RENEW International 2015 Annual Report

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RENEW International 1232 George Street Plainfield, NJ 07062-1717 USA

Š 2015 RENEW International



with RENEW

Like us! The Mission of RENEW International RENEW International fosters spiritual renewal in the Catholic tradition by empowering individuals and communities to encounter God in everyday life, deepen and share faith, and connect faith with action.

La misión de RENEW International RENEW International promueve la renovación espiritual enraizada en la tradición de la Iglesia Católica, inspirando y preparando a comunidades y creyentes para descubrir la presencia de Dios en lo cotidiano, profundizar y compartir la fe, y expresarla en sus actos.

La mission de RENEW International RENEW International favorise le ressourcement spirituel selon la tradition catholique en favorisant la rencontre de Dieu dans la vie de tous les jours. Les participants et participantes approfondissent et partagent leur foi, pour ensuite en inspirer leur action.

Cover design by Kathrine Kuo

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Subscribe! World RENEW eNewsletter RENEW International’s bimonthly eNewsletter covers compelling, behind-the-scenes stories and updates on our work with parishes and small communities across the United States and abroad. Plus, learn about enriching resources for your small group or personal use. Tambien disponible en español: RENEW para el mundo Sign up/suscribirse:

RENEW’s Blog: Branching Out Spend time connecting faith to life with reflections on everyday spirituality and the coming Sunday Gospel. Subscribe for updates by entering your email into the “Join our Community” box:

Follow us! We’re tweeting stories, pictures, news, and Scripture, all in handy 140-character messages. Follow us: @RENEWIntl

Sr. Terry Rickard is tweeting Follow RENEW International’s president and executive director as she shares her thoughts, insights, and news. Follow her: @SrTerryRickard

Contents From Our President


A Message from Our Board


What’s New from RENEW for the New Evangelization? 4 Be My Witness • RENEW Scripture Series • Living in the Sacred Leading Prayer in Small Groups • Creation at the Crossroads

Pastoral Offerings

ARISE Together in Christ ARISE Inspires Celebration of Indigenous Cultures Why Catholic? Journey Through the Catechism RENEW: A Bishop’s Dream Come True

More Pastoral Offerings

New Wine, New Wineskins • La justicia brota de la fe At Prayer with Mary • Lenten Longings • Advent Awakenings • Renewing the Priestly Heart


11 Page 4

Young Adult Ministry


Where RENEW Serves


RENEW Worldwide


Development Program


Financial Summary


Management and Operations




Board of Trustees




Connect with RENEW


Theology on Tap • Campus RENEW

South Africa • Latin America

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Annual Report 2015


From Our President Dear Friends of RENEW: Thank you for supporting the mission of RENEW to revitalize the Church. By helping parishes become centers of welcome and missionary activity, we empower them to form parishioners as missionary disciples sent forth to bring God’s mercy to their families, neighborhoods, and work places. We are excited about responding to Pope Francis who urges us not to wait for disaffected people to come back to church. Take the Gospel to them, he says, in the places of their everyday lives, wherever that might be. He exhorts us to be “bold and creative” in our pastoral initiatives that will empower parishes to move “from the sacristy to the street.” Inspired by Pope Francis’ exhortation, The Joy of the Gospel (Evangelii Gaudium), we are developing a new parish evangelization process. This new program, entitled Be My Witness: Formation for the New Evangelization, is designed to help parishes become more welcoming, more engaging, and, most importantly, more missionary. Delivering this new innovative process—which incorporates extensive use of video, web-based leader training, online resources, and a new interactive website—has required investing money, time, and, other resources to increase our organizational capacity. We have already made strategic changes to our staffing, cut spending in some areas, and increased spending in others to restructure and reorient RENEW International to meet the challenges of today’s Church and return to financial sustainability. As we transition to a new ministry model, we are managing our deficit, and we are confident we will balance our budget in 2017 with a stronger mission-focused organization, a retooled staff, and improved efficiency and effectiveness. As we serve the mission of Jesus Christ, we will expand our reach to more dioceses and, in a new way—directly to parishes—to have a greater positive impact on parish life. I am so grateful for your trust and support. With warm regards,

Sr. Theresa Rickard, OP President and Executive Director


RENEW International

A Message from Our Board Dear RENEW Supporters: I am honored to be completing my first year as chair of the Board of Trustees of RENEW International, a ministry that for nearly forty years has been the primary agent for transforming parish life in North America and around the world. It has been a year of achievement—as more and more people, sharing faith in small groups, have been touched by RENEW’s resources and motivated to bring their faith to life beyond the walls of their churches—to their families, schools, workplaces, and communities. It has also been a year of challenges as the leadership of RENEW, working closely with the board and its Finance Committee, squarely faced the ongoing challenges of operating in a tepid economic environment and the fiscal limitations that has presented. I am extremely proud of the collaboration that took place between our dedicated board members and the RENEW staff, which identified and initiated several strategic initiatives to best ensure RENEW’s ongoing economic sustainability. The future will be shaped in part by the development of new faith-sharing resources and a new model in which RENEW’s traditional practice of enrolling whole dioceses in its programs will be complemented by a direct-to-parish sales program. RENEW’s operations have also been made more cost-efficient and effective by augmenting the pastoral services staff in Plainfield with staff who live “in the field,” as it were, to deliver services in far-away regions such as Alaska and South Africa. In addition, RENEW continues to employ up-to-date digital technology, including web-based training of parish and small-group leaders, to efficiently deliver the pastoral support that has always distinguished the RENEW ministry. While RENEW’s founders were inspired by the Second Vatican Council, they were also anticipating the call from Popes St. John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and Francis for a “new evangelization,” a Gospelbased transformation of parishes and communities to be undertaken principally by the laity. My sincere and heartfelt thanks to you for supporting RENEW International as it carries this mission into the future. Very respectfully,

Eric Dill Chair, Board of Trustees

Annual Report 2015


What’s New from RENEW for the New Evangelization? Catholics across the globe are called to be agents of the New Evangelization, an effort to inspire people to live each day in a way that brings the Gospel to family members, friends, and neighbors. RENEW International is responding to this pastoral initiative in the Church by developing fresh, innovative ways to help parishes engage parishioners on a deeper level. RENEW’s pastoral offerings and resources provide opportunities for Catholics to encounter Christ within small communities and share God’s love with others.

