RENEW International 2016 Annual Report

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Live in Joy, Love in Mercy Annual Report 2016

The Mission of RENEW International RENEW International fosters spiritual renewal in the Catholic tradition by empowering individuals and communities to encounter God in everyday life, deepen and share faith, and connect faith with action.

La misi贸n de RENEW International RENEW International promueve la renovaci贸n espiritual enraizada en la tradici贸n de la Iglesia Cat贸lica, inspirando y preparando a comunidades y creyentes para descubrir la presencia de Dios en lo cotidiano, profundizar y compartir la fe, y expresarla en sus actos.

La mission de RENEW International RENEW International favorise le ressourcement spirituel selon la tradition catholique en favorisant la rencontre de Dieu dans la vie de tous les jours. Les participants et participantes approfondissent et partagent leur foi, pour ensuite en inspirer leur action.

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Contents From Our President


A Message from Our Board


Pastoral Offerings 4 Be My Witness ARISE Together in Christ Why Catholic? Journey Through the Catechism

More Pastoral Offerings

Living In the Sacred Creation at the Crossroads Balancing Faith and Work: The Dynamic Leader RENEW Scripture Series

7 Page 4

RENEW Worldwide


Young Adult Ministry


Where RENEW Serves


Financial Summary


Management and Operations




Good News Story: St. Pius X Flint, Michigan


Development Program




Board of Trustees


Connect with RENEW


South Africa • Venezuela • Dominican Republic

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Annual Report 2016


From Our President Dear Friends of RENEW: Thank you for supporting RENEW International! For nearly 38 years, RENEW has helped parishes around the world transform themselves into beacons of welcome and wellsprings of missionary activity. Because of people like you, parishioners are formed into missionary disciples who bring God’s mercy and love to their families, workplaces, and communities. This year we have introduced a new parish-renewal process, Be My Witness: Formation for the New Evangelization. This program was inspired by Pope Francis, who calls on all Christians to carry the Gospel into everyday life, including to those most in need of God’s welcoming and healing touch. We launch Be My Witness mindful of Pope Francis’ exhortation The Joy of the Gospel in which he writes that “Each Christian and every community must discern the path that the Lord points out, but all of us are asked to obey his call to go forth from our own comfort zones in order to reach all the ‘peripheries’ in need of the light of the Gospel.” Be My Witness, designed to help parishioners walk that path, employs video, web-based training of parish leaders, online resources, and a new interactive website. A distinctive feature integrated into the small-group faith-sharing resource is a series of videos in which Catholic adults tell about turning points in their spiritual lives—a means of encouraging participants to tell their own faith stories. Be My Witness represents a significant investment in material and human resources, but it also represents a carefully designed strategy to get the most and best out of our organization while carefully controlling costs. It is another step in RENEW’s continuing mission to enliven parishes. Our leadership and staff are aware of RENEW’s financial status. We are committed to making the adjustments necessary to reduce our deficit and balance our budget, but our primary focus continues to be increasing our mission impact. In its early days, Be My Witness has been received with enthusiasm as the program has been launched in the first cohort of parishes. That response reinforces our belief that there is a thirst in our parishes for a new missionary spirit, a thirst that RENEW will continue to fulfill. I thank you again for your support and for your trust. With warm regards,

Sr. Theresa Rickard, OP President and Executive Director


RENEW International

A Message from Our Board Dear RENEW Supporters: As RENEW International approaches its fortieth anniversary in 2018, we begin to reflect on and celebrate all that this wonderful ministry has achieved in transforming Catholic parish life in North America and around the world. At the same time, we look forward to carrying out our ongoing mission for many years to come by inspiring people to take the Gospel beyond the walls of our churches—to their families, schools, workplaces, and communities. The work that RENEW has accomplished this past year is highlighted by the launch of Be My Witness: Formation for the New Evangelization, which demonstrates a combination of bold vision, strategic planning, and prudent financial management. Working closely with the Board of Trustees and its Finance Committee, RENEW’s leadership continues to successfully navigate through paradigm shifts that are challenging many dioceses and parishes, both fiscally and because of a continued decline in church attendance that once was taken for granted. RENEW has adapted to these changes by identifying creative, non-traditional ways of delivering its services, ensuring that its work of evangelization continues. Strategic initiatives have included cost-effective staffing; sales strategies that include parish clusters and individual parishes, as well as whole dioceses; ensuring that technology platforms and resources are current, and leveraging to provide training and pastoral support to parish and small-group leaders; pursuing mutually beneficial partnerships with organizations that have similar goals; careful use of outside professionals to supplement work done in house; and exploring opportunities to provide publication services to other nonprofits. In the coming months, you will learn more about RENEW’s plans to celebrate its fortieth anniversary with special events throughout 2018. I hope you will be able to share with us in this significant milestone. As the decades have passed, RENEW has adapted, but I am proud to share that it has not altered its core mission of transforming parishes by empowering the laity to carry the Gospel wherever they go—to be the Church to those they encounter in their everyday lives. Thank you for the part you play in making this possible! Very Respectfully,

Eric Dill Chair, Board of Trustees

Annual Report 2016


Pastoral Offerings Be My Witness: Formation for the New Evangelization Be My Witness: Formation for the New Evangelization is a Christ-centered, Spirit-led process to transform parishes and form disciples for the New Evangelization. Be My Witness and its Spanish counterpart, Sean mis testigos: Formación para la Nueva Evangelización, has been launched in the dioceses of San Angelo, Texas and Joliet, Illinois, and a pilot launch in the Archdiocese of Newark. The first virtual cohort of parishes around the country will start in January of 2017. Inspired by The Joy of the Gospel, Pope Francis’ landmark document on evangelization, this process builds an ever-widening circle of conversion and commitment in two phases: • Phase 1: engages parish staff, leaders, and pastoral councils to lead change through the transformation process with training, planning activities, best practices, and consultation. On-demand video-based learning modules engage parish staff and leaders effectively at their own pace. The RENEW Parish Assessment tool helps parishes identify opportunities to become more evangelizing. • Phase 2: invites all parishioners to become partners in the New Evangelization by joining small groups, a proven model to encounter Christ, reawaken faith, and make a commitment to missionary outreach. This process engages and forms parishioners as missionary disciples. The 12-session faith-sharing book, which is integrated with videos that present real-life Catholic witness stories, is designed to deepen understanding of the call to be evangelizers. The RENEW pastoral staff supports success in each parish throughout the process with ongoing consultation.

