Responsible ARTistry Magazine Issue II

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Responsible ARTistry

Magazine July-Aug 2013 | Issue II

Enhancing and Saving Lives


Carolyn Malachi JUL-AUG 2013 Issue II

Editor’s Note Hello Beautiful Creative Souls, Welcome to the second Digital Issue of Responsible ARTistry Magazine. There is a quote by Alan Lakein that

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says “Time = Life, Therefore waste your time and waste your life or master your time and master your life.” I am finally understanding what that truly means. I want to make sure that the time you spend add your to

on reading value to life. This TIME ,

our magazine will your time and to issue is dedicated INDEPENDENCE

& FREEDOM. How we spend, how we earn, how we cultivate and how we use them. The ARTists featured in this issue have all used their TIME to reach amazing heights within their respective crafts. They are Independent and Free. Our Cover ARTist Carolyn Malachi has continuously used her time to partner with phenomenal musicians, organizations as well as other ARTists. Enjoy your TIME with us and as the words to Carolyn Malachi’s new song says “You Don’t Wanna Miss This” so read on. We Are All Creatively Amazing, 2

JUL-AUG 2013 Issue II

Responsible ARTistry Magazine Using Our Influence as ARTists to Enhance & Save Lives

Founder And Editor-In-Chief Laura “Mahoganee” Amiger

Founder and Business Manager Andre “CheefahDray” Amiger

Contributors Paulette Edwards @FashionFwdLette Contributing Writer/Blogger Heather Jones-Dukes @SkitSkatSkatter Contributing Writer Eugenia Azo @EugeniaSaysMoo Video Blogger Enoch El Shamesh @ElShameshPhotos Photographer LaTosha Brown @MsLaToshaBrown Contributing Writer/Blogger Cier Black @CierPR Contributing Writer


JUL-AUG 2013 Issue II


the way you think…..Your brain is soooo sexy. Jedi Mind Tips on Dealing with anything… Inspired by Mommy

Tip# 2

Sit. Have a Cup of Coffee or tea. Breathe. Understand that you do not know it all. You don’t even know half of it. The IT that I speak of is LIFE. Stop saying NO to what you do not understand before you even try to. Be courageous and allow your brain and your heart to be open like a parachute. You just may surprise yourself. -@mahoganee

On The Cover Carolyn Malachi B

We are an InterActive Magazine. Click on the icons to visit that page. Click to watch the videos within the magazine. Have Fun. 4

Cover Photo Credits of Sun Chase Media

JUL-AUG 2013 Issue II

CONTENTS Remembrance: 6 Ben Tucker

JUL/AUG 2013

Our Future Leaders 7 Miles Brown

ARTistry 101 8

Cover Feature: 9 Responsible ARTistry Talks To Grammy Nominated ARTist & Philanthropist Carolyn Malachi

Have You Heard 13

While We Were Out

Responsible ARTistry talks to Grammy Nominated Artist & Philanthropist Carolyn Malachi


Music Reviews by Heather Jones-Dukes 16 Goodie Mob f/Janelle Monae Substance Abuse f/KRS-One

An Independent Journey by Paulette Edwards 18

Ask Ms. LaTosha by LaTosha Brown 19

Hey There Beautiful By Megan Bunny Blash

DIY PR by Cier B. 23

i AM…. 25

Make A StateMent 26 El-Shamesh Photography

What’s da Word 29

What’s Happening Next 32

Eye Candy ART 34


Beauty From The InSide Out by Eugenia Says

The Indie Scene 35 Chaquis Maliq

22 5

JUL-AUG 2013 Issue II


A PAST THAT will never be forgotten

B. Curabitur.


A successful musician, businessman, and community leader, Ben Tucker has traveled a long road from his roots in Nashville, Tennessee. Given his diverse history of accomplishments, the one thread that ran through the fabric of Ben Tucker’s life and professional career was his outstanding commitment and determination to succeed. He performed with all the top musicians of the day, including Herbie Mann, Billy Taylor, Buddy Rich, Peggy Lee, Cy Coleman, Red Norvel, Tommy Flanagan, Quincy Jones, Gerry Mulligan, Ellis Marsalis, and Sam Cook. He was inspired by the heady New York scene to start composing. Authoring over 300 compositions, he has many commercial successes to his credit. Ben Tucker made a life-long contribution to the world of jazz. He performed over a 30 year span. A legacy of Contributions, Love, Life and Laughter.

