London Borough of Hounslow Self Funding Guide

Page 1

A Guide to Self-Funding Adult Social Care and Support Services in Hounslow

Sheltered Housing INTRODUCTION Hounslow Housing currently have 22 sheltered schemes. The borough is split into 3 areas Central, East & West. Each scheme has its own Sheltered Scheme Manager who works Monday-Friday (excluding bank holiday) • All schemes have emergency pull cord equipment in communal areas and flats to call for help from the Sheltered Scheme Manager or Linkline service out of hours. • All schemes have communal lounges where activities take place. • Most schemes have a guest flat that can be rented out by friends and family who wish to visit you. • Receive a daily visit from the Sheltered Scheme Manager Monday-Friday to check on your wellbeing. • Each scheme has a designated cleaner to ensure the communal areas are kept, clean, tidy and safe. For further information please contact 0208 583 2000 Within the borough there are 2 schemes where activities are run for residents within sheltered housing and those residents within the community who are over 60. These are called core schemes.

CORE SCHEMES Frogley House - Hounslow (Central) Danehurst - Brentford Each core scheme has its own therapist room where you can have your hair cut, massage or speak with and receive treatment from a trained physiotherapist. These services incur a fee but are subsidised and are more competitive than high street prices. We also run a number of activities on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. These include: • Yoga • Tai Chi • Arts and Crafts • Speaking with Confidence • Swimming (Heston Pool) If you are interested in attending any activities please contact the Activities Officer: Tel: 0208 583 4643 • Email: or visit the website to view the latest programme:

Contents A Guide to Self-Funding Adult Social Care and Support Services in Hounslow What is self-funding?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4 Will I be expected to self-fund? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5 What if my circumstances change? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5 Where can I get advice and guidance on funding options? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6 Can the council help me to find and manage care and support? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6 What is care and support? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7 How will I know what care and support I need? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7 What if I look after someone as their carer and need help myself? . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8 What if I need help completing a Needs Assessment or Carer’s Needs Assessment? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8 What care and support services are available? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 9 How can care in my own home help me to maintain independence?. . . . . . . . . Page 10 Where can I find an agency or Personal Assistant to provide care at home?. . . Page 11 What options are there for residential care and support? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 12 What if I need help after an emergency or crisis? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 12 What other council services are available to self-funders? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 14 What do I do if I am unhappy with a service or if I am worried about my safety or that of a loved one? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 16 What help with benefits, planning for the future and other financial matters is available? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 17 How do I find other services? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 18 Online resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 18 Useful contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 19 National Helplines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 19 Whilst we have taken every care in compiling this booklet, the publishers and promoters cannot accept responsibility for any inaccuracies. The inclusion of any advertisement in no way endorses the services or products sold.


A Guide to Self-Funding Adult Social Care and Support Services in Hounslow The Care Act came into effect in April 2015 with the aim of making care and support more consistent across the country. Under the Act, any decisions about the help and support offered to you should be made taking your wellbeing and what is important to you and your family into account; helping you stay healthy and remain independent for longer. While some people are eligible for financial help with care and support (which could include moving into a care home or visits from a home care provider) some will be required to pay the full cost of care or to ‘self-fund’. If the information you require is not covered in this guide, it may be found on, the council’s online directory. Alternatively, you can call the My Independence Team on 020 8583 3942 or email

What is self-funding? If you self-fund you will pay the full cost of your own care and support services. This may be because: • you have chosen not to approach Adult Social Care services for help with your care and support needs or • you have been assessed by the Adult Social Care team as not eligible for (not needing) care and support services or • you have been assessed by Adult Social Care team as being eligible for care and support services but you have savings or assets above the self-funding threshold set by the government or • you have been assessed by the Adult Social Care team as being eligible for care and support services but you have been sponsored to come to the UK under a sponsorship agreement. As a ‘self-funder’, you are still entitled to an assessment of your care and support needs and to receive advice and guidance. This is called a Needs Assessment (see page 7 for further information). We can also conduct a financial assessment to check if you are eligible for any council funded support services or are likely to become eligible in future. If you need help with the assessment process, you may ask for an Advocate to assist you (see page 8 for further information).


Will I be expected to self-fund? You will usually have to pay the full cost of your care if you: • have savings or assets of £23,250 or more • own property or properties other than your normal place of residence (your home) • refuse to complete a financial assessment form or provide evidence of your savings, income, assets and outgoings • have been sponsored to come to the UK under a sponsorship agreement with the Home Office - your sponsor will be required to pay the full cost of any care and support services provided to you If you are considering moving into residential care the value of your home is included in the calculation, unless it is occupied by: • • • •

your husband, wife or partner a relative over the age of 60 a relative who is incapacitated your child under the age of 18.

If you are considering non-residential care (care in your own home) the value of your home is not included in the figure of £23,250. A simple way to find out if and how much you will have to contribute towards the cost of care is to complete a Financial Assessment using the Autonomy Online Financial Calculator (details on page 6). If you need help or if your financial circumstances are complicated, you can call the council’s Financial Assessment Team who will assist you with assessment (contact details on page 19). Services provided to Carers to support them in their caring role are not currently means tested in Hounslow and so do not require financial assessment.

