Repak Update - Issue 4 - Summer 2013

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Pre Issue 4 Summer 2013

Repak Update

Repak Membership news Repak Board Elections Elections to the Board of Repak will shortly be taking place. Nominations from member companies to seek election as Member Directors of Repak are now being sought. It is intended to fill six Member Director seats through the election process. The Repak scheme operates as a “shared responsibility” model, based on the packaging supply / value chain, and the composition of the Member Directors is intended to reflect that model. Accordingly, nominations are sought from member companies whose business is primarily in the following categories: • Retail (two Member Directors) – companies engaged principally in general consumer retailing in Ireland; • Brandholder (two Member Directors) – companies engaged principally either in the production or import of packaged products supplied to the Irish market; • Distributors/wholesalers/manufacturers/convertors (one Member Director) – companies engaged principally in distribution / wholesale of packaged products supplied to the Irish market and companies engaged principally in the manufacture / conversion of packaging materials supplied to the Irish market; • Scheduled members (one Member Director) - companies who are registered as “scheduled members” of the Repak scheme – mainly, smaller retailers and hospitality companies whose membership fees are based on a schedule of fees derived from audited turnover and estimated packaging tonnage

Persons who are serving members of the main board of directors or senior management team of a compliant Repak member company may be nominated for election. Elected Directors will be appointed for a period of three years, and may seek re-election. No Director may hold office for more than six years. Voting for each Member Director seat will be from companies within the membership categories outlined above, on the basis of one vote per company. Elections will take place in a period starting from the date of this notice, so that a Board is in place by September 2013. Nominations for candidates for election should be sent to: Membership Services Manager Repak ltd Red Cow Interchange ltd Ballymount Dublin 2 Nominations may be sent by post or email ( Tel 01-4670190. Requests for further information regarding the electoral process or related matters may also be sent to this address.

Repak Membership news Repak Members Conference and Awards Repak will celebrate 16 years of packaging recycling at The Repak Recycling Conference and Awards which will be held this year in The Westin Hotel Dublin on Thursday October 3rd 2013. The Repak Recycling Awards recognise the efforts and ingenuity of Repak Members, Local Authorities and Waste Recovery Operators in the area of packaging prevention, reuse and recycling. The events are part of Repak Recycling Week, which will kick off on Monday 30th September. This includes activities and competitions rewarding the efforts of all communities and stakeholders for their achievements in helping to make Ireland one of the success stories of packaging recycling across Europe. For more information, visit the Repak website here

Repak Board and Management A number of changes have taken place within the Repak Board and management. Mr Adrian Goodrich has stepped down as Chairman of the Board, in advance of the forthcoming Board elections. He has been replaced by Mr Eugene Heary as Acting Chairman. Mr Heary is a former CEO of Bachelors Ltd. It is envisaged that a new chairman will be appointed following the establishment of a new Board of Directors. Mr Andrew Hetherington, who was Chief Executive of Repak from 1996 to 2013, has also ceased to be a Director. Mr Bill Collins has been appointed as interim General Manager. The Board will commence the process of appointing a new CEO.

Repak Membership news Corporate Governance for Producer Responsibility Initiatives

The Department of Environment (DECLG) has published a consultative report on the corporate governance structure of Producer Responsibility Initiatives (PRIs). The report is an annex to the main review of PRIs which was carried out by RPS consultants earlier in the year. PRIs operate in a number of waste management streams including packaging, batteries, electronic goods, tyres, farm plastics and end-of-life vehicles. Repak is the largest PRI scheme in Ireland. The report noted that the various schemes operate under different structures and that the DECLG requires a simple, efficient, transparent and easily enforceable legal structure to govern its relationship with the different schemes. Accordingly, the consultants report is seeking to set out some standard practices to determine the relationship between the Department and the various schemes. The proposals are still at the consultative stage, and Repak is currently engaging with the Department to see how the proposals could best be implemented. Repak has already adopted a new set of Memo and Articles which include, inter alia, a revised board structure. Elections to the new board will shortly be taking place (see separate article in this newsletter). There is also a proposal in the report for the establishment of a contingency fund in the event of failure of a scheme. Repak will give close examination to this proposal, having regard to its current “pay-as-you-produce� model for existing producer members. It is proposed that a Service Level Agreement would replace the existing licencing arrangement. This would be a relatively new concept in Irish public service management, and offers the opportunity to provide a results orientated approach to the delivery of services. The report is currently available on the Repak website ( or on the Department of Environment website ( The Department are currently inviting contributions from interested parties on the report’s recommendations.

Repak Membership news Crown and Molson Coors “anti-glugg” vented end cans Crown Beverage Packaging North America has unveiled its new ‘Vented End’ beverage cans for two of Canada’s top selling brands: Coors Light and Molson Coors Canada

Repak & Lidl competition partnership Repak partnered with Lidl this July to promote consumer awareness of the benefits of Repak membership. Lidl fulfils its environmental corporate social responsibility through Repak by paying towards the recycling of the packaging it places on the Irish market each year. Research has shown that CSR is important to consumers when they are choosing where to buy products. Repak has strong positive brand recall and association with recycling, with 75% of all adults in Ireland associating Repak with recycling.

The product of an exclusive partnership between metal packaging firm Crown and beer firm Molson Coors Canada, it features a vented end to allow for, what the firm describes as, a smoother pour, enhanced experience and a unique opening feature. The Vented End features a dual aperture opening, meaning it has two holes rather than the one hole found on traditional can ends.

The end’s design includes a distinctive red tab and a button-shape depression mark to the right of the main opening, Crown said. To use, consumers simply open the can as usual, turn the red tab so that it is aligned over the button, and then press down to activate the second opening. Read the original article here

A competition ran on Facebook for two weeks where entrants were asked questions about Repak and the funding of packaging recycling carried out by Lidl and other Irish based companies. This funding has led to Ireland exceeding its packaging recycling targets, which Repak know is an important message to convey to consumers. Once all the correct answers were input, the entrant was put into a weekday draw for a €50 Lidl voucher. The promotion was a complete success in communicating Lidl’s CSR efforts through Repak membership with over 3,500 entries. If you are interested in participating in a similar promotion with us please contact

Repak Ltd. Red Cow Interchange Estate 1 Ballymount Rd. Clondalkin Dublin 22 01 4670190

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