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CommWords 01/09 Editorial 1 New Members 2 Spring Meeting Bratislava 4 Simply the best 6 CIA initiative 13 Creative World 14 CreativeCamp 18 Around Europe 20


Welcome to the 3rd CommWorld internal newsletter!

Nobody panic! It’s not the end of the world, again. At present, statements such as “We are now facing the first widespread economic crisis in the age of globalisation” are an everyday occurrence in the mass media. I don’t wish to dispute these statements. The crisis is here – worldwide, throughout all sectors and long lasting. Just one example: In Germany, Mechanical Engineering, which is considered a key industry, has recorded a 38 percent drop in orders from November 2008 to January 2009 compared to last year. But it also does no good to stick our heads in the sand. “Nobody panic! It’s not the end of the world, again.” read the title on the cover of a Germany economy magazine – a title which does not deny the crisis, but certainly goes some way as to undemonise it. Who, if not us as marketing experts, should set the example of viewing crisis as an opportunity and communicating this concept to the masses? It goes without saying that this is easier said than done, but I am certain that this is the only way to ensure that our customers – and we too – go into the next upturn strengthened.


Bold and creative ideas will certainly help us along the way. The creatives in our network are capable of extraordinary achievements, as the category “Proud member of” shows from page 6. I am also happy to introduce you to the latest status of the CIA Projects with this newsletter. They show our network’s enormous creative potential. We have struck just the right, good path to deepening our partnerships and giving them even more added value. At the Spring Meeting in Bratislava, these projects will also be a topic of discussion. I look forward to their progress and a successful gathering in the Slovakian capital. I hope you have fun reading the third issue of CommWords! Yours faithfully, Thomas Hans


NEW MEMBERS / Bulgaria igned by This page des

group e v i t c a NEW MEMBERS / Bulgaria

activepersona THE MANAGER’S DAY 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00

13.00 14.00

e c a p s e v acti

19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00

You will be receiving an interesting offer for a better managing job – possibly from General Motors, or the Grand Motel in Arizona. Your call.


The stars are benevolent. You will receive a new brief. It will be brief. Friday is a cornerstone, be careful, it might turn out that by mistake you have not received the last 17 pages of the brief in question. Probable financial incomings in the beginning of the month.


It’s a hard period for you, you will be experiencing difficulties with people who firmly believe that you are dealing with protecting copyrights or simply copying somebody else’s writing. Stay strong.


Your prescribed guide is Mercury. You will have to visit it, though, since a press conference will be held there in order to establish once and for all the effect of the planets on the late-night staying in the office. You might want to take a taxi voucher…

Yes, sometimes your days in the office will be downright mind-blowing. Even though you will often be on the verge of blowing your brains out, the stars show that there will be only one R.I.P. in your life for a very long time – the Raster Image Processor.

Mars advises you to get off the phone for a change. Satellite signals to the Red Planet are obstructed by the accounts’ phone lines. Mars is getting angry. Get off the phone. Seriously.

Although most of the time you will probably feel like ET, remember that you are still the IT everybody in the office relies on. So don’t give up and keep standing still in your corner as you always have. Johnnie Walker’s motto is definitely not your motto.



You will be all over Client Servicing. Clients might want you to go further for them, but you should be strong and uphold your servicing directions. I can see some account executives fiddling around you.





Although not everything at work will be roses and poses, the stars show that you will be getting better and better and your colleagues and clients will be very satisfied with you. As they say, the better the PH, i.e. the photographer, the lower the pH, i.e. the level of acidity in the client’s mouth.


Dear secretary, the stars show nothing new: you are going to be very busy at work. In order to avoid going crazy, you better say YES all the time, no matter what people want from you, and never ever say “Wait a SEC”.


You are not just a manager, you’re the MANager. And everybody knows that. You will solve a lot of different problems because logic is logistics for you. You might be slow in the mornings, but after noon you will finally be able to give the best of you. After all there’s a reason why people call the hours after noon P.M. hours.


Since you mark the era after Christ, keep in mind that the copywriters and graphic designers on your team might bring your ideas to year 0.


Telephones: + 359 2 846 73 65; + 359 2 846 73 87 Contact person: Mrs. Emonna Gesheva, Managing Director www.activegroup.bg

NEW MEMBERS / Russia igned by This page des



Key to Mysterious Russian Market Arabesque communications group has been engaging in creation and promotion of brands in the Russian market since 1992. It has been a part of Russian Association of Communication Agencies (RACA) since 1995. In 2008 Arabesque became the member of CommWorld. The main business directions: strategic planning, creative concepts, corporate identity and communications campaigns. Key clients: Bayer Schering Pharma, Jenapharm, Ratiopharm, UTair Aviations, Xella (Building materials), Satico (Japanese hair cosmetic), Biocad (The Russian pharmaceutical company), Veles Capital Development, Consolidated Paper Mills, Khanty-Mansiysk Non-state Pension Fund.

Alexander Mezentsev

Kagocel antiviral drug Creative solution plays on red noses as a telling symptom of incipient cold. This recognizable image reflects the key message: „If the cold laughs at you, take serious measures. Take Kagocel.“

Minisiston 20 fem oral contraceptive Image of a young girl and slogan’s ambiguity: „Let him be the first…“ back up the drug positioning as a pill for young audience.

Proplex manufacturer of window profile systems Proplex uses technologies of the leading world companies: Technoplast, Chemson, Cincinnati Extrusion (Austria). The slogan „Austrian window technologies“ with image of the Alps reflect the brand’s positioning: genuine Austrian quality.

