RENEW International 2022 Impact Report

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Artist Keith Young works on a welcome board for a Parish Catalyst learning community, acknowledging participating parishes with sketches of their churches. See Page 5

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Year in Review Installation Mass Parish Catalyst RENEW in Action Pastoral Services Marketing Financial Summary Development Honoring Our Supporters Leadership TABLE OF CONTENTS 02 04 05 07 13 17 18 20 23 29

Year in Review

“Remember not the events of the past,” the Lord says in the prophecy of Isaiah. (43:18-19a) “The things of long ago consider not. See, I am doing something new.” Our roles as chairman and president are something new, but we do remember the things of the past, particularly the leadership of Eric Dill and Sister Theresa Rickard, O.P., who preceded us and kept the RENEW International ministry going even during the darkest and most trying days of the pandemic.

Still, that “something new” resonates with us, because renewal of parish life is our mission, it’s our name. That’s why, starting this past year, we have focused on Parish Catalyst as our signature program. This pastoral strategy and leadership program provides the best opportunity for parish clergy and laity to gather, exchange experiences and ideas, and learn together how their churches can grow toward excellence.

In recent years, “something new” for RENEW as for life in general has been the increasing reliance on digital communications. That’s why we have developed and are poised to introduce Eucharist Matters, a program for parents whose children are preparing for First Communion. Like Baptism Matters, this is a program of online learning sessions that parents can complete when and where they want to—a convenience folks are used to in this “new” age.

Also new this year is RENEW’s partnership with CUSA, a 75-year-old apostolate of people with disabilities and chronic illness. Members

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keep in touch by forming small groups that exchange letters with personal news and mutual support. RENEW is now the administrator of this apostolate and will work to grow its membership and add new dimensions to members’ experience.

As we write this, the fiscal year is also new, and it promises to present our organization with new challenges and new opportunities. One thing hasn’t changed from the past: We and the entire RENEW staff will rely on your prayers, generosity, and support as we continue this blessed work.

Sincerely yours in Christ,


Installation Mass

RENEW International marked a transition in its leadership with a Mass and reception at the Church of the Presentation in Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, on January 9, 2022. The celebrant and homilist was Most Rev. Michael A. Saporito, auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Newark. The Mass was the occasion for a farewell to Sister Theresa Rickard, O.P., who had served RENEW for 18 years, 12 of them as president, and for the installation of G. Gregory Tobin as the new president.

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Maureen and Robert Kleissler, niece and brother of RENEW’s co-founder, Father Thomas A. Kleissler, were photographed at the Mass with Sister Theresa Rickard and G. Gregory Tobin, outgoing and incoming presidents of RENEW. G. Gregory Tobin, the new president of RENEW International, with Most Rev. Michael A. Saporito, auxiliary bishop of Newark, following the Mass.

Parish Catalyst

A parishioner from the Archdiocese of Newark had this reaction to her experience in a Learning Community: “There are so many tools that you learn for renewal of your parish…. I feel the experience was collaborative, creative, and really enjoyable. It was a great experience to see how you can improve what you already thought was very good.”

Parish Catalyst is RENEW’s key offering , a parishinnovation program that engages pastors and parish leaders in collaborative learning and strategic planning and offers opportunities for integration with our core faith-sharing processes. Parish Catalyst offers webinars, on-site workshops, and Learning Communities that meet in an 18-month process. The mission of Parish Catalyst is to encourage Catholic leaders to think creatively, act courageously, and renew the Church.

During the fiscal year, we produced 10 webinars covering key issues of parish renewal. Hundreds of parishes and thousands of parish and diocesan leaders joined us from across the country and around the world. Topics included family faith formation, community outreach, and the Synod. This year, we also celebrated the milestone of our 40th webinar.

We facilitated 10 on-site workshops at parishes across the country. On-site workshops bring the Parish Catalyst experience in person to parishes so that their staff and lay leaders can be inspired and better equipped to fulfill their mission. Worship topics included staff health and harmony, hospitality, and growing volunteers. This supplement to our Learning Communities has been very successful at helping parishes go further, faster.

Bishop Michael Saporito talks with participants at the first Parish Catalyst Learning Community in the Archdiocese of Newark.

