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FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 2014

For a review of “Transcendence,” see Page 3

We saw you at... Russ Rothermel Tournament in Minersville

Good Friday tradition See Page 2

Ellen and Bill Wiley, Ringtown

Chris, left, and Logan Burke, Frackville For more photos from the baseball game, see Page 5

Easter tradition

36th annual Trek of the Cross to be held in Gordon today




Jeff Nemeth, Frackville, will take on the role of Jesus Christ for the 36th annual Trek of the Cross in Gordon. The trek will begin at 12:15 p.m. today.


FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 2014

or the 36th year, the story of Jesus Christ carrying the cross to Calvary will be told through the streets of Gordon. The Trek of the Cross will begin at 12:15 p.m. today from Simpson United Methodist Church, 119 Biddle St., and will circle the block before arriving back at the church for a 1 p.m. service. Freewill donations will be accepted at the church. Rose Yost, who has walked in every trek since it started in 1979, said her husband, Elmer, started the tradition as a way to spread the day’s message to those who couldn’t make it to church. “My husband started it for people who were housebound and couldn’t get out to the service, to bring the message of the service to the town,” Yost said. Jeffrey Nemeth, Frackville, will portray Jesus Christ for the fifth time. He is the third member of his family to don the crown of thorns, and will do it until his successor is big enough. “He is going to do it until his young lad can do it,” said Yost, who is Nemeth’s greataunt. Elmer was the first to portray Jesus and his original plan was to hold the trek for 12 POTTSVILLE (PA.) REPUBLICAN HERALD


Brandon Herling, Hazleton, took on the role of a guard during last year’s trek. years, one year for each Apostle. At the time of his death, Yost had completed 10 treks. To finish Yost’s mission, his nephew, Edward Labie, Girardville, carried on the tradition. Labie kept the trek going until 2009 when he passed the cross over to his nephew, Nemeth. “They wanted to continue it in Elmer’s memory,” Rose said. Over the years, the trek has expanded. In 1979, Elmer carried the cross by himself. A year later he had a friend portray a soldier and by the third, he had two solider costumes. Rose said church members participating this year will be wearing the costumes Elmer made during the first few years of the trek.

Yost said there is no rain date. She said only a few times over the previous 35 years has weather affected the trek. One was the first trek after Elmer died when it rained. “Even the heaven’s cried for him,” she said. According to the National Weather Service, mostly sunny skies are expected today with a high in the mid-50s. Yost is proud of the annual event and feels it’s an important thing for the people to see. “It’s a lovely tradition and like my nephew Ed Labie said when he took over, ‘What else would you do on Good Friday,’ ” she said.

‘Transcendence’: All sizzle, no steak

That man would have the hubris to reach the level of a god is a notion that has long animated both myth and literature. To see such ambition brought low is a story that never gets old, and that premise is the best part of “Transcendence,” a belabored science-fiction fantasy that aims for what its title advertises and falls far short. In his first film as director, acclaimed cinematographer Wally Pfister (“The Dark Knight Rises,” “Inception”) has made a movie that predictably looks good but has little substance beneath its shiny, digitally enhanced surface. Johnny Depp is Will Caster, the Tony Stark of artificial intelligence, a hotshot scientist and Wired cover boy on the verge of a breakthrough in the merging of man and machine that he believes could be the answer to hunger, disease and other global ills. His best hope is a computer called PINN (Physically Independent Neural Network). But the work he and his colleagues — including his wife, Evelyn (Rebecca Hall), and best friend Max (Paul Bettany) — are doing has sparked opposition from a terrorist group called RIFT (Revolutionary Independence from Technology). This outfit wants to unplug humanity from machines altogether. This doesn’t include explosive devices and guns, though, and the group uses them to take out many of those working with Depp and another AI pioneer, Joseph Tagger (Morgan Freeman). Their attempt on Will’s life at first seems to have failed — he is shot but survives — but then it turns out the bullet was coated with a radioactive material. With only weeks to live, Will, along with Evelyn and Max, decide to upload Will’s mind into PINN so that his brilliance is preserved.

