Your guide to organising care and quality services in Bolton
Helping you remain independent at home
Carepath Recruitment Ltd
Your Life, Your Care, Your Choice Carepath Homecare Ltd are a family owned and run provider of high quality Domiciliary care located in the heart of Preston City Centre delivering a full range of individualised, person centred care to you in the comfort of your own home. Here at Carepath Homecare we pride ourselves on providing a high quality service with you at the heart of the process, we will meet your needs and wishes whilst promoting your independence and dignity throughout.
Services Provided • Personal Care Support • 24hr Supported living • Independent Living Support • Waking/Sleeping Watches • Medication Support/Prompting • Outreach/Activity Support • Domestic Duties • Meal Preparation Accreditations • CQC Compliant • IIP certified • LCC Preferred Provider
Our Team of empathic and well trained team members receive training in the following areas to ensure they are competent and confident to meet your needs. • Manual Handling • Medication Awareness • Safeguarding Adults/Children • Infection Control • Fire/Health & Safety • Loss & Bereavement We will source training for staff that will improve your quality of care prior to starting any support or during.
We also provide our team with the ability to complete fully funded and accredited QCF level 2 & 3 in health and social care as well as access to external training modules such as falls prevention, record keeping, various Dementia modules, stroke prevention, 1st Aid etc. This is so you can be assured that our staff are equipped to handle all situations. Recent additional sourced training includes ventilation, cough assist, ambu-bag and oxygen therapy training.
Call: 01772 562546 / 07411 130524 • Email:
Contents Welcome Get Your Support Planning Your Care Help From Bolton Council Setting Up Your Care - Get Care At Home - Get Care Away From Home - Care Breaks And Holidays - Day Care - End Of Life Care Running Your Care - Personal Budgets With Direct Payments - Personal Health Budgets - Self Funding Your Care Get Care And Support Online - Salvere Direct And myCareSupermarket Salvere Membership How To Contact Salvere The Journey Ahead With Salvere Directory Of Local Services Whilst every care has been taken to make sure the information in this publication is up to date it is not intended to be a complete and authoritative statement of the Law on the issues covered. The publishers and the promoters cannot accept responsibility for any loss arising from the use of information contained in this publication. Designed and published by Renrows Marketing Consultants Ltd (01253) 716400
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Whilst we have taken every care in compiling this booklet, the publishers and promoters cannot accept responsibility for any inaccuracies. The inclusion of any advertisement in no way endorses the services or products sold.
Welcome Salvere is here to make personal support easily available anywhere, to everyone. We believe that getting good care should be a simple process that is easy to understand. This guide will help you to know how to use your own funds to buy care or make use of personal budgets from the local authority or NHS. Salvere was established to help people to get the support they need to be well and in good health to remain independent. Our focus is to help individuals recover independence; build on strengths and create their own solutions by buying care services or employing their own caregivers.
Get Your Support Organise your care and support with our help. We provide impartial advice to help you make the right decisions when it comes to getting personal care help at home or finding residential care. Also we can assist you to employ your own team of support if you want full control over who is caring for you. Our advisors will n talk to you about your support needs and preferences n help you think about your options to buy services and/or employ your own team n identify the services and support available that match your needs and requirements n search on your behalf for care agencies that agree they can meet your needs n help you to compare costs of providers n support you to recruit your own team of staff (option) Also we can help you find n Short term care – for example to recover from an illness or surgery If you want to arrange care support, we can help you make those arrangements and choose a provider.
Planning Your Care A good plan helps you understand how to meet your care needs and be confident about buying the right type and amount of care. We start our plans by helping you think about what outcomes you want to achieve. Life is still for living even when you have care needs. Salvere provides independent advice to help you understand your needs, appreciate what things cost and how to take the steps to get good care. Our advisers can visit you at home if you live in Lancashire to help review your circumstances and identify your options. Then we can help you to create a budget with the costs itemised so you can understand how much your care and support will cost. In over 90% of situations we also help people identify support in their local community that costs very little or is free. Adding community solutions to your plan for care makes good common sense and adds overall value.
