August 2011
Prepared and paid for by the City of Victoria
Aug. 26-27 Victoria Volksf est & Art Fair
Oct. 1 Fire Departme nt Open House POSTAL CUSTOMER ECRWSS
Vol. 3 - No. 2
Stop in for a visit…You’ll find lots of parking
We’ve made more room Renovation and construction last year cleared the way for expanded for you to visit our parking downtown. downtown area! The City of Victoria has joined with property owners to pave and expand downtown parking. This parking is now completed and ready for your use.
CarFit is coming to Victoria! elping seniors stay in their cars longer and safer was a goal this year for the Victoria Senior Commission. CarFit is a free, interactive and educational program designed to improve older driver safety. Trained volunteers provide information to ensure the safest “fit” for older drivers and their vehicles. We are limited to 24 drivers. Don’t wait to call!
provide a quick but comfrom 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at prehensive check of how the Victoria Fire StaThursday, tion at Hwy 5 and September 29, 2011 well you and your vehicle work together. A trained 80th Street. Con10 a.m.-2 p.m. professional will ask you tact Linda at the simple questions and comCity of Victoria to schedule your appointment at (952) plete a 12-point checklist. This is perfect 443-4213. Each appointment is only for those who may feel a little uncertain when driving, and you leave with recom20 minutes long. CarFit was developed by the American mended car adjustments and adaptations, Society on Aging with AARP, AAA and a list of resources in your area and greater American Occupational Therapy Asso- peace of mind.
It will be held on Thursday, September 29,
ciation. Program events are designed to
City Calendar 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. Aug. 26 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. Aug. 27
out more about what’s in your own backyard. There will be something for everyone including the Sheriff’s mounted posse, Victoria Fire Department, clowns, a storyteller, and tours of the Victoria Recreation Center.
Sept. 24
Oct. 1
Discover Victoria Day
2011 Victoria Fire Department Open House
Aug. 17 Music Downtown Victoria 6:30-8 p.m.
Aug. 26, 27 Volksfest
10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The City will host Discover Victoria Day at the Victoria Recreation Center. This will be your chance to not only learn more about the 2012 TH 5 project, but you’ll also get to discover great Victoria businesses and organizations, discover great food venues and find
10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Oct. 8 and 15 Fall Composting 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Public Works site 1416 Stieger Lake Lane
Oct. 17-28 Fall Street Sweeping
Victoria City Council Mary Hershberger Thun, Mayor Kim Roden, Council Member Tom O’Connor, Council Member Jim Crowley, Council Member Tom Strigel, Council Member
Contact Us City of Victoria 7951 Rose Street, P.O. Box 36 Victoria, MN 55386 Phone: (952) 443-4210 Fax: (952) 443-2110 Web site: E-mail: Victoria Recreation Center 8475 Kochia Lane Victoria, MN 55386 Phone: (952) 443-4255
Please Recycle
Victoria Fire Department Open House
Calling all home-based businesses
o you have a homebased business and would like to reach more fellow Victoria residents? Here’s your chance. On September 24, the City will be hosting Discover Victoria Day at the Victoria Recreation Center. As part of that we will have a business expo highlighting all of our great Victoria businesses.
The expo will be held in the gymnasium and will be free of charge. If you are interested in having a booth, please contact Holly Kreft at (952) 443-4218 or The events will occur from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and we ask that someone be present at the booth during those times.
Your comments welcome during Mediacom renewal process
he Lake Minnetonka Communications Commission (LMCC) is starting negotiations for the Franchise Renewal with Mediacom, Victoria’s cable television service provider. Your comments regarding Mediacom’s service are an
important part of the process and would be welcome and appreciated. Please email, call 952279-2404 or mail your comments to Franchise Renewal, Lake Minnetonka Communications Commission, P.O. Box 385 Spring Park, MN 55384-0385.
he Victoria Fire Department will be hosting its annual Open House on Saturday, October 1, 2011 from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Victoria Fire Station located at 1500 80th Street. Some of the activities include: Tour the Fire Station Attend a live-burn Saturday, demonstration October 1, 2011 Watch vehicle extrication 10:30 a.m.-2 p.m. demonstrations Fire Truck rides Inflatable Jump House Spray a real fire hose at a house simulator Walk through a fire safety trailer Free hot dogs and sloppy joes for everyone! Representatives from the Carver County Sheriff ’s Department, MN Valley Electric Company, Ridgeview Ambulance, Carver County Mounted Posse and Lifelink will be there to answer questions relating to public safety. Information will be available about joining the Victoria Fire Department, come be part of a great organization!
Begin the quest to be your best:
Southwest Metro Wellness Challenge 2011
ower of Life Chiropractic Center, P.A. of Victoria and the City of Victoria Recreation Center are excited to present the first ever Southwest Metro Wellness Challenge. Join us in a 12-week, doctor-led wellness program to kick-start your health with a chance to win over $2,000 in cash and prizes. Each participant will receive a Creating Wellness Assessment to find out their Wellness Quotient. A Wellness Quotient is a number value that indicates where your personal level of wellness falls on the scale of the wellness continuum of zero -200. It is calculated by the results of a Wellness Assessment that measures each participant in all three dimensions of their life: physical, biochemical and psychological. The result is a never-before-achieved evaluation of your lifestyle habits and physical and emotional well-being. The purpose of the challenge is to support and inspire local and surrounding
communities to increase their health potential while seeing who can increase their Wellness Quotient the most over a 12-week period. The program registration includes: Kickoff Party on Sept. 12 at Victoria Recreation Center
encourage participants to lead a better life. Complimentary consultation and computerized nerve scan analysis for each participant (value $99) Participant T-shirt (value of $10)
Two Wellness Assessments (value of $150)
Finale Party Dec. 19 *Must be present to win prizes
12-week Wellness Program Sept. 12-Dec. 2, 2011
A chance to win cool prizes and a $2000 grand prize!!!
Multiple weekly workouts and use of Victoria Recreation Center at designated times (value of $240.00)
An opportunity to change your Life forever……..PRICELESS!
Four empowering group coaching sessions led by Dr. Angela Bremer and Dr. Kandace Johnson of Power of Life Chiropractic Center, P.A.(value of $80) Weekly interaction including: health information, weekly emails and wellness workshops to
Registration deadline: Aug. 31, 2011. Cost for 12 week program: $299 Pick up your registration form at the Victoria Recreation Center, Power of Life Chiropractic Center, or download your form at