JUL-AUG 2013 Issue II

Our Future LEADers

121/2 yrs old | 7th Grade Russell Middle School

5th Grade Vice-President Honor Roll Student All Gifted Classes Boxer Dixie Youth All-Star Baseball Player BETA Club Vice-President 4H Club Member & Vice-President Student Council Vice-President Entrepreneur


JUL-AUG 2013 Issue II

ARTistry 101:

♦ Think Outside the Box & Color OutSide the Lines ♦ Maximize Your Time by Setting & Writing Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly Goals ♦ Understand you cannot do it alone, Great Collaborations are Key & Fundamental to Success ♦ Find a Mentor (someone who is where you want to be and do what they do, learn from them) ♦ Ask for Help ♦ Pride will slow you down but Humility will speed up the process.

Waste your money and you’re only out of money, but waste your time and you’ve lost a part of your life. –Michael LeBoeuf 8

JUL-AUG 2013 Issue II

Responsible ARTistry Magazine


CarolyN malachi A Beautiful Dreamer On The Road To Gold 9

JUL-AUG 2013 Issue II



eautiful Dreamer. Singer-SongWriter. Poet. Philanthropist. Grammy-Nominated. SunShine. Carolyn Malachi is all of the above; she is no doubt a Smart Chick with timeless material and class for millenniums. It is indeed an honor for us to be able to have her grace our cover. As we listen to songs from Carolyn’s upcoming album “The Road To Gold” we are reminded of childhood memories, smiles, moments with my family and goodness all around. The music is soothing and charismatic. We are quite InSpired by her short but big career. The choices in content, collaborations, vocal delivery, writing style are all so organically & phenomenally put together and the fact that Carolyn is an Independent ARTist makes the dream that much sweeter. We love INDIE at RAm. RAm: How did you CM: I have the Creator to punctuated by job loss, may think that odd, but without a full-time invest in my craft. I started taking voice community arts events which allowed underground Spoken Word scene community; and I joined the thereafter the happened. Oh, yes:


KickStart your Life/Career? thank for a rocky two-year period foreclosure, and illness. Some folks job I had a wealth of time to lessons; I organized me to understand the and its value to the local Recording Academy. Soon Grammy nomination What did T.D. Jakes say? “A setback is a setup for a comeback.” Amen! RAm: What was the defining moment for you as a Music ARTist? CM: Performing in South Africa with Asheru and Hip Hop Pantsula put some things into perspective. First, I saw how celebrity could be used to draw attention to social change issues. HHP, for example, is easily JUL-AUG 2013 Issue II

the biggest celebrity in South Africa. He uses his brand to shed light on xenophobia, HIV AIDS testing, even the rise of women football (soccer) players. Asheru started the Hip Hop Education Literacy Program which uses hip hop lyrics to teach students how to read. Heretofore, I just wanted my music to bring people together. HHP and Asheru’s leadership enhanced my perspective RAm: What books have you read that have inspired/energized you? CM: Steve Stoute’s The Tanning of America and Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich are two favorites. Let’s add one more- Onward by Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz RAm: As an Indie ARTist that has reached amazing plateaus in your career such as being nominated for a Grammy how do you stay focused on creating a powerful and amazing body of work? CM: Thank you. Having a list of priorities helps. Also, surrounding myself with a team comprised of people who are much smarter than I in very specialized areas helps. Everyone on my team each manager, producer, musician, attorney, agent etc. - is a whiz kid of some sort. Most of all, we love music, and our standards are super high; I’m talking Kilimanjaro. RAm: You’ve made the choice to partner with excellence in your philanthropic efforts, was that a choice you made from day one or did you grow into that frame of mind? CM: The strategic partnerships with The School Fund, Carmelita Group, and others evolved organically. RAm: Can you share with our network the musical lineage within the Malachi legacy that began with your grandfather John Malachi? CM: To my knowledge, in my great-grandfather’s line, I am the only Malachi to pursue music as a career. I have a responsibility to honor the foundation he established. I see it this way. If your great-grandparents immigrated to the United States from Italy, they earned enough money to buy land, and you eventually inherited that land. Would you neglect the land, till the land, or sell the land to developers? I choose to till - to cultivate and build. RAm: As such a responsible ARTist, where do you envision yourself in the next 5 years? CM: Within the next five years, I expect to be working full time in my craft as a world-class songwriter and performing artist. I expect my music to ignite the people. I expect to headline soldout world tours. I expect my music to spark ideas which lead to conversations and then to change. I expect my music to be heard ubiquitously and continuously. I expect the miracle because I trust God.