Parish in historic church pioneers Be My Witness/Sean mis testigos A parish that is housed in an historic 166-year-old church in Newark, New Jersey is among the first parishes to enroll in Be My Witness/Sean mis testigos. The congregation of English- and Spanish-speaking parishioners, worships at St. Patrick Pro-Cathedral in Newark. The church was dedicated in 1850. The pastor, Fr. Bismark Chau, enrolled his parish in Be My Witness/Sean mis testigos as part of a pilot group of 12 parishes working with the Office of Evangelization of the Archdiocese of Newark. The process is designed to provide formation and practical guidance to help each parish become, in the words of Pope Francis, “a center of constant missionary outreach.” Before Be My Witness/Sean mis testigos, Fr. Chau said he sensed the hunger of the people to deepen their faith. He invited ministry leaders to take this journey together, focusing on the key areas that matter for parish evangelization presented in a series of learning videos. To foster unity, the English- and Spanish-speaking teams open and close their meetings with bilingual prayer and sharing experiences. In the middle of the sessions, they view the videos and discuss the topics in their native languages. Fr. Chau sees the potential blessings of Be My Witness/Sean mis testigos in two ways. First, he dreams of the parish becoming a community of evangelizers who will confidently reach out to others. Second, he hopes to engage the lay people to take ownership of this vision of discipleship that is Christ’s mission. “Be My Witness/Sean mis testigos can be the spark to inspire our community,” Fr. Chau said.


RENEW International

ARISE Together in Christ ARISE Together in Christ and its Spanish and French counterparts—LEVÁNTATE. Unamonos en Cristo and DEBOUT Ensemble dans le Christ—is a three-year diocesewide evangelization and spiritual-renewal process for the entire parish. This process provides fertile ground for an encounter with Christ and deepens spirituality through faith sharing in small groups. Small-group participants reflect on, experience, and witness to the presence of God in their lives and gain confidence to become evangelizers. ARISE provides a powerful and unifying spiritual experience that brings the parish together, touches lives, and encourages faith-based action in the parish and beyond. The ARISE faith-sharing books are offered in eight languages, and large print for the visually impaired. The process includes youth and family materials. RENEW offers ongoing pastoral consultation, web resources, and onsite and online leadership training workshops throughout the dioceses we serve. Altogether, more than 25,000 parishioners at over 250 parishes are engaged in ARISE Together in Christ including five dioceses in the United States and Canada, such as Brooklyn, New York; Monterey, California; Lansing, Michigan; Fort Wayne, Indiana; and London, Ontario, Canada. Clusters of parishes are engaged in ARISE in the Archdioceses of Galveston-Houston, Texas; Atlanta, Georgia; and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and the Dioceses of Trenton, New Jersey; Cleveland, Ohio; Rockville Centre, New York; and San Diego, California.

RENEW Process leads to Discernment: Father Patrick Garrett A Texas priest who is now pastor of a church in The Woodlands in Spring, Texas discerned his calling to holy orders while he was participating in a RENEW faith-sharing process. Fr. Patrick Garrett, pastor of Sts. Simon and Jude Church in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston has said of RENEW 2000: “That really is the source of my vocation.’’ “I am a late vocation,’’ Fr. Patrick explained. “I have been a priest for seven years; I worked in industry for twenty years.’’ The pastor participated in the original RENEW process in the early 1990s at St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish in Houston, but the small group drifted apart. He signed up again for RENEW 2000. “I had been involved in the RCIA program, and I put together a group from that ministry, both people who had come through RCIA and people who had worked in the ministry.” “We started meeting, and our faith flourished. We kept wanting to do more and discussing what that ‘more’ might be.’’ The small group continued to meet after completing RENEW 2000, Fr. Patrick said. “We kept doing whatever program we could get our hands on; we kept meeting and challenging each other to grow in faith.’’ In 2003, some of the men in the group started discussing the possibility of formation for the permanent diaconate. Due to his work schedule, he could not continue to meet with the group but Fr. Patrick began to discern his call to priesthood. He entered the seminary in 2003 and was ordained in 2009. “Because of my experience with Renew 2000,’’ he said, “I was adamant that the parish be part of ARISE”—meaning ARISE Together in Christ, the faith-sharing process from RENEW International. “We were part of the first group of parishes to do ARISE in this archdiocese,’’ Fr. Patrick said. Fr. Patrick said the parish has ARISE activities for various age groups in both English and Spanish. The parish is now participating in the fourth of the five ARISE seasons. Some 225 men and women in 23 small groups take part in ARISE in the parish.

Annual Report 2016


Why Catholic? Journey Through the Catechism Why Catholic? offers a response to today’s questions from a faith-filled point of view through reflection and sharing on Sacred Scripture and on the themes of the Catechism of the Catholic Church—prayer, the Creed, the sacraments, and Christian living. The resources help participants connect the faith to daily life and encourage them to move to action as they journey together in small Christian communities. Why Catholic? also reaches out to everyone in the parish through faith-enrichment events and bulletin inserts for personal reflection and intergenerational sharing. During the past year, the process has been enhanced through the revision of all the formation workshops, emphasizing the New Evangelization. These changes have begun to generate greater engagement on the part of new parish teams who have explored more creative invitation strategies. In addition to the Archdioceses of Miami, Florida and Boston, Massachusetts, the Dioceses of Amarillo, Texas; London, Ontario; and Fort Wayne/South Bend, Indiana are engaged in the Why Catholic? process. A cluster of parishes in the Archdiocese of Anchorage are also engaged in Why Catholic?