What if my circumstances change? If at some time in the future your savings drop below £23,250, your situation can be reviewed. However, if the council considers that you have disposed of assets to reduce your care costs, you may be assessed as if you still own the assets. In certain circumstances the council can also recover these costs from whoever received the assets.


Where can I get advice and guidance on funding options? An online Financial Assessment Calculator is available via the council’s Autonomy Assessment Portal that can help you to check if you are entitled to financial support with the cost of residential or non-residential care. You can access Autonomy via CarePlace. The council's Financial Assessment Team can also provide you with information and guidance to help you decide your best course of action. Contact details are on page 19 along with details of other organisations that offer advice and guidance on care and support options.

Can the council help me to find and manage care and support? If, as a Self-Funder, you would like the London Borough of Hounslow to arrange your non-residential care and support services, you can use the council’s Direct Payments (DP) Support Service (sometimes called a (DP) brokerage service). The Service charges an administration fee and in return will: • find a home care provider to meet your care needs, negotiate terms of service and/or manage the contract or • help you to find a Personal Assistant (a paid careworker employed by you) and guide you through the employment process • help to ensure that you get the best rate for your care • for an additional fee, review your care package annually The cost of the service (correct for 2019/20) is: £442.83 one-off arrangement fee for the (DP) Support Service £192.93 per year additional charge for an annual review To access the (DP) Support Service or for further information, please contact the Direct Payments Team on 020 8583 3051 or email Please note that the (DP) Support Service covers non-residential care only – services that can help you to choose a care home include Care Home Selection and EAC First Stop (contact details on page 18 or on CarePlace).


What is care and support? ‘Care and support’ is a term used to describe the help some adults need to live as well as possible with any illness or disability they may have. It can include help with things like: • • • • • • •

getting out of bed preparing meals personal care (washing yourself, going to the toilet or dressing) eating and drinking seeing friends and family getting to work caring for family

How will I know what care and support I need? To find out what care and support you need, you can ask for a Needs Assessment. This will involve asking you questions about how you manage everyday living tasks such as preparing food, using your home safely or getting out and about. You can do this over the telephone or online using Autonomy (see below). Even if you are going to pay the full cost of your care, it will provide you with information and advice. You can start the Needs Assessment process by: • completing an online assessment via the council’s Autonomy Assessment Portal ( or • calling the First Contact Team on 020 8583 3100 or • emailing them at As well as information and support from the council, an Assessment may identify other forms of help available from local organisations, service providers or sources of financial help including benefits that you may be entitled to. Some of these organisations can be found on and some are listed on page 19. As part of your assessment you may be identified as having certain care needs that mean you can receive NHS Continuing Healthcare. This is the name given to a package of care that is arranged and funded solely by the NHS for individuals outside of hospital who have significant healthcare needs. You can receive Continuing Healthcare in any kind of home setting be that a care home, sheltered scheme or your own home. The council can advise you on this after you have completed a Needs Assessment.


What if I look after someone as their carer and need help myself? Under The Care Act, carers are recognised in the same way as the people they look after. If you provide regular care to a family member or friend, you are entitled to ask for a Carer’s Needs Assessment to find out what practical or financial support, information or advice, is available to you. Council services provided to carers to support them in their caring role are not currently means tested in Hounslow and so do not require a financial assessment. Your needs as a Carer can be assessed by: • completing an online Carer’s Needs Assessment via the council’s Autonomy Assessment Portal ( or • calling the First Contact Team on 020 8583 3100 or • emailing them at Following a Carer’s Needs Assessment and providing you meet the eligibility criteria, you may be referred for a Carer's Emergency Card (which will help to ensure continuity of care with an agreed contingency plan in the event of an emergency), the Carer's Short Break Service and/or the Integrated Support Service which can provide practical support with benefits, health, employment and daily living tasks. All carers can access monthly support groups by contacting Hestia on 0208 568 7881, emailing or searching CarePlace.

What if I need help completing a Needs Assessment or Carer’s Needs Assessment? Whether you are a carer or the person who needs care, we can provide you with information and guidance on Needs Assessments. If you have difficulty accessing or understanding the process, you are entitled under The Care Act to an independent advocate to support you and represent your point of view. Care Act Advocacy in Hounslow is delivered by Hestia on behalf of the council and referrals are made via the First Contact Team by calling 020 8583 3100 or by emailing


What care and support services are available? There are a number of different options for care and support depending on your needs, which may include: •

Care in your own home

Residential Care – moving to a sheltered or extra care scheme, care or nursing home

Day Services – centres that you visit for a few hours at a time

Assistive Technology (Telecare) – monitoring systems that can summon help if you need it in and out of your home

Short Breaks and Respite Care

A Personal Assistant – a carer employed directly by you

• Social and Physical activities – the Happy and Healthy 60+ in Hounslow Guide may be downloaded from CarePlace or you can sign up for a regular email (see Get Connected on page 18)


How can care in my own home help me to maintain independence? In practical terms, care in your own home may include: •

help with personal care, such as bathing or dressing

help with cleaning, shopping and meal preparation

support with medication

short term care to give carers and families a break

help to keep active and engaged in community life

All services provided by care agencies are regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), the agency responsible for registering and inspecting care homes and home care providers. You can check a care home's or agency's report on or via CarePlace. It is important to check before entering any agreements to pay for services, exactly how much those services will cost and exactly what you will get for that payment.


