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ChurCh News & eveNts

Rehoboth Congregational Church News Worship With Us Every Sunday

The Rehoboth Congregational Church worships every Sunday at 10 AM. Join us for a wonderful blend of traditional worship with a modern twist. We sing, we laugh, and we enjoy the fellowship of one another’s company while strengthening our faith and serving others. If you are traveling or not quite ready for crowds, you can still worship with us! Our Sunday services are live streamed both on our website www.rehobothcongregational.org/ worshiponline and on our Facebook page www.facebook.com/rehobothcongregational

Mardi Gras Sunday

Join RCC Sunday, February 19th for our annual Mardi Gras Sunday during 10AM Worship

Ash Wednesday

Join Us Wednesday, February 22 at 7pm for our Annual Ash Wednesday Service

Faith Night @ The Providence Bruins

Join RCC at The Providence Bruins 7:05PM At The Amica Mutual Pavilion. All Kids Will Receive A Free Hat & Everyone Receives A Free Poster. Order tickets at www.providencebruins.com/faith *Be sure to note RCC & Town of Rehoboth so that we will be seated together!!

Spaghetti Supper & Dessert Auction

Save the Date for the return of our Spaghetti Supper & Dessert Auction being held on March 25th! More information to follow.

Welcome Rev. Dr. Helen Nablo

Join RCC in welcoming The Rev. Dr. Helen Nablo as our new interim pastor on Sunday March 12th!

Seekonk Congregational Church in Person Sunday Services

We hope you will join us each Sunday at Seekonk Congregational Church UCC at 9:30 AM in the Sanctuary at 600 Fall River Avenue, Seekonk, MA for our weekly service. Please come if you feel comfortable, all are welcome, masks are optional.

We will also have a 2nd service on first Sunday of each month, the next two are Feb 5 & Mar 5 at 11 AM. Communion will be served at both services and child care will be available. Church school will continue at 9:30 AM

We will continue to record our services and they are available the following day at Seekonk Congregational Church YouTube and on Cable 9 Seekonk at 9 AM each morning.

Be a Well Being Group

You are all welcome to attend our monthly Be A Well Being group which provides a supportive and non-judgmental forum for exploring stress management strategies. Medication, prayer, gentle movement, breath work and group discussion. The group meets monthly on the 2nd Thursday of each month from 6 to 7 PM in the Memorial Room or Sanctuary.

Please make note of all our upcoming services and activities:

• 02/09/23 Be a Well Being 6 PM Meditation & Relaxation

• 02/22/23 Ash Wednesday 7 AM, Noon & 7 PM

• 03/04/23 Prism of Praise Concert 7 PM

• 03/11/23 Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner

• 03/19/23 Earnest Workers Mad Hatter Tea 2 PM

• 04/02/23 Palm Sunday 2 Services 9:30 & 11 AM

• 04/06/23 Maundy Thursday Last Supper 7 PM

• 04/07/23 Good Friday Service 7:30 PM

• 04/09/23 Easter Sunday 2 Services 9:30 & 11 AM

• 04/22/23 Yard Sale

No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome at Seekonk Congregational Church.

If you have any questions on the above or wish to subscribe to our weekly newsletter, please email Donna.euell@gmail.com. All events and services are open to ALL. Please check out our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/SeekonkCongregationalChurch/ for updates.

Newman Congregational Church, UCC “Mardi-Gras Sunday”

You don’t have to travel to New Orleans to join in the pre-Lenten season celebration. Come worship with the community of Newman Congregational Church, UCC, and share in wonderful, Jazz-inspired worship…New Orleans style.

A Mardi Gras Traditional Band, featuring trumpet, clarinet, trombone, tuba, piano and squeezebox will lead the music for worship and all ages will be invited to join the celebration.

Mardi-Gras Sunday

Sunday, February 19, 2023 10 am Worship

Following the worship service, all will be invited to continue the celebration in Memorial Hall, sharing in a Fat Tuesday-inspired Potluck Brunch. Wear your purple, green and gold. Beads will be provided.

Newman UCC Invites You to Join Us for Lent

To begin the Christian season of Lent, Newman Congregational Church, United Church of Christ will again be offering the Ecumenical - Drive-Thru Ashes. This event will take place in the church’s parking lot on Wednesday, February 22, 2023 from 6:30am-9am.

This Lenten Season, assisted by resources from the Salt Project, Newman UCC will be offering programming and worship experiences inspired by the poetry of Mary Oliver. Through daily devotionals, weekly worship, and companionship ministries (Lenten Listeners program) it is our hope that your heart will be broadened during this Lenten Season and your attention will make room for what matters most. Full details on these programs may be found on our website at newmanucc.org/lent.

