Association-2.png Wild Days Conservation. Buglife logo [Image]. Retrieved from https:// wilddaysconservation.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Buglife-logo.png The Bee Hive Saver. Bee The Cure Logo [Image]. Retrieved from https://cdn. shopify.com/s/files/1/1856/6167/files/12871481_1729214530693111_4443055334 758294800_n_large.jpg?v=1491121504

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