Where can I find an agency or personal assistant to provide care at home? Hounslow Council and Hounslow Clinical Commissioning Group commission several agencies to deliver care at home services. The agencies work to an agreed set of quality standards and self-funders may also employ their services. Commissioned agencies are listed below (correct as at November 2018) and an up-to-date list may be found on CarePlace (search ‘care at home’) or by contacting the First Contact Team (see page 19). Please note that this information does not imply either a recommendation or contractual arrangement between you and the London Borough of Hounslow. Other Hounslow providers (along with links to CQC reports) may be found by searching Name of Provider

Contact Number

Name of Provider

Contact Number

Care Outlook

020 8814 2875

Nation Care

020 7998 3003

Eleanor Care

020 8579 3233

Quality Caring Ltd. (QCL) 020 8814 3000

Haven Care

020 8758 9841

T C Care


020 7372 7860

Westminster Homecare 020 8987 8822


0333 121 2401

020 8570 0086

Another option to consider is a Personal Assistant, a paid care worker employed directly by you. The council's Direct Payments Team can provide free information or practical assistance via the DP Support Service (administration charge applies, see page 6). The council produces a booklet about care at home called ‘Paying for Non-Residential Adult Social Care’ which may be downloaded from or posted to you on request. You can use the online Financial Assessment Calculator on the Autonomy Portal to check if you are entitled to funding from the council or are required to self-fund.


What options are there for residential care and support? Sometimes care in your own home will not be able to offer the level of support needed and you may wish to consider residential care, be that a sheltered scheme, care home, nursing home or extra care home (with 24 hour support). Again, the council can advise on options and you can research specific homes and their facilities at or by contacting the My Independence Service (see page 19). You can use the online Financial Assessment Calculator on the Autonomy portal to check if you are entitled to funding from the council or must fund care yourself. The council produces a booklet about residential care called ‘Choosing and Paying for a Care Home’ which may be downloaded from

What if I need help after an emergency or crisis? If you, or the person you look after, have an urgent health emergency, you should call 999 if an ambulance is required, 111 for urgent medical concerns or see your G.P. If you are finding it difficult to manage after an accident, illness or major life event such as bereavement, there are free services you can call on for assistance and support. Some of these will require you to be referred by a health or social care professional, while others can be accessed directly. Help after illness, an accident or major life event. The Integrated Community Response Service (ICRS) aims to coordinate services in the home to avoid or minimise hospital admissions (for example, after experiencing a fall). The team is made up of a GP, nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, support staff, social workers, primary care mental health nurses and a handyperson. Initial referrals are made via a health or social care professional, but self-referrals are accepted if you have previously used the service. The Hounslow Community Recovery Service (CRS) will help you to recover after an illness, injury or health problem that changes your life. This could be any newly diagnosed or existing health problem. It aims to restore your independence by helping you to learn new skills and to regain the confidence to look after yourself. It brings together specialist health and social care professionals into a single, integrated team. The team consists of a range of professionals with special skills and experience including physiotherapists, occupational therapists, social workers, specialist nurses (Parkinson’s and multiple sclerosis, for example), rehabilitation assistants, neuropsychologists and assessors. Referrals to the service can be made by GP’s or other healthcare professionals, hospital teams, social services or the voluntary sector. All enquiries can be made on 020 3771 6200 or by emailing


The Hounslow Bereavement & End of Life Support Service is available to anyone who has been bereaved for any reason or is supporting someone receiving care during the last phase of life. It can also provide support to the individual receiving end of life care. Delivered by The Mulberry Centre on behalf of Hounslow Council, the service is free and accepts self referrals by calling 020 8321 6300 or by emailing Home from hospital services If you or the person you look after, are soon to leave hospital and you are worried about coping at home, there are several services and organisations that will be able to assist. A member of the hospital team will ask you about your home situation before discharge and make a referral if needed. Hounslow Community Matrons including Keep Well Nurse The Community Matrons and Keeping Well service can provide assessment and support to vulnerable patients who may be isolated because of bereavement, a poor social network or a long-term chronic health condition. With the aim of preventing inappropriate hospital admissions, the service can provide: • support and advice for patients, their family and carers • dehydration and pain assessment • medical equipment where nursing intervention is required - nebulisers, nursing beds and walking aids, for example • chronic disease management – for example, Respiratory, O2 therapy, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease and Chronic Heart Disease management. To access this service, please speak with your GP or other healthcare professional who will be able to refer you if appropriate.


