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Specialty Hospitals in the US - Industry Market Research Report Published on August 2011
Report Summary Introduction
Long life ahead: Seniors in need of long-term care will support growth, though profit is set to fall Description
Specialty Hospitals in the US
In for the long haul Demand for specialty hospitals will continue to rise over the next five years, driven by an aging population and new technologies. While fluctuating Medicare reimbursement rates and a shortage of skilled healthcare personnel have hampered profitability, the industry has proven to be resilient. As a result, revenue will experience steady growth over the period. The industry includes firms that provide diagnostic and medical treatment to inpatients with a specific type of disease or medical condition. This category includes hospitals that provide long-term care for the chronically ill and those that offer rehabilitation, restorative and adjunctive services to physically challenged or disabled people. The industry does not include psychiatric or substance abuse hospitals.
This report covers the scope, size, disposition and growth of the industry including the key sensitivities and success factors. Also included are five year industry forecasts, growth rates and an analysis of the industry key players and their market shares.
Major Companies
Kindred Healthcare Inc. Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Healthsouth Corporation
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TABLE OF CONTENTS ABOUT THIS INDUSTRYIndustry DefinitionMain ActivitiesSimilar IndustriesAdditional Resources INDUSTRY AT A GLANCEINDUSTRY PERFORMANCEExecutive SummaryKey External DriversCurrent PerformanceIndustry OutlookIndustry Life Cycle PRODUCTS & MARKETSSupply ChainProducts & ServicesDemand DeterminantsMajor MarketsInternational Trade Business Locations COMPETITIVE LANDSCAPEMarket Share ConcentrationKey Success FactorsCost Structure BenchmarksBasis of CompetitionBarriers to EntryIndustry GlobalizationMAJOR COMPANIESOPERATING CONDITIONSStructural Risk IndexInvestment RequirementsTechnology & SystemsIndustry VolatilityRegulation & PolicyIndustry AssistanceTaxation IssuesKEY STATISTICSIndustry DataAnnual ChangeKey RatiosHistorical PerformanceJARGON & GLOSSARY
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