CommWords 2/09

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CommWords 02/09 Editorial 1 Autumn Meeting Linz 2 Proud of 4 Creative World 6 Creative Camp 15 Around Europe 16


Welcome Claus Zerenko to the 4th CommWorld internal newsletter!

Granted, the climate in Europe has been better; cutbacks and savings are being made in all sectors – including marketing. At times like these the focus must be on increasing efficiency! At the last CommWorld Meeting in Bratislava this was an item on the agenda and, together, we developed various ideas to ensure increased communication efficiency. We all face this problem, and each CommWorld agency has found various ways of working more efficiently. In the “Proud of...” section you can read all about how the other agencies have risen to these challenges. The financial crisis has shown that differentiation is a true driving force. We must focus on customer benefits in all forms and facets – in our work, in our publications and in the way we present ourselves. The story surrounding the company and its products has now taken


centre stage. We need to be brave: brave enough to be different, brave enough for new offers, brave enough for new products and brave enough for a new story. Let us communicate this bravery to our teams, our customers and our markets. After all, the future should not be associated with fear. As ever, what really counts is what we make of it! With this in mind, here’s to a brave and bright approach to our work. Enjoy reading this fourth edition of CommWords and see you soon in Linz, Yours, Thomas Hans




su prise or die. Advertising has to attract attention. Otherwise it won‘t be noticed. Period. reklamebĂźro from Austria has set itself the objective of combining „selling“ with „creative“ advertising. Our CommWorld network partner from Austria is reklamebĂźro. And has been for precisely 10 years. The agency is located in Linz, the capital city of the Province of Upper Austria. Current customers, many of whom are also well-known outside Austria, include voestalpine (steel industry), Heineken (beverages), SPORT 2000 (sports shops), Sparkasse OĂ– (bank), Gericom (computers), Fronius (technology) and many more. ReklamebĂźro was founded in 1993 by Claus Zerenko (Strategy Consultant) and Erich Goldmann (Creative). Meanwhile, reklamebĂźro has become one of the leading and most well-know advertising agencies in Upper Austria. Much has changed since the beginning; only the name has stayed the same. It starts discussions, causes a stir or disapproval. But never indifference. Exactly the way good communication is supposed to work. You can‘t buy courage The success of reklamebĂźro is based on a unique communication philosophy: communicative creativity. „Creativity was always important in the advertising agency business,“ explains Claus Zerenko, „but there are situations where it is the most important factor. The essence of our work is to generate ideas that create really long-term value.“ That‘s where courage in communication is important. Especially when budgets are tight, brands are mere fledglings or the situation on the market is just that bit tougher. Because if customers are insecure, they need surprising ideas from their agencies more than ever before. With the philosophy „Communicative creativity“, reklamebĂźro offers effective communications solutions.

Springboard to Europe Originally planned as an advertising agency for small to medium sized enterprises, the success of communicative creativity has since attracted some of the big names in Austria. The spectrum of customers has expanded accordingly. And that has made looking beyond Austria‘s borders important: working together with CommWorld has been intensified over the years and has become an essential part of the agency‘s work. For example, the agency in Linz has worked together successfully with agencies in our network: with Progress (SK) for SPORT 2000 radio spots, with Heat (ROM) for a national presentation, with Gulliver (ITA) for a housing construction customer, with Esplanade (LV) for a book project, and many more. The active role played by the Austrians in CommWorld is also reflected in their work for the network: Claus Zerenko has been voted Vice President of our network for the second time. B2B and corporate publishing As a full-service advertising agency and contact partner for all communication needs of its customers, the reklamebĂźro team has become established in two special niches of exclusive expertise: B2B brand communications and corporate publishing. The B2B process came about purely due to the customer structure. The people in Linz have decades of experience in taking care of customer relations at company level. The corporate publishing sector has consistently evolved from precisely this area. reklamebĂźro has been researching, designing and producing customer journals and employee newsletters for Sparkasse OĂ–, Fronius SchweiĂ&#x;technik, SPORT 2000, Tourismusverband Linz – to name just a few – for a number of years now. This October reklamebĂźro is the host of the CommWorld Autumn Meeting. In addition to the agenda of the meeting, participating CommWorld members will also have an opportunity to get to know the European City of Culture 2009. We have provided you with a brief overview on the next page.


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Linz: European Capital of Culture 09

Linz is located halfway between Salzburg, the city of Mozart, and the Austrian capital city Vienna. Hometown of our network partner reklamebüro and European Capital of Culture 09. In October this creatively inspiring atmosphere is host to the CommWorld Autumn Meeting.

event every year, one of the most influential awards in computer art. You can‘t miss the animated facade of the building, illuminated by 40,000 coloured LEDs. It forms a light-sculpted counterpart to the Lentos art museum, which is also illuminated with alternating light patterns, on the opposite bank of the Danube. The art museum‘s collection consists of around 1,500 works – paintings, sculptures, art objects, more than 10,000 works on paper and around 850 photographs – including important contributions to the artistic development of Man Ray, Herbert Bayer, Alexander Rodtschenko and others.

Linz on the Danube is a city that was a sleeping beauty for a very long time. Known notoriously as a grey industrial town in the 70s, it has managed to free itself from this reputation thanks to consistent strategies over the past few decades. Today, Linz is a modern city that places an emphasis on a green and healthy environment. Architecturally the capital of the Province of Upper Austria features more than just its Baroque inheritance; it also boasts a futuristic design philosophy with hyper-modern buildings.

Lively city life The most important street in Linz is Landstraße, which leads to the main square, the largest rectangular „square“ in Europe. Surrounded by numerous restaurants, bars and pubs, and populated by market stalls at the weekend, the pulsating centre is Austria‘s third largest city with almost 190,000 inhabitants. The new Gothic Mariendom cathedral is Austria‘s largest church building and stands proud above the city skyline. Its imposing spire was originally planned higher, but had to be truncated by two metres so as not to exceed the height of St. Stephen‘s cathedral in Vienna. A wide-reaching network of footpaths along the Danube, up to the highest point in the city on Pöstlingberg or through parks to Freinberg and the Volksgarten is a paradise for walking and hiking.

