When is packaging excessive?
The industry needs to prove its involvement and responsibility
Fost Plus helps companies with their prevention
Clarifying opinions In order to better understand consumer perception of what constitutes excessive packaging, Fost Plus and the Packaging and Packaging Waste Platform* ordered a qualitative analysis. The goal of this analysis was to identify which aspects and which types of packaging are being criticized, and to define possible action paths. The results of this analysis are summarized in this brochure. Finding out what opinion leaders think The interviewees were professionals who have good knowledge of packaging-related issues, as well as of prevention principles and strategies. They are active in the political or associated sectors, as well as in intermunicipal authorities and consultancy bureaus. Each person was questioned regarding their selection and purchasing processes when doing their daily shopping. The analysis focused on the individual aspirations of each person. They expressed their own opinions and did not speak in name of their organization.
➡ Communicates its choices better regarding certain types of packaging ➡ Underlines the usefulness of packaging given the requirements of everyday life ➡ Shows that they have already deployed considerable reduction efforts ➡ Continues efforts to reduce the environmental impact related to their packaging
Qualitative analysis carried out by a specialized agency The analysis was carried out in 2010 by Mythos, a company recognized as an expert in market analyses. Approximately thirty people were interviewed for the purpose of this analysis.
Fost Plus provides a wide range of services to companies to help them optimize their packaging prevention policy. The Preventpack Newsletter, for instance, contains numerous special reports and prevention examples informing companies of best practices in the field of packaging prevention. It is published three times a year. In addition, the www.pack4recycling.be Website offers companies the opportunity to ‘test’ the recyclability of their packaging.
Contact For any question related to packaging prevention, send an e-mail to prevention@fostplus.be. www.preventpack.be www.pack4recycling.be www.fostplus.be
Fost Plus also provides customized advice on the eco-design and recyclability of packaging. Companies can also benefit from a diagnosis of their packaging system: an expert visits their site to identify various improvement paths. Moreover, Fost Plus offers customized training courses and seminars to companies.
Perceptions, reality and recommendations Qualitative analysis of the perceptions relating to excessive packaging R.E.: J.Goossens • asbl Fost Plus • Rue Martin V 40 • B-1200 Brussels / Printed on recycled paper • Do not litter public highways • November 2011
The interviewees are well aware of the manufacturers’ logic and efforts in terms of packaging. However, they believe that manufacturers do not explain their choices clearly enough. Enhanced communication would result in better understanding by consumers as to the true environmental impact of a product/packaging combination. The interviewees therefore recommend that the industry:
In-depth interviews were carried out; each individual interview lasted from 45 minutes to 3 hours.
*The Packaging and Packaging Waste Platform was established in order to create a permanent discussion framework. It brings together the Federation of Enterprises in Belgium (FEB), the Flanders Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VOKA), Brussels Entreprises Commerce and Industry (BECI), the Union of Entreprises in Wallonia (UWE), as well as their members.
asbl Fost Plus • Rue Martin V 40 • BE-1200 Brussels T + 32 2 775 03 50 • F +32 2 771 16 96 • fostplus@fostplus.be
Good sorting
Better recycling