CommWords 1/98

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> Editorial 1 > Spring Meeting Denmark 2 > Experiencing CommWorld 4 > Education: Big Rock School 5 > What do I need to be creative? 6

Shooting at the Creative Camp in Latvia; Page 4

> Around Europe 8

CommWords 01/08 »

Welcome to the first CommWorld internal newsletter!

communication we are positioning ourselves as a future-oriented network. Other projects will also serve to enhance the quality of our cooperation.


What you are holding in your hands is the first edition of the CommWorld newsletter. I am extremely pleased at the commitment shown by our Austrian partner, reklamebüro, in driving this project forwards and that so many of us provided input. In this way, we are making the knowhow of the individual partners available to the network and, as such, strengthening the exchange of information between the members. In the future, the newsletter will provide details about the individual countries as well as offering in-depth insights into the work of the different agencies. This step brings CommWorld closer together which is something we can all benefit from. Over the past years, we have achieved much together and we can be proud of this. In order to ensure that this cooperation remains successful in the long-term, our network has become more quality-oriented. To this end, changes were necessary and we have also said goodbye to certain members. The network’s quality orientation will remain the focus of plans over the next three years. This newsletter is a strategic milestone on the road to achieving this goal. By strengthening internal

These include: > Compilation of the Basic CommWorld Guide Manuals (project management: Jan J. van Nunen, IOTTA Communications) > Redevelopment of the CommWorld website (project management: Tom Elert, 727 communication) > Professional acquisition of new, highquality members (project management: Martin Kok, COOKS Incorporated) > Further development of the quality of meetings (project management: Ainars Pudans, Esplanade Advertising) The next CommWorld meeting in Denmark will no doubt provide details of the progress of these projects. Let’s look forward to an exciting and input-filled meeting in the great atmosphere offered by our partner 727 communication.

Yours, Thomas Hans President of CommWorld



727‘s Break­through Takeoff ™

The agency 727 is a radically different advertising and marketing agency. And that is what good and convincing communication is all about; being different and able to positioning yourself, hence questioning the way things are, of breaking with what has been done and seen before. 727’s principal line of thought ”reach higher, go further” pervades everything we do, from answering the phone to approaching the market. This creates value internally as well as externally. And at 727, we know what we are talking about because we’ve done it ourselves. We’ve walked the talk. The transformation The decision to transform a classic, production-oriented agency into tomorrow’s innovative, strategic and creative platform took off at a strategy weekend in Southern France. Here, the management discussed the function of the agency’s core product: moving positions for brands, products and companies. This lead to a discussion of what moves people. Trains, cars, ferries and planes were suggested – everyone looked at each other and cried out: ”Airplanes”. ”Let’s do it”, said the managing directors Tom Elert and Flemming Kok excited to each other. And the ”it” they referred to was of course to buy an airplane, fit it out as an agency and place it adjacent to one of the busiest highways in Denmark. The new, ground-breaking physical setting would undoubtedly create the attention they wanted. Immediately afterwards, they started the hunt for a grounded plane and after research in the Middle East and the US, Flemming Kok found ”Lady Patricia” in Southend, south of London. They bought the plane and a brand new agency came to birth...

The results 727’s solutions are different to others as well. And this shows on the bottom line. We always strive to give the customer a ”plane” and raise the bar for communicating in his or hers specific line of business. This ambitious approach to advertising has resultated in numerous exciting, sales effective campaigns and platforms for some of Denmark’s most prestigious brands. Today, 727 consists of five unique units – 727 Communication, 727 Online, 727 Research, 727 Photo, 727 CPH and HSR – with special competences within communication, marketing, strategic advising, online marketing, tactical marketing, research/analysis and digital photography. This structure of business means more competences, more media, more platforms, greater depth and hence better and more effective solutions. To sum up, this means more convincing communication.



