PGT Advertising Strategy

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Advertising Report PGT Programs Renee Chung

Anton Kraft

Adrian Posteraro

Justina Wong


Contents 1. Introduction


2. Brief and Amendment Justifications


3. Concepts


Concept Proposal


3.1 Broadcast Media - Video


3.2 Print Media - Information Flyers

10 - 11

3.3 Out of Home - Convention

12 -13

4. Campaign Rationale 5. Appendix

14 - 15

5.1 Creative Brief

16 -17

5.2 Presentation Slides

18 -19



Introduction PGT Programs is a Melbourne based business that specialises in creating tailored team building programs for organisations looking to foster a healthy team environment. At the soul of PGT Programs, they believe that people come first, therefore is it important to support people, encourage groups and empower teams (PGT, n.d). The team building exercises involve facilitated classroom group learning, ropes courses, outdoor recreation activities and leadership programs. This report has been commissioned by PGT Programs to develop an advertising campaign targeted at local businesses, educational institutions and not for profit organisations to bring new clients into the programs. The campaign will feature a video shown through broadcast media including YouTube and on LinkedIn, printed business cards and flyers and out of home advertising at trade shows or business conventions in order to achieve increased brand awareness. Currently, PGT Program’s primary advertising by using flyers whilst also using word of mouth, business cards, a website and a Facebook page. Across the different advertising platforms, PGT Program’s marketing materials do not clearly communicate the services that they offer and their brand image is inconsistent. Testimonials from past PGT clients show that the outcomes of teamwork and leadership have been met after support from the program. It is essential for the message of the benefits received from partaking in PGT Programs to be expressed consistently in all points of customer interaction with the organisation.


Brief Amendments and Justifications Amendments to the creative brief include refining the target audience to our specific target audience rather than PGT Program’s target audience of participants. We broke this down into three distinct groups. • Course coordinators and heads of year levels in high schools and universities. • The heads of departments/human resource departments of small boutique businesses and organisations, including not-for profit. • Past clients of PGT The target audience’s current awareness was modified from testimonials from past clients of PGT. Programs to acknowledging that there isn’t much awareness of PGT Programs due to it being a small and still relatively new business. What we want to the target audiences to think was modified to actions we want them to take after engaging in the promotional campaign. The key consumer insight highlighted issues we need to address and the previous Unique Selling Point was moved into the correct category in the brief. The brand’s personality was also simplified to create a more manageable brand personality. For the full creative brief, please refer to appendix 5.1.




Concept Proposal We reviewed PGT Programs current advertising and identified that the largest opportunity was in the consistency of the brand image across the marketing channels. The client expressed that the advertising should communicate that unbiased feedback is delivered after participation in the programs, the information provided is targeted to assist teams in working together, clients often discover new information and PGT Programs are interested in achieving outcomes rather than profits. These concepts are evident throughout the proposed approach for advertising PGT Programs outlined in this report. The method of advertising developed incorporates broadcast media, print media and out of home advertising promoting key themes from PGT Programs’ tagline: ‘Supporting. Encouraging. Empowering.’


LinkedIn Video The video will convey the services that PGT Programs delivers. It follows a team taking part in team building exercises and their experiences with PGT Programs. It shows the different types of activities that PGT Programs offers and it gives a real life example of the results that they deliver.

SCRIPT AND STORYBOARD EXT. BUSHLAND - DAY *Birds chirping and happy, uplifting music in background* JOANNE I’m Joanne Mason from JARA Industries and my staff and I are taking part in a team-building day run by PGT programs. I’m hoping this will give us skills and strategies to improve how we work together in the office. *sounds of encouragement “yay” and “come on!” - people having fun* *happy, uplifting music in background continues* PAUL PGT Programs offer customisable designed team-building programs for your company, school or organisation. We facilitate a range of activities from physical and emotional challenges to group development activities. *sounds of encouragement and people having fun throughout* *happy, uplifting music in background continues* JOANNE I instantly noticed an improvement in the communication between my staff. There is more trust, more respect, and there’s now a great sense of community and an enthusiastic work ethic. *sounds of encouragement and people having fun throughout* *happy, uplifting music in background continues*


JOANNE (V.O) I would definitely recommend PGT Programs to small businesses, school groups and organisations.