Be My Witness: Formation for the New Evangelization Be My Witness: Formation for the New Evangelization is a Christ-centered, Spirit-led process to transform parishes and form disciples for the New Evangelization. Be My Witness and its Spanish counterpart, Sean mis testigos: Formación para la Nueva Evangelización, will be launched in the diocese of San Angelo, Texas, in fall 2015 and the Diocese of Orange, California, in spring 2016. Drawing its inspiration from The Joy of the Gospel, Pope Francis’ landmark document on evangelization, this process builds an ever-widening circle of conversion and commitment in two phases: • Phase 1 engages parish staff, leaders, and pastoral councils to lead change. • Phase 2 engages and forms parishioners as missionary disciples. In Phase 1, RENEW International guides parish leadership through the transformation process with training, planning activities, best practices, and consultation. The RENEW Parish Assessment tool helps parishes identify opportunities to become more evangelizing. On-demand video-based learning modules engage parish staff and leaders effectively and at their own pace in the following key areas: • Evangelization Matters: The Vision of an Evangelizing Parish • Sunday Matters: The Most Evangelizing Day of the Week • Welcome Matters: Points of Hospitality • Belonging Matters: Building Parish Engagement • Witness Matters: Telling Your Faith Story • Mission Matters: Reaching Out to the Margins In Phase 2, Be My Witness invites all parishioners to become partners in the New Evangelization by joining small groups, a proven model to encounter Christ, reawaken faith, and make a commitment to missionary outreach. Small-group members will explore key insights from The

Be My Witness features on-demand video-based learning modules.


RENEW International

Joy of the Gospel and develop the attitudes and behaviors of missionary disciples. The 12-session faith-sharing book, which is integrated with videos that present real-life Catholic witness stories, is designed to deepen understanding of the call to be evangelizers. Scripture selections and prayers offer a rich spiritual foundation, and recommended action steps encourage living and reaching out as Christ’s missionary disciples. RENEW pastoral staff supports success in each parish throughout the process with ongoing In all its activities, the parish consultation.

encourages and trains its members to be evangelizers. It is a community of communities … and a center of constant missionary outreach.

RENEW Scripture Series

The Church, in this age of “the new evangelization,” relies more than ever on the laity to internalize the Gospel and then to “preach” it through acts of mercy, charity, and justice. The people of God have been encouraged to take the Gospel to heart; now they are commissioned to be the Gospel wherever ~ Pope Francis, The Joy of the Gospel, 28 life may take them. The RENEW Scripture Series presents a special opportunity for Catholics to engage the Bible. This series is being introduced with Luke: My Spirit Rejoices! by Martin Lang, PhD. Created for individual use as well as small groups, this resource enables men and women to experience Luke’s account in its entirety; participants can explore the Old Testament roots of the Gospel and Luke’s unique presentation of “a world turned upside-down” by the teaching and example of Jesus. Participants can reflect on the human behavior described in the Gospel, share their own experiences, and decide how to apply the teaching of Jesus to everyday life at home, at work, and in the community. Luke: My Spirit Rejoices! will be available in fall 2015.

Living in the Sacred Living in the Sacred is the second book in RENEW International’s two-part series Spirituality for Everyday Life with Ronald Rolheiser. The first, Longing for the Holy, is based on The Holy Longing, Fr. Rolheiser’s book on essential discipleship. Living in the Sacred is based on Sacred Fire, Fr. Rolheiser’s book on mature discipleship. While happy, upbeat experiences can provide some degree of change and learning, Fr. Rolheiser notes that the deepest spiritual changes usually emerge from the fire of life’s struggles.

Annual Report 2015


Mature disciples become less concerned with our own little worlds and more concerned with the world at large, asking ourselves, “What am I called to do to make the world a better place?” We become more altruistic. We find ourselves being more generous. We call ourselves to deeper levels of faithfulness and action. We become conscious of making and keeping commitments that matter. In other words, we start giving away the “self” we have created during the phase of essential discipleship. Living in the Sacred will be available in fall 2015.

Leading Prayer in Small Groups Leading others in prayer is a service of love—love of God and love of neighbor. Pope Francis reminds us in his apostolic exhortation The Joy of the Gospel that all Christians are called to reach beyond their zone of comfort and participate in the missionary and evangelizing activity of the Church. Prayer leaders respond to that call by helping others connect with God. Leading Prayer in Small Groups, published in July 2015, provides prayer leaders with skills and ideas for leading prayer more effectively in various small-group settings, including small faith-sharing groups, parish council and committee meetings, and other church-group gatherings. Along with Sowing Seeds: Essentials for Small-Community Leaders, Leading Prayer in Small Groups is part of the RENEW Small-Group Leader Series.

Creation at the Crossroads RENEW International is collaborating with the Catholic Climate Covenant and GreenFaith to produce a small-group faith-sharing resource in the spirit of Pope Francis’ encyclical, On Care for Our Common Home (Laudato Si’). Creation at the Crossroads will help Catholics internalize, and set as a priority in their lives, the Church’s teaching on the care of creation and the impact of environmental change on those who are poor and vulnerable. Through Scripture, prayer, reflections, faith-sharing questions, and practical ideas for protecting and caring for the environment and people, Creation at the Crossroads will move Catholics to faith-based action. This project has the potential to galvanize a wide audience—young adults and mature Catholics, those who encounter God in prayer and ritual and those who meet God in nature—and demonstrate how religious faith is relevant to this cause. Creation at the Crossroads will be published in late fall 2015 and in Spanish as La Creación ante una encrucijada in early 2016.


RENEW International

Pastoral Offerings

Six members of the St. Joseph Parish, South Bend, ARISE program created an initiative to benefit and assist those struggling with homelessness in South Bend. This campaign, entitled “My Friends are Cold, #click2warm,” ran in December 2014.

Photo courtesy of Today’s Catholic News, Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend

ARISE Together in Christ ARISE Together in Christ and its Spanish and French counterparts—LEVÁNTATE. Unamonos en Cristo and DEBOUT Ensemble dans le Christ—is a three-year diocesewide evangelization and spiritual-renewal process for the entire parish. This process provides fertile ground for an encounter with Christ and deepens spirituality through faith sharing in small groups. Small-group participants reflect on, experience, and witness to the presence of God in their lives and gain confidence to become evangelizers. ARISE provides a powerful and unifying spiritual experience that brings the parish together, touches lives, and encourages faith-based action in the parish and beyond. The ARISE faith-sharing books are offered in seven languages and in large print for the visually impaired, and the process includes youth and family materials. We offer ongoing pastoral consultation, web resources, and onsite and online leadership training workshops throughout the dioceses we serve. Altogether, more than 25,000 parishioners at over 250 parishes are engaged in ARISE Together in Christ, including seven dioceses in the United States and Canada: Lubbock, Texas; Monterey, California; Lansing, Michigan; Scranton, Pennsylvania; San Jose, California; and Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. Clusters of parishes are engaged in ARISE in Archdioceses of Galveston-Houston, Texas; Atlanta, Georgia; Newark, New Jersey, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and the Dioceses of Trenton, New Jersey; Cleveland, Ohio; Rockville Centre, New York; and San Diego, California.

