RENEW International's 2013 Annual Report

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Opening the Door to


A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 1 3

The Mission of RENEW International RENEW International fosters spiritual renewal in the Catholic tradition by empowering individuals and communities to encounter God in everyday life, deepen and share faith, and connect faith with action.

La misión de RENEW International RENEW International promueve la renovación espiritual enraizada en la tradición de la Iglesia Católica, inspirando y preparando a comunidades y creyentes para descubrir la presencia de Dios en lo cotidiano, profundizar y compartir la fe, y expresarla en sus actos.

La mission de RENEW International RENEW International favorise le ressourcement spirituel selon la tradition catholique en favorisant la rencontre de Dieu dans la vie de tous les jours. Les participants et participantes approfondissent et partagent leur foi, pour ensuite en inspirer leur action.

About the cover: RENEW International opens the door to faith and invites everyone to encounter Jesus Christ in community with others. From top to bottom:

• DEBOUT Ensemble dans le Christ began with a diocesan prayer event in the Archdiocese of St. Boniface, Canada.

• Students discuss faith at King’s College, site of Campus RENEW.

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• Small Christian communities are welcoming environments in the Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau. (photo © 2013 Catholic Extension) • Prayer is an essential feature of ARISE Together in Christ in the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend. (photo by Francie Hogan, Today’s Catholic)


From Our President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 A Message from Our Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Pastoral Offerings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

• ARISE Together in Christ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

• Why Catholic? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

• New Pastoral Offerings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

• Renewing the Priestly Heart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

• Young Adult Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

• Parish-based Offerings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

• Where RENEW Serves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

• RENEW Worldwide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Development Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Financial Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Management & Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Donors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Board of Trustees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 RENEW Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Connect with RENEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

RENEW International Annual Report | 2013


From Our President

Dear Friends of RENEW, The open door image reminds me of this famous scene from the old TV series Dragnet in which Sgt. Joe Friday is talking to Father Rojas about a theft from a church: Sgt. Joe Friday: Was the statue there before Mass? Fr. Rojas: I don’t know, but it was there last night.

“…they called the church together and reported what God had done with them and how he had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles.” ~ Acts 14:27

Sgt. Friday: How late is the church open? Fr. Rojas: All night. Sgt. Friday: You leave it wide open…so any thief can walk in? Fr. Rojas: (quietly) Particularly thieves, Sergeant. Open doors invite the passerby to come and see what is inside. Even more promising is an open door from which a friendly face beckons us to come in. As I look outside my office window I can see the doors of the church across the street. I watch people enter throughout the day. It is good to see that some church doors are still left open for anyone — that’s anyone, Sergeant — who feels a call to enter. In the Acts of the Apostles, we read about the first missionary activity of the early Christian community. The disciples of Jesus, fired up by the Spirit, invited all to an encounter with the living Christ. The disciples opened the door of faith not only to the Jewish people but also to the Gentiles, an idea that shocked and even scandalized some folks. This past year Pope Benedict XVI in his letter The Door of Faith proclaimed a Year of Faith celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of Vatican II and the twentieth anniversary of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The Holy Father wrote, “The Year of Faith … is a summons to an authentic and renewed conversion to the Lord, the one Savior of the world” (The Door of Faith, 6). Through our pastoral offerings, and the small communities that we form and nurture, we at RENEW International, in a unique way, help the Church to hold open its door and invite people to come in. In these welcoming, prayerful settings, people refresh or even rediscover their faith in God and in his Son, Jesus Christ, as they share faith and life and then go out through that same door to carry the living Gospel into the world in works of charity and acts of justice. Through your prayer and support, you are an indispensable part of that mission. Thank you for the generous spirit with which you help to keep the door of faith open wide. With warmest regards and gratitude,

Sr. Theresa Rickard, OP President and Executive Director 2

Opening the Door to Faith

A Message from Our Board

Dear RENEW Supporters, It has been gratifying to see, as a member of the Board of Trustees of RENEW International over the past 13 years, that RENEW has opened the door of faith for so many Catholics. The openness and welcome of Jesus’ own ministry is reflected in RENEW’s faith-sharing processes and exhibited in the support its staff gives to dioceses and parishes around the world. This same spirit is reflected internally at RENEW. The collaboration between the Board of Trustees and the RENEW staff is a unique and enlightening experience. Trustees regularly enjoy face-to-face encounters with RENEW leadership. Trustees have also enthusiastically accepted the invitation to lend their knowledge and skills in various areas of RENEW’s operation, such as helping the organization to develop its strategic plan and to incorporate best management practices at every level. The board has been impressed by RENEW’s implementation of cutting-edge business tools that help the organization take maximum advantage of its cumulative experience and talents so as to improve both the impact and the sustainability of the services and resources it offers. The board has also endorsed RENEW’s timely and prudent use of funds from its endowment to develop a central data base and otherwise improve and expand the technology that helps to further the mission of evangelization. As the world changes, so does RENEW. By using modern communications technology through a variety of media, RENEW is maximizing its reach. For more than 30 years, RENEW has helped Catholic people share their faith and put it into practice in their daily lives. We are committed to continue this mission more effectively and more efficiently than ever. Thank you for your prayers and for your support of RENEW International. Sincerely yours,

Joseph Franzetti Chair, Board of Trustees

RENEW International Annual Report | 2013



An ARISE youth group from St. Lawrence in New Hamburg, MO (Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau), chose outreach to the less fortunate as their action step. They baked cookies for the elderly, collected canned goods, and made home visits.

RENEW International helps Catholics open the door between faith and everyday life. RENEW International’s pastoral resources employ Scripture, prayer, reflection, and faith sharing to help people meeting in small communities deepen their relationship with Jesus and their appreciation of Catholic teaching—goals of this Year of Faith—and then live their faith in acts of charity and justice in the home, school, and workplace. The Church intends for the New Evangelization to first revitalize the commitment of the Catholic family itself. More than 400,000 people are responding to that call by participating in RENEW programs.

The next few pages present RENEW International’s offerings for dioceses and parishes around the world. The comments and stories in these pages exemplify the experiences of Catholics young and old, laity and clergy, who are working to build vibrant communities that make the promise of the Gospel a reality in the world.