Weekly Sunday Services are held in-person at 10 am and can be viewed on YouTube.com/newmanucc, Facebook.com/newmanucc or newmanucc.org.

February - Racial Justice Book Discussion & Matinee

As part of Newman Congregational Church, United Church of Christ’s ongoing commitment to education and dialogue on structural racism and white supremacy, we invite the wider community to participate in our monthly book discussions.

The book group meets using the Zoom platform on Monday evenings from 7:00pm to 8:30pm EST over three consecutive weeks.

Our February discussion of “The Third Reconstruction” by Peniel E. Joseph will be held on the following three consecutive Monday evenings; February 6, 13, & 20.

Also in January, IN-PERSON SHOWING: Netflix’s “Amend: The Fight for America” hosted by Will Smith. We will watch Season 1 Episode 2 at Newman Congregational Church at 2:00 on Sunday, February 26th. Find how to register below or walk-ins are welcome!

Interested in participating? Visit our website to register at newmanucc.org/ministries/racial-justice.

Newman UCC is an Open and Affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ and extends this invitation to one and all, living out the example of Jesus’ extravagant welcome.

Newman Congregational Church, United Church of Christ is located at 100 Newman Avenue, Rumford, RI 02916. For more information, contact the Church Office at 401-434-4742 X10.

Massachusetts Automobile Insurance

Massachusetts is one of the twelve states in the United States that have enacted “nofault” automobile insurance. Under a no-fault insurance system, your own insurance company pays for or reimburses you for the cost of certain specific expenses arising from an automobile accident, regardless of who is at fault. The centerpiece of the no-fault system is known as “PIP”, which stands for Personal Injury Protection. Personal Injury Protection benefits are compulsory insurance coverage on all Massachusetts-insured cars and trucks. PIP benefits provide protection for you as an operator, for passengers in your vehicle, for others driving your vehicle with your consent, for household members and for pedestrians struck by your vehicle. PIP benefits that are available include: the payment of reasonable and necessary medical expenses, vehicle replacement services, funeral and burial expenses, and 75% of lost wages (up to a maximum of $8,000.00). If you examine your automobile insurance “Declaration Page” you will be able to determine the types of insurance you have purchased, the limits of your coverage, and the premium that you are paying for each of the specific coverages.

In Massachusetts, a certain amount of automobile insurance is compulsory and protections above the compulsory amount are classified as optional. Compulsory means that you must have these coverages and the amounts required by law to legally operate your car or truck. The four compulsory coverages are: (1) Bodily injury to others; (2) Personal Injury Protection; (3) Bodily injury caused by an uninsured automobile; and (4) Damage to someone else’s property. PIP appears as item #2 on the standard automotive insurance coverage selections page. The optional coverages available to Massachusetts motorists include: increased optional bodily injury coverage, collision, medical payments, substitute transportation, and towing. If you have never read your automobile insurance coverage selections page, it is certainly beneficial for you to do so now, before you are involved in a motor vehicle accident.

For example, most people do not realize the benefits provided by uninsured and underinsured motorist coverages. Many accidents are caused by negligent drivers who only carry the minimal amount of compulsory insurance for bodily injury. In 2023, the compulsory amount of bodily injury insurance coverage is $20,000.00 per person and $40,000.00 per accident. This means that if one person is injured by a negligent driver, the maximum amount that person can recover from a driver who only has compulsory insurance is $20,000.00. If two or more people are injured in the same accident by the same negligent driver, the maximum amount of money that an insurance company would have to pay for the actions of a driver with only compulsory coverage is $40,000.00, regardless of the number of cupants injured by that driver’s negligence.

To protect you and your family and avoid the unforeseen consequences of being injured by a negligent driver with limited insurance, Massachusetts insurance companies offer what is known as Underinsurance and Uninsured motorist coverages. If you purchase these coverages on your own policy before an accident occurs, you will have extra coverage above the compulsory limits that are required by law. The Massachusetts government website:s https:// www.mass.gov/info-details/basics-of-autoinsurance offers a detailed explanation of the basics of purchasing automobile insurance. All too often consumers purchase insurance coverage without understanding what is required and what is prudent. The type and amount of automobile insurance that you purchase can protect you and your family in the unexpected and unfortunate event of a motor vehicle accident with an uninsured or underinsured driver. You should understand your policy and coverages before you need to make a claim. If you are in an automobile accident, you should consult a lawyer to better understand and preserve your rights.

492 Winthrop Street, Suite 5

Rehoboth, MA 02769

Tel: 774-901-2677

Fax: 774-901-2678

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