Information Flyers The flyer contains information about PGT Programs, what its services include and what participants will gain from working with the company. Also included are contact details, images of activities and testimonials from past clients.

FLYER COPY PGT Programs provide businesses, organisations and schools with immersive team experiences. Our goal is to improve how your team work together, to create solidarity and trust. Every organisation and team is different, that is why we offer customisable team building exercises to ensure that you get the outcome you are looking for. With almost 20 years’ experience, PGT Programs have a deep understanding of how to develop trusting relationships where everyone is working towards the same goals. After completing one of our team building exercises, you will have the tools and strategies to continue the work and grow as a team! PGT walks in the shoes of the employees in your organisation, supporting people, encouraging groups and empowering teams. “It was targeted specifically for us and exactly what we didn’t know we needed. Each time we have attended a session we have gained new facilitation tools.” -Adrian Puttyfoot and Richard Mason, RYLA supporters “PGT takes the time to get to know their clients and moulds the program around their needs.” -Tim Forster, Victoria Police, Epping “The People Groups Teams staff ensure outcomes are met and become part of your team” -Linda Gidlund, District 9790 Rotary Youth Leadership Award, Chair 03 8797 0220



Trade Show Convention Display The trade show convention display is a presentation of the PGT Program brand. The brand colours are used in the display materials, uniform and merchandise. A spoken introduction by PGT Program staff should start the initial engagement of consumers to explore the display. Activities or games such as a tug of war and other team building activities will be facilitated by the PGT Program’s staff to small groups of potential clients, identifiable by their uniform. Examples of past clients’ stories should also be included in this spiel to humanise the brand. iPads will be set up to allow customers to sign up for emails and more information. There will also be information flyers for people to take away with testimonials, photographs and information on activities to add credibility to the company and restate the mission spoken at the beginning. A final piece of the brand to take away is a PGT Programs branded maze pen, which engages the user with the object to problem solve. This experience should encourage new clients to engage with PGT Programs and opens new channels for communication with potential clients.



Campaign Rationale Broadcast Media The campaign developed for PGT Programs utilises three forms of media to reach the target audience, focussed on delivering the consistent message of ‘Supporting. Encouraging. Empowering.’ The concepts chosen were a video to introduce the business and what it has to offer, a flyer for potential clients to take away and a display booth at business conventions and trade shows. Past clients of PGT Programs regularly reported that the services offered were something that they did not know they needed. Based on this, each component of the advertising campaign is aimed at the need recognition stage of the purchase process to build awareness by introducing potential clients to the training programs. Consumers of a product are not always the end users and this is the case with PGT Programs (Moriarty, S et al. 2015, p. 19). Rather than the program participants themselves, the purchasers were identified to be school coordinators, company executives, heads and managers within a business. With this in mind, the target audience stated in the creative brief was amended in consideration of those within a company who would make the decision to participate in a team building program.


A video streaming via broadcast media was chosen to give clients further insight into the services that PGT Programs is able to offer. A spokesperson from a business who has previously participated in a workshop by PGT Programs was used to provide more credibility to the outcomes stated in the script. The video will be hosted on YouTube and shown as paid location and industry targeted advertising on the professional social network site, LinkedIn. Broadcasting through social media allows prospective clients to immediately get in touch to ask questions and this will be vital due to the complex range of solutions that PGT Programs can offer depending on the clients’ requirements. During this information search stage of the consumer decision making process, what the prospective client is able to discover is pivotal to the remaining stages of the decision making process (Shaheen, M & Lodhi, RN 2016 p. 63). As of the third quarter of the 2016 financial year, LinkedIn reported 467 million registered users on the social network (Statista 2017). This social network platform was chosen as its function is specifically to connect businesses and professionals with one another.

Print Media

Out of Home Media

Our decision to use flyers as our print advertising is based on the fact that PGT Program’s target audience is other businesses and organisations. PGT Programs interacts with many of its current consumers and reaches new clients via face-toface communication at business conventions, events and trade shows. These events provide the opportunity for PGT Programs to inform representatives of businesses about the services that PGT Programs can provide for their teams or employees. Flyers are professional marketing material that can be handed out in order to introduce PGT Programs to business clients and encourage them to visit the website as they progress to the information search stage of the consumer decision making process. Flyers usually include general information and contact details, however, we chose to include testimonials from past clients to enhance again that PGT Programs is a credible company.