Holy Cross Parish: Coffee with God Holy Cross parish in London, Ontario is engaged in the RENEW process using Why Catholic? During a recent visit by Sr. Maureen P. Colleary, FSP, part of the RENEW pastoral team, parishioners shared what this process is doing for their parish. One small group reached out to a family in need to help them during a difficult time. Another group started a Sunday afternoon event called “Coffee with God” where all the small-group members were invited to ask questions about the Why Catholic? materials and process. The pastor participated to listen, answer questions, and be part of the process.

Patricia Lima, Holy Cross Parish Coordinator

Why Catholic? Diocese of Fort Wayne/South Bend, Indiana An older couple—one of whom is disabled—was preparing to join St. Jude Catholic Church in South Bend, Indiana. St. Jude is one of the parishes in the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend that is currently participating in Why Catholic? Journey Through the Catechism. To make it feasible for the disabled spouse to participate in Why Catholic?, one of the small groups moved its meetings to the couple’s home. The group members bonded with the couple and celebrated with them when they joined the parish. Examples of the impact of a welcoming community often arise when parishes are engaged in Why Catholic? or other faith-sharing programs from RENEW. For example, at Immaculate Conception Church in Kendallville, in the same Indiana diocese, the Why Catholic? coordinator, Lucy Papaik, greeted a man at Sunday Mass who seemed new to the parish. Lucy and another small-group leader invited the man to sit with them during the Mass. They learned that he was trying to find his way after the deaths of his wife and his children. The pair invited the man to join a Why Catholic? small group, and he now can share his faith and benefit from the support of the community.

St. Jude Church, South Bend, Indiana


RENEW International

More Pastoral Offerings Living in the Sacred Living in the Sacred is the second book in RENEW International’s two-part series Spirituality for Everyday Life with Ronald Rolheiser. The first, Longing for the Holy, is based on The Holy Longing, Fr. Rolheiser’s book on essential discipleship. Living in the Sacred is based on Sacred Fire, Fr. Rolheiser’s book on mature discipleship. While happy, upbeat experiences can provide some degree of change and learning, Fr. Rolheiser notes that the deepest spiritual changes usually emerge from the fire of life’s struggles. Mature disciples become less concerned with their own little worlds and more concerned with the world at large, asking themselves, “What am I called to do to make the world a better place?” We become more altruistic. We find ourselves being more generous. We call ourselves to deeper levels of faithfulness and action. We become conscious of making and keeping commitments that matter. In other words, we start giving away the “self” we have created during the phase of essential discipleship.

Longing for the Holy: Fort Belvoir, Fairfax County, Virginia At the Fort Belvoir Catholic Community, there is an energetic small faith-sharing group consisting of 16 members who meet early Sunday mornings after the 7:30 Mass. With wonderful support from the priest/ spiritual advisor, the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA and RENEW International, the group members took a journey through a rich spiritual renewal process guided by RENEW’s Longing for the Holy program which is based on the insights of Fr. Ronald Rolheiser and developed by RENEW through a generous grant by the Raskob foundation. Two practical sections within each of the twelve sessions stood out for the group: Our Companion on the Journey and Living the Good News. In Our Companion on the Journey, group members appreciated the wonderful examples of wise Christians, such as St. Francis de Sales and St. John Bosco, who reflect the light of Christ and serve as companions helping to deepen the participants’ Catholic spirituality. In Living the Good News sections, group members were encouraged and challenged to take constructive, practical actions emerging from their faith-sharing experiences. Some of the actions the members committed to were to set aside a few minutes each day to be in the presence of God; to provide hundreds of rosaries to support Catholics in a nearby mostly immigrant community; to participate in a spiritual retreat at a Catholic monastery; and to make a commitment to sponsor a young boy in India. The members of this small group at Fort Belvoir expressed how grateful they are to RENEW International for helping to create a special place for spiritual renewal and personal development. Ft. Belvoir, Faith-Sharing Group

Annual Report 2016


Creation at the Crossroads RENEW International collaborated with the Catholic Climate Covenant and GreenFaith to produce a small-group faith-sharing resource based on Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si’ (On Care for Our Common Home). Creation at the Crossroads helps Catholics internalize, and set as a priority in their lives, the Church’s teaching on the care of creation and the impact of environmental change on those who are poor and vulnerable. Through Scripture, prayer, reflections, faith-sharing questions, and practical ideas for protecting and caring for the environment and people, Creation at the Crossroads moves Catholics to faith-based action. Since its release in January of 2016, this resource has already begun to galvanize small groups and parishes to take action locally and globally to work caring for our common home.

Balancing Faith and Work: The Dynamic Leader Based on the Insights of Chris Lowney, author of Heroic Leadership

A partnership with the Ignatian Business Chapters and RENEW International. COMING SOON

Men and women in business make tough decisions and juggle multiple demands. As persons of faith, they want to lead with principle and make a positive impact in both their work and personal lives. RENEW, in partnership with the Ignatian Business Chapters, (formerly the Woodstock Conference), is developing a faith-sharing resource for small groups that will help professionals address those issues. Balancing Faith and Work: The Dynamic Leader is based on the work of Chris Lowney, a former Jesuit seminarian and executive for J.P. Morgan. Lowney looked at the skills he learned as a Jesuit seminarian and saw how valuable they were in preparing him to be a business leader in world finance. In his books, Heroic Leadership and Pope Francis: Why He Leads the Way He Leads, Lowney helps the business leader understand that leadership is a combination of business prowess and self-understanding. Balancing Faith and Work: The Dynamic Leader will make his insights available to small groups meeting in their places of business or in their parishes.


