RENEW International 2012 Fall Catalog

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Fall RENEW international


Resource Catalog



A Letter from our President “May this Year of Faith make our relationship with Christ the Lord increasingly firm, since only in him is there the certitude for looking to the future and the guarantee of an authentic and lasting love.” —Benedict XVI, Porta Fidei

As we welcome autumn, we begin the celebration of the Year of Faith (October 11, 2012 to November 24, 2013) as proclaimed by the Holy Father. The Year of Faith coincides with the fiftieth anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council, called by Blessed John XXIII, and twentieth anniversary of the promulgation of Catechism of the Catholic Church by Blessed Pope John Paul II. Thus, the Year of Faith offers a special opportunity for all Catholics to deepen their knowledge and appreciation of the Second Vatican Council and the Catechism as expressions of the essentials of our faith. I can think of no better way to commemorate this holy year than to participate in a faith-sharing group using RENEW International’s Why Catholic? Journey Through the Catechism and ARISE Together in Christ faith-sharing processes. In addition, this fall we are introducing two new resources about the Blessed Virgin Mary. During the Year of Faith, we are called to recognize the special role of Mary and to follow her as a model of faith and virtue. At Prayer with Mary, which is available in English, and No temas, María, which is available in Spanish, provide a renewed appreciation of Mary’s place in today’s world, where she, as always, points the way to Christ. These and RENEW International’s other faith-sharing resources will help you, your parish, and your diocese make the Year of Faith a time to awaken, deepen, and renew faith. To learn more, visit our website at Sister Theresa Rickard, OP President and Executive Director PS – Many of our offerings include FREE parish resources. Look for the special notations throughout the catalog!


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free resources / recursos gratuitos free web training / capacitación gratuita por la internet

Marian Devotions / Devociones Marianas

Prayer Resources

Advent / Adviento

Sunday Gospels / Evangelios Dominicales

4. At Prayer with Mary 6. No temas, María

8. Advent Awakenings 10. Reflexiones en Adviento

Faith Formation / Formación de la fe

31. The People’s Prayer Book 31. Gleanings Prayer Journal

32. PrayerTime 33. Oremos


34. Scenes from a Parish

12. Why Catholic? 14. ¿Por qué ser católico?


Evangelization / Evangelización

Faith & Life / Fe y vida

16. Arise Together in Christ 19. LEVÁNTATE. Unámonos en Cristo

Spirituality / Espiritualidad 20. Longing for the Holy 22. Longing for the Holy: Kit 24. Sedientos de Dios 26. Sedientos de Dios: Paquete

Renewal for Priests

28. Renewing the Priestly Heart

Leadership / Liderazgo 30. Sowing Seeds / Sembradores de semillas Call 1-888-433-3221

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36. Lifting Up Our Hearts 37. The World as our Neighbor 37. Absolute Amazement / Absoluto Asombro

Lent / Cuaresma

38. Lenten Longings 40. Reflexiones en Cuaresma

Young Adults

42. Campus RENEW 43. Word on the Go

RENEW International

44. Visit Us Online! 45. Order Form / Hoja de pedido 47. Connect With Us! Online




Marian Devotions

At Prayer with Mary A Marian Resource for the Year of Faith

Deepen your appreciation of and devotion to our Blessed Mother Mary and her role in our lives and the life of the Church. Mary, the mother of Jesus, has been revered since the earliest days of the Church. Over the centuries, her example has inspired Christians to imitate her by saying “yes” to God’s call in their own lives. Mary’s faithfulness, as it is portrayed in the Gospel narratives, is a model of the prayerful kind of life Jesus calls us to. Scripture, Catholic teaching, personal testimonies, and Marian prayer— including the rosary—provide a renewed appreciation of Mary’s place in today’s world, where she, as always, points the way to Christ. For more information, visit:

At Prayer with Mary Faith-Sharing Book Seven sessions on the life and mystery of Mary prompt participants to deepen their relationship with our Blessed Mother and enrich their prayer experiences. MARY/E $7.95


RENEW International 1232 George Street, Plainfield, NJ 07062-1717 USA

RENEW international “At Prayer With Mary is a wonderful resource for individuals or groups who wish to deepen their relationship with our Blessed Mother and enrich their prayer experiences.” —Most Reverend Joseph E. Kurtz, D.D., Archbishop of Louisville, from the Foreword

At Prayer with Mary Small Group Set Includes the essential elements to facilitate the faith-sharing process within a small group. Ten books, one music CD, one Sowing Seeds, one Rosary Stars DVD, one Gleanings, and 10 Rosary Beads with How to Pray the Rosary brochures. MARY/SGS $109, a savings of $31 compared to buying separately

Songs for At Prayer with Mary A music CD for the moments of prayer in At Prayer with Mary. MARY/CD $15.95

Rosary Stars: Praying the Gospel DVD This DVD features celebrities and champions who share their inspirational reflections on how they live and pray the Mysteries of the Rosary every day. RSDVD/ES $19.95

About the Authors Father John Phalen, CSC, is a priest of the Congregation of Holy Cross and serves as the President of Holy Cross Family Ministries. He is a frequent public speaker on the power of prayer, especially the Rosary, and on the life and ministry of Father Peyton at Rosary rallies, Catholic conferences, and other venues worldwide. Brother James Posluszny, CSC, has been a member of the Congregation of Holy Cross since 1963. He has been an educator for most of that time from the elementary to college levels. Brother Jim is currently an outreach worker with North Country Ministry, an organization which assists people in need upstate in New York. Call 1-888-433-3221