Opening the Door to Faith

ARISE Together in Christ

Participants of ARISE from St. Jude Parish in Fort Wayne, IN, gather for one of the fall faith-sharing sessions. (Photo by Francie Hogan, courtesy of Today’s Catholic.)

ARISE Together in Christ is a three-year, parish-centered

translation met the needs of Burmese communities in Fort

process of spiritual renewal and evangelization that helps

Wayne-South Bend and the Diocese of Owensboro, KY. This

people become more committed disciples of Jesus Christ.

brings the total number of languages for ARISE to seven.

The goals of ARISE are:


• Teaching and witnessing to the word of God in Scripture

• Six new dioceses began this process in English, Spanish,

• Developing enduring communities of faith and service

and French: Owensboro, KY; Fort Wayne-South Bend,

• Providing a concrete and practical means of

IN; Springfield-Cape Girardeau, MO; Crookston, MN;


Lubbock, TX; and St. Boniface, Canada.

RENEW International strives to serve the multicultural

• More than 34,000 participants in 398 parishes in nine

church. DEBOUT, the French-Canadian version of ARISE, was

dioceses in the United States and Canada participated.

developed in response to the needs of the Church in Canada.

• With support from the Lavelle Fund for the Blind,

Working with translators in the Diocese of Fort Wayne-

RENEW published our first large-print participant books

South Bend, RENEW published ARISE in Burmese. The new

in Spanish for low-vision participants.

RENEW International Annual Report | 2013


ARISE Together in Christ

“Sharing what God is doing in our lives and how we all struggle with different challenges makes our unity more real to me. I have grown closer to my community and to God. I thank God and my Church for helping me to have the courage and strength to keep on going through my troubles and find peace and joy in times of despair. I went to confession for the first time in 20 years, and it was a wonderful and emotional experience.”

Parishioners of St. Cecilia’s Church in Kennett, MO, gather for a LEVÁNTATE faith-sharing session. (Photo provided by Catholic Extension. © 2013.)

~ Blessed Sacrament Parish, Archdiocese of St. Boniface, Canada

“One of our parish’s small Christian community leaders passed away last year. Her group initiated ARISE Project Irene in her memory. The group has since coordinated a food drive and volunteered at St. Mary Church Interfaith Community Services to serve the homeless.” ~ St. George Parish, Diocese of Stockton, CA

ARISE participants from St. Linus Parish in the Diocese of Stockton answered God’s call to serve by bringing food and clothing to the homeless.


Opening the Door to Faith

ARISE Together in Christ

“I had thought of going on a mission prior to the ARISE program this past year, but I never acted on it. Then we started Season 2 of ARISE, titled Change Our Hearts. The book calls on us to ask God’s help to change our hearts and turn more toward him. During one of our ARISE meetings, I heard about Chalice, a Catholic organization out of Nova Scotia that does work and supports volunteers in Asia, Haiti, Latin America, Ukraine, and Africa. I contacted them and sponsored a child in Peru and one in Tanzania. After a few weeks, Chalice contacted me with information on a medical mission to Tanzania. In the south of Tanzania, we cared for 1900 patients, visited and fed school children, and visited our sponsored families at the orphanage. We also raised $15,000 towards outfitting the newly built maternity ward serving the Songea region of Tanzania.” ~John Couto ARISE Participant St. Joseph Parish, Diocese of London, Canada

RENEW International Annual Report | 2013


Why Catholic?

Residents at the Boston Home prepare for a Why Catholic? session. Why Catholic? is expanding in the Archdiocese of Boston thanks to generous grants from the Lynch and Birmingham foundations.

Why Catholic?/¿Por qué ser católico? is a concrete approach to helping adults deepen their Catholic faith and connect its teachings to their everyday lives. It provides a total parish experience that is suited for everyone, especially parents with children preparing for sacraments, RCIA candidates, and catechists looking to deepen their faith. Through small Christian communities in every parish, participants are inspired to proclaim their

“When I became a facilitator of a group of men I thought, “It’s going to be tough.” But we’ve met now for four years over breakfast, and it is a great group. This past year, with the book PRAY: Christian Prayer, I learned so much: how to pray in different ways, praying often, getting closer to God in prayer. It has changed my life.” ~ Holy Cross Church, Diocese of Reno, NV 8

faith in prayer, in support for each other, and in everyday actions. Highlights • The Why Catholic? process is being translated into French for Canada. • Our efforts to serve the U.S. military expanded to include the Eastern Vicariate of the Archdiocese for Military Services, thanks to a generous grant from the Raskob Foundation and diocesan underwriting from Catholic Extension. • In the Archdiocese of Boston, training for small community leaders was held in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Vietnamese, and Chinese. • Cardinal O’Malley and the Appeal Office of the Archdiocese of Boston highlighted the blessings of Why Catholic? small-group faith sharing in the annual archdiocesan appeal video shown in all parishes. View this video segment using your smart-phone or tablet device with this QR code or visit Opening the Door to Faith

Why Catholic?

RENEW staff members are always willing to travel to bring spiritual renewal to people and parishes in far-flung destinations. Sr. Maureen Colleary, FSP, is pictured on her way to the Kenai Peninsula to deliver Why Catholic? to parishes in the Archdiocese of Anchorage, Alaska. RENEW also serves two military bases in Anchorage and Kodiak, Alaska. The intrepid Sr. Maureen has presented pastoral services across the globe from Canada and Germany, to Korea and Nigeria, making RENEW truly “International.”

“In the four years our group has been together, we have supported one another in joyous times as well as times of great sadness. A son with minor brain surgery, a daughter in a toxic relationship, a grandson with drug addiction, the death of a father-in-law, a broken relationship between a parent and two daughters, and a faith journey crisis. In each situation we provided compassion and support. As our four-year sessions come to an end, we can continue to work together to support one another and our community.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Diocese of Fort Worth, TX

RENEW International Annual Report | 2013


New Pastoral Offerings Turning Points is a new video series with faith stories of real-life Catholics.

Catholics across the globe are called to be agents of a “New Evangelization,” a renewed effort to live each day in a way that brings the Gospel to family members, friends, and neighbors. RENEW International is responding to this pastoral need in the Church by developing fresh, innovative ways to help parishes engage parishioners on a deeper level. RENEW’s processes provide opportunities for adult Catholics to encounter Christ within small communities and share God’s love with others. Highlights Be My Witness: Formation for the New Evangelization develops vibrant parishes that

“Every pastoral program must transmit the true novelty of the Gospel, and be centered on a personal and living encounter with Jesus. It should also be ordered to eliciting in all people a generous embrace of the faith, and a willingness to accept the call to be witnesses.” ~ Proposition 42, Synod for the New Evangelization for the Transmission of the Christian Faith

move from “maintenance mode” to the mission of forming fully committed disciples. The engaged Catholics who are formed by this process will have confidence to welcome others back to faith and to address social issues through the lens of the Gospel. • The Diocese of Tyler, TX, has committed to pilot this process beginning in fall 2014 • The process is available in Spanish as Sean mis testigos: Formación para una nueva evangelización Turning Points: Witness Stories: this integral component of the Be My Witness process is a series of videos in which men and women tell their personal stories of spiritual awakening and conversion. These videos will inspire other Catholics, who may have little experience speaking to others about the positive role of faith in daily life, to a more dynamic level of discipleship. • RENEW International received generous funding for Turning Points from the Catholic Communications Campaign of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and Our Sunday Visitor Foundation. • Also available in Spanish as Cambios de rumbos: Historias de testigos • View online at


Opening the Door to Faith

New Pastoral Offerings Three new pastoral offerings roll out to parishes this coming year.

New Wine, New Wineskins: A Faith-Sharing Resource for Restructuring Parishes seeks to address the spiritual needs of Catholics dealing with a range of feelings—from sadness to anger to hopefulness—as their parishes are restructured. • The process will be piloted in the Diocese of Metuchen, NJ, which approached RENEW for assistance in meeting

the needs of

parishioners affected by

restructuring and mergers. La justicia brota de la fe: Formación en la fe y en la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia connects faith with love of neighbor by presenting the scriptural foundation of the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church. The process, offered completely in Spanish, weaves together the unique circumstances, stories, and experiences of immigrant families, youth, and newly arrived immigrants. • The Diocese of Stockton, California, is piloting this new resource in more than 20 Latino parishes in fall 2013.

“It is an invitation into dialogue, an invitation to imagine new wineskins for the new wine that is the people of God in the 21st century.” ~ Jeffry Odell Korgen Author, New Wine, New Wineskins Executive Director of Diocesan Planning, Diocese of Metuchen

“We are called to transform the world around us in light of the Gospel. La justicia brota de la fe is a treasure I wholeheartedly recommend to all those who desire to follow Christ more faithfully.”

~ Timothy Matovina, MDiv, PhD, Professor of Theology and Executive Director of the Institute for Latino Studies, University of Notre Dame

RENEW International Annual Report | 2013


Renewing the Priestly Heart

Sr. Honora Nolty, OP, facilitates a discussion of topics from Renewing the Priestly Heart with priests of the Round Valley Deanery in the Diocese of Metuchen, NJ.

“ Renewing the Priestly Heart was an answer to a prayer for us. Many priests have expressed a real desire and need for fraternity with other priests. I would recommend the process because it has been a gift from God that came at just the moment we needed it most.” ~ Fr. Gerald Westphal, Pastor, St. Boniface Parish Coordinator, Renewing the Priestly Heart, Archdiocese of Montreal

Renewing the Priestly Heart is a clergy renewal process designed to strengthen and deepen priestly identity and fraternity among priests.

“ To my brother priests, I thank you for all you in do service to the Lord and our beloved Church. I encourage your personal growth as you join your fellow priests as participants in Renewing the Priestly Heart. It is my prayer that these reflections will help those who are seeking to refresh their souls and renew their zeal.” ~ Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York


The process starts with a Day of Reflection for clergy. During this kickoff event, RENEW presenters facilitate discussions on priestly life and form priests into small groups which meet regularly for faith sharing. The resource book was written by Fr. John Sassani of the Archdiocese of Boston and features insights on the priesthood by Timothy Cardinal Dolan. Highlights • Days of Reflection were led by RENEW presenters in the dioceses of Brooklyn, Metuchen, and Davenport, and the archdioceses of New York and Montreal, Canada. • Sr. Terry presented a keynote address on Renewing the Priestly Heart in Reno, NV, at the annual conference of the National Federation of Priest Councils. Her keynote was featured in the April 26, 2013 National Catholic Reporter. • The Diocese of Tyler, TX, plans to launch Renewing the Priestly Heart with its first priest convocation in decades in October 2013.

Opening the Door to Faith

Young Adult Ministry Fr. James Lease, right, speaks about faith and science at a Theology on Tap event in York, PA, in the Diocese of Harrisburg. (Reprinted with permission of the York Daily Record/York Sunday News.)

Creative event posters from ToT groups all over the country designed to get young adults meeting and talking.

RENEW Theology on Tap and Campus RENEW offer innovative solutions to one of today’s most pressing pastoral concerns: how to reach out to young Catholic adults. Theology on Tap reaches young adults “where they are” in a literal and figurative sense, while inviting them to discover how faith can give meaning to their everyday lives. It is a way for dioceses and parishes to discover (or rediscover) these young adults in comfortable, relaxed settings like restaurants, bars, and parish halls. Campus RENEW brings students together to reflect upon how God is at work in this formative period of their lives. Highlights • 16 new dioceses started Theology on Tap, including dioceses in England, Canada, and South Africa. • Campus ministry departments at Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, CT, and King’s College, Wilkes Barre, PA, began the Campus RENEW process.

“This year is our biggest ToT ever, happening at 10 sites across the archdiocese!” ~ Young Adult Ministry, Archdiocese of Los Angeles

“Campus RENEW is a great way for any student to deepen his or her faith. It brings students together to make friends and enjoy a peaceful time to find the deeper meaning of their lives.” ~ Robert Moulton, Core Team Member, Campus RENEW, King’s College, Class of 2014

RENEW International Annual Report | 2013


Parish-based Offerings Mary Beth Oria, RENEW staff, highlights RENEW’s resource selection at the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress. This event draws more than 25,000 catechists, parish ministers, and diocesan leaders.

During this Year of Faith, RENEW International has promoted

– In connection with both resources, RENEW partnered

resources to parishes across the country as simple yet

with Holy Cross Family Ministries to offer their DVD

effective ways for adults to awaken and deepen their faith.

Rosary Stars in which two dozen entertainment and

RENEW International’s offerings, which can be purchased on

sports figures reflect on the mysteries of the rosary.

RENEW’s website, include faith-sharing books, multimedia

• Lenten Longings/Reflexiones en Cuaresma:

spiritual resources, downloadable parish materials, parish

RENEW offers resources to engage Catholics in a

kits, and web-based training tailored to meet the needs of

meaningful Lenten experience. Books for Year C, with

individual parishes and small Christian communities.

themes drawn from the Sunday readings, were introduced


for the 2013 Lenten season, completing the series. RENEW

• At Prayer with Mary/No Temas, María: When Pope Benedict XVI declared the Year of Faith, the Vatican recommended renewed appreciation for Mary as an

also produced a companion Spanish music CD, Comunidad que canta: Himnos para la Cuaresma. • Advent Awakenings/Reflexiones en Adviento:

important aspect of the observance. In keeping with

RENEW offered these English and Spanish faith-sharing

this goal, RENEW introduced these two new Marian

resources for the holy season of Advent in Year C. In


addition to sessions on Sunday readings, participant

– No Temas, María won third place in this year’s national

books offer devotions for use by families at home.

“Excellence in Publishing Awards” given by the

• Ebooks:

Association of Catholic Publishers in the “Spanish”

All of the resources listed above, and others, are now


offered in ebook versions sold in the Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and iTunes bookstores.


Opening the Door to Faith

Parish-based Offerings This small group in Anchorage includes homebound members.

“Faith sharing in small groups is very appealing to the Native People of the Archdiocese of Anchorage whose community is deeply rooted in oral tradition. During Lent, seven small groups with 55 members shared on Lenten Longings and engaged in outreach activities, many of which focused on the homebound. Lenten Longings helped our family connect with cousins, siblings, and each other. We especially enjoyed the trust we built as a group and the singing we shared. We learned more about the importance of reading Scripture before Mass and felt more prepared for Easter as a family. Lenten Longings pushed us out of our comfort zones and challenged us to commit to action in our lives. God always gives us what we need. He provided this time of fellowship so we could see him at work in our home and in our hearts.� ~ Bridgette, Sam, and John Michael, Native Ministry Archdiocese of Anchorage

RENEW International Annual Report | 2013


RENEW Serves Comm

British Columbia Alberta







RENEW’s Pastoral Process Locations* ARISE/LEVÁNTATE/DEBOUT (red) Why Catholic? (green) Military Services (blue) RENEW Africa (purple) Jóvenes para Cristo (magenta) Theology on Tap (brown) Campus RENEW (orange) *Does not include individual parish/small Christian community activity.


Opening the Door to Faith

munities Worldwide





Nova Scotia















New Brunswick









CENTRAL/SOUTH AMERICA Caribbean Sea Honduras Guatemala El Salvador Venezuela

RENEW International Annual Report | 2013



Young people take to the streets in a joyful procession during Diocesan Youth Day in the Diocese of Sonsonate, El Salvador. The diocese is now in the third season of Jovénes para Cristo.

“Before Jóvenes para Cristo (JpC), the parish was always a place “for adults” where young people did not have a space to share their faith in Jesus Christ. Now, thanks to the JpC process and materials, youth attend group meetings and discover Jesus as a brother, walking with his people and knowing their struggles and needs. This understanding has awakened their desire to work for the Kingdom of God in the social context of the community. Focusing on issues such as pollution and alcohol and drug use has led to projects that will serve the community. The young have discovered that their participation in the Church is both possible and necessary.” ~ Cristina Quiroga JpC Parish Coordinator San Bartolomé Apóstol Parish Archdiocese of Santiago, Guatemala

RENEW International works to support the Latin American bishops in their call to advance the “nueva evangelización” (new evangelization) of the people in Central and South America. Jóvenes para Cristo (Youth for Christ) is a process which strengthens faith and fosters a missionary spirit among the large and growing youth population. ¿Por qué ser católico? continues to serve adults in parishes in Venezuelan dioceses by strengthening their faith and confidence as Catholics. Highlights Central America: • RENEW is serving youth across 150 parishes in six dioceses in El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala. • The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Office for the Church in Latin America awarded a grant to dioceses working with RENEW International in El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala to expand RENEW’s work with youth.


Opening the Door to Faith

RENEW Worldwide Students enjoy the ¿Por qué ser católico? Retreat Day at Carabobo University in Valencia, Venezuela.


Three couples were married in our parish during the process of faith sharing on the book CELEBRAR, which reflects upon the blessings of the sacraments. The extraordinary “celebration” was the direct result of RENEW International’s faith-sharing process, ¿Por qué ser católico? through which small Christian communities explore the teachings of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Now, these three couples lead new small Christian communities in their neighborhood. ~ Nordia and José Roberto Rojas Parish Coordinators Santos Ángeles Custodios Parish, Archdiocese of Valencia, Venezuela Attendees share faith during the ¿Por qué ser católico? retreat at the seminary chapel in Valencia. Normedi Herrera, left, designed the logo polo shirt she is wearing and that her parish team wore to publicize the program.

South America: • ¿Por qué ser católico? continues to grow in the Diocese of Valencia, Venezuela, with 32 parishes and 2,000 participants. • RENEW launched ¿Por qué ser católico? in the dioceses of Cabimas and Cumaná, Venezuela. • The Vollmer Foundation generously supports our efforts to establish a selfsustaining effort in Venezuela. • RENEW has been invited to make presentations in the dioceses of Trujillo, Carora, Barinas, San Carlos, and La Guaira. RENEW International Annual Report | 2013



Fikele, parish team leader, and Odilon Molapo, archdiocesan assistant director of evangelization, participate in the RENEW Africa training for Season III in the Archdiocese of Johannesburg

“ RENEW Africa challenged our faith. We no longer felt that we were just church-goers but rather had broken with the traditional custom of only attending Mass on Sunday and doing nothing during the week. We still have to work on the action steps each week, as we struggle as a group to reach out to our brothers and sisters.” ~ St. Joseph the Worker Parish, Archdiocese of Johannesburg, South Africa

RENEW Africa invites communities to pray, reflect on Scripture, deepen communion with one another and with Christ, and to reach out in service to others as an essential expression of their faith. This dynamic, parish-based process is built on the faith

“It was so beneficial to learn again about the sacraments, but this time from an insightful adult perspective. I also think we can relate to the sacraments more and in deeper ways having done the [Why Catholic?] course. The term ‘eye opening’ comes to mind.”

experiences of Africans in their daily lives. Training sessions encourage the development

~ Corpus Christi Parish, Diocese of Port Elizabeth, South Africa

to “hear the Word, pray the Word, share the Word, and live the Word as they gather in

of lay leadership, essential to becoming a truly self-sustaining Church. Dioceses that complete the RENEW Africa process continue to support small communities with Why Catholic? Journey through the Catechism. Five dioceses in South Africa, both Roman Catholic and Anglican, are working with RENEW International. Highlights • The Archdiocese of Johannesburg launched RENEW Africa with a procession and multicultural eucharistic celebration that gathered over 5,000 people at a local stadium. Each parish was presented with a tree, the symbol of Christ, after which Archbishop Buti Joseph Tlhagale, OMI, sent the assembly forth with the commission small Christian communities with RENEW Africa as guide.” • The Archdiocese of Pretoria launches in fall 2013 with a season on forgiveness and reconciliation in Lent 2014. •R ENEW is working toward establishing a permanent national office in Port Elizabeth, South Africa to expand this ministry regionally.


Opening the Door to Faith


RENEW International President Sr. Terry with Gala honorees (from left) Mike Catanzaro; Sr. Terry; Fr. Joe Healey, MM; and Lisa Meehan. (photo by Michael Gabriele, The Catholic Advocate)

RENEW International’s priority is always to serve all parishes that desire to renew their faith and build the Church, regardless of their economic situation. We have been able to fulfill this mission, not only in the designated “mission dioceses” in the United States but also in Latin America and Africa, because of the charitable funding and donations we receive.

“What RENEW International does for our faith is so important. … It offers people a more in-depth opportunity to share faith and put faith into action.” ~ Michael Catanzaro, George Link Jr. Charitable Trust, 2013 President’s Award recipient

RENEW International Annual Report | 2013



Highlights • In the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013, RENEW’s total net development revenue was $626,000. To the almost 500 individuals, foundations, vendors, and religious organizations that supported us this past year, thank you for your generosity! RENEW International Sources of Development Revenue (% by type, dollars in thousands) $19,000 3%

$25,000 4%

$19,000 3%

Sr. Ann Mutinda leads the guests at the Gala in an African song.

Gala $102,000 16%

$230,000 37%

Grants Major Gifts Prayer Garden Legacy Society

$231,000 37%

The Msgr. Thomas A. Kleissler Legacy Society Founder’s Circle, a group of charter members in RENEW International’s estate giving plan, was established through the generous commitment of these benefactors: • Monica Garofalo • Robert and Margaret Graham • Lynn Hull • Msgr. Thomas Kleissler • Kevin Lawler • Jack and Kathy Norris • Mary Noel Page 22

Direct Appeals/Other

• At our annual Gala, RENEW honored three outstanding individuals who demonstrate commitment to their Catholic faith and put faith into action through their outreach to others. The 2013 honorees were Rev. Joseph G. Healey, MM; Michael Catanzaro; and Lisa Marie Meehan. • Seven friends of RENEW helped us launch the Msgr. Thomas A. Kleissler Legacy Society




members. We received our first gift this year from our great friend and former trustee, Kevin Lawler (pictured left), who passed away in April 2013. •O ur new Tree of Life Prayer Garden was dedicated with an outdoor Mass on June 20, 2013. Opening the Door to Faith


RENEW’s Fr. Alejandro; Msgr. Thomas A. Kleissler, co-founder of RENEW; and Sr. Terry in the Prayer Garden, with long-time friends and supporters, George and Pat Erdman, and Sr. Mary McGuinness, OP.

Tree of Life Prayer Garden

A view of the cross with the altar set for the Prayer Garden Dedication Mass held on June 20, 2013.

In addition to offering a peaceful setting for prayer and reflection, the Tree of Life Prayer Garden provides an opportunity to honor loved ones, alive or deceased, by having their names etched in the pavers. Teak benches with dedication plaques are also part of the garden. For more information about the Tree of Life Prayer Garden, contact Dorothy Ott at 908-769-5400, ext. 112; The Msgr. Thomas A. Kleissler Legacy Society expands RENEW International’s estate-giving opportunities and includes bequests and gifts that involve stocks, real estate, life insurance, trusts, and charitable annuities. To help RENEW and honor Fr. Tom in this new way, contact Sr. Honora Nolty, OP, at 908-769-5400, ext. 162;

RENEW International Annual Report | 2013



Highlights • RENEW International stayed focused on balancing its long-term mission growth goals with careful cost control and investment management in an uncertain economic environment. Total income grew in fiscal 2013 driven by strong investment results and expense reduction. • The following table and graphs contain key financial data for fiscal years ended June 30, 2013 and 2012. • Additional financial information is contained in the 2013 audited financial statements, which can be obtained on RENEW International’s web site at

RENEW International Key Statistics Fiscal Year Ended June 30 2012 2013

(dollars in thousands) Operating Revenue



Operating Expenses



Operating Income/(loss)








Total Assets (without Endowment)






Total Assets (with the Endowment)



Total Net Assets



Capital Spending



Ratio of Current Assets (with Endowment) to Current Liabilities



Allowance for Doubtful Accounts



Return on Average Endowment Balance



Endowment Income

RENEW International Cost Allocation (% by type, dollars in thousands) $236 $235 8% 8%

$217 $250 6% 8%

$2,825 86%

FY 2012 Actual 24

$2,580 84%

Program Costs Development Costs Gen & Admin Costs

FY 2013 Actual Opening the Door to Faith

FINANCIAL SUMMARY RENEW International Sources of Revenue (in thousands)

RENEW International Balance Sheet Components: June 30, 2013 (in thousands)

$3,000 $2,500

Development $520


Program Fees $935

$1,500 $1,000 $500

Program Fees $907

Publications/ Other $1,329


Receivables $272

Development $626

Cash $4,935

Publications/ Other $1,162

Other $1,193

Fixed Assets $441 Inventory $373 Other Assets $107

FY 2013 Actual

FY 2012 Actual

Management & Operations RENEW International is a mission-driven organization. To

Staff development: Skills training, spiritual retreats, and

increase our mission impact in a financially sustainable way,

strategic planning days build our professional and ministerial

we focus on consistently growing our organizational capacity.



• As part of our annual overnight staff planning days, all

Technology: Our three-phase Enterprise Plan positions

staff members performed the Clifton StrengthsFinder

RENEW to embrace advances to better serve our constituents,

self-assessment process to improve personal and team

drive revenue, and reduce expenses.


• Phase 1, the centralized reporting system, is underway. Coming next: a new web store platform and an online learning and multimedia system. • Network and phone system upgrades and cloud-based email have increased speed and security, at lower cost. • GoToMeeting, used for online meetings and training, has saved staff travel time and costs, and offered convenience. Management practices: Our updated five-year strategic plan defines our desired outcomes and guides our actions. • A “dashboard” of financial measures and key performance indicators gives us timely snapshots and highlights critical areas for action. • Increased use of pastoral and customer surveys offers insights for our decision making.

RENEW International Annual Report | 2013

RENEW Board and staff members work on strategic goals at the annual retreat day.


DONORS $20,000 and above Birmingham Foundation (Osterville, MA) James and Loretta Colotto Foundation, Inc.(Hackensack, NJ) George and Patricia Erdman Kevin and Marie Lawler (Legacy Gift) The George Link, Jr. Charitable Trust (Milltown, NJ) Lavelle Fund for the Blind, Inc. (New York, NY)

The Lynch Foundation (Boston, MA) Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities (Wilmington,DE) Frank and Mimi Walsh - Sandy Hill Foundation (Morristown, NJ) USCCB Catholic Communication Campaign (Washington, DC) Vollmer Foundation (Venezuela, SA)

$10,000 and above James and Virginia Collins Raymond and Catherine Donovan Healey Family Foundation (Morristown, NJ)

Florence Jacobson Our Sunday Visitor Institute (Huntington, IN) William and Mary Noel Page

$5,000 and above Ronald and Rosemary Bushwell Don and Esther Daniels - The Daniels Group Inc. (New Providence, NJ) Floyd and Dolly Donahue Diocese of Metuchen The Charles Englehardt Foundation (New York, NY) The Catholic Community at Fort Belvoir, VA Joseph and Patricia Franzetti Stephen and Kate Howe News America Marketing (New York, NY)

Mrs. John P. McNulty John Mooney and Patricia Dinneen John Mulderig John and Kathy Norris ( June Walk Foundation) Walter and Lynn Rickard William E. Simon Foundation Michael and Mary Singer Laurence Walsh Grey Warner and Lisa Meehan Robert and Carol Williams

$1,000 and above Thomas Anderson Marylane Burry The Catholic Community at Camp Pendleton, CA William and Marilyn Cosgrove Robert Dempsey Sisters of St Dominic, Blauvelt, NY John and Anne Duffy Bert and Milissa Else Paul and Kathleen Foley Georgetown University (Washington, DC) Archbishop Peter L. Gerety, DD Bernard Hartnett Edward and Mimi Hartnett 26

Edwin and Gertrude Kleissler David and Mary Beth Lohuis John and Marie Magnier Les and Brenda Maiman Ruth Markworth Design Studios LLC Edward and Ellen Miller Notre Dame University (Notre Dame, IN) Saint Peter’s Healthcare System (New Brunswick, NJ) Robert Shaw Sr. Honora Nolty, OP Thomas and Kathleen Stoddard Michael and Ida Tropiano

Opening the Door to Faith

DONORS Friends of RENEW Herbert and Beatrice Alff Edwin and Ellen Alger Joseph and Kathy Atencio Marilyn Atkinson Walter and Tecla Barber Patricia Becker Jeffrey and Stacey Beer Robert and Kathryn Begley Rev. Robert Beloin Bert Bersch Brother John Blazo, MM Joseph Bonaro John and Marguerite Boyce Michael and Stephanie Brough Anthony and Maggie Browne Patrick and Veronica Brunnock Karl and Dolores Buckman Max Bussel & Co., CPA Rosalie Bulger Buzzi Msgr. James Burke John and Lee Bursley John and Robin Butler Samuel and Laura Byrnes William and Muriel Cagney Robert and Mary Callander Phil and Mary Cappio Vito and Susan Capurso Joan Cappa John and Maribeth B. Carey John and Linda Carney Church of Christ the King (New Vernon, NJ) Church of the Presentation (Upper Saddle River, NJ) Msgr. Edward Ciuba Kevin Colleary Sr. Maureen Colleary, FSP Agnes Collins Raymond Colman R. Peter and Laura Connell Sr. Marie Cooper, SJC Dennis and Judith Crilly Regina Crowley Sr. Patricia Crowley, OP Janice Cuttingham and Alfred Petit Bishop Edgar M. da Cunha, SDV RENEW International Annual Report | 2013

William V D’Antonio Peter deLisser Joy Dempsey John and Jean DiGioia Livvy Dinneen Robert and Patricia Donnelly Brian Donovan Martin and Karen Doris Joseph and Ellen Dougherty Ronald and Denise Dower John and Yvonne Driscoll Joseph R. Duggan Aedan and Carol A. Dunphy Barry and Rosemary Ervin Thomas and Carolyn Farley Robert Farrell Alejandro and Sonia Fernandez-Colmenarez Remy and Yvonne Ferrario Hyacinth Findlay John and Judith Fitzgerald Thomas Flammer Daniel Flatley Esther Flores Oscar and Cynthia Flores Paula Flynn Patricia Ann Foley Thomas and Mary Frain James E. Friel Janet Frigerio Monica Garofalo Charles Garrity Charles and Katherine Gatt Craig and Peggy Gaydos Kerry George Peter and Patricia Glen Robert and Kathleen Gluck Charles and Barbara Gnassi Keith and Elisabeth Goggin Edward Gormley Robert and Margaret Graham Joseph and Marion Greco Joseph and Carolyn Gugliandolo Martha-Ann Hagedorn Marilyn Haggerty 27

DONORS Louise Healey Rev. Francis Heinen Michelle Heller Marguerite Henderson Msgr. Owen Hendry Paul and Dorothy Hennessey William and Barbara Hennig Manuel and Lucila Hernandez Marina Herrera, PhD. Edmond and Stephanie Heuser Douglas and Mary Hutchings Yvette Hutchins Msgr. Thomas Ivory Marc and Bernadette Janovic Elizabeth Jans Richard and Arlene Jarvis Michael Jedrzejewski and Sybil Grandeck Jennifer Jehn Stanley and Eartha Johnson James and Joyce Joyce John and Mary Elizabeth Kakolewski Mary Kenny Patricia Kent Susie Kimball Carol King Richard and Suzanne Kinney Mable Kite Robert Kleissler Msgr. Thomas Kleissler Richard and Mary Jean Kleissler Eric and Elizabeth Koch Kolaco, Inc. (Mendham, NJ) Laura Zane Kolmar Joseph and Yu Tsuan Weiyeh Ku Joan Lalonde Robert and Jean Lampert Dorothy Landvater - SHARING, Inc. (New Providence, NJ) Jeffrey Larkin Eileen Linehan Charles and Marguerite Lockwood Rev. Thomas Looney, CSC Manuel Lopez John and Marjorie Lopez Rev. Alejandro López-Cardinale James and Agatha Loyacano


Lumen Center, Caldwell, NJ Jeremiah and Joan Lynch John and Patricia Magovern Richard and Deirdre Trabert Malacrea John and Lynda Mamone Bishop Dominic Marconi James and Marcella Martin Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers (Maryknoll, NY) Henry and Marie Matri Dennis and Maureen Matulewicz George and Ann Mayer Anne McDarby Edward and Margaret McDermott Patricia McDermott Robert and Margaret McGovern William and Lois McGuire John and Margaret McNeice Alois and Rosemary Meidenbauer Karl and Melinda Meister Thomas and Nancy Dubois Mierswa Joseph and Roseann Miller Richard and Janet Michalowski Scott and Evelyn Miller Rick and Addie Moore Cynthia Moran Patrick Moran Morgan Murray Beatrice Murday Michael and Barbara Murphy Paul Murphy Gene Paul and Virginia Muzio Carolyn Newkirk Matthew and Caroline Nolty Peter and Pat Nolty Blaise Obed James and Margaret O’Donnell Robert O’Driscoll Kathleen Ogle Marie O’Keefe Steven and Mary Beth Oria Terence and Polly O’ Toole James Ott Charles and Patricia Paolino Margaret and William Peirano Anthony and Marie Pizzano

Opening the Door to Faith

DONORS John and Ruth Pizzarelli John and Patricia Plunkett Thomas and Theresa Potenza Francis and Virginia Purcell Lawrence and Mary Prendergast Anthony and Sylvia Priolo Elizabeth Quinlan Joseph Quinlan Joyce Quinlan Bill Reilly Rev. Charles Reinbold Paul and Allison Rickard Joseph and Maureen Rickard Sr. Theresa Rickard, OP Geoffrey Richards Kristen Richardson Denise Rover Scott and Margaret Rubinacci Robert Sameth Ricoh, USA Anne Scanlan Joseph and Barbara Schenk Gloria Secchia Peter and Carolyn Seibel Matthew and Loreen Sellitto Patricia Sheehan Bartholomew and Mary Sheehan

Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny (Province USA & Canada) Sisters of St. Dominic (Amityville, NY) Mark and Laura Smith Victoria Sickles Tim and Joanne Smee Stella Maris Retreat Center (Elberon, NJ) John and Myong Ok Stocker St. Paul Inside the Walls (Madison, NJ) Frederick and Geraldine Stabile Wendy Lane Stevens Philip Suchan Brian and Lisa Thebault Lou and Dorsey Thebault Mary Tierney John and Kathleen Toolan Richard and Germaine Trabert Robert Ulesky and Maria Camargo Gary and Lynda Urban Lorenzo and Annette Vanore Susan Velten Robert and Mary VerNooy Dominic and Kathy Volante James and Anne Walsh Richard and Diane Wenk Donald and Elizabeth Whittam Rosalind Yu

Auction Item Donations “A friend of RENEW” “A Remembrance of You Shop” (Muriel and Wiliam Cagney) Ron and Rosemary Bushwell John and Linda Carney Sr. Maureen Colleary, FSP Sr. Mary Ann Collins, OP Regina Crowley Jerry Rose Floral and Events Design Brian Donovan The Donovan Family and Fiddler’s Elbow Golf and Country Club (Bedminster, NJ) Joe and Nancy Dziedulonis Donald and Janet Gaynor F. Gerald New Jennifer Jehn Stanley and Eartha Johnson RENEW International Annual Report | 2013

Greg Kremer Rev. Thomas Looney, CSC Bob McGovern Eileen Murphy News America Marketing (New York, NY) Addie Moore Sr. Honora Nolty, OP Kathleen Ogle Dorothy Ott Charles and Patricia Paolino The Papermill Playhouse (Millburn, NJ) Maggie Reilly Ricoh USA Michael and Mary Singer Mike and Ida Tropiano Robert Wood Johnson Fitness and Wellness Center (Rahway, NJ) 29

Photo: Michael Gabriele, The Catholic Advocate


Trustees gather at the June 6, 2013 Gala. Front row: Jack Norris, Treasurer; Sr. Terry Rickard, President and Executive Director; Joseph Franzetti, Chair; Livvy Dinneen. Back row: Walter Rickard; Donald Whittam; Robert McGovern; Michael Singer; Michael Tropiano; Eric Dill, Secretary.

President and Executive Director Sr. Theresa Rickard, OP President and Executive Director of RENEW International;

“It has been a tremendous honor and a great joy to share in the outstanding mission of RENEW International. God has truly blessed countless lives throughout the world with the RENEW program and, as a Catholic, I am deeply grateful.� ~ Mary Noel Page, RENEW International Trustee 30

Dominican Sister of Blauvelt, NY

Chair Joseph Franzetti Senior Vice President at Berkadia Commercial Mortgage, LLC

Secretary Eric Dill Director of the Office of Human Resources, Diocese of Metuchen, NJ

Treasurer John Norris Retired Wall Street executive with extensive experience in U.S. Treasury securities Opening the Door to Faith

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Angelica Barrera-Cruz Associate Director, Office of Youth and Young Adults, Diocese of Metuchen; choir member, St. Peter the Apostle Church, New Brunswick, NJ

John Mulderig Media reviewer, Office for Film and Broadcasting, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

Most Rev. Edgar M. daCunha, SDV, DD Auxiliary Bishop and Vicar General, Moderator of the Curia, and Vicar for Evangelization, Archdiocese of Newark, NJ; Titular Bishop of Ucres

Rev. Abraham Orapankal Pastor, St. John Neumann Parish, Califon, NJ; former member of RENEW International’s Pastoral Services Team

Jane P. Devlin Civil Lawyer; member of Canon Law Society of America Livvy Dinneen Director of Counseling and faculty member, Immaculate Conception Seminary, Seton Hall University; private practitioner in psychotherapy Patricia M. Dinneen Managing Director, Siguler Guff; member of the Archdiocese of Boston Pastoral Council and chair of its Social Justice Committee Raymond J. Donovan Retired President, Schiavone Construction Company; former U.S. Secretary of Labor Alejandro Fernández-Colmenárez Vice President Corporate Development and Communications, Brenntag Latin America; Professor of Human Resource Planning, Universidad Metropolitana, Venezuela

Mary Noel Page Dame of the Order of Malta Federal Association; Board Member, St. Luke Institute and the Providence Hospital Foundation Walter I. Rickard Chairman of the Board, LSSi Corp; former NYNEX executive Michael Singer AVP – Mobile, Cloud and Access Management Security, AT&T Business Solutions Michael Tropiano Chief Financial Officer, Par Pharmaceutical Inc.; Director of Men’s Spirituality, Church of the Presentation, Upper Saddle River, NJ Donald Whittam Sales and Marketing Director, Nostalgia Home Fashions, Pastoral Council Chair, Church of the Presentation, Upper Saddle River, NJ

Martin Garofalo Executive Vice President of Trade, News America Marketing Jennifer Jehn Head of Consumer Sales and Circulation Marketing, Dow Jones & Company; hospice care grief counselor Robert P. “Pat” Kane Managing Partner, Star Strategies Group, LLC, Alexandria, VA Rev. Thomas P. Looney, CSC, PhD Director of Campus Ministry, King’s College, Wilkes-Barre, PA

RENEW International Corporate Members Most Rev. John J. Myers, JCD, DD Archbishop of Newark, Chairman Members

Leslie Maiman Executive Director of the Diocesan Fiscal Management Conference

Rev. Msgr. John E. Doran Vicar General, Moderator of the Curia, Vice-Chairman

Reinardo Malavè Vice President and Land Development Director, Bowyer-Singleton & Associates, Inc.; Coordinator of the Hispanic Youth and Young Adult Ministry, Diocese of Orlando, FL

Rev. Msgr. Michael A. Andreano Chancellor and Secretary to the Archbishop, General Secretary

Robert P. McGovern Retired executive in mortgagebacked securities industry; Commissioner of Avon-bythe-Sea, NJ; former Chair of Finance Committee at St. Elizabeth Church, Avon-by-the-Sea, NJ

RENEW International Annual Report | 2013

Rev. Msgr. Richard J. Arnhols Vicar for Pastoral Life Rev. Msgr. Joseph A. Petrillo Executive Director, Office of Clergy Personnel


RENEW STAFF MEMBERS RENEW’s team, pictured here at the annual Staff Planning Days at Stella Maris Retreat Center in Elberon, NJ, strives to be a professional ministerial community.

President and Executive Director Sr. Theresa Rickard, OP, DMin Executive Assistant Susan Capurso Assistant Director Sr. Honora Nolty, OP Business Operations Mary Beth Oria, Director Finance Richard Michalowski, Controller Yvette Hutchins Customer Service Eartha Johnson, Manager Martha Ann Hagedorn Carolyn Newkirk Development John Carney, Director Margarita Morales Dorothy Ott 32

Human Resources Sr. Eileen Carmody, PBVM, Administrator Marketing and Communications Deirdre Trabert Malacrea, Director Amy Reed Ministry Expansion Greg Kremer, Director Lynn Hull   Pastoral Services Dr. Laura Zane Kolmar, Director Sr. Maureen Colleary, FSP Sr. Kathleen (Kass) Collins, SFCC Sr. Marie Cooper, SJC Juan Ramón Córdova Ana Maria Guadalupe Manuel Hernandez Rev. Alejandro López-Cardinale Anne Scanlan Sr. Pat Thomas, OP

Publications and Resources Kathleen Ogle, Managing Editor Christopher Burns Regina Crowley Deacon Charles Paolino President Emeritus Rev. Msgr. Thomas A. Kleissler

Fridays in Lent became opportunities for staff to donate in support of Operation Rice Bowl by serving simple meatless lunches.

Opening the Door to Faith


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RENEW International 1232 George Street Plainfield, NJ 07062-1717 USA

Š 2013 RENEW International

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