Annual Report 2015


ARISE Inspires Celebration of Indigenous Cultures in Ontario Faith-sharing in small groups in a diocese in Ontario led to three celebrations of the indigenous cultures in that part of Canada. The celebrations were organized after English- and French-speaking Catholics in the Diocese of Sault Ste. Marie in Ontario completed the third season of ARISE Together with Christ—known in French as DEBOUT Ensemble dans le Christ. Jeanne McHarg, coordinator of the Englishspeaking ARISE program in the diocese, said that after the third season—which has a social-justice theme— she and the French-speaking coordinator, Mijou Pelletier, met with Bishop Jean-Louis Plouffe to discuss how the ARISE participants might put their faith into practice in the community. “He said he would like us to do something with the indigenous people,” Jeanne said. That population includes First Nation and Métis Verna Hardwick, elder, gives drumming people and a small number of Inuit, some living on instructions in front of an eagle feather staff—a sacred symbol somewhat analogous to a national “reserves” and others in the community at large. flag—loaned to the diocese by the Sudbury Jeanne said Bishop Plouffe also advised the leaders Catholic District School Board. to have elders (from the indigenous community) on the planning committee from the outset, and that was a key factor in the success of the celebrations. The elders explained the protocols of interacting with the indigenous community, and they gave extensive explanations of the background of their ceremonies. “I had attended many indigenous events in the past, but had never heard these explanations. That’s what people appreciated the most,” Jeanne said. Those attending the celebrations held in May in Sault Ste. Marie, North Bay, and Sudbury, learned about medicine wheels and medicines, traditional ceremonies, drumming and making drums, ancient wisdom and legends, and crafting of mini-rosaries. They also sampled bannock, a pancake-like native food also known as fried bread or frybread, prepared by the French Boy Scouts. “A lot of people who helped us out were Catholics,’’ Jeanne said, “but they’re also in touch with their indigenous spirituality. The whole point was to understand each other’s cultures.’’ She said there is a five-year plan to continue the celebrations.

Elder Will Morin tells a spellbound audience interactive stories of the Seven Grandfather Teachings, a tradition that imparts the principles of good conduct.


RENEW International

The Diocese of Anchorage participated in Why Catholic? / ¿Por qué ser católico? for the past two years. Pictured here are parishioners who attended a workshop about the Church’s social teaching and Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation, The Joy of the Gospel (Evangelii Gaudium), led by Fr. Alejandro López-Cardinale.

Why Catholic? Journey Through the Catechism Why Catholic? offers a response to today’s questions from a faith-filled point of view through reflection and sharing on Sacred Scripture and on the themes of the Catechism of the Catholic Church—prayer, the Creed, the sacraments, and Christian living. The resources help participants connect the faith to daily life and encourage them to move to action as they journey together in small Christian communities. Why Catholic? also reaches out to everyone in the parish through faith-enrichment events and bulletin inserts for personal reflection and intergenerational sharing. During the past year, the process has been enhanced As a parish, we have seen clearly through the revision all the formation workshops, emphasizing the New Evangelization. These changes a greater interest in learning and have begun to generate greater engagement on the part sharing, and this includes small groups who share as a family, those of new parish teams who have explored more creative invitation strategies. who share at the nursing home, In addition to the Archdioceses of Miami, Florida and those who participate using the and Boston, Massachusetts, the Dioceses of Amarillo, Renewing Family Faith bulletins Texas; London, Ontario; and Fort Wayne/South Bend, as well as in the regular design of Indiana are engaged in the Why Catholic? process. Clusters of parishes in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia small Christian communities. and the Diocese of Metuchen are also engaged in Why ~ Holy Name of Mary Parish, Diocese of London, Ontario Catholic?

Annual Report 2015


RENEW: A Bishop’s Dream Come True For the bishop of a diocese of limited means, RENEW International’s Why Catholic? process of adult faith formation wasn’t just a successful pastoral program: it was a “dream come true.’’ That was how Bishop Patrick Zurek of the Diocese of Amarillo, Texas, summed up the experience after forty-three parishes participated in the faith-sharing program—18 of them in the Spanishlanguage version, ¿Por qué ser católico? RENEW International has always been committed to providing its pastoral services to dioceses that want to participate; RENEW’s recent partnership with the Catholic Extension Service, which funds pastoral initiatives in less economically-developed areas, made that possible in Amarillo. “You made a bishop’s dream come true,’’ Bishop Zurek wrote to RENEW after parishes in his diocese completed the four seasons of Why Catholic? “You acknowledged the hunger and thirst of the people of a missionary diocese to participate in the same programs as parishes with greater means. You help us to realize that we are not alone, but are part of the beautiful, loving, caring, generous and evangelizing community known as the Universal Catholic Church.” More than 575 small groups were formed in the diocese, comprising more than 5,500 men and women who engaged in faith-sharing inspired by the four themes of the Catechism of the Catholic Church: beliefs, sacraments, morality, and prayer. The experience of sharing faith in small groups had a tangible effect throughout the diocese as participants began As adults we need to fully to act on their faith in their daily lives. Parishes in Stratford, know and understand our Catholic faith in order Perryton, and Pampa, for example, reported that smallgroup members had become greeters, catechists, lectors, and to show and teach the extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist. The cathedral parish children the beauty of our reported that Why Catholic? helped RCIA candidates grasp faith! We come to Mass “challenging concepts, such as the Holy Trinity’’; a group to affirm our faith; we member at a parish in Bovina reported that when she was hospitalized during the process, members of need the RENEW process of Why Catholic? to learn her group rotated visits so that she was never alone; and a parish in Amarillo reported that a our faith. participant reconciled with a family member ~ Why Catholic? coordinator at after many years of estrangement. Christ the King Parish, Sunray, Diocese of Amarillo “In my group,’’ wrote a woman from St. Anne Parish in Bovina, “the participants have grown in many areas: spirituality, a sense of belonging to the parish, and family life. The Word of God has made us true missionary disciples of Jesus.”

Bishop Patrick Zurek of the Diocese of Amarillo praised RENEW International and Catholic Extension for bringing Why Catholic?/ ¿Por qué ser católico? to his mission diocese.


RENEW International

More Pastoral Offerings RENEW International offers resources that help Catholics meeting in small groups to deepen their Catholic faith through scripture reading, faith sharing, and prayer, and apply that faith in everyday life. Many of these groups were first formed when parishes participated in one of our diocese-wide processes. Our small-group resources enhance the spiritual lives of parishioners and that, in turn, contributes to the ongoing vibrancy of their parish. These resources, which can be purchased on RENEW’s website, www., include faith-sharing books, multimedia spiritual resources, downloadable parish materials, smallgroup sets, and web-based training Sr. Terry poses with young people at St. Augustine Parish, Bronx, NY, for leaders of parish teams and small who used the small-group resource Lenten Longings. groups. Many offerings are available in a variety of languages as well as editions for the visually impaired.

