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> Editorial 1 > Autumn Meeting Sevilla 2 > 20 Years of CommWorld 4 > C3 Award 7


> I know what you did last summer 8 > Around Europe 11

CommWords 02/08 »

introduction of two new members is also on the agenda. I would like to take this opportunity to thank MAKE in advance for their organisation!

Welcome to the 2nd CommWorld internal newsletter!


Since it was set up 20 years ago, CommWorld has provided two decades of genuine partnership within a high performance network. The second edition of our newsletter looks back on these last two decades. We can proudly state that together we have achieved a great deal! As a network we have grown closer and are able to continually learn from each other. The future looks bright. Improved standards give our cooperation a whole new quality. Let us take advantage of this and help each other to achieve even greater success! We are all looking forward to the birthday meeting in Sevilla: In addition to the ongoing projects (website relaunch, CommWorld guide manual and further development of the meeting quality), the

The 3rd CreativeCamp in Emsdetten was a shining example of our vital partnership. This is now an integral part of our network which we should continue to foster. After all, all participants and their agencies benefit from this international creative spirit. Everybody thoroughly enjoyed the CreativeCamp which included team work, a BBQ and sightseeing in Münster. The impressions on page 12 are guaranteed to impress you. Many of our members enjoyed some real international flair during their holidays. The new column, “I know what you did last summer” details how advertisers recharge their batteries – whether in the mountains, by the sea or at home. And who knows, maybe you will also find the odd rest and relaxation tip. Enjoy reading!

Yours, Thomas Hans President of CommWorld


AUTUMN MEETING / Host agency


Marketing y Communicación Not good for sales, not good for us. This is a basic statement for MAKE, and shows the philosophy of a results oriented agency. Having been on the clients’ side of the table for many years, helps MAKE to understand two basic principles: ROI is imperative and the size of the client must not count when it comes to service. Our Spanish agency has a young and motivated team, led by Gonzalo Verdeja, a former top marketing executive in some of Spain´s biggest corporations and still a marketing teacher at the best management and business schools in his country. Seven years have been enough for MAKE to build up a solid advertising, marketing & communications group which includes MAKE Marketing & Communicación as an advertising agency, BrandsUp a branding and corporate image company and e_make, its digital and on-line marketing branch. The latter has been chosen by Google as a ‘Google Qualified Company’ and as ‘Adwords Seminar Leader’ an official licence to teach Google advertising techniques to others. According to its founders‘ background and experience, MAKE feels comfortable in advertising and direct marketing, but tries hard to stay aware of the latest techniques in advertising. Therefore, all staff are encouraged to dedicate some time every day to read and keep themselves informed about latest news in their sector. MAKE also contributes to knowledge by writing and updating www.blog.make.es http://www.blog.make.es a most valued marketing and advertising blog within the Spanish educational and business communities read by hundreds every day.

Facts about MAKE In Established: Management Total employees Phone eMail


2001 Gonzalo Verdeja 11 +34 91 309 02 09 info@make.es

Sevilla: City of the sun Host-city for the CommWorld Meeting in autumn will be Sevilla, the capital of Andalucia, the cultural and financial centre of southern Spain. Sevilla is a city with just over 700,000 inhabitants, but 1.6 million in the metropolitan area make it Spain‘s 4th largest city. According to legend, Sevilla was founded by Hercules. It was known as “Hispalis” under the Romans, and “Ishbiliya” during the Moorish occupation. The high point in its history was following the discovery of America. The city is situated on the banks of the smooth, slow Guadalquivir

River, which divides the city into two halves: Sevilla and Triana. Sevilla has played host to two international exhibitions: the Ibero-American Exhibition in 1929 and the International Exposition in 1992. Inhabitants of the city are known as Sevillanos.



CommWorld’s Autumn Meeting 20 08 in Sevilla Agenda We dnesday 5th Nove mb er 20 08 15:30 20:30

Board meeting at Silken Al- Andalus Palace Hotel Welcome dinner at Silk en Al- Andalus Palace Hotel

Thursday 6th Novemb er 20 08

Things to see The Cathedral of Sevilla was once judged the third largest church in the world after Saint Peter‘s in Rome and Saint Paul‘s in London. It is now arguably the largest church in the world when compared using the measurement of volume. The central nave rises to an awesome 37 metres over a total area of 11,520 square metres. The Cathedral is the final resting place of the remains of Christopher Columbus. La Giralda is a large and beautiful minaret tower, originally intended for the chief mosque, but is now the magnificent bell tower of the Cathedral and a symbol of Sevilla. Torre de Oro is a thirteenth century tower, the top of which is rumoured to have once been covered in gold. Plaza de España is the site of the Spanish pavilion from the 1929 exhibition. It is somewhat in need of repair. Visit it early in the morning on a weekday or right before it closes (officially at 10 p.m. but more likely half an hour later) to see it completely empty and rather eerie. Taste the south Sevilla, like most Andalusian destinations, is known for its tapas. “Tapa“, while it is associated with certain dishes, is actually a size. Many restaurants or bars will offer a tapa, 1/2 ración (half serving, although sometimes enough to make a meal) and ración (serving) of the same dish. Some typical tapas include tortilla española (potato omlette), pulpo gallego (galician octopus), aceitunas (olives), patatas bravas (spicy potatoes) and queso manchego (sheep‘s milk cheese from the nearby La Mancha region). Also be sure to try the ham, which you often see hanging above the bar.