What other council services are available to self-funders? As a self-funder, you are entitled to information, professional advice and signposting. There are also services that may be accessed directly: Occupational Therapy and Housing Adaptations If you have difficulty carrying out everyday tasks, the Occupational Therapy (OT) Team can advise on aids, equipment and adaptations to help you stay independent in your home. A wide range of equipment is available, including aids to help you use the bath and toilet, dress, cook and move around your home safely. The OT Team can advise on suitability and help you to source the right equipment. The OT Team may be accessed via the First Contact Team (see below). In most cases, low-level equipment is provided free of charge. The OT Team may recommend that your home be adapted – this could mean the installation of galvanised rails, a ramp, stair lift or level access shower. The Housing Adaptations Team can support you with the work as well as advise you on sources of funding including a Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG). Further information on grants may be found on CarePlace or by calling the Housing Adaptations Team (see below). Dementia Adaptation Grants Dementia Adaptation Grants are available for residents who have been diagnosed with dementia and who are living in their own home. The scheme will fund minor adaptations designed to help the individual and their family/carers cope with the challenges presented by the condition. For example, making changes to lighting, installing glass doors to cupboards or painting walls a calming colour. Grants up to £1,000 do not require financial assessment and further information may be found on To access the OT service, housing adaptations and grants, contact the First Contact Team by calling 020 8583 3100 or emailing For general free advice and enquires prior to assessment, please contact the Housing Adaptation Service on 020 8583 3878 (between 9am and 1pm).


Linkline+ (Telecare or Assistive Technology) Linkline+ is an assistive technology service provided by the council that enables people, (especially older and more vulnerable individuals) to live independently in their own home. Linkline+ is an immediate response telephone service, which at the touch of a button will alert someone if you need help (for example, if you fall and are unable to reach the telephone). Alarms link to a monitoring centre with staff available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to help you live independently with peace of mind knowing that help is at hand. The current charge for Linkline+ is from £3.64 per week (correct for 2019/20). A variety of sensors are available including smoke alarms; carbon monoxide detectors; high and low temperature, fall, flood, epilepsy and inactivity sensors; bogus caller alarms and bed/chair occupancy equipment. Linkline+ also offer an assisted lifting service. You can find out more about Linkline+ by searching, by calling 020 8583 4400 or emailing Handyperson Scheme A subsidised Handyperson service is available to Hounslow home owners. Private and social housing tenants may also use the service for jobs that are not the responsibility of their landlord, Housing Association or the council (for example, putting up shelves or constructing flat pack furniture). The Handyperson Scheme is available to you if: • you have a disability or severe health problem that prevents you from carrying out the repair yourself or • you are a single parent with a disabled child or • you are aged 65 years and over Eligible Hounslow residents who self-fund may use the Handyperson Scheme for up to six visits per year at a subsidised rate of £17 per hour (correct 2019/20). This charge is for labour only, materials are provided by you. The labour charge is waived if you receive DLA, PIP or certain means tested benefits. The Handyperson Scheme can help with basic carpentry, plumbing and electrical work. For example, fitting door chains, locks, changing light bulbs, installing grab rails, securing rugs and trailing cables. A more comprehensive list may be found on but if you are unsure about a job, please call to ask. You can contact the Handyperson Scheme by calling 020 8583 3878 (between 9am and 1pm) or emailing


Falls Prevention If you are concerned about falling or have already fallen, please contact your GP first. It is important to find out why you feel unsteady or have experienced a fall. There are many things you can do to reduce your risk of falling including drinking enough water, looking after your feet, making sure your home is free from clutter, having regular eye tests and wearing suitable footwear. Further information is available on If you need guidance on what changes to make, the council’s Falls Assessment Co-ordinator can arrange a falls assessment in your own home. The assessment can help you to identify your particular areas of risk and advise on actions to reduce them. For more information call the Falls Prevention Co-ordinator on 0208 583 3038 or email

Services that make home visits Many personal or health care services will visit you at home if you can no longer get out. If you need dental treatment, you can find details of how to arrange a home visit from a Community Dentist service on CarePlace or by calling the NHS on 0300 311 2233. Many high street opticians such as Specsavers Healthcall (0800 198 1132) offer home visits or there are specialist community opticians such as Community Care Opticians (01895 521 461). Other providers that offer inhome appointments may be found on CarePlace including audiology services and foot care. (charges may apply).

What do I do if I am unhappy with a service or if I am worried about my safety or that of a loved one? If you have concerns about the quality of a service (care home, paid carer or other provider) you should contact the manager first of all. If you are not satisfied with their response, you can ask for details of their complaints procedure. The council’s Adult Social Care complaints procedure may be downloaded from CarePlace (Making Your Experience Count) or a copy can be posted or emailed to you by contacting the First Contact Team (see page 19). If you, or someone you know, is being subjected to abuse (physical, emotional or financial) but it is not an emergency, you should tell someone you trust, such as a family member, support worker, social worker, nurse or police officer. You can also contact the council’s First Contact Team to report concerns of abuse or neglect of an adult at risk in Hounslow by calling 020 8583 3100 (020 8583 2222 out of hours) or by emailing: The council can assist you with a safeguarding concern no matter how you are funding your care. If you are worried about your immediate safety, always call 999.


What help with benefits, planning for the future and other financial matters is available? As a self-funder, it is still worth checking if there are benefits or grants you are entitled to. You can use Hounslow Council’s online benefit calculator to work out your entitlement which may be found at or you can contact the various agencies using the details below. For example, if you have received a diagnosis of dementia or are caring for someone who has, you may be exempt from council tax depending on your circumstances. There may also be grants available to you – a useful search tool can be found at It may give you extra peace of mind to know that your financial affairs are in order and a plan is in place if at some point in the future you are not able to make important decisions. If you wish to make a will or set up a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA), the Money Advice Service offers free, independent advice and is a good starting point. Local face-to-face advice is available at the Citizens Advice Bureau or AGE UK Hounslow (see page 19). Benefit

Contact Number

Attendance Allowance – for people over 65 years who require assistance with care needs and/or mobility

0345 605 6055

Disability Living Allowance/ Personal Independence Payment – for people under 65 years who require assistance with care needs and/or mobility

0345 712 3456

Carer's Allowance

0345 608 4321

Pension Credit

0800 731 7898

Income Support (through Job Centre Plus)

0800 055 6688

Universal Credit

0345 600 0723

Housing Benefit

0800 055 6688

Council Tax Exemptions and Discounts

020 8583 4242


How do I find other services? CarePlace online information and advice directory CarePlace is a free online information and advice directory managed by the London Borough of Hounslow in partnership with other London boroughs. It covers council services, voluntary organisations, local and national service providers together with local support groups. Available 24/7 it offers support to Hounslow residents across many areas including adult social care, housing, money management, employment, education, leisure, health and wellbeing. CarePlace is a useful tool for Self-Funders when researching care and support options. You can also use it to access Autonomy to complete an online Needs Assessment, Carer’s Needs Assessment or Financial Assessment. will take you directly to the Hounslow section of the site. Get Connected You can also sign up to the council’s Get Connected email service. Topics include the Happy and Healthy in Hounslow 60+ Activities Guide and Carers Information. You can subscribe at and opt out at any time.

Online resources (Hounslow Council information and advice directory) (Hounslow Council website) (Hounslow Citizen’s Advice Bureau) Home/Start (Benefits calculator) (benefit checker and grant finder)

18 (independent free advice on housing and care options) (The Money Advice Service) (free advice on choosing and funding care and support services) (local directory of Dementia services) (support and advice for Carers)

Useful contacts Useful Contacts Hounslow Council Adult Social Care First Contact Team Hounslow Council My Independence Team (advice and information)

Hounslow Council Financial Assessment Team Care Quality Commission AGE UK Hounslow Citizens Advice Bureau Hounslow The Office of the Public Guardian

Contact Details 020 8583 3100 Email: Out of hours: 020 8583 2222 020 8583 3942 Email: 020 3949 7737 Email: 03000 616161 see our advert 020 8560 6969 Please on pages 22-23 0300 330 1185

(advice on and registration of a Lasting Power of Attorney)

0300 456 0300

Pension Service

0845 60 60265

Disability Benefits Unit

08457 123 456

Financial Ombudsman Service

0800 023 4567

Council Handy Person Scheme Hounslow Linkline+ (Telecare service)

020 8583 3878 020 8583 4400

National Helplines

Please see our advert on page 39

Contact Details

Age UK Independent Age - housing, money and future planning advice Alzheimer’s Society

0800 169 6565

Sense for Deaf Blind people Carers UK advice line First Stop Support - funding, benefits and general advice for older people Society of Later Life Advisors

0300 330 9250 0808 808 7777

Money Advice Service Dementia UK Admiral Nurse Helpline

0800 138 7777 0800 888 6678

0800 319 6789 0300 222 1122

0800 377 7070 0845 303 2909


Directory of Local Services These pages contain details of companies and organisations whose services you may find relevant and helpful. London Borough of Hounslow would like to thank all the various advertisers for their participation in this guide. However, these companies should not be seen as being either recommended or endorsed by London Borough of Hounslow. Page Activities

2, 22-23

Assisted Lifting Service


Assisted Technology

2, 38, 39


22-23, 37

Financial Services


Home Care, Home Support & Respite Care

2, 24-33

Learning Disabilities


Live in Care

24-25, 31-32

Meal Provider


Nursing/Care Homes


Sheltered Housing


Specialist Advice


Whilst every care has been taken to make sure the information in this publication is up to date it is not intended to be a complete and authoritative statement of the Law on the issues covered. The publishers and the promoters cannot accept responsibility for any loss arising from the use of information contained in this publication. Designed and published by Renrows Marketing Consultants Ltd (01253) 716400


Whilst we have taken every care in compiling this booklet, the publishers and promoters cannot accept responsibility for any inaccuracies. The inclusion of any advertisement in no way endorses the services or products sold.

Directory of Advertisers Pages 22-23

Age UK Hounslow

Alzheimer’s Society kindly donated by Caremark Page 37 Caremark Page 27 Centra Group

Page 38

Claire Rowell Care Fees Specialist

Page 32

Dean Williams Services Ltd

Page 33

Delor Care

Page 28

Four Seasons Care Home/Nursing Home

Page 35

Go Care Services Ltd

Page 26

Goldcrest Healthcare

Page 29

Green Care Services

Page 26

Linkline+ Page 2 & 39 Page 24

Muzaana Care Services

NAViG8CARE Page 36 Oblige Care Services

Page 24

Paragon Home Healthcare

Page 31

Pillar Care

Page 32

Right at Home

Page 25

Rock of Ages Care

Page 28

Salisbury Support 4 Autism

Page 34

Salus Care

Page 30

Spring Valley Care Services

Page 30

Wiltshire Farm Foods

Page 40


Activities at Age UK Hounslow Southville Community Centre, Southville Road, Feltham, TW14 8AP 020 8560 6969 All activities cost £3* except where indicated. Non-members pay £1 extra *Age UK Hounslow offers membership to service users at a cost of £7.50 per year.