Brothers release, is rated PG- entry in the series gave Way- though. Wayans beats it to 13 forsci-fi action and violence, ans’ upwardly mobile new death, then to smithereens, bloody images, brief strong homeowner a head-spinning then to dust motes. Of course, the law of uninTo the limited degree that language, sensuality. Running freakshow of a girlfriend. tended consequences being Those demons banished, he the film works, it’s thanks to time: 119 minutes. ★★ what it is, Will’s ego and takes another shot at subur- the all-in commitment of the “AHaunted House 2” sense of power increase ban life with his new girl- cast. In a Santeria blood-sacexponentially once his mind Imagine a Venn diagram friend (Jaime Pressly) and rifice ritual, Wayans has to is paired with the seemingly charting three qualities: Silly, her two teenagers. catch, pummel and slaughter limitless power of a machine gross and dumb. At the point Once again the road to set- a chicken that turns out to be that can tap into all of the where they overlap you will tling down and relationship remarkably uncooperative world’s computers and see find the fright film spoof “A building is strewn with super- and tough. The scene is a everything everywhere. Will Haunted House 2,” a scatternatural stumbling blocks. Way- master class in physically wants to eradicate cancer shot, anything-goes affair ans is repeatedly hypnotized punishing over-the-top slapand conflict — a good thing that’s unapologetically stuby a chalk-faced, creepy-eyed stick. Pressly is winning as — but seeks to link everyone pid. Proudly stupid. Aggresantique doll whose erotic mag- Wayans’ oblivious, cougarish in a “hive mind” with him at sively stupid. ic sends him into a mating new squeeze. Gabriel Iglesias the controls. Not so good. The film is writer/star frenzy, typically when Pressly provides good-humored ethThat’s when both Evelyn Marlon Wayans’ take on subor her kids are approaching nic awkwardness as Wayans’ and Max, who are totally urban ghost stories. Putting the bedroom door. Hispanic neighbor, and CedTeam Will at first, come to the himself at the center of that The star’s gymnastic, flesh- ric the Entertainer returns realization that maybe this usually lily-white genre gives baring humping and randy as a serenely sinful exorcist. man-machine thing wasn’t him a target-rich environ- pillow talk is funny at first. The film parodies a lot of such a bright idea after all. ment for broad, politically It’s not the kind of joke that movies that deserve it and While “Transcendence” incorrect satire. The first improves with repetition, one or two that deserve better has nothing new to say about absolute power corrupting absolutely or the friction between technology and humanity, it still could have been an engaging thriller. But it’s lined with plot holes so big that they take you right For Showtimes: 570-874-2505 • www.schuylkillmalltheatres.com out of the movie. www.facebook.com/schuylkillmalltheatres Evelyn, while still in Will’s thrall, marches into a desert Playing 4/18 - 4/24 town with millions wired into her bank account by all-powRIO 2 G OCULUS R erful Will, hires a crew of local 12:15P, 5:30P 1:00P, 4:00P, 6:45P, 9:45P ne’er-do-wells and then seemRIO 2 3D G CAPTAIN AMERICAN 2 PG13 ingly overnight secretly builds 3:30P, 8:00P 12:00P, 9:30P a sprawling, wired campus that makes Google headquarDIVERGENT PG13 HAUNTED HOUSE 2 R ters look like a tiki shack. It’s 12:00P, 3:15P, 6:15P, 9:15P 3:00P, 5:30P, 7:30P from here that Will, like The Brain on the old “Pinky and TRANSCENDENCE PXC PG13 HEAVEN IS FOR REAL PG the Brain” cartoons, plans to 12:30P, 4:00P, 6:30P, 9:00P 12:45P, 3:45P, 6:45P, 9:30P take over the world. But wouldn’t someone take notice? The local power company? The mayor? The NSA? And then the explosions Experience Good Food/ Drinks and a movie in start and “Transcendence” the VIP Auditorium at goes the way of so many bigbudget movies where perfor- CAPTAIN AMERICA 2 3D 21+ PG13 DRAFT DAY 21+ VIP PG13 3:30P, 9:15P mances are subservient to 12:00P, 3:00P, special effects. But even on HAUNTED HOUSE 2 VIP 21+ R 6:15P, 9:15P this basic level, “Transcen1:00P, 7:00P BAR & GRILL dence” isn’t very special. HAPPY HOUR SPECIALS DAILY “Transcendence, a Warner


