Marketing Proposal Your Home in t he Spot light
Created for Jane & John Doe | 1234 First Street, Ann Arbor Presented by: Agent Name, RealtorÂŽ -
Service, Reinhart
Some companies ar e just dif f er ent . They lead, t hey innovat e, t hey embrace change and t hey love giving. This is Reinhar t . In 1971, Richar d Caldwell and Char les Reinhar t launched a new par t ner ship wit h an unusual business plan f or a r eal est at e company. They would select ively hir e only f ull-t ime agent s and put t he client s?needs f ir st . By t he end of t heir f ir st year , t hey wer e alr eady selling mor e pr oper t ies t han any compet it or.
Today, Reinhar t is st ill dominat ing t he gr eat er Ann Ar bor mar ket and operat ing wit h t he same business plan. W e?r e ver y grat ef ul t o t he communit y Reinhar t "gr ew up" in, and pr oud of our Reinhar t Char it able Foundat ion which is r un by our agent s. The Foundat ion has raised over $165,000 f or local char it ies and pr ovided volunt eer s t o count less communit y causes. W hen gr eat ser vice is t he pr ior it y, f or bot h your client s and your communit y, r elat ionships gr ow and business booms. Our company wor ks har d ever y day because we love what we do and wher e we live. W e hope t o have t he oppor t unit y t o give our best t o you t oo.
Agent Name, RealtorÂŽ
The Number s Through June 30, 2020
W e ar e t he Lar gest Real Est at e Fir m in t he Gr eat er Ann Ar bor Region, Closing Over 955 Transact ions t hr ough June 30, 2020, W or t h $360.4 M illion in Sales Volume *By dollar volume. Based on information from the Ann Arbor Area Board of RealtorsÂŽ Multiple Listing Service for the period 1/1/2020 - 6/30/2020
Ann Arbor Market Share*
Agent Name, RealtorÂŽ
Washtenaw County Market Share*
The Numbers Through June 30, 2020 The Leader Washtenaw County-Wide
Individual Market s Thr ough June 30, 2020, Reinhar t r emains t he leader in mar ket s t hr oughout Washt enaw Count y.
Ann Arbor
Market Leader in Fine Homes & Condo Sales
Fine Home Sales
Condo Sales
Reinhart led the Ann Arbor market in the sale of homes priced above $500,000
Reinhart led in sales of condominiums.
Agent Name, RealtorÂŽ
We're Local We're Global Leading Real Estate Companies of the World速
W hen it Comes t o Market ing Your Home, We Think BIG Because Reinhar t is a member of Leading Real Est at e Companies of t he Wor ld速 , a global communit y of mar ket -leading br okerages, we can mar ket your pr oper t y in mor e ways, in mor e places, t han ot her fir ms. M aximizing mar ket ing r each helps us sell your home at t he best pr ice possible, as fast as possible.
Leading Real Est at e Companies of t he Wor ld速 Keller W illiams Coldwell Banker Ber kshir e Hat haway HomeSer vices Compass Ot her (Including: RE/ MAX, Sotheby's International Realty, eXp Realty, Redfin, Douglas Elliman, Century 21, HomeSmart, Corcoran, ERA, Better Homes & Gardens) *Sour ce: REAL Tr ends Top 500 for 2019 pr oduct ion.
Agent Name, Realtor速
Our Partners Reinhart Services and Affiliates
Reinhart is t he Area?s Leading Full Service Brokerage W it h t he help of our affiliat e companies, we ar e able t o pr ovide a fast er , mor e efficient and economical pr ocess for your r eal est at e t ransact ion ? fr om t he t ime t he sign is put in your yar d t o well aft er t he closing of your sale.
Agent Name, RealtorÂŽ
My Story Your Guide, Every Step of the Way!
consect et uer adipiscing elit , sed diam nonummy nibh euismod t incidunt ut laor eet dolor e magna aliquam erat volut pat . Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nost r ud exer ci t at ion ullamcor per
suscipit lobor t is nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat . t et uer adipiscing elit , sed diam nonummy nibh euismod t incidunt
laor eet
dolor e magna
aliquam erat volut pat . Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nost r ud exer ci t at ion ullamcor per suscipit lobor t is nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat .
Agent Name, RealtorÂŽ
My Performance Your Guide, Every Step of the Way!
My Performance for 2019 Becoming a good Realt or ÂŽ doesn?t happen by chance. It t akes exper ience, har d wor k and ongoing educat ion. Her e ar e some of my accomplishment s.
Closed Volume
10 Million
Average Sale Price
Closed Transact ions
Average Days on Market
40 Unit s
30 Days
2019 Awards
Agent Name, RealtorÂŽ
Client Testimonials In Their Words
Read W hat Past Client s Have t o Say
Testimonial placeholder.... consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortissed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt Testimonial placeholder.... aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud r susdiam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt. etuer adipiscing elit, s nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim lobortis sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ?Happy Client
Testimonial placeholder.... consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortissed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt Testimonial placeholder.... consectetuer diam nonummy nibh tincidunt. etuer adipiscing elit, s nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim lobortis sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ?Happy Client
Testimonial placeholder.... consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortissed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt Testimonial placeholder.... consectetuer adipiscing elit, euismod tincidunt. etuer adipiscing eli, snibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim lobortis sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ?Happy Client
Agent Name, RealtorÂŽ
Let's Start By Establishing Your Goals
W hat is Most Import ant t o You?
Motivation - W hy have you decided t o sell your home?
Timing - Ar e you flexible in t iming or ar e we wor king t owar ds closing befor e a cer t ain dat e?
Pricing - Ar e you leveraged wit h debt on t he home?
Decision Making - W ill anyone else (family member , financial advisor ) be involved?
Communication - How oft en would you like updat es? W hat is t he best way t o cont act you?
Previous Selling Experiences - W hat went well? W hat went wr ong?
Personal Property - Ar e you planning t o include any per sonal pr oper t y in t he sale?
Condition of Home - Ar e t her e pr oblems wit h t he pr oper t y t hat will need t o be disclosed?
Relocating - Can we assist you in pur chasing a new home or moving t o a new ar ea?
Concerns - Ar e t her e any general concer ns you would like t o discuss?
Agent Name, RealtorÂŽ
What is Your Home's Story?
W hat is Most Import ant t o You? Knowing what makes your home special will give us an edge in mar ket ing, helping your home sell quickly and f or t op dollar.
W hat will you miss most about your home?
W hat will you miss most about t his locat ion?
W hat ar e some favor it e feat ur es about your home?
W hat charact er ist ics do you feel make your home unique when compar ed t o ot her s?
W ho do you consider t o be t he t ar get mar ket for your home?
Agent Name, RealtorÂŽ
Positioning Your Home to Sell Curb Appeal & Staging Your Home to Sell at its Best Price
Curb Appeal
St aging Your Home
The condition of your home's exterior is most important when it comes to buyer appeal.
Warm and welcoming!
House number should be easy t o r ead.
Light s on t imer s t o ensur e house is lit up aft er sunset .
Clear away all clut t er and make sur e home is spar kling clean.
Count er t ops neat and polished, appliances cleaned.
Let t ing out side light in can make t he space feel lar ger.
Cr eat e a war m ent rance t o welcome your guest s.
Clear ly define each r oom?s pur pose.
Chipped plast er and paint t ouched up and r epair ed.
Leaky t aps and t oilet s r epair ed.
Bur ned out light bulbs r eplaced.
Squeaky door s oiled.
M ir r or s, fixt ur es, and t aps cleaned and polished.
Seals ar ound t ubs and basins in good r epair.
Closet s and cupboar ds neat and t idy.
All t or n scr eens should be r epair ed or r eplaced.
Fr eshen up your walls wit h neut ral color s. They ar e easy t o wor k wit h and make r ooms appear lar ger.
Accessor ize in t hr ees. Odd-number ed gr oups t end t o be mor e eye appealing.
Add a t ouch of gr eener y fr om your yar d t o br ing a fr esh look indoor s.
Gut t er s and downspout s in good r epair.
Garage/car por t clean and t idy.
Lit t er picked up.
Cracked or br oken window panes r eplaced.