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Devociones Marianas

No temas, María

Un recurso Mariano para el Año de la Fe

Este libro te ayudará a profundizar en el conocimiento y la devoción a la Santísima Virgen María y el papel que tiene en nuestras vidas y en la vida de la Iglesia. María, la madre de Jesús, ha sido venerada desde los primeros días de la Iglesia. A través de los siglos, su ejemplo ha inspirado a los cristianos a imitarla diciendo “sí” al llamado de Dios en sus propias vidas. La fidelidad de María, ya que se retrata en los relatos evangélicos, es un modelo del tipo de vida que Jesús nos llama a vivir. Las Sagradas Escrituras, la doctrina católica, testimonios personales y oraciones marianas — incluyendo el rosario — proporcionarán una apreciación renovada del lugar de María en el mundo de hoy, donde, como siempre, Ella nos señala el camino hacia Cristo. Para más información, visitate:


No temas, María Libro para compartir la fe Seis sesiones que tratan de la vida y los misterios de María que te invitan a profundizar en tu relación con nuestra Madre y a enriquecer tu experiencia de fe. MARIA/S $7.95

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No temas, María Paquete para la pequeña comunidad El paquete para la pequeña comunidad eclesial incluye: Diez copias libro para compartir la fe, un Sembradores de semillas, diez rosarios con folletos de como rezar el rosario. MARIA/SGS $85, un ahorro de $19 si compras el paquete

Rosary Stars: Praying the Gospel DVD Este DVD contiene testimonios de algunas celebridades tanto del deporte como del mundo del espectáculo, que comparten sus reflexiones inspiradoras sobre cómo viven y rezan los misterios del rosario todos los días. En Inglés con subtítulos en español. RSDVD/ES $19.95

Paquete para la pequeña comunidad con Rosary Stars El paquete para la pequeña comunidad y un Rosary Stars: Praying the Gospel DVD Maria/SGS/DVD $99

Acerca del autor

Adele J. González conferencista y escritora de temas sobre espiritualidad, diversidad cultural y pequeñas comunidades.Tiene un doctorado en Ministerio de la Universidad de St.Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota, y una maestría en teología de la Universidad Barry, en Miami Shores, Florida. Ella ha escrito varios libros y su trabajo ha aparecido en diversas revistas y antologías. La Dra. González también es un miembro asociado de las Hermanas Franciscanas de Stella Niagara, Nueva York.

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Advent Awakenings



Faith-Sharing Reflections on the Advent Gospels Years A, B, and C

Advent is a time of spiritual anticipation amidst the often distracting preparations for Christmas. Stay focused on the significance of this season with Advent Awakenings, a four-session faith-sharing experience grounded in the Sunday Gospel readings. Appropriate for seasonal groups, small Christian communities, and individual reflection and prayer. The Advent Awakenings series is based on the three-year cycle of the Lectionary. Each book contains four sessions corresponding with the four Sundays of Advent and presents themes drawn from the Sunday Gospel readings, plus enriching devotions for family use. 8

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Advent Awakenings: Say Yes to God Year C Faith-Sharing Book Prompts participants to accept the invitation of Jesus’ coming by reflecting on how to be more open to his presence in their lives. AAFSC $7.95

Advent Awakenings: Music for Prayer and Faith-Sharing CD A 15-selection music CD for moments of prayer in all three cycles of Advent. AAFSCD $15.95

Advent Awakenings: Year C Small Group Set This Small Group Set includes the essential elements to facilitate the faith-sharing process within a small group. Ten faith-sharing books, one prayer journal, one music CD, and one copy of Sowing Seeds. AAFSC/SET $99, a savings of $22 compared to buying separately

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From the Foreword ... “These faith-sharing sessions aim to focus reflection and prayer on the original dynamic of this season--the anticipation of the coming of the Savior Christ, in his human nativity, in his real presence in our everyday lives, and in his appearance at the end of time.”




Reflexiones en Adviento



Reflexiones para compartir la fe sobre los evangelios de Adviento Años A, B, y C

Celebra el verdadero sentido de este tiempo litúrgico con Reflexiones en Adviento, un recurso pastoral diseñado para ayudarte durante esta época de preparación y espera. Estos libros ofrecen una reflexión basada en las lecturas dominicales en el tiempo del Adviento, preguntas para compartir la fe, actividades para realizar durante la semana, así como explicaciones sencillas con el fin de darte a conocer más a fondo el significado de los símbolos del Adviento. Ya sea en tu pequeña comunidad eclesial, con tu familia o individualmente, este recurso pastoral promueve, de manera concreta, una vivencia plena y significativa. Por Irma Chávez, PhD


RENEW International 1232 George Street, Plainfield, NJ 07062-1717 USA

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Reflexiones en Adviento: Recibamos a Jesús con alegría—Año C Libro para compartir la fe RADFSC $7.95

Reflexiones en Adviento: Año C Paquete para la pequeña comunidad El paquete para la pequeña comunidad eclesial incluye: Diez copias libro para compartir la fe y un Sembradores de semillas RADFSC/Set $89, un ahorro de $5 si compras el paquete

“Quienes acogen con sinceridad la Buena Nueva, mediante tal acogida y la participación en la fe, se reúnen pues en el nombre de Jesús para buscar juntos el reino, construirlo, vivirlo. Ellos constituyen una comunidad que es a la vez evangelizadora.” —Pablo VI, Exhortación apostólica Evangeli nuntiandi, 13

Acerca del autor Dra. Irma Chávez, es una misionera que por veinte y siete años ha trabajado con RENEW International promoviendo pequeñas comunidades eclesiales en los Estados Unidos y en Centro América. Posee un título como maestra de Educación Superior, un doctorado en Filosofía de Italia y se graduó en el área de Teología en Nueva York. Ha sido catedrática y Decana de la Facultad de Teología en la Universidad Don Bosco de El Salvador. Es miembro de número de la Academia Salvadoreña de la Lengua. Ha escrito sobre diversos temas, ha publicado poesía y muchos materiales para reflexión en pequeñas comunidades eclesiales. Call 1-888-433-3221

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Faith Formation

Why Catholic? Journey Through the Catechism

For evangelization and faith formation for the Year of Faith

Why Catholic? Journey Through the Catechism illuminates our understanding of the Catechism of the Catholic Church and explores what we believe, how—through the eyes of our Catholic faith—we see the world, how we see ourselves, and how we regard our purpose in life. Each 12-session book in the Why Catholic? series corresponds to one of the major parts of the Catechism. For an even fuller experience, RENEW International recommends using the Why Catholic? books as part of a comprehensive process of adult evangelization and faith formation. Learn more and contact us to bring Why Catholic? to your parish:


RENEW International 1232 George Street, Plainfield, NJ 07062-1717 USA

RENEW international Each participant faith-sharing book contains 12 sessions, with a songs for faith-sharing CD available separately.