Schuylkill Mall


(the sublimely scary “Sinister” gets a thorough drubbing, turning its occult killer into an accident-prone klutz). The script is lazy, recycling countless genre clichés rather than inventing novel twists. The jokes aren’t just painted in broad strokes, they’re applied with a roller. But at least in one way, “A Haunted House 2” improves on the first entry in the series. That film had a long, gratuitous shot of Nick Swardson’s bare rump, a horror that the sequel spares us. “A Haunted House 2,” an Open Road Films release, is rated R for crude and sexual content, nudity, pervasive language, drug use and some violent images.Running time: 87 minutes. ★½

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1:15, 4:20, 7:15, 10:15

FEATURING IN REALD DIGITAL 3D: RIO 2 IN DIGITAL 3D (G) (1:00, 4:00), 7:00, 9:40 CAPTAIN AMERICA: WINTER SOLDIER IN DIGITAL 3D (PG13) 12:30, 3:45, 6:45*, 9:45 A HAUNTED HOUSE 2 (R) (1:40, 4:40), 7:30, 10:10 BEARS (G) (12:30, 2:30, 4:30), 7:10, 9:20 TRANSCENDENCE (PG13) (12:45, 4:00), 7:00, 9:50 HEAVEN IS FOR REAL (PG) (1:30, 4:20), 7:10, 9:40 RIO 2 (G) (1:30, 4:30), 7:20, 9:55 DRAFT DAY (PG13) (12:45, 4:15), 7:15*, 10:00* OCULUS (R) (12:50, 4:20), 7:20, 10:05 CAPTAIN AMERICA: WINTER SOLDIER (PG13) (12:45, 4:00), 7:05, 10:05 *TIMES NOT SHOWING WED.


FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 2014


Here comes the ‘no thank you’

When a woman reaches a certain age, she can expect changes. Things aren’t how they used to be and things aren’t where they used to be. Lines may find their way onto a once youthful complexion as her glory days fade away. Growing older isn’t something to fear, considering the alternative, but although I don’t find myself overly concerned with age just yet, one thing that drives me directly up a wall and down the other side is this nonsense: “How or why are you possibly not married?” or “Don’t you want children?” or “You know, you aren’t getting any younger. It may be time to settle down.” Therein lies my problem. If settling down involves “settling,” then you can keep it; it’s just not for me. Just as standards of beauty are unfair, so is this imaginary timeline telling women — and men, believe me, I’m sure they hear it, too — when they have to do what in life. In case you haven’t noticed, times have changed. As people become more independent in their thoughts, they realize guidelines

I’ll share my top three reasons why I haven’t gotten married: Jenna 1. Because “all the cool kids are doing it” has never Wasakoski done it for me. Trust me, at a certain point, I had about 12 bridesmaid dresses floating around my closet and thoughts crossed my mind as to why drawn up by people comeveryone was getting marpelled to define what’s normal in life aren’t necessarily ried and I was not. They crossed my mind, but then I what everyone needs to folpolitely allowed them to low. Still, that doesn’t stop leave the vicinity of my people from ogling someone head. over 30 like a circus freak at Doing anything just the discovery they haven’t because everyone else is does yet tied the knot or produced not equal the same happioffspring. ness or outcome for all. Like Marriage and children my parents said when I was work really well for some. a kid, “Well if ‘what’s-theirThere are those who want name’ jumped off the Camsuch a thing immediately eron Bridge, would you, after high school or college. too?” No. I would not jump That’s fine. Like I always say, off the new or the old Camerto each his own. Some are on on Bridge. Nor would I get their fifth marriage by the married because “what’stime they are 30 and some their-name” did because the follow their dreams and end result of either scenario attend clown college. Every- seems a bit uncomfortable. one is different; what works 2. I’ve seen marriage. for one does not necessarily Relationships are hard. work for another. They’ll give you the highest Keeping with the theme of highs and lowest lows you’ll over-sharing in an attempt to ever feel in life. I know a make this column relatable, handful of people in my gen-

eration who have really loving, functioning marriages. Do they fight? Of course they do. But they find each other important enough to work on their issues in an effort to grow and make their relationship stronger. I admire those people. Love is a beautiful thing and they value the importance of it and make it work. However, I’ve also seen another side of marriage. I’ve been a bartender for almost 15 years now and I’ve seen my share of cringe-worthy behavior from both husbands and wives. It’s honestly sad and disappointing. Never in my life do I want to be the woman whose husband feels the need to go to the bar and complain about on a daily basis. Never in my life do I want to be the woman whose husband feels the need to lie about his whereabouts to. Trust is golden. While innocent stretching of the truth may not be so bad, elaborate story lines, twists and plots are unnecessary. If you don’t trust each other enough to allow the other to have their own fun once in a while, trouble lies ahead.