We launched two new Learning Communities this year—one in-person and one virtual. The in-person Learning Community was our second in the Archdiocese of Newark with another scheduled to begin in November.

Most Rev. Michael Saporito, an auxiliary bishop of Newark and a Parish Catalyst alumnus, shared his excitement about the success of the process:

“I cannot express what an energetic and meaningful gathering took place. It certainly inspired all of our parish teams! The principles, processes, and practices they gained at the Learning Community are powerful tools for making disciples. Our pastors are now equipped to continue in this model of creative thinking and collaborative leadership.”

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This welcome board for the virtual Learning Community was created by artist Keith Young. Participants in a Learning Community in the Archdiocese of Newark pose for a group photo.

RENEW in Action

Grateful Living

Grateful Living: The Joy of Stewardship is a small-group process RENEW has developed in a partnership with the Diocese of Jefferson City, Missouri. The process, packaged in a 12-session faith-sharing book by noted Catholic author Leisa Anslinger, presents the concept of stewardship as receiving God’s gifts gratefully and sharing them generously.

During this fiscal year, Grateful Living was presented to two “cohorts” of groups in the Jefferson City diocese. A third will follow. Workshops for parish coordinators of the process and small-group leaders were led by Sister Janet Schaeffler, O.P., a RENEW pastoral consultant. Sr. Janet led the workshops via Zoom, while some participants gathered in person at the chancery in Jefferson City to view the sessions together.

In addition to those gatherings, John Poitevent, Parish Catalyst process director, conducted in-person “innovation workshops” for parish leaders and others on the nature and challenges of discipleship. These workshops were the first fruits of a plan to integrate RENEW’s core processes with Parish Catalyst.

Our experience in Jefferson City made clear the need for a Spanish-language version of this process, and an enculturated book, Vivir Agradecido, has been produced and will be introduced in the diocese in 2023.

Participants in one of the Grateful Living “innovation workshops” held in the Diocese of Jefferson City in September 2021.

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Many participants reported on the positive impact of Grateful Living including this member of St. Thomas More Newman Center Parish in Columbia, Missouri: “I finally volunteered to cook with Loaves & Fishes; another person is visiting shut-ins and bringing them Eucharist; another is very involved with another prayer group and with decorating the church; another has become aware of the homeless in Como; another helps at the Food Bank. Several members of my group volunteered to be mission-resource members or to give a testimony on the first weekend of Lent.”

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Leisa Anslinger


RENEW International has expanded its ministry by becoming the administrator of CUSA, an apostolate of men and women with disabilities or chronic illnesses. Effective January 1, 2022, Mare Ernesto—associate director of pastoral services at RENEW—has been the primary administrator of CUSA. Members of CUSA, which was founded in 1947, are united through postal and e-mail group letters. The CUSA website is now housed on RENEW’s platform with the AudioEye application to make content more accessible. RENEW also publishes The CUSAN, a bi-annual magazine by and about CUSANs, as members are known. Design of the magazine, now in full color, has been modernized. The application for CUSA membership has been updated; applications are now tracked through HubSpot. At least 16 new applications were received with at least 10 applicants committing to join a letter-writing group.

Getting acquainted as RENEW and CUSA join forces are, from left, Anna Marie Sopko, a regular contributor to The Cusan; Mare Ernesto; Joan Donnelly, a former president of the CUSA board of directors; and Dolores Steinberg, editor of The CUSAN

Webinars and targeted marketing will be employed to expand CUSA membership. CUSA’s 75th-anniversary jubilee Mass will be celebrated on December 8, 2022, at Our Lady of Sorrows Church in South Orange, N.J. A virtual retreat for members is planned for the winter of 2023.

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Eucharist Matters

During this fiscal year, RENEW completed work on Eucharist Matters, a program for parents whose children are preparing to receive the Eucharist for the first time. Eucharist Matters consists of 12 online sessions that RENEW developed in partnership with Catholic Households on Mission (Catholic HŌM) and Holy Cross Family Ministries. The learning modules are designed to refresh parents’ appreciation of the history and meaning of the Eucharist and introduce them to the concept of the “domestic church” which means living the values that flow from the Eucharist in their everyday lives at home and in their communities. Each module is a presentation by Dr. Greg Popcak and Lisa Popcak, the creators of Catholic Households on Mission, accompanied by lively animations. RENEW plans to launch Eucharist Matters in the fall of 2022.