JUL-AUG 2013 Issue II

RAm: Are there any changes within the music industry that you would like to see take place or implement yourself? CM: I would like to see more women music engineers. Hopefully the young women who listen to my music will be intrigued by the mastering engineer, Emily Lazar. I want people to ask questions about who creates their music, just like we look at food labels when we go to the grocery store. Today, women comprise only 5% of the music industry’s producer and engineer population. Perhaps we would hear balanced stories of womanhood if more women were involved in the telling. RAm: How have you or will you enhance and save lives with our youth? CM: Songs like Beautiful Dreamer and Free Your Mind are very inspirational. I hope parents are playing those songs for their children. In fact, I know that they are. Free Your Mind is a source of pride. The video was used to raise hours of class time for The School Fund’s students in East Africa. We will continue that effort, the #IAM Campaign, with the release of the GOLD album. Each download will generate one class hour, which TSF can give to any of its students around the world. RAm: Who are your life influences or mentors? CM: My grandparents are my strongest influences. They are the most loving, compassionate people I know. When it comes to truth telling, they shoot from the hip. RAm: Are there any goals you currently have that you can share with us? CM: The GOLD album will be out soon. With this album, I am describing "GOLD" as being an ever-appreciating commodity: self-empowerment. I want listeners to absorb these stories about their inner Gold, and learn how to embrace and transform into this state of being by album's end. -R.A.m. To learn more about Carolyn Malachi’s Road to Gold please visit her website at Twitter: @Carolyn_Malachi Facebook: /CarolynMalachi Instagram: @CarolynMalachi

Click on Picture to watch Video


JUL-AUG 2013 Issue II

Photo Credit to Noir Ink Photography

The Concert Pianist, Conductor & Compose Damien L Sneed Go to for more info of Reesa Renee… Check out what you’ve been missing at

Photo Credit to Noir Ink Photography

“Home is Where the ART” is by Substantial Go get it at::::

Uncommon Mercy: Songs From a Dozen Lands by Rusty Edwards Available July, 2013

“Life is short, live it. Love is rare, grab it. Anger is bad, dump it. Fear is awful, face it. Memories are sweet, cherish it.” – Unknown 13

JUL-AUG 2013 Issue II

While We Were Out



Photos Credits 14


Building Bridges For Small Business Hosted by Cier B. Public Relations Your Dependable Broker LLC – ATL Tax

Meet & Greet Mixer

Atlanta Airport Hotel IndigoWhiskey Bar

Sponsored by: Hotel Indigo | Survival Radio Network The Atlanta Journal-Constitution Atlanta Voice | MVPwork | Hudson Group (HsG) NatBo. The Edge, Inc.


JUL-AUG 2013 Issue II

This Is Your Brain on Music (Review by Heather Jones)

“Special Education” Goodie Mob ft. Janelle Monae

Special Education

is the latest single from the upcoming album “Age Against The Machine”. This track is the epitome of what I would picture the album to sound like. Goodie Mob and Janelle Monae are using an Afro Futuristic approach in connection with a Dubstep sound. Dubstep is a genre of electronic dance music that originated in South London, England. The music generally features syncopated drum and percussion patterns with bass lines that contain prominent sub bass frequencies. When listening to these sounds all you can think of is machines and technology. It’s like listening to a fight during a Transformers movie. What I love most about this single is that the message is one of importance in a time where so many are trying to reach success by emulating what they see. In the music industry, especially for African Americans, too much of the influence has a negative spin on it. The hook that Janelle Monae sings has powerful lyrics that one could consider to be a part of the Afro Futurism Movement. She says:

“I don't wear the clothes you wear I'm just different and I don't care It's kind of sad and it's a shame Everyone wants to be the same If you are listening here and now I'm sure I can show you how It's okay to be afraid Don't you want to be special” Afro futurism in one definition is to believe in the power of a positive future for blackness. It is to say that the stereotypes so many people conform and make into norm will not be what the future holds. It seems that it has now become popular to be like everyone else or to embrace the ignorance one group may have placed upon another group. Goodie Mob is trying to, in an Afro futuristic way, make this ignorance and current way of life more transparent that others may see through it and break out into originality. It is ok to like and admire other things around you, but to change your ways and who you are, to be a part of it is where the problem lies. In the song it says that VIP stands for Very Insecure People. What better way to say it? Everyone trying to be in VIP, trying to be in the limelight, trying to make sure everyone knows their name. But for what? What are they bringing to the table that hasn’t been done before or what are they improving on to build a brand with solid foundation? In the words of Goodie Mob, “No one's original, Attack of the Clones Invasion of the swagger-snatchers, Aim for the dome.” Special Education. Here’s the link to preview for yourself: 16