Heed the warning. Something is certainly amiss. It’s not just bar behavior, either. I’ve said before: “Facebook is the biggest barroom on the planet,” and that is apparent if you look at the amount of messages, mostly unopened, in my inbox from so-called happily married men. Perhaps that’s something a girl should find flattering. No, thank you. Sure, there are unique situations where people may be faced with a crumbling marriage and may need someone to talk to. That’s not even close to what I’m talking about. I’m talking about the guys who are seemingly happily married. They have their profile pictures with their

wife, they post how lucky they are, they generally allow the world to believe they are in a state of marital bliss. Mind you, I’m not trying to sell out men only, I’m pretty certain female infidelity may be far worse. I’m just speaking from my own personal experience. It’s a shame, really. I feel pity for your spouses. I’m sorry. Have I said too much? Am I making you nervous, fellas? If my addressing this finds you bitter and that means you won’t message me anymore, perfect. That works out well for both of us. 3. I still believe in love. Love can sting a bit at Please see JENNA, Page 7

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FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 2014


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We saw you at ... the tournament on Saturday Mary and Luke Sajone, Shenandoah

Zierra Treshock, left, and Brianna Schlauch, both of Ringtown Dean and Jolene Dombrowski, Shenandoah

Christie Hutira, left, Frackville, and Jacklyn Smolock, Girardville

Marcella, left, and Helene Creasy, Shenandoah


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FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 2014



ANNUAL DRAMATIC STATIONS OF THE CROSS — 7:30 p.m., St. John the Baptist Church, 10th and Mahantongo streets, Pottsville. Doors open 6:30 p.m., preludes begin 7:15 p.m. Freewill offering accepted. Call the church rectory at 570-6225470 for more information. ANNUAL GOOD FRIDAY FISH DINNER — 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., Schuylkill Masonic Temple Association, 1000 E. Market St., Orwigsburg. Adults $9.50, children 12 and under free. Menu includes baked haddock, choice of fries, baked potato or mac and cheese, string beans or corn, apple sauce or pepper cabbage, and dessert. Takeouts available. Call 570366-1385. AMERICAN RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE — 1 to 6 p.m., Fairlane Village mall, Route 61, Pottsville. To schedule appointment, call 800-REDCROSS or visit www.redcrossblood.org. Must be 17 years old, meet height and weight requirements and be in generally good health. Bring Red Cross blood donor card or other form of positive ID to donate. BAKED HADDOCK DINNER — 3 to 6 p.m., First United Methodist Church, Fourth and Mahanoy streets, Mahanoy City. Cost $9, includes mac and cheese, stewed tomatoes, cole slaw, dessert and beverage. BLEENIE SALE — 11 a.m. to sellout, William Penn Fire Company, Route 54. For or-





MONDAYS KARAOKE 8-12 PM 570-754-7259 • Summit Station

ders and free local delivery, call 570-462-0338. DISCOVERY PLAY GROUP — 9:15 to 10:15 a.m., every Friday through May 23. Schuylkill YMCA, 520 N. Centre St., Pottsville. Cost for members $30, non-members $50. Parents and child play group for children ages 1-3. To register, call Lori at 570622-7850. EASTER FLOWER SALE — 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. today and 9 a.m. until sellout Saturday, Schuylkill Haven Borough Hall parking lot. Sponsored by Schuylkill Hose Company No. 2. Call 570-385-0393. FISH DINNER — 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Gilberton United Methodist Church, Main Street, Gilberton. Cost $9, includes baked or breaded fish, mac and cheese, stewed tomatoes, pepper cabbage and dessert. FISH FRY — 5 to 7 p.m., Tremont Fire Company, Middlecreek Road, Tremont. For orders, call in starting at 4 p.m. at 570-695-3915. FOOD PANTRY — Hosted by New Life in Christ Ministries, 3:30 to 5 p.m., 217219 Market St., Cumbola. Emergency food pantry available by appointment only, call 570-277-6041. GOOD FRIDAY PASTA DINNER AND BAKE SALE — 4 to 7 p.m., St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church, 462 W. Ludlow St., Summit Hill. Eat in or take out. Baked goods available 1 to 6 p.m., parish hall.