Satico hair care collection New season’s catalogue of Japanese Satico cosmetics offers an innovative view at hair care products: fashion style. 2009 collection is represented by audacious, even surrealistic hairdos challenging the routine.

Aleksey Vetrov




Progress Promotion:

We like teambuilding!

Who are we? A full-service ad agency from Slovakia, that has been successfully present in the market for 18 years. But how we live altogether under one roof, what makes us a strong, well-knit team? All the basic information about us is available on our web site www.progresspromotion.sk. We are not going to make lengthy statements about plenty of our big clients, introducing our position in the Slovak advertising market, how progressive we are, which important briefs we solve every day – as everyone can find this on the Internet. These days we complete the preparations of the longawaited Comm World meeting here, in the capital of Slovakia, in our agency – the nice 4-storey building on Ursinyho Street. The interiors in the building are gradually being restored, the walls get a new fresh colour and the furnishings will be replaced by new ones following the latest trends. Other issues of preparations such as agenda we would like to keep secret because we intend to surprise our dear Comm World guests in the best way we can.

bout Facts a s Promotion s Progre 990 h v Cic ed: 1 Found Mirosla : t n e em Manag 6 5 62 3 Staff: 4 4 45 1 2 1 2 4 :+ pro.sk Phone e@pro c fi f o : l E-mai

Well-knit team Last year we undertook some personal changes to rejuvenate our internal team and now we can feel as a big family. This is the point that is to be discussed on this page. Our employees love various activities such as teambuilding and we always try to make them interesting with the best consequences for our motivated, well-knit team.

Vladimir Valkovic

voices from inside Juraj Melis

What to say about our teambuilding meetings? Only the positives... It’s fun to see the colleagues relaxed, joking, drinking something good or eating well-prepared meals in a pleasant atmosphere...There were some parties I could take part in our agency for the last year. And there was always a room where the colleagues could express their individual views – about the ’stars’ in the karaoke show, in the discussions about our hobbies and life, sometimes also ‘working’ in the free time at the party. I think it’s a very good way to make our team closer and to make better relationships.

Eva Cichova It is always interesting to get to know your colleagues from their “other side”. At a dinner or a bar tour you learn more about your colleagues – if they are funny, if they can dance, what they eat and drink, if they look good in pictures and if they can wear 80’s style clothes. It is funny to meet your colleagues a day after, some of them asking “who ordered this Mojito for me?” or “did we dance yesterday”. The people get more creative. I’m looking forward to our next teambuilding exercise!

Miro Sikora I like our teambuilding actvities very much, because we are a good team and it doesn‘t matter if we are on a formal event, or if it is just an afterwork party – fun must be in charge!

Client Service Director All of us, doesn’t matter if in the society or in the business life, we are always reliant on the teamwork with our closest, let us say colleagues. Everyone has his or her own individual, sometimes machine-made approach to work and is convinced of its correctness. The teambuilding has to invade this fact in the right way and to teach us to work in an atmosphere of interaction collective teamwork, to create functional and effectively working team. History of our activities in this field is almost completely oriented on building of a friendly spirit in the team, interaction being acquainted with each other and cooperation. There is a number of these events during the year. Some of them are combined with workshops (morning work meeting, afternoon teambuilding activities with sport and social character). 1.

2. 3.


Spring Progress meeting – morning workshop, afternoon sport and social activities Regular summer barbeque in fishing area combined with sport programme End of workshop: Autumnal common dinner in typical surroundings, goose party Christmas party

In the future we want to aim at the development of targeted intentions in a larger teambuilding context, which should lead to a higher level of efficiency and results within the team. These topics include:

Hena Temerova In my opinion, teambuilding is very important in every job. People spend a lot of their lifetime in a certain job and that’s why it’s important to make it pleasant and also important for them to make good relationships with colleagues. There is not so much time for that at work so different activities and parties offer us good possibilities to relax, have fun and present ourselves in a different manner, not just in the work atmosphere only. Well, I’m for teambuilding absolutely, it is definitely better to work in a refreshing, chilled out and friendly atmosphere ;-).

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

loyalty, trust and pride of business firm motivation and self-motivation ability to solve problems decision-making new possibilities of team behaviour

04 02

SPRING MEETING / Host Agency designed by These pages




City of exciting contrasts Bratislava is not only the largest city in Slovakia, it also serves as the capital. It is situated right in the centre of Europe, in the southwestern part of Slovakia. The town spreads like a fan on both banks of the Danube River, under the hills of Low Carpathian Mountains. Bratislava is the biggest city in Slovakia with the population of some 450 000. A bit of history Founded before the 10th century, the city was initially known as Pressburg. Strong fortifications erected during the 12th century gave it strategic importance; from 1541 to 1784 it was the capital of Hungary. In 1805, during the Napoleonic War, the Peace of Bratislava was signed in the Primacialny Palace following the defeat of the armies of Francis I, the Austrian emperor and Alexander I, the Russian tsar by Napoleon‘s army at Austerlitz (Slavkov). When Czechoslovakia was formed in 1919 after World War I, the city was renamed to Bratislava and became the capital of Slovakia.

The Old Town is full of museums and palaces. The castle, built above the Danube, was a frontier post of the Roman Empire from the 1st to the 5th century. Since the 9th century it has been rebuilt several times, most recently between 1953 and 1962. Climb up for the great views and check out interesting expositions of Slovak National Museum within the castle. The Natural Sciences Museum and the Slovak National Gallery by the river are also worth to see. The Old Town also offers numerous opportunities to enjoy lively nightlife and nice places to taste traditional meals.