Dr. Greg Popcak and Lisa Popcak appear with one of the animated characters in Eucharist Matters

Baptism Matters

RENEW International introduced Baptism Matters in 2020 as a contemporary way for parishes to prepare the parents and godparents of children who are about to be baptized. The program presents the sacrament in a series of online learning modules, recognizing the lifestyles of young adults who are critically important to the future of the Church. The modules, which include testimonies from young parents, emphasize that the sacrament is not a private matter but rather baptism into a community, and the lessons encourage parents and godparents to set an example for their children as active members of the parish. Baptism Matters also includes learning modules that prompt parish staff on how to greet parents who seek baptism for their children. During the fiscal year, 13 existing parish licenses were renewed and five new ones were signed for a total revenue of $3,432. RENEW’s share of fees from 675 individual parents and godparents was $12,487.

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A scene from the Baptism Matters learning module “The Signs and Symbols of Baptism.”

Pastoral Services

The Pastoral Services Team is primarily responsible for accompanying parishes and small groups participating in RENEW’s core processes: Why Catholic?, ARISE, Be My Witness, Grateful Living, and Healing Our Church. The team consists of in-house staff and four pastoral consultants in different parts of the country who shepherd parishes and dioceses through our processes, conducting workshops for parish coordinators and small-group leaders. Mare Ernesto, associate director of pastoral services, holds regular Zoom meetings with these consultants. A focus this year has been helping the team to continue learning about Parish Catalyst and how to identify parishes that might benefit from participating in a learning community.

Wilton Cardinal Gregory, archbishop of Washington, D.C., and Sister Helen Prejean, CSJ, prominent opponents of capital punishment, participated in a webinar based on Dignity and the Death Penalty on February 1. The webinar was moderated by Greg Tobin, president of RENEW, and Genevieve Mougey, director of the Office of Social Services in the archdiocese. Mary O’Meara, executive director of the Office of Deaf and Disabilities Ministry in the archdiocese, provided ASL interpretation. Virtual faith-sharing sessions with Dignity and the Death Penalty were held during Lent as a follow-up to this webinar.

During this fiscal year, the pastoral-services team began reviewing the manner in which it carries out this responsibility, particularly with respect to engaging dioceses, pastors, and pastoral teams and continuing formation of the pastoralservices team itself. This review is also addressing interdisciplinary issues such as updating the way in which RENEW’s brand and material are presented in the marketplace and further developing RENEW’s statements of vision and mission.

Darrin Nelson, newly-appointed senior manager of strategy for pastoral services, worked with a parish on a customized approach to Healing Our Church, the RENEW small-group process that addresses the sexual-abuse crisis. His work anticipates further opportunities to adapt resources to meet the needs of parishes facing unique challenges.

Mare Ernesto and Eileen Lynch, director of sales and parish recruiting, began developing a standard procedure from the sale of a process through its implementation.

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RENEW Africa

Father Jeremiah Browne stepped down as director of the RENEW Africa national office after being appointed national director for the Pontifical Mission Societies for South Africa, Botswana and eSwatini. He has been succeeded by Father Ludwe Jayiya, pastor of Mater Dei Church in Port Elizabeth, who will be assisted by Charmaine Woolard. RENEW on the Air marked its fifth anniversary on Radio Veritas, the Catholic broadcasting system. The program is hosted by Duncan Hyam, coordinator of RENEW Africa and Why Catholic? programs in the Archdiocese of Johannesburg. The show, which includes faith-sharing and listener call-ins, is accessible via radio and television, digital devices, and the Radio Veritas website.