HADDOCK DINNER — 11 a.m. to sellout, Newtown Volunteer Fire Company, 36 Wood St., Newtown. Cost $10, includes fresh breaded haddock, mac and cheese or potato salad. Call 570-695-3777. LENTEN DINNER — 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., St. Michael social hall, 110 N. Morris St., Saint Clair. Adults $10, children $6, includes breaded or baked fish, stewed tomatoes, mashed potatoes, vegetable, roll, coffee or tea and dessert. Eat in or take out. Halushkie available. For takeouts and delivery, call 570429-2138. LENTEN DINNER — 4 to 7 p.m., East Norwegian Township Fire Company, 16 Sunshine St., Diener’s Hill, Pottsville. Meal includes fish, shrimp, crab cakes, fries or mac and cheese and vegetables. Adults $8, children $4, senior 55+ special $5. Eat in or take out. Free local delivery. LENTEN DINNER — 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., Altamont Fire Company, 215 S. Green St., Frackville. Meals start at $8.25. Dinner includes crab cakes, haddock and shrimp, fries, hush puppies, vegetable, roll and dessert. Eat in or take out. Delivery in Frackville area. Call 570-874-7238. LENTEN DINNER — 4 to 7 p.m., Schuylkill Hose Company No. 2, 51 St. Peter St., Schuylkill Haven. Choice of crab cake, breaded or broiled haddock, fried shrimp, scal-

Weekend Specials Friday

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FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 2014

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loped potatoes, fries or scalloped potatoes. Fish sticks meal available for children. Call 570-385-0393. LENTEN DINNER — 5 to 8 p.m., Humane Fire Company, Third Street and Laurel Boulevard, Pottsville. Eat in or take out. Free delivery in Pottsville. Call 570-622-5891. LENTEN FOOD SALE — 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., Ryan Township Fire Company, 945 Barnesville Drive, Barnesville. Platters $10, includes haddock, shrimp or crab cakes with choice of macaroni and cheese or french fries, green beans or corn, roll and coleslaw. Halushki, pierogies and clam chowder also available. LENTEN PIZZA SALES — Pick up 5 to 8 p.m. or sellout, Ringtown Valley Fire and Rescue Company, 46 W. Main St., Ringtown. Cost $10 each, $1 for each extra topping. Delivery available in Ringtown area. To order, call 570-889-3245. LIVING STATIONS OF THE CROSS — Presentation by Active Christian Teens In Our Neighborhood Youth Group, begins 7 p.m. at St. Cecilia Chapel, South Catawissa Street, Mahanoy City, and move west on Mahanoy Street to Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Roman Catholic Church, 600 W. Mahanoy St. ROLLIN’ ON THE RIVER EGG DROP — 3 to 5 p.m., Gordon Park, Hobart Street, Gordon. Egg drop, 4 p.m., Little Mahanoy Creek. Pictures

with Easter Bunny. Sponsored by Friends of Gordon. SPRING BREAK YOUTH NIGHT — 7 to 9:30 p.m., Schuylkill YMCA, 520 N. Centre St., Pottsville. Cost for members $3, non-members $5. Open to children grades 4-8, includes use of teen center, movie and popcorn, doughnut on a string contest, and Wiffle, dodge and kick ball. Call YMCA at 570-6227850. UNBAKED LENTEN PIZZA SALE — 2 to 6 p.m. every Friday, West End Fire and Rescue, 700 W. Mahanoy Ave., Mahanoy City. Whole cheese $12, half cheese $6 with toppings mushroom, onion, sweet and sassy peppers, pepperoni or ground sausage, $1.25 whole, $.75 half. Garbage pies whole $16, half $8. To place an order, call 570-778-6118. Walk-ins welcome.