Welcome to Aarhus

CommWorld’s Spring Meeting 2008 in Denmark is approaching

And you’re in for a treat. Riverside cafes, superb shops and mouthwatering eateries, Aarhus is as cool as they come. You’ll be staying at a landmark building in the heart of town, Hotel Royal, which boasts the city’s only casino. And guess what, George Michael, Madonna and David Beckham have also stayed here. Those looking to add an extra touch of retail therapy to their Aarhus stay can browse the small and swanky boutiques at the nearby Latin Quarter, which also hosts the city’s most active nightlife and cafes galore. Aarhus, also commonly known by its contemporary Danish spelling Århus, is the second largest city and the principal port of Denmark. Almost 300,000 people live within the city limits of Aarhus, while an additional 500,000 live in the surrounding local area. The city itself has many faces: largest industrial harbour in Denmark, cultural melting pot at an international level, highly-respected university town, popular seaport on the Kattegat and much more. No wonder it proudly entitles itself as „verdens mindste storby“: smallest metropolis of the world.

Accommodation: Hotel Royal (HR), Store Torv 4, 8000 Århus C, Meeting Thursday: 727 Communication, Niels Bohrsvej 23, 8660 Skanderborg, Meeting Friday: KPMG, Værkmestergade 25, 8100 Århus C,

Agenda Wednesday, 21st of May 2008 15:30 19:30

Board meeting at Hotel Royal Welcome Dinner at Hotel Royal

Thursday, 22nd of May 2008

Aarhus City Hall. Built 1938–42 by architects Arne Jacobsen and Erik Møller. First it was contemptuously labelled „communistic cardboard box armchair“, later on it was set under preservation order as a prime example of Danish functionalism. By the way: the impressive tower was added to the drawings later following massive public pressure. It is 60 meters tall and the clock has a diameter of 7 metres.

07:00 – 08:15 08:20 09:00 – 09:30 09:30 – 11:30 11:30 – 11:45 11:45 – 13:00 13:00 – 14:00 14:00 – 15:30 15:30 – 15:45 15:45 – 17:30 17:30 19:30 20:00 22:30

Friday, 23rd of May 2008 07:00 – 08:30 08:35 09:15 – 10:15 10:15 – 10:30 10:30 – 10:45 10:45 – 11.15 11.15 12:00 13:00 13:30 14:30

Åboulevard: great relaxing spot. The boulevard along the narrow river Å is surrounded by cafés. It is close to our hotel (1 min. walk) and always packed with people from all over the world.

– 12:00 – 13:00 – 13:30 – 14:30 – 14:45

14:45 – 15:00 15:00 – 15:15 15:15 15:30 15:45 16:00

– 15:30 – 15:45 – 16:00 – 16:15

16:15 – 16:30 16:30 19.30 23.00

ARoS Kunstmuseum: Art museum. One of the largest in northern Europe; 10 storeys tall with a total area of 17,000 m². The museum is divided into three different permanent collections: The Danish „golden age“ 1770–1900, Danish modernism 1900–1960 and contemporary art. But it also includes „The 9 Spaces“, a gallery of installation art in progress, where 1 or 2 rooms are done each year.

Breakfast Bus to 727 Board report Workshop „7 ideas” break Workshop „7 ideas” lunch Workshop „7 ideas” break Workshop „7 ideas” Transport back to Hotel Royal Leaving HR Dinner Restaurant Olive Waxies

Breakfast Bus to KPMG conference room New members New CommWorld recruitment materials Martin Kok (presentation/discussion) Break New CW guide/manual presentation/discussion, Jan J. Van Nunen CW budget, new statues, board elections, next meeting Lunch New CW website, newsletter, ppt and PR, Tom Elert Discussion / Workgroups Team spirit = everyone is important. A New Business tool or a Door Opener? Jan J. Van Nunen Coffee Break Charting the brand’s significance for profitability – unique survey of Sweden’s 500 largest companies, Per Johansson “5 a day”. Spring campaign by Compas Design, Eva Debevec Seidensticker campaign, Thomas Hans “The launch of Alternative Energy” campaign, Kent Raju Tips & tricks participating in European Tenders, Anita Verdonk International onion campaign, Martin Kok End of the meeting Dinner at Queens Garden Free choice Playing at the Casino or pub crawl.