Urban art A prominent representative of the modern architectural influence is most certainly the Ars Electronica Center, which hosts the Prix Ars Electronica

Culture meets cuisine The cultural capital year in Linz is highlighted by numerous special shows and events. The spectacular „Höhenrausch“ in the OK Center for Contemporary Art, for example, where you can discover various art projects above the roofs of Linz. Great emphasis is placed on fine eating and drinking in Linz, as throughout Austria. Viennese cooking, featuring an array of varied influences, is also a speciality in Linz. A wholesome pork roast, wiener schnitzel or goulash are consumed as passionately as desserts such as kaiserschmarren, apple strudel and apricot dumplings. The favourite drink in Linz is beer, although local wines are also much appreciated: Grüner Veltliner, Riesling, Zweigelt and many more. The CommWorld Autumn Meeting takes place in Linz 21–24 October. Accommodation for participants has been reserved in the brand-new Hotel am Domplatz, a modern boutique hotel in the heart of the city. Blue Danube Airport in Hörsching is located very close to the city. Visitors can easily take a shuttle bus or taxi into the city centre.


Lentos art museum

Ars Electronica Center


PROUD MEMBER OF ... / CommWorld

Proud of … getting new clients, new projects, improvement of image. Putting our CommWorld people in the spotlight: in this issue we asked what makes them proud when they win new clients, work on new projects and how they help to improve the image of the agency.

Bundling know-how – unleashing expertise Know-how is our most important resource. A resource which is made unique by the fact that it is not exhausted but rather becomes greater when used. In order to maintain, specifically develop and exchange our know-how, pro-art has established the “wissensbilder” academy. All pro-art and brandhelfer further training measures and activities have been pooled here – starting with impulse lectures, interactive workshops and strategy weekends through to tailored oneon-one coaching. The result: An extremely high level of employee know-how and the knowledge that we are always able to offer our customers the very best ideas and creative energy. In 2009, over 40 events are planned within the framework of the academy, over half of which have already been successfully held. In 2010, too, a series of interesting events for employees, customers, students and interested parties are scheduled.

pro-art, DE


PROUD MEMBER OF ... / CommWorld

Living your life the interactive way. Every year, COOKS Incorporated in the Netherlands, organizes two workshops for which clients and prospects are invited. The last workshop was ‘Living your life the Interactive way’, about the impact of Interactive Media on consumer behaviour and the way to handle this in your communication day-to-day business. This workshop was extremely successful because: • the number of applicants was almost twice as high as planned • 7 potential clients were interested to visit our office to attend the workshop (4 appointments made for after the workshop) • the external speaker held a very inspiring presentation • food and drinks were delicious (as ever) • several appointments with clients were made for new projects

• a new small workshop has been organized afterwards about a sub-subject of the workshop (Social Media) • our image got a positive boost, as well as with clients as with prospects Bram Verzijl, project manager at COOKS Incorporated, took care of the entire workshop. From the way it was set-up, to the invitation and organisation. Well done!

Cooks, NL Bram Verzijl, project manager

Read me!

reklamebüro, AT

It all started in 2002 with the novel „39.90“ by Frédéric Beigbeder. We wanted to give this book, which takes aim at the advertising world, to our customers as a Christmas present in appreciation of the trust they place in us. At the same time we wanted to draw attention to our range of professional services, because we discovered that our customers often don‘t know which services we provide, and how. So we designed a new cover for the book, on which the inside leaf presented the latest reklamebüro projects. This idea was so successful that in summer, just before the holiday season, we sent our customers one of the latest summer books with an individual reklamebüro cover. A customer relations idea that is highly appreciated. Now it is not uncommon that customers ask us weeks in advance whether we will be issuing our beautiful reklamebüro books for the summer or Christmas holidays.

Susanne Feichtinger, Denise Mühlböck


CASES / CommWorld

Creative World Exciting insight into international work: we present case studies of the most important and interesting projects from our CommWorld agencies. Be inspired!

Country: Agency: Client: Category:

Bulgaria Active GROUP Bulgartabac Consumer Goods Non Food

Starting Situation: Victory is the best selling tobacco brand, produced by the biggest and state owned tobacco company in Bulgaria. Although this fact its market shares are steadily decreasing from more than a year, because of the following two reasons: Increasing of the price of the Bulgarian tobacco brands and making them almost equal with the international brands like Marlboro, Viceroy and Parliament. Aggressive advertising campaigns of competitive tobacco brands in Bulgaria. Communication Goal: Is to keep the market share of Victory and to give the loyal customers not only a good reason why to continue choosing Victory but an additional value and making them satisfied with their choice. One more very important issue is to make this happen within the strict legal requirements for cigarettes advertisement in Bulgaria.

Communication Strategy: As Victory is a typical male brand with more than 80% male customers, we decided to bond the brand with a typical male high profile sport – Formula 1. In some of the tobacco packs were inserted advertising materials, allowing the participation in lottery. There were 3 kinds of small awards – suitcase, travelling bag and small bag. The first prize in this promotional activity was Formula 1 qualification and race visit.

Concept: Dimitar Pijev, Yana Kostadinova Creative Director: Svetlana Yordanova Art Director: Yana Kostadinova Copywriter: Dimiter Pijev Illustrator: Yana Kostadinova

Media Mix: Sales Promotion, Print and POS Results: After the end of the promotion we ended with: • 4 00 distributed suitcases • 4 00 distributed travelling bags • 4 00 distributed small bags • And 25 big awards – Formula 1 qualification and race visit The post campaign feedback inquiry showed high result of reached client satisfaction.