Father Ludwe Jayiya introduces RENEW Africa to clergy, religious, and lay leaders—including Bishop Joseph Mary Kizito— in the Diocese of Aliwal North in East Cape Province, South Africa

Theology on Tap

RENEW has been licensing Theology on Tap since 2007. Gatherings are held in bars and restaurants, where young people are at ease as they listen to and dialogue with lay and clerical speakers. RENEW maintains a public Facebook page for parishes and dioceses to post notices of meetings and a closed Facebook page, which has 135 members, where leaders can exchange ideas. During this fiscal year, RENEW issued 38 new licenses and renewed another six for a total revenue of $6,150.

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This year, the marketing team worked to raise awareness of RENEW through a variety of print and digital outlets. Parish-wide mailers and print advertising, e-mails, webinars, podcasts, digital ads, and social media were employed to grow the RENEW audience. One of the highlights was a webinar with Sister Helen Prejean, CSJ, and Wilton Cardinal Gregory, archbishop of Washington, D.C. Almost 1,400 persons registered for the webinar. The marketing team has worked with pastoral services to consistently brand all new materials for participants, such as the new Grateful Living workshop handouts. The positive relationships built with advertisers has also helped us make the most of our budget to further expand our reach in the market.

The cover of one of the tri-fold mail pieces distributed by the marketing team. This one, mailed to more than 15,000 parishes in the United States, promoted the variety of RENEW resources to help revitalize parish life in the wake of the pandemic.


(dollars in thousands) 2022

Operating Revenue $1,404 $1,714

Operating Expenses $1,665 $1,769

Operating Loss $(261) ($55)

Endowment Income $(418) $601

TOTAL INCOME $(679) $546

Assets (without Endowment) $886 $1,225 Endowment $2,858 $3,351

Total Assets $3,744 $4,576

Total Net Assets $3,258 $3,937

For full audited financial statements, visit

18 RENEW International IMPACT Report 2022
International Key Statistics Full Year Ended June 30
Financial Summary 2021
19 RENEW International Cost Allocation: (% by type, dollars in thousands) FY 2021 Actual FY 2022 Actual Process Costs Development Costs Gen & Admin Costs $1,441 81% $106 6% $222 13% $1,324 80% $104 6% $237 14%


RENEW is grateful for our many donors for making our work possible. Gifts from individuals, foundations, and corporations support our free resources–webinars, online faith-sharing groups, blogs, videos, podcasts, and apps–as well as the development of new resources such as Eucharist Matters. Our donors also enable RENEW to provide programs such as Parish Catalyst to under-resourced parishes that might not otherwise be able to begin a RENEW process, and to support the postpandemic revival of our ministry in South Africa. Thank you!

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Net development revenue Annual Fund $102,400 Grants $391,300 Gala $148,800 Capital Campaign $275,900


RENEW International presented its annual Gala on June 8 at the Pleasantdale Château in West Orange, New Jersey. The highlight of the evening was the presentation of awards to RENEW honorees. The Gala, the 23rd such event, was chaired by Donna Carrai and Dona Panagos. Beautiful June weather allowed participants in the cocktail reception to enjoy the lush outdoor surroundings at the Château. The Gala was also streamed live and was made available for later viewing on YouTube. The Gala raises funds through sponsorships, tickets, journal ads, and a silent auction. The event produced net revenue of $148,802.

the Msgr. Thomas A. Kleissler Award which was named after the founder of RENEW International.

Michael and Joey del Prado, who have been leaders in ministries in the United States and internationally, received Sandra and James McTernan, who have been active in parish, youth, and educational areas, received the Spirit of RENEW Award.

Kevin Cummings, left, who serves on scholarship and Catholic school boards and has been a coach and an athletic director at his parish, receives the James L. Nolan Award from Donald Whittam, chair of the RENEW International Board of Trustees.

Members of the RENEW Board of Trustees attending the Gala are, from left, Dennis Stripe, Vicki Carey, Dominick Preziosi, Lisa Meehan, board chair Donald Whittam, Livvy Dinneen, and Martin Garofalo.

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Honoring Our Supporters

The ministry of RENEW International is made possible in large part by the generous gifts of individual donors, foundations, and businesses. Their generosity has been indispensable in allowing us to continue our work amid the lingering effects of the pandemic. Our donors, honorees, and volunteers are partners in our work, and we thank them all.

President’s Society - $20,000 and above Investors Bank Investors Foundation

James and Loretta Colotto Foundation, Inc. The Lynch Foundation Sandra and James McTernan Mary Noel and William J. Page Les and Eileen Quick

The Robert Brunner Foundation

Frank and Mimi Walsh (Sandy Hill Foundation) John Clark and Jeanette Walton

Patrons of RENEW - $10,000 and above Kevin Cummings George and Patricia Erdman

+Monsignor Thomas A. Kleissler Jack Norris

SOMOS Community Care (Mario Paredes) Walter I. and Lynn Rickard Michael A. and Ida Tropiano

Partners in Mission - $5,000 and above

Michael and Joey del Prado David and Susan Janazzo Our Lady of Peace Parish, New Providence, NJ – Rev. Francisco Mendonca, pastor St. Teresa of Avila Parish, Summit, NJ –Msgr. Robert Meyer, pastor G. Gregory Tobin Carol and Robert Williams

Sponsors - $1,000 and above Archdiocese of Newark – Cardinal Joseph William Tobin, C.Ss.R., D.D., Archbishop Victoria and Thomas Carey Maria DeLucia and Robert Kaplan

Jerry Dempsey

Robert Dempsey Eric and Karen Dill Livvy Dinneen Dolly and Floyd Donahue

Joan Donnelly Diane Forastiero Martin and Susan Garofalo Robert and Jennifer Gregory

RENEW Supporters during the period July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2022



Healey Family Foundation

Thomas and Mary Healy

Jennifer M. Jehn

Robert “Pat” and Sharon Kane Eileen Leonard and Dale Hagstrom John Magnier

Deirdre Trabert and Richard F. Malacrea, Jr. Ann Marie McCabe

Lisa Meehan and Grey Warner

Angela Nwaneri

Barbara and Dominick Preziosi, Jr. Thomas Quinlan, III Richard and Maryellen Hartnett Reid

Most Reverend Michael Saporito Sisters of St. Dominic of Blauvelt, NY John and Jamee Stanley

Dennis and Diane Stripe

The Catholic Church of the Holy Trinity, Westfield, NJ – Rev. Anthony Randazzo, pastor

The Parish Community of Saint Helen, Westfield, NJ – Msgr. Thomas Nydegger, pastor

Richard and Germaine Trabert

Dominic and Kathy Volante, Jr. Laurence Walsh Donald and Elizabeth Whittam

Friends - $100 and above


Herbert and Beatrice Alff

Andy Tabar – Lake Digital

Rina Beacco

Patricia Becker

Bernard J. and Marion C. Berry, Jr. Peter and Katherine Bowen Marguerite Boyce Michael and Stephanie Brough Anthony and Maggie Browne

Patrick and Veronica Brunnock

Robert and Mary Callander

David Calnan and Mary Lee Clanton

Susan M. and Vito Capurso

Fred Marra and Donnamarie Carrai Mary Carter

Michele Castagna

Michael and Cynthia Chovan-Dalton Regina Crowley John D’Angelo

James Davidson Mary Davis

Dr. Donald DeFabio Ronald and Denise Dower Brian and Mary Dugan Joseph R. Duggan

Jenny Du-Soriano Thomas and Carolyn Farley

Paula Flynn

Paul and Kathleen Foley Ellen and Gerald Foster Cristina Garcia-Garzon Thomas Giblin

Charles and Barbara Gnassi

Patricia Gray

Gloria Guarino

Marilyn Haggerty

Mark and Carol Hassenberg

William Heinbokel and Renee Trabert

Charles Hespe

Kathleen Powers Holmes Marge Hussey

Carlotta Jennings

Jack and Mary Beth Kakolewski

Thomas and Susan Kiernan Carol King

Paul Kleissler

Robert Kleissler

24 RENEW International IMPACT Report 2022

Joseph and Susan Konzelman, Jr.

Joseph and Yutsuan Weiyeh Ku

Reverend Thomas Looney, C.S.C.

Joseph Patrick Martinez

Mary and Chris Schiffer

Matthijssen Business Systems

Max Bussel & Co.

James McTernan Richard and Janet Michalowski

Roy Militante

Lauretta Miller

Patricia Murphy and John Kennelly

James and Margaret O’Donnell

Dona and Michael Panagos

Charles and Patricia Paolino

Christian Paolino

Joan Patton

John and Patricia Plunkett

Thomas and Theresa Potenza

Peter and Crisler Quick

Kristen Richardson

Denise Rover

Bartholomew and Mary Sheehan, Jr. Monsignor Timothy Shugrue

Joseph Smith

Richard and Anna Spalckhaver

Marie St. Cloud

Vincent and Mary Sweeney

Edward and Patricia Thomas

Eugene and Suellen Tozzi

Karen Troiano

Patricia Verdon

Diane Wenk

Westfield Health and Rehabilitation, LLC

Maryellen Woodstock

Reverend Stephen Zukas

The Msgr. Thomas A. Kleissler Legacy Society

Members of the Legacy Society make a gift to RENEW that will endure beyond their lifetimes. The following have named RENEW International as the beneficiary of a planned gift.

Monica Garofalo

Robert and Margaret Graham

Lynn Hull +Msgr. Thomas Ivory John Kennelly +Msgr. Tom Kleissler

+Kevin Lawler

+Barbara Miller

Jack Norris

+Kathy Norris Mary Noel Page

+Elizabeth Quinlan C. William Reilly



Supporters up to $99


Amazon Smile

James and Patricia Boland

Russell and Candice Borner

Alice Hugh Brown

Rosalie Bulger-Buzzi

John Bursley

Samuel and Laura Byrnes

Muriel and William Cagney

Susan Cannilla

John and Maribeth Carey

Barbara Romani Carroll

MaryJean Chadwick

Linda Chmielarz

Brian and Anne-Marie Crowley Denise Cutter

Gerald Dalzell

Ted and Maureen De Marinis Jacquelyn De Voti Michael Denove

Dr. K. Dodds

Sharon Faust

Sister Mary Flood, OP Mary Jane Gannon Henry and Althea Gardner Monica Garofalo

Jose Genao

Terry Giannetto

John and Olimpia Giudice Rafael and Rose Gomez

Reverend John Gordon Robert and Margaret Graham Marilou Heim

William and Barbara Hennig Patricia Hobbie Claudia Hooper

Robert and Mary Beth Howath

Michael and Joan Jenkoski

Richard Johnson Marissa and Alex Klapwald Julie and William Kramer Patricia Kummer

Vita Lanza

Sister Mary Lechtenberg, OSF Eileen Linehan Peggy and Charlie Lockwood Carol F. Lynch

Jeremiah and Joan Lynch John and Patricia Magovern Pat Maloney Richard and Kelly Maltagliati John and Lynda Mamone Janet Mangano

Catherine McCann Jerome and Martha McDevitt Michael and Susan McGuinness Linda Nash

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Among the volunteers who made RENEW’s 2022 Gala a successful event were Minerva Lucarelli and Sister Mary Jo Kearns, RSM.

Anthony and Eileen Paparella

PayPal Giving Fund

Loretta Pehanich

Barbara and Fred Prince

Barbara Raisch

Joseph Reardon

Denise and Christopher Reece

C. William Reilly

Geoffrey S. Richards

Genevieve Richards-Wright

Lavinia Ruby

Rosa Sanchez

Anne Scanlan

Pamela Schwitter

Gloria Secchia

Sister Barbara Ann Sgro

Anthony and Flora Spera

Margaret Starzman

Anne Szabo

Mary Lou Thompson

Dolores Vazquez

Richard and Regan Vosler

Patricia Wiley and Wendy Miller Carolyn Winchester Harry W. Wolverton Former RENEW International trustees Dolly Donahue and Robert Dempsey were among those attending the 2022 Gala. Dancers take to the floor during RENEW’s 2022 Gala cocktail reception at the Pleasantdale Château in West Orange, New Jersey.

In-Kind Donations

(Gifts of Goods and Services)

16 Prospect Street Wine Bar and Bistro

Fred Marra and Donnamarie Carrai

CBS Television Stations

Ronald Chiarello

John Clark and Jeanette Walton

Darby Road Public House and Restaurant

Fiddler’s Elbow Country Club, Bedminster, NJ

Frederic’s Jewelers - Clark, N.J.