Things to see Historical points of interest include 11th-century Gothic cathedral that was restored in the latter half of the 19th century a former royal palace of Hungary, on a hill overlooking the city, a 13thcentury Franciscan church; the Town Hall – a 13th-century building.

05 03

PROUD MEMBER OF ... / CommWorld

best Simply the

Dries Vera

The CommWorld Art Directors show their favourite work

I first started college as a student in building techniques (road and building applications). However, it didn’t take long before I started dreaming of something much more creative. Before I knew it, my passion for art, design and aesthetics took the upper hand. I changed my subject into graphic design. This way, I could develop my interests and broaden my artistic horizons. I literally became an addict of “Arts & Crafts”, a discipline that isn’t limited to the creation of concepts for graphics, but also for applications for daily use and decoration. For nearly ten years now, I’ve been able to fulfil my artistic needs as an AD at IOTTA Communications. Every day is a creative challenge in which I find true job satisfaction.

I am one of the few lucky ones who has never encountered routine. I think of myself as a creative DA (= Do it All). Often working on a broad range of projects, no material is safe for me: wood, stone, metal, paper... I just love the combination of creating both with my mind and my hands. As a family man, the only issue I have with work, is spare time. There simply aren’t enough hours in one day to realise all my dreams. Maybe that’s the reason I also design watches and clocks. Then I at least get the feeling I can stop time and free all my ideas. Creative regards, Dries Vera

Dries Vera, Art Director IOTTA Communications, Belgium dv@iotta.com


PROUD MEMBER OF ... / CommWorld

Philipp Thurow Janina Kaiser

Philipp Thurow, Janina Kaiser, Junior Art Directors pro-art werbeagentur, Germany p.thurow@pro-art.to, j.kaiser@pro-art.to

Our masterpiece: The pro-art annual calendar is the product of blood, sweat and tears. Our tools: two colours, four fonts and 18 quotations. Our challenge: to interpret the meaning of the quotations by means of typography alone and to transport such “weighty” messages with ease. Our result: quotations designed with an eye for detail which accompany the beholder throughout the year and act as an occasional source of inspiration. Our conclusion: a project of which we are proud.

Linda Vallée

My masterpiece: A new design for the packaging of office technology – a project which was as challenging as it was exciting. We wanted to create uniformity in the packaging of Dahle‘s entire range and, in doing so, strengthen the presence, differentiation from the competition and recognition value of the brand at the PoS – no mean feat, especially given the numerous mandatory components. Today, when I go into a shop and see the new Dahle packaging, I can proudly say that we have mastered this challenge.

Linda Vallée, Art Director pro-art werbeagentur, Germany l.vallee@pro-art.to


PROUD MEMBER OF ... / CommWorld

Hildegard Wellen, Art Director pro-art werbeagentur, Germany h.wellen@pro-art.to


Wellen My masterpiece: “More time for play” – that was the central idea of the 2005 poster competition of the German Association “Mehr Zeit für Kinder e.V.” (More time for children). This resulted in the “Willst du ... ?” (Do you want to ...?) concept. The posters based on this idea show that playing means having fun. At the same time, they also communicate a more serious message: Children not only need parents as play mates and friends but also as teachers and guides. It was the combination of these two messages which made this project my masterpiece. Sujet 1: Do you want to show me the 7 wonders of the world? Sujet 2: Do you want to enjoy adventures with me? Sujet 3: Do you want to be my friend and helper?


PROUD MEMBER OF ... / CommWorld

Svetlana Ofitserova, Art Director Arabesque communications group, Russia s.oficerova@arabesque.ru (on maternity until January 2010)

Svetlana Ofitserova Mobilize your fantasy. Furniture factory Ronikon. When you arrange the living space with Ronikon furniture you can don‘t stint your fantasy. „Furniture“ means „mebel“ in Russian, that sounds like „mobilize“.



I have worked for this company for some years already :o). I am the author of few colouring books and also illustrations of many other things for children. I have drawn cartoons, fairytales in the film production for ten years so we can say I was an animator. Nowadays I work as a graphic designer and art director in this nice agency. Why did we choose these visuals from Milica? They show how creative she is and what a wonderful talent she has. These drawings are the carrier of her attributes – goodness, patience, preciseness, tenderness... She is like a mom for everyone here. Don’t think she is not up to date when she is an illustrator, but we will show you her other works sometime later.

Milica Dolakova, Art Director Progress Promotion, Slovakia mdolakova@propro.sk


PROUD MEMBER OF ... / CommWorld

The works presented are part of our participation to a pitch organized by Gindi to promote a residential project in Bucharest in 2008. „More Centrum“ is one of my favorite works because of it‘s simplicity. The brief was about going beyond showing nice buildings and happy families, and more about giving to the targeted customers something smart to think about and also an answer to what they want to buy. The campaign had clear headlines answering directly to the concepts that came out in the market surveys conducted with two research companies, and visual pointers to make the message stronger.

Vera Ungureanu

Vera Ungureanu, Art Director Heat Advertising, Romania vera.ungureanu@heat.ro


PROUD MEMBER OF ... / CommWorld Headline: www.hey-gorgeous.com. Bodycopy: Websites for any job. Simple and easy.