Door bell and door har dwar e in good r epair.
Touch-up t r im paint on door s, windows frames, fascia, et c.
M ow, edge and weed t he lawn fr equent ly unt il t he home is sold.
Over gr own shr ubber y should be cut back t o show as much of t he ext er ior as possible.
A low-cost invest ment in seasonal flower s or gr ound cover will add a per sonal t ouch.
St ucco wat er st ains can be r epair ed using a mild bleaching agent .
Power wash st ained concr et e.
Inspect t he r oof for necessar y r epair s and any visible br oken shingles or t iles.
Fences should be mended and paint ed.
Agent Name, RealtorÂŽ
One-Stop-Shop Everything You Need to Sell Your Home is Right Here!
You may have t o find t he right buyer, but all t he services you need t o sell your home are right here in our HomeSuit e. Your ent ir e r eal est at e t ransact ion can happen under one r oof. We'll make get t ing your mor t gage, t it le and insurance easier and mor e enjoyable. Let 's get you st ar t ed so you can be in your new home as soon as possible.
Make it easy. Let us do t he work. YES - I'd like t o connect wit h t he HomeSuit e t eam t o learn more about t he mort gage and insurance services and programs.
John Adams Mort gage
My Realt or First and Last Name:
You'll be given t he best loan opt ions... and save $1100 at closing if you w or k w it h us!
Insurance One Seller First and Last Name:
W it h one quick conver sat ion, you'll get t he best deal since w e shop quot es acr oss seven dif f er ent car r ier s.
Seller Email:
Seller Phone:
Agent Name, RealtorÂŽ
Determining the Price of Your Home
The Real Est at e Market is Cont inually Changing, Direct ly Affect ing t he Market Value of Homes Because of t hat , t he price of your home will be based on a combinat ion of fact ors.
Condit ions in local, r egional and nat ional r eal est at e mar ket s.
?Unchangeable fact or s? such as lot size, age and overall condit ion of t he home, and squar e foot age.
Value-added feat ur es such as pr oper t y impr ovement s and unusual amenit ies.
List ing and selling pr ices of comparable houses.
The skills and exper t ise of your r eal est at e agent .
The overall qualit y of t he r eal est at e mar ket ing plan.
Your level of int er est , ener gy and mot ivat ion in pr epar ing t he pr oper t y for showing.
The Following W ill Likely Have no Impact on Your Home's Selling Price -
Your t ot al invest ment in home impr ovement s.
The opinion of your home?s wor t h expr essed by fr iends and ot her appraiser s.
The or iginal pur chase pr ice.
The pr ofit you hope t o make fr om t he sale.
"Zest imat es" or similar online valuat ions.
Agent Name, RealtorÂŽ
The Fundamentals of Fair Pricing If You Price Your Home at Fair Market Value You W ill See Good Act ivit y and a Good Amount of Buyer Int erest Accor ding t o t he Nat ional Associat ion of Realt or s, ?A home?s Fair M ar ket Value is t he pr ice it would sell f or in a per f ect ly logical wor ld? one wher e bot h buyer and seller ar e act ing of t heir own f r ee will, ar e r easonably awar e of a home?s good and bad point s, and could just as easily choose a dif f er ent house t hat suit s t heir needs bet t er ?.
The higher you go above Fair M ar ket Value t he f ewer showings you will have. If you pr ice aggr essively, below Fair M ar ket Value, you will get an incr ease in showings, and may end up r eceiving mult iple of f er s wit h buyer s t r ying t o out bid each ot her f or your home.
Percent of buyers who will view property based on price
An asking price that is beyond market range can adversely affect the marketing of a property
Agent Name, RealtorÂŽ
The Risks of Pricing Too High
?Test ing t he M ar ket ? Risks a Longer Per iod on t he M ar ket , and Low er Selling Pr ices
Sellers may want to test the market and price their home high in the beginning. Over pr icing is t he single biggest mist ake a seller can make, especially since t he height of showing act ivit y is when a home is f ir st list ed.