Saturday, 24th May 2008 07.00 – 10.00




Experiencing CommWorld

Creative Camp in Liepaja, Latvia, 24–27 July, 2007

You can’t cut a tree in half, but you can use both sides of a sheet of paper

Revise your current consumption habits at

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Join this


e 26 tten, G Emsde

CU there!

The idea of organizing Creative Camp has been up in the air for last 4 – 5 years already. However, something always seamed more important for the members of the network. I guess our initiative to actually host one came in right time along with CommWorld’s new course towards quality of membership rather than quantity. Therefore we started with an idea – what we want to do and what we want to achieve. Approaching some non-profit organization in this situation somehow felt natural thing to do. We prepared a letter with offer to use CommWorld’s creative power for free and sent out to various organizations. Pro-bono is a magic word. We had more positive reaction than we actually were ready to take it. So, we made a pitch on the level of briefing to see who would be most suitable for us – relevant theme for all participants and planned campaign in the near future. Finally we chose Pasaules Dabas Fonds (in association with WWF) as our partner. Overconsumption impact on environment seamed very interesting topic to handle. Besides, PDF was about to implement a “Footprint calculator” campaign. This was it. Despite the fact that in many agencies second part of July matched holidays, we were able to gather 15 creatives from 9 countries – Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, France, Portugal, Italy, Check Republic, Slovenia and Latvia. On top of that works from Denmark, Spain and Slovakia were sent in upon brief we prepared 3 weeks prior the camp. Most of participants arrived in Riga International airport on 24th of July and then were taken to Liepaja. Guest house “Chill Inn” became home for all of them for next 3 days. Away from hustle and bustle amidst woods and near the Baltic Sea shore the word “overconsumption” became most popular among campers. Next morning started with presentation of Mr. U ‘gis Rotbergs, Managing Director of Pasaules Dabas Fonds. After that all participants were taken to various places to enhance senses, explore unknown and appreciate things we all have in life. Visit to sea fortifications, deserted army base, get arrested, spent more than hour in jail, dinner at swanky restaurant afterwards, guided surprise tour through Liepaja, meeting a witch, a whore and a vampire… In another words, everyone had a chance to fill up the batteries. Late evening was a perfect time to sum up the day and set themes for next day’s work.

Thursday, 26th of July mostly was spent on producing visual concepts with short breaks for lunch dinner and rides with environment-friendly Segway personal transporters. Next morning was spent on printing out prepared layouts, pasting them on black boards and checking out from the guest house. Then everyone went to First Rock Café, the most popular hangout place in Liepaja where all works were set up for an exhibition. Opening of the exposition was followed by watching sundown on the beach and partying all night at Fontain’s… I am proud to have had a chance not only to meet but also work as well with so many colleagues from various CommWorld agencies. The outcome was impressive enough to set up a website with all the works we made during or for this camp: Pasaules Dabas Fonds picked out the idea produced by our agency for their “footprint calculator” ( epeda/epeda.html) interface. Our “Halftree” idea turned into print ad layout and was published in January 2008 in the biggest daily newspaper “Diena”. This ad brought us Silver medal at the ADWARDS (Art Director’s Club) festival which took place in Riga on 13th of March 2008 under jury of Michael Conrad. So, it pays off to make Creative Camps, to participate in them and use them as a trampoline to achieve more for the agency and the CommWorld. To the next Creative Camp in Emsdetten! Ainars Pudans, ESPLANADE, LV


Playground for creatives. The creative powers of 9 countries were gathered to generate new perspectives for social advertising. Members from Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, France, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Portugal and Slovenia were present.


