Final Presentation For AR2

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Action Research 2 Final Report

Renee Robinson s2951483

Research Proposal/Contextual Relevence Experimentation with illicit substances has become increasingly common. In many cases this experimentation is harmless, but may have more serious side effets, sometimes even death.This dependence upon both legal and illicit substances has become more prevalent in the teens and young adults of the current generations. Use can cause a wide variety of health issues, however, this dependence on substances can cause adverse affects on not only the physical health of the individual but also their psychological and sociological health. This use can result in individuals developing anxiety and depression, and in extreme cases, potenitally even suicidal tendencies. The use of substances in and of itself, is something that is rife within our culture. However, although the use itself is well known, the side affects are not. Why is such a socially relevant issue hidden in the shadows? Is it something that people don’t know about, or that they choose to ignore? And if so, how can we, as designers, use design to increase understanding and awareness of this issue?

“How can design be used to heighten awareness and understanding of the negative effects that drug abuse can have on both the individual and their familial relationships.�

Methodologies Much of the research I have conducted has allowed me to gain a firmer understanding of the causes, effects and treatments of addiction. Through interaction with individuals in the healthcare industry, conversign with those who treat these addictions, has allowed to gain an understanding of the severity of addition’s impacts on everyday life. I have conducted anonymous surveys and have managed to gain an insight into the widespread nature of addiction, and its prevelance in the younger generations of today. Since our last assessment, I have conducted further surveys to gain a better understanding of the spread of dependency awareness, in both the younger and older generations. I have used these surveys as a way to gather information that have used to direct further research onto the subject of addiction, by targeting a particualar demographic and age group.

Theoretical Discourse My thoretical discourse has remained fairly unchanged over the past year. Perhaps with the only changes being to the area of substance abuse that I am focussing on. Rather than focussing purely on drug abuse itself, I have focussed more on its effects, particularly on the way that it can degrade familial relationships. My Research can be perhaps most easily split into two sections. The first posessing more of a focus on the effects of addiction upon not only the individual but also their families.

Families Parenting Adolescents with substance Abuse

Suicidal behavior in Alcohol and Drug Abuse and Dependence

This is an article by Sage Journals, that fosters an understanding of addiction. It also aids in refining my research idea, focussing particularly on the abuse of substances in young adults, and addresses the issues caused by their indulgence of this activity.

The novel describes itself as being a book that “…is dedicated to the relationship between substance and suicidal behaviour…”. This novel builds on the underastanding of the affects of addiction, examining more of the effects to the individudal, their health and social standing.

Unknown, “Families Parenting Adolescents With Subztance AbuseRecovering the Mother’s voice: A Narrative Literature Review,” Sage Journals, (2014). full.pdf+html

Sher L. Alcohol and Suicide: Neurobiological Alcohol and Clinical Aspects. Sci World J 2006: 6:700-6. lib/griffith/reader.action?docID=10659007

Theoretical Discourse Cont. The second portion of my research can be best described as being an in depth analysis into the science of addiction, exploring the chemical aspects of addiction and its physical impacts upon the individual. The combination of all of these resources, not only epxlores the effects of substance abuse, but also clearly shows that no one factor is responsible for the taking of substances. This research also highlights how little the public knows

Drugs, Brains, And Behaviour: The Science Of Addiction

This journal article, produced by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, touches on the concept of addiction, its underlying causes and chemical impacts of addiction.The article

Unknown, “Drugs, Brains, And Behaviour: The Science Of Addiction,” National Institutes of Health:U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2010).

New horizons for therapeutics in drug and alcohol abuse

This Article furthers this exploration of addiction, posing the concept that addiction may be best described as being a ‘chronologically relapsing disorder involving treated bouts of compulsive drug seeking and use despite potential adverse consequences associated with this behaviour’(Koob & Le Moal, 1997). It also addresses the social implications of adiction, the isolation and depression that the use of addictive substances may reduce in. Jupp, Bianca, and Andrew J. Lawrence. 2010. New horizons for therapeutics in drug and alcohol abuse. Pharmacology and Therapeutics 125 (1): 138-68. com/?ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&ctx_enc=info%3Aofi%2Fenc%3AUTF8&rfr_id=info:sid/ fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:journal&rft.genre=article&rft.

Exemplars Related Practitioner #1: Raqib Shaw

Related Practitioner #2: Barbara Kruger

Related Practitioner #3: Ben Quilty

Related Practitioner #4&5: ‘Make Smoking History’ Campaign and ‘Drink Wise Australia’ Campaign latest-campaign

Commercial Application

My own campaign takes the information that I have gained, from the reading of various examples of thoretical disocurse and the analysis of works by various exemplars, and combines them into a work that conveys the severity of addiction and the effects it can have on your life. As a way to best convey the way in which addiction to a wide range of substances can have a negative impact upon all avenues of an idividuals life, I have chosen to create a series of posters.

Make a change. Get help today, visit: or call 1300 652 820.

Make a change. Get help today, visit: or call 1300 652 820.

Make a change. Get help today, visit: or call 1300 652 820.

Reflective Process I struggled a fair bit with this project, not with its core concept, that was easy to decide, but rather the way in which I was going to convey that chosen concept. The initial concept was for an Animated series of Posters, whilst this was an interesting concept, it did not create the intended effect/feel. As a result, a photographic approach was considered, utilising black and white photography, to create the intended effect. Again, however, this did not create the feel that I wanted to convey. So a typographical approach was utilised instead, combining boldfaced text with a simplified graphic backdrop, subtly conveying the intended message in an undrstated way. The posters have also ended up being used as a way to aid people in seeking assistance for their addiction, rather then being utilised as a purely informative project. This project, with some more indepth research and refinement, coud have a viable real world application.


The research I have gathered has led me to believe that it is important for people to understand not only the effects of addicion on the individual in a physical sense, but also in a psychological and sociological sense. The increased understanding of individuals will aid in not only providing more support for those suffering from addiction, but also hopefully allow for people to begin recognising signs of addiction in those closest to them, therefore being able to provide support and understanding when they need it most.


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