When a home is overpriced, it sits on the market while other comparable homes are selling. The longer it is on t he mar ket , t he less int er est is generat ed, and t he less buyer s will f eel t hey have t o pay. This can make t he home owner anxious, and f eel pr essur ed t o dr op t he pr ice below t he asking pr ice of compet ing pr oper t ies.
Agent Name, RealtorÂŽ
Why Your First Offer is Often Your Best Offer
Another common mistake Sellers make is to disregard the first offer they receive. Of t en, if t hey r eceive an of f er quickly, t hey get over conf ident and t hink maybe t hey could do bet t er if t hey wait f or anot her buyer. Rar ely is t hat t he case. W hen you f ir st list your home f or sale, New Buyers and Buyer s who ar e Waiting for the Right Fit will come see your home. So it is possible, if pr iced at Fair M ar ket Value, t hat you could get a good of f er r ight away. Af t er t ime goes on, and pr icing comes down, you t hen at t ract t he Deal Makers. Then af t er mor e t ime and mor e pr ice r educt ions you at t ract t he Bottom Feeders.
Agent Name, RealtorÂŽ
Prior to Listing
Here are Some Ext ra Things That Can be Done That May Help Your Home Sell Fast er and For a Higher Price
Pr epar e a ?Coming Soon? campaign t o spr ead t he wor d t hat t he pr oper t y is about t o be list ed.
Inst all a lockbox for showings.
Complet e int er ior and ext er ior pr eparat ion.
We r ecommend st aging t he home, wher e possible.
Ar range for phot ography.
Inst all a sign.
Cr eat e a br ochur e.
Not ify my ext ensive cust omer list .
Agent Name, RealtorÂŽ
The Benefits of Professional Photography You Only Get One Chance t o Make an Emot ional Connect ion wit h a Pot ent ial Buyer An impor t ant ear ly st ep in t he mar ket ing pr ocess is t o have your home phot ogr aphed pr of essionally. Homes w it h mult iple phot os get view ed over 5 t imes as much, and list ings w it h pr of essional phot os sell f or mor e money and f ast er , making pr of essional phot ogr aphy a cr it ical f act or in selling your home f or t he best pr ice and as quickly as possible.
The Benefit s of Professional Phot ography -
Art direction - Pr ofessional phot ographer s know how t o capt ur e t he r ight images.
Homes Should Be Staged - An empt y home will never sell for t he same amount as a st aged home.
It?s All About Lighting and Angles - A pr ofessional phot ographer can br ing out t he best feat ur es of a home by mast er ing angles and light ing.
A Good Photo Must Be Composed - A pr ofessional phot ographer will t ake phot os in such a way t hat t he buyer is led t hr ough t he home.
Post-Production - A pr ofessional phot ographer will know which phot os t o choose and how t o enhance t hem t o per fect ion.
Showcasing Your Home wit h a Virt ual Tour W e w ant buyer s t o f all in love w it h your home long bef or e t hey ever w alk t hr ough your f r ont door. W e have t eamed up w it h t he indust r y?s leading vir t ual t our phot ogr apher s t o of f er a cust om online vir t ual t our. Because most buyer s sear ch online f or t heir next home, t he added benef it of a vir t ual t our allow s t he buyer t o bet t er under st and t he layout , f inishes, view s, design, et c. It ?s like having a const ant open house w it h no inconvenience on your par t . A vir t ual t our can capt ur e t he buyer ?s at t ent ion and allow s t hem t o imagine t hemselves in your home.
Agent Name, RealtorÂŽ
MLS & Web Syndication
Your Home's Informat ion List ed on t he MLS The Multiple Listing Service (MLS) is an extensive online database that includes all the listings from participating brokerages. It is the single most important tool that brokerages and agents use when searching for available properties for their clients.
The MLS contains all the properties that are listed for sale in our market area. The instant a property?s data is listed in our local MLS, over 30,000 RealtorsÂŽ throughout the state who are working with the most qualified buyers in the marketplace have immediate access to all of the relevant information needed.