JUL-AUG 2013 Issue II

“Rear View” Substance Abuse ft. KRS-ONE Review By Heather Jones If you were to think about a rear view mirror what would be the first thing that comes to mind? Like most people you would think about seeing what is behind you in order to decide on your next move. Substance Abuse and KRS-ONE are using that same concept in this song off the album “Background Music”. “Background Music” marks the long awaited return from one of hip hop’s most revered and critically acclaimed groups, Los Angeles based outfit Substance Abuse. Known for rhymes and beats that evoke what has now come to be known as hip hop’s golden era, Substance Abuse has tracks that will endear modern audiences to a style of music that is consistently yearned for but seldom made. With contributions from legends like Tash of Tha Alkaholiks, KRS-One, Percee P, MC Eiht, Sadat X, and Max Julien (The Mack), Background Music is the album that true fans of the genre have been waiting for. “Rear View” is all about remembering and paying respect to those hip hop artists that came before, and using their lessons to become better. They tell about how in the past artists had more respect and that we are headed towards a future with fewer chances. How does that make you feel to hear that we are headed towards a future with fewer chances? For me it is motivation to find the purpose of my life sooner rather than later. A lot of what people feel and think about themselves is based upon what they download into their soul, mind, ears, and heart. “Rear View” has a line that says, “If I’m gonna listen ya’ll betta make me think.” Can you really change your future chances without stimulating your mind? This song at first listen did not evoke a strong feeling from me, but after listening the second time and really giving it my full attention I smiled with every further listen. It made me think and open my eyes and mind to a different way of thinking. It offers you an old school vibe, but the lyrics are of a future presence. The song is definitely worth the listen and might just help you in the future. Respect the past, Live in the Now, and Leave Something for the Here After.

Click on Album Cover to Preview Track


JUL-AUG 2013 Issue II

An Tndependent Journey By Paulette Edwards

I’ve been gone from everything that I consider normal since September 2012, my children, my family, my church home, my career in fashion and the things that most take for granted. Most may look at me with a confused look on their face trying to figure out why I would decide to go to Afghanistan. Prior to arriving overseas I had applied for several years after giving birth to my oldest Kahlia Edwards. A sequence of events occurred in my life some built me up and others broke me down. I faced being a single parent head on, I fell in love, eventually got married, gave birth to my son Rodney McCombs, later divorced and relocated to Charlotte, NC. When you desire so much more for your life and your prayer is simply for God to order your steps, He will. When He feels you are ready he will begin to open doors for you pouring out more blessings than you could ever imagine. Don’t ask why, you just walk in His will. So often we go through life making decisions based on those around us. Whether its family, friends, associates or random people that simply want to feel involved, don’t allow them to decide for you. Don’t ever feel that you have to live your life like anyone else. The book of life isn’t black and white; each person’s story is different. We weren’t placed on earth to be like anyone else, we are each beautifully and wonderfully made. This morning as I walked to work in silence I thought about a few of the decisions I’ve made over the last 29 years. Some were made in haste with little to no thought others I assumed I had accurately planned. Ironically days or months later I shake my head like Lette, this wasn’t what you expected it to be. I call those moments “Life of Lette.” I once felt like a Jack in the box, because I would allow things to get me all excited and with little thought I would react. My Mother Paulette D. Edwards always tells me “Lette, pray about it and allow God time to answer.” Regardless of how many times she would tell me this it would always sound foreign. Spontaneous behavior was one of my favorite characteristics. I could formulate an idea on Monday morning and something totally different by Monday night. It’s imperative that whatever your situation is and regardless of how fast you feel there should be results it isn’t in our time that things are revealed to us. For example; if you’re going through a divorce, breakup, financial hardship, being a single parent, uncertainty on your job, family dilemmas or simply anxiety thank God in the process. Don’t pray for him to end the situation. Pray that He brings you through it and whatever lesson he intended you to learn you grasp it. Pray God opens your heart to feel, your ears to hear him clearly, your eyes to see in the midst of the storm and that He places your feet so that you can walk in the steps He desires for you. As time has progressed I’ve slowed down on making decisions so quickly. I’ve learned to constantly pray and wait until light is shed on my situation. I’m sure my Mother would smile from ear to ear to know this. I know God knows the true desires of my heart just as I know the promises He has for my life. I have to remind myself that things won’t always happen when I want them to simply because based on the track record when I make plans for myself things get crazy and most times I have to retract my steps. My daily prayer is that God continues to use me even when I fall short because it isn’t about me! It’s about being obedient and sharing the message. Photo Credits Bleusol Photography 18