When you work in a small market, it is often difficult to persuade the client to take chances and give you free reign over the project. If the client already has a preconcieved idea of how the finished product should look, that makes it even harder. Website developing firm asked us to make a poster for a service offering simple and affordable websites. Posters were to be placed in men‘s toilets. Even though they briefed us exactly how the poster should look, we took a chance and offered them an alternative solution – more provocative and therefore better suited for the surroundings it was to be placed in. We even took the time to make several versions, each edgier then the last one. At first the client was shocked, only to realize that their potential customers would have a hard time forgetting the poster. In the end they chose the most extreme version. A good design that ends up in the drawer fails to realize it‘s purpose and potential. That‘s why I take the most pride in projects that make it into the real world.

Dalibor Arula, Art Director Kompas Design, Slovenia dalibor.arula@kompas-design.si



Heart of rest. Velegozh health resort investment project booklet Eye-catching Russian landscapes and pictures of quiet rest, each containing a picture of heart harmoniously fitted into, thus communicating to investors positive emotions and confidence in project’s success.

Ekaterina Vorobyova

Ekaterina Vorobyova, Art Director Arabesque communications group, Russia vorobjoff@arabesque.ru


PROUD MEMBER OF ... / CommWorld

“Before joining Kobalt in November 2006, my 23-year career had already taken me to a number of well-known Zurich agencies, through which I came into contact with successful brands such as BMW/Mini, Kuoni, McDonalds and Phonak, to name only the most important.” In view of his outstanding record, we of course acceded to Norbert Brunner’s wish to re-locate from Switzerland’s advertising hot spot back to beautiful, introspective Central Switzerland. Even so, we were slightly unsure as to whether we would be able to provide this top professional with a scope of work and degree of challenge commensurate with his experience. We need not have worried: almost on his first day with us, our biggest client, Centralschweizerische Kraftwerke AG, Lucerne,

tasked Norbert with repositioning its communications. The power generating industry is facing mounting pressure as a consequence of market liberalisation. Norbert Brunner: “In a free market situation, companies have to mark out their positions to differentiate themselves from the competition – something the power utilities are still not paying enough attention to. When developing our conceptual approach, we ensured that CKW would be perceived as presenting a unified front within the aspect of integrated communications, and thus provide the basis for sustainable dialogue with customers, partners and the public at large. Basing our concept on five elements – the individual, the landscape/environment,

the ‘ray of light’, the claim, and the ‘CKW curve’ – we created a new visual universe for CKW that draws a clear distinction between it and other suppliers in this market. The pictures which, by the way, were all taken in CKW’s supply area, are imbued with a high degree of symbolism and expression. This visual language, together with the choice and combination of images, generates emotions that have earned CKW a highly distinctive profile.”

Norbert Brunner

Norbert Brunner, Art Director Kobalt, Switzerland norbert.brunner@kobalt.ch


CIA / CommWorld

From the CommWorld

CIA initiative to … With the announcement of “the Return On Investment initiative” and the official agreement of all CommWorld partners during the last meeting in Sevilla, the doors were opened for multinational projects.

Eigil Jacobsen from DK as a neutral judge during his stay in Belgium

Indeed the 8 duos and 1 trio were formed in a lottery during the farewell dinner in the middle of hundreds of barrels of excellent sherry. Now, some five months later, we can report that about five CW duos have made some or real progress in this matter. Real progress by the only agency trio Bulgaria, Germany & Belgium (9): they have transformed the CIA initiative into a real CW BGB project, turning the basic idea into a clear internal “project proposals and selection” briefing. Nine concrete suggestions were kept for the quarter-final list, two projects made it to the semi-final and finally the winning theme was selected and accepted by all three partners: the “Against Aggression” campaign was chosen. The next step was that each agency presented two concepts via email and each agency selected its favourite concepts. A week later the final concept selection followed. As you can see from the pictures, the three agencies are taking their task very seriously. They also met in Emsdetten to discuss the further project development and to fix the final processes. More about this “Against Aggression” project will follow and will be

Thomas and Heike from pro-art during the BGB meeting in Emsdetten

presented at the upcoming Bratislava meeting. We hope to motivate and to surprise you. Eventually this campaign can grow into a serious tri-agency account. So far the CW BGB trio. Austria + Latvia (duo 8) and also Switzerland + Slovakia (duo 1) announced their research for interesting companies situated in these duo countries. Both lists will now be completed with the responsible contacts as well as with other facts and figures. The agencies still have to figure out how to get in touch with those selected companies and by means of which direct marketing tools. The next step will be to set up the creative part with the right content in order to obtain positive responses. “We are tweeting as KalaSkooter” is the news from Sweden + Estonia (2). They took up the trend from other winners like Obama by starting their mini-blog on Twitter. They also believe that this is a great way to deepen relations by learning more about the everyday life in our CommWorld colleagues’ countries across the Baltic Sea.

If it works well, KalaSkooter intends to extend it to clients and partners. This way they can stay in touch with them in a brand new way. You are all welcome to read the entries. Just go to www.twitter.com/KalaSkooter or even create your own account. Italy + Denmark (6) have taken the first steps, but no significant results can be announced yet, the same goes for Czech + France (7). Nothing has happened within the duos Slovenia + Portugal (4), Russia + Spain (5) and The Netherlands + Romania (3), but Kompas Design will show a presentation in Bratislava to involve more agencies.

Our CIA-teams: 1. Slovakia (Progress Promotion) Switzerland (Kobalt) 2. 3.