Help From Bolton Council It is important to think about what support is available from the Council’s Adult Social Care Services. Many people can be eligible for free and lower cost support following a needs assessment. “The needs assessment will consider what care and support needs you have and how these affect your wellbeing. This will include identifying any physical needs, such as whether you need help to wash or dress, get in and out of bed or keep your home safe to live in. The assessment will also look at your mental and emotional needs and ask what is important to you in how you live your life, such as being able to carry on working or volunteering, or being able to meet your friends. Everyone’s needs and the ways they affect people’s wellbeing are different. Identifying your needs and the things you want to achieve will help the council to decide if they can help. Depending on what needs you have, they may give you information and advice about other kinds of support available locally that can help you, such as charities or community groups.” (
The way care and support needs are assessed in England has changed for the better, meaning that decisions made about the help you receive will consider your wellbeing and what is important to you and your family so you can stay healthy and remain independent for longer. For the first time, there will be a national level of care and support needs that all councils will consider when they assess what help can be given to you. If you are already receiving support from the Council then you don’t need to do anything now, as your needs will be reviewed at your next review/reassessment. If you don’t get care and support from Bolton Council and think you may need some help, please call 01204 338027. A needs assessment won’t ask about your finances. But if you are eligible for care and support from Bolton Council, you may have to pay something towards the cost. To find out how much you might need to pay, they may ask you to do a financial means test and you would then need to disclose details about your savings, assets and income. People with less than £23,250 in assets and low incomes can get help with their care and support costs.
Setting Up Your Care When you know what you want, it’s time to make arrangements for your care and support. Get Care At Home Remaining in your own home is often the very best place to be and it is something that most people want do, despite having poor health. Contact with neighbours, friends and family in familiar surroundings is important to maintain whenever possible. Home Care Agencies are a good tried and tested way of getting essential personal care services at home. It is important to compare offers from agencies rather than just select the first one you find. Some agencies will be able to offer additional services, such as healthcare tasks, meals and shopping as well as social activities. Prices vary and some have a minimum “one hour” service offer while others will be happy to provide 30 minute visits. Often the cheapest way to get home care is to pay at the Local Authority rate. If your needs have been assessed by the local authority you can access these rates as a self funder or direct payment user from their “preferred suppliers” of home care. This restricts your choice of provider somewhat but all care in England has to be provided to the correct standard as regulated by the Care Quality Commission so you can be confident the care should be good.
One of your local home care providers should be able to tailor a service to meet your requirements. As the price for care rises, so expectations should rise for service customisation levels and making sure you get the same staff team visiting you who are fully trained to meet your needs specifically. Make sure you have a good plan so you can specify the service you want. A personal Caregiver (often called a Personal Assistant) can be both an alternative to home care or part of a package of support that includes home care. You can employ a caregiver directly with our support or we can help you to locate a care agency that specialises in offering personal assistants that they employ for you. If you employ your own caregivers this can be the most flexible and cost effective way to run your care arrangements. With Salvere, the process is straightforward and we supply all the back-up to make this route to care support a simple and straightforward experience. If you have a direct payment in Bolton, the Salvere service is free to use. We help everyone who wants to take their personal budget from the local authority as a direct payment. Having a direct payment gives you great flexibility when planning, setting up and running your care support. It’s a relatively new way to do things but already many people use direct payments and employ their own care givers with us. Also people use direct payments to buy home care services. Direct payments are really flexible.
Electronic gadgets (telecare) and equipment can make the difference to being able to remain at home or not. Also making adaptations to your home, can be an option so that downstairs space or extensions enable you to remain independent or with family. These options are sometimes overlooked but as the world of technology develops, more and more electronic solutions to monitoring and supporting your health and wellbeing at home along with equipment aids are very cost effective or free. If you are self funding, we can help you to plan, setup and run your care, including employing a caregiver as well as purchasing care services. Our service packs are explained a little further on. Get Care Away From Home Moving from your home to a new care setting can be the right choice. People often think this means residential care. Indeed a care home can be the perfect solution but there are alternatives to consider as well. One step away from your own home can be to move to sheltered housing run by the local council or housing association. This type of housing is usually a flat or similar with intercom connections to a warden or call centre of support so that help is at hand.