JUL-AUG 2013 Issue II

I’m not a perfect person but I desire to have a strong relationship with God. Just like any learned behavior, you don’t master it over night. It requires dedication, studying and a willingness to learn. I pray for those that have done wrong by me, for those that I’ve hurt, my children, my siblings, my mother, financial freedom, my friends and associates. I didn’t want to ask for anything just wanted to let him know how appreciative I am for the seen and unseen blessings that he’s aligned for me. Constantly I’m reminded to speak things into existence. Knowing that as long as I have a pure heart and I lean not onto my own understanding that he will be my constant help. I know that every test that I’ve been experienced was a part of my testimony. I speak to others without any reserve because I know being alone only makes the pain last longer. Looking forward to an abundance of blessings in the next phase of my life. -by Paulette Edwards

Ask DEAR LaTosha Love, I am FRUSTRATED! I’m an independent artist and musician with over 20 years of professional performance experience. I have played with a number of other well -known artists and top musicians throughout the country. I have just completed my first music project and I feel like I am not getting the support that I need and deserve. For years, I have played and performed with tons of people but now it seems like I can’t get any support from them. I feel used and ignored by the very people that I have supported and worked with for years. I want to keep playing and making my music but quite frankly, I am starting to lose hope. FRUSTRATED BLUE NOTE Greetings Blue Note, It is a painful experience to feel unsupported; perhaps you can look at your situation from a slightly different perspective. Years ago, I has a similar experience and in a moment of deep disappointment and depression I went to talk with a mentor. I told him how hurt my feelings were upon discovering that many of the people that I supported were now refusing to support my project. He gently said to me, “Why are you so focused on “the people you know” supporting you? Think about all of the people that DON’T know you but support your work all the time.” Of course that wasn’t the answer I was expecting but I learned a valuable lesson in life through that simple truth. Sometimes support comes from unexpected places and unexpected people. Don’t get hung up on who is NOT supporting you. Focus your time and energy on completing and marketing your project. Sometimes our break through and greatest blessings come from sources (places and people) that we weren’t expecting. You should trust that someone(s) will value your project! Focus on creating such an EXCELLENT and POWERFUL music project that you will attract those supportive “somebodies.” There are tons of examples of people getting their big break from a random person in the audience, chance meeting, on the internet, etc. Often times the people close to us will take our work and gifts for granted. But that is okay because it doesn’t mean they don’t care about or love you. They may not ride this journey with you and that's okay too! So step outside your comfort zone and trust that your music is powerful enough to attract new energy, new friends, new supporters and new opportunities in your life. Don’t stand still and hope that the people you know will “get it.” The people that are supposed to get it will "GET IT." Music is all about MOVEMENT and MOTION. Keep on MOVING and putting things in MOTION and watch how your MUSIC will continue to evolve and bless the world. Always, LaTosha Love For all things LaTosha Love including love, music, philanthropy & more please visit 19