09:00 – 09:30 Board report 09:30 – 09:45 Status of CommWorld Guide, Jan J. van Nune 09:45 – 10:10 n C3 Award 2008, Tom Ele rt 10:10 – 10:15 2nd CommWorld News letter, Sabina Schimböck 10:15 – 10:25 Comm World Internal Activitie s. A new CWs internal contact system that wo rks , Jan J. van Nunen 10:25 – 10:40 Coffee Break 10:40 – 10:50 CommWorld Contact Pro gram (CCP), Jan J. van 10:50 – 11:45 Nunen Status of the New Comm Wo rld website Tom Elert (presentation/d iscussions) 11:45 – 12:00 Feedback on Creative Ca mp 2008, Thomas Hans 12:00 – 13:00 Lunch 13:00 – 14:00 Google guest speaker 14:00 – 14:15 MAKE presentation on Gamesa, Gonzalo Verde 14:15 – 14:30 ja Process of improving effi cie ncy of the ag en cy. Briefing by Anita Verdo nk 14:30 – 14:45 „H ausverstand“– a new ad ver tising idea for supermarkets, Sabina Sch imb öck 14:45 – 15:00 Cases from 727, Tom Ele rt 15:00 – 15:15 Coffee break 15:15 – 15:30 Cases from Raison de Plu s, Fréderic Toulemonde 15:30 – 15:45 New identity of Kompas De sign, Eva Debevec 15:45 – 17:00 Revision of points of ag en cy improvement. Discussion “How to wo rk tog ether”. 17:00 – 20:30 Free time 21:00 Dinner at Casa Robles. (Bus transport from ho 22:40 tel) Drinks offered by MAKE Friday 7th November 09:30 – 10:45 10:45 – 11:00 11:00 – 11:15 11:15 – 11:25 11:25 – 12:30 12:30 – 13:30 15:00 – 18:00 19:00 – 00:00

20 08

New members: Presen tations, discussions, vot ing Coffee break Cases from REMMARK , Vladimir Jarkovsky Success story with Foo tball Studio, Matthias Fel der CW matters: budget, me mbership fee, next me eting etc. Lunch End of the meeting Touristic visit to Sevilla. Travel to surprise destin ation, dinner, drinks, ….

Saturday 8 th Novemb er 20 08 Free time, departure…



20 Years of CommWorld

It all started in autumn of 1988: The first CommWorld meeting was held in Marbella, Spain. It’s about time to give one of the longest members of our network and participants of the first meeting the opportunity to have his say about the network, the reasons why, the critical marks and the funny things, too. Ron Pollin, your retrospection, please. Q: Who were the founders of CommWorld? R on: The main people behind the first meeting were two guys called Claude Pasque and Alain Mahaux of the Brussels agency BIP. Q : How did they find the first members? R on: It began by BIP contacting agencies in various countries who had shown some interest in Europe. I don‘t know the precise details of how the various agencies were selected, but my own agency had actually contacted the Chamber of Commerce in Holland and Belgium looking to make contact with agencies in those countries

at the same time BIP had started looking for agencies to form a network. Q: Where and when did it really begin? R on: The original agencies agreed to meet up in the Club Med in Marbella, Spain, in September 1988. Q: How did it start out? R on: We met for several days in Club Med and talked through what the objectives might be and what we might call ourselves and how we might operate together as a network. Q: What was the reason to start CommWorld? R on: There was a growing realisation among the more forwardthinking independent agencies that in order to compete with the multinational agencies, we would need to be able to offer an EU dimension. Remember this was at the time when the EU was really beginning to take off and the concept of the single market was capturing people‘s imaginations. There was a fear that at some time in the future, advertisers would increasingly want to run panEuropean campaigns. Q: What exactly were the first members‘ plans? R on: Their original ambitions were, to be honest, unrealistic. They had visions of being able to compete for the big multinational clients, such as Coca Cola, IBM, etc., against the likes of McCann, Grey, etc. At the same time, we wanted to have a meaningful and active network, not just a business card exchange. The idea was to have members in all the EU countries plus the USA. We were quite advanced in some ways. We installed a server in the Brussels office which effectively gave members an early e-mail system, long before this was generally available. Q: What was the most critical point for our network? R on: In 1991, the network almost collapsed when BIP decided to sell their agency to a large French marketing organisation and wanted to pick off the best CW agencies to join them and take the CommWorld name with them. In the end, only Duits from Holland joined them and they subsequently bought themselves back out of the group and returned to CommWorld. In 1996, the network found itself in financial difficulties, largely due to the terrible financial state that BIP had left it in when they left the network. Up to this time, CW was a co-operative company, called CommWorld Europartners, registered in Brussels. I was using a Belgian accountant to help us manage the complicated Belgian accounts requirements. We were obliged finally to let the company go into liquidation and restart the network again, this time as a UK company, retaining the CW name. Q : Besides all the business stuff: What were the most funny or impressive parts? Ron: In the early days, there were some colourful characters in the network. In particular, the French agency members at the time

were very excitable and often had stand up arguments with the Belgians (in French), much to the bewidered amusement of everyone else! The first President, Claude Pasque, decided that,

“We wanted to have a meaningful and active network, not just a business card exchange.” as President, he was justified in travelling first class to the USA for a CW meeting, leaving his own colleagues travelling in economy on the same flight! At our first meeting in Slovenia, we were all invited to attend their parliament and I was asked to make a speech there to their various ministers and MPs. I was later invited to be a jury member for the Golden Drum Festival. Also at that time, we had (briefly) a member from Cuba, who sadly could not afford to pay a subscription, but brought with him to Slovenia some very fine Cuban Rum!


