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Quick Bites

More than 75 cheeses from artisan food producers from around the world will be showcased at the second annual Atlanta Cheese Festival on Oct. 3 from 6 to 11 p.m. at Atlanta Botanical Garden. e festivities will begin with a Grilled Cheese Meltdown competition from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Attendees will have the chance to vote a er sampling grilled cheese sandwich creations from a range of competitors one of which will be crowned Atlanta’s Grilled Cheese Champion. Admission is $35 or $75 for VIP tickets. e event will bene t e Giving Kitchen, which lends a helping hand to members of the local restaurant industry impacted by medical or other unanticipated hardship. For tickets and more information, visit atlantacheesefestival.com.

e Square Pub (squarepubdecatur.com) in Decatur will hold its annual Green Chile Roast on Oct. 4 starting at noon. Activities for the party will center around the outdoor hand-roasting of 8,000 pounds of premium Hatch green chiles, personally selected in New Mexico by Square Pub co-owners Jason Wiles and Bob Rhein. Other highlights will include a special chile-inspired menu and drinks that will blend southern and southwestern cuisine and a green chile chili cook-o .

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