CASES / CommWorld

The Magic of Bulgarian Luthierie


Country: Agency: Client: Category:

Bulgaria Active GROUP Municipality of Sofia, Eufonia 2009 project Local government unit

Starting Situation: The project was born by the idea to encourage luthiers to work in Europe, using variety of traditions of musical instruments making. The hard times in terms of reforms and economic crises for the last two decades are an additional obstacle especially in the countries from Central and Eastern Europe which entered the EU in 2004 and 2007. The project is designed to raise awareness of the importance to music of the skills required for making and repairing stringed bowed instruments. Young entrants to the profession of luthier are vital to maintain the capacity in Europe to preserve the common cultural heritage and create new and innovative products. The idea for eufonia has been born also to encourage the partnership between old and new member-states, such as the main partners in the project – Belgium, Bulgaria and Romania. Sofia Municipality is a lead partner for the first time in a project which is dedicated to culture. The project is selected for co-funding under the Culture 2007–2013 programme of the European Union. The project consists of three parts First part – the competition This will be the first time that a competition has been held at an exclusively pan-European level for both professionals and students of luthierie to find the makers of the best four stringed bowed instruments – violin, viola, cello and doublebass. The aim of the competition is to stimulate and preserve

the ancient craft of instrument-making, to encourage and develop potential new entrants into the profession and to provide training opportunities for young students wishing to take up a career in this skilled area of our common European cultural heritage. Second part In addition to the competition and the monetary prizes to be awarded to the first and second prize winners, the best instruments in each category will be played in concerts across Europe. This will valorize and showcase the work of the luthiers and make the public more aware of how much the music profession depends on their skills. Third part Money raised by these events will go towards setting up summer schools in Bulgaria to train future master craftsmen and women in the skills of instruments making and repairing, and towards the setting up of a permanent centre of excellence for the Western Balkan region as a whole through which young entrants to the profession can obtain European apprenticeships which will allow them to study a number of European Union traditions of instrument-making. The Eufonia 2009 project is being supported by the Municipality of Sofia, Bulgaria, Espace Formation (Belgium) and Fundatia Art Production (Romania) and with the kind patronage of European Commissioner Meglena Kuneva.

Communication Strategy: • Creating a viral effect among the target groups for more effective and wide spread of the main massages of the campaign. • Using available social networks and Web 2.0 marketing tactics for reaching the young audience. • Invite and win a lot of media partners • Using the national and regional TV, radio and internet medias as the main communication channel for communicating with the different target groups. Media Mix: TV, Radio, Press, Internet, Events Result: Up to this moment only the first part of the campaign was executed. The campaign is in progress. Artwork: Branding of the project Website:

Communication Goal: • To stimulate and give better opportunities for developing of young talents with the profession of luthier. • To encourage the cultural cooperation and to make popular the European cultural inheritance in correspondence with the Lisbon EU strategy. • To present Bulgaria like a reliable and trustworthy partner of EU.

Concept: Svetlana Yordanova Creative Director: Svetlana Yordanova Photographer: Anastasya Uzunova

CASES / CommWorld

Country: Agency: Client: Category:

Bulgaria Active GROUP Ministry of State Administration & Administrative Reform State administration services

Starting Situation: After Bulgaria’s accession to the EU, our country received the right to be financed by the European structural and Cohesion funds for the period 2007–2013. Operational Program Administrative Capacity (OPAC) is one of the 7 operational programs that are entitled to financing from the European funds. Our client, the Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform, has the management and control of OPAC execution. The successful execution of OPAC is to ensure a flexible, educated and transparent administration and effective judiciary system. Since prior EU members had good working administrations, there is lack of any experience concerning such programs both in the EU and in Bulgaria. Lack of good practice and experience to share. The most complicated situation concerning this program was the diversity of the target groups that needed to informed, influenced and educated for the successful execution of the operational program. The target audience was divided in the following groups: • General public – be informed for the existence of this operational program and its mechanism. • Beneficiates – to be informed about the existence of the program and correctly educated for applying. Very specific part of this target group is the Bulgarian judiciary system that needed to be reached with absolutely different approach. • Journalists and media – to be very precisely informed about the program and its mechanism, thus making the program clear

and understandable for all the target groups, they transmit the message to the general audience. • State administration’s obligation is to make this operational program in good working condition. Communication Goal: To create corporate identity of OPAC in a friendly, but serious and comprehensible manner to convey the messages to the different target groups. Communication Strategy: Our slogan says it all: “OPAC. Experts in action”. To find an appropriate channels for each of the different target groups. To reach all the specific targets, we organized, 2 big events (opening and closing event), 50 seminars in 9 locations throughout the country, informing and educating beneficiates, state employees, journalist and everyone that wanted to attend from the general public. Fully integrated campaign including: TV, radio, press and internet. We created and supported throughout the whole period of the campaign internet site with full range of needed and updated information and the most important and often asked Q&A. The site is still active and its been updating with all current information.

The campaign in figures: • 3 national TV stations • 5 regional TV stations • 3 national radio stations • 14 regional radio stations • 11 national print medias • 23 regional print medias • M ore than 50 information events in different cities in Bulgaria • 4 national events • M ore than 3500 participants in the organized seminars and conferences Concept: Svetlana Yordanova, Vera Ivanova Creative Director: Svetlana Yordanova

Media Mix: TV, Radio, Press, Internet, Events Results: This is the most popular and successful operational program performed by Bulgarian government. This is the only operational program that has utilized 100% of its planned financial funds. The most important result from all is the ration between failed application before and after the start of the campaign: Before – 52.7% failed applications After – 16.7% failed applications


CASES / CommWorld

Blij met de feiten!


Op 6 juli 2009 hebben wij de prijzen van een pakket boodschappen vergeleken met die van een aantal landelijke supermarktketens. Hierbij zijn we uitgegaan van de artikelen uit de boodschappenkar, die door De Telegraaf is gepubliceerd op 13 juni 2009. Zo kunnen we u laten zien dat ons prijsniveau absoluut prima is.