Estonia (Kala Ruudus) Sweden (Skooter Reklambyra) Romania (Heat Advertising) The Netherlands (COOKS Incorporated)

4. Portugal (BBZ) Slovenia (Kompas Design) 5. Russia (Arabesque Communications Group) Spain (MAKE Marketing) 6. Denmark (727 Communication) Italy (Gulliver Comunicazione) 7. Czech Republic (Remmark) France (Raison de Plus) 8. Austria (Reklamebüro) Latvia (Esplanade Advertising) 9. Belgium (IOTTA Communications) Germany (pro-art werbeagentur) Bulgaria (Active Group) Emonna and Svetlana (cutting her birthday cake) from Active Group at pro-art

CASES / CommWorld

Creative World The start of a new series. The creative output in our network knows no bounds - and we should let ourselves be inspired by it even more so in future. We are pleased to react to this comment from the last internal questionnaire - and here are the first case studies from our CommWorld partners in Belgium, France, Germany and Slovenia.

Country: Agency: Client: Category: Business area:

Slovenia Kompas Design d.o.o. Mladina newspaper company d.d. Socials Newspaper and magazine

Starting Situation: Mladina magazine announced a pitch for its monthly action of critical ads called „Proglas“. This time the topic was financial crisis – how to react, how does it affect the individual, the economy, the state …Our lives in general. Communication Goal: Show humorous side of the situation. Communication Strategy: Which investment is unaffected by economic crisis? Media Mix: Print – Mladina magazine Concept: Creative Director: Art Director: Copywriter:

Žiga Jenko Žiga Jenko Dalibor Arula Žiga Jenko

Investment unaffected by the economic crisis:



CASES / CommWorld

Mailing “Switched clients” “Make a lucky deal with Debic Cream”

Teaser mailing (All bakeries) “Your heart will soon beat faster”

T-shirt “My heart beats faster for you”


Mailing “Loyal Clients” Cover: “Your unique cream sensation in one turn of a hand” Inside: “Creamy characters in action”

Country: Agency: Client: Product: Category: Business area:

Belgium IOTTA Communications Friesland Foods Professional Debic Cream (classic + modern) Business to Business Professional Bakery segment

Starting Situation: The Debic products (in this case the classic and modern cream range) are of a higher quality than other brands, but they are also much more expensive. The Bakery segment suffers difficult times and some bakers even have chosen to switch brand (we call them “Switched clients”) in order to get a cheaper product (cream). In the end they not only lose in quality, but also in time and return.

Communication Goal: IOTTA was asked to try to gain back the switched clients as well as others, by a clear but powerful campaign towards 3 semi-different targets: - Switched baker - Actual clients - Distributors/Traders Communication Strategy: By showing/presenting the different product qualities, advantages and other benefits of using a better, but reliable Debic quality, we try to persuade the operator to choose for Debic cream. The baker has the guaranty of perfect results, convenience and easy work methods, the authentic taste of full-cream and above all client satisfaction.

Media Mix: Direct Mailings towards the different targets, Print, Instore POS materials, Sales Promotion, T-shirts, Vouchers, Actions, Trade Magazine make a really targeted media mix. Art Director: Creative Director: Account Manager:

Dries Vera Jan J. van Nunen Catherine Marton


CASES / CommWorld

0 1 3 3 66 999 333 000 38


MR TOULEMONDE RUE LAFAYETTE 75000 PARIS 0000 000 0000 00 Evry, le xxxxxx

Monsieur, Nous avons aujourd'hui le plaisir de vous adresser votre Carte Bleue Visa Sofinco, qui va vous permettre de « Consommer Autrement ». Votre code confidentiel vous sera adressé sous pli séparé d'ici quelques jours. Découvrez vite une nouvelle façon de consommer, plus libre, plus simple, plus proche de vous et de vos préoccupations ! Associée à votre réserve Couleurs, cette carte c'est l'assurance de profiter de nouveaux avantages pour vivre sereinement tous vos achats : • PAYEZ AUTREMENT : paiements en magasin ou retraits d’argent, vous l'utilisez comme vous voulez et surtout vous répartissez vos dépenses en fin de mois, au comptant, en 10 fois ou par petites mensualités... ! • ACHETEZ AUTREMENT : grâce aux garanties exclusives qui couvrent vos achats, comme l'extension de garantie constructeur systématique ! • PROFITEZ AUTREMENT : avec Shop’ line, bénéficiez de réductions toute l’année et saisissez nos offres inédites pour vous faire encore plus plaisir ! Afin que votre Carte Bleue Visa Sofinco n'ait plus aucun secret pour vous, nous vous invitons à lire le guide Découverte qui accompagne cette lettre. Il détient tous les avantages pratiques et malins à connaître pour consommer autrement ! Nous vous remercions de votre confiance et sommes à votre disposition pour toute information complémentaire.

Christian L’HÉRON

N’hésitez pas à contacter votre Chargé de Relation Clientèle au :

Sofinco - Direction et Gestion - Rue du Bois Sauvage - 91038 Evry Cedex - SA au capital de 134 294 589 Euros - 542 097 522 RCS Paris

Country: Agency: Client: Category:

France Raison de Plus Sofinco Financial Services

Starting Situation: Launching of a new credit card with added services for a better and easier consumption. Communication Goal: Sell the card Communication Strategy: To develop a new idea and a new way of consumption, easier, more reliable, with more services and help to choose the right product. „Consume different“ Media Mix: Ad, Direct Mail, Website, Print, POS Creative Director: Art Director: Copywriter: Illustrator:

Yves Vinckier Yves Vinckier Frederic Toulemonde Yves Vinckier


CASES / CommWorld

Welcome to the SANCO master party (Banner)

News around our SANCO master loyality campaign (Website)

How big is your SANCO loyalty? (Advertisement)

Country: Agency: Client: Category: Business area:

Germany pro-art werbeagentur GmbH KME Germany AG & Co. KG Business to Business Copper tubes

Starting Situation: The brand SANCO (copper tubes) from KME had its 25th jubilee in 2006. The best time to say thank you with the great SANCO loyalty campaign. Communication Goal: pro-art developed a campaign to consolidate the exposed market position from SANCO in a hard-fought market and to strengthen the brand loyalty from craftsmen. We want to say thank you to the craftsmen and not to praise ourselves.