New Wine, New Wineskins New Wine, New Wineskins: A Faith-Sharing Resource for Restructuring Parishes provides a pastoral approach to addressing the spiritual needs of parishioners in restructured, merged, or clustered parishes. As participants view the transition through the lens of faith they come to a deeper understanding of the meaning of Church beyond the structure within which they worship.

La justicia brota de la fe La justicia brota de la fe: Formación en la fe y en la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia by Rev. Allan F. Deck, SJ, provides formation in the key tenets of Catholic social doctrine in a way relevant to Hispanics. Prayer, scripture readings and related meditations, personal reflections, sharing questions, and examples of faith-based actions, combine to lead small-group participants to more fervently embrace social action as an essential component in the connection between their gospel faith and their lives as committed disciples of Christ.

Annual Report 2015


At Prayer with Mary / No temas, María Pope Francis has often urged us to call on the Virgin Mary for help and guidance, saying that “like Jesus, she is with us, she walks with us, she is the Mother of our hope.’’ In this spirit, RENEW offers two resources to help Catholics deepen their relationship with Mary—the English-language faith-sharing resource At Prayer with Mary and the distinctive Spanish-language resource No temas, María. RENEW has partnered with Holy Cross Family Ministries to offer with both resources the DVD Rosary Stars in which two dozen entertainment and sports figures reflect on the mysteries of the rosary.

Lenten Longings / Reflexiones en Cuaresma / Les soifs du Carême RENEW provides faith-sharing resource in English, Spanish, and French for each liturgical year to help Catholics deepen their Lenten observance. Themes of the sessions are drawn from the Sunday readings. RENEW also offers a companion English music CD, Music for Prayer and Faith Sharing During Lent, and a Spanish music CD, Comunidad que canta: Himnos para la Cuaresma.

Advent Awakenings / Reflexiones en Adviento RENEW provides these English and Spanish faith-sharing resources, one for each liturgical year, to help Catholic men and women focus on the meaning of Advent amid the busyness and material preoccupations of Christmas preparations. The faith-sharing books also contain devotions that families can use at home. RENEW also offers a companion CD, Advent Awakenings: Music for Prayer and Faith Sharing During Advent.

Renewing the Priestly Heart Renewing the Priestly Heart offers a pastoral process and resources for priests who wish to revitalize their vocation and build fraternity among their fellow priests. This renewal occurs through meaningful spiritual conversations in the context of priest support groups using resource materials written specifically to address priestly life.


Many of the resources listed above, and others, are now offered in ebook versions sold in the Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and iTunes bookstores.

Scan to access the RENEW Fall 2015 Catalog.


RENEW International

Young Adult Ministry

New Facebook group enables core community coordinators, members, and young adult ministers to collaborate.

RENEW International’s Theology on Tap and Campus RENEW programs are designed to meet young adults where they are at while inviting them to discover the importance of faith in their lives. Theology on Tap brings the faith in the form of interesting speakers to a relaxed atmosphere, such as restaurants and bars. These fun and meaningful gatherings, organized by teams in dioceses and parishes, are a means for dioceses and parishes to reach out to young adults in a comfortable setting and connect them to God and their Catholic faith. Campus RENEW, a Lectionary-based series developed for campus ministry, gathers college students in small groups to reflect on God’s word in this formative period of their lives. Social media play a crucial role in the New Evangelization and in RENEW’s young adult ministries with many Theology on Tap groups reaching out to attendees via Facebook. Our RENEW Theology on Tap Facebook A great way to attract young page ( is adults in their environment, the restaurant, bar, club, park, beach, an online gathering spot for groups to post and spread event information. Scrolling anywhere the young adults like through the Facebook page, young adults and to gather. Theology on Tap teams can explore dozens of groups posting intriguing ideas for topics and awe-inspiring ~ Delia Dee Kalaus, St. Mary of the Assumption Parish designs for posters. Archdiocese of Los Angeles, California Our new “Theology on Tap Think Tank” Facebook group for core community coordinators, members, and young adult ministers of licensed Theology on Tap programs complements Theology on Tap groups’ use of Facebook to share best practices and tips, facilitate community engagement, and organize and publicize their local events.

Annual Report 2015


Where RENEW Serves British Columbia Alberta Saskatchewan




We are amazed PA AC C II F Fand C P II C delighted…. My group O OC CE EA AN N began to sing in our native language some of the prayers from our childhood. Pastoral RENEW’s


Process Locations*

ARISE/LEVÁNTATE/DEBOUT (red) Why Catholic? (green) RENEW Africa (purple) Renewing the Priestly Heart (black) La justicia brota de la fe (gray) Jóvenes para Cristo (magenta) Theology on Tap (brown) Campus RENEW (orange) *Does not include individual parish/small Christian community activity.


RENEW International

New Brunswick




Nova Scotia
















Guatemala El Salvador Venezuela

Annual Report 2015


RENEW Worldwide

Children perform a Christian rap during the Archdiocese of Johannesburg’s three-day Life Expo event, which highlighted the Church’s social teaching through an art contest, debates, and other presentations. Inspired by RENEW Africa, the event featured exhibits from diocesan offices and agencies about their various ministries.

South Africa RENEW Africa, which focuses on spiritual renewal of parishes, is built on the faith experiences of Africans in their daily lives and centered on faith sharing within small Christian communities. RENEW Africa invites communities to pray, reflect on Scripture, deepen communion with one another and with Christ, and reach out in service to others as an essential expression of their faith. Training sessions encourage the development of new lay leadership, which is essential if the Church is to become truly self-sustaining. RENEW Africa is designed to help participants experience the rhythm of a vibrant faith lifecycle—celebrating Sunday Eucharist, responding to the call to love and serve, gathering as small communities reflecting on Scripture, and returning to Sunday Eucharist—enabling parishes to become a communion of communities united in the Lord. The Archdiocese of Pretoria has been preparing for RENEW Africa, and small communities will begin meeting there in fall 2015. The Anglican Diocese of Table Bay completed Seasons III and IV this past year. The Archdiocese of Johannesburg completed Season V of RENEW Africa and will begin Why Catholic? in fall 2015. Why Catholic? for South Africa has been translated and enculturated in Xhosa and Afrikaans. The archdiocese used Lenten Longings during Lent of 2015. The Diocese of Port Elizabeth completed the LIVE: Christian Morality book of Why Catholic? and will start ARISE, which is being translated and enculturated in Xhosa and Afrikaans, in fall 2015. To provide ongoing support for the small communities established during RENEW Africa, the African version of Forgiveness and Reconciliation was published for the Diocese of Port Elizabeth, and At Prayer with Mary was published for the Archdiocese of Johannesburg.