Dirk v/d Broek AA energie drink 0,5 liter Chocomel liter Optimel Limoen 1 liter Barleduc bronwater 2 liter Karvan Cevitam siroop framboos Grolsch bier krat Calvé pindakaas Heinz Sandwichspread 450g. Blue Band margarine 250 g. Unox Knaks bl 400 g. Bambix groeipap 12 mnd. Brinta 500g. Maggi Aardappelpuree Nibbit sticks Ola Raketijsjes Calvé Whisky cocktail saus Hela Curry ketchup 800 ml. Hak appelmoes grote pot Totaal

0,74 0,94 1,15 0,49 2,09 8,99 1,32 1,42 0,59 1,02 1,35 1,15 0,86 0,75 1,52 0,99 2,09 0,95 28,41


0,72 0,89 1,09 0,48 2,09 11,59 1,32 1,38 0,58 0,99 1,35 1,14 0,84 0,75 1,52 0,99 2,09 0,92 30,73


0,74 0,99 1,18 0,51 2,12 12,09 1,38 1,48 0,60 1,04 1,42 1,22 0,89 0,79 1,62 1,15 2,18 0,99 32,39


0,75 0,97 1,18 0,50 2,19 12,09 1,38 1,48 0,60 1,02 1,42 1,22 0,89 0,79 1,62 1,15 2,18 0,99 32,42


0,75 0,99 1,18 0,50 2,19 12,09 1,38 1,48 0,60 1,04 1,42 1,22 0,89 0,79 1,62 1,15 2,18 0,99 32,46

Super de Boer 0,89 0,99 1,22 0,55 2,29 12,29 1,45 1,55 0,60 1,09 1,42 1,25 0,89 0,82 1,65 1,15 2,29 1,05

Blij met de feiten! De consument vindt, dat de kwaliteit van versproducten van MCD Supermarkten behoort tot de beste van alle supermarktketens in Nederland. Dit blijkt uit onderzoek onder zo’n 6.000 huishoudens uit het klantenpanel van het gerenommeerde onderzoeksbureau GfK.

Eén van de allerbeste in vers!






AH Supermarkten









Super de Boer



Jan Linders











10 Plus


11 Vomar


12 Deen


13 C1000


14 Em-Té


15 SuperCoop


16 Boni


17 Coop


18 Golff


19 Lidl


20 Dekamarkt


21 Dirk v.d. Broek


22 Bas v.d. Heijden


23 Digros


24 Spar


25 Aldi


My colleague is much more friendly.

Dit product was op 6 juli in actie. De normale prijs van dit product bij Dirk v/d Broek is € 11,59.

Kijk voor uw dichtstbijzijnde winkel op

Blij met de feiten! Zo’n 6.000 huishoudens uit het klantenpanel van het gerenommeerde onderzoeksbureau GfK hebben MCD Supermarkten, voor de derde achtereenvolgende maal, het hoogste cijfer gegeven voor vriendelijkheid van het personeel.

De vriendelijkste van Nederland 1











7,93 7,86




Super de Boer








AH Supermarkten

7,82 7,81

10 Coop


11 Nettorama


12 Em-Té


13 Plus


14 AH XL


15 Digros


16 Dekamarkt


17 Vomar


18 Boni


19 Deen


20 C1000


21 Jan Linders


22 Dirk v.d. Broek


23 Lidl


24 Bas v.d. Heijden


25 Aldi


Door ons geselecteerde vriendenprijzen Campina Yogho Yogho alle smaken

2 literpakken naar keuze

Hertog yoghurt- of roomijs alle smaken, literbak





liter 0.50

Kijk voor uw dichtstbijzijnde winkel op

Wit of tarwe Rondbrood vers gesneden, heel


Coca Cola regular, light of zero pak 4 flessen à 1500 ml Maximaal 4 pakken per klant

3.99 liter 0.67

Edet Friendly toiletpapier pak 24 rollen

4.99 Holtland bier* 3 blikken à 0,5 liter

1.00 liter 0.67

Kijk voor uw dichtstbijzijnde winkel op

Aanbiedingen gelden van zaterdag 11 juli t/m zaterdag 18 juli 2009. Prijswijzigingen en/of uitverkocht voorbehouden. Niet voor wederverkoop. * Wij verkopen geen alcohol aan klanten jonger dan16. Nog geen 20 jaar? Laat je legitimatie zien!

Bron: GfK-onderzoek gepubliceerd in Foodmagazine, juni 2009

Happy with the facts.

Country: The Netherlands Agency: COOKS Incorporated Marketing & Communication Client: MCD supermarkets Category: Retail Starting Situation: MCD supermarkets approached COOKS to develop a communication concept to define their position in supermarket country towards consumers. Till that moment they didn’t suffer that much from the fact that there were relatively unknown. However, a publication from a ‘independent’ organization changed everything. They were mentioned as a quite unattractive supermarket. Communication Goal: Anticipate on the publication of the other independent organization, of which the results were expected to be very good for MCD. This to improve the image towards consumers en relations and to make the employees proud again.

Communication Strategy: Make a strong statement and express that MCD offers the best Fresh products, offered by the most Friendly people and against and absolute good Price. COOKS developed three full page news paper adds, supported in the supermarkets with t-shirts for all employees, point-of-sale materials, a special door-to-door folder, PR and internet. Concept & Art: Joenhy van de Berg, Roland Nelis, Hans van de Graaf Account: Martin Kok, Anita Verdonk, Inger Cornelissen Media: Peter Grootoonk Photographer: Peek Reclamefotografie


CASES / CommWorld

Nothing added. Nothing subtracted.

Nothing added. Nothing subtracted.

Nothing added. Nothing subtracted.






LEKTOR CONCEPT 81 SUBWOOFER Eric Quilliam - St. James Church Yard, London - Monday morning

Music is an expression of emotions. Without borders, without barriers, it captivates us and brings upon tears of joy, grief and love in our eyes. Eric Quillam embraces this. So do we. Music and loudspeakers are our reality. Nothing added. Nothing subtracted.

The DALI HELICON 400 MK2 is no less than a musical revelation fusing pure stereo listening pleasure and solid strength for your surround sound movie viewing.


Find out more about Eric and our products on

Piotr Tomaszewski - Piazzale Decli Uffizi, Florence - Sunday afternoon

Nothing added. Nothing subtracted.

Music is a reflection of life. A never ending dance between your joys and sorrows, ups and downs and that all consuming can’t-livewithout-each-other love. Piotr Tomaszewski embraces this. So do we. Music and loudspeakers are our reality. Nothing added. Nothing subtracted.