Keep Fit Classes Line Dancing

Monday 10.30-11.30am Main Hall

A fun class where you can learn both basic to advanced line dancing steps as well as keeping fit.

All levels of ability welcome.

Stretch and Tone

Monday 11.45am-12.30pm Main Hall

Chair-based exercise activities, a gentle way to keep fit.

Zumba / Zumba Fitness

Monday 12.40pm -1.30pm Wednesday 12.30pm – 1.15pm Fun exercises with fabulous music. All levels of ability welcome.


Tuesday 10.30am-11.30am Main Hall De-stress with our weekly Yoga session. Yoga mats are provided.

Chair Yoga – Free Dementia Session Tuesday 11.45am-12.45pm Main Hall Chair Yoga and breathing exercises.

Fit and Fabulous

Wednesday 11.30am-12.30pm Main Hall (2nd, 3rd & 4th Weds) Chair based exercises at your own pace. With music.


Wednesday 1.20pm-2.20pm Main Hall Floor based exercises. All abilities welcome.

Brentford Football Club Activity Every Thursday 6.30pm-8.30pm Main Hall

Keep Fit and Pilates for all abilities.

Activities at Age UK Hounslow Educational Classes

Learning Sign Language £4 Meeting Room

Learn how to communicate with people who are hearing-impaired. Please phone for day and time details.

Computer Training £5

Monday & Wednesday 9.30am-12.30pm BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Meeting Room

One to one hourly tutorials. Learn on a PC, laptop, tablet, iPad or smartphone. Own devices must be fully charged before bringing along.

Social Groups Sagar Social Group £2

Monday 1.30pm-3.15pm Meeting Room

Gujarati ladies coming together to socialise. All welcome. NepaleseEnglish

Nepalese Group (Free)

Tuesday 1pm-3pm Main Hall Social group and basic English classes, with Talk English and London Borough of Hounslow.


All welcome.

Games Club £1

Tuesday 10am-12pm Cafe Come and play your favourite games. Scrabble, chess, draughts and cards all available.

All welcome. Social Group £1

Tuesday 2pm-4pm Cafe Meet, play games, drink coffee and chat! All welcome.


Main Hall Six cards for £2. Raffle £1 for 5 tickets. Prizes to be won. All welcome. Please phone for day and time details. Day Provision Service – ‘Vintage Club’. Located at The Southville Community Centre. Charity no 1061681

MUZAANA CARE SERVICES LTD IS A DOMICILIARY HEALTH CARE PROVIDER AND A PRIVATE RECRUITMENT AGENCY WITH OFFICES LOCATED IN FELTHAM OUR MISSION To provide person-centred care and avoid recurrent hospitalisation due to social isolation and late recognition of general deterioration. OUR STAFF Our staff are fully trained to meet the Service User's needs and are DBS checked. Our staff are dedicated and committed to making a long-lasting difference in our Service User's life. Staff at MCS ensure that the care plans are created to best suit the needs of the Service User. We talk to the Service User about just what they want and respect their wishes throughout following the Care Act guidelines. MCS is privately owned by a competent and professional Nurse, with a firm back ground in the health care sector backed by several rich years of experience. OUR CORE SERVICES INCLUDE: • Personal care • Light housekeeping • Assisting with medication • Sit-in-service • Overnight care • Live-in care • Catheter care • Palliative and end of life care • Stoma care • Re-ablement services • Setting up and disconnecting PEG feeding We also look after vulnerable people with "challenging" behaviour & complex care needs and so much more. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

N 0208 755 5837 | E | Suite 210, Legacy Centre, Hanworth Trading Estate, Hampton Road West, Feltham, Middlesex TW136DH

blige Care Services Promoting choice & independence

There is no place like home We provide services to help you remain in the comfort of your own home as an alternative to residential care, building a personal centred care plan around your requirements. The Services Elderly Care • Learning Disability Care • Respite Cover • Live In Care • Palliative Care Light Domestic Work • Laundry and Ironing • Shopping and Meal Preparation Attending Medical Appointments • Companionship People who feel lonely/isolated may come to our premises for free coffee/tea and meet others who use our services. Activities coming soon depending on your feedback. We are based in Hanworth TW13 5NT and cover the following areas: Feltham • Hampton • Hanworth • Hounslow • Isleworth • Sunbury-on-Thames Teddington • Twickenham • Whitton Please call Oblige Care Services Ltd today for a free no obligation assessment of your needs Call: 0208 707 1969 or 07951 084632 Email:


Our Clients in Hounslow are delighted with our services

Homecare services personalised to meet your individual needs

We understand that there is never an easy time to be faced with the prospect of needing extra support. Our wide range of services support you to continue living happily and independently at home.