Big Rock School: Where Pixar artists come from An excellent chance for Commworld Creatives

Please have a glance at this excellence school located in Treviso. It’s interesting for the potential it offers to our work. We’re talking about the school Big Rock of Treviso (near Venice), where digital animation and computer graphic are taught, and where even artists that today work for Lucas and Pixart come from. We have already tested it, we’ve worked together and we’ve fallen in love with the high quality of their proposals and, which is very important, their affordability. If you are planning some digital works or computer graphic, or if you want to bring up any of your young talents, have a look at their website. Welcome back to school. „if everything would be easy as using a pencil, you could just focus on telling stories“ A school should have classrooms, libraries, a real set where to build up scenes and use our cameras for our courses. It shoulsd have a nice khitchen and a big dining room where enjoy our meals all together. A school should be „schoolshaped“. A school should be no more than 500 meters away from companies that invent the future, that can imagine the world of tomorrow and live it up today. It should be immersed in nature, away from traffic, from chaos, from the hectic world. There is plenty of time for living stressed by deadlines. In a school you should only think of learning, creating, studying and testing...peacefully. It should be bursting with A-class teachers. People that can teach and know what “production” means. People that belong both to the world of school and of work, to always be in touch with both emispheres It should organize seminars, courses, trips and videoconferences with Pixar, PDI, Dreamworks and Sony to understand what‘s the way of life for those who are making computer graphics history. It should be certified by ADOBE, AUTODESK and NEXT LIMIT.

It should be located in a private building, so that every little corner, hallway or room that you pass through or live in during the day, can be experimented in. And that‘s exactly how we made it... Welcome back to school. ...and At the end of our training, each student will have a whole page reserved. A personal blog that allows to take advantage of our website accesses. ...our special way of thanking and remembering those people who chosed to join BigRock. this page are hosted on The best ones will be mentioned in the BigRockPro pages, A section dedicated to special ones... making special things... ...all over the world. Alessandra Baggio, Gulliver, IT

Some useful links: - - -


PROUD MEMBER OF ... / CommWorld

What do I need to be creative?

... a CEO who expects creativity ... an Art Director who shares creativity ... an Account Executive who understands creativity ... a client who allows creativity ... and the kid in my head who produces creativity Tim Klingbeil, Copywriter, pro-art, GER A creative environment. A team whose imagination leaps with mine. I‘m definitely not a loner. I like it when associations within the group jump from one person to the next like in a ping-pong game. Until an idea is formed. What I don‘t need is „creative chaos“. I need to finish the old in order to create space for the new. Natascha Ziachehabi, Art Directrice, reklamebüro, AT

... many many questions and surprising answers ... curiosity of a child and experience of an adult ... safe instinct and clear analysis ... personal courage and (a)team(with)spirit ... freedom and discipline Thekla Jakobi, Creative Director, pro-art, GER

l Publishing; 10 Anv edition Bill Watterson; Andrews McMee s Tenth Anniversary Book by From: The Calvin and Hobbe (September 1, 1995)

Alesˇ, Creative Director, Kompas

-Design, SLO


PROUD MEMBER OF ... / CommWorld Alessio Ferlizza what do you need to be creative?

Alessio Ferlizza what do you need to be creative?

“A little space.” “Good briefs, or even better

no briefs.”

“I left Italy for England with my parents in 1963 against my will, I had little say in the matter. I was only 10 years of age; my initial difficulties with the language were maybe the reason why I became an art director. I communicated with drawings, not words. After finishing the obligatory schools I entered the art college, failed miserably all the graphic exams, but fortunately not the advertising and marketing, the ones I was interested in. My first agency was a little agency that just set up two creatives, one account and John Smith, ex Beatles photographer. It was the seventies in London. It is only later you know you lived in a special period. At the time it was normal, it was a very creative moment, not only in the advertising world. Meantime I went to other multinational agencies, in the 12 years I stayed in London. One lunch time I did not go back to my last agency. I came back to Italy and a few months later my collegues wrote a letter saying that I was the record holder of the longest lunch break in advertising history and asked “When are you coming back?”. At the time I was the creative director of Longari and Lowman Bologna and I was enjoing myself, so I refused the offer. I then moved on to Milano, as co-creative director of Lintas and I had work in Paris, Amsterdam, Bruxelles, before becoming a freelance creative. In 1996 I returned to the Friuli region of Italy, where I was once a child.” Alessio Ferlizza, Freelance Art Director, Gulliver, IT