Web Syndicat ion Because over 98% of home buyers use the internet as a tool when searching for a new home, we make certain that your home?s listing is found everywhere potential buyers may look. The MLS syndicates to which in turn reaches the most popular websites for anyone searching for real estate online
Your Home Listed in M LS
Syndication to
Syndication to the Top Real Estate Websites
Your Home Viewed by Thousands of Potential Buyers
New List ing Alert s Many potential Buyers for your property have already teamed up with a RealtorÂŽ, and have been set up on an automated alert system. When a new property that meets their search criteria becomes available, or has a price reduction, that property is automatically emailed to them.
When we list your property on the MLS, your property?s information and photography will be automatically emailed to your ideal target market, which can equate to hundreds of potential Buyers.
Agent Name, RealtorÂŽ
The Power of Reinhart's Website Reinhart ?s Websit e is a One-St op Resource for Your Online Research Browse t hrough open houses or new list ings or search all M LS list ings, get informat ion on your next mort gage or learn more about t he local communit ies, neighborhoods and schools. -
65,000 visit or s per mont h
3 million page views in 2019, fr om 183 count r ies
The Reinhart App - Take t he Power of our Websit e wit h You Connect anyt ime, anywhere! Our app makes it even easier t o connect t o your Reinhart account from reinhart realt while on-t he-go. -
Connect wit h your pr efer r ed agent
View local homes for sale
Cr eat e saved sear ches
Add favor it es ? all at your convenience
Available in t he Apple App St or e for iPhone and iPad and t he Google Play for Andr oid Devices
Easy t o Use Home Search Opt ions -
Proximity Search - View properties within close proximity to your current location while on-the-go.
Perimeter Search - Draw custom boundaries using your finger on the map view to filter homes within a specific area.
Scope Search - Using Augmented Reality technology, Scope Search overlays property details through the customer?s camera, offering additional interactive content and information.
Agent Name, RealtorÂŽ
Key Features of Reinhart's Website
We Make it Easy for Buyers t o Search for Propert ies in Mult iple Ways The abilit y t o focus on exact ly what ?s import ant goes well beyond anyt hing available on t he nat ional real est at e port als.
Quick Search
Advanced Search
Open House Tour
Communit y Informat ion
M ap Search
Proximit y Search
Driving Direct ions
Point s of Int erest
Cust omized Personal Search
Google M aps wit h St reet View
Agent Name, RealtorÂŽ
More Ways Your Home is in the Spotlight
Reinhart Websit e Feat ures
Your Home's Unique Websit e
The New List ing homepage feat ure locat ion
?Schedule a Showing? call t o act ion
Search list ings by Communit y
We offer unique personal websites for each new listing. This market ing feat ure allows us t o direct int erest ed Buyers t o det ailed informat ion about your home.
Open Houses Anot her great way t o promot e your propert y is a public Sunday open house. These are highlight ed on our websit e as well as t he M LS, t he t op four real est at e sit es and ot her syndicat ed sit es. You can also search our websit e using t he open house filt er and get a list of all open houses in t he area.
New List ing Alert s Buyers can set up an Aut omat ed Search t o be not ified of new list ings as t hey hit t he market . If your propert y is what t hey are looking for, we will make sure t hey find it !
Agent Name, RealtorÂŽ
National Websites Feature Our Listings
Nat ionally, These are t he Top Four Real Est at e Websit es If you Google homes for sale in your cit y, t hese are oft en t he first sit es t hat come up. We make cert ain t hat your home?s list ing is found where pot ent ial Buyers may look. All Reinhart list ings are included as ?enhanced list ings?on Realt Dozens of smaller sit es also display Reinhart ?s list ings, maximizing exposure.
Agent Name, RealtorÂŽ
Print Marketing
Newspaper Advert ising Round out t he digit al mar ket ing wit h pr int eak t hr ough t he clut t er.
Post cards and Cust om Propert y Brochures Dir ect mar ket ing cont inues t o pr ove it self as one of t he most successful ways t o generat e new buyer s. St r ong mar ket ing t ools like our post car ds and cust om pr oper t y br ochur es can ent ice buyer s t o make t hat impor t ant fir st phone call. We will send post car ds dir ect ly t o t he ar eas t hat include t he highest pr obabilit y of pr ospect ive buyer s. M any buyer leads ar e generat ed fr om dir ect mar ket ing sent t o t he same neighbor hood in which your home is locat ed. Likewise, we will pr esent your home in an at t ract ive br ochur e wit h an emphasis on adding ?value? t o t he pr oduct , t o help generat e t he highest possible pr ice for your home.