RENEW International

RENEW has been invited to the Diocese of Manzini in Swaziland, which borders South Africa, to launch RENEW Africa, and small communities will begin meeting in Fall 2016. In the meantime, the diocese is going to use Forgiveness and Reconciliation during Lent. Since being invited to the Diocese of Port Elizabeth in 2007, RENEW has worked towards establishing a permanent presence in Port Elizabeth to serve the continent. Under the direction of Fr. Jeremiah Browne, we now have a national office in Port Elizabeth, which handles the publications and warehousing of resources. Charmaine Woolard is responsible for receiving and shipping orders, billing, and general customer, and bookkeeping services. Sr. Áine Hughes, HC, presents formation workshops and mentors diocesan core communities. As services are consolidated in Port Elizabeth, this office will become less dependent on During the Life Expo event in the Archdiocese of Johannesburg, a young man with support from RENEW’s headquarters in the United States.

Latin America

disabilities gives testimony about the sense of welcome created by the ease of access and participation created by his parish.

RENEW International continues to expand and enrich the resources it provides for Catholics in Central America and South America by adding new staff and innovative pastoral approaches that meet the needs of this diverse and youthful region. • The Diocese of Zacatecoluca, El Salvador, began Jóvenes para Cristo (Youth for Christ). The process has been implemented in 20 parishes with more than 4,500 young people participating. • In the Diocese of Sonsonate, El Salvador, more than 500 youth and young leaders completed Jóvenes para Cristo with a 95-percent retention since the process started three years ago. These young people moved into a new process, ACOMPAÑAR, strengthening the young adult core team leaders in parishes. • More than 2,000 people have joined small communities for faith sharing with ¿Por qué ser católico? in the Archdiocese of Valencia, Venezuela. People have become more engaged in their parish ministries. including catechists, lectors, and extraordinary ministers of holy Communion. Other participants have focused their efforts on social justice apostolates in their parishes as well as local and national institutions. • We opened our RENEW Venezuela office at St. Antonio Parish, in Prebo, Valencia, thanks to the support of the Vollmer Foundation and the Archdiocese of Valencia. Dr. Mariela Saravia will lead our office in Venezuela, serving the Archdiocese of Valencia and reaching out to other dioceses. • As required by Venezuelan law, we registered Fundación RENEW International, as part of our effort to establish a self-sustaining ministry. • RENEW plans to expand into the Diocese of Cabimas, Venezuela, visit new dioceses, and print new seasonal resources for upcoming Fr. Alejandro López-Cardinale, Dr. Mariela Saravia, Arq., seasons, such as: María, llena de gracia, as part and Marifina López-Cardinale gather for the blessing of the RENEW Venezuela Office. of the ongoing support for small communities.

Annual Report 2015



Adults perform at the Archdiocese of Johannesburg’s Life Expo event, which celebrated the Church’s social teaching and was inspired by participation in RENEW Africa.

As a not-for-profit organization, our pastoral outreach is sustained in Net Development Revenue part from the sales of our publications and resources, and the stipends Other $11,779 we receive for the services provided to parishes and dioceses. However, our priority is always to serve all parishes who desire to renew their faith and build the Church, regardless of their economic situation. We have been able to fulfill this mission not only in the inner cities and rural Gala Grants $216,382 $163,150 areas in the United States but also in the developing world, especially Latin America and Africa, thanks Being a part of RENEW to donations and charitable Annual Appeal International has challenged funding. RENEW’s Development $149,692 and enabled my wife and me Team raised $541,003 for the to be with and work for those 2014-2015 fiscal year. In this past fiscal year RENEW secured $163,150 in grants who are poor, imprisoned, from charitable foundations. Grant money is frequently homeless, ill, or ignorant. In disbursed over a two-year period. Sources of grants during this return we have been gifted period and RENEW’s use of the funds are as follows: with rich relationships that • The Lavelle Fund for the Blind is supporting publication have lasted decades. We of large-print editions of Be My Witness and Sean mis support RENEW because we testigos. • The Loyola Foundation provided computer equipment have seen RENEW grow and for RENEW’s office in South Africa. literally bring the Catholic • The Lynch Foundation continued its annual support of faith to the world. RENEW’s Why Catholic? process in the Archdiocese of ~ Marge and Bob Graham Boston.


RENEW International

From right to left, Sr. Honora Nolty, OP, RENEW’s development director; gala honoree Tom Higgins; and Sr. Terry Rickard, OP, RENEW’s executive director. Far right: Gala honorees Mario Paredes and Sr. Mary Flood, OP, MD.

• A foundation that requested anonymity provided support for the production of Spanishlanguage books and digital materials for Be My Witness and La justicia brota de la fe. • The Raskob Foundation is supporting the training of small-group leaders who will facilitate the use of Longing for the Holy, the first part in RENEW’s Spirituality for Everyday Life with Ronald Rolheiser, in the Western Vicariate of the U.S. military. Friend-raisers and fundraisers included the Tree of Life Mass in June and the All Souls’ Day Mass in November, when RENEW remembered living and departed donors, especially those memorialized in the Tree of Life Prayer Garden; Mass and brunch at Eagle Oaks Golf and Country Club in Farmingdale, New Jersey, in August; and Shop for RENEW, our pre-Christmas sale at the “A Remembrance of You” boutique.

Legacy Society Members Monica Garofalo Robert and Margaret Graham Lynn Hull Msgr. Tom Kleissler Kevin Lawler Jack and Kathy Norris Mary Noel Page

The Msgr. Thomas A. Kleissler Legacy Society was founded by a group of donors as a way to invite others to endow RENEW International and its mission for the future. Becoming a member is simple: name RENEW International as the beneficiary of a planned gift. Such gifts may include a bequest, appreciated securities, gifts of retirement accounts, life insurance, property, and annuities.

Tree of Life Prayer Garden The Tree of Life Prayer Garden at RENEW headquarters is a beautiful peaceful place where loved ones, alive or deceased, are remembered in etched pavers and teak benches. These etchings are placed in the stones of a large cross surrounded by flowers and foliage. In June and November, we celebrate a Memorial Mass in the garden for all those specifically named in the garden.

For more information For information or a confidential conversation about either the Msgr. Thomas A. Kleissler Legacy Society or the Tree of Life Garden, please call the Development Office at (908) 769-5400, ext. 162, to speak with Sr. Honora Nolty, OP.

Annual Report 2015


Financial Summary RENEW International is committed to long-term mission growth and to delivering new innovative processes to meet pastoral parish ministry needs. This year RENEW has been challenged with fiscal limitations, resulting in strategic changes in staffing, reduced and restructured operations coupled with investment spending in technology to meet the needs of a new ministry model. The changes implemented over the next 18 months are expected to return RENEW to financial sustainability, while expanding our reach to more dioceses, and directly to parishes to positively impact parish life. The following table and graphs contain key financial data for fiscal years ended June 30, 2014 and 2015.