Lots of Fuel and A Spark I often find beyond words a challenge. When a job comes up, I lay back, open the internet, books, reviews, all sorts of documentation and fuel the project. Documenting adds part by part pieces to a skeleton around the content, then I add some shape and color, and all I need is a spark of an idea to make it alive. Like i said: Lots of fuel, a spark, and it’s done. Vera Ungureanu, Art Director, Heat, RO

One can be creative on many levels. Of course our job offers us every day the opportunity to set free the wild waters of our infinite creative minds, but it doesn’t necessarily has to stop there. Take me for example, a young (36 is still young) art director at IOTTA Communications. I defenitely need that constant vibe of creating new things every single moment of my life and that’s why next to my job I’m constantly searching for other ways to express myself. This is probably one of the reasons I find myself as a lead singer in two bands (at this moment), releasing my energy and creativity on stage in the weekends. Writing lyrics for yet another album (4 already, lots more to go), being on the road, touring allover Europe, meeting new people in different countries, discovering cities you probably never heard off or never would visit and most important making your own CD’s with your own compositions. Even though our music maybe seen as underground or pure noise (for the experts: my band is called Bloodshot and we play brutal metalcore), it satisfies me on every level, giving me also plenty of energy to take on every challenge in this life, work or other! Cheerz Stef Linskens, Art Director, IOTTA Communications, BE Stef Linskens: art director at IOTTA Communications

Stef_Commworld.indd 1

14-05-2008 10:47:15


NEWS / CommWorld

Around Europe Austria ATOMIC meets reklamebüro.

ATOMIC, the Austrian world leader in ski manufacturing, chose the copywriting competence supplied by reklamebüro for the creation of their 08/09 season product catalogue and the launch of their revolutionary ski innovation „DoubleDeck“. Consisting of over 200 pages, the dealer product catalogue was compiled during the autumn months of 2007. Working together with the ATOMIC product managers and the in-house graphic design department, reklamebüro delivered words, feelings and experiences – texts supplied in German and English. The catalogue was presented on-schedule at ISPO in Munich, the world‘s largest sport trade fair. reklamebüro was also selected as copywriting partner for the launch brochure of the revolutionary DoubleDeck ski model. The DoubleDeck models basically consist of a ski with a profiled plate on top – the second deck. The flex of the top deck and the floating linkages connecting the two decks allow the characteristics of the ski to change while you are skiing. Work on this brochure was top secret due to fears of product piracy. These models were presented to the public on-time at ISPO and were greeted with great enthusiasm.

Skiing with the stars. As media partner to ski market leader ATOMIC, reklamebüro was invited to the Zauchensee Ski Arena to go skiing with the ATOMIC World Cup ski stars. With our Austrian CommWorld partners we took to the slopes with all the employees of the ski factory in Altenmarkt along with some journalist friends. There were around 250 people in total. The ATOMIC World Cup stars were our ski guides for the day. Downhill world champion Michael Walchhofer skied with a small group, as did the Slalom Crystal Globe winner, Marlies Schild. Nordic athletes such as Christoph Bieler and Claudia Künzel-Nystad were also there. The reklamebüro team skied with the Swiss Slalom champion Marc Berthod, Beaver Creek double winner Daniel Albrecht and double Olympic champion Bennie Raich. We could choose any skis we wanted. Of course the DoubleDeck models, the new ski innovation, were particularly popular. The ladies‘ models, Slalom racing skis and the „Drive“ model, designed especially for groomed slopes, were also tested. That this day out was appreciated by the ski stars as well was proven by Daniel Albrecht. A day later he won both the Giant Slalom at the Swiss Skiing Championships in Davos, as well as the Slalom – for the first time using the new D2 Varioflex DoubleDeck ski. On the slopes with World Cup winner Bennie Raich.

xclusive sport magazine for the European E Football Championships It‘s no secret that the UEFA Football Championships are being hosted by Austria and Switzerland this year. An excellent opportunity for reklamebüro to design and produce an exclusive sport magazine for its customer SPORT 2000. Their existing sport magazine „moresports“ was issued as a football special edition, which in addition to being sent as usual to the regular customers of the sports dealer with the largest number of shops in Austria, was also available free from every Shell filling station throughout Austria. A number of Austrian football experts contributed interesting articles to this edition. And there was a selection of reports on sport away from the pitch in reflection of the wide spectrum offered by SPORT 2000. This special issue was researched, edited and produced in its entirety by reklamebüro. The Austrian Press Agency APA was selected to supply photos, with national and international photo material available from The cooperation with Shell was organised and managed by our CommWorld partners. 120,000 copies were distributed at the beginning of May. A new record in the history of SPORT 2000. And for reklamebüro.