Extra Sheltered Care housings are purpose built complexes or “villages� of flats and small apartments or bungalows with integrated services for care and health support as well as lifestyle features such as restaurants, shops and leisure services. Local Councils and housing bodies often work together to supply extra sheltered care and some offer the flexibility for part or full ownership of the properties, as well as tenancy options. One advantage with these options is that they can be accessed by people aged 50 and upwards with long term conditions of poor health. Group living comes in a number of forms from hostels to shared properties. These options are often preferred by younger adults with disabilities. Organised by registered social landlords, housing associations and councils; group living can offer benefits of lower costs and shared costs for care support if the people living together agree to collaborate. Residential and nursing care homes are the most usual alternative for older people in particular. As with all the above options, they become a home from home. Choosing the homes that fit best with your needs and funds can be a challenge but it is important to take the time and make the effort to find a home that matches your needs. Some homes specialise in certain types of care, for example dementia care. It is important to choose the right setting for your loved one or yourself. Residential care is generally expensive and again accessing rates for this type of care via your local authority, even as a self funder, is something to consider seriously.
Care Breaks And Holidays These can be a great way to add variety to your care arrangements. The breaks give you and your carers a change of surroundings and respite from the daily routines. If you are travelling to another part of the country we can help you arrange care support at your destination if you are self funding, using a personal health budget or direct payment. It’s all about being smart with your planning over the year. Day Care The Local Authority, charities and voluntary organisations as well as private organisations offer day time support and activities at centres and locations across Lancashire. Building some time into your plan for these services can be a good idea. We can also help you to look imaginatively at what is going on in your local community where people and organisations meet up as there can be a wide range of interest groups and things to do that are geared to cope with your needs and condition of health. End Of Life Care This is a very important and often not much discussed aspect of good care. If you are living with a life limiting condition or facing a short time to live, it is important that your wishes are met. Too many people die in hospitals when they would have preferred to be at home. We can help you to put good plans together to maximise the amount of time you can spend at home. We can help you and your family to engage caregivers or a home care agency and make use of support offered by Hospices, as well as liaise with your NHS supporting professionals.
Running Your Care Personal Budgets With Direct Payments Everyone who is assessed and considered eligible for services from the local authority will have a personal budget identified so that they and the council knows what money should be spent on their care. You can ask your council for a direct payment of your personal budget so that you and your family can directly manage your care and support. This is a fast developing way for people to get good care and research shows that people achieve better outcomes and live the lives they want to live by using a direct payment because they are in control of the care arrangements. This means that the organisations and individuals providing care are accountable to you directly. The Government and the NHS want to see more people choose this option for better care. In Bolton the support to help you use your direct payment is free from Salvere. We have already helped thousands of people take direct payments and we want to see thousands more do the same. It could be you!
Direct payments can be used to buy care into your home and employ caregivers. At the moment you can’t use a direct payment to buy full time residential care but you can buy short breaks in residential care. You can also use the direct payment to fund devices like tablets and computers to help you access the Internet to get goods and services to meet your needs. Lifestyle purchases for things like fitness clubs and being active in your community can also be funded from your direct payment. Generally things just need to be safe, legal and meet your needs as agreed in your plan. You can employ a relative who does not live with you. They are very flexible. n Salvere can support you with all aspects of running your direct payment and being a good employer. n We take the hassle out of the processes and are there for you each day as much or as little as you need us. n You don’t need to become an employer as you can use your direct payment to buy home care services. n We can also arrange insurances, payroll, manage budgets and accounts for you so that your direct payment runs smoothly n If you want to do it all, you can and we will show you how!
Personal Health Budgets These are very similar to direct payments and are available to people with continuing health care needs. Soon they will be available to people with long term health conditions. A Personal Health Budget (PHB) is an amount of money to support the identified healthcare and wellbeing needs of an individual, which is planned and agreed between the individual, or their representative, and the local Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). At the centre of a Personal Health Budget is the care and support plan. This plan helps people to identify their health and wellbeing goals, together with their local NHS team and set out how the budget will be spent to enable them to reach their goals and keep healthy and safe. Key points from the NHS: n The NHS care and support people receive should be safe and effective. n It should be a positive experience. n Personal health budgets should help people who may not always get the best out of the NHS to get a better service, not make things worse. n They are optional. Nobody would be required to receive their healthcare in this way if they do not want to. n People should have as much control over decisions as they want. n If someone is not able to have a personal health budget, they can still speak to their local NHS team about how their needs can be met in another way that better suits their needs.