SATURDAY ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT HAM AND DANDELION SUPPER — 3 to 7 p.m., Pine Grove Masonic Lodge, 23 Oak Grove Road, Pine Grove. Adults $11, children’s platters available. Takeouts available. Call 570-345-0165. AMERICAN RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE — Noon to 5 p.m., Schuylkill Mall, Frackville. To schedule appointment, call 800-RED-CROSS or visit www.redcrossblood. org. CHINESE AUCTION AND


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EASTER BASKET SALE — 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Schuylkill Mall, Frackville. Fundraiser for day care and children’s drop-in center at mall. Sponsored by Schuylkill Mall Day Care. CRAFT/VENDOR SHOW — 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Summit Station banquet hall, Summit Station. DANCE — 9 p.m. to midnight, Newtown Volunteer Fire Company, 36 Wood St., Zerbe. Music by Mind Set. Cover charge $5. Call 570695-3777. EASTER EGG HUNT — 2 to 4 p.m., North End Fire Company, 118 N. Tulpehocken St., Pine Grove. EASTER EGG HUNT — 1 p.m., Saint Clair Fish & Game. Open to children ages 10 and under. EASTER EGG HUNT — 1 p.m., Shenandoah Girls Softball Field (Bicentennial Park), Shenandoah. Age groups are 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, and 9-10. Donations of wrapped candy, plastic eggs, stuffed bunnies, toys, monetary donations appreciated. Donations may be dropped off at Shenandoah Area Free Public Library or call 570-462-3730 or 570-4622465 to arrange for pick-up. Sponsored by Shenandoah Area Youth Volunteers. Please see CALENDAR, Page 8



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JENNA Continued from Page 4

times, but, despite that, I still think it’s the coolest. Life would be empty without it. And although many may cite citizenship, financial stability or offspring as reasons, there is truly no other reason to get married than love. George Jones himself said it: “Only love can make a golden wedding ring.” So, pardon my ignorance if I missed the class growing up that encouraged I use someone for my own personal gain or just because it’s convenient or expected. I’ve never dated someone for their money. I’ve never dated someone because they have a fancy car or expensive clothes. I don’t like to be “fixed up” because someone’s also single and a “really nice guy with a good job.” None of that has ever mattered to me. Not once have I just sucked it up because, although there was no spark, I felt bad for being single and decided I’d learn to tolerate someone I truly didn’t want to be around. That’s just not me. I’ve said it before, I’m not good at faking it. I need someone who is fun, who, for the most part, makes my life better. My dad jokes I should hang around Geisinger’s parking lot looking to land a doctor because of the way I spend money, but I have zero interest in anyone taking care of me financially. I’ll always earn my keep in an

effort to keep the motivation I need to work hard for the things I want in life. I’m nothing without goals and dreams. And as cliché as it may sound, my life’s riches are measured in happiness, not hundred dollar bills. In any relationship I’ve ever been in, my biggest priority and only motive was a shared happiness. I have never used anyone as anything but a counterpart to my own laughter and good times — I like a partner in crime, so to speak. In the end, my goals are simple: Be happy, contribute to others’ happiness and laugh as much as humanly possible. In keeping with that theme, if marriage and children fall into place, so be it. But I won’t do it for the wrong reasons and I won’t force into it because it’s expected. I’m doing OK. I promise. It’s no secret I’m not as young as I once was, but, lately, I almost feel as good as I’ve ever been, and with or without marriage, I only plan on getting better. (Wasakoski is an assistant editor at The News-Item)

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How’d he do that?

Dear Mark: I witnessed something interesting once while I was playing blackjack. The dealer, about every 15 minutes or so, would yell out a card, and low and behold, that exact card would appear. I am not kidding. He must have done it three times in an hour. Once it was a seven of diamonds, later the three of clubs, and I cannot remember what the third card was, but he guessed it right. What do you think was happening here? Any chance the deck was prearranged so he could call out a specific card. Neil K. What you witnessed was a bored dealer, with a delusory belief that he can call up a card at will. I was one once, delusional that is, with my go-to card being, Athena, the queen of spades, the Greek goddess of war. I would dumbfound players, but their selective memory only remembered when I called out a card that helped or hurt their hands, and not the 98 percent of the time that I was dead wrong. So, no Carnac

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the Magnificent here, nor with your clairvoyant dealer. Nevertheless, any dealer shuffling a deck of cards has to ensure the cards get as mixed up as possible. Even if it were a sloppy shuffle, you would be surprised to know the staggering number of ways a deck of 52 cards can be arranged. There are 80,000,000,000,00 0,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0 00,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000 (67 zeros) ways to arrange a deck of 52 cards. Shuffle any deck of cards at the kitchen table, Neil, and you now have an arrangement that possibly has never existed before, anywhere.