Agent Name, RealtorÂŽ
Get Ready for Showings
Every Showing Count s and You Only Get One Chance t o Make a First Impression! A home t hat is pr esent ed at it s ver y best will t ypically sell fast er , at a higher pur chase pr ice. Her e ar e some useful t ips for pr epar ing your home for showings.
Remove all clut t er, personal object s and unnecessary furnit ure - less is more.
Do a quick dust ing and vacuuming right before showings.
Leave light s on and open all drapes and shades. Be sure windows and blinds are clean.
Be aware of unusual cooking or pet odors. Opening windows can provide fresh air.
Be sure it ems like laundry, dishes, kids t oys, pet it ems, et c., are put away.
Turn off TV, appliances and ot her dist ract ions. Soft music can creat e a posit ive experience.
You Want t o Have Your Home Show Like a Model Home -
Always maint ain your home in ready-t o-show condit ion.
It is always best t o leave during showings. Also, secure pet s or t ake t hem wit h you.
Save business cards of all agent s who show your home.
Be caut ious when t alking t o buyers, you could accident ally weaken your negot iat ion posit ion.
Let us know of any changes in your propert y?s condit ion.
If approached by buyers not accompanied wit h an agent , cont act us immediat ely. Do not let t hem in unescort ed.
All valuables such as jewelry, port able elect ronics, collect ibles and pharmaceut icals should be safely secured.
Agent Name, RealtorÂŽ
Evaluation of an Offer Does it Meet Your Needs?
Here are Some of t he It ems That we W ill Need t o Pay Close At t ent ion To -
Purchase Price - Be sure t o fact or in all t he t erms of t he offer before get t ing excit ed or disappoint ed.
Included Items - Refrigerat or, washer & dryer, hot t ub, furnit ure, art work, et c.?
Excluded Items - Refrigerat or, washer & dryer, hot t ub, furnit ure, art work, et c.?
Water Rights - Do t hey apply? You may need t o employ t he services of a wat er lawyer.
Earnest Money - This is t he init ial deposit . The import ance of t his it em is oft en overlooked.
Method of Payment - Is t his a cash sale, convent ional mort gage or seller financing? How much down payment ?
Special Assessments - Are t here any out st anding or upcoming HOA assessment s? Who pays? Buyer or Seller?
Possession - When does t he propert y legally change ownership? (Buyer receives keys and moves in.)
Seller Disclosure - What informat ion about t he propert y is t he Buyer asking for? Do we have it ready?
Due Diligence Condition - What ?out s? will t he Buyer have?
Appraisal Condition - Is t he sale cont ingent on t he home?s appraisal amount ?
Financing Condition - Is t he sale cont ingent on t he Buyer securing financing?
Additional Earnest Money - Will t he Buyer offer an addit ional deposit of earnest money?
Additional Addenda - Are t here any addit ional t erms or addenda at t ached t o t he offer?
Home Warranty - Is t he Buyer asking for a home warrant y? Are t hey asking for you t o pay for it ?
Mediation - If a disput e arises, how are you and t he Buyer direct ed t o handle it ?
Seller Disclosure Deadline - What is t he deadline dat e for you t o provide all seller disclosures?
Due Diligence Deadline - What is t he deadline dat e for t he Buyer t o complet e due diligence?
Financing & Appraisal Deadline - What is t he deadline dat e for t he Buyer t o cancel based on loan denial?
Settlement Deadline - What is t he deadline dat e for you and t he Buyer t o complet e closing?
Response Deadline - How long do you have t o respond t o t he offer, or count eroffer?
Multiple Offers - As great as it is t o have mult iple buyers for your home, we need t o negot iat e st rat egically.
After considering all terms...Do you Accept, Counteroffer, or Reject the Buyer?s Offer?
Agent Name, RealtorÂŽ
Smooth Closings Are Our Priority
Closing on Your Home -
All t ransact ions are reviewed mult iple t imes t hroughout t he process, result ing in far fewer lat e surprises or roadblocks.