Hush Puppies Beginning this year IOTTA Communications was selected to do the Belgian anniversary campaign „50 Years of Hush Puppies“. Indeed, another new client. The famous, well known Hush Puppies Basset = dog, has been turn into a very creative IOTTA approach. See picture attached and visit the site More about this grandiose campaign in the next CW Newsletter. WoefWoef, WafWaf.

Estonia Alternative Like any other full-service agency, we too have to deal with things that don’t necessarily provide us with satisfaction of being creative, but are, nevertheless, important. Motivation is that much higher when we occasionally stumble upon projects that need alternative approach. Literally. One of our clients, Liiwi Heliis, is minutes away from releasing a new hip energy drink called „Alternative®“. The fact is, the only thing that isn’t Kala Ruudus‘ creation about that product is the actual drink itself. Although we did give some

Belgium European Excellence Award IOTTA Communications has been crowned in Berlin with the European Excellence Award for the “SLIK JIJ ALLES? = Do you swallow everything?“ campaign that they developed for the Lloydspharma pharmacy group. This campaign achieved unprecedented and unparalleled results, particularly in HR communication.

tips. Everything else – from the shape of the bottle to the marketing conception – happened between our agency’s four walls. What’s even more exciting (despite the relatively modest budget) is that we have a total freedom to decide how to promote


NEWS / CommWorld

Netherlands the product. We are planning to stay decent and obey the law, naturally. The base of our concept is web page www.alternative. ee and co-operation with an Estonian music site www.muusika24. ee. Its purpose is to promote different styles, musicians and to sell Estonian music. The mechanism of our plan is simple – every bottle bought has a unique code that gives you credits and levels for your account on the site. For the credits you can buy music and the higher level you have, the cooler prizes you can win. We are also organizing a bunch of Alternative® happenings on the streets very soon. It’s going to be noticed and remembered.

ELBA’s fight against office fatalities The ELBA brand has entered new communication territory. As part of bolder brand alignment for 2008, the manufacturer of office supplies is now placing greater focus on directly targeting end customers. The idea of producing a viral spot for ELBA came about together with the customer. Under the slogan, “nobody should have to die at the office: go straight for the brand name”, viewers are shown what can happen if they choose the wrong file folder.

Germany Schmitz Cargobull AG hits the streets with pro-art A fresh communication wind is blowing at Schmitz Cargobull in this all-important IAA year (International Motor Show Commercial Vehicles 2008). pro-art, via CommWorld, is the ideal partner for supporting the European market leader for lorry trailers which, with around 4,000 employers in 32 countries, boasts a strong international alignment. As part of the campaign, the advertising agency will oversee all Schmitz Cargobull’s communication channels, from direct marketing, events, literature and print right through to promotional measures.

Italy Treat yourself to life’s little luxuries Client: COBRAX Products: buttons and zips of high quality for fashion brands Concept: playing ironically with conventional habits, to express the company leadership in the market and to underline the luxury positioning of its products

Two campaigns featured in the 2008 advertising yearbook The brands Seidensticker and SSB have been included in the 2008 advertising yearbook with two campaigns from pro-art. The advertising yearbook presents pioneering work from Germanspeaking countries. It acts as an important guide to advertisers and marketing experts.