Season Three: Celebrate: Sacraments Faith-Sharing Book WCRCM/10/E

Season One: Pray: Christian Prayer Faith-Sharing Book WCPR/11/E




Season Four: Live: Christian Morality Faith-Sharing Book WCLI/11/E


Music CD WCPR/CD $15.95


Season Two: Believe: Profession of Faith Faith-Sharing Book WCBE/11/E $14.95


Music CD WCLI/CD $15.95

Sets: Set of all four Books WCSET/11 $53.00


Set of all four CDs WCCDSET/11 $59

Also available ... Large print and e-text available for the visually impaired

Why Catholic? Tote / ¿Por qué ser católico? bolsa WCBAG $10

Other Languages Why Catholic? faith-sharing books are available in Spanish, Portuguese, Vietnamese, and Haitian Creole languages.

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Formación de la fe

¿Por qué ser católico? El Catecismo como camino Para evangelización y catequesis para el Año de la Fe

¿Por qué ser católico? El Catecismo como camino ilumina nuestra comprensión del Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica y examina lo que creemos, cómo miramos al mundo, cómo nos entendemos a nosotros mismos y cómo vemos nuestro propósito en la vida. Cada libro en la serie de ¿Por qué ser católico? corresponde a una de las partes principales del Catecismo. Para una experiencia todavía más amplia, RENEW International recomienda el uso de los libros de ¿Por qué ser católico? como parte de un proceso comprensivo de evangelización y formación en la fe del adulto. Para más información, visitate:


RENEW International 1232 George Street, Plainfield, NJ 07062-1717 USA

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Libros para compartir la fe: La oración del cristiano: Para profundizar mi experiencia de Dios PCOC10 $14.95

La profesión de nuestra fe: Lo que creemos PCPF09 $14.95

La celebración del misterio cristiano: Los sacramentos PCCM10

La publicación que ofrece RENEW International es de gran ayuda par vincular estas dos fuentes do sabiduría con la vida ordinaria en espíritu de oración y de generosidad. ¿Por qué ser católico? El Catecismo como camino con formato sencillo y fácil de seguir, será de gran ayuda para que las comunidades hispanas compartan su fe vivida día a día. —Hna. Rosa Maria Icaza, CCVI, Directora Asociada de Programas Centro Cultural Mexico-Americano


La vida en Cristo: El camino con Dios PCVC10 $14.95

Paquete con cada uno de los cuatro libros PCSET $53

Why Catholic? Tote/ ¿Por qué ser católico? bolsa WCBAG $10

En otros idiomas Los libros para compartir la fe de ¿Por qué ser católico? están disponibles también en inglés, portugués, vietnamita y haitiano-creole.

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Arise Together in Christ



Christ-Centered Spiritual Renewal for the Year of Faith

Arise Together in Christ is a pastoral offering for evangelization and spiritual renewal unfolding the spiritual standards of Christ to all areas of life over five seasons. Its scripturally-grounded content emphasizes people living in good relationship with one another, as they make concrete applications of the gospel to their life situations. Starting with the process of encountering Christ in Scripture through themes of conversion, justice, forgiveness, and reconciliation, Arise culminates with the call to reach out as “Good News� to others. Learn more and contact us to bring ARISE to your parish: 16

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Season Three: In the Footsteps of Christ Faith-Sharing Book ARFS3

Each participant faith-sharing book contains six sessions, with a music CD available separately.


Season One: Encountering Christ Today Faith-Sharing Book ARFS1 $9.95

Music CD ARFS1CD $15.95

Season Two: Change Our Hearts Faith-Sharing Book ARFS2 $9.95

Music CD ARFS2CD $15.95

Music CD ARFS3CD $15.95

Season Four: New Heart, New Spirit Faith-Sharing Book ARFS4 $9.95

Music CD ARFS4CD $15.95

Season Five: We Are the Good News! Faith-Sharing Book ARFS5 $9.95

Music CD ARFS5CD $15.95

Also available ... Large print and e-text available for the visually impaired

Other Languages ARISE Together in Christ faith-sharing books are available in French, Spanish, Portuguese,Vietnamese, and Haitian Creole languages.

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Arise Together in Christ for Children and Youth

Arise Family Sharing Pages A friendly, easy way to explore important faith themes at home and in class. Presented in a 4-page, full color format. Sold in packs of 25. Grades 1-3: ARFS/CMP Grades 4-6: ARFS/CMI $62.50 per pack

Reach out to the younger members of your parish family with companion resources to Arise Together in Christ on these themes, including Arise Family Sharing Pages for Grades 1-3, and Grades 4-6, and Arise for youth for teens. To view and order these products, visit:


Arise for youth Faith-sharing materials designed and written specifically for teens with the same basic themes and Scripture texts as those presented in the ARISE Together in Christ adult and children’s materials. Includes 10 booklets of 6 sessions each and one copy of the ARISE Youth Edition Leader Handbook. ARFS/YM-BKSet $69.95 per season

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Levántate. Unámonos en Cristo renovación espiritual para el Año de la Fe

El encuentro con Cristo hoy Etapa I: ARFS1/S $9.95

Cambiemos el corazón Etapa II: ARFS2/S

Levántate. Unámonos en Cristo consiste en una renovación espiritual y evangelización, y permite a las personas profundizar su fe, tener una relación más cercana con Cristo, crecer en comunidad y servir a los demás. Para una experiencia todavía más amplia, RENEW International recomienda el uso de los libros de Levántate como parte de un proceso comprensivo de evangelización y formación en la fe del adulto. LEVÁNTATE. Unámonos en Cristo ofrece dos CDs con audio que incluyen música para los momentos de oración durante las sesiones para compartir la fe en las cinco etapas. Comunidad que canta. Levantemos el corazón es para su uso durante las etapas 1, 3 y 5. Comunidad que canta. Himnos para la Cuaresma es para las etapas 2 y 4. Call 1-888-433-3221

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En las huellas de Cristo Etapa III: ARFS3/11/S $9.95

Un corazón nuevo, un espíritu nuevo Etapa IV: ARFS4/S $9.95

¡Somos la Buena Nueva! Etapa V: ARFS5/12/S $9.95

Comunidad que canta. Levantemos el corazón LEV135CD $15.95

Comunidad que canta. Himnos para la Cuaresma LEV24CD $15.95






Longing for the Holy: Spirituality for Everyday Life Based on Selected Insights of Ronald Rolheiser, OMI

Experience how the gentle spiritual guidance and practical wisdom of bestselling author Father Ronald Rolheiser, OMI, can enliven everyday life with Longing for the Holy. Ideal for small community faith sharing or individual reflection, Longing for the Holy explores different dimensions of contemporary spiritual life. It is for those who want to enrich their sense of the presence of God and develop a deeper spirituality. “Our group at church just loved Longing for the Holy. It really touched our lives in special ways. We anticipated each session with excitement to share with each other. Every parish should do Longing!” —Claire Conger, St. Michael the Archangel Baltimore, MD 20

Longing for the Holy Faith-Sharing Book Twelve faith-sharing sessions with prayers, reflections, sharing questions, and stories from saints and contemporary people of faith. LHFS $16.95

RENEW International 1232 George Street, Plainfield, NJ 07062-1717 USA

RENEW international Songs for Longing for the Holy Thirteen of the songs suggested for moments of prayer during the faith-sharing sessions. LHFSCD $15.95

Longing for the Holy Audio Edition This four-CD set offers all twelve sessions and includes the thirteen songs from the CD above. LHFSAB $29.95

A Prayer of Spiritual Longing Prayer Cards Sold in packs of 50. LHPB $8

Longing for the Holy Tote Bag Made of sturdy canvas. LH/SDTote $10

About this Resource Many of the spiritual insights for this book were drawn from the writings of Father Ronald Rolheiser, OMI, a Roman Catholic priest and member of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. Father Rolheiser serves as president of the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio,Texas. Also a sought-after lecturer, his books are popular throughout the English-speaking world and his weekly column is carried by more than seventy newspapers worldwide. Call 1-888-433-3221

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Longing for the Holy: Kit Small Community and Parish Process

Includes member pricing and web-based resources 1. Planning Your Spiritual Journey Together Instructional Binder

For those who want to implement Longing for the Holy as a community process. Full of elements designed to help small communities reach their spiritual goals. Purchase of a Longing for the Holy Kit automatically makes you a member of the Longing for the Holy process. This entitles you to: purchase additional copies of elements from the Longing for the Holy Kit at member prices access online resources and web-based workshop Learn more:


2. Sowing Seeds: Essentials for Small Community Leaders (Sold separately on page 30) 3. Gleanings: A Personal Prayer Journal (Sold separately on page 31) 4. Longing for the Holy Faith-Sharing Book (Sold separately on page 20) 5. Longing for the Holy Audio Edition (Sold separately on page 21) 6. Songs for Longing for the Holy (Sold separately on page 21) 7. A Prayer of Spiritual Longing Prayer Cards (Sold separately on page 21) 8. Longing for the Holy Tote Bag All elements above are presented in this sturdy canvas tote bag. (Sold separately on page 21) 9. Web-based Resources, Workshop, and Member Pricing LHKIT $129

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The Longing for the Holy Kit contains one of each of the following:







Available online: Free webinar Free downloads Member pricing


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Fall Espiritualidad 24


Sedientos de Dios:

Una espiritualidad para la gente de hoy

Sedientos de Dios: Una espiritualidad para la gente de hoy Libros para compartir la fe

Libro Uno (Sesiones 1-6) SDFS1

Doce sesiones, presentadas en dos libros de seis sesiones cada uno. Ofrece oraciones, encuentro con la Palabra de Dios, preguntas para compartir y experiencias de oraci贸n de los santos adaptadas a nuestro mundo contempor谩neo.

Libro Dos (Sesiones 7-12) SDFS2



Libros Uno y Dos SDSET $16

RENEW International 1232 George Street, Plainfield, NJ 07062-1717 USA

RENEW international Sedientos de Dios Versión en audio La version en audio de todas las sesiones del Libro 1 y del Libro 2. SDFSAB $29.95

Oración de confianza en Dios tarjetas de oración Marcadores, paquete de 50. SDPB $8

Crucifijo de San Damiano Una réplica (10 pulgadas de alto) del famoso icono del s. XII SDCross $19.95

Sedientos de Dios bolsa Una bolsa con el logo. LH/SDTote $10

“Posiblemente no se pueda encontrar un recurso más completo en español para el uso en pequeñas comunidades cristianas hispanas. Sedientos de Dios: Una espiritualidad para la gente de hoy, verdaderamente cumple lo que su título indica y lo hace de una manera actualizada, inculturada, accesible y concretizada en la vida diaria. Las diferentes sesiones van llevando progresivamente a los grupos a la profundización en el seguimiento de Cristo en su propia vida diaria, invitando suavemente a la responsabilidad en la vida familiar, comunitaria, eclesial y social.” —Carmen Aguinaco, Presidenta del Consejo Nacional Católico para el Ministerio Hispano Call 1-888-433-3221

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Sedientos de Dios: Paquete Para pequeñas comunidades eclesiales y parroquias

Incluye recursos digitales, talleres y precios para miembros

1. Carpeta de instrucciones; Guía para un peregrinaje espiritual

Una collección de recursos para facilitar la implementación del proceso de Sedientos de Dios en su comunidad. Quienes compran el Paquete Parroquial pasan a estar inscritos como miembros de la comunidad cibernética de Sedientos de Dios con la posibilidad de: comprar ejemplares de elementos del Paquete con un descuento acesar al sitio web de Sedientos donde ofrecemos documentos, sugerencias y otros recursos Para más información, visitate:


2. Sembradores de semillas: Guía para los animadores de pequeñas comunidades (Venta por unidad en la página 30) 3. Crucifijo de San Damiano (Venta por unidad en la página 25) 4. Una espiritualidad para la gente de hoy libros de compartir fe, Libro 1 y Libro 2 (Venta por unidad en la página 24) 5. Sedientos de Dios Versión en audio (Venta por unidad en la página 25) 6. Oración de confianza en Dios tarjetas de oración (Venta por unidad en la página 25) 7. Sedientos de Dios bolsa Una bolsa con el logo (Venta por unidad en la página 25) 8. Recursos digitales, talleres y precios para miembros SDKIT $129

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El Paquete incluye un ejemplar de cada uno de los siguientes recursos:







Disponible en lĂ­nea: Webinar D escargas P recios para miembros


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Renewal for Priests

Renewing the Priestly Heart

Based on the Insights of Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan By Father John E. Sassani

Days as a Catholic priest are filled with many graces, and sometimes, significant challenges. Being called daily to serve others can leave little opportunity for reflection and renewal. How can a priest find the time and means to renew his own heart and spirit? Candid conversations with fellow priests can help get at the really important matters of faith and priesthood. Renewing the Priestly Heart, written for priests by a priest, offers insights and questions designed to prompt and guide these authentic discussions. Engaging other priests on the lived experience of priestly life deepens Renewing the Priestly Heart Resource Book prayer life, strengthens fraternal bonds, and Author Father John E. enriches daily pastoral ministry. Resources for small-group discussion draw their inspiration from the rich insights on the priesthood presented by Timothy Cardinal Dolan in his acclaimed best-seller, Priests for the Third Millennium. Learn more:


Sassani carefully weaves reflections and questions into twelve sessions, each covering a topic of vital importance to living and serving as a priest today. RPH $19.95

RENEW International 1232 George Street, Plainfield, NJ 07062-1717 USA

RENEW international Renewing the Priestly Heart Bundled Set The complete set of all Renewing the Priestly Heart products including the resource book, Special Audio Edition, and Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan’s Priests for the Third Millennium. RPH/OSVSET

Renewing the Priestly Heart Special Audio Edition The twelve sessions from the resource book are offered in narrated form. As an added value, it also includes recorded personal reflections on a range of subjects pertinent to priests. RPHAB $39.95


Renewing the Priestly Heart Product Set Special set including the resource book as well as the Special Audio Edition. RPH/ABSET $49.95

“It is my prayer that these reflections will help those who are seeking to refresh their souls and renew their zeal.” —Timothy Cardinal Dolan, from the Foreword

About the Author Father John E. Sassani is a priest of the Archdiocese of Boston, and currently serves as pastor of Our Lady, Help of Christians Parish in Newton, MA. Ordained a priest in 1980, he studied for the priesthood at St. John’s Seminary in Brighton, Massachusetts. He furthered his studies at the Pontifical Liturgical Institute Rome, and at Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska. He also served as director of the Office of Spiritual Development in the Archdiocese of Boston.

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Sowing Seeds / Sembradores de semillas Imagine RENEW International’s three decades of experience promoting and sustaining small Christian communities distilled into one book!

Sowing Seeds: Essentials for Small Community Leaders Resource Book SSE/11 $14.95 Also available as an eBook! Disponible en español - Sembradores de semillas: Guía para los animadores de pequeñas comunidades cristianas Este libro está repleto de ideas y estrategias efectivas que enriquecerán la manera en que esos grupos reflexionan y responden al Evangelio. SS/S $14.95


A comprehensive collection of pastoral insights and practical suggestions to help small community leaders guide their groups in a way that nourishes spiritual growth. This book overflows with simple but effective ideas that will enhance the way these groups reflect on and respond to the Gospel. Discounts are available for quantity purchases. Learn more: Descuentos al comprar por cantidades. Para más información:

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Prayer Resources Personal and Group Prayer

The People’s Prayer Book Contains more than 160 prayers that can be used individually or in groups. The themes and the petitions are appropriate for all of us. The language is easy; and each is accompanied by a Scripture reading chosen specifically for that prayer. Use this first-ever collection from RENEW International to fill your spiritual needs in any season and on many occasions. TPPB03 $14.95

Gleanings Prayer Journal An excellent companion for your personal faith journey, Gleanings will help you tap into the richness of God’s wisdom within you. One hundred and seventy two handsomely decorated pages with spiritual quotations or musings inspire prayerful reflection on your relationship with God. The comfortably sized format (6.5” x 9”) is conducive to many different methods of journaling: writing, poetry, or even sketching. GPJ


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Sunday Gospels


Faith-Sharing Reflections on the Sunday Gospels Cycles A, B, and C

PrayerTime–Cycle C Faith-Sharing Book Advent 2012–Christ the King 2013 PTC $16.95

Also Available: PrayerTime–Cycle A Faith-Sharing Book Advent 2013–Christ the King 2014 PTA $16.95

PrayerTime is a faith-sharing resource book, based on the Sunday gospel readings. The themes for reflection have been designed so that they can be used either personally or in a group. Each book offers gentle but insightful reflections that help the gospel come alive. Written in an easy-to-read style that leads to profound questions about faith, each session sheds light on everyday life and should bear fruit in realistic action. 32

PrayerTime–Cycle B Faith-Sharing Book Advent 2014–Christ the King 2015 PTB $16.95

PrayerTime Set One copy for each liturgical year (A, B, and C) PTABC $45.95,

a savings of $4.90 compared to buying separately

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Reflexiones sobre los evangelios dominicales para compartir la fe Ciclos A, B, y C Oremos–Ciclo C Libro para compartir la fe Adviento 2012–Cristo Rey 2013 PTCSP $16.95

Tambien disponible: Oremos–Ciclo A Libro para compartir la fe Adviento 2013–Cristo Rey 2014 PTASP $16.95

Oremos es un recurso para compartir la fe basado en las lecturas del evangelio dominical. Los temas para reflexión se han concebido de tal manera que se pueden usar a solas o en grupo. Cada libro ofrece reflexiones suaves pero profundas que ayudan a dar vida al evangelio. Escritas en un estilo fácil de leer, las reflexiones invitan a examinar profundamente su fe. Call 1-888-433-3221

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Oremos–Ciclo B Libro para compartir la fe Adviento 2014–Cristo Rey 2015 PTBSP $16.95

Oremos Ciclos A, B, y C Paquete Con un ejemplar de cada libro (A, B, y C) PTABCSP $45.95,

ahorras $4.90 comparado a comprarlo por separado






Scenes from a Parish

Special Edition DVD and Film Faith-Sharing Guides Documentary by award-winning filmmaker James Rutenbeck

Gather together to experience Scenes from a Parish, the documentary film by award-winning filmmaker James Rutenbeck. Scenes offers a rare and compelling glimpse into one parish’s experience as it struggles to reconcile ideals of faith with the realities of today’s changing and diverse culture. RENEW International offers parishes and small communities the opportunity to view, reflect upon, and share faith with this Special Faith-Sharing Edition DVD and its important themes of welcoming the stranger, compassion, and feeding the hungry. The companion Film Faith-Sharing Guide helps participants reflect on these reactions constructively, in an atmosphere of sharing and, above all, through the eyes of faith. DVD includes Spanish subtitles and bonus features designed to facilitate faithsharing.


RENEW International 1232 George Street, Plainfield, NJ 07062-1717 USA

RENEW international Scenes from a Parish Faith-Sharing Edition DVD and Faith-Sharing Guide Set Includes the Special Edition DVD Film, plus one English and one Spanish Film Faith-Sharing Guide. ScenesDVDSet $29.95

Scenes from a Parish Film Faith-Sharing Guide in English ScenesFS/E $7.95

Scenes from a Parish DVD y un set de la guía al film para compartir la fe Incluye la edición especial del film en DVD, más un ejemplar de las guías para compartir la fe en inglés y español. ScenesDVDSet $29.95

Scenes from a Parish Guía al film para compartir la fe ScenesFS/S $7.95

Scenes from a Parish Small Group Set Includes 10 Faith-Sharing Guides in English, and the Special Edition DVD Film. ScenesSGS/E $89.95

Learn more:

About the Filmmaker

Scenes from a Parish Set para pequeñas comunidades eclesiales Incluye la edición especial del film en DVD, más 10 ejemplares de las guía para compartir la fe en español. ScenesSGS/S $89.95

Para más información:

Filmmaker and editor James Rutenbeck is motivated by telling the personal stories of people whose lives would not otherwise be seen and immersing himself in their life circumstances. Rutenbeck’s editing credits include over fifty films for PBS, BBC, Discovery, and Showtime, earning him Emmy, Peabody, and ALMA Awards.

His own independent films have been screened internationally at festivals and museums. Scenes from a Parish won three Insight Awards of Excellence from the National Association of Film and Digital Media Artists. He received a master’s degree of science in visual arts from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1984. Call 1-888-433-3221

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Lifting Up Our Hearts

Praying with the Third Edition of the Roman Missal By Peter J. Zografos

Lifting Up Our Hearts Small Group Set Includes 10 Faith-Sharing Books, 10 buttons, 1 song CD, and 1 Sowing Seeds book. LUOH/SET $89

Lifting Up Our Hearts is a six-session small group faith-sharing process which will renew parishioners’ spiritual life and their appreciation of the liturgy. With a special focus on the peoples’ responses at Mass, this resource is an excellent way to re-educate adults on the Eucharist and help participants come to a deeper understanding of the meaning of the Mass and its significance in their lives. This resource was written by Dr. Peter J. Zografos, noted liturgical theologian and presenter for the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions. Optional webinar for small Christian community leaders:


Lifting Up Our Hearts Faith-Sharing Book Includes a tear-out pew card. LUOH $6.95 Also available in Large-Print Edition LUOH_LP $7.95 Lifting Up Our Hearts Pew Cards 50 cards/pack LUOHPC $15 Songs for Lifting Up Our Hearts 12-selection music CD LUOHCD $12.95 “And with your spirit” Promotional Button 100 buttons/pack LUOHBU $35

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Resources for faith sharing and reflection

Faith & Life

Connecting Faith to Life The World as our Neighbor

A six-part social justice reflection series from Catholic Relief Services and RENEW International. Explore pressing issues of our day through the lenses of prayer, Scripture, and Catholic social teaching. Each session includes real-life stories of people who experienced challenges of global concern, presented in written and video form. Also available as

The World on Campus for college and university use.


Six downloadable sessions for small group faith sharing on

Global Solidarity, Fair Trade, Hunger, Migration, HIV and AIDS, and Peacebuilding. Free downloads: Introductory Session on Global Solidarity, and Information for group facilitators License to print up to 10 copies per session $6.99 License to print 11 or more copies $12.99

Absolute Amazement / Absoluto Asombro by Irma Chávez, also known as Irma Lanzas This bilingual volume of mystical poems and reflections is a love story that has emerged from the poet’s deep and passionate relationship with God. Readers are invited to take a break from their busy lives and to enter into a genuine religious experience that will remind them of their own closeness to God. Code: MP21 $10

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Lenten Longings for Years A, B, and C

By Catherine T. Nerney, SSJ

Lent invites us to a time of prayer, reflection, and conversion. Make a six-week retreat by exploring the Sunday readings of Lent. Simple language and everyday metaphors steep you in the season’s promptings to surrender self, work for justice, and deepen prayer life. Lenten Longings is well suited for seasonal groups, small Christian communities, and individual reflection. Song suggestions, prayers, and action responses included. Based on the three-year cycle of the Lectionary, each book contains six sessions corresponding to the six weeks of Lent and presents themes drawn from the year’s Lenten readings. By Catherine T. Nerney, SSJ, PhD 38

RENEW International 1232 George Street, Plainfield, NJ 07062-1717 USA

RENEW international Seeing with God’s Eyes Year C Faith-Sharing Book An invitation to see ourselves, one another, and our world with the eyes of God. LLFSC $7.95

Also available as an eBook!

Lenten Longings Year C Small Group Set Includes 10 Faith-Sharing books, 10 Gleanings Prayer Journals, 1 pack of 25 Prayer Bookmarks, 1 song CD, and 1 Sowing Seeds book. LLFSC/SET $119 per set, a savings of almost 50% compared to purchasing items separately.

Lenten Longings Music for Prayer CD Create a prayerful environment for your Lenten faith sharing with the CD collection of songs specially compiled to match those suggested in the books for all three liturgical years. LLFSCD $15.95

Lenten Longings Prayer Bookmarks Sold in packs of 25. LLPB $3.25

About the Author Catherine T. Nerney, SSJ, PhD, a Sister of St. Joseph, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, is director of the Institute for Forgiveness and Reconciliation at Chestnut Hill College, Philadelphia. She has ministered to small Christian communities since 1978, when she was a facilitator in her RENEW small community in Bayonne, New Jersey. Call 1-888-433-3221

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Reflexiones en Cuaresma

Años A, B, y C Por Irma Chávez

Basadas en las lecturas dominicales de Cuaresma, son un recurso pastoral para ayudar a que las personas que se reúnen en las pequeñas comunidades eclesiales mediten sobre la Palabra de Dios durante este tiempo litúrgico y sientan la fuerza de su mensaje para hacerlo parte de sus vidas. Por Irma Chávez, PhD


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Hacia el reino por la fe, Año C Libro para compartir la fe RCFSC $7.95 Disponible en su forma de libro electrónico (eBook)!

Reflexiones en Cuaresma Año C Paquete para la pequeña comunidad El paquete para la pequeña comunidad eclesial incluye: Diez copias libro para compartir la fe, diez Gleanings (diarios para escribir tus reflexiones), un CD con cantos, un paquete con 25 marcadores, y un Sembradores de semillas. RCFSB/Set

Comunidad que canta. Himnos para la Cuaresma CD de acompañamiento para los tres años de Reflexiones en Cuaresma LEV24CD $15.95 Oración para Reflexiones en Cuaresma Se vende en paquete de 25 marcadores. RCPB $3.25


Acerca del autor Dra. Irma Chávez, es una misionera que por veinte y siete años ha trabajado con RENEW International promoviendo pequeñas comunidades eclesiales en los Estados Unidos y en Centro América. Posee un título como maestra de Educación Superior, un doctorado en Filosofía de Italia y se graduó en el área de Teología en Nueva York. Ha sido catedrática y Decana de la Facultad de Teología en la Universidad Don Bosco de El Salvador. Es miembro de número de la Academia Salvadoreña de la Lengua. Ha escrito sobre diversos temas, ha publicado poesía y muchos materiales para reflexión en pequeñas comunidades eclesiales. Call 1-888-433-3221

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Young Adults

Campus RENEW For Students, Faculty, and Staff

The WORD on Campus Faith-Sharing Book This book invites small Christian communities on campus to focus their faith sharing on the Sunday Gospel reading. In this way, students move through the semester in rhythm with the liturgical year. Fall Cycle B / Advent Cycle C (Fall semester 2012) CPR-FCB12 $14.95 6-Book Set CPR-Set: $69 As I Have Loved You: A Companion to Service and Immersion Experiences This handbook helps students explore and make sense of the relationship between their faith, reaching out to others through service, and broader questions of social justice. Can be used during a service immersion experience or as a companion resource for those who are doing regular service. CPRCOM


Campus RENEW is a pastoral process for students, faculty, and staff on campus, designed to help students connect their faith to their daily decisions, large and small. Learn more: 42

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Word on the Go

Contemporary Faith Sharing on the Gospel Downloadable weekly sessions

The WORD on the Go Downloads Faith-sharing sessions for young adults are focused on the Sunday Gospel reading. The sessions are published individually for weekly faith-sharing sessions and are available only online.

Pruning for New Growth Fifth Sunday of Easter Opening Prayer Take a few moments of silence and perhaps play a song of your choice. Invite one person to pray or pray as a group.

Weekly Downloadable Losing and Winning Online Edition

Father of all life and creation, we thank you for the gifts you have given us. Be with us as we look deeper into your Word and into our lives. We pray this in the name of Jesus, the Risen Christ. Amen.

Opening Prayer Take a few moments of silence and perhaps play a song of your choice. Invite one person to pray or pray as a group. Lord, as we gather today to reflect on the words of Jesus and learn by sharing one another’s experiences, help us to open our minds and hearts to your Word and to the challenges it brings to the way we live in the world. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Faith in Action Take a few moments to give all an opportunity to share progress on last week’s action. Scripture: John 12:20-33 Settling In With the Word Take a few moments to savor a word, a question, or a feeling that rises up in you. Reflect on this quietly or share it aloud. Reflection What does it mean to lose one’s life in order to gain it? There once was a teacher who worked at a prestigious girls’ school for the wealthy. There she helped educate fine young women and equip them with the skills to take their place with the elite of their country. But not far from the walls of the convent school, people were dying on the streets, people too poor to have anyone provide a decent burial. That teacher ventured out, began burying the dead and caring for the sick. We know her today as Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

to the world. We’ve heard about the good shepherd who cares for each one of us in a special and unique way. There has to be an Easter way of reading this passage. Perhaps it has to do with what pruning really is.

Pruning sounds painful. We imagine it as losing a limb and having to go about life without it. Or we think of separating plants from their roots— as in harvesting. But, pruning is actually about life and improvement. If you’ve ever seen a well-tended orchard with trees full of fruit or a vineyard with large gnarled root stocks leading to lush vines, you have seen the effects of pruning. Faith in Action Pruning is a studied, reasoned way Take a few moments to give all an Fifth Sunday of Lent of improving yields and the health of opportunity to share progress on last plants. week’s action. Jesus says in this passage, “Whoever In this passage from John’s Gospel, Lent may very well be about looks at nature, and uses the loves his life loses it, and whoever Scripture:Jesus John 15:1-8 “pruning” bad habits or eliminating metaphor of the seed that falls to the hates his life in this world will things that get in the way of our ground, dead, but relationships which Settling In Withseemingly the Word preserve it for eternal life.” Mother with God, ourselves, will rise and bringa forth Teresa’s decision led her to venture Take a few moments to savor word,abundant and others. Easter, on the other fruit. He is referring beyond the walls of the elite aconvent question, or a feeling that rises to uphimself. hand, is about the results of this John this saying of Jesus school into the streets of India—far in you. Reflect onplaces this quietly or share pruning—a strengthened and from her native Albania—in itanaloud. immediately after the triumphal invigorated relationship with God or entry into Jerusalem at the beginning attempt to provide some semblance an even healthier outlook on life and of the week that will bring his arrest of respect to those who were Reflection faith. New shoots start from where deprived of their very human dignity. and execution. Jesus is preparing a plant has been pruned; new life So, Jesus is the vine and we are the his disciples to see the real meaning Inside those school walls was the begins from where we have changed branches. When we are no longer of his suffering and death. In a comfortable safety of the known. or withdrawn from old, unhealthy able to produce good fruit or have Outside was the filth and turbulence brilliantly pithy phrase, Jesus warns behaviors. become diseased, we will be pruned his disciples—those of the 21st of the streets, a place of danger. away, collected, andjust burned. Why? century as much as thosePruning of the removes the “suckers”—the She could lose her life out there, for Because threaten the health branches century—that toofsave your life, that begin to grow from the Sister Teresa (as she was known) to we1st the rest of the vineyard. Well, that’s you must first lose it. What can he place which would be unable wrong venture outside was literally risking certainly one way by of looking at thisparadox? mean this seeming “losing her life.” Yet, she intuitively to support fruit. Pruning removes the reading. However, that knew that to save her life sheScripture had parts killed or damaged by storms. Perhaps Jesus is speaking of how interpretation would probably fi t to lose it in the service of India’s Pruning allows an old, worn-out we act in this world. When the poor. She followed this call sobetter far asfor Lent than for the Easter branch world looks at us, we are sometimes to re-bloom into new, livelier season. to leave the comfort of her religious branches. seemingly dead, standing outside the Grape vines must be order to found a new order dedicated pruned Easter is about resurrection, new times we mainstream. At other may back each year or they will to serving the poor. beginnings,appear and joy.alive In the andlast thriving, butnot arebear fruit—only new growth grapes! When we “prune” several weeks we’ve stifl heard actually ingabout or ignoring aproduces core Why did she do it? We can speculate ourselves, Jesus the Christ potential. Jesus sayswho we should lose the energy that went into about her motivations, but it people seems seeing parts we have pruned is available to believe and towants witness life the world us tothe have most of all it was based uponinvites themthe

to be redirected into other parts of our lives. Think of it this way: when you are consumed by anger or hate, you don’t have as much energy going toward love—you take energy away from love to feed your anger. If you prune away the anger, you have that much more energy to give to something more constructive. That’s what pruning is all about. Why talk about pruning during Easter? Lent is over; our pruning is complete (at least for now), so, we can focus on what comes next. We can see how we are connected to Christ and know that we are even stronger now than before. We can choose where to grow by redirecting the energy we no longer put toward the things that got in our way. It is time to begin anew, to become who you now can become only because those old encumbrances are gone. Only branches that are connected to the vine produce grapes. So too, Jesus tells us, we will be fruitful as long as we maintain our connection to him. And just as branches no longer connected to the vine wither and die, so too our spiritual life will dry up. The Gospel tells us that as long as we live in Christ—even if we occasionally need a little pruning to make us stronger or better—we have no fear of being lost from God. That’s a pretty comforting thought. Questions for Reflection • What parts of myself have I had to prune, even abandon, along the path of my spiritual journey in Christ? How has this pruning improved my life? • In what ways am I beginning new growth? How have I been strengthened in my relationship with God in the past year?

and save the life within that is given a realization that her Christian © 2009 RENEW International. Additional copies may be purchased for download at Thank you for not making unauthorized copies. by God. Think of the politician, who vocation could only be lived fully entered public life wishing to serve, among the neediest, even if it meant now afraid to answer a question breaking out of the walls of safety honestly for fear that she might and security. alienate voters. The accountant As we continue to discern our own tempted to fudge some numbers in vocations (not religious vocations, order to get along with his superiors. but, vocations in life), we will come The salesperson who pushes a across people who live fearlessly product that he or she knows is because they are inspired by the inferior just because it means a conviction that they have been called better commission. to do what they do—to live their What about us? Perhaps we vocations. Perhaps it is a colleague who is energized by her work. Maybe began our careers with a zeal for it is a friend whose indignation at an doing the best we can and adding obvious injustice has inspired him to something special to our particular field—inspired by the possibilities dedicate his time to change things. of innovation and invention. Now we Or it could be a priest or a sister, might confine ourselves to the most whose devotion to ministry comes mundane of inquiries, such as, “Why from a deep desire to serve.

© 2009 RENEW International. Additional copies may be purchased for download at Thank you for not making unauthorized copies.


For purchase and immediate download, visit: License to print up to 10 copies per session $6.99


License to print 11 or more copies Great for Theology on Tap groups! Young adults, “Like” us on facebook at:

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