Personal health budgets are available for people who are eligible for NHS Continuing Healthcare, who have had a ‘right to have’ a budget from October 2014. Clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) can also offer personal health budgets to others that they feel may benefit from the additional flexibility and control. The NHS Mandate commits to a further roll out of personal health budgets to people who could benefit from April 2015. Salvere is helping individuals and families set up their personal health budget and working closely with the NHS. Call us if you want to know more and we will put you in touch with your local NHS team to get the ball rolling!
Self Funding Your Care Bolton Council will provide free advice and support to help you choose care. The council will also provide a free assessment of your needs and access to their care suppliers care rates if your needs are assessed as eligible by being critical or substantial. The council may also undertake a financial assessment to determine your contribution levels. You can elect to forego the financial assessment if your assets are above the threshold ÂŁ23,250.00. Although you are independently funding your care it is important to consider the support the council can give you and how this might reduce your costs and improve your choices. The council may also offer free access to some preventative services and support. When setting out to organise care and support our encouragement to you is to plan ahead as much as possible. Many families rush to find the first care agency or residential home when a care crisis occurs and then ask the agency or care home to tell them what services they need. Although most agencies and care homes are very reputable and provide excellent service quality, it is better that you have planned well and understand your needs and options beforehand.
Too many people also elect to go into residential care earlier than necessary and as a consequence find they run out of funds. Unravelling this scenario can be very distressing for everyone. Price is not the only factor in making good care choices. Knowing your budget for the year and years ahead is vital. Care into the home can range from approximately £12 per hour up to £20 per hour and more. As the price rises so should expectations for value and customisation. Residential care costs approximately £750 per week and you can expect to pay between £20,000 and £60,000 over a year depending on the type of home you choose. It is important to negotiate the arrangements and price to ensure best value and satisfaction. Consider employing a caregiver for some or all of your care needs. Salvere can help you plan, set up and run your care with independent advice tailored to meet your needs. Become a Salvere member and we will support you on your care journey.
Get Care And Support Online
Salvere Direct And myCareSupermarket The Internet has become a place to find solutions for all our everyday needs and at Salvere we believe that finding good care and support there should be no exception. That’s why we are putting all our know how and information about how to organise care and support online. is our developing online eMarketplace where you will see care organisations, equipment, goods and services that will support your care. This is a new approach and we think it will become the way most people will organise care in the future. Having the chance to browse your options, get advice online and on the phone with us and then to buy care online, will become increasingly popular.
Salvere Membership Salvere can support you in deciding the best way for you or your family member to have maximum choice and control over how your support is tailored. Salvere have knowledge of all options available to help you make the right decision, whether it’s employing a Caregiver, choosing a Residential Home or Care Agency. We can help you: Plan, Set Up and Run your care support Salvere believe in making life simple, so when you purchase a support service, you join Salvere. Becoming a member offers peace of mind that there are no hidden or additional costs across the year.
Know your needs, costs and options?
When you know what support you want?
Support to manage money and people?
“What do I need, what will it cost, what next?”
Choosing a homecare provider or care home search and match
Meet our Salvere Adviser A plan describing how you want your needs to be met A costed budget that breaks down how much your care and support will cost
Recruiting a caregiver or team: Advertising, interviewing and appointing your caregivers Job descriptions Employment Contracts Safeguarding check option - £65 (DBS)
Managed bank account Payroll Information on caregiver (PA) pensions Make payments to providers Help you meet your legal responsibilities as an employer Meeting with a Salvere Adviser
Employer insurance - £98 Training - What training does my caregiver need? £255
How To Contact Salvere
Our Opening Hours:
We are open at 9:00am every weekday We close at 5pm Monday to Friday
Telephone: 01772 535683 Email:
Write To:
Salvere Suite 6 Leyland House Lancashire Business Park Centurion Way Leyland PR26 6TY
The Journey Ahead With Salvere Your membership has the benefit of Salvere being with you for the journey ahead. You can get in touch when you like for advice and support and we can arrange to contact you at regular intervals to make sure your care arrangements are working well. You are in control and can change your support arrangements at any time in line with the agreements you have made with your providers or as a good employer of staff. So we can: n help you sort any problems out with your care agency n advise you on other providers that can support you n arrange for you to move care agencies n provide all your HR support to manage your staff If you use Direct Payments or a Personal Health Budget, we can help you find registered care providers, staff to employ and provide all the advice and support you will need to help you manage your Direct Payments or Personal Health Budget in a safe and legal manner. Call us on 01772 535683 to join Salvere email: web:
Directory Of Local Services These pages contain details of companies and organisations whose services you may find relevant and helpful. Salvere would like to thank all the various advertisers for their participation in this guide. However, these companies should not be seen as being either recommended or endorsed by Salvere.
