5 minute read
Rehoboth Council on Aging
Francis Hall
27 Francis Farm Road, Rehoboth
Phone 508-252-3372
Fax 508-252-4716
Monday - Thursday 8:00am to 4:00pm
Fridays 8:00am to Noon
The COA will be closed on Monday February20th for Presidents' Day
• Come & Join Us! We have added NEW activities: Acrylic Painting Class, Drums Alive, Hi-Low Jack, Bocce, Cornhole Toss, Paper Crafting Class, Crafty Fun Classes, Watercolor Class
• Stop in and have a cup of coffee and a donut. Wednesday mornings @ 9:00
• We have added Paper Crafting Class and can always use extras scrapbooking & cricut Supplies.
• We are in need of cotton, flannel, and fleece fabric for sewing projects.We are accepting yarn donations for hats & blankets. If you can donate, please call and we will set up a safe and secure drop off
Cribbage 9-11
Walking Club 10:00 NEW start time
10:00 Bocce
10:00 Cornhole Toss
Gert’s Café Noon~~ Limited seating Please call to reserve a seat 508-252-3372
9:00 Zumba
10:00 -Noon Jewelry Making Class
Gabbi will be the instructor
10:00 Bocce
10:00 Cornhole Toss
10:00 Ladies Sewing & Quilting
1:00 Bocce & Cornhole Toss
1:00 Hi-Lo Jack
1:00- 3:00 Crafty Fun Classes (NEW) Taught by Daisy Gilmore.
Walking Club 10:00 NEW start time
9:00 Coffee & Donuts
10:00 Bocce
10:00 Cornhole Toss
10:00-2:00 Nails by Gabbi call the COA for an appointment
Coffee and Dessert from 12:30 – 1:30 (New Time)
1:00-3:00 Acrylic Painting Class Taught by Daisy Gilmore
1:00 Bocce
1:00 Cornhole Toss
1:00-3:00 Paper Crafting Class (NEW) includes Card Making, Stamping, etc (FREE). Taught by Gabbi Silvia Watercolor Class 1:00-3:00
Taught by Daisy Gilmore.
Men’s Coffee @ 9:00
Walking Club 10:00 NEW start time
10:00 Bocce
10:00 Cornhole Toss
Bradley Marshall Outreach/ SHINE/Housing Coordinator is available Mondays thru Wednesdays
9:30 AM to 1:30 PM and Thursdays 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM to assist you with Social Service needs from Fuel, Food, housing, Medical Insurance, and intervention help. Please call for an appointment at 508-252-3372.
If you are at the 200% Federal Poverty levels you may qualify for other assistive programs, therefore give the office a call to review possible programs you may be able to receive. Remember you have paid into these federal/state programs through out your working life so now’s the time to see if your taxes can help you during these inflation times.
Fuel applications to Citizens for Citizens has begun this year for the LIHEP heating year 2022-2023. We have the new application forms here, in the office, for you to apply, which can provide you benefits that would be from $900 and up for the year. We have also been informed that there may be a second round of benefits provide later this year. You can apply for benefits no matter if you own, rent, or lease you home if you are below the 200% FPL ($42,411 single person) you should apply. Those that do go on fuel assistance will be able to get other benefits such as discounts toward: electric bill, on line services, free school meals and discounted admissions to many Commonwealth museums and cultural institutions via EBT Card to Culture
January’s Women’s Luncheon at IHOP. Great food & great conversation.

9:00 Tai Chi
10:00 Belly Dancing
10:00 Ladies Knitting, Crochet, & Tea
12:00 Drums Alive
So, the benefits a quite a lot, especially help with the cost of fuel and bring down your electric bill by 30% and placing you in a restricted category so if you do fall behind on your electric bill, they cannot cut your power. So, call and make an appointment and we will take care of all the necessary reporting for you. Re-certification forms for those on the Fuel Assistance Program for pervious years will be receiving those forms now, so call us to assist you with them to get the Highest benefit possible.
Also, if you are having difficulty with fuel and you are approaching a ¼ tank please call the office and we will attempt to assist you in getting up to 100 gallons.
