ArmA guiDanCe
The most common cause of fires is an electrical fault
FIRE SAFETY advisory noTe
ARMA’s advisory note for flat owners looks at fire safety both in individual flats and the common parts of blocks
This advisory noTe explains some general guidance about fire safety that applies to all blocks of flats. Your landlord or agent should have issued you with the correct advice which is applicable to your own block either in the form of a leaflet or as a fire safety notice posted in the common parts. Most fires in blocks of flats start in one of the flats. The most common cause is electrical fault, for example from overloaded sockets. Fires may also be caused by cigarettes that have not been put out properly; those smoked by someone leaning out of a window and throwing the butt away may end up falling through the open window of a neighbour’s flat. Chip and frying pan fires are caused when someone forgets to turn off the gas and fragranced candles are popular but do make sure they are properly extinguished.
Preventing fires in your flat
The best protection from fire is prevention. Your landlord and managing agent have a Issue 13, Winter
Flat Living