We at t end all propert y inspect ions.
We at t end all closings t o assure t hey proceed smoot hly and are complet ed t o all part ies' sat isfact ion.
Closing! Agent Name, RealtorÂŽ
My Commitment to You
I W ill Prepare You and Your Home for t he Market -
Help you t o priorit ize improvement s t hat could result in a fast er sale or a higher price.
Develop a Comparat ive M arket Analysis t o illust rat e how your home compares t o ot her act ive and sold propert ies in your neighborhood.
Analyze t he direct compet it ion your home will face in t he market place.
Assist you in set t ing an opt imum price for your home.
Arrange phot ography for use in advert ising, t he M ult iple List ing Service (M LS), and online.
I W ill Market Your Home wit h Proven Techniques -
Ensure t hat your home is included in regional M LS syst ems, and on numerous websit es most popular among buyers.
Oversee t he advert ising program for your home.
Furt her publicize your home using email, websit es, Realt orÂŽ t ours, post cards and social media.
Prepare a promot ional brochure.
Not ify exist ing client s of your home's availabilit y.
Conduct open houses when appropriat e.
Use effect ive signage.
Inst all an elect ronic lockbox wit h st at e-of-t he-art securit y feat ures t o facilit at e showings by ot her Realt orsÂŽ.
Agent Name, RealtorÂŽ
My Commitment to You
I W ill St ay on Top of t he Det ails -
Ret urn all of your phone calls and emails prompt ly.
Keep you informed of current market condit ions and pricing.
Track t he sales st at us of compet ing homes.
M ake adjust ment s as needed.
M onit or and report on responses t o advert ising and market ing.
Follow up wit h agent s aft er showings and cont act you wit h t heir feedback.
Respond in a t imely fashion t o all inquiries about your list ing.
Act ively updat e your propert y t hroughout t he list ing period so t hat agent s always have current and accurat e informat ion.
Pre-qualify pot ent ial buyers.
Evaluat e and negot iat e t he best possible price and t erms on all offers.
Prepare and explain an est imat e of your proceeds. Communicat e wit h lenders regarding relat ive cont ingency dat es t o help insure loans are processed in a t imely manner.
Arrange for t he appraisal, survey and t it le insurance.
M onit or and communicat e cont ingency removal dat es t o ensure Buyer and Seller st ay in cont ract .
Schedule t he closing.
Review all document s and at t end t he closing.
Agent Name, RealtorÂŽ
Your Commitment to Me
Showing Your Home t o it s Advant age Ther e ar e a lot of t hings you can do? some big and some sur pr isingly small? t o make buyer s f eel welcome and set t he st age f or a posit ive exper ience. Her e ar e a f ew pr oven suggest ions:
Try t o keep your home in ready-t o-show condit ion at all t imes: beds made, dishes put away, count ert ops clean, et c. Remove all clut t er, family phot os, and unnecessary furnit ure.
Think of prospect ive buyers as guest s. Turn on t he light s and open drapes, fill vases wit h flowers, hang guest t owels in t he bat hrooms, light a fire in t he fireplace if weat her permit s.
Shut off radios and st ereos. Allow t he buyer t o ask quest ions and t alk wit h his or her Realt or® wit hout dist ract ions.
Use showings as a t ime t o run errands or t ake care of ot her personal business. The buyer will feel more relaxed? and more comfort able about viewing your home and asking quest ions.
If you prefer t o be present during a showing, remember t hat silence is golden. As much as possible, let t he Realt or® field quest ions and discuss price, t erms, t iming, and ot her ?big? t opics wit h t he buyer.
Keep your pet s safely out of t he way and, if possible, out of t he house. Be sure your home is free from animal odors, and keep lit t er boxes immaculat e.
Err on t he side of safet y and securit y. Put away your most valuable possessions (jewelry, for example) and show your home only if a sales agent is present .
If you will be away for a significant amount of t ime, please be sure t o let me know before you go, in case we need t o make any special arrangement s for showings, securit y, or maint enance.