Dinosaur talk We asked 6 of our longest members about the past, the present and the future of CommWorld. The questions were: 1) Where did it all start for you? 2) Why are you part of the network? 3) W hat do you see for the future? Here you can read their astounding, mind-boggling and amazing answers.

Thomas Hans, pro-art, Germany 1) Our reception in Norwich/UK in 1996 – with 40°C in the shade – was not only truly un-British, but also completely unexpected. Nevertheless, that did not stop pro-art from becoming a member of CommWorld. We have now been part of the network for 12 years and have already learnt a great deal from our partners.

“Today we know what it takes to communicate on the international stage” 2) The reason why we were in search of an international network also dates back to 1996, when, just a few months before the meeting in Norwich, we introduced a potential client to our agency who in return wanted to know whether we were able to provide an international service. Unfortunately the answer to this was no! It was clear at the time that we never wanted to have to say no to this question again. Motivated by this, we started to look around and discovered CommWorld. This proved to be a very good decision and, since then, we have been able to answer the above question with a resounding yes. Thanks to CommWorld, we are more than able to meet these demands. Today we know what it takes to communicate on the international stage and have also built up international knowhow. This was only possible because we have learnt such a lot from our partners and have been able to transform this varied input into tangible success. 3) In the future we will work to develop this even further by focusing on an even more intensive exchange, on higher standards, on greater ambitions, on better quality and, last but on not least, on greater success.

J.J. van Nunen, IOTTA Communications, Belgium 1) In fact, it all started after having a bad experience with two other networks. The agencies in question weren’t really there when necessary and were all about travelling and having fun instead of accomplishing professional challenges, which was in fact our main goal. Eventually IOTTA Communications was contacted by CommWorld. At first we were rather sceptical and kept our distance. Until a personal meeting enabled us to take a clear view of a collaboration with CommWorld and commanded our confidence. From that moment on, we were, and still are, in hot favour with CommWorld. 2) The answer to that question lies in the fact that, as from the beginning, IOTTA Communications is very active on an international level with several BTB activities. Before we met CommWorld, 60% of our clients were already international companies for whom we developed several projects. It was therefore essential to make professional contacts on an international level. And by international we mean not only our neighbouring countries, but countries all over Europe. These contacts would not only help us to broaden our horizons, but also to understand and communicate better with other cultures. By going CommWorld, we didn’t intend to get campaigns through other members, but to give IOTTA Communications a more international image and stand out as an all-round communication bureau. From then on, IOTTA Communications could rely on equivalent CW partners. It goes without saying that having mutual accounts with other CW members for the same client is an enrichment and may be a door opener, but nobody will deny that working together for the same international client(s), year after year, is a real challenge as well. We are looking forward to that particular moment.

“Let’s make things easy. Let’s get together.” 3) In the near future, IOTTA Communications hopes (see further) for some more commercial challenges, the further development of the CommWorld network and that we may create reciprocal business opportunities with and between CW member agencies. Some inside information if you ask me about the distant future (I hope): Let’s make things easy. Let’s get together. All of you are already invited to my funeral. Well dressed and in my minimalistic (with iPhone), but superbly designed coffin, I will host you all. Come and see me at the cemetery. I like you all, I love some!

Ron Pollin, The Works, United Kingdom 1) Having been in at the birth of CommWorld, I remain passionate about the network, with a sense of benevolent paternalism, always hoping that the “child” I helped to create will blossom into something to be really proud of. Since its creation, I have remained on the board of CommWorld in various capacities – Special Secretary, Treasurer, President, Director General and Company Secretary. I once “semi-retired” but was soon drawn back into the thick of it. I’ve missed just 7 meetings out of the 42 so far, and as the official guardian

“The network is much more focused now on external issues. That’s real progress.”

of the history of CommWorld, there’s not much I don’t know about the network, including what has worked and what hasn’t. I have seen many changes, mostly for the better. 2) There was a growing realisation among the more forwardthinking independent agencies like ours that in order to compete with the multinational agencies, we would need to be able to offer an EU dimension. Remember this was at the time when the EU was really beginning to take off and the concept of the single market was capturing people‘s imaginations. There was a fear that at some time in the future, advertisers would increasingly want to run pan-European campaigns. 3) I reckon the network is much more focussed now on external, rather than internal, issues and that’s real progress. In the early days meetings were dominated by topics like names, logo designs, websites and brochures.


Per Johansson, Skooter, Sweden 1) It started in 1994, long before Skooter. Artmen, the company I was running at that time, was a member of a domestic agency network in which two of the other agencies were members of international networks. One of these networks was CommWorld. When the Swedish member went bust, Artmen was offered a membership. Eigil Jacobsen came

“We have taken networking as our business philosophy and it works very well.” to judge us and and I suppose he liked what he saw. So we became members at the spring meeting in 1994. It was – as always – an unforgettable meeting in Philadelphia. All American style! 2) The main reason for joining was to be more competitive compared to international agencies. Most companies in the Gothenburg area are international, so it‘s necessary to have international connections as an advertising agency as well. But personally, one very strong reason to stay in CommWorld is all the good friends and relations this network has given me. Plus of course all good ideas, creative input and exciting meetings. 3) Networks like CommWorld ARE the future. We have taken networking as our business philosophy and it works very well. It gives you great possibilities to run big and challenging projects with a minimum of fixed staff and costs. So, let‘s continue like we have started.