TREAT YOURSELF TO LIFE’S LITTLE LUXURIES 2008 &!3()/. ,58529 &!34%.%23 '2/50

14th of November: COOKS Kick-off On the 14th of November last, Ramon Beuk – a very famous cook in the Netherlands – gave the official ‘go’ for COOKS Incorporated Mar­keting & Communication. During our – very well visited – event, the team of Ramon surprised our guests with a lot of culinary and delicious masterpieces, like Coca Cola soup, Coquille with chocolate butter and champagne grapes with strawberry pearl-shell. Before the official kick-off we’ve organised 4 interesting COOKS sessions. The themes of these sessions were: - In store Media trends - International Marketing - Out of the box - How to win an Effie In the session International Marketing we’ve got a lot of support from our CommWorld partners IOTTA, Pro-Art and REMMARK. They prepared a great presentation about the promotion of onions. How will they promote this vegetable in their own country? It was very good and funny to see the differences between the countries and our guests were very impressed. So thanks again for your help and support! For a short impression of our kick-off and our kick-off party, please take a look at When you click on ‘hier’ in the text, you can also see more pictures of this great evening. It’s certainly worth a visit!

A new account manager in Gulliver Friuli Let’s welcome Sonia, who has chosen to dedicate her skills to the growth of our agency in Pordenone (Friuli). We’re sure she’s going to do it with lots of passion and determination, as confirmed by her large work experience in marketing, in communication, and in public relations. Write down this name: Sonia Falcomer, you might soon find her wide smile at CommWorld meetings, and talk to her both in English and German!


NEWS / CommWorld


Denmark/ Non-member

Hot start-up meeting Shell Gas Nordic is a new client since April. The task is to develop a training material for professional gas (LPG) users in the Nordic countries. The project started with two days security training including realistic fire fighting exercises together with the local fire corps. Thrilling!

AARHUS AIRPORT a significant new client for EJ marketing Since the beginning of this year EJ marketing is responsible for all marketing activities of AARHUS AIRPORT ( So far two major advertising campaigns has been carried through during the first 4 months of this year.

Client recycling Volvo Logistics Corporation is an old Artmen client, which has returned after two years absence. The task is to strengthen the brand externally as well as internally and shift the staff’s mindset from production to marketing focus. Declining client Shortly after the takeoff for Skooter our biggest client AstraZeneca announced organisational changes, which will affect the amount of work for us. So the major issue for us during the spring has been cost reductions. Not what we had planned, really. New office From May you will find us at a new address. It’s very close to the previous office but not as oversized as the old one. The new address is Norra Hamngatan 4, SE-411 14 Göteborg. Telephone numbers and mail addresses are unchanged but the fax will change to +46 31 701 70 77.

Switzerland New development for OpoPharma Vertriebs AG At last it has worked out. After several unsuccessful attempts Kobalt has managed to take a pharmaceutical company on board. The company in question is OpoPharma Vertriebs AG in Rümlang – previously a medical supplies section of Opopharma AG – which specialises in the marketing of prescription medicines. The new management is aiming for a strategy to prepare the pharmaceutical company for extensive expansion. This aim is to be achieved with a multitude of new medicines added to the range. Kobalt AG was instructed to produce a new CD. The first step involved developing a new logo. The word/image brand logo resulting from this process clearly indicates the sense of a new era for OpoPharma Vertriebs AG. The objective was to create a dynamic logo. The globe with the three elements symbolises innovation, the future and marketing, interlocked with each other. The typeface is modern and direct. This independent image is also incorporated into the design of the packaging, making a pleasing break away from the monotonous image of medicines. Keep an eye out for reports on more exciting tasks for OpoPharma Vertriebs AG coming soon.


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The minister’s “spin doctor”… Up to last autumn’s parliament election the biggest government party, Venstre, once again asked Eigil to develop strategy and carry through a campaign for a candidate. This time for a rather high exposed candidate – the former minister Karen Jespersen. Only 2 months before the election, Karen Jespersen was appointed Minister of Social Affairs, which of course - caused a lot of attention to her campaign in the media, not least in TV. The campaign was very successful. Karen Jespersen scored the second highest number of personal votes in the region and was amongst the top-10 in the country. After the election she was appointed Minister of Social Welfare ( – a new “super ministry” formed from the former Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of the Interior and Health and Ministry of Family and Consumer Affairs.


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