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Tripping and traveling
It wasn’t so long ago when marijuana users were warned about tripping out with too much grass. But today that’s the way to go as people increasingly take cannabis along for the ride when they travel—but the caution signs are everywhere.
The federal government still bans the use of cannabis across the U.S., so traveling across state lines with it on planes, trains or automobiles is illegal, even when going from one pot-friendly state to another.
Bringing cannabis along for the ride is essentially limited to in-state travel, and if you’re on the road make sure your CBD and THC are tucked in the trunk, not inside the vehicle. Just like alcohol, cannabis must be out of reach and stowed away for the ride.
“Cannabis comes in handy when less desirable aspects of a vacation happen,” says Lisa Black, head of training and education at Insa. The company grows cannabis, manufactures cannabis infused products in Massachusetts and sells them at two stores in Springfield and one in Easthampton.

Black says cannabis can be a great travel buddy.
“Maybe you partied a little too hard the night before and you’re feeling some tummy trouble the next day. Using cannabis is great way to relieve nausea. If you have sore and achy muscles from walking around and seeing all the sights, cannabis lotion is a soothing, pain-relieving lifesaver,” she continues.

Traveling can be an exciting adventure for some, a time to relax for others—but it is a stressful sojourn for many people. While getting there can be part of the fun, some dread crowded airports and taking to the air. Cannabis can help jittery travelers relax, but it’s illegal to take it on planes.
“You can still use cannabis to settle down when you fly. Try taking an edible before you board the plane. The delayed effects of edibles will kick in during the flight. That way you’re not bringing any cannabis into the airport, but you’re still feeling medicated,” says Black.
Once travelers get to their final destinations, if cannabis is legal, they can find a dispensary and buy what they need.
So Many Choices
There are many ways to consume cannabis, and product experts can make sure you travel happy trails when you use it. You might want to think twice about taking cannabis infused brownies, candy or anything else that might melt on a hot summer day. But not to worry; there are many other options.
“One thing that is amazing about the cannabis industry is the innovation that is constantly occurring. It’s a little difficult for consumers to keep on top of all the different ways that cannabis has innovated. I’m sure people think it’s just brownies and joints, but we’ve moved far, far past that,” says Black.
Variety comes in handy especially when people are staying with friends and relatives who hate the small of pot, or who simply don’t approve of cannabis altogether.
That’s when it pays to be discreet.
“Vaporizers have botanical derived terpenes and those are nice because they smell less like cannabis and very much like lemons and oranges. You don’t smell like you’ve been smoking a bowl,” says Black.
Helping people plan trips has long been left to travel agents, but taking cannabis along for the ride poses a host of issues and opportunities, and the customer service staff at Insa knows how to help.

“We tell our team when somebody comes in, even if they’re an old school person who’s used cannabis for a long time, guide them through the maze of products that may not be the first things on their minds,” says Black.
For more tips and information, email info@myinsa.com, visit Insa.com or call 877-500-INSA seven days a week from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Vaporizers: These powerful devices come pre-filled with concentrated cannabis. Clementine or seasonal berry lemonade smell and taste great, giving a little energy boost while still relaxing weary travelers.
Tinctures: These underappreciated products offer lots of versatility. Tinctures are typically dropped under the tongue or infused into foods. As well as pure THC varieties, tinctures come in a wide range of choices, including those with high levels of CBD—an excellent choice if you’re excited from adventures and need to sleep for an early outing.

Lotions: Easy to pack and travel with, users won’t get high due to the way bodies absorb lotion. THC and CBD work together to help with sore muscles, bug bites, sunburns and more.
Insa has 5 retail locations in Massachusetts:
Avon, MA (20 Stockwell Drive)
Springfield, MA (506 Cottage Street)
Springfield, MA (1200 W Columbus Ave)
Salem, MA (462 Highland Avenue)
Easthampton, MA (122 Pleasant Street)
In addition, Insa has the following:
One medical dispensary in Ohio, Eight medical dispensaries in Florida, (a 9th opening in mid-summer)