Find out more about Piotr and our products on

The DALI HELICON 400 MK2 is no less than a musical revelation fusing pure stereo listening pleasure and solid strength for your surround sound movie viewing.


Jeff Fiorello - 8th Av 33rd st, New York - Sunday afternoon




The Tin Pan - Central Park, New York - Sunday morning

Great artists evoke great feelings. Some will make you cry, some will make you dance and some will make you fall in love. Feelings are not based on reason. The Tin Pan embraces this. So do we. Music and loudspeakers are our reality. Nothing added. Nothing subtracted. Find out more about The Tin Pan and our products on

The DALI HELICON 400 MK2 is no less than a musical revelation fusing pure stereo listening pleasure and solid strength for your surround sound movie viewing.

A smooth, sensual sound can capture the raw emotions of your most beloved moments. From the touch of a woman to the birth of a child, music can uncover your forgotten gems and instantly take you back in time. Jeff Fiorello embraces this. So do we. Music and loudspeakers are our reality. Nothing added. Nothing subtracted. Find out more about Jeff and our products on

The DALI HELICON 400 MK2 is no less than a musical revelation fusing pure stereo listening pleasure and solid strength for your surround sound movie viewing.

Ad line with real, authentic street musicians from locations in Europe and USA

The essence: Pure authentic sound The Concept: Nothing added. Nothing substracted. The Pay-Off: In Admiration of Music

DALI truck for events and exhibitions etc.


PROUD MEMBER OF ... / CommWorld


website Future brochure

Country: Agency: Client: Category: Business area:

Denmark 727 Communication DALI Durables High-end loudspeakers

Starting Situation: The Danish high-end loudspeaker producer DALI wanted to be known globally as a leading high quality loudspeaker producer. They were perceived as ‘too nerdy’ and too invisible. Therefore 727 Communication has now developed a truly global concept: ”Nothing added. Nothing subtracted”. Communication Goal: The brief from DALI to 727 Communication was a concept that would work globally, which was long lasting and could be taken further year by year. Communication Strategy: To meet the communication goal 727 Communication first had to find the core of DALI – and it soon became clear that the most important story for DALI is about the pure authentic sound. This is what turns the core target group – the HiFi Enthusiasts – on. The concept catches the essence of DALI’s loudspeakers – the pure and authentic sound. This 727 Communication has visualized in a

campaign based on authentic street musicians photographed in the streets of Europe and USA – Nothing added. Nothing subtracted. After thorough analysis and mapping of the DALI core 727 Communication focused the concept around 4 strategic main principles: • Follow the Money
 • Meet the target audience
 • Break the rules
 • Challenge the target group The concept was to reflect the core of pure, authentic sound
– a core that at the same time should be able to embrace other target groups, new products and all media types: This campaign has now been implemented globally – and the feedback has from the different markets has been overwhelmingly positive. For this reason 727 Communication now begins ‘round 2’ where the ‘Nothing added. Nothing subtracted.’ concept will be further extended. Task: A new online profile showing detailed information, images and video about the products, the company and marketing campaigns. Solution: New global website for DALI speakers including product database and ‘myDALI’ – a dialogue program for customers,

dealers, distributors and press. The new marketing campaign ‘Nothing added. Nothing subtracted.’ is shown on the website with story, image gallery and behind the scenes images. Results: 20.000+ customers have registered their DALI Speakers in 6 month – 80% growth in website traffic and unique visitors. Media Mix: The media implementation is still expanding, but so far the medias include: Ad, website, print, POS, sales promotion. Concept/Consultant: Mette Fournais Creative Director: (this whole group as a unit) Art Director: Christian Schumacher Copywriter: Michael Brønd Photographer: Kim Wendt Illustrator: Simon Nielsen


CASES / CommWorld

Our region never sleeps (standard key visual)


Country: Agency: Client:

Germany pro-art werbeagentur GmbH Planungsgesellschaft Nahverkehr Osnabrück GbR (PlaNOS) Category: Business to Consumer, Consumer Goods Non Food Business Area: Local public transport Initial Situation: The “night bus” of the Osnabrück-based transport company, VOS, celebrated its 15th anniversary in 2009. This was used as an opportunity to develop and implement a new campaign and further develop the night bus/night bus image. The aim was to give the night buses in Osnabrück and Melle a contemporary new look and also introduce relevant accompanying measures. A major Osnabrück festival in May 2009 was used to launch the campaign which included a company/night bus branded cocktail bar, an original bus and competition etc. Communication Goal: • Guarantee a high level of awareness and standing in all social groups, amongst the relevant target groups and on the political stage • Increase in the use of VOS public transport

Event: night bus bar

Communication Strategy: The communication strategy was based on a striking and emotional campaign promise together with a fitting key visual which depicted the diverse and varied nature of Osnabrück’s nightlife – aimed to appeal to night owls, both young and old. The motto and key visual were well aligned and ultimately used in the overall communicative strategy which focused on print, online and outside advertising as well as the event sector. Media Mix: Ad, event, website, print, POS, CD Concept: Ruth Drampalis Creative Director: Thekla Jakobi Art Director: Hildegard Wellen Copywriter: Tim Klingbeil Illustrator: Stefanie Banse


CASES / CommWorld

Country: Germany Agency: pro-art werbeagentur GmbH Client: Schmitz Cargobull AG Category: Business to Business Business Area: Transport/logistics (trailer and services), target groups: forwarding agencies, logisticians, leasing companies, shippers Initial Situation: Huge decline in incoming orders in the industry as a whole and increase in pressure on SCB due to short-term aggressive pricing strategies from the competition. Schmitz Cargobull is the industry’s image and market leader. Communication Goal: • Long-term shaping and differentiation of the SCB brand using the brand values developed within the project framework „trust, partnership, reliability“ • Stimulate interest in quotes (trailer and services) with outstanding customer benefits/high intrinsic value and rate of return for the customer • Sales support by generating contacts for new and existing customers Communication Strategy: Communication measures focus on SCB employees (the team) and their irrepressible willingness to go to any lengths to ensure their customers’ success, particularly given the current economic climate. Tailored quotes which guarantee the customer a high level of intrinsic value/rate of return convey a relationship based on trust and partnership. The SCB employees show their determination and commitment in their highly emotional approach to work set against the backdrop of the team sport football. This presentation of the employees gives the international campaign a high level of credibility. The consistent use of the central idea in all advertising media, right through to promotional measures results in excellent brand recognition (synergy effects) and differentiation from the competition. Concept: Thekla Jakobi & André Brömmel Creative Director: Thekla Jakobi Art Director: Hilde Wellen, Philipp Thurow Copywriters: Tim Klingbeil, Julia Wesian Photographer: Bito

Ad ½ page: How many goals can we score for you?