Home Care, Home Support & Respite Care: Page
02, 25, 27, 31, 32
Payroll and Related Services: Page 26 Charities: Page
28, 29
Meal Provider: Page 30
Page 28 Page 29 Page 02 Page 27 Page 25 Page 32 Page 31 Page 26 Page 30
Do you or a family member need care and want to stay in your home?
Whether you are in need of 24/7 care, help with everyday tasks or a well-deserved break from caring for your loved one we'll develop a care plan to meet your needs. Contact us today for free consultation:
01204 325013
Your local payroll specialist
Trusted partner of
Are you responsible for paying a carer? Would you like someone to manage this for you? NR Barton’s comprehensive payroll and pensions support service includes: • Calculating wages • • Ensuring statutory returns are completed • • Providing carers with detailed wage slips • • Pension Auto Enrolment covered • To find out more, give us a call and we’ll take care of the rest
Direct Payments made easy
0Visit1 2 242245 26
High Quality Support with a Christian Ethos
Cornerstone Trust provides residential Care Services and Respite Care for adults with significant Learning Disabilities in the North West of England
le p i nc i r P
Established for 20 years .. .................. in the North West .Based ..... ............... .CQC ...excellent ......rating ............
Residential Care & Respite Care Services for adults aged 18-65 years who have learning disabilities
Personal Care, Autism and Sensory
are C r u of o
Spirituality Dignity Inclusion
Cornerstone Trust Registered Charity No. 1003948
Telephone 01204 381050 | Email 27
Providing Services & Support We provide high quality, friendly services to support your needs, including: Day Time Support: • Offers a welcoming environment • Encourages activities and socialising • Specialist dementia support • Carer respite and support Home Help: • Cleaning, chores and shopping • The same regular friendly home help • Access to a variety of services To access: 01204 382 411
Registered charity number 223240
Specialist services for people with dementia Alzheimer’s Society is the UK’s leading support and research charity, providing information, advice and support to people with dementia, their families and carers. We are committed to putting you at the heart of everything that we do, and our services are continually informed by our growing understanding of dementia and what you need to live well after diagnosis. Get in touch with us today. Bolton Office T: 01942 247 837
Alzheimer’s Society operates in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Registered charity number 296645.
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About Us
Our Services
New Day Care provides compassionate, professional and dedicated care, ensuring all your care needs are met. We are commi ed to providing the highest level of care along with a ‘second to none’ service. We have implemented a rigorous recruitment policy which allows us to select and iden fy the best within the industry.
• Ge ng in and out of bed, dressing and undressing • Personal hygiene and grooming • Meal prepara on • Medica on assistance • Domes c du es • Companionship • Night Visits • PA services • Complex care • Demen a Care • Live in care • 24 hour care • Respite Care
As a company, we understand that it is important to our customers that they con nue to live comfortably in their own homes for as long as physically possible. We also understand that living with an illness, disability or simply growing old can result in the need for further help within the home. Here’s where you will be happy to know that we offer a range of different services, for both adults and children.
To speak to our team, call now on 03300 249 731 Or email Or visit us at 31
Quality homecare service with well trained staff Jewel Home Support offers a quality service that will exceed our customer needs. We wish to preserve and enhance your dignity and independence. We offer: Personal Care • Getting in and out of bed • Washing, bathing and showering • Getting dressed and undressed • Prompts for medication • Managing continence • Skin and hair care We also provide: • Meals Preparation • Domestic Duties • Shopping • Companionship
Approved Provider
Call our team on 01204 650511 At Jewel Home Support we endeavour to provide a quality homecare service with well trained staff at affordable prices.
Jewel Home Support 40 Higher Swan Lane Bolton Greater Manchester BL3 3AJ
Our team of compassionate, multilingual (we have care staff who speak the following languages: Gujarati, Urdu, Arabic, Somali & Polish), local carers can help with care for: the elderly, physical disabilities, learning disabilities, sensory impairment, dementia end of life care and long term conditions.
Telephone 01204 650 511
Visit our Website Email: