2021 RENEW Gala Journal

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THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 2021 Grand Cocktail Reception (outdoors) 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Honorees Award Program, Dessert, and Dancing 8:00 p.m. Pleasantdale Château West Orange, New Jersey 1



Dr. Ramon Tallaj SOMOS is proud to salute

Founder and Chairman of SOMOS

for receiving the Spirit of Renew Award. SOMOS applauds Dr. Tallaj's bold leadership and extraordinary dedication to SOMOS's mission of providing culturally competent community-based primary care to the most vulnerable communities in New York and beyond.

SPIRIT OF RENEW AWARD “I believe that my Catholic upbringing has prepared me to face challenges with hope and to see beyond the immediate goals that we set for ourselves in life.” Dr. Ramon Tallaj

Founder and Chairman of SOMOS

SOMOS is a nonprofit organization of more than 2,500 healthcare providers who serve more than 700,000 NYC Medicaid holders. The SOMOS network provides culturally competent care to patients located in some of NYC's most vulnerable communities and immigrant neighborhoods of New York. ©2021 SOMOS Healthcare Providers, Inc. dba SOMOS Community Care (SOMOS). All rights reserved.


somosnyhealth.org | 1.833.SOMOSNY

WELCOME Dear Friends: Thank you for supporting RENEW International’s 22nd Annual Gala. For more than 40 years, we have been advancing our mission to renew personal faith and parish life by unlocking the power of small faith-sharing groups—moving parishes from rows into circles. With the addition of Parish Catalyst, we are helping parishes thrive through a process of collaborative learning and strategic planning that helps Catholic leaders think creatively, act courageously, and RENEW the Church. Today we honor exemplary Catholics who live their faith in their homes, parishes, communities, and workplaces: Addie and Rick Moore (President’s Award); Dr. Ramon Tallaj (Spirit of RENEW Award); and Sister Honora Nolty, O.P. (Monsignor Thomas A, Kleissler Award). We are delighted that, after a year of COVID and social distancing, we can gather in person. By joining us in this celebration of the faith-filled lives of our honorees, you support our mission and help us help parishes re-engage their parishioners as, free of COVID restrictions, we continue to rebuild our Church in new and innovative ways. Thank you for your generosity. With warm regards and deep gratitude,

Sr. Theresa Rickard, O.P. President


THE PRESIDENT’S AWARD Addie and Rick Moore Addie and Rick Moore met in 1983, married in 1986, and now live in Mahwah, New Jersey. Their greatest accomplishments, they agree, have been their daughters, Alyssa and Krysten. Alyssa graduated from the University of Delaware where she met her husband, Corey Kropp; she is director of sales for a digital lobbying company. In August 2019, Alyssa and Corey welcomed Cassidy, a beautiful and happy little girl. “Cassidy has stolen our hearts,” says Addie. “The love Rick and I experience as grandparents is like no other. Cassidy is the love and light of our lives.” Krysten is engaged to Arthur Wicks lll and lives in Alexandria, Virginia where she is an engineer for Amazon Robotics. Addie and Rick look forward to the couple’s wedding next March and the expansion of their loving family. Addie and Rick say that, since their daughters were little, they have tried to instill in them the importance of faith and community. The couple says that gratitude, giving back, and paying it forward are “non-negotiable” in their family. Members of The Church of the Presentation in Upper Saddle River since 1995, the entire Moore family takes a very active role in parish life. Addie was a long-time member of the First Eucharist Team and Bible Camp and led the Environment/Decorating Committee. She continues to serve as a Eucharist minister. In 1999, Addie chaired the first RENEW International Gala, held on Ellis Island, an event so rewarding and memorable that she continued to chair the gala committee for almost 20 years. Rick, a lector and past parish council president, is now involved with the Wednesday Morning Men’s Group and the Funeral Ministry and leads a bereavement group. “It is a privilege to journey with people when they are so vulnerable, mourning the loss of a loved one,” he says. Together, Addie and Rick were team leaders for the 10 a.m. Mass from 1998 to 2014. Friendships made at church have been among their greatest blessings. Rick and Addie love to travel. The Far East, Florence, Italy, and Salzburg, Austria are among their favorites. New Zealand, an African safari, and Dubai are on their bucket list.


THE SPIRIT OF RENEW AWARD Dr. Ramon Tallaj “I believe that my Catholic upbringing has prepared me to face challenges with hope and to see beyond the immediate goals that we set for ourselves in life,” says Dr. Ramon Tallaj, chairman of the board, and founder of SOMOS Community Care. Dr. Tallaj oversees SOMOS’s network of over 2,500 health-care providers and 650,000 patients from largely underserved communities across New York City, including many Asian and Hispanic immigrants — populations that face unique health challenges. Throughout his career, Dr. Tallaj has led numerous healthcare initiatives that focus on reducing health disparities in primarily low-income, minority, and immigrant communities in New York and the Caribbean. Most recently, Dr. Tallaj and his network of doctors have been on the frontlines providing free COVID-19 vaccinations and testing in New York City’s low-income communities. Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, SOMOS has set up more than 50 trilingual testing sites and was the first to offer antibody testing. SOMOS also established a multilingual information hotline and has served over two million meals. SOMOS network personnel also traveled to the hardest hit Sun Belt states in the country and applied what has become a national care model for underserved populations. Based on his leadership and trusted authority, Dr. Tallaj was appointed to help lead the New York State COVID-19 Distribution Task Force. A delegation of SOMOS bilingual network physicians and specialists from New York went to Puerto Rico in the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Maria in 2017. The delegation delivered aid in remote areas of Puerto Rico that suffered from a lack of adequate care even before the hurricane. Dr. Tallaj hails from the Dominican Republic and was the under secretary of health there before moving to New York. A father and grandfather, Dr Tallaj and his wife, Ines, live in Paramus, New Jersey and are members of Sacred Heart Parish.


THE MSGR. THOMAS A. KLEISSLER MEMORIAL AWARD Sr. Honora Nolty, OP “Becoming a Dominican Sister was the best decision I ever made—not always easy, but always interesting and meaningful,” says Sister Honora (Nora). Blessed with two great brothers—Jack, who died in 2013, and Peter, a resident of Raleigh, North Carolina—she was born into a traditional Irish-American immigrant family and grew to love her Celtic heritage, history, and spirituality. Nine nieces and nephews, their spouses, and 14 grand-nieces and grand-nephews are the loves of her life. Nora began her ministry in education. She was a teacher, principal of two large Catholic schools, and eventually associate superintendent of schools for the Diocese of Brooklyn. Her 10 years as pastoral associate at St. James Cathedral/ Basilica was like attending an advanced and innovative graduate school of theology and broadened her worldview. Journeying with parishioners in that community, she developed significant life-long friendships. After 31 years in Brooklyn, Nora moved to Seattle, Washington, where she directed the educational arm of Channel, a Catholic peace corps for young college graduates. While in the Pacific Northwest, she facilitated the founding of the Inter-community Ministry Volunteer Program, a collaborative effort of nine religious’ communities that allowed adults to live, pray, and work with a sister who lived and worked with residents of under-developed countries. In 2000, Nora became the director of Siena Spirituality Center in New York. In 2006, she stepped into the real estate world and brokered the sale of the center’s 15-acre property on the water. Later, ministry and studies took her to Puerto Rico, South and Central America, South Africa, and Europe. All these experiences prepared her for the 14 years she worked at RENEW. “Every degree, skill, and learning I ever developed, I needed and used at RENEW as a presenter, director of pastoral services, director of development, and associate director,” she says. “Receiving the Msgr. Thomas Kleissler Award is most humbling. Father Tom was a one-of-akind holy man of God. His love of the Church (all the people of God) as expressed at Vatican II, is a dream I hope, with his help and intercession, to continue to make happen.”





George and Patricia Erdman



In Memoriam:

Reverend Monsignor THOMAS A. KLEISSLER

Co-Founder of RENEW International Born June 12, 1931 Ordained May 25, 1957 Died February 2, 2021 9


In Memoriam:

RENEW remembers dedicated staff members who passed away this year

Mary Beth Oria 1960-2021

Dr. Irma Lanzas 1933-2020

Sr. M. Joanne Wallace, IHM 1942-2021



In Memoriam:

Raymond Donovan

Member of the Board of Trustees and loyal friend and supporter of RENEW International

1930-2021 11


Congratulations and Blessings to Sr. Honora Nolty!

Thank you for sharing your wisdom — and sense of humor—with us all these years!

–Jack Norris 12


Congratulations to my friends,

Addie and Rick Moore,

on this well-deserved honor! –Jack Norris



Congratulations Sr. Honora Thank you for your years of service, dedication and hard work. Never underestimate the difference you have made or the lives you have touched. It has truly been our privilege to work with you. We are blessed to call you our friend! Love, Addie and Rick



Congratulations, Sr. Honora Nolty!

You are a blessing

to all who know you! –Jack and Jeanette Walton and Family 15


Mary Noel and William Page





They that hope in the Lord will renew their strength, They will soar as with eagles’ wings; They will run and not grow weary, Walk and not grow faint. Isaiah 40:31

Dear Rick and Addie, Thank you for your compassion, dedication and service to Renew and to all of us! You have shown us how to keep our hope in the Lord, and to walk together as disciples of Jesus Christ. God bless you and your growing family!

Love, Michael & Julie O’Brien & family





Thank you Sister Honora for your dedication and good works to all your Catholic services especially RENEW. Congratulations to Addie & Rick Moore and Dr. Ramon Tallaj. With love and Gratitude, David and Susan Janazzo



Congratulations to Sister Terry on another great Year! Lynn and Walt Rickard




Dr. Ramon Tallaj SOMOS is proud to salute

Founder and Chairman of SOMOS

for receiving the Spirit of Renew Award. SOMOS applauds Dr. Tallaj's bold leadership and extraordinary dedication to SOMOS's mission of providing culturally competent community-based primary care to the most vulnerable communities in New York and beyond.

SPIRIT OF RENEW AWARD “I believe that my Catholic upbringing has prepared me to face challenges with hope and to see beyond the immediate goals that we set for ourselves in life.” Dr. Ramon Tallaj

Founder and Chairman of SOMOS

SOMOS is a nonprofit organization of more than 2,500 healthcare providers who serve more than 700,000 NYC Medicaid holders. The SOMOS network provides culturally competent care to patients located in some of NYC's most vulnerable communities and immigrant neighborhoods of New York. ©2021 SOMOS Healthcare Providers, Inc. dba SOMOS Community Care (SOMOS). All rights reserved.


somosnyhealth.org | 1.833.SOMOSNY


The Greenway USA team wants to congratulate Sr. Honora Nolty, O.P. on being awarded the Msgr. Thomas A. Kleissler Memorial Award and all the other honorees at this year’s RENEW International Gala. 23


Congratulations to Addie & Rick Moore Sr. Honora Nolty & the Wonderful staff at RENEW International You do amazing work with dedication and love!!!

With deep appreciation, Carol & Bobby Williams



On Fire with the Holy Spirit – Honoring Sister Honora, O.P.

We are thrilled to join in the celebration of Sister Honora’s life of witness to Gospel Truth, Compassion and Love. Most of all – she is a woman of Faith in ACTION. What an inspiration to so many of us here in the Archdiocese of Boston. With Love and Gratitude, Patricia Dinneen and John Mooney 25


Congratulations to our dear friends Rick and Addie Moore. “Well done good and faithful servants.” With great love and admiration, The Men of the 6 am Wednesday Morning SCC at Church of the Presentation



Our Lady of Peace Parish and Father William Mahon Congratulate Sr. Honora Nolty!



Father Ed Ciuba 28


Tony Coelho 29


Addie and Rick Moore, You continue to impress us with the impact you create in helping your communities of family, friends and church. You are exemplary stewards of God and all who know you understand this. We couldn’t be more proud of you. Congratulations on well deserved recognition for all you accomplished. Peace, Love, Blessings, Debbie and Rich, Michael and Teresa, Carlynn and Jeff.



Congratulations to Sr. Honora in Memory of Bernard M. Hartnett Jr. 31


Congratulations to the

Honorees Addie and Rick Moore Dr. Ramon Tallaj and Sr. Honora Nolty, OP

The Parish Community of St. Helen Westfield, NJ 20 2 1




Congratulations to our parishioners, Rick & Addie Moore May the Lord continue to bless RENEW International and its mission! Church of the Presentation Upper Saddle River, NJ Rev. Robert B. Stagg, Pastor www.churchofpresentation.org



Congratulations to Sister Honora Nolty

on receiving the Monsignor Thomas A. Kleissler Award! With love, The 2018 Pilgrims to Italy


Rejoice in Celebrating

Renew International’s 22nd Annual Dinner Gala 

With Congratulations to Honorees Addie and Rick Moore Dr. Ramon Tallaj and our own Sister Honora Nolty, OP We are proud of the ways in which Sister Honora Nolty has preached through Renew’s mission of restoring personal faith and parish life.



Congratulations Aunt Nora Recipient of the Msgr. Thomas A Kleissler Award

“Families are like branches on a tree. We grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one.” W i t h Lo v e , Madonna & Sean, John, Joseph & Michele, Mary & Billy, Denise & Ken, Matt & Caroline, Kevin & Jen, Chris & Anna, Tara & Craig Brian, Joseph, Patricia & Nick, Conor, Catherine & Annie Michael, Anna & Isabelle, Brendan, Bridget & Deidre, Jake & Charlotte

CONGRATULATIONS MOM & DAD! Recipients of the President's Award

We could not think of any two people more deserving of such recognition. You are exemplary in living your faith in every aspect of your lives and have gone above and beyond to set a high standard in your church, community and family. We are so incredibly proud of you. Love you more, Alyssa, Krysten, Corey, Arthur & Cassidy



Congratulations to this year’s honorees: Addie and Rick Moore Dr. Ramon Tallaj

- And our lifelong friend Sr. Honora Nolty, OP

THE GALLAGHER’S from 62ND STREET: Frank Gallagher & families Helen Crowley & families Margaret O’Grady & families The families of Ed Gallagher

Congratulations Sister Honora! We Love You! The Gregory Family



Congratulations Sr. Honora on this special recognition for the wonderful and accomplished person that you are. With love, Diane and Lydia

A. Roland and Elizabeth Flores 37


Integrated Marketing Solutions

Hummel Solutions would like to congratulate RENEW International for over 40 years of outstanding ministry in the Catholic Community.

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Renew Gala Ad 2021.indd 1

5/5/21 5:17 PM

Eileen Leonard and Dale Hagstrom 38


Congratulations Sister Honora! Monsignor Richard Liddy




Nor do they light a lamp and then put it under a bushel basket; it is set on a lampstand, where it gives light to all in the house.

Congratulations 2021 Honorees! Thank you, Sister Honora All Good Wishes, Sister Terry! -

~Matthew 5:15

Sister Honora Nolty Addie and Rick Moore

Dr. Ramon Tallaj Honorees whose lights shine so brightly.


~ Monsignor Timothy J. Shugrue

Susan and Vito Capurso





Living Their Faith

In Honor

Congratulations to Rick and Addie Moore on receiving the President’s Award. Your distinguished leadership and service are an example to all of us.


Sister Honora

The Coda Family

~ Father Bill Mahon

Morning Star Chocolates Sr. Alice Yohe, SSJ 908.510.1740

Wishing my friends at RENEW health and growth!

Proceeds benefit Sisters of St. Joseph Healthcare and Retirement

graphic design & illustration katkuo.redbubble.com




Congratulations 2021 Honorees Thank You Sister Honora and Sister Terry! God Bless You. Mary Ryan

Addie and Rick Moore 2021 RENEW Honorees The President's Award A well-deserved honor for your passion and dedication to the Catholic faith.

Sharon and Pat Kane



Mary T. Macchiarola

Holy Trinity Congratulates A Fine Disciple of Christ Sr. Honora Nolty, OP

Congratulations to the Honorees!

Joanne and Timothy Smee

Richard and Janet Michalowski



Janice Cuttingham and Al Petit Peter and Katherine Bowen With Gratitude. Ann and Tom White Sr. Honora Nolty, you set a high standard for the work of women in the Church. Kathy and Gary Bartholomaus In gratitude Rick and Addie for your selfless volunteering to RENEW over the years. Bill Reilly Best regards to my friend since 1945, Sister Honora Nolty! We met in the 1-A at St. Mary’s School. She was “Nora” then! Anthony Spera Ellen and Jerry Foster Sending Love to Honora from Wendy and Pat Sister Honora, You were an inspiration to us and all of the young families at St. James. The Kamuf Family Anna Monti Tom and Susan Kiernan



Paula Flynn Judy Pluta In Memory of Monsignor Thomas A. Kleissler ~ Kathleen Powers-Holmes Paul Bachmann Thomas P. Giblin – Montclair, NJ


Blessings Sister Honora ~ Rev. Steve Connor Congratulations on receiving such a well deserved honor! ~ Sister Kathleen McCarthy God Bless Sr. Honora ~ Loretta Pehanich Agnes Collins



Dr. Ramon Tallaj SOMOS is proud to salute

Founder and Chairman of SOMOS

for receiving the Spirit of Renew Award. SOMOS applauds Dr. Tallaj's bold leadership and extraordinary dedication to SOMOS's mission of providing culturally competent community-based primary care to the most vulnerable communities in New York and beyond.

SPIRIT OF RENEW AWARD “I believe that my Catholic upbringing has prepared me to face challenges with hope and to see beyond the immediate goals that we set for ourselves in life.” Dr. Ramon Tallaj

Founder and Chairman of SOMOS

SOMOS is a nonprofit organization of more than 2,500 healthcare providers who serve more than 700,000 NYC Medicaid holders. The SOMOS network provides culturally competent care to patients located in some of NYC's most vulnerable communities and immigrant neighborhoods of New York. ©2021 SOMOS Healthcare Providers, Inc. dba SOMOS Community Care (SOMOS). All rights reserved.


somosnyhealth.org | 1.833.SOMOSNY


Congratulations to tonight’s awardees and RENEW on your amazing commitment to the faith!

Congratulations Sister Honora on receiving the Monsignor Thomas A. Kleissler Award! Your commitment to faith and service shines daily through your spirit for others! We are truly blessed to have worked by your side. Marissa and Mary Beth 48


SPECIAL THANKS RENEW International thanks the many individuals who have contributed to the success of this event, especially our Gala Committee, honorees, trustees, volunteers, and donors. THANK YOU TO OUR AUCTION DONORS Donna Carrai and Fred Marra

Ann Marie McCabe

Teresa Doyle

Bob and Margaret McGovern

Elizabeth and Roland Flores

Carol McIntyre

Ellen and Jerry Foster

Lisa Meehan and Grey Warner

Eileen Fox

Addie and Rick Moore

Gloria Guarino

Honora Nolty, OP

Mary Beth and Bob Howath

Dona and Michael Panagos

Lois and Robert Hradil

Erin and John Pettit

Laura Ivan

Isabel Rasoilo

Patricia Kelly

Eleanor Wall

Marissa and Alex Klapwald

Jeanette and Jack Walton

Madeleine Lee

Don and Beth Whittam

Minerva and James Lucarelli

Theresa Winard

SPECIAL THANKS TO THESE BUSINESSES 16 Prospect Street Wine Bar & Bistro, Westfield, NJ

Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ

Hyatt Hills Golf Complex, Clark, NJ

Trader Joe’s, Westfield, NJ

Kendra Scott at The Mall of Short Hills

Vincentsen Blasi Architecture, Westfield, NJ

Oh' Brian's on the Green, Clark, NJ

The West Glam, Westfield, NJ


New from RENEW International Sister Helen Prejean, author of Dead Man Walking, has spent decades working with the incarcerated, especially those on death row. This new resource examines Catholic teaching on the death penalty and explores why she and many others advocate for abolition of the death penalty and work for the elimination of social and economic unfairness in the criminal-justice system. Created in partnership with the Catholic Mobilizing Network, Dignity and the Death Penalty encourages participants to reflect on the fairness of the criminal justice system, arguments for and against capital punishment, and alternatives to the death sentence.

Learn more at www.renewintl.org/dignity RENEW International 1232 George Street Plainfield, NJ 07062-1717 www.renewintl.org 888-433-3221



GALA COMMITTEE Donna Carrai and Dona Panagos, Co-Chairs Livvy Dinneen Lois Hradil Marge Hussey

Minerva Lucarelli Mariann Salisbury Jeanette Walton



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