RENEW International Key Statistics (dollars in thousands)

Full Year Ended June 30 2014 2015

Operating Revenue



Operating Expenses



Operating Loss



Endowment Income






Assets (without Endowment)




$4,842 $3,597

Total Assets



Total Net Assets



Capital Spending



Ratio of Current Assets (with Endowment) to Current Liabilities



* excludes extraordinary items

RENEW International Cost Allocation: (% by type, dollars in thousands) $242 8.2%

$244 8.2%

$239 8%

$2,474 83.6%


$239 8%

$2,468 84%

FY 2014 Actual Process Costs

RENEW International Balance Sheet Components June 30, 2015 (in thousands)

Development Costs

FY 2015 Actual

Operating & Endowment Cash $4,245

Receivables $289 Fixed Assets $440

Other $1,329

Inventory $344 Other Assets $256

Gen & Admin Costs

RENEW International

Management & Operations

RENEW staff members pose with attendees at RENEW’s booth at Los Angeles Religious Education Conference in March 2015.

RENEW International is a mission-driven organization. We focus on consistently meeting pastoral needs and growing our organizational capacity in a financially sustainable way. We seek each year to increase our mission impact to better serve the Church through innovative programs and resources. Today’s parishes are time- and budget-constrained, trying to do more with less. This requires RENEW to provide parishes with cost-effective choices and flexibility within our pastoral solutions. RENEW’s management and staff have organized to meet these needs with efficient operations and new expertise. • We have restructured our staff to embrace the shift in how we do business, streamlined strategic operational areas, and added staff to gain specific skill sets, such as digital technology, video, design, and marketing. • We have restructured our relationship with our warehouse to reduce expenses through billing and storage structure. • For focused projects, we use interns and service-hour volunteers with targeted skill sets. Technology is now incorporated into every facet of our work both in the office and on the road. Our staff is using new tools to create, shape, communicate, and deliver resources and services to our RENEW parishes. We have developed an extensive online pastoral training platform for our Be My Witness launch in fall 2015, including • Interactive website, web-based video training modules, parish assessment tools • Live webinar tools (GoToTraining), project management tools (Basecamp), online resources We have upgraded our information technology infrastructure, including • Upgraded servers • Upgraded computer workstations with Office 365 We are more responsive to customer needs through • On-demand custom parish merchandise fulfilled via third-party suppliers • Automated returns authorization process to better serve customers

Annual Report 2015


Donors PRESIDENT’S SOCIETY $20,000 and above The Cushman Foundation, New York, NY George and Patricia Erdman First Data Corporation, New York, NY James and Loretta Colotto Foundation, Inc., Hackensack, NJ Lavelle Fund for the Blind, Inc., New York, NY

PATRONS OF RENEW $10,000 and above American Bible Society, New York, NY James and Virginia Collins Raymond and Catherine Donovan Martin Lang William and Mary Noel Page

PARTNERS IN MISSION $5,000 and above Division of Infectious Diseases, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York-Presbyterian Hospital, New York, NY Cushman & Wakefield, New York, NY Patricia Dinneen and John Mooney, MD Dominican Sisters of Blauvelt, NY Dolly and Floyd Donahue James and Anne Flood Joseph and Patricia Ann Franzetti

SPONSORS $1,000 and above Katherine and Kenneth Abbott Fr. Robert Beloin, The Catholic Chapel and Center at Yale University, New Haven, CT Anthony and Maggie Browne Marylane Burry Muriel and William Cagney Frank and Maria Colangelo William and Marilyn Cosgrove James and Elizabeth Davidson Robert Dempsey Eric and Karen Dill Livvy Dinneen Brian Donovan Bertrand and Milissa Else Charles Engelhard Foundation, New York, NY Friends of Saint Dominic’s Home, Blauvelt, NY Archbishop Peter L. Gerety Joseph and Carolyn Gugliandolo Bernard Hartnett Thomas and Meg Healey James and Jackie Higgins Stephen and Kate Howe Douglas and Mary Hutchings Dierdre James R. Patrick and Sharon Kane


The Lynch Foundation, Boston, MA NewsAmerica Marketing, New York, NY Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities, Wilmington, DE Vollmer Foundation, Caracas, Venezuela Fr. Ronald Rolheiser, OMI Robert Wager, Brookside Painting, Inc., Pelham, NY Frank and Mimi Walsh, Sandy Hill Foundation, Morristown, NJ Robert and Carol Williams

Matthew Nolty, Greenway East USA, New Hyde Park, NY Loyola Foundation, Fairfax, VA Barbara Miller John Mulderig Jack Norris Diocese of Metuchen, Piscataway, NJ Les and Eileen Quick Walter and Lynn Rickard Michael and Mary Singer Laurence Walsh Msgr. Thomas Kleissler Eileen Leonard and Dale Hagstrom Kate and William Lund Leslie and Brenda Maiman Ronald and Barbara Marasco Cardinal Theodore McCarrick John McDermott Robert and Margaret McGovern Edward and Ellen Miller Patricia Murphy and John Kennelly Madonna Nolty Kevin and Jennifer Nolty Sr. Honora Nolty, OP Michael O’Connell Mary Beth and Steven Oria Carl and Jeanne Ellen Pursiano Marcelo Ruoco, EcoSave, Inc., Philadelphia, PA Saint Dominic’s Home, Blauvelt, NY James Sasso Timothy and Joanne Collins Smee Salsey and Thomas Sullivan The Daniels Group, Inc., New Providence, NJ Richard and Germaine Trabert Michael and Ida Tropiano Unity Electric, LLC, East Rutherford, NJ Dominic and Kathy Volante

RENEW International

Donors FRIENDS $100 and above Charles and Roseann Airel Edwin and Ellen Alger Thomas and Mary Anderson The Archdiocesan Catechetical Office, Archdiocese of New York, NY Angelica Barrera-Cruz Patricia Becker Jeffrey and Stacey Beer Gregory Beuke George and Donna Biagi Lorrie Bove Kathleen Brehm Michael and Stephanie Brough Vincent and Christina Budd Msgr. James Burke Ronald and Rosemary Bushwell Joan Cappa Cappio Landscaping, Scotch Plains, NJ Susan and Vito Capurso Daniel and Michele Castagna Church of the Presentation, Upper Saddle River, NJ Msgr. Edward Ciuba Agnes Collins Patricia and George Connell Peter and Laura Connell Msgr. Neil Connolly Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny, Province of USA/Canada Dennis and Judith Crilly Regina Crowley Janice Cuttingham and Alfred Petit John and Constance D’Angelo Anne and Alex DeMesa Jerry Dempsey Joy Dempsey Michael Dolan Dominican Sisters of Amityville, NY Dominican Sisters of Caldwell, NJ Martin and Karen Doris Susan Dyckman Thomas and Carolyn Farley Robert Farrell and Ellen Schultheis Remy and Yvonne Ferrario Mary Fischl John and Judith Fitzgerald Thomas Flammer Paula Flynn Patricia Ann Foley Paul and Kathleen Foley Monica Garofalo Richard and Beth Garrigan Kerry and Chris George