Communication Strategy: pro-art developed a direct mailing for the target group craftsmen. With the mailing we invited the craftsmen to proof their loyalty towards SANCO. With a fax form the craftsmen could attend the campaign. 1.000 limited copper plates, the first price a VW Caddy and the chance to attend the big loyalty jubilee party were strengtheners to attend. We also created a website, advertisements, the event and PR for the loyalty campaign. Media Mix: Ad, Direct Mail, Event, Website, Print, POS, PR, Raffle Concept: Thekla Jakobi Creative Director: Thekla Jakobi Art Director: Stefanie Banse Copywriter: Marc Fielers Photographer: Schwarzenberger Illustrator: Stefanie Banse



„Much more

than expected“

Review of the CreativeCamp 08 in Emsdetten, Germany

The CreativeCamp 2008 at pro-art werbeagentur in Emsdetten, Germany, was a great success. Thekla Jakobi, creative director at proart, spoke to two participants about their experiences: Simon Dalsgaard Nielsen from 727 communication and Janina Kaiser from pro-art. What were your expectations before your first CreativeCamp and were they fulfilled? Simon: I think I can speak for all three of us from 727 when I say we did not know what to expect. But I was really on for it. I knew we had to work on some kind of workshop along with the other members. When we arrived there was a great „Stimmung“ at the Gartenparty and we felt welcome from the start. After the first night out and halfway through the next day I knew this would be much more than expected. And it was! It was so easy to connect with the other members and it was almost sad to go home again. Please describe the programme of the CreativeCamp in a few sentences. Janina: For two days our group of Italian, German, Danish and Latvian creatives worked on a briefing from „gulliver“. We were advised to create a self-campaign for the agency. Gulliver wanted to make a name in new markets where the agency was not yet present, which would give it greater visibility, more success and more productivity, e.g. in the food sector. The result of our creative group process was an eye-catching campaign idea entitled „Hungry for ideas? Taste us!“ But we did not only work. We had enough freetime to get to know each other better and to celebrate our network event. From your point of view: what effect does the CreativeCamp have on the participants and on our network? Simon: The CreativeCamp had a great effect on me personally. I was pleased to get to know some members who in the future could be

a „nice-to-know connection“. It‘s also an important thing for the creatives of CommWorld to know who the other creative „young“ spirits are. I‘m almost sure it would be a good idea to make the connection even stronger by having a forum, Facebook group or something like that. The CommWorld family feels closer after the CreativeCamp. How did the participants cope with the „language barrier“? Janina: We had no problems! Sure, many of us were a little bit afraid that their English might not be good enough to communicate with the others, but these fears disappeared five minutes after our first meeting. We just faced each other and smiled – that was enough to break the ice. Only a few of us could speak English fluently, so we gesticulated or looked some words up in the dictionary while working together. That worked out really well – the results speak for themselves. Why should CommWorld creatives take part in the CreativeCamp? Janina: Because each CreativeCamp participant makes the CommWorld network more vivid. Because the CreativeCamp broadens your creative and cultural horizons. Because it‘s a lot of fun to develop great ideas with great people. Because you are proud and happy when you get a taste of something new. Because you can have an unforgettable experience. Because of the „meet & eat“ factor: you meet nice people and eat great food. Please describe the CreativeCamp in a few words. Simon: Young, friends, creative, across cultures, insight, inspiration source.

Simon Dalsgaard Nielsen, 727 communication Janina Kaiser, pro-art



The visuals shown deliver insight into the creative process. They do not show final results.

1. T he adaptor represents CommWorld. It is surrounded by plugs which stand for the network’s countries/agencies.



1. CommWorld campaign core message: Energy to communicate direct-mailing idea: paper box containing a kit of power plugs with an universal adaptor

2. Reinbringer campaign core message: We will get there – onto everyone’s lips guerilla idea: pro-art/Reinbringer (= orange) is everywhere. Think about orange cows, orange toilet paper, the Orange Man Group, …

3. New business activities in the food sector for Gulliver core message: Hungry for new ideas? Taste us! direct-mailing idea: empty packages of the clients‘ products: „We tasted your products, now taste us!“ fair promotion idea: tooth pics with „agency cookies“ (with pictures of employees and an agency subpage-adress)

4. Living Corporate Social Responsibility core message: Show respect – get respect logo idea: „respect“-lettering with changing sublines guerilla idea: replication of public buildings in „birdhouse size“

Creative Camp 09

in Lille

The next CreativeCamp will be held in France (Lille, to be more precise) in the middle of August. It has been scheduled for 13 to 15 August, but these dates are awaiting confirmation. All the creative staff in the CommWorld network are invited to attend the CreativeCamp in Lille, become inspired, discover new perspectives and have great fun at the same time. So, don‘t make any other plans for the middle of August and come to Lille. Important: the number of participants is limited, so make sure you decide quickly! Invitations to the CreativeCamp 09 will be sent out in good time to network members.


