What you need to know about international shipping and domestic shipping When you want to ship your parcel through a shipping company, you can get confused with shipping cost. Thus it is imperative that you understand how these companies work beforehand, so you will know about timeframe, system and expenses. This article will provide you with the difference between international and domestic shipping. Domestic shipping is the transportation of goods within a country. This form of transportation covers short distances, for instance taking goods from one city and delivering to another, or at times it covers larger distance too which includes shipping goods from East coast to West coast. The term International Shipping is utilized for the transportation of merchandise from one country to another. In contrast to domestic shipping, the distance traveled is usually very large. But again, it can also cover small distances, for instance traveling few miles but if it transfers goods from one country to another, it will still be called as international shipping regardless of the miles traveled. Whilst traveling distance is a key element in costing, there are other elements that are also important and should be considered. Domestic shipping with larger distance covered may cost less than shorter international shipping because there are other costs involved too. When some goods cross a border, you will frequently need to pay extra expenses, for example, excise and custom charges. These expenses are imposed by numerous nations to help the local economy from crippling. Excise and custom charges frequently change from country to country, implying that it can be less expensive to ship to a nation which is further away, than it is to ship to your neighbor country. Reason for this could be that the government might make negotiations with those nations to minimize international trade fees. In addition, the methods for international and domestic shipping can vary. Countries with international shipping mostly use air freight shipping or ocean shipping, while the domestic delivery may use roads for deliveries. However, international shipping can be done via roads and domestic shipping may use aircrafts too, because the mediums to shipping are always open to both types of shipping. It mostly depends upon the time period in which the shipping has to be made, and the area where the goods need to be dispatched to. For instance, if you want to deliver something via airplane, it will definitely reach sooner, but may charge you more at the same time. And similarly for shorter routes, flying would be unfeasible so one should choose road to deliver goods to save cost. http://www.researchomatic.com/international-trade-178471.html