We can support you with: Companionship, hobbies and social activities Personal care, specialist dementia care and complex care 24/7 live-in, respite and holiday care Contact us for a free, no-obligation care assessment with our experienced team

020 8432 9788

Email: Right at Home, The Mille, 1000 Great West Road, Brentford, London TW8 9DW

• Choose a service that is committed to personalisation to meet your needs • Choose a service that honour your choices and maintain your dignity and confidentiality at all times • Choose a service that provides country wide standard training to all care staff • Green Care is a registered provider with Care Quality Commission

N 020 8744 5277 E D F @gcareservices

Suite 4 | Legacy House | Hampton Road West | London | TW13 6DH

QUALITY SERVICE IN YOUR OWN HOME To Access Our Services: • Download our 'Go Care User' mobile app Go Care Services Ltd

Go Care helps you with ‘those little things that matter most to you’. We match service users with reputable/vetted service providers. We are an On-Demand Home Care Service Provider. Get the help you need at the touch of a button.

• Visit our Website: • Check us out on Care Place: • Simply get in touch on: Mob: 07471 089679 Email:

Our Support Services Include: 1. Appointments - GP/Social/Religious 2. Befriending Service Calling all Carers 3. Welfare Visiting Service Experienced and passionate 4. Telephone Service about care for elderly people? 5. Housework 6. Sitting Service Download our Go Care Provider 7. Support Service App to register 8. Shopping Service 9. Personal Care 10. Direct Payment


Our services are very much affordable starting from as little as £5



Cares for you

Rock of Ages care provide domiciliary care in your own home and throughout London, Kent, Essex and Surrey. We offer personalised care services that enable every individual receive top quality care and support tailored to meet their needs. Whether you are elderly, convalescing or disabled or just in need of a little extra assistance with tasks you find tough, our dedicated and fully trained staff will be there to help. We are able to provide a complete ‘Care at Home’ package. • • • •

Home Care Respite Care End of Life Care Dementia Care

Suite A6:13, The Vista Centre, 50 Salisbury Road, Hounslow TW4 6JQ. Tel: 0208 538 0134 Out of Hours: 0795 105 6727 Email:



Tel: 0208 538 0134


OUR SERVICES . . . Personal Care • • • •

Bathing Dressing Personal Hygiene Bed Routine

• Toileting • Oral Hygiene • Grooming


We take great care in selecting carers. Our development team ensures all carers get high quality training on a regular basis.


Our mission is to provide quality care to Service Users to their individual needs, preferences and wishes and also to support their human rights.

QUALITY ASSURANCE We take rigorous compliance reviews to ensure that all our carers have the relevant qualifications and necessary experience for the provided services. For a free assessment contact us: Hawkco House, 35 Horn Lane, London W3 6NS Phone: 0208 993 0807 Email:

Spring Valley Care Services Improving Lives, Excelling in Care Spring Valley Care Services is a domiciliary care agency based in Ruislip that specializes in providing care and support to people living in their own homes. All our carers are highly trained and they are able to embed the 6Cs (Caring, Compassionate, Courage, Commitment, Competence and Communication) into their practice to ensure you receive the best care. Some of the services we provide include • Medication prompting and administration. • Support with personal care. • Supporting clients participation in different leisure activities and events. • Supporting service users with shopping • Day to day cleaning and household tasks • Meal preparation • Companionship and emotional support • Reablement We specialize in • Elderly Care • Dementia Care • Respite Care • Live-in Care • Compassionate end of life care • Supporting individuals with learning disabilities & mental health problems.

Ruislip, Middlesex HA4 7LW 01895 754924


Founded by an experienced and highly qualified Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Paragon Home Healthcare is built around core values of care, compassion and dignity. We go to great lengths to ensure that those who join our close-knit team share our ethical values and approach.

Live-in care and assistance

Home care

Care support is fully adaptable to your needs, from personal care, continence support, medications support through to mobility aid and trips out. Our care assistants are carefully chosen to support you with your care needs and are available day to day and at night if needed.

Home care can last an hour or your care assistant could be with you all day or even overnight if required. Our care assistants are trained to help you with medications, getting ready for the day, preparing your preferred meal and assisting you with your night-time routine.

Our dedicated care assistants are able to provide support for a wide range of conditions under the guidance of our experienced specialist nursing team.

For more information or to book a free nurse assessment call us on 020 3006 2802 or visit




Quality Quality care care inin your your home home care in your home forQuality for independent independent living living for independent living

We specialise We specialise in helping in helping people people receiving receiving • Live-in • Live-in CareCare directdirect payments payments to gettothe getbest the care best for caretheir for their We specialise in affordable helping people receiving Care money. money. Our fees Our are fees are affordable and our andcare our care •• Live-in Hourly • Hourly Day Day CareCare direct payments to get the best care for their packages packages are flexible. are flexible. Our friendly, Our friendly, experiexperimoney. Our fees are affordable and our care • Hourly Day Care encedenced team team have have been been helping helping people people live as live as packages are flexible. Our friendly, experi-

• Hourly • Hourly Night Night CareCare

independently independently in their in their own own homes homes sincesince enced team have been helping people live as • Hourly Night Care 1999.independently 1999. in their own homes since • 24•Hour 24 Hour CareCare 1999. • 24 Hour Care Free Free of charge of charge 365-management 365-management is included is included for all forour all our clients from from our dedicated our dedicated care care Free of clients charge 365-management is included for all ourteam. clients from our dedicated care management management team. management team.

020 020 7482 7482 2188 2188 020 7482 2188

Lorem ipsum

01394 389 369

Do you know your options for funding care costs?