NEWS / CommWorld




The OK Center for Contemporary Art is, as it were, the museum of the modern in Linz and a long-standing customer and partner of our agency. reklamebüro is always pleased to invite its customers and friends to wander around and take in the exhibitions at the OK. And the „Biennale Cuvée“, the pick of last year‘s Biennale events at the beginning of March, was not to be missed. Afterwards – and fully in keeping with the cuvée theme – numerous wines from Austria‘s leading wine growers and merchants were available for tasting.

The art of reklamebüro Art plays a large role in reklamebüro‘s work. In particular we keep a keen eye on contemporary art trends with a view to finding new inspiration for our advertising activities. Here are three current projects we would like to present. Crossing Europe. Erich Goldmann, co-founder of reklame­ büro, has again contributed a film to „Crossing Europe“, the renowned short film festival, now in its sixth year and taking place from 20 to 26 April 2009 in Linz, the Capital of Culture. All in all 177 specially selected films, documentaries and short films from 30 countries will be shown. In his contribution „The Colour of Immortality“, Erich takes a look at the chemotherapy he underwent years ago in a moving but also unorthodox, bizarre, humorous and life-embracing way. The roughly 9-minute long film features the Incredible Hulk, a Citroën DS and an electric shaver in key supporting roles.

particularly high-quality and unique presentation was required. And our thoughts turned to the heated discussions surrounding the planned outer shell of the new Music Theatre in Linz which is to be built next year. We used the steel lamellae, which were originally planned for the new Music Theatre building, for the box design. The slipcase is now not only a ‚weighty‘ gift from Linz, known as the city of steel, it also serves as a reminder of the controversy surrounding a regional, once-in-a-century piece of architecture. The finishing touches for the slipcase came from the artist Maria Moser, who added thick brushstrokes. Biennale Cuvée.

Bruckner Orchestra Linz. reklamebüro has been working for one of Austria‘s most prominent groups of instrumentalists since 2002. A classical orchestra whose self-confessed aim it is to dust the centuries of cobwebs off so-called serious music and free it from the chains and shackles of the past. It is headed by the dynamic and internationally acclaimed conductor Dennis Russell Davis. The Bruckner Orchestra Linz was recently commissioned by the Provincial Governor of Upper Austria to record a special edition of W. A. Mozart‘s „Linz Symphony“. The Provincial Governor intends to present the CD as a personal gift from his homeland to his hosts when he is on trips abroad. A


PROUD MEMBER OF ... / CommWorld

New client: LIMAK – top management training in three continents

Social responsibility in Kala Ruudus Kala Ruudus took some social responsibility lately and created a campaign for free to raise money for Pediatric Lokomat® -functional locomotion therapy for children. It allows intensive locomotion therapy for small children with cerebral palsy or other neurological disorders. We designed the logo, print and outdoor ads and animated a TV-clip. The project has the name of a little girl, suffering with cerebral palsy.

LIMAK – Linzer Internationale Management Akademie – has been one of the leading Austrian institutes in the field of postgraduate education in general management and its application-oriented imparting of practical knowledge and skills since 1989. As the business school of the Johannes Kepler University in Linz, LIMAK is a competence centre for postgraduate premium programmes and management development. So far, over 3,000 managers, including more than 300 MBA graduates, have placed their trust in LIMAK. LIMAK stands out through its top-level trainers and international approach, with students spending periods abroad at partner universities in the USA, Asia and Europe. In keeping with the LIMAK motto „Competence for Leaders“, LIMAK offers intensive programmes for leaders who want to enhance their knowledge in specific specialist business areas – from the Global Management Programme to the unique Global Executive MBA with training periods in three continents. Master programmes for personnel managers, engineers and executives in the public sector round off the courses offered. www.limak.at

New benchmark for knowledge management pro-art and brandhelfer found the “wissensbilder akademie” (knowledge creation academy) pro-art and brandhelfer have launched their new “wissensbilder akademie”. The agencies have pooled all their training activities under a single roof. What makes this project so special is that the programme has not just been developed with employees in mind but, depending on requirements, it can also be accessed by existing and potential customers, partners and students amongst others. “In the beginning we had the idea of making existing knowledge transparent for everybody and developing new knowhow in a targeted manner. Today, with the “wissensbilder akademie” we have created a new benchmark when it comes to knowledge management”, explains Thomas Hans. The spectrum of activities ranges from impulse lectures, interactive workshops and strategic weekends through to individual coaching. www.wissensbilder.com



Recruiting film offers applicants a “look behind the cameras”. “... and action!” – so began shooting of the pro-art recruiting film. The advertisement shows the agency‘s unique “Reinbringer” philosophy (“pro-art is taking you there”) in a fresh and unconventional manner and encourages young talent to apply to the company. With success! The number of qualified applicants increased significantly. And with the film’s help, pro-art advertising agency was able to land a good positioning on the applicant portal. You can view the film at www.pro-art.to under Jobs.

Kala Ruudus has moved

The most recent news with Kala Ruudus is that we have moved from suburb to city center. We used to have our office 7 km from downtown and although it was very peaceful there (by the sea), it wasn’t that convenient for our clients. Now we have a great house, built in 1913 (arch. Jacques Rosenbaum), with two stores for us. Wooden floors and stairs gives it all a special inspiring spirit. The house actually received a prize for its great restauration works.


PROUD MEMBER OF ... / CommWorld

Russia Arabesque communications group won awards at PR Recipe of the Year Arabesque has been awarded two prizes at Recipe of the Year awards presented in the area of pharmaceutical advertising, marketing and PR, for development of creative concept of micro-dosed oral contraceptive Minisiston 20fem (Jenapharm) and corporate magazine Panorama BHC (Bayer HealthCare).

we had to do is a layout for the spring season and to create two figures representing Vitamin (the doctor) and Herb (the patient). Through these two figures they want to tell the people about the nutritional supplements they produce and about the positive affect on their health.