JUL-AUG 2013 Issue II

Beauty By Megan Bunny Blash Owner of No. 8 Cosmetics

Orange You Glad I had the television on the

news one day last week while doing a little maintenance on my web page, and what was being said in the background quickly came to being heard in the foreground. The news was talking about the amount of food found in landfills and how many pounds of food are wasted in a family of four in one week! The numbers were astounding to say the least. This made me reflect on the waste that happens in my own home and caused me to take action. I started researching information immediately. Now, what in the world does food waste have to do with cosmetics? Well, I’m here to tell you, believe it or not, A LOT! While looking at ways to minimize waste and eventually eliminate it, I stumbled upon some good uses for things we normally think nothing of and just throw away. Orange peels, for instance…. Orange peels? Yes, you read that correctly. What the majority of people throw in the trash packs a good many uses in reference to the skin. I never knew that orange peel acts as a bleaching agent and is especially good to use when trying to combat acne scars, and who knew you can use the juice of the peel to reduce dandruff and oily scalp conditions? I quickly learned there are numerous purposes for this typically discarded fruit peel. ( gives you the details in this article­‐of-­‐orange-­‐ peel.html This took me on a fruit peel frenzy! I tell ya, I started digging deeper, and I figured “Hey, if orange peels or even the orange itself could provide me with a natural beauty outlet, assist me in minimizing my food waste, and actually help me keep money in my pocket...” Well, then I was definitely onto something and there must be health uses for other fruit peels, right? Right! In my quest for more knowledge on the subject I found out that lemon peel, when made into a hot tea, helps protect against skin cancer (as noted in this BBC News piece I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I was to find out that grapefruit peels were in a league all their own! Not that I even really like grapefruits (they’re just too bitter for me), but what the peel offers to my skin is enough by itself to make me want to add some to my diet! Because it has exfoliating properties, it is known as a gentle retexturing peel and over time will brighten and improve your skin tone and appearance. Something that could cost you anywhere from $30 – $50 at a spa is at your fingertips at $3.50 a lb. I believe that alone is worth this little adventure into the benefits of citrus peels. So yeah, I started this article talking about food waste, and maybe using citrus peels in my skin care regimen won’t make a huge dent worldwide, but it is a small step in the right direction with added benefits. So, beautiful, until we chat again, ORANGE you glad you learned something new? Okay, I know that was corny, but I just couldn’t help myself! Xoxo


For #GOTFACE tips on how to use citrus peel to its ultimate advantage follow no8cosmetics online. 20

JUL-AUG 2013 Issue II

For Music & Info Visit also available on iTunes | Amazon | Google Play


JUL-AUG 2013 Issue II

Get Your Best Summer Skin! Summer is here which means that skin is in! Whether you’re going for the fresh face look or opting for a more glam approach, we must take care of the skin we are in. Blush and mascara aside, the best way to ensure your skin needs are taken care of is by following a good skin care regimen and sticking to it!

Beauty From The InSide Out By Eugenia

1. Cleanse It’s important that the first step of your clear complexion schedule be a cleansing routine that works best for you! Skin can be categorized in several genres: Oily, dry, combination, sensitive, the list goes on. Remember, a solid skin care regimen doesn’t have to leave you penniless! Some of the best cleansers are found at your local drugstores and range anywhere from $4.00 to $8.00! If you have oily skin, it’s best to get a cleanser that doesn’t strip your skin. If a cleanser leaves your face parched after washing, your skin will overcompensate in oil production leaving you with a shiny face! No bueno! On the other hand, if your skin is known to be predominantly dry, look for a cream based cleanser, as they are known to clean AND moisturize simultaneously. 2. Tone Toning your skin is a popularly skipped step in skin care! The purpose of toning is to tighten and help close your pores after you’ve thoroughly cleansed. Most toners are alcohol based to force the pores to constrict and close. Pores that are wide open are just BEGGING for gunk, oil, and dirt to enter and create a blemish! Here’s a tip: Fill a shallow basin with cool water and ice cubes. Drench your freshly washed face in the basin using your hands and follow with your toner of choice. Your pores will be as tight as a clenched fist. Let’s see any dirt try to make its way into that! 3. Moisturize & Protect Last but certainly not least: MOISTURIZE and PROTECT! After the potential drying that cleaning and toning can bring, it’s nice to serve your skin a nice drink with a moisture-rich cream! If you can find one that does a great job at moisturizing and providing adequate sun protection then you’re good to go! DID YOU KNOW: People of darker color die from skin cancer MORE than those of a fairer complexion (Source: BBC.CO.UK-BBC News: Health). Why you may ask? It’s all due to a false age old proverb: It is a, unfortunate, misconception that people of color don’t need to wear sun protection; that misconception causes individuals to live a life without protecting their skin from the suns UV rays. When skin cancer is detected, it is past the point of treatment leaving the mortality rate through the roof! YIKES! Make sure you protect your face and skin with sunscreen, hats, and shades! My sun care of choice (pictured above) is my Smashbox Camera Ready BB Cream with SPF 35(ULTA, $30)! It acts as my moisturizer, sunscreen, and foundation during the day. Talk about multi-tasking! 4. Masks A bonus treat for your skin care regimen is to occasionally treat yourself to an at home facial! My facial treatment of choice is the Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay. It’s an all-natural way to purge your skin from all that we put it through weekly! This facial is known as the pulsating facial because after application to the skin, the skin begins to pulse! Check out my application process here: So beauties, when you’re out and about make sure you’re protecting the skin you’re in! Find a skin care regimen that’s right for you and your skin. Until Next Time……..