Martin and Susan Garofalo

Robert and Mary Beth Howath


Marge Hussey

Hyatt Hills Golf Complex, Clark, NJ

Investors Bank

Robert “Pat” and Sharon Kane

Kat Kuo Design

Limani Seafood Grill – Westfield

Reverend Thomas Looney, C.S.C. Robert and Margaret McGovern Sandra and James McTernan

Lisa Meehan and Grey Warner

Patricia Murphy and John Kennelly Oh’Brian’s on the Green, Clark, NJ Dona and Michael Panagos

Paper Mill Playhouse

Denise and Christopher Reece SOJO Spa Club

Dennis and Diane Stripe

Trader Joe’s - Westfield, NJ

Turning Point-Westfield

John Clark and Jeanette Walton

Donald and Elizabeth Whittam

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We thank all our friends, volunteers, and supporters not mentioned here. Truly, we could not do this work without you.
One of the prizes at the silent auction, a popular feature at every Gala.



President and Publisher

G. Gregory Tobin

Executive Assistant/Senior Administrator

Marissa Espinosa

Customer Service

Dawn MacDonald

Customer Service Representative


Cynthia Chovan-Dalton Director

Mary Beth Howath

Sales and Marketing

Eileen Lynch Director

Jennifer Bober Marketing Manager


Joseph Baricelli Manager


Denise Reece Controller

Pastoral Services

Mary Ann Ernesto Associate Director

John Poitevent Process Director, Parish Catalyst

Joseph Baricelli Resource Support Coordinator, Parish Catalyst

Darrin Nelson Senior Manager of Strategy Sr. Ruth Bolarte, I.H.M. John Fontana

Dr. Sourette Fougère Sr. Chela Gonzalez, O.P. Sr. Honora Nicholson, R.S.M. Sr. Janet Schaeffler, O.P.

RENEW Africa

Rev. Ludwe Jayiya Director Charmaine Woolard

Publishing and Resources

Deacon Charles Paolino Managing Editor

Volunteer Staff

Bill Ayres

Alice Hugh Brown Diane Forastiero

Sharon Krause

Sister Honora Nolty, O.P.



G. Gregory Tobin

President and Publisher

Donald J. Whittam, Chair

Patricia A. Murphy, Secretary

Vincent Sweeney, Treasurer

Victoria Carey

Livvy Dinneen

Alejandro Fernández-Colmenárez Eric Dill

Joan Donnelly Martin Garofalo

Jennifer Jehn Craig Johnson


Robert P. “Pat” Kane

Rev. Thomas P. Looney, C.S.C., Ph.D. Lisa Meehan

Joan Mulderig Rev. Abraham Orapankal

Mario Paredes

Dominick Preziosi Walker I. Rickard

Felipe “Flip” Sanchez

Dennis Stripe

William Simon Jr. Senior Advisor to the Board

Cardinal Joseph William Tobin, C.Ss.R., D.D., Chair

Very Rev. John J. Chadwick, S.T.D.

Sr. Donna L. Ciangio, O.P., M.A., D. Min. Sr. Patricia Wormann, O.P., M.Div., M.S.W.

Rev. Timothy G. Graff, M.Div.

30 RENEW International IMPACT Report 2022

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32 RENEW International IMPACT Report 2022
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The RENEW Prayer

Gracious God and Father, We are your people, embraced by your love. We thank you for your presence with us throughout all time.

Create us anew through Jesus Christ, your Son. Liberate us from all that keeps us from you. Send your Holy Spirit, enabling us to recreate our world and restore justice.

Heal us from every form of sin and violence. Transform us to live your Word more profoundly. Reconcile us so enemies become friends. Awaken us to the sacred; nurture our relationships. Enliven our parishes; reunite our families.

Fill us with joy to celebrate the fullness of life. Empower us to be a community of love growing in your likeness by the grace of Christ our Lord. Amen


To renew personal faith and parish life—unlocking the power of small groups by equipping laity and clergy to share their Catholic faith and live it every day.

RENEW International 1232 George Street Plainfield, NJ 07062-1717 USA Copyright © 2022 by RENEW International

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