Questions or needs on Housing should also be directed to this office. We can assist you in the application process for State housing, the voucher program, and review for affordable housing that is open for low or rent based income rentals
Currently applications for Food (SNAP benefits) assistance are still being process, so please call the office on how we can help you with your nutrition needs and save costs on your food bill.
Enrolling in Medicare through the Social Security Administration
To actively enroll in Medicare, contact the Social Security Administration. You can enroll through Social Security in three different ways.
Visit your local Social Security office. If you need to visit your local Social Security office to enroll in Medicare, you should make an appointment. Appointments are strongly recommended so that you can avoid delays and waiting in line phone.
Call Social Security at 800-772-1213 to make an appointment at your local office in Attleboro 888-655-6469. Or you may visit https://secure.ssa.gov/ICON/main.jsp to find the address for your local office.
Enroll online. To avoid waiting in line, consider enrolling in Medicare online. There are two ways to apply for Medicare online:
If you are applying for Medicare Part A and Part B at the same time, you can use the online application found here: www.ssa. gov/benefits/medicare/
If you are applying for Medicare Part B using the Part B Special Enrollment Period (SEP) , there now expanded enrollment date for Part B to avoid any penalties for late enrollment you can use the online application found here: https://secure.ssa.gov/mpboa/ medicare-part-b-online-application
Need help or confused; call Bradley Marshall, Outreach/SHINE office at 508252 3372
Medicare Advantage plan (Plan C)
If you are on a Medicare Advantage plan (HMO or PPO) and you want to change or your doctor has moved; Call Bradley Marshall at the SHINE office to review other possible plans. This option is only open from January 1st to March 31st.
Rehoboth Public Health Nurse
Geraldine Hamel, RN MSN - Available Monday through Thursday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Call 508-252-6502 ext. 3127 or 508252-5947
Stephanie Reis, RN BSN Call 508-2526052 ext. 3128
Offering multiple medical services for our Rehoboth citizens: Home Visits, Vaccinations, Support groups: Bereavement, Caregiver assistance, Dementia support and more
• Wellness Clinic Wednesday
• Podiatry Clinic Last Thursdays of the month
• Blood Pressures & Glucose Screenings:
• Please contact the Public Health Nurse Geri Hamel 508-252-3127 for more information.
Meals on Wheels:
Please contact Bristol Elders, Inc. at (508) 675-2101 for information on the Meals on Wheels program.
Rehoboth Council on Aging
A Municipal Department of the Town Mission:
The Rehoboth Senior Center’s mission is to develop and provide programs, opportunities, and resources to enrich the social, emotional, physical, mental, and economic well-being of Rehoboth’s elder citizens.
The Rehoboth Senior Center shall serve as a community focal point and an inclusive support system where Rehoboth’s elder citizens:
• Can engage in leisure, wellness, educational, and social programs that promote an enhanced quality of life and socialemotional health and well-being
• Can enjoy onsite meals prepared in the senior center kitchen and be served in the building’s dining area
• Can connect to their peers and community
• Can foster inter-generational relationships and shared activities
• Can obtain information on and access to governmental supports and programs that connect people to transportation, housing, nutritional, and economic assistance
• Can gain access to health information and resources to support independence and ensure healthy aging in our community
• Can seek out opportunities for lifetime learning and volunteering and civic engagement
The Rehoboth Senior Center’s vision is to grow and expand our offerings while preserving our commitment to the dignity and worth of every person in our community.
The Rehoboth Council on Aging shall: a. Provide, coordinate and link available resources to help meet the needs of the Town of Rehoboth’s elders. b. Carry out programs and services that range from information on community education, referrals, outreach, transportation, Meals on Wheels, health screenings, intergenerational activities, crafting programs and other programs beneficial to our seniors.
Rehoboth Senior Citizens Club News
The next meeting for the Rehoboth Senior Citizens Club will be February 22, the Fourth Wednesday, instead of the third Wednesday of the month.
It will be held at the Senior Center at Francis Hall, 27 Francis Farm Rd., Rehoboth at noon.
There will be an Executive Board meeting at 11 A.M. prior to the regular meeting.
Hope to see you all there!
Donna Howard, President RSCC