Annual Report 2015

Sr. Patricia Ginty, OP Glenn’s Car and Truck Repair, Plainfield, NJ Robert and Kathleen Gluck Hazel Godbold Robert and Margaret Graham Barbara and Lester Gray Marilyn Haggerty Peter and Margaret Hark Thomas and Mary Healey Rev. Francis Heinen Msgr. Owen Hendry Catherine and Michael Hennessey Paul and Dorothy Hennessey Marina Herrera Lynn Hull IT Radix, Whippany, NJ Msgr. Thomas Ivory Marilee James Jennifer Jehn Jack and Mary Beth Kakolewski Syna Kandarappallil Thomas and Susan Kiernan Elaine Susie Kimball Carol King Kingston’s Clam Bar, Sayville, NY Richard and Suzanne Kinney Edwin and Gertrude Kleissler Robert Kleissler Knights of Columbus, Council #6033, Upper Saddle River, NJ Eric and Elizabeth Koch

Bobby and Carol Williams shared their faith journey in a video for Be My Witness. You can hear their story at TurningPointStories


Donors FRIENDS $100 and above (continued) William and Mary Kreppein Kat Kuo Design, Little Rock, AR Joan Lalonde Robert and Jean Lampert Darlyne Lawson John Lentinello Todd and Grace Leong Gary and Barbara Linn Margaret and Charles Lockwood Charles and Ann Londo Rev. Thomas Looney, CSC Lumen Center - Sisters of St. Dominic Caldwell, NJ Richard and Deirdre Trabert Malacrea John and Lynda Mamone Rev. Jack Martin Michael Martinez Edward and Margaret McDermott Jack and Carol McDermott Patricia McDermott Robert and Peggy McDevitt John and Mary McEnerney Lucy McGuirk John and Margarete McNeice Sr. Veronica Mendez, RCD Richard and Janet Michalowski Brenda and Pellegrino Migliaccio Rick and Addie Moore Peter and Patricia Nolty Rev. Robert Norris Thomas Norris Zita O’Brian Jennifer O’Campo James and Margaret O’Donnell William and Barbara O’Sullivan Dorothy Ott James Ott Catherine Overton Charles and Patricia Paolino George and Mary Parisi Pathcom, Inc., Malvern, PA Joan Patton

Paul and Grace Pedretti Thomas and Theresa Potenza Micki Proud and Cas Pouderoyen Barbara Prince Edward and Catherine Quigley Elizabeth Anita Quinlan Joseph Quinlan Michael and Patricia Ramella Rev. Charles Reinbold Joseph and Maureen Rickard Sr. Theresa Rickard, OP Margaret and Scott Rubinacci Lavinia Ruby Thomas Ryan Anne Scanlan Sandra and Matthew Schroyer Peter and Carolyn Seibel Sam Severino Thomas and Ruth Sharkey Bartholomew and Mary Sheehan Patricia Sheehan Richard and Anna Spalckhaver Anthony and Flora Spera Francis and Cornelia Stein Wendy Lane Stevens Vincent and Mary Lucille Sweeney Michael and Geraldine Tama Hannemann Funeral Home, Nyack, NY Edward and Patricia Thomas John and Patricia Tierney Robert McGill, TLCO, Inc., Garden City, NY Renee Trabert and William Heinbokel Kathy and Jessica Turlick Nicholas Vander Plaat Robert and Mary VerNooy Lisa Meehan and Grey Warner Donald and Elizabeth Whittam Patricia Wiley Judith Winter Sr. Alice Yohe, SSJ

Thank You! 24

RENEW International

Donors SUPPORTERS up to $99 Mary Louise and Frank Angone Mark Balzarotti Walter and Tecla Barber Jeanette and Richard Battel Robert and Kathryn Begley Jennifer Blanco Rosalie Bluger-Buzzi Domingo and Maria Bracero Chris and Traci Burns Linda and James Burns John and Lee Bursley Samuel and Laura Byrnes Robert and Mary Callander S. J. Cerniglia Sr. Maureen Colleary, FSP Catherine and Thomas Concepcion Loretta and Thomas Conniff Sr. Joan Correia, OP Sr. Marie Cooper, SJC Susan Davis Alicia Defrange Martha Desloge Maura Dickerson Patricia Donius Robert and Patricia Donnelly Ronald and Denise Dower Sr. Mary Thomas Downing, SSJ Joseph Duggan Claire Fallon Mary and Gene Febbo Sonia and Alejandro Fernandez-Colmenarez Hyacinth Findlay Catherine and Paul Fluta Janet Frigerio Linda Garvey Guy and Marion Gaudenzi Thomas Giblin Anthony Gilkes Peter and Patricia Glen Rafael and Rose Gomez Maria Granda Richard and Marie Heaslip Adrienne Hennessy Manuel and Lucila Hernandez Shelley Hull John and Ann James Eartha and Stanley Johnson Julia and Edward Jones Patricia Kent Althea Klein Alice Kokasch Patricia Kreppein Zeljka Kulusic

Annual Report 2015

Ester and John LaCroix Jan Lacy Agnes Laub Eileen Linehan John and Rita Linehan Manuel Lopez and Yenitza Olmo Carol Lynch Jeremiah and Joan Lynch Fr. James MacNew, Jr. John and Patricia Magovern Richard and Kelly Maltagliati Pamela Martorana Santa Matarazzo George and Ann Mayer Alois and Rosemary Meidenbauer Roseann and Joseph Miller Kathleen Mitchell Anna and John Monti Patrick Mullen Beatrice Murday Sr. Margaret Murphy, OP Michael and Barbara Murphy Linda Nash Thomas and Heather O’Connell Rev. Abraham Orapankal Flavio Ortega William O’Sullivan Christine Page Candyce Parrington John and Patricia Plunkett Anthony and Sylvia Priolo Joan Radigan Joseph and Eileen Reardon C. William Reilly Linda Rutter William and Marilyn Saydah Pamela Schwitter Gwendolyn Scott Gloria Secchia Carl and Carol Seim Denise Simeone Mark and Laura Smith John and Myong Ok Stocker John Bedo and Maria Sullivan Mary Lou Thompson John and Kathleen Toolan Frances and Patrick Tumblety Gary and Lynda Urban Susan and Mark Velten Antony and Mary Ann Visocchi Richard and Mary Von Stamwitz Brandon Willitts Will and Carolyn Winchester


Board of Trustees

Trustees gather at the RENEW Gala on June 4, 2015. Front row: Deirdre James, Livvy Dineen, Patricia Murphy, Joseph Franzetti, and Barbara Miller. Back row: Fr. Abraham Orapankal, Robert McGovern, Michael Singer, Martin Garofalo, Walter Rickard, Eric Dill, chair; Donald Whittam, Michael Tropiano, and Sr. Terry Rickard, OP.