EugeniaSays On All Social NetWorks 22

JUL-AUG 2013 Issue II


JUL-AUG 2013 Issue II

"The tree of black unity is growing everyday. Let us now bear fruit so that all our children flourish."

UniTee Design, Inc. is an ethnic empowerment enterprise on a mission and with a vision: to reestablish Black Unity by empowering our youth through better educational opportunities.

Social Butterflies, Inc. helps build self-esteem, academics and confidence. In turn decreasing academic failure, teen pregnancy, poverty and violence among girls. Visit for more information. (866) 601-5225


JUL-AUG 2013 Issue II

Abundant & Perfect. -Marie

Stepping into my GREATNESS.. -Cier

Made in The Image of The Most High GOD. -LeAnn

An OG Diamond -Ruth

Grateful! -Brian

Blessed. -LaTosha

Destined for Greatness! -Sshnell

A Believer! -Travis

Determined. -Anitra


Present in the NOW. -Delvon

JUL-AUG 2013 Issue II

Photos by Instagram: @elshameshphotography Website: Twitter: @elshameshphotos Booking info

Model: Breezy Malone

Model: Charlie Belle (l & r)


JUL-AUG 2013 Issue II

Founders: CheefahDray & Mahoganee Amiger Health & Wealth Enthusiasts Responsible ARTistry Magazine is a digital magazine committed to inspire, uplift, encourage, entertain and empower internationally. Our mission is to spotlight artistic individuals and organizations that use their talents, crafts and influence to better our communities, which in turn inspires our world. Every ARTicle published will celebrate the art, acts, gestures and accomplishments of creative souls from around the globe, honoring old and new traditions and spotlighting ways to enhance the reader's everyday life organically and finding new ways to be more eco-friendly. The information that we publish will help to enhance and empower our R.A.M. readers, therefore enriching their lives and benefiting the communities in which they live. We believe in Giving the Gift of ARTistic Knowledge! We are here to bring you those artistic jewels organically, that are sure to bring you and your family much joy and empowerment. Be Responsibly

Responsible ARTistry Magazine Designed by Allen Imagez


JUL-AUG 2013 Issue II

Editor’s Choice

Try our 30-day Coffee Challenge ************* Order a box of our Black | Latte or Mocha and drink for 30 days notice a difference in how you feel. More energy, vigor, curb of appetite. It’s Easy It’s Simple It’s Coffee Go to to order.


JUL-AUG 2013 Issue II

Your Daily inspiration Thoughts Rule The World- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Nothing Endures But Change-



Success Can’t Be ForcedLoretta Young 29

You Are Your ChoicesSeneca

Creativity Is Like Electricity Maya Angelou Life Teaches Love RevealsAnonymous

Whatever Happens Take Responsibility - Tony Robbins JUL-AUG 2013 Issue II

Funky OrGanik Soul Beethoven Inspired

f/Mahoganee E7P BK RoBlak

Produced by BhP

A Responsible ARTistry Project Success Happens With The Right PartnerShips The Power of Words MixTape

Follow Our Success Partners Enoch 7th Prophet @E7thP * Brooke BK Archilla @BKsWay * RoBlak @1RoBlaKOnly * Princess Best @PrincessBSpeaks * Substantial @Substizzle * @Anonamas * @EightSense * @MsLaToshaBrown * @8orMas 30

JUL-AUG 2013 Issue II

Music Production | Recording Sessions | Creative Compositions | Vocal ARTistry | Engineering

RAW:natural born artists is an independent arts organization, for artists, by artists. A Community made up of Creative Individuals across the nation. Mission: To provide independent atists within the first 10 years of their career with the tools, resources and exposure needed to inspire and cultivate creativity. Welcoming all genres of art including independent film, fashion, music, visual art, performing art, hairstylists, makeup artists and more. Encouraging the creative success of the many visionaries and storytellers of our generation. RAW currently operates in 54 cities across the United States, Australia and counting‌. 31

JUL-AUG 2013 Issue II

What’s Happening Next….. Soul Sippin The Monthly Nu-Soul Experience 1st Thursday DC Axum Lounge 2nd Wednesday CHI Hyde Park Cigars 2nd Thursday ATL Tinsel Town Studios 4th Thursday DTW Flo Boutique for more info

Music, Appetizers “Sweet Treats” n SHOPPING

“GRAND OPENING” June 30, 2013 3:00—7:00 PM BYRDs Couture Boutique 147 Banks Station Fayetteville, GA 30214 (678) 545-1687

Full Time MUA On Site—Featuring KayLaChelle Beauty Bar for all your make-up needs!!