Claire Rowell BA (Hons) DipPFS Office: 01394 389 369 Email:


Speak to a qualified care fee specialist to ensure you are aware of your options based on your circumstances.

Post-Surgical Assistance Recovering from home after surgery can limit you with your daily activities. Whether you are recovering from major surgery, childbirth, or plastic surgery, our compassionate caregivers can assist you to a healthy and complete recovery. Physical Disability Support Arthritis, physical disabilities, and agerelated conditions are some of the few circumstances that prevent patients from caring for themselves. Our caregivers can assist you with daily tasks such as mobility, eating, exercising, and grooming. Care for Dementia Patients Our experienced and highly trained caregivers provide the highest quality of care to both patients and their families. Our goal is to help individuals and their loved ones live happy and fulfilling lives. Weekend Only Care Also Available We are happy to discuss your care needs or arrange a free assessment visit..

Feel free to contact us for an initial informal chat to see how our home service will suit you and your family’s needs.

Telephone: 0203 086 7204 Email: DeanWilliams Home Care Unit 2 Ebury Business Centre, 161-163 Staines Road. TW3 3JZ Hounslow, Greater London

0800 368 9433 0800 368 9433

Do you know anyone on the Autism Spectrum?

We can help. Residential • Supported Living • Day Opportunities Respite • Training and Consultancy • Support Groups Salisbury Support 4 Autism is a person-centred organisation that fosters independence and self-advocacy for adults on the Autism Spectrum. Salisbury Support 4 Autism utilises a Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) approach to support adults on the Autism Spectrum reach their greatest potential.

Available Sutton / Wembley / Morden & West Drayton

RECRUITING NOW Salisbury Support 4 Autism @salisburyautism Salisbury Support 4

Independent Accreditation in Learning

Contact us: 0800 368 9433

Looking for a care home and need some friendly expert advice? Put your trust in us to help you. We understand that choosing the right care home can be an overwhelming and emotional experience. But rest assured we are here to help. Come and take a look around and get some guidance on those things that are concerning you. It’s the best way to feel more confident about your next steps. Our Home to Home Promise Packed full of useful tips and information, our Home to Home Promise takes you through how we can all work together to make the move into a care home as relaxed and easy as possible for you and your loved one. Our residential, nursing, dementia, respite and rehabilitation care homes are comfortable, local and full of companionship. Whatever your care needs, we are here to help. To find out more visit

Norwood Green 020 8003 0269

Lansdowne 020 8003 0273

Great Horkesley, CO6 4HJ, UK T: 07704 076902 Practical advice and support to navigate care options when you need it most. To help you, a parent, relative or loved one continue to live in their own home with the right care and support. What we offer? – We will: n Work out you and your family’s needs and help you to decide what types of help will work best. n Prepare options for varying levels of support for you and your family including the likely costs.

n Provide support to you and your family to explore and agree the best approach. n Provide guidance and practical solutions so that you and your family can support a parent, relative or loved one remain in their own home. n Provide support organising practical things at home.

Get personal advice and practical support from our Dementia Support service Find one-to-one personalised support in Hounslow Face-to-face, over the phone or in writing we can help you Get in touch today 0208 563 0360

Alzheimer’s Society operates in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Registered charity no. 296645

Here for everyone affected by dementia

Helping you lead a healthy, happy life It’s natural to worry about your safety and what might happen in case of an emergency both in and out of your home. At Centra our services help you remain independent, providing peace of mind for you and your family. As one of the UK’s largest independent telecare providers, we offer remote support to vulnerable, elderly and physically less able people at the touch of a button. When a button is pressed, a call will connect through to our fully trained and friendly telecare team; 24/7, 365 days a year to arrange the help required. Why use telecare? • • Faster response times to falls and accidents • Reduced cost of care using technology. 0300 456 4559 or visit #lifeisforliving

Hounslow Linkline are pleased to offer a new assisted lifting service.

Linkline+ - personal alarms for falls, accidents and personal safety

Hounslow Council’s Linkline+ service supplies equipment (alarms and sensors) as well as a 24hr/365 days a year monitoring and response service. How Linkline+ can help you? There are many circumstances where Linkline+ can provide reassurance and support. For example: • If you or a family member are becoming frail and are at risk of falling

• If you are worried about ‘bogus’ callers and would like to feel more secure at home

• If you have experienced domestic violence and need to be able to summon assistance quickly

A full is completed to • If youassessment or a family member need a methodprior of summoning help quickly or being easily located because of a health or safety issue an assisted lift being completed to ensure Costsuser is not injured and they are aware the The current minimum charge for our service is £3.64 per week. they have fallen.

If you or someone you know are at risk of falling then please contact the Linkline service furthertoinformation. Hounslow Linkline arefor pleased offer a new assisted lifting service

Prices start from £7.57 per week.

A full assessment is completed prior to an assisted lift being completed to ensure the user is not injured and they are aware they have fallen. Prices start from £7.57 per week.

Telephone: 0300 013 4735 Email: Website:


With our delicious frozen meals and desserts, prepared by award-winning chefs and delivered free by your local team, you’ve more time to enjoy doing the things you love. For your free brochure visit or call


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