President and Executive Director Sr. Theresa Rickard, OP President and Executive Director of RENEW International; Dominican Sister of Blauvelt, NY

Chair Eric Dill Vice President, Human Resources at the American Arbitration Association; previously Director of the Office of Human Resources, Diocese of Metuchen, NJ

Secretary Patricia A. Murphy Partner in the law firm of Murphy & James, LLC

Treasurer Leslie T. Maiman, Jr., D.Min. Chief Operating Officer and Chancellor, Archdiocese of Anchorage; permanent deacon of the Archdiocese of Anchorage


Angelica Barrera-Cruz Primary School Educator in Half Moon Bay, CA; former Associate Director, Office of Youth & Young Adults, Diocese of Metuchen Jane P. Devlin Civil Lawyer; member of Canon Law Society of America Livvy Dinneen Director of Counseling and faculty member, Immaculate Conception Seminary, Seton Hall University; private practitioner in psychotherapy Raymond J. Donovan Retired President, Schiavone Construction Company; former U.S. Secretary of Labor Alejandro Fernรกndez-Colmenรกrez Vice President, Corporate Development & Communications for Brenntag Latin America; Former President of the MIT Club of South Texas.

RENEW International

John Mulderig Media reviewer, Office for Film and Broadcasting, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Reverend Abraham Orapankal A native of the Indian state of Kerala; currently pastor of St. John Neumann Parish, Califon, NJ; former member of RENEW International’s Pastoral Services Team Walter I. Rickard Former Chairman of the Board and CEO, LSSi Corp; former NYNEX executive

Eric Dill, chair of RENEW’s Board of Trustees, poses with co-founder Msgr. Thomas Kleissler at the RENEW Gala.

Joseph Franzetti Senior Vice President at Berkadia Commercial Mortgage, LLC; past Chair of RENEW’s Board of Trustees Martin Garofalo Chief Executive Officer, News America Marketing Dierdre James Partner in the law firm of Murphy & James, LLC Jennifer Jehn President and CEO, Keep America Beautiful; hospice care grief counselor Robert P. “Pat” Kane Managing Partner, Star Strategies Group, LLC, Alexandria, VA

Michael Singer AVP – Threat Management, AT&T Business Solutions Michael Tropiano Chief Financial Officer of Par Pharmaceutical Inc.; Director of Men’s Spirituality, Church of the Presentation, Upper Saddle River, NJ Donald Whittam Executive Vice President, Sales & Merchandising, Divatex Home Fashions, New York, NY; Ministry Leader, Church of the Presentation, Upper Saddle River, NJ

RENEW INTERNATIONAL CORPORATE MEMBERS Most Rev. John J. Myers, JCD, DD Archbishop of Newark, Chairman

Rev. Thomas P. Looney, CSC, PhD Director of Campus Ministry, King’s College, Wilkes-Barre, PA


Robert P. McGovern Retired executive in mortgage-backed securities industry; Commissioner of Avon by the Sea, NJ; Chair of Finance Committee at St. Elizabeth Church, Avon by the Sea, NJ

Rev. Msgr. Richard J. Arnhols Vicar for Pastoral Life

Barbara Miller Retired Vice President, Continuing Education, Workforce Development, Public Safety, Bucks County Community College, Newtown, PA; Director of Adult Faith Formation, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Doylestown , PA.

Annual Report 2015

Rev. Msgr. Michael A. Andreano Chancellor, Vicar General, and Secretary to the Archbishop

Most Rev. Bernard A. Hebda Coadjutor Archbishop of Newark Rev. Msgr. Thomas P. Nydegger Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia


Staff Members

RENEW’s team, pictured here at the annual Staff Planning Days at Stella Maris Retreat Center in Elberon, New Jersey, strives to be a professional ministerial community.

President and Executive Director

Finance and Business Operations

Sr. Theresa Rickard, OP, D.Min. Susan Capurso, Executive Assistant

Mary Beth Oria, Director Richard Michalowski, Controller (retired) Yvette Hutchins

Assistant Director Sr. Honora Nolty, OP

Customer and Shared Business Services

Human Resources and Information Technology

Eartha Johnson, Manager Regina Crowley Martha Ann Hagedorn Sterling Hardaway Carolyn Newkirk

Patricia Wiley, Director Sr. Eileen Carmody, PBVM, Human Resources Administrator (retired)

Marketing and Communications


Deirdre Trabert Malacrea, Director Jennifer Bober Lynn Hull Amy Reed

Sr. Honora Nolty, OP, Director Dorothy Ott Halie Burns (Intern)

Diocesan Sales and Services Gregory Kremer, Director Sr. Maureen Colleary, FSP Rev. Alejandro López-Cardinale


Pastoral Services Dr. Laura Zane Kolmar, Director Sr. Marie Cooper, SJC Ana Maria Guadalupe Manuel Hernandez

Rev. Alejandro López-Cardinale Anne Scanlan Dr. Joanne Cahoon Sr. Marenid Fabre, OP Brenda Maiman Sr. Marge McGregor, OP Juan Ramón Córdova (RENEW Centroamérica office) Rev. Jeremiah Browne (RENEW South Africa office) Sr. Áine Hughes, HC (RENEW South Africa office) Charmaine Woolard (RENEW South Africa office) Dr. Mariela Saravia (RENEW Venezuela office)

Publications and Resources Kathleen Ogle, Managing Editor Christopher Burns Deacon Charles Paolino

President Emeritus Rev. Msgr. Thomas A. Kleissler

RENEW International


with RENEW

Like us! The Mission of RENEW International RENEW International fosters spiritual renewal in the Catholic tradition by empowering individuals and communities to encounter God in everyday life, deepen and share faith, and connect faith with action.

La misión de RENEW International RENEW International promueve la renovación espiritual enraizada en la tradición de la Iglesia Católica, inspirando y preparando a comunidades y creyentes para descubrir la presencia de Dios en lo cotidiano, profundizar y compartir la fe, y expresarla en sus actos.

La mission de RENEW International RENEW International favorise le ressourcement spirituel selon la tradition catholique en favorisant la rencontre de Dieu dans la vie de tous les jours. Les participants et participantes approfondissent et partagent leur foi, pour ensuite en inspirer leur action.

Cover design by Kathrine Kuo

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Sr. Terry Rickard is tweeting Follow RENEW International’s president and executive director as she shares her thoughts, insights, and news. Follow her: @SrTerryRickard

RENEW International 1232 George Street Plainfield, NJ 07062-1717 USA

Š 2015 RENEW International


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