JUL-AUG 2013 Issue II

Empowering youth around the world with the skills and knowledge necessary to become leaders in their communities.

Wherever you are, whatever you do, you can ALWAYS Rock Your Stance with Style and Flayva! Be a SuperROLEmodel and show the world how you Keep or Kept It Locked while bringin' da HOTNESS!!! Declare your stance LOUD & PROUD!

Founded by Model/Comedienne/Actress Yvonne Orji in 2009, Rock Your Stance! Apparel provides an avenue where single and married men & women alike can unashamedly declare their stance and their choice to wait. These individuals are introducing to the world a new standard of Christians who maintain their individual flair for life and style, while uncompromisingly proclaiming their love for Christ with integrity. 33

JUL-AUG 2013 Issue II

ARTist: Darrell C. Mivens Tw: @ChefMivens

ARTist: The RichANT IG: TheRichAntArt

Shelton LaBron Tremble


David DEZ Zambrano IG: dezcustomz

JUL-AUG 2013 Issue II

The Indie Scene SpotLight Shining Stars

Singer, songwriter, and producer are just some of the labels to describe recording artist Chaquis Maliq. Representing the new breed of female artists taking ownership of their musical paths by leading the engineering, songwriting and production of their musical creations, Chaquis Maliq is redefining the playing field as a multitalented creator. Gifted with incredible vocal ability that has been compared to soul legends like Stephanie Mills and Chaka Kahn, Chaquis Maliq has emerged as a forerunner on the indie music scene. Always inspired by the composing, production and writing skills of musical legends Prince, Aretha Franklin and Earth, Wind & Fire, Chaquis also went into producing her first CD project influenced greatly by new soul artists Missy Elliot, Andre 3000, Lauryn Hill, and, Lupe Fiasco. Their out-of-the-box artistry and very visible commitment to excellence in their craft motivated her to create a top-notch product. The Demonstration Vol. I garnered much acclaim and led to a successful tour over two years national events across the country, including the annual Black Family Reunion and the annual both in Washington DC, the in Philly and the International Atlanta, GA. continued to build a loyal fan appearances on stages in accompanying media to see her grind and through her intense melodic career include her first place excellence in a showcase Association for Black Female Entertainment (NABFEME). media attention as the sole featured in coverage of the on,







that included appearances at Capital Hip Hop Soul Fest – Women Who Jam showcase Soul Music Summit in Chaquis’ musical career has base due to continuous different US cities and attention. Her fans are able commitment to her craft performances and creative arrangements. Highlights in her burgeoning award in 2008 for vocal sponsored by the National Executives in Music and And, in 2009, she received performance artist to be Captial Hip Hop Soul Fest publication National Geographic.

Intent on using her music to inspire those who come after her, Chaquis Maliq is committed to social change through her work as a youth advocate and human rights advocate. “My music is intended to uplift and strengthen the minds of youth by inspiring, encouraging and entertaining through fusions of rhythm and blues, soul, hip-hop, alternative, rock, pop, electronic, and contemporary jazz,” Chaquis says. Chaquis has lent her musical expertise to various youth programs and nonprofits that serve young people, including the Young Women’s Drumming Empowerment Program (YWDEP) and The Saartjie Project. In addition, she has performed at national events that have called attention to human rights advocacy such as the 2008 Concert for Peace, sponsored by the National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON), Liberated Muse Productions, Tenants and Workers United, Legal AID Justice Center, and other grassroots organizations. For More Info on Chaquis Maliq please visit: Check out the DIGI RELEASE of “Harmonies Of Me” Now Available on iTunes | Amazon | Spotify and More


JUL-AUG 2013 Issue II

A Journey I am a warrior A survivor I have defeated minions of restrain The gremlins of chains and shackles I have reached the mountains of pleasure and desire I stand at the top, fist on sides and chin up high I spread my wings and fly into the rays of dreams and hope I am free. Written by Shalonze Letian Mivens Age 15 36

JUL-AUG 2013 Issue II

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