New people at Progress Promotion

Kristina Baratova Copywriter

Miroslav Sikora – Georgy DTP/Graphic designer

Arabesque communications group presents its new website New design, new capabilities for prompt presentation of works, new client projects... Visit www.arabesque.ru

InTime We proceed with our networking philosophy and around Christmas we started to cooperate with another advertising agency called InTime. This cooperation also involves Ida Alfredsson, which some of you know from old Artmen.

Miroslav Goga Prepress and DTP operator

Tony Tököly Account manager

Sweden We don’t have so much to report this time except that people’s focus suddenly shifted from recession and car industry crisis to a bright future when the royal wedding was announced. The old truth still remains: All you need is love. Greetings from the Caribbean

Slovakia Walmark Walmark a.s. is a modern pharmaceutical company specialized in the manufacture and sale of nutritional supplements and pharmaceuticals. They have a strong position in the Czech Republic and have fast expanding subsidiaries in other eight European countries (Slovakia, Rumania, Poland, Ukraine, Hungary, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Latvia and France). After two rounds of selection, we won this client and started to work for him. What they want to reach in the close future is to get their „Yellow line“ into the customers heads. The first think

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Benjamín Doplnok výživy.

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Dobrou starostlivosťou o svoje zdravie získajte teraz bonusy na viac... Ak sa chcete dobre starať o svoje zdravie a získať kredit na ďalšie nákupy, teraz môžete mať oboje naraz. S výrobkami spoločnosti Walmark dostávate výhody hneď dve. Prvou je nezanedbateľná prvotriedna kvalita produktu spĺňajúca podmienky tzv. správnej výrobnej praxe (GMP). Ide o široké spektrum pravidiel vyžadovaných pri tvorbe liečiv. Druhú výhodu predstavuje bonus vo forme „Walmark korún“. Nepotrebujete na ne peňaženku ani pokladničku a môžete za ne získať ďalšie produkty alebo reklamné predmety zadarmo. A ako na tieto výhody? Prezradia vám to Vitamín & Bylinka. Kto? Sú to súrodenci zo Žltého lesa. Vitamín sa v mladosti rozhodol pre štúdium medicíny v ďalekej cudzine, ktoré úspešne ukončil žltým diplomom. Mladšia z dvojice, Bylinka sa v čase Vitamínovej neprítomnosti venoval predovšetkým spoznávaniu okolitej prírody, života a potrieb obyvateľstva v našich podmienkach. Po Vitamínovom návrate spoločne vytvorili zohratý tím pripravený riešiť každodenné otázky zdravia, vedy a prírody. Chcú pomáhať aj Vám tipmi a odpoveďami na vaše otázky. Aká je ich rada pre využitie výhod Walmarku? Nevyhadzujte čiarové kódy výrobkov Walmark. Každý má pridelenú určitú bodovú hodnotu a tieto body sa vám budú zbierať na vašom osobnom konte. Môžete ich použiť na ďalší „nákup“ výrobkov priamo u výrobcu v Klube zdravia Walmark. Tomu sa vraví investícia s návratnosťou! Takže – nakupujete a vlastne si sporíte. Stačí sa len zaregistrovať ako člen Klubu zdravia Walmark na stránke www.klubzdravia.sk alebo písomne na adrese Walmark s.r.o., P.O.BOX A-70, 010 90 Žilina. Budete zaradení do databázy Klubu zdravia a budete mať možnosť využívať výhody bezplatného členstva.




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Autumn Meeting In Linz, Austria: 21-24 October 2009 Please note: the Autumn CommWorld Meeting has been rescheduled! This meeting will now be held from Wednesday 21 October to Saturday 24 October in Linz, Austria. Visit the European Capital of Culture in 2009 and see the illuminated Lentos Art Museum, the brand new Ars Electronica Center plus the lively baroque old town with the largest city square in Europe and many other things that make the capital of Upper Austria so lovable and liveable

Bernhard Grdsloff, former president of Commworld, left our network and Austria for sailing round the world in the nineties. He and his wife Daniela now lives in Grenada running a business called Caribbean & Sun. They offer accommodations and activities mainly to the German speaking countries and now plan to expand into Sweden. Skooter has been asked to provide market information as a first step. So if you plan to go the Caribbean, check out caribbean-sun.com, Bernhard will be happy to welcome you.


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success. The first common project was a product launch for a telecom company at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona. Starting from a workshop we developed highly effective sales tools comprising PowerPoint slide kits, speaker’s notes and product fliers to support customer meetings in the stand. The result was no less than 120 one-to-one meetings in Barcelona, a series of next-step workshops and a first request for proposal. The key success factor was OutPut’s method to develop and define the company’s value proposition and transforming it to highly effective sales tools. Skooter’s role is to turn the value proposition into straightforward communication that works all the way through the sales force to the prospective client. At the time of writing we are in the process of starting up more projects of this kind. It’s obvious that the interest for sales driving communication has increased during the last year. It’s much easier for us to get appointments with prospective clients if you can promise them more effective sales meetings than if you just want to talk about advertising. The advertising projects will come as a bonus once you have proved to the customer that you can handle the sales process too.

Sell, sell, sell! The first outcome of the cooperation with OutPut, which started just before the last ComWorld meeting, was a real


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