Alessandra Baggio, Gulliver, Italy 1) It started in 1988, when we were contacted by the Italian Advertising Association because there were a French, a Belgian and a Dutch agencies looking for partners in Europe to create a network of independent agencies. We accepted the invitation and met our international colleagues at a memorable meeting in Marbella, Spain. It was a very important period for the development of the EU: only two years before Spain and Portugal joined the EU, increasing the members to 12. There were years of great enthusiasm and a lot of expectations. The second operative meeting in Germany was very successful and at that meeting we already shared the first client: Schneider Electronics. So we started with a very good experience, with a campaign on different media. TV, press, radio. 2) We first joined CommWorld because we believed in the many business opportunities that we could have from the network. And in the first years it was like that: we shared some clients, even quiet big clients, and we learnt together how to realize an international campaign. Then we started to experience that being a member of an International network like CommWorld was a big benefit for our clients and for our prospects, even if they didn’t need it, and this was also a way to be different from our Italian competitors.

Martin Kok, Cooks, The Netherlands 1) It started in the real beginning. 20 years ago. CommWorld was an initiative from the former Belgian partners and D.U.I.T.S. (the old name of COOKS). As far as I know the third partner was Bartlett Jones Pollin (yes, the agency from good old Ron Pollin). D.U.I.T.S. left the network in 1992, because it was partly bought by an international network. After the former owners bought back their shares again, the agency rejoined CommWorld during the meeting in Spring 1998 (together with our big friend Jan J. van Nunen).

“We use CommWorld to create a competitive advantage in comparison with other agencies.” “Being a member is a big benefit for our clients, even if they don’t need it.”

2) First of all to learn and to share experiences with a very nice group of people. But we also use CommWorld to create a competitive advantage in comparison with other agencies, not having a strong international network like we have. Many of our clients like the idea that we can use the knowledge of reliable partners all over Europe. 3) Of course more members, in more countries, who believe in the principles and values of CommWorld.

3) For the future we think that the greatest value of being member of the network is that we can meet each other and learn a lot from our partners. Business with CommWorld is no more the first expectation, and this because in these years a lot of things changed in the EU. Italy is a very difficult country for small and medium companies: our economical, financial and legislative systems are not easy to be understood and accepted by companies which do not have great structures and which prefer to enter easier markets where business is more transparent and rules are clearer....


C3 Award

And the winner is ... The primary purpose of the C3 Award is to present the creative work adjudged the best of the year within our communications group. This year, the honour of nominating and celebrating the most captivating creative work was given to 727 communication in Denmark. 9 agencies took part, making the competition razor-sharp. The entries showed captivating and pulsating creativity, but three works stood out and deserve to be recognised, rewarded and revered by the rest of us. These are:

Cool break by Raison de plus ”All great ads, regardless of the medium, must be simple. This is a great ad. It’s unpredictable and captivates the social context of skiing. When you combine that with your product – Hoegaarden beer – you get a very convincing message. Congratulations to Raison de plus.”




Unusual fireplace by Gulliver ”Very cute, very warm and very emotional. The ad calls upon feelings that we are all familiar with, making it a powerful cross-cultural execution. But, what makes this so good is also why it’s ”only” runner-up. It is almost too cosy, too nice. The image could have been spiced up if the animals were having sex in front of the fireplace... Congratulations to Gulliver.”




Seidensticker by Pro-art Werbeagentur ”Simple, surprising, exciting and by far the most captivating execution in the competition. It’s easy to decode and the elegant way of using care instructions as a means of communicating product attributes is just brilliant. The strong idea defies conventions and its executional opportunities seem inexhaustible. In short, Pro-art is the winner of this year’s C3 Award. Congratulations.”





PROUD MEMBER OF ... / CommWorld

I know what you did last summer

Nicolò Arban, copywriter Gulliver, IT Internal location: inside a mind, uncertain time of an uncertain day. Two voices, sitting around a table - It’s my turn, isn’t it? - Indeed my friend, I think it’s just your turn. Hold it tight and take a deep breath, and then… throw yourself in! - You’re making it seem easy. Every time I have to talk about myself I feel dizzy. - C’mon, what does it take? It’s just one moment, you’ll see. Besides, for how long have you been doing it? - Uh, let’s see. Well, you know, it’s more or less twenty years. - C’mon then, you should already know how to do it. - OK my friend, I’ll try. - I’m all ears. The second voice grins. - Stop it, if you do so, you block me. - Sorrysorrysorry. Won’t do it again. The first voice take several deep breaths, for a while, then the words come out all in one go. - IstartedinMilan,juniorcopywriterinBenton&Bowles, thenIenteredMcCannErickson,copysenior.Now I’mafreelanceratGulliver,Padua. The second voice sighs and lifts his eyes to heaven. - Er… so you’re a creative. I should have guessed it. There’s such a mess in here… - You say it’s too much?

Roland Nelis, Art Director COOKS Incorporated, NL Chasing Hurricanes in Florida The waiting area of Gator World just got a little more exciting “Because, as we all know, crocodiles and alligators are not the same, and crocodiles don‘t live in Florida....“

Ana-Maria Jolobceastai, Project Manager Heat, RO My timeout this summer started as usual: me and my friends frying in the super nice sun of the Greek island of Skiathos, swimming, shopping, and so on. What was special about it was that I have reinvented my passion for flowers, and on our way back home our car was filled with pots of leander, lavender, hyacinths, arugula and anemone. The flowers travelled without any troubles, apparently, and now when I look at them on my balcony I talk to them about their friends back home.


PROUD MEMBER OF ... / CommWorld

Vicky Lommatzsch, copywriter IOTTA Communications, BE

Being creative all year long is fantastic. You get the opportunity to think the craziest things, write the funniest copy, live a hectic life and be a child again without your parents telling you what to do. In order to be creative, however, the most important ingredient you need is inspiration. I get part of mine by travelling and meeting people from other countries and cultures. People from all different walks of society. Moreover, they help me set my target group at the beginning of each creative process. My last journey took me to Marrakech and the High Atlas Mountains of Morocco. It was the perfect combination of nature and culture. If you’re looking to find inspiration, then Marrakech is definitely the place to be. The vibrant city itself is in the grip of a delirious imagination. You just can’t help it to get carried away by all the little alleys, souks and minarets. People running about everywhere, trying to give you their point of view on things, snake-charmers, monkey tamers, fortune-tellers and traffic that can get you killed at any given moment. There’s no escape... you have to go with the flow. Hiking in the mountains, on the other hand, definitely gets your head empty. The fresh air, the breathtaking scenery, the physical challenge... And just when you need it most, you can count on the hospitality of the Berbers that goes beyond all expectations. People who have nothing, but who give you the world, it’s just amazing.

Hena Temerova, secretary Progress, SK What are the symptoms of your urgent need for vacation, of your being hard-pressed? It is not difficult to notice it on my face :o) I’m not working with pleasure anymore, work is making me tired, I’m fed up with it, dispirited and I feel the need to change the collective – I simply want to get away, I want to fly away. What is your favourite way of recharging the batteries? Do you prefer active or passive vacation? Which countries? I’m lying on the beach and doing nothing. Just listening to the sea and watching the evening sunset with a good beer or wine, in the circle of people, who feel it the same. How long does it take you to change the working mode into the vacation mode? It’s immediate. Are you on vacation sometimes like off the leash, because

you want to try everything and the free time is ”counting down“? I’m not off the leash, I prefer the ease “y” calm way. I want to live through a bit of fun, but also to see surroundings, not only to stay at one place. Do you like to taste local specialties? What have you already tried? What do you usually like to drink with it? I do like to taste specialties, but don’t have to try all of them. On my vacation at the sea it´s fish and various seafood. In our mountains, here in Slovakia, High Tatras we always have Slovak gnocchi with sheep‘s cheese, pasties and definitely a good cold beer. Does it sometimes happen to you, that you can’t find the right way also on the map and you ramble through the foreign places? Is the alcohol sometimes the reason for your disorientation or for any other funny stories? I’m mostly good at maps. Alcohol is usually the reason just for funny stories and pictures.

What do you usually do, when during your longed-for vacation the job cellphone is rings? Depends on the situation, where I am at that moment, but I pick it up most of the time. How long can you stay fine without your job? Do you look forward to going back? I can stand it for a maximum of two weeks, after then I am happy to be back at work at my desk and with my PC. If you had to take one person from your job to the desert island – would you rather die? There would be somebody to take with me, I think :)


PROUD MEMBER OF ... / CommWorld

Liviu Ungureanu, Creative Director Heat, RO After a year of advertising and other works, summer came with a Creative Summer Camp of my own design: mountainside fresh air & art (the sponsors made it all possible for us). The kids from the Special School no. 9 from Bucharest that usually come to my modelling seminar, some more from the painting class and I got our bags packed and went camping on the magic mountains of Vrancea.

(info at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vrancea_County) We spent a great deal of time modelling, painting, but also barbecues and friendly times. We thought of the good and the bad of the last year and made plans for the autumn… Images of our time there can be found on http://www.eyes-on-fingers.info/gallery In the same line we started organizing into an NGO dealing with art projects in restricted environments, like special schools with impaired children or convicts in penitentiary system, or… oh yeah! art academies. The haiku of our summer is this: (Some guys wrote it on a fountain they built for the travellers):

Christoph Sauerland, Client Services Director pro-art, DE The perfect moment. When is a moment “perfect”? Personally, I’d say, when you can think of absolutely nothing to make the situation better. How often do we think, “It’s pleasant enough here, but the weather could be better.” Or “Good town for shopping, but the shops are too busy.” Or “It’s a fine restaurant, if only the prices...” If the moment is perfect, the only thing you think is “Perfect.” A perfect moment on my summer holidays in the Bregenzer Forest (Austria). It was just a mountain bike ride with my son Philipp. The plan was a two-hour cycle, climbing a couple of hundred metres in altitude, to meet my wife and son Tim at a mountain hut near our holiday home. No big deal – the sky was blue, the sun was shining and we set off at a nice pace over the terrain, which was quite fast and not too

“I will sin, Lord, help me. For wine I have no liver, No heart for water either.” So now we’re back to work and searching for the perfect brew (of words) to make people‘s heads spin without a headache.

steep, with the odd navigable rise. Then came the ascent to the hut. Our way was marked on the map: in practice, you might sometimes be able to take red trails down the mountain, but seldom up, because they’re impossibly steep. This was not perfect at all but it took us 15 minutes to admit it. So, back down we went – what then? Abandon it and sit in the sun? That wasn’t an option for us, so round the mountain we went to take the access road to the hut. It was still steep, but doable. By this time it was hot hot hot, the sun was blazing down on the road and my son’s water bottle was empty. And not long later so too were his energy reserves. Again we asked ourselves if it was time to quit. But no, we struggled on. It took pushing in places, mind over matter and the last few pitiful drops from my bottle, but we finally made it to the hut. Philipp was adamant that a goulash soup had never tasted so good or a lemonade so refreshing. I tell you, there’s no better place to sit than on a wooden bench. And then my wife and son Tim joined us. Need I mention the weather, the view, the friendly service...? Now that was a perfect moment – and I wasn’t the only one to think so, I’ll bet.


NEWS / CommWorld

Around Europe Austria Gericom: Win with a smile The image of this manufacturer of notebook computers has suffered enormously among its target group due to its previous purchasing and service policy. It did not come as a surprise that the company ran into financial difficulties. After being bought this year by Quanmax as a strategic investor, it was also high time for the internal restructuring to be presented to the outside world as well. The Austrian CommWorld representative, reklamebüro, emerged as the winner in a hotly contested pitch. The winning communication strategy specifies not only the new Corporate Design but also a new form of management design in itself. Customers have to be shown that Gericom is a completely new company. A company which must be fun to be with again when conquering the digital world together. The new, uncomplicated fun with the computer is demonstrated by a friendly chat symbol as part of the logo. The chat abbreviation * g * for grinning was the inspiration for the new company logo that can be found on all advertising materials, products, company buildings etc. PR measures and visible service benefits are being developed parallel to the process. The next task will be to bring the online environment of Gericom.com in line with the new flavour and give the user interface and navigation a more intuitive and efficient design.

Belgium The astonishing Hush Puppies campaign “50 years of casual style” As promised in the previous CW Newsletter, we would like to welcome all of you to the magical world of the successful Hush Puppies campaign. In order for you to capture the full picture of this continuing story, we’ve presented the facts as a case story:

Strategy Goal: the goal of this unique campaign was to polish and modernize the image of the Hush Puppies Shoes for their 50th birthday. Approach: IOTTA Communications put the Hush Puppies Basset Hound in a playful outfit and illustrated the dog in 4 distinctive style periods: Hip Hop, Disco, Punk and Flower Power. By using style icons as a theme, the shoe brand, that has stood wear and tear of time, is characterized as a style icon itself.

Denmark Main communication platform = the Internet No less than 4 websites in the 4 different styles were able to please young and old and also the client was very enthusiastic. Interactive brand awareness: a national contest without purchase obligation. Accomplishment and use of the media In spite of a very low budget, this original and extremely creative campaign was invigorated by 4 different websites, personalized e-cards, wallpapers, 88,000 leaflets and 584 displays spread among 222 shops including Brantano, Avance and Torfs, short film (awarded with a Most Viral Film Award), posters, an advertisement in Steps Magazine, the integration of the campaign on the ZapDog blog, a community part with a wrist-watch as a gift, the dog magazine Woef that fastened its teeth into the campaign and dedicated a whole page to it. Results and ROI: Trail-blazing results! 9,969 visitors found their way to the site => 56% of them actually participated in the online contest. The direct response to the leaflets was no less than 11%.The community part: 1,479 people submitted a picture of themselves with their dog.

We can proudly conclude that this refreshing campaign brought about a huge reaction and exceeded all expectations. The creative approach, the well thought-out strategy and the remarkable results prove the success of a fully integrated communication campaign in which traditional and new media were perfectly combined. All these essential elements will, without a doubt, take us straight to the next step: a nomination for the Mixx Awards 2008.

The latest from 727

Despite the immediate financial crisis making its way to advertising all over Europe 727 remains quite optimistic about the future as things are really beginning to pick up. Most of our clients are doing really well and we’ve won several big-scale competitions. As a direct consequence we are now facing more and more challenging projects. This positive development has also created the need for more talented employees, e.g. project managers, art directors and photographers. When our new set-up is up and running, the 727 Group will employ some 60 persons. Additionally we look forward to inaugurating our brand new photo studio this October. Powerful creative concept for SPAR This summer 727 came up with a powerful creative concept for SPAR that will elevate SPAR’s brand profile, reach its target audience and break through the market place with terrific work. With a brand new and ambitious strategy leading up to 2016, SPAR Danmark A/S will take on its competitors for a serious battle of market share. We look forward to solving the many new and exciting challenges.

Debic Horeca You make the difference. They taste the difference What do you need to encourage your sales when your product isn’t the cheapest, but nevertheless the best on the market? That’s right, a successful direct mail of a specially designed and produced brochure and trade advertising campaign by IOTTA Communications. Their client Friesland Foods Professional definitely made the right choice for their product line Debic Horeca with its unique culinary cream. Both brochure and advertising campaign emphasize the chef who enjoys cooking with Debic culinary cream and his guests who love his cuisine and its sensational taste. Due to the great success, IOTTA Communications was asked to work out the campaign for Debic Bakery Products as well. More on this cream of the cream topic in the next CW Newsletter for 2009.


NEWS / CommWorld

Estonia New people and possibilities in Kala Ruudus Valdek Laur, 3D artist A drop of tar in the golden design-honeypot, I am quite satisfied with the aesthetical looks of the world and do not think it is in need of improving. At least not too much. I value function over form, because the former carries the essence of improvement, whereas the latter is merely a question of taste. I think the purpose of design is to make the world essentially better - not merely better looking. That said, I must add that function without form is an incomplete design - it is without harmony and appeal. In other words, I am constantly trying to hide my lack of taste behind philosophical reasoning. And my lack of skill behind the subjectivity of the taste. But isn‘t that what being a designer is all about? Teele Strauss, AD Once I lived in wonderland, but then it was declared a nonplanet, so I had to move away. Ever since its inception I‘ve been hanging in the wide and open space, finding my ways through art - design in Greece, multimedia in Finland and visualizing my inner side through a VJ label everywhere where there‘s an audience receiving it.