Conventions such as the B2B Expo held in Melbourne and Sydney are an ideal platform for PGT to connect with potential clients and showcase how they can help other businesses. At the 2016 B2B Expo, there were more than 5000 attendees from various business sectors as shown in Figure 1: Visitor Industries at B2B Expo 2016, which breaks down the total number of attendees by the percentage of people from an industry (B2B Expo 2017). This convention would allow PGT Programs to reach many potential clients face-to-face in a single day and provide them with informative marketing material to take back to the office. The booth created for conventions and trade shows has been designed draw attention through the use of colour, large banners and giveaways. The colours used in the design of the space, on the flyers and for the merchandise to giveaway are consistent with PGT Programs brand colours to optimise brand recognition.

References B2B Expo 2017, About B2B Expo, Australian Business Forum, viewed 13 October 2017, <>. Moriarty, S, Mitchell, N.D, Wells, W.D, Crawford, R, Brennan, L & Spence-Stone, R, 2015, Advertising: Principles and Practice, Pearson Education, Melbourne. PGT, n.d. PGT People, Groups & Teams, PGT Programs, viewed 3 October 2017, <>. Shaheen, M & Lodhi, RN 2016, ‘Impacts of social media marketing on consumer decision making process: Descriptive study of Pakistan’, Journal of Business Strategies, vol. 10 No. 1, pp. 57 - 71. Statista 2017, Number of LinkedIn Members from First Quarter 2009 to 3rd Quarter 2016 (in Millions), Statista, viewed 17 October 2017, <>.


Appendix Creative Brief

Why are we advertising? To encourage more organisations and small businesses to make use of these teamwork workshops and development activities and programs. To increase awareness and engagement with PGT’s services for small businesses and organisations. To whom are we advertising? There are a few distinct target markets: • Course coordinators and heads of year levels in high schools and universities. • The heads of departments/human resource departments of small boutique businesses and organisations, including not-for profit. • Past clients of PGT These people can change from year to year so it is important to have a consistent message that goes out every year to these people rather than relying on old connections. Relationships with current and previous clients need to also be maintained with communication and marketing material.


What does the target audience currently think? Current testimonials state that PGT is a good support for volunteer groups and ensures outcomes of teamwork and leadership are met. There is not a lot of awareness otherwise. What do we want the target audience to think after exposure to the communication message(s)? We want new businesses and organisations (clients) to consider using the service and make an enquiry. We want old clients to use the services again on a new training day/weekend. The advertising should communicate the great and unique tailored experiences PGT provides and get people to act on it. Institutions/organisations should employ and make use of PGT programs sooner rather than later because the skills it provides are invaluable.

What is the key consumer insight? Marketing material is hard to understand. Brand image is not consistent. Website doesn’t provide a call to action, nor is it consistent. Promotional material is also not consistent.

Why should they believe it? Developed with the help of a clinical psychologist. Testimonials and case studies from previous participants and team leaders. Imagery of what the program looks like.

What is the single most persuasive idea or Unique Selling Proposition about the product? Custom-designed and tailored training to suit each organisation’s unique situation, that develops their members’ or employees’ ongoing professional performance both as individuals and in teams. This is a fun and immersive facilitated experience which helps develop teamwork skills in a more natural way than just role playing or powerpoint slides. It provides invaluable targeted information for teamwork and leadership that you can’t get from competitor training.

What is the personality of the product you want to convey? Strong interest in people, professional and capable. What media will likely be needed to transmit this message effectively? Fliers. Youtube/Facebook video. Email notices to high schools, universities and other small and not for profit groups. Website. Event and conference appearances. What specific creative guidelines should direct the creation of the advertising? Lots of photographs of people to convey credibility. Quotes and testimonials and case studies as examples. Formal but approachable in its colour scheme and design. Financial Limitation? Not expensive. Cheaper advertising but effective advertising. Medium priced advertising is okay if the return on the investment is good.


Presentation Slides



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