Sale quote details

Ad ½ page


CASES / CommWorld

MANAGERS’ ASSOCIATION OF SLOVENIA Country: Agency: Client: Category: Business area:

Slovenia Kompas Design Managers‘ Association of Slovenia Business to Business New graphic identity

Starting Situation: On February 20 we received a brief from the Managers‘ Association of Slovenia with an exhaustive presentation of the association, analysis of the situation of similar associations in Slovenia and abroad, as well as the terms of participation in the invitation to tender. We closely examined “competition” and noted the values that the new visual identity has to stand for. We had to accomplish this challenge in a month’s time, which is a bright exception in our business. The pitch was sent to six major Slovenian advertising agencies.

Country: Agency: Client:

Denmark 727 Communication KOMPAN – the worlds premium play equipment supplier Category: Consumer Goods Non Food Business area: B2B and B2C Starting Situation: Outdated website. Communication Goal: To show and sell products, more informative, better use of images and video, introducing a brand new series called KOMPLAY reaching for the middle/high-end consumer.

Communication Goal: The new visual identity of the Manager’s Association of Slovenia should express: • reputation • strength • experience • connection • professional responsibility • tradition • solidarity • credibility Communication Strategy: The symbol we have developed is the capital letter M with wings. There is the energy of two arrows pointing up to reach higher goals. It is the power of the managers’ cooperation on the highest level that brings a more certain future. The arrows are connected to form

the letter M and express cooperation on different levels: economic and non-economic, as well as the cooperation of experience and youth, etc. With its upper part the symbol represents the ups and downs of a dynamic economy. It also tells the story of stimulating growth and being prepared to fall. The wings represent the abilities of the members of the association whose energy can make Slovene economy fly. Media Mix: All corporate print material, new website Concept: Creative Director: Art Director: Copywriter:

Kompas Design Žiga Jenko Dalibor Arula Žiga Jenko

Communication Strategy: Use of website, landing pages and printed catalogues Media Mix: AdWords, website, search engine optimization (SEO), landing pages Concept: KOMPAN Global website Illustrator: Gabriel Dzieslaw



The result: 4 campaigns „A magnificent opportunity where creative ideas and endless inspiration connected a team of unique minds and great personalities. Therefore Creative Camp‘09 was an unforgettable journey!“ Vicky Lommatzsch, copywriter IOTTA Communications

1) „Play smart“

2) „I have a dream“

3) „Electrify your game“

Creative Camp 2009 Host City: Lille, France, August 12–15th. A personal follow-up report from Frédéric Toulemonde, CEO Raison de Plus. After Latvia in 2007 and Germany last year, the CommWorld Creative Camp moved 2009 to Lille. Why? Because I loved this idea to offer a group of creatives the opportunity to share and meet. And we also wanted to revive the CommWorld spirit in our agency, in France. Some words to all the future Camp hosts: Don’t worry, implementing a Creative Camp is really easy and quick. Finding an appropriate briefing is easy, too. Which company wouldn’t be interested to use the creative powers of such an international task force working on ideas for them. So “Decathlon” and its tennis brand, Artengo, was the best candidate: European leader in sports wear distribution, 350 sports department stores in the worldSport chain. “Decathlon” is opened mind, creative and cheerful as CommWorld. We will meet this client in September again, and I will let you know their thoughts. Although the Creative Camp was held in summer, in the holidays period, 14 creatives from Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Denmark, Netherland, Romania and Slovakia visited Lille. I think we all spent an unforgettable moment together. And it was, of course, a rich professional experience, with really good works and creations but also and mostly a great moment full of humanity, same as the CommWorld meetings use to provide us. We are really happy to have had the chance sharing our ideas with CommWorld colleagues from various countries. After such an experience, I really hope to see the future Creative Camps continue once a year and maybe more, like creative cooperation. It’s good for CommWorld and its spirit. I tell you, use the opportunity for such a great experience in the next years.

4) „Match made in heaven“


NEWS / CommWorld



Austria New client: Linz Tourist Board In spring 2009 reklamebüro worked on a joint project as the media partner for the DOM Conference together with the tourist board of the European city of culture. This project was so successful that the tourist board intends to continue working together in future with the communication experts from the Upper Austrian advertising agency. The first project was to create a presentation flyer about the astrologist Johannes Kepler, who lived in Linz for many years. In Autumn this 6-pager will be distributed throughout all German-speaking regions and issued as a supplement in newspapers and magazines. In addition, reklamebüro is currently working on a new design and editorial concept for the periodical „Linz, verändert“, which reports on interesting and exciting tourism projects in Linz.




LINZ.CHANGES, Linz on the Danube was unquestionably one of the most important stages in the life of Johannes Kepler. A city which left its mark on his life and also on the history of science. Discover the European Capital of Culture 2009 for yourself. A city which combines past and present with an elegant lightness, where cultural awareness and industrial history are not at odds with each other. A city where health-giving nature and city life can charmingly combine. Linz changes. Not only Johannes Kepler, but probably you as well.


Wachau (160 km): Die berühmte Weinbauelk per Schiff erfahren und genießen. allstatt (130 km): Beeindruckende Bergebnis „Salzwelten“. rumau (180 km): Sehenswerte Altstadt, urprogramm. rösterreich: Geinberg (102 km), (47 km), Bad Zell (36 km)

WORTH A VISIT Heritage Region Wachau (160 km): The famous wine growing region with Melk Monastery. Enjoy the experience by ship. World Heritage Hallstatt (130 km): Impressive mountains and lakes, the ”Salzwelten” experience. World Heritage Krumau (180 km): Charming old city centre, castle and cultural programme. Thermal World Upper Austria: Geinberg (102 km) Bad Schallerbach (47 km), Bad Zell (36 km)



Herausgeber: Tourismusverband Linz, Adalbert-Stifter-Platz 2, 4020 Linz. Bildnachweise: Erich Goldmann, Tourismusverband Linz, AEC, OÖ. Landesbibliothek, Dietmar Tollerian, Landestheater. Idee: Tourismusverband Linz – Georg Steiner, Barbara Infanger. Konzept: reklamebüro gmbh. Druck: Friedrich VDV. Übersetzung: Moving Words. Stand: August 2009. Druckfehler und Preisänderungen vorbehalten.

DEEP SPACE: 3D-Animationsflug im AEC, Linz DEEP SPACE: animated 3D flight in the AEC, Linz.

m, ald (39 km), Kremsmünster (44 km),, erg (85 km), erg (105 km),

agencies. The image campaign will consist of a wide media mix. This will include PR spots on prime time TV as well as PR adverts in the weekend editions of the most important Austrian newspapers.

Ars Electronica Center

ten Stationen im Leben von Johannes ellos Linz an der Donau. Eine Stadt, die damit sein Leben, aber auch die Wissenhat. Entdecken Sie die Kulturhauptstadt t eigenen Augen. Eine Stadt, die Verganunft mit eleganter Leichtigkeit verbindet. stsein und Industriegeschichte keine Und wo sich gesunde Natur und urbane char mante Weise vereinen. Linz veränhannes Kepler, wahrscheinlich auch Sie.


New steel cookbook Six years ago reklamebüro created a cookbook for voestalpine, the largest industrial group in Austria. The cookbook presents recipes for the kitchen alongside industrial processes for the production of steel. This summer voestalpine decided to place an order with reklamebüro for a new edition to replace the already sold-out cookbook. The theme of this cookbook is the voestival, an annual music festival hosted by the Bruckner Orchestra Linz in a production hall at the steelworks. The concert has always attracted world-famous stars, including Ennio Morricone, Lalo Schifrin, José Feliciano, Natalie Cole, Mikis Teodorakis, Sir Peter Ustinov and many others. Hospitality is always provided by the steelworks‘ own canteen, whose fine reputation extends well beyond the perimeter of the steelworks. The head chef has put together the best Austrian recipes for each voestival buffet. And reklamebüro has blended to two themes of culture and cooking in a cookbook to be presented to voestalpine‘s key customers as a Christmas present.

Active Group has won EU funds campaign competition of the Bulgarian Ministry of finance The agency is leading partner in a­ consortium together with acknowledged Bulgarian companies

New client: Sattler Energie Consulting reklamebüro presents another new client that has opened up an especially interesting business sector: energy efficiency with heart and brain by Sattler Energie Consulting from Gmunden. A company that has specialised in helping businesses save energy, although it is usually small things that have a large effect. Energy saving potential is immense, running into thousands of euros per year. Sattler Energie Consulting uses two methods: analysing the technical equipment at the company and making people at the company aware of this issue. reklamebüro employed a simple idea to win a pitch against three other Austrian agencies. An idea that Sattler immediately implemented to acquire new customers. At the moment reklamebüro is developing a new website for the Gmunden company, supported by new CMS systems developed by Thomas Börgel (Brandhelfer) and his team.

New client: Housing Agents Association The Upper Austrian Chamber of Commerce houses a number of different professional associations under one roof. One of them is the association of housing agents, consisting of three professional groups: estate agents, facility management and construction companies. They were looking for a new advertising agency to present an image campaign in autumn this year, and found reklamebüro. Their pitch won over 4 other well-known

Active Group has won a competition by the Bulgarian Ministry of finance for implementation of a campaign for popularization of the European Structural funds. The agency took part in the competition as a partner together with two of the leading organization in the field of economical research and analysis and television journalism – Agency Economica and Promedia Productions. The partners united with the name of Consortium Transparency for EU funds. Corrective of the decisions of the Consortium is an Advisory Board members of which are European and Bulgarian experts with a huge experience in diverse sectors – media, economy, European policy, etc. One of the main goals of this campaign is rising of the positive expectations, knowledge and the understanding from the general public and potential beneficiates, the process


NEWS / CommWorld

of assimilating financial resources from the European Structural and Cohesion funds. More of that other very important goal is the rising and recognition of the positive image of the European Union in Bulgaria. The campaign is national, will last one year and combines integrated methods for providing information to the potential beneficiaries and general public. Communication activities include advertising campaign, road-show with experts from the Operational programs, education of journalists, visit of European media in Bulgaria and Bulgarian media in Spain, competition for media articles covering EU funds, distribution of informational materials. The campaign will have its own website where will be published all the campaign news, actual and useful information about the EU funds in Bulgaria.

above mentioned articles. Is based on a global training program which JYSK launched 1 year ago in order to grow staff skills. 727‘s task is to be JYSK‘s lead agency covering communications strategy, creative development and execution. For more information please visit:

1/2 PRIS


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New CommWorld website In June we launched a brand new CommWorld website. The objective was to provide you with an excellent communication tool, internally as well as externally. Hopefully, in the near future, this means of communication will enable us to work even closer together – as a network and in relation to our customers. Don’t forget to use the new CommWorld website :)

Patue faci ercidunt do dunt lae minit, sequalandia. 1500,-

999,SPAR 600,-

SPAR 100,-


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Tilbuddene gælder fra 26.8 til og med 10.9 2009


Germany It’s time to get practical: Students at the University of Münster work on an optimism campaign Theoretical know-how combined with practical experience for students: It was with this aim that Thomas Hans took on his summer semester teaching assignment at the Institute for Communication Studies at the Westphalian Wilhelms University Münster. As part of the seminar, 26 second-semester students were taught how to develop integrated advertising campaigns and had the opportunity to discuss the benefits and opportunities presented by integrated brand communication. They also had the chance to apply what they had learnt: With the aid of pro-art, they developed an optimism campaign. The campaign aims to improve the mood in the German economy and to motivate and inspire new projects and initiatives to help Germany find its way out of the financial crisis. The enthusiastic students experienced all stages of campaign development, from the idea and the strategic concept through to the development of appropriate measures. Together with cooperation partners from the local economy, the students now intend to implement some of their ideas.

Advertising animals at work! Kala Ruudus started cooperation with Tallinn Zoo since it celebrates its 70th anniversary this year. Campaign is mostly voluntary project for us, so we can live up to our social responsibility value. At least we started off this way. Now the Zoo is willing to make a contract with us on a monthly fee to help them out. Kala Ruudus will be functioning as their marketing department.

727 win contest about JYSK SENGEHIMMEL FØR 370,-



Bæreevne: 10

SENGETÆPPER mange varianter

125,BAMSER Stort udvalg i lækre og super bløde bamser FØR 98,-


Mål: 135 x 200


Vægt: 850 g


JUNIOR DYNE + PUDE Allergivenlig. Natur fyld - 90% andedun. Bolster i økologisk bomuld. 140x90 cm. FØR 1098,-


LEGETÆPPER Stort udvalg i farvestrålende legetæpper. 100% bomuld. FØR 198,-

BØRNEPYJAMAS i mange størrelse og farver. FRA







ANNIKA KOMMODER Blank hvid lakeret. FØR 798,-


SUPER SOFT PLAIDER Stort udvalg i lækre og super bløde bamser FØR PR. STK. 98,-






99,SENGETØJ Stort udvalg i farvestrålende legetæpper. 100% bomuld. FØR 198,-

Sov godt, drøm sødt og spar en masse penge


We are proud to announce that 727 won a contest among 3 agencies about the JYSK account. JYSK is a leader on the European market in all articles for the bedroom, the bathroom, the livingroom, the window and the patio. JYSK have representation in 32 countries and consist of approximately 1.550 stores primary located in Europe. JYSK employ a staff of 14.000 people. The concept that we won with is called: „JUST ASK“ which invites customers to ask for advice when buying


NEWS / CommWorld

Donations instead of gifts – proceeds totalling € 5,210 for “Herzenswünsche” e.V. raffle pro-art celebrates its 30th anniversary 30 years of pro-art: The agency celebrated this milestone together with over 300 guests in Emsdetten. Instead of gifts, the agency asked that those present at the celebration donate to the raffle in aid of the charity “Herzenswünsche” e.V. And the result was an impressive one: Thomas Hans was able to hand over a cheque for € 5,210 to the association.

unique view on advertising – “Advertising with a spark”. On Heat professionals talk about this philosophy, but also about communication, brands, sparks of inspiration and humor. Heat abides by a strict moral code in approaching business relationships, community issues, social and environmental responsibility. The website,, includes a selection of the agency’s projects that benchmark it’s evolution since 2001. Heat Advertising developed projects for clients such as Unilever South Central Europe, Brau Union, Eximbank Romania, Porche Romania, L‘Oreal Romania, Beiersdorf Romania, Lease Plan Romania, Ursus Breweries, Topway Industries, Whirlpool Romania, SSL Romania (Durex, Scholl) or JTI Romania; these are just a few of the companies who benefited from the agency’s communication services. Over time, this wide experience strengthened the agency’s atypical team, governed by equilibrium and debate.“

Switzerland Parking guidance system with a new design In February of this year Parkhaus AG in Lucerne contacted Kobalt AG with a rather unusual task for an advertising agency devoted to classic advertising. Its brief was to subject the design of the somewhat dated parking guidance system to a critical review. The parking guidance system informs motorists about parking availability and does so both along the arterial roads leading into the town and immediately before the access to the individual multi-storey car parks. Art Director Norbert Brunner and his team completed the task by using fresher colours and rearranging the placement of the individual elements to provide a clearer overview. And, as an additional innovation, motorists are now also informed of the distance from the sign’s location to the car park.

Netherlands New clients: MCD supermarkets As probably everybody know Martin (Kok) had quite a successful swimming career. These swimming contacts of before resulted after one year of having loads of meetings, supermarket visits and a tough first (test) project in a very exciting and promising new client as per May 2009: MCD supermarkets. For this client we take care of everything. A new communication concept, instore story telling and promotion, website, private label, … Unit 4 Agresso In the Netherlands we have a saying which expresses that you win a man’s love by giving him good food. That this counts for clients as well can be proved by the fact that by constantly surprise the prospect Unit 4 Agresso with nice snacks we got their attention. An excellent first project did the rest. The entire COOKS-team can be proud of this.

Romania Heat Advertising has launched

„This summer Heat Advertising has celebrated 8 years of activity on the Romanian advertising market and marked this event by launching the new website,, for its clients, partners and friends. The agency sustained the website‘s promotion campaign to raise awarness through business and advertising media. Heat is devoted to its

Sweden Tweet with KalaSkooter! Skooter’s and Kala Ruudus’ duo project is still alive, but we miss our CommWorld friends at Twitter. Join us at!

The old design

The new design

200 km/h – on the water! During the weekend 7–9 of August the Powerboat P1 World Championship made its Scandinavian premiere in Gothenburg. Powerboat P1 is the world‘s premium marine motorsport, with teams from around the globe racing at speeds exceeding 200 km per hour in awesomely powerful twin-engine mono-hull powerboats. Per Johansson at Skooter was working as PR consultant and press officer on behalf of the communication agency Senti (belonging to our local network) before and during the event. Despite almost no vacation in the summer this was one of the most enjoyable projects I have experienced, he says. Hearing the sound of two high-performance V8 engines revving up is something you never forget. We are already looking forward to the next year’s event.

The US team Lucas Oil only seconds before they made the series most spectacular crash. Despite two helicopters and boatloads of photographers, no one managed to capture the boat making a 180° spin upside down in 150 km/h.


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