Germany pro-art is a new member of the GWA Membership speaks for our expertise and boosts confidence

pro-art advertising agency became a member of the German Association of Communications Agencies (GWA) in June 2008. Membership of the GWA is a relevant criterion within the German communications industry. The demands of the Association in terms of both form and content are extremely high. First and foremost, pro-art regards its inclusion in this Association as offering a major advantage to existing and potential customers. Thomas Hans explained the benefit to customers as such: “Thanks to our membership, we are able to give current and future clients the assurance of having found a demonstrably high quality partner”. Furthermore, the agency is able to benefit from access to exclusive further training opportunities and participate in an intensive exchange of experiences with other members of the Association. For more information go to: www.gwa.de/

Strategic cooperation creates added value pro-art further expands its PR unit pro-art advertising agency has entered into a strategic partnership with UMPR Ute Middelmann Public Relations. The agency’s knowhow in the fields of integrated corporate, brand and B-to-B communication is set to be enhanced by UMPR’s comprehensive experience in the PR business. UMPR has been operating for 20 years and advises international clients and mediumsized enterprises from a wide variety of industries. The company’s areas of expertise include corporate and brand communication as well as the provision of editorial support to publications and the overseeing of crisis and change processes. Together with this strong partner, pro-art now offers its customers the entire spectrum of PR work from a single source.

Active networking results in unusual concept ideas Creative Camp in Emsdetten, Germany, 26-29 June 2008 “Please speak English!” – the 3rd CommWorld Creative Camp in Emsdetten, which was attended by 32 creative specialists from 9 countries, began with this appeal. Over the following three days, we were all able to experience first hand what active networking means: creative ideas from all the corners of Europe came together – and the results speak for themselves. At midday on Saturday, four unusual concepts were launched which provided ideas on actively practised corporate social responsibility, agency marketing and new business ideas in the food sector. It was the guerrilla ideas, however, which provided a real surprise: Did you know that it is possible to make people pee orange? The marketing of the CommWorld network was also an important issue. Alongside the creative work, there was also plenty of time for the participants to forge new relations: a welcome BBQ, short bike rides through Emsdetten, an evening tour of the pubs and a trip to Münster with a subsequent visit to a nightclub provided many opportunities to get talking. All in all, the international exchange was both an exciting and valuable experience. We have become closer as a network and have got to know each other better. This is the basis for continued fruitful international cooperation.

Lectureships and workshops provide the “tools for the job” A major boost for the next generation of advertising specialists The lack of specialized workers is also an issue for the advertising industry. In response to this problem, pro-art has taken the opportunity to get involved in fostering the next generation of specialists. Amongst other things, Thomas Hans took on a lectureship for the 2008 summer semester at the Institute for Communication Sciences at the Westphalian Wilhelms-University in Münster. In cooperation with the University of Münster, Thomas Börgel, Managing Director of the partner agency, brandhelfer, provided the tools for brand development and management. The clou: The participants included students and employees from brandhelfer and pro-art advertising agency. It was precisely this mix which ensured the outstanding quality of the discussions and debates.


NEWS / CommWorld



New entry and new clients in Gulliver Carmen, graphic designer Let us introduce Carmen to you, a new entry in Gulliver, at the agency located in Pordenone. She is a graphic designer and comes from the lake of Como near Milan. She arrived in Pordenone (some hundreds kilometres away from her native town) just for “love” (and not … “love for graphic…”!) She studied at Milan’s European Institute of Design and had three years‘ experience in an agency in Milan. Welcome Carmen to the many staff of CommWorld creatives!

Zoppas Industries International company, producing Heating Elements Technologies. Gulliver is working on the launch of a new heating product: product name, logo, communication strategy, creativity. The company has been put in touch with the CommWorld partner in France to develop the launch of the same product in that market.

Latvia Letting off steam by Esplanade

DoimoCityLine Leader brand for babies‘ and children‘s furniture. Gulliver creates the new DomoCityLine campaign against paedophilia on the net, in co-marketing with an American company which produces firewalls. The firewalls will be sold integrated in the DoimoCityLines desks. The campaign is developed inside the point of sales and in major sector magazines and is focused on the cartoon of a wolf, representing the paedophile on the net, who falls in a black hole, defeated by the child in his room.

Paintball is not a painball I thought when the idea to do some outdoor activity emerged in our office. What the heck I thought, I’ve been in the army, so shooting at colleagues (and vice versa) could be fun! Well, it was even more than that. A hide & seek game with guns could not only be a good outdoor workout, it also makes you think of how tough it could be in a real combat situation. Especially if you have a vivid imagination... It opens a new folder of human survival instincts to a person whose daily life is paced around office, home, gadgets and lots of virtual life. All of a sudden, evening news covering a story from Georgia suddenly hit me. How come? I’ve seen the news before… It’s simple. We understand an idea much better when we experience it. Paintball suddenly served as a reality check for those who create marketing strategies… Nevertheless, we had a great time. And showing off some bruises over the coffee next morning complemented with picturesque stories was even more fun.

The euro information campaign of the National Bank of Slovakia

After the success in a pitch, implementation of the euro on the Slovak market, we started realizing graphic layouts and producing print materials for the purposes of the ongoing information campaign of the National Bank of Slovakia. There were various communication materials for making the conversion of currency from crowns into euro and from euro into crowns easier. For example a sticker of signatory of the ethics code ”We change the course, not the price“ for retail stores, conversion ruler, conversion broadsheet. Children are becoming familiar with the themes of the new course by playing with pexeso and puzzle games. For better orientation in important key dates in the year 2009 in the process of using the new course we produced a skip-frog. The magic cube gives information about safety components on euro paper-money.