M&T Movies at the Majestic Saturday, April 19, 7:00 p.m. Free Admission and Popcorn

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do, Bob, and you too Lois, is let the casino floor be your classroom. So, allow me to recommend my favorite book when it comes to video poker. For the average player struggling to understand and apply the proper strategies for video poker, my pick for Smarter way an easy-to-grasp, straightforDear Mark: ward book is “Victory at VidWe always learn someeo Poker” by Frank Scoblette. thing when we read your colOnce you learn to distinumn and very much appreci- guish the decent paying ate what you pass along. machines from the dogs, and Thank you! We enjoy video then apply the proper stratepoker, so, is there a better gies for the hands that you way to play smarter? are dealt, you will watch, Bob and Lois with pleasure, the direction Because video poker can your hard-earned money be a positive expectation starts flowing. game, it is the one video Gambling Wisdom machine offered that really of the Week gives the player a chance to “Mathematics... are a good get the best of the casinos. A servant to the poker player caveat to that statement is that you must select the best but a bad master.” — Hubert Phillips, machines, and, just as “Profitable Poker” (1960) important, know which (Pilarski can be reached at cards to hold. What you never want to pilarski@markpilarski.com)

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The casino will do any and everything to avoid a dealer jeopardizing game security. Topping that list is avoiding having a dealer who can physically pull out a particular card at will, or even thinks he can.

Mark Pilarski

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FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 2014


CALENDAR Continued from Page 6

M&T MOVIES AT THE MAJESTIC — “Despicable Me 2,” 7 p.m., Sovereign Majestic Theater, 209 N. Centre St., Pottsville. Free admission and popcorn. Hosted by Pottsville Recreation Commission and sponsored by M&T Bank. PRIDE OF WICONSICO EASTER EGG HUNT — 1 p.m., Wiconsico Park. Children walking to age 10 may participate. POTTSVILLE CRIMSON TIDE SOFTBALL DANCE — 8 p.m. to midnight, Pottsville Zone, Peacock Street, Pottsville. Advance tickets $20, at door $25, includes food and beverages. DJ provided TK Entertainment. Call Jen at 570-292-4301 or Kim at 570-449-0420. TICKETS FOR RONAN TYNAN PERFORMANCE — Noon to 2 p.m., BG’s Value Market, King’s Village Plaza, Minersville. Performance at 2 p.m. May 4, Pottsville Area High School auditorium. Tickets $30 in advance, $40 at door. Sponsored by Schuylkill County medical professionals. Call 570-544-4674. FREE CLOTHING AND FREE MEAL — 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. third Saturday of every month, St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, 1931 E. Wiconisco St., Reinerton. Call Dale Oxenrider at 570-617-1530 or

717-647-4855. FREE KITCHEN KETTLE MEAL — 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. third Saturday of every month, Restoration Fellowship Church, 201 W. Oak St., Shenandoah. All are welcome. MEETING — Black Diamond Writers’ Network, 10 a.m. to noon third Saturday of each month, Tamaqua Public Library, 30 S. Railroad St., Tamaqua. Call Kathy at 570645-3059. OPEN HOUSE — Tremont Area Historical Society, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., borough building, 19 N. Pine St., second floor, Tremont. Society open third Saturday of each month. NUREMBERG AREA FOOD PANTRY — Open 9 to 11 a.m. third Saturday of each month, North Union Township Municipal Building. Pantry serves Nuremberg and parts of Union, North Union and East Union townships. Site contacts are Joe Markoskie at 570-384-4130, and Susan Driscoll at 570-3844342. Schuylkill Community Action facilitates food pantry. PINE GROVE AREA FOOD PANTRY — 9 a.m. to noon third Saturday of each month, PGACC Church School, 200 School St., Pine Grove. Pantry serves Pine Grove borough and Washington and Pine Grove townships. Site

contact is Cathy Nagle at 570-345-3033. Schuylkill Community Action facilitates the food pantry. RINGTOWN VALLEY FOOD PANTRY — Open 9 to 11 a.m. third Saturday of each month, Union Township Municipal Building, 155 Zion Grove Road, Ringtown. Pantry serves Ringtown borough and parts of East Union and North Union townships. Site contact is Suzie Drukker at 570-8893755 or 973-906-9636.