Agent Name, Realtor®
Reinhart is a Designated Agency Company
Company Policies Regarding Agency Relat ionships General Policies -
The Charles Reinhart Company will operat e as a Seller?s Agent , Buyer?s Agent , Transact ion Coordinat or, and in one circumst ance, as disclosed Dual Agent for bot h Purchasers and Sellers.
Disclosure of possible agency relat ionships must be made t o consumer at t he earliest opport unit y and prior t o any disclosure of confident ial informat ion by consumer.
All consumer choices regarding agency relat ionships wit h t he Charles Reinhart Company must be in writ ing.
Agency Policies for Seller -
The Charles Reinhart Company will work with Seller as a Seller?s Agent, representing the Seller as a client.
Charles Reinhart Company will work as a disclosed Dual Agent ONLY when a Buyer client under contract with a Reinhart agent wants to make an offer to purchase a property listed by the agent. In that event, a Dual Agency agreement must be signed by the Buyer, the Seller and the agent before any offer to purchase will be presented or negotiated.
Regarding offers of compensation to the various types of ?Selling?Brokers (Subagents, Buyers Agents, and Transaction Coordinators), the Charles Reinhart Company policies are as follows: -
The Seller may choose t o compensat e any or all t ypes of ?Selling? Brokers.
The Charles Reinhart Company recommends offering compensat ion t o Buyer Agent s and Transact ion Coordinat ors.
All offers of compensat ion t o t he different t ypes of ?Selling? Brokers must be equal.
Compensat ion t o any ?Selling? Broker will not exceed 50% of t he ent ire commission paid by t he Seller.
Agent Name, RealtorÂŽ
Thank You! Agent Name, RealtorÂŽ
Market Analysis
Thank You f or Tr ust ing M e w it h t he Sale of Your Home!
M r. & M r s. Jones,
In r esponse t o your r equest f or an est imat e of t he mar ket value of your pr oper t y locat ed at [Addr ess Her e], I have developed an opinion of it s cur r ent mar ket value. M ar ket value is def ined as t he most likely pr ice a pr oper t y will br ing when it is list ed f or sale in t he open mar ket and is given r easonable t ime t o sell. In or der t o ar r ive at t his opinion, I have assembled mar ket dat a f r om comparable pr oper t ies in your ar ea which have r ecent ly sold or ar e cur r ent ly list ed. Your pr oper t y is compar ed t o t hese and adjust ment s in value ar e made f or dif f er ences in size, f eat ur es, sur r oundings, condit ion and amenit ies. In my opinion, t he mar ket value of your pr oper t y as of t his dat e is f r om [$ Amount ] t o [$ Amount ]. Thank you f or t his oppor t unit y t o wor k wit h you. I hope I can be of f ur t her ser vice helping you sell your pr oper t y. Sincer ely,
Agent Name
Agent Name, RealtorÂŽ
Your H eader H er e Your Subheading Here
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Agent Name, RealtorÂŽ
Your Header Here
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Agent Name, RealtorÂŽ
Your Header Here
Lor em ipsum dolor sit amet , consect et ur adipiscing elit , sed do eiusmod t empor incididunt ut labor e et dolor e magna aliqua. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectectur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. SUN TIM ES
Agent Name, RealtorÂŽ
Your Heading Here Subheading Here
Lor em ipsum dolor sit amet
Testimonial placeholder.... consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortissed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt Testimonial placeholder.... aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud r susdiam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt. etuer adipiscing elit, s nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim lobortis sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ?Happy Client
Testimonial placeholder.... consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortissed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt Testimonial placeholder.... consectetuer diam nonummy nibh tincidunt. etuer adipiscing elit, s nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim lobortis sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ?Happy Client
Testimonial placeholder.... consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortissed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt Testimonial placeholder.... consectetuer adipiscing elit, euismod tincidunt. etuer adipiscing eli, snibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim lobortis sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ?Happy Client
Agent Name, RealtorÂŽ
Your Header Goes Here Your Subheading Goes Here
Lor em ipsum dolor sit amet , consect et ur adipiscing elit , sed do eiusmod t empor incididunt ut labor e et dolor e magna aliqua. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectectur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Agent Name, RealtorÂŽ