Parish Gardens in the Garden State Preach Louder than Words St. Francis of Assisi is credited with saying, “Preach the Gospel and, if necessary, use words.” A year ago Pope Francis gave us his groundbreaking letter Laudato Si’—On Care for Our Common Home. This letter inspired RENEW International to publish Creation at the Crossroads a smallgroup faith-sharing resource. Three parishes in New Jersey took the words of Pope Francis and established or expanded parish gardens and formed environmental awareness committees. In Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, the Church of the Presentation’s parishioners recently participated in RENEW’s Creation at the Crossroads. Because of this process, they created a garden as an educational and social-justice outreach program. St. John Neumann in Califon, New Jersey has had a parish community garden for 10 years and expanded it in response to Laudato Si’. The parish invited those who use the parish food pantry to come and learn how to grow their own food. “It has become an evangelization opportunity,” says Anne Germino, who heads the project. These gardens provide fresh produce to soup kitchens in New York and New Jersey. In the town of Westfield, New Jersey Holy Trinity Parish used Creation at the Crossroads during Lent 2016 for their small faith-sharing groups. As a result, the group decided to launch an Environmental Awareness and Action effort in the parish. They are working with Catholic Relief Services to raise awareness and funds for a water project in Ethiopia.

St. John Neumann Parish Garden

RENEW International

RENEW Scripture Series The Church, in this age of “the new evangelization,” relies more than ever on the laity to internalize the Gospel and then to “preach” it through acts of mercy, charity, and justice. The people of God have been encouraged to take the Gospel to heart; now they are commissioned to be the Gospel wherever life may take them. The RENEW Scripture Series presents a special opportunity for Catholic adults to engage the Bible. The first in the series is Luke: My Spirit Rejoices! by Martin Lang, PhD. Created for individual use as well as small groups, this resource enables men and women to experience Luke’s Gospel in its entirety. Participants can explore the Old Testament roots of the Gospel and Luke’s unique presentation of “a world turned upside-down” by the teaching and example of Jesus. Participants can reflect on the human behavior described in the Gospel, share their own experiences, and decide how to apply the teaching of Jesus to everyday life at home, at work, and in the community. The series will continue with the release of Matthew: Come, Follow Me, also by Dr. Lang. He points out that Matthew’s particular approach to the Gospel “invites the reader or listener to become part of the entourage of Jesus, to listen to his words as a disciple who follows him and sits at his feet.” This idea is “supported by the belief that, indeed, Jesus has not left us alone in this world. He is still present in a mysterious way, and his voice is heard in the text of the Gospel.”

RENEW Scripture Series used in Prison Ministry One of the first faith-sharing groups to use RENEW International’s new resource on the Gospel of Luke are inmates at a state prison for women. The chaplain, Sister Mary Ann Collins, OP, a Dominican Sister of Blauvelt, New York, says the participants have found the experience engaging and fruitful. The Bedford Hills prison is the state’s only maximum-security prison for women. “Many of the women who come to any of the religious groups are women who are trying very hard to change their lives,’’ Sister Mary Ann said. Their previous religious experience varies, Sister Mary Ann said: “Some come from very religious families; others have had no exposure at all.’’ But the group as a whole really took to the resource on Luke’s Gospel, she said: “What we especially like are the reflection questions, because they prompt lots of personal reflection, and they provoke wonderful discussion.” “And for those who know less about the Bible than others, ‘Entering into the Biblical Story’ and the ‘The Old Testament Witness’ background (features in every session) in each chapter are great educational tools.’’ An especially attractive feature of Luke’s Gospel, Sister Mary Ann said, is its cast of characters: “We often spend a lot of time talking about the various people mentioned in the Gospel—characteristics of theirs and characteristics of our own. “The book is clear; it’s easy for the women to understand, and thus, they get engaged.” RENEW will continue the scripture series with books on the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and John.

Annual Report 2016


RENEW Worldwide RENEW in South Africa A parish in the Archdiocese of Pretoria, South Africa, invited a family that had long been estranged from the Church to join a small group. It was such a healing experience that the family bought faith-sharing books for the whole group and are now fully participating in parish life. This is only one example of the many ways in which RENEW has touched the lives of thousands of people in South Africa. At present about 7,000 people participate in Why Catholic? in 93 parishes in the Archdiocese of Johannesburg; about 3,500 participate in ARISE Africa in Pretoria Catholic Women’s League 70 parishes in the Diocese of Port Elizabeth—which is in its ninth year with RENEW, and about 300 participate in RENEW Africa in 20 parishes in Pretoria. RENEW processes are available in South Africa in English, Xhosa, and Afrikaans. Home Mass: Johannesburg

RENEW in Venezuela A parish in Valencia, Venezuela this year introduced another small-group resource from RENEW International Maria, llena de gracia (Mary, full of grace). Working with RENEW, Father Joel Núñez Flautes, pastor of La Resurrección del Señor parish (The Resurrection of the Lord) in Valencia, launched ¿Por qué ser católico? along with María, llena de gracia, as an integral faith-formation initiative, which has resulted in the establishment of many small groups in the parish, according to Mariela Saravia, assistant director of RENEW Venezuela. Father Flautes’ goal was to establish a catechetical process that would eventually reach most of the faithful in the parish, increasing their knowledge of the Catholic faith and their devotion to Mary and inspiring them to live Small-group training in Valencia, Venezuela. out their faith in everyday life. Elena Parra, coordinator of a small group in the parish, said participants “have seen their faith grow and strengthen” as they completed the first ¿Por qué ser católico? (Why Catholic?) year. “With great enthusiasm, fellowship, perseverance, and personal and community effort, we are encouraging our church to be Eucharistic, missionary, fraternal and Marian,” Elena said. Noting the rich experiences of witness and fellowship, Elena said that these small groups “we recognize with humility, are similar to the first communities described in the Acts of the Apostles.” “We feel assured of the direct assistance of the Holy Spirit, which we invoke in every session.”