SUNDAY ANNUAL EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE — 6:30 a.m., point amphitheater in front of clubhouse, Sweet Arrow Lake County Park, Pine Grove. Service led by pastor of Pine Grove Wesleyan Church, includes Easter Devotional and live music. Free breakfast served following service. For more information, call church at 570-345-8422. EASTER CANTATA — “In the Presence of Jehovah,” presented by Echo Valley Grace Brethren Church Choir, directed by Ruth Carl, 10:30 a.m., Echo Valley Grace Brethren Church, Route 125 between Pine Grove and Tremont. For directions or more information, call Ruth at 570-695-2136.

‘Salem’ hopes to put spell on TV viewers BY ROB OWEN PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE

Another cable network rushes into the original scripted programming fray this weekend with WGN America’s debut of “Salem” (10 p.m. EDT Sunday), a loopy but-not-loopy-enough witch show. Set in 17th-century Massachusetts, the “Salem” pilot is long on setup and doesn’t get crazy until about 30 minutes in when a witch appears to give the Heimlich to a wheelchair-bound elderly man who vomits up a frog, which then appears to suck on the witch’s thigh before she shoves the frog back down her husband’s throat. Perhaps if “Salem” had gone for the crazy earlier — a literal backwoods witchcraftinduced abortion isn’t as sensational — it might be more appealing to viewers with an appreciation for cheesy TV. But the “Salem” pilot is rather plodding except when occasionally punctuated by these more gonzo scenes. The story begins in 1685 as Jersey Acres Market Stone Mountain Wine Cellars Wine Tasting Daily

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-11:30am - 10pm Lobster Bisque Soup Stuffed Mushrooms Sauteed Jumbo Lump Crab Meat Broiled Sea Scallops Chesapeake Baked Haddock Jumbo Lump Deviled Crab Baked Crab Au-Gratin Stuffed Shrimp

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FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 2014

- Set Ups $10.00Info 570-294-9808 POTTSVILLE (PA.) REPUBLICAN HERALD

John Alden (Shane West, “Nikita”) leaves Salem, promising his beloved Mary Sibley (Janet Montgomery, “Made in Jersey”) he’ll be gone only one year. Seven years later, Alden finally returns to Salem and a lot has changed. There’s a witch panic — public hangings of suspected witches are routine — and Mary is married to another man and she’s not only practicing witchcraft, but also she’s secretly leader of the local coven, with an able assist from her helper, Tituba (Ashley Madekwe, “Revenge”). But when in public, she portrays herself as anti-witch, saying, “There is something worse than a witch hunt: A witch.” Local minister Cotton Mather (Seth Gabel, “Dirty Sexy Money”), who has some unholy peccadilloes of his own, leads the witch-hunt


LEGION POST 374 42 S.Tulpehocken St. Pine Grove


crusade. But it turns out these witches are crafty and have a plan that rewrites what viewers learned in their American history classes. “The witch hunt has begun and we will be running the trials,” Mary says. “We’ll use the trials to turn the puritans against one another!” As written by executive producers Brannon Braga (“Star Trek: Voyager”) and Adam Simon (“The Haunting in Connecticut”), the tone of Sunday’s pilot varies wildly from self-serious early on to high camp later in the episode. And unlike the recent “American Horror Story: Coven,” there’s little effort made to inject much winking humor. In time and with a greater effort to be over the top, “Salem” could evolve into a guilty pleasure. But its first impression offers little magic.

Lakeside Ballroom Presents


April 19th


MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) Starting at 7pm Doors open 5:30pm


Crab Cakes Haddock Baked Ham




April 26th The Legends (Best of 50’s, 60’s, 70’s Music) Playing 8pm-11pm Doors open 7pm 40 Crystal Lane • Barnesville



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