Attento, lupo! Sono arrivate le nuove scrivanie intelligenti!


Camerette Doimo CityLine, per proteggere i tuoi figli dai lupi di Internet. Le scrivanie intelligenti DoimoCityLine con il sistema WebWatch controllano costantemente e bloccano i siti potenzialmente pericolosi, per lasciare a tuo figlio la libertà di navigare in Rete in completa sicurezza.

Translation of the campaign: Pay attention wolf! DoimoCityLine has invented the “clever desks”.

Big changes at Kompas Design We have moved to a new location, changed our corporate image, bought bicycles for our employees and are announcing the launching of our renewed web page together with the opening of our new premises at the end of October.


NEWS / CommWorld

At the new address from the 1st of September We have not moved far. Only a good kilometre from our old address, but in more spatial and airy premises with more parking space. After our good experience with the neighbours, we have once again moved together with Sonce.net agency for digital marketing. Our new joint address is Šmartinska cesta 106. Parallel to preparations for the change of location, the renewal of our corporate graphic image took place. The beginning of a new story Everything started when, a little less than a year ago, we started asking ourselves who we are, where we are going and what we want. We did that by organizing internal workshops. The agency had to set itself new goals after finishing a successful period of eliminating old debts with the new team. We have embarked on the path of renewal, accelerated by the need for a web page and the change of location.

Openness, colours, pleasure while working With our new corporate image we want to express openness, enthusiasm to work and diversity. Thus we changed the square shape of the logo and used a shape without frame, which expresses more freedom. We have also developed characters which represent individual work positions. Characters help us express the positive spirit of the agency and its creativity. They have turned out especially useful upon developing communication tools. The fact that creativity has no limits and that we are different from other agencies is also manifested through a wide range of back­ ground colours on which our logo appears.

Renewed web page The new corporate image formed a sound basis for the development of our new web page. By providing useful information on our web page we want to present our agency as professional. Th web page will have, in addition to classic contents, also a special area dedicated to the clients. By showing contents in this area we aim to facilitate work for the clients. While designing the web page we avoided the dull business appearance. We want the visitor also to have some fun and get the feeling that we, the employees at Kompas Design, enjoy our work. The fun part of the page will also be the task of animated characters from our everyday gags. The renewed web page at www.kompas-design.si will be launched at the end of October. Bicycle squadron The change of location also brought us a new acquisition – bicycles. We use them enthusiastically for our lunch breaks, business meetings and other errands in the vicinity.

Work was not interrupted despite the changes One can of course not make a living only from writing the above. In the meantime we also won several important pitches which totally filled our work capacities and, if we draw the line here, we have had a very successful and working summer.

Sweden Better output OutPut is a European sales outsourcing and business effectiveness consultancy, focusing on the execution of sales strategies. It means helping companies define, reach and exceed their B2B sales objective – or in other words: improving their sales performance. OutPut has the same typical clients as Skooter: International companies developing and selling complex high-tech products and service solutions. Since both of us help our clients to improve sales we have decided to cooperate and to offer “marketing execution services“ to selected companies. In short this means we are taking the strategy from the boardroom to the sales force including communication and sales tools and, if required, selling.

Depression means good times AS3 Companies is a Scandinavian corporation that has good times when other companies are suffering. AS3 is specialzed in job transition management, which means assisting and supporting people and organizations to handle changes. The company has its headquarters in Århus, Denmark and is present in all Nordic countries. Skooter will assist AS3 in Sweden to test a new marketing concept in the Gothenburg area. Feel the pulse PULS is a network that supports developments and investments in Life Science. It goes into projects early to commercialize product ideas in partnership with the entrepreneur. PULS is also a new client for Skooter. We will start with packaging design for an innovative biomedical start-up, which has developed a product for hormone replacement therapy.

institutions the chance to own teak trees, allowing owners to profit from the booming timber market as well as discharge their responsibilities towards the environment. Kobalt opted for ShareWood’s CO2 offsetting scheme and products because the acquisition of teak trees involves an entirely transparent and fully monitorable cashflow and CO2 offset audit – and because the scheme needs to be managed over the long term by a recognised and serious partner. Visit www.sharewood.com for more information.

Next CommWorldMeetings Spring in Bratislava, Slovakia: 20–23 May 2009 See the beautiful capital city of Slovakia, the only national capital that borders two countries. Enjoy a visit to the impressive Bratislava Castle and the beautiful historical buildings in the Old Town. Autumn in Linz, Austria: 14–17 October 2009. Come to the European Capital of Culture in 2009. See the illuminated Lentos Art Museum, attend numerous performances, concerts and artistic installations in the lively baroque town with the largest city square in Europe.

Switzerland Kobalt AG to offset its CO2 emissions Almost two years ago Kobalt AG designed the overall branding of ShareWood Switzerland AG inclusive of its CI/CD and website. The successful collaboration has led to the development of a scheme that is unique in Switzerland. Kobalt is the first advertising agency in the country to offset its entire CO2 emissions output – including the journeys the staff make to and from work – by purchasing teak trees. The offsets were calculated using a CO2 calculator developed by ShareWood Switzerland AG. ShareWood Switzerland AG is a successful developer and manager of sustainable teak plantations. It offers private individuals and


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