RENEW International

RENEW in the Dominican Republic In a follow-up to a mission trip to the Dominican Republic by Sister Terry Rickard, OP, RENEW this year launched ARISE, one of its core evangelization processes, in two parishes and a mission church that serve profoundly poor people in the Archdiocese of Santo Domingo. Sister Terry, RENEW’s president and executive director, was invited by Bob Hart, a co-founder of Our Lady Star of the Sea-Sister Parish Ministry, to join him for a mission trip with high school students to El Mamey, which is a migrant workers camp or batey, settled primarily by Haitian families. Sr. Terry with teenagers from Our Lady Star the Sea and children from the Dominican Then, Fr. Alejandro Lopez-Cardinale and Manuel Hernandez of of Republic. RENEW’s pastoral services team traveled to the parishes to discuss details with the pastors and pastoral councils. Manuel later conducted workshops for the parish leadership teams and then conducted training for the small-group leaders. ARISE small faith-sharing groups will begin this fall. The ministry is a partnership between Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish in Ponte Vedra, Florida, and the parishes of Santo Domingo Savio and San Antonio de Padua, although people from outside the Florida parish, and volunteers in the Dominican Republic, participate. A mission church of San Antonio—Star of the Sea Chapel—serves the people of El Mamey. In what it calls an ongoing encounter, the ministry has provided medical care, built houses, and worked with local residents to develop their communities. In collaboration with the Sister Parish Ministry, RENEW—mindful of Pope Francis’ observation in The Joy of the Gospel that “the worst discrimination that the poor suffer is the lack of spiritual care’’ — has launched LEVÁNTATE: Unámonos en Cristo (ARISE Together in Christ) in the parishes. “Although economic conditions in the two parishes are precarious,” Manuel said, “the enthusiasm and joy of being a family, of being Church, are overwhelming and fill my heart with the hope that the seed we are planting will bear abundant fruit.’’

Young Adult Ministry: Theology on Tap Theology on Tap-South New Jersey uses Jesus’ method of sharing of the Gospel—meeting people where they are, usually in bars and restaurants. Greg Coogan, who oversees the program for the Diocese of Camden, New Jersey, says the Theology on Tap Core Community offers to support parishes by providing a “sacred space” for 20 and 30 year olds to meet, learn and discuss a topic of faith, and connect back to the Catholic faith community. The Core Community looks for Catholic speakers who can lead gatherings that Young adults at a Theology on Tap event in the • offer solid content that is practical and relevant, and that diocese of Camden, New Jersey. connects to both the head and heart; • respect and plan for the diversity of learning styles and theologies that will be present in the room; • foster connections to the lives of young adults, so that theory and theology make sense to them; • create an atmosphere in which young adults can laugh, have fun, and learn at the same time. The RENEW Theology on Tap Facebook page ( provides a forum for ToT leaders in places like Texas, California, Ohio, and Iowa to share best practices and download helpful resources developed by RENEW.

Annual Report 2016


Where RENEW Serves British Columbia Alberta Saskatchewan





RENEW’s Pastoral Process Locations* ARISE/LEVÁNTATE/DEBOUT (red) Why Catholic? (green) RENEW Africa (purple) Renewing the Priestly Heart (black) La justicia brota de la fe (gray) Jóvenes para Cristo (magenta) Theology on Tap (brown) Be My Witness (orange) Military (blue) *Does not include individual parish/small Christian community activity.


RENEW International

New Brunswick




Nova Scotia




















South Africa

CENTRAL/SOUTH AMERICA Caribbean Sea Dominican Republic

Guatemala El Salvador Venezuela

Annual Report 2016


Financial Summary RENEW International remains committed to long-term mission-growth goals. This year we have implemented strategic organizational changes that will better position RENEW to expand our reach to more parishes and dioceses in a cost-effective manner and to achieve financial sustainability. The following table and graphs contain key audited financial data.

RENEW International Key Statistics (dollars in thousands)

Full Year Ended June 30 2015 2016

Operating Revenue



Operating Expenses



Operating Loss








Assets (without Endowment)




$3,597 $3,123

Total Assets



Total Net Assets



Endowment Income

* excludes extraordinary items

RENEW International Cost Allocation: (% by type, dollars in thousands) $239 $239 8% 8%

$211 8%

$2,468 84%

FY 2015 Actual Process Costs

$174 7%

$2,130 85%

FY 2016 Actual Development Costs

Gen & Admin Costs

For full audited financial statements, visit, go to the “About Us” tab, and click on “View Our Annual Report.” A link to the financial statements is at the bottom of that page.


RENEW International

Management & Operations RENEW is a mission-driven organization committed to parish spiritual renewal and evangelization. RENEW’s management and operations embody what RENEW brings to the parishes it serves: focused, adaptive strategies and practices designed to leverage talent and technology and to deliver results in a dynamic cost-effective way. We have redesigned our internal infrastructure to enable us to deliver our services and resources in relevant and flexible ways to meet the needs of today’s parish staff and parishioners. We are now capable of engaging parishes, of growing and nurturing parish customer relationships through our new interactive website, webinars, and outbound telemarketing programs. We continue to automate and streamline our internal operating procedures through the use of online registration, learning tools, and payment functions; these activities are now delivered via technology, as compared to the human resources required in prior years. We are building upon these initial operational innovations over the next 24 months, and will continue to be dynamic in our approach to meeting parish customers’ needs. By doing this, we can deliver financially sustainable results by continuing to leverage an optimal blend of skilled human resources, responsive technology, and commitment to the mission of RENEW.

Staff Members

RENEW staff with priests from India at the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia, September 2015.

RENEW’s team, pictured here at the annual Staff Planning Days at the Shrine of St. Joseph in Stirling, New Jersey, strives to be a professional ministerial community.

Annual Report 2016


ARISE: St. Pius X, Flint, Michigan: A Good News Story

Pius X Church Sanctuary

The lives of a Michigan family have been significantly improved thanks to a Catholic parish, including small groups participating in ARISE Together in Christ. Denise Williams, who leads an ARISE group at St. Pius X Parish in Flint, noticed a woman and her children in the front yard of a run-down house. Denise learned from the woman that the family included the mom, her fiancé, and four children ages five months to five years. They had no car, no running water, and no furnace. The fiveyear-old was not in school. Using donated funds, Denise had new water pipes installed. A water heater the family owned was put in service, and a furnace was donated by the mother’s grandfather. The fiancé was walking a considerable distance to work, so the husband of an ARISE group leader donated a bicycle, and Pius X Parish Coat of Arms members of ARISE groups donated other items, including toys, a TV, and cash. Some food was provided from the parish food pantry, and Denise provided transportation to a discount grocery so the family’s food stamps will go further. She said donations of items such as toilet tissue, detergent, soap, tooth brushes, toys, and money have continued to come in. Two of the children now attend St. Pius X School, and another boy was enrolled in pre-school elsewhere. The baby was diagnosed with lead poisoning from the tainted water in Flint; a local agency is planning to rid the house of lead contamination. The parish ARISE groups’ report at the end of one season summed up what is a parish-wide ministry: “Many lives have been blessed, and continue being blessed, by this undertaking—not only those who were in need, but those who opened their hearts and said, ‘Yes, Lord, I hear your call. Yes, I will put my faith into action.’’ City of Flint, Michigan


RENEW International


Renée DeGagné, an honoree at RENEW’s annual gala, and Jennifer Bober, RENEW staff; Msgr. Thomas Kleissler and Msgr. Thomas Ivory, co-founders of RENEW; Mary Ryan, gala honoree, and Sr. Terry

RENEW International, as a not-for-profit organization, sustains our pastoral outreach in part from the sales of our publications and resources and the stipends for services provided by parishes and dioceses. However, our priority is always to serve all people and parishes, regardless of their economic situation. We have been able to fulfill this mission not only in the inner-city and rural areas in the United States but also in the developing world (currently South and Central America and Southern Africa), thanks to donations and charitable funding. During fiscal year 2015-16 we raised more than $460,000 in support of our domestic and international mission work and our outreach Net Development Revenue to military families and people who are visually impaired. In the past fiscal year, RENEW secured $196,000 in grants from charitable foundations. Sources of grants during this period and Annual Fund RENEW’s use of the funds are as follows: Gala $115,000 • The Cushman Foundation supported our Ignatian Business $150,000 Chapters, including a matching grant • The Colotto Foundation and The George Link Charitable Trust Grants supported general operations $196,000 • The Lavelle Fund for the Blind supported publication of the large-print editions of Be My Witness and Sean mis testigos

Tree of Life Prayer Garden Each year RENEW hosts an afternoon celebration to remember those persons, living and deceased, whose names are etched in the stone pavers or on the teak benches in our Tree of Life Prayer Garden in the courtyard behind RENEW’s office building. The event begins with Mass in the garden during which the names are read. Part of the service is a blessing of the new pavers or benches that have been added during the year. You can read more about the Prayer Garden and the Msgr. Thomas A. Kleissler Legacy Society on page 18. New pavers engraved with names of RENEW supporters.

Mass in the Prayer Garden

Annual Report 2016


• The Sister Parish Ministry supported our new work in the Dominican Republic • The Lynch Foundation continues to support our work in the Archdiocese of Boston • The Vollmer Foundation continues to support our work in Venezuela.

ARISE: Together in Christ in Braille in collaboration with the Xavier Society for the Blind

Legacy Society Members Monica Garofalo Robert and Margaret Graham Lynn Hull Msgr. Thomas Ivory Msgr. Thomas Kleissler Kevin Lawler Barbara Miller Jack and Kathy Norris Mary Noel Page C. William Reilly

Archbishop Emeritus Peter L. Gerety of Newark, whose leadership made the founding of RENEW possible, Tamaiyah Dixon care giver, Sr. Maureen Colleary, RENEW Staff, and Paula Flynn, Archbishop Gerety’s assistant at RENEW’s annual Gala. Archbishop Gerety died on September 10, 2016 at 104 years of age.

The Msgr. Thomas A. Kleissler Legacy Society was founded by a group of donors as a way to invite others to endow RENEW International and its mission for the future. Becoming a member is simple: name RENEW International as the beneficiary of a planned gift. Such gifts may include a bequest, appreciated securities, gifts of retirement accounts, life insurance, property, and annuities.

Tree of Life Prayer Garden The Tree of Life Prayer Garden at RENEW headquarters is a beautiful peaceful place where loved ones, alive or deceased, are remembered in etched pavers and teak benches. These etchings are placed in the stones of a large cross surrounded by flowers and foliage. In September, we celebrate a Mass in the garden for all those who are named there.

For more information For information or a confidential conversation about either the Msgr. Thomas A. Kleissler Legacy Society or the Tree of Life Garden, please call Sr. Honora Nolty, OP at the Development Office at (908) 769-5400, ext. 162.


RENEW International

Donors PRESIDENT’S SOCIETY $20,000 and above James and Loretta Colotto Foundation, Inc. Cushman Foundation

George and Patricia Erdman The Lynch Foundation

PATRONS OF RENEW $10,000 and above John Mulderig NewsAmerica Marketing OLSS Sister Parish Ministry, Dominican Republic William and Mary Noel Page Frank and Mimi Walsh Robert and Carol Williams

Catholic Climate Covenant James and Virginia Collins Ray and Cathy Donovan Joseph and Patricia Franzetti Martin and Ann Lang Lavelle Fund for the Blind, Inc. The George Link Jr. Charitable Trust

PARTNERS IN MISSION $5,000 and above American Bible Society Bank of New York Mellon Dominican Sisters of Blauvelt, NY Brian Legg and Renée DeGagné John Mooney and Patricia Dinneen Greenfaith, Inc. Mark and Carol Hassenberg The Catholic Church of the Holy Trinity, Westfield, NJ

Dominican Sisters of Hope, Ossining, NY Dale Hagstrom and Eileen Leonard Barbara Miller Matthew and Caroline Nolty, Greenway East Jack Norris Walter and Lynn Rickard Laurence Walsh

SPONSORS $1,000 and above Saint Thomas More Chapel, Yale University Anthony and Maggie Browne Marylane Burry William and Muriel Cagney Robert and Adele Cahill The Charles Engelhard Foundation Fr. Brendan Dalton, St. Bernadette Catholic Church, Hollywood, FL The Daniels Group, Inc., New Providence, NJ Jim and Betty Davidson Robert Dempsey John Byrne and Livvy Dinneen Floyd and Dolly Donahue Brian Donovan F. Bertrand and Milissa Else John Fontana Archbishop Peter Gerety (deceased) Joseph and Carolyn Gugliandolo Marilyn Haggerty Bernard Hartnett James and Jackie Higgins Douglas and Mary Hutchings Msgr. Thomas Kleissler Eric and Elizabeth Koch James Shugrue and Danielle Kooman

Annual Report 2016

John Magnier Robert and Margaret McGovern Patrick McMahon Grey Warner and Lisa Meehan Edward and Ellen Miller John Kennelly and Patricia Murphy Murphy & James, LLC Sr. Honora Nolty, OP Madonna Nolty Steven and Mary Beth Oria Les and Eileen Quick Chuck and Pat Paolino Mariann Payne Joseph and Maureen Rickard John and Mary Ryan Msgr. Timothy Shugrue Michael and Mary Singer The Spanarkel Browne Granizo Group, Merrill Lynch Richard and Germaine Trabert Michael and Ida Tropiano Dominic and Kathy Volante, Jr. John and Jeannette Walton Thomas and Kathleen Wynne


Donors FRIENDS $100 and above Thomas and Carolyn Farley Barry and Deborah Adler Robert Farrell and Ellen Schultheis Edwin and Ellen Alger, III Remy and Yvonne Ferrario Dominican Sisters of Amityville, NY Thomas Flammer (Deceased) Thomas and Mary Anderson John Flanagan Larry and Donna Barnett Frank Casciari and Cara Fleisher Patricia Becker Paula Flynn Jennifer Bober Paul and Kathleen Foley John and Marguerite Boyce Monica Garofalo Diocese of Brooklyn John Gill Michael and Stephanie Brough Glenn’s Car and Truck Repair, Plainfield, NJ Patrick and Veronica Brunnock Edward and Mary Gormley Steven Brunt Charles and Barbara Gnassi Vincent and Christina Budd Robert and Margaret Graham Rosalie Bulger-Buzzi Suzanne Grogan Reid and Patricia Burke Msgr. Owen Hendry Msgr. James Burke Thomas and Fiona Higgins Msgr. G. Thomas Burns Dominican Sisters of Houston, TX Peter and Lesa Butera William Hughes Lumen Center - Sisters of St. Dominic, Caldwell, NJ Carol Harris Robert and Mary Callander Richard Hay Vito and Susan Capurso Thomas and Mary Healy Msgr. Edward Ciuba Fr. Francis Heinen Robert Dreher and Tony Coelho Michael and Catherine Hennessey Sr. Maureen Colleary, FSP IT Radix, Inc., Whippany, NJ Agnes Collins James Wheaton and Dierdre James Mary Lee Corr David and Susan Janazzo Marilyn Cosgrove Jennifer Jehn Dennis and Judith Crilly Jack and Mary Beth Kakolewski Regina Crowley Robert (“Pat”) and Sharon Kane Alfred Petit and Janice Cuttingham Thomas and Susan Kiernan Karen Dawkins Elaine (Susie) Kimball John and Constance D’Angelo Richard and Suzanne Kinney Donald and Esther Daniels William D’Antonio Fr. Tom Devery Jerry Dempsey Eric and Karen Dill Dominican College, Blauvelt, New York Robert and Patricia Donnelly Peter Donohue Marty and Karen Doris Joseph Duggan Susan Dyckman Mary Beth Eliades Barry and Rosemary Ervin Joseph and Patricia Esposito Claire Fallon Joseph Franzetti (third from right), gala honoree, and family


RENEW International

Donors FRIENDS $100 and above (continued) Edwin and Gertrude Kleissler Robert Kleissler Robert Knowles William and Mary Kreppein Robert and Jean Lampert Gary and Barbara Linn Davey and Elizabeth Loland Richard and Deirdre Trabert Malacrea, Jr. Ronald and Barbara Marasco Bishop Dominic Marconi Ruth Markworth Design Studio, Milwaukee, WI Kathleen Martell John Martin Peggy Masterson Timothy Mazzetti Edward and Margaret McDermott Jack and Carol McDermott Robert and Peggy McDevitt John and Mary McEnerney Lucy McGuirk John and Margarete McNeice Jr Richard and Janet Michalowski Vincent and Maryann Militello Joseph and Roseann Miller Michael and Sedona Montelongo Joao Neves Peter and Pat Nolty Fr. Robert Norris James and Margaret O’Donnell Irene Oliviero Manuel Lopez and Yenitza Olmo Our Lady of Fatima Knights of Columbus Council #4486, Park Ridge, NJ Dorothy Ott Thomas Panso Mario Paredes Donald and Christine Payton Thomas and Theresa Potenza Thomas and Denise Powers James Proud Elizabeth Quinlan Fr. Joseph M. Quinlan

John Ream Joseph and Eileen Reardon C. William Reilly Fr. Charles Reinbold Rosemary Rocconi Joseph Rubin Scott and Margaret Rubinacci Sisters of St. Francis of Peace, NY Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny Province of USA and Canada Bartholomew and Mary Sheehan Patricia Sheehan Msgr. Robert Slipe Timothy Smee and Joanne Collins Smee Richard and Anna Spalckhaver SpeedBinder, Inc., Omaha, NE Anthony and Flora Spera Maureen Staudenmeier Wendy Lane Stevens Vincent and Mary Lucille Sweeney Edward and Patricia Thomas John and Patricia Tierney Claudia Vasquez Robert and Mary VerNooy Eileen Wallace Stephen and Debra Wayne Donald and Elizabeth Whittam Patricia Wiley

Addie Moore, chair of RENEW Gala 2016, and Sr. Honora Nolty, OP.

Thank You! Annual Report 2016


Donors SUPPORTERS up to $99 Herbert and Beatrice Alff Raymond Almonte Leisa Anslinger Marilyn Atkinson Walter and Tecla Barber Robert and Kathryn Begley Arthur Bertke Andrew and Mary Bott Domingo and Maria Bracero Jane Brady Karl and Dolores Buckman Samuel and Laura Byrnes Tim and Stephanie Caputo John and Maribeth Carey Daniel and Katherine Clark Thomas and Loretta Conniff Sr. Marie Cooper, SJC Patti Coyle Ann Crow Homero and Maria Cruz Gustavo Cuervo Michael and Sally Cunningham Joy Dempsey Martha Desloge Sr. Mary Thomas Downing, SSJ Gene and Mary Febbo Hyacinth Findlay Sr. Mary Flood, OP, MD James and Susan Foley James Friel III Janet Frigerio Linda Garvey Teresa Geaney Thomas Genetti Chris and Mary Glacken Peter and Patricia Glen Robert and Kathleen Gluck Sterling Hardaway Edward and Mimi Hartnett Richard and Marie Heaslip Adrienne Hennessy Robert and Mary Howlett Ann James Michael Jedrzejewski and Sybil Grandeck Edward and Julia Jones Patricia Kent Carol King Linda Kraska Greg and Kate Kremer Alice Kuehler Darlyne Lawson Dale and Eileen Linehan John and Rita Linehan Mitchell and Sandy Liro


Charlie and Peggy Lockwood Fr. Alejandro Lopez-Cardinale Fr. Thomas Looney, CSC James and Agatha Loyacano Carol Lynch Jeremiah and Joan Lynch Richard and Kelly Maltagliati John and Lynda Mamone Marcella Martin Santa Matarazzo Mary Mazzacco Michael and Susan McGuinness Robert and Bonnie McLaren Cornelius and Carol McShane Jennifer Mearns Alois and Rosemary Meidenbauer Martin Mick Wendy Miller John and Anna Monti Patrick and Tara Mullen Beatrice Murday Linda Nash Flavio Ortega James Ott Elisa Pagnotti Maria Teresa Palma Candyce Parrington John and Patricia Plunkett John Pritchard Profit Point Consulting, Rockaway, NJ Karen Ralston Geoffrey Richards Sr. Theresa Rickard, OP Frances Rochet James and Marilyn Saccomanno Helen and Stephen Salese William and Marilyn Saydah Yvette Schmid Pamela Schwitter Gloria Secchia Denise Simeone Mark and Laura Smith William and Christine Specht Francis and Cornelia Stein Andy Tabar & Associates-Web Marketing, Fairview Park, OH Mary Tierney Mary Lou Thompson Patrick Joseph Treacy Robert Ulesky and Maria Camargo, MD Richard and Mary Von Stamwitz Bill and Sue Whitright Will and Carolyn Winchester Judith Winter

RENEW International

Board of Trustees

Trustees gather at RENEW Gala on June 2, 2016. Front row: Barbara Miller, Patricia Murphy, Sr. Terry Rickard, OP, Joseph Franzetti, Eric Dill, chair; Deirdre James, Livvy Dineen. Back Row: Michael Tropiano, Walter Rickard, Robert McGovern, Michael Singer, Fr. Abraham Orapankal.

President and Executive Director Sr. Theresa Rickard, OP President and Executive Director of RENEW International; Dominican Sister of Blauvelt, NY

Chair Eric Dill Vice President, Human Resources at the American Arbitration Association; previously Director of the Office of Human Resources, Diocese of Metuchen, NJ

Secretary Patricia A. Murphy Partner in the law firm of Murphy & James, LLC

Treasurer Michael Tropiano Former Chief Financial Officer of Par Pharmaceutical Inc.; Director of Men’s Spirituality, Church of the Presentation, Upper Saddle River, NJ

Annual Report 2016

Jane P. Devlin Civil Lawyer; member of Canon Law Society of America Livvy Dinneen Director of Counseling and faculty member, Immaculate Conception Seminary, Seton Hall University; private practitioner in psychotherapy Raymond J. Donovan Retired President, Schiavone Construction Company; former U.S. Secretary of Labor Alejandro Fernández-Colmenárez Vice President, Corporate Development & Communications for Brenntag Latin America; Former President of the MIT Club of South Texas. Joseph Franzetti Senior Vice President at Berkadia Commercial Mortgage, LLC; past Chair of RENEW’s Board of Trustees Martin Garofalo Chief Executive Officer, News America Marketing


Board members at their annual retreat day.

Dierdre James Partner in the law firm of Murphy & James, LLC

Michael Singer AVP – Threat Management, AT&T Business Solutions

Jennifer Jehn President and CEO, Keep America Beautiful; hospice care grief counselor

Vincent Sweeney – Owner Sweeney Consulting Group, an HR consulting firm; part-time professor at the Rutgers School of Human Resource Management.

Robert P. “Pat” Kane Managing Partner, Star Strategies Group, LLC, Alexandria, VA Rev. Thomas P. Looney, CSC, PhD Director of Campus Ministry, King’s College, Wilkes-Barre, PA Robert P. McGovern Retired executive in mortgage-backed securities industry; Commissioner of Avon by the Sea, NJ; Chair of Finance Committee at St. Elizabeth Church, Avon by the Sea, NJ Barbara Miller Retired Vice President, Continuing Education, Workforce Development, Public Safety, Bucks County Community College, Newtown, PA; Director of Adult Faith Formation, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Doylestown , PA. John Mulderig Media reviewer, Office for Film and Broadcasting, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Reverend Abraham Orapankal A native of the Indian state of Kerala; currently pastor of St. John Neumann Parish, Califon, NJ; former member of RENEW International’s Pastoral Services Team Walter I. Rickard Former Chairman of the Board and CEO, LSSi Corp; former NYNEX executive


Donald Whittam Executive Vice President, Sales & Merchandising, Divatex Home Fashions, New York, NY; Ministry Leader, Church of the Presentation, Upper Saddle River, NJ

RENEW INTERNATIONAL CORPORATE MEMBERS Most Rev. John J. Myers, JCD, DD Archbishop of Newark, Chairman

Members Rev. Msgr. Michael A. Andreano Chancellor, Vicar General, and Secretary to the Archbishop Rev. Msgr. Richard J. Arnhols Vicar for Pastoral Life Most Rev. Bernard A. Hebda Coadjutor Archbishop of Newark (now archbishop of St. Paul and Minneapolis) Rev. Msgr. Thomas P. Nydegger Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia

RENEW International


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RENEW International 1232 George Street Plainfield, NJ 07062-1717 USA

© 2016 RENEW International

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